Sunday, March 30, 2014


First of all the birth certificate presented by the White House is a blatant forgery.  One can google any number of experts who have demonstrated how it was photo-shopped posted at you tube.

This begs the question why?  Did the White House intentionally present a forged BC to further discredit the "Birthers"? Doubtful.

Two possible scenarios exist.

1. Barrack Obama was born out of wedlock, which he has been concealing for decades.  Then again why?  In today's PC environment that fact would no longer carry the stigma that it would say in the fifties or sixties.

2. Obama's real father is Frank Marshall Davis, a known Communist with an extensive FBI dossier.  Frank Marshall Davis was known to Obama, his mother it is suggested had an affair with him which nude photo's of her purportedly taken by Davis circulate on the internet.

Further, Frank Marshall Davis was born in 1905 would have been 38 or 39 at the break out of WWII.  There is no record that Davis served in the military, but one of his poems "Peace Quiz for America" he "condemns Uncle Sam for sending him to fight the Axis foes in the death-kissed fox holes of New Guinea and Europe."  

Davis had joined the APM (America Peace Mobilization) which sought to prevent America's entering WWII because of the non-aggression pact Hitler had signed with Stalin.  That same year Frank Davis join the Communist Party.  He openly espoused his Marxist beliefs which brought him to the attention of the FBI.

Knowledge of Obama's real father's Communist ties could have indeed torpedoed his nascent political career which was launched in the dinning room of one Bill Ayers.  A narrative had to be created to explain Obama's early years if he was to succeed in politics so Ayers offered his assistance which has led many to speculate the he is the author of "Dreams of my Father", not Obama.

Given Obama's Marxist leanings, his inability to speak off teleprompter, the fact that Davis was a friend of the Dunham's this is as likely an explanation as any other. 

4 Simple questions from a reputable attorney...............

This really should get your "gray matter" to churning, even if you are an Obama fan.

I wouldn't want my hero to be made out to be a liar, would you?

For all you "anti-Fox News" folks, none of this information came from Fox.
All of it can be verified from legitimate sources (Wikipedia, the Kapiolani hospital website itself, and a good history book, as noted herein). It is very easy for someone to check out.

                            4 Simple Questions

1. Back in 1961 people of color were called 'Negroes.' So how can the Obama 'birth certificate' state he is
"African-American" when the term wasn't even used at that time ?

2. The birth certificate that the White House released lists Obama's birth as August 4, 1961
& Lists Barack Hussein Obama as his father.
No big deal, Right ?
At the time of Obama's birth, it also shows that his father is aged 25 years old,
and that Obama's father was born in "Kenya , East Africa ".

This wouldn't seem like anything of concern, except the fact that Kenya did not even exist until 1963,
two whole years after Obama's birth, and 27 years after his father's birth.
How could Obama's father have been born in a country that did not yet Exist?
Up and until Kenya was formed in 1963, it was known as the "British East Africa Protectorate". (check it below)

3. On the Birth Certificate released by the White House, the listed place of birth is "Kapi'olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital".
This cannot be, because the hospital(s) in question in 1961 were called "KauiKeolani Children's Hospital"
and "Kapi'olani Maternity Home",

Respectively.The name did not change to Kapi'olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital until 1978, when these two hospitals merged.
How can this particular name of the hospital be on a birth certificate dated 1961
if this name had not yet been applied to it until 1978 ?
( )

Why hasn't this been discussed in the major media ?

4. Perhaps a clue comes from Obama's book on his father.
He state show proud he is of his father fighting in WW II.
I'm not a math genius, so I may need some help from you. Barack Obama's "birth certificate" says his father was 25 years old in 1961 when Obama was born.
That should have put his father's date of birth approximately 1936-if my math holds
(Honest! I did That without a calculator!!!)
Now we need a non-revised history book-one that hasn't been altered to satisfy the author's goals-to verify that WW II was basically between 1939 and 1945.
Just how many 3 year olds fight in Wars?
Even in the latest stages of WW II his father wouldn't have been more than 9 years old.

Does that mean that Mr. Obama is a liar, or simply chooses to alter the facts to satisfy his imagination or political purposes ?

Twenty Years Since Waco - Waco Video

Subject: Twenty Years Since Waco - Waco Video

Twenty Years Since Waco
Twenty Years Since Waco
Twenty years ago, the Waco Massacre siege began on Sunday, February 28, 1993, and ended violently 50 days later on April 19.  It was today that the people inside the Waco Church & Home fought off the government agents after they were unjustly attacked.  Patriots should know that the Branch Davidians were attacked with full automatic weapons and won today.  They didn't fire the first shot, but they did successfully defend themselves. Click here to watch Waco Rules of Engagement Video
Many people believe that David Koresh (or the Branch Davidians) were responsible for the deaths of the 74 men, women and children who died in the inferno at Waco on April 19, 1993. 
This is the story that the FBI put out. It is a lie. The guns they had were legal. The local sheriff investigated and found no basis for complaints against them. 
These were law-abiding American citizens, even if they thought differently to most other folks. They trusted the U.S. Constitution to ensure their political rights, but they were murdered by agents acting under the authority of the U.S. government. Read this page if you believe otherwise. If you still have doubts, get the video Rules of Engagement for visual evidence. Or read the book Armageddon in Waco. Or see the film Waco: A New Revelation.

After the February raid by the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF) of David Koresh's dissident religious community at Waco, Texas, the FBI and the U.S. Army took over, mounting a 51-day siege. This included such psy-war tactics as sleep deprivation of the inhabitants of the community by means of all-night broadcasts of recordings of the screams of rabbits being slaughtered.

Finally, despite David Koresh's pledge to surrender upon completion of his written explanation of the meaning of the Seven Seals, the FBI and the Army attacked. At dawn on April 19, 1993, and throughout the morning, tanks rammed holes in the main building and pumped (in the FBI's words) "massive amounts" of CS gas into the building, despite knowing that inside were more than a dozen children. The tanks demolished parts of the compound and created tunnels for the wind to blow through. The buildings at this point were saturated with inflammable CS gas and spilled kerosene.

Around midday two U.S. military pyrotechnic devices were fired into the main building, igniting a fire which (because of the holes in the walls allowing the wind to gust through) spread rapidly through the complex of buildings and became an inferno. 74 men, women and children died — including twelve children younger than five years of age. Fire trucks were prevented by the FBI from approaching the inferno. After the compound had burned down the BATF flag was hoisted aloft to signify 'victory'. Subsequently the burned-out ruin was razed in an attempt to remove all evidence of this premeditated murder of innocent civilians by agents of the U.S. government. Thus occurred an atrocity which many Americans believe could never happen in their country. A look at the evidence presented in the film Waco: Rules of Engagement (and in the BBC documentary broadcast in the U.K. on November 28, 1998) shows that it did happen.

The lawyer for one of the survivors said at one of the U.S. government 'investigations' (or rather, whitewashes): In this country when people are accused of a crime they are arrested and given a trial — that's 'due process'. If found guilty of murder then maybe they are killed. We don't just kill them first — which is what happened at Waco.
A public which would appear to consist mostly of gullible idiots, with no sense of injustice (except when it affects themselves), believing what they were told (with the help of a willing media) by their ill-informed, ill-advised and violence-obsessed (and, as it turned out, murderous) government, a public which overwhelming approved of a shameful instance of government-sanctioned slaughter of people who had broken no law (it is legal to protect oneself against attack), including twenty-one children under the age of 16.
 Lisa Martin 

 Sheila Martin, Jr. 
 Rachel Sylvia 

 Hollywood Sylvia 
 Joseph Martinez 

 Abigail Martinez 
 Crystal Martinez 

 Isaiah Martinez 
 Audrey Martinez 

 Melissa Morrison 
 Chanel Andrade 

 Cyrus Koresh 
 Star Koresh 

 Bobbie Lane Koresh 
 Dayland Gent 

 Page Gent 
 Mayanah Schneider 

 Startle Summers 
 Serenity Jones 

 Chica Jones 
 Little One Jones 

                                                     Click here for the complete list of Branch Davidian victims.

The cover-up of this crime continues to this day. The FBI stonewalled investigations into the Waco massacre. A supposedly independent investigation led by former senator John Danforth, a Republican from Missouri, led to a whitewash of the government’s actions. Even Danforth, however, was forced to protest the FBI’s obstruction of efforts to obtain evidence related to Waco.
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United We Stand ---- Operation American Spring

Texas Rose
PR Team Leader
Operation American Spring
Please go to this site, and send YOUR message to Congress:
You can stand by and resign yourself to slavery, to a tomorrow where America is no longer a beacon of freedom and limitless possibility to the rest of the world. You can give up, or you can fight back.
Robert A. Heinlein (1907-1988): "You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on having both at once


United We Stand

I've been on a journey this past year; one inspiring and at the same time terrifying. When my journey started, I was a typical American: my biggest concerns were keeping ahead of a never-ending pile of bills, while trying to buy as many as possible of the toys our media convinces us we need to have.

Then my eldest daughter started telling me about GMOs (genetically modified organisms), and convinced me to take a look at this issue. One of the first pages a Google search showed me was how corporate America has intertwined tentacles within our government, placing ex-employees in positions of power, in the very agencies designed to regulate them. This was a huge red flag, and I soon found many more.

Research led me down a rabbit hole lined with corruption. I saw that our system of government has been compromised. Both popular parties in America now answer to the same entity, and it is no longer “We the People”. Despite what our Founders intended, our government has become the tool of corporations.

Global megacorporations are not a singularly American problem. There is conflict across the globe, as the People rise against corrupt governments tied to corporate entities. Some call the Hydra we fight the “New World Order”. They pollute our lands with chemical and radiological wastes, leaving taxpayers the burden of cost for cleanup. They feed us GMO foods that many scientists suspect are hazards to our health. They foist pharmaceutical horrors upon us, while denying us natural, non-patentable cures for disease. They take us to war without end. They intrude on every aspect of our private lives. Who can honestly deny that we suffer and die to increase corporate profits?

America is no longer the “Land of the Free”. Sadly, it's become a land whose goals and policies are guided by the bottom line. Corporations are required by law to consider profits ahead of public well being or safety, and they own the politicians who run our government. This is facilitated by corporate-owned media who spin the news and omit facts, to steer the People towards acceptance of totalitarian corporate world government.

This would-be one-world government needs us disarmed; powerless to avoid subjugation.

The common man in America, and around the world, has a good heart. We are not enemies. Few individuals are willing to harm others for personal gain. But we do not see the ordinary folks in other countries, and they do not see us. Instead we are shown a parade of “news” stories designed to instill fear and distrust of other folks. But it is their governments, and our government, that cannot be trusted; that should be feared.

The elites who push their agenda on America and other nations are our common enemy, for they are nothing more than sophisticated thugs; organized criminals who have managed to rise above street crime to control the very levers of power. It does not benefit the corporate bottom-line for nations to be at peace. War equals profits for the few, at the expense of everyone else. They are few, and seek to divide us, to minimize the overwhelming power of a united People, in order to destroy us.

So far, the internet is the one media left mainly untainted by corporate dominance. This empowers us to find and share truth, and threatens the power-hungry with exposure. In a way, our growing voices force the global elite to accelerate their timetable of control. Every day we learn of new and more radical attempts to strip us of our remaining Constitutional protections.

This is why we must WAKE, and ACT. Why we must not wait a moment longer. As you read this, the fist is closing on our right to freely voice our opinions on the internet. Efforts are underway to deprive us of our right to own weapons to protect our families from criminals, both petty and official.

Our weapons are the tools of last resort, against a government grown too powerful. We are told that we cannot be trusted with the very weapons made readily available to police forces nationwide. We are supposed to believe that somehow a badge makes a person more wise and righteous than we are. We would be fools, indeed, to surrender our arms. The mere fact that we own them, that we out-man and out-gun those who would have us believe they are our betters, makes us safer from their depredations.

I do not own a gun. I gave up hunting years ago, and didn't feel the need to own one. Until now. Purchasing and becoming proficient with a firearm are now a high priority!

On my journey so far, I've taken many side-roads and met many groups who fight for liberty in one way or another. But we have allowed our natural suspicions to divide us. We have bought the corporate media message that we are few, weak, divided. As long as we fail to fight in unison, petty differences of race, religion, age, economic status and others, keep us exactly as elites intend. We are but buzzing gadflies, to be swept away along with the last vestiges of our rights.

My voice, like many others, has called for unity. I prayed for a path that would lead us back to liberty. But until this year, I had no idea how we could do it.

Then I found Operation American Spring, and my prayers were answered.

After finding out that so much of what I had been led to believe was based on lies, I was naturally suspicious. But the beauty of Operation American Spring is in its' singular goal of restoring Constitutional government in America. There can be no more basic plan than to use our natural rights, in a peaceful and Constitutional manner, to make our grievances known; to force oppressive and lawless “leaders” to step down or be thrown down.

It is a simple choice we offer. To the People, we ask whether they would continue to condone corruption, to elect and ignore officials who arbitrarily choose to ignore laws that we are forced to obey, who openly defy the very Oath that binds them from taking what is rightfully ours? We ask the People if they would live as mice; fed to the unquenchable appetites of kings? Will we accept this destiny, made certain only by our willingness to close our eyes and cower before the supposed might of Mammon?

Or will we stand against tyranny and live once more as free men who make our own choices to guide our destinies? Will we question the word of elected and appointed officials, protest the stench emanating from the swamp they've made of our government? Will we refuse to allow elites to dumb-down and indoctrinate our children to be good little slaves?

To those who would be kings, we ask only this: would you give up all for a little more power, or preserve your own lives and status by peacefully stepping down?

It is a simple choice. An easy choice, really, when you think about it.

I have wondered how our soldiers reconcile their Oath with what they are being ordered to do. I marvel at the sacrifices that have been made in the name of liberty. I weep for the many patriots who have died fighting tyranny. I see many more, every day, who wake as I have, and now step bravely forward to shoulder the burdens that are required to restore our freedom.

Operation American Spring is a massive grassroots mission. It was started by a highly decorated veteran, Colonel Harry G. Riley. He has been joined by many other veterans, and by many who never saw service in uniform, but are willing to honor the same Oath to preserve, protect and defend our Constitution, against all enemies, foreign or domestic. We ask all patriotic Americans to join us in Washington, D.C. for this honorable mission to restore true Constitutional government to the People.

I did not serve in the military. I will serve in this cause.

The only way this mission can fail is through lack of support. While I see little likelihood of this, we may lose yet, if we do not stand in unison against tyrants. If we have overwhelming numbers, there is almost no possibility of stupid actions by those whose immediate resignations we call for.

We go to the seat of Federal power, peacefully and unarmed, but with arms locked together in the conviction that God and adherence to our Constitution will guide us back to the America we never quite were, but can strive to bring about; a free land of individuals, a beacon of liberty to the world.

Please go to this site, and send YOUR message to Congress: us May 16, 2014!

Written by      :       Kenneth R. Thompson
Edited by        :       Daniel Gray
Graphics by    :       OAS Graphics Team


Dear Joan (sharing w/All Patriots bcc herein w/permission to forward),

  I am always heartened when others have come to the realization of what We Confederates have been saying and describing for years as per the article herein & below.
  It has taken years of patience amidst the turmoil of strife and attack designed to silence & miss-portray Folks such as we as less than the scrapings beneath one’s shoes.

  Nonetheless, God has stayed this Long Road with us… whose end is only known by Him.

  America is NO longer the Country it was designed to be and more and more Folks are coming to that realization each and every day.

