Friday, February 1, 2013




Attorneys argue in marriage debate 'natural family' is fundamental

At stake in two cases pending before the U.S. Supreme Court is the “very existence” of America, according to attorneys who have filed briefs in support of the federal Defense of Marriage Act and the California state constitutional amendment that defines marriage as the union of one man and one woman.
“The natural family is fundamental to our very existence,” Mathew Staver, founder of Liberty Counsel, said as his organization filed friend-of-the-court briefs.
“Thriving societies need healthy children who grow up into responsible citizens,” he said. “Healthy children require committed parents who will sacrifice their own desires for the well-being of their children. This is all created within the context of natural marriage between one man and one woman.”
His organization filed two briefs in U.S. v. Windsor, which challenges the federal Defense of Marriage Act. That law says that for federal purposes, only marriage between one man and one woman is recognized.
The other case is Hollingsworth v. Perry, which challenges California’s decision by voters to define in their state Constitution marriage as a relationship only between one man and one woman.
The decision to overrule the voters’ marriage definition in California came from U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker, who retired shortly after the case and became open about his own homosexuality.
“We are at a pivotal point in history,” Staver said. “Nothing will define the future of America more than the court’s decision on marriage.”
Liberty Counsel, which was one of many pro-family organizations filing arguments on behalf of marriage, said the high court previously indicated in Baker v. Nelson the U.S. Constitution does not grant a right for same-sex couples to marry.
“Common sense and a quick read of the Constitution say there is no such right to same-sex marriage,” the organization said.
The cases are expected to be argued in the spring.
Others that filed arguments include:
·         Mike Farris, founder of the Home School Legal Defense Association. He contends the First Amendment allows state votes such as California’s, which includes the choice to uphold traditional Western concepts of marriage and family. He argues the nation repeatedly has enacted laws supported by religious and moral arguments, including the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Fourteenth Amendment and the Civil Rights Acts of the 1960s.
·         Penny Nance, president of Concerned Women for America, said the power of the homosexual lobby in America, a movement aided by Obama, is strong. “CWA’s briefs focus on the undeniable political power of the homosexual movement and why they should never be considered a ‘suspect class,’” she said. “Both briefs paint a very clear picture showing we are dealing with one of the most powerful movements in history, even though it represents a very minute section of the population. “The half-a-million members of Concerned Women for America are fully aware that our religious liberties and the very fabric of our nation are at stake on this issue,” she said.
·         CWFA’s Beverly LaHaye Institute also submitted a brief “highlighting one of the most comprehensive studies on the effects of homosexual parenting on children.” The study “showed that compared to adults from married-mom-and-dad homes, those raised by lesbian mothers had negative outcomes in 24 of 40 categories and those raised by homosexual fathers had negative outcomes in 19 of the 40 categories.” Janice Crouse, senior fellow of BLI said, “The study simply makes clear that the legislature has more than a compelling interest in protecting marriage as the union between one man and one woman. It is simply the best, most stable, most profitable environment for children and, therefore, for our nation’s future.”
·         Hundreds of thousands of people also were represented in a brief filed on behalf of supporters of the Manhattan Declaration. Chicago attorney John Mauck said, “Natural law, the nature of the human person, and common sense provide ample reason to preserve marriage as it has always been understood. “He said his brief “sets out the natural law of the family unit, constitutional authority to establish what is best for the nation, and identifies social reasons to preserve male-female marriage. It thus shows that the historic institution of male-female families allows American children, families, and society to benefit from a firm foundation in the home, thus preserving strong future growth. The brief identifies societal circumstances around the world that have accepted homosexual marriage, resulting in a decline in societal function and a harsh increase in religious oppression.”
Between 1998 and 2012, there were 31 votes in 30 states on same-sex marriage, and in all but one, the voters supported traditional marriage. The exception was Arizona, where voters later approved a ban. In the 2012 election, however, flooded with money from pro-homosexual interests, four states voted in favor of same-sex marriage.
Justice Marvin Baxter of the California Supreme Court, in his dissenting opinion in the 2008 case affirming same-sex marriage, warned of the consequences of judicially ordering a change in the standard for marriage.
“The bans on incestuous and polygamous marriages are ancient and deeprooted, and, as the majority suggests, they are supported by strong considerations of social policy,” he wrote for his court. “Our society abhors such relationships, and the notion that our laws could not forever prohibit them seems preposterous.
“Yet here, the majority overturns, in abrupt fashion, an initiative statute confirming the equally deeprooted assumption that marriage is a union of partners of the opposite sex. The majority does so by relying on its own assessment of contemporary community values, and by inserting in our Constitution an expanded definition of the right to marry that contravenes express statutory law.”
His warning?
“Who can say that in 10, 15 or 20 years an activist court might not rely on the majority’s analysis to conclude, on the basis of a perceived evolution in community values, that the laws prohibiting polygamous and incestuous marriages were no longer constitutionally justified?”

