Saturday, September 1, 2012



A shocking change in the content of reporting at NBC, CNN and CBS indicates the pro-Obama media are beginning to stagger under the weight of facts which plainly show that Barack Obama has never provided valid, corroborated documentation proving he is constitutionally eligible to hold the office of president.”

By Dan Crosby,
of The Daily Pen 

New York, NY - The pro-Obama, liberal mainstream media is showing symptoms of fatigue in their endless defense of Barack Obama’s fraudulent identity. 

A sudden reverse in liberal media content indicates they are realizing defense of Obama’s “eligibility” based on rapidly fading support of his fraudulent birth certificate is no longer sustainable.  The lies about Obama's identity are becoming too heavy for those undersold as errand-slaves for the bowing liberal consensus.  
In at least two broadcasts by CBS ad MSNBC, following Mitt Romney’s campaign rally joke about his own birth certificate, hosts from the leftist networks used a new word to defend Barack Obama’s fading credibility.

Defense of Obama's "legitimacy", not "eligibility", is now emanating from media propagandists indicating they can no longer defend the lie that the digitally forged image of an alleged 1961 “Certificate of Live Birth” proves he is “eligible” to be president.  Now, they are desperately hoping everyone will forget their abetment of the “eligibility by fake computer image” lie and show grace for Obama’s contingent claims to “legitimacy by popularity” instead.

On Friday, Obama lover and "The Ed Show" host, Ed Schultz, instead of defending the authenticity of Obama’s alleged birth document, which he has done with vigor until now, used the word “legitimate” to defend Obama saying, “Another day at the office with the “Mittster”.  Today Mitt Romney reignited the fringe, those in his party who don’t see Obama as a legitimate president.”

See video at:

Then, Romney’s joke evoked an almost desperate need from CBS’s Scott Pelley to hear Romney say that Obama was a “legitimate” president, while Pelley completely avoided the tired lie that the digital image of Obama's alleged 1961 “Certificate of Live Birth” posted on an official government website in April, 2011, was authenticated proof that Obama was eligible to be president.

See the video here.

Pelley asked Romney, “In the rally today, you said, ‘No one has ever asked for my birth certificate.  They know this is the place I was born and raised.’ Why did you say that?”

Romney told Pelley the comment was a joke based on the fact that he and his wife, Ann, were born and raised in Michigan.  However, the only reason Romney has for referencing a request of a birth certificate is Obama's failure to provide a valid one over the past five years.   

Pelley then embarked a pathetic defense of Obama, “But, this was a swipe at the president.”

"No, no, not a swipe," Romney replied. "I've said throughout the campaign and before, there's no question about where he was born. He was born in the U.S. This was fun about us, and coming home. And humor, you know -- we've got to have a little humor in a campaign."

Unconvinced under the crushing weight of his chronic dissonance, Pelley then posited a question which reveals the old lie is no longer effective and that he is beginning to rethink his position on Obama’s alleged birth certificate and constitutional eligibility.
“For the record, will you say, once and for all, that you believe Obama is a legitimate president?” pleaded Pelley.  

Romney replied with a confident smile, “I have said that 30 times, I guess 31 won’t hurt.”

Romney answer accompanied a light in his eyes indicating he now understands that a question about Obama’s "legitimacy" is not the same as one about his "eligibility".  He also realized from Pelley’s question that the media knows it, too. 

“If you have the wherewithal to suspect that sharks are preparing to attack because they happen to smell blood in the water, perhaps instead of asking why the sharks are attacking, you should ask, why am I bleeding?” asks TDP editor, Pen Johannson.

“Obama was bleeding credibility on the issue of his eligibility long before anyone challenged him.  The media is beginning to see this.”  
Eligibility is based on a legal requirement rooted in the rule of law and doctrinal precedent over the past 250 years in America.  Legitimacy, on the other hand, is a transient status of subjective entitlement based on the fact that voters supported the candidate, even though the candidate was never legally eligible to be elected.

In 1840, John Tyler, serving as Vice President as the first ever candidate eligible for the office of President born after the adoption of the U.S. Constitution, became the first candidate required by the Constitution to be a Natural Born citizen of the United States, which he was.  However, Tyler was also the first candidate to perform the duties of President without being elected to the office.  He was forced to assume the powers and duties of president upon the untimely death of President William Henry Harrison just after the 1840 election.

Many in opposition to Harrison’s administration refused to acknowledge Tyler as a “legitimate” President, even disparaging him as “His Accidency”.  Harrison's unprecedented death in office caused considerable confusion regarding Tyler’s succession despite the fact that he was eligible. 

Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution merely states:

In Case of the Removal of the President from Office, or of his Death, Resignation, or Inability to discharge the Powers and Duties of the said Office, the same shall devolve on the Vice President.”

