Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Jason Thompson, son of Senate candidate and former Wisconsin Gov. Tommy Thompson, cracked a smile yesterday when he suggested voters send Barack Obama “back to Kenya.”
Jason Thompson, the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reports, has represented his father’s campaign at various events in the former Republican governor’s contest against Rep. Tammy Baldwin, D-Wisc., for the state’s open Senate seat.
Video captured Jason Thompson speaking yesterday at a fall brunch hosted by the Republican Party of Kenosha County.
“We have the opportunity to send President Obama back to Chicago,” Thompson said in all earnestness, then added with a smile, “or Kenya.”
The joke got a smattering of applause from those in attendance, including one unidentified woman who added, “We’re taking donations for that Kenya trip!”
Not everyone was so amused, however.
The Journal-Sentinel – which reported the video was taken by “a Democratic Party operative” – called Thompson’s quip a nod to the “discredited ‘birther’ argument” perpetuated by “a fringe group of Obama critics.”
Gov. Thompson’s campaign also chimed in via email: “The governor has addressed this with his son, just like any father would do. Jason Thompson said something he should not have, and he apologizes.”
Obama, however, has frequently been tied not only to Chicago, but also to Kenya.
Obama’s wife, Michelle, in fact, called her husband as “a Kenyan” and referred to “his home country in Kenya.” Natives of the nation have also referred to Obama as “a fellow Kenyan” and a “son of the soil of this country.”
Before Obama was elected, it was fairly common to find references in the media that even referred to the former Illinois senator as born in Kenya.
The Kenyan government, as well, in 2009 commissioned a cultural museum in Kenya to “honour the birthplace of President Obama.”
Even Obama’s own literary agency billed him as “born in Kenya” as late as 2007 to promote the sale of his book, “Dreams from My Father.”
And while the White House released a purported copy of Obama’s Hawaiian birth certificate April 27, 2011, the president’s refusal to release his childhood and college records, coupled with charges that the birth certificate is a forgery, as well as Barack Obama Sr.’s status as a foreign national, have led many so-called “birthers” to continue to question Obama’s birthplace and/or eligibility under the U.S. Constitution to serve as president.

Romney’s “Bain Capital” Drug Front For Bush Cartel (Video)

Breaking: Romney’s “Bain Capital” Drug Front For Bush Cartel (Video)

Romney Candidacy Takes Major Blow as Bain Exposed as Cartel Cash Laundry

by  Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

I can’t guarantee the video you will see will save your grandchildren or bring back our freedoms. What I can guarantee is this:  Anyone who sees this will demand the immediate arrest of Mitt Romney and the entire Bush drug cartel.

