Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Study shows gut & arthritis link

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Study shows gut & arthritis link
Hi John
Back when I was a kid, I remember my neighborhood friend Marty had a cousin who would come to visit and hang out with us.  The cousin was just a few years older than us but she walked with crutches and limped, and always seemed to be in a lot of discomfort.
My friend Marty whispered to me that her cousin had arthritis.
I remember thinking at the time, “Arthritis?  But she’s only 15—how can she get arthritis?”
Well, I now realize that what Marty’s cousin had was not old age arthritis (aka osteoarthritis) but rheumatoid arthritis.
And I didn’t think about it then, but I realize now that that poor girl has probably led a very pain-filled life and is likely at least partially disabled by now. 
Let’s take a closer look at this less “popular” but extremely debilitating form of arthritis, as well as factors that may be causing it and ways to help prevent it or counteract it if you’ve got it.
Rheumatoid arthritis—not just for the elderly
Believe it or not, there are actually over 100 different types of arthritis.
The most common forms include:
  • Osteoarthritis (OA):  The well-known old-age arthritis caused by wear on the joints as you age
  • Infectious arthritis:  This form is caused by an infection in one or more joints
  • Gout:  This is a type of arthritis caused by an accumulation of uric acid crystals around your joints
  • Rheumatoid arthritis (RA): An autoimmune condition that can affect not only your joints, but also your soft tissues and organs
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about 1.5 million Americans have rheumatoid arthritis. 
Although it typically strikes people between the ages of 25 and 50 (women at 2 ½ times the rate of men), children and even infants can develop the condition too!  (In kids it’s called juvenile idiopathic arthritis). 
As mentioned above, it's considered an autoimmune condition, meaning that your immune system sees the thin membrane that lines your joints (the synovium) as a dangerous invader and launches an attack. 
This leads to the chronic joint swelling, intense pain and increasingly limited range of motion.
It doesn’t stop there
RA can have a huge negative impact on your quality of life over and above daily painful movements and swelling because it can lead to temporary or even permanent disability…sadly many times at a very young age.
It also can affect your overall state of health too.  According to the CDC, one study showed that 40% of people with RA were more likely to report fair or poor general health compared to people who don’t have arthritis.
Thirty% reported needing help with personal care such as bathing, dressing or using the bathroom.
Other reports cited by the CDC mention that people who have RA lose functioning “in every domain of human activity including work, leisure, and social relations.
Certainly nothing to be taken lightly.
It’s a mystery…or not
Autoimmune conditions like RA are very much a mystery to most of the medical world because there’s not one clear-cut reason why someone’s immune system can get taunted into overreacting and attacking healthy tissue.
But a lot of the suspicion lies in the area about 12 inches south of your neck. 
Your gut.
Since your gut houses about 70% of your immune system, when things go awry with that immune system, chances are excellent something happening in the gut is the culprit.
For example, poor digestion can cause inadequately digested food particles to get into your bloodstream and put the immune system on alert.
Leaky gut syndrome opens the door for food particles and toxins to enter circulation and tease your immune system too.
Being low in stomach acid, digestive enzymes or friendly gut bacteria can reduce your body’s natural barriers against pathogens so they can burrow their way into your blood and provoke your immune system as well.
The studies are starting to suspect the gut too
Research studies are being done that are continuing to uncover and support the relationship of the gut and autoimmune conditions—including rheumatoid arthritis.
One study has shown that the presence of a certain type of unfriendly gut bacteria known as Prevotella copri (P. copri) correlates with rheumatoid arthritis in newly diagnosed, untreated people.
In the study (which was published online in November 2013 in eLife), Dr. Dan Littman of NYU School of Medicine led a team of researchers that examined DNA in 114 stool samples from both healthy people and those who had rheumatoid or psoriatic arthritis.
The researchers found that 75% of the people with new-onset, untreated rheumatoid arthritis had the P. copri bacterium in their intestinal tract.
They also did further testing on mice to see whether the P. copri bacteria could initiate or worsen inflammation, and saw that the mice with P. copri developed more severe symptoms than the mice that hadn’t received the bacteria, thereby supporting that this bacteria worsens inflammation too.
Fight back at rheumatoid arthritis
Although rheumatoid arthritis can be devastating, there are some very effective ways you can either help prevent it from making its home in you, or fight back at it if you’ve got it.
Here are three very safe, effective ways you can help:
1- Eat nutritious foods and encourage good digestion
When you’re dealing with the challenges of rheumatoid arthritis, it’s crucial that your body can eliminate wastes and break down your foods efficiently like they need to be, as well as get the nutrients it so desperately needs to help encourage your tissues, organs and systems to stay as healthy as they can.
The Great Taste No Pain system can help you accomplish this very important goal.
- http://www.greattastenopain.com/great.asp
Or if you're gluten sensitive, Great Taste No Gluten.
- http://www.greattastenogluten.com/great.asp
Both systems show you how to create healthy, nutritious meals featuring real foods that are not only scrumptious, but are also a snap to prepare and much easier for your system to digest.
When your system can more effectively break down your foods, not only can you have less trouble with heartburn, acid reflux, gas and bloating, but you help ensure that your foods are small enough when they're absorbed so they don't taunt your immune system and that the nutrients in those foods are in the form that they need to be to be used by your body.
2- Consider supplementing with probiotics
Probiotic supplementation has been shown to help counteract three of the immune system "teasers" I mentioned above--reduced barriers, leaky gut and poor digestion.
And having a strong population of healthy bacteria lining your gut may also help you in the fight against dangerous bacteria like P. copri!
And for a high quality, potent probiotic that's up to this important challenge, look no farther than Super Shield multi-strain probiotic formula.
- http://www.bluerockholistics.com/product/pross.asp
One of Super Shield's strains, Lactobacillus Rhamnosus, helps to strengthen gut-barrier function and has been shown to have a beneficial impact on autoimmune conditions as well as constipation, diarrhea and IBS symptoms.
Additionally, Super Shield's 12 other superstar strains will help keep your gut flora in proper balance, encouraging the formation of more anti-inflammatory immune cells.
Note: Be sure to talk to your doctor about probiotics, especially if you are on immunosuppressive medication.
3- Supplement with Omega-3 essential fatty acids
Rheumatoid arthritis is characterized by chronic inflammation
What can make this inflammation even worse is when you have an imbalance of Omega-6 and Omega-3 essential fatty acids.
You see, Omega-6 EFAs stir up inflammation (such as when you’re sick or injured) and Omega-3’s cool down inflammation, and when they exist in about a ratio between 2:1 and 5:1 in your body, they effectively initiate and control inflammation as needed.
But when you have too many Omega-6 EFAs in action, this can cause inflammation to go overboard and become more chronic in nature. 
And chronic inflammation that’s something a person with rheumatoid arthritis doesn’t need any more of!
In addition to eating natural sources of Omega-3 like fatty fish, walnuts and flax seeds, you can help replenish your Omega-3 supply with a pharmaceutical-grade Omega-3 supplement like VitalMega-3.
- http://www.bluerockholistics.com/product/vitalmega3.asp
VitalMega-3 is a pure, super-potent, fish oil formula that delivers a full 1,000 mg. of the necessary EPA and DHA essential fatty acids in every daily 2-capsule serving, in the 3:2 ratio recommended by most experts.
It’s not hopeless
Rheumatoid arthritis is a very painful, challenging condition, but it’s not hopeless.
Especially when you put natural measures into place that can help your body counteract the autoimmune process that’s underlying RA (and other autoimmune conditions too)!
See what a difference in can make in how you feel when you give your body some help from within.
To your health,
Sherry Brescia

