Sunday, September 30, 2012


And the disinformation still continues today, only packaged much differently!

Shocking revolutionary roots not just of Obama, but top advisers Jarrett and Axelrod too
Published: 19 hours ago
By Paul Kengor
Editor’s note: Who could have imagined that one of the most audacious disinformation campaigns in American history would turn out, according to a recently declassified FBI file, to have a direct connection not only to today’s president of the United States, Barack Obama, but to top advisers David Axelrod and Valerie Jarrett as well? Here, Professor Paul Kengor, author of “The Communist,” the new bestseller about Obama mentor Frank Marshall Davis, tells the incredible story of communist disinformation in America and its multiple ties to those now “fundamentally transforming” this country from the top.
If you want to see how Soviet-style disinformation has spread in our own country, look no further than the Communist Party USA. Sure, no one could spin a web of lies quite like the Soviets and the Kremlin, but their American devotees are likewise excellent at agitation, propaganda and deliberate deception. America’s communists have produced some impressive homegrown disinformation. Here, I’ll consider an especially productive example, which still bears bitter fruit today among the wider American left: the campaign against the House Committee on Un-American Activities.
In this skillful, cynical disinformation campaign, American communists, working with duped progressive/liberal accomplices, framed their accusers as “fascists,” “Nazis,” “McCarthyites” and even “racists” who were (allegedly) unfairly hounding and maligning them by investigating their ties to Moscow. In truth, the accused were frequently guilty – and, at the least, merited attention. Nonetheless, these leftist forces came together, under the leadership of the CPUSA, the Daily Worker and other far-left forces, in coordinated campaigns such as “Operation Abolition,” which sought to abolish the House Committee on Un-American Activities, which they tagged as “HUAC” – the “House Un-American Committee,” a label that sticks to this day.
Of special interest, one of those who engaged in this campaign was Frank Marshall Davis, a closet CPUSA member who in the 1970s would go on to mentor a young Hawaiian boy named Barack Obama, our current president.
Communist campaigns
Before examining this anti-”HUAC” campaign, consider a few words on the concept of communist campaigns.
Communists excelled at “campaigns” – that is, carefully concerted efforts where they exploited an issue or cause to further their agenda. Such campaigns were a very significant, still vastly unappreciated tactic vigorously employed by the communist movement throughout the 20th century. They were done with great effect, so much so that many of the outright untruths in these underhanded campaigns have slipped their way into history books as quasi-official versions of 20th century history.
These campaigns took on such a discernible, consistent pattern that they eventually prompted full-scale investigations by the U.S. government, which deciphered a clear tactic requiring constant surveillance. The FBI in the 1950s would produce a 100-plus-page report (classified) strictly on the subject of campaigns. The bureau defined campaigns as “concentrated, continuous and concerted succession of agitation and propaganda activities specifically devised and timed to sway public opinion. All communist campaigns are intended to arouse, influence and mobilize as many people as possible to further communist goals.” Those goals, naturally, included the promotion of the “welfare of the Soviet Union.” For American communists, the end-goal was always a “Soviet America,” or, as the 1930s CPUSA loyalty oath put it, “to insure the triumph of Soviet Power in the United States.”
Of special relevance to this article, communist campaigns, like communist fronts, thrived on deceit and disinformation. And American communists were vigilant in concealing their coordination. They needed to be ever ready to deny their participation.
The chief target audience in these campaigns was gullible liberals/progressives that communists believed could be duped. The dupes were indispensable to success. If the campaigns marshaled only the support of communists, they would be transparent and would collapse under public exposure. The presence of liberal/progressive dupes helped diminish the presence of communists.
