Thursday, May 30, 2013


by Sherman H. Skolnick 10/7/01
Let a candid and vigilant populace consider my pleas and contentions. We ordinary Americans are being led, step by step, down the road to a dictatorship more evil and all-pervasive than that of the late Adolph Hitler and the Nazi Party of the German aristocracy.
The high-level treason that afflicts us cannot be cured or delayed by the alleged "U.S. Government" as now constituted. Within our borders, traitors to the U.S. Constitution and to the Bill of Rights, and to the American common people, cannot be prosecuted. Without the consent of us, the governed, they are in charge, have been in charge, and will remain in charge, to the bitter collapse of our organic law. With complete impunity, they turn over our most profound industrial, financial, and MILITARY secrets, to sworn enemies of the United States of America, such as to Red China and Iraq [the Bush Family and Bill Clinton have done that].
It is a dire reality that my well-meaning country-men must now ponder and understand, or fail to do so at their peril.
The overthrow of the American Republic began at least at the time of the political assassination of John F. Kennedy. In violation of their own rules and procedures, the U.S. Secret Service, on behalf of the ruling plutocrats, utterly refused, failed, and neglected to protect Kennedy as President. They knowingly took him in an open car around a hair-pin turn into the target sights of paid assassins, firing by military-style triangulation. No Secret Service agent, contrary to their rules, was there on foot, on duty, to examine and monitor the dangerous slowing down of the Presidential vehicle. With flimsy excuses, several reputedly venal and for-sale reporters were right there, available in the murder zone, to be later rewarded for false reports, opening the way for their promotion to highly-lucrative TV network status, such as Dan Rather, later CBS Network anchor face, and Robert MacNeil, later PBS co-anchor and co-owner of his own network program with Jim Lehrer. Rather was standing in the shadows of the triple underpass bridge, a few feet from one of the concealed shooters. Rather was the only one on the planet to be able to verify that JFK had been mortally wounded as the Presidential motorcade passed right under Rather's view. MacNeil was in the Book Depository Building and was in a position to see Lee Harvey Oswald and give false data. [According to an FBI document of 11/29/63, the Elder Bush, already then in the CIA, was part of an apparent cover up of the assassination of JFK.]
If they survived, there were numerous eyewitnesses and reliable sources that could have contradicted the false declarations of reporters such as Dan Rather and Robert MacNeil, on behalf of the ruling elite, that a "lone assassin" murdered our President. In the wake of the bloody deed in Dallas, November 22, 1963, some 200 eyewitnesses and sources were themselves murdered, snuffing out their possible testimony, their demise a horror-filled death warrant warning to others available to testify.
On behalf of the growing American dictatorship of almost near faceless satraps, a five-person tyranny of the U.S. Supreme Court, sitting as if a junta, with serious conflicts of interest, installed George W. Bush as the "occupant" and "resident" of the American White House. This done, contrary to basic case law precedents and in violation of the Bill of Rights, it being a near-midnight-deadline ancient-style edict, "obey our command or be banished from the kingdom".
So even if the complicit members of the American aristocracy were somehow to be apprehended, which historically is highly doubtful, they would suffer no punishment. The federal prosecutors are selected on the basis of being blackmailable and with the implicit understanding that they would go against primarily small fish, no one of any great importance. Even if traitors were put in custody, federal grand juries and U.S. District Court trial juries are carefully screened to eliminate independent-minded persons. The American Gestapo, the FBI, constituting part of the nation's secret political police, in most federal districts, select the pool from which grand jurors are selected, and hand-pick the venire, likewise the pool, from which trial jurors are chosen. In Chicago, for example, the supposedly all-seeing FBI selected a known gangster to sit on a federal grand jury for a number of months, corrupting and perverting the process, and he being supposedly part of investigating fellow mobsters. [The Chicago U.S. District Court case of U.S. versus Robert Girardi, not adequately reported by the monopoly press. A watered down story appeared in the Chicago Tribune, January 21, 1994, "Ex-U.S. Grand Jury Member Indicted In Leaking of Information".]
In its simplest explanation, we went to war in 1991 because George Herbert Walker Bush, then President, was disgruntled against his former private business partner, Saddam Hussein, the Iraqi strongman. [Visit our website story for details, "The Secrets of Timothy McVeigh".] Hussein was installed in the 1970s, in part at the time the Elder Bush was head of America's secret police. Some ten years after 1991, we went to war again because the former head of the secret police's son, George W. Bush, is disgruntled against HIS former business partners, the Bin Laden Family and their family member Osama bin Laden, falsely described as being on the outs with his family. Osama was, like Saddam Hussein, created by the American CiA, with the connivance of former Director of Central Intelligence, the Elder Bush, as Vice President and later as President, to engage in a war with the Soviet Union. The Soviets were worn out by this. This led, in part, to the downfall of the Soviet Union and the Moscow government. Also helping destroy the Soviet Union, to make them now a "friend" of the United States, was the CIA-orchestrated attack on the Russian ruble, which undermined the Soviet's financial validity. [See the book, "Thieves World" by Claire Sterling, Simon & Shuster, New York, 1994. Also, our website story, "Marc Rich and others Fingered By A Letter".]