[A Long Editors Note:  This material is as much a disgrace to American media as anything else, on top of the Intel community who has sat by and watched these high level criminal organizations operate with government and even Intel protection. They were warned that the deeper the shadow gov guys got their hooks in the more aggressive they would be in 'what they wanted'. But cowardice was the word.
All those that took their phony oaths chose to keep enjoying their own gravy train ride to retirement and join the multiple pension and paycheck brigade, which has turned out to be what way to many of them were serving. We are now in a much worse situation, looking down a double barreled coup in action. Bush 911 was first, now the Romney ‘cleaners’.
The Bush family went to great lengths to hide their long time shady dealings, but Romney’s sliding by on his with all of this stuff just laying out there for anyone to find who wanted to. It’s proof that investigative journalism has been co-opted. Only ‘permitted’ kind is allowed, and against ‘approved targets’ only.
We are truly showing the signs of a defeated people, a la the last days of Rome. The main difference of course is that there are no barbarian hordes coming. It’s the folks wearing the white robes and olive twine tiaras who are putting it to us. There is some resistance, and it is growing, but the door is still locked for any legal solution as law enforcement as also been compromised. So far, they refuse to prosecute ‘protected entities’. Actually their terminology for it is ‘they just can’t’.
They will not move when they fear their being taken out as a 99% certainty. And they don’t see the public lifting a finger to defend them, so the folks do not get off scott free here. If you want a champion to fight for you, you have to be able to offer them some protection, like if anything happens to them or their families there would be ‘hell to pay for it’.
The 99% certainly of retribution is a weapon that the public has not shown the gumption to pick up yet. And yes, the main line vet orgs, churches, academia, are AWOL, the ‘not my job man’ attitude ruling there.
The Vet orgs will not even take on Homeland Security for looting counter terrorism funding (the Fusion Center scandal) for patronage, and then leaving combat vets with PTSD waiting six months for an appointment due to shrink personnel shortages and funding. They won’t even discuss Israeli espionage here, period.
If everybody keeps waiting for someone else to do the tough work and get a free ride they will find themselves on a highway to hell. There are a lot of people around the world further down this road than we are. Maybe we should interview some to share what it is like for those having a hard time ‘getting it’ over here
As Mike Harris says on almost all of his radio shows, “Nobody is going to save us, folks. Either we do it, or it won’t get done.” ...Jim W. Dean]
The slide chosen from the video is a favorite.  There is a reason for that, it is appropriate.  The video deals with one aspect of Romney’s character and how he earned the trust of some very dangerous people.
I am trusted by a select group of special operations personnel because I have shown myself capable of acts I may now regret, acts done, theoretically, in defense of my country. I now question those things, were I to do less, I would be less than human.  “Less than human,” that has a ring to it.
The film is made by someone making all the right assumptions about Romney, that he would not be where is he unless he had done something to earn the trust of, well, of the absolutely worst people on earth.
It’s worse than you can even imagine
He has proven himself “one of them,” a man who has shown there is nothing he won’t do, a man who has proven he has no respect for human life, no consideration for humanity whatsoever.
He is a man in the image of Dick Cheney and Henry Kissinger, a man of the “Bush” mold, a “superior man,” one of the Nietzsche crowd that looks on us, on our children and grandchildren and sees only “useless eaters “, not even cannon fodder.
To “Mitt,” throwing us into gas chambers would be considered too much of a courtesy or bother.  If you feel I am overstating, you obviously didn’t see the film.
Recent talk has been about civil war.  I have watched Americans who stood for honor and decency murdered, imprisoned, poisoned, put in mental hospitals, destroyed economically while the nation has been systematically looted.
This is a 40 minute video. Send it to everyone you know.  Watch the whole thing.
[Editors Note: At 37:45 you will see the Romney campaign issuing a damning statement of Obama's failure to protect America overseas, only TWO minutes after Secretary Clinton gave her first press conference, and Romney's people said the entire foreign policy team concurred with the attack tactic...Jim W. Dean]
If you want to know who the enemy is, why Americans need guns and who we will have to fight, watch it. If you want the assurance that a war is coming and it is going to be against each and every decent American, you will learn the facts right here.
I don’t care if Obama was born on the moon, I don’t care if Clinton did pages three at a time.
Like many Americans involved in that “secret world,” I was called on from time to time to clean up messes, sometimes for big shots, sometimes for Bush family members, sometimes for others who made simple mistakes, murdered the wrong hooker, kidnapped and killed the wrong kid or stole a few billion dollars of the wrong person’s money.
No, none of this really happens, life is all “Duty, Honor, Country,” just like it says on West Point, the place where General Myer graduated from.
Ask me why I would take the bulldozer used by the IDF to murder Rachel Corrie, something every American should learn about, and start in Washington until we have to rebuild the whole thing.
We can walk away, my generation, the Vietnam generation, knowing we have been the worst generation in history, selling our souls, mortgaging future generations for centuries to  come.
We have done little more than this since 1980 and, just perhaps, if all of us have to lose more than we already have, even if it is our lives, we still will not have balanced the scales.
I’m not leaving America and I’m not living here with drug dealers, murderers and traitors running this country. I’m also not prepared to stay as quiet as I have been, playing along silently.
I call on every American sworn to service, police, all military, every state, municipal and federal employee, every person of decency, everyone who has lost much or taken too much while others have suffered. This has to end and end now.