The FBI noted that, “No other organization has ever engaged in so many diverse, intensive and extensive campaigns conducted with so much perseverance, deftness and potency as has the Communist Party USA.” CPUSA was “never without” a campaign of one type or another, and had been responsible for “an inestimable number of campaigns.”
The anti-’HUAC’ campaign
This brings me back to the anti-”HUAC” campaign.
One of the most controversial domestic battles of the Cold War was the fight between Congress’s House Committee on Un-American Activities (HCUAA) and those accused by the committee of harboring private loyalties to the Soviet Union and international communist movement. It was before this committee that certain citizens were repeatedly asked the dramatic question, “Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the Communist Party?” Many of those asked pleaded the Fifth Amendment.
There is much to this drama that today is misunderstood or unappreciated. To cite just one example, the actions of the House Committee are often identified with conservatives, with the political right, with McCarthyism and the man Joe McCarthy. In truth, Senator McCarthy was never a member of this House (of Representatives) Committee. In fact, throughout its history, the committee was chaired primarily by anti-communist Democrats. Its Democrat chieftains ranged from Rep. Martin Dies, D-Texas, to Rep. Francis Walter, D-Pa., to Rep. Richard Ichord, D-Mo., among others.
But more than that, and fundamental to the theme of this article, was the counter-campaign against the House Committee. That counter-campaign is known today only by a narrow group of Cold War researchers who have actually dug into the declassified archives – ranging from Soviet archives in Russia to the Comintern Archives on Communist Party USA (CPUSA), housed at the Library of Congress. A look at those archives, and other material, illuminates an interesting counter-response to the House Committee. That counter-response was a campaign called Operation Abolition.
Operation Abolition was a 1940s/1950s effort led by (among others) CPUSA, the Daily Worker, the ACLU and a splinter group from the ACLU, the National Emergency Civil Liberties Committee – headed by Corliss Lamont and I. F. Stone. The goal of this coalition of left and far-left sources was to abolish the House Committee on Un-American Activities, or at least to so question and demonize the committee in the public’s mind as to discredit the committee.
It was incredibly ironic, and utterly outrageous, that after two decades of being wrong and being duped by Stalin, by Stalinists, and by secret supporters of Stalin, that America’s liberals/progressives – led by the ACLU and National Emergency Civil Liberties Committee – would come together to find their demon not in the duped liberals/progressives or pro-communists who defended Stalin as he murdered tens of millions, but in the anti-communists who tried to tell the truth to Americans about Stalin, his murderous state and his secret supporters in America. Can you imagine? Well, that is precisely what happened. Making it worse, I. F. Stone, who we now believe was a paid Soviet agent from 1936-38, helped lead the campaign.
So intense was this campaign that Congress itself ultimately investigated the campaign. Congress correctly perceived that the campaign was built upon a larger “anti-anti-communist” campaign that liberals/progressives pushed for decades and still advance to this day. That push had been so intense and problematic in the 1950s that the Senate Judiciary Committee (run by anti-communist Democrats) would hold hearings and publish a report titled, “The New Drive Against the Anti-Communist Program.”
As noted during those hearings, leading the charge in many of these anti-anti-communist thrusts was the New York Times. As testified by the feature source in the hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee, the Times was one of the primary “organs of anti-anti-communism,” doing so ad nauseum with “heavyweight, comatose gibberish.”
Whether gibberish or not, this work was extremely effective in stirring the emotions of liberals/progressives, with the effect of inadvertently advancing the communist cause.
‘HUAC’s’ ‘Un-Americans’
Implicit to this effectiveness, and a huge propaganda success, was the very use of the acronym “HUAC.” Language became central to the debate.
