Sunday, March 31, 2013

Top 10 excuses for Obama signing the Monsanto Protection Act – by Jon Rappoport

Top 10 excuses for Obama signing the Monsanto Protection Act – by Jon Rappoport

Posted on by Jean
March 28, 2013
Yes, he signed HR 993. It was a bill funding the federal government. There was a rider in it. A Monsanto and biotech rider.

The gist of the rider is: a dangerous ghoulish GMO food crop can’t be stopped by a court order. That crop can still be grown, harvested, and sold in the US.

Isn’t that wonderful? Isn’t it grand?
250,000 people signed an emergency letter to Obama, telling him to send HR 993 back to Congress so the rider could be removed. He didn’t.
Of course, there must be some mistake here, because we all know Obama is the radiant messiah. Right? He’s constantly assuring us “we’re all in this together.”
He would never allow such a rider to pass through his hands and become law, because GMO food IS, in fact, dangerous to human health and is part of an overall plan to put the planet’s food supply into the hands of Monsanto.
Therefore, Obama has excuses. He surely does.
I propose the following ten. You can take your pick and thereby sustain your belief in his mission of bringing peace and love to the world. He’s not just another arch conman who scuttled into the White House. Of course not.
He would never support Monsanto in its drive to patent life forms, own the food supply, drench the world in more pesticides, engineer RNA so it silences and activates genes in the body in random fashion, leading to incalculable consequences for the human race.
He would never come down on the wrong side of the issue that could supersede all others in shaping the future of the human race.

So pick your favorite excuse:
Obama didn’t know what he was signing. He was too busy with other matters. He was on vacation. He was checking his brackets on March Madness. He thought that letter of protest, signed by 250,000 people, was about some new TV show called Monsanto Rider, a Western.
He’ll tell us that, just like the NDAA, which allows him to unilaterally assassinate Americans, this Monsanto rider will never be enforced. It’s just for show. It’s, well, an IDEA, not really a law. It doesn’t set a precedent destroying the power of the judicial system. No. We’re getting our knickers in a twist over nothing. Relax.
He and Michelle are secretly planning, along with Chief Chef Bloomberg, an organic food revolution in America that will sweep aside all resistance.
Obama has inside information we aren’t privy to. It exonerates Monsanto. Astonishingly, Monsanto turns out to be an agent of hope and change.
Obama is Obama. Because his character is basically other-worldly (in a good sense), he would never do harm. Therefore, a priori, the Monsanto rider is all right. We need not worry. Be happy.
All great prophets must undergo tests and survive crises. This is one of those tests. Sooner or later, Obama will reverse course and expose Monsanto for the diabolical son of Satan it is. Just wait. Be patient.
Obama knows full well how hideous Monsanto is on the world scene, how it is gobbling up seed companies and destroying farmers and putting Frankensteinian genetic distortions into our very bodies. He’s just giving Monsanto enough rope to hang itself. He’s allowing Monsanto to operate freely so it can reveal, to humanity, its Grinning Skull—and thence be overthrown by popular revolution. Again, wait. Be patient. “We’re all in this together.”
Obama was drugged by Monsanto operatives. When he wakes up, he won’t remember he signed the bill, nor will he ever know he signed it. This drug can selectively inhibit his mind on that single item. If he ever reads that he signed it, he’ll think he’s reading about Harry Reid buying three casinos in Vegas and having plastic surgery to look like James Bond.
Obama never signed the bill. A lookalike double was brought in to do the deed. Obama is now living under heavy guard, along with Piers Morgan, in a Texas compound run by a bevy of full-auto maximum-clip country women.
Joe Biden, who only pretends to be off his rocker and minus a few dozen light bulbs, is actually running the country. He is Obama’s Cheney. Joe gave the order to sign the bill.
There are your ten. Pick your fave.

Just in case you still think Obama is only peripherally involved with Monsanto, here is the evidence that you’re sadly mistaken. I compiled it some months ago and published it:

During his 2008 campaign for president, Barack Obama transmitted signals that he understood the GMO issue. Several key anti-GMO activists were impressed. They thought Obama, once in the White House, would listen to their concerns and act on them.
These activists weren’t just reading tea leaves. On the campaign trail, Obama said: “Let folks know when their food is genetically modified, because Americans have a right to know what they’re buying.”
Making the distinction between GMO and non-GMO was certainly an indication that Obama, unlike the FDA and USDA, saw there was an important line to draw in the sand.
Beyond that, Obama was promising a new era of transparency in government. He was adamant in promising that, if elected, his administration wouldn’t do business in “the old way.” He would be “responsive to people’s needs.”
Then came the reality.
After the election, and during Obama’s term as president, people who had been working to label GMO food and warn the public of its huge dangers were shocked to the core. They saw Obama had been pulling a bait and switch.
The new president filled key posts with Monsanto people, in federal agencies that wield tremendous force in food issues, the USDA and the FDA:
At the USDA, as the director of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Roger Beachy, former director of the Monsanto Danforth Center.
As deputy commissioner of the FDA, the new food-safety-issues czar, the prince of darkness, Michael Taylor, former vice-president for public policy for Monsanto. Taylor had been instrumental in getting approval for Monsanto’s genetically engineered bovine growth hormone.
As commissioner of the USDA, Iowa governor, Tom Vilsack. Vilsack had set set up a national group, the Governors’ Biotechnology Partnership, and had been given a Governor of the Year Award by the Biotechnology Industry Organization, whose members include Monsanto.
As the new Agriculture Trade Representative, who would push GMOs for export, Islam Siddiqui, a former Monsanto lobbyist.
As the new counsel for the USDA, Ramona Romero, who had been corporate counsel for another biotech giant, DuPont.
As the new head of the USAID, Rajiv Shah, who had previously worked in key positions for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, a major funder of GMO agriculture research.
We should also remember that Obama’s secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, once worked for the Rose law firm. That firm was counsel to Monsanto.
Obama nominated Elena Kagan to the US Supreme Court. Kagan, as federal solicitor general, had previously argued for Monsanto in the Monsanto v. Geertson seed case before the Supreme Court.
The deck was stacked. Obama hadn’t simply made honest mistakes. Obama hadn’t just failed to exercise proper oversight in selecting appointees. He wasn’t just experiencing a failure of short-term memory. He was staking out territory on behalf of Monsanto and other GMO corporate giants.
And now let us look at what key Obama appointees have wrought for their true bosses. Let’s see what GMO crops have walked through the open door of the Obama presidency.
Monsanto GMO alfalfa.
Monsanto GMO sugar beets.
Monsanto GMO Bt soybean.
Coming soon: Monsanto’s GMO sweet corn.
Syngenta GMO corn for ethanol.
Syngenta GMO stacked corn.
Pioneer GMO soybean.
Syngenta GMO Bt cotton.
Bayer GMO cotton.
ATryn, an anti-clotting agent from the milk of transgenic goats.
A GMO papaya strain.
And soon, genetically engineered salmon and apples.
This is an extraordinary parade. It, in fact, makes Barack Obama the most GMO-dedicated politician in America.
You don’t attain that position through errors or oversights. Obama was, all along, a stealth operative on behalf of Monsanto, biotech, GMOs, and corporate control of the future of agriculture.
From this perspective, Michelle Obama’s campaign for gardens and clean, organic, nutritious food is nothing more than a diversion, a cover story floated to obscure what her husband has actually been doing.
Nor is it coincidental that two of the Obama’s biggest supporters, Bill Gates and George Soros, purchased 900,000 and 500,000 shares of Monsanto, respectively, in 2010.