International Common Law Court Of Justice


Hello. My name is Kevin Annett – Eagle Strong Voice, and I am the chief consultant for the Prosecutor's Office of the International Common Law Court of Justice.
Today is Monday, October 15, 2012, and marks the formal online convening of the five sworn judges of our Court, from Canada, the United States and Belgium. They are joined by fifty eight sworn citizen jurors from Canada, the USA, Ireland, England, Holland, Italy and Australia, who have been prepared to receive the evidence in the first of five cases in the Docket of our Court.
This first case involves the evidence that the government and churches of Canada entered into a criminal conspiracy to commit genocide and other crimes against indigenous people and their children for over a century; and that such crimes were committed by the defendants and their organizations, and continue today.
Thirty two officers of church and state have been issued Public Summonses by our Court to reply to these charges, and only one of them, John Milloy, has replied. Neither Mr. Milloy nor any of the other summoned parties have contested or denied the charges made against them, including Pope Benedict, Queen Elizabeth and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Our Prosecutor's Office has therefore filed a motion with the Court that a guilty plea be entered on behalf of all of the defendants named in our Summonses, in their absence, since they do not contest or deny the charges made against them.
The aim of our Prosecutor`s Office is to achieve a final verdict of guilty against all of the persons and organizations named in our Public Summons of September 21, which is posted online.
For the record, our Office will demand the strongest sentences against these parties, including extensive prison terms, the expropriation of their property and assets, the citizens' arrest of their accomplices and others engaged in these ongoing crimes, the occupation and seizure of catholic and protestant church property, and the legal and practical dis-establishment of the criminal church bodies named in the main indictment. These sentences will be duly enforced by our own sworn Common Law Peace Officers and regular law enforcement officers deputized by our Court.
The defendants will not buy their way out of responsibility for the deaths of children and these other crimes against humanity, as they have up until now. Nor will they and their organizations be allowed to terrorize the innocent any longer.
The volume of evidence gathered against the defendants is considerable, comprising nearly two hundred exhibits that will be presented as primary evidence by our Prosecutor`s office in the course of our argument. For this reason, it is necessary to present the evidence as a single package, and not in piecemeal form, so that the citizen jurors and the public can receive the most accurate and truthful presentation of the evidence of genocide in Canada.
Accordingly, and for the sake of the judicial and historical record, it has been decided by the Court's Panel of Judges to allow our Prosecutor's Office until Thursday, November 1 at 5 pm Greenwich Mean Time to compile all of our exhibits and evidence in a condensed, viewable form, and to commence their complete presentation to the Court at that day and hour. This presentation will be posted that same day on You Tube, google video and this site.
I am therefore authorized to announce that the Prosecutor's Office of the International Common Law Court of Justice will commence our opening argument and presentation in the first case in our Docket, The People and Kevin Annett v. the officers of the government of Canada, the crown of England, the Vatican and other church corporations, on Thursday, November 1, 2012 at 9 am pacific time, 12 noon central, and 5 pm Greenwich mean time.
The duly sworn citizen jurors will hold themselves ready to convene on that day and hour. And you, the public, are invited to join us that day and view the online evidence in this historic court of justice.
Thank you

The Revolution has started and here is the history

Subject: The Revolution has started and here is the history

Five Episodes:
Start with No. 1 URL at the bottom and work through each in order:

Show of Support Request - REVISED DATES

Show of Support Request - REVISED DATES

Rodney Rouzan and Melvin Anthony Need Your Support

As you know from the calls, Rodney Rouzan and Melvin Anthony both have court this week.  They need you to come and support them.

Melvin's Court Information

Melvin Anthony is in the middle of a misdemeanor charge whereby he has never authorized the court to proceed. Over and over this kangaroo court is showing their felonious methods. Witness will be providing affidavits as to the felony violations of their oath of offices. Melvin has an active title 42 lawsuit and has gone through 4 judges. It is the most exciting court appearance that we have ever seen.

Location: Harbor Justice Court
Address: 4601 Jamboree Road, Newport Beach, CA
Date: October 17 - Wednesday (REVISED)
Time: 9:00 am

Rodney's Court Information

Rodney Rouzan is in the middle of his Civil Service Appeal for his termination from LAXPD. Rodney was terminated from his position after asserting his rights secured by the constitution and for teaching fellow officers the importance of their oath of office. The first hearing went very good, the LAXPD Sergeant in charge admitted to perjury of his oath and one witness has been impeached. The LAXPD Chief of police is up next. Please come out and stand for justice. The next scheduled hearing will take place at the location listed below. It is open to the public:

Location: Los Angeles City Hall Room 1070
Address: 200 North Spring Street Los Angeles California
Date: October 16, 17 and 18th
Time: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm

Health - Antibiotic Facts You Must Know This Season

Antibiotic Facts You Must Know This Season 

I was on a flight recently and as I sat there quietly reading my book, I
swear I heard someone on the plane cough, sneeze or blow their nose every 15 seconds.