Loving a man

falls in love by choice, 
it is by CHANCE.


No one
stays in love by chance,
it is by WORK.


And no one
falls out of love by chance,
it is by CHOICE


If you love this man
please forward to 10 people.

He did
something for you,

now do something for Him.


Spread his word,

and you'll be rewarded.



Matthew 10:32...

'Whoever acknowledges Me before men,

I will acknowledge him

before My Father in heaven.
But whoever disowns Me before men,

I will disown him
before My Father in heaven.'


God is going to
shift things around

for you tonight

& let things work

in your favor.

Massive $114 Bilion withdrawals from 25 Largest US Banks in the 1st Week of JAN 2013

Massive $114 Bilion withdrawals from 25 Largest US Banks in the 1st Week of JAN 2013

It appears that the expiring expanded FDIC insurance has in fact triggered a massive deposit withdrawal at the nation’s largest banks, as the Fed is reporting that $114 billion were withdrawn from the largest 25 US banks over the first week of January, the largest fund outflow since the 9/11 attacks, even exceeding the pace of the outflow during the 2008 financial panic!  -- See report below

 30 Jan 2013
The US bank run was forewarned last year
and now its happening!!

This is what was forewarned late last year as everyone was focusing on the phony so-called "fiscal cliff," yet there was something occurring with the main banks and nobody seemed to report or notice this.  

This was then late last year:


With the media fixated on the fiscal cliff, no one seems to be noticing the fact that the FDIC’s expanded 100% coverage for insured deposits ends January 1st, 2013.
Submitted by SD Contributor AGXIIK:
As of January 2013 the FDIC stops offering 100% coverage for all insured deposits.  That amounts to $1.6 trillion in deposits, 85-90% deposited with the TBTF mega banks.  Once the insurance ramps back to $250,000 the FDIC risk amelioration offered to large depositors will cause them to flee from the insecurity of the much reduced FDIC coverage.  This money will rotate immediately into short term Treasury securities.  The treasury, in order to handle this flood of money, will immediately offer negative interest rates.  This financing will resemble the .5% negative interest rate offered by the Swiss and Germans on the funds flooding to their banks from Spain, Greece and Italy.
This will be a bank run much larger than the Euro banks flight to safety.
Then this is what occurred this year while Wall Street was celebrating with the short-term so-called "fiscal cliff" deal:


SD contributor AGXIIK warned readers months ago about the FDIC’s expanded deposit insurance which was set to expire Dec 31st, predicting that the expiring expanded deposit insurance enacted in the wake of the 2008 financial panic could trigger a bank run.
Many scoffed at the report and its implications, due to the fact that the story received zero attention by the likes of Bloomberg, CNBC, or even ZH.
It appears that the expiring expanded FDIC insurance has in fact triggered a massive deposit withdrawal at the nation’s largest banks, as the Fed is reporting that $114 billion were withdrawn from the largest 25 US banks over the first week of January, the largest fund outflow since the 9/11 attacks, even exceeding the pace of the outflow during the 2008 financial panic!
So once again we are being duped by what is really going, unless us "watchers" continue to report on what is really going on.  
And like Randy, who does an incredible job on reporting on the markets and the economy,  says  "All the dominoes are lined up.  The only thing that will cause them to fall will be the "Rapture," and I agree, but after this incredible US bank run, there really isn't much time left; maybe weeks or months at the most, then "BOOM,' we are gone!!!

Silo Demolition Sledgehammer Style

note what he is hitting is pre made sections of pre-cast concrete


“Feet...Don’t Fail Me me NOW!!”   From the fringe of America's farmland……..a couple of "good ole boys"… work.

