Thursday, April 24, 2014



     Censored Official Figures And Facts Hidden From You By The Federal Government And Allies Such As Corrupt Newspapers Owned By The Enemies of The American People! Some oil companies tried to tell the American people the truth, but under heavy American news censorship the American people never heard nationally the Shell Oil gas mileage results which follow. These are official gas mileage test figures from the book "Fuel Economy Of The Gasoline Engine" written by Shell Oil engineers. Shell Oil experimented with and tested gas mileage tactics with various standard commercially made cars. These are their published results. They got 376.59 MPG with a 1959 Opel in 1973; 244.35 MPG with a 1959 Fiat in 1968; 149.05 MPG with a 1947 Studebaker in 1949; and 49.73 MPG on one of their first test cars around 1939.
     Not Shell Oil but elsewhere as more recent corporate test results around 2006 testers got a 1994 Geo Metro in America up to 98.96 Miles Per Gallon . And an Audi A2 got 95 Miles Per Gallon in Europe.
     More federal censorship to control you by keeping you ignorant. I think it was 2003 that Consumer Reports Magazine ran tests on ethanol gasoline. They found this to be a giant federal fraud. The ethanol reduced gas mileage of gasoline to where you used more total original oil from the Middle East, etc. by adding ethanol to gasoline so this cost you more in money in terms of driving and amount of fuel used driving than driving with straight regular gasoline without any ethanol added to it. And the production of producing ethanol polluted the atmosphere more than just refining straight oil into gasoline for your car. Separately various auto mechanics told me how they observed ethanol gasoline damaged car engines sooner and more extensively than just using straight regular gasoline so in damage done to your car engine, ethanol gasoline costs you more than you realized. I hate it when Congress decrees like God almighty that you must now use inferior and poorer grade engineering to run your life as they will not allow you any longer to use better quality products and engineering to run your life by. Also, Wash., D.C. has outlawed several dozen cancer cures which did work fine in order to protect the drug industry of America selling you medicines that only partially work or not work at all in reality for the disease or ailment you have now in America. Like a whore for hire of money, Wash., D.C. is bought and paid for behind the scenes in ways the public does not know about.
      Wash., D.C. pulls cons on the public all the time. One of the classics is a forgotten promise that if the American people would let Wash., D.C. pass federal income tax just before World War I, then it would never be higher than I think the promised figure was 10% federal income tax maximum for all American citizens. Politician promises from Wash., D.C. are soon forgotten by Wash., D.C. How about President Richard Nixon saying back in 1973 that the federal government planned to solve the energy crisis of America by 6 years later. My question is, "When do they start?" 40 years later they haven't even seriously started yet solving the energy crisis of America Wash., D.C. engineered and set up by corrupt politics of Wash., D.C. When the official "energy crisis" started in America, I visited a federal research center where they were supposed to find a cheap substitute for gasoline from coal and water. When I talked to their technical staff, they said this was all a con of Congress on the American people so Congress could pretend that it was trying to solve the Energy Crisis of America. They had told Congress that they could likely create a substitute for gasoline from coal and water, but it would probably cost at least $40 a gasoline. That was exactly what Congress wanted to hear to set up their con on the American people, so set up and funded this research project. I step on big toes with information I release to the American people who are the intended con victims of Congress, White House today, and federal agencies.
     In the October 5, 1929 issue of Collier's Magazine nationally prominent then, they ranj the article "300 Miles to the Gallon!" by William G. Shepherd. He quoted from prominent sources in the auto industry and oil industry. For example, Charles Kettering, the inventive genius of General Motors, showed the author the General Motors tests showing why a car could go up to around 300 MPG.
     Wash., D.C. lies, lies, lies to you! Their official propaganda lie is fuel injected cars run with up to 99% of the efficiency possible from gasoline. You can according to Wash., D.C. propaganda lie only get maybe 1% more gasoline mileage per gallon  than what you are now getting on your car. By strange coincidence, a researcher with resources to back him has just completed his system using the standard injected fuel, etc. cars use today and is getting around double gas mileage on cars tests! If Wash., D.C. does not pull its usual legal con games and legal double-talk when this is scheduled to be released in America soon, with double gas mileage on your current car or cars, you would then only spend half of what you do on gasoline now and the American economy would boom with this major saving for all Americans driving in America!
     But Wash., D.C. is married to corruption and so if they follow their usual pattern will do all they can in asserted b.s. hot air claims to block this working double gas mileage system from reaching you the American people! Wash., D.C. apparently loves to keep you the American people in Washington engineered poverty or low income in America! The members of Congress and heads of federal agencies are apparently deliberate con artists when they pretend that there is no good, CHEAP ANSWER to the oil crisis in America! 
     For those that are on my list as current patrons of my website, I will likely in about two weeks from now by national email notify them of where they can get this system designed to work on our current cars in America and according to tests be potentially able to get up to double gas mileage at this time. Of course the official figures will differ based upon what models of what cars are used. But to show you what Wash., D.C. suppressed that I was going to give to the American people in auto kit form, I once got a car of mine starting from around 17.5 to 18.5 miles per gallon on up to 94 miles per gallon. I spent probably less than $50 in supplies to modify my car engine so it could do this.
     Using that as a reference, the inventor I was talking to understood the principle by which I got my car to go up to such high gas mileage and he is apparently using a modifed tactic like what I did and can operate with modern cars so they can aim for even around double gas mileage. So if you get double gas mileage, that means you now spend just $10 for the gasoline needed that you formerly spent $20 on to drive to the same destination wherever you pick. You still pay the regular retail price per gallon for the gasoline you buy, but only need to buy half as much gasoline in a year if your driving remains the same for the year. That is like a big raise in pay from their job for the average American if they can do this with their car! 
