Friday, September 28, 2012

Chase Bank Gate

Tom Heneghan explosive intelligence briefings ALL patriot Americans MUST know, with sources inside American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL, reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptions

Thursday September 27, 2012

Chase Bank Gate

by Tom Heneghan
International Intelligence Expert

UNITED States of America - It can now be reported that banking giant, JPMorgan Chase is now involved in obstructing limited partnerships to do business by unilaterally and UN-Constitutionally freezing corporate accounts under the "suspicion" that the corporate accounts have an unusual influx of foreign deposits, reference, and listen to this, folks, (laugh out loud) Canadian investors.
As reported last night, JPMorgan Chase Bank is actually conspiring with the TREASONOUS Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to use the 48-hour homeland act (the UN-Constitutional BushFRAUD Patriot Act) to engage in this financial thievery.

P.S. JPMorgan Chase Bank, along with the TREASONOUS Department of Homeland Security (DHS), are creating a new QE4, just "FREEZE and LOOT" the FDIC customer and corporate accounts deposited at Chase Bank and use the UN-Constitution Patriot Act as predicate with suspicions that Canadian citizens and businessmen are terrorists.

Question to the crooked DHS and the compromised financial regulators: the SEC, the CFTC and the NFA:


Answer: The DHS and corrupt financial regulators are all on the take.

P.P.S. At this hour, we can divulge that the first installment of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols, reference the $5 BILLION forwarded to Spain by the IMF (International Monetary Fund) remains in the Spanish treasury.

Accordingly, there is no real need for any ECB (European Central Bank) bail out given Protocol implementation remains relentless.

The only beneficiary of a bail out would be Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan Chase who have derivative holdings at the National Bank of Greece, which both Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan control.

At this hour, the IMF-ordered massive asset redemption and repatriation of collateralized assets continue (precious and industrialized metals along with oil and natural gas holdings) as the final implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols continue.

In closing, a special message to American citizens who have federally insured (FDIC) accounts at Jamie Dimon's JPMorgan Chase Bank:

When you wake up in the morning the first thing you should do is go over to this crooked bank, close your account and get your money out of there before Jamie Dimon calls you a "terrorist" or a "Canadian" and LOOTS your life savings.

Why no funeral for the ambassador? Perhaps one never died.

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Why no funeral for the ambassador? Perhaps one never died.
Posted By: DannyCahalin [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 28-Sep-2012 14:30:12