Consider: America’s communists, socialists and liberals/progressives happily inverted the phrase “un-American,” charging the House Committee itself (and its chairs and members) with being “un-American.” The political left has done this so effectively that its historic term for the House Committee on Un-American Activities is not the proper acronym, “HCUAA,” but the commonly known and widely accepted term “HUAC,” which is actually a mis-ordered acronym that incorrectly reads: HouseUn-American Committee. This acronym is itself a major statement. Note, too, that the term “HUAC” shows that the political left in America is not shy about labeling certain people “un-American” – a tactic that the left claims is the typical domain of the right – so long as the left is doing the labeling.
Overall, the left has done this so aggressively that it has succeeded in permanently labeling HCUAA as “HUAC.” I have noticed the results when teaching college students. In my courses, when I attempt to use the correct acronym, HCUAA, I get quizzical looks as I scribble the letters on the chalkboard. To the contrary, the moment I revert to “HUAC,” students nod, understanding what I’m referring to. The left has won this battle over language. And most ironic, the greatest champions of the term “HUAC” were American communists, who used the term incessantly in the Daily Worker and all their publications. When non-communist liberals/progressives today use that term, they are actually, whether they know it or not, employing the propaganda language of CPUSA.
Particularly brazen was the Daily Worker. In fact, it is almost laughable that the Daily Worker put “communists” in quotes when reporting on actual communists identified by HCUAA, while simultaneously not placing “HUAC” in quotes, as if the former were fantasy and the latter reality. Oftentimes, communists and liberals/progressives alike simply called HUAC “the Un-American Committee” (leaving out “House”).
Even more brazen, CPUSA, throughout the Cold War and even post-Cold War, maligned what it dubbed “the racist, McCarthyite forces of evil” and the “fascist House Un-American Activities Committee.”
Yes, fascist. This was an obscene accusation against a generation that had faced the Nazis. And yet, typical of the American left, opponents were transmogrified into political monsters: “racists,” “fascists,” “Nazis.” Liberals/progressives hurl around these vicious names still today, almost reflexively. It isn’t anything new; they and their comrades have done this for a long, long time.
Frank Marshall Davis
Interestingly, this war over language was waged not only at CPUSA organs like the Daily Worker but by a subject of remarkable modern political relevance: Frank Marshall Davis. Davis did so in his writings and publications, beginning at the Chicago Star (1946-48) and continuing with great frequency at the Honolulu Record (1949-57) – two communist-controlled publications.
For the record, Frank Marshall Davis was a card-carrying member of Communist Party USA – card no. 47544. He joined the Party in Chicago during World War II. He was founding editor-in-chief and a weekly columnist for the Chicago Star, where he wrote flawless pro-Soviet propaganda, blasting everything and everyone from the Marshall Plan and Truman Doctrine to Harry Truman and Winston Churchill. His position was always predictable: it was the Kremlin’s position. Davis continued that work in Hawaii, where he moved in 1949, and where he would eventually meet and mentor a young man named Barack Obama in the 1970s.
As to the theme of this article, I counted 43 examples of Frank Marshall Davis using the word “un-American” at the Honolulu Record in just 1949-50 alone. Some of these were in defense (to defend himself), others on offense (to attack the committee). Three times the words were typed into titles of his columns. Twice he used the word “un-Americanism.” Davis was not reticent about excoriating “the aptly named un-American committee.”
Some examples of Davis’s use of this phrase are worth highlighting:
In a May 1950 piece for the Honolulu Record, Davis described what he referred to as a natural alliance sought by bigoted anti-communists on “the un-American committee.” “This alliance with a revived Nazi Germany,” wrote Davis, “may please such persons as John Rankin of Mississippi and John Wood of Georgia, two past and present chairmen of the un-American committee whose ideas on race parallel those of Adolf Hitler.” In fact, said Davis, congressmen Rankin and Wood were not merely run-of-the-mill, redneck Democratic Party racists, but were themselves “upholders of master race theory of the Nazis.”