     This also releases much new money to spend in America for products, services, recreation, etc. Wash., D.C. knows this, but they pretend to act like dumb morons and so don't realize that if you increase gas mileage in America, you expand and boom the economy of America. Pass our Omni Law and this law will enable us to make driving in America cheaper for you the American people.   
     I give Obama the prize for being the King of Con Artists In America. Having studied engineering years ago from an engineering school and took my car and got it up from 17 1/2 to 18 1/2 maximum gas mileage on up to 94 miles per gallon in a publicly witnessed test and spent less than $50 to modify the car engine to do this in 1979, among other things I know is if you have a decent gas mileage increase with your car, you don't pollute the atmosphere maybe at all at that time. Under that light, I comment that Obama is sabotaging the economy of America by suppressing the Keystone oil pipelines from Canada to run into America in the name of "not polluting the atmosphere" and "saving the environment." Allow American cars to have high gas mileage systems and there won't be pollutants from the cars to damage our atmosphere. 
     On January 17, 2006, I released to many sources in Congress a 6 page science report that Vice President Al Gore had been right for once to endorse in his foreward the 1996 scienced book "Our Stolen Future: Are We Threatening OUr Own Fertility, Intelligence, and Survival?" by Theo Colborn, Dianne Dumanoski, and Peter Meyers. I was not a political supporter of Al Gore, but on this point he landed on the right side of an important issue. The human race according to many medical and scientific studies is getting ready to go biologically extinct by going biologically sterile. Al Gore did not know it, but my father's Vatican endorsed food process is the only answer university tests of years ago said could save the human race from going biologically extinct maybe as soon as 100 years from now, but some sources predict sooner for America. I asked Congress for a large land grant of federal land and a huge fund to set up my father's Vatican endorsed food process if America is not soon to die as a nation. My report was very tough and reported on various prior Washington efforts to try and destroy my father's Vatican endorsed food process. How many members of Congress responded back? I had them figured out right how dishonest and nationally irresponsible they were over important national issues! None answered back which is exactly what I had expected of them. This is a key experience that convinced me that only passage of my proposed Omni Law is going to save America as a nation and give America a bright future instead of a dismal and dark future as Congress and the rest of Wash., D.C. is offering America now by their lack of leadership, poor leadership, corrupt leadership, and totally treasonable leadership from Wash., D.C.
     The history I outlined in detail here will embarrass many political leaders in Wash., D.C. because except for my extreme toughness against Washington tyranny, they would have succeeded in smashing forever my father's Vatican endorsed food process! I had to be a super human as no ordinary human would not have been crushed who went through the criminal, political and legal tyranny I did receive from Wash., D.C. when I tried to revive my father's Vatican endorsed food process in America. The Vatican under Pope Pius XII had endorsed this as potentially the greatest news for mankind since the coming of Christ since it could potentially solve the twin problems of starvation and malnutrition in the world. Wash., D.C. cared not for this prominent endorsement nor other prominent endorsements from America and abroad for the great food discovery my father had made and taught me the trade secret how to do this in the industrial food industry of America and the world.
     Among other things, I gathered together around 1,500 pages of technical notes on the best discoveries of technology to use on fuel injected cars to skyrocket their gas mileage. The oil cartel will have to let fuel become much cheaper in cost through MPG if you back us now and you help us pass our proposed Omni Law even in 2014 if you the American people will decide to stand up and let the politicians know that you are backing us now for passage of the Omni Law!
     The answers are already there in technology to skyrocket the American economy. Once the Omni Law is passed, Wash. legal tyranny stops in America, and with freedom once more in America, the American economy can boom again with jobs for all citizens needing it, good wages created by increased purchasing power in money due to technology Wash., D.C. was blocking until freedom was restored to America and then our American economy was allowed to aggressively boom once more. Corrupt moral values hurt the American economy more than the people realize. A national economic study of around 1987 came up with the conclusion that outlawing prayer and the Bible from the public schools of America ended up costing American labor a loss in annual national wages of around one trillion dollars or more and shrinking the annual national market for business to sell to in America by around one trillion dollars a year. And by the way, we didn't have school schootings and other barbaric acts as part of our daily city life until we decided to divorce God as a nation and said that we didn't need moral values any longer in America. As an economist, I observe that good moral values help to make the economy more civilized and also encourages prosperity in a nation.
     And when four times in history, the monetary system preached by Jesus Christ in the New Testament was actually set up for real, four times the people had the fastest rising prosperity ever witnessed in human history. No unemployed, no poor, crime basically disappears from society, everyone seems to become rich before long, business booms, and governments become very prosperous off of the prosperous economy created by Jesus Money. Four times the bankers got mad when everyone became so rich and prosperous using the Jesus Money taught in the New Testament and four times conspired how to overthrow it so the people, businesses, and governments could be thrown back into hard times economically and then the central bankers could suck the blood out of the economy of the nation. By the way churches, the churches also become prosperous with Jesus Money. 80 Gothic Cathedrals and 500 Cathedral Grade Gothic Churches were built in France during the 100 year period they had Jesus Money in France. All this history was censored from you by banking control of government.