From JimStone and his forum we pull this
Forum member DeeZe makes another great post
As it turns out, there really never was a "consulate" in Bengasi. It was a CIA base of operations that got attacked. And why no funeral for the ambassador?
"As a side note, odd as it is, has anyone here seen anything about a state funeral for “hero” Chris Stevens? A recent Google search turned up nothing that I could find. Felicity also noticed that odd fact. The two former Navy Seals had funerals and announcements of such, but what about the ambassador and the guy who was supposedly killed along with him?"
Read that fourm post which goes into detail
It’s being reported in the New York Times that the CIA was all over the “consulate” compound in Benghazi where Amb. Chris Stevens was reportedly killed. They ran the place. It was their base of operations in Libya. In fact, it wasn’t a consulate at all but rather the base of operations for the CIA. Stevens’ presence there is not remarkable since it was the CIA and Stevens working together in Libya since early 2011 who created and ran the fake revolution in the first place.
Of the 20 or so Americans who were evacuated from the location prior to Stevens’ death, “over a dozen” of them were CIA. When it was reported that the ambassador became “separated” from the rest as the evacuation took place, that report came from the CIA. When CNN reports that “someone” found the ambassador’s journal “on the floor” and gave it to them, that unnamed source was probably CIA.
The CIA is still in Libya reportedly keeping tabs on the growing Green Resistance in the country, people who are opposed to the puppet neoliberal regime we installed by running a CIA/Stevens terror campaign and then using that bloodshed and various US media lies to justify a NATO bombing campaign which took the lives of thousands of innocent Libyan people and the rightful leader of the country.
As a result of the reported death of Amb. Stevens, the CIA now gets to use more drones in Libya in full public view to bomb and murder various opposition leader, the rank and file of the Green Resistance and their family members as well. They are also sending in various hit squads, “spies” to run the midnight black bag ops taking opposition leaders out of their homes and renditioning them to various black site Gitmos across the world. So when one asks “who benefits” from the “Innocence of the Muslims” psyop, the answer finally comes back, the CIA.
“The U.S. is sending more spies, Marines and drones to Libya, trying to speed the search for those who killed the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans…” AP Sept. 15th 2012
The CIA has been in Libya since the fake revolution started, the destabilization campaign which used CIA and Saudi linked “Salafist’ Muslims called “sheikists” by other Muslims for their affiliation with the Saudi oil regimes and their American dollars. The CIA and Chris Stevens ran these “sheikists” since day one according to the New York Times article.
“Within months of the start of Libyan revolution in February 2011, the C.I.A. began building a meaningful but covert presence in Benghazi, a locus of the rebel efforts to oust the government of Colonel Qaddafi.
… From these buildings, the C.I.A. personnel carried out their secret missions.” New York Times
“In the early days of the Libyan revolution, I asked Chris to be our envoy to the rebel opposition. He arrived on a cargo ship in the port of Benghazi and began building our relationship with Libya’s revolutionaries.” Hillary Clinton
In a rather disingenuous article published at Global Research, two writers put forward the notion that the Green Resistance
is responsible for the attack which led to Stevens’ death.
Benghazi Attack. Libya’s Green Resistance Did It… And NATO Powers Are Covering Up
(Typically I’m a fan of Global Research but the publishing of this article makes me have to reassess my support of the site. Even the recent by Felicity Arbuthnot published at Global Research had to include a rather ham-handed tribute to the “the Green Resistance Movement Did It” article which tells me someone working in the editorial side over there probably inserted it.)
The authors of the disinfo piece at Global Research base their entire conclusion that the Green Resistance killed Stevens on the fact that the CIA and State Department have been running the Salafist (sheikist) terrorists since the beginning and thus they wouldn’t bite the hand that feeds so to speak.
“Some claim that Salafists carried out the fatal attack on the US premises. This is more nonsense, since Salafists are NATO allies…
Its members are pro-NATO and anti-Green Resistance. They had no reason to attack the US government site in Benghazi which had been instrumental in galvanizing the Islamist insurgency to topple the Gaddafi government, beginning at least from March 2011 and under the supervision of the late Christopher Stevens. Stevens was Washington’s point man in Benghazi and is known to have cultivated strong ties with the Islamists.
In short, it does not make sense that such Benghazi contacts would have wanted or have been motivated to kill their American paymaster.” Mark Robertson and Finian Cunningham
What Mark Robertson and Finian Cunningham fail to acknowledge and admit is the fact that these self same “sheikists” have been running various false flag attacks for their bosses (Saudi royal family, U.S. state department, CIA, NATO) for decades, always terrorizing some innocent civilians or US official targets in order to justify the inevitable US retaliation against some other group or people. In this case, it’s obvious, it will be the Green Resistance, and Robertson and Cunningham are simply helping to sell that narrative to the “alternative” faction here in the States.
Yes, the “far right” Salafists, the fascist “professional jihadists” who don’t give a rat’s ass about Allah or the Islamic faith (yes people, there are those in Muslim countries who don’t care about such things believe it or not), are in service to NATO and the CIA and strongly opposed to the growing Green Resistance in Libya. So did they have motivation to help the CIA create a justification to step up military involvement in Libya? You betcha.
Now, the FBI investigation into what happened that night is going to be dead on arrival. These CIA assets and employees have fled the scene of the crime and the staged “looters” who ransacked the place afterward destroyed the crime scene to the point that it’s being reported there is no evidence to speak of.
“Complicating the investigation, the officials said, is that many of the Americans who were evacuated from Benghazi after the attack are now scattered across Europe and the United States. It is also unclear, one of the officials said, whether there was much forensic evidence that could be extracted from the scene of the attacks.” New York Times
Hillary Clinton has appointed CFR member and former El Salvadorian ambassador Thomas R. Pickering to head up her “investigation” of the events.
The Green Resistance in Libya is growing in numbers. The people of Libya are opposed to NATO’s rule and the chaos that has erupted in their once peaceful and prosperous nation since the CIA and Stevens planned their destabilization campaign.
The Green Resistance could not have produced the stupid “Innocence of the Muslims” clip and they certainly couldn’t have gotten it from the FBI who created it in the first place as an effort to entrap “extremist” Muslims in California.
The Green Resistance could not have sent Ambassador Stevens back to Benghazi on short notice and under such odd circumstances especially considering how dangerous the area has become as of late.
The Green Resistance could not have made the State Department fail to warn US staff in the country after receiving warnings of pending trouble 3 days prior to the attacks.
and the Green Resistance certainly could not have convinced the 30 or so local militia members who made up the security detail at the CIA compound leave their posts as the attacks began.
The Green Resistance could not have done any of these things (for references to each and every one of the items listed above, please check out my archives on this event, here). So who could have done them all?
The CIA.
Who benefits? Who fled the scene of the crime? Who fed the press the misleading info? Who’s compound was it? Who’s contractors attacked the compound? Who could have arraigned for the Egyptian’s to run the video in the first place? And who had done this exact same kind of operation in the past? The Green Resistance? Get real.
As a side note, odd as it is, has anyone here seen anything about a state funeral for “hero” Chris Stevens? A recent Google search turned up nothing that I could find. Felicity also noticed that odd fact. The two former Navy Seals had funerals and announcements of such, but what about the ambassador and the guy who was supposedly killed along with him?
“In a nation which lets its grief hang out as no other, oddly, daily searches find no funeral announcements for Ambassador Stevens or U.S. Air Force veteran Sean Smith, with ten years as an information management officer in what has been since 2009, Hillary Clinton’s State Department.”
“If there are, as one bereaved American father stated of his son: “throw away soldiers”, perhaps there are also “throw away” Ambassadors and their staff when things go wrong.”

