Thursday, January 30, 2014


Some songs about OBOZO....

Ya'all needs to listen.....sad but funny...

Solo on Obozo....

Johnny Cash sings Obozo...

The Devil Went Down To Washington .....

Devil in the white house...


Amazing Grace on a Moscow Trolley


 This will put a smile on your face.  Came from a friend in Texas.
 Warms the heart to see this message expressed on a Moscow  streetcar. 
 Notice the smiles on the faces of the Russian passengers who rarely, if ever, have something to smile  about.   Please share widely.
 Good  cheer in a Moscow street car.!!!


The First Secret of Fatima breaks the myth, the lie of 20th century, that Hell does not exist. On July 13, 1917, Our Lady told three children, ages 10, 8, 7, to "pray, pray very much because many souls go to Hell.
Jacinta.jpg - 14185 Bytes

Jacinta after she had seen Hell
Then she opened Her hands and showed the three children a hole in the ground, a place. That hole, said Lucy, was like a sea of fire in which we saw the souls of human forms, men and women, burning, shouting, and crying in despair." Mary said to the children: "You have seen Hell where sinners go when they do not repent." A Roman Catholic doctrine and also the doctrine of many Protestant churches and denied by some splinter Protestant groups. The Bible both Catholic and Protestant versions may have many references to Hell, but some splinter groups ignore what the Bible teaches.
Jacinta after she had seen Hell.
     I show the reference from the Fatima Story of 1917 that the apparition claimed to be the Virgin Mary told the three children that Hell really existed and if Christians did not take their faith seriously enough, they could end up going into Hell rather than Heaven in the end. With the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima, Portugal on Oct. 13, 1917 exactly as the three children had predicted earlier, this was a giant supernatural event witnessed by apparently around 70,000 to 100,000 witnesses there along with startled newspaper reporters who did not know how to explain what they saw. This is why newspapers the next day  in Portugal reported on this event and that they could not explain how this had happened. This supernatural event where the sun had danced in the sky for around 10 minutes, sent out colored shafts of light, then plunged towards the earth with people screaming that this was the end of the world, and then went back up into the sky was seen not only by people there but people from even 22 to 32 miles away also saw the same thing and were startled by this. It had been raining very hard for much of the day leading up to this event on Oct. 13, 1917 and people standing in puddles of mud were suddenly standing on dry land immediately after this, clothes drenched from the many hours long of rain suddenly all dry instantly, and even people with incurable ailments suddenly instantly cured by what seemed obvious Miracles of God to the people there stunned the people. This created such a revival of Christian fervor in Portugal that within a few years of living under a police state government that persecuted the religious clergy, etc. and also the ordinary Christians, then without a shot being fired, this atheistic government run by Marxists and allies was replaced by a Christian government for Portugal.
     The major message of Fatima on Oct. 13, 1917 was that mankind was sinning badly before God and must amend their lives and live well by the teachings of God or else there would be a World War II far worse than World War I. World War I had been a punishment for the sins of mankind on earth. If mankind did not return to God even after a World War II, then later there would be a World War III where entire nations would be annihilated. And one of the children not heard by many also commented that they had been told if mankind did not seriously return to God, then the human race would be destroyed on earth and the end forever of the human race on earth after that for those generations that should have given the human race a future on earth. The three children indicated that the Virgin Mary was appealing to God to not destroy the human race on earth, but those on earth must take God more seriously in their lives because the Virgin Mary could not hold back the Judgment of God of the human race for too long if mankind did not get the message to take God seriously in their daily lives or else! She was trying to comfort her Son Jesus Christ who must not give up on the human race or with that this would be the end of the human race on earth if Jesus Christ gave up on them that they did not want for real the Christianity that Jesus Christ had brought to them on earth!
     This Fatima story is a strong message that there is a Hell for real as well as a Heaven for real. Also, man had better start caring seriously about God or else God might in the end repent that He ever made man and end the whole earth as we know it in that case.
     Not as big scale, but we have testimony from credible sources that there is a place of damnation for those who do not want God in this life nor in the hereafter and a place of reward for those who do want God in their lives in this world and also do want to live with God for all eternity. God will honor your free will decision whether you want to join the family of God for all eternity or else you do not want to join the family of God for all eternity.
     We have the spectacular Pastor Dan of Nigeria who died in 2001 according to two medical centers, was held for up to three days in a morgue with "chemicals" to keep his body preserved until he was buried in a formal funeral. His amazing wife refusing his death, took him by ambulance to a large Reinhard Bonnke Crusade  in Nigeria, and there he was resurrected back to life as recorded by TV cameras investigating   what  all the commotion was separate from the service. His resurrection was reported across some of Africa and apparently resulted in several million Africans becoming Christians after that!
     Pastor Dan testified on being shown both Paradise where Jesus Christ was at and also briefly being showed Hell as well where souls go to for all eternity if they did not become friends with God while still alive on earth. He saw a Christian pastor who was in Hell and saying if released back to earth, he would restore the money he stole from his congregation. But Pastor Dan had no influence in getting him released from Hell. When Pastor Dan was told that he was going to be sent back to life on Earth, he said that he did not want to return as Paradise was so wonderful. Then he was told that because he would not forgive his wife over an issue where she had repeatedly asked him to forgive her, he would be going to Hell and not Paradise. With that, in shock he agreed to go back to life on earth. When he ressurrected from the dead after a basic three days of death, he brought with him the message that Jesus was returning soon to earth and the Christians were not ready for His return. Also, he said but the Christian TV hosts did not hear him when he said this that he was also told that the wealth of the wicked was stored up for the righteous  and would be transferred to them before the return of Jesus. This is the same prophetic message as also stated in the Old Testament, but most people have never noticed this prophecy in the Old Testament.
       Might as well step on the toes of both Catholic and Protestant scholars here. While you slept, it is also stated in the Old Testament that an additional land would be given to the descendant Children of Israel and by listening to what it gives in directions, etc., apparently North America was given to the descendant Chidren of Israel who are sometimes labelled as "The Ten Lost Tribes Of Israel." And read the prophecies for the 12 Tribes of Israel given in Genesis and these prophecies back up the additional prophecy and prophecies involved I have hinted to here in the Old Testament. They still get Israel as a promised land, but they end up with more than one major land for the inheritance from God given to them. While I might not agree with all he says, still he shows the ignored verses from the Old Testament showing this point I have just raise here. His website is . His name is Pastor Ted R. Weiland. I think it was in two of his books from a decade or so ago that he spotted the Bible verses I am referring to.
