Wednesday, January 29, 2014

TNT Call 29-Jan-2014

TNT Call 29-Jan-2014

Tony: Good morning, TNT!  It is January the 29th, 2014, according to Pam.  Whoever thought we would be here today?!

A couple fo things I did this morning.  This call will be a little different, almost back to where we want to be.  I send you all a copy of the Sacramento Bee this morning.  Retweet or put out your own message – right now.  They are in a meeting at this moment,, and there should be an announcement in an hour, after the meeting. I want to send a message right now.

I always want to support my government and country, and there may be a reasons behind all this delay, but I don’t know.  I sent you a link so that we can talk to the government directly later today.  It’s not time to go fully public yet.  I'm hearing a lot of good stuff today from a lot of different sources.  The whole world may change today, if they live up to the hype.

There should be three rates hitting the street today:  the international rate, the US rate, and the contract rate.  Let’s see what those are, and which is the best for you.  Things are looking good for us to get through this process by Friday, hopefully today, and if not we will carry on with what we do.  It’s only another couple of hours, and then we’ll see.

We have been hearing there is something on CNBC announcing currency revaluations this afternoon.  They expected it on Sunday, like we did, and announced it again an hour ago, that they are expecting currency revaluations later today.  We’ll see if that is true.

It’s going to be a short call.  I hope everybody is ready with your ten next things to do.  WE have a lot of new people who didn’t go through the process to date.  So if we could bring up those ten things that should be done and what to do when we go to the bank, how we should help people set up their accounts and such.  Dress professionally when you go to the bank as they will not help you if you’re not dressed appropriately.   They have the option of who they choose to do business with, so be careful.  There will be security, obvious and not. Let’s help everyone out.

DC:  I congratulate everyone on the Twitter and calls – that is really making a difference from what we hear.  Congrats for taking things into your own hands!

Tony:  Let’s take a few Q&A, and then go over what people should be doing.

JPMorgan Loses 44% of Gold Inventories in 4 Days!

JPMorgan Loses 44% of Gold Inventories in 4 Days!

January 29, 2014 B
 another stunning withdrawal, JP Morgan had  an additional 321,500 oz  gold ounces removed from its vaults today.
Since last Thursday, JP Morgan has lost 44% (20 metric tons = 643,000 oz) of its gold inventories.
If a picture is worth a thousand words, then the table below is worth over $400 million (at current market prices):

From the SRSRocco Report:

Here is the Comex inventory table for last Thursday:
Comex Gold Inventories 12414

Check out these similar articles:
  1. 30% of CNT Silver Inventories Withdrawn from COMEX Vaults in 2 Days!
  4. Is JP Morgan Getting Nervous about its Silver Inventories?



Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2014 3:18 AM

To: Randy Ziesenis
Subject: RV & Reno

The amount placed into the account at CE is either old FED dollars or new T bills.
Still a lot of unknowns how it is going to work?
Remember NIB is for people with large amounts that will have to pay tax on earned income from IB act.
You are going to cash out and take you funds to credit union or other small town bank.
So interest tax for a couple days no big deal

Confirming that Reno set to go forward with RV. Early today two more plane loads of Chinese officials arrived in Reno. Also Christine Legard IMF flying into Reno from Davos, Switzerland. Our guy expecting "the call" any minute! Reports all indicate RV IS happening .????

Eagle1:the GCR actually did begin its process on Sunday, a process specifically sanctioned and implemented with the cooperation and help of the IMF. Two of the major currencies that we've been watching -- namely, the IQD and the VND -- were among the first to revalue.

Eagle1: Sure enough, even though we had seen a total of 104 currencies finish the revaluing process by Monday night, it was made abundantly clear that we would not get to see the new rates until the process completed. With 104 currencies having finished the process, that left 94 yet to go. I do not know what time the actual process began, but what has been said is that the IMF gave a 72-hour window for all 198 currencies to undergo the process of change, after which the new rates would be released to the world.


Knowing that many might be interested in the above report, forwarding it on. Time will show whether this is correct or not!

     Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for that independent economist waiting to see what happens, how Wash., D.C. handles it under Obama, and what effect it will have on the American economy!)