Special Forces Take On Domestic Enemies Promoting Gun Control

Special Forces Take On Domestic Enemies Promoting Gun Control

More than 1,100 retired and current Army Special Forces troops, Green Berets, have put their names to a letter that condemns the efforts by Washington politicians to restrict in any manner gun ownership, following the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Their 2,900 word letter has been distributed to media outlets and was originally posted at

According to the post at Professionalsoldiers, “1100 Green Berets signed this Letter. We have a list of all their names and unlike any MSM outlets we can confirm that over 1100 Green Berets did sign. The list includes Special Forces Major Generals & Special Forces Command Sergeants Major down to the lowest ranking “Green Beret.”


Subject: Fwd: Gun amendment in Obamacare?

These people are too stupid for words. "We have to pass the Bill before we know what's in it" and even then they don't know what's in it.
  • Wednesday, it was discovered that hidden deep within the massive 2800-page bill called Obamacare, there is a Senate Amendment protecting the right to keep and bear arms.

    It seems that in their haste to cram socialized medicine down the throats of the American people, then-Speaker
    Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Barack Obama overlooked Senate amendment 3276, Sec. 2716, part c.

    According to that amendment, the government cannot collect "any information relating to the lawful ownership or possession of a firearm or ammunition." This means that the government CANNOT mandate firearm registration. No registration, no confiscation. Poor ol' Joe Biden, he spent the last couple of weeks focusing on making a law requiring registration. Good thing is though, the amendment also states that not even an executive order can override the amendment.

    CNN is now referring to it as "a gift to the nation's powerful gun lobby."

    And according to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), that's exactly right. He says he personally added the provision in order to keep the NRA from getting involved in the legislative fight over Obamacare, which was so ubiquitous in 2010.

    It looks like Harry Reid actually helped out firearm owners without even realizing it. Thanks Harry!!

GO to:
 I Forwarded This as I Thought Others Should See This If True! - Erasmus Of America


