Saturday, February 1, 2014

The Importance of Love and more...

The Importance of Love and more...

In This Update...

The Importance of Love

Posted by Steve Beckow
Love 334As we await the first waves of the tsunami of love, it seems important to consider love from all viewpoints. I’ll be writing a series of articles on the subject, drawing on our channeled sources.
It must have been planned to coincide with Feb. 14, which in some modern traditions is Valentine’s Day and in others is a day dedicated to strengthening the human rights of women in an era that will see the renaissance of the Divine Feminine.
Our sources tell us that love is our nature. Love is all there is. Love creates, preserves, and transforms. There’s nothing else that I can think of that’s more important for us to contemplate at this time than love.
Love is the Path in the New Age
According to Jesus, in this new Golden Age we’ve entered, we’ve embarked on a new path characterized by love.
“You have embarked on a new path because you have entered a New Age – an age in which Love, the life force, will flow freely and enthusiastically through each and every one of you as your blocks to Its passage fall away due to your consciously-intended changes of attitude.”  (1)
In an earlier message he said that “the age of Love has now dawned.”  (2)  Archangel Metatron (Jophiel) calls this New Age “a period for profound and immense love from your being to shine.” (3)
We are Love
We await daily the tidal wave of Love that so many sources are predicting.  Emerging from the illusion of separation, survival and scarcity, we don’t know that love is our very nature and that in fact all is essentially love.
Jesus tells us that “you are pure Love and nothing else. “ (4)  “You, every single one of you, are Love – because it is from Love that God created you.” (5)  Saul agrees:
“Everyone wants to be loved, everyone yearns for Love, because Love is your nature, and without It you are totally bereft. And It surrounds and envelops you in every moment, so you cannot escape Its loving embrace. But anything unloving is anathema to it, and when you choose to be unloving in thought, word, or deed you close off your hearts and shut Love out.” (6)
Only love is real, Jesus says:
“There is only eternal Unconditional Love and acceptance, anything else is unreal.”  (7)
“Anything else – there is nothing else! – is of the illusion, so discard it and embrace your true nature, and share that nature widely, unconditionally, indiscriminately, and bring humanity to wakefulness in the infinitely and eternally loving Presence of God, your Heavenly Father.” (8)
Love is all there is
To define something is to say what it is and what it’s not.  But love is God and love is all there is. How does one define it?
“God is Love,” says Jesus. (9)  “Indeed, in the final reckoning,” SaLuSa states, “Love is all there is.”  (10)  Jesus tells us that “love and all Its many aspects are conscious energy waves in infinite abundance flowing freely throughout creation.” (11)
He says that the light that God is contains love.
“In Reality, in the Divine Presence there is brilliant, awe-inspiring Light, in which there is total clarity, total understanding, total wisdom, and unconditional loving acceptance of all of God’s creations.” (12)
SaLuSa calls the energy of love “the glue of the Universe and it is indestructible. Some of you who are recognising the power of Love. are beginning to realise that it is the energy behind what you call ‘miracles’.” (13) It offers us and the recipient of our love great gifts, Archangel Michael tells us.
“Love as an internal focus projected outward is a constant flow of self-assurance, of self-acceptance, always striving to incorporate and project more of this blissful feeling of unity and harmony with all creation.”   (14)
For this reason, Mother Mary invites us to:
“Connect with the humbly loving essence within your being and to allow it to emanate and merge with all aspects and expressions of your being. It is to discover from within how you can enhance your current experience of love and how you can anchor more frequencies, vibrations and experiences of love within your being and reality. …
“Allow and permit yourself to gaze upon every situation and idea in your reality from an ever-flowing abundant fountain of love.”  (15)
Given that this New Age is about a return to love, Archangel Metatron (Jophiel) asks us to fall unconditionally in love with each other and the Earth.
“It is appropriate more than ever for your powerful love to shine soaking the Earth and all souls. You will see the change that you wish to see on the Earth through your love for the Earth and humanity.
“In truth we are asking you to fall in unconditional love with the Earth, to fall in unconditional love with humanity and to fall in unconditional love with yourself. Achieving this with conscious understanding and awareness will allow for the Earth to heal completely, for actions taken on the Earth to alter and align with love and for truth to prevail.”   (16)
When the whole of humanity falls in love, the shift will occur. The tsunami of love is being created to facilitate this shift. He says:
“When humanity falls in love with each other, the Earth and their own soul, then we will see the greatest shift occur on the Earth where complete embodiment of the Creator manifests. With the transitions that lead to this major shift we will see humanity and the Earth becoming one in respect and honour for each other which in truth is one of the purposes of your existence on the Earth.”  (17)
I’ll be writing further articles on the value and utility of unconditional love, the importance of forgiveness and trust, etc., to help us to see why this next phase of our preparations for Ascension is so important.