Obama was lying all along. He was, and he still is, Monsanto’s man in Washington.

To those people who fight for GMO labeling, and against the decimation of the food supply and the destruction of human health, but still believe Obama is a beacon in bleak times:
Wake up.
Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at



Posted By: IZAKOVIC [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 29-Mar-2013 14:28:54
According to the new study of the Shroud of Turin is not a medieval fake, but it really is a canvas in which could have been wrapped the body of Jesus Christ.
Consistency of cloth is similar to that of cloth that has been used in the burial of the dead at the time of Jesus 2000 years ago, suggest the results of a new scientific study.
Scientists were for centuries arguing over the authenticity of cloth that has become one of the iconic displays of the Catholic faith.

The Shroud of Turin is almost 5 feet long with a sketch of a tall man with long hair and beard, and bloodstains on the parts where foot would have been bandaged, wrist and hip, places that match wounds Jesus received during his crucifixion, it is kept in the vault of the Cathedral of Turin.
A new study described in the book "Mystery Canvas" will be released on Good Friday (today), and the next day, the day before Easter, the cameras will record it live and show it on television.

The study's authors, Professor Giulio Fanti, an expert from the University of Engineering in Padua, and journalist Saverio Gaeta, studied the filaments of Shroud of Turin and compared them with those from the third century BC, up to those from the modern era, wanting to investigate whether it is a medieval forgery.
Key findings were three new test, two chemical and one mechanical. The first two were carried out with the help of infrared rays, and the third with the help of spectroscopy, which measures the radiation wavelength and is often used in forensics.
Results have dated the cloth to the time period between the 300th BC, to the 400th years after Christ, a time frame that coincides with the time of Christ's life.

Before retiring last month, Pope Benedict XVI approved the public display of the Shroud of Turin, as his "last gift" to millions of Catholics.
Italian television will transmit the display of the shroud, but it is considered that the general public access will not be permitted before 2025, the year when the next display is scheduled.

Tomorrow is the last time before 2025 the Shroud of Turin will be displayed to choosen public, which will be broadcasted on TV.
Why next display event will be 12 years from now?

Why Western Banks Are Being Destabilized

Why Western Banks Are Being Destabilized

This is the way the globalists hope to maintain their lucrative stranglehold over central banking – by transferring the franchise from the “private” sector to the “public” one. It will make no difference, of course, but when did common sense ever interfere with monetary schemes?

The Daily Bell
March 29, 2013

In a previous post, I explained that banks are inherently fragile. One way to make them more robust is to increase equity capital requirements … A genuinely radical approach would be to kill banking as we know it. Rip all banks, large or small, in two – separate deposit-taking from credit-creation. Back the deposits one-for-one with reserves at the central bank. Then fund loans not with deposits or other money-like liabilities but by tapping investors who understand they’ve put their savings at risk. This approach, unfamiliar as it sounds, has a long and distinguished academic lineage. Luminaries such as Irving Fisher, Milton Friedman and James Tobin have all advocated it. – BusinessWeek
Dominant Social Theme: Get rid of these pesky banks.
Free-Market Analysis: Gradually the liniments of banking reform are becoming clearer. It began as a low drum roll with the resurgence of Greenbackerism and has continued to expand. We’ve tracked these ideas and have been regularly attacked for pointing out the “campaign-like” nature of what is now in the works.
This article in BusinessWeek is just another example of this spreading meme. It discusses a “Chicago Plan” developed in the 1930s by Irving Fisher and Henry Simons that was re-presented in a recent International Monetary Fund proposal. We wrote about it here: Rediscovering IMF Working Papers.
In simplest terms, the Chicago Plan is a kind of Greenbackerism. The idea basically is to give the government alone the power to print money. In modern finance, central banks that are putatively independent of the government seemingly have that right.
Government central banks include those in India, China and Brazil. In reality there is no difference between the performance of government printing and private/public central bank printing of money. In either case, those doing the printing have absolutely no idea how much currency to print and will almost always print too much, giving rise to euphoric booms and then terrible busts.
Here’s more from the article:
Tobin explained the essence of the idea in 1987 at the Federal Reserve‘s annual economic symposium in Jackson Hole:
“To diminish the reliance of the payments system on deposit insurance, I have proposed making available to the public what I call ‘deposited currency.’ Currency — today virtually exclusively Federal Reserve notes — and coin are the basic money and legal tender of the United States. They are generally acceptable in transactions without question. But they have obvious inconveniences — insecurity against loss or theft, indivisibilities of denomination — that limit their use except in small transactions (or in illegal or tax-evading transactions.) These disadvantages, along with zero nominal interest, lead to the substitution of bank deposits for currency. But deposits suffer from their own insecurity, unless guaranteed by the government; and the guarantees of deposit insurance are subject to the abuses discussed above.
“I think the government should make available to the public a medium with the convenience of deposits and the safety of currency, essentially currency on deposit, transferable in any amount by check or other order…The Federal Reserve banks themselves could offer such deposits, a species of ‘Federal Funds.’”
More recently, Boston University economist Larry Kotlikoff has argued that we need to completely separate money from credit by introducing what he callidea shouldn’t rule it out … It’s basically the same idea.
In this new world, banks would essentially be payments companies competing to offer the most convenient services without putting anyone’s savings at risk. How would they make money? By paying a lower interest rate than they receive from their reserves at the central bank, or by charging fees, or both. There would be no need for deposit insurance and regulation of this very simple business would be straightforward.
What about the lending side of today’s banking industry? There would be lending companies instead — funded exclusively by equity investors, who consciously choose to put their savings at risk rather than hold them as deposits or other money-like bank liabilities. These new credit vehicles could take a variety of forms. Some might resemble bond mutual funds. Others could operate more like venture capital funds, complete with long lockup periods.
The article concludes by acknowledging, “Abolishing banking isn’t a small step … but the strangeness of the idea shouldn’t rule it out … Radical-seeming alternatives should be part of the conversation.”
Again, there is nothing radical about these ideas. Greenbackerism is an old infection and dressing it up in new phraseology doesn’t make it a better palliative. One needs to return to free-market concepts to understand the reality of this conversation and what REALLY works.
Competitive currencies within a free-market framework would work. So would gold and silver.
What won’t work are fancy schemes to separate lending from saving, hoarding from monetary circulation, etc. All of these proposals presuppose that human beings can impose a money-system that is better than the one that has evolved via a free-market evolution.
It is clear, nonetheless, that it will likely be tried. Banks are being attacked and destabilized throughout the Western world. Increasingly arguments are being made for full-on public banking.
Conclusion: This is the way the globalists hope to maintain their lucrative stranglehold over central banking – by transferring the franchise from the “private” sector to the “public” one. It will make no difference, of course, but when did common sense ever interfere with monetary schemes?

ExoVaticana: The Vatican's Astonishing Plan for the Arrival of an Alien Savior

ExoVaticana: The Vatican's Astonishing Plan for the Arrival of an Alien Savior
Project Lucifer and the Hidden Quest for the "Fallen Star"

Uncovered! The Collins Elite, Occultism,
and a Covert Breeding and Hybridization Program
Thomas Horn
January 7, 2013

Following the release of their 2012 best-seller, 'Petrus Romanus: The Final Pope Is Here', Tom Horn and Cris Putnam were inundated with invitations from around the world to be interviewed on radio, television, and in print media. But that was just the first part of the story. In 'Exo-Vaticana', the investigation goes into high gear with findings far more disturbing than the authors expected to find.

'Exo-Vaticana' reveals the Vatican's astonishing exo-theological plan for the arrival of an alien savior. Internationally-acclaimed investigative authors, Thomas Horn and Cris Putnam break the greatest story of our time and expose the elitists and intellectuals who are planning mankind's assimilation under a coming 'savior', one whom the prophet Daniel foresaw as "alien god."

- Unveiled! The Vatican's astonishing plan for the arrival of an alien god
- Disclosed! Secret files in the Vatican library on the reality of the alien presence
- Found! The private document detailing the Vatican's position on the extraterrestrials
- Revealed! Project LUCIFER and the hidden quest for "Fallen Star"
- 2013! The year top astronomers say the alien world and its inhabitants will be divulged
- Uncovered! The Collins Elite, Occultism, and a covert breeding and hybridization program
- The incredible family secret Tom Horn has kept concealed all his adult life!
- What Government and Vatican Officials told the authors about the reality of UFOs, ETIs
- The Vatican's Top Astronomer finally interviewed by Horn & Putnam
- Nick Pope, Bruce Maccabee, Stanton Friedman, Jesse Marcel Jr. and others weigh in
- Back to Cydonia! The truth behind the "Face on Mars" and artificial structures on other worlds

Learn more at:

Big Government: An Unnecessary Evil That Should Be Abolished

Big Government: An Unnecessary Evil That Should Be Abolished
Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 29-Mar-2013 21:41:22
There are two types of people in this world; those who worship the ideal of centralized command authority, and those who do not. Those who value freedom regardless of risk or pain, and those who value slavery in a desperate bid to avoid risk and pain. When I consider the ultimate folly of man, in the end I look to the meek and unquestioning masses who strive to avoid risk, because it is they who always end up feeding the machines of war, despair, and tyranny. The power thirsty halls of elitism surely instigate and manipulate the tides of this wretched ocean of quivering souls, but ultimately, the weak-hearted and weak minded make all terrible conquests possible.
They live by the rule of fear, and their fear drives them to seek control; control of their environment, control of others, and by extension they believe, control of the future. They attempt to mitigate their overwhelming fear by containing the world and sterilizing it of everything wild, untamed, and unknown. They dream of a society of pure predictability, and zero responsibility. They are willing to sacrifice almost anything to attain this position of artificial comfort.
The concept of “big government” appeals to such people for many reasons…
Government in most cases is nothing but an abstraction. It is merely a tool that serves the interests of a particular group of people at any given time. Modern politics is an expression of the foolish cat fight between factions of people to decide who gets to wield the weapon of government and impose their ideology on the rest of us. At least, that’s what it almost always devolves into. The great illusion of the system, though, is that ANY group of average people ever actually wields any power. The truth is, big governments are always operated by very small and exclusive clubs of root beneficiaries out of the sight of the population.
The smaller this dominant group becomes, the more corrupt and criminal the government generally is. A government reaches a state of despotism whenever its functions are twisted for the sake of an elite few to the detriment of the common man, and when it ignores the natural inborn rights of the individual for the sake of some fabricated collective . If one were to closely examine the birth of every iron-fisted oligarchy throughout history, they would find a cyclical pattern of centralization; the removal of checks and balances, the removal of legitimate public involvement in the political process, a dependent and infantized citizenry, and the rise of a “bureaucratic class” which regards itself as superior and born to lead. All steps taking place within Western societies today.
Unfortunately, the masses tend to view big government as an inevitability of life; as a natural extension of culture. Rarely if ever do they ask what tangible purpose it serves. Are they really getting what they want out of their government? Or, is the government taking what it wants from them?
I have always found the worshipful attitude that some citizens ascribe to government simultaneously fascinating and disturbing, because these people are not bowing down to a wise and benevolent entity. Rather, they are bowing down to their own delusions of what they believe that entity to be. The most dangerous and insidious of governments present themselves as a kind of social vanity mirror. They allow the citizenry to project their collective desires, biases, shortcomings, and fears, and reflect back an image that entices and placates the majority. The lies and manipulations of big government are designed to satiate our basest fantasies, but what we see as a concrete edifice of political and legal might, in the end, is a mirage mired in the fog of our own naïve expectations.
So, the question again arises; if the structure of big government is built upon deceit and misrepresentation, what tangible purpose does it really serve?
The answer is no purpose…at least, no purpose that elevates and enriches the public at large.
Big government is not a “necessary evil”. It is just evil. Like the ring of Sauron, it lures in the weak with promises of power, but this power is a ruse. Each side of our false left/right paradigm, Democrat and Republican, thinks that if only THEY were the bearers of the ring they would “finally use it for good”. But once in their possession, they are overtaken, overwhelmed, and corrupted by personal temptation.
The Democratic Party, with all of its proclamations of humanism and respect for civil liberties, is a perfect example. How quickly did the rank and file Democrats turn away from their anti-war, anti-torture, anti-banker, anti-surveillance, anti-tyranny stance once Barack Obama, a self proclaimed Democrat, was placed in office? Very quickly!
And what about the common Republican? How many of them utterly abandoned their ideals of limited government, reduced spending, Constitutional rights, and Christian understanding as soon as Bush and the Neo-Con regime was installed? Most of them!
And when all is said and done, who has reaped profits and gained dominance during both disastrous administrations? The corporate high priests and international banking cartels, not the oblivious participants of the fake political theater. Yet, a masochistic cycle of misplaced trust in the system on the part of the masses continues...
If these latest signs of big government corruption aren’t enough to make the public question the validity of the establishment, I’m not sure what will…
The Rape Of Cyprus
Even in the face of unmitigated government theft, I still hear the occasional rationalization of the Cyprus debacle. Defenders of the bailout measures (which the EU demanded) allowing the confiscation of private citizen savings to pay off government mismanaged debt, argue two things:
1) The banks that were targeted contained “Russian blood money” and hidden funds, so confiscation really amounted to a “punishment of rich criminals” rather than the Cyprus public.
2) It is “better” that the citizens go along with the confiscation of a percentage of their accounts, rather than lose evhe citizenry everyday while constantly warning that if we do not submit, the alternative will be “far worse”.
The truth is, Cyprus is not the issue. What the disaster in Cyprus reflects, however, concerns us all. It is a moment of precedence; an action which sets the stage for the final destructiinanciers and political elites in order to con people around the world (not just those in Cyprus) to accept the concept of government theft of private funds as being “moral” under “certain extraneous circumstances”. When a government wants you to set aside your conscience in support of an immoral action that serves their interests, they will almost always conjure a false villain and engineered consequences for you to direct your fear and anger at. Once they can convince you to abandon your own principles to smite an imaginary enemy or avoid a manufactured threat, even if only one time, it will be much easier for them to convince you again a second time.
Large and corrupt governments love to use the magic of the false choice. For instance, “…it is better to sacrifice some of your money and your principles to the establishment than it is to live through total collapse of the nation…” This false choice process, though, never ends. The offending government will demand more property and more freedom from the citizenry everyday while constantly warning that if we do not submit, the alternative will be “far worse”.
The truth is, Cyprus is not the issue. What the disaster in Cyprus reflects, however, concerns us all. It is a moment of precedence; an action which sets the stage for the final destruction of the idea of private property. It dissolves one of the final barriers to total government control. Governments and elitists have always stolen from the public through misspent taxation and rampant inflation, but with Cyprus, we see a renewed feudalistic paradigm. The EU and the banking hierarchy are sending a message to the Western world: You are now their personal emergency fund, and nothing you own is actually yours anymore.
When an institution confiscates property and capital at will from a subdued and frightened populace without consent, they are essentially exploiting the labor of that populace. In any culture or language, this is called “slavery”.
Private Corporations Openly Dictating The Law

CIA Targeted Assassinations by Induced Heart Attack and Cancer

CIA Targeted Assassinations by Induced Heart Attack and Cancer
Posted By: CrystalRiver
Date: Friday, 29-Mar-2013 20:39:01
CIA Targeted Assassinations by Induced Heart Attack and Cancer
The 1975 Church Committee hearings
By Global Research News
Global Research, March 21, 2013

Signs of the Times 16 December 2010
by Press Core

In 1975, during the Church Committee hearings, the existence of a secret assassination weapon came to light. The CIA had developed a poison that caused the victim to have an immediate heart attack. This poison could be frozen into the shape of a dart and then fired at high speed from a pistol. The gun was capable of shooting the icy projectile with enough speed that the dart would go right through the clothes of the target and leave just a tiny red mark. Once in the body the poison would melt and be absorbed into the blood and cause a heart attack! The poison was developed to be undetectable by modern autopsy procedures.
Can you give a person cancer?
If cancer in animals can be caused by injecting them with cancer viruses and bacteria, it would certainly be possible to do the same with human beings!
More at this link:

Russian Navy Declassifies Records of UFO Encounters

Russian Navy Declassifies Records of UFO Encounters
Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 29-Mar-2013 22:03:07
Russian Navy Declassifies Records of UFO Encounters
The Russian navy has declassified its records of encounters with unidentified objects technologically surpassing anything humanity ever built, reports Svobodnaya Pressa news website.
The records dating back to soviet times were compiled by a special navy group collecting reports of unexplained incidents delivered by submarines and military ships. The group was headed by deputy Navy commander Admiral Nikolay Smirnov, and the documents reveal numerous cases of possible UFO encounters, the website says.
Vladimir Azhazha, former navy officer and a famous Russian UFO researcher, says the materials are of great value.
“Fifty percent of UFO encounters are connected with oceans. Fifteen more – with lakes. So UFOs tend to stick to the water,” he said.
On one occasion a nuclear submarine, which was on a combat mission in the Pacific Ocean, detected six unknown objects. After the crew failed to leave behind their pursuers by maneuvering, the captain ordered to surface. The objects followed suit, took to the air, and flew away.
Many mysterious events happened in the region of Bermuda Triangle, recalls retired submarine commander Rear Admiral Yury Beketov. Instruments malfunctioned with no apparent reason or detected strong interference. The former navy officer says this could be deliberate disruption by UFOs.
“On several occasions the instruments gave reading of material objects moving at incredible speed. Calculations showed speeds of about 230 knots, of 400 kph. Speeding so fast is a challenge even on the surface. But water resistance is much higher. It was like the objects defied the laws of physics. There’s only one explanation: the creatures who built them far surpass us in development,”Beketov said.
Navy intelligence veteran, Captain 1st rank Igor Barklay comments:
“Ocean UFOs often show up wherever our or NATO’s fleets concentrate. Near Bahamas, Bermudas, Puerto Rico. They are most often seen in the deepest part of the Atlantic Ocean, in the southern part of the Bermuda Triangle, and also in the Caribbean Sea.”
Another place where people often report UFO encounters is Russia’s Lake Baikal, the deepest fresh water body in the world. Fishermen tell of powerful lights coming from the deep and objects flying up from the water.
In one case in 1982 a group of military divers training at Baikal spotted a group of humanoid creatures dressed in silvery suits. The encounter happened at a depth of 50 meters, and the divers tried to catch the strangers. Three of the seven men died, while four others were severely injured.
“I think about underwater bases and say: why not? Nothing should be discarded,” says Vladimir Azhazha. “Skepticism is the easiest way: believe nothing, do nothing. People rarely visit great depths. So it’s very important to analyze what they encounter there.”
Meanwhile Russian Navy officials have denied the collection of UFO-related encounters exists. A source in the Navy’s service staff said the story may have its roots in the reports of vessel commanders, which describe locating objects of unclear but Earthly origin.
“An illusion of a UFO encounter can result from large fish shoals, floating garbage or natural phenomena,” ITAR-TASS news agency cites the source.

Feds Turn Up The Heat on Billionaire Mogul Steven Cohen

Feds Turn Up The Heat on Billionaire Mogul Steven Cohen
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 30-Mar-2013 12:06:34
In Response To: SAC Executive Arrested in NY (Jordon)

Hedge-fund titan Steven Cohen is back in the headlines after the arrest of one of his long-time portfolio managers on Friday, the latest in a series of insider-trading cases that have focused scrutiny on his firm.
Michael Steinberg, apprehended in Manhattan on Friday morning, is one of at least seven current or former SAC Capital employees to be charged in insider-trading cases over the past few years.
SAC is renowned as one of the country's top investment firms, generating annualized returns averaging more than 25% since it was founded in 1992. Cohen himself is a Wall Street celebrity, with a net worth estimated at $9.3 billion by Forbes Magazine.
SAC's mounting legal troubles, however, have brought the firm unwanted attention, and threaten to ensnare Cohen himself. With Steinberg's arrest, the government is likely hoping to "work its way up the chain" to Cohen, said Michael Weinstein, a defense attorney and former federal prosecutor.
"This is absolutely standard operating procedure for bringing a big defendant down," Weinstein said. "The government's going to continue to pressure people around him."
Steinberg, who's been with SAC since 1997, pleaded not guilty in a court appearance Friday morning and posted $3 million bail.
"Mike has conducted himself professionally and ethically during his long tenure at the firm. We believe him to be a man of integrity," SAC spokesman Jonathan Gasthalter said in an email.
Cohen himself hasn't been accused of any wrongdoing, and the firm has repeatedly denied that he has done anything improper.
But investors have been monitoring the government's SAC cases warily, requesting the withdrawal of more than $1.68 billion before the quarterly deadline to do so last month.
The firm was already under pressure after federal officials levied charges in November against Mathew Martoma, a former portfolio manager at an SAC subsidiary, accusing him of participating in a $276 million insider-trading scheme. That indictment claims Cohen made trades based on Martoma's recommendations, though it does not allege that Cohen knew Martoma had obtained information illegally.
Martoma has denied the allegations against him, though other SAC alums have struck cooperation deals with the government. That group includes former analyst Jon Horvath, whose testimony is likely to figure in the case against his one-time boss, Steinberg.
Among the charges Steinberg faces are four counts of securities fraud, each of which carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison. The government has a sterling record in insider-trading cases -- 71 convictions and no acquittals since August 2009 -- and analysts say prosecutors will likely put serious pressure on Steinberg to testify against Cohen.
"They're going to start exerting pressure on Steinberg and exerting pressure on Martoma," said Michael Bachner, a lawyer who has represented defendants in insider-trading cases. "They are looking to try and get as many individuals charged who could cooperate and corroborate each other."
On the civil side, SAC agreed earlier this month to pay more than $600 million in a settlement with the Securities and Exchange Commission over the trades at issue in Martoma's case. In a court hearing Thursday, however, a federal judge reportedly questioned why the firm was allowed to settle without admitting or denying wrongdoing, raising doubt as to whether the settlement will be approved.
The firm reached a $14 million settlement with the SEC over the trades in Steinberg's case, though that also awaits court approval.
In the meantime, both the SEC and the Justice Department say their investigations are continuing. As for Cohen, he's apparently finding ways to take his mind off the controversy -- reports emerged this week that he recently purchased Picasso's "Le Reve" for $155 million, the most expensive art purchase ever by a U.S. collector.

Conservatives Laugh As Liberals Attack President Over Non-Existent ‘Monsanto Protection Act’ . . . Pay attention here, please.. . ~J

Conservatives Laugh As Liberals Attack President Over Non-Existent ‘Monsanto Protection Act’ . . . Pay attention here, please.. . ~J