     If you once realized that you can live super well off of Jesus Money, why suffer through hard economic times otherwise? By the way, the men in France only worked 6 hours a day 4 days a week, the wives stayed home to raise the kids, and everyone had basically 100 national holidays a year on top to going to church on Sunday, so they worked 4 days and relaxed 3 days every week of the year! When Jesus Money was revived in one area of Europe prior to World War II, soon people were paying off real estate taxes even two and three years ahead of time they became rich so fast under it! I visited that area of Europe many years ago and interviewed people there who still remembered this colossal economic boom until the Rothschilds, etc. pulled strings with governments to suppress this once more in history. And later on as the local people told me, the French Army came into that area to confiscate all samples of the Jesus Money system from their local museum, etc. The Rothschilds wanted all traces of this monetary system removed from historical records and local culture. They control you by keeping your ignorant of how to economically liberate yourself in society.
   And amazing situation, I once met with one of the Rothschilds who never knowing his comments would go public boasted to me how he and some of his banking allies secretly ran Wash., D.C. and not the American people as "They are too stupid, too irresponsible, and too morally unfit to be allowed to govern America" so the Rothschilds, etc. secretly ruled America behind the scenes through Wash., D.C.
     Okay folks, the nation using my economic angles will become the undisputed leader of the world and all other nations wanting to copy our economic answers that work so well. I studied under six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe including a German economist personally endorsed by Albert Einstein as teching the only true economic science in the 20th century. This German economist showed me the documents on Jesus Money and then I even found in some old medieval documents a few angles of it that he himself did not know was part of the monetary system. I invented an economic formula for super prosperity in nations and it told me what to look for in ancient records and which records I did find as the formula predicted! And for whatever it is worth, an international organization representing some of the Who's Who of America and Europe once wrote me up as they claimed "The Einstein Of American Economics." America either passes my proposed Omni Law or else it is unlikely that America will survive as a nation and not have its economy crash at some point with end of America and the American people in the process.
     I know brilliant people all over America. They would work with me as a national team. They would not work for Obama who they have no respect for in economic brains, moral values, or other things they think important for the future of America. By the way even though I do not rate the Roman Catholic Church as perfect, still honest scholarship is honest. For the person claiming that the new Pope prays to Lucifer in his masses, read one of the comments posted below your own incorrect report. A Protestant minister knowing his Latin showed the ignorance of your claims about this Pope Francis and what he was saying in Latin was praising Jesus and did not refer to Satan (Lucifer) as you claimed. The Protestant minister said that he did not plan to join the Catholic Church, but right was right and so he corrected the deadly error of this author thinking that the Catholic Church prays to Satan also called Lucifier. Bad scholarship like this invents false issues to divide Christianity with.
     The Catholic and Protestant side of Christianity are not perfect, but  they often have many good points also and I always show respect for good scholarship whether Catholic or Protestant side. As Bishop Fulton J. Sheen once commented when asked why he had I think 2,000 Protestant books in his private library, he commented that Protestant scholars were also sometimes moved by the Holy Spirit and the Catholic Church did not have a monopoly on this! Enough said here!
     Folks, I am just a smart common man. Most of you understand me much better than when addressed by many fancy scholars from Harvard, Yale, etc. I talk your language. They do not. I can put on fancy academic airs and use words and examples that you cannot understand. But that is snobbery and lack of respect for you. I know you are capable of intelligence up to sometimes even extreme genius. I show you high powered concepts and truths in common words and common logic and examples and you understand what I am saying, then you are no dummy yourself as smart people can understand me. Only those few truly sad people not using their brains or else sadly have no brains to use cannot understand anything I say. 
     Pass this report around and rattle the power elite who think the American people are so sedated by their propaganda that the American people can never rise up again and straighten out their nation by kicking out of power those who are bought off or else secret enemies of America. Is America worth saving? Do you deserve a good and prosperous life in America? Then pass this report around. The politicians in Wash., D.C. never solved the "energy crisis" and don't deliver on results in other important areas also.
     Pass my Omni Law and Wash., D.C. suddenly has a shift in power where the problems of America will be solved, fast, and by teams of smart to super brilliant people working together and dedicated to your well being as American citizens! As they will submit to national referendum by you what should be done in America or not, suddenly the American people have regained control of Wash., D.C. taken away from you by the powerful and colossally wealthy who hire slick academic brains who tell them how to control you with super cons and keep the truth hidden away from you so they instead of you control America and its future!
     Our national website is Our email is Our mailing address for orders and payments sent in by mail if you don't want to do this through our website is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 . Make checks, etc. out to NIFI and tell us what the payment is for whether a product from the website or our loan program to help finance our Omni Law Loan Program. Everything helps to finance our Omni Law Drive for our Omni Law posted on our website. Its full name is Omnibus Civil Rights Act For America. By the way folks, thanks for the many "views" of our website now around 650,000. We thank you for showing such strong interest in what we stand for!
     Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for that American who believes in the "extraordinary potential" of even the ordinary man or woman in America. But as in the military such as with Gen. Patton of World War II, he showed how brilliant in brains and operations Americans in the U.S. Army could be when having leadership that believed in them and knew how to draw out their God-given potential so the Germans feared most the soldiers who fought with Gen. Patton to win World War II for America. I believe in you like Gen. Patton believed in the American soldiers serving with him!)

