Thursday, February 6, 2014

!!!!! IMPORTANT MAPS TO DOWNLOAD AND SAVE >>> Maps: Exploration, Resources, Reserves, and Production - Energy Information Administration

Subject: !!!!! IMPORTANT MAPS TO DOWNLOAD AND SAVE >>> Maps: Exploration, Resources, Reserves, and Production - Energy Information Administration

"People will generally accept facts as truth, only if the facts agree with what they already believe." -- Andy Rooney & “Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.” – Aldous Huxley

World Statistics Clock

World Statistics Clock -

Use your masterful powers of thought,
visualization and verbal intent to
Co-create a peaceful world now...

dolphins 3

Millions of Americans Teetering on Edge of Financial Ruin

of Financial Ruin

Kurt Nimmo
February 5, 2014
A poll conducted by NBC News and Marist paints a bleak financial picture for millions of Americans. Nearly 20 percent, more than 40 million Americans, say they have a difficult time making ends meet.

            Sen. Ted Cruz: Income inequality caused by big government.
The poll follows the results of a report released last year by the U.S. Census Bureau. It showed household income steadily declining since the Great Recession began in 2007. Median income in 2012 was $51,017 a year, down from $51,100 the year before. In 1999, median income was $56,080 when adjusted for inflation. The report also showed 46.5 million Americans mired in poverty.
Last January the Commerce Department reported personal income had fallen 3.6% that month, the largest decline in 20 years. Taxes and inflation made the decline even bigger. Disposable personal income fell by 4%. It was the largest loss in half a century.
According to the NBC News/Marist survey the tipping point is $50,000 a year. 30 percent of adults earning less than $50,000 per year describe their finances as weak while only 5 percent of those who earn more say the same. “Americans 45 to 59 years old, who may still be supporting their children while at the same time caring for parents, are more likely than other age groups to say their money situation is faltering. One in five members of this generation — 20 percent — says their household finances are weak.”
Debt is a factor. The poll revealed that nearly 10 percent, 22 million Americans, are trapped in debt. “Americans who earn less than $50,000 a year are four times more likely than those who make more to be overwhelmed by their level of debt. 16 percent of those with an annual salary less than $50,000 experience significant financial stress compared with only 4 percent who earn more.”
As of January 2014 the average credit card debt in America stood at $15,279. The average mortgage debt is $149,925 and the average student loan debt load is $32,250. In total, Americans owe a staggering $11.36 trillion in debt and $856.9 billion in credit card debt.
Census Bureau figures and polls, however, do not show the primary reason for declining incomes and the erosion of the middle class. Obama and the new Federal Reserve boss, Janet Yellen, say income inequality is a serious problem, yet they do not explain why and they never will.
The precipitous decline in middle class wealth is largely the fault of the Federal Reserve and government economic policy. The Federal Reserve enables deficit spending by government and fractional reserve lending by banks. It does this by creating money out of nothing. This influx of new money dilutes the value of existing currency and creates inflation. This represents an invisible tax government never talks about.
“Unfortunately no one in Washington, especially those who defend the poor and the middle class, cares about this subject,” Ron Paul notes. “Instead, all we hear is that tax cuts for the rich are the source of every economic ill in the country. Anyone truly concerned about the middle class suffering from falling real wages, under-employment, a rising cost of living, and a decreasing standard of living should pay a lot more attention to monetary policy. Federal spending, deficits, and Federal Reserve mischief hurt the poor while transferring wealth to the already rich. This is the real problem, and raising taxes on those who produce wealth will only make conditions worse.”
The NBC News/Maris poll says most Americans believe the economy is getting better and their financial situation will improve. Unfortunately, there is little evidence to bear this out. So long as the Federal Reserve controls money, the situation will continue to get worse. The solution to income inequality and encroaching rates of poverty is not a tax on the rich. It is abolishing the Federal Reserve and eliminating the control the financial class on Wall Street has over the issuance of money.
This article was posted: Wednesday, February 5, 2014 at 9:52 am

Forty Six (46) US Traitors !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Forty Six  (46)  US Traitors !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The U.N. Resolution 2117 lists 21 points dealing with firearms control, but
perhaps of most interest is point number 11: "CALLS FOR MEMBER STATES TO

HOORAY - 53-46 vote - The U.S. Senate voted against the U.N. resolution.