(1) Jesus through John Smallman, June 16, 2013, at
(2) Jesus through John Smallman, June 7, 2013.
(3) “Natalie Glasson: Archangel Metatron, Lord Buddha and the Celestial White Beings – 2013 and Beyond,” channelled through Natalie Glasson, Dec. 30, 2012, at
(4) Jesus through John Smallman, October 19, 2013.
(5) Jesus through John Smallman,  June 7, 2013.
(6) Saul through John Smallman, November 11, 2013, at
(7) Jesus through John Smallman, October 19, 2013.
(8) Jesus through John Smallman, November 24, 2013.
(9) Jesus, through John Smallman, June 2, 2013.
(10) SaLuSa, January 17, 2014, at
(11) Jesus, through John Smallman, June 2, 2013.
(12) Loc. cit.
(13) SaLuSa, January 17, 2014.
(14) “Archangel Michael: 2013 in Review – A Year of Transformation,” channelled through Ronna Herman, October 30, 2013, at
(15) “Mother Mary: The Divine Answer,” channeled by Natalie Glasson, January 9, 2014 at
(16) “Natalie Glasson: Archangel Metatron, Lord Buddha and the Celestial White Beings – 2013 and Beyond,” Dec. 30, 2012.
(17) Loc. cit.


LEX LOCI CONTRACTUS: The Law of the Place Where an Agreement Is Made (Law Of Flag)

LEX LOCI CONTRACTUS defined: contracts. The law of the place where an agreement is made. 2. Generally, the validity of a contract is to be decided by the law of the place where, the contract is made; if valid, there it is, in general, valid everywhere. Story, Confl. of Laws, Sec. 242, and the cases there cited. And vice versa if void or illegal there, it is generally void everywhere. Id Sec. 243; 2 Kent Com. 457; 4 M. R. 584; 7 M. R. 213; 11 M. R. 730; 12 M. R. 475; 1 N. S. 202; 5 N. S. 585; 6 N. S. 76; 6 L. R. 676; 6 N. S. 631; 4 Blackf. R. 89. 3. There is an exception to the rule as to the universal validity of contracts. The comity of nations, by virtue of which such contracts derive their force in foreign countries, cannot prevail in cases where it violates the law of our own country, the law of nature, or the law of God. 2 Barn. & Cresw. 448, 471. And a further exception may be mentioned, namely, that no nation will regard or enforce the revenue laws of another country. Cas. Temp. 85, 89, 194. 4. When the contract is entered into in one place, to be executed in another, there are two loci contractus; the locus celebrate contractus, and the locus solutionis; the former governs in everything which relates to the mode of construing the contract, the meaning to be attached to the expressions, and the nature and validity of the engagement; but the latter governs the performance of the agreement. 8 N. S. 34. Vide 15 Serg. & Rawle 84; 2 Mass. R. 88; 1 Nott & M'Cord, 173; 2 Harr. & Johns. 193, 221; 2 N. H. Rep. 42; 5 Id. 401; 2 John. Cas. 355; 5 Pardes. n. 1482; Bac. Abr. Bail in Civil Causes, B 5; Com. Dig. 545, n.; 1 Supp. to Ves. jr. 270; 8 Ves. 198; 5 Ves. 750.

The LAW OF FLAG is a basic principle of maritime and international law. It states that any ship or other vessel is governed by the laws of the nation whose flag is flown by the vessel. This means that anyone who works on or boards the vessel is subject to these laws.

Ships in international waters are the primary places in which the law of the flag applies. As no country's laws apply in these waters, each ship operates under the legal system of the flag it sails under. When a vessel is docked in another country, those aboard the vessel may be subject to local laws, although different countries have their own rules about foreign vessels in their waters.

The existence of the law of the flag is important, as many crews are made up of citizens of different countries. A vessel generally flies the flag of the country in which it is registered. Anyone who boards the vessel agrees to abide by the laws of the vessel's country, regardless of their own nationality or the nationality of the others on board. Theoretically, any breaches of a country's laws on board a vessel that flies that country's flag may ultimately be prosecuted in the courts of that country.

Owners of a vessel may, in some cases, shop around to determine which country's flag to fly. Many political and financial considerations can be involved in choosing the country with which a vessel is to be registered. In these cases, a vessel's owner may take the laws of a country into consideration when choosing which flag to fly.

In some cases, a person may temporarily lease a vessel from its owner. Often, this person will be able to sail under a different flag than that of the country where the vessel is registered. In these circumstances, the vessel flies the flag of the lessee's country.

The law of the flag may also apply to embassies, consulates, or other foreign government offices. A place such as this is a bound area, generally contained within a building or fenced area. It is considered part of the home country, and anyone who enters it is subject to the laws of the country whose flag flies there.

The flag Is used, in the prosecution of commerce upon the high seas, as a symbol of nationality. Tha nationality of a ship is determined by the flag which it carries. A ship, navigating under the flag and pass of a foreign country, is to be considered as bearing the national character of the country under whose flag she sails. Under what is called, in international law, “the law of the flag,” a shipowner who sends his vessel into a foreign port gives notice by his flag to all who enter into contracts with the ship-master, that he intends the law. of that flag to regulate those contracts, and that they must either submit to its operation or not contract with him or his agent at all. 185 111. 144.

Law of the Flag - An expression applied to the municipal law of the country to which a ship belongs of which the flag, is the symbol, when that law is resorted to in preference to the lex loci contractus for the construction and effect of a contract or the determination of a liability affecting the ship or her cargo.

The law of the flag is "to regulate the liabilities and regulations which arise among the parties to the agreement be it of affreightment or  by hypothecation, upon this principle, that the ship-owner who sends his vessel into a foreign port gives a notice by his flag to all who enter into contracts with the shipmaster, that he intends the law of that flag to regulate those contracts, and that they must either submit to its operation or not contract with him or his agent at all;" Foote, Priv. Int. L. 408

In his treatise on merchant shipping (3rd ed. 170) MacLachlin states the rule as to the effect of the law of the flag on the authority of the master. "The agency of the master is devolved upon him by the law of the flag.

The same law that confers his authority, ascertains its limits, and the flag at the mast-head is notice to all the world of the extent of such power to bind the owners or freighters by his act. The foreigner who deals with this agent has notice of that law, and, if his be bound by it, there is no injustice. His notice is the national flag which is hoisted on every sea and under which the master sails into every port, and every circumstance that connects him with the vessel isolates that vessel in the eyes of the world, and demonstrates his relation to the owners and freighters as their agent for a specific purpose and with power well defined under the national maritime law; "id.' this was suggested by the author quoted as a possible explanation of the apparently anomalous exception of bottomry bonds from the general rule that the lex loci contractus prevails.

The very learned judgment of Mr. Justice Story just referred to affords a complete answer to a plausible argument in which was suggested that the general maritime law clothed the master with power to bind his owners absolutely, and that the municipal law of the owner's country was analogous to secret restrictions in the ostensible authority of a partner or other agent clothed with general power."

In The Brantfort City (S.D. of N. Y.) 29 Fed. 373, 383, Brown, J., this stated this rule: "The 'law of the flag'...does not embody any rule of legal construction. Literally, it is but a concise phrase to express a simple fact, namely, the law of the country to which the ship belongs, and whose flag she bears, whether it accords with the general maritime law or not. In so far , however, as the law of the flag does not represent the general maritime law, it is but the municipal law of the ship's home. It has, therefore, no force abroad, except by comity. But foreign law is not adopted by comity, unless some good reason appear in the particular case why it should be preferred to the law of the former. The most frequent and controlling reasons are the actual or presumed intent of the parties or evident justice of the case arising from the special circumstances."


THRIVE: What's True about Fukushima and What Can We Do?

Dear Thrive Movement,

Daily we are hit by waves of terrible news regarding Fukushima - disaster stories from alternative news sources, and relative silence from the mainstream media. What is true? What health risks are we ourselves, and all life, facing?

As we all do our best to decipher fact from fiction, one thing I feel is absolutely clear is that we should not be funding nuclear expansion at this time. So WHY are more new nuclear facilities being built now than in the last 30 years? And at what price?

In  this week's blog we provide links to some of the most helpful resources and offer tips on actions we can take right now.

With gratitude for your commitment to a thriving world,

Kimberly, Foster and The THRIVE Team 

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Clear Compass Media | P.O. Box 40 | Capitola | CA | 95010




The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation exposed

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation exposed
ExxonMobil, BP, Chevron, DynCorp, G4S, Walmart and McDonald’s are just a few of the companies that the mega ‘charity’ supports. With an endowment larger than all but four of the world’s largest hedge funds, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is easily one of the most powerful ‘charities’ in the world. According to its website, the organization ”works to help all people lead healthy, productive lives.”
So how do the investments of the foundation’s $36 billion investing arm, the Gates Foundation Trust, match up to its mission? We dug into the group’s recently released 2012 tax returns to find out.
full article w/infographics at:


Posted by FORO DINAR GURUS at 7:08 AM

2-1-2014   Newshound Guru Millionday   [If the Budget gets passed what will that do for us?] it will begin the movement of all international contracts and also province contracts and money  -- the movement of money and distribution will demand the economic and monetary reform.  so we are on the right track and by no means have made a bad choice so hold on because it is rolling and this is great.
Posted by FORO DINAR GURUS at 7:33 AM


[scorpio] Watch Out, A Currency Reset Is Coming… World Bank BOMBSHELL: The Dollar Is Collapsing ECONOMIES Read more at

[scorpio] Why This Harvard Economist Is Pulling All His Money From
Bank Of America
Posted by FORO DINAR GURUS at 7:36 PM

CGI's Lulu: Jesters place - Jester did a 32 point list from the state of the union

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
CGI's Lulu: Jesters place - Jester did a 32 point list from the state of the union
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 1-Feb-2014 11:40:15

Of all the "gurus" only one has maintained their integrity . No excuses, no bull ***
No fees! I have to also mention the tireless work of the volunteer moderators who do a stupendous job , and even throw me under the bus for vetting -lesson learned ! I survived, but my iPad wasn't so lucky!
Anyways Jester did a 32 point list from the state of the union
[Patience] Jester BRING IT
[Patience] Jester HI YA
[Jester] #1 According to a recent NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, only 28 percent of all Americans believe that the country is moving in the right direction.
[Jester] #2 In 2008, 53 percent of all Americans considered themselves to be "middle class". In 2014, only 44 percent of all Americans consider themselves to be "middle class".
[Jester] #3 In 2008, 25 percent of all Americans in the 18 to 29-year-old age bracket considered themselves to be "lower class". In 2014, an astounding 49 percent of them do.
[Jester] #4 Right now there is approximately a billion square feet of vacant retail space in the United States.
[Jester] #5 There are 46.5 million Americans that are living in poverty, and the poverty rate in America has been at 15 percent or above for 3 consecutive years. That is the first time that has happened since 1965.
[Jester] #6 Barack Obama says that the unemployment rate has declined to 6.7 percent, but if the labor force participation rate was at the long-term average it would actually be approximately 11.5 percent, and it has stayed at about that level since the end of the last recession.
[Jester] #7 While Barack Obama has been in the White House, the number of Americans on food stamps has gone from 32 million to 47 million.
[Jester] #8 While Barack Obama has been in the White House, the percentage of working age Americans that are actually working has declined from 60.6 percent to 58.6 percent
[Jester] #9 While Barack Obama has been in the White House, the average duration of unemployment in the United States has risen from 19.8 weeks to 37.1 weeks.
[Jester] #10 While Barack Obama has been in the White House, social benefits as a percentage of real disposable income has risen from about 17 percent to nearly 21 percent.
[Jester] #11 While Barack Obama has been in the White House, the rate of homeownership in the United States has fallen to levels that we have not seen in nearly two decades.
[Jester] #12 While Barack Obama has been in the White House, median household income in the United States has fallen for five years in a row.
[Jester] #13 While Barack Obama has been in the White House, the average cost of a gallon of gasoline has gone from $1.85 to $3.27.
[Jester] #14 At the end of Barack Obama's first year in office, our yearly trade deficit with China was 226 billion dollars. Now it is over 300 billion dollars
[Jester] #15 Workers are taking home the smallest share of the income pie that has ever been recorded
[Jester] #16 Sadly, 1,687,000 fewer Americans have jobs today compared to exactly six years ago even though the population has grown significantly since then.
[Jester] #17 One recent study found that about 60 percent of the jobs that have been "created" since the end of the last recession pay $13.83 or less an hour.
[Jester] #18 Only 47 percent of all adults in America have a full-time job at this point.
[Jester] #19 It is hard to believe, but an astounding 53 percent of all American workers make less than $30,000 a year.
[Jester] #20 The Obama years have been absolutely brutal for small businesses. According to economist Tim Kane, the following is how the number of startup jobs per 1000 Americans breaks down by presidential administration...
[Jester] #21 You can still buy a house in the city of Detroit for just one dollar.
[Jester] #22 The U.S. cattle herd is at a 61 year low.
[Jester] #23 It is being projected that health insurance premiums for healthy 30-year-old men will rise by an average of 260 percent under Obamacare.
[Jester] #24 According to the most recent numbers from the U.S. Census Bureau, an all-time record 49.2 percent of all Americans are receiving benefits from at least one government program each month.
[Jester] #25 When Barack Obama was first elected, the U.S. debt to GDP ratio was under 70 percent. Today, it is up to 101 percent.
[Jester] #26 The U.S. national debt is on pace to more than double during the eight years of the Obama administration. In other words, under Barack Obama the U.S. government will accumulate more debt than it did under all of the other presidents in U.S. history combined
[Jester] #27 Right now, there are 1.2 million students that attend public schools in the United States that are homeless. That number has risen by 72 percent since the start of the last recession.
[Jester] #28 Only 35 percent of all Americans say that they are better off financially than they were a year ago.
[Jester] #29 Only 19 percent of all Americans believe that the job market is better than it was a year ago.
[Jester] #30 According to a recent CNN poll, 70 percent of all Americans believe that "the economy is generally in poor shape".
[Jester] #31 According to a recent Pew Research survey, only 19 percent of all Americans trust the government. Back in 1958, 73 percent of all Americans trusted the government.
[Jester] #32 According to another poll that was recently released, 70 percent of all Americans do not have confidence that the government will "make progress on the important problems and issues facing the country in 2014."
[Sovereign] Jester sounds like PBO deserves a lot of credit LOL
[Patience] Jester TY VERY SAD INDEED
[devinehealth] Jester you should have done the response last tues
[BocaLinda] And show those stats to a lib and they just shrug..
[HeartLand] Jester how soon do you think we will start to see this? Any ideas? Yesterday would have been great.
[Betsy Ross] I want the link so I can post on FB

** Iraqi dinar, recently being said ** / TNT Tony

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

** Iraqi dinar, recently being said ** / TNT Tony
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 1-Feb-2014 04:17:46

Hi, Folks -
Found at, from sometime Friday:
1-31-2014 Intel Guru TNT Tony [via Adept1] all the call centers are fully manned and the exchange centers are manned. They are being told that this is happening
today. Many Tier 2 and 3 banks have been notified that over 100 currencies will be revalued on Monday.
 We’ve called a few and they say that they should be exchanging on Monday. Because the memo has gone out bankwide, there have been bank meetings to let them know that this is REAL. They briefed them that 80+ currencies have already revalued, and are now waiting for this to go public. [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]
1-31-2014 Intel Guru TNT Tony Twice yesterday they were told that the 800 numbers will be out and to wait for the phones to ring. I hope it really does go through, but I wish I could be more confident.They are being told from upper management that this is it, and that it’s going to happen today. That is what happened yesterday, and they didn’t send people home until 1am. Then they called them back in today. They gave them a time later today when this should be done, and it’s not midnight. [post 2 of 3....stay tuned]
1-31-2014 Intel Guru TNT Tony The three people that can change this at any given time, and all of them have the opportunity to do this and none have done it...There are certain people in the administration still trying to block this, right now. They don’t want us to have the contract rate. Actually, at one point they didn’t want us to be involved at all, because this wasn’t for us, but for the inner circle – the ones who got paid in December. ...everything is ready and there is no excuse. The system is working; it’s at the bank level, and yesterday over 25,000 people were paid out! ...hopefully before you go to bed tonight you'll be multi-millionaires and billionaires. [post 3 of 3]

SwissIndo Update Part 2 from Removing the Shackles


SwissIndo Update Part 2 from Removing the Shackles


The "RV", China, SwissIndo and Slavery 2.0

The past 18 hours have been brought to you by a mixture of adrenaline and caffeine.  My greatest wish at this point of my exhaustive state is that I wish I had made a recording of the past 22 hours as I now have to rely on my brain to organize the massive amount of information that we have been through in the past 18 hours. ... it would of been a hell of a lot easier to have been able to just post the recording of the discussions!

At the bottom of this article I am going to blast you with a massive amount of links to transparent news stories that I feel are important for people to read - these will help you draw lines between the pieces of the puzzle that have been laid out in front of us.

I have been trying to explain to people for the past year that all is not what it seems in the realms of the "RV" and the "New" Financial system, the Global revaluation of currencies and the perceived "Good guys".  This isn't something that came to my understanding all at once, but instead has been a constant trickle of information and intel that just hasn't added up and has set off huge alarm bells in my head. The louder the alarms got, the more I researched and dug deep to find out "why". Intel that came to me got tossed under the electron microscope and was thoroughly cross examined....

....I'd fallen for the bullshit before (ie: the Republic stuff and Bonner and Paul etc...), and I wasn't going to fall for that ball of crap again.

If you haven't read the article by pastor Lindsey Williams 
HERE, I strongly suggest that you do.  Mr. Williams, while I do not agree with some his personal interpretations of some of the information given, has laid out one of the most concise outlines of exactly what is happening with gold and the bankruptcy of the US and the hoarding of gold by China. Unfortunately, like many other knowledgeable people, Mr. Lindsey doesn't delve deeper into the deeper elements of who's doing what to whom.  As with so many of the "Gurus",  the hyper focus on their goal of getting the money- through the "RV" and/or Prosperity packages- has blinded them to the blatant facts that are staring them in the face.  While many of them are singing the praises of various countries and agencies for bringing them the long sought after Saviour "RV", they refuse to look at the underlying truths of who is behind the whole thing.

Their motto should be "SHOW ME THE MONEY.....and I'll turn a blind eye to everything else!"

I am going to give you a run down of some of the important details and intel that I have verified, and I will give you my opinion/gut instincts based on that information.  This isn't going to be a very pretty article and I'll organize it as best I am able at this moment.  This WILL be long long long... so go get that coffee (bring the pot).

First off, I will reiterate this again:  Mdm Wu and Generals Wong and Li are NOT NOT NOT working for the so called "white dragons" and are NOT the "good guy humanitarian saviours of the world"- they work directly with the Chinese government.  The Chinese government is also NOT the "good guy humanitarian Savior's of the world", they don't give a rats ass about US citizens (or any other country's people for that matter), they are NOT working for the "greater good" and they are not taking over the US Treasury, the FBI the CIA and several other agencies because they want to help out the American people.  The Chinese are taking them over, because they are TAKING THEM OVER and TAKING OVER.

Please take a moment to chew on that....

Last night I called in a few very smart friends to discuss the SI resignation letter and to lay out the background to the Chinese take over and how it is inter-related.   To begin with I pulled out the intel and information that I have  and laid it on the table for everyone to look at and digest, as a basis to the new information that is coming out right now.  This is the basic run down of what I reviewed with them- in point form:

D.Breakingthesilence:  Some of this is intel, some of it is what I've "figured out" some of it in my gut
we KNOW that the chinese are being heralded by the lightworkers as the saviors.
we know that the white dragons are being set up as the global saviors- being painted as the good guys. we know that Poof and ZAP et al have been trying to claim that madam Wu is a white dragon but she is NOT- she works for the Chinese government . we know that she's in control of the UST with an iron fist. we know that china ownes a huge amount of the US debt- and a lot of other countries (we might want to research that)
we know that last january Gulliver- head of HSBC was transferring $44 million US a DAY out of hong kong, and we know that that money was going to the IMF and being funneled to the UST
we know that china has the US by the short and curlies because of the gold situation and the amount of debt that they are holding over America's heads- among other things!
the main stream media and alternative media has been talking about china buying up all the worlds gold- tons of articles about that over the past two years- the US was suppose to be holding a vast chunk of china's gold since WWI, but a lot  of their gold was also sent to the Philippines- and what did the US Do with all of China's gold? 

we know that "the families" lent the US a huge bundle to pay off a portion of their back dates loans in.... that would have been around March I think.  we know that the US borrowed gold from "the old man" to make up the difference on their books when they were audited:

  WHERE IS THE GOLD? They didn't' take physical possession of it. Supposedly the golden coffers of America were audited to prove they have enough gold to back their currency (regardless of the fact that they had to borrow gold from from Canada and Russia and "The Old Man" to barely cover it- oh and then they reneged on paying back the gold they borrowed from "The Old Man" so they then had to borrow gold from China to pay back the Old Man, but then they only paid half of that gold back and a certain US high up guy had to go to China and give blow jobs for a weekend to get the US out of very hot toxic water AND pay back the Old Man .... I'm not even sure where they got the gold to make up the missing gold as they'd already lost the gold that they stole... I mean "borrowed" from China seriously, I can't make this shit up!), and yet there is no proof of the audit taking place, no one will say which agency/person did the audit, and no proof that the audit was correct or that the gold the US supposedly has is even THERE.
 the US didnt' pay back that loan and china had to give them more money/gold to pay back the families
jack Lew went to china at that time- he' was cutting huge deals because they were in so much trouble for the debt
china has been putting everything you need to know into the news for the past 2 years- about the BRICs - getting rid of the Fed Res currency as global reserve, setting up their own "IMF", setting up their own world bank/BIS to operate through. (huge list of links of the latest news at the bottom of this article).  we have china buying up US power and land in vast amounts for the past 5 years  They have also made huge inroads into the banking industry in the US and they control Wells fargo, among other financial corporations.
china buys the largest gold vault 3-4 months ago- JP morgan chase's vault, then Dec 13 and again January 23, the largest EVER withdrawals of gold are taken out of that Vault
JP morgan has paid over $20 BILLION in fines and legal costs, yet Dimon gets a 75% raise to the tune of $20 million- one would almost think that he was getting paid off for something, eh?

HSBC is the "old man" according to heather.  but I have no personal proof.  We DO know that HSBC is a Chinese owned and operated corporation- they are NOT British...WE were told this summer that HSBC was going to be the sacrificial goat and Deutsche Bank would be the "savior" (Deutsche being a Rothchild's bank)....    
Then pretty much a month after that, the European banks started questioning using SWIFT to transfer money- which are owned by hsbc. ...  I just wrote about HSBC misrepresenting their hard assets by $92 BILLION dollars... they are in big bad trouble right now....

.. but then so is Deusche bank and the rest of their piggy banks- Lloyds, barclays, RBS, Credit Suisse,  they are all completely bankrupt and on the verge of collapse.  So who is supposedly the Savior of the Banks now?!  
We are watching the systematic deconstruction of the current financial system, listening to the death rattle as it's drawing it's last haggard breath....  

But..... China is supposedly swooping in to rescue the distraught damsels in distress!!!  At least those pushing the RV and "New" financial system schtick would have you believe that.  But what about the fact that China is BROKE TOO!!!  Seriously, they are in even worse financial shape than most of the rest of the world.  (Again: links at the bottom of the page.)

.... it was about this time in the conversation with the research group that I got a call:
holdon- intel call coming in
I was completely right!
 on everything- this is a chinese take over 
: no "good guys"involved

During the call I literally felt the *thud* of the enormity of what China is planning.

China was suppose to be the golden child of the "New" financial system. They were suppose to be the bridge between the financial and energetic accounting.... but then.... their accounts were suddenly empty- of both.

According to the UCC Filings by the OPPT Trustees, ALL the "Value" has been returned to the people.  Every BEing on this planet is FREE and all previous contracts (known and unknown) are cancelled.

No more  financial OR energetic "free ride" for the banks and corporations pretending to be governments.  This puts a bit of a twist in their tail now, doesn't it?  How can you push a "New" financial system into place without a penny to back it?  With the people's "value" having escaped from their grasp, they need to get it back in order to move forward....

... they have to convince the people to sign away their value again- to sign a contract, giving them, the banks/governments/controllers, the power over this value.

In the past year, two groups have come forward, and both are asking for your signature on a contract!!!!

The first one is Keshe, and his Peace contract (which is actually a soul contract)- he was interviewed this morning and has some very interesting things to say in the last 5-7 minutes of the recording- I highly recommend you listen:

The Second one is SwissIndo.

Beyond all the information that is truly shocking to many people in Peita's letter of resignation (and by the way I have all the copies of the emails sent back and forth between her and Ross and copies of the threats that have been made against pieta, and I will go public with these as soon as I have talked to pieta personally), and the information that I have brought out over the past few months about SI, the question of SI's involvement with China looms large.

At the very bottom of this article is an embedded PDF called "
History of Banking Asian - Final Presentation Part 1"   

This document supposedly outlines the history of "the gold" and riches that SwissIndo supposedly represents.  It directly and implicitly shows the connection between China and SwissIndo.  I think that many of you will find it very interesting as the history of how and where this money and gold supposedly comes from.

One of the things that really hit us last night was the fact that the "king of kings" is called Mr. Sino.  Sino is a name historically for CHINA.


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sino generally refers to China, the ancient-to-modern history of China, the culture of China, or the Chinese people.

ie: the Sino- Japanese war, or the Sino Indian war

By their own historical document, the SI are aligned with China historically and financially.  Just last year the BRICs became the BRIICs with the addition of Indonesia to the financial superpower group that is led by China. China, among a long list of other shadowy characters and groups, are calling for a new "Global currency"..... hmmmm.... where have we heard that before....?

SwissIndo in several passages and at several times have talked about the "New World Order"... and apparently they have some lovely printing plates for printing a new currency?.....

Indonesia and Philippine's are supposedly the resting place of vast quantities of historical gold..... yet where is it?

China is gobbling up gold,  and yet, where is the gold coming from? Where is it going to?

Week 3, 2014 Withdrawals From SGE Vaults 60 Tons, YTD 159 Tons

Again an astounding trading week on the SGE; from January 13 – 17, 2014 physical withdrawals from the SGE vaults accounted for 60 tons of gold, year to date 159 tons. Although withdrawals are down 25 % from the previous week, the amount is still well above weekly global mine production.

Shanghai Gold Exchange

Shanghai Gold Exchange
Key PeopleWang Zhe, chairman
ProductsGold, silver, platinum spot and forward
Shanghai Gold Exchange (SGE) is a non-profit self-regulatory organization, approved by the State Council, organized by the People's Bank of China, and registered with the State Administration for Industry & Commerce, for the purpose of gold, silver, platinum and other precious metals transactions.[1]

JPMorgan's gold vault is being emptied,  the Shanghai Gold Exchange has gold flooding out of it.....China's own both..... Soooooo...... where is the gold going? Who has it?  And where did it come from?  And why is the purported King of kings saying he has "the Money" and yet no one has seen so much as a wooden nickle.

Maybe it's all a scam, and the SI thingy is just one of those online bizarre stories.... or maybe they NEED the signatures of the people to re-contract with them to be able to ACCESS THE GOLD!

I think the very fact of the existence of both the SI and the Keshe contracts- both magically appearing in the past year- should make people seriously think about what they are signing.

As for China... Well below I've compiled just a few articles that I think everyone should seriously take note of. 

The big bad wolf is huffing and puffing.... the question is: is your house made of straw or brics? ....
... sorry, I couldn't resist, lol.