  Equally, as We continue to ask: Is Washington the ‘Representative Government’ that acknowledges its authority from the Consent of the Governed?

  That question ‘presumes’ Washington is a Government of the People based upon the recognition We are a Republic.

  We Confederates long ago asked the SAME when it was becoming evident that ‘SOME’ NO LONGER held to that basis from which We were created.
  So We Confederates knew the ‘answer’ before most.
  But because of what Those People were able to accomplish from War, they have made the conditions of long ago, coupled with their zealous political ambitions since, all the WORSE.

  In any event, we are again at the same cross-roads of yesteryear and it is every bit 1860 again and for the same reasons as before- but Now, unfortunately, the Comparison between what Was as Opposed to what was unfolding, has been REMOVED from the History Books making of the ‘understanding’ more difficult to comprehend.

  Thus the answer to the People’s dilemma of today, resulting from the actions undertaken and pursued by the Central Oligarchy hence, is what the Folks must reconcile with and address.

  It is clear to ANYONE subscribing to the Jeffersonian Principles of Constitutional Government that a DISPARITY of enormous proportions exists because that which existed before 1860 & that which came about AFTER 1865.

  Thus the ultimate question, as noted above, that One & All must come to grips with:

  Can We ever expect Washington to ‘reverse’ course or, is Separation clearly the only alternative?

 We have had 150 years of Political Usurpation.
This was the Predicted Result echoed by Our Confederate Brethren of the Past should we lose.

There could be NO other result other than that which has come about.

If there is ANY hope, Separation is Paramount as Constitutionalists & Marxists CANNOT co-exist whatsoever under the same ‘Political Roof’ !

NO matter how hard anyone tries to make excuses, the above Question cannot be avoided any longer.
What We have today- clearly- in existence in Washington- are Marxists who have increased in number representing a variety of Special Interests NONE of whom could give a Rats Behind Less about the Original Republic.

It is a Dooms-Day scenario if the reality of these conditions are not recognized for what they are & represent.

So again, this Confederate would ask- which Country would you rather live in:

Ø The Republic of the Original Confederation of Sovereigns or,
Ø The ‘Amphitheater of a Socialized Democracy’ we have now become …..but before y’all answer that question remember this because it MUST be mentioned again:

The Founding Fathers NEVER ONCE included the word Democracy in either the U.S. Constitution or the Declaration of Independence!
Yet the Purveyors of Deceit in Washington have ‘educated’ YOU to think a Republic and a Democracy are synonymous with one another when they couldn’t be

Perhaps NOW you will be better able to answer the above question- honestly-
which Country do YOU WANT to live in?

‘A Country that knows Not of Its Origin is like a Ship without a Rudder- Sooner or Later It Will Destroy Itself on The Reef of Stupidity’

  Deo Vindice,
Craig Maus,
President, The Confederate Society of America
PS- If YOU believe in the Jeffersonian Principles of Government, then that makes YOU a Confederate!
PPS- For ‘consideration’- we have between the ‘House & the Senate’ approximately 550 ‘representatives’ representing a variety of Polarized Special Interest Groups.

         With respect to the above asked question, it would require at least 400 Thomas Jefferson’s to ‘correct’ Washington.
         Do you think that will ever happen and even if we had 400 Thomas Jefferson’s, do you think either of the 2-Party’s would allow them into their ‘Enclave’?

Sent: Sunday, March 30, 2014 12:08 PM



Bank Bank Bank by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert

ALL Patriot Americans MUST know, with sources inside American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptions

Sunday   March 30, 2014

Bank Bank Bank

by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert

UNITED States of America  -  It can now be reported that the CFTC (Commodities Futures Trading Commission) has 'smoking gun' evidence linking JPMorgan Chase, United Bank of Switzerland, Barclays Bank of England and the insolvent U.S. Citibank using non-margined cross-collateralized derivatives to manipulate the entire world financial markets.
Reference:  Interest rate futures, world equity markets, precious metals markets and the global forex currency futures.

