Wednesday, December 5, 2012


     'The Fool Says In His Heart There Is No God." - The Bible

     Christianity is in trouble and could soon collapse because it has separated itself from its early Apostolic Christian roots. That is why I will be releasing probably within 4 to 8 weeks my heirloom book of key teachings of first Christianity to be titled "Our Early Roots Of Apostolic Christianity." My position is that if first Christianity never knew what real Christianity was as established by Jesus Christ on earth, then Jesus Christ failed and never established Christianity on earth. Of course, that is nonsense as Jesus Christ did successfully establish first Apostolic Christianity meaning true Christianity as He and His Apostles taught to the first followers of Jesus Christ on earth. I charge $25.00 a copy for those ordering before I release this book in a few weeks to cover either the electronic copy of this book I am writing now or else a printed copy on paper. I haven't decided which way to go yet. I do have a printer nearby that printed my earlier book on history showing how the Confederate cause was successful in this part of South Carolina, carried the State with the secessionist movement, and what the Confederate movement stood for then and then later on.  If I want, I can have him print this book for me as he was fast and effective and put out a nice looking edition I sold nationally. By the way, the Confederate cause was very Christian in commitment as I showed in my history book on it.
     As for my book on what Apostolic Christianity basically stood for in the first 400 years or so, I only guarantee copies of it for those ordering before I publish it as I only commit to prepare as many copies as I have orders for. I over the years created huge study notes from a very large collection I have of the first Christian writings from the time of Christ to around 400 years after the start of Christianity. I also have later writings of Christianity, but not mass collected like these early Christian writings. I was aiming to condense down the main meat of what early Apostolic Christianity was and what it taught as its official stands on earth from the time Jesus died and then resurrected to the time when Christianity formally committed to its Apostolic Constitution for all Christian churches on earth, what were the important official stands for all Christianity it committed to, what constituted heresies in Christianity meaning serious religious error according to the councils of bishops representing all Christianity from around 200 A.D. up to around 400 A.D. or thereabouts. Of course, I heavily aimed to nail down what first Christianity officially asserted was true Apostolic Christianity as founded by Jesus Christ and His Apostles.
     I have a hunch something powerful will result from the release of this book. I had St. Padre Pio write to me when I was in military school. He was as I understand it the only the Roman Catholic priest (and monk at the same time)  to have the marks of Christ on his body while he lived.. And for 50 years he had the marks of Christ on his body until the day he died!  All this time constant Miracles of God occurred as he startled people all the time with the supernatural results he obtained praying in the name of Jesus for them, telling people secrets of their lives, reported seen in different parts of the world at the same time, was seen in the sky in World War II standing in the air and showing a U.S. bombing crew not to bomb where his church and monastery were located at, and the wild but true stories about him are documented by huge numbers of witnesses over time. He in his letter to me while I was a military cadet told me a powerful secret about me no one knew. And the hidden message for me was God wanted me to stand up for True Christianity and bring the churches back to loyalty to first Apostolic Christianity. It is not that churches do not stand at all for true Christianity, but so weak, so shallow a version as to greatly disappoint Jesus Christ who expects more loyalty out of them than this poor commitment to Jesus Christ and True Apostolic Christianity. If you believe the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima, Portugal on Oct. 13, 1917 was a message from God, its message was the Christians were doing so poor a job at being the Christians they should be, their sins caused World War I, would cause soon a movement of great error to seize Czarist Russia and spread evil, tyranny, war, etc. all over the world (the newspapers in Portugal laughed at this prediction of the three children before Oct. 13 as it was so obviously ridiculous. And then the Communist Revolution of Lenin and Trotsky seized control of Russia and Russia may well have had over time 40-50 million Russians to be killed under Communism after it seized control of Russia just as the three children of Fatima had earlier predicted! The Fatima children were not the fools their mockers in Portugal had just weeks earlier thought they were crazy to predict this!) The Fatima Message continued. If man did not return to God, then mankind would suffer a terrible World War II as punishment for the sins of mankind refusing to return to God. And if mankind did not yet get this message, then there would be a World War III where entire nations would be annihilated. If mankind had not started returning to God before it was too late, then God would end the human race on earth as God would save them who loved God, not those who hated God in their lives! The Miracle of the Sun at Fatima, Portugal was seen by 70,000 to 100,000 witnesses at Fatima on October 13, 1917 and even the newspapers of Portugal shocked by this incredible mass miracle witnessed by people for a 22-32 mile radius of Fatima reported freely on it now. In America, busy with sports, etc., the newspapers apparently never reported what had just happened in Portugal and witnessed by a huge number of the people of Portugal that day.
     When I was a teenager and home from military school for summer vacation, an incredible man met with me twice while I walked my dog on a main city street, stopped me by telling me that I had recently had a brush with death, but Jesus let me live. I had told no one about the day I died for a while and bargained with Jesus to give me back my life. This incredible man then told me secret after secret about myself. He startled me so much, I never thought to ask him what his name was. He told me that God had given me 4 unique gifts that I was to later use to give Christianity victory when Wash., D.C. was planning to wipe out Christianity forever as Obama plans to do to Christianity now. He predicted events correctly that happened later in my life. He said that evil and good had fought over me, but good had won. I was designed by God to be powerful for the side I backed in life. He said I had unique gifts in religion, political science (that includes law as political science is used to create the laws of a nation), military (I did not like the strong adjective of being so scientific at it if war had to be fought, but I could save at the right time Christianity from being militarily defeated and then crushed by its enemies on earth. Well, I have all these ultimate weapon technologies I obtained from foreign nations by being very good at military intelligence!), and in economics, I would be so spectacular that the people would go wild over me once they saw what I could do in national economics. The Bible teaches the smartest answers in economics and I was startled years after studying with six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe to find out that the Bible had better economic answers than all the other economic answers produced by man separate from the enlightenment of God in the Bible. And at first I thought this incredible man with the incredible prophecies had been wrong on one point as I seemed to have such strong talent in engineering also. But when I saw that engineering should be merged with economics to create super industrial economics, the boy knew what he was talking about! My gifts all fit those four fields. Now to embarrass the daylights out of the F.B.I. When I set up my Slavic Royal Alliance Ruse which worked so incredibly successful against Soviet intelligence, the F.B.I. was watching me like a hawk. they picked up as I understand that I had talked a bit about this incredible man with the incredible prophecies which intrigued the daylights out of me and I mentioned how he said that in 3 years hence I would receive authority for a foreign nation where some of my forefathers came from 100 years ago. I had no idea what he was talking about then. Three years later with events that happened just as he predicted, suddenly I had all claims to the Confederate Government signed over to me by a key member of the descendant Jefferson Davis family. Later I got authority from two more branches of the Jefferson Davis family. What the F.B.I. never heard as I hid this part from all, this was to be the sign of God that backed me against Wash., D.C. Something he said that made no sense to me and I ignored it then, but now understand it very clearly, he said this would be the first part of my American inheritance. This sounded like a contradiction that I was supposed to receive authority for a foreign nation and then this was the first part of my American inheritance I receive by Will of God. Part of the prophecy was how evil Wash., D.C. was before God and Wash., D.C. cleverly hid this from the public. Of course, Wash., D.C. secretly set up the Communist Revolution in Russia in 1917, set up the Nazis to take over Germany by letting Wall Street bankers finance them into power in order to set up and engineer World War II. The Depression of the 'thirties was set up and engineered by Wall Street bankers so they could get American assets at 10 cents on the dollar by collapsing the American economy, and make ultimately many trillions of dollars of profit by setting up and engineering World War II for profits and power it could give to them, and they have pulled many strings since using Wash., D.C. including Obama as a front man for the clever, sinister Satanists secretly running and ruling America today from Wash., D.C.