Over the centuries, Afghanistan has been the graveyard of invaders. No prior army ever previously has succeeded against the tunnels, the mountains, the terrain. The American CIA has been instrumental, in the past, in helping the Afghans finance their way of life with growing poppies and being the supplier of upwards of sixty per cent of the heroin to Europe. With a large supply of heroin parked outside Afghanistan, the Afghans are in the works to flood heroin throughout the world AT HALF THE GOING PRICE. The Afghans resisted Unocal and others of the oil cartel, tied to the Bush Family, in putting a natural gas/oil pipeline through Afghanistan to Pakistan and to Red China. The Afghanis, in the view of the cartel, have been demanding too large a per centage as their cut for allowing the pipeline project to proceed. Hence, the oil monopoly needs to overthrow the Kabul government, install their own government, and proceed with the pipeline project. [A situation somewhat similar to the British Counter-Intelligence joint effort with CIA, in 1953, to overthrow the Iran elected government and arbitrarily restore, as a CIA puppet, the Shah to the Peacock Throne. When the Shah became difficult, in 1979 the CIA overthrew him, and installed a British Counter-Intelligence agent, Ayotollah Khomeini, to rule. George Bush worked a treasonous deal in 1980, to delay the release of 52 U.S. hostages, held by Iran, so as to make Jimmy Carter, running for re-election, appear to be a wimp. This benefitted the Reagan/Bush election campaign. The hostages were released at the very moment Reagan/Bush were inaugurated in January, 1981. This treachery by George Herbert Walker Bush was dubbed part of "The October Surprise".]
British royalty put the Elder Bush into the oil business. [See, for example, "The Unauthorized Biography of George Bush" by Webster Tarpley and Anton Chaiken.] For laundering the proceeds of dope trafficking, oil deals, and weapons smuggling, the Bush Family has a joint account with the Queen of England in her private bank, Coutts Bank London. Through that joint account, hundreds of billions of illicit dollars are washed. [See our website series, "Greenspan Aids and Bribes Bush" and the Bush Family's 25 secret worldwide accounts, together with the secret federal reserve wire transfer records that can be brought up on your screen from our website, showing the hundreds of billions of dollars.]
For almost 40 years, our group, the Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts, has successfully time and again fingered corrupt members of the state and federal judiciary. Our firm policy always has been to NEVER divulge eyewitnesses and sources, since the government is incapable of protecting them. As the Chairman/Founder of the group, I take the responsibility of confronting the judges to their face and have suffered the consequences repeatedly over the decades. The corrupt judges have demanded I divulge methods of investigation, witnesses, and sources, and when I refuse, invoking our policy, they have time and again put me, wheelchair and all, in prison, for contempt of court, a nebulous power that seems to be inherent in their black robes of office. Most every such judge, having falsely jailed me, later was sent to jail for bribery. An identified crook on the bench is no longer useful. No decent bagman will further bother to bribe them (a funny contradiction of terms). A crooked judge is thrown away like an old shoe, no longer capable of doing as told.
I have always tried to be fair even to known corrupt judges. I have made it our policy, that I or a close associate in my presence, asks the targeted judge to confess his crimes. I explain that this will save the taxpayers expense in getting rid of the judge by having to put him or her on trial and after conviction, sending them away. [The biggest judicial bribery scandal in U.S. history, touched off by us, is now the subject of a book, "Illinois Justice" by Kenneth Manaster, published September, 2001, by University of Chicago Press. The cover of the book with my picture on it is on the website, Click on my name on the side where it shows columnists.]
Will George Herbert Walker Bush confess his prior knowledge of the violence occurring on September 11, 2001? Will he admit that HE was running the country from in or near the White House on that tragic day? What provision, if any, of the U.S. Constitution, empowers the Elder Bush to have such a power? Will the Elder Bush confess openly his private business partnership which went sour with Saddam Hussein, being part of an unpublicized lawsuit in Chicago? [See our website series, "The Secrets of Timothy McVeigh", giving the name and number of the litigation and other details.My exclusive details were in a populist paper, Spotlight, August 19, 1991.]
Will his son, George W. Bush, confess his private business partnerships with the bin Laden Family, including Osama bin Laden who is not that much on the outs with his family reportedly receiving tens of millions of dollars from them secretly? Will George W. Bush confess that he and HIS family have a huge financial interest with the oil cartel which wants to overthrow the Kabul government so the Afghanistan oil and natural gas pipeline project can proceed? Does the secret political police really know who all the hi-jackers were? Did they not use fake identification? Knowledgeable sources contend the violence of September 11, 2001, was part of a bloody internal struggle within the hierarchy in the United States. That it was done through surrogates that may not have known their handlers and patrons in the American aristocracy.