Quoting Art Cashin, veteran financial analyst on CNBC, "What we have here is one gigantic worldwide financial walnut game run by crooked banks using bogus algorithms and high-frequency computer trading to disguise their financial theft."
Note:  Both Bank of America and JPMorgan have reported in their last quarterly report almost 100% winners in their proprietary trading accounts.
Now that is impossible, folks, without the whole thing being rigged.
So what we have here is a total violation of the Commodity Exchange Act of 1936, which requires open outcry and real cash margined positions to engage in trading.

P.S.  At this hour U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder is covering up and blocking the Internal Revenue Service from prosecuting former U.S. Texas Senator Phil Gramm and his wife, former CFTC Chairman Wendy Gramm, on charges linking both Gramms and UBS Switzerland in a $780 billion tax evasion case involving ghost derivative foreign currency Swiss franc and Japanese yen forex trading.
P.P.S.  At this hour both UBS of Switzerland and the Central Bank of Japan (bitcoin west and bitcoin east) are holding naked written put options in the Swiss currency and naked written call options in the Japanese yen with insolvent U.S. Citibank as the ghost counter party.

JPM's Top commercial Bankruptcy Lawyer Dead in a Minivan Hit & Run

Intel Guru Exogen

3-30-2014   Intel Guru Exogen   Time for this now!   Enjoy the silence!!

Finally… Malaysia Air 370 has been FOUND!

Finally… Malaysia Air 370 has been FOUND!!! 

| Kauilapele's Blog

U.SA., Dutch try to deposit billions in fake bonds in Vatican bank

Subject: U.SA., Dutch try to deposit billions in fake bonds in Vatican bank

St Peter's Basilica on March 29, 2014 at the Vatican
.View photo
St Peter's Basilica on March 29, 2014 at the Vatican (AFP Photo/Tiziana Fabi)
Rome (AFP) - Vatican police on Saturday apprehended an American and a Dutch man who were trying to deposit billions of euros and US dollars in fake bonds in the Vatican bank.
The men were stopped by the police when they approached one of the guarded gates at the Vatican and asked to be let through to the Institute for Religious Works (IOR) as the bank is formally known, Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi told AFP.
The bonds were discovered in a briefcase they were carrying and the men were handed over to Italy's financial police, who found false passports and other fake documents in their hotel rooms.
The haul came a day after Italian prosecutors said two former top executives at the Vatican bank will go on trial for money laundering in a case that led to the seizure of 23 million euros ($32 million).
IOR press officer Max Hohenberg said the American and Dutch man "are neither clients of the bank, nor were they expected".
The bank, which handles the accounts of Catholic clerics and congregations around the world, has a murky reputation but the Vatican has vowed to clean it up and bring it in line with international laws.
Lombardi said Saturday's episode "shows the controls are working. But I don't think we're talking about a plot by criminal masterminds if they managed to get caught at the first hurdle."
The IOR has a troubled history, including the collapse of the Banco Ambrosiano, in which the Holy See was the main shareholder, and which had been accused of laundering money for the Sicilian mafia.
The chairman of Banco Ambrosiano, Roberto Calvi -- dubbed "God's Banker" in the press -- was found hanging from Blackfriars Bridge in London in 1982 in a suspected murder by mobsters.
In February, Pope Francis created a new finance ministry to oversee the Holy See's economic affairs in a move the Vatican said was aimed at increasing transparency.
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See the evidence of Genocide in Canada and other crimes against the innocent at and at the websites of The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State at .

An International, multi-lingual ITCCS site can be found at:

The complete Common Law Court proceedings of Genocide in Canada are found at: - Common Law Court Proceedings - Genocide in Canada  (Part One) - 1 hr. 46 mins. - Common Law Court Proceedings - Genocide in Canada  (Part Two) - 1 hr. 47 mins. - Final Court Verdict and Sentencing - 8 mins. 30 secs. - Authorizations and Endorsements of ITCCS/Kevin Annett by indigenous eyewitnesses - 10 mins.