Patriots Of America --- Good Site


Subject: So true!

Be sure and read "does the rundown," to the left of the Stephen Hayes.

Stephen Hayes does the rundown, which can be summarized as follows:

• Ambassador Susan Rice lied on five Sunday talk shows last week, saying that the attack that killed Ambassador Stevens wasnot "premeditated or preplanned".

• Ambassador Susan Rice also lied about Stevens' security, stating that " two of the four Americans who were killed were there providing security."

• White House Press Secretary Jay Carney lied that the attacks had nothing to do with the anniversary of 9/11.

• Secretary of State Hillary Clinton lied as well, indicating that an anti-Islamic film was the cause of the non-existent protests in Benghazi

• Hillary's State Department lied; first downplaying the possibility of 9/11 terror attacks and then scrubbing its website to remove its horrific mistake

• Clinton also lied to Senate Republicans, claiming they did not have details of the terror attacks when they were instead revealing those details to The New York Times

• President Barack Obama also lied, echoing the same falsehoods for days on end

The facts: There was no protest in Benghazi. There was only a planned, premeditated terror attack on the U.S. consulate. The attack was initiated on the anniversary of 9/11. And two heroic ex-Navy SEALs -- who were not part of Ambassador Stevens' security team -- jumped into the fray and died protecting him.

This is a scandal. And even Sixties media is going to have to cover it.

