Friday, August 2, 2013

Long After Eden - The Antechamber

from V.K.Durham []

Long After Eden - The Antechamber

Long After Eden - The Antechamber



Why the US is Trying to Destroy the Dollar
Bix Weir
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There has been a lot of discussion in our circles about the insanity on display in Washington when it comes to spending and our monetary policy. Although they've "talked the talk" of balancing the budget and limiting the debt for 40 years it has never really been done. Sure, the Clinton Administration appeared to make some inroads...but it was all smoke and mirrors. In the Clinton years they changed all the rules about what to report in order to make it look like things were getting better but it was all a con. They just changed all the reporting rules! calling Social Security payments "revenue" to offset even more spending and changing the components of the CPI to mask the real inflation rate.
The reality is that since March 31, 1982 the plan of the United States of America was to destroy the US Dollar and return to a true Constitutional Gold Standard. This was the day that the Gold Commission Report was released with the following statement in the conclusion :
"The majority of us at this time favor essentially no change in the present role of gold. Yet, we are not prepared to rule out that an enlarged role for gold may emerge at some future date. If reasonable price stability and confidence in our currency are not restored in the years ahead, we believe that those who advocate an immediate return to gold will grow in numbers and political influence."
Has it happened? Has "reasonable price stability and confidence in our currency" been the goal since 1982? No. Exactly the opposite and it was all done on purpose! There is no better explanation for the rampant monetary creation in the United States since the release of this report. It's the "On The Road to The Golden Age" theory being acted out in real time. Again, right back to the original Road to Roota article from 2007...
The Road to Roota or The Implementation of a New the Gold Standard?
You may find it interesting that the "Minority Report" released with the "Gold Commission Report" was co-written by Ron Paul and advocated returning to a Gold Standard immediately. As a matter of fact...Ron Paul and Lewis Lehrman produced this report IN SECRET without the knowledge of most of the other Gold Commission members! All of this had to be done in secret or the "Bad Guys" would have taken them out like they did Kennedy. The "Minority Report" was not revealed until right before the final revision of the Gold Commission Report.
Reflections on the Gold Commission Report
by Anna J. Schwartz
"The existence of a minority report was not revealed to the Gold Commission until a few days before the final revision of the Report that was intended to represent all views. The minority report was prepared under the direction of Congressman Ron Paul and mirrors his views rather than those of Lewis Lehrman who endorsed it. he proposed delay in the implementation of the program outlined therein until the Reagan Administration's fiscal and monetary programs and the recommendations of the Gold Commission were given an opportunity to prove themselves."(pg 324)
Interestingly enough this "delayed implementation process" was directly in line with the expertise of Stephen Devaux of "Wishes and Rainbows" fame as well as our friend Alan Greenspan in an article published in Time Magazine in 1981:
"There is a growing disillusionment with monetary theory, monetary policy, monetary instruments generally, and people are looking around to see what the alternatives might be. One is gold."
"Economists concerned about fixing the right price for gold have been discussing in recent weeks the problems of "re-entry," the space-age term to describe a return to the medieval metal. Laffer says the White House should announce that the U.S. will be going on the gold standard in say, three months. When G-day arrived, the Treasury would begin buying gold at the market price, and the Federal Reserve would partially back its obligations with gold, up to perhaps 40%. Economist Greenspan has another, milder proposal for testing the waters. He suggests issuing Treasury notes whose value is backed by gold. Financial markets would then gradually determine the value of gold by the price investors were willing to pay for the notes.",33009,921073,00.html
The Road to Roota take is that this process of returning to the Gold Standard continues in real time today. Yes, this long after it began decades ago. As a matter of fact, Ben Bernanke announced THE END of this process when he announced that the Fed will be continuing Quantitative Easing to INFINITY!
Remember what was concluded by the Gold Commission in 1981:
"If reasonable price stability and confidence in our currency are not restored in the years ahead, we believe that those who advocate an immediate return to gold will grow in numbers and political influence."
We have arrived at that point in you must prepare for the largest economic collapse in the history of the world.
Then we get to start fresh!
May the Road you choose be the Right Road.
Bix Weir

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Why the US is Trying to Destroy the Dollar
Bix Weir
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There has been a lot of discussion in our circles about the insanity on display in Washington when it comes to spending and our monetary policy. Although they've "talked the talk" of balancing the budget and limiting the debt for 40 years it has never really been done. Sure, the Clinton Administration appeared to make some inroads...but it was all smoke and mirrors. In the Clinton years they changed all the rules about what to report in order to make it look like things were getting better but it was all a con. They just changed all the reporting rules! calling Social Security payments "revenue" to offset even more spending and changing the components of the CPI to mask the real inflation rate.
The reality is that since March 31, 1982 the plan of the United States of America was to destroy the US Dollar and return to a true Constitutional Gold Standard. This was the day that the Gold Commission Report was released with the following statement in the conclusion :
"The majority of us at this time favor essentially no change in the present role of gold. Yet, we are not prepared to rule out that an enlarged role for gold may emerge at some future date. If reasonable price stability and confidence in our currency are not restored in the years ahead, we believe that those who advocate an immediate return to gold will grow in numbers and political influence."
Has it happened? Has "reasonable price stability and confidence in our currency" been the goal since 1982? No. Exactly the opposite and it was all done on purpose! There is no better explanation for the rampant monetary creation in the United States since the release of this report. It's the "On The Road to The Golden Age" theory being acted out in real time. Again, right back to the original Road to Roota article from 2007...
The Road to Roota or The Implementation of a New the Gold Standard?
You may find it interesting that the "Minority Report" released with the "Gold Commission Report" was co-written by Ron Paul and advocated returning to a Gold Standard immediately. As a matter of fact...Ron Paul and Lewis Lehrman produced this report IN SECRET without the knowledge of most of the other Gold Commission members! All of this had to be done in secret or the "Bad Guys" would have taken them out like they did Kennedy. The "Minority Report" was not revealed until right before the final revision of the Gold Commission Report.
Reflections on the Gold Commission Report
by Anna J. Schwartz
"The existence of a minority report was not revealed to the Gold Commission until a few days before the final revision of the Report that was intended to represent all views. The minority report was prepared under the direction of Congressman Ron Paul and mirrors his views rather than those of Lewis Lehrman who endorsed it. he proposed delay in the implementation of the program outlined therein until the Reagan Administration's fiscal and monetary programs and the recommendations of the Gold Commission were given an opportunity to prove themselves."(pg 324)
Interestingly enough this "delayed implementation process" was directly in line with the expertise of Stephen Devaux of "Wishes and Rainbows" fame as well as our friend Alan Greenspan in an article published in Time Magazine in 1981:
"There is a growing disillusionment with monetary theory, monetary policy, monetary instruments generally, and people are looking around to see what the alternatives might be. One is gold."
"Economists concerned about fixing the right price for gold have been discussing in recent weeks the problems of "re-entry," the space-age term to describe a return to the medieval metal. Laffer says the White House should announce that the U.S. will be going on the gold standard in say, three months. When G-day arrived, the Treasury would begin buying gold at the market price, and the Federal Reserve would partially back its obligations with gold, up to perhaps 40%. Economist Greenspan has another, milder proposal for testing the waters. He suggests issuing Treasury notes whose value is backed by gold. Financial markets would then gradually determine the value of gold by the price investors were willing to pay for the notes.",33009,921073,00.html
The Road to Roota take is that this process of returning to the Gold Standard continues in real time today. Yes, this long after it began decades ago. As a matter of fact, Ben Bernanke announced THE END of this process when he announced that the Fed will be continuing Quantitative Easing to INFINITY!
Remember what was concluded by the Gold Commission in 1981:
"If reasonable price stability and confidence in our currency are not restored in the years ahead, we believe that those who advocate an immediate return to gold will grow in numbers and political influence."
We have arrived at that point in you must prepare for the largest economic collapse in the history of the world.
Then we get to start fresh!
May the Road you choose be the Right Road.
Bix Weir
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Crop Circles – Crossover From Another Dimension

Beloved Ones,

Here is another EXCELLENT crop circles video.  Very enjoyable to watch.  
Well made.  ~ ~ Love, Taansen

An In-depth discussion abouthe Nature of Crop Circles & other such types of phenomenon,
    Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Grace of Our Ascension   

        Crop Circles – Crossover From Another Dimension

        The follow-up is this link:… also from UFO TV, made in 2011

WH creates ‘Behavior Insights Team’ to nudge you into obedience



WH creates ‘Behavior Insights Team’ to nudge you into obedience

Vatic Note:  Now here we go again.  The foreign occupiers of our nation are using precious taxpayers funds TO USE TO MANIPULATE US THROUGH MASS PSYCHOLOGY.  I believe the trigger was the collective reaction to Obamacare.  NOBODY wants it. 

So this below shows how this administration riddled with Zionists running everything, especially Cass Sunstein, intends to spend our hard earned money to psychologically manipulate us into doing what we are told.  Now, how perverted is that?  It would be one thing to do so, using their own money, but to  then make us pay for our down fall, is obscene and perverse.

If it works for Obama care, then I bet they use it to get us to agree to globalize.  They must have changed their minds and given up on the direct forceful tyranny plan and backed off to get back to the smooze us and manipulate us with nice sounding words to get us back in line.  Too late.  Too many false flags and American deaths to account for. 

WH creates ‘Behavior Insights Team’ to nudge you into obedience
posted by James,  12160dotcom 

According to Fox News, the Obama administration is building a team of experts in psychology to come up with ways to subtly persuade Americans to change their behavior in ways the government approves of – kind of like lab rats, Pavlov’s dogs or teachers unions.

The “Behavior Insights Team” team is only in its formative stages, but its goals are all ambitious, according to a recruiting letter Fox said it obtained from a university professor who was identified for membership:

“Behavioral sciences can be used to help design public policies that work better, cost less, and help people to achieve their goals,” it says.

The letter shows that the White House has already begun projects to “experiment” with behavior modification at Cabinet-level agencies such as the Department of Health and Human Services – otherwise known as the Obamacare People.

And now a lot of things start to make sense. Remember that blizzard of half-baked ideas to promote Obamacare over the past few months – enlisting celebrities, librarians, motherhood, even trying to enlist the NFL, for God’s sake?

They all only looked like typical ham-handed efforts by Democrats to try to get Americans to suck it up and surrender their freedom to the central government, as Democrats have been suckering them into doing since at least the Wilson administration.

They were all experiments of The Nudge.

The nickname – used by the professor who received the recruiting letter – comes from “Nudge,” a 2008 book by Cass Sunstein, a professor at the University of Chicago Law School who served as administrator of the Obama White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, and Richard Thaler, a professor at the Chicago Booth School of Business, according to Fox.

The premise, according to the book’s, is “how sensible ‘choice architecture’ can successfully nudge people toward the best decisions.” It’s a “must read,” Amazon says, “for anyone interested in our individual and collective well-being.”

Connect those dots: Two Chicago professors, one of whom becomes Obama’s regulatory czar, publish a book in 2008 – the same year a former University of Chicago constitutional law professor got himself elected president – about how to push people toward “collective well-being.”

And lo and behold, that becomes the playbook for a government bent on manipulating a population into voluntary servitude. Even better, it’s harmless, it’s warm, it’s friendly – it’s just a “Nudge.”

But as one economist summed it up for Fox: “Nudges can turn into shoves pretty quickly.”

Especially when it’s for the collective.

RFID Chip story a hoax

john hate to say it but, the story was a hoax
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: phil henry <>
Date: Fri, Aug 2, 2013 at 6:42 AM
Subject: Re: RFID Chip a hoax
To: Harold Forney <>

it is impossible to be perfect don't worry about it

On Thu, Aug 1, 2013 at 11:33 PM, Harold Forney <> wrote:
I must apologize for sending out this email.
This was not professional of me and causes me to rethink what I forward.
The email came from a source that I considered very reliable because he
usually researches everything before he sends it out. Well, not this time.
He too, has egg on his face.
The link below will give the report.
BTW: Hanna, as of the 2010 census had 841 population.

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "Harold Forney" <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2013 10:47:32 PM
Subject: RFID Chip

And now what does the Christian do?

Subject: RFID Chip

RFID Chip Now Being Issued In Hanna, Wyoming As Part Of New “Obamacare”
Plan - See more at:

The Architect of Destruction - Obama

Maureen Scott is an ardent American patriot who was born in Pittsburgh, PA, and retired to Richmond, VA, in 2000. Free from the nine-to-five grind of writing for employers and clients, she began writing political commentary to please herself and express her convictions, as do I. Our Pledge of Allegiance, a military band playing the National Anthem, and the wisdom of our Founding Fathers, inspire her passion and views. Her life is guided by a firm belief that truth is the most important virtue, and that God knows what He is doing with her. She is my guest writer today, for I could have never said it better. Please take the time to read and listen to this good American woman. I believe you will be glad you did. I give you Maureen Scott .

The Architect of Destruction 

By Maureen Scott

Barack Obama appears to be a tormented man filled with resentment, anger, and disdain for anyone of an opinion or view other than his. He acts in the most hateful, spiteful, malevolent, vindictive ways in order to manipulate and maintain power and control over others. Perhaps, because, as a child, he grew up harboring an abiding bitterness toward the U.S. that was instilled in him by his family and mentors…it seems to have never left him.

It is not the color of his skin that is a problem in America .

Rather it is the blackness that fills his soul and the hollowness in his heart where there should be abiding pride and love for this country.

Think: Have we ever heard Obama speak lovingly of the U.S. or its people, with deep appreciation and genuine respect for our history, our customs, our sufferings and our blessings? Has he ever revealed that, like most patriotic Americans, he gets "goose bumps" when a band plays "The Star Spangled Banner," or sheds a tear when he hears a beautiful rendition of " America the Beautiful?" Does his heart burst with pride when millions of American flags wave on a National holiday - or someone plays "taps" on a trumpet? Has he ever shared the admiration of the military, as we as lovers of those who keep us free, feel when soldiers march by? It is doubtful because Obama did not grow up sharing our experiences or our values. He did not sit at the knee of a Grandfather or Uncle who showed us his medals and told us about the bravery of his fellow troops as they tramped through foreign lands to keep us free. He didn't have grandparents who told stories of suffering and then coming to America , penniless, and the opportunities they had for building a business and life for their children.

Away from this country as a young child, Obama didn't delight in being part of America and its greatness. He wasn't singing our patriotic songs in kindergarten, or standing on the roadside for a holiday parade and eating a hot dog, or lighting sparklers around a campfire on July 4th as fireworks exploded over head, or placing flags on the grave sites of fallen and beloved American heroes.

Rather he was separated from all of these experiences and doesn't really understand us and what it means to be an American. He is void of the basic emotions that most feel regarding this country and insensitive to the instinctive pride we have in our national heritage. His opinions were formed by those who either envied us or wanted him to devalue the United States and the traditions and patriotism that unites us.

He has never given a speech that is filled with calm, reassuring, complimentary, heartfelt statements about all the people in the U.S. Or one that inspires us to be better and grateful and proud that in a short time our country became a leader, and a protector of many. Quite the contrary, his speeches always degenerate into mocking, ridiculing tirades as he faults our achievements as well as any critics or opposition for the sake of a laugh, or to bolster his ego. He uses his Office to threaten and create fear while demeaning and degrading any American who opposes his policies and actions. A secure leader, who has noble self-esteem and not false confidence, refrains from showing such dread of critics and displaying a cocky, haughty attitude.

Mostly, his time seems to be spent causing dissension, unrest, and anxiety among the people of America , rather than uniting us (even though he was presented to us as the "Great Uniter"). He creates chaos for the sake of keeping people separated, envious, aggrieved and ready to argue. Under his leadership Americans have been kept on edge, rather than in a state of comfort and security. He incites people to be aggressive toward, and disrespectful of, those of differing opinions. And through such behavior, Obama has lowered the standards for self-control and mature restraint to the level of street-fighting gangs, when he should be raising the bar for people to strive toward becoming more considerate, tolerant, self-disciplined, self-sustaining, and self-assured.

Not a day goes by that he is not attempting to defy our laws, remove our rights, over-ride established procedures, install controversial appointees, enact divisive mandates, and assert a dictatorial form of power.

· Never has there been a leader of this great land who used such tactics to harm and hurt the people and this country.

· Never have we had a President who spoke with a caustic, evil tongue against the citizenry rather than present himself as a soothing, calming and trustworthy force.

· Never, in this country, have we experienced how much stress one man can cause a nation of people - on a daily basis!
This says it all -

Obama has promoted the degeneration of peace, civility, and quality of cooperation between us. He thrives on tearing us down, rather than building us up. He is the Architect of the decline of America , and the epitome of a Demagogue.

© Maureen Scott

Oakland to accept 'surveillance center grant


Aug. 1, 2013
City officials in Oakland, Calif., have decided to accept a $2 million grant from the Obama administration that would allow them to observe citizen movements and actions on a real-time basis all across the city.
The grant is to be used, following a vote by city council members Wednesday, for a “surveillance center.”
A report at earlier this month described the proposal as a plan to create a “Domain Awareness Center” that would allow the government to watch and track data provided by license plate readers and video cameras.
The description of the plan said while it may “make privacy advocates cringe,” the strategy also includes the option of reaching out to other governmental entities to obtain additional information from surveillance cameras, including those at sports facilities that can be trained on spectators.
Renee Domingo, Oakland’s chief of emergency services, said at the time that, “If we needed ability into what was going on there, we could do so.”
The report explained that Ahsan Baig, the manager of Oakland’s information technology, reported to the Public Safety Committee the data obtained from plate readers, cameras and the like could be delivered to just about any computer the city specified, such as a laptop or an iPad.
The San Francisco Chronicle online version reported Wednesday that the council voted to accept the $2.2 million federal grant for the program.
And council members voted immediately to ban spray paint, hammers, slingshots, wrenches and other “potentially destructive items” from any protest or demonstration.
Councilman Noel Gallo said such “tools of violence and vandalism” should be banned so that damages would be minimized during events such as the recent protest against the acquittal of neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman.
He was charged with 2nd-degree murder for the death of teen Trayvon Martin in Florida, but the jury acquitted him, determining that he fought back in self-defense.
But Gallo said arson fires, graffiti paint and broken windows all have resulted from recent protests.
On the issue of the surveillance center, officials said there would be links to traffic and surveillance cameras, the ubiquitous license plate readers, crime maps, gunshot-detecting microphones and a range of other alarm systems.
Protesters at the council meeting charged that security was just a ruse, and that surveillance and a police state atmosphere were the real plans.
“The Domain Awareness Center is the guard tower which will watch over every person in the city of Oakland,” Mark Raymond told the Chronicle. “This program is an attempt to criminalize and imprison all people who live [in] and pass through Oakland.”
Chants of “Shame! Shame! Shame!” rattled the chambers for nearly two minutes after the vote.
“This is a disaster and it is going to last for years,” Cynthia Morse yelled as she stared down members of the council.
The Chronicle report said council members also told city officials to draft privacy rules, which had not yet been considered.
The Oakland Local analysis of the idea explained that the starting point was for security at the Port of Oakland, but it now has been expanded to include “surveillance enhancements for City of Oakland’s historically high crime areas.”
The article noted that Baig confirmed the procedures would not immediately include facial recognition software, but the system easily could be upgraded later.
At the Contra Costa Times,reporter Matthew Artz said council members responded to privacy concerns by starting out with links to city and port cameras, and a rule that cameras in schools, sports complexes or other outside agencies wouldn’t be added without approval.
But ACLU attorney Linda Lye told the Times the city still is “putting the cart before the horse.”
The report said the federal influence was a factor, as city officials worried they would not get the taxpayer money without acting quickly.

Zen Gardner -- a sinking ship

Zen Gardner

July 24, 2013
People aren’t going to take it much longer. There are too many good, honest and awakening people who are being forced to take a stand. Their backs are against the wall in so many areas of their lives they cannot in good conscience let things go on much longer.
When it gets to the point where you know you’re about to face virtual death via incarceration in a totalitarian state; when you’re watching your fellow man being bulldozed into a spiritual, political, economic and social mass grave of permanently suspended truth; when the evidence of political, military and draconian law enforcement thuggery becomes overwhelming; when the population grows sicker and weaker by the hour and you realize all of this toxicity is being engineered by these same psychopathic rulers…
I’ll tell you what – they’d better head for their bunkers. Because decent, caring and responsible humanity will not take it much longer. And they know that.

More Lies, More Suppression

George “Magog” Bush, the elder warlock, reportedly told this to an interviewer some time ago:
“If the American people knew the damage we have done to their Country, they would hang us from the nearest lamp post.”
Why do you supposed the government is arming itself to the teeth – domestically? What’s quite the phenomenon to behold is how they’re letting it be known how corrupt everything is. Bringing it into conscious awareness is a very surreptitious way to not only get “permission” by there being no real concerted outrage and public rejection of all the crooked programs and surveillance, but to also instill new levels of fear as the conscious and subconscious awareness work together to actually help create the reality they want implemented – a cowed and overwhelmed nation that embraces its slavery.
False flag shootings and bombings and whatnot are an American mainstay, but they’ve been abounding in the US of late to keep the massive militarization and Orwellian crackdown “justified” in the public mind. But don’t be fooled by the media downplay of who’s on to them and how many there are. A lot of people know exactly what’s going on, just as millions know what 9/11 really was, including hundreds of thousands of firefighters, police, military and of course corporate and political leaders. These people not only know exactly what a controlled event looks like and have witnessed government cover ups all their lives, but clearly realize the obvious motives of the whole staged ritual.

But things are about to unravel.
Aside from the chief perpetrators and inside accomplices whose motives are as dark and satanic as they come and would never tell the truth, what has kept these other well placed people in check has been first and foremost job security and the safety of themselves and their families. Speaking up always costs in a corrupt world. Another big conscience snuffer is this misplaced sense of loyalty and so-called patriotism. Many of those keeping the darker secrets that the cabal holds feel they are part of some vague greater good or have a misplaced sense of needing to protect “America’s interests and security” however they may disagree with some of its sordid policies and means of implementation.
Again, this is about to fall apart. That paradigm is soon to come crumbling down at which point it’s “all bets are off” for this social contract to protect this increasingly rogue government which clearly has no “national interests” in mind. When people witness not only the repeated absolutely insane levels of affronts on human dignity, but finally come to realize their very lives and children’s lives are in direct and immediate peril from this mad dog fascism, they will sooner than later reach a tipping point.
What will surprise many it that it’s going to come from all walks of life. People are talking and they’re going to take action. The press will deny it and try to ignore it, but even many of them will turn on their masters when they see they and their families are also in the crosshairs. Expect a lot of distractions when this begins because the last thing they want is to see a real spiritual and social rebellion catch fire.
Because courageous activism is contagious!
The recent Trayvon Martin engineered drama to stir up racial strife is a perfect example, not just of how corrupt the government and complicit media are, but how manipulation is as routine as breathing for the ruling class and their minions. With Obama and Holder jumping in with inane comments that were clearly staged to fan the flames of racism and unrest, we might just be very near the “over the top” point for whole new levels of society.
The following video is extremely compelling as well as telling regarding this phenomenon that is brewing in the psyche of truly concerned Americans, whatever political or social “persuasion” they may have come from. Please watch it all the way through and don’t let any political shibboleths get in your way. Try to see this as an example of what I’m driving at here – many strata of society are hitting the breaking point and understandably so.

Plug-Pullers Unite!

Exposing the lie being perpetrated on humanity is our number one calling. Information and knowledge give power to humanity. What separates us from the fullness of being that we inherently are is basically a magic show, a very dark intentioned magic show by forces that do not want an empowered humanity but rather a channeled and harnessed work force and energy source.
We are being mined, farmed, milked and bled to death. The encasement of this illusory matrix-driven world system needs to be shot full of holes so everyone can see it for the ensnaring veil of lies that it is. Think of it as a giant row boat we’re all paddling by some obscure design of its creators. What if we were to wake up to the fact that this very machination we think is so essential to cross the sea was what was keeping us from joining the Ocean of fullness – the very place where we’d find total activation, fulfillment and unity with each other and our divine Source? Wouldn’t you want to sink the damn thing, and in a hurry?
They tell us to patch it up, keep it floating, we can’t live without it. Fear, worry, scarcity, death, need controls, need a system to provide for us. “You can’t live without our boat. You’ll drown out there on your own without us to protect you..”  etc. etc.

Oh yeah? I say pull the flipping plugs! All of ‘em! Separate the planks, chuck the paddles! Or stab or shoot the lying containment system full of holes with anything you’ve got! In other words, expose the lie for what it is in any way we can and may it sink into oblivion!
And may I add one more thing – we need to stop sucking on its teats! If we don’t believe in or subscribe to this idiocy then we need to stop feeding off of it, stop listening to and even repeating their lies and dogma and bullshit, wittingly or unwittingly. We need to get to the real truth before we utter another word lest we keep the lie alive. It’s time to get militant about this. Where are we coming from? A place of knowing, conscience, awareness, love and genuine concern for our home here and the lives of those around us?
The wake up is us. Each of us. That has to happen fully first. Once we’re truly awake and aware we’ll do the right thing. Just don’t resist doing what comes to you as a result of waking up or you’ll not miss the boat….you’ll be stuck in their boat of lies, unable to join the ocean of Universal Love as you were meant to do.
Keep on. Very weird times we’re living in and more important than ever to remain vigilant and prepared spiritually and physically.
Proud to be fighting by the side of such wonderful souls…
Love, Zen

Big Cities preparing to dump pensions into ObamaCare

July 30, 2013

Now we are learning that cities on the brink of fiscal collapse are looking to dump their pension obligations into ObamaCare!

In fact, retirees with promised health care provisions and seniors dependent on Medicare may soon be pawns in this outrageous scheme to force every American into socialized healthcare! 

We are far past the bogus promises of “If you like your healthcare program you can keep it.”  The Trojan Horse that is ObamaCare comes with full-blown socialism and single-provider (socialized) medicine hidden inside!

Please read my urgent update below – Mat.

Less than a year ago, as we approached the 2012 presidential election, Barack Obama was touting his (and Big Government’s) “accomplishment” of saving Detroit by bailing out the auto industry. 

We now know that the “salvation” came through some of the most extensive bailout schemes in the history of our nation, ultimately costing taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars.  

As I’m sure you’ve seen in the news the past few days, Detroit, a liberal-controlled city since 1962, has now declared bankruptcy and is the largest city in America to have done so. 

What you may not have read is that Detroit’s leadership is considering dumping their largest unfunded liabilities, lifetime health care promises to city workers, into ObamaCare in an effort to save the city BIG money.  

Other major cities on the verge of financial collapse are watching Detroit’s ploy very closely.  If it “works” for Detroit, other cities with big pension liabilities are sure to follow suit.  

Detroit could be paving the way for any municipality facing fiscal distress to unload their workers into the ObamaCare pools, leaving healthcare costs and care to the federal government and thus passing the costs of those obligations on to the collective American people.  That is socialism, pure and simple.   

This much is certain: More and more Americans will be forced into ObamaCare by municipalities and other employers who can no longer absorb the skyrocketing health insurance costs.  

++ObamaCare is a Trojan Horse for socialism.
The more dependent people become on ObamaCare, the less likely it will be repealed or defunded. As with the auto industry, the mortgage industry, and the banking industry, it will be “too big to fail.” 

The more the costs are passed on to other citizens and subsidized by the federal government, the more socialized our healthcare system and our economy will become.    

++ObamaCare is already destroying our economy.

As the late British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher famously said, “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.”

This outrageous law is actually the complete socialization of our nation’s medical system and eventually our entire economy. It MUST be stopped before it destroys our medical services industry, makes taxpayer-funded abortion a permanent part of our culture, and bankrupts our already weakened economy.

Together, we CAN stop this outrageous government takeover of the world’s most advanced healthcare industry – in court! 

Please, consider making a special financial gift to help empower the Liberty Counsel legal team in our effort to convince the Supreme Court to overturn ObamaCare.  

I know I have asked this of you many times over the past four years and it is entirely likely that you have given to this cause many times before. But the sheer urgency of this situation is so great that I must ask for your help yet again!

Please go here to help our nation survive the curse of ObamaCare:

++Seniors beware: ObamaCare is gutting Medicare. 

ObamaCare will cut Medicare by over $700 billion in order to partially fund almost $2 trillion in new entitlement spending over the next ten years. A huge portion of those cuts will come from the Medicare Advantage program, which will lose an estimated $150 billion.

And this is just the beginning of the end of Medicare. 

As I’ve mentioned before, the Doctor Patient Medical Association reported that since the passage of ObamaCare…
  • Seventy-four percent of physicians warn they will stop taking Medicare patients or leave Medicare completely. 
  • The outlook under ObamaCare is so bleak for physicians that an expected shortage of 160,000 doctors is predicted by 2025.
Obamacare imposes $165 billion in new taxes and fees on health plans, drug manufacturers, and device makers. As noted by the CBO (Congressional Budget Office), in the case of plans and devices, these ‘fees would be largely passed through to consumers in the form of higher premiums.’

Liberty Counsel believes our seniors deserve better than the healthcare changes imposed by ObamaCare!  

I firmly believe that Liberty Counsel’s lawsuit against ObamaCare has a good chance of ridding our nation of this unconstitutional, immoral, and fiscally unsound law. 

Liberty Counsel’s legal challenge is the most comprehensive case pending in the country.  As my legal team and I work through our strategy to rid the nation of the scourge of ObamaCare, I hope you’ll consider a financial gift today as the Lord leads you.

God bless you abundantly! We cannot do what we do without you!   

Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel

P.S. I feel Liberty Counsel’s lawsuit is now the nation’s best hope to stop ObamaCare’s unconstitutional plague.  

Please take a minute now and help us meet the challenges of ObamaCare and our other vital efforts in defense of Life, Liberty and Family!  And please continue to pray that the Lord will deliver us from the plague of ObamaCare.

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Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and family.  Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776

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Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 2-Aug-2013 02:37:52

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