Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Price of Children - What Are They Worth?

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The Price of Children - What Are They Worth?

This is just too good not to share

Here is something absolutely positive for a change. I have repeatedly seen the breakdown of the cost of raising a child, but this is the first time I have seen the rewards listed this way. It's nice.

The government recently calculated the cost of raising a child from birth to 18 and came up with $160,140.00 for a middle income family. Talk about price shock! That doesn't even touch college tuition.

But $160,140.00 isn't so bad if you break it down.
Read More Link On Right

But $160,140.00 isn't so bad if you break it down. It translates into:

* $8,896.66 a year,

* $741.38 a month,

*$171.08 a week.

* A mere $24.24 a day!

* Just over a dollar an hour.

Still, you might think the best financial advice is; don't have children if you want to be 'rich.' Actually, it is just the opposite.

What do you get for your $160,140.00?

* Naming rights . First, middle, and last!

* Glimpses of God every day.

* Giggles under the covers every night.

* More love than your heart can hold.

* Butterfly kisses and Velcro hugs.

* Endless wonder over rocks, ants, clouds, and warm cookies.

* A hand to hold usually covered with jelly or chocolate.

* A partner for blowing bubbles and flying kites.

* Someone to laugh yourself silly with, no matter what the boss said or how your stocks performed that day.

For $160,140.00, you never have to grow up. You get to:

* finger-paint,

* carve pumpkins,

* play hide-and-seek,

* catch lightning bugs,

* never stop believing in Santa Claus.

You have an excuse to:

* keep reading the Adventures of Piglet and Pooh,

* watch Saturday morning cartoons,

* go to Disney movies, and

* wish on stars.

You get to frame rainbows, hearts, and flowers under refrigerator magnets and collect spray painted noodle wreaths for Christmas, hand prints set in clay for Mother's Day, and cards with backward letters for Father's Day.

For a mere $24.24 a day, there is no greater bang for your buck. You get to be a hero just for:

* retrieving a Frisbee off the garage roof,

* taking the training wheels off a bike,

* removing a splinter,

* filling a wading pool,

* coaxing a wad of gum out of bangs, and

* coaching a baseball team that never wins but always gets treated to ice cream regardless.

You get a front row seat in history to witness the:

* First step,

* First word,

* First bra,

* First date,

* First time behind the wheel.

You get to be immortal. You get another branch added to your family tree, and if you're lucky, a long list of limbs in your obituary called grandchildren and great grandchildren. You get an education in psychology, nursing, criminal justice, communications, and human sexuality that no college can match..

In the eyes of a child, you rank right up there under God. You have all the power to heal a boo-boo, scare away the monsters under the bed, patch a broken heart, police a slumber party, ground them forever, and love them without limits, so one day they will, like you, love without counting the cost. That is quite a deal for the price!!!!!!!

Love & enjoy your children & grandchildren & great-grandchildren!!!!!!! It's the best investment you'll ever make



Chinese Motors formerly General Motors

Chinese Motors
Thought  of Buying a GM Car  Lately …….

Why haven't we heard this on the nightly news ?


Congressman Asks Big Sis to Explain Huge Ammo Purchases

Congressman Asks Big Sis to Explain Huge Ammo Purchases

“Congress has a responsibility to ask Secretary Napolitano as to exactly why these purchases have occurred”
Paul Joseph Watson
March 19, 2013
New Jersey Congressman Leonard Lance (R) has demanded an explanation from Secretary Janet Napolitano as to why the Department of Homeland Security is buying huge amounts of bullets.

Asked about the federal agency’s purchase of over 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition over the past year – enough to wage a 20 year plus war – as well as thousands of armored vehicles – Lance called on Congress to get involved.

“I think Congress should ask the Department about both of those issues and I would like a full explanation as to why that has been done and I have every confidence that the oversight committee ….should ask those questions,” said Lance, adding that he shared a belief, “that Congress has a responsibility to ask Secretary Napolitano as to exactly why these purchases have occurred.”

