Thursday, March 21, 2013

Top 10 Psychotic Global War Criminals

Top 10 Psychotic Global War Criminals

Psychotic Predators Battle to See Who’s the Biggest Baddest Mofo Out There

So here we are. Are you ready to find our who’s on this years Global Most Wanted list complied by yours truly? Okay, great! Let’s do this. First, I encourage you read my list in full then place your comments. Do you agree? disagree? Do you have any better nominees? Here’s my list…

1) DICK CHENEY, the Global Sith

This guy in the poster child for what a War criminal looks like today. That smirk of contempt is the classic and quintessential screw you to your face while I steal your future. It’s that unreal commitment to being the world # 1 psychotic predator that makes this Global Sith our # 1 war criminal.
A former US Secretary of Defense, former US Vice-President and signator of the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), Cheney is the accused mastermind of the 911 “terrorist” attack against the people of the world. Cheney has been called “The Vice President For Torture” by the Washington Post. A staunch supporter of the Middle Eastern Wars for resources, Cheney, like Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld bears particular responsibility for the conduct of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
Elder Statesman and global corporate rapist, this maniac epitomizes the phrase Psychotic Predator. Oh and it is alleged that he’s had over 25 heart transplant surgeries over the last thousand years of his life allowing him to complete many other evil deeds allegedly including injecting potatoes with an unknown agent causing the famine in Ireland (circa 1845) and launching the Bubonic plague on Europe destroying the lives of millions upon millions just so he could control the spice trade. This guy knows what he’s doing! Send this menace to Gitmo!
Read full wiki bio >>>

2) GEORGE W. BUSH, Idiot Drunk and Coked Up Innocent bystander

It’s actually hard to put this clown on our list. He was by far the most embarrassing U.S. President in history.  He’s such a moron that you kind of feel sorry for him. I mean this clown on 9/12 had the whole world on his side and, within 1 year, blew that goodwill to hell completely. It’s precisely that kind of talent that puts Mr. Mission Accomplished on this list at #2.
I mean he was gracious enough to accept the job offered to him by his Dad and the GOP cabal that you gotta admire him for doing his duty as a good son. But alas, he gladly implemented their Dr. Evil strategems without a blink of a eye and so, well, you guessed it…Dress up in your favorite Orange jumpsuit Georgy cause you’re…. the next contestant on Guess who belongs in Gitmo?
Read full wiki bio >>>

3) BENJAMIN NETANYAHU, Prime Sinister of Israhell

Bibi, we love you! You’ve been around so long we’ve lost track of how many crimes against humanity you’ve committed. I mean you’ve screwed the American public for so long headed by your spy and bidding ring in America commonly known as AIPAC that we no longer know what is up and what is down.  And to make it even worse, you do it soooooo effortlessly. It’s impressive.
I mean you take white phosphorus dumps on the indigenous populations and then call them terrorists while the American public cheers you on,; even more than their U.S. President. Wow! That’s amazing!
Talent? No way! It’s much more! I think the word is Mastery.
You are that Master Po guy in the 70′s Kung Fu TV show teaching poor little Grasshopper Obama how to control the universe. And that puts you on this esteemed list.
Somebody give this man a standing ovation! Wait! What’s that? The U.S. Congress already did that? Dam he’s good! Ga Ga Ga Gitmo time!
Read full wiki bio >>>

4) JAMIE DIMON, J.P. Morgan Chase Chairman and Known Global Tapeworm

Mr. Dimon, how sweet it is! The Tapeworm! We love this guy! In fact, most of the global peoples don’t even know your name which makes you so so really evil because you do it in plain site. You screw the masses each day leading an evil empire that controls the money game enslaving the populace while you create wealth for you and your buds in a game where you control the rules.
Brilliant! You win no matter what happens. Tell me the truth …. you have a real mini-me right? A Mister Bigglesworth? Come on, fess up! Hey If I throw a penny into a cell in Gitmo will you run and get it? I think so!
Read full wiki bio >>>

5) RUPERT MURDOCH, Global Media Master Brainwasher

Ahhhh, the Australian globalist posing an American gentleman. Hey wasn’t this guy in that James Bond movie Tomorrow Never Dies? I am sure that was him looking to control the global media. Except this maniac is for real.
Does anyone have a straight jacket the size of his megalomania. How old is this clown act anyway? Is he really a human being or just a hologram?
Read full wiki bio >>>

6) HANK PAULSON, Global Bankster and Financial Rapist

When Paulson left the top job at Goldman Sachs to become Treasury Secretary in 2006, his big concern was whether he’d have an impact.
He ended up almost single-handedly running the country’s economic policy for the last year of the Bush Administration insuring that his buddies got bailed out after screwing everybody. Wow, what a performance! Can you say Agent Double-Oh-Bilderberger?
Read full wiki bio >>>

7) PAUL WOLFOWITZ, the Iraq War Architect

Former US Deputy Secretary of Defense and architect of the Middle Eastern War Without End. Casualties in two pre-emptive wars now exceed 1,000,000 deaths, not including the 4,000+ US deaths and over 40,000 wounded. And this clown act won a Presidential Medal of Freedom for his evil work and a promotion to the head of the World Bank. You can’t write comedy better than this.
I would send him to Gitmo but the laughs seem to be worth having him around on TV trying to justify his actions. It’s better than watching the comedy channel. Too funny!
Read full wiki bio >>>