US Government Legalize Sterilization for Minors Without Parental Consent

US Government Legalize Sterilization for Minors Without Parental Consent

By Susanne Posel
September 28, 2012

A new propaganda study promoting the population control agenda of the global Elite says that castration will assist men in living longer.
Dr. Cheol-Koo Lee, member of the research group for the study and professor at the Korea University, explains that pre-pubescent castration prevents the biological shift from boy to man.
Lee said: “The records said that eunuchs had some women-like appearances such as no moustache hair, large breasts, big hips and thin high-pitched voice.”
In the past, royal families castrated young boys and used them as servants. It appears that this ideal may be covertly trying to make a comeback.
Research into “families” of castrated men in the ancient world produced longer life spans of recorded 81 years in the years 1556 and 1861. Royals (who were not castrated) only lived to be 45 on the average.
It is believed that the male sex hormone reduces the lifespan of the human male.
Castrate the man; he will live a longer life.
Dr. David Clancy, professor of the University of Lancaster explains that the results of the study are pointed to give castration a favorable light.
Clancy says that by eliminating testosterone from a man’s biological make-up will have a significant impact; however the effects would be wholly negative.
In July, speaking at the International AIDS Conference, Hillary Clinton, US Secretary of State suggested that in order to control the spread of AIDS in under-developed nations, men should be circumcised – a form of male castration.
As part of the eugenics efforts of the global Elite, forced male circumcision has been happening in Africa under the guise of women’s rights.
The UN’s International Criminal Court has presided over these alleged criminals and classified their sentence to forced circumcision as part of “humane efforts” to stop their behavior.
Most of these “procedures” are conducted under mob rule with archaic disregard for human suffering. Kitchen knives, unsanitary conditions and lack of medical care afterward ensure that most of these victims do not survive long after their sentencing.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have funded a program that is marketed as a sterilization effort that uses sharp blasts of ultrasound directed against a man’s scrotum to render him infertile for six months.
It might accurately be called a “temporary castration” technology.
In Oregon more than 3000 citizens were subject to forced sterilization under a eugenics program up-until the mid-1980’s.
Most of the documents proving this fact were ordered to be shred, according to John Murphy, president of the nonprofit Portland Habitation Center. Castration was used apunishment for petty criminal acts as a way to further the eugenics agenda.
The pseudo-science used to justify the eugenics ideals that migrated from Europe to the US did not recognize crimes against humanity performed by the Nazis in Germany as egregious.
Those subject to forced sterilization in Oregon were children, poor adults, those who were believed to have a lower IQ, homosexuals, couple having non-marital sex, those practicing oral sex, unmarried mothers, people who masturbated and individuals claimed to be nymphomaniacs.
The University of Oregon was involved in 10,000 “volunteers” and a recorded 45,000 “feeble-minded” people were sterilized under force.
Fifteen years ago, Florida passed a statute that legalized castration as punishment for criminal sexual battery. The form of castration was induced by pharmaceutical drug by a court-appointed medical “expert” with weekly injections.
The duration of the treatment, admitted by the court system would most likely be for the duration of the convicted lifespan.
The drug approved by the Food and Drug Administration for chemical castration is an experimental drug that is prescribed by a medical doctor. The drug reduces the production of testosterone in the male’s bloodstream and as those levels drop, the sex drive diminishes.
However, the use of this drug was only successful once where the ability to have an erection was impeded by the drug. Independent studies and expert opinions showed that there would be no effect of the chemical castration on sex offenders.
This scheme was devised to test a chemical cocktail on convicted felons.
The US Department of Health and Human Services has mandated in January of this year that minor children be given access to contraceptives and healthcare coverage for sterilization including abortion-causing drugs. If the state allows, these pharmaceuticals will be available to children under 18 without parental consent.
Matt Bowman, senior attorney for the Alliance Defensing Freedom , explains that the mandate states that minors could be sterilized without parental permission and the procedure is covered by the health insurance.
Bowman said: “She can be sterilized at no cost. Whether her parents will know and/or consent might differ by state. But the Guttmacher Institute and other abortion advocates explicitly advocated for this mandated coverage of minors so that access without parental involvement might be able to increase.”
The Guttmacher Institute asserts that parental involvement in minor decisions is not necessary – therefore if the child wants to consent to sterilization, they should be legally allowed to do so.
Along with the collaboration of Planned Parenthood pushing contraception, the Guttmacher Institute expects to see dramatic drops in fertility rates which are the goal of these eugenics institutions.
Susanne Posel is the Chief Editor of Occupy Corporatism Our alternative news site is dedicated to reporting the news as it actually happens; not as it is spun by the corporate-funded mainstream media. You can find us on our Facebook page.





