Monday, December 30, 2013



You may want to think twice before further drinking or even bathing in unfiltered tap water, as a new report set to be published next year has found that a striking percentage of the U.S. water supply is contaminated with heavy metals, pesticides and other toxic chemicals. Researchers from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) found that an astounding one-third of U.S. water systems contain traces of at least 18 unregulated and potentially hazardous contaminants, many of which are linked to causing endocrine disruption and cancer.

Based on a nationwide survey of 25 unnamed water utilities, scientists found traces of the herbicide metolachlor, for instance, a pesticide commonly applied to conventional corn, soy, cotton, safflower, potato and other crops, as well as the heavy metal strontium, which is linked to causing bone problems. Other chemicals identified include so-called perfluorinated compounds like perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), which numerous scientific studies have found can cause thyroid disease and various types of cancer.

"Traces of 18 unregulated chemicals were found in drinking water from more than one-third of U.S. water utilities in a nationwide sampling," reports Environmental Health News (EHN). "Included are 11 perfluorinated compounds, an herbicide, two solvents, caffeine, an antibacterial compound, a metal and an antidepressant."

More than 250 potential hazardous compounds detected in tap water
Among the 25 water samples, more than 250 chemicals, bacteria, viruses and microbes were identified, but only 134 of these were detected in treated drinking water. As many as eight of the treated water samples collected contained upwards of 113 chemicals. According to the researchers, water samples were taken from a range of water utilities, including both large and small plants and plants using varying treatment technologies.

"The good news is the concentrations are generally pretty low," stated Dana Kolpin, a research hydrologist from USGS who helped work on the study. "But there's still the unknown. Are there long-term consequences of low-level exposure to these chemicals?"

Study reveals most water treatment technologies do not remove perfluorinated compounds
Of particular concern was the wide range of perfluorinated compounds identified in the water samples. These byproducts of various industrial processes, including the production of non-stick cookware and stain-resistant food packing and fabrics, was detected in most of the water samples, both treated and untreated.

"The perfluorinated compounds were at similar concentrations in the untreated and treated drinking water, suggesting that treatment techniques are largely unsuccessful," writes Brian Bienkowski for EHN. "Only one plant was successful at removing them, and it used activated carbon treatment."

This is all highly concerning, as a panel of scientists recently concluded that perfluorinated compounds, and PFOA in particular, are a probable cause of high cholesterol, ulcerative colitis, thyroid disease, testicular cancer, kidney cancer and pregnancy-induced hypertension, among other conditions. Many of these conditions have reached epidemic proportions throughout the U.S., potentially as the direct result of failed water treatment technologies.

Then there is the issue of chlorination and fluoridation, both of which can trigger reactions with other contaminants in the water supply and create new deadly compounds. According to Laurel Schaider, a research associate at the Harvard School of Public Health, these and other water treatment chemicals may exacerbate the toxic burden of tap water.

"Chlorination and treatment technologies will remove some contaminants, but will react with others," she is quoted as saying to EHN. "Some compounds may appear to be removed but may be transformed [into] a chemical we know even less about."

Sources for this article include:



Saturday, 28 December 2013 22:55
NEWS FLASH - URGENT - December 28, 2013  11:00 PM EST -- (TRN ) --Persons residing on  the west coast of North America should IMMEDIATELY begin preparing for another possible onslaught of dangerous atmospheric radiation from the Fukushima nuclear disaster site in Japan.  The Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) says radioactive steam has suddenly begun emanating from previously exploded nuclear reactor building #3 at the Fukuishima disaster site in Japan. TEPCO says they do not know why this is happening and cannot go into the building to see what's happening due to damage and lethal radiation levels in that building. Experts say this could be the beginning of  a "spent fuel pool criticality (meltdown)" involving up to 89 TONS of nuclear fuel burning up into the atmosphere and heading to North America. Steam photo, full details and suggested methods to protect yourself appear below.
The announcements from TEPCO (in Japanese) can be viewed HERE (12/27),  HERE (12/25)  and HERE (12/24).  You can use Google Translate to convert to English.

On December 28, 2013, the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO)  admitted steam was seen billowing out of reactor building #3, saying the steam appeared to be coming from what's left of the fifth floor of the mostly-destroyed building.  It is widely known that persons cannot get inside Reactor Building #3 because it is severely damaged and highly radioactive, so TEPCO cannot state for certain what is happening in that building or why. TEPCO admits they do not know why this steam is being generated, but matter-of-factly revealed today (December 28)  the steam was first spotted on December 19 for a short period of time, then again on December 24 and again on December 25.

Nuclear energy experts have told TRN that the ONLY way this could be happening is if radioactive material previously ejected from the reactor explosion in March, 2011 has mixed together with other materials and has begun its own self-sustaining reaction(s), also known as a "criticality."  Put simply, another "meltdown" may be taking place.

There are basically two possibilities if another meltdown is in progress:
1) Pellets of radioactive fuel, ejected when the reactor exploded, have mixed together and "mini" meltdowns are taking place with those small clumps of pellets.  This would not be a horrific problem and may be manageable, OR;
2) Pellets of radioactive fuel, ejected when the reactor exploded, went into the spent fuel pool located above the reactor and have begun melting down so seriously they are boiling off the water in the spent fuel pool.

Since steam is visible, experts tell TRN that Scenario #2 above is is the most likely scenario and if so,  it would be an absolute nightmare -- WORSE than the original Fukushima disaster!  The Spent Fuel Pool was situated on the fourth floor above Reactor #3, and if this is the source of the steam, the situation could escalate rapidly out of control.
The As shown in the diagram at left, the spent fuel  pool  is not a contained structure; it is literally a "pool" filled with water, to keep old fuel cool. (The metal radioactive fuel, once removed from a nuclear reactor, remains hot enough to melt itself for two to three YEARS after being removed from a reactor.)  The experts tell TRN that if steam is coming out of reactor building #3 this could very well be the start of a much worse radiation release because once the spent fuel pool begins its own reactions, all of it will be uncontrolled and uncontrollable.

To provide insight into how much trouble this could be, the chart below proves that, according to TEPCO, reactor #3 was loaded with 566 fuel assemblies.  The spent fuel pool in reactor building #3 contains 514 assemblies; about 89 TONS.  If that "goes critical" there's nothing to contain the radiation which will go directly into the air.

The video below was taken several months ago by TEPCO. It shows that the roof is totally blown off reactor building # 3 and shows a robotic crane being operated by remote control, trying to clear debris from the Reactor # 3 spent fuel pool.  TEPCO is forced use robotic cranes operated by remote control because the area is so contaminated, anyone entering the area would die from radiation within onehour.

Imagine, now, 89 tons of nuclear fuel boiling away that spent fuel pool water and releasing 89 tons of deadly radioactive fuel directly into the air.  Two to three days later, the west coast of north America would be "fried" by levels of airborne radiation and "hot particles" which could kill.


The purpose of this news report is not to scare or frighten anyone.  It is to report the news to allow the public to educate itself on the issue and take whatever personal protective action they deem necessary. There is no reason to panic but there is reason to plan. It is better to have a plan, and not need it, than to need it and not have it.

PREPARATIONS YOU SHOULD CONSIDER  ( We do **** NOT **** sell any of the products suggested below )

1) Keep up-to-date on developments via the Internet. The mass-media is not reliable because like the government, they want to avoid any mass panic.  While that is a noble goal, withholding information as was done previously when the Fukushima disaster struck in March, 2011, allowed people to get exposed to radiation which could kill them now - or years from now.  TRN believes people have a right to know, so as to make an informed decisions about whether to protect themselves or not.

2) Go immediately (RIGHT NOW) to your local home improvement or hardware store for rolls of plastic, Duct tape, WIDE masking tape and  a couple rolls of self-adhesive weather stripping. You want to have a roll or two of the type of plastic that is used by painters; (the kind they use to cover your floor and furniture in case paint drips) and a roll or two of Duct tape.  Don't deploy this yet, but if the radiation arrives, you'll HAVE what you need and won't be battling a million other people trying to get some when the danger actually hits.  You can use the plastic and duct tape things to cover the insides of your windows, doors, AC electric plugs, light switches, bathroom exhaust vents, stove exhaust vents, -- even ceiling vents, to TRY to keep out radiation particles once you know they're arriving.  (NOTE: this may not be 100% effective.  Houses have loads of nooks and crannies which allow air from the outside to get inside.  If you cover the largest ones, you're at least giving yourself and family a fighting chance.)  These supplies are available immediately at: Home Depot Lowes Walmart TrueValue Ace Hardware and many other retail stores.

3) If radiation is identified as heading toward your area or has arrived in your area:
a) Cut sheets from the roll of plastic, large enough to cover your windows, window frames/woodwork, sliding glass doors, doggie doors, etc., and do so on the INSIDE of your house.  Once the sheets are cut to size, secure that plastic to your inside walls using Duct tape.  You want to cover things inside not outside so the weather doesn't cause the plastic to make noise or perhaps rip off during high wind, rain or snow. The duct tape should cover 100% of the edge of the plastic, making a good seal AROUND the window, sliding glass doors, doggie doors, etc.  It is important to note that the plastic should go AROUND the woodwork on the inside the window/door and NOT merely around the inner perimeter of the window itself.  Gaps between the window assemblies and exterior walls might not be air-tight; especially in older homes where the silicone weather sealant around windows/doors is worn or in earthquake prone areas where the shaking has loosened-up window/door seals.  This will help seal out radiation particles in the air so they shouldn't be able to get inside your home.  Those of you in private homes should do this sealing on EVERY opening to the outside (doors, windows, vents) on every floor of your home, from the basement to the attic.  Those of you who do not have basements, will usually find vents along the slab foundation which are designed to naturally ventilate under the house.  SEAL THESE from the outside as best you can.  Similarly, those of you without full attics, will usually see vents of some type for the roof rafter area. SEAL THESE as best you can too. (PLEASE don't fall off any roof or off any ladder. Be careful!)

b) Cut smaller sheets from the roll of plastic to cover electrical outlets and  light switches inside the house. Those outlets and switches are breaks in the walls to the inner structure of the house.  The inner structure gets naturally ventilated under the eaves and awnings of the house.  While the air flow is not generally a lot, it IS there;  you want to seal it out.  As with the windows, use Duct tape to hold the plastic a full inch or two around the entire perimeter of the light switch our electrical outlets.

c) Cut sheets from the roll of plastic to cover vents: Bathrooms, stoves. Remember, this is just a TEMPORARY situation and the radiation will usually blow-over or dilute within a week or so.  While none of us likes the smell in the bathroom after it is used, it's better to put up with that for a few days than have radiation in there from the vents.  BE VERY CAREFUL IF YOU CHOOSE TO COVER A STOVE EXHAUST VENT; YOU DON'T WANT THE PLASTIC GOING ON FIRE IF YOU'RE COOKING.

d) DO NOT use duct tape or plastic over your main entry/exit door. If, God forbid, there's a fire, you want to be able to exit fast and not be battling duct tape to get out.  Instead, maybe check to see the weatherstripping around the door is in good shape or at worst, add a layer of new weatherstripping to what's already there.  The bottom of the door sill can be covered with a rolled-up towel if necessary,to prevent drafts at the bottom of the door.

NOTE: Duct tape, when removed, may damage the surface of the wall it was stuck to.  It may peel off paint or even the paper covering of Sheetrock when you remove it.  If this is a concern, you may wish to utilize WIDE masking tape instead.  We do not recommend masking tape, but it may be viable if you are concerned about peeling off the duct tape when the emergency is ended.

4)  Get a minimum "NIOSH N100-certified" filter mask for yourself and each member of your family. NIOSH stands for National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) which is part of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), an agency of the US Government.  They rate protective gear for various industries and the lowest possible level of mask with any hope at all of filtering out radiation particles must be rated by NIOSH as N100, which filters 99.97% of airborne particles.   The masks cost about $30 on Ebay and look like the one in the image at left below.  The CDC also lists N100 mask suppliers HERE.

SERIOUS NOTE: There are TIME CONSTRAINTS on the use of the N100-rated mask in a hostile environment.  Having such a mask is not a license to go out and have fun.  It is a limited mask, with limited capability for a limited time period, to help protect you in this type of emergency.

Of course, you can go all-out and get some super-mask for several hundred dollars, but the minimum you need is an N100 rated mask.

Whatever you do, don't try to get "cute" and figure you can "get away with" a mask that is rated N95 or lower.  An N95 mask will NOT filter out the tiny particles involved here and you will be fooling yourself if you buy any mask rated less than N100.

It is important to understand that a "hospital mask" normally used by Doctors, WILL NOT PROTECT YOU AT ALL from radioactive particles.  The particles are so small, they can fit right through a typical surgical mask used by doctors.  If you breathe-in any "hot Particles" of radiation, they will wreak havoc on your lungs and cause very rapid deterioration of your health. Cancers, Leukemias, Hemorrhaging . . . . you get the idea.

5) About your job and going to work during a radiation emergency . . . .
Those of us with jobs can't simply call-in and tell the boss we can' come to work today because we're afraid of the radiation. So start discussing this situation with your bosses first thing TODAY. See if the company as a whole is willing to develop some type of strategy to deal with taking time off due to a radioactive plume coming onto the west coast of north America from Japan, making things unsafe for a few days.  Start the conversation.  Don't wait until things spiral out of control and people are panicking.

6) If you HAVE to go out, clothing will get contaminated; be prepared to protect yourself
Wear an NIOSH N100 mask at all times when you are outside your house during the plume's arrival and presence.  Yes, you're probably going to feel like a jerk; especially when the uninformed, the ignorant and those "in denial" about the real danger, start poking fun at you.  Just remember you'll have the last laugh.

A VERY helpful tool for this situation is a disposable TYVEK suit and booties.  You can get them at most home improvement stores and on EBAY for about $8.  Tyvek coveralls are one-piece garments, usually white, commonly worn by mechanics, painters, installation installers, and laboratory and cleanroom workers where a disposable, one-time use coverall is needed.   They are also used for some light HAZMAT applications, such as asbestos and radiation work but do not provide the protection of a full hazmat suit.  Wear it to work, when you get inside, take it off right at the doorway and throw it away in a garbage can near the door.  It's done. Don't touch it again. Then go wash your hands and face to wash away whatever may have accumulated on them.  These suits are also available at the retailers listed above (Home Depot, Lowes, etc.).

If you simply refuse to walk outside dressed-up like a Bunny, you must realize that Clothing worn while you are outside will have contamination on it.  This is unavoidable. Once you've been outside and enter your job, remove your outerwear and place it as close to the door as you can. You may want to pack a change of clothing in a tightly closed gym bag, to change-into at work. Having a change of clothes for when you get to work might not be a bad idea.  The change of clothes ought to include FOOTWEAR.

When you're outside, your footwear is going to be picking up the contamination that fell onto the ground. This is unavoidable.  What you CAN do, is take those shoes off once you get where you're going, and thereby not track the radiation into wherever you are.  You may want to get "Disposable Plastic Shoe Covers" to help avoid at least SOME of the radiation getting onto your shoes.  These shoe covers are cheap, and you throw them away as soon as you get inside your destination.

For Eye protection, we suggest a cheap pair of Swimmer's Goggles.  They vary in cost from 99 cents to about $10 on Ebay - or your local sporting goods store. The purpose of this is to prevent radioactive particles from landing on your eyeballs.  Swimmer's goggles will fit the bill pretty well and you can wash them off once you get to where  you're going, and use the goggles again the next time you go out.  Radiation washes off with soap and water.

The same procedures listed above for going to and from work, should be used by you and your family when going to/from home.  After all, you don't want to bring radiation into your house on your clothes, shoes etc, or walk-it-through the whole house once you arrive.  Put a coat rack just-inside the entry door.  Put a shoe rack too.  First thing everyone does when they walk in the door - ditch the outerwear and shoes right then and there.  YOU DO NOT want to be tracking radiation into and all over your house, then spewing it up into the air when you vacuum and it comes out with the vacuum exhaust air.  You want to stop the radiation as close to the door as you can.  If you prefer, put a clothes hamper -- LINED WITH A PLASTIC LAWN-AND-LEAF-SIZE BAG just inside the front door and change your clothes the moment you get in.  When the hamper is full, seal-up the bag, take it to the washer and wash the radiation away.

8) Wash obsessively during the emergency
External radioactive material washes off with soap and water.  When you consider that everything you touch and all the air that touches you OUTSIDE can be contaminated, it is important to WASH exposed body parts (face & hands) with soap and water often.  When you get home from your daily routine and get out of potentially contaminated clothing, take a shower before anything else.  A SHOWER, NOT A BATH.  Showering will allow the radiation to fall off you and go down the drain whereas a bath could possible allow the radioactive materials to cling to your body as you leave the bathwater.   Sadly, this brings us to one, final, MAJOR, MAJOR, MAJOR problem: Water comes from reservoirs and reservoirs are out in the open; radiation has and will continue to fall into our water supplies.

9) Potassium Iodate Pills:  Have them but DO NOT USE THEM --- YET
One of the major concerns in a situation like this is a material called radioactive Iodine (I-131).  Your body needs iodine to function and iodine is stored in your Thyroid gland in your neck. The Fukushima disaster released radioactive Iodine in March, 2011 which has long since dissipated, but could release more if the spent fuel pool goes critical.  Since Iodine is stored in your Thyroid, any radioactive Iodine would get stored there too and likely lead to Thyroid cancer.  For women, Thyroid cancer is about 95% curable; for men, it is about 95% fatal.

In order to prevent your Thyroid from absorbing radioactive Iodine, your body needs a very good supply of non-radioactive iodine.  If your body has the Iodine it needs, it won't try to store more.  You get Iodine from your diet but if Radioactive Iodine is released by Fukushima, you'll need to guarantee your body has a supply that is not radioactive; that's where pills called Potassium Iodate come in to play.

Potassium Iodate provides Iodine to your body/Thyroid and when used during a radiation emergency, will help avoid the need for your body to absorb potentially radioactive iodine.   SERIOUS CAUTIONARY NOTE: DO NOT TAKE POTASSIUM IODATE PILLS UNLESS AND UNTIL RADIATION LEVELS ARE CONFIRMED TO BE HIGH. If you take those pills when radiation levels are normal, your Thyroid will begin to GROW to absorb the extra Iodine and will not return to its normal size once you stop taking the excess Iodine!  If you take Potassium Iodate pills when they are not needed, you could end up with a Thyroid that is so big, it might look like a tumor in your neck; so DO NOT take Potassium Iodate Pills until they are actually needed. You can find Potassium Iodate Pills on Ebay for about $10 a bottle.


The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) lists the maximum safe levels and government-approved methods for removing, radiation in water.  Yet according to KHOU-TV in Texas, local and state officials in that state deliberately conspired for YEARS to alter the results from their municipal water tests, to deliberately CONCEAL high levels of radiation in municipal water!  If local and state officials in one state have already been caught deliberately concealing radiation in water, can any rational person believe they aren't doing it now in other states -- or won't do it (again) in the future? You can read that story and watch the KHOU-TV news video HERE.

In fact, KHOU-TV found that the radiation in local water was so severe, that it made the underground water pipes and the water heaters inside homes radioactive;  in some cases 11 times more radioactive than allowable by law!  The pipes and water heaters were so radioactive that none of those things could be scrapped in a junk yard!  You can read this separate KHOU-TV story and watch the videoHERE.

Given the irrefutable proof above we suggest equipping your sinks and shower head(s) with a water filter.  Now, getting radiation out of water is NOT simple.  Paper filters do nothing in that regard.

Granular Activated Carbon filters have shown SOME ability to remove SOME types of radiation.  Reverse-Osmosis has shown good ability to remove other types of radiation.  ION Exhange is the final method which has shown good ability to remove radiation.  Yet getting all these types of filters in ONE system is not easy and it is considerably expensive.  As such, we suggest that having a filter of some type is better than having no filter at all.  Of course, once the filters become saturated with pollutants, they're useless, so expect to change-out those filters PRECISELY in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation or even more frequently.  Yes, this will cost a few bucks, but this is an extraordinary situation calling for extraordinary response.  What good is all the safety you exercise with the steps above, if you then eat, drink and bathe-in contaminated water?

The suggestions above are just that SUGGESTIONS.  What you choose to do - or not do - is, of course, up to you. One thing is clear, though: Fukushima is acting up again and when it does, the wind and the sea will carry the results to North America within days.  Do not "panic" --  Plan.  Do not "react" -- respond.  With a little planning and careful deliberation, we can all get through this just fine.

If you would like to be alerted by e-mail about future news of this type or of RADIATION ALERTS, you can subscribe to our "ALERTS" e-mail service, free!  This is *NOT* a discussion list; you will *NOT* be deluged with email and your email will *NEVER* be sold or rented to anyone.  To sign-up, click HERE

Two Revolutionary Speeches

John Mac,

Here are two revolutionary speeches that you might be interested in posting. 
The first is from the movie "V is for Vendetta". 
The second is the climax to the 1940 Charlie Chaplin film "The Great Dictator". 

I trust that y'all had a Merry Christmas and will have a Happy and Prosperous New Year! 
Thank you for your continuous diligent persistent work.



On Friday, December 27, 2013---ray

From: <>

To ensure you receive emails like this, add Avaaz to your contacts (how?). Or, click here to unsubscribe.
Thanks for joining the fight against Monsanto’s frankenseed factory.

To support the people of Malvinas against the giant GM lab, we need all the pressure we can build. Please share the campaign on Facebook and forward the email below to everyone:

Thanks for all that you do!
Dear friends,

Monsanto's extending its power over the globe,with a massive new frankenseed factory in Argentina. SofĂ­a Gatica and local mothers have spoken out, but she has received death threats and a brutal beating. The threat to her is urgent -- let's stand with her and stop the plant.

Monsanto manufactures the genetically modified seeds that, when combined with toxic pesticides, create thedevastating 'monocultures' -- where nothing grows but a single plant-- that increasingly cover our planet. Now they plan to build one of the world's largest GM seed factories in CĂłrdoba.

SofĂ­a, worried about health risks from the plant, has helped lead the protests, backed by nearly 70% of the area's residents. If 1 million of us join her in the next 3 days, we can raise the profile of the issue in local media, feature the petition in an ad campaign, andpush the unpopular Argentine President to shut down the plant and roll back the spread of Monsanto's toxic agriculture:

Sofia and the people of Malvinas have been lying in front of bulldozers to block construction of the plant. If we can amplify their protest -- we can help them win. President Kirchner is facing a wave of unpopularity right now, and she can't afford to be seen to be choosing Monsanto's profits over her own people.

The mega-plant will use toxic chemicals to engineer seeds, which sounds weird because seeds are supposed to come from plants right? Not in Monsanto's scary new world, where plants are genetically designed to be sterile, andthe only way farmers can keep planting food is by buying seeds every year from Monsanto!In the US, up to 90% of some types of crops are planted with Monsanto seeds, and with its new mega-plant in Argentina, the infamous company is extending its power over the globe.

The threats and beating of SofĂ­a and her fellow protesters are the last straw -- let's stop Monsanto's invasion of South America, and start rolling back the devastation wreaked on our ecosystems by their products:

Some argue that genetic modification holds great promise for increased agricultural efficiency. There may be many such benefits in the future, but often the gains are hyped by corporate PR (such as the line that GM seeds 'feed the world' by being far more productive than normal seeds -- in fact there's little evidence of that), and GM technologies often put profit over people and planet.Governments should adjudicate the public risks and benefits, but Monsanto is skilled in undermining democratic governance.They even passed a law in the US that says that a judge cannot order a recall of Monsanto products, even on grounds of public safety!

Our planet is being rapidly transformed by genetically modified, industrial agriculture, and our governments are far too heavily influenced by the American mega-corporation at the center of it all -- a corporation that is gradually coming to control the world's food supply.Let's not force our children and grandchildren to deal with a world fed by Monsanto, when we can stop it now.

With hope,

Ricken, Meredith, Laura, Nick, Alice, Luis, Marie, Nadia and the whole Avaaz team

More Information:
Anti-Monsanto activists assaulted in Argentina (RT)

Pesticide illness triggers anti-Monsanto protest in Argentina (DW)

Birth defects, cancer in Argentina linked to agrochemicals: AP investigation (CTVNews)

Sofia Gatica (The Goldman Environmental Prize)

Photos from Argentina’s farms, documenting an agrochemical plague (Denver Post)

Argentina's Bad Seeds (Al Jazeera)

Monsanto’s Harvest of Fear (Vanity Fair) is a 31-million-person global campaign network that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 18 countries on 6 continents and operates in 17 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.
You are getting this message because you signed "Stop the Monsanto frankenseed factory" on 2013-12-27
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To contact Avaaz, please do not reply to this email. Instead, write to us or call us at +1-888-922-8229 (US).

     The people reported on above are serious about trying to stop Monsanto Chemical Co. from destroying the farming of their nation. When people get serious to change the direction of a nation, it is amazing how practical they can become on how to seriously block the intended evil to be done to their nation by power sources that don't care about the people or nation, but only money, power, or whatever is their evil goal.
     As soon as the Omni Law is passed, we will revive the gun and ammo industries of America. As for federal sources conspiring to end the supplies of guns and ammo to be available to the law-abiding citizens of America, we will charge them with high treason under the law and apply the law fully against them if found guilty of conspiring to overthrow the U.S. Bill of Rights from inside the federal government.
     I was looking at over the weekend my copy of the notes of Luther Martin, Attorney-General of Maryland at the Constitutional Convention which wrote up the U.S. Constitution and also other representatives who left notes including James Madison and Alexander Hamilton. I found that Wash., D.C. is violating major sections of the U.S. Constitution as these legal notes left us from the Constitutional Convention clearly show and explained the correct legal 
meaning of the various sections of the U.S. Constitution as ratified by the American people through their states once submitted to them. I also found interesting one legal note showing how the state governments could issue arrest warrants and even arrest most officials and federal employees of Wash., D.C. for high treason if they found they were in a secret conspiracy to overthrow the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights from within the federal government itself. Also, state grand juries by legal powers of presentment could issue by counts of presentment the legal grounds to arrest Obama for high treason, Eric Holder, or others spotted by the state grand juries as holding the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights in contempt and so trying to overthrow them from within the federal government by conspiracy of high treason.
     The American people have lost the instinct for self-government in America and so let Wash., D.C. just walk over them and grind them into the dust when it comes to the legal rights of the American people. We start to retake control of America by passage of the Omni Law. Then teach the American people the full legal powers of any trial (petit) jury or grand jury in America to protect the American people from would-be tyranny in government whether federal or also state! And Americans have to get over being soft marshmallows concerning their legal rights and instead practice again the ancient culture of the "sturdy yeomen" of England of prior ages where they would not let the English Government become a tyranny under law.
     By the way, reading the notes on the constitutional convention, I found it interesting where their legal defintions said that Obama is acting as if he thinks he is the absolute power monarch of America instead of a constitutional president. He is acting without authority of the U.S. Constitution and invents by executive decrees new laws and policies repudiating the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights every chance that he can get! You let him get away with this every day you do not yet back the passage of the Omni Law in America and as soon as possible to restore constitutional government to America.
     Even our corrupt power elite do not understand economic science well enough. If American money collapses due to the willful engineering of Obama and other traitors in America, America may take down the rest of the world with it and suddenly mankind is shocked as maybe 90% to 98% of the entire human race on earth dies due to the world collapse of the global economy. When studying with six of the most economists of America and Europe, I also studied the "Doomsday Factor To Industrial Economics" which outlines how with the collapse of our current economy, we could end up with nearly all of mankind dead before it is over and this means the entire world, not just America! And the criminal cabal secretly running Obama wants him to collapse the economy of America. They want to create a total police state in America through this front, but don't realize and maybe don't care this might end up collapsing the entire world economy and most to nearly all of mankind dead after the house of cards collapse of the entire world economy.
     The moment the Omni Law is passed, if the American economy is threatened with collapse due to what Obama and his allies have done to America, quick vote me Economic Czar of America through the Omni Law and I will save the American economy from massive collapse and rally the American economy back to strength. As I have more interesting things to do in life than be any permanent Economic Czar of America, once the economy is going right, I want to devote my time to other things such as the Camelot Project which are more important to the permanent future of mankind than being a permanent Economic Czar for America. One area I am stronger in than my six brilliant economists were though they were all geniuses and I loved them all dearly, a good monetary system needs a backup of a good legal system so the economy runs rights after that. I understand more about how the wildly excessive laws and policies of Congress and the White House badly damage the growth and potential of America than I think my brilliant economic teachers maybe realized! The laws for the economy set up right and a good monetary system in power, and then America is going to boom like a skyrocket in national economic prosperity and a permanently good economy with jobs and a good life for all!
     While writing this report, a friend of mine who is very smart concerning the effects of the radiation building up from Japan and being carried by wind and by ocean to America, he commented if this situation is not taken care pretty fast now, maybe most Americans are going to end up dying of radiation in America. And this does not stop with America. Later, it will cover Europe, Russia, China, Africa, Central and Latin America, etc. He with some other scientific brains think they can come up with an answer how to save America before it is too late due to this radiation threat the news media is not reporting on now, and also might as well say the rest of the world as well. But if my Omni Law is not passed in time, then maybe the main bulk of the human race dies and how much is left after that of the human race on earth is open to question.  
     Jesus left the Christians to be the light of the world and the conscience of the world until He returns to earth. Christians are not supposed to be the dark sources of the world with no light to them for mankind on earth and no conscience of the world bringing justice and freedom to their fellow man on earth. 
     My Omni Law is on our national website or read a good copy of it along with the report posted on Nesara News "Will All Americans Die?" of October 31, 2013 reporting on the growing threat to the lives of the American people of the radiation mass spilling out from the radiation accident of Japan apparently getting more and more out-of-control now. Unless your elected officials want their own families, husbands, and wives and children to die from this later on, better pass the Omni Law and by early 2014 would be smart! 
     Pass this report on to all you can. Our website is www.fastboomamericaneconomy.comOur email is Our mailing address for payments sent us by mail instead of through our website is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 . Make checks, etc. out to NIFI and tell us what the payment is for. Whether products ordered or else loan money sent us for the Omni Law Loan Program, all funds received help finance the Omni Law Drive. With Obama wanting to engineer a situation where he can become military dictator of America and then kill off millions to half of Americans as various military sources have reported in shock seeing what he is scheming to do, and some of the wealthy secret criminal cabal elements backing him want him to coordinate with them in suddenly engineering the economic collapse of America, and with this Japanese radiation threat growing fast on America, time to pass the Omni Law and fast as you can! Finances help, yes! But also it helps much when you share this report with others or talk to your friends and neighbors and also recruit local support to pass the Omni Law and as fast as possible. And contact your elected officials both state and federal with this report. If they don't care about you, maybe they still care about their wives, husbands, children, and even friends and for that reason might get serious and want to fast pass the Omni Law as the next constitutional amendment to America. Only this one restores true control of government back to the American people! The reason you back us should be for love of your neighbor and your own family as Jesus Christ would want us to do as well as love of nation. But for those maybe a bit more worldly in motivation, there are attractive features to our Omni Law Loan Program where you can be handsomely rewarded for financially backing the Omni Law Drive. Once the Omni Law is passed, you get special rewards including repayment of your principal of loan money, part of the settlement fund in pro-rata share comes to you that we will receive through Wash., D.C. either directly or indirectly, and a 30 year pro-rata share of the profit income from the world food industry we plan to set up in America once the Omni Law is passed! 
      By the way, U.S. military. No reason to back the military plans of Obama for the military takeover of America! With this radiation threat building against America, your familes will be killed off by this if things go too far and frankly you will die also from the massive radiation poisoning! We have access to scientific answers which can save America and frankly I have seen no evidence that Obama and allies have any answers how to save America or even care to save America from building massive radiation poisoning coming to us by wind, 
ocean, and rain right now. Wash., D.C. keeps quiet on this and also our corrupt national news media!
      Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for the one who believes that the Bible is correct when it says, "Listen to the truth and the truth shall make you free!" I will add listen to the liars of Wash., D.C. and America will be in such trouble as maybe beyond human imagination. As one old man commented to me recently, when all society is governed by evil and no good are left in society, would that not end up maybe making living on earth pure hell on earth where we might just as well live then in the literal hell itself?)

Video: An Expose Of Covert NSA Programs That Infect ALL I-Phones As Well As A Myriad Of New Appliances In Your Home

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Video: An Expose Of Covert NSA Programs That Infect ALL I-Phones As Well As A Myriad Of New Appliances In Your Home
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Monday, 30-Dec-2013 14:43:48

CONTRACTUAL INTERFERENCE BY OBAMA COST 5 million people whose health-insurance policies were cancelled prior to Christmas by President Barack Obama’s ambitious tax-and-healthcare scheme.


Section 10
No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters
of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but
gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder,
ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts,  grant any
Title of Nobility.


CONTRACT DEFINED.  When two parties agree to do, or not to do certain and specific things.

5 million people whose health-insurance policies were cancelled prior to Christmas by President Barack Obama’s ambitious tax-and-healthcare scheme.

The White House used a Sunday morning statement to admit that only 1.1 million people have used the federal Obamacare website to sign up for the president’s healthcare network by Christmas Day.
News reports and advocacy websites say roughly 1 million people have enrolled with health-benefit companies via state websites, including 400,000 in California and 157,000 in New York, by the Dec. 24 deadline, which allows coverage starting Jan. 1.
The total reported signups are at least 3 million fewer than the 5 million people whose health-insurance policies were cancelled prior to Christmas by President Barack Obama’s ambitious tax-and-healthcare scheme.
The minus-3-million score is only partially offset by the extension of Medicaid coverage to perhaps 2 million other people, few of whom earn enough to afford commercial insurance.
Polls shows that a majority of the public has soured on Obamacare, partly because of Obama’s deceptive promise about the law’s terns. The voters’ negative reaction has hammered Obama’s polls below 40 percent, and is creating splits between the White House and the congressional Democrats who face election races in November 2014.
The plan is also expected to undergo more traumas in the New Year as more Americans react to the increased premiums and higher deductibles caused by Obamacare, by lower access to doctors and hospitals, and threats to the privacy of their data.

An individual in whom another has placed the utmost trust and confidence to manage and protect property or money. The relationship wherein one person has an obligation to act for another's benefit.
A fiduciary relationship encompasses the idea of faith and confidence and is generally established only when the confidence given by one person is actually accepted by the other person. Mere respect for another individual's judgment or general trust in his or her character is ordinarily insufficient for the creation of a fiduciary relationship. The duties of a fiduciary include loyalty and reasonable care of the assets within custody. All of the fiduciary's actions are performed for the advantage of the beneficiary.
Courts have neither defined the particular circumstances of fiduciary relationships nor set any limitations on circumstances from which such an alliance may arise. Certain relationships are, however, universally regarded as fiduciary. The term embraces legal relationships such as those between attorney and client, Broker and principal, principal and agent, trustee and beneficiary, and executors or administrators and the heirs of a decedent's estate.
A fiduciary relationship extends to every possible case in which one side places confidence in the other and such confidence is accepted; this causes dependence by the one individual and influence by the other. Blood relation alone does not automatically bring about a fiduciary relationship. A fiduciary relationship does not necessarily arise between parents and children or brothers and sisters.
The courts stringently examine transactions between people involved in fiduciary relationships toward one another. Particular scrutiny is placed upon any transaction by which a dominant individual obtains any advantage or profit at the expense of the party under his or her influence. Such transaction, in which Undue Influence of the fiduciary can be established, is void.
================================================================================================================================== -
Tortious interference with contractual relations is known by different other names.
Intentional Interference with Contract Law & Legal Definition 
The tort of interference with contractual relations has its roots in the tort of

Secret pre-Iraq War talks between Blair and Bush to be published

 Secret pre-Iraq War talks between Blair and Bush to be published


Six JFK Shooters, Three Tied To CIA, Named–Oswald not among them


Six JFK Shooters, Three Tied To CIA, Named–Oswald not among them

by Sherwood Ross (with Jim Fetzer)

123 The four hits to JFKSix shooters who participated in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, including three with ties to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), were named by a prominent critic of the Warren Commission Report (WCR).  Remarkably, Lee Harvey Oswald, the Warren Commission’s lone-assassin-designate, was not among them.
During an interview published this past Nov. 20th in The Santa Barbara Independent, WCR critic/researcher Dr. James Fetzer of Madison, WI, and Chairman of the Oswald Innocence Campaign, revealed the names of five of those who appear to have been shooters, where he has identified the sixth separately:
(1) The first shot that hit, which struck Kennedy in the back, appears to have been fired from the top of the County Records Building by Dallas Deputy Sheriff Harry Weatherford. He used a 30.06 to fire a Mannlicher-Carcano (MC) bullet fitted with a plastic collar known as a sabot, which hit JFK 5.5″ below the shoulder just to the right of the spinal column. This was a shallow wound with no point of exit.

(2) Jack Lawrence, a U.S. Air Force expert, who had gone to work for the automobile dealership that provided vehicles for the presidential motorcade just a few days before the assassination, fired the shot that passed through the windshield and struck JFK in the throat from the south end of the Triple Underpass.

(3) Nestor “Tony” Izquierdo, an anti-Castro Cuban recruited by the CIA, fired the shot that hit JFK in the back of the head after the limousine was brought to a halt. He fired three shots with two misses using a Mannlicher-Carcano, which were the only unsilenced shots fired, from the Dal-Tex Building, which housed a uranium mining corporation, Dallas Uranium and Oil, that was a CIA front.

(4) Roscoe White, a Dallas police officer with ties to the CIA, fired from the grassy knoll adjoining the motorcade route, but seems to have “pulled his shot,” Fetzer said, “because it would have hit Jackie, so his shot went into the grass.”  His son subsequently discovered his diary, but gave it to the FBI and it has not been seen since.

(5) Malcolm “Mac” Wallace, who shot from the Dallas Book Depository, may have murdered a dozen people for Lyndon B. Johnson. “Mac” appears to have fired from the west side of the book depository at Texas Governor John Connally in the mistaken belief he was Sen. Ralph Yarborough, whom LBJ despised. Wallace’s fingerprint was found on one of the boxes in the “assassin’s lair” in the book depository from which Oswald allegedly fired.

(6) Frank Sturgis, later complicit in the Watergate robbery, who also appears to have been connected to the CIA, is said by Fetzer to have fired from the north end of the Triple Underpass the shot that entered Kennedy’s right temple. Sturgis is known to have ties to Meyer Lansky, a notorious crime syndicate kingpin, and confessed his role to a New York City Gold Shield Detective when he was arrested attempting to kill Marita Lorenz.

In his interview with the Santa Barbara “Independent,” Fetzer said “there were shooters at six different locations,” with a total of up to 10 shots fired, three of which missed. He asserted JFK was hit four different times: in the back from behind, in the throat from in front, and twice in the head after the driver had brought the car to a halt to make sure he would be killed. Another shot missed and injured bystander James Tague, while “one or more shots hit Connally.”

By contrast, the Warren Commission concluded that a single bullet struck Kennedy in the back, exited through his throat and then wounded Connelly. Fetzer explained that the “magic bullet” theory propounded by the Warren Commission is not only false but provably false and not even anatomically possible, because cervical vertebrae intervene.
Ruth Paine, who appears to have been working for the CIA, arranged for Oswald to go to work for at book depository “just weeks before the assassination, which was part of the whole project to set him up as a patsy,” Fetzer said. Right up to the time of the assassination, Oswald was a paid FBI informant, collecting $200 a month, which explains why his W-2 forms have never been released by the government.
As for the motivation to kill JFK, Fetzer noted that he was threatening to shatter the CIA into a thousand pieces, that the Joint Chiefs believed he was soft on communism, that the Mafia was unhappy because Attorney General Robert Kennedy was cracking down on organized crime, that he was going to abolish the FED and cut the oil depletion allowance.
Fetzer said Vice President Johnson, who had forced his way onto the ticket with JFK in Los Angeles in order to succeed him when he would be taken out, “was a pivotal player” facilitating the assassination. LBJ sent his chief administrative assistant, Cliff Carter, down to Dallas to make sure all the arrangements for the assassination were in place.  And his close friend, J. Edgar Hoover, used the FBI to cover it up.
Fetzer said further there where “more than 15 indications of Secret Service complicity in setting Kennedy up for the hit”: two agents assigned to the President’s limousine were left behind at Love Field; that JFK’s limousine, which should have been in the middle of the motorcade, was put first; that the motorcycle escort was reduced to four and instructed not to ride ahead of the limousine’s rear wheels; and after the first shots were fired, the driver pulled the limo to the left and stopped.
What’s more, Fetzer produced an AP photograph that appears to show Oswald standing in doorway of the book depository at the time JFK was shot. They may be compared with Oswald’s photograph taken later that afternoon in Dallas police headquarters. When questioned, Oswald told Dallas homicide detective Will Fritz that during the shooting he had been standing with Bill Shelley, one of his supervisors, in front of the building.

Note the missing left shoulder and the figure who is in front of and behind the man in the doorway at the same time, which are obvious indications the photo has been altered.  Facial features have been distorted, but the clothing is the key. “If you look at the height, weight, build, and the clothing he’s wearing—especially the highly unusual shirt and the t-shirt he has on—they correspond very closely to what Oswald was wearing when he was arrested,” Fetzer said.
For more proof that the man in the doorway (Doorman) was Lee Oswald, visit the Oswald Innocence Campaignon-line. While they altered features of Doorman’s face, the only other candidates for having been there were not wearing comparable clothing or did not fit the height, weight and build of the man in the doorway.  When you consider the totality of the evidence, no alternative explanation is reasonable.
In his Santa Barbara Independent interview, Fetzer said public opinion polls “have shown over the years that as much as 85 percent of the public has expressed disagreement with the Warren Commission and the lone assassin theory.” Fetzer elaborated on the points he made in great detail during his keynote address, “The Assassination of America”, for the Santa Barbara JFK conference that he organized and moderated, which is now available at
Fetzer is a former Marine Corps officer who earned his Ph.D. in the history and philosophy of science.  He has published 29 books, including three collections of studies by experts on different aspects of the assassination. Distinguished McKnight University Professor Emeritus at the University of Minnesota Duluth, he is also an editor for, and contributor to, Veterans Today.
Sherwood Ross is an award-winning reporter. He served in the U.S Air Force where he contributed to his base newspaper. He later worked for The Miami Herald and Chicago Daily News. He contributed a weekly column on working for a major wire service. He is also an editorial and book publicist. He currently resides in Florida.
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EPA Shuts Down Last Lead Smelter

Back Door Gun Control

EPA Shuts Down Last Lead Smelter
There are numerous alarming reasons why the US government and the military
have been buying up all the ammo. Here's one of them.
Obama and the EPA just shut down the last lead smelting plant in the US.

They raised the EPA regulations by 10 fold and it would have cost the plant
$100 million to comply. You can own all the guns you want, but if you can't
get ammo, you are out of luck.

Remember when Obama promised his minions that he was working on gun control
behind the scenes? Welcome to it. Now, all domestic mined lead ore will have
to be shipped overseas, refined and then shipped back to the US. Not only
will ammo now be even harder to come by, the demand and the process of
supply will cause the price to skyrocket even more.

And ponder this. there is an excellent chance that Obama will rig the market
to where all ammo has to be purchased from a government entity instituting
de facto ammo registration.

So much for the Second Amendment. There has not been a peep about this in
the major news outlets and it is done. With the US no longer producing lead,
all supplies will now have to come from China, Australia or Peru, with the
overwhelming emphasis on China. More redistribution of wealth; more economic
and liberty crippling of the US on tap.

The asshats at the EPA (evil protection agency) had this to say:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said the company "made a business
decision" to shut down the smelter instead of installing pollution control
technologies needed to reduce sulfur dioxide and lead emissions as required
by the Clean Air Act.

The Doe Run Co. announced last year that it had dropped plans to build a new
lead processing facility in Herculaneum that would have used a new, cleaner
lead production technology. The company cited the $100 million project as
too financially risky.

The EPA is playing Mafioso I guess - we didn't make them shut down, they
made a business decision. In other words, they couldn't pay the extortion,
so the thugs shut them down. I'm pretty sure that Americans are getting
ready to make their own business decision regarding the Marxists and I don't
think it will be pleasant. But Marxists will do or die and are doubling down
on the destruction of energy in America, our way of life and the

The smelting plant has known since 2010 this was coming. They couldn't stop
it and no one else rose up to stop it either. The business had been in
production for 120 years and now goes the way of our auto industry.

The military's obsession with ammo was related to security and supply. They
knew this was coming too, so they bought up all they could get before the
plug was pulled. Screw the average American.
It's as Chris Muir said, he's not as worried about where the bullets will
come from, as much as how the government will deliver them and I'm right
there with him on that one.

So, back door gun control is moving forward and while we are all distracted
with shiny stuff, our Second Amendment rights are just about gone. Obama is
one Marxist dictator who is savvy at political chess. He has flanked the
Second Amendment. Now it's our move.

Obama administration announces net loss of at least 5 million Insurance plans

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Obama administration announces net loss of at least 5 million Insurance plans
Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 30-Dec-2013 12:10:06

The White House used a Sunday morning statement to admit that only 1.1 million people have used the federal Obamacare website to sign up for the president’s healthcare network by Christmas Day.
News reports and advocacy websites say roughly 1 million people have enrolled with health-benefit companies via state websites, including 400,000 in California and 157,000 in New York, by the Dec. 24 deadline, which allows coverage starting Jan. 1.
The total reported signups are at least 3 million fewer than the 5 million people whose health-insurance policies were cancelled prior to Christmas by President Barack Obama’s ambitious tax-and-healthcare scheme.
The minus-3-million score is only partially offset by the extension of Medicaid coverage to perhaps 2 million other people, few of whom earn enough to afford commercial insurance.
Polls shows that a majority of the public has soured on Obamacare, partly because of Obama’s deceptive promise about the law’s terns. The voters’ negative reaction has hammered Obama’s polls below 40 percent, and is creating splits between the White House and the congressional Democrats who face election races in November 2014.
The plan is also expected to undergo more traumas in the New Year as more Americans react to the increased premiums and higher deductibles caused by Obamacare, by lower access to doctors and hospitals, and threats to the privacy of their data.
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