     Engineers of Shell Oil sponsored for years tests on high gas mileage. Results of their tests were written up in a book they wrote and released in 1977. I have a copy of this engineering book which I checked on today Feb. 1, 2013 and found used copies of this engineering book now selling for $285, $595, $698.37 and $950. over the internet. I don't plan to sell my copy of this engineering book! Their conclusions back then were that cars were basically using around 25% of the energy available from the fuel they were using. The rest was wasted in cars! On pages 222-233 were shown photos of some of the cars tested for modified and increased gas mileage using engineering tactics shown in this book. A modified 1947 Studebaker achieved 149.95 miles per US gallon in the 1949 Wood River competition. A modified 1959 Fiat 600 achieved 244.35 miles per US gallon in the 1968 Wood River competition. A modified 1959 Opel achieved 376,59 miles per US gallon in the 1973 Wood River competition. For the Wood River competitions, they had to drive the tested cars at a minimum speed of 30 miles per hour which was enforced on a closed airfield circuit. Separately for special cars privately made and could even be two or three wheel vehicles, they had to cover a 10 mile course with a minimum of 10 miles per hour. In 1976, one vehicle achieved a 1141 miles per gallon. I stated all this first to give more credibility to what I am doing to state next. 
     I had studied mechanical engineering with an engineering school and in 1979 took a 1976 Chevrolet Monza getting around 17- 18 1/2 miles per gallon and judged this with correct engineering modifications should do far better than this. I spent basically $20 in items to modify the engine with and in a publicly witnessed test got it up to 94 miles per gallon. This created shockwaves in my area and was widely talked about. I also received threats to stop my car research project or else! This included one time where my brakes were tampered with in hopes it appeared to kill me if driving at high speed. One business friend of mine came to me and delivered the message to me that an unidentified man over the phone told him to tell me that I would be legally framed if I continued this car research project.  My wife and the wife of an engineer working with me were both scared and asked us to stop this high gas mileage research project before both of us were murdered and they were then made widows. Knowing that Washington policy was secretly they did not want high gas mileage in America, not due to fear but common sense as I had no one on my side legally, I dropped the high gas mileage research project but had discovered a major mistake in the design of American and foreign car engines. Almost any car in America should get double to triple its present gas mileage if they stop using what I call "sabotaged engineering" to reduce their efficiency on the road.  I don't believe the auto engineers at Detroit then did not know the angle I had discovered in 1979, but under orders from secret sources were told not to use this obvious angle that could be used in auto engineering. So due to corruption in engineering from high sources including Wash., D.C., you are spending twice as much for gasoline as you would under an honest government in Wash., D.C. which only exists in theory but not in practice and reality.
     In my book "The Early Roots Of Apostolic Christianity," I include the basic principles I used to get the 1976 Chevy Monza to go up to 94 miles per gallon and on regular roads at moderate to high speed based upon conditions on the open road. It is all laws of physics which I suspect auto engineers willfully ignored as they were ordered to if I am correct in suspicion. If I had continued this research project with this car, I think I could have probably gotten it up to 120 miles per gallon or a bit higher. The engineering potential was there to do this if the auto modifications were done right. I figured as not too many people wanted to know the genuine 100% version of Christianity taught from the time of the Apostles up to around 400 A.D. as clearly recorded and documented in the official Christian writings which successfully survived the fall of the Roman Empire later on, give the people powerful worldly bonuses in this book such as my 94 miles per gallon gas mileage system of 1974 and more people would be motivated to want to read this book! I also give powerful angles on personal health including what appear to be answers according to testimonials for heart problems including high blood pressure, cancer problems, diabetes both type one and two, ways to eliminate even fast at times wrinkles in skin for both women and men, excessive pain or all pain from medical problems with one warning I give that regardless if pain is suddenly eliminated or not still get solved or cured the root problem as elimination of pain eliminates the symptom but not what is the root problem creating the problem of pain in you. And I could go on. I personally judge that I am going to live an extra 20 to 40 years and in good health due all these smart God-given health answers I found and which answers I try to share with you in this book.    
     A good engineering friend of mine died a few years ago but told me of an intriguing story when he was alive. A man used one engineering trick to get his car up to 150 miles per gallon. He told the basic secret but people did not really understand what he was saying. He put signs on his car boasting of his 150 miles per gallon gas mileage on his car. The police arrested him for doing this. When after arrest the first time by police for I am sure was nonsense charges to silence him, he again had this sign on his car boasting that he was getting 150 miles per gallon on his car. He soon afterwards disappeared and was never seen again. As my engineering friend had implied, it sounded like he was murdered in order to silence him. 
     The other day when I picked up two more engineering references (I have a huge technical library I assembled for my planned Camelot Project once I build it. I probably have $1 million or more in value of technical reference books for this engineering community once built!). Suddenly I noticed in one they had the correct engineering reference showing what this man had to mean when he said what was the principle to his high gas mileage of 150 miles per gallon. I now know what the man was saying and it makes beautiful engineering sense. Either as part of my book on early Christianity or else as a bonus sent along with it, I will give you his secret how he got 150 miles per gallon and it is sound engineering! Through Feb. 8, 2013, if you order the book, I include the 150 miles per gallon engineering secret he had. I am ethical and don't cheat those who have already ordered this book. You get the 150 miles per gallon answer of his either in or else with the book. Actually you could potentially even for $50 to $200 get from an auto junkyard a special item used with the auto engine of the junk cars, modify it a bit for your personal use on your car, and if you get 150 miles per gallon, fantastic! Even if only 70 miles per gallon, 90 miles per gallon, or 120 miles per gallon, etc., you are suddenly gaining energy independence from corrupt Washington policy and if you can do this, you suddenly have given yourself a pay increase as your money you receive as income you can now buy more with in your daily life and take better care of your family in the process. I am not one who is stopped by threats. So now that I have the means to come back on those corrupt elements who threatened me in 1979 not to help the American people with the American Energy Crisis then and still continuing full strength through 2013, I am showing you these auto high gas mileage angles now through this book!
      If you have a credit card or debit card, the book may be ordered through my website through paypal which will also let you order as a guest if you are not a member of theirs at this time. If not, send $25.00 plus 6% SC sales tax if required which is $1.25 extra or $26.25 total and shipping is included. Give me your name, address, etc. email if you have it, and number of books ordered. This will be sent out as a pdf format if we have an email address for you. If not, as a paper printed copy and mailed to you. The book "The Early Roots Of Apostolic Christianity" is basically done. Part is typeset and part to be typeset from the research material already set up to be typeset which shouldn't take long now. If ordering by mail, make any check, etc. out to NIFI and send to NIFI, P.O.l Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 and say "For Book." That is all you need to do.
     Get on my email list or else my regular mailing list, and when ready, I can notify you when we have ready what I will call "Saint Anthony Bread." St. Anthony of Egypt (251-356 A.D.) was apparently the healthiest man in the entire Roman Empire. From 20 years old until he died at 105 years old, he had never been sick in his life and was written about then as the man who was physically glorious in appearance he looked so healthy. For 85 years he was never sick, did not lose his teeth, his eyesight remained great, he had great physical endurance, did not look his age, and all he lived on for 85 years was 6 ounces of bread he ate once daily after dark and some water as his only real diet. He made the bread himself. We know the secret to his bread the millers and bakers in the world do not know the secret to at this time. My father invented this Vatican endorsed super health food process based upon how to mill wheat or other grains correctly to retain all the nutrition in the bread made from the milled flour. Pope Pius XII endorsed this as potentially the greatest news for mankind since the coming of Christ since it could potentially solve the twin problems of starvation and malnutrition in the world. My father's great trade secret food discovery ties in beautifully with commercially making this Saint Anthony of Egypt bread available for America and all the world to have once we are ready to release it on the American and then world market. As medical lab reports 1,300 or more from across the world predict the soon extinction of the human race on earth due to bad diet across the world, my father's trade secret food discovery will save the human race from going extinct like the dinosaurs did. Separately American university tests of years ago predicted the end of the entire human race on earth if my father's trade secret super health bread was not added in time and soon to the diet of the Americans and other races on earth. 
     When I break loose with the St. Anthony of Egypt Bread which is fulfillment of the promise of God for good health with your bread in Exodus 23:25, there will be many business opportunities with me for those interested in America and worldwide in sales. Frankly the book helps raise the money to reestablish my father's Vatican endorsed industrial food process in America. We get this industry going on in America, this can potentially skyrocket the American economy, can potentially create millions of good new jobs in America, and maybe restore America to the effective industrial leader of the world instead of China coming to replace America as the industrial leader of the world now. If you are on my national list already, I intend to contact you first with business opportunities coming up from this St. Anthony Bread. Only if all business opportunities are not already taken up, will I then offer some business opportunities from this to be made available also to the general public at large.  
     Whoever wants feel free to copy and send this report all over America. Wash., D.C. is not on the side of the American people in serious solutions to the Energy Crisis of America, health crisis of America, debt crisis of America, good jobs for all the people crisis, etc. With the Vatican endorsed food process reestablished in America, we can turn America around and give America a bright future instead of dark future for America.       
     Yours For God And Country, Erasmus of America (pen name. Read 110 or so national reports of mine posted with Nesara News from April, 2012 through January, 2013 now. Enter Erasmus of America and see lists of these reports. I have to give Nesara News credit. They have the guts to post the truth for the American people to see when the news media is trying to hide the truth from them!)
     P.S. Let's have once more America under God and freedom instead of America of the downtrodden and defeated Americans!