The Constitution did not endow Tyler with the title of President in his own right, just the powers of the office.  It only stated that the “Powers and Duties” of the deceased President Harrison would “devolve” upon him as Vice President, not that he would hold the office.  Read literally, Tyler would remain the Vice President with presidential powers, as Acting President, but he could not be called “President of the United States”. 

In spite of his constitutional eligibility to be president, Tyler’s opponents refused to acknowledge that he was a “legitimate” president.  Therefore, it is completely absurd for the liberal media to actually expect that Obama would be considered “legitimate” without a shred of documented proof of eligibility. 

Obama’s legal right to hold office has never been verified because he does not possess the historical proof to show that he meets the requirements stipulated by Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the Constitution.

Shultz and Pelley, like the remaining slew of pathological liars in the liberal media, are being confronted with a terrifying reality that there is no proof that Obama is actually who he claims to be, let alone be eligible to be president.  Moreover, they are realizing that only Obama, not original sources, has been the only one they were allowed to receive information from about his identity, which they willingly swallowed and so enthusiastically defended as the truth.

Now, they see the fox in the hen house.  The shift in perception indicates the delusions of liberal media are now being confronted with the reality that Obama has poisoned and corrupted their personal and professional reputations.  They are beginning to think Obama might actually be a fraud.

Long ago, CBS and NBC sold out to Obama’s lies and have no way to reconcile with the soul crushing truth so they no longer have the credibility to fight the cause for Obama based on the losing proposition that the birth certificate represents the truth about his identity.  It does not.  It represents the greatest lie ever told to the American people, and they are beginning to realize it.

Mitt Romney’s recent joke about his own birth certificate, according to CBS, was apparently an endorsement of suspicions by so-called “birthers” that “…ultimately drove Mr. Obama to release his long-form birth certificate to prove he was born in the United States.”

Yes, a CBS writer, lost in ideological delusions about Obama’s eligibility grandeur, actually used the word, “drove” in attempting to convince themselves of an elusive reality about the intentions of Romney’s comment.

Of course, CBS reporters can provide no documented proof that Romney’s comment was directed at Barack Obama.  Sounds a little like CBS believes there is a coo-coo conspiracy to undermine Obama.  They are beginning to sound more like what they accuse so-called “birthers” of, every day.
CBS and other liberal emanations seem to be slowly admitting, now, that the derogatorily called “birther” movement must have had the power and facts to “drive” the anointed One of a bowing liberal consensus to the brink of destruction by forcing him to actually provide evidence that he is who he says he is.

Think about what CBS is claiming.  A bunch of crazy, rightwing fringe racists “drove” Obama to present a digitally fabricated image of an alleged 1961 birth certificate which was proven by 10 month-long criminal investigation to be a forgery?

They sound like crazy left-wing conspiracy theorists.  Acknowledging the power to drive an alleged “legally eligible” president to prove his legitimacy is a lot of respect to assign those formerly considered a bunch of crazy conspiracy theorists.

Imbalanced pundits like Shultz and Pelley are beginning to look like fools.  Labeling those who question Obama’s eligibility as racists and crazy people is beginning to come back on liberals in a very destructive way.  When the truth is against you, your condemnations will return to haunt and destroy you because no aspersion you cast holds credibility once the lies you defended are exposed.  At that point, you have become worthy of destruction and ridicule. 

Let’s talk about Obama’s legitimacy, shall we?

After all, sarcastically speaking, it’s not as if suspicions about Obama’s illegitimacy were actually based on facts about his past, like the fact that his alleged father was never a U.S. citizen…which means he is not a natural born citizen of the U.S. and therefore not constitutionally eligible to be president based on 250 years of legal and doctrinal precedence.


Facts - like, Obama voted in favor of congressional resolution 511 stating that his 2008 opponent, John McCain, was a natural born citizen because, unlike Obama, both of McCain’s parents were U.S. citizens serving in the military and, therefore, eligible to run for president, despite the fact that McCain was not born in the U.S.   


Obama lived to Indonesia as a boy, attended school as Indonesian citizen as required by Indonesian law and so stated on his school registration form, and has never provided documentation showing that he retained his American citizenship upon return to Hawaii in 1971. 


Obama traveled to Pakistan, by his own admission, using a passport which would show his citizenship status in 1980 and, yet, it has never been allowed to be seen by anyone.  Legitimacy? 


Obama refuses to provide his college transcripts which contain information about whether or not he attended school as a foreign student, which would show that if he received foreign scholarships he could not have applied as a U.S. citizen.


The Democrat Party of Hawaii chairman, Brian Schatz, refused in August of 2008 to provide an “Official Certification of Nomination” containing legally required language under Hawaiian election laws stating that Obama was “constitutionally eligible” to hold the office of President.