8)  TONY BLAIR, Wingman to G.W. Bush in the Fabricated Wars

Blair, with his buddy Georgy, better known as G.W., launched a war of aggression that broke international law. In attacking Iraq, Blair committed a crime against peace, defined by the Nuremberg Principles as the “planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression”.
The Iraq war was waged for a reason other than self-defence, which made it a crime of aggression and violated Articles 33 and 51 of the UN Charter. Besides, he smiles while he lies. That’s worth a ticket to Gitmo. Read more on Why Blair is a war criminal >>
Read full wiki bio >>>

9) DONALD RUMSFELD, Loyal Neo-Conned

US Secretary of Defense during the Middle Eastern War Without end. A signator of the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) document that calls for pre-emptive hostile acts of US imperialism conducted by overwhelming military means (War) against weaker nations possessing scarce resources.
Aside from the estimated  1,000,000 Iraqi deaths, the estimated 40,000 US casualties (dead and injured), and the untold tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands unaccounted for who suffer from the effects of depleted uranium now and in the years to come, well Rummy, you win! You get on this list.
I mean Rumsfeld remains convinced the “war on terror” was just. Does Gitmo have a super insane wing? If so, he belongs there.
Read full wiki bio >>>

10) HENRY KISSINGER, The Original War Criminal

This former US Secretary of State was Dick Cheney before there was a Dick Cheney. He invented the modern day Dick Cheney.  In fact, Dick Cheney can only hope to be this good.
Kissinger had a hand in killings around the world for over 40 years. Some argue he’s still involved.
From Chile to Vietnam to Israel, lovable Henry was the man. Heck, he was so good that they even gave him a Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts. Wow, good job Europa!
I loved this man so much that, with my old punk rock band Twisted Nixon, I penned a song in his honor called Kissinger is Dead.
Read full wiki bio >>>

Make a Citizens Arrest and Save the World

In closing, personally, I don’t recognize the right of these maniacs to be free in our global society. In fact, if I ever see one of these maniacs anywhere near my presence, I will immediately make a global citizens arrest on behalf of humanity and take them to the nearest local Police station calling upon my fellow citizens to guard the building so that so there can be no escape or rescue by their assigns who aim to free their buddy from the grips of justice.  I urge you, my fellow humans, to do the same.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Johnny Punish is a musician, artist, entertainer, businessman, investor, life coach, and syndicated columnist. Educated at University of Nevada Las Vegas, his articles appear in Veterans Today, Money News Now and his Johnny Punish Blog. His art music is promoted by Peapolz Media Records and played on net radio at and more.
Resources: StoreMusicVideosAmazonYouTubeTwitterFacebookLinkedIn
2013 copyright – Johnny Punish

IMF Chief Lagarde's Paris Home Searched by Police

IMF Chief Lagarde's Paris Home Searched by Police

Published: Wednesday, 20 Mar 2013

Joshua Roberts | Bloomberg | Getty Images
Christine Lagarde, managing director of the International Monetary Fund

French authorities searched the Paris flat of IMF chief Christine Lagarde on Wednesday as part of an investigation into her handling of a 2008 compensation payment to a businessman supporter of ex-president Nicolas Sarkozy, her lawyer said.
Police are investigating claims that Lagarde, when finance minister under Sarkozy, acted illegally in approving the 285 million euro ($367 million) arbitration payout to Bernard Tapie. She denies any wrong doing.
"This search will help uncover the truth, which will contribute to exonerating my client from any criminal wrongdoing," Lagarde's lawyer, Yves Repiquet, told Reuters.

Before Overthrowing the Government, Remember to Register With the Attorney General

Before Overthrowing the Government, Remember to Register With the Attorney General
Posted By: NotRob
Date: Wednesday, 20-Mar-2013 22:24:56
I am about to share something with you that may blow your mind. One of the reasons that I am, and will continue to be, against big government is that big government has too many rules. Too many rules typically means too much government control and too many excuses to arrest law-abiding citizens. We live in a country that accounts for roughly 5% of the world population but boasts 25% of the world’s prison inmates, so you can call me paranoid if you want but this is certainly not the “land of the free.”
Read more:
“The Voorhis Act of 1940 (18 U.S.C. 2386) required the registration with the Attorney General of certain organizations which advocated the overthrow of the federal government or any political subdivision thereof by the use of force or violence.”


Posted By: IZAKOVIC [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 20-Mar-2013 09:17:46
Hillary Clinton's hacked Benghazi emails sent to RT
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Published time: March 19, 2013 17:52
Edited time: March 20, 2013 12:17

Photo of Hillary Clinton at source
RT has received emails that are alleged to have been sent from a one-time White House aide to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
A hacker using the alias “Guccifer” was credited last week with compromising the AOL email account of Sidney Blumenthal, a 64-year-old journalist who formerly worked as an assistant to then-President Bill Clinton. Now days after the security breach was first reported, Guccifer has supplied RT and a number of other media outlets and political figures with incredibly sensitive memos that were emailed to Mr. Clinton’s wife, Hillary, in the wake of last year’s terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya.

Photo of Blumenthal at source
The emails that RT received include four memos that Mr. Blumenthal sent to Mrs. Clinton about the attack, all marked “Confidential” and all containing references to sources speaking on condition of anonymity due to the sheer seriousness of the material. The most recent memo included in the trove is dated February 16, 2013, and includes intelligence that comes “from extremely sensitive sources and should be handled with care.”
The oldest memo sent to RT is dated September 12, 2012 — mere hours after four Americans were killed in a deadly assault on the US consulate building in Benghazi. Chris Stevens, an ambassador for the United States, was among those killed.