Prophecy to you

PHIL. 4:13


Please pick up your Bible and read psalm 51 and 91.
Jesus never fails, Send this to every body on ur list. U'll receive good news 2morrow, Don't take it as a joke, u can't tell when GOD is testing ur faith AMEN

Drones: Instruments of State Terror

Drones: Instruments of State Terror

By Stephen LendmanContributor
September 28, 2012

A new report jointly prepared by Stanford University’s International Human Rights and Conflict Resolution Clinic (SU) and New York University School of Law’s Global Justice Clinic (NYU) is titled “Living Under Drones.”
Part one discusses strikes on rescuers, funerals, and other civilian targets. Part two examines surveillance, the effects of drones overhead, and how their use creates fear and distrust. Part three considers the economic and impoverishment hardships families and communities sustain.
Overall SU/NYU examines key aspects of the CIA’s drone policy. It exposes facts political Washington and media scoundrels suppress.
The dominant narrative claims drone strikes are precise and effective. They involve “targeted killings.” Terrorists are assassinated with “minimal downsides or collateral impacts.” As a result, America is much safer.
“This narrative is false.” It’s a bald-faced lie. Drone strikes are indiscriminate. Mostly noncombatant civilians are killed. The SU/NYU report followed nine months of intensive research.
They included two investigations in Pakistan. Over 130 interviews were conducted with victims, witnesses, and experts.
Thousands of pages of documentation and media reports were reviewed. This report “presents evidence of the damaging and counterproductive effects of” America’s drone-strike policy.
Firsthand evidence confirms it. So-called benefits don’t exist. Civilians sustain enormous harm. “Living Under Drones” exposes what official accounts won’t say.
Reevaluating Washington’s drone policy is urgently needed. Civilian casualties are rarely acknowledged. Significant evidence proves they’re commonplace.
US officials claim “no” or “single digit” civilian casualties alone. They lie. Coverup is policy.
At the same time, “it’s difficult to obtain data on strike casualties because of US efforts to shield the drone program from democratic accountability, compounded by the obstacles to independent investigation of strikes in North Waziristan.”
The Bureau of Investigative Journalism (TBIJ) provides best available aggregate public data. Last February, TBIJ published a report titled “Obama terror drones: CIA tactics in Pakistan include targeting rescuers and funerals,” saying:
Predator drones sanitize killing on the cheap. Currently about one-third of US warplanes are drones. One day perhaps they’ll all be unmanned. Secrecy and accountability aren’t addressed. Aggressive killing is official policy. Little about it gets reported.
Civilian rescue parties, funerals, and weddings are targeted. Evidence disproves Obama saying drone killings are “targeted” and “focused.”
Obama’s a serial liar. Nothing he says is credible. Last winter he claimed drones haven’t “caused a huge number of civilian casualties. They’re targeted, focused at people who are on a list of active terrorists trying to go in and harm Americans.”
BIJ research showed otherwise. Hundreds of civilians are killed, including dozens of children. On the ground investigative work proved it. Eyewitnesses provided damning testimonies. Legal experts condemned Washington’s tactics.
In 2004 or earlier, Bush began drone attacks. Obama continues them relentlessly. Predator drones reign death on civilians regularly. CIA operatives conduct them. Battlefield casualty figures are suppressed.
Administration officials claim covert attacks anywhere in the world are legal. International, constitutional, and US statute laws say otherwise. Chief US counterterrorism advisor John Brennan said:
“Because we are engaged in an armed conflict with al-Qaeda, the United States takes the legal position that, in accordance with international law, we have the authority to take action against al-Qaeda and its associated forces.”
“The United States does not view our authority to use military force against al-Qaeda as being restricted solely to”hot” battlefields like Afghanistan.”
International law experts disagree. State-sanctioned extrajudicial killings are lawless. Harvard’s Naz Modirzadeh said:
“Not to mince words here, if it is not in a situation of armed conflict, unless it falls into the very narrow area of imminent threat then it is an extra-judicial execution.”
“We don’t even need to get to the nuance of who’s who, and are people there for rescue or not. Because each death is illegal. Each death is a murder in that case.”
Attorney for the charity Reprieve, Clive Stafford-Smith, said drone strikes targeting rescuers “are like attacking the Red Cross on the battlefield. It’s not legitimate to attack anyone who is not a combatant.”
Congress never debated or approved them. In the Af/Pak theater, America has about 7,000 drones operating. Another 12,000 stand ready on the the ground. They’re rapidly replacing manned aircraft. US aerospace companies have no ongoing research to develop new ones.