Obama’s literary publicist printed in an official promotional brochure for 16 years that he was born in Kenya.  

Obama’s alleged Selective Service registration card, allegedly signed by Obama a day AFTER it was stamped by a Honolulu postal worker, apparently using the only two-digit year received stamp ever possessed by the U.S. post office, was determined by a six month law enforcement investigation to be a forgery.  Requests by investigators for the original record from the Selective Service Administration were denied without explanation. 


The digital .pdf image of his alleged 1961 Hawaiian “Certificate of Live Birth” has been proven through a criminal investigation by officials with decades of federal, state and local law enforcement experience to be a fraud.


Obama’s horde of puppets have a better chance of winning the eligibility argument using the forged birth certificate.

Obamanation Painting

New NRA VIDEO!!! - Border Situation / A MUST SEE

Subject: NEW NRA VIDEO / a must see...

The ' DICK'-tater ! The POS, is an illegal alien

The ' DICK'-tater ! The POS,  is an illegal alien .

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "" <>

Sent: Saturday, September 1, 2012 9:13 AM
Subject: NewsWatch Weekly Newsletter

Obama Defies Congress 
                          By David J. Smith  September 1, 2012

                              Ignoring the will of Congress and the American people, Obama announced his unilateral decision to  grant amnesty  for nearly a million illegal aliens. 
    In other words, Obama looked Congress and the American people in the eye and essentially said,   
  “  I don’t care what the American people want. Since Congress won’t do as I say and grant blanket Amnesty to illegals … since a bipartisan majority has repeatedly rejected the DREAM Act, in dictatorial fashion, I am just going to bypass Congress completely and impose it myself via executive fiat.”   
  “  If Congress refuses to act, I’ve said that I’ll continue to do everything in my power to act without them …”   
    -     President Obama 
    Senator Jeff Session’s (R-AL), the Senate’s chief  opponent  to the DREAM Act, summed up Obama’s latest Amnesty decrees this way:   
  “  With its announcement, the Obama administration has openly declared to the American people that it is determined to  contravene the immigration laws  of the United States, circumventing the will of the people and authority of its representatives in Congress. In FACT, this policy is far broader than the version of the DREAM Act rejected by Congress on a bipartisan basis and contains almost no enforceable limits and requirements.”   
    In a statement released by Sessions, he added:  “Presidents do not have the luxury of choosing which laws to enforce and which to discard.”   
    Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, called Obama’s Amnesty decree’s a  “LAWLESS ACT.”   
    Congressman Steve King (R-IA), vice chairman of the House Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Immigration Policy and Enforcement, issued this call to arms:   
  “  Americans should be    outraged    that President Obama is planning to usurp the Constitutional authority of the United States Congress and grant amnesty by edict to 1 million illegal aliens.”   
    Obama Knows His Amnesty Decree Is Illegal   
    The fact is, President Obama  knows  his decision to impose Amnesty via executive order is in  direct defiance of the Constitution and Rule of Law.  In March at a Univision town hall meeting, Obama said:   
  “  With respect to the notion that I can just suspend deportations through executive order,  that’s just NOT the case, because there are laws on the books that Congress has passed  … we’ve got three branches of government. Congress passes the law. The executive branch’s job is to enforce and implement those laws. And then the judiciary has to interpret the laws.   
  “  There are enough laws on the books by Congress that are very clear in terms of how we have to enforce our immigration system that for me to simply through executive order ignore those congressional mandates would not conform with my appropriate role as President.”   
    But now Obama has the audacity to  ignore  our Constitutional system of separation of powers and the very clear congressional demands regarding enforcement of our nation’s immigration laws – strictly for political gain. Congress simply cannot allow itself to be usurped by a president that puts politics over country and bias over the rule of law. We are, after all, a Republic, with three EQUAL branches charged with sharing the responsibility of governing, not a MONARCHY where a single leader is able to  defy  the  will of the people.   
    The  Halt Act , H.R. 2497, sponsored by Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (R-TX) in the House and Senator David Vitter (R-LA) in the Senate, is short for  “Hinder the Administration’s Legalization Temptation Act.”  Put simply, it would stop cold the Obama Administration’s use of “prosecutorial discretion” to grant Amnesty to millions of illegal aliens.   
    The shoe is on the other foot and the Mexicans from the State of Sonora, Mexico do not like it. Can you believe the nerve of these people? It’s almost funny. The State of Sonora is angry at the influx of Mexicans into Mexico !
Nine state legislators from the Mexican State of Sonora traveled to Tucson to complain about Arizona ‘s new employer crackdown on illegal aliens from Mexico . It seems that many Mexican illegal aliens are returning to their hometowns and the officials in the Sonora state government are ticked off. A delegation of nine state legislators from Sonora ware in Tucson on Tuesday to state that Arizona ‘s new ‘Employer Sanctions Law’ will have a devastating effect on the Mexican state. At a news conference, the legislators said that Sonora, – Arizona’s southern neighbor – made up of mostly small towns – can not handle the demand for housing, jobs and schools that it will face as Mexican workers return to their hometowns from the USA without jobs or money.
The Arizona law, which took effect Jan. 1, punishes Arizona employers who knowingly hire individuals without valid legal documents to work in the United States . Penalties include suspension of, or loss of, their business license. The Mexican legislators are angry because their own citizens are returning to their hometowns, placing a burden on THEIR state government.
‘How can Arizona pass a law like this?’ asked Mexican Rep Leticia Amparano-Gamez, who represents Nogales . ‘There is not one person living in Sonora who does not have a friend or relative working in Arizona ,’ she said, speaking in Spanish. ‘Mexico is not prepared for this, for the tremendous problems it will face as more and more Mexicans working in Arizona and who were sending money to their families return to their hometowns in Sonora without jobs,’ she said ‘We are one family, socially and economically,’ she said of the people of Sonora and Arizona .
Wrong! The United States is a sovereign nation, not a subsidiary of Mexico , and its taxpayers are not responsible for the welfare of Mexico ‘s citizens. It’s time for the Mexican government, and its citizens, to stop feeding parasitically off the United States and to start taking care of its/their own needs. Every state should pass the same law that Arizona passed, and the law should apply to  all  nationalities.
1. There will be no special bilingual programs in the schools.   
2. All ballots will be in this nation’s language.   
3. All government business will be conducted in our language.   
4. Non-residents will NOT have the right to vote no matter how long they are here.   
5. Non-citizens will NEVER be able to hold political office.   
6. Foreigners will not be a burden to the taxpayers. No welfare, no food stamps, no health care, or other government assistance programs. Any burden will be deported.   
7. Foreigners can invest in this country, but it must be an amount at least equal to 40,000 times the daily minimum wage.   
8. If foreigners come here and buy land… options will be restricted. Certain parcels including waterfront property are reserved for citizens naturally born into this country.   
9. Foreigners may have NO protests; NO demonstrations, NO waving of a foreign flag, no political organizing, NO bad-mouthing our president or his policies. These will lead to deportation.   
10. If you do come to this country illegally, you will be actively hunted and, when caught, sent to jail until your deportation can be arranged. All assets will be taken from you.