Frank Marshall Davis did not mince words: If America, and especially anti-communists at “HUAC,” wanted to see Nazis, they should look in the mirror.
Another “un-American” piece by Davis that’s especially illuminating was a September 20, 1947, column for the Chicago Star, titled, “I got radical thoughts.” Here, Davis candidly stated that he wanted to flat-out nationalize the packing-house industry, as well as impose national price controls and a federal tax on the rich and their “excess profits.” “I’m so un-American right now,” wrote Obama’s mentor, “that I want to see price controls clamped back on this minute, a new and stronger excess profits tax put into operation, and the whole packing industry nationalized.”
What’s fascinating about this particular article is who Frank Marshall Davis worked with at the communist-controlled packing house workers’ union – and how those comrades eerily relate to today.
Working with Davis in promoting the packing-house workers union was Vernon Jarrett. They collaborated in a communist-controlled group called the Citizens’ Committee to Aid Packing-House Workers. A surviving April 12, 1948, document printed on committee letterhead, and found by researcher Trevor Loudon, lists Davis as both committee member and among the small group of journalistically inclined individuals who comprised the committee’s publicity committee. Joining Davis in both capacities was Vernon Jarrett.
Vernon Jarrett would become a major name in Chicago and known nationally. He would also become father-in-law to a young woman named Valerie Jarrett, Barack Obama’s single most important adviser.
And the links don’t end there. Also working to advance the proletariat from the packing-house workers union was the Canter family, specifically Harry and David Canter, who in the 1930s lived in the Soviet Union while Harry worked for Stalin’s government as an official translator of Lenin’s writings. Hailing originally from Boston, where Harry was secretary of Boston’s Communist Party, the Canters eventually ended up in Chicago in the 1940s, where they worked with Frank Marshall Davis, Obama’s mentor. In the 1970s, David Canter would, like Davis, become a mentor – of a young man named David Axelrod, Obama’s chief strategist.
The links are amazing, too extraordinary to try to make up. Nonetheless, they are as true as they are shocking. And to bring this full circle to the theme of this article, the likes of the Canters worked with Frank Marshall Davis in certain circles and fronts – and the literal pages of the Chicago Star, which incessantly called for the abolition of the House Committee on Un-American Activities.
In all, whether “un-American” was hurled by Frank Marshall Davis or his liberal/progressive or communist friends, think about their argument: The left was, in effect, arguing that the true Americans were the card-carrying, closet American communists – literally pledged to Stalin’s USSR and the Comintern – whereas the un-Americans were the anti-communists, especially those elected to Congress and fulfilling their duty of investigating possible secret Soviet agents or collaborators. For these congressmen, their duties to the U.S. Constitution mandated that they pursue potential indigenous security threats.
Frank Marshall Davis and his comrades constantly tried to argue that they weren’t communists, but were mere “progressives” being unfairly hounded by Neanderthal McCarthyites and the evil “HUAC.” This was disinformation they fed to liberals, which, in turn, fomented a wider anti-”HUAC” campaign. Liberals, naturally, swallowed the bait hook, line and sinker. In truth, these guys were communists, and they were rightly being pursued for their correctly suspected pro-Soviet activities.
And yet, still today, the likes of Frank Marshall Davis himself continue to be protected by liberals who portray him as an innocent civil-rights crusader hounded by McCarthyites. Who does this? Pro-Obama liberal biographers and journalists. They do this, of course, to protect Obama. Alas, then, the disinformation curiously continues.
The preceding was excerpted from the September issue of WND’s acclaimed monthly Whistleblower magazine,“DISINFORMATION AGE: How America’s news media have become ‘useful idiots’ for Marxists, sociopaths and tyrants.”
Dr. Paul Kengor is professor of political science at Grove City College and author of the new bestselling book “The Communist: Frank Marshall Davis, The Untold Story of Barack Obama’s Mentor.” His other books include “Dupes: How America’s Adversaries Have Manipulated Progressives for a Century.”