The Congressman said he was “concerned” and that his goal was ensuring Americans “continued to live in a country based on freedom and individual rights,” adding that he hoped Congress could get answers on the reasons behind the huge ammunition purchases by the DHS.

Lance, who is the U.S. Representative for New Jersey’s 7th congressional district, was speaking at a Morristown Tea Party Organization meeting on Friday.

Last week, the Democratic Governors Association (DGA), a lobbying organization which represents governors affiliated with the Democratic Party, started an ad campaign calling on Americans to sign a petition demanding Sarah Palin be denounced for “extremist” rhetoric after the former Governor of Alaska expressed concern about the bullet purchases in a Facebook post.
Earlier this month, Forbes Magazine called for a “national conversation” on the matter despite claims by mainstream media and leftist websites that the issue had been “debunked”. As we documented, the sole source for claiming the story was “debunked” came from a single quote by a DHS official carried in a February 14 Associated Press report.

The AP report regurgitated claims by the federal agency that the bullets were bought in bulk to save money and were for training purposes only.

However, as former Marine Richard Mason told reporters with WHPTV News in Pennsylvania last week, hollow point bullets (which make up the majority of the DHS purchases) are not used for training because they are more expensive than standard firing range rounds.

“We never trained with hollow points, we didn’t even see hollow points my entire four and a half years in the Marine Corps,” Mason said.

Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for and Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.

This article was posted: Tuesday, March 19, 2013 at 9:48 am

Lyndon LaRouche: Rapid Population Reduction Policy Implemented

Lyndon LaRouche: Rapid Population Reduction Policy Implemented
Posted By: FreePlanet
Date: Wednesday, 20-Mar-2013 03:51:12
Lyndon LaRouche covers a range of topics from the threat of thermonuclear war and asteroid defense to the complete breakdown taking place in Europe as seen by the recent events in Cyprus.
Who knows what's really going on, and what's cynical PSY-OP for profit-related gameplan?


Let's make this viral!

Let's make this viral!
Posted By: TwinFlame [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 20-Mar-2013 01:31:36
It is almost springtime in Texas, and the Texas state flower is the incredibly beautiful

Here is a touching video by the very talented Robin Binford.
‪You'll be moved if you're a Texan (native, transplant, current resident, or former resident).
If you aren't a Texan, you'll discover the beauty than can best be described as "God's blue carpet".
The bluebonnets are not blooming yet, so the viewing of this video might inspire you to come see them for yourself in the Lone Star State!

The bluebonnet became the state flower only after a small battle.
In a battle of male versus female, male lawmakers favored either the hardy cactus or the cotton boll to represent the state, however, the ladies of the National Society of Colonial Dames of America fought for the bluebonnet, or, as it was called in the late 1800s, buffalo clover.

In the end, the gentlemen gave in to the ladies' desires and the bluebonnet became the state flower in March of 1901.


CODE: J.B. Ill
·      The Dulce Base
·      Caught in the Game
·      Who's Planet is this?
·      The Secret Activity
·      R&D and the Military Industrial Complex
·      Surviving the Future
·      The Transamerican Underground Subshuttle System, (T.A.U.S.S.)
·      Overt and Covert Research
·      Each Base has its own Symbol
·      Inside the Dulce Base
·      The Town of Dulce
·      Mind Manipulation Experiments
·      Better Living Through Bio-Tech?

The following material comes from people who know the Dulce underground base exists. They are people who worked in the labs; abductees taken to the base; people who assisted in the construction; intelligence personnel, (NSA, CIA; etc.) and some specific UFO inner Earth researchers. This information is meant for those who are seriously interested in the Dulce base.

For your own protection, be advised to 'Use Caution' while investigating this complex. An ongoing investigation made by J.B. Ill, (Code: SR24.3B7).

The Dulce Base

This facility is a genetics lab and is connected to Los Alamos, via Tube-Shuttle. Part of their research is related to the genetic effects of radiation, (Mutation and Human Genetics). Its research also includes other Intelligent Species as well, (Alien Biological Life Form "Entities"). In the revised September 1950 edition of The Effects of Atomic Weapons, prepared for and in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Defense and The U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, under the direction of the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, we read about how complete underground placement of bases is desirable.
On page #381: "There are apparently no fundamental difficulties in construction and operating underground various types of important facilities. Such facilities may be placed in a suitable existing mine or a site may be excavated for the purpose".