  Too strict?   
  The above laws are current immigration laws of MEXICO!                             





            Copyright 1980-2012 Newswatch Magazine/Church of God Evangelistic Association
            908 Sycamore Street, Waxahachie, TX 75165 1-800-516-8736

Gardening by the square foot

Square foot gardening is great.
My method of gardening is bio-dynamic gardening.
I’m using my own inventions to create the garden beds and the inventions can be used to create garden beds of any size, any shape that one wants. The material will never breakdown and it’s fairly lightweight.
The garden beds are screened, too (with 1/2-inch hardware cloth), as I cannot and WILLNOT share my beds with gophers, EVER! Give ‘em an inch and they’ll take a damn foot!
So not only do I keep the gophers out, I kill ‘em whenever they dare to tunnel through the 3-ft-wide bare dirt “moat” that I have that surrounds the garden.
My lady friend was disdainful about my intensity about those eff’n gophers, so in one part of the garden, I let ‘em go hog wild and they did, eating into the cantalopes that had draped over the sides of the beds and were growing along the ground; they chewed into the squash stems, killing off the tops of the squash, eliminating any chance of any more squash from those killed-off tops; they killed, then pulled into the ground volunteer, 1.5-ft-tall sunflower plants that we were delighted to have growing … literally pulled into the ground at a rate of about 6 inches per day.
All 6 of ‘em pulled into the ground, one at a time. I left ‘em alone to see if the eff’n gophers would get ‘em all and they did. Geez. The sunflowers inside the beds are doing great. I had wine barrels last year in the garden and every single one of them had at least one gopher-sized hole in each one, so there was a gopher Taj Mahal in each of those barrels. Not this year! I screened every single one.
So, finally, she saw why I was so eff’n intense about gophers, then I finally set out the traps and killed ‘em all.
I love gophers in the forest — I’m a retired forest ecologist — as they have their valuable role in the forest … but not in my garden. No eff’n way.
I do love gardening, as it’s the only sane place in my life and Mother Nature is my lone solace for me in this stupid, eff’d-up world.
And that hot springs thing that I described? I’ve not done it for a few years, so I miss that terribly.