Congress Vacates Washington Obama And Israel Prepare To Attack The Middle East

Congress Vacates Washington
Obama And Israel Prepare To Attack The Middle East
Wednesday, September 26, 2012 9:50
Susanne Posel    Sep 26th, 201 

   The entire Congress in Washington has left the Capitol and will be on hiatus until after the November election. This unprecedented move effectively shuts down the most important branch of our government in the weeks leading up to election season.
Although Congress has traditionally left Washington, DC to campaign for elections, this year marks the earliest departure in decades. GOP leaders left with unfinished business on their desks. And with recent changes in our nation’s climate (i.e. QE3 and the looming threat of war in the Middle East) Congress appears to be willing to take the verbal bashing by being called “lame-duck” rather than continue working on Capitol Hill. 
There is no shortage of name calling in the mainstream media. The new federal budget was ushered to Obama before Congress vacated the Capitol. However, other issues like taxes, farm policy and legislation to “save the Postal Service from insolvency” were abandoned as if not important.
The Congress also made sure that a new $635 billion defense budget was passed in the House, while the Senate had yet to vote.
Leaving spending cuts to the tune of $109 in the defense and non-defense budget for established programs undecided simply allowed them to automatically take place at the inception of the New Year since alternatives were not met.
Why would our elected Congress leave Washington, DC so suddenly, with unfinished work as if abandoning their post?
TruNews radio host Rick Wiles believes that with the massive amount of Russian troops entering the US through Canada, there is a Congressional hit-list and most on Capitol Hill will be assassinated.
Foreign troops, under the thumb of NATO are being primed to takeover America under the direction of the global Elite once martial law in declared in a “brown shirt” army to control civil unrest and maintain order by any means.
Mainstream media is assisting in purveying the manufactured threat of Islamic extremists being a threat to America. Radical Muslims, according to the propaganda, are planning on implementing terroristic schemes in the domestic US that coincide with the CIA-sponsored devastation being carried out by al-Qaeda and the Taliban.
Heidi Beirich, director of the intelligence project at the FBI-controlled Southern Poverty Law Center, maintains that “domestic terrorism is as much a threat as foreign terrorism. The government needs to get serious about this.”
The UN Security Council (UNSC) met in secret to discuss how to handle the growing manufactured unrest in the Middle East, with specific attention to the false flag attack bombing in Libya and murder of US Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens.
President Obama, being head of the UNSC, was present at this meeting of globalists to finalize their agendas in certain Arab Nations. Obama is expected to admonish Russia and China for their support of Iran at his address to the UN General Assembly.
In a new report released by the UN entitled, Transitional Justice – Foundation for a New Libya , there was a descriptive demand for a new government to be installed in Libya under the claim of a just strategy that rewrites legalities of the UN from an international body advocating peace to an over-reaching panel of unelected global delegates who decide international policy.
The UNSC has decided that they will transition controlled implementation of a pasty-leader who will enact globalist schemes under cover of bring democracy to this Arab nation. However, the initial destruction of Libya coincided with Qadhafi’s issuance of the Dinar , a gold-backed currency that would have liberated African nations from the grip of the central banking cartels.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak are awaiting the go-ahead to attack Iran as the Israeli military are on standby. While Defense Secretary Leon Panetta claims that the Obama administration is hesitant toward beginning a military strike against Iran, the script is being acted out perfectly.
Representatives from the Islamic Revolutionary Guard (IRGC) have announced they will strike if Israel strikes preemptively. Meanwhile, the US armed forces are positioning themselves in strategic areas to infer a war will be taking place very soon. Along with naval forces, an estimated 68,000 US troops are arriving in Afghanistan.
Amir Ali Hajizadeh of the IRGC remarked: “We see the United States and the Zionist regime (of Israel) alongside one another and we can by no means imagine that the Zionist regime would initiate a war (against Iran) without the U.S. support. There will be no neutral country in the region. To us, these bases are equal to U.S. soil.”
It is the understanding of Zionist-plant and current mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel, that the US will declare war with Iran in 2013. Netanyahu’s uncontrollable anticipation of attacking Iran is quite obvious in the public domain.
And as this threat is mounting, the US Congress is taking off to enjoy a “vacation” to focus on campaigning, getting reelected – and leaving Obama behind to declare a war in the Middle East without the public admission of circumventing Congress as he did the first time he attacked Libya.
Susanne Posel
Occupy Corporatism

Protocol Endgame Now in Sight

HOT EXPLOSIVE BREAKING NEWS: Protocol Endgame Now in Sight
Tom Heneghan explosive intelligence briefings ALL patriot Americans MUST know, with sources inside American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL, reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptions

Sunday September 30, 2012

Protocol Endgame Now in Sight 

by Tom Heneghan
International Intelligence Exper
Mariano Rajoy, Prime Minister of Spain
source source 
UNITED States of America - We can now update yesterday's intelligence briefing by, once again, confirming that the Spanish treasury is now in possession of $100 BILLION euros of Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol funds transferred to Spain by the IMF (International Monetary Fund).

Spain's game plan is to keep the now irrelevant ECB (European Central Bank) in a box until the first of the year, and then launch a two-prong pincer operation.

1. Launch a sustained litigation at the International Court at the Hague against Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, Citibank, Bank of America, along with Barclays Bank of the United Kingdom.

These crooked banks sold bogus mortgage-backed securities to Spanish banks from 2003 to 2007 that effectively looted the Spanish treasury.

Note: This was all being done while the LIBOR rate was effectively being manipulated by these aforementioned banks and others.

2. Spain will then issue a notice of default to the European Commission on January 1, 2013 and effectively write off the debt, which was run up by these aforementioned banks in their mortgage-backed securities ponzi scheme.

Reference: Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy has already informed ECB President Mario Draghi that he will not allow the co-mingling of Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol funds in some back door bank bail out.

Greece, Portugal and Italy are following the same game plan, which is immediate Protocol implementation (with eyes over Vienna and Paris) and establish fully collateralized IMF draw down accounts.

Item: This is Iceland all over again on a larger scale.

P.S. We can now divulge that IRS officials, working hand-in-hand with the U.S. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, have blocked former illegal year 2000 White House occupant George W. BushFRAUD from making an electronic check transfer to a secret JPMorgan Chase proprietary account in the Cayman Islands. 

