Monday, December 30, 2013

Putin Orders Saudi Arabia “Destroyed” After Volgograd Terror Strikes

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Sorcha Faal: Putin Orders Saudi Arabia “Destroyed” After Volgograd Terror Strikes
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 30-Dec-2013 18:16:27


A grim memorandum circulating in the Kremlin today written by Federal Security Services (FSB) Director Alexander Bortnikov outlining the new security measures being put into place throughout Russia ordered by President Putin a few hours ago in response to the deadly Volgograd terror attacks further warns that Russia’s leader has, in effect, vowed to “destroy” Saudi Arabia as he personally is blaming them for this horrific crime against humanity.
Of the terror attacks themselves, Russian Deputy Emergency Situations Minister Vladimir Stepanov is reporting to the Kremlin that the two Volgograd explosions have hurt 104 people, of which 32 were killed.
Volgograd (formerly known as Stalingrad) is located 650 kilometers (400 miles) from Sochi which is the site of the 2014 Winter Olympics, and the twin explosions hit a crowed trolleybus and train station.
This FSB memo reports that the trolleybus suicide bomber has been identified as Pavel Pechyonkin [photo 2nd left], born in the Mari El region and who joined resistance forces in 2012.
According to this FSB information, Pechyonkin, aged 32, is a former paramedic. In 2012, he joined the bandit underground, having left a note for his mother on his lap top computer. Pechyonkin has since communicated with his parents two or three times via the Internet.
Of particular concern about Pechyonkin for Putin, this memo continues, was this suicide bombers location this past year which the FSB confirms was in Islamic rebel held territories of Syria controlled and funded by Saudi Arabia.
Critical to note, and as we had reported on in our 27 August report Putin Orders Massive Strike Against Saudi Arabia If West Attacks Syria, Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan, this past August, secretly offered Russia a sweeping deal to control the global oil market and safeguard Russia’s gas contracts, if the Kremlin backs away from the Assad regime in Syria.
When Putin refused Prince Bander’s “offer,” however, and as reported by London’s Telegraph News Service, this Saudi Prince stated to Putin, “I can give you a guarantee to protect the Winter Olympics next year. The Chechen groups that threaten the security of the games are controlled by us.”
Barely over a fortnight ago, this FSB memo says, Prince Bandar, again, came to the Kremlin and in a secret meeting with Putin reiterated his threat to cause terror in Russia to which Putin suggested to the Saudis that they abandon “sectarian instigations and supporting terrorism, because it is a double edged sword that will rebound inside Saudi Arabia and gather momentum in a manner that you will not be able to control.”
Top political scientist Dr. Sergei Markov writing on the pro-Kremlin site stated earlier today too that, “The explosions are preparation for terrorist attacks on the Olympics and an attempt to provoke other countries to refuse to take part of the Sochi Olympic Games” and added about US Senator John McCain, “the Russian terrorists and radical opposition have found themselves in the same camp. That is no accident, they are all united by Russo phobia.”
Equally critical to note, and as we had, likewise, reported on in our 30 August report Saudis Go On Full Alert As Putin War Threat Stuns Muslim World, this FSB memo warns that Putin’s previous orders to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to prepare for a “massive military strike” against Saudi Arabia are still in effect.
This FSB memo further states that both Russia and Iran are outraged over Saudi Arabia’s latest “donation” of $3 billion to the Lebanese army (twice the national military budget of Lebanon) made by Saudi King Abdullah while the Volgograd attacks were occurring and described as “a bid to cover up its bloodstained hands in violence hitting the Middle East and beyond.”
To the fears of the Saudis themselves, FSB Director Bortnikov notes in his memo, was evidenced this past week by Ahmed al-Ibrahim, an adviser to some of Saudi Arabia's royals and officials, who stated: “The bond of trust between America and Saudi Arabia has been broken in the Obama years, we feel we have been stabbed in the back by Obama.”
And in his grim summation, Bortnikov notes that with Saudi Arabia now a “pariah nation” with both Russia and the US seeking retribution against them, Putin’s angry desire to see the Saudis totally destroyed is a wish that will, indeed, come true much sooner than later.
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A Miracle in Wisconsin

by Jon Rappoport
December 30, 2013

I published this article in October of 2002. At the time, it was the most widely read piece I'd written and posted on my site. Its basics still hold up.