PS:  Always be sure to let your doctor or healthcare provider know what supplements you are taking. 

Dear Sherry:
Thank you, thank you, and thank you - 1000 times over again.
I had been diagnosed with diverticulosis seven years ago. The truth is I have always had to be very careful about what I ate and when I ate it. Food was not my friend.
After a recent visit to the doctor (I had been experiencing non-stop tummy problems for 3-4 months) and the nurse practitioner looking at me and asking me what I wanted to do about it, I went home and decided that they (the medical profession) had no plan to help me with my situation. I did a search on the internet for diverticulosis and up your website popped!
Life has been ever so much better since I have been on your eating plan. I have lost 14 pounds (most of it poop I believe!); sleep very soundly at night now, no need for extra pillows because I don't get clogged up anymore (I thought I had allergies - I did - only the allergies were caused by eating the wrong foods together) and my energy level has soared.
My arthritis has also subsided. I was fortunate that I was not on any medication, but after following your plan, my overall aches and pains have significantly been reduced.
My brother, who has suffered from Crohn's Disease for 18 years, is also on the plan. He has basically stopped taking all of his medication. He tells me every day how much better he feels and the problematic diarrhea is non-existent. He can't believe how much better he feels. He just turned 66 and tells me this is the best he has felt in years!
For me, not having stomach pain every day, not having to worry about eating (will I have to be close to a bathroom just in case the food ran through me) - all of those worries/issues have disappeared. I feel released from an endless cycle that had me almost chained to my house each day for fear of having some unexpected 'accident' while out in public.
Again, thank you, thank you, and thank you.
Age 64 and feeling better than ever thanks to your plan!

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* Forward this email to the people you care about the most!

- http://www.greattastenopain.com/great.asp
- http://www.greattastenogluten.com/great.asp
- http://www.bluerockholistics.com

(c) copyright 2013 Holistic Blends

**The FDA has not evaluated all of these statements. The contents of this email are not to be considered medical advice and are for educational purposes only. If you are experiencing health challenges, always consult your doctor for medical advice and follow it even if it contradicts the contents of this email.**

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12 Largest Banks Sued By Public Retirement Funds For "Conspiring To Rig Global FX Markets" goal push gold to 0

Subject: Fwd: 12 Largest Banks Sued By Public Retirement Funds For "Conspiring To Rig Global FX Markets"
goal push gold to 0

Tyler Durden's picture
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/01/2014 10:50 -0400


Yesterday, we read with some amusement that Goldman has moved Guy Saidenberg, reportedly one of the greater profit centers at the firm - and how could he not be when he always traded against Tom Stolper's recommendations which led to tens of thousands of pips in losses to those who listened to him over the past five years - from head of global foreign-exchange trading to a new role, as co-head of commodities.  Why did Goldman decide to scrap its once uber-profitable FX vertical and redo it from scratch? Simple - the ability to rig and manipulate FX markets, which are now under every global regulator's microscope after the "Cartel" members so foolishly let themselves be exposed to the entire world, is no longer there, as confirmed last night by news that a dozen large investors have filed a joint lawsuit against 12 banks for "allegedly conspiring to rig global foreign-exchange prices." Allegedly? Hasn't everyone read the Cartel chatroom transcripts yet?
WSJ reports:
The class-action lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court in the Southern District of New York late Monday, was from a group of investors across the U.S. and Caribbean, including city and state pension plans.