Privately some Pentagon commanders express unease about Obama’s drone policy. They’re extrajudicial. CIA enforces extreme secrecy. It won’t admit their operations exist.
Legal experts say drone killings outside war theaters set a dangerous precedent. Other countries may follow America’s lead. UN Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions Christof Heyns said:
“Our concern is how far does it go? Will the whole world be a theatre of war?”
“Drones, in principle, allow collateral damage to be minimized but because they can be used without danger to a country’s own troops they tend to be used more widely.”
“One doesn’t want to use the term ticking bomb but it’s extremely seductive.”
TBIJ reported harrowing narratives of survivors, witnesses, and family members. It provided detailed information on specific strikes.
SU/NYU said:
“US drone strike policies cause considerable and under-accounted-for harm to the daily lives of ordinary civilians, beyond death and physical injury.”
“Drones hover twenty-four hours a day over communities in northwest Pakistan, striking homes, vehicles, and public spaces without warning.”
“Their presence terrorizes men, women, and children, giving rise to anxiety and psychological trauma among civilian communities.”
“Those living under drones have to face the constant worry that a deadly strike may be fired at any moment, and the knowledge that they are powerless to protect themselves. These fears have affected behavior.”
Targeted areas are struck multiple times in quick succession. The practice is called “double tap.” It dissuades bystanders and professionals from helping. One group ordered staff to avoid struck sites for six hours before investigating.
People in targeted areas are on their own to help. What they find is horrifying. Strikes “incinerate” victims. They’re left in unidentifiable pieces. Traditional burials are impossible.
Firoz Ali Khan’s father-in-law’s home was struck. He graphically described what he saw, saying:
“These missiles are very powerful. They destroy human beings.”
“There is nobody left and small pieces left behind. Pieces. Whatever is left is just little pieces of bodies and cloth.”
A doctor who treated drone victims described how “skin is burned so that you can’t tell cattle from humans.” Another family survivor at the same site said his father was killed. “The entire place looked as if it was burned completely, so much so that even (the victims’) own clothes had burnt.”
“All the stones in the vicinity had become black.” Ahmed Jan lost his foot last March. He discussed challenges rescuers face in identifying bodies, saying:
“People were trying to find the body parts. We find the body parts of some people, but sometimes we do not find anything.” It’s incinerated and gone.
Rescuers, community and family members, and humanitarian workers are vulnerable. Parents keep children at home. With good reason, they’re traumatized. Fear grips everyone.
Families who lost loved ones or their homes now struggle to survive.
Official statements about drone killing keeping America safer are false.
At most, only 2% of victims are high-level combatants. Evidence suggests that US strikes facilitate anti-American recruitment. The New York Times said drone attacks replaced Guantanamo as “the recruiting tool of choice for militants.”
The vast majority of Pakistanis consider America the enemy.
Targeted killings also undermine respect for international and US rule of law principles. They’re lawless and unconscionable. Secrecy is official policy. Transparency and accountability are absent.
In light of serious concerns, SU/NYU’s report said Washington must conduct “a fundamental re-evaluation of current targeted killing practices, taking into account all available evidence, the concerns of various stakeholders, and the short and long-term costs and benefits.”
A “significant rethinking (is) long overdue.” Policy makers can’t ignore civilian harm and counterproductive impacts much longer.
Rule of law principles are fundamental. Violating them encourages others to replicate US practices. US lives become vulnerable. That alone is reason enough to rethink policy. Most important is state-sanctioned murder. Nothing justifies what’s clearly illegal.
Stanford’s James Cavallaro was one of the report’s authors. He said “real people are suffering real harm,” but they’re largely ignored by US officials and in media accounts.
Cavallaro added that the study was intended to challenge official notions of precise targeted killings with little fallout. Investigative work proved otherwise.
CIA officials and National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor declined comment. Perhaps they fear anything they say can be used against them. Whatever they say is false.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.netHis new book is titled How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion and Class War
Also visit his blog site at and listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network Thursdays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening.

Guns N’ Rose colored deals

Guns N’ Rose colored deals

By Douglas J. Hagmann
23 August 2012: The more research and investigation one does into the Obama-Napolitano-Holder ATF sanctioned Fast and Furious operation, greater is the stench that emanates from the ties between Obama, his minions and the global bankers. From claims of “executive privilege” by Obama to the outright persecution of whistleblowers trying to do the right thing, we are now seeing the actual unveiling of the incestuous ties between globalist bankers and the present power elite in Washington.
According to a letter sent Tuesday from Senator Chuck Grassley, Ranking member of the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee and Representative Daryl Issa, Chairman of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, to ATF Acting Director B. Todd Jones, a key suspect (my word) in the Fast and Furious criminal operation has not only been on paid administrative leave for the last several months, but is concurrently working in the private sector and receiving income from that job as well.
At the center of this latest controversy is William McMahon, former Deputy Assistant Director for Field Operations at the ATF. The findings from the first phase of a three-part congressional investigation that was published on 31 July 2012 stated the following about McMahon:
Though he served as the crucial link between ATF headquarters and the Phoenix Field Division, Bill McMahon admittedly rubber stamped critical documents that came across his desk without reading them. In McMahon’s view, it was not his job to ask any questions about what was going on in the field. McMahon gave false testimony to Congress about signing applications for wiretap intercepts in Fast and Furious (emphasis by this author).
According to Senator Grassley and Representative Issa, McMahon is a full time employee of ATF’s Office of Professional Responsibility, on paid administrative leave and awaiting his retirement (with a six-figure salary and full government benefits). In the interim, however, McMahon is serving as Executive Director of the Global Security and Investigations Group for none other than JP Morgan Chase in the Philippines.
As noted by the letter, this unusual arrangement is “apparently designed to allow Mr. McMahon to reach retirement eligibility while on extended leave…and simultaneously begin a second career before separating from government employment.” The hubris of ATF and government officials is clear, as it obviously awards those involved in the gun running operation while sending a chilling message to anyone who has already or might be thinking about coming forward to expose wrongdoing and criminal behavior at the highest levels of government.
JP Morgan and Obama: Follow the money
Briefly setting aside the convenient employment arrangement between a top government official found to have lied to a congressional investigative body and his reward of a double-dip income arrangement, let’s look at other aspects that few seem to want to discuss about the Obama “regime.”
First, JP Morgan is the largest processor of food stamp benefits in the United States. They process food stamp debit cards in over half of the states and the District of Columbia in the U.S., and are paid for each transaction they process. Ultimately, the more people who become recipients of food stamps (actually, food debit cards), the more revenue that is generated by JP Morgan. When one considers the increasing number of food stamp recipients, it is clear that the JP Morgan’s revenue is increasing. If one understands the workings of the system, their revenue is increasing on the backs of taxpayers.
Looking at the larger picture, this might help explain why JP Morgan was one of Barack Hussein Obama’s largest financial contributors to his 2008 presidential campaign, where they gave a whopping $800,000.00. Perhaps this is one reason that Obama maintains an investment portfolio in JP Morgan Chase, and during his May 12, 2012 appearance on The View, hailed JP Morgan Chase’s CEO Jamie Dimon “as one of the smartest bankers we’ve got.” This, despite the $25 million transfer to JP Morgan under the 2008 Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) and a subsequent admission of $2 billion trading losses.
Relevant to the ATF, it is important to note that JP Morgan Chase also administers the credit cards issued to the ATF as well. It should outrage everyone to consider the possibility that murdered Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry had a JP Morgan Chase credit card in his wallet the day he was gunned down, and that one of the very people who bears a level of responsibility for his death lands a job with JP Morgan while continuing to suck on the very chaffed teat of the American taxpayer.
What a deal for McMahon, and what a shame for justice. There is a trail of blood leading from the dusty Arizona desert to Pennsylvania Avenue and Wall Street, and yet no one wants to address the bloody footprints.

WSI Delivers – Valerie Jarrett Exposed – By New York Times

WSI Delivers – Valerie Jarrett Exposed – By New York Times

(WIDE-RANGING DUTIES Valerie Jarrett, right, on her way to Air Force One, is President Obama’s chief liaison to business, state and local governments and the political left.)

The Other Power in the West Wing

…From the first, her official job has been somewhat vague. But nearly four years on, with Mr. Obama poised to accept his party’s renomination this week, her standing is clear, to her many admirers and detractors alike. “She is the single most influential person in the Obama White House,” said one former senior White House official, who like many would speak candidly only on condition of anonymity.
…Mr. Obama’s first two chiefs of staff, Rahm Emanuel and Mr. Daley, clashed with Ms. Jarrett over strategic direction and over who had greater authority to interpret and carry out the president’s wishes, several officials said.
“He’s got a real mess in the West Wing,” said one close presidential adviser. “Valerie is effectively the chief of staff, and he knows, but he doesn’t know. She’s almost like Nancy Reagan was with President Reagan, but more powerful.”
…She serves as the front door to the donors who helped elect the president, reviewing guest lists to White House parties and candidates for patronage positions. But she has snubbed some early supporters, among them the financier George Soros, ignoring his pleas for a substantive meeting on the economy with the president. The message she delivered, according to one person familiar with the exchanges, was that she felt Mr. Soros was “already on the team, and that while he might want to talk to the captain, the captain was very busy.”
Mr. Soros, who has spent tens of millions of dollars on Democratic candidates and causes, is largely sitting on the sidelines this presidential election.
…And Ms. Jarrett has added another role to her portfolio, traveling to swing states to campaign, sometimes at Mr. Obama’s side.
“Homestretch,” she keeps telling him.
“Homestretch?” he’ll reply.
“Yes, almost there,” she says. “We’ve just got the convention, then three debates.”   LINK
THAT last line of the NYT article brings home something WHI made note of months ago – Valerie Jarrett is driving Barack Obama to the point of breaking him if need be – the investors in this administration demand a return on investment.  She will do all she can to make good on that payment.
And it is that determination that makes her, and thus by default the Obama administration – so dangerous to America.   -UM

Valerie Jarrett’s Money from Bermuda?

July 11, 2012

Valerie Jarrett’s Money from Bermuda?

On Obama Adviser’s Disclosure Form: ‘Bermuda’
By Matt Negrin and Jonathan Karl, ABC News
A lot of attention has been focused lately on Mitt Romney’s offshore finances in places like the Cayman Islands and Bermuda.
But the word Bermuda pops up on the financial disclosure forms of  one of President Obama’s top advisers too.
Valerie Jarrett’s financial disclosure form filed May 4 lists a line of credit from a Bermuda insurance company valued between $100,000 and $250,000.
“This is a letter of credit disclosed in the liability section of the personal financial disclosure form, meaning it is a potential obligation, not an asset,” White House spokesman Eric Schultz said in a statement. “In fact, a letter of credit is something that you pay for – as you can see from the form there is a fee associated with it. A letter of credit is issued by a financial institution as a guarantee to cover a potential liability, and in this case was obtained by real estate developers in Chicago for properties located in the United States.”
Before the White House replied to us, we spoke to tax experts who said the filing could be completely innocuous. It appears that Jarrett borrowed money from JPMorgan Chase, which has a subsidiary in Bermuda — not unusual for insurance companies that want to lay off some of their risks. It doesn’t mean that Jarrett sought any sort of transaction from Bermuda, but rather that the bank could be using its Bermuda subsidiary on credit forms.
In other words, routine credit card statements can include references to Bermuda
simply because insurance companies have subsidiaries there.
Jarrett’s filing is available here — the part with “Bermuda” on it is in Schedule C.
Jarrett is one of Obama’s closer advisers and has been with him since he was sworn in. In a lengthy New York Times profile in 2009, an Obama campaign official said that “there are two people he’s not going to say no to: Valerie Jarrett and Michelle Obama.”