What I didn't mention at the time was the corrosive role school-food distributors and their allies on boards of education play in the health of children.

These are the people who operate a corrupt system and mandate the feeding of toxic and nutritionally empty junk to students across the country.

One school took another path:

A revolution has occurred in Appleton, Wisconsin.. It's taken place in the Central Alternative High School. The kids now behave. The hallways aren't frantic. Even the teachers are happy.
The school used to be out of control. Kids packed weapons. Discipline problems swamped the principal's office.
But not since 1997.
What happened? Did they line every inch of space with cops? Did they spray Valium gas in the classrooms? Did they install metal detectors in the bathrooms? Did they build holding cells in the gym?
Afraid not. In 1997, a private group called Natural Ovens began installing a healthy lunch program.
Fast-food burgers, fries, and burritos gave way to fresh salads, meats "prepared with old-fashioned recipes," and whole grain bread. Fresh fruits were added to the menu. Good drinking water arrived.
Vending machines were removed.
As reported in a newsletter called Pure Facts, "Grades are up, truancy is no longer a problem, arguments are rare, and teachers are able to spend their time teaching."
Principal LuAnn Coenen, who files annual reports with the state of Wisconsin, has turned in some staggering figures since 1997. Drop-outs? Students expelled? Students discovered to be using drugs? Carrying weapons? Committing suicide? Every category has come up ZERO. Every year.
Mary Bruyette, a teacher, states, "I don't have to deal with daily discipline issues. I don't have disruptions in class or the difficulties with student behavior I experienced before we started the food program."
One student asserted, "Now that I can concentrate I think it's easier to get along with people." What a concept---eating healthier food increases concentration.
Principal Coenen sums it up: "I can't buy the argument that it's too costly for schools to provide good nutrition for their students. I found that one cost will reduce another. I don't have the vandalism. I don't have the litter. I don't have the need for high security."
At a nearby middle school, the new food program is catching on. A teacher there, Dennis Abram, reports, "I've taught here almost 30 years. I see the kids this year as calmer, easier to talk to. They just seem more rational. I had thought about retiring this year and basically I've decided to teach another year---I'm having too much fun!"
Pure Facts, the newsletter that ran this story, is published by a non-profit organization called The Feingold Association, which has existed since 1976. Part of its mission is to "generate public awareness of the potential role of foods and synthetic additives in behavior, learning and health problems. The [Feingold] program is based on a diet eliminating synthetic colors, synthetic flavors, and the preservatives BHA, BHT, and TBHQ."
Thirty years ago there was a Dr. Feingold. His breakthrough work proved the connection between these negative factors in food and the lives of children. Hailed as a revolutionary advance, Feingold's findings were soon trashed by the medical cartel, since those findings threatened the drugs-for-everything, disease-model concept of modern healthcare.
But Feingold's followers have kept his work alive.
If what happened in Appleton, Wisconsin, takes hold in many other communities across America, perhaps the ravenous corporations who invade school space with their vending machines and junk food will be tossed out on their behinds. It could happen.
And perhaps ADHD will become a dinosaur. A non-disease that was once attributed to errant brain chemistry. And perhaps Ritalin will be seen as just another toxic chemical that was added to the bodies of kids in a crazed attempt to put a lid on behavior that, in part, was the result of a subversion of the food supply.
For those readers who ask me about solutions to the problems we face---here is a real solution. Help these groups. Get involved. Step into the fray. Stand up and be counted.
The drug companies aren't going to do it. They're busy estimating the size of their potential markets. They're building their chemical pipelines into the minds and bodies of the young.
Every great revolution starts with a foothold. Sounds like Natural Ovens and The Feingold Association have made strong cuts into the big rock of ignorance and greed.
Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

 Use this link to order Jon's Matrix Collections: 

U.S Congress Assembles To Discuss Extraterrestrial Life

U.S Congress Assembles To Discuss Extraterrestrial Life


U.S Congress Assembles To Discuss Extraterrestrial Life
By Arjun Walia, published on December 13, 2013