They accused the banks of communicating "with one another, including in chat rooms, via instant messages, and by emails, to carry out their conspiracy," and for rigging foreign-exchange rates as far back as January 2003, the lawsuit said.
The bank sued are BofA, Barclays, BNP, Citi, Credit Suisse, Deutsche, Goldman, HSBC, JPM, Morgan Stanley, RBS and UBS, or, in other words, everyone. And certainly all the Too Big To Prosecute banks. So best of luck there, even though the plaintiffs include some very recognizable public investment funds:
The investors behind the consolidated lawsuit are: Aureus Currency Fund LP, a Santa Rosa, Calif., investment fund; the City of Philadelphia and its board of pensions and retirement; the Employees' Retirement System for the Government of the Virgin Islands; the Employees' Retirement System of Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority; Fresno County Employees' Retirement Association; Haverhill Retirement System for the city of Haverhill, Mass.; Oklahoma Firefighters Pension and Retirement System; State-Boston Retirement System; Tiberius OC Fund, a Cayman Islands fund; Value Recovery Fund LLC, a Delaware fund with offices in Connecticut; Syena Global Emerging Markets Fund LP, a hedge fund in Connecticut; and the United Food and Commercial Workers Union.

In the complaint, the investors accused the banks of controlling foreign-exchange rates via a "small and close-knit group of traders." They alleged it became possible for banks to rig the market because the traders "have strong ties formed by working with one another in prior trading positions" and by in many cases living "in the same neighborhoods in the Essex countryside just northeast of London's financial district."

"They belong to the same social clubs, golf together, dine together and sit on many of the same charity boards," the complaint adds.
Of course, the rigging of FX markets, disclosed hot on the heels that Libor too was massively manipulated (to the delight of "conspiracy theorists" everywhere) is by now well known.
But the punchline is not that FX is rigged, and as a result virtually all carbon-based traders are now gone, leaving the FX market at the mercy of Virtu and GETCO algos (those USDJPY momentum ignitions at specific, recurring times of the day are just that), but that as Goldman has shown by relocating Saidenberg, the commodity market is the only one where manipulation, rigging and fraud are not only possible but smiled upon by regulators. Because one of the key commodities in said market is gold. And as everyone knows, alongside getting the Russell 200,000 to all time highs, the other core mandate of central bankers everywhere is to push gold to 0.
The worst news: we are rapidly running out of "conspiracy theories" that haven't become conspiracy facts yet.
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The Clock Is Ticking on This Massive Currency Shift

Eagle1 » April 1st, 2014, 2:51 pm 

The Clock Is Ticking on This Massive Currency Shift

Don't know if this article has already been posted or not, but Shah Gilani is the Founding Editor of Capital Wave Forecast.

He appears almost every week on Fox Business News with Stuart Varney.

Blessings on you.  Eagle1

The Clock Is Ticking on This Massive Currency Shift

By Shah Gilani, Capital Wave Strategist, Money Morning  ·   April 1, 2014 
Last week I was asked by a Wall Street Insights & Indictments reader about a new challenge to the U.S. role in the global economy that few are considering.

It's a dominant role we've held since the latter part of World War II, and for 70 years it's gone largely unchallenged.

Until now. 

The question isn't complicated, but it will be disturbing to some...

The Question No One Has Been Asking

The question was one begging to be asked, and I'm glad one of our WSII readers put it out on the floor. Here it is:

"I have a question which, as far as I know, has never been raised. Perhaps you can offer a viable answer. 

In 1944, at the Bretton Woods Conference, the dollar was made the reserve currency for the world. This suggests to me that there are perhaps trillions of dollars floating around out there that are having little or no effect on our economy. I read that China is now trying to install the yuan as the new reserve currency, or at least at some point in the future, international trade will be done with other currencies. 

What effect will that have on our dollar? This is something I've been thinking about for the past several months, wondering what we should be doing to prepare for that development. It seems to me that at some time in the future, all of those dollars will be repatriated, and yet no one that I know of has even raised the question. 

Does that mean that I have it all wrong, or are people just too afraid to consider the possibility?"

To answer, first let me address what happened at Bretton Woods and what a "reserve" currency is, because understanding how a currency war will play out requires a look at past efforts to avoid one.

How the Dollar Became King

In July 1944, with World War II still raging, but with an end to the devastation in sight, the 44 Allied nations, led by the United States, met in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. They planned to hammer out a policy to "govern monetary relations among independent nation-states."

The allies needed a financing mechanism to rebuild their countries and economies. And they needed a stable "global currency" to take the place of different currency regimes prone to competitive devaluations leading to economic disruptions.

Although John Maynard Keynes, a vocal and influential British economist at the time, proposed the "bancor" as a new world currency unit, the United States prevailed. The dollar became the "anchor" currency around which fixed exchange rates would be established.

The U.S. prevailed not only because it was by far the strongest ally. It also had the only viable economy paired with the means to help finance recovery. By that time the dollar was also the only currency still backed by gold.

Because the dollar was "reserved" by gold, the term "reserve currency" came into existence.  But reserve currency means more than backed by gold, which is important to understand since Richard Nixon ended the dollar's convertibility into gold on August 15, 1971.

A reserve currency is first and foremost a currency that has the full faith and backing of its issuing government. 

It is perceived by investors to be a "store of value" because it is backed by a strong government, is safe from confiscation, and is governed by the trusted rule of law in the issuing country.