At the time of the attack, Mrs. Clinton was serving her final few weeks as secretary of state under President Barack Obama, a position that she relinquished earlier this year to former-Senator John Kerry. Her knowledge of the Benghazi attack has become a frequent matter of dispute, however, since information relayed to the public in the immediate aftermath of the assault frequently contradicted other intelligence.
Initially, many high-up US sources said the storming of the consulate was in response to an anti-Islamic film that had been made in America and uploaded to the website YouTube. In the days after the assault, however, members of the US intelligence community offered a different explanation, saying the attack was not a spontaneous outburst prompted by the viral video clip but were instead a coordinated terrorist attack launched by associates of al-Qaeda.

According to the Blumenthal memos, though, even the US secretary of state was being fed disinformation directly after the attack. In the email dated Sept. 12, Sec. Clinton is told that the anti-Islamic film was likely the catalyst for the assault.
“A senior security officer told [interim Libyan President Mohammed Yussef] el Magariaf that the attacks on that day were inspired by what many devout Libyans viewed as a sacrilegious internet video on the prophet Mohammed originating in America,” the memo reads. “The Libya attacks were also inspired by and linked to an attack on the US mission in Egypt on the same day.”
Elsewhere in the first memo, Blumenthal tells Clinton that another source had even more to say about the assault:
“According to a separate sensitive source, el Magariaf noted that his opponents had often tried to connect him to the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) through the National Front for the Salvation of Libya (NFSL), a group established in opposition to former dictator Muammar al-Gaddafi, which el Magariaf led in the 1980s. In the opinion of this individual el Magariaf believes that he can survive potential negative publicity in this regard, but if this situation continues to develop in this manner it will complicate his efforts to establish an orderly administration in the country. Again, he stated that the attacks on the US missions were as much a result of the atmosphere created by this campaign, as the controversial video.”

Later on, “a very sensitive source” is cited as saying that the Libyan president’s enemies are likely “working to take advantage of his suspected links to the CIA at a time when Western intelligence services are under scrutiny in Libya.”
Five months later, though, another memo sent to Mrs. Clinton painted a much different picture of what was happening abroad. An email dated Feb. 16, 2013 contains the subject line “Algeria/Libya/Terrorism” and touches on possible connections between the Benghazi assault and the January 2013 hostage crisis in In Amenas, Algeria near the Libyan border. In that dispatch, links are drawn between both major incidents.

“Speaking on condition of absolute secrecy,” an individual with sensitive access status spoke out on the attacks in a memo that was given to Blumenthal, sent to Clinton and eventually intercepted by Guccifer. According to that source’s claims, Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika “instructed commanders of the Algerian external intelligence service (Direction Generale de la Sécurité Extérieure – DGSE) to provide Libyan intelligence chief, General Salim Hassi, with selected portions of the information obtained in the investigation of the terrorist attack on the facility at In Amenas.”
The source goes on to say that Algeria’s Pres. Bouteflika asked the DGSE officers to pass along sensitive information obtained from the interrogation of known and suspected supporters of the terrorist group Mokhtar Belmokhtar, or MBM, which would later all but confirm that al-Qaeda affiliates were involved in both attacks.
“According to a knowledgeable individual, the commanders of the Algerian DGSE reported to Bouteflika’s staff that their work confirmed their initial suspicion that the MBM attack on In Amenas was related to French military operations in Mali, as part of a loose but growing coalition of Islamist groups, the Movement for Unity and Jihad in West Africa (MUJWA), which was formed in mid-2012 with funding and support from al-Qaeda in the Islamic Mahgred (AQUM).”
“In the opinion of these individuals, MBM is a key member of this group and was best placed to strike at a Western facility in retaliation for the French operations in Mali. The Algerian officials also believe that Libya’s Ansar al Sharia,” a pro-Sharia law militant Islamic group, “plays a role in the umbrella organization.”
“The In Amenas attack allowed MBM to stage an operation to keep the Algerian government off balance,” the memo continues. “These officials also stated that while Algerian members of MBM had planned and led the attack, the guerrilla force included experienced fighters from Mali, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Somali and Egypt.”
From there, the source explains that the individual with top-secret intel on the operations were instructed to keep information received from the French DGSE confidential, but that the intel “concerned the funding of the MBM operations and a possible link to the Ansar al Sharia attack on the United States Consulate in Benghazi.”
“This individual adds that this information provided by the French service indicates that the funding for both attacks originated with wealthy Sunni Islamists in Saudi Arabia. During July and August 2012, these financers provided funds to AQIM contacts in Southern Europe, who in turn passed the money into AQIM operatives in Mauritania. These funds were eventually provided to Ansar al Sharia and its allied militias in the Benghazi region in support of their attack on the US consulate. The money was used to recruit operatives and purchase ammunition and supplies.”
After the September 2012 attack, the MBM used remaining funds to organize the In Amenas, Algeria attack, the source claims. If the “extremely sensitive source” is indeed in-the-know, though, the Algerian incident might not be the last major terrorist attack that will occur in the Maghreb anytime soon.
According to the Feb. 2016 memo, the source says that Algerian intelligence agency believe that al-Qaeda and their allies “will continue to strike at Western facilities in the Maghreb, taking advantage of countries where the security structure is disorganized following the uprisings of the Arab Spring in 2011-2012.”
Previously, the hackers known as Guccifer has been linked to breaching the Facebook account of Gen. Colin Powell, who served as secretary of state under George W. Bush, and members of the Bush dynasty. Guccifer has also targeted a “US Senator, a senior United Nations official, security contractors in Iraq, two former FBI agents and a Department of Defense supervisor,” the Smoking Gun reports.
In the leaked memos disseminated to the media, Guccifer opted to copy-and-paste the correspondence into new files — images of bold Comic Sans text layered over a pink backgrounds — likely as a security precaution to cover his own tracks.
The latest batch of emails was reportedly sent from the hacked AOL account of a Hollywood actor’s wife in a further bid to obscure his whereabouts. Two IP addresses linked to Gufficer have been traced back to the Russian Federation TSG reports, though hackers regularly engage in forms of subterfuge to conceal their actual location via proxies, IP spoofing and onion routing systems such as TOR.
Guccifier, who spoke directly to the Smoking Gun, is apparently a male with a penchant for grand conspiracy theories.
“the evil is leading this f***ed up world!!!!!! i tell you this the world of tomorrow will be a world free of illuminati or will be no more,” the hacker warned.