Yes indeed, the change of seasons is upon us...and that means colds, bugs and infections.
And LOTS of antibiotics being prescribed.
Although antibiotics are helpful in certain cases, there are major concerns popping up about them that cannot be ignored.
Here's what I mean:
According to a recent study published in the journal "Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy," in the 10-year period between 2000-2010, E. coli has become five times more resistant to Cipro (the most commonly prescribed antibiotic for urinary tract infections). 
For you non-math majors, that means that it's basically worthless as a treatment at this point.
And since E. coli is responsible for between 75-95% of all urinary tract infections, that's not good news for people with an infection in their plumbing.
Because it means that people who get a UTI will now need even STRONGER antibiotics (which can cause nausea and vomiting) to treat the infection, and quite possibly even be hospitalized if the infection gets severe enough.
Even though you might find this news unsettling, it should be no surprise.
Here's why I say that:

What's going on with antibiotics?
Since Sir Alexander Fleming first noticed that the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus could be destroyed by the mold Penicillium notatum back in 1928, antibiotics have become one of the most significant medical advances known to man.
Truly, many people are still alive because of them, instead of succumbing to life-threatening infections.
But the problems started when the medical community started prescribing them increasingly--even when the patient's illness was actually VIRAL and not an infection.
At that time, a common attitude was that, in case the illness WAS an infection, giving the antibiotics would be a good "head start" on treatment...and if not, oh well. They won't do any harm.
Uh, not quite. That way of thinking has come back to bite us you-know-where. (More on that below.)
In addition, antibiotics also began to be prescribed prophylactically (on a preventative basis) to help prevent and control conditions like chronic ear infections, sinus infections and even acne.
But that had a price tag too, as we would later see...

The price of too many antibiotics
One problem with the overprescribing of antibiotics is that harmful bacteria are no dummies--they're actually very smart and can eventually adapt, thereby becoming resistant to the drug's "killing" action.
So that means the pharmaceutical "Superhero" suddenly becomes as useless as a wet noodle against a potentially dangerous condition.
This is what has happened with E. coli and Cipro (and many others).
Another concern is that antibiotics are like a bomb, "blowing up" everything within their radius.
That means that while they obliterate the infection-causing bacteria, they also kill the beneficial bacteria in your body...
And those bacteria comprise 70-80% of your immune system!
Without a healthy population of friendly bacteria from a strong immune system to keep them "in check," any number of harmful microbes can thrive inside of you and make you very, VERY sick.

The vicious cycle of repeated infections
You may be wondering, "What's the problem? After all, won't my beneficial bacteria just grow back?"
Hmmm...not necessarily.
You see, your friendly bacteria typically recover more slowly than harmful bacteria. That means the harmful bacteria can quickly regain the "upper hand," grow out of control in your gut, and overwhelm the friendly bacteria that are trying to survive and multiply.
So chances are excellent that you will get yet ANOTHER infection or illness, and you know what that means...
Even MORE antibiotics.
And you're back at square one.
This is why so many people (maybe even you?) are on repeated courses of antibiotics but never seem to get any better.

Break free of the cycle
If you've taken antibiotics for a long time or even just recently, chances are excellent that your population of beneficial bacteria (your immune system) is practically non-existent.
And you're a very attractive home to any number of illnesses.
But there are two every effective ways you can help turn that around and beef up your friendly flora.
1- With your diet
Whatever you eat, your gut inhabitants eat too. But different types of bacteria have different food preferences.
Depending on your food choices, certain bacteria will feast while others go hungry. So your diet is a HUGE factor in controlling the microflora balance in your intestines and thus your immune system.
You see, harmful bacteria LOVE refined carbohydrates and sugars. They gorge and multiply like rabbits, while your beneficial bacteria (that are nourished by things like vegetables and whole grains) starve and die.
So to help keep your beneficial gut bacteria fed and happy, it's crucial to follow the principles in the Great Taste No Pain system.
Great Taste No Pain is not a diet--it is an eating lifestyle that stresses real foods (that your friendly flora loves) and shows you how to combine your foods for efficient digestion (so you nourish your flora AND say goodbye to gas, bloating, constipation, etc.).
And Great Taste No Pain delivers on the "Great Taste" promise. All of the dishes in the recipe book are delicious so your tongue will be happy too!
You can read about the Great Taste No Pain system here