The American War You Never Heard About! 1901


The American War You Never Heard About! 1901

Vatic Note:  I have no doubt this war took place, but what surprises me is that I never learned about it in my American history classes.  I only heard about the burning down of the white house or Washington DC, but never about a German invasion.   So, I figured, if I never heard about it and my degree was in political science which is loaded with history, than maybe you have not heard about it either.

I have to admit, I not only never heard about it in grade school or high school, but I never heard about it in Collegs.  I was never tested on the subject.  So here we are with a major invasion onto our soil by a foreign country, and we never hear about it.  The entire episode was tied in with Mexico who wanted Texas back again and was still made at our having claimed so much Mexican territory that they never got back.

I bring this up, because I can just read history now, about what is going on right  now and given who controls the publishing industry, which are the same people that control the movie industry, its highly likely history will be written much different than what we are exposing on this blog.   I kind of see this as a prewar episode to WW I which probably had an impact on our role in WW I, since it was Germany who was he enemy even then.

Because Russia was under the Zionists control after their revolution, this entire write up made sense.  Remember, Germany and Russia became allies for a while during the beginning of WW II,  but now  we know they saw themselves as natural allies with respect to the entire continent and for over a long period of time.  

The American War You Never Heard About!  1901
by various contributors,  Wikia


The North American War was the bloodiest conflict in the History of North America, and was fought between the German Empire, in an alliance with Mexico, against the United States of America.

It was the second time in US history that a overseas power invaded the U.S. mainland, and first war in which the German Empire fought an overseas power.
The war lasted from July 27th, 1901, to February 8th, 1903.

The conflict has had a lasting effect upon all the nations involved in to varying degrees. For example, while most Americans do not bear a grudge against native Mexicans, Texans have a reputation for harbouring a very powerful grudge against native Mexicans, mainly due to the fact that one of the bloodiest fronts of the war was in Texas, which saw bitter fighting.  

The key cause of the war was Kaiser Wilheim II desire to create a German overseas empire. Germany may have had some colonies, but the Kaiser felt that they needed one that would rival even the British Empire, and thus give him an excuse to build Germany's navy to match. Some historians speculate that Kaiser Wilheim II also felt he needed to prove himself to the world, and have cited his hatred of the U.S.A as another reason.

Mexico, on the other hand, had lost over fifty percent of her land to the U.S. after the Mexican war, and desired to reclaim them, particularly Texas. This resulted in the Mexican President Porfirio Diaz secretly forming an alliance with Imperial Germany, and Germany began shipping weapons to Mexico, and helped trained the army, and recruitment began to ensure that Mexico had an army to match the US.

In the US, however, very little went on in the preparation of war, as few were aware of Germany intentions. However, British intelligence uncovered evidence that Germany was preparing to invade an overseas nation. However, rather then warn the US, the British Government was more concerned that Canada was the Germans target, and began stock piling weapons in the region for the populace. With the Boer War still raging on, Britain could not directly intervene in North America, and placed Canada top priority, and paid no heed to the US.  

First Landings; 1901

On July, 20th, 1901, a fleet of ships set out from Germany, bound for New England. Accompanying them were most of the German Navy, save the North Sea Fleet. The Kaiser had an Ultimanium sent to Washington, D.C., but deliberatly delayed it so as to catch the US by surprise. The British spotted the fleet, but, rather then inform the US, they began making preparations in Canada for the possible war.

However, over a week later, German troops landed on Long Island, and swept into Brooklyn, catching the Americans and the world by surprise. A spirited defence by 1000 state milita men in and around Brooklyn Brigde, however, delayed the Germans for at least two days, in an event that became known as the Battle of Brooklyn Brigde, buying time for refugees to flee the city, and also gave the time nessercy for word to get to Washington.

A naval blockade began around New York harbour, and German Naval Ships began bombing the US coast at random points, causing severe damage and loss of life. President Willaim McKinnly declared a state of war had begun between the German Empire and the United States of America. Governers from several states began sending National Guard and state militas to New York. Most of these militas were untrained and carried out of date weaponry, but had the advantge of numbers.

On June 8th, Germany presented the terms of surrender for the US, and gave them a week to reply. Meanwhile, German forces had established a formiddable beachead around the city of New York, which was now occupied by German forces, and was in the constant fear of the Germans.

More state militas began arriving, and a force of over 50,000 was assembled to confrot the Germans. They were beaten back, however, at the Battle of the Hudson by the German first army, and returned to Newark, which became the main area of a massive military build up by American forces from regulars to milita.

The Germans, on the other hand, had to ferry their troops across the Atlantic, but had the superority of weapons on their side.  This resulted in a stalemate forming, and little to no action occurred until Mexico attacked on August 3rd.

Venezuela Crisis of 1902–1903 showed the world that the US was willing to use its naval strength to force an American viewpoint in world politics; the crisis established President Theodore Roosevelt's Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine, setting a precedent for US intervention in South American–European affairs.

In April 1904, the balance of power was seriously shifted in Europe with the signing of the Entente Cordiale by Britain and France. This improved diplomatic relationship between the two countries allowed French and British military forces to be shifted elsewhere, usually to the detriment of Wilhelm II's hope for a Kolonialreich—an empire of German influence much like the
British Empire and the French colonial empire.

Nicholas II of Russia refused to form a military alliance with Germany so the Kaiser determined that he should focus on strengthening Germany for a possible European conflict rather than an overseas invasion. The US invasion plans were shelved in 1906.[1]


Germany's Die Zeit newspaper first announced the discovery of the invasion plans on 8 May 2002.[1] The plans had been found at the German military archives in Freiburg. Reporter Henning Seitz of Die Zeit wrote that the discovery "proves a continuity between the Kaiserreich and the Third Reich because the Nazis also wanted to risk a final fight for world domination with the United States forty years later."[9]

The editorial staff of the
American Heritage history magazine wrote a summary of the probable outcome of a notional Imperial German invasion of the US: they felt that the US under Roosevelt would not have accepted defeat or negotiated from a position of weakness.