Posted By: IZAKOVIC [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 20-Mar-2013 15:41:15

(UK) Police Corruption: Celebrity Sex Abusers files hidden from investigating officers by police top brass

(UK) Police Corruption: Celebrity Sex Abusers files hidden from investigating officers by police top brass
Posted By: namaste
Date: Wednesday, 20-Mar-2013 15:52:58
Hundreds of files on celebrities, politicians and other VIPs accused of sex attacks and abuse were so heavily protected by senior police that investigating officers could not access them, it emerged today.
Information on high profile suspects was marked as ‘secret’ or ‘restricted’ and only available to a small number of officers – a system which may have helped prolific offenders like Jimmy Savile and MP Cyril Smith escape prosecution.
The approach to sensitive files was designed to stop officers from leaking information to the media, experts say.
The issue of detectives being unable to access relevant intelligence was highlighted in a report on the effectiveness of the Police National Database (PND) in the wake of the Savile scandal.
It came after complaints about Savile made to different police forces across the country while the TV presenter was still alive were not able to be shared by detectives.
Read more: Namaste Publishing


Andrew D. Basiago Announces 2016 Presidential Run - A New Approach To The Big Prize?

Andrew D. Basiago Announces 2016 Presidential Run - A New Approach To The Big Prize?
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 20-Mar-2013 20:10:58
As we look forward (not) to the 2016 Corporate US President selection, the 'whose running who' rabbit hole gets deeper, and smells worse at every turn of the time tunnels.
Whether or not the US corporate Gov is still in place to work it's dastardly deeds come Nov, 2015, remains a question.
The DC greed, control, and power center parasites are presently creating the finishing touches on an environment where they become public enemy #1 to Americans, after completing their apprenticeship for the title of empire building Satanists many decades ago, in the eyes of any other sane person on the planet.
Every participating member of the DC mafia from Executive, to Legislative, to Judicial - and anywhere in between - is now walking a fine line between breathing or a long prison sentence.
Video: Must Hear - Amazing Speech By Dr. Dahlia Wasfi

For the sake of example, let's assume the DC Nazi Zionist Cabal slithers along UNtil 2015 without getting it's head cut off, and another 'candidate' will be selected by the media lapdogs and secretive criminal gangs such as CFR, Bilderbergs, Bankster Drug cartels, Skull and Bones, Nazi Zionist, ADL, Masons, or the Pedophiles-R-US Organization - as the next talking head cut out Ken doll to occupy the oval office.
Notice the selection of a 'president' has nothing to do with voters or being 'elected'.
Voting is a non-issue, and will never be an issue to the current crop of gangsters running the show.
Presidential 'elections' in Amerika are simply a psy-opp dream of the past that ended with the wake-up call named the John F Kennedy .
That is why the term 'selected' is used here in this context.
The current Ken doll cut out occupying the oval office, President Barack Obama, is the product of the so-called 'intelligence community' - but doubts exist as to whether 'intelligence' really is the correct description for the Obama fiasco.
Obama, born of course in a previous identity as Barry Soetoro, is a fiction, a cut out - a Ken doll - in reality.
President Barack Obama is the only man in Amerika with more chips than a Las Vegas casino.
But the 'chips' are not on the table. The 'chips' are embedded in his brain.
Obama is a product of the mind-controlled, black operations that began with the Montauk Project, then grew into DARPA and Project Pegasus, which took young children, and horrifically defiled them sexually and emotionally - in order to separate their personalities for ease of control, and the prospect for blackmail later in their careers, should they not 'do as they are told'.
Many of these children are also 'chipped' with physical implants that actually control their thought patterns.
These same children are then elevated into positions of power in their adult life, and easily controlled by their black opps handlers.
That is the real story behind most of the 'powerful politicians' the TV zombies look to as 'leaders' today.
In the Amerikan DC Corporate Mafia, you will find most of the 'big name' 'leaders' in the so-called government are homosexuals, lesbians, pedophiles, or both.
This is not by chance. This is by design.
They were purposely trained that way from a very young age.
"Agent Buried Alive, The Autobiography of Commander James Casbolt (Michael Prince) (2008)"
"Forget about James Bond movies; much of the secret service apparatus in the U.K and U.S. is an occult, paedophile network run by corrupt factions of the “Illuminated” degrees of Freemasonry (33rd degree and above).
Everything in Project Mannequin is organized by the Jewish kabala occult system, using such esoteric methods as numerology and archeometry (advanced remote viewing).
Even the name James Casbolt means “valiant, decorated warrior of death and destruction” in Kabala numerology. You can check this yourself on the kabala calculator available on the Internet."
"The NSA is looking for people of certain bloodlines, and these people are mainly of Celtic/blue blood (aristocratic) genetics."
"They call this MPO (Manifest Production Observership) and LERM (Light Encoded Reality Matrix).
Without getting into the technical nitty gritty, LERM relies on the integrated functioning of three important organs in the body:
the cortical brain complex (which includes the old reptilian, old mammalian, and necrotic brains), the heart, and the visceral or enteric brain.