       St. Jerome who was a top Bible scholar in his age in the Roman Empire had a policy I also have. I can respect where some scholar has correct insight and scores a successful hit on a key point. He may make an error in scholarship in something else he puts out, but I respect where he has shown correct insight and I don't have to back all his evaluations when I spot an error in something else that he has put out. Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, a very sharp Catholic intellectual respected all authentic Catholic teachings which were validly approved of and shown in Catholic books. But Bishop Fulton J. Sheen also said that the Roman Catholic Church had no monopoloy on ever being inspired by the Holy Spirit of God. And he also had around 2,000 Protestant books as well as they were sometimes inspired by the Holy Spirit of God also in what they had said in some of their writings. I always respect the truth wherever I find it and sometimes I am surprised to find authentic truth in unexpected sources. I love the truth too much to deny it regardless of the source I found it in!                                                  
     Back to Pastor Dan of Nigeria. Recently someone from America looked him up and found that he had moved 6 hours away from where he did in 2001. He now likes to talk about Paradise as a temporary holding place for the saved until they can later enter Heaven where God rules directly. And Hell is a temporary holding place for the unsaved where they are held until sent permanently into the Lake of Eternal Fire for eternal punishment as they hated God and did not want anything to do with God for all eternity.  A warning to the power elite here who secretly are worshippers of Satan and think you have successfully established contact with demon spirits from beyond which is the inspiration for some of the horrid things you are trying to do to mankind today. When you die as you will, you will go to Hell and too late to ever make it then to Paradise and then later Heaven for all eternity. When the General Judgment comes, you will be sent to the Lake of Eternal Fire and you will be sentenced to there for all eternity. Your suffering will never stop and you will be punished to the full extent for all the evil you have done in life and for all the evil you wanted to do in life. You had better change sides fast before you die! Satan is not your friend, but will laugh at you if you follow him to eternal damnation with him. He hates the human race and uses you to try and carry out his schemes to destroy mankind before God as he will never know the blessings of God for all eternity that the saved through Jesus Christ will know for all eternity.
      Dr. Richard Eby of Victorville, CA with a prominent medical background died for around 18 hours in Chicago, Illinois and then shocked a hospital when he came back alive. He testified about seeing Paradise and Jesus there like Pastor Dan did. He was told by Jesus  that He was sending Dr. Eby back to life on earth. Dr. Eby did not want to go back and asked why him. He was told "Because you are available!" He returned with the same basic message as Pastor Dan. Jesus was returning soon to earth and the Christians were not ready for His return. Dr. Eby was also shown Hell so he could testify to those on earth that Hell exists also! Dr. Eby and I became good friends because we both had death experiences. I with my "scientific observations" on death matched Dr. Eby's "medical observations" on death and with this common bond, we became good friends. He said that I had to die myself or else I would not know what I had told him as he had not written his medical observations on death in his books on Paradise and what else he saw in the hereafter. Frankly I think that Jesus was pleased with the reason why I wanted to return to life and so granted my request. But I know what death is and as the Bible says, "Only the fool says in his heart that there is no God!"
     Pass this report around to all you can across America and also abroad. The churches are normally scared to death to talk about Hell, damnation, the supernatural, etc. This report fills in the power vacuum that churches create when they refuse to tell the people what will make them believe in God and realize that the messages in the Bible about Heaven and Hell are for real and not myth, so time to learn how to live by God's standards in life instead of evil, sinful mankind. We don't have to be perfect, but we have to have a "reborn heart" meaning now loving good instead of evil and loving truth instead of lies and loving justice instead of injustice, etc. We don't love evil but rather good and God judging us by our hearts will look kindly upon us if our hearts are right with God! And Jesus paid the price to save our necks with God as we are not worthy on our own merits of receiving eternal life with God. The Grace of Jesus Christ saves us and you had better love Jesus for dying to save you for all eternity and your heart full of affection for Jesus your Lord and Master meaning you govern your life by His standards instead of those of the corrupt, evil world trying to prove that it is so smart by rejecting the wisdom and moral standards of God in its life as taught in the Bible.
     My website is My email is My mailing address is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. Make checks, etc. out to NIFI and tell us what any payment is for as based upon what is offered on our website. We use finances raised to pass our prposed Omni Law shown on our website and shown in the search engine of Nesara News at their top left side. Put in Omni Law - Erasmus Of America (my pen name) for good copies and reports on our Omni Law. Obama in the White House is using all the tricks he can trying to wipe out Christianity in America and then the world. Military chaplains and others have reported on his war to wipe out Christianity in the military and across America itself. Once passed, our Omni Law checkmates him, restores enormous freedom and prosperity to America, and Christian based leadership in America will replace Satan based leadership secretly running much of Wash., D.C. today including in our current White House.
     By the way, China has plans how she thinks that she can annihilate America in war. I spent eleven calendar years in military academies, heavy background in military intelligence, and have the military technology that withdraws America from the threat of being clobbered in a World War III. Several nations are planning how to annihilate America once they are ready. As soon as our Omni Law is passed, we have some surprises for all military sides and suddenly no nation is going to make America their target to try and destroy in a nuclear World War III. I shouldn't really admit this, but we have several answers powerful enough to annihilate entire nations and continents. Once the Omni Law is passed, we will promptly set up the first answer which I as a military spy stole from the Moscow Institute For Nuclear Studies years ago. And soon after, other systems are set in place and no one is going to try and annihilate America after that. As the Bible teaches, when God approved leaders are put into the leadership of a nation, then God protects their military defense so they can live in peace instead of in endless threatening warfare. God likes me is why I was allowed to get ahold of so much strategic ultimate weapon technology from sources all over the world. And as I like the cultures of nations across the world, I respect the independence of nations and have zero interest in seeing America conquer the world which the secret Satanic power elite are scheming to do. But in the end they want to kill off nearly the whole human race and left a small remnant alive to be their slaves for their planned world global plantation and their planned "god" is Satan. I spied on them and know their secrets what they are up to concerning America and all other nations on earth!
     Pass this report around and wake America up!

     Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for that American God arranged my military academy background, etc.  for so I could help Christianity out when the evil should win otherwise. And a tip to Muslim nations in the Middle East. You respect the rights of Christians in your lands as you need them to protect you from the super military might of America otherwise once the Omni Law is passed. We will stand for freedom and individual rights of people wherever the future of mankind is threatened if we do not stand for moral good in society on earth. And if you tolerate terrorist groups to try and conspire how to attack America, we may end up coming against you like the Wrath of God let loose on earth. Contrary to the politicians, I always fight to win and that means you can judge it guaranteed that you will lose if you try to wage terrorist war against America. Our policy will be that we will only be your enemy if you allow us no other choice. And we will mightily reward our friends across the world! And for Christians who do not know their Bible on this, national defense to protect your people is God approved and God taught in the Bible such as God backing Israel in war when they were right with God!)

Intel Is Here

[chillimac] CNBC Countries Currencies are free flowing. Turn on CNBC There talking about currency I heard Cramer say something about countries not waiting………

[daz] has everyone assembled and updated their binders? Have assembled a list of hand pcked banks of choice, established emails, got your plans together?

[daz] have you watched the video "The Money Masters ~ Full Movie" 3:29:21 The movie is done in segments, which make it easy to watch in multiple settings. Break up the video in 30 minute increments if needed but please do watch it so you will fully understand what we face.

Rrrr: The strain is starting to show. Every day seems to be the time that the RV is about to GO. BUT… a Global event like this is rare. Constant delays should be expected. We truly in the moment, the moment we have all projected. I’m wearing a grin from ear to ear. My intel cat Winnie is even smiling. This RV is about to Pop. Of this there is no Denying. Soooo let’s take just one moment, to reflect what we have all been through. It’s Done! It’s Here!. It’s Finished! We did it! This is True!



     I  received a call from a personal friend whom I talk to everyday. He was very excited and wanted to tell the world his good news. He was personally contacted by a Tier 2 bank officer that wanted to know if he still had the dong that he purchased from them. He said yes and she told him that she had just received a memo directing her to call all of her customers that had purchased dong and to tell them that they would like to be their bank during the exchange process. She said the memo listed several currencies that would be revalued by Monday.

Just in!!! RV announced

Subject: Just in!!! RV announced

Just heard CNBC announced the worlds currencies have been revalued and rates are now released to the public.

These photos are awesome…Enjoy!!!

These photos are awesome…Enjoy!!!
















These guys on the bikes are Nuts.





 All I can think of are the words to the song by Louie Armstrong: ”It’s a Wonderful World"

Can anyone believe these images are just random demonstrations of the power, beauty and exquisite offerings of nature?
Or, perhaps they were deliberately put here on our planet for us to enjoy.



[chillimac] CNBC Countries Currencies are free flowing. Turn on CNBC There talking about currency I heard Cramer say something about countries not waiting………

[daz] has everyone assembled and updated their binders? Have assembled a list of hand pcked banks of choice, established emails, got your plans together?

[daz] have you watched the video "The Money Masters ~ Full Movie" 3:29:21 The movie is done in segments, which make it easy to watch in multiple settings. Break up the video in 30 minute increments if needed but please do watch it so you will fully understand what we face.