More coming. Stay tuned


by Sherman H. Skolnick 10/12/01
Invoking War Power-like authority, the Younger Bush White House ordered the suppression of certain news under the disguise of plugging up leaks of so-called "military secrets". The details.
For a number of years the State of Michigan, through Michigan State University, owned and operated the Michigan Biologic Products Institute. They had the exclusive contract with the Department of Defense to, among other things, develop and produce an anthrax vaccine.
A strange and mysterious group, in 1998, bought out the state-owned Institute, calling themselves BIOPORT CORPORATION, and the Department of Defense became its only customer.
"The takeover itself is considered suspicious by some. 'The company acquired the Michigan Biologic Products Institute for the express purpose of taking over and acquiring a lucrative military contract', said a bio-warfare expert who asked not to be named and accused company officials of 'WAR PROFITEERING'". (Emphasis added.)
"Why Anthrax Vaccine is Scarce" by Kristen Philipkoski, WIREDNEWS, on-line 10/10/2001. The story went on to state "The FDA [Food and Drug Administration] repeatedly flunked BioPort in inspections in 1999 and 2000 because of contamination and suspicious changes made to expiration dates. The agency has barred the company from releasing any of the vaccine as a result." The story went on to assert that as to the company that an audit by the Pentagon's inspector general in April 2000 that BioPort had spent several million dollars inappropriately, and paid out unsubstantiated consulting costs.
WIREDNEWS further stated, "The anthrax vaccine was the subject of controversy even before it was in such high demand. Approximately 400 soldiers faced reprimands rather than take the vaccine because of side effects that some said were severe."
The Board of Directors of BioPort included Admiral William J. Crowe, Jr., former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and former chairman of the President's FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE ADVISORY BOARD. Crowe is a member of the conspiratorial COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS, CFR, and chairman of the New World Order group, Senior Advisory Board for GLOBAL OPTIONS. That group included five other CFR members such as the former Director of Central Intelligence, R. James Woolsey. The administrations of Jimmy Carter, the Elder Bush, Bill Clinton, and the Younger Bush were and are absolutely riddled with CFR overlords.
The stockholders of BioPort Corporation reportedly include the following
===The CARLYLE GROUP that includes former cabinet members of the Elder Bush White House and other oil monopolists, such as James A. Baker 3rd, once Secretary of State. Some contend that Baker in part handled the 40 million dollars of secret dope loot that was used to corrupt and influence DEMOCRATS in Florida to stop the ballot recount even before the U.S. Supreme Court "Gang of Five" got into the picture and installed George W. Bush as the "occupant" and "resident" of the White House. The 40 million dollars was reportedly dope trafficking funds from U.S./Colombia Medellin Dope Cartel Co-Founder Carlos Lehder. According to outspoken drug enforcement current and former officials, Lehder is the private business partner of the Bush Family. Although extradited to the U.S., prosecuted and sent to a 55-year term in U.S. prison, Lehder has disappeared from the Federal Prison System. Uncovering these details was Chandra Levy. (Visit our website story, "The Chandra Levy Affair", Part Two. Also see my various stories on the Year 2000 Presidential election.) The Carlos Lehder matter could put members of the Bush Family in long federal prison terms.
The Carlyle Group, headquartered in the nation's capital, specializes in seizing control of shaky aerospace and defense contractors and then strong-arming, some say blackmailing, contracts out of the Department of Defense. An investor in the Carlyle Group has been George Herbert Walker Bush. The Elder Bush has been a paid consultant to the Bin Laden Group, helping them with his CIA links. Bush helped create Osama bin Laden as an American CIA bought and paid for alleged "terrorist", originally dubbed a "freedom fighter" to wear out the Soviets in their prolonged war, 1979-1989, in Afghanistan. The monopoly press falsely states that Osama is on the outs with his family, yet his family reportedly funnels tens of millions of dollars to Osama through banks such as Algemene Bank Nederland, now called ABN-AMRO, in part through their American flagship, Chicago-based La Salle National Bank.[We have identified La Salle as also having secret accounts for bribing state and federal judges.] To evade having their own secrets coming out linked to Osama, the Younger Bush White House flatly refuses to freeze Osama's numerous accounts, wire-transfers, and such through ABN-AMRO.
The Carlyle Group, in turn, is owned and supervised by a worldwide reputed money laundry for World Government, the BLACKSTONE GROUP.
===Another stockholder of BioPort Corp., is the Bin Laden Group, some 24 family members of which were whisked out of the U.S., on "safety" reasons by the secret political police, the FBI, following the September 11, 2001 events. Through the National Commerce Bank of Saudi, the Bin Laden Group reportedly also funnels large sums to Osama directly and as go-betweens of Saudi moneybags who are anti-American and support Osama bin Laden.
===BioPort Corporation Board Chairman and CEO and a sizeable stockholder, directly and as nominee for Saudi and other Mid-East interests, many reportedly supportive of Osama bin Laden, is FUAD EL-HIBRI.
Under the disguise of invoking national emergency provisions, George W. Bush has ordered National Guard sentries to guard the BioPort facility in Lansing, Michigan. Bush has ordered, under pretext of "national security", that employees and officials of BioPort are forbidden to discuss with reporters, commentators, and researchers, the nature of the ownership of BioPort Corporation. This was done to preclude details of this private corporation from being publicly disclosed. This presidential edict was quietly put through just prior to the beginning of bombing by the U.S. of Afghanistan. Despite this clamp-down on disclosure, some very patriotic employees of BioPort have informed independent-minded commentators of the reputed ownership and operations details of BioPort Corporation.
As part of an apparent blackmail effort against the Younger Bush White House, the Washington Post began inquiring into some of the ownership and other details mentioned herein about BioPort. Targeted to shut up by George W. Bush, has been, in particular, Post official Bob Woodward. Having no background in journalism, his stories about Watergate and such were handed to him on a silver platter by the espionage community to depose Nixon, for treason, without resorting to political assassination. Woodward's espionage background is mentioned in the book "Silent Coup"---see my website story, "The Late Grand Dragon of the Washington Post".
To unsuccessfully try to block the mass media from heckling him about Watergate, Nixon threatened to prosecute some of the major news outlets for Anti-Trust violations. Similarly, the Younger Bush White House, to deter the press whores from asking real questions about anthrax vaccine and BioPort, is also raising behind the scenes threats to prosecute the six major communications empires for monopoly violations.
Being basically blackmailers, the monopoly press is really not ready to scandalize the Bush Family on matters mentioned here and in related stories. The British press, however, has expressed an interest into inquiring into BioPort. After all, the Brits relish the idea of wrecking the war-mongering, often criminal American presidency as a way to destroy the American Republic. Since the War of 1812, the Brits have vowed to somehow take back this Continent as puppet colonies and to have so-called "Americans" as mere docile subjects of the British Crown.
[One of the private details the Younger Bush White House is prepared to use to shut up Bob Woodward on the BioPort and the Anthrax Commissars matter is a subject most usually not to be made into a scandal subject. To some it is either a forbidden topic or laughable. Woodward's first wife, once a secretary to a long-time White House press correspondent, was reportedly divorcd from Woodward because Woodward had a vicious private disposition. Snickering commentators from grocery tabloid magazines might call such a husband a "wife-beater". Whether or not Bob Woodward is privately brutal, he is most certainly a fraudulent "reporter" easy for George W. Bush to pull on Bob Woodward's chain.]
===Rev. Jesse Jackson, Sr., reportedly participates in BioPort's affairs. [Cynics wonder about the firm's convenient address, 3500 N. Martin Luther King, Jr., Blvd., Lansing, Michigan 48906; Phone [(517) 327-1500, FAX (517) 327-1501.] In any case, accidental or not, convenient. An accomplished reputed blackmailer and shake-down artist, the Reverend strong-armed his way apparently into the strange anthrax deal. Since private citizens are forbidden by federal statute from negotiating U.S. FOREIGN POLICY, someone in the White House perhaps reminded Jesse to stay out of the Afghanistan matter where he tried to stick in his nose. Getting a piece of the action is part of Jesse's expertise. [Visit our website story, "The Jesse Jackson Affair.]
Poking into the Anthrax Commissars, such as Carlyle Group, the Blackstone Group, the Bush Family, Admiral Crowe and others, might open up many prior tragedies. Before the forming of BioPort, a supposed anthrax vaccine or substance was forced upon the U.S. Military (not the brass) in the Persian Gulf War. Some claim that such a purported "vaccine" did not have FDA approval when given and is, at least in part, responsible for the Gulf War Syndrome. In a full-scale battlefield war, the Military expects twenty per cent casualties. Some 15 thousand GI's died prematurely after the Gulf War ended, and some 85 thousand more are very sick, some terminally so, together with their wives, their childen, even their dogs and cats. Of the 500 thousand that served in that war, that means the U.S. has been afflicted with 100 thousand casualties, which the Defense Department covers up or denies, just as if the Gulf War had been a set-piece, typical war of yesteryear.
At the time of this story, we common Americans are beset with statements by the Washington dictators that an anthrax "terror" attack is coming. Are the matters as simple as using uncontrollable fear to just promoting the business of the Anthrax Commissars, including the Bush Family?
More coming. Stay tuned.