P.S. My Omnibus Civil Rights Act For America (short name called Omni Law as different from Dr. Henderson Omni-Law which some seem to get confused over is posted on my website and also listed in the search engine at the top of Nesara News. Put in Omni Law- Erasmus Of America to see my proposed constitutional amendment. Once passed, you have heavy legal protection for any RV exchanges you might have. Also, then Obamacare cannot walk in and clean out your bank account and without court order as reported legal powers granted under it to Obama and those working under him. Obamacare reported cleans out all legal rights under the U.S. Bill of Rights and leaves you with a total federal police state under Obama. The members of Congress never read this bill they voted for as it was massive and no one wanted to know what was in it. Better not take advice of Obama last night in State of the Union message to not reform Obamacare. Slick speech but full of holes in what it claimed to stand for and misrepresented reality such as "Global Warming" "proven scientific fact." In a poll of scientists some time back, think it was over 30,000 who said they did not believe in "Global Warming" and a few hundred who said they did. By coincidence, these were federal scientists whose jobs depended on supporting the federal propaganda position or else they lost their federal jobs!)


"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
-- Thomas Jefferson
 Fortunately in the world of modern communication, the real truth can ultimately be brought to light.  Sad�������..

Cynthia Lee Meyers -
You need to read this true account of what happened to our Ambassador Stevens and the other 3 who died. If this doesn't make you mad...............Cynthia Lee Myers Wanted to share the truth of what happened over in Libya, you will not find this in the media yet but it aired on FNC.....please read....
 "Here is my story. A week out the Embassy in Tripoli began receiving multiple tips about an Al Queda cell in the area planning an attack on 9/11 in response to to the killing of Bin Laden.  For the next several days, the state dept and WH were asked for a security force and were denied at least six times. Ambassador Stevens and his team were given the all clear that the Consulate in Benghazi was safe and there was no need for a security force other than his three personal guards (One being my cousin) and a few Libyans who were not armed.
 Then the attack and murders occurred. Immediately the WH claimed it was a protest gone bad over a you tube video. Obama made a quick speech in the Rose Garden on Sept.12 before catching a plane to Vegas to campaign.  He made a generic statement at the end of his speech after placing the blame on an overheated protest over the video. He said "No act of terror will shake the resolve of America.  Later that day and over the next 2 days, the liberal media began saying Ambassador Stevens and the other three men died of smoke inhalation. This was not the case.
              Out of respect for my cousin, I'm not going to be  specific about his murder. However Ambassador Stevens was brutally murdered. His genitals were cut off, he was sodomized and beaten and cut and stabbed and burned.  He was drug thru the streets and left for dead.
 This is an eyewitness testimony of a local Dr. who found the Ambassador in a ditch and tried to save his life. He had no idea who he was. The other three men, including my cousin, met similar fates. And deaths due to smoke inhalation is a 100% fabricated LIE.
 The next week I drove my aunt and Uncle and 2 others to DC to receive his body. We met with Hillary, Panetta, and Susan Rice. ALL of whom apologized and said it was a protest gone bad over a video and exited the area. Next Obama entered with the same story and didn't apologize and wasn't sympathetic.  My aunt cried to this man and all he did was hand her flowers and walk away.  I tried to get his attention, but didn't. I got upset and yelled liar to him, he kept walking. Then a secret service agent grabbed my arm and led me to a room where I was held till the proceedings were over.
 America, I saw firsthand how cold this man is. What kind of liar he is.  Most of you haven't a clue about this tyrant and yet you support him. And act like every word he says is Gospel. These murders and the fast and furious cover ups make water gate look like, a kid who told his bff's secret to the class.
The stunning part of this story is that Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty killed 60 of the attacking force. Once the compound was overrun,  the attackers were incensed to discover that just two men had inflicted so much death and destruction.
 The news has been full of the attacks on our embassies throughout the Muslim world, and in particular, the deaths of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others in Benghazi, Libya. However, there's a little known story of incredible bravery, heroics, and courage that should be the top story.