At least our Texas Senators are not on this list. I am sorry to see so many
other states have a sorry record of the 2nd amendment support.

*This is that brief, glorious moment in historywhen everyone stands

*Now, Which 46 Senators Voted to Destroy Us? Well, let their names become
known !! See below *

*. If you vote in one of the states listed with these 46 "**legis..traitors**".
vote against them.*

*In a 53-46 vote, the Senate narrowly passed a measure that will stop the
United States from entering into the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty. The
Statement of Purpose from the Bill reads: "To uphold Second Amendment
rights and prevent the United States from entering into the United Nations
Arms Trade Treaty." The U.N. Small Arms Treaty, which has been championed
by the Obama Administration, would have effectively placed a global ban on
the import and export of small firearms. The ban would have affected all
private gun owners in the U.S. and had language that would have implemented

*international gun registry, now get this, **on all private guns and ammo.*

*Astonishingly, 46 out of our 100 United States Senators were willing to
give away our Constitutional rights to a foreign power.*

*Here are the 46 senators who voted to give your rights to the U.N.*

*Baldwin (D-WI)*

*Baucus (D-MT)*

*Bennett (D-CO)*

*Blumenthal (D-CT)*

*Boxer (D-CA)*

*Brown (D-OH)*

*Cantwell (D-WA)*

*Cardin (D-MD)*

*Carper (D-DE)*

*Casey (D-PA)*

*Coons (D-DE)*

*Cowan (D-MA)*

*Durbin (D-IL)j*

*Feinstein (D-CA)*

*Franken (D-MN)*

*Gillibrand (D-NY)*

*Harkin (D-IA)*

*Hirono (D-HI)*

*Johnson (D-SD)*

*Kaine (D-VA)*

*King (I-ME)*

*Klobuchar (D-MN)*

*Landrieu (D-LA)*

*Leahy (D-VT)*

*Levin (D-MI)*

*McCaskill (D-MO)*

*Menendez (D-NJ)*

*Merkley (D-OR)*

*Mikulski (D-MD)*

*Murphy (D-CT)*

*Murray (D-WA)*

*Nelson (D-FL)*

*Reed (D-RI)*

*Reid (D-NV)*

*Rockefeller (D-WV)*

*Sanders (I-VT)*

*Schatz (D-HI)*

*Schumer (D-NY)*

*Shaheen (D-NH)*

*Stabenow (D-MI)*

*Udall (D-CO)*

*Udall (D-NM)*

*Warner (D-VA)*

*Warren (D-MA)*

*Whitehouse (D-RI)*

*Wyden (D-OR)*

*Folks: This needs to go viral. These Senators voted to let the UN take OUR
guns. They need to lose their next election. We have been betrayed.*

*46 Senators Voted to Give your 2nd Amendment Constitutional Rights to the

*Please send** this to SOMEONE!*

WF Internal Memo

TERRYK CHAT 8:02 AM EST 2/6/2014
[tina] deemoney: My daughter works at WF.
She got a internal memo yesterday afternoon
about the Iraqi dinar. I'm so siked!
First time at teller level. They said if and when
a revaluation takes place, that customers don't
have to sign a contract and don't need a account.
Oh yeah and they don't sell dinar!
We are here guys! Have a great day
[tina] beach idk... I worked there for many years...
even through the Kuiwait revalue.. never got memos
.. so
[TERRYK] Do you notice the importance, IMO, of this
statement? is saying that the CBI HAS changed their monetary
policy!!! It states:
"NEW monetary policy...pursued by the central bank."
This is past tense!!! They have already made changes!!!
We are definitely in a WAIT mode for the change in the
rate of the IQD.
[tina] i will check with my WF friends..