by Sherman H. Skolnick 10/22/01
Because of war-time-like mass media censorship in the U.S., few, if any, dissenting views on Afghanistan are reported by what some call the monopoly press. Some in key places, in fact, do oppose the policies of George Herbert Walker Bush as to the Mid-East. Although his son is the current "occupant" and "resident" of the White House, the Elder Bush, as the puppet of the American aristocracy and the oil cartel, appears to be giving the orders.
The Bush family are certainly well aware that if something goes wrong, they are all subject, suddenly and with scandal commotions, to be thrown away into history's junk-pile. Among those who oppose their policies are some sixty U.S. Admirals and Generals. They do not simply go along with the Establishment parade, awaiting their military retirement and their pensions. [More about them later.]
A growing number of thinking people are becoming aware that the whole September 11, 2001, violence is just another step in making common Americans docile, to the point that the U.S. Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution, could easily, bit by bit, be suspended and the American Republic ENDED.
>From the Establishment's standpoint, an ideal happening is that the American commonfolk, beset with orchestrated fear and terror, will absolutely DEMAND that the American organic law be scrapped in favor of SECURITY. Some of the steps
{1] To consolidate the American secret political police under a Homeland Security Chief to serve at the right hand of the "president" installed himself by highly questionable and controversial means. Not everyone has forgotten December, 2000. The ideas behind this, both mentioned and unmentioned, are similar to the Nazi Gestapo and the Soviet KGB.
[For a federal official to dare mention the word GESTAPO is a removal or death warrant. Some years ago a more-independent-minded California U.S. District Judge, a latino, was hearing evidence in his court as to the bad practices of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, INS, and the FBI. After considering the evidence thus elicited, the Judge dared pronounce from the bench that these agencies are the American Gestapo. When I first read it in some newspaper, I said ought-aw, he is a goner. Shortly thereafter, the INJUSTICE Department tried in vain to send the Judge to prison on frivolous and foolish charges that he had a distant cousin, a mafioso. Scarred and battle-worn, the Judge beat back the muzzling efforts, an unsung hero.]
Tom Ridge, the new American Gestapo Chief, head of Homeland Security, is tightly aligned with Charles Zogby and his cousin, James Zogby, president of the Arab American Institute, considered by some a militant pro-Arab lobby. Is this part of a route to manipulate Mid-East affairs, enriching and empowering the oil cartel, by putting Arabs against Israelis, and vice versa? Some think so. The British, after all, installed the State of Israel to act as an irritant against the oil-soaked Moslem nations surrounding the tiny nation. Thus keeping such nations perpetually off-balance and subject to Anglo-American oil financial control.
[2] The liars and whores of the press continue to escalate the terror scenario against the often poorly informed people. Stories scream out at us, ANTHRAX! soon to be followed by hollaring SMALL POX! BUBONIC PLAGUE! BOTULISM! To their credit, some scientists, not those acceptable as paid consultants to the newsfakers, point out the difficulties in using anthrax against large numbers of people all at one time.
The pharmaceutical monopolies, set to heavily profit, see this as a great opportunity. For some time, they have been promoting their prescription-required nostrums on the television, to have those with vague aches and pains disregard medicinal side-effects, and bombard their doctors with demands for such supposed cure-all pills and capsules.
One magazine head-lined it, "PRIMETIME PUSHERS---Freed from federal restrictions, pharmaceutical companies are flooding television with ads for prescription drugs. What does it mean for our health care when serious medicine is marketed like soap?" Mother Jones Magazine, March/April, 2001.
As the article stated in another headline, "Direct-to-consumer advertising has paid off for the drug companies, often turning solid earners into blockbuster drugs". The highly political and corrupt U.S. Food and Death Administration, FDA, has turned loose the airwaves with these pill and capsule factories.
The drug companies, financially interlocked with the television networks, and their affiliates, are set to promote their expensive remedies for anthrax, and such, just like soap-drugs they already push on us. The drug factories violently oppose those who could produce the same so-called remedies as generic drugs. Also, some contend there are simpler, less expensive, already known ways to combat these poisons.
[3] So far, the monopoly press studiously avoids discussing prior knowledge of the Bush White House and others, as to the September 11, 2001, violence. To brainwash youngsters with little knowledge of the debacle at Pearl Harbor, Mickey Mouse came out with a movie omitting the prior knowledge of the Roosevelt White House in allowing us to slip into a World War, first with Japan, and then Germany, now fully documented. We had to go to war with Japan first, so that Germany, who did not want to fight a huge population, industrial giant like the U.S., would feel compelled to Declare War on us pursuant to their Axis pact with Japan. Pushing the U.S. falsely into World War Two was to save Great Britain without the means to fight off Hitler on their own.
Will it take another sixty years from 2001, until Americans, if they still have their Bill of Rights and U.S. Constitution intact, to accept the prior knowledge of the 911 disaster? Needed to be done LET THOSE KNOWING ABOUT PRIOR KNOWLEDGE BE HEARD NATIONWIDE uncensored.
[4] Demonizing rhe CIA-created devil, Osama bin Laden, is the entire focus of the Establishment. America will have permanent happiness and prosperity, they claim, if only Osama's head could be delivered on a platter to the oil-soaked Bush White House. In a similar vein, the Elder Bush White House asserted the same, 1990-1991, in demonizing his former private business partner,Saddam Hussein, the Iraqi strongman originally installed by the American CIA. Like Daddy Bush, George W. Bush has declared war on HIS former private business partner, Osama bin Laden.
[For more details, visit earlier parts of this website series as well as related stories, such as "The Chandra Levy Affair, Part Two" and "The Secrets of Timothy McVeigh".]
[5] A growing number of better-informed folks understand that the entire Afghanistan Affair revolves around major oil companies, tied to the Bush Family, for some years now planning a natural gas/oil pipeline through Afghanistan to Pakistan, Red China, and elsewhere. The Kabul government apparently demanded too high a cut of the action, thus interfering with the pipeline plan. Remedy? Simple. Find an excuse, to try to overthrow by force the Kabul government and replace it with one that will NOT question the pipeline deal.
Is the oil-soaked, war-mongering, monopoly press, shackled and hand-cuffed as they are to the American aristocracy, prepared to finger the Bush Family as tied to the oil cartel and their Afghanistan pipeline plans?
What the sixty very brave, very patriotic U.S. Admirals and Generals will do (out of some 600 flag officers), while understanding this treason and dissenting from current policies, remains to be seen. Contained in some of our prior stories are the details of the 24 flag officers, as authorized by the Uniform Military Code, who vowed to arrest their Commander-in-Chief Bill Clinton for documented charges of treason. As we have written in exclusive prior stories, if Clinton arrested them for mutiny, if they were not assassinated, they intended to defend themselves with documents of his treason with Red China and Iraq jointly with the Elder Bush.
Ten of those original 24 flag officers have been assassinated. Some of their names are in a prior part of this series. What will come of the current 60 such flag officers who apparently oppose George W. Bush? History will tell.
A very high, non-U.S. military officer, extremely well-informed, contends that the U.S. is facing a land-war military disaster in Afghanistan. Obviously, if true, it could bring down the American Central Government and with it the Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution. The 60 American flag officers agree, and assert that a coup d'etat, for the good and not for evil,is absolutely necessary to save the American Republic.
The source asserts that several battalions of Ranger-like U.S. forces were on the ground in Afghanistan. They relied, he contends, on the assistance of the supposed opposition to the Taliban, namely, the Northern Alliance, which either steered them into a trap or knowingly withdrew their guidance at a key moment. Some 250 to 400 U.S. Military was thus slaughtered, according to the well-positioned source. So far, this has not been confirmed by other sources, foreign or domestic. If so, the cover up, the body bags, will not be returned to the U.S., for six months, if ever.
If true, it raises the entire question of land-invasion of Afghanistan as being the fore-runner of possible U.S. Military disaster. A nation that loses a war, soon has their government overthrown, often by evil-doers. The criminal-element that took over the Moscow government after the humiliating Soviet defeat in Afghanistan should be clear to most people. By the way, as we have pointed out, the Russian mafiya operates in the United States, like the Red Chinese Secret Police, with complete impunity and immunity from the FBI/CIA. The Russian criminals, such as in Chicago, operate the Red Light District and circulate, without restraint, superior quality counterfeit U.S. and other currencies, as well as using stolen credit cards and identities. Most of the Russian mafiya in the U.S. are former KGB officers adept at their ways, and the FBI is frightened of them.
Busy with themselves and their families, and worried about their jobs, the ordinary Americans have to be repeatedly reminded of history. With its terrain, secret tunnels developed over centures, and mountains, Afghanistan has always been the graveyard of invaders.