Guiding Hurricane Issac Video

Why would the PTB spend so much money and commit so many resources in laying down chemtrails over such a vast area of the gulf, if this is not true? The evidence is right out in front of one's eyes every time one looks up and sees massive chemtrails being spewed. I would understand the justification, if the storm system was diverted and broken up because of this activity, and lives and property were spared destruction. But they reached down and grabbed it and pumped it and pushed it right up into Louisiana. (again!)  

Well ... the answer is obvious! The  NWO boyz and girlz will never let a good natural-disaster-in-the making (i.e. opportunity to take more control) go by! 

They got out in front of this one and also in back with their spraying and then  just nudged the dying storm system north with their handy atmospheric heater (i.e. Harp) and  pumped new life into the vortex with a few gigawatts (thermal and em) of energy.  Just look at the video!

I cannot imagine the air resources and logistics necessary to pull this one off, but we have given them a blank check to do whatever they want by giving them our unlimited credit (through various well laid lies and deceptions) to finance their dastardly deeds of destruction.

The old Ordo Ab Chao schtick! At it again with another declaration of emergency so the Feds can go in and rape plunder and especially depopulate through economic, or any other way (incld. death and injury) attrition. ( genocide is a war crime). The oil companies  have wanted want to turn southern Louisiana into their own private port and support facility so they can sell oil to the Chinese.

Thanks Ralph for the awareness. Makes one  wonder how many "acts of nature" are "natural" anymore?



                                                                     prickly pear cactus 1                               
                               Happy Trails to you!
Check out how hurricane Issac has been guided to New Orleans and stalled to maximize rainfall and initiate emergency government military security. See the video at

Spain Approves Establishment of 'Bad Bank'

Spain Approves Establishment of 'Bad Bank'

01 September 2012
The New York Times
, August 31, 2012

Spain’s economy minister, Luis de Guindos, voiced confidence on Friday in the “bad bank” plan. (Paul Hann/Reuters)
MADRID — The Spanish government on Friday approved the creation of a so-called bad bank to absorb the most troubled real estate assets of the country’s financial institutions, helping to clear the way for Madrid to receive European rescue money for Spain’s troubled banking industry.
The move is meant not only to let Spanish banks eventually begin to receive money from the €100 billion, or $126 billion, reserve that European finance ministers have approved, but also to restore market confidence in the country’s banking system. Spanish banks have been having problems borrowing money, even as depositors withdraw money at a rising pace and move it to foreign banks.
To read the rest of this story, visit

SCOTUS to Review Eligibility Case Sept. 24th


 from Devvy Kidd

SCOTUS to Review Eligibility Case Sept. 24th
The U.S. Supreme Court has set a date to review Liberty Legal Foundation’s petition of the Georgia eligibility case. On September 24th the Court will meet to discuss several petitions, including our Georgia eligibility petition.
Please see

This is a relatively early date in the Court’s fall cycle for reviewing petitions. We are hoping that this is a sign that the Court has recognized that this issue must be resolved before the November election. Typically the Court announces its decisions regarding acceptance of petitions within a few days after such conferences. So, we should know whether the Court has accepted our petition before the end of September.

The Mr. Obama’s attorney waived his right to respond to our petition. This is not unusual. Often the Court will order opposing attorney to file a response after the opposing attorney has filed a waiver. This has not yet happened in our case.

Some have suggested that the Court’s failure to order the President to respond to LLF’s petition is a sign that the Court has already decided that it will deny our petition. Normally it is true that if the Court is interested in a case it will order the opposing side to file a response to the petition. However, because of the importance of this case it could be that the Court has decided to accept the case without needing to review a response from Mr. Obama. It is also possible that the Court has recognized that ordering a response could delay the case beyond the November election.

As we learned last June, it is very difficult to determine what the Supreme Court will do in any given situation. We are glad to know that we will have an answer before the end of next month.

Secret royal veto powers over new laws to be exposed

Secret royal veto powers over new laws to be exposed

01 September 2012

Information commissioner orders release of guide to how Queen and Prince Charles must be consulted before laws are passed 

Prince Charles views work on a property bought by the Duchy of Cornwall which, along with the Queen, must be consulted before laws are passed to ensure they don’t adversely affect their private interests. Photograph: Tim Graham/Getty Images
A little-known power enjoyed by the Queen and Prince of Wales to alter new laws is due to be exposed after the government lost a legal battle to keep details of its application private.
The information commissioner has ruled that the Cabinet Office must publish an internal Whitehall guide to the way the senior royals are consulted before legislation is introduced to ensure it does not harm their private interests.
The application of the controversial veto was revealed by the Guardianlast year and has been described by constitutional lawyers as "a royal nuclear deterrent". Some believe it may underpin the influence Prince Charles appears to wield in Whitehall over pet issues ranging from architecture to healthcare.
To read the rest of this article visit:

Nature's extract beats cough and other cold symptoms

September 1, 2012
Nature's extract beats cough
and other cold symptoms
Last week, I felt a cold coming on in the middle of the day. It’s a miserable feeling, as you feel like you’re powerless to stop the coming misery. But you’re not, there’s a simple trick you can use that can stop the cold in its tracks.