LERM is taught to initiates of the highest levels of Freemasonry, as well as the NSA people.
It is fairly simple once you break it down, and people who understand it can manifest their desires into reality extremely quickly."
- Commander James Casbolt
Agent Buried Alive,
The Autobiography of Commander James Casbolt (2008)
Enter Andrew D. Basiago, who was a classmate of Barry Soetoro, as was William Brett Stillings, who said he was in the Mars visitation program in the early 1980s along with Basiago, and such future luminaries as Barry Soetoro (Pres. Barack Obama), and Regina Dugan (the current head of DARPA appointed by Obama).
See Below:
"Video: Time Traveler, Andrew Basiago at Gettysburg 1863 and 9/11 Was Known, 30 Years in Advance"
"Video: DARPA's Project Pegasus, Jump Rooms To Mars"
Published on Mar 4, 2013
Part of DARPA's Project Pegasus as a young child and now a practicing attorney, Andrew D. Basiago claims to be one of America's early time-space explorers.
Appearing in the latter half of the show, he discussed his involvement with the CIA's Mars visitation program in 1980.
The program, he said, was started in the 1970s, and transported people from a "jump room" (an elevator in El Segundo, CA that served as a kind of portal) to the surface of Mars.
According to Basiago, Maj. Ed Dames taught a training course to several of the participants about what to expect in terms of humanoids and "predator species" on the Martian surface (Dames briefly appeared in the 4th hour and denied his involvement with the program).
Also joining the show was William Brett Stillings, who said he was in the Mars visitation program in the early 1980s along with Basiago, and such future luminaries as Barry Soetoro (Pres. Barack Obama), and Regina Dugan (the current head of DARPA).
The team leader of Project Pegasus, Andrew D. Basiago, is a lawyer, writer, and 21st century visionary.
He is an emerging figure in the Disclosure Movement, who is leading a campaign to lobby the United States government to disclose such controversial truths as the fact that Mars harbors life and that the United States has achieved "quantum access" to past and future events.
He has been identified as the first of two major planetary whistle blowers predicted by ALTA, the Web Bot project that analyzes the content of the World Wide Web to discern future trends.
Far from being the mere 'son of a goat herder' (as he deceptively paraded during and even before his candidacy), strong evidence has emerged that President Barack Obama is the product of the intelligence community.
Investigative reporter and former NSA employee Wayne Madsen has put together an extensive three-part (and growing) series with conclusive proof and documentation that Barack Obama Sr., Stanley Ann Dunham, Lolo Soetoro and President Barack Obama himself all hold deep ties to the CIA and larger intelligence community.
And that's just the beginning.
After his election, President Obama quickly moved to seal off his records via an executive order.
Now, after two years of hints and clues, there is substantial information to demonstrate that what Obama has omitted is that his rare rise to power can only be explained by his intelligence roots.
However, this is more than the story of one man or his family.
There is a long-term strategic plan to recruit promising candidates into intelligence and steer these individuals and their families into positions of influence and power.
Consider that it is now declassified former British Prime Minister Tony Blair was recruited into MI5 before becoming a labour leader, or that George H. W. Bush not only became CIA director in 1976 but had a deeper past in the organization.
While we may never know many pertinent details about these matters, one thing that is certain is that the American people have never been told the truth about who holds the real power, nor who this president-- and likely many others-- really is.
Thus, we urge everyone to read Wayne Madsen's deep report and seek the truth for yourself.
Via time travel perfected by military sources since the seventies, and Project Pegasus - OBAMA KNEW IN THE EARLY 80's he would be President in 2008.
Andrew D. Basiago was in the same conditioning - mind control program with Obama.
The same classroom. The same instructors.
The same trips to Mars via 'jumprooms'.
Andrew D. Basiago has already admitted he is 'running for president' in 2016.
Andrew D. Basiago has been building his presidential bid on the internet, as a 'truther' who is trying to out the conspiracy of deception foisted on the American people.
However...Andrew D. Basiago was there - as a participant - nay the team leader of Project Pegasus in the black-opps projects - right along with Obama.
Who you hang with, tells much about a person...
Will there be another mind controlled android PLACED in the oval office, come January, 2016?