 So what actually happened at the U.S. embassy in Libya? We are learning more about this every day. Ambassador Stevens and Foreign Service officer Sean Smith, along with administrative staff, were working out of temporary quarters due to the fact that in the spring of 2011 during the so-called Arab Spring, the United States cut ties with then president Moammar Gadhafi.
 Our embassy was looted and ransacked, causing it to be unusable.  It is still in a state of disrepair.
Security for embassies and their personnel is to be provided by the host nation. Since Libya has gone through a civil war of sorts in the past 18 months, the current government is very unstable, and therefore, unreliable.
 A well-organized attack by radical Muslims was planned specifically targeting the temporary U.S. embassy building. The Libyan security force that was in place to protect our people deserted their post, or joined the attacking force. Either way, our people were in a real fix.  And it should be noted that Ambassador Stevens had mentioned on more than one occasion to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, that he was quite concerned for his personal safety and the welfare of his people.  It is thought that Ambassador Stevens was on a "hit list".
 A short distance from the American compound, two Americans were sleeping. They were in Libya as independent contractors working an assignment totally unrelated to our embassy. They also happened to be former Navy Seals.
 When they heard the noise coming from the attack on our embassy, as you would expect from highly trained warriors, they ran to the fight.
Apparently, they had no weapons, but seeing the Libyan guards dropping their guns in their haste in fleeing the scene, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty snatched up several of these discarded weapons and prepared to defend the American compound.
Not knowing exactly what was taking place, the two Seals set up a defensive perimeter. Unfortunately Ambassador Stevens was already gravely injured, and Foreign Service officer, Sean Smith, was dead.
However, due to their quick action and suppressive fire, twenty administrative personnel in the embassy were able to escape to safety.
Eventually, these two courageous men were overwhelmed by the sheer numbers brought against them, an enemy force numbering between 100 to 200 attackers which came in two waves. But the stunning part of the story is that Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty killed 60 of the attacking force. Once the compound was overrun, the attackers were incensed to discover that just two men had inflicted so much death and destruction.
 As it became apparent to these selfless heroes, they were definitely going to lose their lives unless some reinforcements showed up in a hurry. As we know now, that was not to be. I'm fairly certain they knew they were going to die in this gun fight, but not before they took a whole lot of bad guys with them!
Consider these tenets of the Navy SEAL Code:
1) Loyalty to Country, Team and Teammate,
2) Serve with Honor and Integrity On and Off the Battlefield,
3) Ready to Lead, Ready to Follow, Never Quit,
4) Take responsibility for your actions and the actions of your
5) Excel as Warriors through Discipline and Innovation,
6) Train for War, Fight to Win, Defeat our Nation's Enemies, and...
7) Earn your Trident every day
Thank you, Tyrone and Glen. To the very last breath, you both lived up to the SEAL Code. You served all of us well. You were courageous in the face of certain death.
And Tyrone, even though you never got to hold your newborn son,  he will grow up knowing the character and quality of his father, a man among men who sacrificed himself defending others.
Dr. Charles R. Roots
Senior Pastor
Former Staff Sergeant,
USMC Captain,
U. S. Navy Chaplain Corps (Ret.)
This should be passed on and on and on.
NO TRUE AMERICAN WOULD OBJECT TO RECEIVING THIS MORE THAN ONCE ... SO PASS IT ON  And Let us never forget Hillary Clinton's Comment "What Difference Does It Make?"
And she wants to be our next president!

Chapter E Dallas, TX
"Life without God is like an unsharpened pencil - it has no point."

More info from Dr. Henderson's Associate, Shelley Bolling to Karen Hudes (World Bank Whistleblower)

More info from Dr. Henderson's Associate, Shelley Bolling to Karen Hudes (World Bank Whistleblower)

From: shelley bolling
To: Karen hudes

Karen,  It’s Shelley Bolling working with Dr. Hendo Henderson.  The rule of law that these 196 nations have signed off on is Omni Law, which for the US takes us back to our original organic Constitution.  Yes, the Vatican is not in charge and never will be.  We were the ones working with the International Criminal Court of Justice who tried the Pope and Queen of England last October on human sex trafficking and global financial terrorism, of which they were found guilty on all charges as you well know.  The Vatican is being dismantled, and Elizabeth has been dethroned, although to look through the eyes of the main stream media you wouldn’t necessarily know that.  It was because of this case that Pope Benedict stepped down, and that Pope Francis has not moved into the Papal apartments.  The Vatican is not counted as one of the 196 nations.