As soon as I felt the symptoms coming on, I went to the cupboard and pulled out the raw apple cider vinegar and raw local honey. I took one teaspoon of the honey, mixed it with a tablespoon of the vinegar, and then added a little bit (about 3-4 oz.) of warm water to dissolve the honey and dilute the taste of the vinegar. Then I drank it up and repeated it a few hours later.

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The next day when I woke up, I expected to have a runny nose and cough. I didn’t have either. The symptoms I felt coming on were completely gone.
Does it work every time? No, but it almost always shortens the duration of the cold. And, more importantly, it helps keep my coughing to a minimum. And now a new study shows why.
In this study, researchers gave honey or a placebo to 300 children with upper respiratory tract infections. Those taking the honey took one of three products - either eucalyptus honey, citrus honey, or labiatae honey. They took their assigned treatment 30 minutes before bed.
The researchers gave the parents a survey to complete the night of the treatment and again the day after treatment. The survey asked about sleep quality, as well as cough frequency and severity.
The researchers found that all of the groups, even the placebo group, experienced significant improvements. However, the nutrients in the honey helped all of the honey groups experience the largest improvements. The honey was particularly helpful with sleep quality and cough frequency.
There are a lot of studies on honey’s ability to fight infection, both topically and internally. Nature’s extract is one of the best cold fighters around, especially if you take it as soon as symptoms appear. The best honey is Manuka honey, but this study showed that just about any honey will work. Buckwheat honey has shown significant strength in fighting coughs from the common cold.
Whichever honey you choose, make sure you have some around when the cold symptoms hit. It could save you a lot of misery.

Your insider for better health,
Steve Kroening
Sources: Cohen HA, Rozen J, Kristal H, et al. Effect of Honey on Nocturnal Cough and Sleep Quality: A Double-blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study. Pediatrics. 2012 Aug 6. View Abstract
Natural Standard: The Authority on Integrative Medicine.
Steve Kroening is the editor of Nutrient Insider, a twice-a-week email newsletter that brings you the latest healing breakthroughs from the world of nutrition and dietary supplements. For over 20 years, Steve has worked hand-in-hand with some of the nation's top doctors, including Drs. Robert Rowen, Frank Shallenberger, Nan Fuchs, William Campbell Douglass, and best-selling author James Balch. Steve is the author of the book Practical Guide to Home Remedies. As a health journalist, Steve's articles have appeared in countless magazines, blogs, and websites.

Nutrient Insider, written by Steve Kroening, is a complimentary e-mail service from Advanced Bionutritionals

Copyright © 2012 Advanced Bionutritionals, LLC.

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President Announces Open Season On Combat Veterans

By James Smith
1 Sept 2012
The White House Briefing Room released another Executive Order, this time to “help” veterans who may be suffering from mental health issues. And in doing so, adds to the government payroll future union members and drains on the American economy.
For Immediate Release                                                                      August 31, 2012