Posted on by Jean
JAKARTA, March 18, 2013 – As you can tell from the accompanying video, Neil Keenan had reason to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day in style yesterday (though with moderation, I promise you – well…moderately for Keenan).   Our team repaired to an Irish pub-to-be-named-later, where genuine step-dancing and an Irish folksinger provided the Celtic spirit, and an Indonesian R&B band provided the kind of get-down music that had our Korean colleague (honorary Irishman Inchul “Leroy” Kim ) literally on the table leading the whole joint in an unforgettably glorious incomprehensible gyration:
I bought Neil the goofiest bright green leprechaun’s hat I could find, whereupon choir boy Michael nursed his single Guinnuess while bad boy Keenan ordered one more round for the table….and one more, and one more.
OK then, back to the hard news: we received two crucial pieces of evidence to start the day – documents that should have been in hand in June of last year when Keenan’s Trillion-Dollar Lawsuit (first shared with the world by David Wilcock) against cabal banksters and their puppet masters had been filed (including a Cease and Desist notice naming a Who’s Who of the cabal world); enforceable liens on the twelve Federal Reserve Banks were in place (plus additional liens against the seven central banks of Europe); and millions were looking to new words from brother Drake Bailey on the imminent mass arrests of the core cabal members.  Had these documents been in Keenan’s hands then, jurisdiction issues would have been immediately resolved, and many things long since delayed might have taken place.  Security issues require that we be no more specific at this time regarding these documents, but I can tell you that the lawsuit will now be receiving renewed focus in the coming days.
Meantime, a notarized statement by Mr. Keenan was given this morning to our friend Nelu for his appearance today before the High Court regarding the possibility of his release. Our hopes remain high that he will soon be reunited with his family, and able to resume his important work with Mr. Keenan on the Global Accounts.
While Neil Keenan is a solidly 3-D kind of guy (if he will permit me to lapse into 2012-speak), this writer is by training and inclination more of a 5-D fellow (three years as a monastery cook, a couple of decades of meditation, etc.).  Over the last few weeks here in Jakarta, however, I have observed that despite being solidly anchored in what we used to refer to as “the real world,” Keenan is a mystical Irishman at heart, and knows that there is often a hidden hand at work in world events – and in our own small lives as well – that brooks no accidents, and has its own pace and purpose.  My own intuition tells me that the nearly year-long delay with the lawsuit against the Fed was necessary in order to clear the decks, and to remove hidden enemies close to Mr. Keenan, so that the enormous forward momentum for the globe in the wake of 12/21/2012 could proceed in the right path.
There are, of course, many others around the world performing their own crucial services toward the freedom of the planet: military leadership of formerly warring nations who are now refusing to dance to the cabal’s bloody tune and are seeking cooperative alliance; intelligence agencies who have begun to see that they were puppets of a hidden sect who would eventually sacrifice them as well; international financial leaders such as Christine LaGarde who are refusing to “wash the dirty laundry” of the cabal (i.e., “mirroring” Fed notes  – notes once obediently laundered by the IMF, but no more); the innovators of free energy and other astonishing technologies who are fearlessly offering to the world the amazing benefits long suppressed by the fossil fuel arm of the Illuminati octopus (as Keenan himself was on the brink of offering when his case first began, and plans soon to resume); and the efforts of millions of other “lightworkers” (an abused term – but is there a better one?) who have been doing our own dharmic duty, be it waking up friends and neighbors, creating informative blogs, planning to assist our communities in the wake of temporary disruption, or that most crucial work of raising the planet’s vibration one soul at a time by attuning ourselves with Source, according to whatever path to which we feel most drawn.
During this frustrating delay, when so many of us hoped for a single transformative event, looked for mass arrests, waited eagerly for a global currency reset, or sat up all night on the Winter Solstice of 2012 waiting for the Light Wave that would wash all the darkness away – during that long delay much important and necessary groundwork was laid by all those many allied souls around the world (in many nations and many fields of endeavor) to make the irresistible momentum of 2013 possible.
Some now say that the Spring Equinox almost upon us is the true flowering of the energies of the New Cycle.  Sounds good to me.  Here in Jakarta we’ll chalk it up to the luck of the Irish, as we anticipate more good news to share with you in the coming days.
(Sidelight: the Keenan-Dunn kick-it-around-before-posting review of today’s update featured Neil saying, “Oh, more of your choir boy spiritual stuff, eh, Michael?  Give them a little more piss and vinegar!”  And I leave it to you, good people, to figure out which is the piss, which the vinegar, and which the choir boy.)
One note re the video: unfortunately, Neil’s tribute to our indispensable colleague Jean Haines got inadvertently clipped out, much to our regret.  Bless you, Jean, for all you do and are.  Also, Keenan’s cryptic reference on the video to “getting locked in the men’s room” refers to an infamous incident in which this reporter modestly closed the men’s room door at the Jakarta courthouse, only to find himself locked in, and thus required to pass some crucial court documents to Mr. Keenan through the air vent on the bathroom door so that they would reach the judges in time.  I suppose that detail would fall into the “piss and vinegar” category.
So from Neil Keenan and team, we offer, until our next update, an old Irish blessing…
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Michael Henry Dunn

Spring Equinox, 3.20.13 – The Gateway & the Love Signal (528 HZ) – a message from Akashic Records channeled by Rev. Irma Kaye Sawyer

Spring Equinox, 3.20.13 – The Gateway & the Love Signal (528 HZ) – a message from Akashic Records channeled by Rev. Irma Kaye Sawyer

Posted on by Jean
Sunday, 10 March, 2013  (posted 20 March, 2013)