Caught in the Game

Centuries ago, surface people, some say the Illuminati, entered into a pact with an "Alien Nation", hidden within the Earth. The U.S. Government, in 1933, agreed to trade animals and humans in exchange for high-tech knowledge, and to allow them to use undisturbed underground bases, in the western U.S.A. A special group was formed to deal with the Alien beings. In the 1940's, "Alien Life Forms" (ALFs) began shifting their focus of operations, from Central and South America to the United States.

The continental divide is vital to these specific entities. Part of this has to do with magnetic substrata rock and high energy plasma states, (see: Beyond the Four Dimensions, reconciling physics, parapsychology and UFOs, by Karl Brunstein, and also: Nuclear Evolution, discovery of the rainbow bodi/aura by Christopher Hills).
·      This area has a very high concentration of lightning activity; underground waterways and cavern systems, fields of atmospheric IONS, etc.

Who's Planet Is this?

These specific Aliens consider themselves Native Terrans. They are an Ancient race, decedents of a reptilian Humanoid species which cross-bred with some of the more primitive Uni-Terrestrial survivors. They are untrustworthy manipulator mercenary agents from another Extra-Terrestrial culture, "The Draco's" who are returning to Earth, which was their ancient outpost before the coming of the original Uni-Terrestrials, to try to use it as a staging area, which is not easy at all, because it causes all the other one hundred seventy (170) different Alien species to want their share of the Metagene secrets.

But, these Alien cultures are in conflict over who's agenda will be followed for this planet. All the while mind control is being used to keep humans in place, artificially of course, especially since the forties. The Dulce complex is a joint U.S. Government and Alien base.

It was not the first one built with the Aliens and others are located in Colorado, Nevada, Arizona, Alaska, etc.

The Secret Activity - About Dulce area

Troops went in and out of there every summer, starting in 1947. The natives do recall that they also built a road, right in front of the people of Dulce and trucks went in and out for a long period. That road was later blocked and destroyed. The signs on the trucks were "Smith Corp." out of Paragosa Springs, Colorado.

No such corporation exists now, no records exist, and I believe the base, at least the first one was being built then undercover of a lumbering project, who never hauled any logs at all, only big equipment

R&D and the Military Industrial Complex

The Rand Corp. became involved by doing a study, for the base on geology around the near by lakes. Most of the lakes near Dulce were made, via Government Grants for the Indians, as such a completed Grant, the NAVAJO Dam is a main source for conventional electrical power, with the second source in ELVADO (which is also, an underground entrance to the Dulce base).

NOTE: If Rand is the mother of "Think Tanks", then the "Ford Foundation" must be considered the Father.

Rands secrecy is not confined to reports, but on occasion extends to conferences and meetings. On page #645 of the Project Rand, proceedings of the Deep Underground Construction Symposium of March 1959, we read:
"Just as airplanes, ships and automobiles have given man mastery of the surface of the Earth, tunnel, boring machines, will give him access to the subterranean world."
The September 1983 Issue of OMNI, page 80, has a color drawing of "The Subterrene", the Los Alamos Nuclear powered tunnel machine, that burrow through the rock, deep underground, by heating whatever stone it encounters into molten rock, (Magma), which cools after the subterrene machine has moved on. The result is a tunnel with a smooth, glazed lining.
These underground tubes are used by electro-magnetically powered sub-shuttle vehicles, which can travel at great speeds. They connect the so-called "Hidden Empire" sub-city complexes. Also, the top secret project code-named "NOAH'S ARK", uses the tube shuttles in connection with a system of over one hundred (100) bunkers and bolt holes, which have been established at various places on Earth.

They built the same type of subterranean tunnels at the ultra top secret Moon and Mars bases as well. Many of these underground cities are complete with streets, sidewalks, lakes, small electrical cars, buildings, offices and shopping malls.