There have many stories on how veterans have been “helped” by the VA and other hospitals. It’s the kind of help no one wants.
Mr. Obama wants to see by the end of this year, a full 50% increase in Veteran Crisis Line employees. And the funny thing about governments, they want to see a return on investment. Even if they are running at a loss.
Further, veterans can let someone know they are having problems by using insecure means of communication such as phone texts and online chats.
Sec. 2.  Suicide Prevention.  (a)  By December 31, 2012, the Department of Veterans Affairs, in continued collaboration with the Department of Health and Human Services, shall expand the capacity of the Veterans Crisis Line by 50 percent to ensure that veterans have timely access, including by telephone, text, or online chat, to qualified, caring responders who can help address immediate crises and direct veterans to appropriate care.  Further, the Department of Veterans Affairs shall ensure that any veteran identifying him or herself as being in crisis connects with a mental health professional or trained mental health worker within 24 hours.  The Department of Veterans Affairs also shall expand the number of mental health professionals who are available to see veterans beyond traditional business hours.
The government will also being hiring 2,400 counselors and mental health professionals, many who would start at about $80k a year, and would pay off the new employees student loans to make this all happen. Student loans for such professionals would range between $150,000 to $200,00.
Sec. 4.  Expanded Department of Veterans Affairs Mental Health Services Staffing.  The Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall, by December 31, 2013, hire and train 800 peer to peer counselors to empower veterans to support other veterans and help meet mental health care needs.  In addition, the Secretary shall continue to use all appropriate tools, including collaborative arrangements with community based providers, pay setting authorities, loan repayment and scholarships, and partnerships with health care workforce training programs to accomplish the Department of Veterans Affairs’ goal of recruiting, hiring, and placing 1,600 mental health professionals by June 30, 2013.
But the real issue at hand here is one that is generated by the VA themselves, and not through the “moral weakness” of the veteran.
Suicide is a very serious issue. There are very few people who have not been affected by a suicide by a family member, friend, or acquaintance. But many suicides by veterans are preventable.
A 2004 study (Carr, Hoge, Gardner, & Potter, 2004) it was found by reviewing non official records, that 17% more military suicides, 4% more military deaths that were suspicious for suicide, than what was reported in the official records.  Deaths hidden to hide a serious problem.
And the media does not help the matter as well. A 2011 study (Edwards-Stewart, Kinn, June, & Fullerton, 2011) found that the media violated established guidelines in nearly all of the 240 reviewed stories from 15 different sources. Stories of suicides by US Service Members included “more pejorative language and discussion of failed psychological treatment. Conversely, civilian articles romanticized the victim and provided more details regarding the suicide.”
A 2012 Study  (Hyman, Ireland, Frost, & Cottrell, 2012) showed that: “Additional research needs to address the increasing rates of suicide in active duty personnel. This should include careful evaluation of suicide prevention programs and the possible increase in risk associated with SSRIs and other mental health drugs, as well as the possible impact of shorter deployments, age, mental health diagnoses, and relationship problems.” Emphasis added.
Feeding the veteran’s mental health problem, is the VA themselves. It has been reported since before 2006 those antidepressants, the “Go To” drug for suicide prevention, has caused people to commit suicide. The Food and Drug Administration noted in September 2004 that such drugs may increase suicidal thoughts or behaviors in children and teenagers. The human brain does not stop developing until middle age. Well within the age ranges to be affected by antidepressants provided after being discharged by the military and provided help by the VA.
The drugs on the list that have been shown to increase suicidal tendencies include:
Celexa (citalopram)
Effexor (venlafaxine)
Lexapro (escitalopram)
Luvox (fluvoxamine)
Paxil (paroxetine)
Prozac (fluoxetine)
Remeron (mirtazapine)
Serzone (nefazodone)
Wellbutrin, Zyban (bupropion)
Zoloft (sertraline)

Of these, only Lexapro, Luvox, and Serzone are not in the current VA drug formulary. Bupropion is the first line smoking cessation medication used by VA and civilian doctors as well.
Celexa has a dirty and questionable past. It was revealed in 2011 Forest Pharmaceuticals paid the principal investigator of a federally funded antidepressant drug study to fix the results in favor of Celexa.
But the most amazing part of all this, is the VA insistence that antidepressants are safe. From the study (Gibbons, Brown, Hur, Marcus, Bhaumik, & Mann, 2007):
CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that SSRI treatment has a protective effect in all adult age groups. They do not support the hypothesis that SSRI treatment places patients at greater risk of suicide.
The President wants to help veterans. The best way he can is to cancel this order, and demand that Veterans are provided more cognitive therapy and less medication. And leave office. That would do the most good.
Works Cited
Carr, J. R., Hoge, C. W., Gardner, J., & Potter, R. (2004). Suicide surveillance in the U.S. Military — reporting and classification biases in rate calculations. Suicide Life Threatening Behavior, 34(Autumn), pp. 233-41.
Edwards-Stewart, A., Kinn, J. T., June, J. D., & Fullerton, N. R. (2011). Military and civilian media coverage of suicide. Archive of Suicide Research, 15(4), pp. 304-312.
Gibbons, R. D., Brown, C. H., Hur, K., Marcus, S. M., Bhaumik, D. K., & Mann, J. J. (2007, July). Relationship Between Antidepressants and Suicide Attempts: An Analysis of the Veterans Health Administration Data Sets. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 164, pp. 1044-1049.
Hyman, J., Ireland, R., Frost, L., & Cottrell, L. (2012, Mar). Suicide incidence and risk factors in an active duty US military population. American Journal Of Public Health, pp. S138-46.

Guest suggestion for TruNews Radio Show - Former IRS Agent Sherry Peel Jackson


I would like to offer a suggestion for a guest for your show.

I just listened to the regular Saturday morning radio show on Liberty Works Radio Network hosted by former IRS-CID Special Agent Joe Banister.

Joe’s guest this morning was Sherry Peel Jackson. Sherry is a native of Detroit, now living in Atlanta with her family. She is a committed Christian woman. She was a high school and college athlete, and majored in accounting in college. After working in public accounting, she joined the IRS and worked as an IRS agent for seven years. Feeling that her IRS work (including some covert assignments) were adversely affecting her family life, she resigned from the IRS to open her own small tax and accounting practice.