Will the American Republic be saved? More coming. Stay tuned.


by Sherman H. Skolnick 11/4/01
We were the first, earlier in this series, to mention that the Bush White House flatly refused to freeze up accounts of so-called "terrorists" such as Osama bin Laden in ABN-AMRO, the Dutch bank octopus, operating in 15 major U.S. cities, including Chicago. Why? Simply put, because the secret accounts implicated the Bush Family jointly with the so-called "terrorists".
Freezing those accounts in the billions of dollars would inevitably lead to disclosures of the huge financial tie-in between the Bush Family and the worldwide bin Laden Group business cartel and their relative Osama bin Laden. Although demonized as the head "terrorist" of the world, Osama reportedly does get huge sums, clandestinely transferred, through members of the Saudi Royal Family who are secretly, some openly, anti-American. The reputed transit point? Algemene Bank Nederland, known as ABN-AMRO. And, not everyone accepts as a fact that Osama has been cut off from heavy funding of his family members, 24 top ones having resided in the U.S. until a few days after the September 11, 2001 violence.
The Bush Family is tied financially to the Carlyle Group which, in turn, has had Daddy Bush as a heavily paid consultant to the bin Laden Group, and ultimately, to Osama, once described by Daddy and the American CIA as a "freedom fighter" when Osama carried out the Bush/CIA agenda to drive the Soviets into humiliation by stalemating them in the Afghan-Soviet War, 1979-1989. That led, in part, to the downfall of the Soviet Union, to breakaway provinces, also by way of the CIA-orchestrated attack on the Soviet Ruble currency.
The oil cartel, headed by Unocal and others, tied to the Bush Family, have instigated the whole war with Afghanistan because the Taliban/Kabul government interfered with letting the natural gas/oil pipeline through Afghanistan and then, as planned, on to Pakistan as a link to energy-hungry India, Red China, and Japan.
In its simplest form, Osama and the Taliban wanted a bigger cut than they were offered by the oil consortium. Some of the huge joint secret accounts at ABN-AMRO linking the Bush Family to bin Laden Group and Osama bin Laden are reportedly tied to the Unocal oil consortium. Key officials of Taliban, now demonized, were honored guests in Texas by Unocal when George W. Bush was Governor. Details are tucked away in a Chicago Tribune story, 10/21/2001, "University helped U.S. Reach Out to Taliban".
[For background, visit all the previous parts of this series and related items.]
My story referring to the Bush White House flatly refusing to freeze up so-called "terrorist" accounts at ABN-AMRO, touched off a furor by being replicated on other websites worldwide. Result? The more independent-minded Internal Affairs unit of the U.S. Treasury Department, finally ordered the freeze up of those accounts, leading to an analysis of who and what and where. [The same unit investigated the 25 worldwide secret accounts of the Bush Family, used for laundering billions and billions of dollars of illicit funds from dope trafficking and such. See the secret Federal Reserve wire transfer records, transfers authorized by the secret code of Alan Greenspan, attached to our website series "Greenspan Aids and Bribes Bush". Experts examining the records proclaim they are authentic.]
Years ago, the late currency expert, Franz Pik, said that sooner or later, every nation gets into a crunch and has to renounce and repudiate their paper securities. Such as their bonded debt issued by or for their Treasury. Is the U.S. next? Partly a consequence of a White House treason scandal?
U.S. tax collection income has dropped drastically, recession-style. Through their purported fiscal agent, the Federal Reserve (NOT a U.S. government entity but a private, some say conspiratorial, central bank), the U.S. Treasury may have to repudiate ALL U.S. Treasury securities---an unthinkable calamity.
Nevertheless, the Treasury is proceeding toward that wreckage. They have announced, about the time of the ABN-AMRO freeze-up, that they will no longer issue long-term U.S. Bonds, called 30-year Treasury Bonds. When the present ones come due, they will not be, as in the past, subject to optional roll-over into another long-term issue. Senior citizens, pension funds, and banks and such, that rely on the coupon interest of such bonds will be cut off.
U.S. Treasury securities are part of the capital structure of banks. Several money center banks have capital way below---some below zero---the minimum approximately three cents of the fractional reserve dollar required by federal regulators. Included in this insolvent category is Bank of America, owned principally nowadays by the Japanese mafia, the Yakuza, and the older group of owners being the French Rothschilds and the Jesuits. Also apparently insolvent is Bank One, formerly known as First National Bank of Chicago, dominated by the Rockefellers. [See the background of the Rockefeller Banks and the human body parts business and other bloody work, in our website series, "The Red Chinese Secret Police IN THE UNITED STATES".]
Another apparently insolvent bank octopus is First Union. It is little-known that it is tied to the scandal-ridden Lippo Group, ethnic Chinese and the Red Chinese Secret Police. Do you remember First Union's surrealistic television ads showing a weird blizzard of papers and people flying down Wall Street, and then one of them falls down and like a mannequin, disintegrates? [Sort of like what happened in Lower Manhattan on September 11, 2001?]
By stopping the issuance of 30-year Bonds, the Treasury has only temporarily boosted the price, on the market of such bonds, thus artificially, for the moment, pumping up such failing banks as to their capital structure.
Will they next renounce and repudiate U.S. Treasury securities, such as Bills, which are short-term, and Notes, which are mid-term, like five year maturity? By halting the issuance of U.S. Treasury long-term bonds, the U.S. government is going to have to squeeze big oney out of their former enemy, Germany, to finance the U.S. recession-created debt. The budget surplus has apparently disappeared in a puff of financial smoke.
As some historians point out, a nation that loses a war soon is swept into the junk-pile and overthrown. Do we have to be reminded that we could not conquer Viet Nam, populated by a fiercely historic people. We were the ones that lost the war and departed, some say humiliated.
Outspoken activist Dick Gregory once mentioned that it cost the U.S. half a million dollars for every Viet Namese we slaughtered. It would have been cheaper, he claimed, to pay them all to leave their country and the U.S. pave it over with green cement, to match the jungle.
Some contend a perverted, certifiably crazy, satanic-dominated element in the American aristocracy has created the terror syndrome now gripping America and falsely blamed by the press whores on Moslems. If this is some kind of latter day religious crusade, supposedly "Christians" versus Moslems, have the Establishment pundits forgotten the bloody history of such movements?
Some rightfully contend that the anthrax, courtesy of the U.S. aristocracy, is actually supplied from U.S.Military and other government storage. And others assert, with scientific supporting details, that the supposedly suicide commercial planes of the 911 tragedy, were actually computer-controlled from the ground and the supposed on-board "kamikaze" Moslems thought it was just a routine hostage flight, not a suicide mission. [As to the ground-based computers used to over-ride the airplane on-board computers, put the term GLOBAL HAWK into a web search engine.]
The White House and the U.S. government may be swept away in treachery at the highest level stemming from disclosures resulting from freezing up so-called "terrorist" accounts in banks like ABN-AMRO. Also tied in, the Red Chinese Secret Police, the Chicago markets, such as the Chicago Mercantile Exchange reportedly handling so-called "terrorist" funds and put options with prior knowledge of the 911 violence.
The foreign press relishes attacking the highly-vulnerable Bush Family administration implicated in oil-soaked and dope-linked laundering. Siding supposedly with the Northern Alliance, the White House would like to avoid mentioning that this supposed dissident group in Afghanistan are in charge of the vast dope trafficking to Europe. U.S. soldiers are going to die to safeguard major dope traffickers?
Are common Americans facing a financial crisis brought on by disclosures of treachery and the so-called U.S. Dollar no longer backed and supported, directly or indirectly, by U.S. Treasury securities? And after U.S. Treasury Bonds are scrapped, is the next to be thrown away, being the organic law, the Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution?
All this is a study of the American Establishment and their treason.