They compared the Kaiser's proposed invasion to the
War of 1812 when serious political differences among Americans were set aside following the British burning of Washington in August 1814—an event which finally united the "United" States.[8]

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Posted by Vatic Master

Written by a cousin of Ambassador Stevens

I sent this to my 3 Ohio Federal Congressmen!     Irvin

 John Boehner, Rob Portman & Sherrod Brown;  I have never read where anyone was convicted of this terrible crime.  Don't you think it has to be taken care of!!!!!! It is very clear, that the people that really KNOW what happened, are not brought forward to tell the TRUE  STORY!! You should not rest until this is taken care of !!!     Irvin Neargarder

Whether you're a D or a R, there's too much smoke and stench w/the current administration about Benghazi......

Written by a cousin of Ambassador Stevens, a US Navy Chaplain

THIS IS A TRUE STORY...and a dirty one! Be sure to read at least to the Bold highlighted area - and then pass it on.
You need to read this true account of what happened to our Ambassador Stevens and the other 3 who died. If this doesn't make you mad.........Cynthia Lee Myers wanted to share the truth of what happened over in Libya , you will not find this in the media yet, but it aired on FNC.....please read....

"Here is my story. A week out the Embassy in Tripoli began receiving multiple tips about an Al Queda cell in the area planning an attack on 9/11 in response to the killing of Bin Laden. For the next several days, the state dept and WH were asked for a security force and were denied at least six times. Ambassador Stevens and his team were given the all clear that the Consulate in Benghazi was safe and there was no need for a security force other than his 3 personal guards(One being my cousin) and a few Libyans who were not armed. Then the attack and murders occurred.

Immediately the WH claimed it was a protest gone bad over a you tube video. Obama made a quick speech in the Rose Garden on Sept.12 before catching a plane to Vegas to campaign. He made a generic statement at the end of his speech after placing the blame on an overheated protest over the video. He said "No act of terror will shake the resolve of America. Later that day and over the next 2 days, the liberal media began saying Ambassador Stevens and the other 3 men died of smoke inhalation. This was not the case.

Out of respect for my cousin, I'm not going to be specific about his murder. However Ambassador Stevens was brutally murdered. His genitals were cut off, he was sodomized and beaten and cut and stabbed and burned. He was drug thru the streets and left for dead. This is eyewitness testimony of a local Dr. who found the Ambassador in a ditch and tried to save his life. He had no idea who he was. The other 3 men, including my cousin, met similar fates. And deaths due to smoke inhalation is a 100% fabricated LIE. The next week I drove my aunt and Uncle and 2 others to DC to receive his body. We met with Hillary, Panetta, and Susan Rice. ALL of whom apologized and said it was a protest gone bad over a video and exited the area. Next, Obama entered with the same story and didn't apologize and wasn't sympathetic. My aunt cried to this man and all he did was hand her flowers and walk away. I tried to get his attention, but didn't. I got upset and yelled liar to him, he kept walking. Then a secret service agent grabbed my arm and led me to a room where I was held till the proceedings were over.

America, I saw firsthand how cold this man is. What kind of liar he is. Most of you haven't a clue about this tyrant and yet you support him. And act like every word he says is Gospel. These murders and the fast and furious cover ups make Watergate look like a kid who told his bff's secret to the class.


The stunning part of this story is that Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty killed 60 of the attacking force. Once the compound was overrun, the attackers were incensed to discover that just two men had inflicted so much death and destruction.

The news has been full of the attacks on our embassies throughout the Muslim world, and in particular, the deaths of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others in Benghazi , Libya .. However, there's a little known story of incredible bravery, heroics, and courage that should be the top story.

So what actually happened at the U.S. embassy in Libya? We are learning more about this every day. Ambassador Stevens and Foreign Service officer Sean Smith, along with administrative staff, were working out of temporary quarters due to the fact that in the spring of 2011 during the so-called Arab Spring, the United States cut ties with then president Moammar Gadhafi. Our embassy was looted and ransacked, causing it to be unusable. It is still in a state of disrepair. Security for embassies and their personnel is to be provided by the host nation. Since Libya has gone through a civil war of sorts in the past 18 months, the current government is very unstable, and therefore, unreliable.

A well-organized attack by radical Muslims was planned specifically targeting the temporary U.S. embassy building. The Libyan security force that was in place to protect our people deserted their post, or joined the attacking force. Either way, our people were in a real fix.

And it should be noted that Ambassador Stevens had mentioned on more than one occasion to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, that he was quite concerned for his personal safety and the welfare of his people.

It is thought that Ambassador Stevens was on a "hit list". A short distance from the American compound, two Americans were sleeping. They were in Libya as independent contractors working an assignment totally unrelated to our embassy. They also happened to be former Navy Seals.

When they heard the noise coming from the attack on our embassy, as you would expect from highly trained warriors, they ran to the fight. Apparently, they had no weapons, but seeing the Libyan guards dropping their guns in their haste in fleeing the scene, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty snatched up several of these discarded weapons and prepared to defend the American compound.

Not knowing exactly what was taking place, the two Seals set up a defensive perimeter. Unfortunately Ambassador Stevens was already gravely injured, and Foreign Service officer, Sean Smith, was dead. However, due to their quick action and suppressive fire, twenty administrative personnel in the embassy were able to escape to safety. ( But all have been silenced and kept away from congress and all investigations on Benghazi !! ) Eventually, these two courageous men were overwhelmed by the sheer numbers brought against them, an enemy force numbering between 100 to 200 attackers which came in two waves. But the stunning part of the story is that Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty killed 60 of the attacking force. Once the compound was overrun, the attackers were incensed to discover that just two men had inflicted so much death and destruction.