The Equinox Message

Beloveds, we understand that it has been a challenging winter for many light-bearers, both literally and metaphorically. We invite you to set your burdens down when you step through this Gateway. Do not allow Mind to take you out of the precious NOW moment into the past. You have done your work and grieved your losses, and we have been with you. Step through the Gateway to Love and to another level of your True Selves. This is a further revelation and releasing of another veil to remembrance that was initiated at your New Moon on 3.11.13.
Do not be alarmed dear ones for another layer of releasing in this time period (3.11 – 3.20.) We see that this may possibly manifest as muscle tightness or a slight shortness of breath as the higher Heart Center is re-calibrated. Others may feel the adjustment at the Crown Chakra level, so do be mindful of grounding practices to offset any possible dizziness.
Beloveds, it is not so much a matter of how the planets are aligning on that day (though this does have an impact,) but more a matter of the energies that will be made manifest on your planet at this time. One thing however, that we see that does have an astrological correspondence is your Sun in Aries (3/20) with other planets to soon follow there after, breaking up the Pisces constellation of energies that have been with you for some time. With this comes a dropping of a kind of “spiritual co-dependency” regarding other beings, and a further return to personal integrity and sovereignty. It is perfectly fine and well to care for others and have concern for their well-being; but for some, especially those that identify as light-bearers, it has become a distraction from their own path. It is also a matter of faith and knowing that others just like yourself, have their own Higher Selves and Guidance Team to look after them. You can loosen the grip of control over their life and path. Just like yourselves, they are being divinely taken care of. This is not to imply a return to selfishness in a more traditional sense of the word, but to be further centered in the Divine Self, and that understanding that the path of others may not always be fully known to you in the moment and that despite outer appearances, a higher consciousness is at work both in your life and in the lives of your Loved Ones.
It is possible to step “Beyond Forgiveness.” What we mean by this is that in the current Pisces Stellium of February/March, you have been shown patterns that have been presented for release and healing, and you have indeed been working with this. We say to you that in the gateway of the Equinox a new pattern is being created, both within and without. In preparation of this, we invite you to lay your burdens down and step into the steam of consciousness where your past, present and future selves coexist as ONE. To go beyond forgiveness is to arrive at a state of pure Grace, Peace and Joy; no longer fettered by the imprints and hurts of the past, and to see them as the illusions that they truly are ultimately.
This time period is indeed being identified as another Vibrational Upgrade, so to speak. You ask us, “What must we do to prepare to receive?” Dear ones, you have already done it. You have prepared a great feast for the Host to partake with your own hands, and with great love and care. You have shared your Gifts with the All. It is important to note that you are the ones that are dreaming this dream, and creating a new reality from the highest aspects of your own Spirit. And so it is.
On this day (3/20) and thereafter, there will be a frequency that some have identified as the “Heart” frequency of 528 HZ which has been associated with the actual repair of DNA, as well as possessing within in it codes of Activation and Transformation. You see, in the beginning was the Word made manifest into various tones and frequencies. To align and receive these are to return “Home.”
There is a special sound and color of love according to Dr. Horowitz, a Harvard-trained award-winning investigator. Broadcasting the right frequency can help open your heart, prompt peace, and hasten healing. “We now know the love signal, 528 Hertz, is among the six core creative frequencies of the universe because math doesn’t lie, the geometry of physical reality universally reflects this music; these findings have been independently derived, peer reviewed, and empirically validated,” Dr. Horowitz says.
The third note, frequency 528, relates to the note MI on the scale and derives from the phrase “MI-ra gestorum” in Latin meaning “miracle.” Stunningly, this is the exact frequency used by genetic biochemists to repair broken DNA – the genetic blueprint upon which life is based! MI – 528 Hz – relates to the Crown chakra. Dr Puleo suggests an association with DNA integrity.
The regular “C” that we all know of in this culture (which is from the diatonic scale of do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do) is not the 528 Hz frequency “C.” A regular “C” vibrates at a frequency of 523.3 Hz. The “C” of 528 Hz used for DNA repair is part of an ancient scale called the Solfeggio Scale. – The Critical Thinker Blog
Equinox blessings to all.
NOTE: Though it is Fall Equinox for those in the Southern Hemisphere, the same energies apply. Spring Equinox is 7:02 am EDT.
© Irma Kaye Sawyer 2011-2013. Please feel free to share these messages as you are guided with author and copyright information included. Thank you.

A simple SOLUTION on how to quickly solve the world's deteriorating money-financial 'crisis'- that anyone can relate to.

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
A simple SOLUTION on how to quickly solve the world's deteriorating money-financial 'crisis'- that anyone can relate to.
Posted By: Bob [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 21-Mar-2013 06:01:07

