Monday, October 1, 2012

INTEL_Protocol Endgame Now in Sight_circa 2012

Subj: FEEL FREE TO POST: INTEL_Protocol Endgame Now in Sight_circa 2012

To support Ambassador Lee Emil Wanta position as stated by Tom Henegan, I will now supply the account numbers which were sent to me and I in turn faxed on to Tom Flocco for posting on the internet.

1987 through 89 I was asked by Col. Russell Herrmann-Herrman-HERMAN if I would use the 13,520 Acre Maricopa and Ypaia County Arizona Gold Properties 'assays' (35 TRILLION DOLLARS) to underwrite certain accounts held at Republic National Bank, New York, NY, held in the CI-Ltd Contras Account holding per Col. Herman $17 TRILLION DOLLARS GOLD BULLION which Col. Herrmann-Herrman-HERMAN stated had suffered identity theft and a parallel account set up which would jeopardize many leaders and those leaders Nations.

Ambassador Lee Emil Wanta was gracious enough to forward those accounts via USPostal Service, which I in turn faxed to Tom Flocco on 04/02/006 to go public. We have called these the CIGA (GIGA) ACCOUNTS in the industry...Treasury Numbers and Year of those Treasury Numbers identify the individuals involved such as 89010, 89011, 890805, 890815, 890807, 890808 (89 indicates year) which makes it easier for these 'youngsters' playing COPS 'n ROBBERS these days. You may view a portion of the information at

Note: Everyone has wondered where the Savings and Loan Money's will find Neil Bush's Silverado Savings and Loan account listed also.

Fitzgerald probe: Sen. Clinton withdrew stolen funds from Grenada bank
4.13.0 [Fitzgerald resigned. Probe remains incomplete]

V.K. Durham, CEO
Durham (Intl. Ltd;) Holding Trust, Tias 12087

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, September 30, 2012 9:13 PM
Subject: INTEL_Protocol Endgame Now in Sight_circa 2012

Sunday September 30, 2012

Protocol Endgame Now in Sight

by Tom Heneghan
International Intelligence Expert
Mariano Rajoy, Prime Minister of Spain

source source

UNITED States of America - We can now update yesterday's intelligence briefing by, once again, confirming that the Spanish treasury is now in possession of $100 BILLION euros of Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol funds transferred to Spain by the IMF (International Monetary Fund).

Spain's game plan is to keep the now irrelevant ECB (European Central Bank) in a box until the first of the year, and then launch a two-prong pincer operation.

1. Launch a sustained litigation at the International Court at the Hague against Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, Citibank, Bank of America, along with Barclays Bank of the United Kingdom.

These banks sold bogus mortgage-backed securities to Spanish banks from 2003 to 2007 that effectively looted the Spanish treasury.

Note: This was all being done while the LIBOR rate was effectively being manipulated by these aforementioned banks and others.

2. Spain will then issue a notice of default to the European Commission on January 1, 2013 and effectively write off the debt, which was run up by these aforementioned banks in their mortgage-backed securities ponzi scheme.

Reference: Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy has already informed ECB President Mario Draghi that he will not allow the co-mingling of Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol funds in some back door bank bail out.

Greece, Portugal and Italy are following the same game plan, which is immediate Protocol implementation (with eyes over Vienna and Paris) and establish fully collateralized IMF draw down accounts.

Item: This is Iceland all over again on a larger scale.

P.S. We can now divulge that IRS officials, working hand-in-hand with the U.S. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, have blocked former White House occupant George W. Bush from making an electronic check transfer to a secret JPMorgan Chase proprietary account in the Cayman Islands.

This account has now been frozen by both the IRS and the Comptroller of the Currency.

The secret account is loaded up with STOLEN U.S. Treasury funds, along with interest accruals from the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols.
Paulson and Geithner

Again, we want to repeat, that the Protocol funds were illegally converted and laundered when former Bush Treasury Secretary Henry 'Hank' Paulson and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York headed at the time by none other than Timothy Geithner, ordered Bank of America of Charlotte, North Carolina to launder Protocol funds to the call account at New York brokerage firm Goldman Sachs.

Reference: Former White House occupant George W. Bush and his father, George Herbert Walker Bush, Bush's wife, Barbara known as "the bookkeeper", along with Bill and Hillary Clinton, current Republican nominee Mitt Romney, former Democratic nominee and George W. Bush, third cousin, Skull and Bonesman, John Kerry Cohen, and current Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, have access to this account that has STOLEN U.S. Taxpayers' money.

Note: Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel's power of attorney is a proxy for current U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama-Soetoro

P.P.S. At this hour, U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is refusing to return phone calls from IMF President Christine Lagarde (the subject is the immediate implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols in the United States).

The Protocols are already being implemented in Europe by the IMF.

P.P.P.S. When the Supreme Court convenes Monday, October 1st, the first case on their agenda is the failure of the current and past U.S. administration to execute a clear inward remittance aka the final implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols that will return $1.5 TRILLION back to the U.S. Treasury and balance the U.S. budget deficit within 60 days.

Notice to U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner:

Sources close to U.S. Supreme Court Justice John Roberts are telling us that Roberts may hold you, in contempt of court.

So turn ON your cell phone and quit co-mingling Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol funds.

This message also goes out to U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Bernard Bernanke.

You will not co-mingle Protocol funds either because the U.S. Supreme Court and the U.S. military are now watching you.

In closing, it should be noted that the only real effect QE3 so far has been the Federal Reserve's ability to co-mingle and launder U.S. Treasury/U.S. Taxpayers' funds ($24 million) to Bank of America so that Bank of America can pay a fine.

Question: They are too big to fail?

Former First Lady Nancy Reagan

Finally, a special thanks to former U.S. First Lady Nancy Reagan who signed an Affidavit on behalf of her late husband President Ronald Reagan that will be in front of the U.S. Supreme Court this week reference the final implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols.
American Patriot Ambassador Leo Wanta,
French President Francois Mitterrand and
American President Ronald Reagan


The Untold Story of the "Star of David"

The Untold Story of the "Star of David" 

Who has not seen the famous Star of David or Magen David as Jews themselves call it?

I did a bit of research and came to a surprising conclusion: it is in fact a very recent symbol. Before that, the symbol of Judaism was the seven-branched Menorah. To this very day, many Jews, still, regard the menorah as their true symbol.

The Jewish
Student Research Center states: "The Magen David (shield of David, or as it is more commonly known, the Star of David) is the symbol most commonly associated with Judaism today, but it is actually a relatively new Jewish symbol. It is supposed to represent the shape of King David's shield (or perhaps the emblem on it), but there is really no support for that claim in any early rabbinic literature. In fact, the symbol is so rare, in early Jewish literature and artwork, that art dealers suspect forgery if they find the symbol in early works."

But where does the six pointed star (known as a hexagram) come from?

Some of you may know that the six pointed star (hexagram) is one of the most important symbols in occultism, especially so-
called black magic and contacting evil spirits. We don't know when it exactly became a commonly used symbol in occultism; what we do know is that this began far prior to King David even being born. Besides hundreds of books on occultism, many words still refer to the initial occultist use of the six pointed star or hexagram. In Danish, a witch is called a hekse; in German, a witch is called a Hexe; in Dutch, a witch is called a heks; even in English, we still speak of putting a hex on somebody.

This is all linked to the hexagram/six pointed star, the most powerful symbol in witchcraft and black magic.

The hexagram was brought to the Jewish people by Solomon when he turned to witchcraft, satanism and idolatry, late in his life. David had absolutely nothing to do with the hexagram and that star most certainly did not, in any way, represent Gods' people. Solomon gave himself up to satanic worship and built altars to Aashtroeth and Moloch (Saturn).
The hexagram was never a Jewish symbol. Then, in the 1800’s, in Germany, it was adopted by Mayer Rothschild to mark his house. The six pointed star was used as the Rothchild coat of arms. It is difficult to pin down the date at which the six pointed hexagram star became known as the so-called Star of David. In fact the earliest Jewish application of the symbol outside the Rothschild banking and financial empire is 1873. That was the year that the Magen David was adopted as a Jewish device by the American Jewish Publication Society. It is not even mentioned in the rabbinic literature searches. Other than that fact, no one seems to know when or how the Occult or Satanic star, became the Star of David.

The financial guru Meyer Amschel Bauer (who later renamed himself as "Rothschild" which means red shield) was widely known as an occultist and satanist. A house guest wrote in his memoirs that the Rothschild family dinner table always had an extra plate for the other god: Satan. The Rothschild banking family is now without doubt the most powerful family in the world.

That's right; the symbol on the Holy lands' flag is the most important symbol in satanism and occultism and this is not coincidence. It has to do with its founders: The occultist, Rothschild family.

The most important document in Israel's history is the so-called Balfour Declaration in which the British government approves the establishment of the Jewish State.