2- With supplementation
A high-quality, multi-strain probiotic formula like Super Shield can help beef up your population of beneficial bacteria in these three different ways:
1. Selective nutrition
Super Shield contains FOS (fructo-oligosaccharides) which are a fiber that is nourishment for friendly bacteria, but cannot be digested by harmful bacteria.

2. Natural antibiotics
Many probiotic bacteria produce their own "natural antibiotics."
These are not the typical antibiotics we're used to--they safely inhibit the growth of, and can actually kill, many harmful bacteria.
Also, as probiotics digest their food, their metabolic by-products can have negative effects on harmful competitors. For example, when probiotics digest fiber, they release acids that are similar to vinegar. And yeasts (like Candida) don't grow well in the presence of these acids.

3. The crowded parking lot
In addition to probiotics killing harmful bacteria, after they do, the probiotic bacteria in Super Shield take over the "parking spaces" along your intestinal walls formerly taken up by the bad guys.
If bacteria aren't snugly attached to your intestinal wall, or are now dead, they can get swept away by peristalsis (the muscle contractions during digestion that move your food along).
So the more strong probiotics you can get to fill up your "intestinal parking lot" the greater the chance of harmful bacteria getting escorted out when you have a bowel movement.
Learn more about Super Shield and all the ways it can help you here.

If you've taken antibiotics in the past or are currently on them, it's essential to counteract the harm that they cause to your system.
Yes, they're a medical miracle, but that miracle does not come without a hefty price tag.
Do all you can to keep your population of beneficial bacteria high and your immune system strong.
Let Great Taste No Pain and Super Shield be your formula for great health and fighting infections from within.
To your health,
Sherry Brescia
PS: We're now on Facebook! Like us here:
- https://www.facebook.com/GreatTasteNoPain.HolisticBlendsInc

PPS: GTNP and Super Shield have even helped Beatriz' toenail fungus too!
Dear Sherry,
I am celebrating my first year anniversary of being on Great Taste No Pain! I am happy to report that I have kept off the 16 lbs. I initially lost.
I have not taken any acid reflux medication or for lactose intolerance in a year. I feel Great!
The most amazing thing is that I had a toenail fungus for over 30 years and when I started your program, a new nail started growing and now I have a brand new nail (fungus free).
I take the Super Shield probiotic every morning and once in a while Digestizol Max.
I just turned 60 and feel the best I have ever felt.
In my house we pray for you and also toast in your name.
Forever grateful to you!

Check out 1,000s of Great Taste No Pain success stories here

Years of junk foods, meats, alcohol and soft drinks results in a decrease in your body's ability to produce digestive enzymes. This can result in daily painful gas, bloating, heartburn and constipation no matter how otherwise healthy your diet is! Digestizol Max can help turn that around for you fast. Its effective blend of 14 plant-derived enzymes and soothing herbs will help carry out the job of digestion and keep you feeling great! Learn more about Digestizol Max here.
Got low energy? Brain fog? CRS disease? You just may be low in in just one vitamin. One out of four people are. Read more about this deficiency and how you can help turn that around FAST.
Want the best probiotic on the market today? Then learn why Super Shield outshines all the rest here. 
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- http://www.greattastenopain.com/freereports/ and feel the power of Great Taste No Pain.

Want to read past articles? Here they are.
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(c) copyright 2012 Holistic Blends  
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- http://www.bluerockholistics.com

Orders: 1-315-295-1236
**The FDA has not evaluated all of these statements. The contents of this email are not to be considered medical advice and are for educational purposes only. If you are experiencing health challenges, always consult your doctor for medical advice and follow it even if it contradicts the contents of this email.**
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