Through her tax clients she began hearing of problems with the legal status of the  income tax system as it is enforced by the IRS. She learned of a reward of $50,000 offered to anyone who could find the law that requires most American citizens to file income tax returns and pay income taxes. She conducted an extensive investigation, including inquiries to her contacts at the IRS, but she was unable to find the law in question. Accordingly, she stopped filing income tax returns.

She stated in her interview that she was directed by God to spread the word of her discovery concerning the income tax.

Eventually she was prosecuted by the IRS for income tax evasion. The charges were later reduced to “failure to file” and she was convicted on four misdemeanor charges relating to her unfiled income tax returns for the years 2000 to 2003. She was not allowed to introduce much of her evidence by a corrupt judge. While misdemeanor convictions normally result in short prison terms, if any, she was sentence to four years in federal prison. She was hauled away from the court, in front of her husband and children, in shackles and chains. She said that a comment made by the judge made it clear that she was being persecuted for exercising her First Amendment rights.

I won’t go into more detail here, but the story of her experiences in prison, how she dealt with the personal tests she encountered (including severe health issues that could have resulted in her death in prison), and the work she has done following release from prison, are fascinating and inspiring. Her latest projects are “Wake the People International Ministry” and “Titus 2 International Women’s Ministry”.

Sherry’s web sites:

Several recent interviews are posted here:

Thanks for the work you do in serving God.


Neil Armstrong’s UFO Secret – Dr. Steven Greer

Neil Armstrong’s UFO Secret – Dr. Steven Greer

Neil Armstrong’s UFO Secret

By Dr Steven Greer – August 27, 2012
Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, passed away this weekend at age 82.
Many have asked if Armstrong took with him the secrets of what really happened during the famed 1969 Lunar Landing. Well, yes – and no.
Over the years, I have gotten to know a number of astronauts – and very close family members and friends of astronauts. As you may recall, my uncle was the senior project engineer for Grumman (now Northrop Grumman) that built the Lunar Module that landed on the moon in July of 1969.
The truth of that historic event has never been told. We did go to the moon – but the events that transpired were kept secret and officially remain secret to this day.
By the time we landed on the moon, the Lunar Orbiter had mapped the moon and imaged ancient as well as more recent structures on the moon. This has been confirmed by more than one witness ( So by the time we landed, the military and intelligence community – and a small compartment of operatives at NASA – knew that we may in fact encounter something very unusual there.
To prepare for this possibility, there was a time delay from the Lunar Module via an NSA (National Security Agency) uplink and other, alternative film footage was prepared to be shown in the event of something really unusual happening.
Well it happened. Close friends and very close family members of both Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin have separately told me that indeed there were numerous, large UFOs around the crater where the Lunar Module landed and that these were seen by both Armstrong and Aldrin. I have also spoken to military officers that have seen the footage of this event – but it has never been made public. One close family member of Buzz Aldrin told me “It is not my place to out Buzz on this – someday if he can speak about it, he will…”
Neil Armstrong became somewhat of a recluse after the moon landing and rarely spoke of the historic event. His friends and family have told me that this is because he was a man of such integrity that he simply did not want to be put in a position to lie to the public about such a momentous encounter. How tragic that our heroes have been placed in this untenable situation!
When we were organizing The Disclosure Project a few years ago, I asked one of Neil Armstrong’s friends if Armstrong would come to Washington to brief members of Congress at the 1997 Congressional briefing we organized in April of that year. I was told that Armstrong wished he could – but that if he spoke about what really happened during the moon landing – Neil Armstrong, his wife, and children would all be killed. It was put to me this bluntly.
I found this to be unbelievable at the time, but since then have found that such threats and bullying by the over-reaching national security state is routine.  A very senior scientist at the Naval Research Labs in Washington DC recently told me and the Disclosure Project team that if he spoke about some of the information he knew, he, his wife, his children and grandchildren would all be killed.
This is no joke – and not a conspiracy theory. This is the way the highly secretive and fascist bosses in the deep black national security state operate. They make the Mafia look like choir boys.
In the meanwhile, we continue to applaud those courageous men and women who come forward, speak  the truth and move Disclosure forward. The world deserves to know that we are not alone, that intelligent life exists in the universe beyond Earth and that we have amazing new sciences and technologies that urgently need to be disclosed. This knowledge will give us a new civilization on earth, without poverty or pollution – and with justice for all.
The upcoming film Sirius will advance this cause – and it must. Please help us in this endeavor – go to – and join the thousands who are supporting the next big step in Disclosure, Peaceful Contact and New Energy.

WINNER! Tee Shirt of the YEAR!

In God We Trust!!!!


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