Below is a copy of the Balfour Declaration. Who is it addressed to? It's addressed to Lord Rothschild. The powerful Rothschild family has
remained occultist and has always had strong ties with the Freemasons, whose goal (and they're very open about it) has always been to rebuild the temple of Solomon, the occult temple of Solomon that is.

Balfour Declaration Written to Rothschild he “Star of David” is Pagan
The “Star of David” is Pagan

Synagogue of Satan


And of course we have many other KGB operatives spreading their propaganda and outright LIES, as well as creating their subversive, treasonous messes.  To add insult to injury, many of them are doing it on your dime and mine.  It is not by "accident" the MSM does not report the important news.  It is not by accident that after all the court cases Orly Taitz has filed in regard to the man who sits in the White House, not one has been thoroughly reported by the MSM.  Strange...especially since they are in the news business.


Posted by TCA STAFF On June - 30 - 2011
Moscow, Russia – A Russian government official bragged that Barack Obama was a KGB operative and that his presidency had been planned since birth, an American physicist and government contractor reports.
Tom Fife, an American computer networking specialist and international businessman, reported the alarming facts about the Kremlin’s connection to Barack Obama. The boast from a Communist Party official reportedly occurred during a business trip to Russia, 16 years before Barack Obama was ushered into the presidency of the United States.
“It was like an elastic band snapping all the way from 1992,” Fife shakily admitted, upon recall of the exact moment he realized the Communist official had been telling the truth. “It was a very, very scary feeling.”
Fife, a physicist and computer engineer, had been traveling to Russia for a joint venture with a state-owned company when the shocking revelation was revealed to him. After several business meetings, Fife and his partner were invited to the company owner’s home at the end of the journey for a farewell dinner.

The owner’s wife was a Communist Party official and was “climbing two ladders”, as Fife puts it, one ladder being the KGB and the other being the traditional Russian society and business ladder. As the evening wore on, the female Communist official became increasingly agitated over a perceived slight and her emotions spilled over.
“You Americans like to think you’re so perfect!” she snarled. “Well, what if I told you that very, very soon you’re going to have a black president… and he’s going to be a Communist!”
The KGB operative was not finished. As she had now dropped this bombshell on the entire gathering, she felt compelled to continue.
“His name is Barack,” she sneered. “His mother is white and his father is an African black. He has gone to the best schools, he is what you would call ‘Ivy League’.”
Fife recalls being stunned and shocked at the words flowing from the Communist’s mouth as she continued to rattle off an incredibly precise set of details about this Communist operative who was to supposedly become president of the United States.

The Communist official then stated that he was from Hawaii, but would very soon be elected to the Chicago state legislature. This has turned out to be an eerily prescient prediction, as Barack Obama was not elected State Senator until 1996, a full 4 years afterwards, as he took Alice Palmer’s seat.
In 1992, Obama had recently graduated from Harvard Law School and accepted a position as a Fellow at the University of Chicago Law School.
Perhaps the most shocking revelation is how deep the Soviet Communist network has embedded itself into American political and educational culture. A quick review of Obama’s political “career” shows a track that wasinexplicably greased, from his tuition payments at Columbia and Harvard, to a position at UOC Law School, to his eventual electoral “victories” at the Illinois State Senate, United States Senate, and U.S. Presidency.
Barack Obama’s parents ostensibly met in a Russian language class. This could have been where his mother was recruited by Barack Obama Sr, who could have already been working undercover for the KGB.
In order to brainwash the child from an early age, they surrounded him with diehard Communists and fellow KGB agents, such as Frank Marshall Davis, a known Communist Party USA official. The Soviet KGB directly funded the CPUSA. This would fit directly into what the Russian Communist said about ‘Barack’, boasting “He has been raised to be an atheist and a communist.”
“He will be a blessing for world communism,” Fife recalled her saying, after getting over the initial shock of hearing the current president was a KGB agent.
The creepy prediction stayed with the physicist upon his return to the United States, although he paid it no mind until he began to hear of an swiftly rising political star named Barack Obama. When Fife learned that this same Barack was running in the 2008 presidential election, everything snapped into place and he knew he had to tell someone.
Today, Fife admits that it deeply disturbs him and that he has never been able to shake the ominous feeling of foreboding about what comes next, now that the KGB official’s prediction

Ex-TSA agent: We steal from travelers all the time

RT: Ex-TSA agent: We steal from travelers all the time

Posted on by Jean
Published: 01 October, 2012, 03:23

A Transportation Security Administration (TSA) security agent takes a traveler’s luggage for a second security check at John F. Kennedy Airport in New York.(Reuters / Andrew Burton)
A TSA agent convicted of stealing more than $800,000 worth of goods from travelers said this type of theft is “commonplace” among airport security. Almost 400 TSA officers have been fired for stealing from passengers since 2003.
Pythias Brown, a former Transportation Security Administration officer at Newark Liberty International Airport, spent four years stealing everything he could from luggage and security checkpoints, including clothing, laptops, cameras, Nintendo Wiis, video games and cash.
Speaking publicly for the first time after being released after three years in prison, Brown told ABC News that he used the X-ray scanners to locate the most valuable items to snatch.
“I could tell whether it was cameras or laptops or portable cameras or whatever kind of electronic was in the bag,” he said.
Brown often worked alone, screening luggage behind the ticket counters. He was frequently told the overhead surveillance cameras, installed to prevent theft, were not working.
“It was so easy,” he said. “I walked right out of the checkpoint with a Nintendo Wii in my hand. Nobody said a word.”
With more electronics than any one individual could need, Brown began to sell the stolen items on eBay. At the time of his arrest, he was selling 80 cameras, video games and computers online. Brown said the theft was comparable to an addiction.
“It was like being on drugs,” he said. “I was like, ‘What am I doing?’ but the next day I was right back at it.”
Brown was finally caught after selling a camera he stole from the luggage of a CNN producer. When he sold the camera on eBay, he forgot to remove the news networks’ logo stickers.
“I got complacent,” he said.

TSA’s culture of theft

But while Brown believes he might have been one of the worst thieves at the TSA, he imagines the agency’s culture makes it easy for others to do the same. Many officers don’t care about their work and complain about low pay and being treated badly, he claims, which prompts them to steal. To make it even easier to get away with, TSA managers also never search their employees’ bags.
The agency says it has a zero-tolerance policy for theft and terminates the contracts of all thieves within the TSA. In the past ten years, almost 400 TSA officers have been fired for stealing, 11 of which were fired this year.
ABC’s interview with Brown highlights the extent of the dilemma passengers face when traveling with valuables. Brown is just one of many officers caught in the act of stealing goods worth thousands.
In February, 2011, two TSA officers were arrested for stealing $40,000 in cash from a checked bag in New York’s John F. Kennedy Airport. Using an X-ray machine, the men found that the bag contained $170,000 and removed some of the money.
In the first two months of this year, a TSA baggage screener in Orlando was arrested for stealing valuables by hiding them in a laptop-sized hidden pocket in his jacket and selling the goods on Craigslist. And, a New Jersey-based agent stole $5,000 in cash from a passenger’s jacket as he was going through security
While in April, a Texas-based TSA officer stole eight iPads from checked bags, while another officer stole a $15,000 watch from a passenger at the Los Angeles International Airport in May.
“It was very commonplace, very,” Brown said, describing the frequency of theft within the TSA.
“TSA is probably the worst personnel manager that we have in the entire federal government,” said Rep. John Mica, chairman of the House Transportation Committee. “It is an outrage to the public and, actually, to our aviation security system.”
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Assange and Arab Spring: More Deceit than “Openness”

Press TV: Exclusive: Assange-Mossad ties unveiled – Okay, what will you do with this story – and why? ~J

Posted on by Jean

Assange and Arab Spring:  More Deceit than “Openness”

By Gordon Duff and Press TV
September 30, 2012
Source: Veterans Today

The aftermath of the last world altering months may mean life or death, war or peace for millions, perhaps the entire world.  Real conflict in Syria, the attempts by others to expand regional conflicts, tribal feuds and ethnic rivalries into war of aggression is becoming openly recognized, perhaps for the first time in history.
Since the days of Machiavelli, war through deception has been the rule but the information age has made deception a more powerful tool than ever imagined.
Perhaps it is time the tables were turned and the “deceivers” were to receive some of the recognition they have, for so long, been denied.
Today’s story will involve Julian Assange, Wikileaks, Israel, the Mossad.  Along with Netanyahu, Assange has tried to insert his way into the American election on the side of a losing candidate whose platform is simply war with Iran.  Some explanation is needed.
His recent statement, theoretically to the United Nations, one attacking President Obama, always sparing any mention of Israel or the rights of the Palestinian people, are cheap showmanship, utter lies and a form of “holocaust flag waving” he learned from Netanyahu.
No move has ever been made against Wikileaks by the United States, they and their allies in the paid press and Israeli lobby and intelligence services have had free reign while the kingly live of Julian Assange sheds crocodile tears over the imprisonment of Bradley Manning whose relationship with Wikileaks has become increasingly remote.
I know heroes, I work with them daily, Veterans Today has many on its staff who have sacrificed their futures, their safety and several, their lives, putting out hard truths that aren’t filtered by the rich and powerful.  A dozen lifetimes of training in counter-espionage, psychological warfare and “cover operations” has left our staff more than able to tell a “pig” from a “chicken.”
Our most recent episode and the concurrent orchestrated reactions, the things no news agency would see or touch is where we begin.
Nothing at the UN General Assembly meeting or anything else that went on in New York happened the way some wanted.  A critical issue is the US election.  It shouldn’t be but it is.
Currently, Iran and the United States are going through a period of, what many of us hope, will lead to more dialog and even reconciliation.
Few Americans are aware of the CIA’s role in the 1953 overthrow of Iran’s government or the brutality of the Shah.  However, many Americans remember decades of working with the Iranian people, their friends there and how, one day in 1979, all of that changed.
There were Americans in Iran supporting the government’s oppression of the people, part of what was considered a policy justified by the “Cold War” against the Soviet Union.  America had forced dozens, many dozens of dictatorships on the people of the world to “oppose communism.”  Some of those governments survive to this day, some in the Middle East.
This week, from his balcony at the Ecuadorian embassy, Assange unleashed his program, carefully coordinated with the world’s druglords, his “bankster” friends and, closest of all, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, his strongest supporter, one to interfere in the American election on behalf of Mitt Romney.
We got to know Assange initially with his video of a US helicopter killing civilians in Iraq.  The problem is, of course, Assange supported the war in Iraq, supported a US attack on Iran for Iraq, supported war with Pakistan, supports US interference in Syria and, where he stands apart from most well informed people of the world, is a lead figure in suppressing an investigation of 9/11.
Yet no media outlet ever asked why someone whose official beliefs support war on Islam for Israel would build a cult of personal fame directing world attention to US actions when those actions are commonly known to have been proof of American submission to pressure from the AIPAC lobby that totally controlled the Bush administration.
The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were Israel’s wars, words never to pass Julian Assange’s lips.
Assange is a pure Islamophobe.
Assange, an intelligence asset of Israel, as Zbigniew Brzezinski pointed out on December 2, 2010 on National Public Radio in an interview with Judy Woodruff, one tasked with supplying a platform for Israeli intelligence to insert carefully crafted “pointed intelligence” wrapped in “Wikileaks.”
The whole thing is not just a con.
When, back in early 2011, it was exposed to the world that all Wikileaks were filtered through Israel and then the “pop culture” mainstream media before release, meaning there is no more censored source of information than Wikileaks, he fell from grace.
When the Mossad’s Assange hogs the controlled news, the same way the CIA’s Terry Jones hogs the news with his blasphemies against the Prophet, it is a clear demonstration of how rogue intelligence agencies, how rogue states, no matter how small, how morally decrepit, are able to control the public agenda through orchestration of the media and manufactured drama.
Assange, living as a princeling for years, obsesses on his life of imaginary victimization.  Not one document has ever been filed in the United States asking a question of Assange much less accusing him of a crime or attempting extradition.
In fact, he is totally free to travel unmolested in America at will, or would be except for the risk of extradition to Sweden.  In fact, he is totally free to seek political asylum in the United States if capable of making a prima fascia case for political persecution.
Assange has many friends in America, the entire Israel lobby, billionaire “banksters” wait to fete him, Fox News has a standing offer to let him openly broadcast on government approved public airways all day every day.
This is his persecution.
As Jones is tasked with making America appear to be a nation at war with Islam, something that ended with the election of President Obama, Julian Assange is tasked with selling Iran as a threatening nuclear power.
Assange, Murdoch and Netanyahu are as “of the same mother,” perhaps one not of human origin however.
We could go “technical.”
Last week, both President Obama and Prime Minister Netanyahu acknowledged receipt of a letter from IAEA Lead Consultant and the world’s top nuclear weapons expert, Clinton Bastin who plainly stated that no process exists for turning uranium hexafluoride gas into a metal in order to build nuclear weapons.
This letter was leaked by Jim Dean with Press TV.  Such information, exposing world threatening international corruption is considered “untouchable “by Wikileaks.  After all, it exposes Netanyahu as a liar.
America can’t do it, Iran can’t do it but a rogue IAEA “related”  group whose spokesman, Israeli David Albright hogs the press like Terry Jones and Julian Assange, peddles junk science straight into the New York Times, the same channel Assange used to sell his message supporting war on Islam.
For those who never noticed, Julian Assange is the darling of Europe’s ultra-nationalists and “anti-immigration” crowd, seemingly a genetic twin to Andrew Breveik, the Norwegian mass murderer who killed 77 children of party members who supported the Israeli boycott.
We started a fire?  Who is “we?”  We are the freedom loving people of the world, representing the Non-Aligned Movement, Americans willing to retrench the old “policeman of the world” foreign policy and those who politically stand on the front lines, groups like “Occupy,” that stand up for the “99%” or the “47%” as Romney told his audience of guests largely from Israel during his secretly recorded private dinner back in May.
Few look behind the politics to the actual agenda of the New World Order, the “Malthusians” who believe that there are simply what they call too many “useless eaters.”
What is a “useless eater?”
It is you and me.
It is our children.
What is “their plan” for useless eater, the invisible faces behind Romney and Netanyahu, behind Koch and Adelson, behind Terry Jones and Julian Assange?
Their goal is a decline in world population, overtly through manipulation of food supplies, fuel prices, currency collapses and orchestrated war.
Their real agenda goes much further, well into the conspiracies we see on the internet and beyond, manipulated weather, genetically modified foods, billions spent on bio-chemical warfare in the US, Israel, Britain, Russia and elsewhere that is totally unregulated and never explained.
No one is touching these questions, real conspiracies, all tied to well established policies of those secret societies whose agenda has long been public, the need to end population growth or drastically lower its levels, the desire to control all human information and a willingness to suppress technologies, manipulate wars and destroy economies to bring about a world no one admits to wanting but that so many “respected” national leaders are more than comfortable with.
Do we at least respect Netanyahu and Mitt Romney because they are overtly among the despised and hateful, willing to stand, at least partially unmasked as the representatives of the unseen cabal where human life is worthless, where a well fed and educated child with a certain future is very much “the enemy?”
President Ahmadinejad has suggested that the NAM (Non-Aligned Movement) may well be the real United Nations.  No western leader will acknowledge the key issue, that five nations, leftovers of feudal nation states or newfound economic neocolonialists, warring over the world’s resources, represent national interests that can only exist if dialog is stifled, if dissent is crushed, if human aspirations are denied.
It was no accident that the current financial collapse in the West was engineered to leave no option but war, increased oligarchical rule, and descent into brutalization and totalitarianism in order to feed what is perceived as the “too big to fail” economic model that has bred generations of poverty.
That poverty is now engulfing even the United States where fully 25% of Americans suffer malnutrition and where 85% know real poverty at some time during their lives.  Nearly half of the citizens of what had been the greatest economy in the world live “one paycheck” from disaster.
As long as our attention is “bought” so cheaply, like the blood of the innocents, bought by the braying of narcissistic asses, the gifts of the ruling elites to us, the useless eaters, the underlings, those not yet chosen for slaughter, those of us yet to be fully bled, we empower our predators.
They lead us to feed on our own and we offer them only thanks.
The views expressed herein are the views of the author exclusively and not necessarily the views of VT or any other VT authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors or partners. Legal Notice

US Family Massacred After Begging Russia For Help

October 1, 2012
US Family Massacred After Begging Russia For Help
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A shocking new Federal Security Service (FSB) report circulating in the Kremlin today alleges that an entire American family that sought Russian protection from the Obama regime was massacred by US intelligence agents within hours of their planned escape from the United States.
According to this report, on 22 September a woman who indentified herself as Kathleen Peterson visited the Russian Centre for Science and Culture in Washington D.C.under the pretense of signing up to take a course titled Russian Language Express Course A-1 for beginners set to begin on 26 September whereupon she approached director Yuriy Zaytsev and “slipped into his hand,” while shaking it, an encrypted computer thumb drive covered in a small note that said “please help us we’re in danger.”
Following “standard protocols” for such instances, when Russian officials are approached on American soil by US citizens, this report continues, the note and thumb drive in question were “processed” according to “established procedures” and revealed the plans of Mrs. Peterson, her husband Albert [both pictured 2nd photo left], and their two children, Mathew and Christopher, to leave Washington D.C. on 23 September on a flight to Paris where it was requested they be met by Russian security personal as this family feared their lives were in danger.
Within 24 hours of Mrs. Peterson passing her information to Russian officials, this report says, she, her husband and two children were violently gunned down in their Fairfax County Virginia home on 23 September with this massacre being blamed by US police officials on a murder-suicide plot initiated by her husband, Albert, with at least one Western news source, quoting a source indentified only as “Maggie L.”, stating this tragedy was due to his, Albert’s, fears over Obama being reelected as US President.
According to US news sources, Albert Peterson was a longtime employee of the US defense giant Northrop Grumman until he resigned in 2009, and Kathleen Peterson was employed by the US defense contracting firm Blackbird Technologies located in HerndonVirginia.
This FSB report, however, says that the likelihood of two highly placed US defense contractors holding America’s most top secret security clearances, such as Kathleen and Albert Peterson did, makes the report of their deaths being a murder-suicide “highly implausible” as only the most sound of mind persons are able to obtain such classified ratings.
This FSB report further states that the “most likely” reason for this families massacre was information possessed by Mrs. Peterson from her working with Blackbird Technologies, which Russian intelligence sources in this report name as one of the most feared and secretive organizations in the United States charged with establishing a total police state upon the American people.
Blackbird Technologies is a technology solutions provider that says their mission is to solve challenging problems for customers in the US Defense, Intelligence, and Law Enforcement Communities. They further state that their technical expertise, innovation, and operational experience meets their customers' unique and complex challenges and lists as one of their core competencies: “tagging, tracking, and locating expertise, including experience with technical systems that provide a clear picture of operational assets and targets.”
Russian intelligence sources in this report, however, state that Blackbird Technologies real mission is to produce and keep constantly updated what is called the “Obama Kill List” that was described by the Washington Post News Service as an “assertion of a presidential prerogative that the administration can target for death people it decides are terrorists — even American citizens — anywhere in the world, at any time, on secret evidence with no review.”
Virtually unknown to the American people about Obama’s Kill List was his expansion of it with his midnight 31 December 2011 signing of a new law called the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 (NDAA) which allows the American President to not only kill anyone he wants to without trial or charges, but, also, inSection 1021, allows the US Military to detain indefinitely without trial anyone, including US civilians, it chooses to.
Though not reported by the US mainstream media, at a recent conference on the NDAA law by some of America’s most prominent freedom advocates, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Chris Hedges, said he believed that there are already America citizens held in military detention by the US at home and abroad.
This FSB report further notes Blackbird Technologies “tracking and tagging” of those US citizens destined to be placed in America’s most feared prisons calledCommunication Management Units, or CMU’s. These secretive political prisons for “domestic terrorists” radically restricts prisoner communications with the outside world to levels that rival, or exceed, the most restrictive facilities in the country, including the dreaded “Supermax”, and any other such prison operating in the Western world.
To the exact reason the Peterson family was targeted for elimination by the US may, in fact, never be known, but should send a chill down any Americans spine as yet another example of the fate one faces should they dare to challenge the regime ruling over them.
October 1, 2012 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed underCC-BY and GFDL.
[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth.  Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?.]

Benjamin Fulford Blurb: United States of America Corporation Looting Individual Bank Accounts to Postpone Bankruptcy

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Benjamin Fulford Blurb: United States of America Corporation Looting Individual Bank Accounts to Postpone Bankruptcy
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 1-Oct-2012 11:08:32

Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis

The United States of America Corporation, a subsidiary of the bloodline family owned Federal Reserve Board, has resorted to stealing private funds, and blaming it on “Iranian cyber-attacks,” in order to stave off bankruptcy, according to CIA and other sources. This desperate stalling maneuver comes as the members of the old pentagram of power, David Rockefeller, George Bush Senior, Queen Elizabeth, Evelyn de Rothschild and the Pope all argue amongst each other over what to do next.
The overall picture is that the Queen and the Pope are funneling money to Obama and pushing for his re-election, while the Rockefellers and Bushes are looking towards Asia, according to both CIA and Vatican sources. This leaves the Rothschild’s out on a limb and isolated. Their plan to start war and mayhem in the Middle-East, prior to doubling oil prices, is now starting to look like a really bad, if not fatal, chess move.
Word has also now come back from the Vatican archives about the fate of the Menorahs taken from the Temple of Solomon by troops of the Roman Emperor Titus. According to a senior Vatican archivist,

Swimming through the quicksand: Casper, Keenan, Whistleblower, Drake

The smoke and lies are ridiculously thick right now.  In the past month the Cabal has heightened their fear porn to unbelievable levels, and the disinfo agents are working overtime to muddy the waters till it's like swimming through quicksand.

I happen to like this article from Rumour Mill News because Xavier makes some very good points in here- points that echo a theory that has been bubbling in my own brain.  Some of these people are not who they portrait themselves to be.