15 Tons of Cheese Trashed After Two Year Raw Milk Battle Ends and Sheriffs Called In to Carry Out Order

Do you suppose they'll ever get around to checking to see if our underwear is clean? Mmmmmmm.....


15 Tons of Cheese Trashed After Two Year Raw Milk Battle Ends and Sheriffs Called In to Carry Out Order

Editor’s note — We’ll be discussing this story and all the day’s news during our live BlazeCast from 12pm-1pm ET…including your questions, comments & live chat:
A two-and-a-half-year fight over a batch of raw milk cheese produced in Howell County, Mo., ended last week when 15 tons of the unpasteurized cheese had to be taken to the dump, the KY3 reported.

The decision in Howell County was made by the State Milk Board. The board, which falls under the state’s department of agriculture was established in 1972 to “encourage orderly and sanitary production, transportation, processing and grading of fluid milk and processed milk products for consumption intrastate as well as interstate.”

The thousands of pounds of cheese in question made by Morningland Dairy was held during the more than two year legal battle after tests of the product showed harmful bacterial contamination. But the farmers believe it was wrongly tested.

The controversy of raw milk products is not limited to Missouri. Last year, it was reported officials from the California Health Department had visited the homes of raw milk customers to confiscate the unpasteurized products. Other states have seen regulatory issues with the dairy products, which are favored by many natural food fans, as well.