For those reasons, a reserve currency is held in significant quantities by governments and institutions as part of their foreign exchange reserves and is commonly used in international transactions.

In essence, Bretton Woods' establishment of the dollar as a reserve currency meant the end of the gold standard for the world.

Since currencies were now "pegged" to the dollar (which could until 1971 be exchanged in the U.S. for gold at $35 per ounce), adherence to a peg would necessitate buying or selling dollars by a home country to maintain mandated exchange rates. Gold was no longer the basis of any currency's "value," and the dollar became king.

Over time Bretton Woods broke down and currencies began to "float." That means currencies are valued relatively. The value of the British pound to the Japanese yen, for example, is a relative value. This means the value is based on how many parts of a unit or how many units of one currency it takes to buy a unit of another currency.

Every currency is "valued" in the open market every day against every other currency to establish what one currency is worth relative to another currency. Or, how many units of currency or goods and services a unit of one currency buys relative to another currency.

This Trap Threatens to Send Us Spiraling The U.S. dollar is still the world's reserve currency. But it faces increasing threats. One threat is its own doing; it's called the "dollar trap."

Precisely because the dollar is the world's reserve currency, it is in high demand. One reason other countries want to hold dollars, besides their reserve status and their perceived store of value, is because by buying dollars, countries can change their exchange rates.

The typical path countries want to take is to devalue their currencies to make them cheaper on global markets. That way it takes fewer units of another country's currency to buy a unit of a currency being devalued.

That "competitive devaluation" makes the devaluing country's exports cheaper. Export growth is what drives many economies, especially emerging markets andmost especially China. But the same is true of Germany and the United States.

If a country wants to increase its exports by making them cheaper, rather than lowering the price of them, they devalue their currency, which makes them cheaper on a relative basis. Countries drive down the value of their currencies by actually selling them.

Currencies always are valued in pairs. You cannot sell a currency to drive the value of it down without "buying" another currency on the other side of the trade. If you sell a currency, let's say you sell Chinese yuan. (Note: You often hear "renminbi" in place of "yuan," but both are names for China's currency. Renminbi is the name of the currency, as in British sterling, and yuan is a unit of currency, as in the British pound.)

Whoever is buying your yuan has to pay you in another currency. Most of the time in a devaluation, the home currency is sold and dollars are bought. That's the dollar trap.

Countries devaluing their currencies are selling them for dollars. They end up with massive amounts of dollars, which don't pay any interest, so they use their dollars to buy U.S. government treasuries. Treasuries are a proxy for the dollar and pay interest.

The dollar trap happens as countries buy U.S. bonds, driving down their yields, which in turn keeps U.S. borrowing costs at rock bottom. Cheap borrowing let's U.S. legislators and administrations run huge deficits. Huge deficits in turn will eventually undermine the value of the dollar.

The trap turns to a nightmare if dollar holders (government bond holders) lose faith that the dollar will continue to be a store of value, which it will become less of if it is sold off widely and depreciates as a result of global selling. Dollar depreciation affects holders who are losing money by sitting on a depreciating asset and in turn will sell their holdings in a possible death spiral for the dollar and the U.S. economy.

Enter the Chinese.

The Dragon Is Vying for Dominance
 The likelihood of the dollar trap turning into a dollar collapse any time soon is remote. Although at some point, it could happen.

The death spiral scenario is based on the Chinese currency replacing the dollar as the world's reserve currency. In theory, as the Chinese economy grows (it's now the second largest in the world), and China increasingly transacts in yuan as opposed to dollars or euros, there will be more yuan in the global marketplace. 

If enough yuan are free-floating and available as an international medium of exchange, the Chinese could dump their trillions of dollars in dollar reserves, crashing the dollar and throwing its reserve status out the door.

It's not time to worry... yet.

China needs financial market reforms, and to liberalize capital flows into and out of the country, and they need political and institutional legal framework reforms. They need all of that before global trading partners would ever consider the renminbi as a reserve currency.

That said, the United States is facing an aging population, a declining workforce, growing debt, and the emergence of global players. There's no guarantee the dollar's reserve status will stand the test of time.

For investors looking to profit from currency wars and any change in reserve currency status, there will be plenty of time to tee up blockbuster trades to make a killing on the death of the old world order.

It happened at Bretton Woods, and it then happened when Bretton Woods broke down. Another massive shift is next...


Cramer LAST week GOOD READ and read JayJ at the end

From TNT site

 Cramer: "we need a Chinese stimulus package by Monday "

Interesting exerpts from Cramer last Thursday & Friday

He repeatedly refers to a stimulus from China, Chinese stimulus package.

He also mentions info. on gold, oil, Exxon, Russia, the fed.

Cramer navigates a 'confusing' market 

Thu 27 Mar 14 | 06:00 PM ET

Exerpts from the transcript 

this market, this market is so confusing with so many conflicting cross currents that it's creating a real sense of foreboding.. an unknown, unknown. s&p dropped .19%. is making sense. i'm not too proud. interest rates are plummeting. we were supposed to be worried about interest rates getting higher. how can business be improving jobless claims be getting better, and the fenagling good things. or worse. perhaps it's something we should fear. maybe that's the point. maybe the boogie man we don't know. tonight i'm definitely looking in the closet when i get home. this market needs a lovey blanket and a night light.

let's tick down what we know. first the mineral and mining stocks are doing incredibly well. i look at those stocks that have been in prolonged down trends. i'm talking the iron company and i say, okay, they're balancing but why? still one more rumor perhaps of a big chinese stimulus. isn't it time we gave that theory a rest already?

there's nothing that explains it at all. especially when you see interest rates going down. rates are supposed to be skyrocketinghe wn they rally. they're supposed to be the kiss of death for the group. caterpillar continues to rally as we don't know anything about what it's really doing. cramer fav is having it's best day in ages. up 6%. i see only the briefest about the way a london metals exchange could impact it positively. 6% for heaven's sake? and boy, many analysts, they hate it.

what's driving oils up here? is there an embargo somewhere? does that mean something is lurking that we don't know? the oil stocks are supposed to go down when the dollars strong? instead they're on all cylinders lead by exxon. didn't the best ones deserve another up day given those aggressive plans to return capital they announced last night? i hear they aren't going up because the yield curve no longer favors their net interest margin.

. . . plus there's plenty of stuff that should be getting hammered but is going in the opposite direction. take general electric. they have a $1 billion business in russia. what is to take the russians from expropriating it. the huge move shows the market is not the least bit worried about russia even though they have two important facilities in that country. right for the putin picking i'd say.how about lululemon doing a sub par number and going dramatically higher. i didn't like the earnings report at all, did you? maybe it's the beginning of a new run or if you cut numbers low enough and make them the investors fall in love all over again. same thing with restoration hardware.

now normally i can say tough market hard to figure out but when there's this many cross currents i tend to think that there's something that's about to happen that i don't know about. something is lurking. . .

but how come gold, which usually senses ahead of time that you're concerned is going down, not up? perhaps what's happening is we're bottoming and everything is about to go higher as is fitting for the end of the month and the end of the quarter rally with the marking up we're talking about. perhaps there's funds popping up the winners and selling this year's losers to fund that prop up. just maybe the incredible rotation is taking that course. they're finally having their day in the sun. 

the bottom line, this is one confusing day people. a donald rumsfeld unknown, unknown market and investors are not supposed to like uncertainty. they don't like being in the dark. maybe this market resolves itself tomorrow and tells us what's on tap for the rest of the quarter or maybe this is just one of the most confounding markets i've ever seen which will make anxious investors sell. that's if we can get one. we just don't know. where's rumy when you need him?

today was confusing for all of us. too many cross currents to wrap our heads around. the market does not like uncertainty but you stick with cramer and we'll puzzle through it every day. but yes, i had to own that i was confounded. i can't pretend when i don't know what's happening. mad money will be right back.



Strong jobs report could rally financials: Cramer

Fri 28 Mar 14 | 06:00 PM ET

Exerpts of the transcript 

like so many days this week the market started off strong. it was right out of the gate positive. but it didn't take long for the old pattern to emerge as the biotechs and the technology cloud plays rolled over again and at one point seemed to be on the verge of taking the entire market down. aided by some worrisome talk about russia from president obama. but as we neared the bell, the market regained some trent. the s&p climbed, and although the biotech and cloud laden nasdaq could only muster a 0.11 gain.

what's our game plan for next week? let's start with the book ends. the bill industrial stocks rocked all this week. they kept powering higher and it was really no news at all. i kept hearing the same rumor of the same explanation. when we come in on monday morning we'll hear about something big from china. perhaps to reverse the chinese water torture of weaker than expected news over and over again. now, if that's true, it won't come a moment too soon.

given that we're going to get a manufacturing gauge from china that will fail to meet expectations. now, i want to be careful. be careful here, because if there's no stimulus than the strongest section of the industrials will give up some of the terrific gains. you have to be cognizant of that.

if we get the stimulus, there will be another rally in the minerals, mining, machinery and oil stocks. so much is riding on a surprise stimulus plan that we should expect weakness from the get go if we don't get one.

now, let's flip to friday. that's when we get the labor department's nonfarm payroll figure and here again is something that's incredibly important for the market as a whole. but particularly for the financials. you see unlike the industrials, the banks financials are under pressure. because interest rates have bizarrely been going down. i said bizarrely because didn't the fed tell us that the economy is stronger than expected?

 now, a robust employment number which i'm expecting can reverse that decline in interest rates. if we get it, i think you're going to see the financials roar as they need higher rates to beat the estimates when they report next month. may i therefore suggest on a strong employment report you buy the bank stocks that the fed blasts earlier this week to return capital even in a form of big buy backs or dividend boosts. i'll normally tell you should reach for wells fargo. that got a great, great buy back, and dividend boost. but you know what? that was the only one that wasn't down after the number. so kind of missed that one.

 instead, i think bank of america is the buy here. why? because not only did it get the nod to buy back stock but cleared up the biggest legal overhang. the government sued against them for issuing so many loans. it had burgeoning legal expenses this settlement is a huge deal. and i think this stock can break out to multiyear highs when it reports next month. you need to be in ahead of that. so if friday's job number is higher than expected i'd grab some bank of america at the opening. between monday's china report and friday's employment report is something so worrisome that i'd be remiss if i told you i'm not unnerved byit.

. . . now, we have a slew of data tuesday that could also move the market. u.s. manufacturing purchase and manager's report, construction spending and car sales. if the federal reserve is right that the economy is improving and the bond market is wrong because rates are lower, then we need to see all three of these indicators coming better than expected.

here's the bottom line. we need a chinese stimulus package announcement on monday to sustain this week's industrial rally and we need a strong employment number friday to get the banks moving in the right direction. 

what do we need next week? well, with need a -- we need a stimulus package from china. that would be a great start. then a nice strong jobs report on friday, then we've got the largest part of the s&p the financials moving. but we have this flood of ipo's coming. the golden goose could be killed by too much supply. mad money will be right back.