Experts from NASA, MIT and the Library of Congress have recently testified in front of the United States Congress House Committee on Science, Space and Technology about the ‘high likelihood’ of life in our galaxy as well as neighboring ones.(1) The House Committee on Science, Space and Technology oversees the most prominent public science agencies, such as NASA, the National Weather Service and the National Science Foundation. According to the collective opinions of three of the country’s top space scientists, it may be microbiol, and it may also be intelligent extraterrestrial life. Whatever the case may be, it probably and most likely exists, according to these three participating experts:
  • Dr. Mary Voytex, a Senior Scientist for Astrobiology, Planetary Science  Division at NASA
  • Dr. Sara Seager, Professor of Physics and Planetary Science, MIT
  • Dr. Steven Dick, Baruch S. Blumberg Chair of Astrobiology, John W. Kluge Center, Library of Congress
When they were all asked by the committee if there is life out there, they all responded yes. Rep. Chris Stewart asked, “Let’s assume that we find life? What do we do then? How does that change things with us in the way that we view ourselves?” The discussion about intelligent extraterrestrial life continued even further, but the underlying conclusion of this hearing was the fact that extraterrestrial life definitely exists.
This isn’t the first time a congressional hearing has been arranged on this topic, in May of 2013 the Committee on Science, Space and Technology had a hearing on the recent discovery of three super-Earth sized planets by NASA’s Kepler space telescope.(2) Scientists today are estimating that the Milky Way Galaxy alone is host to 100 billion stars, and that our universe alone is thought to contain at least 100 billion galaxies.
The search for extraterrestrial life within the mainstream is definitely starting to gain attention. Bigelow Aerospace (BASS) Director of Operations, Mike Gold recently admitted that despite missing the hearing with regards to the three super Earth sized exoplanets, he knew they concluded that galaxies, and our galaxy are most probably “teeming with life, and that,this is what science is telling us.” When asked about UFOs, he said that, that was a separate division of BASS and he couldn’t comment on it.
Within the past year alone, we’ve had these two hearings take place. Another significant event that also generated a lot of mainstream media buzz was the congressional type citizens hearing on UFO disclosure. Several formercongress people participated, alongside several researchers, politicians and military personnel that testified to the existence of intelligent extraterrestrial life as well as Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs).
2013 was a pretty big year for questions regarding life on other planets. Although many are open to the idea about intelligent life on other planets, many are still unaware of the fact that the amount of evidence that’s available to the public which indicates we are not alone is incredible and vast. On the other hand, the amount of evidence that indicates there is no proof for this claim is very little.
I find it ironic how our mainstream world still participates in the search for extraterrestrial life when we’ve already found it, or they’ve already found us.
I’ve used this video in a lot of my articles, it’s just such a powerful statement and fits in with the article.
Apart from insiders and high ranking military and political personnel like Paul Hellyer, Canada’s former Minister of National Defense, O’Leary could be referring to many things. He could be referring to the documents released by dozens of governments worldwide that admit to having programs to study the UFO phenomenon, that they are tracked on radar, and seen by military pilots. He could be referring to his own personnel experience. One thing is for certain, the evidence out there is unbelievable, and it points in the direction of ‘yes, we are not alone.’
Arguments against the existence of known intelligent extraterrestrial life and UFOs have vanished, the only one that seems to remain is the lack of empirical data, the lack of personal experience. As far as research and documentation go, there is plenty of it.
Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance – Albert Einstein
The hearing ended with a discussion of how the UN already has protocols set in place if extraterrestrial intelligence is found, and to not keep secrets. It ended with the pondering of how that would be interesting, if some people knew and some people didn’t. (1)
The hearing also coincides with Obama’s recent appointment of Jon Podesta.(3) His newest adviser, who was quoted saying this:
I’m skeptical about many things, including the notion that government always knows best, and that the people can’t be trusted with the truth. The time to pull the curtain back on this subject is long overdue. Presenting the facts, the book includes statements from only the most credible sources — those in a position to know — about a fascinating phenomenon, the nature of which is yet to be determined.
It’s time to find out what the truth really is that’s out there. The American people — and people around the world — want to know, and they can handle the truth.


New TTP Header
Dear Patriot,
As we close out 2013, new revelations have come to light that demonstrate, more than ever, Barack Obama needs to be impeached.

Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was killed as a result of Obama's failed gun-running operation Fast and Furious. Now, an agent has sent shockwaves across the country with his statement that the Mexican bandits who killed Terry actually had ties to the FBI!


The Obama regime will now be more emboldened to attack your rights after a federal judge reversed the ruling of a different judge and ruled that the NSA spying on you was legal. His defense? September 11th attacks. As horrible as those attacks were, what does that have to do with legality? In fact, this judge all but proved the distinct possibility that he was bought and paid for by basically quoting the Obama regime's defense in his ruling.


As we enter 2014, Barack Obama would love for us to go away. In fact, he has already shown that he will inflict a Campaign of Pain upon the people when he doesn't get his way. John Boehner would love for us to go away. After all, by watching his moves and calling him out when he goes against constitutional principles, we threaten his cushy lifestyle and power. Karl Rove would love for us to go away. He needs us out of his way because we threaten the spineless, unprincipled RINO's that he often tries to thrust upon us.

But, we are not going anywhere.

We will continue to stand and call for the impeachment of Barack Obama and his removal from office. The left is so threatened by this possibility that they recently sent out an email detailing why Obama shouldn't be impeached. Let's keep them running scared!

We must keep up the pressure. But, we cannot do it without your help. Are you with us?

Sign the petition to IMPEACH Obama! The time is NOW!!

Thank you,
Jennifer Burke
National Outreach Director
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KUDO'S TO PUTIN! President Putin a few hours ago in response to the deadly Volgograd terror attacks further warns that Russia’s leader has, in effect, vowed to “destroy” Saudi Arabia

As Hillary Clinton herself once said, "Russia and China will pay a price for supporting Assad."


A grim memorandum circulating in the Kremlin today written by Federal Security Services (FSB) Director Alexander Bortnikov outlining the new security measures being put into place throughout Russia ordered by President Putin a few hours ago in response to the deadly Volgograd terror attacks further warns that Russia’s leader has, in effect, vowed to “destroy” Saudi Arabia as he personally is blaming them for this horrific crime against humanity.
Of the terror attacks themselves, Russian Deputy Emergency Situations Minister Vladimir Stepanov is reporting to the Kremlin that the two Volgograd explosions have hurt 104 people, of which 32 were killed.
Volgograd (formerly known as Stalingrad) is located 650 kilometers (400 miles) from Sochi which is the site of the 2014 Winter Olympics, and the twin explosions hit a crowed trolleybus and train station.
This FSB memo reports that the trolleybus suicide bomber has been identified as Pavel Pechyonkin [photo 2nd left], born in the Mari El region and who joined resistance forces in 2012.
According to this FSB information, Pechyonkin, aged 32, is a former paramedic. In 2012, he joined the bandit underground, having left a note for his mother on his lap top computer. Pechyonkin has since communicated with his parents two or three times via the Internet.
Of particular concern about Pechyonkin for Putin, this memo continues, was this suicide bombers location this past year which the FSB confirms was in Islamic rebel held territories of Syria controlled and funded by Saudi Arabia.
Critical to note, and as we had reported on in our 27 August report Putin Orders Massive Strike Against Saudi Arabia If West Attacks Syria, Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan, this past August, secretly offered Russia a sweeping deal to control the global oil market and safeguard Russia’s gas contracts, if the Kremlin backs away from the Assad regime in Syria.
When Putin refused Prince Bander’s “offer,” however, and as reported by London’s Telegraph News Service, this Saudi Prince stated to Putin, “I can give you a guarantee to protect the Winter Olympics next year. The Chechen groups that threaten the security of the games are controlled by us.”
Barely over a fortnight ago, this FSB memo says, Prince Bandar, again, came to the Kremlin and in a secret meeting with Putin reiterated his threat to cause terror in Russia to which Putin suggested to the Saudis that they abandon “sectarian instigations and supporting terrorism, because it is a double edged sword that will rebound inside Saudi Arabia and gather momentum in a manner that you will not be able to control.”
Top political scientist Dr. Sergei Markov writing on the pro-Kremlin site stated earlier today too that, “The explosions are preparation for terrorist attacks on the Olympics and an attempt to provoke other countries to refuse to take part of the Sochi Olympic Games” and added about US Senator John McCain, “the Russian terrorists and radical opposition have found themselves in the same camp. That is no accident, they are all united by Russo phobia.”
Equally critical to note, and as we had, likewise, reported on in our 30 August report Saudis Go On Full Alert As Putin War Threat Stuns Muslim World, this FSB memo warns that Putin’s previous orders to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to prepare for a “massive military strike” against Saudi Arabia are still in effect.
This FSB memo further states that both Russia and Iran are outraged over Saudi Arabia’s latest “donation” of $3 billion to the Lebanese army (twice the national military budget of Lebanon) made by Saudi King Abdullah while the Volgograd attacks were occurring and described as “a bid to cover up its bloodstained hands in violence hitting the Middle East and beyond.”
To the fears of the Saudis themselves, FSB Director Bortnikov notes in his memo, was evidenced this past week by Ahmed al-Ibrahim, an adviser to some of Saudi Arabia's royals and officials, who stated: “The bond of trust between America and Saudi Arabia has been broken in the Obama years, we feel we have been stabbed in the back by Obama.”
And in his grim summation, Bortnikov notes that with Saudi Arabia now a “pariah nation” with both Russia and the US seeking retribution against them, Putin’s angry desire to see the Saudis totally destroyed is a wish that will, indeed, come true much sooner than later.

NY Times: Bombings Jolt Russia, Raising Olympic Fears
The explosion struck the main station in Volgograd, raising the specter of terrorism ahead of the Winter Olympics.

In Issue 28 of The Anti-New York Times, Wednesday, December 18, 2013, recall the chilling warning we issued:
"We would like to take this opportunity to go on record, and state that any terrorist attack at Sochi (Russia's Olympic Games) will be the work of the CIA-Saudi alliance, using Chechen "rebels" as their front. Let's hope that doesn't happen."

 We knew these murderous bombings were the price Russia would pay for stopping the war against Syria (and Iran) that almost kicked off this past summer. As Hillary Clinton herself once said, "Russia and China will pay a price for supporting Assad."

Again, we hope to be proven wrong, but we know these demonic bastards and their method of operation all too well. We fear that the worst is yet to come for Nationalist Russia. This is a very dangerous game that is being played by the US-Israel-Saudi Axis.

Pray for Russia. Pray for the world.

Saudi Intelligence chief Bandar bin Sultan (above with President Bush) controls radical terrorist cells.

In Divine Order ("Thy will be done") NESARA Announcement... Everyday Draws Us Nearer

In Divine Order ("Thy will be done") NESARA Announcement... Everyday Draws Us Nearer

Bestowed Blessings Through Creator Upon Planet Earth (Gaia)

I realized that the deepest spiritual lessons are not learned by His letting us have our way in the end, but by His making us wait, bearing with us in love and patience until we are able to honestly pray what He taught His disciples to pray: "Thy will be done."

Love, Light, Heart-Felt Gratitude, Appreciation, and Blessings to:
All "White Hats" (surface) of the "Light" 
All "Positive" Military (surface) of the "Light"
All Galactic Brethren (above earth) of the "Light" 
All Agartha Brethren (inner earth) of the "Light" 
All "Light-worker Brethren (surface) of the "Light" 

Worldwide Coverage of Mass Arrest through all media forms; Television; Radio, Internet, etc. 
Worldwide Public Announcement of NESARA, which includes all Countries of the World, that will "Formally Usher" in "The Golden Age"
NESARA "Restores" Republic Worldwide, returns "Sovereignty" to all People Worldwide.
Public Announcement of "Release" of "Prosperity Programs
Worldwide Public Announcement of "Revaluation of all World's currencies - RV, all currencies will be backed by precious metals and or commodities.
Public Announcement of "Release" of many, many suppressed advance technologies, including "Free Energy."
Public Announcement of "Forgiveness of all Debt" including; Mortgage Debt, Credit Card Debt, Car Loans Debt, Student Loan Debt, and much, much more.

Those blessed with knowing the when, where, and how all will take place, are sworn to secrecy, cannot and will not disclose.

Please utilize great discernment with all those claiming otherwise.

National Economic Security and Reformation Act, aka, NESARA, would provide immediate relief through: forgiveness of credit card and mortgage debt as remedy for bank and government frauds; abolishes the IRS; creates flat rate non-essential "new items only" sales tax; initiates U.S. Treasury Bank system, which would absorb the Federal Reserve; restores Constitutional law; requires resignations of current administration to be replaced by constitutionally acceptable NESARA president and vice president; requires the NESARA president designate to declare "peace", and ends U.S. aggressive military actions immediately.

We on the surface (planet earth - Gaia) have much to be grateful of and grateful for, let us raise our vibrations ("Light”) to unite all "Light." 

Don't "believe" a word I say here… please do your own search, re-search…"Seek and Ye Shall Find."

Peace, Blessings of Love, Good Health, Joy, Happiness and Prosperity to You and Yours.

Your Brethren in "Light"   

Unbelievable Video!

Sun has 'flipped upside down' as new magnetic cycle begins

To: "V.K.Durham"
Sent: Monday, December 30, 2013 7:34:58 PM

Video: Sun has 'flipped upside down' as new magnetic cycle begins

Video: Michael Tellinger - Free Energy - Sound Levitation - Ancient Technology & UBUNTU

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Video: Michael Tellinger - Free Energy - Sound Levitation - Ancient Technology & UBUNTU
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 30-Dec-2013 17:50:39

Michael Tellinger - Ancient Technology & UBUNTU
Published on Oct 10, 2013 By Michael Tellinger
A presentation by Michael Tellinger at the 2012 Breakthough Energy Conference (BEM) in Hilversum, Holland. Michael presents his research on the origins of humankind, ancient civilisations and their advanced technology - using sound as the source of energy.
He also shows the origins of money and royal bloodlines and points out how this information allows us to identify the common denominators of our enslavement as a species and what we can do about it.
He presents the philosophy of UBUNTU Contributionism - A world without money - A Blueprint For Human Prosperity: Which is the title of his new book.

Back Door?? NSA Sez "I Don't Need No Stinkin' Back Door"

Back Door?? NSA Sez "I Don't Need No Stinkin' Back Door" .
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Monday, 30-Dec-2013 10:31:00
Latest Revelations revealed a 50 page "catalog" of sniffing components and techniques in current use by the /nsa and others.
Among the new revelations are that items such as replacement hard drives and usb gizmos purchased at office depot and Walmart can (and probably do) contain code designed to open up your secrets to agents of the "Fatherland", as well as "innocuous" companies who stand to benefit marketing wise to your habits.
While the world may have become habituated to (and perhaps revels in, thank you social media exhibitionist culture) the fact that the NSA is watching anyone and everyone, intercepting, recording, and hacking every electronic exchange regardless if it involves foreign "terrorists" or US housewives, the discoveries from the Snowden whistleblowing campaign continue. The latest revelation from the biggest wholesale spying scandal since Nixon, exposed by Germany's Spiegel which continues the strategy of revealing Snowden leaks on a staggered, delayed basis, involves a back door access-focused NSA division called ANT, (which supposedly stands for Access Network Technology), described by Spiegel as "master carpenters" for the NSA's TAO (Tailored Access Operations, read more about TAO here). The ANT people have "burrowed into nearly all the security architecture made by the major players in the industry -- including American global market leader Cisco and its Chinese competitor Huawei, but also producers of mass-market goods, such as US computer-maker Dell." More importantly, thanks to Spiegel (and Snowden of course), the NSA's 50-page catalog of "backdoor penetration" techniques has been revealed.
The details of how the NSA can surmount any "erected" walls, via Spiegel:
These NSA agents, who specialize in secret back doors, are able to keep an eye on all levels of our digital lives -- from computing centers to individual computers, from laptops to mobile phones. For nearly every lock, ANT seems to have a key in its toolbox. And no matter what walls companies erect, the NSA's specialists seem already to have gotten past them.
This, at least, is the impression gained from flipping through the 50-page document. The list reads like a mail-order catalog, one from which other NSA employees can order technologies from the ANT division for tapping their targets' data. The catalog even lists the prices for these electronic break-in tools, with costs ranging from free to $250,000.