Missouri Farmers Cheese Stored for Two Years in Raw Milk Battle Ordered to Be Destroyed

Farmer Joe Dixon and the an officer from the sheriff’s department sent to carry out the court order to confiscate the cheese. (Image: YouTube)
Here the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund, a non-profit that supports the rights of farmers, chronicled the events leading up to the cheese destruction on its blog:
The Milk Board shut down Morningland’s manufacturing operation and ordered all cheese at the facility embargoed on August 26, 2010 after receiving a report from the California Department of Food and Agriculture that Morningland cheese seized in a raid of the Rawesome food club in Venice, California in June 2010 had tested positive for Listeria monocytogenesand Staphyloccocus aureus. Not a single block of cheese in the warehouse had the same batch number as the cheese seized in the Rawesome raid. A Milk Board inspector initially told Joe Dixon that he would only be shut down for a few days—but that changed when FDA stepped up their involvement in the case a short time later and pressured the Milk Board not to let Morningland resume their operations.
On October 1, 2010 the Milk Board sent the Dixons a letter requesting that they destroy the entire inventory of cheese at the facility; when the Dixons refused, the Milk Board filed a petition in the Circuit Court of Howell County to obtain an order for the destruction of the Morningland cheese.
After a two-day trial before Judge David Dunlop, the judge issued a decision on February 23, 2011 ordering the destruction of the cheese. Morningland appealed the decision but on September 27, 2012 the Court of Appeals sided with the Milk Board. A petition to the Missouri Supreme Court to hear the case was rejected on December 18, paving the way for the destruction of the cheese to take place.

KY3 reported the Food and Drug administration tests of the cheese showed nothing out of the ordinary, while private testing showed both Staphylococcus aureus and listeria. Dixon said to KY3 that they requested a trial by jury and were denied as the rules governing the safety of the product were a regulation not a law.

This video by a friend of Dixon shows the milk board showing up on January 25 to confiscate the cheese. The county sheriff’s office is called in due to a group of protesters. Watch the nearly 15 minutes of mild confrontation that ensues between the officers and protesters:
In the video, the sheriff has to explain why officers were taking photographs of the license plates of present protesters. The sheriff says although the protesters have been peaceful, he is documenting who is present in case something were to go awry. The videographer asks if the information collected about the protesters present will be destroyed if no physical problem occurs, to which the sheriff said yes.

The officer maintained he was simply there to ensure that a court order was carried out. It is an order the protesters feel is unjust.
“If the court asked you or told you to confiscate firearms from the citizens of Howell County what would you do? It should be a simple answer,” the videographer said.

Missouri Farmers Cheese Stored for Two Years in Raw Milk Battle Ordered to Be Destroyed
(Image: YouTube screenshot)

The officer said he wouldn’t answer the question.
“It hasn’t happened,” the officer said.
When the cheese was dumped, Dixon said he saw the “the destruction of what my wife and I and family have worked to build.” KY3 reported the dairy farmer saying his herd is now gone and he would fear getting a complaint and being shut down again if he were to try and restart.
KY3 contacted the milk board and the department of agriculture, which declined to comment on the case.

Kick-start of a new round of US-Russia nuclear reduction negotiations on the way

Kick-start of a new round of US-Russia nuclear reduction negotiations on the way
Tags: Russian-US relations RussiaPoliticsNewsWorldnuclear weapons       Jan 31, 2013 08:50 Moscow Time

Vice President Joe Biden will meet Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov this weekend in Munich and National Security Advisor Tom Donilon will travel to Moscow next month to try to kick-start a new round of U.S.-Russia nuclear reduction negotiations, The Cable blog of Foreign Policy magazine reports.