Stay tuned.

FBI Execution Squads Operational on American Soil

FBI Execution Squads Operational on American Soil

Not only has the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) been implicated in staging terror attacks in the past, they are now engaging the American civilian populace in the arena of the “battlefield” on an entirely new level as public execution, by government officials, will soon be commonplace.

ORLANDO, FL – MAY 22: Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) evidence response agents work outside the apartmentent where a suspected friend of the Boston bombers was shot and killed by FBI on May 22, 2013 in Orlando, Florida. Ibragim Todashev, was being questioned by the FBI about his ties to the Boston Marathon bombing suspects when he was killed after attacking the agent. (Photo by Gerardo Mora/Getty Images)


By Shepard Ambellas
May 30, 2013
ORLANDO — For the first time ever, we can blatantly see that the establishment has lost track of all reality.
Do you really think that a room full of FBI agents wouldn’t be able to restrain a guy they have been interrogating for over 5 hours?
Do you really believe that they need to fire 7 shots, including one to the head?
Why not just restrain the subject?
Reports circulating the media keep changing as one one knows what to believe about the death of the Chechen, former MMA fighter, executed on-site at his apartment by FBI agents, with a hail 6 bullets to the chest, and one to the back of the head.
The father of Ibragim Todashev, claims that his son was executed by the FBI after a brutal unannounced interrogation at his son’s residence in Florida.
The Telegraph reported, “Mr Todashev, 27, was killed at his home in Orlando, Florida, on May 22 as an FBI special agent and several other law enforcement personnel questioned him about Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the alleged Boston bomber who died in a shoot-out with police after the attack.
The FBI has said that Mr Todashev, who moved to the US from Russia in 2008, was shot when he initiated a “violent confrontation” with his questioners.
Mr Todashev was said to have confessed to his involvement in an unsolved 2011 triple murder with Tsarnaev when he became violent, according to agents.
His father disputed that view at a Moscow press conference as he showed a series of photographs that he said were his son’s bullet-riddled corpse, and called for the officers responsible for the death to be prosecuted.”
Now one of the largest Muslim group in the country is demanding an independent investigation into the murder of Todashev, as no one close to Todashev, believes the official stories which have changed several times.
Friends and family told local reporters that the “sword officials are referring to”, is not even real, while others wonder if the suspect was even Mirandized.
Authorities say that a press conference will not come for months, as they are likely trying to sweep the issue under the rug. 



CGI's oldBuck: The Benghazi debacle boils down to a single key factor

CGI's oldBuck: The Benghazi debacle boils down to a single key factor
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 30-May-2013 17:00:57
I received the following in an email from a confidental source. you decide if it's credible.
From a retired Navy Captain CBA (Cross Border Authority)
The Benghazi debacle boils down to a single key factor - the granting or withholding of "cross-border authority." This opinion is informed by my experience as a Navy SEAL officer who took a NavSpecWar Detachment to Beirut.
Once the alarm is sent - in this case, from the consulate in Benghazi - dozens of HQs are notified and are in the planning loop in real time, including AFRICOM and EURCOM, both located in Germany. Without waiting for specific orders from Washington, they begin planning and executing rescue operations, including moving personnel, ships, and aircraft forward toward the location of the crisis. However, there is one thing they can't do without explicit orders from the president: cross an international border on a hostile mission.
That is the clear "red line" in this type of a crisis situation. No administration wants to stumble into a war because a jet jockey in hot pursuit (or a mixed-up SEAL squad in a rubber boat) strays into hostile territory. Because of this, only the president can give the order for our military to cross a nation's border without that nation's permission. For the Osama bin Laden mission, President Obama granted CBA for our forces to enter Pakistani airspace.
On the other side of the CBA coin: in order to prevent a military rescue in Benghazi, all the President of the United States "(POTUS)" has to do is not grant cross-border authority. If he does not, the entire rescue mission (already in progress) must stop in its tracks. Ships can loiter on station, but airplanes fall out of the sky, so they must be redirected to an air base (Sigonella, in Sicily) to await the POTUS decision on granting CBA. If the decision to grant CBA never comes, the besieged diplomatic outpost in Benghazi can rely only on assets already "in country" in Libya - such as the Tripoli quick reaction force and the Predator drones. These assets can be put into action on the independent authority of the acting ambassador or CIA station chief in Tripoli. They are already "in country," so CBA rules do not apply to them.
How might this process have played out in the White House? If, at the 5:00 p.m. Oval Office meeting with Defense Secretary Panetta and Vice President Biden, President Obama said about Benghazi: "I think we should not go the military action route," meaning that no CBA will be granted, then that is it. Case closed.
Another possibility is that the president might have said: "We should do what we can to help them . but no military intervention from outside of Libya." Those words then constitute "standing orders" all the way down the chain of command, via Panetta and General Dempsey to General Ham and the subordinate commanders who are already gearing up to rescue the besieged outpost. When that meeting took place, it may have seemed as if the consulate attack was over, so President Obama might have thought the situation would stabilize on its own from that point forward. If he then goes upstairs to the family quarters, or otherwise makes himself "unavailable," then his last standing orders will continue to stand until he changes them, even if he goes to sleep until the morning of September 12.
Nobody in the chain of command below President Obama can countermand his "standing orders" not to send outside military forces into Libyan air space. Nobody. Not Leon Panetta, not Hillary Clinton, not General Dempsey, and not General Ham in Stuttgart, Germany, who is in charge of the forces staging in Sigonella.
Perhaps the president left "no outside military intervention, no cross-border authority" standing orders, and then made himself scarce to those below him seeking further guidance, clarification, or modified orders. Or perhaps he was in the Situation Room watching the Predator videos in live time for all seven hours. We don't yet know where the president was hour by hour.
But this is 100 percent sure: Panetta and Dempsey would have executed a rescue mission order if the president had given those orders. And like the former SEALs in Benghazi, General Ham and all of the troops under him would have been straining forward in their harnesses, ready to go into battle to save American lives.
The execute orders would be given verbally to General Ham at AFRICOM in Stuttgart, but they would immediately be backed up in official message traffic for the official record. That is why cross-border authority is the King Arthur's Sword for understanding Benghazi. The POTUS and only the POTUS can pull out that sword.
We can be 100% certain that cross-border authority was never given. How do I know this? Because if CBA was granted and the rescue mission execute orders were handed down, irrefutable records exist today in at least a dozen involved component commands, and probably many more. No general or admiral will risk being hung out to dry for undertaking a mission-gone-wrong that the POTUS later disavows ordering, and instead blames on "loose cannons" or "rogue officers" exceeding their authority. No general or admiral will order U.S. armed forces to cross an international border on a hostile mission unless and until he is certain that the National Command Authority, in the person of the POTUS and his chain of command, has clearly and explicitly given that order: verbally at the outset, but thereafter in written orders and official messages. If they exist, they could be produced today.
When it comes to granting cross-border authority, there are no presidential mumblings or musings to paraphrase or decipher. If you hear confusion over parsed statements given as an excuse for Benghazi, then you are hearing lies. I am sure that hundreds of active-duty military officers know all about the Benghazi execute orders (or the lack thereof), and I am impatiently waiting for one of them to come forward to risk his career and pension as a whistleblower
Leon Panetta is falling on his sword for President Obama with his absurd-on-its-face, "the U.S. military doesn't do risky things"-defense of his shameful no-rescue policy. Panetta is utterly destroying his reputation.
General Dempsey joins Panetta on the same sword with his tacit agreement by silence. But why? How far does loyalty extend when it comes to covering up gross dereliction of duty by the president?
General Petraeus, however, has indirectly blown the whistle. He was probably "used" in some way early in the cover-up with the purported CIA intel link to the Mohammed video, and now he feels burned. So he conclusively said via his public affairs officer that the stand-down order did not come from the CIA. Well - what outranks the CIA? Only the national security team at the White House. That means President Obama, and nobody else. Petraeus is naming Obama without naming him. If that is not quite as courageous as blowing a whistle, it is far better than the disgraceful behavior of Panetta and Dempsey.
We do not know the facts for certain, but we do know that the rescue mission stand-down issue revolves around the granting or withholding of cross-border authority, which belongs only to President Obama. More than one hundred gung-ho Force Recon Marines were waiting on the tarmac in Sigonella, just two hours away for the launch order that never came.