Over the past two weeks I have had some serious insight into the background of some of the actors in this play, and some of them - ones whom many here have supported and applauded and defended from all comers- are not as pristine nor "white knightly" as they would have us believe.  And some are downright wrong, in every way.  At this moment I'm not at liberty to talk about this in any detail, but suffice to say: Keep your bullshitometers finely tuned and read everything with discernment.

For anyone who missed the first few chapters of this soap opera, a friend helped me compile the list of links below.


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Posted By: food4thought [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 1-Oct-2012 08:45:31


Voices Without A Vote

The teenagers who speak in this video belong to These young people realize that if they don't stand up and speak out for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness today, they will be living in a very different America tomorrow.

Salusa 9-30 Highlights: "Every Soul Has Come to Earth From Another Civilization & You Are as Much ETs as Any Others"

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Salusa 9-30 Highlights: "Every Soul Has Come to Earth From Another Civilization & You Are as Much ETs as Any Others"
Posted By: MESETA [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 1-Oct-2012 07:19:20

Found at Kauilapele's blog:
During that period [September] you have as Lightworkers done so much to lift the levels of consciousness, and a grand awakening is taking place.
You have not seen extensive arrests take place as expected, but nevertheless all the changes previously spoken about are proceeding.
The outer happenings are not essential to your progress, but present to you an opportunity to understand what the future holds for you.
What is important [for Ascension] is how you are inside and whether you have been able to look outwards and accept that you are All One. That will go a long way forward to helping you create a higher consciousness level.
You do of course have to make friends with your ego, that will still try to maintain the “old you”… That is where your big changes occur as you are lifting out of the lower vibrations, and all that is part of it.
Through the Law of Attraction you will naturally find yourselves gravitating towards souls of a similar vibration.
Bear in mind that every soul has come to Earth from another
civilization, and you are as much extraterrestrials as any others.
…press on with your upliftment and do not be deterred by what is happening outside of you… Do not waste your energy worrying about other matters…
Soon progress will speed up immensely as new devices are making there [their] way into the public domain, and will be even quicker once we arrive on your Earth.
…we are still very much pushing for a result from the work our allies have put in to get the dark Ones out of the way.
The answer to it is to send you Love and Light wherever the threat exists, and in particular to the leaders that are directly involved.
Be positive and do your share to help uplift the Earth and all life upon it.
Not least of all are the animals, many of whom are your pets or have been domesticated to serve your needs.
Positive Thoughts, Affirmations Shown to Boost Overall Health in New Research!!!

~ Request for The Freedom Of Humanity~ Make Viral


~ Request for The Freedom Of Humanity~ Make Viral

•       Target: The Galactic Federation of Star Nations
•       Sponsored by: Cosmic Storm
06 September 2012

We, the undersigned, sovereign human inhabitants of the planet Earth,
are aware our governments have long standing contracts with
extraterrestrial entities also referred to as Reptilian aliens from
the Orion Empire.

We are aware these contracts were made in secret without the
knowledge, or consent of the HUMAN FAMILY,

And, have been the source of UNBEARABLE AND OBSCENE SUFFERING to the

And, furthermore, these contracts were designed to benefit the few to
the disadvantage of the MANY.


We, the united Human Family, declare these illegal contracts NULL and VOID


blessed be as above & below so Mote it Be,
Keatish Fletcher Yahushua BACTUN


: True story yesterday at the dealership.....


Unfortunately here in Napa there are a lot of people just like her...and then there are the rich here too...nowhere hardly in between behaving ourselves and just making it.

Subject: True Story At Local Car Dealer   
From Tom Selkis' (Latham  Ford) Facebook..

I'll try to make this as short and to the point as I can.

One of my salesmen here had a woman in his office yesterday wanting to lease a brand new Focus.

As he was reviewing her credit app with her he noticed she was on social security disability. He said to her, "You don't look like you're disabled and unable to work."

She said "Well, I'm really not, I could work if I wanted to, but I make more now then I did when I was working and got hurt. (a non-disabling injury)

She said that the gov't sends her $1500.00 a month in 1 check, she gets $700.00 a month on an EBT card (food  stamps), and $800.00 a month for rent. Oh yeah and 250 mins. free on her phone.  That is just south of $3500.00 a month.

When she was working she was taking home about $330.00 per week.

Do the math and then ask yourself why the hell should she go back to work.

If you multiply that by millions of people you start to realize the scope of the problem we face as a country. Once the socialists have 51% of the population in that same scenario we are finished.

The question is when do we cross that threshold if we haven't already.

BTW, She didn't lease a Focus here because the dealer down the road beat our deal by $10.00/month.

Glad to know she is so frugal with her (our) hard earned money."