It was four years ago at the Munich Security Conference that Biden first spoke about the Obama administration's desire to "reset" U.S.-Russian relations after years of deterioration during the George W. Bush administration.
Now, at the beginning of Obama's second term, Biden and Donilon are leading the charge to reinvigorate that reset, following a series of setbacks in the U.S.-Russia relationship that has included President Vladimir Putin accusing the United States of meddling in Russian politics, anger over a new U.S. law to sanction Russian human rights violators, and a new Russian ban on Americans adopting Russian orphans.
Some in Congress are concerned that Biden and Donilon, in their upcoming meetings with Russian leaders, will define exactly what that "flexibility" might mean and propose unilateral reductions in U.S. nuclear stockpiles or alterations to U.S. missile-defense plans as an enticement for Russia to sit down for new talks.
There is no clarity on which types of weapons might be included in the next round of U.S.-Russia arms control negotiations, but the administration is said to be open to including strategic deployed nukes, strategic non-deployed nukes, tactical nukes, and missile defense in the talks.
Top U.S. diplomat to discuss Nunn-Lugar program in Moscow - source
U.S. Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Rose Gottemoeller is expected to visit Moscow in the near future to discuss a number of topics, including the future of the Nunn-Lugar nuclear ammunition disposal program. 
"This visit will take place in mid-February. The sides will discuss issues surrounding arms control, the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, as well as the future of the Nunn-Lugar program," a Moscow diplomatic source told Interfax on Thursday.
During the visit, Gottemoeller will meet with Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov, he said.
Last December, U.S. President Barack Obama called on Russia to act as an equal partner in drafting an agreement on the non-proliferation of nuclear materials.
The Nunn-Lugar plan, which dates back to 1992, allowed the U.S. to start assisting former Soviet states in their efforts to dispose of nuclear, chemical and bacteriological weapons. The U.S. spent more than $8 billion on this program in Russia alone from 1992 to 2012.
The Russian authorities have already notified Washington that they do not plan to prolong the agreement, which expires in May 2013, because Moscow views this document as discriminatory and fears that it could help the U.S. gain access to classified military information.
US National Security Advisor intends to transmit a personal letter to Putin from Obama 
The National Security Advisor in the Obama Administration Tom Donilon intends to transmit a personal letter to Putin from Obama "articulating his plans for further U.S. arms reductions and perhaps even agreements about U.S. missile defenses to entice Russia to the negotiating table," the chairman of the House Armed Services Strategic Forces Subcommittee Mike Rogers wrote, as The Cable blog of Foreign Policy magazine reports.
"Ahead of your unannounced discussions with Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov this weekend in Munich, and prior to Mr. Donilon's forthcoming February discussions in Moscow, I write seeking your assurance as to President Obama's plans for future potential U.S. arms reductions."
The National Security Staff and the Office of the Vice President declined to comment for this story and declined to offer any response to Rogers's letter.
Russia experts acknowledge that a new arms control agreement with Moscow will be difficult but say that the White House is committed to exploring whether it is possible. Obama is personally driving this policy and sees nuclear weapons reductions, as spelled out in his 2009 speech in Prague, as part of his legacy. 
Voice of Russia, Interfax,

China Just Threatened a Currency War If the Fed Doesn't Stop Printing

January 29 2013
China Just Threatened a Currency War If the Fed Doesn't Stop Printing 
The tension between Central Banks that we noted yesterday continues to worsen. This time it was China and the EU, not just Germany, that fired warning shots at the US Fed.
A senior Chinese official said on Friday that the United States should cut back on printing money to stimulate its economy if the world is to have confidence in the dollar.
Asked whether he was worried about the dollar, the chairman of China's sovereign wealth fund, the China Investment Corporation, Jin Liqun, told the World Economic Forum in Davos: "I am a little bit worried."
"There will be no winners in currency wars. But it is important for a central bank that the money goes to the right place," Li said.
Speaking at the same session, French Finance Minister Pierre Moscovici voiced concern that the euro was becoming overvalued as a result of quantitative easing and other stimulus actions taken by other nations' central banks.
"Certainly, the level of the euro is high and creates some problem," he said, attributing the single currency's recent gains partly to the return of confidence created by the European Central Bank and euro zone governments in starting to overcome Europe's debt crisis.
Source: Reuters. 
So first Germany begins pulling its Gold reserves from the US, and now China and the EU are saying publicly that the Fed's policies are damaging confidence in the US Dollar.
This does not bode well for the financial system. The primary role of Central Banks is to maintain confidence in the system. If the Central Banks begin to turn on one another, it is only a matter of time before the system breaks down.
Remember, every time the Fed debases the US Dollar it forces the Euro and other currencies higher, hurting those countries' exports. The Fed has recently announced it will be printing $85 billion every month until employment reaches 6.5% (obviously the Fed is ignoring the mountains of data that indicate QE doesn't create jobs).
How long will the other Central Banks tolerate this before they initiate a currency war? Both Germany and China have fired warning shots at the Fed. And we all know that just beneath the veneer of goodwill, tensions are building between the primary players of the global financial system. More importantly, how can investors profit from this? Remember, entire fortunes can be made during times of crises. 
This is precisely the sort of "unquantifiable" investment analysis we specialize in with our Private Wealth Advisory newsletter.
With most of the markets dominated by computer programs and Wall Street sharks, the only way to make serious money is by focusing on the opportunities and risks that no computer or group-think Wall Streeter can come up with. If you can do this, you can still making a killing in the markets.
We're speaking from experience here.
Phoenix Capital Research

An Honest Letter to Pelosi


Subject: An Honest Letter to Pelosi

It has been confirmed that Mr. Guthrie did indeed write & send this letter to Ms. Pelosi …this is one brave patriotic American!! AND---his credentials are impressive!!