There were over six hundred fifty (650) attendees to the 1959 Rand Symposium, most were representatives of the Corporate Industrial State, like:
·      The General Electric Company
·      Hughes Aircraft Company
·      Sandia Corporation
·      Walsh Construction Company
·      Colorado School of Mines
·      AT&T
·      Northrop Corporation
·      Stanford Research Institute
·      The Bechtel Corporation
·      Etc.
Bechtel (pronounced Beck-tul) is a super secret international corporation octopus, founded in 1898. Some say the firm now is really a "Shadow Government", a working arm of the CIA. It is the largest construction and engineering outfit, in the U.S.A., the world, and some say, beyond. The most important posts in U.S.A. Government are held by former Bechtel officers.

They are part of "The Web", an inter-connected control system, which links the Tri-Lateralist Plans, the C.F.R., the Orders of Illuminism, (cult of the All-Seeing Eye) and other interlocking groups.

Surviving The Future

The Dulce facility consists of a central hub, the security section, and also some photo labs. The deeper you go, the stronger the security. This is a Multi-Leveled complex, with over 3,000 cameras at various high security locations, i.e. exits and labs.

There are over one hundred (100) secret exits near and around Dulce. Many around Archuleta Mesa, others to the south around Dulce lake and even as far East as Lindrith.

Deep sections of the complex connect into natural cavern system. A person who worked at the Base (CR-24/ZM 35-File IV), who had an "Ultra 7-B" clearance reports the following:
"There may be more than seven levels, but I only know of seven. Most of the Aliens are on levels 5, 6, and 7. Alien housing is on level five (5)."
Transamerican Underground Sub-shuttle System, (TJLU.S.S.)

Overt and Covert Research within Dulce

As U.S. Energy Secretary, John Herrington named the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and New Mexico's Los Alamos National Laboratory to house new advanced genetic research centers as part of a project to decipher the Human Genome. The Genome holds the genetically coded instructions that guide the transformation of a single cell, a fertilized egg, into a biological being. The Human Genome Project may well have the greatest direct impact on humanity of any scientific initiative before us today", said David Shirley, Director of the Berkeley Laboratory.

Covertly, this research has been going on for years, at Dulce labs.

Level #6, at Dulce, is privately called "Night Mare Hair," it holds the Genetic Labs. Reports from workers, (CR-24/ZM 52-Files VII), who have seen bizarre experimentation, are as follows:
"I have seen multi-legged humans that look like half-human, half-octopus. Also reptilian-humans, and furry creatures that have hands like humans and cries like a baby, it mimics human words, and also huge mixture of lizard humans in cages."
There are fish, seals, birds and mice that can barely be considered those species. There are several cages, and vats of winged humanoids, grotesque Bat like creatures about three and a half to seven feet tall. Gargoyle-like beings and Draco-Reptoids.

Level #7 is worse, row after row of several humans and humanoids, (hundreds, perhaps thousands) in cold storage. Here too are embryo storage vats of humanoids, in various stages of development.
"I frequently encountered humans in cages, usually dazed or drugged, but sometimes they cried and begged for help. We were told they were hopelessly insane and involved in high risk drug tests to cure insanity. At the beginning, we were told never try to speak to them at all at the and we believed that story."
Finally in 1978, a small group of workers discovered the truth. It began the Dulce Wars, and a secret resistance Unit was formed.

NOTE: There are over 18,000 Aliens at the Dulce complex at this time.

In late 1979, there was a confrontation, over weapons, a lot of scientists and military personnel were killed. The base was closed for a while, but now, it is currently active again.

1.    Human and animal abductions, for their blood and other parts, slowed in the mkJ-1980's, when the Livermore Berkeley Labs began production of artificial blood for Dulce and its sister complexes.
2.    About the confrontation, Human and Alien at Dulce, eighty (82) people were killed between scientists and the National Recon Group, the DELTA GROUP, which is responsible for security of all Alien connected projects. Also, there were hundreds of other wounded people and 132 dead aliens.