This account has now been frozen by both the IRS and the Comptroller of the Currency.

The secret account is loaded up with STOLEN U.S. Treasury funds, along with interest accruals from the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols.
Paulson and Geithner

Again, we want to repeat, that the Protocol funds were illegally converted and laundered when former BushFRAUD Treasury Secretary Henry 'Hank' Paulson and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York headed at the time by none other than Timothy Geithner, ordered Bank of America of Charlotte, North Carolina to launder Protocol funds to the call account at New York brokerage firm Goldman Sachs.

Reference: Former year 2000 illegal White House occupant George W. Bush and his father, George Herbert Walker Bush, daddy Bush's wife, Barbara known as "the bookkeeper", along with Bill and Hillary Clinton, current Republican nominee Mitt Romney, former year 2000 Democratic nominee and George W. BushFRAUD's third cousin, Skull and Bonesman, John Kerry Cohen, and current Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, have access to this crooked account that has STOLEN U.S. Taxpayers' money.

Note: Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel's power of attorney is a proxy for current alleged U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama-Soetoro

P.P.S. At this hour, U.S. Treasury Secretary and check kiter Timothy Geithner is refusing to return phone calls from IMF President Christine Lagarde (the subject is the immediate implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols in the United States).

The Protocols are already being implemented in Europe by the IMF.

P.P.P.S. When the Supreme Court convenes Monday, October 1st, the first case on their agenda is the failure of the current and past U.S. administration to execute a clear inward remittance aka the final implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols that will return $1.5 TRILLION back to the U.S. Treasury and balance the U.S. budget deficit within 60 days.

Notice to U.S. Treasury Secretary and check kiter Timothy Geithner:

Sources close to U.S. Supreme Court Justice John Roberts are telling us that Roberts may hold you, Timmy boy, in contempt of court.

So, Timmy boy, turn ON your cell phone and quit co-mingling Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol funds.

This message also goes out to U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Bernard Bernanke.

You will not co-mingle Protocol funds either because the U.S. Supreme Court and the U.S. military are now watching you.

In closing, it should be noted that the only real effect QE3 so far has been the Federal Reserve's ability to co-mingle and launder U.S. Treasury/U.S. Taxpayers' funds ($24 million) to Bank of America so that Bank of America can pay a fine.

Question: They are too big to fail?

Former First Lady Nancy Reagan

Finally, a special thanks to former U.S. First Lady Nancy Reagan who signed an Affidavit on behalf of her late husband President Ronald Reagan that will be in front of the U.S. Supreme Court this week reference the final implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols.
American Patriot Ambassador Leo Wanta, French President Francois Mitterrand and
American President Ronald Reagan


CFTC would not CAUSE the crash but rather be in position to try and restart the markets after the crash

    Hello All:
                      Thought you might want to hear what BIX has to say.
                                   God Bless  Love to all Smile Red rose Red heart  

Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2012 10:20:38 -0400
Subject: No - The Bad Guys Will Not Just Roll Over And Die!

Everybody and their mother has sent me the Federal Judge decision throwing out the Position Limit Rule. Here it is...
My didn't think the Bad Guys were just going to roll over and die did you?!
I have always held that the CFTC would not CAUSE the crash but rather be in position to try and restart the markets after the crash. This has been my take for the past 4 years and this ruling is further confirmation that this is the case.
So should you be discouraged? NO! As a matter of fact - it is VERY significant that the Position Limits Rule will be further delayed at this time because it won't be blamed for the market chaos that is right around the corner. One computer program triggered raid by the Good Guys or the Bad Guys and everything resembling "computer wealth" is destroyed. Today's computer generated "money" is the absolute WORST form of money in the history of the world! Imagine...people think their electronic bank balances are VALUABLE when their bank is insolvent! This is worse than those who believed that  tulips were the best store of value in the Tulip Bubble! 
Expect MASSIVE volatility in the markets (especially silver!) during October. The take down is directly in front of us so be safe. Keep your metal OUT of their system.  No ETF's, no 3rd party storage, no safe deposit boxes - none of it. Count your wealth in OUNCES and not US Dollars.
Metal in your pocket will be the best, if not only, monetary asset that will survive the crash.
May the Road you choose be the Right Road.
Bix Weir