As it became apparent to these selfless heroes, they were definitely going to lose their lives unless some reinforcements showed up in a hurry. As we know now, that was not to be. I'm fairly certain they knew they were going to die in this gun fight, but not before they took a whole lot of bad guys with them!

Consider these tenets of the Navy SEAL Code:
1) Loyalty to Country, Team and Teammate,
2) Serve with Honor and Integrity On and Off the Battlefield,
3) Ready to Lead, Ready to Follow, Never Quit,
4) Take responsibility for your actions and the actions of your teammates,
5) Excel as Warriors through Discipline and Innovation,
6) Train for War, Fight to Win, Defeat our Nation's Enemies, and...
7) Earn your Trident every day.

Thank you, Tyrone and Glen. To the very last breath, you both lived up to the SEAL Code. You served all of us well. You were courageous in the face of certain death. And Tyrone, even though you never got to hold your newborn son, he will grow up knowing the character and quality of his father, a man among men who sacrificed himself defending others.

Dr. Charles R. Roots Senior Pastor
Former Staff Sergeant, USMC Captain,
U. S. Navy Chaplain Corps (Ret.)
This should be passed on and on and on.

PASS IT ON And Let us never forget Hillary Clinton's Comment "What Difference Does It Make?"
And she wants to be our next president! she should be sitting in prison right now!


I’ve  received many remarkable nature photographs over the years

but this rare photo of a nesting Falcon is perhaps one of the most 

remarkable nature shot that I’ve ever  seen. 

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did… nature is truly breath taking!  

I have sent this  to most of my older friends. The younger ones, well,  

probably have  never seen a Falcon and would not recognize it. 



Tue Apr 22, 2014 14:00

Please pray that this NWO garbage unwinds as Lucifer looses control.

Right now, this very second, as you read this President Obama is in both Oso Washington and Japan.

There is also a website that states that President Obama is in Martha Vineyards - at this very moment.

So - what is going on?

And there are pictures all over the web of this?

These stories are being put on the net and taken off the net at a record speed.

You have never seen so much White Washing and covering up in my life.

First he is pictured at Martha Vineyards, then Oso Washington, then Tokyo simultaneously. Now the stories are being changed as you read them.

the First Obama has warts on his left side and dark spots on his left side, looks old and skinny, the Second Obama has two warts on his left side, the Third Obama ........


Bunkerville song – written and performed by Wayne and Paula Carson

Bunkerville song – written and performed by Wayne and Paula Carson

Published on Apr 14, 2014
Thanks to R.
Song was written in support of the Bundy Ranch.
Performed by Wayne and Paula Carson.
Pictures are actual Americans at the stand off with the Feds.
Video created with patriotism in mind.
“Are You Heading to Bunkerville” ©2014 Copyright Wayne and Paula Carson. All Rights Reserved.
Are you heading – to Bunkerville – to stand up and fight
Are you heading – to Bunkerville – for your freedom and rights
Are you heading – to Bunkerville – then stand up with me
Two hundred years of history – in the land, of the free
Their just good ol’ boys – more like you and me
Working Americans – we are supposed to be free
These are the cattlemen – who are standing their ground
From the man – who needs money – from this dusty little town
Are you heading – to Bunkerville – ranchers and cowhands
Are you heading – to Bunkerville – to the warm desert sand
Are you heading to Bunkerville – to show your support
From a over-taxing government – who wants – only to distort
They like changing the laws – to suit their needs
And neglecting the laws – that they don’t heed
A stroke of the pen from an arrogant man,
no more – home, of the brave
The American flag is so sadly – being thrown, into it’s grave



Posted on by Jean
Source: Jim Stone Freelance
Thanks to G.


A NOTE TO THE SHILLS: What will happen if you end up with these things inside you? These are NOT Iphones, WANNA SHILL THIS? ARE YOU SURE YOUR ISRAELI LAB GOT THIS RIGHT AND THESE WILL NEVER GET INTO YOU?

With only 183K of super efficient DNA code, viral nanobots were released into the wild via vaccinations on September 22 2007 and are being peddled as a natural variant of the T4 bacteriophage. But this report PROVES THESE NANOBOT PHAGES ARE NOT NATURAL, AND WERE INSTEAD CREATED BY ISRAEL. These nanobots invade host organisms or cells and insert DNA that causes the host make more nanobots until the host organisms or cells die from overexertion producing them. THESE ARE LIKELY TO BE IN THE PAPALOMA VACCINE, FLU SHOTS AND OTHER VACCINATIONS, VACCINES WILL BE THE DELIVERY MEDIUM THESE ARE DISTRIBUTED WITH. These are most likely in Gardasil, which in fact appears to be designed to destroy the feminine emotional centers and attack the brain, and this report proves it.

If you are a headline skimmer who can’t get past the first page of reading, you had better reconsider your information gathering habits and READ THIS IN FULL.

Brain destroying Genetically Modified six legged T4 bacteriophage is a NANOBOT

Vaccines being used for distribution RIGHT NOW

Something called a T-4 bacteriophage existed before, but it certainly did not look like this.
I knew the six legged T4 bacteriophage was NOT NATURAL and that Israel did it and I found a way to PROVE IT. Click the image to the left to see how I proved it, this is NOT a hoax. Google yields NO image results for T4 bacteriphage before September 1 of 2007, and TONS for September 1 of 2008. So that is the time frame this little six pointed demon was released into the wild. And if Google is subsequently rigged to screw with this, I already have it documented, this is REAL FOLKS.