JayJ:  This is very interesting!!  Is Cramer trying to tell us what we already know?  I think his "China Stimulus" mention is code for what we know originated with the Chinese Elders supply of the Gold for the RV.  I think this is all about how do we tell the public without telling the public. 

Folks, let's sit back and see if this was Cramer's way of letting the cat out of the bag for all of us.  Jay

Canadian gun control - MUST WATCH !

The real question becomes, where does the governments control over your civil liberties and freedom stop.

  Canadian gun control - MUST WATCH !

  All US citizens need to hear this.
   */Canadian Gun Control - A Lesson For US Citizens/*

Tolec Update for March 31st: The Global Financial Reset is a Reality

Tolec Update for March 31st: The Global Financial Reset is a Reality

Just letting you know that I have company from Canada beginning today for a week so will not be online nearly as much as usual. I’ll try to share the most important updates, if any.  ~ BP

Update – Global Financial Reset & U.S Currency Reset with a new – United States Treasury Reserve Dollar (TRN). The events that were, “right around the corner”, are now here. Expect big changes.
March 31, 2014
The ‘positive’ reset of the global financial system [which includes a currency reset for the United States with a new U.S Dollar (TRN), hard asset backed by some gold, other precious minerals in the ground, as well as 'priceless' items, 'national treasures' held in the U.S] – that “Zap” has been speaking of – has come to fruition.
You can read the details about it at Kauilapele’s site for March 31, 2014 “Office of Poofness” – “HAPPY” posting where - “ZAP SAYS”: “HI ALL. ON MARCH 28, THE TREASURY RESERVE NOTE (NEW US DOLLAR) WAS EFFECTED”.
Further, for an amazingly accurate, highly detailed explanation of the major initiatives & components leading to and involved in this global reset – I also strongly suggest you read: “Message about the GCR, RV, Reset”


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Posted By: food4thought
Date: Tuesday, 1-Apr-2014 10:12:09

GOOD ARTICLE! (Lots of supporting links.)
- - - - -
"Does anyone else smell a rat close by? This incident is beginning to stink of American involvement. Nothing like it has ever occurred in aviation history. Cell phone calls not able to be traced; no radar tracings; transponders turned off; no wreckage spotted; and a large plane with 239 people aboard vanishes without a trace. Enter the secret military base at the Diego Garcia atoll, which has a huge runway and is four hours flying time from Malaysia. Only government personal with a high security clearance work there; clearly visible are over a dozen B-52 aircraft on the 2014 satellite Google Map. With the tens of billions of dollars needed to build and maintain this facility, Diego Garcia must have its own dedicated satellite surveillance system that would show any aircraft, ships, or submarines getting even remotely close to this facility. However, the level of sophistication of its radar is classified and unverifiable. With the plane now missing for 23 days (450+ hours), the 'thinkables' have become unlikely and so the 'unthinkables' have become possibilities."
More . . .

Wilcock Comments on Fulford's New Article: "It Appears That a Treaty Was Signed With The Positive ETs."

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Wilcock Comments on Fulford's New Article: "It Appears That a Treaty Was Signed With The Positive ETs."
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 1-Apr-2014 08:44:48

Fulford has two new posts for April 1.. Now sure if both, or just one, is an April's Fool's joke..??...
Fulford's new posts here
Comment by dwilcock on April 1, 2014 @ 12:23 pm
I mean I do not think the Vatican wrote the Quran. And Jesus was absolutely real. There is too much reputable evidence in favor of it. I find it quite ironic that we are still facing off against the exact same super-villain that Moses and Jesus were up against. It just migrated from Babylon to Egypt to Rome to Great Britain, etc.
Additionally, the underground bases were not cut off from the surface. They are very much still a factor. About 26 were wiped out in a period of 3-4 months beginning in August 2011, but there are roughly 250 of them, unlike Phil Schneider’s estimate of 159 from the mid-1990s.
It does appear that a treaty was signed with the positive ETs that stopped the destruction of additional bases in exchange for a full disclosure at some future date. That may be what is happening — not clear yet. Ben’s leak about Putin is very compelling and corroborates with one other insider source out there. It may also be a Cabal “saving throw” to stay relevant as this global renegotiation reaches its final phase.
And for God’s sake, dinars are not going to increase that much in value. The Bushes are selling off a bunch of them they got in the Gulf war. Buying them puts you on the “red list” so they can take you out if they ever get enough chaos to take their shot. The currencies likely to do the best will be from BRICS, or maybe Norway once their 1.5T oil fund is turned into a weighted asset.
Another important point is that the travel from base to base underground is not via trains. It is done via egg-shaped capsules with no wheels and no rails to travel on. They are NOT mag-lev. They travel via air pressure, much like how they move money around at the bank drive-in before the days of the ATM.
Now I will get back to work!
- David
David's comment here

Malaysia Flight 370 Pilot Confirmed As CIA “Asset” As Plane Exploded OverIndian Ocean