We (and society in general), are totally dependent on BANK (ing) CREDIT for our supply of MONEY. That has to STOP!
When BANKS decide to STOP loaning money, then there simply is, NO money; e.g. ‘The Great Depression’ of the 1920-30s.
Yet, BANKS decide WHO gets the money, and who DOESN’T!
And you and I, aren’t in that privileged ‘extended family’ (of this 'elite class' also known as 'the central banks/bankers).
Who DOES get (the) money!
“Here's a staggering thought.
We are completely dependent on the Commercial banks,
If the banks ‘create’ enough ‘synthetic’ money, we are prosperous:
If not, we starve.
We are absolutely without a ‘permanent’ money system.
When one grasps the complete picture of this tragic absurdity of our seemingly 'hopeless' situation, it’s almost incredible, but it’s true.”
“One thing to realize about our ‘fractional reserve’ banking system is that, like the child’s game of musical chairs,
As long as the music plays (keeps circulating), there are no losers.”
– Andrew Gause, Monetary Historian.
Banks ONLY ‘create’ the amount of the PRINCIPLE.
Where’s the INTEREST supposed to come from?
(from our 'sweat and tears!)
“Anyone who believes that ‘exponential growth’ can go on ‘forever’ (indefinitely) in a ‘finite’ world, is either a madman or an economist.” – Kenneth Boulding, economist.
There can be shortages of resources and skills, for sure -- but why should there ever be a ‘shortage’ of money?
(They're only 'goddam' pieces of paper, after all!? :)
4 x Questions need answering, right away . . .
Q1: Why do governments CHOOSE to borrow money from PRIVATE (ly owned) banks, at a given interest rate, when they could create all the ‘interest-free’ money it needs, all by itself?
Q2: Why create money as (a) DEBT?
Why not create money that ‘circulates’, permanently!?
Q3: How can a money-system, dependent on perpetually accelerating growth . . be used to build a ‘sustainable’ economy?
Q4: What specifically needs to be changed?
(The SOLUTION!?) . . . . . .
[We will NOT tolerate USURY in this ‘kingdom’!]
All 4 'major' religions of the world once ‘outlawed’, USURY! (charging of ‘interest’ on money loaned out.]
But, went the ‘theory’, lending money involves RISK – the key argument against usury.
(Those with and/or in control of, money, (and in favor of usury) say, why WORK when MONEY can make MORE money!?)
Starts with restricting ‘spending’ equivalent to our 'Solar Input'.
E.g. No more plundering our natural resources, e.g. cutting no more trees in a year than that which grows or re-grows (naturally) in that year!
Our existing ‘money system’ depends on ever-accelerating growth!
Time to say NO to creating money as debt!
“I have never yet had anyone who could, through logic and reasoning, justify the Federal Government ‘needing to’ borrow the use of its 'own' money . . .
I believe the time will (has) come when people will demand that this be changed. (like right NOW!)
I believe the time will come when they (i.e. anyone) will actually blame you and me, and everyone else connected with the Congress (Parliament) for sitting idly by and permitting such an idiotic system to continue.”
– Wright Patman, Democratic Congressman 1928-1976. Chairman, Committee on Banking & Currency 1963-1975.
Tinkering with IT, won’t work either, as we know.
The SYSTEM must be replaced!
Is a 'return to GOLD' the solution? Or SILVER being more abundant than gold?
Those with NO gold or silver would have no money!
Remember: Money is just an IDEA. In reality it can be whatever we make it.
It’s only a . . . . . . symbol, commodity, receipt for commodity, bogus receipt, fiat (gov't cash), debt (bank credit) and/or debt (pledge).
What about the old proven system of the past – (destroyed and undermined by the gold-smith-bankers) called:
The Tally Stick System!?
A tally (or tally stick) was an ancient memory aid device used to record and document numbers, quantities, or even messages.
Tally sticks first appear as animal bones carved with notches, in the Upper Paleolithic; a notable example is the Ishango Bone.
Historical reference is made by Pliny the Elder (AD 23–79) about the best wood to use for tallies, and by Marco Polo (1254–1324) who mentions the use of the tally in China.
Tallies have been used for numerous purposes such as messaging and scheduling, and
Especially in financial and legal transactions, to the point of being currency. - Wikipedia)
A system based on Permanent “Interest-Free” Money.
When Governments once again, spends its own-created money on infrastructure, roads, bridges, transport, hospitals, water and sewerage facilities, railways, harbors, etc.,
This money would NOT be created as DEBT, but as “VALUE” (whatever it was spent on).
This would produce NO inflation.
If there was (signs of inflation), then a Tax could be imposed = Inflation.
Hence 'no loss in value' of money ( - the 'curse' of this system) would occur.
Yes, 'buying power' would appear to decrease, but the same exact amount of tax money would be removed from ‘circulation’ at the same time, thus, maintaining our ‘buying power’.
Thus reducing the money supply, and thus restore its value.
Right now we have BOTH taxation AND inflation.
This way, there would be no more Government, (or Federal), DEBT.
"The modern banking system manufactures (con-jures) money out of ‘nothing’.
The process is perhaps the most astounding piece of ‘sleight-of-hand’ that was ever invented (conjured up).
Banking, (not MAN), was ‘conceived’ in inequity, and ‘born’ in sin!
Bankers own the world.
Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money, and with the ‘flick of the pen’ they will ‘create’ enough money, to buy it all back again. . . . .
Take this great power away from them, and all great fortunes, like mine, will disappear, and ought to disappear,
For then this would result in a better and healthier/happier world to live in.
But, if we continue to be slaves of the banks and pay the cost of our own slavery, then lf the Consumers (people).
By the adoption of these principles, the taxpayers will be saved/spared (unnecessary) and IMMENSE sums of interest (money).
The privilege of creating and issuing money is not only the SUPREME prerogative ornational banks!
This ‘freedom’ was finally lost in 1913, when President Woodrow Wilson signed into effect, ‘The Federal Reserve Act’, putting the international ‘banking cartel’ in charge of America’s money.
In all your pre-university schooling, did you ever have a class on “Money Creation”?
Or ever see anything about it on TV?
Nobody has a clue, HOW money is created in our society.
This system of DEBT was created just over 300 years ago, by the Bank of England, called: ‘Fractional Lending’
“All the perplexities, confusion, and distress in America (and in the world-at-large, now) arises, not from the defects of the Constitution or Confederation, not from want of honor or virtue,
So much as from downright IGNORANCE of the nature of coin, credit and circulation (of money). – John Adams, Founding Father of the American Constitution.
“(only) The government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency and credits needed to satisfy the ‘spending power’ of the Government and the ‘buying power’ of the Consumers (people).
By the adoption of these principles, the taxpayers will be saved/spared (unnecessary) and IMMENSE sums of interest (money).
The privilege of creating and issuing money is not only the SUPREME prerogative of government,
But it is the government’s greatest creative opportunity.” – Abraham Lincoln.
Until the control o the issue of currency and credit is returned/restored to government and recognized as its most conspicuous and sacred responsibility,
All TALK of ‘sovereignty of Parliament' and of democracy is idle and futile . . .
Once a nation parts with control of its credit, it matters not who makes the nation;s laws . . .
USURY, (charging interest on money-lending), once in control will wreck any nation. – William Lyon Mackenzie King, former Prime Minister of Canada.
End of story.
P.S. Source of this information came from: Paul Grignon; see:
‘Money as Debt’ owes its origin to the work of many dedicated educators and advocates of monetary reform.
It is intended as a general introduction to the conceptual basis of money.
‘MONEY as DEBT’ – (IS) DEAD – or will be, the ‘death of society’ as we know it!