This type of entity is one that abductees and contactees have seen in underground breeding facilities since 1963. They are bred by the thousands in underground facilities, the Dulce facility is the most well known place that this activity occurs, although there are at least another twenty six (26) bases within the United States that have similar facilities.

The Delta Group, within the Intelligence Support Activity, have been seen with badges which have a black triangle on a red background. A Delta is the fourth letter of the Greek alphabet, it has the form of a triangle, and figures prominently in certain Masonic Signs.

Each Base Has Ks Own Symbol

The Dulce Base symbol is a triangle with the Greek letter TAU", (T) within it and then the symbol is inverted, so the triangle points down.

The Insignia of "a triangle and three (3) lateral lines" has been seen on Alien Transport Craft, The Trilateral Symbol.

Other symbols mark landing sites and Alien Craft.
Inside the Dulce Base

Security officers wear jump-suites, with the Dulce Symbol on the front upper left side. The standard hand weapon at Dulce, is a "Flash Gun", which is good against human and Aliens. They use a Retina-Reader for Identification in substitution of the old ID Cards, but the ID Card readers are still used in card slots, for the doors and elevators, which had the Dulce Symbol above the ID Photo.

After the second level, everyone is weighed in the nude, then given a uniform, visitors are given one off-white uniform. In front of all sensitive areas are the Retina-Readers and scales built under the doorway, by the door control. The clearance is checked, identity is checked and also the weight. Any possible change over two pounds and a security yellow is alerted.

No one, without a specific clearance or authorization, is allowed to carry anything into or out of sensitive areas. All supplies are put through a security conveyor system. The Alien symbol language, Grey and Nordic appear a lot at the facility.

During the construction of the facility, which was done in stages, over many years, the Aliens assisted in the design and construction materials. Many of the things assembled by the workers were of a technology they could not understand, yet, now a days it is a different story, it would function when fully put together.

The elevators have no cable, they are controlled magnetically. The magnet system is inside the walls. There are no conventional electrical controls. All is controlled by advanced magnetics. That includes a magnetically induced, (phosphorescent), illumination system. There are no regular light bulbs, and all exits are magnetically controlled.

If you were to place a large electromagnet on an entrance, it will affect an immediate interruption. They will have to come and reset the system, and "blow away your head, if they catch you!"

The Town of Dulce

The area around Dulce has had a high number of reported animal mutilations. The Government and the Aliens used the animals for environmental tests, psychological warfare on people, etc. The Aliens also wanted large amounts of organic material for Genetic Research, Nutritional and other reasons.
In the book, "ETs and UFOs, They need us, we don't need them", was an original idea for one title, but not my personal choice, by Virgil "Posty" Armstrong, he reports how his friends Bob and Sharon stopped for the night in Dulce and went out to dinner, they overheard some local residents openly and voicefully discussing Extra-Terrestrial abductions of the townspeople for purposes of experimentation.

The ETs were taking unwilling human guinea pigs from the general populace of Dulce and implanting devices in their heads and bodies. The townspeople were frightened and angry but didn't feel they had any recourse since the ETs had our Government's knowledge and approval, (CODE: SR-24/AK.5).

Recently, participants in a field investigation, (CODE: SR-24/R25/AK.2), of the area near Archuletta Mesa, were confronted by two small hovering spheres. They all became suddenly ill and had to leave the area Several Dulce residents are not naturally from this area, single people and even couples with children, have just come to the town of Dulce since 1948.

Generations of frozen agents occupied in suspect positions like at work in a gas station, drugstore, bar, restaurant, etc. They're there to listen and report anything which violates their limit of security.

Always in the town of Dulce, you never know who is who.

Mind Manipulation Experiments

The Dulce Base has studied mind control implants; Bio-PSI units; ELF Devices capable of mood, Sleep and Heartbeat control; etc.

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, (DARPA) is using these technologies to manipulate people. They establish "The Projects', set priorities, coordinate efforts and guide the many participants in these undertakings. Related Projects are studied at Sandia Base by the "Jason Group" of fifty five scientists from thirty eight specific scientific areas. They have secretly harnessed the Dark Side of technology and hidden the beneficial technology from the public.