     This man with the incredible prophecies said God was totally disgusted with Wash., D.C. and God was going to raise me up to oppose the evil and corruption coming from Wash., D.C. which was wildly out of control before God which Wash., D.C. secretly despises as Obama, etc. show for all but the blind to see. I do think that Ronald Reagan tried to return Wash., D.C. to God, but the corruption in high places was far too much for such as President Ronald Reagan to stop.
     This man with the prophecies said I had permission from God to reform the Roman Catholic Church (would be to total Apostolic Christianity I am sure he meant) but not to destroy it. The Protestants needed reform also. The Jews had not followed God uprightly so the protection of God could not protect them from such as Hitler until they returned seriously back in loyalty to God. The Catholic Church had good points to it which made possible great saints to arise in it. The Protestants if seriously loyal to God were allowed to be separate until the Catholic Church does the reforms it should. Then God would like for the Christians to become a united Church again but under standards approved by God.
     This man with the prophecies tells me that I descend from two great royal lines. The one would be Roman as I guess Jesus wanted me to know this since I had earlier given Jesus claim to all family inheritance I would have later in life. The other is a recent branch of the French royal line and ask my mother about it. I afterwards ask my mother and she for the first time talks about the French royal ancestry. She says she did not think it important enough to talk about, but now I hear the family accounts on this line. This includes the mark on the hip which is the trademark of this family line as recorded in the Latimer history of 19th century Europe. This man with the prophecies gave me a powerful diplomatic weapon to give the later Confederate Cause now totally committed to Jesus Christ as its King a way under international law to claim so much of prior federal land as to set it up so the revived Confederate Government can now end up as the new national government of America as Wash., D.C. has lost the blessing of God by the evil and total wickedness it secretly loves so much now.
     Okay, now I have shown that something very supernatural is going on with this drive of mine to revive total Apostolic Christianity in the churches of America and all over the world before this is over. Just before I was seven years old, my mother and I were guests of Kitty Trutter and Phillip Trutter of Springfield, Illinois. She was one of the richest women in America. He was a very talented architect and had one year as I understood it won the award for being the top architect in America that year. They have two daughters who are twins. Kitty is Methodist. Phillip is Catholic. Their daughters get to go to a Catholic Church one week and a Methodist Sunday School class and church the next week. I am placed in a guest bedroom at the end of the house and facing towards the alley in back of their yard. This is Friday evening before Pentecost according to them when I asked them about this in later years. In the dark I see a ball of fire over my head and am scared of it. I bolt out of the bedroom and run up the hallway past Phillip Trutter in the hallway on a business call on the phone. I run into the living room up front and Kitty Trutter and my socialite mother hear this incredible story from me that a ball of fire just hung over my head and woke me up in the dark bedroom. They know I have had a nightmare, so walk me back to the darkened bedroom to show me that there is nothing there. To their shock, there is this oval light around 8 to 12 inches according to one of them and around 12 to 18 inches in dimension according to them dancing on the wall. It looks like a ball of fire. They have the presence of mind to place their hands over it and can create no shadow over it. They check the windows and all are covered so no light should enter the bedroom. They watch this oval light of dancing fire on the wall for around 20 minutes and then begins to rapidly evaporate until it is gone. The startled women tell Phillip about this once he is off the business phone call. The next morning he checks his Catholic Encyclopedia and tells the two women he judges this is the Cloven Tongues of Fire which appeared with the Apostles of Jesus Christ at Pentecost. He and the two women tell other Christians about this and the Christians are very hostile to this testimony. They are accused they were taking drugs (never happened!), drunk that night (my mother for example never drank then any alcoholic beverage), they were crazy, they were lying to the others to mock them, and this was the general reaction as Americans have secretly told God in their hearts to not bother them in America with serious manifestations of the Will of God for America. They do not want the supernatural in their lives pushing them to live right for God then. I was very scientific as a small boy and did not believe in God until I was ten and one half years old. Then science showed me why God existed and I became a Christian now believing in God. But a strange thing happened. I had never read the Bible then and suddenly it seems knew this explanation of Revelation, Chapter 12, that Hitler wars against America for 1,260 days. He is the dragon empire and America is the wilderness in Chapter 12. The woman is True Christianity and the True Church fleeing from the dragon empire and finding refuse in the wilderness for 1,260 days. This is the Rosetta Stone that unlocks the real meaning of the Book of Revelation. When I was older, I was finally forced to check out if this explanation could be true I had somehow suddenly "knew" apparently as of that night. When I got the Firechat Speeech of Franklin D. Roosevelt for Dec. 8, 1941, he legally explains that the attack on Pearl Harbor was actually an attack on America by Nazi Germany as the price of alliance of Imperial Japan with the Nazi Empire. Then go to the day the Imperial Japanese Fleet leaves port with the order to attack Pearl Harbor and in Wash. time, this is now exactly 1,260 days from then until Nazi Germany surrenders to Eisenhower's Headquarters in France in 1945. No Bible scholar knew this answer until a little boy near 7 years old suddenly knew it without apparently ever reading the Bible. And a message understood then by this small boy, wars are caused by the sins in the character of mankind on earth. I think it was the same weekend, I went with the two Trutter twin sisters to the Methodist Sunday School Class in Springfield, Illinois and heard their teacher say that Revelation was a strange book of symbols and no one could understand it. I remember thinking, "You are wrong! It can be understood!" It was not until later on I thought how strange I thought this then when I had never studied or apparently even read the Bible at that age.
     Now that I have given this wild but true story, let me make this comment. When the F.B.I. got a copy of my book many years ago written in Wash., D.C. called "The Coming Revolution In America" which referred to a political revolution to a Christian national government, not a revolution by armed violence, if they will check inside, they will find the testimony of Kitty and Phillip Trutter about this incredible dancing ball of fire incident in Springfield, Illinois and as my mother said she had been threatened by the federal government they would destroy her if she ever publicly testified on this, I tricked my mother and had her talk to me about this while a hidden witness in another room heard the whole testimony. This other witness signed the legal testimony of my mother's testimony and it was included in this book I wrote. Also, P.E. Booker and another postal inspector then met with me and a friend of mine and in their office in Wash., D.C. told us that they could not allow my proposed Christian States Party to be formed in America as written about in this book. They were frank and said they in Wash., D.C. analyzed I would soon have millions of supporters and be a successful third party. And they could never allow America to have a successful third party standing for the Christian values of the Confederate States of America. Wash., D.C. has been very antichrist in character for far longer than the average American realizes. See why God wants the Confederate cause and Apostolic Christianity raised up by the South where the most loyal Christians of God on earth now live? When the South finds it Christian heart and soul again, it will spread all across America and the world, and we will see arise the Bride Church now waiting for the return of Jesus to earth. We are the people prophesied in Revelation who build the Camp of the Saints for we are the true Saints of Jesus Christ on earth and will lead all churches back to true Christianity and loyalty by raising up Apostolic Christianity back into leadership of Christianity this last time as prophesied in Revelation and elsewhere.
      Many other holy people Catholic, Protestant, and I guess call them independent Christians with genuine Miracles of God associated with them have all said that Jesus backs me in what I am about to do in America! Accept it or reject it but the banner of Christ is raised once more in America and the South will return America to God and then this Christian movement spreads all over the earth as Christians win back their hearts and souls to serve and follow Jesus Christ as true Christians should now on earth.