 Yes, there will be no release of funds without full accountability.  There is complete accountability, as the Executor, Dr. Henderson and the Fiduciaries, have filed all legal and accounting paperwork with the World Court on down to the local levels with all 196 nations.  Dr. Henderson was the one who wrote Omni Law and took it to the World Court in 1983 to be filed.  It passed the test of time without any objections and officially became law in 1998, because Dr. said they would go beyond the 7 year statute to 15 years without objection.

 I know I’m just a lay person trying to explain to an attorney what we have accomplished, but we do have many attorneys, accountants, scribes, fiduciaries, custodians and stewards making sure everything is filed and processed according to the rule of law and responsible accounting procedures.  I have copies of the main documents and as Dr. Henderson allows me to, I will forward these to you at the appropriate time. 

I can’t imagine the harassment you have gotten from so many people and the MSM, but know that we are very thankful for what you are doing, as it dovetails beautifully into what we are doing.  We are actually working together, although on different sides of the largest project ever for mankind.  I know that as you get to know us, you will feel much more comfortable about what we are doing.  I certainly respect you being cautious as we are as well.  However, the works of your hands that we have seen, have proven to us that you are a woman of integrity and with a heart for the truth.  Please allow us the same courtesy as you will see going forward that the works of our hands will prove our integrity and heart to you.

 Best regards,

Shelley Bolling
Sovereign Civil Peoples Rights



Visit stage2omega at:

New Transformation Is Coming Blog --- Check It Out!

Hello there John:

I am a fellow truther and I have started a new blog to help those people trying to wake up others. Hope this finds you well and you can share it on your site.




For those who think I am nuts because I have been issuing warnings about the pending Super Bowl game - read below ....................... Try on the following CONFIRMATIONS for size compared to the "State of the Union' speech by traitor bozo last night
The Treason Bowl February 2, 2014 at the Meadowlands Sports Complex
For reasons soon to be obvious to you, I will not introduce myself nor any of the others who have contributed to this notification. We have been involved with the construction and operation of the new MetLife Stadium at the Meadowlands Sports Complex. Some of our involvement precedes the groundbreaking, and some of our involvement is current.
From here on, I will refer to the upcoming Super Bowl as the “Treason Bowl”.
From the start, from design stages, plans have been made for the stadium, and the American Dream Meadowlands complex, to host a well-planned false flag event, so grand that one would think it was planned in the offices of Josef Goebbles himself. This has been in the works for at least six years.
The highlight of this treason will be the world-wide live television coverage of this abomination of civilization. This promotion of fear and horror is hoped to inspire the masses of the world to willfully submit to the eradication of rights given to us by God.

In the very design of the stadium, spots were planned for the placement of bombs, not to immediately kill the stadium guests, but to entrap the guests. The bomb placements are for the creation of choke points to control the movement of the guests.
Remember, the highlight is the international live broadcast of desperate human suffering. It will first be answered by military-ized police and thug-like New Jersey state police, but to ONLY be resolved by US Army troops from Ft. Dix.
The fix is in; racketeering at its finest hour.
You may notice that the New Jersey State Police Sports Complex Unit has a noticeable high percentage of troopers that are very big, look like thugs, and we assure you – act like thugs. Seven of us have witnessed experiences with them, with varying degrees of rudeness, misery and disgust. There are traitors within this local state police force who will be enabling the apparent foreigners, in the stadium and in the whole complex. It has been harder for us to be exact with numbers of US federal agents in on the false flag fix, but we have confirmed they to be from DHS, NSA, FBI and Blackwater.

For the Treason Bowl, there may be as many as 11 armed “foreign terrorists” in the stadium itself, being another 8 of them in the rest of the complex, including Meadowlands Station.

A heavier-than-air poison gas will be brought in with the C02 canisters that are used by soft drink vendors. It will not be a quick killer as chlorine gas, but rather a gas that causes more physical contortions and suffering for high-impact live video. This heavier-than-air poison will first target the field level, most notably the athletes on the field. Specific placement of bombs will insure that no one leaves the field level, ala the closed choke points.

False flag Islamic demands will be posted for the release of “freedom fighters” in Guantanamo, but primarily for the exit of U.S. forces from Afghanistan.

For those of you who haven’t figured it out yet, about the extensively drawn out Afghan occupation by a supposedly mighty military (with untold hundreds of billions of dollars worth of military resources AND high-tech intelligence resources), against an out- manned (and out-gunned) rebel alliance with a mysterious decade-plus bottomless supply of resources -> it’s all about the three pipelines – the now-complete Caspian Sea oil and natural gas pipelines to China and points in between, and the heroin pipeline to developed countries in the west, especially our country. The continuing vagueness of the Afghan occupation should be as obvious as the nose on your face, and should consume your curiosity. The lot of us here are amazed how this realization escapes the most of you. Of course our senses are heightened on this matter, having learned for the past 6 years of the pending evil and doom of the 2014 Treason Bowl.

There were scattered warnings before the successful treasonous coup de tat of Sept 11. The warnings were not heeded, mostly because such a display of treason wasn’t so believable at the time, as much as it is believable now. After that event, those previous warnings were given the status as if they came from the Bellevue nut ward, even though the event itself showed the warnings to be very accurate.
An aside here: one of us has a relative who was one of the many NYFD officers who heard the meticulous floor-by-floor demolition explosives in the World Trade Towers.
The obvious, but never to be explained, breakdown of the tax-payer-financed multi- hundred-billion-dollar-a-year U.S intelligence community is well underway, again.
You must recognize that treasonous orchestrations of such grand scale can only be accomplished with the bottomless pockets of intel agencies, with secrecy as their ally.
Rest assured that “treason” is the correct word for the event. The former military explosives experts of contractor Blackwater will be placing the bombs.
We’re told that the FBI is complete with the fabrication of evidence.
(This reminds me of the NY State Trooper C evidence-fabricating scandal. This time it’s federal, with NJ state police help, and much bigger targets.)
DHS gumshoes have covertly infested the operations of the whole complex, supplying reports as to the progress of the logistics of this fabulous false flag murder fest, and hoping to identify any Meadowlands Complex workers who may be getting savvy to the treasonous ploy of federal agencies, and subversive NJ state police.
The daily security of Met Life Stadium currently is anal retentive and far beyond what our contemporaries at other sports arenas have reported in their facilities.
Specific state police officers are tasked to enable the alleged “terrorists” to their assigned placement for the horrendous and sinister festivities in the first half of the third quarter, when this conspiracy theory will no longer be a theory.
DHS appears to be the overall planners and coordinators, while drawing upon the resources of other federal groups, especially the NSA.The NSA seems to have the planned psychological blueprint for the multiple-day death, horror and hostage event. Psychological operations have been part of their original mission since 1952, to counter the brainwashing of Korean War captives. NSA has always done psycho activities, and blamed the CIA for most of it.
Our hope here is that the Treason Bowl could be abated per this warning. Much depends on high-visibility circulation of this warning. Just the same, you may want to cheer for your favorite team to lose in the conference finals, in triple overtime of course.
Good Night, and Good Luck.
Cc: Broncos, Chargers, Colts, 49ers, Panthers, Patriots, Saints, Seahawks, Village Voice, Newark Star Ledger, World Net Daily, Project Camelot, Truth Out, Rumor Mill News, Common Dreams, Black Listed News, Before It’s News, Quantum Future Group, Centre for Research on Globalization, Cryptome, Paul Craig Roberts, Laura Ingraham, and Mr. Edwin Anzalone.”