Other projects take place at "Area 51" at Groom Lake in Nevada, codename "Dreamland", which is a data and ongoing projects repository and establishment for just some of the following:
·      Electro-Magnetic Intelligence, (ELMINT)
·      Code: Empire
·      Code: EVA
·      Prometheus Project
·      Hybrid Intelligence System Program, (HIS)
·      BW/CW
·      Infrared Intruder Systems Project, (IRIS)
·      BI-PASS
·      REP-TILES
The studies on Level #4, at Dulce, include human/Alien, Aura Research, as well as, all aspects of Dream, Hypnosis, Telepathy, etc. They know how to manipulate the Bioplasmic body of humans. They can lower your heartbeat with deep sloop "Delta Waves", induce a static shock, then re-program via a brain-computer link. They can introduce data and programmed reactions into your mind, (information impregnation, "The Dream Library").

We are entering an ERA of the technologicalization of psychic powers, this means, the development of techniques to enhance man and machine communications:
·      Nano-Technology
·      Bio-Technology
·      Micro-Machines
·      PSI-War
·      Electronic Dissolution of Memory, (EDOM)
·      Radio-Hypnotic Intra-Cerebral Control, (RHIC) well as, various forms of behavior control via:
·      Chemical Agents
·      Ultra-Sonics
·      Optical Frequencies
·      Electro-Magnetic, (EM) Frequencies
...which are directed to the physics of 'Consciousness'.

Better Living Through Bio-Tech?

The development of "Bio-Technologies" will mean a revolutionary change in life of every human being now on Earth! WARNING! "FASCISM IS CORPORATISM". We have passed the point of no return, in our interaction with the Alien beings. We are guaranteed "A CRISIS" which will persist until the final revelation or conflict.

The crisis is Here, Global and Real. We must mitigate or transform the nature of the disasters to come, and "come they will". Knowing is half the battle.
ADVICE: Read the Book, "The Cosmic Conspiracy" by Stan Deyo.

The Phantom Empire - "Above the Law"

The Dulce Base is run by a Board:
·      The Chairman of the Board is John Herrington.
·      Jim Baker of Tennessee is the NSA/CIA link to Dulce.
·      House speaker Jim Wright of Dallas Texas, the Nation's third highest office, is the Treasurer at Dulce.
There is currently a power struggle going on, as Rep. William Thomas, R-Caiifornia, put it,
"Part of Jim Wright's problem is he fails to understand what's equitable and fair. It's the arrogance of power".
Even among his fellow Democrats, many find wright to be uncomfortable, Wright's operating style leaves him vulnerable.

Most meetings of the Dulce Board are held in Denver, Colorado and Taos, New Mexico. Former New Mexico Senator Harrison, publicly known only as "Last Man on the Moon" Schmitt has full knowledge of Dulce. He was one of seven astronauts to tour the base. In 1979, he held a "Animal Mutilation" conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico. This was used to locate researchers and determine what they had learned about the links between the "Mute" operations and the Alien/Government deals.

Senator Brian of Nevada, knows about the "Ultra Secrets at Dreamland" and Dulce. So do many others in the Government, "this is what the UFO researchers are up against", SO BE CAREFUL! They have killed to keep this information secret, and by reading this document, you now know more than they want you to know!
They also have underwater bases off the cost of Florida and Peru. More detailed information will be released by the Government following the plan of preparation for a Global Alien revelation, in the very near future. Photo's, Video Tapes, Documents, etc. will be released. Watch for Agents among you now.

After all, a fascist group, within this country, had John Kennedy assassinated and got away with it. Look to the links, within the larger umbrella, the "Web" of a fascist totalitarian Secret Police State, within the Pentagon; JCS; DIA; Division Five of the FBI; DISC/DIS and CIA.

The Defensive Investigative Services (DIS) - Their insignia is a composite of the Sun's Rays, a Rose, and a Dagger, Symbolizing "The search for information, trustworthiness and danger".
The following are basic diagrams of process of creation of artificial hybrids at level #7, at the Dulce Complex: