Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Pope and a bear

Subj: Fwd: FW: The Pope and a bear

The Pope went on vacation for a few days to visit the rugged mountains of Alaska . He was driving along the campground when he heard a frantic commotion just at the edge of the woods. He found a helpless Democrat wearing shorts, sandals, a Vote for Obama hat and a Save the Trees shirt. The man was screaming and struggling frantically, thrashing all about and trying to free himself from the grasp of a 10-foot grizzly bear.

As the Pope watched in horror, a group of Republican loggers wearing Go Sarah shirts came racing up. One quickly fired a .44 magnum slug right into the bear's chest. The two other men pulled the semi-conscious Democrat from the bear's grasp. Then using baseball bats, the three loggers finished off the bear.

Two of the men dragged the dead grizzly onto the bed of their pickup truck while the other tenderly placed the injured Democrat in the back seat.

As they began to leave, the Pope summoned all of them over to him. "I give you my blessing for your brave actions!" he proudly proclaimed. "I have heard there was bitter hatred between Republican loggers and Democratic environmental activists, but now I've seen with my own eyes that this is not true."

As the Pope drove off, one logger asked his buddies, "Who the hell was that guy?" "Dude, that was the Pope," another replied. "He's in direct contact with Heaven and has access to all wisdom."

"Well," the logger said, "he may have access to all wisdom, but he don't know shit about bear hunting! By the way, is our bait still alive or do we need to go back to California and get another one..?"



One World of Nations
31 December 2013

America’s problems can be soluble with the will, honesty, interjection of the integrity envisioned by the Founders, and a new vision of Humanitarian ethos, based upon sound economic oversight. Getting back to basics, with compassion, humanity and integrity. Kill the Chicanery, not Humanity.

The States UNITED, through conflict, blood and mass Civil War, to forge a Union of power, intended to bring freedom, trade and Civil Liberties to many Souls suffering from Slavery to deprivation of basic Human Rights.

Albeit, as usual, they failed each time to honor any Treaty or Contract signed with the Native Americans, reneging at will as usual, lying through their teeth, and utilizing any opportunity to profiteer, or perpetuate mass genocide at the will of one controlling psychopath or another. A trait which seems to have become the Role Model of American Politicians to this day. Wherever we find conflict, war mongering, deprivation, and inhumanity to fellow man, all too often we will find American Corporate / Political Racketeers, Contractors, Bankers or Agency manipulators embroiled in it. Politics is a dirty business and one which this diss-united series of States has excelled in, aided, coerced and directed by Cabal, or the evident guilty as hell mass Zionist malpractices. Who does Iran call the Evil Empire? A claim echoed across Asia for sure.

The State of the Union of the epic journey now, is far removed from that envisioned by the Founders, far removed from the ethos of The Constitution, and now, despite the so carefully crafted and drafted basis of the Charter of Principals the Founders sought to enshrine, is in danger of becoming itself the very model of Feudal corrupt autocracy the original families came to America, the new land, to escape from. This is NOT what they founded for you.

Zionism is becoming the very pits of corruption, depravity and bondage. From the bowels and anal discharge of Genghis Kahn, the Mongol horde marauders of the Steppes, with their false flag of Judaism, have become the settlers now threatening the economic survival of the United States with their perverse control of Wall Street, The US Treasury, Banking, The Fed and the voting process. Their dead claws encircle and ring fence it all. They control the money.

The American dream, the so carefully drafted Constitutional oversight, has all been superseded and usurped, by a low, deviant, cunning and pernicious hybrid breed of one strain of Political skunk or another, cross funded and manipulated by the scheming American / Israeli Zionists. America has no greater enemy than these. 

2014 - Review the system. 

America has been blighted by Political assassinations, Treason of the Cabal, lying unscrupulous Presidents, mercenary Bankers, and Con Men gaining office by one form of electoral Fraud or another. Elections have been rigged for decades, denigrating the integral values of Democracy for Americans and allowing into the highest Public Office, men who were simply unfit to serve. Crooked men. Lying men. Men of no moral values. Men whose only interest was their Self-interest, and who have sacrificed the integrity, standing and even basic economic principles underpinning Americas Banking system, to accrue vast wealth and manipulated gain, in conjunction with layers of Zionist Bankers who are unfit to hold an American passport, many of who possess an Israeli fugitive flight back up one anyway if criminally challenged. 

2014 - Wise Up America!

This is a nation able to conceive Superman, espousing all the high moral values of most American type aspirants. But the moral compass has been lost and with it, the direction of the nation, as it seems to be electing Leaders with all the low character traits of Lex Luther.

America, have no doubt, has been a Great nation. HAS BEEN! Now it sits at a crossroads in time, seeing the dream founder, the economy visibly imploding, and still seems prepared to allow versions of Texan / Chicago Mafia, and a sub species of Zionist rapacious self-interest rogues, to steal the Soul and future of the nation. Where are the true Patriots of American ideals and values in the corridors of power today? None are being groomed and funded by the Texan / Chicago or Zionist Mafias, that’s for sure. Integrity in not a criteria for them.

Such virtues appear unelectable, not to Voters, but to the Financial Backers. And there, we have it. Public Office is bought, for gain. 


The Seats are bought, the candidates all too often are then incumbent with Promissory or Debt obligations, with the price being loss of integrity, and subordination to Cabal or Zionist backers.

It’s ugly. It’s WRONG!

The system itself is so flawed now. It encourages and promotes Hogs at the trough. America gets sold out. Always, somebody pays. This way, it’s the country. Subjugation of the nation. Wall Street, the Fed and US Treasury control all the money supply. Zionist claws locked on tight. A complete Oligopoly, with employment denied to non-Jews. It’s called - Racketeering. RICO! The dream is dying and hope collapsing. Needlessly!

America spends Trillions importing Oil and Gas. Trillions! 

2014 - Ask why?

Yet the nation sits on vast Oil and Gas Deposits, restrained by cumbersome environmental controls which will see the nation bankrupted before unleashing their bureaucratic stranglehold. Shut them up, bypass them with sensible alternative planning and close them down if necessary. Now - THAT CAN BE DONE BY PRESIDENTIAL EXECUTIVE ORDERS! With a Real President!


2014 - Ask the questions. Act!

Stop importing what the country possesses in abundance! Stop paying our Dollars for what the country has in vast quantities for free! Use the colossal savings accrued to activate vast new Infrastructure Projects all over America and mass employ again. Rebuild America. Make America a Great Industrial Nation again! 


2014 - START FUNDING AMERICANS! New Highways, rail track systems for High Speed trains, new Docks, Ship building, new Communities. Get America back to work. Stop wasting Trillions funding Arabs for what America sits on for free. Fund America with those funds. Think or leave Government.

2014 - Stop the Welfare Check madness. Stop the Food Stamp madness. Stop the Reality Show never ending circle of visible Wasters. Real people need help, not them. Be selective now. America has no money to keep funding this crazy circle of debt insanity. The state does NOT make money and cannot keep on clawing it off those who do. They have families to keep also. Everyone suffering is no solution! Charity begins at home.

If the jobs are 100 miles away, the unemployed need to consider to travel and stay 5 days and return home week ends as we all do if needed. No show- No dough! Don’t work - don’t eat. Their choice.  Or let them move. Tough reality. You Pay to Say! Hard times need tough solutions.

They need to Get Real. Welfare and Food Stamps cost real money which America simply does not have! Real Americans- WORK! Only idiots think it’s a RIGHT! Rights have to be paid for by others who don’t want to! Benefits should only be accredited after 5 years of working contributions, and for a maximum of 6 months, if even applicable, and no more. Many have never worked, nor will. Watch any of the masses of Reality TV shows. Same illiterate, visible lazy all too often won’t work, loose shoe and long shirt cases cross breeding. How many are 300 pounders plus? I waannt maahh muuney! Dirty Harry needs some overtime.

2014 - Deal with them. Review this crippling system. Cut out wasting good money on visible rubbish. Genuine cases, of course, Yes. But these won’t work cases are now in vast millions- No! Protect the real needy, old and sick.

2014 - NOW - Release the RV’s and redeem Private Placement money long overdue owed. Where has all the Pureheart Group money gone? Where has all the Asian Gold money gone? Where has all the vast Grey Screen Trading Profits gone? Investigate it. Recover it. Repay it and recover America with it.

2014 - Look clearly at the Derivatives SCAM! It is ALL predicated on the hypothesis of cross insured risk. There is no possible Insurer of Last Resort able to cover it. An impossible racket hyped by Wall Street for more fast paper bucks. Home are not being built and ever more repossessed. Business and Industry is starved of development and expansion cash. The lifeblood of America is choking because a perverse bunch of Wall Street SHYSTERS, with their Hedge Fund cohorts, and Offshore Bankers, are bleeding America dry feeding a voracious RACKET of Derivatives with NO POSSIBLE INSURER OF LAST RESORT ABLE TO STAND BEHIND IT. Hello Madoff!!!! Make All Derivatives contracts Non Enforceable by Presidential edict, ring fence all Banking Deposits to save the citizens, and crash this Zionist racket. Deny Court access for all Derivatives actions. Stop the madness. Get those funds back into supporting American jobs and homes. Turn America around!

2014 - Get the boys out of Afghanistan and Iraq. Stop funding Contractor Companies for fat profits. Stop the wars! Stop the mass spying on the people and Allies. No one gave YOU this right! No one wants this. Get control of the Agencies.

2014 - Make All Senators and Congressmen publish, on public record, their true and total Wealth standing – and How earned? Furthermore, a clear declaration of any business positions or investments held, and to ascertain how much has, or is, being made using the status and privilege of public office. America needs to clean up this Zoo. Look at Pelosi’s well publicized family linked and personal abuses. Biden carries enough baggage to sink a new Titanic. Any system failing to deal with the Tax evasion and clear abuses by Romney is endemically flawed and itself corrupt.

2014 - Start to clean up, and CLEAR OUT, dubious Public Officers.

America had legendary citizens and the best of true Patriots.

Mohammed Ali is revered and loved across the world. Hugely respected and valued as a man.

But for the last 40 or so years, not one President has earned Global approval. Reagan tried. But he was also a manufactured B Movie Actor product of the Bankers with clear limitations.

This is the nation where men of real courage, like Crockett and Bowie, stood firm on the walls of the Alamo, knowing each would die, to buy the time to keep America and its hopes alive. Legends!

George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and so many more. Not just good men. America has had Great Men. Where are any now? Where are the great Leaders so badly needed today? Men who will see the Oval Office as the greatest office possible, and revere the honor bestowed to serve this great nation with dignity, integrity and wisdom, as anything less demeans the lives and commitments of so many who have gone before, to make it work for America. Who now will WORK for America, and all its people, not utilizing the office for gain? Where are the Patriotic, visionary men of honor, who given the chance, will repay in full the trust and faith of the people? Who IS fit to serve and lead America?

Video: 9/11 attacks carried out by US, Israel and Saudi Arabia - Any Questions?

Saudi Prince financed Obama...You have that somewhere !!! Alot more people than 3,000 were murdered in the 9-11 Attacks..

Video: 9/11 attacks carried out by US, Israel and Saudi Arabia - Any Questions?
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 31-Dec-2013 13:19:57
Upwards of 70 percent of Americans questioned, now believe the 'official' 9-11 propaganda put out by the U S Corporate government for public consumptin to be a complete fabricated lie and cover-up by the traitors in Washington DC, the Pentagon, and the entire Military Industrial Complex.
Thanks kindly, to reader H who sends this link...
9-11 Attacks Carried Out By U.S., Israel & Saudi Arabia

9/11 attacks carried out by US, Israel and Saudi Arabia: Expert
Published on Dec 21, 2013 By worldnewsdepartment1
The September 11, 2001 attacks in the US were a “false flag” operation carried out jointly by the US, Israel and Saudi Arabia with “Zionists playing the lead role,” an analyst tells Press TV.
On Thursday, a US federal court ruled that relatives of people who died in the 9/11 attacks can sue Saudi Arabia, reversing a lower court ruling in 2002 that had found the kingdom immune from lawsuits.
The complaint states that much of the funding for the al-Qaeda terrorists involved in the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon came from Saudi Arabia.
Dr. Kevin Barrett, a member of the Scientific Panel for the Investigation of 9/11, rejects the official narrative, saying Saudi Arabia is a “puppet of the US and other Western governments.”
“There were no hijackers, there were no hijackings, this has been proved in many, many ways,” Dr. Barrett said on Saturday. “Ten of the 19 guys they blamed were still alive after 9/11,” he added.
Rather, he said, “Saudi intelligence was used by the real perpetrators of Sept. 11 to create a legend, to set up the patsies who would be blamed for this event.”
Dr. Barrett said a “suppressed” report by the Congressional Joint Inquiry of 2002 would shed light on the true perpetrators of the attacks, should it become public. The controversial document, however, has remained classified to this day.
Former Sen. Bob Graham (D-Fla.) who chaired the inquiry at the time has stated that the document includes information “implicating a foreign government,” Dr. Barrett said. “But there has been such a cover-up,” he added.
The September 11 attacks, also referred to as 9/11 were a series of four coordinated attacks upon the US cities of New York and the Washington, DC which killed nearly 3,000 people.

DHS insider gives final warning

U.S. is a captured operation. The lie is bigger than most people realize or are willing to confront.

DHS insider gives final warning

Oval Office has made DHS, NSA, FEMA ..Plus Other Agencies it’s personal army…..planning a planned orchestrated economic collapse of the US economy….

By Doug Hagmann (Bio and Archives)  Friday, December 27, 2013
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Under the cover and amid the distraction of the Christmas bustle, I had my last “official” contact with a source inside the Department of Homeland Security known as “Rosebud” in my writings. My source is leaving his position, retiring along with numerous others choosing to leave this bureaucratic monstrosity.
For this contact, my source took unprecedented measures to be certain that our contact was far off the radar of prying government eyes and ears. I was stunned at the lengths he employed, and even found myself somewhat annoyed by the inconvenience that his cloak-and-dagger approach caused. It was necessary, according to my source, because all department heads under FEMA and DHS are under orders to identify anyone disclosing any information for termination and potential criminal prosecution.
DHS is like a prison environment, complete with prison snitches,” he said, referring to the search for leaks and leakers. And the warden is obsessed. Ask anyone in DHS. No one trusts anyone else and whatever sources might be left are shutting up. The threats that have been made far exceed anything I’ve ever seen. Good people are afraid for their lives and the lives of their families. We’ve all been threatened. They see the writing on the wall and are leaving. It’s not a joke and not hype.”
The following is a narrative from my source, prefaced with the instructions to “take it or leave it,” and “disregard it at your own peril.” He added that it’s now up to each American to act on the information themselves or suffer the consequences. “I’ve resigned myself to the fact that most [Americans] will never be convinced of the reality that is taking place right in front of them.”

The plan explained

“According to every internal document I’ve seen and read, and from the few people I’ve spoken with who understand what’s going on, preparations have been finalized to respond to a crisis of unprecedented magnitude within the United States. The response will include the use of lethal force against U.S. citizens under the instructions of Barack Obama.”  But why?
“‘It’s the economy, stupid,’” he began, paraphrasing a campaign slogan coined by James Carville for Bill Clinton’s 1992 campaign.  “Just as I disclosed in our first meeting, the crisis will be rooted in an economic collapse. I told you last year, at a time when gold and silver were setting record highs, one specific indicator that time is very short.
It is the final ‘smack down’ of the metals, gold and silver, that will presage the orchestrated economic collapse that is being planned by the bankers of Wall Street. Everybody needs to understand that this is a deliberate collapse of the U.S. economy with the oversight of the White House and the full knowledge of the Justice Department. 
Everyone seems to be waiting for some big, history making event that will signal the start of the collapse. The fact is that the collapse has already started. It’s incremental, like a snowball rolling down a hill. It gets bigger and rolls faster. Well, this snowball is well on its way down the hill.”
“I don’t mean to sound repetitive, but I can’t stress this enough. Contrary to what you hear, we’re already in an economic collapse, except that most people haven’t a clue. The ‘big bang’ comes at the end, when people wake up one morning and can’t log in to their bank accounts, can’t use their ATM cards, and find out that their private pension funds and other assets have been confiscated,” he stated.
“I’ve seen documentation of multiple scenarios created outside of DHS. Different plans and back-up plans. Also, please understand that I deliberately used the word ‘created,’ as this is a completely manufactured event.  In the end it won’t be presented that way, which is extremely important for everyone to understand. What is coming will be blamed on some unforeseen event out of everyone’s control, that few saw coming or thought would actually happen. Then, another event will take place concurrent with this event, or immediately after it, to confuse and compound an already explosive situation.” I asked for specifics.
“As I said, there are several scenarios and I don’t know them all. I know one calls for a cyber-attack by an external threat, which will then be compounded by something far removed from everyone’s own radar. But it’s all a ruse, or a pretext. The threat is from within,” he stated. “Before people can regain their footing, a second event will be triggered.” Again, I asked for specifics.
“I’ve seen one operational plan that refers to the federal government’s response to a significant terrorist attack on U.S. soil. Information at these levels is compartmentalized. I don’t have specifics, just plans for the response. The response will be controls and restrictions on travel, business, and every aspect of our lives, especially gun ownership and speech that incites people against the government. I guess some people would call it Martial Law, and they would not be incorrect. But understand that this will be a process deployed in stages. How quickly of a process remains to be seen.”

The mechanics explained

As I said, people continue to look for something big to happen first, followed by a militaristic response by the federal government against U.S. citizens. Based on what I’ve seen, I don’t believe it will happen this way, although there is one unthinkable exception. That exception would involve a ‘decapitation’ of our leadership, but I’ve seen nothing even remotely suggestive of that. But I’ve heard and even read articles where that is mentioned. Frankly, though, that’s always been a threat. I suppose that if the leadership is deemed useless, or becomes a liability to the larger agenda in some manner,  it could happen. The precedent exists. Let’s pray that it’s not the case now.”
“I don’t think anyone except the initiated few know the precise series of events or the exact timing, just a general overview and an equally general time period. I think we’re in that period now, as DHS has their planned responses finalized. Also, the metals are important because it’s real money, not Ponzi fiat currency. The U.S. has no inventory of gold, so the prices are manipulated down to cause a sell-off of the physical assets. China is on a buying spree of gold, and other countries want their inventory back. The very people causing the prices to drop are the ones who are also buying the metals at fire sale prices. They will emerge extremely wealthy when the prices rise after the U.S. currency becomes wallpaper. A little research will identify who these people and organizations are.”
“I’d like to add a bit of perspective that might help explain the events as I described. Do you remember former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld announcing that the Pentagon was unable to account for $2.3 trillion in the defense budget? That was on September 10, 2001, the day before the attacks of 9/11. Some suggest that 9/11 was orchestrated, in part to cover up the missing money, which is ludicrous. The result, however, was that suddenly the accounting issue took a back seat because of the attacks. The result will be the same. That’s a perfect example of the mechanics of what we are about to experience. It’s going to take years to sort out, and when it’s finally sorted out, the damage will have long been done.”
“Please note a few final things. The relationship that exists between DHS today and the executive branch is well beyond alarming. DHS and other organizations have become the private army of the Oval Office. The NSA, and I’ve got contacts there, is taking orders from the Oval Office. The IRS is under the virtual control of the Oval Office in a manner that would make Nixon cower. Even though all roads appear to lead to the Oval Office, they lead through the Oval Office. It’s not just Obama, but the men behind him, the people who put him there. The people who put him there are the ones who created him.” I asked who created him.
“First, ask yourself why there was such an all out effort to marginalize anyone talking about Obama’s eligibility in 2008. Even so-called conservatives pundits fell for the lie that such questions were nothing more than a diversion. They were following a specific drumbeat. That should tell every rational adult that he is a creation of the globalists who have no allegiance to any political party. He is the product of decades of planning, made for this very time in our history. He was selected to oversee the events I just disclosed. Who has that ability? He’s a product of our own intelligence agencies working with the globalists. He should be exhibit ‘A’ to illustrate the need to enforce the Logan Act. Need I say more?”
As often said by another of my sources, the U.S. is a captured operation. The lie is bigger than most people realize or are willing to confront. That is, until there is no other option. By then, it might be too late.

Copyright © Douglas J. Hagmann and Canada Free Press
Douglas J. Hagmann and his son, Joe Hagmann host The Hagmann & Hagmann Report, a live Internet radio program broadcast each weeknight from 8:00-10:00 p.m. ET.
Douglas Hagmann, founder & director of the Northeast Intelligence Network, and a multi-state licensed private investigative agency. Doug began using his investigative skills and training to fight terrorism and increase public awareness through his website.

Bankers Arrested, Civil War Averted, Economy On the Rebound

Bankers Arrested, Civil War Averted, Economy On the Rebound

Who says there isn’t justice in the world for the globalists who continue to plunder the assets of average people? Four prominent bankers have been sentenced to prison and assessed hefty financial penalties.
The First District Court of Appeals sentenced four former Goldman Sachs Executives to prison terms ranging from three to five years in prison for financial crimes dating back to 2008. The Supreme Court, fearing civilian reprisals, has refused to hear the bankers’ appeals.
The mainstream media is reporting that Hank Paulson, former CEO of Goldman Sachs and Secretary of the Treasury as well as being known for being the architect of the bailouts, received the heaviest sentence of five years in prison. Paulson was ordered to pay $33.4 million dollars in fines. Along these same lines, former Goldman Sachs CEO and World Bank President, Tim Geithner, was sentenced to three years in prison along with being assessed a hefty $23 million dollar fine. The mastermind of the MF Global theft, former Goldman Sachs executive and the former Governor of New Jersey, Jon Corzine, was sentenced to four years an $18 million dollar fine. The most recent Goldman Sachs CEO, Lloyd Blankfein was also sentenced to three years and assessed a $13 million dollar penalty.
When hundreds of thousands of citizens showed up at the Capitol building and began throwing rocks at the building, this triggered the biggest civil unrest in the country’s history. The military refused to become involved and government officials cowered in fear as DHS fought off the protestors. Shortly thereafter, the beleaguered Congress rediscovered its backbone and issued arrest warrants for the four criminal banksters. Of course, Goldman Sachs and several other international bank entities warned the citizens that the country would collapse economically and it would become necessary to usher in martial law. This proved to be an empty threat, as the opposite ended up being true. The year following the arrests of these four bankster thugs, the economy grew at a rate of 2.6%. It is safe to say that the government will never tolerate the undue influence of any financial institution again. The country is approaching financial solvency. Goldman Sachs has been turned into a bed and breakfast location. Who would have thought that this would have been possible?
In a related story, Nancy Pelosi also went to prison for two years after being convicted insider trading on Wall Street. And Diane Feinstein went to prison for five years for repeated violations of conflicts of interest as Feinstein’s husband was the beneficiary of several no-bid federal government contracts. Obama was impeached and convicted for identity theft and most importantly, treason. Happy days are here again.
Fade to black….not in a pigs eye!
I would pray that these events would take place, but unfortunately, our bankster crime rate continues to rise exponentially. However, the equivalent of these events, and more, just took place in Iceland.
The World’s Center of Democracy.
Icelanders must not eat GMO’s, their water must not be fluoridated and their men never need Viagra. If Americans were to ever travel to Iceland, they would find that the country has much more than just snowballs! Why? Icelanders have courage and intestinal fortitude. Meanwhile, back in the USA our sheep are too busy watching reality shows while, at the same time, running from reality. However, as the reader will soon discover, the circumstances in Iceland are unique and are not likely shared by other Western nations.  

True Justice

In an unprecedented ruling, Reykjavík District Court sentenced four former banking executives of the Kaupthing Bank to between 3 and 5 1/2 years in prison for financial crimes dating back to 2008. Vísir is reporting that former Kaupthing director, Hreiðar Már Sigurðsson received the heaviest sentence which consisted of five and a half years. He was also ordered to pay $33.4 million and also pay the government’s legal fees. There is a God and there is justice in Iceland as former Kaupthing chairperson, and former Interpol fugitive, Sigurður Einarsson, was sentenced to five years, and ordered to pay a total of $14.3 million as well as legal fees.
If the Icelandic people could get their hands on Goldman Sachs officials they would. They impeached and convicted corrupt politicians who were in league with Wall Street, many of which are serving prison sentences. Iceland is on its way to a full economic recovery while still saying no to the corrupt Goldman Sachs influences in Europe. Iceland is saying no to the Bank of International Settlements. Iceland is a beacon of hope for the rest of the G20 nations including the United States, or is it?

Why Did the Uprising Work in Iceland and Nowhere Else?

Gadaffi showed the same level of defiance to the corrupt banksters as did the people of Iceland, yet he is dead. What is the difference? In Iceland, the people are engaged and are committed. This was not the case in Libya and this is certainly not the case in the United States. BothLibya and the United States have been invaded by massive immigration (i.e. many al-Qaeda took up residency in Libya before the revolution) and America’s immigration issues have been well chronicled. Both countries lacked the solidarity which ultimately served to dilute their national resolve. Further, in America, the mainstream media keeps the masses docile and dumbed down while conducting their version of “Occupy America”.

The Major Reason Why Iceland Beat the Bankers

Most of Congress has been bought off. The so-called representative government is beyond the reach of the people. In Iceland, that is not the case and even if that were the case, it would not matter.
The most important fact related to the Icelandic revolution happened after the implementation of a type of self-governing approach which includes some elements of  Direct Democracy“. Icelanders have much more say in their government than we do. This is a huge advantage for the citizens of Iceland, as from this moment on, no external power can conquer their country thru hidden activities and the creation of bribed puppets. Politicians can theoretically be bribed, but it would not matter.
Iceland’s President Olafur Ragnar Grimmson was interviewed earlier this year at the World Economic Forum in Davos onwhy Iceland has enjoyed such a strong recovery after it’s complete financial collapse in 2008, while the rest of the West is still mired in debt, poverty and hopelessness to go with empty promises of an economic recovery.
When asked whether Iceland’s policy of letting the banks fail would have worked in the rest of Europe, Grimsson stated:
“… Why are the banks considered to be the holy churches of the modern economy? Why are private banks not like airlines and telecommunication companies and allowed to go bankrupt if they have been run in an irresponsible way? The theory that you have to bail-out banks is a theory that you allow bankers enjoy for their own profit their success, and then let ordinary people bear their failure through taxes and austerity. People in enlightened democracies are not going to accept that in the long run. …“


Americans have three choices if our nation is to recover: (1) Civil War; (2) Establish direct democracy and begin the political purge that will rid the government of the banker takeover; or, (3) Passively accept our present circumstance and embrace our ultimate and complete demise.
Our best and most effective course of action would be to work towards direct democracy. This would be a slow process because our government has stage four cancer. We would have to continually create one-term politicians until we got a majority of people who would grant the country a say in how they we are governed.
Some believe that civil war is inevitable as the bankster controlled government tightens its noose around the country. This could be the case when the government and its foreign assets begin to seize guns from American citizens. The implementation of Obamacare could prove to be the trigger event leading to the government’s need to seize the guns due to massive civil unrest. 
Given the fact that the past is the best predictor of the future, at least at this moment, I would bet that FEMA camps and the unimaginable lies directly in our future.
What do you think? Is there a way to galvanize the country and proceed against the existing establishment with a single purpose similar to what happened to Iceland? I would propose that we have an electronic town hall meeting in order to share ideas. Please share your thoughts on the comment board with regard to these questions and issues.     
By Dave Hodges

** Iraqi dinar, recently being said ** / Confusion continues

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
** Iraqi dinar, recently being said ** / Confusion continues
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 31-Dec-2013 03:31:32

Hi, Folks -
Found at dinarguru.com:
12-30-2013 Intel Guru TNT Tony There are contracts that end today/tomorrow and also that end on Jan. 1st and 2nd and have to be paid at the new rate. Some have already been paid at new rate. The bonds did sell at $3.71. I got confirmation of that. There is nothing technical stopping it, nothing political, none of that holding it back. It's here in USA where it's been held up for the last week, but now they're saying over weekend they released it. Something could happen today, tonight, tomorrow, at any moment.
12-30-2013 Intel/Newshound Guru Poppy3 many of the paris group have already stated their debt forgiveness to IRAQ like China forgave 60% of the IRAQ debt and they where to take dinar for the balance of 40%. THEY DIDNT DO THAT FOR IRAQ TO BACK OUT ON THE DEAL AFTER ALL THIS TIME. THE RV IS FOR SURE AND WILL HAPPEN ASAP. WITHOUT THE RATE CHANGE THE HCL, TARIFF AND BONDS WHERE ALL USELESS. THEY CAN'T PRODUCE CASH FLOW WITHOUT VALUE.
12-31-2013 Intel Guru BWM there’s a lot of folks hanging their hats on the 1st and things happening but as I have stated last week there is some misunderstood information on what they are basing that date on (just like they did the 28th). As usual, I’m hoping to be wrong but the best information that I am getting is saying no expectations for RV this week…we’ll see what next weekend brings us.

Egypt Attorney General Says Muslim Brotherhood Leaders On Secret Salary From Obama!


Tony conducted a two and a half hour conference call this morning starting at 10:00 AM PST, including about 90 minutes of Q&A. Tony’s Washington contact “DC” was present for the first portion of the call and contributed some explanatory remarks.
Tony opened by saying that a lot of good information has been received, the roller coaster ride is almost over, and that we are still hoping for the RV to be activated today. The next call should be about beginning the next phase of our lives, and how we can begin to live the “good life”.
There are some changes in the way things will be done during and after the currency exchange process, some of which cannot be discussed during this call.
At this point Tony commented on his preference to deal with ideas rather than administrative details, emphasizing his record of integrity in his dealings and his ability to keep his purpose and his goals in focus. He noted that there are dinar sites out there criticizing TNT, yet no other site is providing reliable information concerning the RV/CE processes. He remarked yet again that the work he does in TNT, for which he did not volunteer, requires an enormous amount of personal sacrifice on his part, and on the part of the staff and their families, and that he would not wish his job on anybody.
Moving into a description of the RV situation as it stands as of this morning/afternoon – Tony stated that there is no negative news, there are no further deals to be made or agreements to be signed, everybody is cued up, including the banks, the IMF and the UST. Enhanced security arrangements are in place, and call centers are being manned full time in order to avoid providing timing clues triggered by call center activation. Exchange centers will be manned only after the 800 numbers are released.
There are some bankers who want this to happen right now, others who would prefer to wait until after January 1. However the banks don’t control the timing – that will be determined by the IMF, which will then give the OK to the UST to release the 800 numbers.
There is confirmation that the bond sale in Iraq was concluded incorporating a dollar exchange rate of $3.71.
Many contracts are in place in Iraq for economic development projects which must commence immediately after the first of the year. Payments on these contracts must be made at the new rate. As DC put it – “the cost of playing poker is becoming unacceptably high” (for those who might wish to further delay this process).
The WTO audit took place over the weekend and was completed successfully.
With respect to the “three zero” notes – DC explained that the process of removing these high-denomination notes from circulation has been going on for two years and is not directly correlated with the timing of the RV.
As it stands now, based on the best information available, there will be a single 800 number specific to each available contract rate for the IQN and the VNN. (It is not clear if the IQN/VNN tiered contract rates will be paired.) Each rate will be associated with a specific NDA and with specific but unspecified restrictions. The nature of these restrictions will not be known until the release of the 800 numbers. The latest NDA information indicates that there are thirteen different versions of the NDA currently in play, although it is not clear that all of these versions will be used.
Once having selected the desired contract rate, and upon calling the respective 800 number, the individual dinar/dong holder will be asked to select the bank at which an appointment is desired for the currency exchange. He/she will also be asked to provide the amount of the respective currencies on hand as well as appropriate personal information. The manner in which reserve/lay-away currency will be handled is not yet known. Currency holders seeking to exchange at a contract rate will be required to provide proof of U.S. citizenship. Tony does not believe that using the proceeds of a VNN currency exchange to pay off dinar reserves will be considered “double dipping”.
Oil credits are the basis for the high contract rates, as well as a vehicle for recapture of the costs of the Iraq war. The U.S. co-operation with respect to the China contract rate is based on the fact that China does not have internal petroleum reserves in ground, and that it is in the interests of the U.S. to assist China in securing long-term petroleum supplies.
In response to a question concerning the delay of the RV from its anticipated activation last week, Tony stated that a number of officials have been removed, retired, resigned and even arrested since last Tuesday.
Tony reiterated that all four currencies (dinar, dong, zim, and rupiah) should reset simultaneously, and that the rates remain consistent with previous rate information.
In closing, Tony stated that he is looking for the RV announcement soon. It could be today, tonight, or tomorrow. Everything known at this point is positive for the RV. Rather than concerning ourselves with the exact timing of the RV, we should be focusing on what we will need to be doing, what exact sequence of actions we will need to take, when the RV is announced.
He stated that he expected that the next TNT call would be the one following the RV announcement.

Posted by FORO DINAR GURUS at 5:09 PM