Is there any possibility that the above could be correct and true?
Here is more: 
“February 2 superbowl day is the 33rd day of the year.  also on the same ley lines as all the previous "terrorist attacks"
Now what is interesting as well is that 2-2-2014 adds up to 11. 2+2+2 +1+4 = 11. 11 is a key number for the occult Illuminati, as is the number 33. They sign everything with numbers.
Any how, here is the rest from Before It Is News:\ 
“An investigative look into the evidence surrounding the New York Super Bowl in 2014. Seattle Seahawks will be taking on the Denver Broncos. Considering an anonymous letter was sent to BeforeItsNews about a possible attack at the MetLife Stadium during the Super Bowl (to read that Click Here), I decided to investigate a little further for Illuminati Symbolism.
Did you know that Super Bowl 48 ( mimic of Israel being reborn in 1948, but this time the New World Order ) is on the same sacrificial Ley-Line as Sandy Hook, the Boston Bombing, the Syrian Chemical Attack, the Navy Yard Shooting, the World Trade Center Bombing, and Stonehenge? Coincidence? I think not!
Furthermore did you know that the Super Bowl is on Feb. 2nd, 2014. Making it the 33rd day of the year, a number highly associated with Illuminati Symbolism!

So we wait and we watch – might happen, might not, we all pray not, but one of these days....
As always with these types of things....

Forewarned is forearmed as they say. Don’t say I did not give you warning. Remember 11, like 4-11 2014 = 13 right?So that means we should see some major activity BEFORE then. Maybe...but then again, maybe not.

super bowl prediction. do not know if this has any validity, but it won't hurt to circulate it to see if anybody has heard anything. I sincerely hope that this is baloney, but given the current situation in the country...we are clearly at near end

To: "V.K.Durham",  "Gordon Duff"
Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2014 1:13:13 PM
Subject: Fwd: FW: super bowl prediction
I do not know if this has any validity, but it won't hurt to circulate it to see if anybody has heard anything.  I sincerely hope that this is baloney, but given the current situation in the country...we are clearly at near end game.

From: Ann Minks
Sent: Sunday, January 26, 2014 5:51 PM
To: Ann Minks
Subject: super bowl prediction
(Before It’s News)
We received this letter yesterday from an anonymous source via US mail. Before It’s News is just a conduit for your news and we thought this information might be of value to our readers. Here is the fulltext of this letter, from people who claim to have worked on the design and contruction of the new MetLife Stadium (original jpeg scans of the letter are below the text). The upside down American flag stamp on the outside of the envelope is an interesting touch. Video report also below.
The Treason Bowl February 2, 2014 at the Meadowlands Sports Complex
For reasons soon to be obvious to you, I will not introduce myself, nor any of the others who have contributed to this notification. We have been involved with the construction and operation of the new MetLife Stadium at the Meadowlands Sports Complex. Some of our involvement precedes the groundbreaking, and some of our involvement is current.
From here on, I will refer to the upcoming Super Bowl as the “Treason Bowl”.
From the start, from design stages, plans have been made for the stadium, and the American Dream Meadowlands complex, to host a well-planned false flag event, so grand that one would think it was planned in the offices of Josef Goebbles himself. This has been in the works for at least six years.
The highlight of this treason will be the world-wide live television coverage of this abomination of civilization. This promotion of fear and horror is hoped to inspire the masses of the world to willfully submit to the eradication of rights given to us by God.
In the very design of the stadium, spots were planned for the placement of bombs, not to immediately kill the stadium guests, but to entrap the guests. The bomb placements are for the creation of choke points to control the movement of the guests.
Remember, the highlight is the international live broadcast of desperate human suffering. It will first be answered by military-ized police and thug-like New Jersey state police, but to ONLY be resolved by US Army troops from Ft. Dix.
The fix is in; racketeering at its finest hour.
You may notice that the New Jersey State Police Sports Complex Unit has a noticeable high percentage of troopers that are very big, look like thugs, and we assure you – act like thugs. Seven of us have witnessed experiences with them, with varying degrees of rudeness, misery and disgust. There are traitors within this local state police force who will be enabling the apparent foreigners, in the stadium and in the whole complex. It has been harder for us to be exact with numbers of US federal agents in on the false flag fix, but we have confirmed they to be from DHS, NSA, FBI and Blackwater.
For the Treason Bowl, there may be as many as 11 armed “foreign terrorists” in the stadium itself, being another 8 of them in the rest of the complex, including Meadowlands Station.
A heavier-than-air poison gas will be brought in with the C02 canisters that are used by soft drink vendors. It will not be a quick killer as chlorine gas, but rather a gas that causes more physical contortions and suffering, for high-impact live video. This heavier-than-air poison will first target the field level, most notably the athletes on the field. Specific placement of bombs will insure that no one leaves the field level, ala the closed choke points.
False flag Islamic demands will be posted for the release of “freedom fighters” in Guantanamo, but primarily for the exit of U.S. forces from Afghanistan.
For those of you who haven’t figured it out yet, about the extensively drawn out Afghan occupation by a supposedly mighty military (with untold hundreds of billions of dollars worth of military resources AND high-tech intelligence resources), against an out- manned (and out-gunned) rebel alliance with a mysterious decade-plus bottomless supply of resources -> it’s all about the three pipelines – the now-complete Caspian Sea oil and natural gas pipelines to China and points in between, and the heroin pipeline to developed countries in the west, especially our country. The continuing vagueness of the Afghan occupation should be as obvious as the nose on your face, and should consume your curiosity. The lot of us here are amazed how this realization escapes the most of you. Of course our senses are heightened on this matter, having learned for the past 6 years of the pending evil and doom of the 2014 Treason Bowl.
There were scattered warnings before the successful treasonous coup de tat of Sept 11. The warnings were not heeded, mostly because such a display of treason wasn’t so believable at the time, as much as it is believable now. After that event, those previous warnings were given the status as if they came from the Bellevue nut ward, even though the event itself showed the warnings to be very accurate.
An aside here: one of us has a relative who was one of the many NYFD officers who heard the meticulous floor-by-floor demolition explosives in the World Trade Towers.
The obvious, but never to be explained, breakdown of the tax-payer-financed multi- hundred-billion-dollar-a-year U.S intelligence community is well underway, again.
You must recognize that treasonous orchestrations of such grand scale can only be accomplished with the bottomless pockets of intel agencies, with secrecy as their ally.
Rest assured that “treason” is the correct word for the event. The former military explosives experts of contractor Blackwater will be placing the bombs.
We’re told that the FBI is complete with the fabrication of evidence.
(This reminds me of the NY State Trooper C evidence-fabricating scandal. This time it’s federal, with NJ state police help, and much bigger targets.)
DHS gumshoes have covertly infested the operations of the whole complex, supplying reports as to the progress of the logistics of this fabulous false flag murder fest, and hoping to identify any Meadowlands Complex workers who may be getting savvy to the treasonous ploy of federal agencies, and subversive NJ state police.
The daily security of Met Life Stadium currently is anal retentive and far beyond what our contemporaries at other sports arenas have reported in their facilities.
Specific state police officers are tasked to enable the alleged “terrorists” to their assigned placement for the horrendous and sinister festivities in the first half of the third quarter, when this conspiracy theory will no longer be a theory.
DHS appears to be the overall planners and coordinators, while drawing upon the resources of other federal groups, especially the NSA. The NSA seems to have the planned psychological blueprint for the multiple-day death, horror and hostage event. Psychological operations have been part of their original mission since 1952, to counter the brainwashing of Korean War captives. NSA has always done psycho activities, and blamed the CIA for most of it.
Our hope here is that the Treason Bowl could be abated per this warning. Much depends on high-visibility circulation of this warning. Just the same, you may want to cheer for your favorite team to lose in the conference finals, in triple overtime of course.
Good Night, and Good Luck.
Cc: Broncos, Chargers, Colts, 49ers, Panthers, Patriots, Saints, Seahawks, Village Voice, Newark Star Ledger, World Net Daily, Project Camelot, Truth Out, Rumor Mill News, Common Dreams, Black Listed News, Before It’s News, Quantum Future Group, Centre for Research on Globalization, Cryptome, Paul Craig Roberts, Laura Ingraham, and Mr. Edwin Anzalone

Comment by havefaith on January 27, 2014 @ 1:30 am

OkieOilMan From OOM&F Chat




An Abridged Translation Of Obozo'a " Coup Of The Union " Address...For Those Who Have Heard It All Before....