Use your masterful powers of thought,
visualization and verbal intent to
Co-create a peaceful world now...

dolphins 3



The Queen looking stressed and drained, follow paedophile arrest warrant, issued by former Military Police Man, Matt Taylor.

The Queen: paedophile arrest warrant, ordered by former Royal Military Policeman, Matt Taylor.
The Queen has granted herself (and her family) a new right of absolutely secrecy unsurpassed in British history, in an attempt to cover up paedophile claims and arrest warrants.
Royal Family granted new right of Absolute secrecy.
Looking visibly shaken and exhausted after the relentless attack on her crown, the Queen has taken this last ditched attempt to silence the paedophile rumours in connection with the Yewtree police investigation and her Jimmy Savile connections.
The Queen is taking the only option she has open, to pull down the shutters and hope for the best.
By granting herself absolute protection from public scrutiny, (in the most controversial move of her Monarchy), she hopes to draw a veil of secrecy over:
  • The paedophile rumours.
  • The arrest warrant ordered by ex-Royal Military Policeman Matt Taylor, against her and David Cameron for sex crimes against children.
  • The arrest warrant issued by David Compan which indicted the Queen and her husband in the 1964 disappearance of ten indigent children of the Canadian Kamloops Indian Residential School, who were last seen heading for a picnic with Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip, never to be seen again. To this day, grieving parents haven’t seen them since.(Its worthy of note: Last week British citizen David Compan was twice arrested without charges, accosted and drugged, as was his wife. He remained incarcerated for at least a month in the London Park Royal Mental Health Centre, until pressure from the public secured his release.)
  • Her involvement in Princess Diana’s death.
  • The “Extravagant and Indulgent” abuse of the public purse by junior Royals and their friends.
  • Satanic Worship.
The Queen is Guilty.
On Feb. 25 2013 six judges on Brussels international court found Queen Elizabeth, Prince Phillip, Catholic Pope Joseph Ratzinger and 37 other elites guilty of Crimes Against Humanity.
An arrest warrant was served on Ratzinger, who immediately resigned from office.
The Vatican/Brighton Connection.
The Vatican/Brighton Connection.
The Vatican/Brighton Connection.
In a week of metaphors and symbolism, which saw Katy Perry conduct a Satanic Ritual live at the Grammy Awards, to news Buckingham Palace is crumbling, to the surreal attack on two doves by a crow and seagull, set free by Pope Francis flanked by two children, outside a vatican window.
Spectators are claiming the signs signal an imminent collapse of both the British Royal and Vatican power.
Ex Royal Military Policeman, Matt Taylor (who lives in Brighton and can see the Seagull’s brand new Amex Stadium from his back garden,) wrote a blog calling for the immediate arrest of the Queen and David Cameron on sex crimes against children, which went viral over the weekend read by 20,000 people world-wide.
An arrest warrant was served on Ratzinger, who immediately resigned from office.
An arrest warrant was served on Ratzinger, who immediately resigned from office.
The metaphor is seen by many believers to be a sign that God condones the attack of Seagull supporter Matt Taylor, on the Vatican and the British Throne.
Its all about the Symbolism, as any good Satanist would know.
Claiming to hold the “higher-moral-ground,”, Matt Taylor said, “I’m not the criminal here, they are.”
Dismissed by many as a “self-publicising, ranting loon that hijacks the terrible crime of paedophilia to further his own agenda by posting nonsense about our Queen and PM,” Matt Taylor hits back at comments that he hasn’t got the authority to order such an arrest, such as Anthony Turtle who contends:
Who does Matt Taylor think he is that he can “Order the arrest” of anyone, is he a magistrate or judge? No, he is not, he is, as he states “an ex-Royal Military Police, the authority to order the immediate arrest of David Cameron, the Prime Minister of the UK and Queen Elizabeth II, the Queen of England and the Common Wealth. He has no right to order the arrest of anyone. let alone the Monarch of the realm and commonwealth!”
To which Matt Taylor replied, “I hold the higher-moral-ground and have the authority of the Royal Truth, to order the arrest of the Queen and Prime Minister.”
Royal Truth
Royal Truth
My Authority is Royal Truth.”
Calling all Good men and women to break ranks and show the Bad how far over the line they’ve come.
Matt Taylor continues, “Let me make this clear, we the People know their crimes and we have the evidence. The Queen and David Cameron are guilty of sex crimes against children.
With the authority invested in me by the Royal Truth, and my pledge to King Arthur II and Judge Dredd, to up hold the law, I hereby repeat my order for the Queen and David Cameron to be arrested immediately.
"No one is above the Law."
No one is above the Law and the Queen, her husband and her Establishment must face the British Judicial system and let twelve good men and women decide their fate.
As the police and politicians are so eager to remind us, if you haven’t done anything wrong, then you have nothing to hide.
The terror of her imminent arrest is etched across the Queen’s face because she knows she’s guilty as Hell.”
The House of Cards is Crumbling.
Buckingham Palace confirmed it had consulted the Coalition Government over the change in the law and ordered the Government to bury the plan for “added protection” for the Royal Family in the small print of plans called “opening up public bodies to public scrutiny”.
Giving the ‘Royal Finger’ to public scrutiny.
The Queen is GuiltySources from inside Buckingham Palace said that the change to the law was necessary because the Freedom of Information Act had failed to protect the Queen’s secrets, which now exposed, has made her position untenable.
Giving the ‘royal finger’ to public scrutiny, the Queen has taken this controversial move, as a last ditch attempt to draw a veil of secrecy over her crimes, and those her husband, Prince Charles, Prince William and all her Knights, Lords and Clergymen.
Ian Davidson, a former member of Parliament’s Public Accounts Committee (PAC), told The Independent newspaper, “I’m astonished that the Government should find time to seek to cover up royal finances. When I was on the PAC what we wanted was more disclosure not less. Every time we examined royal finances we found extravagance and indulgence as well as abuse of expenses by junior royals. Everywhere we looked, there were savings to be made for the Government. This sends the wrong message about public disclosure and accountability.”
Junior royals abuse of public purse, described as “Extravagance and Indulgence.”
The Queen has been exposed as being so mean, she actually marked the nibble bowls left around Buckingham Palace at night, to deter her police protection officers from eating her cashew nuts and bombay mix.
While she grants her grand-children and their friends free dip into the public’s purse, to scoff as much caviar and champagne as they please.
The richest woman in the World even raided the British People’s Poverty Fund to pay for her heating bill.
Arthur's Cross
Arthur’s Cross
Don’t feel Guilty, the Queen isn’t even British.
What many people don’t know about the Windsor Royal Family is that it isn’t a true British Royal Family, its German.
Fewer people know that King Arthur II was a real historical figure who was born in 503AD in Wales and died (assassinated by a red indian) in Kentucky America 579AD.
We all know the legend of King Arthur and how he’ll return in our Nation’s hour of need.
After 1,5000 years of waiting, the Hour is Now and the Queen’s arrest is imminent.
According to the ground breaking research ofhistorians Alan Wilson and Baram Blackett, the Arthurian Kingdom was destroyed by the debris from a comet, which devastated much of Britain in 562AD and brought in the Dark Age, which left much of Britain uninhabitable for 7-11 years.
King Arthur I son of Magnus Maximus of the late 4th Century AD and King Arthur II of the late 6th Century AD, can both trace their family lines back to the British Emperor Constantine the Great, and continue on back to the Holy Family itself which entered Britain in AD 37.
Since the Saxon invasion of 1066, The Arthurian Dynasty has been systematically eroded, ridiculed and re-hashed as a fairy-tale legend to suppress the real history of our ancient British heritage.
Make no mistake, once the evidence against her is placed in a Common Land Court of Law, every law-abiding citizen in the UK will be shouting in fury, ‘Off with her head, off with her head.”
King Arthur II, born 503AD in Wales UK, Died 579AD Kentucky USA, according to the ground-breaking research of Alan Wilson and Baram
King Arthur II, born 503AD in Wales UK, Died 579AD Kentucky USA, according to the ground-breaking research of Alan Wilson and Baram Blackett.
King Arthur II’s Legacy.
As far-fetched as it sounds, archeologists in Kentucky America have found evidence that confirms King Arthur II sailed his army in 700 ships across the Atlantic and set up home, before having a war with the indigenous red indians, where he was tragically assassinated by a young red indian. Descendants of King Arthur II’s voyage to America, can still be found living deep in the Kentucky wilderness.
Long Live the King, Long Live King Arthur II.
As far-fetched as it sounds, The Queen and her Establishment have been named as dangerous murderers, paedophiles and Satanic worshippers.
I’m sorry but I’m afraid its true,” said Bill Maloney.
Buckingham Palace has made no comment at this time.

Revelations of CIA involvement with Benghazi Cover-up

Revelations of CIA involvement with Benghazi Cover-up

Bob Beauprez | Feb 05, 2014

Regardless of Barack Obama's unwillingness to answer Bill O'Reilly's questions in the pre-Super Bowl interview, the White House led cover up of the truth behind the Benghazi attack won't die.
Thanks in large part to Fox News, and specifically Chief Intelligence Correspondent Catherine Herridge, the nation slowly learns more of the truth - and, the circle tightens around Hillary Clinton and the President.
In the following video, Herridge exposes a Senate report identifying former CIA Deputy Director Michael Morell as the individual responsible for scrubbing the now infamous talking points released days after the Benghazi attack.
The CIA Chief of Station on the ground in Libya during the attack informed his superiors that the attack was "not/not an escalation of protest." Nonetheless, Morell sanitized and altered the talking points blaming the largely unseen video for sparking a protest demonstration gone bad for the death of four Americans. Susan Rice then went on television the next day to spin the phony narrative that was defended by the President and Hillary Clinton for the next two weeks.
Morell resigned from the CIA last summer and joined Philippe Reines at Beacon Global Strategies, the "gatekeeper" for Hillary Clinton according to the New York Times.
When the truth drips out in any cover up it always seems to generate even more questions. As you will see in the following interview, according to Sen. Lindsey Graham, in closed door interviews with Susan Rice, Morell "tried to defend her (Rice) appearance on television and tried to defend the idea that there was confusion about what happened in Benghazi."
Further, Graham says Morell refused responsibility for changing the talking points, instead he blamed the FBI. "I called the FBI," says Graham, "they went ballistic." Within 24 hours, Morell statement was change and he admitted the CIA had changed the talking points, Graham also says.
Among the very big unanswered questions that remain, we still have to wonder why even the highest levels of the CIA were willing to be corrupted to cover up the truth?

Why be surprised by Benghazi and Clinton? Remember Whitewater?

Why be surprised by Benghazi and Clinton? Remember Whitewater?
January 10th, 2014
     - Daniel Ankrom
Hillary Rodham Clinton
    To run for President of The United States it is understood that your skeletons be fully muted and what's under your rugs be well trampled. Not unless you are practiced at escaping controversy that is. Enter Hillary Rodham Clinton. Born: October 26, 1947. She is the definition of a political Yuppy. Climbing the ladder all the way to FLOTUS, Senator of New York, and Secretary of State as a consolation prize for losing to President Obama in a Presidential bid. As Secretary of State, she is highly regarded as the sole person responsible for the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi. Plenty of evidence proving she denied improved security at the consulate has been thrown her way but nothing has stuck. Lying about the attackers and our purpose in Libya has gone unpunished. Average politicians would have shriveled under this fire but not Hillary. It is as though she has sold her soul to the devil.

    Enter Whitewater. Perhaps Hillary's first escape from scandal and this one was so perfect that no one today remembers. So perfect that it allowed her to run for President sixteen years later without it being brought up. Now she is going to run again to take the DNC promise that President Obama took away from her. The ruthlessness that perhaps got Vince Foster, Chis Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty, and Tyrone Woods killed, will be on display when Obama sees the underside of a bus during her upcoming campaign. This is no lady to mess with.
    The Whitewater scandal never even touched Hillary but got 15 people convicted including her friends the McDougals. Susan McDougal was pardoned by President Bill Clinton and Jim McDougal died in prison at 57. Most of her associates in the Ozark Mountains deal fell but Hillary walked away. People died mysteriously and she moved up the ladder. Her ability to walk on water had begun.
    The move to New York was known by everyone as an attempt at a Senate seat but she gained it anyway. Whitewater was now clear water and smooth sailing towards a Presidential run. The DNC lavished money and promises on her because of the Clinton machine fund raising. Her tide was turned by a community organizer and she had to hold her peace accepting the appointment as Secretary of State. She knows that Benghazi has fall guys that will not include her but vengeance for 2008 will be felt by the DNC while people may never see Justice for Benghazi.
   Ducks never really get wet but everything around them does when they shake it off and walk away. Don't be surprised when Benghazi becomes Whitewater and numerous people are convicted. Hillary will walk away unscathed and ready to exact her revenge. The best time will be when the Devil calls in his marks.
More from around the Web

Obama’s Travelgate - Both Barack and Michelle Have Some ‘splainin to Do

Obama’s Travelgate - Both Barack and Michelle Have Some ‘splainin to Do.

Not to be outdone by Alberto Gonzales and Hillary Rodham Clinton, the Obamas run into the politically-motivated-firing fray. What do you do when an agency you were counting on to manipulate for a legacy turns out to be full of frauds? Shoot the messenger and hope the media keeps covering for you. posted on

Hillary Clinton Back in the White House

  1. From the Desk of Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton:
November 28, 2008

From the Desk of Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton:

Hillary Clinton Back in the White House
So let me get this straight. You’re the President-elect trying to deliver a new spirit of reform and integrity to Washington, DC, while at the same time healing and bringing together a divided country. And then you tap Hillary Rodham Clinton, perhaps the most corrupt politician in modern political history – and certainly the most polarizing — to be your Secretary of State? Hillary Clinton, the nation’s top diplomat?
If you’ve read this update for any length of time, or if you’re familiar with Judicial Watch’s 13-year record of holding the Clintons accountable, you know what a truly horrible decision Barack Obama has just made for his administration and for the country.
It would be impossible for me to provide a comprehensive review of the many scandals that have involved Hillary Clinton. For this you should check out our Internet site, (You can also read this booklet, which summarizes Judicial Watch’s Clinton-related investigations and lawsuits) But here is a "greatest hits" list of some of Hillary Clinton’s more reprehensible acts over the last 15 years:
  • Chinagate: Hillary Clinton allegedly masterminded the illegal scheme to sell taxpayer-financed trade mission seats in exchange for campaign contributions to the Clinton-Gore reelection campaign in 1996. This opened the door to campaign cash for White House access and administration favors for the communist Chinese and other foreign nationals.
  • Filegate: Hillary Clinton allegedly orchestrated the theft of the private FBI files of former Reagan-Bush staffers, and then used the information to blackmail the Clintons’ political enemies.
  • Travelgate: Hillary Clinton ordered the firing of several long-time employees of the White House Travel Office in order to install her friends and campaign supporters in their positions. Independent Counsel Robert Ray stated that Hillary’s testimony regarding the incident was "factually false."
  • Smear Campaigns: Hillary Clinton destroyed the lives of women who had the courage to come forward and publicly disclose the abuse they suffered at the hands of Bill Clinton. This was all part of Hillary Clinton’s "slash and burn" campaign used against anyone who dared to cross them.
  • Campaign Finance: Hillary Clinton failed to report a $2 million campaign contribution in the form of a star-studded Hollywood fundraiser dedicated to her husband. The National Finance Director for Hillary’s Senate 2000 campaign, David Rosen, was indicted in the scandal and her campaign finance operation was fined by the FEC.
Trust me this is a partial list. I could go on and on about pardons for terrorists, pardons for cash (profiting her brothers), White House fundraising coffees, Whitewater, doing business with the State of Arkansas while her husband was governor, Web Hubbell, John Huang, Chinese generals, the Lippo Group, and paid sleepovers in the Lincoln Bedroom, stealing White House furniture, etc., etc.
With specific relevance to her new job as Secretary of State, there are also the serious conflicts of interest involving Bill Clinton, who has become something of an international sensation since leaving the White House, brokering international business deals and reaping huge fees for foreign speaking engagements. Even the liberal CNN reported that Bill Clinton’s "complicated global business interests could present future conflicts of interest that result in unneeded headaches for the incoming commander-in-chief."
The question is what promises will Bill Clinton make to his international business associates with respect to U.S. State Department Policy that his wife will have to keep?
Hillary Clinton is ethically challenged. Her husband is ethically challenged. Has any other Secretary of State nominee been the subject of a grand jury criminal investigation? From their days in the White House to the present day, they have consistently abused their public office for personal and political gain. Hillary and Bill (not to mention their siblings) are scandals waiting to happen. She has neither the temperament nor ethics to be in such a sensitive office.
I believe Obama made a deal with the devil to avoid a floor flight at the convention. It may have served him politically, but the public shouldn’t suffer the consequences. If the Senate is serious about ethics in government, Hillary’s nomination would be rejected. In putting forward Hillary, Obama now owns the Clinton scandals. Her nomination is another weak personnel decision that will harm his presidency.
Will the Obama administration exercise due diligence and keep a watchful eye on the Clintons? My guess is that if Obama is willing to hire Hillary given her dismal record, he’ll be willing to turn a blind eye to her likely corrupt behavior at the State Department.
The vetting of Hillary seems to have been run by John Podesta (her husband’s former Chief of Staff) and Cheryl Mills (the ethically-challenged lawyer who served as Clinton White House lawyer). Surprise. Surprise. She passed.
Will the names of those at home and abroad who gave the Clinton machine millions over the years be released?
With pals like Rezko, Wright, and Ayers, Obama doesn’t seem to care about the ethics of his cronies.
That means it’ll be up to Judicial Watch to monitor Hillary Clinton’s every move if she and Bill make it to State.
Another Clinton Crony to Join the Obama Administration
What is this obsession Barack Obama has with scandal-ridden former Clinton officials? Rahm Emanuel, Greg Craig, John Podesta, and Eric Holder are all slated to hold key positions in the upcoming Obama administration (not to mention Hillary herself, see above). And now you can add former Clinton Energy Secretary Bill Richardson to the list. Richardson will now serve as Obama’s Secretary of Commerce.
Richardson may not have the corruption resume of, say, a Hillary Clinton. (But who does?) That said, Richardson is not without his ethical skeletons.
You may recall that Richardson was the Secretary of Energy at the time nuclear secrets were stolen from the Los Alamos Laboratory and possibly transferred to the Communist Chinese. Judicial Watch client Notra Trulock, the DOE Director of Intelligence who uncovered this serious breach of national security, was subjected to a massive smear campaign by Clinton officials in retaliation, led by Bill Richardson. Trulock was demoted and ultimately forced out of the agency. (Judicial Watch deposed Richardson in litigation on behalf of Trulock.)
(Richardson was roundly criticized for his mishandling of the Los Alamos fiasco, but that didn’t stop him from publishing a book entitled, Leading by Example: How We Can Inspire an Energy and Security Revolution. You gotta admit; he’s got nerve.)
While serving as Clinton’s Ambassador to the United Nations, Richardson also narrowly escaped prosecution for his alleged participation in the attempted Monica Lewinsky cover-up. Richardson met with Lewinsky on several occasions in her Watergate condo and offered her a job at the UN. This was an attempt to keep Lewinsky quiet about the affair. In fact, Richardson apparently lied during his Secretary of Energy confirmation hearings when he said he offered a job to Lewinsky to fill an "existing opening." Evidence suggests there was no such job.
Still, Richardson was confirmed and, following the Clinton administration, was elected Governor of New Mexico. Now, he’ll be in charge of guiding the nation’s Commerce Department through the most serious financial crisis in 60 years. During the Clinton years, Commerce was a bazaar where, at Hillary’s direction, taxpayer-funded seats on trade mission junkets (and waivers for missile technology transfers to the communist Chinese) were sold to companies in exchange for political donations. It is fair to ask whether Richardson will follow the corrupt model of the Clinton years at Commerce.
So who’s next on Barack Obama’s list? Sandy Berger, the disgraced former Clinton National Security Advisor who was caught stealing and destroying documents from the National Archives? It wouldn’t surprise me in the least…
FEC Gives McCain Campaign a "Pass" on Foreign Campaign Fundraiser
Apparently, the Federal Election Commission (FEC) is not concerned about foreign nationals attempting to influence the U.S. election process.
Judicial Watch was notified recently that the FEC had decided to "close the file" on an April 22, 2008, Judicial Watch complaint related to a fundraising luncheon held at London’s Spencer House to benefit Senator John McCain’s presidential campaign, despite noting questionable delays in billing for the event.
In its "factual and legal analysis," the FEC noted that the McCain campaign was invoiced for the event one week after Judicial Watch filed its complaint, which "could raise a question as to the commercial reasonableness of Spencer House’s extension of credit to the campaign." However, the FEC ultimately decided nonetheless that no violations of the Federal Election Campaign Act had occurred.
(According to 2 U.S.C. § 441e, it is illegal for any foreign national to "make a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value" to a Federal, State or Local election.)
The McCain fundraiser was held on March 20, 2008 at London’s Spencer House, which is billed as "London’s most magnificent 18th century private palace." The McCain campaign distributed an invitation indicating that the site for the luncheon had been provided "by kind permission of Lord Rothschild, OM GBE and the Hon. Nathaniel Rothschild," who are both foreign nationals. In statements to the press, the McCain campaign referred to the luncheon as a "fundraiser."
Judicial Watch filed its complaint with the FEC on April 22, 2008, suggesting the McCain campaign, "may have accepted an in-kind contribution from foreign nationals Lord Rothschild OM GBE and the Hon. Nathaniel Rothschild of Great Britain in contravention of federal election laws." On April 29, 2008 – one week after Judicial Watch’s complaint and 40 days after the event was held – the Spencer House finally invoiced the McCain Campaign for the event. The invoice was paid three days later.
So what is the excuse for the delayed billing?
Spencer House officials claim they "needed to consult with ‘advisors’ to ascertain whether Value Added Tax should be added to the charges since the Committee is located in the United States."
This is a feeble excuse, and I’m not buying it. The McCain foreign fundraising event was only cleaned up after we filed and publicized our complaint. I find "after the fact" invoices and excuses about taxes unconvincing. Pity the FEC bought it.
The FEC had better start taking seriously the threat posed by foreign nationals who seek to corrupt our election process because this McCain campaign fundraiser is just the tip of the iceberg. Remember all those foreign Internet contributions allegedly flooding into the Obama campaign? Foreign influence in U.S. elections is a serious problem and it deserves the FEC’s (and law enforcement’s) full attention.
Happy Thanksgiving
On behalf of all of us here at Judicial Watch, I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. In the spirit of the holiday, I want to extend my gratitude to all of you who continue to support Judicial Watch and our work to clean up corruption and to hold politicians of every political stripe accountable to the rule of law.
As we’ve seen over the last few weeks, Judicial Watch is going to have its work cut out in 2009. We need your help now more than ever. If you would like to make a tax-deductible contribution to help Judicial Watch monitor the Obama-Clinton administration, please click here.
Thank you and God bless…

Tom Fitton

Judicial Watch is a non-partisan, educational foundation organized under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue code. Judicial Watch is dedicated to fighting government and judicial corruption and promoting a return to ethics and morality in our nation’s public life. To make a tax-deductible contribution in support of our efforts, click here.