Nothing quite like an extensive, taxpayer funded catalog listing back-door entry strategy imaginable. Say you wanted to have some backdoor fun with Juniper Networks, the world's second largest network equipment manufacturer (which claims the performance of the company's special computers is "unmatched" and their firewalls are the "best-in-class.")
In the case of Juniper, the name of this particular digital lock pick is "FEEDTROUGH." This malware burrows into Juniper firewalls and makes it possible to smuggle other NSA programs into mainframe computers. Thanks to FEEDTROUGH, these implants can, by design, even survive "across reboots and software upgrades." In this way, US government spies can secure themselves a permanent presence in computer networks. The catalog states that FEEDTROUGH "has been deployed on many target platforms."
It gets better, because when simple penetration is not enough, the NSA adds "implants."
In cases where TAO's usual hacking and data-skimming methods don't suffice, ANT workers step in with their special tools, penetrating networking equipment, monitoring mobile phones and computers and diverting or even modifying data. Such "implants," as they are referred to in NSA parlance, have played a considerable role in the intelligence agency's ability to establish a global covert network that operates alongside the Internet.
So what exactly is to be found in the 50-page catalog?
Some of the equipment available is quite inexpensive. A rigged monitor cable that allows "TAO personnel to see what is displayed on the targeted monitor," for example, is available for just $30. But an "active GSM base station" -- a tool that makes it possible to mimic a mobile phone tower and thus monitor cell phones -- costs a full $40,000. Computer bugging devices disguised as normal USB plugs, capable of sending and receiving data via radio undetected, are available in packs of 50 for over $1 million.
The ANT division doesn't just manufacture surveillance hardware. It also develops software for special tasks. The ANT developers have a clear preference for planting their malicious code in so-called BIOS, software located on a computer's motherboard that is the first thing to load when a computer is turned on.
This has a number of valuable advantages: an infected PC or server appears to be functioning normally, so the infection remains invisible to virus protection and other security programs. And even if the hard drive of an infected computer has been completely erased and a new operating system is installed, the ANT malware can continue to function and ensures that new spyware can once again be loaded onto what is presumed to be a clean computer. The ANT developers call this "Persistence" and believe this approach has provided them with the possibility of permanent access.
Another program attacks the firmware in hard drives manufactured by Western Digital, Seagate, Maxtor and Samsung, all of which, with the exception of latter, are American companies. Here, too, it appears the US intelligence agency is compromising the technology and products of American companies.
Other ANT programs target Internet routers meant for professional use or hardware firewalls intended to protect company networks from online attacks. Many digital attack weapons are "remotely installable" -- in other words, over the Internet. Others require a direct attack on an end-user device -- an "interdiction," as it is known in NSA jargon -- in order to install malware or bugging equipment.
The conclusion here is an easy one, and one we have repeated ever since before the Snowden revelations: Big Brother is bigger and badder than ever, he knows exactly what you've been doing, and the second the NSA wants to nuke your computer out of orbit and/or destroy your digital life, it can do so in a millisecond. What is more amusing is that with each passing disclosure, it is increasingly clear that the NSA has gotten its inspiration for its dealings with the US public from a Danielle Steel book at best, or a Vivid Video bootlegged tape at worst.

One Pissed Off American AGAIN

One Pissed Off American AGAIN

RV is when? Oh, OK, we wait on them again!
OK, are we getting played again and again and again! The “o” factor said he would never RV while he is in office. The “o” factor continued to say he would never release the “Fines & Penalties” and Bank/Farm claims while he is in office. So far this is the only thing he has not lied about!
This just pisses me off because the RV rebuilds our country and Bank/Farm Claims supports going to Gold Backed currency - US Treasury that is based on assets, a Constitution from circa 1789 not this bullshit of Eisenhower 1950 Republic which is nothing other than a Military Industrial Complex version. This also gets the Fed off our land and kicks out the IRS. No more income tax which is illegal anyways!
Once again, all the Vets are getting screwed, yep, no RV, no jobs, no special help and continue to screw with my families health and support for all the time they spent in the Military defending the US from all those “Supposed” bad people. Now they screwing all the Farmers both current and past while they continue to not release the Bank/Farm claims. Just firkin dandy!!
Hey did you like the latest, congress is looking at reducing Vets pensions and it was reported on Fox. Oh, they said because they can get their groceries at the military commissaries. Wow, when the Administration shut down, they shut down over 125+ commissaries. Guess what, when the administration came back on line, they forgot to restore those 125+ commissaries. Nice job “O” factor, you screwed the Vets once again!
I have been told no RV until after the 1st of the year now. Amazing, just amazing! Why you ask? Because the bankers are on holiday, Pentagon does not want to work during the holidays and the current Executive branch only wants to spend our money for their personal pleasure and screw the working class of people. Since he suffered so much as a child, he gets his rocks off by making everyone else suffer, that makes him feel better! And he loves to constantly tear down the US to make it a fourth world county so he can declare martial law and become Dictator and screw us even more. What the hell Pentagon, why put up this crap!
The rumors are flying like purple PIGS fly. Oh, The Admiral has gone in – YEA! Oh no, not once, not twice but three times thanks to all the work by the Pentagon and “CL”. Let me tell you, it is all bullshit once again. The NSA Pinocchio’s are at it again with their lies spreading. Do you know they feed information to the “GURU’s” to tell the sheepals so they stay calm?
Here is another funny one, some guru name Anthony or Tony or something like that … he is the cause for lowering the rate per the UST. Now that is funny. You want to ask this GURU whom his inside source is … ah, UST maybe. Why, “O” factor only will RV if they give off contract rates to the sheepals which gives “O” factor 30 bucks more … nice! Who is greedy now!!! I guess the old saying works, Figures don’t lie, but liars figure!
Those girly boys in 5 sided building in the foreign owned and operated country of District Columbia are just like those stealing, lying, thieving bastards of Congress / Executive branch. Did you know that the world looks at our “Administration” as the biggest liars in the history of the world? Isn’t that funny! They “Pentagon Brass-ohs” are traders to this country, to the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights and their oath of duty. Matter of fact, those skirt wearing hairy legged girly boys are not worth a dime let alone a nickel!
Those Pentagon offices have become politicians, so lying is their game. Just ask a politician, what is your mottle? Well, we tell those who voted for us, isn’t that a joke, we tell them first a LYE, if that does not work, then we tell them WHAT THEY WANT TO HERE, usually works. But occasional, we have to be creative and tell a combination because the last thing we want to do is TELL THE TRUTH. Welcome Pentagon officers to Politics. You know what if funny, there was a little house cleaning in Russia a while back, some of those Generals who don’t do their job are not driving taxi cabs. Maybe, take the top brass-ohs and put them in taxi cabs and see if they want to uphold their duties.
It has been proven by their actions, “O” factor, Pentagon Brass-ohs, do not care for the Vets, Farmers and us People, it is time to get rid of the Administration including those lying officers in the Pentagon for the restoration Republic and get these finances released to the people who will rebuild this country and take care of the vets.
One Pissed off American that had enough, again.



Date: Monday December 30th, 2013
Time: 8pm Eastern / 7pm Central / 5pm Pacific

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Presenters: Matt Harris, and The IRS Consultant

Conference Call Number: (559) 726-1300 Access Code: 848033#


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Kabal Attempts To Intimidate Putin and Spark More Conflict

Kabal Attempts To Intimidate Putin and Spark More Conflict
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 30-Dec-2013 09:18:00

The Kabal's propaganda centers are alive today with the 'big story' of 'Chechnyan Rebels'- (yet another faction of the US invention - born, bred, and funded, al-CIA-duh terrorist network) taking credit for blowing up train stations in Russia, and disrupting the 'Olympic Games'.
Complete with fake Osama beards on CIA agents, and photos of 'Chechnyan bad guys' parroted across the MK Ultra mind control idiot boxes worldwide.
When kabal puppet Senator Lindsey Graham threatened to nuke the Carolina's, psychopath Graham's blackmail attempt was thwarted by American generals, who were then relieved of duty by psychopath and Kabal puppet Obama, for interrupting the terrorist Kabal's plans for further false-flag destruction and mayhem on US soil.
When the demented psychopath - kabal puppet, and 9-11 co-conspirator with partner Israel - Saudi prince Bandar Bush - threatened Putin with 'unleashing the fury of Chechnyan Rebels', if Putin refused to co-operate with Kabal factions in destroying Syria, psychopath prince Bandar Bush's attempts were apparently successful - to a point.
This leaves Putin with two choices.
Putin can continue to be intimidated by US backed Kabal-al-CIA-duh - ' Chechnyan Rebels' - Bandar Bush regime - and give in to their blackmail bombings and murder of the Russian people.
Or - Putin can move swiftly and distinctly by turning Saudi into a sea of glass.


Subject: PUT THIS ON NOW!!!!


Intel Guru TNT Tony ---- If this be true, Where is it??

If this be true, Where is it??????????????
12-30-2013  Intel Guru TNT Tony   There are contracts that end today/tomorrow and also that end on Jan. 1st and 2nd and have to be paid at the new rate. Some have already been paid at new rate.  The bonds did sell at $3.71. I got confirmation of that.   There is nothing technical  stopping it, nothing political, none of that holding it back.   It's here in USA where it's been held up for the last week, but now they're saying over weekend they released it.  Something could happen today, tonight, tomorrow, at any moment.