This is an emergency now, THIS is what Israel is going to use for their race warfare ethno-bomb, and the following earlier report by this web site explains EVERYTHING ON THIS TOPIC:

THIS is what Israel is going to use for their race warfare ethno-bomb.

The real threat to our future is the T4 nanobot Bacteriophage

An alarming development regarding the topic of viral phages has occurred

To provide a background on this, I have a really close friend who is a doctorate of pharmacology and an expert in the related microbiology fields. While having lengthy discussions about the future of weaponized medicine, this friend went on and on about how bacteriophages were being re engineered to attack our brain cells rather than their normal host – bacteria, implant DNA directly into our cells to change us immediately and forever change future generations by delivering a DNA payload to the egg cells in the ovaries and also to the male reproductive system. This would have a permanent impact on the future of mankind. Once this type of phage was received via a vaccination, those vaccinated would have the vaccine induced traits passed along via DNA insertion by the phage to all future generations.
Though phages (which are viruses that attack bacteria,) of various types have been around virtually forever, they have thus far been harmless to anything other than bacteria, and are even highly selective in the exact type and species of bacteria they will attack.
When discussing this topic, I raised the question WHY were they modifying phages instead of common viruses that have a history of attacking people. One answer is in the fact that phages, more so than ordinary viruses which can cross the species divide, are highly selective in their targets and are programmed to only attack precisely what they were designed to - a bacteriophage will prefer only one variant of a particular type of bacteria. For example, there are many different types of salmonella bacteria, and among salmonella bacteria, a particular phage will attack only one variant while leaving other variants of salmonella alone. In the brain, not all neurons are identical, but all are similar so when administered via an intentionally tainted vaccine, the high selectivity of a modified bacteriophage can be used to target precisely the type of neuron a sabotaged vaccine would be intended to wipe out.
Another reason why bacteriophages were chosen as prime candidates for brain and DNA modification is the fact that they are not designed to attack people to begin with, so if any make it into the wild, re infection of people who never received the tainted vaccine would be impossible – a phage would not be likely to make it through the lungs or skin and into the blood stream simply because it was never designed to breach those biological barriers. But a needle, injecting it directly into the blood stream would bypass those barriers. So the elite, who would either want us emotionally numbed, dumbed down, or genetically altered would have little to fear while being amongst their victims, even as the disease raged inside them.

I cannot stress how freaked out my friends in the medical community were over this technology, one basically said it represented the end of mankind because it was in the hands of evil people, and that it would be used to divide humanity into two different groups – one which was rendered inferior by permanent DNA replacement, with the new DNA becoming a permanent part of what is passed on through the generations.

There are two modes of action phages operate with, one is the active assault, and one is a dormant mode. The active assault type of phage, called a lytic phage would be used for immediate personality modification of individuals, and the lysogenic type, which simply invades and makes changes to DNA while leaving whatever it is attacking alive, would be used for genetic modification of people, modifications that would span generations and be permanent.

And now onto this spooky robot like six legged fully hexagonal T4 phage that now totally dominates the web – I would like to know why the people who are pulling this tainted vaccine scam off on the people have somehow made this particular variant so dominant in the public spectrum. So let me ask WHY is this thing almost completely dominant online, when MANY different types of phages exist and why no pictures of this thing were ever in Google images prior to September of 2007?

Let me take a WILD EYED GUESS. It´s a matter of national pride. A form of cult like religious orgasm. All phages depicted now not only have six legs, but they also have a star of david body. This is NOT NATURAL, BLATANTLY OBVIOUS, AND DOWN RIGHT DANGEROUS. You know what the future holds now? It is something FAR MORE SPOOKY than any micro drone – it is the brain eating phage, specifically engineered to eat your emotional neurons and render you incapable of free will. I have been told (long ago, in 2010) it is being developed as a vaccine additive to be administered under strict controls and not be something that can survive outside the body, because that certain six pointed group of individuals has the same genetics as the rest of us, so they have no doubt made it certain that their own weapon cannot leap out of the wild and haunt them.
Tainted Nightmare needs an update, because it only speaks about vaccine adjuvants. This entire phage thing is something new, four years advanced beyond that article. I suggest you take Alex with a grain of salt and watch this video, it really is dead on.
I suggest everyone save a copy of the photo to the left of a different type of natural phage, because through expungement of history “they” no doubt want to drool in a religious stupor over how their little hexagonal leg patterns and star of david phage bodies wreak havoc on the rest of mankind. And on that note, I may have stated above that the reason for re engineering a phage to do the job rather than a known infectious virus would be to make good and sure it could not spread to other people in the wild, but I can´t help but imagine that such a profoundly Jewish looking micro organism would not be selected simply for its appearances. That stupid phage has six points on the body when viewed from above, six points on the body when viewed from the side, and six legs. PERFECT, DON´T YA KNOW!
. . . . . But I am sure it is just coincidence . . . . . . . .

The following discusses an OBVIOUS test run of this nanobot.

Doctors say “it´s like your brain is on fire”

READ THE FOLLOWING REPORT CLOSELY: It is OBVIOUS the Gardasil vaccine is not for Papaloma, it is for attacking the emotional centers, and the following report PROVES IT.