March 27, 2014
Malaysia Flight 370 Pilot Confirmed As CIA “Asset” As Plane Exploded OverIndian Ocean
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A stunning new report prepared by the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces (GRU) circulating in the Kremlin today leaves no doubt as to why President Barack Obama warned this week thathis greatest fear was not Russia, but rather a nuclear bomb being exploded in the heart of New York City, as it reveals that the pilot of the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah [photo 2nd left], was a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA“asset” whose plane was carrying the “dirtiest bomb known to have ever been constructed.”
According to this report, and as we had previously reported, Flight 370 was already under GRU “surveillance”after it received a “highly suspicious” cargo load that had been traced to the Indian Ocean nation Republic of Seychelles, and where it had previously been aboard the US-flagged container ship MV Maersk Alabama.
What first aroused GRU suspicions regarding the MV Maersk Alabama was that within 24-hours of off-loading this“highly suspicious” cargo load bound for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, the two highly-trained US Navy Seals assigned to protect it, Mark Daniel Kennedy, 43, and Jeffrey Keith Reynolds, 44, were found dead under“suspicious circumstances.”
Both Kennedy and Reynolds were employed by the Virginia Beach, Virginia-based maritime security firm The Trident Group which was founded by US Navy Special Operations Personnel (SEAL’s) and Senior US Naval Surface Warfare Officers and had long been known by the GRU to protect vital transfers of both atomic and biological materials throughout the world.
The GRU, likewise, had reported that this “highly suspicious” cargo, after it was unloaded from the MV MaerskAlabama, on 17 February, was then transferred to Seychelles International Airport where it was loaded on anEmirates flight bound for Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) in Malaysia, after first stopping over in Dubai.
Prior to Flight 370 entering the People Liberation Army (PLA) protected zones of the South China Sea known as the Spratly Islands after its 8 March departure from KLIA, the GRU had previously reported, it “significantly deviated” from its flight course and was tracked by VKO satellites and radar flying into the Indian Ocean region and completing its nearly 3,447 kilometer (2,142 miles) flight to the Diego Garcia atoll.
Critical to note about Flight 370’s flight deviation, GRU experts said, was that it occurred during the same time period that all of the Spratly Island mobile phone communications operated by China Mobile were being jammed.
As to why Flight 370 was diverted to Diego Garcia, the GRU reported it was initially “puzzled” about, that is until 16 March when it reported that top disease scientists from both the US and China were flown there, and on 21 March reported that the “highly suspicious” cargo aboard the plane had been transferred to the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico where it was then destroyed in a “massive explosion.”
Important to note, this new GRU report says, is that Diego Garcia has long been a “prime target” for adversaries of the US due to its being the location from where the wars against Iraq and Afghanistan were directed, and its being the one of the CIA’s most feared “black sites” of torture and abuse of prisoners. 
Most “gravely concerning” about Flight 370, this new GRU report says, was that its Captain, Zaharie Ahmad Shah, was discovered to have in his home a flight simulator containing The Flight Termination System (FTS) which allows an aircraft to be remotely controlled, as well as landing instructions for Diego Garcia.
The FTS, the GRU notes, is a fully redundant turn-key range safety and test system for remote control and flight termination of airborne test vehicles that consists of a Command Transmitter System (CTS) and custom control, interface, and monitoring subsystems. The system is fully programmable and is flexible enough to meet the changing requirements of today's modern test ranges, its manufacturer, System Planning Corporation (SPC) says.
Critical to note about the FTS manufacturer SPC, this report says, is that it was once headed by the mysterious American “war hawk” Dov Zakheim who many still believe was one of the masterminds behind the 11 September 2011 attacks upon the US, and who in a 2000 position paper titled Rebuilding America's Defenses which called for “a New Pearl Harbor.”
NOTE: In a document called “Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century” published by The American Enterprise’s “Project for a New American Century”(1), System Planning Corporation (SPC) International executive, Dov Zakheim, called for “some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor” being necessary to foster the frame of mind needed for the American public to support a war in the Middle East that would politically and culturally reshape the region. A respected and established voice in the intelligence community, his views were eagerly accepted, and Dov went from his position at Systems Planning Corporation to become the Comptroller of the Pentagon in May 2001. Perhaps not so coincidentally, it was an SPC subsidiary, TRIDATA CORPORATION, that oversaw the investigation after the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in 1993.
As to Captain Shah’s complicity in the destruction of Flight 370, this report continues, GRU assests have confirmed his being targeted by a CIA “honey trap” which destroyed his marriage and left him in “no state of mind to be flying.”
This GRU report further confirms Malaysian investigators discovery that Captain Shah received a two-minute call shortly before the take-off of Flight 370 from this CIA “honey pot” using a mobile phone number obtained under a false identity.
As to the course of Flight 370 once it left KLIA, the GRU says, it is “nearly assured” that Captain Shah disabled the communication systems and “activated” the FTS allowing the US Navy to divert it to Diego Garcia, but only after it had ascended to nearly 44,000 feet where “undoubtedly” all of the other passengers and crew were killed by asphyxiation.
After the “highly suspicious” cargo Flight 370 was carrying was offloaded in Diego Garcia, GRU analysts in this report say, its “most likely” tragic ending occurred around 3,218 kilometers (2,000 miles) off Diego Garcia, which is part of Britain’s Indian Ocean territory, where it was deliberately destroyed as evidenced by the over 300 objects spotted in this region by a Thai satellite.
As to what exactly the “highly suspicious” cargo aboard Flight 370 was this report doesn’t say, other than to note that due to the extraordinary, and deadly, lengths the US went through to obtain and then destroy it most likely could have been the “dirtiest bomb known to have ever been constructed.”
Also left unanswered in this report is who within the US is responsible for all of these events, as the GRU says it is “highly unlikely” that Obama was even “in the loop” regarding it.
Note: Additional articles to read explaining the Crisis In Ukraine include: Obama In Shock After US Oil Giant Sides With Putin; Declares “No Ukraine War”, Putin In “Fury” After Saudis Brand Obama Regime Terrorist Organization, Russia Warns Of American Deaths As Ukraine Crisis Spirals Out Of ControlPutin Orders Largest Air Defense Drill In History As War Fears AcceleratePutin Orders Russian Troops And Ministries To Atomic Shelters Over NATO Threat Of War, 800,000 Ukrainian Refugees Flood Into Russia As Nazi Forces Continue Eastern March, Putin Sends Feared Shock Troops, Division Into Ukraine, Warns Obama Is “Unstable”Putin Orders Military Alert To Defend Ukraine Against Western-Backed FascistsUkrainian Mob Call To “Kill All Jews” Horrifies RussiaPutin Orders Troops To Crimea Passes, Warns NATO Of WarRussian Threat Of War Over Ukraine Stuns Obama RegimeUS In “Shock And Turmoil” After Snowden Info Lets Russia Tap Top Obama Officials
March 27, 2014 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth.  Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?.]