Project Camelot - A Rothschild Speaks Out

Project Camelot - A Rothschild Speaks Out
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 30-May-2013 11:21:12

This interview was conducted at the Super Soldier Summit in May 2013. Erin Green Hicks aka Erin Rothschild tells her story from the perspective of time travel and her experience growing up as a Rothschild being tortured and put through illuminati mind control and satanic rituals...
Shot and Produced by Kerry Lynn Cassidy
Project Camelot

War Gods & Lost Civilizations

War Gods & Lost Civilizations
Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 30-May-2013 01:58:21
Author and investigator Graham Hancock discussed some of the hidden supernatural or demonic forces that were factors in the Aztec empire, and the Spanish conquest of Mexico, as well as the Ark of the Covenant, and his research into an advanced lost civilization. In 1519, a Spanish expedition led by Cortes landed on the Yucatan Peninsula, using trained killer dogs, and a cavalry-- the local Maya thought they were dealing with some type of supernatural beings, he said. Human sacrifice was common in the Aztec civilization during this period, and done in the name of Huitzilopochtli (Hummingbird), the demonic Aztec god of war. Montezuma, the Aztec ruler, believed he was in daily, visionary contact with Huitzilopochtli, Hancock noted.
The Spaniards were just as violent as the Aztecs and resorted to terrorism, massacring whole villages."Both of the key players, Montezuma and Cortes felt themselves to be guided by supernatural entities," driving them to madness and cruelty, and helping to shape human history, Hancock remarked. On the topic of the Ark of the Covenant, Hancock suggested there is evidence that it was used as a powerful weapon of war, containing some type of radiation source. He related this to Iran's motive in seeking to acquire nuclear weapons to fulfill a Shia prophecy about finding the lost Ark of the Covenant which they can use in battle against Israel.
Hancock announced that he's started work on a sequel to his 1995 bestseller, Fingerprints of the Gods to be called Magicians of the Gods, which will offer updates on the archaeological evidence for a lost civilization such as Atlantis. He believes that a global cataclysm was brought on by fragments from a giant comet hitting the Earth in 10,900 BC. Not only did this cause massive extinctions, and plunge the Earth into a 1,000 year deep freeze, but it wiped out almost all traces of the former civilization, he said. Yet, there were survivors who sought to impart the knowledge of their lost civilization. They settled in various locations around the world,, and one of those places was Giza, where they built the great Sphinx, he said.

Project Camelot: Supersoldiers - Uncensored in Service to The 4th Reich

Project Camelot: Supersoldiers - Uncensored in Service to The 4th Reich
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 30-May-2013 11:28:18

This interview may not be for everyone. It contains some rather shocking point blank statements by supersoldiers (MAX SPEARS & MICHAEL PRINCE) who are freely admitting that they are in service to the 4th Reich and are operating as assassins.
There is no doubt that this is some kind of statement from one faction of the cabal to a faction of the Rothschilds and to the world at large. I believe it would be safe to say, no interview of this nature has EVER taken place in quite this uncensored way and been made public.
This indicates a real change in tactics by the cabal. One might say gloves off...
Not to be missed.
Kerry Lynn Cassidy
Project Camelot

CGI: Vladimir Putin: Russia Issues International Arrest Warrant For Rothschild Henchman & Leftist Savior George Soros!

CGI: Vladimir Putin: Russia Issues International Arrest Warrant For Rothschild Henchman & Leftist Savior George Soros!
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 30-May-2013 01:28:09

CGI's BoldFenianMan:
Russia will make The United States reflect upon what they allowed Rothschild to do to their own country. So when you see protests against Vladimir now, keep in mind it is probably staged by The Rothschild’s trying to control Russia once again.
Convicted Felon George Soros
Putin Issues Arrest Warrant for Financial Terrorist George Soros!!
Financial terrorist and Hungarian bank dick, Convicted Felon George Soros… Russian Intelligence has fingered Soros for using cross-collateralized compounded Swedish and Danish foreign currency derivatives for the purpose of an attack on the Russian stock market..
Soros’ use of these cross-collateralized compounded derivatives utilizing Luxembourg banks violates the terms of the Basil IIEuropean Union banking agreement.
The thing that should give pause to the Heads of State Western is like Putin did in freeing Russia from those who wanted to bring the total economic and social collapse and beat up in jail all those who have tried.
Are they influencing Lubawitschern Putin? The fact is that Putin is loyal to Russia and its people, and never allow anyone, even when he is in command in that nation, to sell out his country and into the clutches of the NWO lasciarela.
For this he ordered to issue an international arrest warrant against George Soros, who has been caught red-handed as he prepared to send financial aid to what is called opposition in Russia, which recently made the streets in dozens of thousands of people telling lies and misinformation-cheating during the elections.
Now Mr. Soros has little room to continue his dirty games with the speculation that has devastated the entire global financial system, in collaboration Rothschild / Rockefeller and other jackals.