Posted on by Jean
by Nathaniel Downes
Source: Addicting Info
Thanks to M.
If you’ve been on the internet any time since Tuesday, it is likely that you have seen something about what is being called the ‘Monsanto Protection Act.’ It always looks as if it is that the President has signed a bill giving complete immunity to the Missouri based corporation. But even a casual glance into this, and the whole argument falls apart.
What is being referred to is an amendment to the “Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2013 signed into law on Tuesday. This act was implemented to avoid a government shutdown on Wednesday, by authorizing the president to pay the nations bills through October, when the new fiscal year begins. The particular provision being pointed to in this act is Section 735, within the agricultural portion of the bill. This section reads as follows:
SEC. 735. In the event that a determination of non-regulated status made pursuant to section 411 of the Plant Protection Act is or has been invalidated or vacated, the Secretary of Agriculture shall, notwithstanding any other provision of law, upon request by a farmer, grower, farm operator, or producer, immediately grant temporary permit(s) or temporary deregulation in part, subject to necessary and appropriate conditions consistent with section 411(a) or 412(c) of the Plant Protection Act, which interim conditions shall authorize the movement, introduction, continued cultivation, commercialization and other specifically enumerated activities and requirements, including measures designed to mitigate or minimize potential adverse environmental effects, if any, relevant to the Secretary’s evaluation of the petition for non-regulated status, while ensuring that growers or other users are able to move, plant, cultivate, introduce into commerce and carry out other authorized activities in a timely manner: Provided, That all such conditions shall be applicable only for the interim period necessary for the Secretary to complete any required analyses or consultations related to the petition for non-regulated status: Provided further, That nothing in this section shall be construed as limiting the Secretary’s authority under section 411, 412 and 414 of the Plant Protection Act.
A bit wordy and complex, as laws tend to be. However, this is not a new measure. This particular section is already law, passed as part of the Agriculture Appropriations Bill, and was carried forward when that bill was merged in with numerous other ones to make this current bill. What this particular measure does is allow the Secretary of Agriculture to grant a temporary deregulation status for a crop in the event that the crop is under litigation against the USDA’s approval of deregulation status, for the time period that the case is working through the courts. This means that attempts to damage a competitor, by filing suit against their crop, will not happen. Anybody can file ohibit the planting of crops during the litigation process. This rule is just the codification of the courts ruling, enabling the regulators to have a say in the process. Without it, there would be no process, and companies which do happ for a case to work its way through the courts. This measure simply ensures that will not happen.
This measure also relieves a lot from the USDA’s legal department. Months, and millions of dollars, can be spent fighting injunctions in the courts before the case ever goes before the judge. By this measure, that money can be saved, and the legal proceedings sped up accordingly. Instead of needing up to a year just to address an attempted injunction, the case can proceed much quicker, bypassing this step in the process. This also means that farmers, from the smallest family farms to the largest corporate giant, do not have to live in fear that their crop will be targeted by a competitor.
Researching the origin of the measure finds us going to 2010, when the Supreme Court ruled in Monsanto vs Geertson Seed Farms that lower courts cannot prohibit the planting of crops during the litigation process. This rule is just the codification of the courts ruling, enabling the regulators to have a say in the process. Without it, there would be no process, and companies which do happen to produce a dangerous crop would have a free hand in planting. By codifying this, now the Secretary of Agriculture has final say, and while can grant such a waiver, now can, thanks to the Plant Protection Act which this derives its authority under, also refuse to grant such a waiver. In other words, now there is a protection put in place, while before there was not.
But where did these attacks against the provision come from? You find the origins among the darker corners of the internet, with the shady astroturf groups more commonly associated with organizations like the American Legislative Exchange Council and the Heritage Foundation. Conservative organizations fuel the idea, and let left-wing pundits go into the fight to attack… the bill meant to prevent the government from shutting down. but why Monsanto, why use that label when the bill could as easily apply to ConAgra, US Sugar, or one of hundreds of other agricultural businesses?
It’s because Monsanto is one of the largest corporate supporters of climate change science, and is actively working to help ring the alarm.
The concerns over these crops comes from fear. People instinctively understand sex, and how that produces children. They do not instinctively understand gene splicing, even though that is how sex produces children in the first place. Most people do not have time to go out and understand it, so they label such modified products as “frankenfoods” and build fear upon lack of information, or worse purposeful misinformation fed by other industries who seek to hurt some related cause, such as climate change science. The fact is, some genetically modified crops have been shown to have substantial benefits, by making them more resistant to disease, adding essential nutrients, and even fight climate change. Genetic modification through direct gene splicing has been done since 1970, and is widely understood after decades of research and application.
Even snopes was quick to discredit the claims about the bill, finding it a mixture of fact and fiction, with the main claims of it granting immunity from prosecution as false.
Not only that, but this bill passed both houses of Congress with a filibuster proof majority. Even if it was as bad as some people are claiming the President couldn’t have vetoed it if he wanted to.
The bill as signed did not provide immunity to Monsanto or any other company, it only brought US Code into compliance with the Supreme Courts ruling, while also speeding up the litigation process over unregulated food crops.

Nathaniel Downes is the son of a former state representative of New Hampshire, now living in Seattle Washington.
Feel free to follow Nathaniel Downes on Facebook.

Denver Airport Probe: Nearly $2 Billion Overbudget

Denver Airport Probe: Nearly $2 Billion Overbudget

by Shepard Ambellas

March 28, 2013

Special Report

COLORADO —  The Denver International Airport (DIA) which opened in 1995, has been at topic of interest amongst travelers, researchers and conspiracy theorists since it’s conception.
DIA is the largest airport in the United States and the second largest in the world to King Fahd International Airport.
 The aesthetics of the airport were a particular concern amongst it’s designers according to public reports. Ominous art lines the interior and exterior of the massive 53 square mile complex, ranging from murals depicting some type of future apocalypse to massive statues which some say represent evil on every level.
In fact Gargoyles protect the exit doors of the baggage claim area which sets an eerie overtone all around, while just down the hall we see the murals. The words AU-AG appear near the murals possibly signifying the Australian Antigen or gold and silver according to some.
In fact there is even a massive sculpture of a blue horse (Mustang) with glowing red eyes as you drive up to the airport. This very same statue actually killed it’s creator, artist, Luis Jiménez, as a section of the 9000lb beast fell on him while he then bled to death. The sculpture was commissioned by the airport at the cost of $300,000.
And if that isn’t creepy enough, to top it all off, one of the airports terminals contains a massive statue of Anubis, the Egyptian God of Death.
So what else do we know about the Denver International Airport?
We know that aerial views of the airport show that the massive complex and its runway systems are indeed in designed in the shape of a German swastika. Some speculate that this signifies the involvement of the “New World Order”, a generic term used to define a powerful group of oligarchs that are planning to form a ”One World Government”. It is well known that Hitler’s top scientists were pardoned as war criminals and were sent to work in US underground facilities to continue operations for the black sector of the US government.
On another note a dedication stone (which is said to have a time-capsule buried underneath) at the Airport even makes mention of a “New World Airport Commission” and was placed at the airport by the Freemasons as a masonic logo is etched into the stone. However, there is currently no mention of this commission publicly. The stone is dated March 19, 1994. Some say that this is an open reference to the New World Order hidden in plain sight.
So where did this term “New World Order” come from?
While Adolph Hitler made reference of it, President George H.W. Bush announced the need for a New World Order in a famous 1991 speech, where he claims “we have a real chance at this New World Order”.
There are also other details that stand out regarding the airport. Another being that the airport also went nearly $2 billion over budget, as some say the costs were inclusive to a massive secret underground complex. Wikipedia states, “DIA finally replaced Stapleton on February 28, 1995, 16 months behind schedule and at a cost of $4.8 billion, nearly $2 billion over budget. The construction employed 11,000 workers. United flight 1062 to Kansas City International Airport was the first to depart and United flight 1474 from Colorado Springs Airport was the first to arrive.”
Although we do know that the airport houses a massive underground structure in terms of train tunnels and endless amounts of baggage conveyors, one mus) was a Rand Corporation concept that was presented to the military industrial complex in the 1970Some speculate the reason was to mask the construction of a massive underground base or a D.U.M.B. (Deep Underground Military Base), which are commonly found in and around Colorado. The massive facility would then in turn be connected by Very High Speed Transit systems originally designed by the Rand corporation then connecting the facility to D.U.M.B.’s that sprawl out across the US in more than 132 locations according to some such as Phil Shneider, a geologist reportedly employed by the US Navy to aid in the construction of some of these underground facilities. Phil Scheider was found dead in his apartment shortly after going public on the governments black projects.
In an article I authored in April of 2012 entitled, “L.A. to N.Y. in Half an Hour: 10,000 MPH Tunnel Train Used for Underground Bases” I pointed out, The Vary High Speed Transit System (VHST) was a Rand Corporation concept that was presented to the military industrial complex in the 1970s.
The concept was way ahead of it’s time, exactly what the secret sinister government needed to connect their vast expansions of underground bases throughout the United States and in various regions worldwide.
This could offer an explanation for some of the recent strange sounds and booms across the country.
The late (and presumably murdered) Phil Schneider spoke about what he called an Electro Magneto Leviton Train System that traveled at speeds in excess of Mach 2.
The VHST and its proposed routes, (vast advanced tunnel systems) at the time of it’s conception in the early 1970′s, fit and follow other underground base researchers findings as well as some of my own.
An interesting aspect within the Rand Corp. document is the fact that the tunnels are way to expansive to pump all of the air out at once to create the frictionless environment needed travel at speeds in excess of 10,000+ MPH.
The air has to be evacuated from the tunnel system in segments with large crucially timed mechanized door systems as the train passes through each vapor locked section.
Electrical and mechanical noises would ensue from such operation of massive airlock doors throughout the tunnel system once the underground bases or VHST were fully operational.
During this process strange air like sounds, hums, and mechanized sounds would persist especially if the tunnels were at a depth of 400 – 800 feet (semi shallow in underground base terms). Energy is also returned into the system as the trains decelerate.
The recent Clintonville booms might also be explained as underground sonic booms.
As the trains reach the speed of sound, a sonic boom could be heard and felt. Multiple booms could persist in one area as the train reaches the speed of sound at the same point in the tunnel system every trip.

VHST Tunnel Map – Rand Corp.
The following article entitled ‘L.A. to N.Y. in Half an Hour? 10,000 – M.P.H. Tunnel Train Plan Developed’, was first published in the year 1972 by the LA Times June 11, 1972, “A Rand corporation physicist has devised a rapid transit system to get you from Los Angeles to NY in half an hour for a $50 fare. 
 He said existing technology made such a system feasible and so does a cost analysis. The essence of the idea is to dig a tunnel more or less along the present routes of U.S. highways 66 and thirty. The tunnel would contain several large tubes for East West travel of trains that float on magnetic fields, moving at top speeds of 10,000 mph. Passengers would faced forwarded during acceleration, backward during deceleration.
 According to R. M. Salter Jr. head of the physical sciences department at Rand, the idea of high-speed train travel using electromagnetic suspension was first put forward in 1905 and actually patented in 1912. The trains he suggested now would be single cars rather than actual trains, and would be big enough to carry both passengers and freight, including large containers and automobiles.
The cars, or gondolas, would leave the New York and Los Angeles terminals at one minute or even 30-second intervals. On the main line, there would be intermediate stops at Amarillo and Chicago. Feeder lines would meet the main lines at both locations.
There would also be subsidiary lines coming into the two main terminals from such cities as San Francisco, Boston and Washington. The main idea of VHST, or Very High Speed Transit, developed originally in thinking about the satellite program and hyper sonic aircraft speeds.” Salter said in an interview at Rand.
 “The underground tubes were for suggested as alternatives, perhaps not quite seriously, but it was soon apparent that the idea of a tunnel containing such tubes had a lot of real advantages.” he said.
 In the first place, he explained there is the extremely important matter of the use and conservation of immense amounts of energy needed to move the vehicles at such great speed. “An airplane that travels faster than sound uses up a large part of its available energy supply just in climbing to an altitude where the speeds for which it is designed are possible.” Salter said. “That’s true of rockets to. Much of their energy is spent and lost forever and getting above the atmosphere.”
This would not be true for the VHST gondolas traveling on their electromagnetic rail beds, according to Salter. The tubes would be emptied of air, almost to the point of vacuum, so the trains would not need much power to overcome air resistance. They would not even have to be streamlined. In addition to an electromagnetic roadbeds, the opposing electromagnetic loops of wires in the floors of the gondolas would be super cooled with liquid Helium to further eliminate electrical resistance.
 Just as important, the gondolas would, like old-fashioned trolley cars, generate power as they break to a stop. “Since the trains would be leaving New York and Los Angeles simultaneously every minute, the power generated by cars breaking coming into the terminal would be transferred to the power lines propelling the cars going the other way.”
 “For example, there will be halfway points between each stop. Trains would use power and getting to that halfway point, and generate power going the other half of the way to the stop. Each would use power generated by trains going in the other direction.” That is the way trolley cars have operated for eighty years – taking power from the overhead lines while accelerating or running along at a steady speed, and putting power back into the lines while breaking or coasting.
The big drawback to the Salter scheme is the cost of tunneling across the nation. He admitted that it would be expensive but it does not daunt him. “After the tunneling was finished, everything else would be practically free.” He said. Even at the low fair he proposes, the enormous debt created by the tunneling would be amortized within a reasonable period if the number of passengers and the amount of freight came up to Salter’s expectations.
He figures the tunnel’s would carry seven or 8 million tons of freight a day and that passengers would take to traveling back and forth between the Eastern West Coast has readily as they now fly between San Francisco and Los Angeles. “The technology of this is much easier than was developed for the space program, ”Salter said. And tunnels, he added, need not be so expensive to dig is people think.
The most expensive thing about surface routes is the acquiring right-of-way and removing buildings that stand on the chosen route. The tunnel would not incur this expense. The tunnel, besides carrying tubes for passenger and freight gondolas, would carry many of the utilities now strung across the countryside on high wires. Salter said these underground power “lines” could be super-cooled with helium, like the electromagnetic loops in the floors of the gondolas. He said this would so reduce resistance that power could be transferred from one end of the country to the other without appreciable loss.
At the present time long distance transportation of power is difficult because of the amount of energy wasted. He said laser beams could be carried in the tunnel for the instantaneous transmission of messages. Even the mail could go cross-country in pneumatic tubes carried in the tunnel. All this would save money and speed amortization, thus cutting the overall cost of tunneling. Salter said approximately 8000 miles of tunnel were dug in America and Western Europe in the 1960s.
 That includes mine shafts. But he said existing tunneling technology could be vastly improved. Salter said many tunnels are dug nowadays almost as they would have been in the dark ages. Drilling holes in tunnel faces, and using machines with rotary bits are methods of tunneling that can be improved, according to him. He said the tunnel could be worked on from a great many “faces,” for instance. Salter suggested, too, that electronic beams or even water be used to drill holes for blasting. The high-powered electrons would drill blasting holes almost instantaneously.