“PHILADELPHIA (CBS) – It’s a mysterious, newly discovered disease that strikes mainly young women, and it’s often misdiagnosed. Doctors who discovered it, here in Philadelphia, say it’s like your brain is on fire.
It starts with personality changes, and then young women lay dazed, restrained in hospital beds, acting possessed and then become catatonic. They’d been so normal, when suddenly their lives went haywire.
“One minute I’d be sobbing, crying hysterically, and the next minute I’d be laughing, said Susannah Cahalan, of New Jersey.
My comment:
Personality changes? That is EXACTLY what will happen if your emotional centers, which largely control personality, get attacked. And HOW can doctors just blatantly state that “it´s like your brain is on fire” if they were not in on the program and had no insight into what was going on? Furthermore, IT STRIKES MAINLY YOUNG WOMEN, THE GROUP THAT WOULD GET THE GARDASIL VACCINE. They state later in this rag article that “It´s an autoimmune response, where the immune system is attacking the brain” but oh so responsibly omit the fact that it is blatantly obviously caused by vaccines administered to a controlled group, and that vaccines are responsible for virtually ALL auto immune disorders.
The fact that this is a controlled administration of an illness is proven by the fact that it is so selective to “young women”, not middle aged women, teenagers, boys, children, men or anything else, just YOUNG WOMEN. YOUNG WOMEN GET THE GARDASIL VACCINE FREQUENTLY, WHICH IS VIRTUALLY BEYOND QUESTION, JUST BY WHO IS IMPACTED BY THIS ILLNESS, THE MEDIUM THAT CAUSED THIS “DISEASE” IN PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia no doubt got a custom batch.
Further deepening the pile of B.S. in the CBS report is the fact that the doctors called it an auto immune disorder at all. There is no way they could know that for certain, unless they knew there was a trial vaccination campaign happening locally to Philadelphia, and they assumed it was auto immune. My guess? My guess is this little six legged monster was being tested in a trial run, with a controlled group of the elite´s primary target – young women, to see how well it destroyed them. No doubt any woman who got these vaccines has it in her medical record, and they will use that record to see if “after complete recovery” from this illness she becomes the perfect wage slave they want her to be. They will no doubt track EVERYTHING she does, from the number of abortions to how many days her children spend in daycare, and how well she follows the programming inserted into her life via various media control mechanisms. Obamacare will be PERFECT for that.
“I was very paranoid and manic. There was something wrong. I thought trucks were following me,” said Emily Gavigan, of Pennsylvania.
And it got worse for Emily Gavigan, who was a sophomore at the University of Scranton. Hospitalized, and out of it, she couldn’t control her arm movements. Then there were seizures, and she needed a ventilator. Her parents were watching their only child slip away.
“It was life and death for weeks,” said Grace Gavigan, Emily’s mom.
“We were losing her. This is something that I couldn’t control,” said Bill Gavigan, Emily’s dad.
Doctors also couldn’t figure out what was wrong with Susannah.
“I had bizarre abnormal movements, would leave my arms out extended, you know, in front of me. I was a relatively normal person, then the next minute I’m hallucinating and insisting that my father had kidnapped me,” said Susannah.
Turns out, Susannah and Emily weren’t mentally ill. They both had an auto immune disease called Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis, when antibodies attack the brain, causing swelling.
My comment Cool name for it – “Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis” and let me quickly explain what that means. NMDA receptor encephalytis means swelling of NMDA receiving axons in the brain. Anti is spurious. It gives absolutely no indication of AUTOIMMUNE, that is B.S. The bottom line, from that terminology, is that something caused swelling of the nmda receptor sites.

And now I got my weapon, to clear the BS with

Those doctors know exactly what caused this. Wanna know why? Because they said the NMDA receptors swelled up, and there is NO WAY YOU CAN KNOW THAT, UNLESS YOU DO BRAIN SURGERY AND REMOVE SOME OF THOSE RECEPTORS TO PUT THEM ON A MICROSCOPE SLIDE AND CONFIRM THEY ARE INDEED SWOLLEN. Those doctors KNEW this was a test, and that it would CAUSE those receptors to swell up. They KNEW THERE WAS A BIOLOGICAL EXPERIMENT GOING ON, AND THEY WERE THE OBSERVERS, ABSENT A BRAIN BIOPSY THERE IS NO OTHER WAY FOR THEM TO SAY WHAT THEY DID, OTHER THAN FOREKNOWLEDGE OF WHAT WAS REALLY GOING ON. No biopsies were ever spoken of. Conveniently, the probable death part of those receptors was left out.

Anything regarding “doctors could not figure out BLAH” is smoke and mirrors, if they spat an answer too quickly someone might ask how they knew. And the fact that this subsided after a few weeks proves that it was NOT any sort of autoimmune malfunction as this article states, because autoimmune disorders do not go away in a few weeks. Something other than auto immune caused this. I believe this was a GM bacteriophage virus test, where the virus phages went in, did their job, and when complete those receptor sites were not transmitting random trash anymore because they were DEAD. END of symptoms. Dead is SILENT.
The fact that such obvious fallacious statements from the doctors made it into this CBS report without getting caught proves that CBS is not qualified to cover topics of this nature. Autoimmune disorders clearing up in a few weeks? YEAH RIGHT.
Susannah says this is how doctors explained it to her parents, “He told them her brain is on fire. He used those words: ‘Her brain is on fire.’
If you did not watch this Alex video, I strongly suggest you do, it really is dead on.
Uploaded August 3, 2010
The establishment media and the scientific dictatorship are promoting brain-eating vaccines that virtually lobotomize people and rewire their brains into a state of subservient compliance so that their natural instinct to get angry and rebel against the tyranny being imposed upon them is neutered and sterilized.
“Academics say they are close to developing the first vaccine for stress — a single jab that would help us relax without slowing down,” reports the Daily Mail.
You can see the original article here, the one released before everyone parroted it. However, this CBS news site runs like garbage.