      Okay, tricks of the trade of the evil how to try and divide and destroy Christianity. Their propaganda line with hundreds of invented con lies will be "Don't get a copy of that heirloom book "Our Early Roots Of Apostolic Christianity" for the limited offer of just $25.00. He doesn't know what he is talking about. We are so smart and he so dumb in Bible scholarship. Believe us!" "Jesus was supposed to be born according to the Bible at the Feast of Tabernacle, not Hanukkah!" Problem there folks! Your King James Bibles have been censored. You in the first translation of the King James Bible had the identical books in the Old Testament as the Roman Catholic Church. They in turn used the identical canon to the first version of the Old Testament as used by the founding Church Fathers of Christianity back in the first days of Jesus Christ, His Apostles, and their first appointed successors. Included among these missing books are the three historical books telling how Hanukkah was approved by God to be a second Feast of Tabernacle since the Jews recaptured the Temple from the Syrian tyrant too late to purify and dedicate the Temple at the first appointed Feast of Tabernacle. They did not want to wait until the following year to restart Temple worship so a holy man told them how they once had a second Passover Feast date given to them when they could not practice Passover at the usual time of year. They could do the same with the Feast of Tabernacle and God showed His approval by the one day supply of lamp oil lasting seven days in the oil lamps in the Temple and other signs of God given also showing approval of a second time on the calendar for the Feast of Tabernacles which signifies that "The Lord dwells among us" which Jesus did once born on Hanukkah! Your agents of Satan from Wash., D.C. could tell you "Trust Wash., D.C., not Jesus Christ!" "Obama is sent to you from God!" Boy, that is a tall line to try and believe! He is a covert Muslim as even an Ambassador from Egypt once said on national Egyptian TV that Obama once privately told him that he Obama was also a Muslim. The Communist Party and allies are mass rejoicing over the victory of Obama back to the White House. They boast how they have now won America through Obama! Better wake up folks! Obama is a Trojan Horse for elements that savagely hate America and want to end America as a nation! 
     Folks, time to pressure Bible publishers to reissue the entire King James Bible which had the missing Old Testament books in it which were removed shortly before the end of the 19th century. Both the King James and Catholic translated Bibles when in older, not modernized versions, are pretty good translations of the Bible. But get the entire Bible either side, not abridged such as the version of the King James normally sold by stores today! And too many of these so-called "modernized" versions are willfully tampering with the translation to change the teachings of Jesus to teachings alien to what Jesus taught! A woman  years ago used to plant Communist operatives into Bible colleges.  They would now teach Communist teachings while pretending to be Christian in order to subvert the churches to disguised Marxism claiming to be Christianity. However, she became a Christian convert herself. She went public and confessed how she helped the Communiss infilterate and take over Christian centers of learning. But our corrupt, Antichrist American national press would never print up her confession made public so all America could see it if they wanted to. Don't trust the American news media to report the truth about Christianity when high national issues are at stake. They would use all their cunning to try and hide the supernatural in whether a Catholic Miracle of the Sun in Fatima, Portugal in 1917 or many stunning Christian evangelists who have had genuine Miracles of God occur by their prayers to Jesus Christ, but the news media is never going to honestly tell you what proves these are supernatural Miracles of God. I tell of people both Catholic and Protestant who have been favored by God with the gift of healing with stunning Miracles of God occurring when they pray in the name of Jesus for people. Until the Catholic Church does it job of removing scandals from it which have scandalized some very good hearted Christians to mistrust it, then God has to allow good Christians also independent for now from Christian church control to also be honored by God with stunning Miracles of God. They still have an excuse before God why they cannot back the reunification of Christianity as all good Christians know that Jesus Christ automatically wants for His Christianity. After all, Jesus said, "I pray Father, that these be one, even as You and I are one!" Are one meaning in unity of thinking, purpose, etc. Jesus warned of a kingdom divided against itself cannot stand and here are 20,000 or more denominations all fighting each other often with great hatred and often telling well planted lies against each other they think truth because enemy agents of Christianity infiltrated their ranks to plant these lies in Christianity to keep it divided over false issues. Yes, we have issues which press Christianity for some reform at times, but let's act on the truth, not invented lies! And let's reform Christianity if ever needed from corruption entering it, but reform, not revolution, folks! Early Christianity taught the greatest treason against Christ was to break up and destroy the unity of Christianity on earth which would make it powerless to stop evil on earth. Yes, they also agreed that at times there might be need for reform in Christian ranks if a wrong or corruption has arisen, but keep Christianity united while reforming, not smashed into pieces with no unity left which strips Christianity of its power to win the world to Christ!
     For those wanting to join me in the crusade to bring back the spirit and mentality of Apostolic Christianity to all the churches, you start by learning what early Apostolic Christianity was and still is as well taught by the early and first official writings of Christianity for around 400 years after Christ. They knew the truth. Let's learn from them! We know in part now, but let's know in full as much as we can so we may serve Christ uprightly and fully, not just pathetically and with no power to us in life as Christians. As the Apostle Paul called himself "the chief of sinners," he is telling all don't despair of serving Jesus if you are imperfect and secretly folks, we all are imperfect but still give Jesus our best in life! 
      Get the book for $25.00. I have drawn the line in the sand and may not reissue it again! We have to act now as real Christians, not 500 years from now! Time is important for either the coming victory or else defeat of Christianity in America and the world. Time for action, not endless excuses to Jesus of wait until next year or next century and then maybe you will stand up for Jesus on earth at some distant time in the future. Send $25 (or more!) to NIFI at NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 296789. Say for "book" and give us information how to send this to you by email or else printed copy as soon as ready in a few weeks from now. And you have reserved your heirlooom copy and gone on the rolls of Jesus Christ that you back the resurrection of Apostolic Christianity to full power and leadership in Christianity today which needs this now, not in a future age as that will be too late if we wait that long! I am a good steward of Jesus and if you are serious, we will turn the tide for Christianity in America with surplus money after expenses of supplying this book to you. Say "Add to List" and send us your name and email to to receive future reports from us. Look up over 100 national reports of mine posted with Nesara News for over 8 months now. Look up their search engine on the top left side of their website and put in Erasmus of America to see the list of reports you can read posted there. Erasmus of America is my pen name, though I have also given my regular name in some of these listed reports. Push this report everywhere by making copies of it and sending it over the internet or else showing printed copies of it to friends, etc. I don't why in the world me, not complaining, just amazed, apparently Jesus sent His Cloven Tongues over me as a small boy on the Friday evening before Pentecost to show that Jesus approves and knew in advance that I would later stand for Apostolic Christianity. Being the scholar I worked myself into being, the only other Christian leader since the Apostles of Jesus Christ who had publicly manifested the cloven tongues of fire of the Holy Ghost over him was St. Francis of Paola who was probably one of the two greatest Miracle of God workers in Christianity since Christ and the Apostles. And St. Francis of Paola in 1470 A.D. wrote the famous letter predicting this movement and the royal family background I would descend from (God had His reasons for this identification), and this would start in a nation fighting a civil war shortly before 1870 A.D. and outside of Europe or the Middle East. St. Francis of Paola said these people would be the most beloved of God since mankind began on earth. When St. Francis of Paola was born, the house he was born in had a manifestation of the cloven tongues of fire appear over it and startled neighbors witnessed this event never seen in Europe before! And St. Francis said that Jesus personally backed me as I was doing the Will of the Holy Ghost for mankind and Christianity.
     A book written in our times said the Americans had been brainwashed into fiercely resisting anything which would give Christianity back power and influence in America. It is time to break this brainwashing and be the most beloved of Jesus Christ since mankind began on earth as St. Francis of Paola predicted about us. And we would bring back Apostolic Christianity into the leadership of Christianity and heal the wounds of Christianity created by endless division of Christianity. He predicted we would save Christianity from world defeat and annihilation and lead it to one final great round of victory and one last golden age for Christianity on earth!
     Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name. Long ago confirmed in Christianity with name of Charles Henry to honor my forefathers who descended from the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great. The Apostle Paul predicted in II Thes. that the Antichrist cannot successfully arise to power until this line retires and allows him to get those who rejected Jesus Christ on earth. Thus is what the Apostle Paul explained to the first churches telling them to keep this oral until it was safe to admit he predicted the final withdrawal of Roman authority and then the Antichrist would be allowed to arise to world power. Many early Christian writings mentioned this oral teaching given them by the Apostle Paul and could not be put into writing until Imperial Rome would not declare total war against the churches for predicting the final collapse of the Roman Empire and Roman authority on earth. And Jer. 30 predicts us and says that prophecy for just before the Tribulation cannot be understood until the appointed time! This is the appointed time and we build now the Camp of the Saints in Revelation!)      