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

An Abridged Translation Of Obozo'a " Coup Of The Union " Address...For Those Who Have Heard It All Before....
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Wednesday, 29-Jan-2014 12:49:36

Last Resistance – by Chris Graham
The Oxford English Dictionary defines the State of the Union address as “the largest congregation of American criminals all gathered in one room to watch Barack Obama, our first woman president, put sugar on sh#%.” The language is a surprise, but look it up for yourself.
Okay, fine, it’s not in the OED, but the editors of that dictionary are all old white men, so what do they know?
Here are some of the moments in President Obama’s speech that stood out to me:
“Get those bills to my desk.” Obama said this in reference to some legislation that he claims would create more jobs. But why should Congress get those bills to his desk? Obama can just act unilaterally, without Congress, can’t he? Obama even said so himself earlier on: “America does not stand still, and neither do I. So wherever and whenever I can take steps without legislation to expand opportunity for more American families, that’s what I’m gonna do.” Congress isn’t needed any longer.
He credited Michelle Obama for helping to bring down childhood obesity rates for the first time in 30 years, which I’ll let stand as its own punch line.
He told an Obamacare success story that toootally negated the vastly and overwhelmingly larger portion of Americans who got screwed by Obamacare. (The applause line in this segment of the speech actually inspired a black congresswoman to “raise the roof” with one hand. My word, lady, are you serious?)
I’ll give Obama credit for bravery in bringing up the topic of global warming while we’re in the midst of the coldest month in 100 years. That took guts. He even enthusiastically proclaimed the motto of the eco-fascists, “The science is settled!” Yeah, 97 percent of scientists agree that climate change is real, right? That 97 percent actually amounts to 75 climatologists. Seventy-five thousand? No, 75.
No SOTU address is complete without repeating the “women make 77 cents for every dollar a man earns” urban legend, which Obama did to seal-like applause from the entire room, even the panderous Republicans.
On the hot topic of the minimum wage, Obama said, “In the year since I asked this Congress to raise minimum wage, five states have passed laws to raise theirs.” He spoke it as if this fact were a success of his own. But states do their own legislating. And to emphasize how warm and fuzzy it feels to pay employees more money, he told the story of a pizza-shop owner who raised his employees’ wages to $10 an hour. That’s all fine and well if he can both afford it and desires to do so.
Obama also said he’ll sign an executive order (of course) to raise the minimum wage for federal contractors to the arbitrarily arrived-at rate of $10.10. “Give America a raise,” he said to the congress members. Tell that to my boss at the mom-and-pop bookstore. Ten dollars is more than even he makes there. If he had to pay $10.10 to all his employees (all five of them), we’d be out of business within a year. That might teach my Obama-loving manager a good lesson about the liberalism he supports.
“Citizenship means standing up for everyone’s right to vote,” Obama also said at one point. No, citizenship means being taxed equally and to death. Also, citizenship means being, you know, a citizen, not one who smuggled himself over the border.
Speaking of Iran, Obama said, “If John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan could negotiate with the Soviet Union, then surely a strong and confident America can negotiate with less-powerful adversaries today.” He’s comparing apples and bananas. JFK and Reagan were presidents, and they negotiated with the USSR. Therefore, to make an apt parallelism, Obama should have said, “Then surely I can negotiate,” not “America can negotiate.” He is the president, as were the two men he mentioned; “America” (our government) is not the president. He pushes the responsibility of negotiation onto the rest of the government and exempts himself from what he says JFK and Reagan had to do.
And my final observation: Earlier on in the speech, Obama said, “It is you, our citizens, that make the state of our union strong.” Well, if that’s true, and if the state of our union is any indicator, evidently we’re failing horribly at that task.
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Some good and interesting technology worth knowing

Subject: WUA - Some good and interesting technology worth knowing
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WUA – Some good and interesting technology worth knowing……..and sharing with some many health issues and Obamacare (socialist health care) costing Americans more money, the Doctors we want, local Hospital services, waiting for appointments and treatment……..I love technology……… want more info, let me know….. Bob –


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This is just amazing as to what is predicted in medicine. This is truly worth watching….8 minutes….
Please watch and then spread the word. 

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Thanks Eileen

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