Rrrr: The strain is starting to show. Every day seems to be the time that the RV is about to GO. BUT… a Global event like this is rare. Constant delays should be expected. We truly in the moment, the moment we have all projected. I’m wearing a grin from ear to ear. My intel cat Winnie is even smiling. This RV is about to Pop. Of this there is no Denying. Soooo let’s take just one moment, to reflect what we have all been through. It’s Done! It’s Here!. It’s Finished! We did it! This is True!
Read More Link on Right


[xyz] Three of the UK's biggest lenders – Barclays, Lloyds and the Royal Bank of Scotland – plan to massively cut staff and close a large number of branches. British banks are struggling to cut costs, as multi-billion dollar regulatory costs eat their profits

 [BOBGETZ6] A Shasta7 update: I just spoke with him and finally his situation is improving. He is now getting physical therapy at home and is now able to begin putting weight on his foot and walk a few feet. The pain level is dropping and he is improving daily. He gets physical therapy twice a week.

 [BOBGETZ6] Recaps, you may post that update if you like.

[1koda] wow that is great BOBGETZ6 !!! he has been through so much. Glad to hear he is now able to get weight on his foot... alot of the dinar community will be happy to hear that also.

[BOBGETZ6] Without going into too much detail, the concerns about the operation, and infection, are put to rest. Now just a lot of therapy.



aggiedad77 » January 30th, 2014, 1:23 pm 

Hello for the morning news:

Because of the adoption of the income on oil .. Iraq has been unable to finance its projects

This article talks of Iraq's needs to spend a trillion dollars over the next 10 years in developing its oil sector as well as that of housing and industry.....if you read other articles that have been recently posted....this is what they are already planning for...IMO.....they recognize that their oil infrastructure is subpar because of it laying years in disrepair and there is indeed a catchup that needs to happen. The same with housing and other won't be cheap....but they are aware I believe.

Financial Times: Iraq is considering the decision to return to the system of production quotas in OPEC

Iraq is looking ahead to the time when they reach a 5 million barrel per day oil production as when they would consider discussing with OPEC their return to the OPEC quota doesn't sound like they are much interested before that happens.....there may be other world pressures though that could make this happen sooner.

House of Representatives raises the budget discussion session to Saturday

Well the budget 1st reading has been postponed to Saturday because of a lack of quorum in Parliament....the Kurds it seems are disgruntled over the requirement for them to produce 400 thousand barrels of oil per day.....which does seem like a tremendous stretch goal for them.....if I'm reading the article right it sounds like in addition to the Kurds boycotting the Parliament meeting today the State of Law bloc may have also been absent.....I thought that if the Kurds were the only ones absent, the Parliament would still have a quorum.....probably will see more on this through the day.

Citizen calls for the presidency of parliament presided over the meetings of the financial and legal representative to ensure passage of the pension law in session next Saturday

Well this is odd.....the Citizen bloc wants the President of Parliament to preside over the Legal and Financial Committees to ensure passage of the Pension Law.....not sure how that would improve things....but to each their own.....maybe he wants the President to muzzle the representatives from these committees.

Iraqi Oil Minister Meets With The New Chinese Ambassador To Iraq

Sounds like a handshaking....backslapping....Kodak moment for all.....both agreed to the help the Chinese have been in the oil sector for rehabilitating Iraq's oil fields in certain areas.

Zebari receives copies of credentials of ambassadors to Iraq of the Philippines , Spain and Japan.

FM Zebari was busy today receiving three ambassadors who are new to Iraq....Philippines, Spain, and Japan....all seeking to strengthen relationships with Iraq.....of course....Iraq has something they want.

The Ahrar bloc calls Iraqiya coalition MPs to end their boycott

So Najafi's bloc is also boycotting....remember they walked out in December, essentially resigning.....because of the perceived treatment of Sunni's in let's keep hurting the Iraqi people and the country by having our temper tantrums.

Undersecretary of Interior Ministry meets with Deputy U.S Ambassador in Iraq

They talked about ways to deal with security issues around the country....the US deputy Ambassador was given a brief update on the latest achievements made against terrorists.

Michael Knights: Kurds shouldn’t waste their oil wealth

This is an interesting read.....I took from it....just as the title suggests....the Kurds shouldn't squander their oil wealth....common sense tells you that.....the Kurds need to show some strong economic prosperity in the coming years......they also are in need of getting their noses out of the air....and put their own people to work in many processes and stop allowing foreign workers to take on these tasks.....there is a political comment that could be embedded here....but I won't.....sitting on hands right now.

Exceeded 314 billion dinars .. The cost of smart cards for elections

So they have spent 314 billion dinars on the smart cards for the upcoming election.....these cards come from a Spanish company....this money has been allocated to the 2014 budget....which of course has yet to be voted upon....but is in the works....come this Saturday's first reading.

U.S. sends 12 pilots and 11 technicians to Iraq to lead the «Apache» battles in the desert of Anbar

Let the al Qaeda retreat begin....the Cav is on the way.....Apache helicopters are being delivered "in days" and along with them comes 12 pilots and 11 technicians that will train the Iraqi pilots and additional 200 will also be coming and may be staying for up to 3 years....oh baby yes....may the training be swift and the results be great.

Government bank in Maysan exposed to the process of stealing a monument [763] million.

This involves the Rasheed Bank branch in would appear that a "person" withdrew 763 million dinar from the bank....which has been confirmed by the headquarters bank in Baghdad....but upon auditing the account it turns out it was a false account and no such person exists.....the staff of the branch bank in Maysan has been referred to the Integrity Commission and told that imprisonment could occur if anyone was found guilty....thus far employees have not been charged.

Deputy for Maliki's coalition: the financial budget sent by the government just figures have nothing to do policy and the country's economy

For starters with this article I believe the 2033 is a typo and should read 2013.....this statement by someone in Maliki's State of Law bloc claims the budget numbers are just that numbers....the 2014 budget is very compelling and responsive......the country is indeed witnessing rapid change and needs to focus on sound economic policies.

Specialists: political conflicts and corruption hinders investment in Iraq

Why must politics and corruption be seen as bedfellows everywhere......many people in Iraq are working to eliminate corruption but still it remains and is a deterrent for economic investment from foreign entities.....some contracts are being let to companies that have not been properly vetted and they later find evidence of tape also is a hinderance that can also lead to corruption....and it isn't all associated with the government....many companies are afraid to bring investment capital to Iraq based on fear of corruption in general.....they continue to attempt to attract foreign investors and work on creating a more lucrative investing environment within Iraq.....the Investment Law give the foreign investor the right to trade in the securities market, stocks, bonds, and lease of land, as well as insurance for projects.....the law also guarantees priority recruitment of Iraqi citizens as well as foreign workers in projects.

It’s All About Risk versus Reward

While we have seen some evidence this week of new investments within Iraq, it also seems to some that the risks remain high....Iraq needs to stay aware of this and attempt to lower the risks so as to invite more investors to get projects completed....getting a grip on remain a priority.

US Embassy Officials Talk Franchising

Reading that title put a bit of a scare in me.....that the US is somehow going to start privatizing it's embassy operations....ok...won't go there.....what this is all about.....the US Iraqi embassy has hosted a seminar on Franchising in Iraq....what opportunities exist within Iraq....I believe there are many.....and this will be lucrative.

Kurdistan announce the formation of a committee to negotiate with the blocks on the adoption of the budget

Adcentspr pointed out to me.....look at all the microphones....the media coverage is growing....Maliki doesn't command this much coverage when he speaks.....this committee they have formed....will be involved with talks on Saturday with other blocs when discussions start about the budget......I wonder if this is legal...can they do this....I am assuming the committee comes from their current Parliament membership....maybe with some underlings behind them sneaking in comments when appropriate.

State law: there is a defect in the House of Representatives deliberate failure to pass important laws

At last someone that speaks with common sense from the government......that to walk out....or boycott a meeting of Parliament is a major violation of work to be conducted within the House of Representatives.....I have to simply boycott is not a way to work through issues....that involves discussion, open and honest discussion on what is perceived to be wrong and how to change things when necessary.....senseless boycotting gains nothing for anyone.

Talabani's doctor [where]: untrue news of the death of President of the Republic

Well it appears we have another false and baseless report of Talabani's death in Germany.....kind of like some other dinar sites that cry wolf all the time....sooner or later they will get it right.

First KRG Ministry of Natural Resources Monthly Report is Published

The Kurdistan Ministry of Natural Resources has published its first monthly information report.....this first report if for October 2013....the February report will cover both November and December, and after that will cover monthly be included will be oil production amounts, domestic refining and consumption, rig counts and map, well activity, employment updates and updates on Production Sharing Contracts.

Mass of the Kurdistan Islamic Union calls for Parliament to reject the parliamentary budget law

The Kurdistan Islamic Union bloc is demanding that the budget be rejected by Parliament.....essentially on the foundation that the COM had the budget for 5 months and still sent it to Parliament with $1 petrodollar being represented in it.....their argument appears weak at best....IMO. I also don't believe this bloc has enough weight to swing any such action. I believe they are just choosing to be vocal and boastful for the sake of the voters back home. The budget deficit they talk about has been taken into consideration as well I believe.

Kurdistan: adoption of the budget will be approved soon and to everyone's satisfaction we hear from the Kurdistan Alliance bloc....two different entities...and two different stories....the budget passing is "imminent".....again they talk about the formation of a committee to handle discussions for the bloc....sounds like Saturday will be interesting.....if we can gather all these cats into one room at one know how difficult it can be to herd cats.

Mass citizen Announces send deputies uncovered disclosed their financial interests for the year 2014 to the Integrity Commission

The Habitat bloc announced they had submitted their required forms to the Integrity Commission as required disclosing their financial interests.....the Citizen bloc had done the same....meanwhile the Integrity Commission called on all blocs to get their financial statements in to them by the January 31 deadline or risk legal action being taken on them for any delays.

Basra adopting new government caving in to the petrodollar and launches projects amounts of money, for the first time in its history

Basra claims it has 15 trillion dinar of project work for 2014.....a member of the House Economic Committee said the shift from $1 to $5 petrodollars also creates an increase in the budget deficit that will be plugged in one of two borrowing or raising the price of oil exports.....the latter is not a sure it seems they will lean on loans to bridge the deficit gap....this can also seriously impact such things as the Investment Law and the monies spent on future investments....while a short term fix it is not a long term recommendation.....the government this week has decided to trim 10% from the operating budget and 15% from the investment budget.

IMF warns Iraq: A decline in oil prices in 2014 is playing a balancing risk

Some key notes out of this article from the IMF......crude is currently selling for $107/barrel and is expected to slide to $103/barrel by the end of the year.....I believe that Iraq is budgeting $90/barrel for oil for it would seem they have some wiggle room.....their requirement to the Kurds of producing 400 thousand barrels per day is somewhat high, when the Kurds are currently producing 225 thousand barrels a day.....unless the Kurds have something up their sleeve they aren't talking about....that is a HUGE jump in production.....and the last note....and to me the most important issue....the IMF continues to insist that the CBI reserves MUST be kept separate from the Development Fund for Iraq monies.....that is imperative.

Iraqi Stock Exchange seeks to record 25 new companies to promote financial transactions

The ISX is saying that it is inviting companies to join the ISX and begin trading their company's shares with the ISX....they have 25 companies they have extended invitations to, and now await to hear from them.

Canada expressed interest in the process of building the economic infrastructure of Iraq

The Canadians want to help with the rebuilding of Iraq's and Kurdistan's infrastructure, particularly where it can help refugees coming in from Syria.

Well it is almost lunch time here.....soooo......I will leave you with this mornings summaries....enjoy.     Randy


jdtolle » January 30th, 2014, If you feel stuck

If you feel stuck, there are possibilities you are not seeing. Though it may not be obvious or easy, there is a realistic and accessible way forward.

If you feel stuck, it’s likely that the things you fear are obscuring the things you love. Progress begins with sincere, grateful focus on who and what you truly love.

Life improves dramatically when you begin to give and to live in the service of what’s most meaningful to you. Think of what you can joyfully give to life, and with that thought you are suddenly facing in a new, positive direction.

Keep in mind that happiness is a choice you can make regardless of your circumstances. Choose to be happy, and then express that happiness with your actions.

Give yourself a good enough reason to move forward, and you will. Somewhere, within your beautiful capacity to love, is a powerful reason that’s plenty good enough.

Instead of feeling stuck, feel love. Give life to that love, and you won’t be stuck any longer.

— Ralph Marston…..Wishing All a Safe, Warm and Blessed Day


TNT Special Call 30-Jan-2014
Tony:  Good morning, TNT!  It is January the 30th, 2014.  It was almost a superfantastic morning and could still be a superfantastic day.  There is some iffy news, too, but I’ll let DC handle that…
Here’s the deal.  We have a lot of good information and this could be a great day.  There is a new idiot in town who’s going around telling people we shouldn’t be doing what we are doing with Twitter and such, and he says if this doesn’t happen, it’s because of Tony.  Some people are determined that we DON’T get this, but we know for sure that if it weren’t for our efforts, we wouldn’t get this at all.  Some people don’t have a clue as to what is going on in the real world.  You have done the right thing for yourselves, because this is only thing getting this to you.  It’s not over until the fat lady sings, and she is standing there on the side of the stage. If you weren’t forceful on Twitter these last couple of days, this would have a very different outcome.

DC:  Absolutely, you have made a huge difference in getting this done!

Tony:  Not only that, we still hold some power we haven’t discussed yet.  Today, tomorrow, 60 days from now, you will still have some power if this doesn’t go right.  Though it looks like it’s going to go right!  But if it doesn’t, we still have an avenue.  We can still do everything we planned to do, if this comes out right.  We have a plan and it will make a difference – we know that because insiders are telling that this is how to do it, this is what they are worried about, and this is the best plan of attack.  What we are doing DOES make a difference.  Five million people doing one thing on one day could change the whole banking industry.  That will be something seen world-wide.  It won’t destroy our economy;  it will put some people in their places on Dinar Day, if they do the wrong.
Everything we heard this morning is very positive. Some things that happened in the night were very positive.  There is one small group in a room trying to hold this back, but this could change in a matter of moments…

DC:  Everything is looking phenomenally good right now.  From two different sources I got that the admin is on track and executing the UST option.  Many other governments are in the process of doing this now.  It could backtrack, but it’s absolutely different than it was before, and it’s a major step forward on this.  Surely we will not shoot ourselves in the foot again…

Tony:  Now that we are seeing it on television.  Tier 1 and 2 banks have been notified that this should happen by Monday.  A contingent is still trying to hold this off until Monday, and others want us to get it done right now.  Some people want to skip over us altogether. We have been a force in getting this to happen, regardless.  You need to know you have been a force in the decisions that are being made.
Where are we now?  Notifications have gone out to the lower levels, so a lot of bank employees know a lot more today than on Monday.  Tier 2 and Tier 3 banks who were never a part of this have now got notifications to spin back up and get everything going.  A lot of banks who have never heard of this are now going “Oh, what is this?!”  Some are actually calling US (Tony and DC) for information, which is hilarious.  They are getting caught up on what they have to do.  We don’t know what contract rates will be available and probably won’t know until it pops.

Tony:  We have been talking about this for years, and the lower banks have just got their informa-tion!  We know people who just got paid out yesterday at $28.  They are still paying people out last night.  Some in other countries got paid out over $20.   We know it continues but it is closer to your turn. It could by any moment, any day, and their notifications say Monday.  There are some meetings, and we don’t want to give out too much information. WE have dates, rates, locations, 800 numbers… we just want to wait and see what happens.  Pam suggested we put the call off for a few hours, but I thought we should give you the information so that you can be ready, and also so that we can move if necessary.  I never wanted to do that, but I’m hearing that things have changed so much in our favor at this moment that we don’t have to do it.  The good guys in the bad circles have prevailed.  We still have to wait and see if it comes out that way.  If it does, then we have to be the big ones and forgive, and go on with our lives.

I’m feeling kind of good.  I should be superfantastic – here we go!  But I know there is that one contingent there that is still trying to get their way, change this and do that.  They are small but powerful.  I hope our overwhelming numbers will convince them to do the right thing.  I don’t even know why they are having that meeting when we could be having a joyous day, and still might.

DC:  It appears that the same things we talked about before getting upset is now on the table again. They are going back to the original plan, on the same timeline, and the plan is going back to where it was, which is the right and fair way to do it.  That would not have happening without your help.

Tony:  If you are ready and know what you are doing, your ten things, then you have enough time for you to make it.  I can’t tell you the exact time because they will change it, but if you take care of business, you will get a very good rate.  We will go into more detail when we get the actual announcement.  This is closer than we’ve ever been before, now that the smaller banks have been notified.  The bankers are willing to talk to us now, and the Tier 2 and 3 banks are always out there, and they appreciate what we are in involved in here. They want to help us!  We are turning this corner, going back to being happy and getting this done. It’s going to be a great day, I think.  I don’t say everyone will be exchanging today… but I might be.  You never know.
We’re going to do a very short call here, and I may have to call you back shortly.

925:  good morning!
Caller:  What percent is this political?
Tony: Everyone else is ready;  this is now 100% political.

DC:  It’s 100% political, so we need to keep our tweets going.  Don’t stop.  Everyone else is happy and wants to do the right thing, and there is just one little group holding this up now.  There aren’t that many of them, but they are still powerful people.

404, good morning!
Caller:  You indicated the official notification has gone out to Iraq;  when did that go out?  Did that start the timeframe, the 30 days?

DC:  Did they reset the 30 days?  We don’t know, can’t get a straight answer out of anyone.  That notification went out early this morning.

Caller:  Before the Chinese New Year, then?  This is a lucky year for the Chinese, and it kicked out the year of the snake.  A good horse never looks behind to eat the grass behind.

Tony:  The Chinese are smart;  I know some people they need to talk to!  How is the going in hot Atlanta?

Caller:  I’m glad we have food in the pantry because we cannot get out.  It’s amazing what 2” of snow can do when everyone is driving home at the same time!

Tony:  Good thing your Governor didn’t work in Washington!

Caller:  He did!  He was a Representative!

Tony:  Last night I was sipping Macallan’s and smoking a cigar with a Senatorial candidate who wanted me to help his campaign.  I said I didn’t even want to be in the same room as politicians!

New caller:  I’ve been tracking this since 2007, as a business person.  It seems like we are getting close.  One question about the flow of funds and the contract rates?  That will tell us the tax situation, if it’s income or capital gains.

Tony:  We get the contract rate, and the contract is between the UST and the other governments.  Read your NDA, understand it, and if they are telling me I have to leave any of my money for any period of time so that they can make more money on it, then I’m going to do something else. That is my personal opinion.  I’m not signing anything until I do understand it.  The NDA shouldn’t be about that.  There are 13 different versions, so make sure you understand what you are signing. We know there are supposedly ten year restrictions;  don’t sign away without understanding what you’re agreeing to.  Don’t do that, just because they are waving money in your face.  This is your one chance in life;  do not blow it!

Caller:  The friend you said was contacted by Tier 2 banks – were they aware of rates that would be available?  Contract or street rates? 

Tony:  They have not been given rates so far as we know.  I am hearing the contract rate will be at Tier 1 banks, but there are a lot more of them than just the big four banks. Many banks you think are Tier 2 are actually Tier1 banks.  Once we get the numbers we will discuss this on the call.

Caller:  Who notified the banks that this is coming down?

DC:  I don’t know exactly where, but the regulators they spend the most time with are the UST and the Federal Reserve. 

Tony:  Our bank contacts didn’t say, but one of them is on the call, so if you remember, please text me.  I assumed it was the upper management.  They probably don’t even have the NDAs yet.  That’s why they were calling us this morning to help them catch up now that they know it’s real.

DC:  I’m assuming the UST or the Fed. 

404 again!
Caller:  All political, would that be Congress or the administration?  Can we affect this directly?  Are they entrenched or are their terms already up?  That was so interesting, looking at the vote count.  Is it the Congress, Senate or administration?

Tony:  All three are the administration.  There are people on the board from every area, more individuals than the Congress, Senate or administration. People from all three groups are involved.

Caller:  I called our Senators and Reps;  they wanted more specifics but where willing to go forward.  It’s good to have more details and know whom we can influence.

Tony:  If it comes time for a public investigation, we’ll know who did and who didn’t .  This is the reality.  From another country, someone told me that over 100K have already exchanged, and they started with congressmen and Senators.  Are you honestly telling me your Senator doesn’t know?  Not likely.

Caller: That’s my feeling on it as well, but when they try to play the dumb card…

Tony:  If you really want this to come out in public, then we can do that.  I hope not to have to do this.  They just deny, deny, deny, until they catch you in the act.

Caller:  Can the IMF enforce the international rate and clawbacks?  That will create havoc.

Tony:  Yes, the IMF has to initiate this, and it will be global. People came over here to exchange!
661, good morning!

Caller:  You say something about the China rate – do we sign an NDA on that rate?
Tony:  Yes, NDAs on all contract rates.

Caller:  What about taxes on it?
Tony:  I don’t know about taxes until they announce it.

Caller:  The Zim, do you know for sure about the rate with China?
Tony:  I don’t know for sure;  I heard .22 for AA and .11 for AB notes.  That could all have changed in the last 72 hours.  So far as I know, it’s still dropping six zeros for each.  I’ll take that!

773, good morning.
Caller:  I got information from a powerful source that Zimbabwe has been dropped. I trust this source.  They say they added four more and dropped Zim.  Another country dropped 40%.
Tony:  I didn’t get that.  We’ll see what happens.

919 caller:  What cushion will you give those guys before the clawback clause is enforced?  If we come out at 22, are you going to invoke that?
Tony:  The way the situation is coming out this morning, that is not something we have to be concerned with.

Caller:  have you heard anything about the dong and lower denomination notes?  What will they use for change?  Is it just a contract rate for the US?
Tony:  They will not become multi-millionaires, but it will increase their buying power over there. I do know what is on the boards and at the banks, and it is real.  All I’m concerned with is that they take mine at the banks, not matter what happens over there!  I’m just glad the rates are what they are.

405, good morning!  717, good morning!
Caller:  NDAs… you mentioned that NDA were drawn up by the Treasury, or the banks? 
Tony:  The first one was drawn up by DC…
DC:  I did not! The first ones were drawn up by the Treasury and Homeland, with SEC and a few other guys mixed in. Then the banks and their private exchanges have their own NDA.  The ones I’ve seen all have UST and Homeland on them.
Caller:  Why would UST and Homeland write in clauses to have the banks keep people’s money long term?

DC:  The government is not dictating that.  They don’t care so long as you keep your mouth shut.  The banks want that to keep your money in their bank so that they can make money on it.  We don’t know what the banks are saying.

Caller:  Some groups have to keep some money there, others don’t have to keep anything in the bank.  Could there be a bank NDA vs. a government NDA?
Tony:  No.  If I’m in a group and you are not, then we could be handed separate NDAs at the same bank.  The government doesn’t care about that.  They just want to know that you are not going to talk about it, write a book about it, or whatever.  The banks could have no restrictions at all.
Caller:  800 numbers still on the boards?
Tony:  I hear they are being released today.  Some people are a bit mad at us, but the 800 numbers will be issued somewhere.

Caller:  Some people are calling TONY a four letter word! 
Tony:  I’ve been doing this for three years, and we have been feeding you their information, keeping everyone calm.  Now they’re all upset because I’m truly standing up for the people.  Now I’m a four letter word for some of them.  But I also get lots of calls saying they support us and we’re behind you!  Some are upset because we did the right thing and you did make a difference.  You were about to get something a whole lot different – I couldn’t believe it myself – but now it looks like everyone is on the same page again.
The reality is, in the military you have officers, but everybody knows the enlisted run and do everything.  They are the ones that make things happen.  That’s the truth here, too; the guys copying the documents and supporting us, those are the real backbone of what’s going on.  They are protecting us and the people.  They are supporting us and getting it done.  That’s what I said:  we cannot leave these people after they supported us all these time.  We can’t abandon them, just take our money and run.  We have to do the right thing.  It did cost me some friendships, and DC did as well.  I don’t know why they don’t pick on Pam and Ray…

New caller:  Do we know the start date for the 30 days?
Tony:  No.  It should have been the first, but they might have reset.  If I tell you the day it ends, they will reset it.  I will tell you that there is enough time if you just go and do your business.

Caller:  Good.  If you get the contract rate, does that change the VNN rate?
Tony:  Yes, it does.  There is a bunch of different rates depending on how you go in and what you ask for.  We will go over that when we get the information.

Caller:  And you will have more information on the NDA then too, right?
Tony:  I don’t know if we will have all the different NDAs.  It would be better if we do go over those beforehand, but some of the banks want to rush you.  The bank may have several versions but they will only hand you one NDA.  If you didn’t call and schedule as part of a group, you shouldn’t get a group NDA.

Caller:  Can the mods post the Ten Things to help us out? 
Tony:  Someone did post that, so we’ll see if one of the mods can dig that out and post it.
I want to cut this short this morning because we are waiting for the last minute meetings.  They have given us a time this afternoon to get our questions answered if things go the way they are supposed, and in that case we'll put out a tweet/blast.  If it’s what we are really waiting for, we’ll do another call as soon as we get back from the bank.  [laughter] There is a whole lot of great information that I cannot give you right now, but we’re feeling a lot better.

DC:  Have your list, and be ready to act.  Be calm before you make decisions.

Pam:  the forum is now accessible to Tony’s blasts without logging in.  Those who are listening or following on Twitter, go to, go to Forum, and you will see the latest blasts.
Tony:  Alright, guys, hopefully we won’t have to wait too long.  We know people got paid last night here in the US and in other countries.  The Tier 2 banks have memos to expect this no later than Monday.  Bankers who thought this was a scam are now calling US for information, so this is happening.  Hopefully things are changing for the better, so let’s find out what happens.  Hopefully I will see you this evening!

Posted by FORO DINAR GURUS at 11:31 AM