Resonance - Beings of Frequency

Resonance - Beings of Frequency

Dwell in possibility.  ~ Emily Dickinson

The Gobal financial system is failing RIGHT NOW

The Gobal financial system is failing RIGHT NOW and there is no way mathematically possible to save it EVEN IF WE WANTED

This article was written by my Silver associate in Denver and is what you should be watching in the coming few weeks and months.
The Gobal financial system is failing RIGHT NOW and there is no way mathematically possible to save it EVEN IF WE WANTED TO.
We need to start over with currency with intrinsic value like precious metals - gold, silver, lead, brass, copper etc.
Silver is flat flying out the door right now. Time is short. Everything I sell at the gun shows is moving really well and setting records for sales.
Solar Equipment, fuel preservative, radios, silver, and the new little stove that charges your batteries while it cooks your meals in camp are generating a lot of interest and sales. 
Info I’m getting to pay attention to: Info coming out that the US has defaulted on payments to China and that China has demanded the US pay up in full. O is stalling and blocking global currency revaluation(RV) that would completely pay this debt off as he wants a 40% tax on the RV. China has said pay or we are coming to basically repossess and has launched its Navy. O has said "bring it". China is said to possess EMP weaponry that will if used, throw the US back to the dark ages.  Now, none of what I am saying is exaggerated. If O does not go with the demands of China and Mr. WU, who now basically owns the Fed Res, then we will most likely be looking at WW III with China in the coming weeks. There have been countless high level meetings in the last several weeks on all of this and is what I have been posting about including the stock market crash on Fri after Thanksgiving. Mr. Wu accepted O's word that the RV would get done and didn't crash the stock market. Now at this time, O is flirting with a nuclear bomb since he hasn't lived up to his promise and Wu and the Dragons are just about done talking and negotiating. I know there is a high level meeting scheduled for tomorrow afternoon which may be the final tipping point based on what I hear is to be discussed.  China is not Japan of WW II....War with China will bring in Russia as an ally, India, Iran, many of the Asian countries and more. Now the US Corp is bankrupt and if there is a war, there will be no money to pay for it as the US's lender, China, will be on the opposite side. … China, already owns significant land in the US, their troops already stationed in Mexico, the sub off of Calif that fired a missile 6-9 months ago, the other subs patrolling in the Gulf of Mexico …. To think we are the big boy on the block any more, well you are sadly mistaken. Now The other side of this is the financial war China has already waged on the US which the US is losing to the ability for China to completely and totally crash the stock market to a value of DOW < 3000 from its current level. I have many, many more examples that will support the fact that China is and has control of this and if it comes to a war, it will be a war the US will most certainly lose. Some of this hinted at in today’s post on Dinar Recaps:  I have been following all of this for a few years now… China told us back in 2008 that if we failed on our debt payment to them, they would consider it an act of war.Then, they formed the BRICS treaty/alliance with Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa…  which basically said they would no longer conduct trade with the US Dollar as the world reserve currency…and have since been trading amongst themselves in a gold-backed currency.  Since then, other countries have joined them; this effectively wiped out the US Dollar as the world reserve currency, and has brought down the fiat central banking system. The entire story goes back centuries… We are about to see this come to fruition… in January 2013 Basel III standards will be implemented world-wide, which will require the central banks to have assets of gold, silver, oil, gas, precious gems etc. to back the value of their currency.  They will no longer be able to just print money at will.   Gold and silver prices have been manipulated to keep up the appearance that fiat currency has retained value; we will be seeing that manipulation soon come to an end, and physical metal prices will separate from the manufactured derivative pricing.   We have seen shifts in trade and jobs and real estate etc. over the last few years – everything going to China… now you know why… pacification because the US has been in default on our debt to China… there’s also a huge story about US theft of gold from China that dates back to WWII and Chiang Kai-Shek era… much of that has been stashed away in caves in the Philippines… but also used illegally (stolen) by the Central Bankers (Rothchilds, Rockerfeller-Bush Cabal). If you’ve been following the implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterand protocols… this is also in the works… along with the global currency re-set, the change of the world-reserve currency from US Dollar to Chinese yuan/ remnimbi…  ,  All of this ties in with what’s been happening with gold and silver, and the dinar RV….which is how I came to be researching all of this stuff to begin with… 

Uganda President Leads Citizens To GOD --- Good Guy!

Wow!  If it can happen in Uganda, it can happen anywhere.  Remember the heartache Uganda has experienced in the past 30 years!  What a price to pay for repentance! And remember South Sudan!  Praise God!  At least at the Almighty was at our national foundation, not some animist panthiest. The sins of the fathers and the blessings of the fathers....very important to the repentance of the USA and how quickly we can come back from the precipice towards which we're advancing. 

Sun Nov 25 2012  

Ugandan president repents of personal national sins

'We confess idolatry, witchcraft, political hypocrisy, dishonesty, intrigue'

Published: 17 hours ago by Michael CarlEmail | Archive

Michael Carl is a veteran journalist with overseas military experience and experience as a political consultant. He also has two Master's Degrees, is a bi-vocational pastor and lives with his family in the Northeast United States.More  

Should a president lead citizens in a national prayer of repentance?
Uganda’s Christian president believes so.
The Ugandan news site New Vision reports President Yoweri Museveni celebrated Uganda’s 50th anniversary of independence from Britain at the National Jubilee Prayers event by publicly repenting of his personal sin and the sins of the nation.
“I stand here today to close the evil past, and especially in the last 50 years of our national leadership history and at the threshold of a new dispensation in the life of this nation. I stand here on my own behalf and on behalf of my predecessors to repent. We ask for your forgiveness,” Museveni prayed.
“We confess these sins, which have greatly hampered our national cohesion and delayed our political, social and economic transformation. We confess sins of idolatry and witchcraft which are rampant in our land. We confess sins of shedding innocent blood, sins of political hypocrisy, dishonesty, intrigue and betrayal,” Museveni said.
“Forgive us of sins of pride, tribalism and sectarianism; sins of laziness, indifference and irresponsibility; sins of corruption and bribery that have eroded our national resources; sins of sexual immorality, drunkenness and debauchery; sins of unforgiveness, bitterness, hatred and revenge; sins of injustice, oppression and exploitation; sins of rebellion, insubordination, strife and conflict,” Museveni prayed.
Next, the president dedicated Uganda to God.
“We want to dedicate this nation to you so that you will be our God and guide. We want Uganda to be known as a nation that fears God and as a nation whose foundations are firmly rooted in righteousness and justice to fulfill what the Bible says in Psalm 33:12: Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. A people you have chosen as your own,” Museveni prayed.
Uganda won its independence from Britain Oct. 8, 1962. Resistance leader Milton Obote was the country’s first prime minister.
Massachusetts pastor and activist Rev. Scott Lively believes Museveni is a model for other national leaders.
“The Museveni prayer is a model for all Christian leaders in the world. The leaders of the West have declined in proportion to their degree of rejection of God,” Lively said.
Lively also believes Uganda will rise as a major African power as America continues to decline. He uses Britain as an example.
“Britain was at its height as a world power when it honored God as the Ugandan president has just done. America’s greatness has similarly diminished as we have shifted from a Christian to a secular-humanist country. But watch now for Uganda to be blessed by God for their desire to be His,” Lively said.
Lively added that Museveni is definitely drawing a contrast between Uganda and the West.
“This incident is also important as a contrast to the picture being painted of Uganda by the godless left of a backwards, violent and savage culture intent on murdering homosexuals,” Lively said.
“On the contrary, Museveni is calmly and confidently setting the course of his nation by the guidance of the Bible, in a way that also shows great courage and resolve,” Lively said.
Homosexual activist groups have criticized the government of Uganda and Museveni for passing laws criminalizing homosexual behavior. A current bill before the Ugandan Parliament increases the jail sentences for homosexual acts and includes criminal penalties for those who encourage or promote homosexuality.
The bill had included the death penalty for those who commit multiple acts of homosexual behavior, but the provision has been removed, BBC News reports.
The government of Uganda could not be reached for comment on this story.
Lively said he didn’t agree with the death penalty provision but supports the nation’s strong stance against homosexual behavior.
While Museveni is being held as a model for Christian leaders, Dave Daubenmire, PT Salt Ministries’ president and founder and social commentator, said the problem for Western nations goes deeper than the political leaders.
The problem in the United States, he said, is the pastors.
“Sadly, I think our lack of repentance is the fault of the pulpit. Individual Christians are so awash in sin that they think politicians are merely better at sin than they are,” Daubenmire said.
“There is no fear of the Lord and we are getting essentially a two-kingdom message. We hear that the devil is the god of this world and that Jesus will even the score later,” Daubenmire said. “The problem is that most Christians are convinced that this world is in control of Satan and therefore are not interested in applying the kingdom principles for which Christ died.”
Daubenmire quoted Matthew 28:18, in which Jesus said, “All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.”
Christians, Daubenmire said, are exhorted later in the same chapter to go and make disciples of all nations.
“We are to teach them and baptize them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,” he said. “All power in heaven and in earth belongs to Jesus. Unfortunately, most Christians don’t have the foggiest idea that He rules and reigns here and now, and that the kingdom principles that He taught us bring victory over evil wherever they are applied.”
He added that Christians too often play with sin.
“Since we do not hate sin anymore, we don’t demand repentance,” Daubenmire said.
He quoted British 17th century statesman Edmund Burke, who said, “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.”
Daubenmire said that in America, “good men have yielded power to evil men.”
“Evil rules when evil men make the rules,” he said.
According to the census of 2002, Christians made up about 84% of Uganda's population.[58] The Roman Catholic Church has the largest number of adherents (41.9%), followed by the Anglican Church of Uganda (35.9%). Evangelical and Pentecostal churches claim the rest of the Christian population. The next most reported religion of Uganda is Islam, with Muslims representing 12% of the population.[58] The Muslim population is primarily Sunni; there is also a minority belonging to the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. The remainder of the population follow traditional religions (1%), Baha'i (0.1%), other non-Christian religions (0.7%), or have no religious affiliation (0.9%).[58]
The northern and West Nile regions are predominantly Catholic, while the Iganga District in eastern Uganda has the highest percentage of Muslims. The rest of the country has a mix of religious affiliations.[59]
Traditional indigenous beliefs are practiced in some rural areas and are sometimes blended with or practiced alongside Christianity or Islam. In addition to a small community of Jewish expatriates centered in Kampala, Uganda is home to the Abayudaya, a native Jewish community dating from the early 1900s. One of the world's seven Bahá'í Houses of Worship is located on the outskirts of Kampala

Actor Denzel Washington --- GOOD GUY!

Remember this next time you walk up to the ticket window of your local movie theater with $10 in your hand.  The Media (accidentally?) missed this one! Please read this: The troops overseas would like you to send it to everybody you know. Denzel Washington and Brooks Army Medical Center.

Don't know whether you heard about this but Denzel Washington and his family visited the troops at
Brooks Army Medical Center in San Antonio, Texas, (BAMC) the other day. This is where soldiers who have been evacuated from Germany come to be hospitalized in the United States , especially burn victims.

There are some buildings there called Fisher Houses. The Fisher House is a hotel where soldiers' families can stay, for little or no charge, while their soldier is in the hospital. BAMC has quite a few 
of these houses on base, but as you can imagine, they are almost filled most of the time.

While Denzel Washington was visiting BAMC, they gave him a tour of one of the Fisher Houses. He asked how much one of them would cost to build. He took his checkbook out and wrote a check for the full amount right there on the spot.

The soldiers overseas were amazed to hear this story and want to get the word out to the American public,
because it warmed their hearts to hear it.

The question is, 'Why do: Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, Tom Cruise and other Hollywood fluff make front page news with their ridiculous antics, and Denzel Washington's Patriotism doesn't even make page 3 in the Metro section of any newspaper except the local newspaper in San Antonio?'

A true American and friend to all in uniform!

This needs as wide a distribution as we can create. 

Please share it!

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - December 5, 2012

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - December 5, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 5-Dec-2012 06:51:47

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - December 5, 2012
With only days to go to the first part of your experience of a powerful upliftment, we urge you to try and arrange to be free on the 12th. and able to relax and enjoy it. As a key moment in your Ascension process, it is one to be totally aware of and remembered for the intensity of the energy. It is not that every person will have an identical experience, but if you are prepared for it you will be left with some memory of the changes within. Some of you will wake up from your sleep before 11.11 Universal time, and will be able to have full awareness of what is taking place. Others will sleep through it, yet may have vivid dreams when the energies are at work. However, all will receive the energies and benefit from them regardless of their conscious state at the time.
To have Ascension follow on so quickly after 12.12. means that you will have an ongoing experience, that will heighten your senses and leave you in no doubt that you have benefited from it. It will be a most uplifting occasion and there will be a new mood of happiness and joy within those you meet. You will be able to feel the difference in people around you, and sense a deeper calmness and peace as if suddenly all the darkness has gone. It will show in peoples eyes as after all it is the seat of the soul, and love will beam out more powerfully than you have noticed previously. The stresses of life will diminish to be replaced by a beautiful relaxed feeling, as though you do not have a care in the world and that Dear Ones is how we want you to be. The trouble and strife associated with your normal life, will gradually be eliminated by the changes that are in hand.
If you are one who experiences little change in your self, do not be concerned as according to your metabolism it will affect some people in different ways. From this month onwards your progress will speed up, as the excitement builds up at the prospect of disclosure. It can come in different ways, so expect the unexpected as certain options remain open. We still prefer an organized disclosure, so that it can be made an official occasion that can go world wide. Many countries have already made it known that we will be welcome to visit them, and each one in turn will be paid a visit. Major events such as a flyover will happen a little later when there has already been a general acceptance of our presence. We are always cognizant of the possibility that the fear factor may not have been completely eliminated.
People will soon start talking amongst themselves about the Ascension process, having heard that something major is due to take place. There will be some confusion as they will not know who to turn to for the truth. As Lightworkers you can come into your own and gently spread the word, taking care not to overdo the "end time" scenario. Too many people have latched on to the "end of the world" stories, without being told that the end simply signals a new beginning. The new Earth awaits you and will as previously supply your needs that will be quite different to what you have now. In fact because your needs will be very small, and non-polluting Mother Earth can concentrate on her own requirements.
As you are beginning to understand, love is the key to everything and you will be God's expression of it as incarnate Beings. To be free to share your love with all life, will be a new experience for you. You may have had your moments in duality but in the future you will know what it is like as a normal condition. However, remember to love yourself as it is in no way egotistical to acknowledge your godself. Be love and give off love and it will be returned to you tenfold. Imagine not having to question a persons intentions towards you, and being able to trust everyone. You will soon get used to the new conditions which will be more than welcome after your lives in duality.
As your vibrations move higher you will find that you can not only halt the aging process, but also reverse it. That is welcome news for those of you who are amongst the older generations. Eventually all souls will carry bodies that will be crystalline, and in an expression of how you were in your prime. Perfect health will be yours, as disease cannot exist in the higher dimensions. It also means that you cannot carry any infirmity with you, for the same reason. Perfection exists in all higher realms applying to all forms of life, that will have a heightened level of consciousness. Talk to the trees or whatever takes your eye, and you will get a reply.
After all of the variations you get now where your weather is concerned, you will find it very nice in "day to day" temperate conditions. There is no necessity for day and night, as for one thing your need for sleep will be very much less than at present. With a lighter body that to some degree self regenerates, your need for sustenance will also be very slight. Much of your needs will eventually come from the energy around you, but we do still enjoy delicious natural drinks and some food. You will now understand why when we journey through the Universe in our Motherships we are self sufficient, but in any event only have very small needs. Understand that your bodies will be of a different composition, and you will not experience hunger pangs as you do now.
Do not expect the changes to all come at once, as they usually come with your continued evolution and progress through the different dimensions. However, it is nice and comforting to know what lays ahead, and what you will be striving for next. For the time being the most important thing is for you not to relax your concentration on Ascension, and keep out of anything that is still strictly of the lower vibrations. You should be continuing to cleanse your body and releasing anything that is of the 3D world. You are leaving it now and cannot take the old remnants of your attachments to it. That should be easy as they will no longer serve you in any way. You may also find yourself moving from your old crowd of friends, because they do not represent your interests any more.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and with my colleagues of the Galactic Federation of Light, wish you success in your personal journey to ascend. Be assured that many higher Beings will accompany you all of the way.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey

Source Says CIA Being Dismantled by Panetta - Intel Gathering Will Belong to the Military

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Source Says CIA Being Dismantled by Panetta - Intel Gathering Will Belong to the Military
Posted By: Rayelan [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 4-Dec-2012 19:28:24

By Rayelan Allan
Civilian versus the Military... that's what we are facing as the CIA goes bye bye and is replaced by military men and women. When you look into the background of the CIA... you realize that it was created by and for the benefit of the Wall Street Bankers.
This is a long article, with lots of personal asides that help explain things. I hope you read it all the way to the end. And please excuse the mistakes. I just don't have the time to proof it.
One of my long time Sources called today and said that the CIA... which is civilian... is being phased out and will be replaced by a military intelligence gathering unit... probably DIA... Defense Intelligence Agency.
Leon Panetta was my Congressman for years. I knew him. After he refused to help my CIA husband, Gunther in any way, and wrote me the nastiest letter that a constituent ever received... I was very sorry that I helped elect him to the California Assembly and then to Congress. I was a Democrat in those days.
A slight aside.... One thing that most people don't know about Leon, is he is a concert pianist... yes... like Condelezza Rice. Maybe he will one day play for the Queen too.
As much as I dislike Panetta... with this new information I have to ask myself... is he the villain I had thought him to be... or is he the good guy... playing the part of the bad guy??
Now how can I possibly think that someone who more than likely set up General Patraeus... is the Good Guy?
Think about it...
How many times have I said that the CIA is controlled by WALL STREET?
IF Wall Street controls the CIA then the intel they gather is mainly for the benefit of the Elite owned corporations. Read that again... in different words. The CIA works for the Corporations... their main job is to gather intel that will benefit the corporations... and to nefariously create the false flags that drag the United States into wars... and the Corporations who benefit from the wars are the Defense Contractors. The people who do not benefit from wars are the American Military men and women who actually believe they are fighting to preserve freedom here in the United States.
The CIA has been a Wall Street run Company since the days that it was called the OSS... Office of Strategic Services... populated by the White Shoes... who were the sons of the Wall Street and Federal Reserve families.
The White Shoes got the top positions in the OSS. Those who were not born on the right side of the Federal Reserve were named "The Cowboys". The Cowboys were made up of red blooded American men and women who believed they were fighting to keep Americans from speaking German... or Japanese.
After World War II ended, the Cowboys wised up and realized that the White Shoes did not recognize national borders. They believed the entire planet belonged to them... and if they could make money by selling rubber to Hitler or essential supplies to the USSR, it was okay... it was "just business" and he who died with the most toys WON!!
Loyalty to the United States was something the White Shoes laughed at.
The Cowboys wised up because the group of "Nazis" who tried to assassinate Hitler were smuggled in to the United States... some arriving even before the end of the war.
They were debriefed by military men. Men who were loyal to the United States. The head of the "Nazis" was Admiral Canaris. He was the mentor of a deep cover Cowboy who worked in the heart of the United States financial system. That man was William J. Casey... former OSS who went on to have a long career on Wall Street... IMO... he is the one who masterminded the October Surprise when he was Reagan's campaign manager. He went on to become the head of the CIA under Reagan.
Remember... you can't judge Casey because you don't really know who he was and what he was really doing.
Moving on...
The Cowboys changed their name to Faction Two sometime in the 1980s. And they changed the name of the White Shoes to Faction One. Needless to say, the White Shoes did not agree to the change and for years afterward, they were still referred to by journalists as "The White Shoes"... as if using the word 'white' somehow made them the good guys.
If you are a new reader and do not know anything about the Factions... here is a link that explains what I knew about them back in 2003. I have learned a lot since them but have never had the time to update this page:
One other thing that I have to point out... and that is my belief that Obama is a Reverse Trojan... meaning he posed as one thing to get elected... and to keep from being killed by the Chicago cabal that put him in power.
Now that he has people like Leon Panetta watching his back, he may turn against the Chicago Cabal...hopefully before they kill him in revenge for his betrayal.
I think that Obama is a Reverse Trojan and may even have been created by Faction Two.
I think this because his grandmother was a banker in Honolulu. This area was a Faction Two stronghold even during WW2. My late husband, Gunther ran the financial operations in that area. By putting two and two together I can see that both of his Grandparents worked for Faction Two.
His grandfather was investigated during WW2 and thought to be working for the German Abwehr. Why is this important? Because the man who taught William Casey the truth about the Federal Reserve and the Corporations was Admiral Wilhelm Canaris who was the head of the German Military Intelligence... which was called, The Abwehr.
All the dots line up when I look at Stanly and Madeleine Dunham. Both appear to have worked for Faction Two.
I don't know about his mother. I suspect she worked for the CIA because of some of the things she did and places she lived. But to me it looks like she worked for Faction One... the corporations.
If this were a generational operation... it would make sense to create a mother and step father who fit in with the New World Order. No one would suspect that their child might be a sleeper agent created by Faction Two.
The real power and influence would be the grandparents... who worked for the opposition to the New World Order... Faction Two.
So... where am I going with this rambling piece?
I am pointing out that President Obama may indeed be a Reverse Trojan who was created by Faction Two.
By appointing a man who I and most other people believed was a pawn of the NWO... Leon Panetta... to head the CIA, he appears to have been able to quietly institute a take down of the Wall Street CIA... an institution that serves its Corporate new world order masters.
Therefore I have to stop disliking Leon Panetta and compliment myself for helping get him elected to Congress.
Another aside:
Both Leon and I were influenced by an incredible woman named Jean D'Orge Cherry. Since most of you never lived in Carmel, California and knew about the Cherry Foundation, here is a link to her biography.
Her name was not pronounced 'gene'... she pronounced it 'jan'. Sometime in the 60s Jean contacted a couple in Canada, Andre and Dorie D'Angelo. She asked them to become caretakers for what is now called the Cherry Foundation.
Dorie D'Angelo was a world famous healer who held a Friday healing circle at the Cherry Foundation for decades. I joined the circle in the late 70s. I was blessed to be able to attend the two 12 week healing classes that Dorie conducted shortly before she joined the Angels.
Jean D'Orge was a major influence on a woman who was a major influence on me... and Jean was a major influence on Leon Panetta. According to the gossip in Carmel... Jean wanted him to become a concert pianist. I wonder what Jean would think of him joining the CIA when he was in his 20s... eventually becoming the head of it... and now the head of the Defense Department... in which he will create the new version of the CIA... run by the military.
Now... let's talk about Patraeus... a General who was the darling of the Bush administration and family. Did the Bush family create General Patraeus? I don't know. I just know that he was considered in the Bush Camp by Obama.
While Leon Panetta was head of the CIA, he probably hand picked Paula Broadwell and put her and Patraeus together knowing what would eventually happen.
Panetta probably planned the demise of the CIA while he was there and will lay the blame for its failure on General Patraeus and other long time civilian workers.
Civilian workers who work for the corporations. I don't know if General Patraeus realized he was working for the corporations. I think he may have been a good military strategist and didn't really understand the difference between working for the corporations and working for the United States. It's a hard one for me to believe... but I am trying to give a beloved general the benefit of the doubt.
I am not saying that all of the people in the CIA are new world order toadies. There are many who genuinely believe they are protecting our country from the bad guys. But the long time entrenched CIA operatives take their orders directly from George Herbert Walker Bush... who works for the corporations... a political family that has been raised to incredible heights by their corporate bosses.
Okay... I said it!!
George Herbert Walker Bush owns and runs the CIA for the benefit of the Wall Street Bankers who are the major stock holders in the corporations.
If Leon Panetta is behind the take down of the CIA... then he is taking away the Bush family private intel gathering agency.
Now... let's look at the downside of this.
CIA civilians can refuse to take Obama's orders. Military men can't. They will be court marshalled and will lose all of the benefits they spent years earning.
Civilians can be fired... but they will be given a position in a Wall Street company where they will be richly rewarded for all the years of service they have given to the Wall Street Bankers... the ones who own the most shares in the defense contractors... and other companies that supply essentials to our military during the times of conflict.
When this finally makes the news... if it ever does... it will be spun by Fox News as a bad thing because Obama can order the military to do what he wants them to do. And Fox News will point out that the civilian CIA was set up this way so it could be relatively independent.
So... what was Benghazi really about? I can not prove this because I don't have access to the intel reports that I would need to prove it. But I believe the CIA was supplying weapons to various "Al Queda" type groups who probably were shipping the guns to Syria and the Palestinians.
If you have noticed, Israel has NOT attacked Iran. The United States has not declared war on Iran... and one of the Mullahs there has even approached the United States for talks.
If Romney had been elected, we would probably already have seen Israel bomb Iran... and the moment he was inaugurated, he would have declared war on Iran. Remember, his long time friend is Bibi Netanyahu.
Obama is not a friend of Israel... which was started by the new world order corporations for the purpose of destablising the middle east so their corporations could control the oil.
I think we all have to stop seeing him as a communist... who is going to bring in a totalitarian dictatorship... and start seeing him as the man who finally made enough of us so mad that we will dismantle the corporate United States and go back to the loose coalition of states that our founding fathers intended... the Articles of Confederation... creating a group of States that were sovereign... with a tiny federal government to solve disputes between the states.
Maybe we are headed toward a new civil war with red states versus blue states. Will we preserve our freedoms? I don't know what the outcome will be.
Remember what Thomas Jefferson said:
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.

CIA-operated drones protect drug lords in Pakistan

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

CGI's BillsBest: CIA-operated drones protect drug lords in Pakistan
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 5-Dec-2012 00:00:26

Posted by Charleston Voice
Sun Dec 2, 2012 7:40PM
Interview with Mr. Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of Veterans today, Ohio.
If one looks at this quite honestly there is no reason for American involvement in Pakistan other than to protect an 80 billion dollar drug empire. That’s what we’re really doing. It’s all that we’ve done there.”
An analyst says Obama’s drone strikes on Pakistan are war crimes and are not to target terrorists, but to secure an 80 billion dollar US opium empire.
In the background of this, the United Nations has condemned Washington over these illegal drone strikes that have killed hundreds of civilians and even whole families in northwestern Pakistan. The Pakistani government has also complained that the war provocations violate Pakistan’s sovereignty and has also been criticized for their lack of resistance exercised against the continuing strikes. Targets for killing are approved personally by President Obama holding up the United States as judge, jury and executioner from what has become known as Obama’s kill list.
Press TV has interviewed Mr. Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of Veterans today, Ohio about this issue. The following is an approximate transcription of the interview.

The KESHE Foundation's Space Technology to go PUBLIC .

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

The KESHE Foundation's Space Technology to go PUBLIC . . . .
Posted By: Bob [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 5-Dec-2012 00:57:59

One of the 13 Responses so far, to FYI: From MT Keshe on his Forum – Formation of Study Groups
Ilex says:
December 3, 2012 at 11:56 pm
He obviously sees that each individual country is not progressing forward fast enough, so he’s going to let normal folks do it.
This is just too damn cool and he’s going to get all his plasma technology to the people no matter what avenue he has to take.
How can you not love this man? I think this is probably considered pissing off the 'Illuminati' more than anyone or anything.
He is making sure the shackles will be pried off. Such a gift of love.
FYI: From MT Keshe on his Forum** – Formation of Study Groups
Posted on December 3, 2012
I (M.T. Keshe) would like to make a point at this stage.
A number of questions raised on this forum have been discussed and been addressed with multinational space equipment manufacturing organizations over several months.
To cut time short for development, in the upcoming meetings and on this forum, we will start releasing the findings of these organizations.
Thus soon we start opening the field of our discussions and investigations done by leading space organizations on the 'Magravs' system.
This means that for once and for all we will let you know what scientists who worked closely with us over months, and have gone through every point of the patents, have decided as to what decision they have made about the manufacture of the Magravs systems - having full knowledge about the technology.
These reports are done with full assessment of the technology with the intention to industrialize and commercialize the technology.
With this move we will show, that leading space manufacturing companies, after studying the technology in full, have independently decided that the technology is valid.
We have kept reports from these organizations confidential for long enough, and now that a number of governments have the technology, we will let the world have a look at the operation of the technology too.
Time of government decision-making as we promised is limited, and if we see the same process as before, with slander to blocking, then the Foundation will release all details, so that it saves others the time to evaluate and assess the technology, and hence we can go for the full development of systems for the public by the public.
Please read patent one in detail and understand it according to the definition of the books, and I am sure you will develop the reactors in group like this, in weeks.
It is time to play the universal game, and as the inventor I am prepared to start the game, if the forum is ready to take the technology into public to the next step, and this is what you have been asking for.
We have made a decision, and that is, to work with scientists and the public as we promised; the governments have had their time and our time for the public is about to start.
Let us move to the next step, but please work with your government, as their scientists make decisions according to their old understanding, and now it is time to play the new game of openness with science, and for you to show to your governments, your working prototype with the help of others around the world.
You are all welcome to participate, but with knowledge, so as not to run mayhem.
We give access to a limited number knowledgeable and scientists to this process of, and teaching and deployment first, and then through this study group, and their decision as members of the public, to what is to be released and when, to release their findings, at each stage of development.
Choose your team and once you have done this within the next 14 days, then we set out the procedure and form work for this study group.
The Foundations development thought group will not be exclusive and limited to initial members, and we leave the door open to all, but close the doors of control and suppression.
I have a good idea about a few who I think will be good to be part of this study group of the forum, but my decision counts for nothing,
It is you who have to check each other's knowledge and capabilities and then provide the forum with the list and then we will give you access to very secure position that we can discuss, point by point, all aspects of design, control and motion in the first place.
Completion time for assessment of the technology should be within 30 days from the set of this group.
The first prototypes developed and made by the group will be within 3 month.
So by the end of March 2013, the forum thought study group should be able to show the first system from their point of designer.
We will provide all facilities and cost for development of your prototype.
At the end of the testing, each participant of each nation will get a copy of the working unit to show, to their part of the world and not to their own nation alone.
Thus teaching for space technology with the world starts from today and now, it is your time to assess each other’s capabilities and understanding of the universe according to your comprehension of this new technology.
When you have chosen the team, we are here to serve the technology out to you all.
I think this should bring the space technology in one leap into the public hand, and it will grow among people, by the people, for the people,
Rather than us giving you a show, and then all asking, so how is it done? -- now you get to know and teach yourselves and others the full universal process.
You become the peer reviewers of your own technology for mankind.
I am ready to be your student in this study group if you see it fit to be part of this group, as there is still a lot to learn.
We will provide the facility for all your works on the new server as of the 15-12-2012, on the Foundation's own server, which has been bought for these purposes of use in mind.
M T Keshe

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 12/04/2012

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 12/04/2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 4-Dec-2012 20:41:06

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 12/04/2012
10 Akbal, 11 Yaxk'in, 9 Eb
Dratzo! We return! At present, your reality is approaching the immutable date in late December of your Gregorian calendar. This is the time when your reality is to be rid of any alternate timelines, which until now have been used by your dark cabal to manipulate your reality. This riddance creates the means for the Light to transform your world. This transformation will be preceded by the introduction of new governance and a new financial system for your planet. This flurry of activity leads to a formal disclosure announcement of our benevolent presence and the opportunity for us to broadcast vital information to you regarding the upcoming mass landings and your return to full consciousness. This stream of revelations will include broadcasts from the Agarthans concerning the nature of Gaia as a living Being and of your true history going back to the settling of Lemuria some 900,000 years ago. This knowledge will help put into context why you are being returned to your natural state of full consciousness and will prepare you for your coming reunion with the Agarthans of Inner Earth.
All that is happening around and above you is setting the stage for our formal arrival on your shores. This global mass-landing watershed event marks the beginning of your preparation for migrating to the crystal cities of Inner Earth, where your ascension to full consciousness will be completed. Full consciousness allows you to live in divine right relationship with your home world and to travel to the other water-worlds of your solar system to set up global societies within them. Prior to your incarnation here, your life contract included the option for you to take up residence on one of these water-worlds, or to remain on Gaia and create an Earth-based galactic society with the Agarthans. These new planetary societies will conjoin to forge a new star-nation and our role is simply to be the mediators and mentors of this great venture. You will learn that our joint history has many such instances where this happened before. With the wisdom contained in the Book of Understandings you can bring your enormous creativity to bear on setting up your own unique star-nation.
Once you have taken up Federation membership, as did the Agarthans long ago, you will be in a position to begin carrying out the directives conferred on you by Heaven. These directives enable you to formally cement the agreements expressed in the Treaty of Anchara. The former 'children of Anchara' are to receive Light Bodies and with them, ascend to full consciousness. This will create the energies for transforming this entire galaxy into Light! This goal lies behind the series of divine actions that are, even now, affecting this whole region of physicality. The dark is on general retreat as we enter a new great galactic year for this aspect of physicality and we rejoice as we watch the way the Light is able to transform such a wide swath of this sector of physicality. One of the wonders you are shortly to explore is the untold diversity of life in each of the thousands of galaxies that dot this part of physicality. Indeed, one of our greatest joys is conferring with each other as we watch the magical unfoldment of everything touched by the Light.
At this time your perceptions are still subject to an imposed xenophobia which makes you suspicious and often fearful of what lies around you in this galaxy and beyond. However, once in full consciousness, you will be amazed at what Heaven has produced on the planets of the innumerable star systems which fill the immensity of galaxy upon galaxy. Our Science & Exploration teams daily report on new discoveries. Physicality is a vast and endlessly enthralling 'smorgasbord' of diversity and adventure that is presently way beyond your imagining, and we long to share it with you and assist you in your early missions to those civilizations that long to partake of what you will have so valiantly regained: full consciousness. This divinely bestowed service will link us into an immense union that extols the Love and Light emanating ceaselessly from AEON. We are in awe of, and inspired by, those Beings who in great Love brought forth physicality and set out the details of the divine plan.
Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We come in the light of many wonderful things that are happening around this blessed globe! Our gracious associates are in the final stage of processing those agreements which will bring you your new governance and your worldwide prosperity. They work in concert with their Agarthan counterparts who are also focused on the best way to manifest these first requisites. Decades ago, Heaven informed us that this time was to witness the birth of a new freedom for you and with it, the unshackling of your personal sovereignty. The new form of governance promised you is to quickly follow this up with actions that enforce the full legality of your sovereign state. You are to become a major player in the daily operations of this new governance, and as you can see, this stands in direct contrast to your present citizenship role. Presently, government is the stooge of powerful special interests, which have a monopoly on shaping and directing the outcome of all policies and government direction.
Your major-player status will be enabled by a new communications technology which will create a constant 'town hall' relationship between you and the new government. In this setup, special interests need not apply! We have long been champions of certain freedoms which we consider sacred. Each of you is a sacred vessel who embodies a divine spark of Life and intelligence given to you by the Creator. This divine inheritance is the reason for all we do to raise up your consciousness, so that you can at last join with your sacred brethren of Spirit who exist in profusion throughout the length and breadth of physical Creation. Heaven has decreed that this is the time for you to join this divine realm, and to exercise your talents and abilities to unfold physicality. This gives us much joy, as we recognize that this means our great work is nearly done!
What is happening to your planet is reflected throughout your solar system. It is time for us all to take up the sacred call of Heaven and return in grace to full consciousness. We, as wayshowers, have guided you to this magnificent moment. We know that the actions being taken will create the conditions where we can once again openly meet you, and teach you about the true ways of Heaven and the many sacred tasks that the peoples of this world have been so solemnly given. To assist us in this, we are joined by your spiritual and space families, so that together we can complete the home stretch of your return to full consciousness. We look forward to being your guides, and helping you find the best way to fulfill the sacred duties given to us by Heaven. These decrees of AEON await us all, and with them, a most glorious time in our history!
Today we continued our weekly messages. The events paving the way for first contact are ready to manifest. Let us together use these auspicious times to bring into being a new epoch for humanity. Let us indeed joyously respond to the grand clarion call of Heaven! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
Planetary Activation Organization