My final advice to all the RV'ers and those "Lightworkers" who've put everything they've got into one single basket...... beware that greed isn't your downfall. It is better to have a bit in hand, than nothing at all..... and that is where this all could be heading.   I will elaborate on this in a while... when and if I can.  I definitely want the Lightworkers out there to take a long hard look at who's telling them to buy dinar, and who's telling them that China will be their knight in shining armor.... no matter what colour the dragons are.


Replace dollar with super currency: economist

The World Bank's former chief economist wants to replace the US dollar with a single global super-currency, saying it will create a more stable global financial system.
"The dominance of the greenback is the root cause of global financial and economic crises," Justin Yifu Lin told Bruegel, a Brussels-based policy-research think tank. "The solution to this is to replace the national currency with a global currency."
Lin, now a professor at Peking University and a leading adviser to the Chinese government, said expanding the basket of major reserve currencies — the dollar, the euro, the Japanese yen and pound sterling — will not address the consequences of a financial crisis. Internationalizing the Chinese currency is not the answer, either, he said.

The Global Sustainable Currency Summit last September in China.... you might want to read the various points and topics that were purportedly discussed, like:
Monetary Dominance as Global Currency in the Petroleum Age and New Energy Era

Super-Sovereign Reserve CurrencySingle Global Currency Vs SDRs toward Supra-Reserve Currency

Role of Banks in Global Currency Trading and Establishment of the Global Currency

The question are:
  • 1. Global Currency, Global Central Bank & World Government
  • 2. What are the roles of banks play in establishing a global currency, especially commercial banks?
  • 3. How does the global currency affect banking industry?

In 2007, Jim Rogers, a former partner in George Soros's Quantum Fund, said the Government should abolish the Hong Kong dollar and adopt the yuan as the official currency of the territory when the renminbi is freely convertible.[13](the renminbi is not freely convertible.) However, in the same year, Rogers changed his position and believe the Hong Kong Government should adopt the renminbi even when it is non-freely convertible. "This is 2007; I don't know why the Hong Kong dollar exists any more.... You have a gigantic neighbor who is becoming the most incredible economy in the world."[14] Rogers also believes the renminbi is going to replace the US dollar as world reserve currency

China's Rich Know Bailouts Equal Gold No. 1

One of the nice things for wealthy people in China is that mysterious, unidentified third parties occasionally swoop in at the last minute to bail them out of investments that are about to default. And they do such generous things for the good of the country and its financial system, of course...
..Teaching them a lesson may have to wait, though, because now it looks like the fund's investors will get some sort of payout, although it isn't clear who will do the paying or how much the payout will be. But minor details like those don't seem to be important right now, because what matters to the Chinese government is preventing the global capital markets from having a panic attack about the country's shadow-banking system.

When is default a good thing?

That's the question being asked in China, where the murky rescue of a high-yield fund appears to have prevented a default that would have cost investors millions and undermined faith in the country's financial system. 
But the 11th hour bailout by a mysterious third party has raised questions about China's readiness to let investors pay the price for failed investments and mounting risk in the country's shadow banking system...

UN Strongly Recommends SDRs Over Dollar as World Reserve Currency

A Closer Look at China and HSBC – Are they Running Out of Cash?

Fears are growing that HSBC bank is insolvent, after the Bank refused cash withdrawals and has an $80bn blackhole in their balance sheet.  Last night,Forbes and a variety of sources including Max Keiser, and FXstreet (Forex) reported a Bank of China announcement suspending all cash transfers for the next several days.  So what’s really going on?

The Forbes report states:

“The People’s Bank of China , the central bank, has just ordered commercial banks to halt cash transfers.

    In short, there will be a three-day suspension of domestic renminbi transfers.  There will also be a suspension, spanning nine calendar days, of conversions of renminbi to foreign currency.

The Latest HSBC Scandal: An $80 Billion Capitalization Shortfall

"Forensic Asia on Tuesday began its coverage of Britain’s largest banking group with a ‘sell’ recommendation, warning the lender had between $63.6bn (£38.7bn) and $92.3bn of “questionable assets” on its balance sheet, ranging from loan loss reserves and accrued interest to deferred tax assets, defined benefit pension schemes and opaque Level 3 assets.

note: the original Telegraph link is now dead- yet another article removed that highlights major financial problems!

Shortage Of Gold Bars Develops In London - Follow The Money

Asian and Middle Eastern Central Banks and investors are hoarding an enormous amount of the 400 ounce  LBMA "good delivery" bars that make London the largest physical gold trading market in the world. As the price of gold was aggressively manipulated lower by the Federal Reserve and its agent bullion banks since mid-2011, eastern hemisphere sovereign, Central Bank and investment buying - especially the Chinese - intensified.

Why Are Banking Executives In London Killing Themselves?

History of Banking Asian - Final Presentation Part 1 by breakingthesilence