Projections of future airplane and automobile travels in the United States, and the future train and truck transfer of freight, show that Salter’s tunnel idea is not a science fiction fantasy.
There will be more room in the tunnels for all the necessary transport than there will be over any feasible number of Airways and freeways and tracks. Salter’s suggestion, according to the experts who have had a look at it, is an eminently practical one for handling all the necessary traffic cleanly and without clogging up the air and surface pathways. But it will such a system ever be developed? Salter himself is not optimistic.

Possible ventilation shafts at Denver International Airport (Image: Google Earth)
“Perhaps” is how he puts it. “I am not nearly so optimistic about the political aspects of the problem as I am about our technical capability of doing the job.” He said. “History shows that some obviously feasible and practical projects, such as the tunnel proposed over and over again for connecting England and France under the English channel, can be put off for centuries because of political pressure.
 On the other hand, societies with relatively primitive technology can perform such engineering feats as the erection of impairments.” Is the VHS T too far out? Salter suggested that to get the right perspective we should look back 100 years.
By comparing transportation a century ago and transportation today, one gets a better feel for just how practical VHST is. It appears to be a logical next step, and much more practical than its alternatives of filling the highways and Airways with more and more individually guided vehicles. “This alone is a compelling reason for the high-speed system.”, Salter said. There are others, according to him. “We can’t afford any longer to continue indefinitely to pollute the skies with heat, chemicals, not to mention noise, or to carve up the land with pavement.” He said. “We also need to get the trucks and many of the cars off the highway to make the roads available to drivers who drive the family car for fun and convenience.”
So there you have it. So many things are possible with modern technology. 
But how would such an underground base (city) or facility function without air vents?
The official story suggests that the airport needs the 33,457 acres of land it sits on for future expansion. And that the state needed a massive facility to handle upcoming air traffic and allow for expansion. Although some say that this is merely a cop-out for what is really taking place under the airport.
In fact massive vent shafts have been spotted around the airport property. These vent shafts are so massive in some cases that a 747 would fit into them. These vent shafts would be needed if a massive underground complex was indeed there.
Late December I flew into DIA again on a trip to New York. This time I decided to see what type information I could acquire in the short amount of time I was in the airport. As I exited the underground train I was ushered up a stairway where I bumped into a group of police officers guarding the airport grounds. I approached one of the officers with extream confidenece asking him if believed that there is a secret underground base housed within the airport property, his reply was startling. He simply said, “It’s more massive than you could ever imagine down there”. I nodded my head and continued on my way.

Left to Right: Rocky Mountain Arsenal Widlife Refuge, Denver International Airport. (Image: Google Maps)
Another factor that peaks my interest near the airport if the Rocky Mountain Arsenal Wildlife Refuge. The reason this peak my interest is that the majority if not all D.U.M.B.’s located within the US are typically located on Indian Reservation land or within a wildlife refuge. There are many possible reasons for this. However, secrecy is amongst the top.
In November of 2012, a local Denver man made local news when he filmed some type of fast moving craft while his camera was pointed toward DIA and the wildlife refuge.
The report placed by Fox31 read, “He said, “The flying objects appear around noon or 1:00 p.m. at least a couple of times a week.” The strangest part is they are flying too fast to see with the naked eye, but when we slowed down the video, several UFOs appear.
We altered the color contrast to make it easier to see. You can take a look for yourself by watching the video clip.
We wanted to verify the video we saw was legitimate and not doctored in anyway. So our photojournalist set up his camera in the same spot, and shot video from just before noon until just after 1:00 p.m. He also captured something unexplained on video.
Aviation expert Steve Cowell is a former commercial pilot, instructor and FAA accident prevention counselor.
He thought he would have a logical explanation, until he watched the video. “That is not an airplane, that is not a helicopter, those are not birds, I can’t identify it,” he said. He also told us the objects are not insects.
He said he knows of no aircraft that flies as fast. He did tell us there is one other possibility. “Perhaps there’s some sort of debris that is being raised up by some of the atmospheric winds.”
 The video captured literally appears to be some sort of advanced technology invisible to the human eye.
However, the most intriguing element to all of this is a conversation I overheard one time. A man was explaining what happened to him during a layover at DIA to someone he knew, it peaked my interest. The man sounded frightened and nervous, spouting aloud something to this nature, “I went into a freight elevator, the doors closed and took me down for a long while, it felt very fast. When the doors opened I was in an elaborate looking hallway with rather high ceilings, the markings and languages looked foreign to me.
I then tried to use what looked like the restroom. As I walked in I noticed it indeed was a restroom, but the urinals and toilets were about three times the normal size, they appeared to be built for giants.”
This has stood out in the back of my mind for a while now as I have speculated that yes, the Denver International Airport could house a massive underground facility.