DINAR INTEL --- 05/30/2013 12thman said:


12thman said:
Please pass this on...I got a call from the main HR about 10 min ago and let me just say...he was very excited. He received two calls today from inside sources saying that were gearing up for this RV to show itself. The contacts and HR's are looking for it today through the 4th of June. It fits the time they have been speaking of the past few days. If all goes to plan, the events of the next few days will be the catalyst for the final post by Okie. Friends family brothers and sisters...I haven't been this excited about where we are in many many years. I truly feel all the prays and praising the Heavenly Father has shown Him we're ready to receive His blessing. I feel we NEED to keep seeking God in this and just humble ourselves and pray some deep meaningful love prayers to the Great I AM and thank Him for all He is about to do...God is Awesome...Jesus is my Rock...who or what shall I fear...NOTHING!

Commander in Chief John McCain Commits the US to World War III

Commander in Chief John McCain Commits the US to World War III
Posted By: Maryhrt [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 30-May-2013 01:29:38
McCain is a lunatic who should not even be let outside of the gate. Why are people like him not put out of public office and public view. His Admiral father was a traitor to this country who worked in cahoots with LBJ to get Israel to try to sink the USS Liberty. And he is a second generation traitor. Sickening for sure.
Commander in Chief John McCain Commits the US to World War III
Posted on May 29, 2013 by Henry Shivley

On May 4, 2013, Israeli warplanes launch unprovoked attack on Syrian military as Syrian government forces reach the final stages of repelling US Israeli Al Qaeda mercenary invasion into that country.
On May 5, 2013, Israeli warplanes again launch an unprovoked airstrike on the outskirts of Damascus as allegations of chemical weapons being used by the Syrian Army fails to draw the US into the conflict.
On May 22, 2013, the US Senate approves SR 65 with a vote of 99-0, declaring every American life and this country’s wealth and resources to the Middle East Zionist Empire of Israel.
On May 27, 2013, the European Union agrees to lift its arms embargo on Syrian opposition.
Also on May 27, 2013, Industrial War Complex Kingpin, John McCain, covertly enters Syria via Turkey for a secret meeting with the US Israeli sponsored Al Qaeda insurgency, hired to topple the Assad government, promising the US Israeli proxy state of the art weaponry and training in an effort to salvage the insurgency.
On May 28, 2013, Russia announces it will be making deliveries of S-300 air defense missiles to Syria, presumably to put an end to the unprovoked air attacks on that sovereign nation.
Also on May 28, 2013, Israel threatens Russia that it will attack Russian planes in Syrian air space delivering the anti-aircraft missile systems.
Syria has shown no aggression towards the United States, even though it is common knowledge that the Al Qaeda insurgency inside their borders was bought and paid for with US taxpayer dollars.
Syria has not attacked Israel, yet the mainstream propagandists in the United States continue to paint the war mongering Israelis as some sort of victim of the internal conflict in Syria.
Israel continues to break ground in the Golan Heights, for the purpose of further settlements on so called occupied territories, not to mention stealing and selling Syrian oil beneath that ground. And of course these new settlements require water, which the Israelis intend to take from Syrian territory yet uncaptured.
Israel regards the people of the United States as their property to be used to their benefit as they see fit. The Zionists in Israel are the most diabolical species of human being to ever exist on this planet as they consider all other life of no consequence in their lust for global dominance.
From 1947 to 1991, the United States and the former Soviet Union engaged in what was known as the Cold War, with the cost to each side at around $8 trillion, and this was in 1947 to 1991 fiat dollars, not to be confused with the all but worthless fiat dollar of today.
How much better could the people of the US and Russia have lived without this unimaginable suck of resources and wealth into the Industrial War Complex? But we were told it was worth it. It was sold to us as “mutual assured destruction” as it would limit all war to nothing more than controlled regional conflicts because escalation beyond that would be nuclear, and as both sides possessed the power to destroy the earth many times over, it was simply something we would not, could not let happen.
But the Industrial War Complex must have war and the bigger the war, the bigger the profits. That being said, there has been immeasurable effort put into the notion of a third world war. Ask yourself, how could they ever sell this to the people after over forty years of the absolute assertion of absolute destruction via World War III?
Well, enter into the equation the Zionists and the new world order who have been planning this chaos every step of the way. As previously mentioned, they see all other human life as completely expendable to their goals.
So what is the agreement here on the international scale, a limited nuclear war? If this is the case then the winner has already been decided. So is it to be Russia or the United States? How about neither? How about Russia and the United States destroy one another, along with China, India, Pakistan, and the European Union, and what? Israel comes through unscathed, dominant over the world. Oy.
You say it can’t be? Well maybe if I put it like this. Israel and Switzerland, where they keep their gold, come through unscathed. What, you say? Oh yeah, you know Switzerland, that saw two world wars rage around their borders as they went untouched.
If you want to see what a war pig looks like, gaze upon John McCain, and watch this abomination as death spills from his lips. And remember, this single creature seems to have the notion that he alone, acting unilaterally, in the name of the people of Arizona?, is ordained as the individual that can perpetrate the deaths of billions. Does such a power exist, and if it does, does any American have a say in his or her destiny? Well the US Senate on May 22, 2013 said 99-0, “No we don’t”.
All hail John McCain, undisputed Industrial War Complex Dictator of the enslaved United States.
God bless the Republic, death to the international corporate mafia, we shall prevail.

CREEPY BIG BROTHER The New Xbox One Will be a “Monitoring Device Under the Guise of a Gaming Console”

CREEPY BIG BROTHER The New Xbox One Will be a “Monitoring Device Under the Guise of a Gaming Console”
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 30-May-2013 17:05:47

May 29, 2013 by count down to zero time
CREEPY BIG BROTHER The New Xbox One Will be a “Monitoring Device Under the Guise of a Gaming Console” letter from George Orwell Dear america did you not read my book

I remember when video games were about getting Mario to save the princess and, when you were done, the console would leave you the hell alone. The new Xbox one apparently wants to put an end to those days by turning the beloved game console into a 24/7 surveillance device. The Xbox One will bundle the Kinect – a device that captures motion and sound - with every console and its camera and mic will be always on by default. In fact, Xbox One will actually refuse to work if the Kinect is not connected to it. So the camera and mic will work even when the console is turned off. And the camera will even work in the dark. Yup. It will also be able to read your facial expressions and count the people in the room with you (there are also talks of charging Pay-Per-View movies PER PERSON in the room).
Furthermore, all of this data captured by the device could easily be transmitted to God knows where as the console will constantly require an internet connection to even function. This capability is rationalized because Microsoft wants to give users the ability of turning on the console by saying “Xbox On”. So, for this reason, the console needs to be listening to EVERY SINGLE word you’re saying around it in case you say “Xbox On”.ATT00009
The unveiling of these capabilities no one asked for has lifted some eyebrows around the world. MORE