Check his credentials. Then read his letter to Pelosi!

Born St.. Louis , Missouri , August 21, 1944

Bar Admissions:
North Carolina , 1969
U.S. District Court, Eastern, Middle and Western Districts of North Carolina , 1969
U.S. Tax Court
Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals
Education: Woodford College , 1966 A.B.
Mercer University , 1969 J.D.
Phi Alpha Delta
Vice-Justice, District XIV, 1968 - 1969
Professional Associations and Memberships:
North Carolina and American Bar Associations (Member, Sections on: Administrative Law; General Practice; Litigation)
26th Judicial District and North Carolina State Bar
Mecklenburg County Bar Association
American Association of Justice
North Carolina Trial Lawyers Association
Captain , U.S. Army, 1969-1971, Vietnam
National Defense Medal, 1969
Republic of Viet Nam Service Medal, 1970
Bronze Star Medals (2), 1971
Assistant District Attorney, Mecklenburg County , 1971 - 1974
Charlotte Chamber of Commerce
Chairman, Board of Trustees Providence United Methodist Church
Board of Directors, Alexander Children's Home
Board of Directors, Charlotte Culinary Institute
Wofford Alumni Executive Council
Scoutmaster, Boy Scouts of America
Board of Directors, Boy Scouts of America of Mecklenburg County
Board of Directors, Girl Scout Council
Life Member, National Eagle Scout Association
Life Member, Girl Scouts of America

Dear Ms. Pelosi:

I write to you out of utter disdain! You are as despicable and un-American as the traitor Jane Fonda.

I am a soon to be a 65 year-old who has voted in every state and local election since 1966.  I have voted for both Republicans and Democrats alike.  I have worked on campaigns for both Republicans and Democrats, white and black.  I served the country that I love in Vietnam , as my son did in the Middle East .  I was awarded two bronze stars.  I have been involved in politics since age 6 when my father was campaign manager for a truly great American Congressman, Charles Raper Jonas, who worked for his constituents and his country, and was to be admired, unlike you.

You obviously haven't read the Constitution recently, if ever, the Federalist Papers, or even David McCulloughs book on John Adams. You ought to take the time while riding around in your government provided luxury executive jet to do just that. You represent Socialistic and even Marxist principals that our founding fathers tried to avoid when setting out the capitalistic republican form of government represented by our Constitution.

I find it interesting that you and your husband are multi-millionaires with much of your fortune being made as a result of your public service. You have controlled legislation that has enhanced your husbands investments both on and off shore.  At the same time you redistributed the wealth of others.  Our system of a free market economy is being destroyed by the likes of you, Harry Reid, and now our President.  You ride around in a Gulfstream airplane at the tax payers expense while criticizing the presidents of companies who produced something for the economy.  You add nothing to the economy of the United States ; you only subtract therefrom.

I would like to suggest that you return to the city of fruitcakes and nuts and eat your husbands’ canned tuna and pineapple produced by illegal immigrants and by workers who have been excluded from the protection that 90% of the legal workers in the United States have.

I await your defeat in the next election with glee...

Don’t ever use the term un-American again for protesters who love this country and are exercising their rights upon which this country was founded.  By the way, while I served in the Army, I was spit on by the same type of lunatics who support you and who you probably supported in the 60s and 70s.  You are an embarrassment to all of us who served so that you would have the protected right of free speech to call us un-American.  But at the same time, I have the right to write you to notify you that I consider you to be un-American, as do the majority of the people of this formerly great country.  You are a true disgrace to most of the people who served this country by offering themselves for public service in the United States Congress.

I feel certain your aides will not share this letter with you, but I intend to share it with many...

Let's help this man fulfill his 'commitment' to Pelosi

by forwarding his thoughts to everyone in your address book!