IMF: Everything You Have Will Be Taken

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

IMF: Everything You Have Will Be Taken
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 1-Apr-2014 05:30:41

David Knight covers the latest news, including developments in Ukraine as the country’s Parliament rejects the bankster IMF deal designed to impose suffocating austerity on the people and strip the nation of its wealth.


*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said ***

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said ***
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 1-Apr-2014 04:37:06

Hi, Folks -
Found at dinarguru.com:
3-31-2014 Newshound Guru tlm724 Article: "Next Sunday .. distribution of salaries of workers secured" so on April 6th they intend to distribute these funds ... there is a lot of money that is going to be distributed in the next week, makes me question where it is coming from...
3-31-2014 Intel Guru TNT Tony It was supposed to go Friday & the reason it didn't was simply document issues that didn't get done that are now done. [Guru] DC told us on Friday that the lower denoms were being issued sporadicly in Iraq...today they are being issued everywhere. Our guy over there tried to send pictures through email and phone and both were blocked. We are looking for 800#'s to go out to the public and the instructions that go with it. Everybody is ready. I think this is based on what all are hearing, what's being said in Iraq. Maliki is counting on this to win the vote, the bond sale did go through on Friday at 3.71 and it must be an international rate for that to happen. It is up to the IMF to say go.

Russia Issues International Arrest Warrant For Rothschild & Soros ... WOW

Date: March 31, 2014 at 11:14:01 PM MST

Subject: Russia Issues International Arrest Warrant For Rothschild & Soros ... WOW

Sent: Monday, March 31, 2014 10:03 PM
Subject: Russia Issues International Arrest Warrant For Rothschild & Soros ... WOW

 Russia Issues International Arrest Warrant For Rothschild & Soros ... WOW

Vladimir Putin – Russia Issues International Arrest Warrant For Rothschild Soros
by News1Syria
posted March 29, 2014

Vladimir Putin – Russia Issues International Arrest Warrant For Rothschild Soros.
Putin vs Soros by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert
Tuesday January 24, 2012
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin (left) vs financial terrorist George Soros

UNITED STATES of America – It can now be reported that the Russian Federation and its Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has issued an arrest warrant for noted financial terrorist and Hungarian bank dick, George Soros.
Russian Intelligence has fingered Soros for using cross-collateralized compounded Swedish and Danish foreign currency derivatives for the purpose of an attack on the Russian stock market.
Note: Soros use of these cross-collateralized compounded derivatives utilizing Luxembourg banks violates the terms of the Basil II European Union banking agreement.
Item: Both the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and European INTERPOL are preparing a Red Notice against not only Soros but Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate financial stooge Marc Rich and his Swiss-based Richfield Commodities Brokerage firm.
Putin has also recently confronted Federal Reserve Chairman Bernard Bernanke and told him that the Russian Federation will no longer tolerate the use of individuals like George Soros and Marc Rich in massive foreign currency derivative fraud that is destabilizing the world economy.
In other words, folks, there will be NO backdoor QE3 using derivatives tied to George Soros and Marc Rich.
P.S. We can also divulge that the government of Greece has joined John Hancock insurance company in a class action lawsuit against the criminal U.S. banking giants Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan.
The class action lawsuit accuses both Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan of fraudulent sales practices in the marketing of bogus mortgage-backed securities from the year 2003 to 2007.
Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan sold these bogus financial instruments to the government of Greece while at the same time they were actually shorting these financial instruments in offshore hedge funds on the Isle of Man and the Cayman Islands.
P.P.S. At this hour the government of Greece is ready to leave the European Union and try to save their nation similar to that which took place in Iceland.
P.P.P.S. This is a direct warning to the privately owned, criminal Federal Reserve:
Any attempt to bail out Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan and their bogus credit claims against the nation of Greece using U.S. Taxpayers money will lead to a major response by the U.S. Military.
In closing, a direct message to alleged pResident Barack Hussein Obama-Soetoro:
When you signed the TREASONOUS, UN-Constitutional National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which permanently shredded the U.S. Constitution, you declared war on the American People and forfeited any chance of an alleged re-election.

Patriotic members of the U.S. Military, in association with U.S. Treasury agents, will soon present evidence to major U.S. Flag Officers showing the BILLIONS of dollars of bribes and kickbacks that Obama, both Bill and Hillary Clinton, the neo-Nazi Bush Family, and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, have parked in the Cayman Islands.