Tuesday, April 29, 2014


From the RougeMale website


The death of Michael of Elmet, Dropping the Illusions, Sweeping out the dust and Stepping away from Statism into one’s Sovereignty.
On what is commonly referred to under the Gregorian calendrical system as the 29th of March in the year 2014, but may well be more accurately termed the 7th day of Airies in the year 13515, it was announced that Michael Of Elmet, a persona in use for the last four years was no more.  The former name has been dropped to be replaced by Michael O’Deira.
This announcement occurred in Bolton, north of Manchester in recognition of the founding of the Bernicia & Deira Anarchotrust by three sovereign trustees of UCT and RM on the same day.
Screen shot 2014-04-02 at 10.43.42
This event marks a further reversal in the fortunes of the ill-gotten Crown as it represents an imprint that is simultaneously geographical, historical, spiritual and anarchic in its sweep: the stolen lands that form the area from the Firth of Forth, south, west and east entirely, across Northern Britain as far as Mercia (the ‘Midlands’) are henceforth reclaimed for and on behalf of the indigenous peoples whose ancestors can be traced back many thousands of years to these shores.
The Crown’s days are numbered. Their clocking off from the factory of genocide, sometimes referred to as the ‘United Kingdom’ is imminent. Just as the cotton mills of Bolton were shut, so it will come to pass that the Factory of Enslavement, the UK, will shortly be following suit. And about fecking time too: the Queen and her so-called family can collect their P45s and fuck off: the mill is closing down.
It is a fact that these lands were violently stolen by way of the genocidal campaigns of Duke Guillaume, aka ‘William the Bastard’ and ‘William the Conqueror’. The historical records substantiate this claim as they chronicle the Papal-Norman-rape of the peoples and their livelihoods by the brutal mercenaries paid for from the stolen booty of Guillaume and funded by the booty of the Holy Roman See.
Right now, the twenty second granddaughter of that murderous old cunt, sits atop a stolen throne whose legs stand in the blood of our ancestors, backed by a thousand years of insidious treachery and legal enslavement, a fake throne that is the source of much of the genocidal methodology that threatens, as it always has, the very existence of the indigenous peoples, many of whom lie semi-comatose having fallen prey to its nefarious illusions, deceptions and psychological weaponry of all manners.
The very fact that the Crown continues to preside under the false notion that it is sovereign and holds the lands for the benefit of the people is no more exemplified than in the current genocidal policy of hydraulically fracturing the land and its ancient water-tables, an action which will necessarily result in the poisoning and death of the indigenous peoples.
Today, Britain is the country with the second most unequal distribution of land on Earth, after Brazil. More than 70 per cent of the land is owned by fewer than two per cent of the population. Much of this is directly traceable to Guillaume, whose 22nd-great-granddaughter sits on the English throne today.
This is in effect a murderous threat every inch as real to each and everyone’s well-being as was the psychotic harrying of the North which took place under the Norman cunt’s command in 1069:
In 1069, matters came to a head. The Earls of Mercia and Northumbria raised armies, joined forces with young Edgar, Malcolm of Scotland and some of the Welsh princes, and declared war on Guillaume. The rising of the north, as it became known, was the best chance the English had to repel the new king, but it was a disaster. Guillaume took his mounted knights north, building castles as he went, and destroyed those parts of the army of resistance that hadn’t fled on news of his approach. To make sure that there would be no further hiding place for rebels, he embarked on the notorious ‘harrying of the north’, obliterating every house, every field, every animal, between York and Durham. Chroniclers of the time reported that survivors were reduced to selling their children into slavery, or digging up graves and eating the corpses.

The formation of the Deira & Bernicia Anarchonation represents a momentous step by the people in the awakening of the sacred masculine and feminine energies in the form of a finely tuned anarchic association of men who, in the simplest of terms, have had enough of the lies, the bloodshed and the tyranny of a false ‘state’, wholly constructed upon murder, destruction and theft. The Crown, same as it always has been, represents a mass trespass on and over the Natural Law, the only law to which man is subject.
A man who has renounced his enslavement/citizenship is ipso facto no longer in the jurisdiction of the fake Crown and its rickety vehicle, the ‘UK’. It therefore follows that he is not in the UK, nor is he in England, Yorkshire, Nottinghamshire or any county that the Crown falsely claims ownership of.
If anyone asks RM where he is then, the answer will most likely be, “I stand here.”  It is the most truthful answer possible: wherever he may wander on this and its associated islands, he can no longer be in the UK on the simple basis that such a place no longer exists for him, he has stepped outside its fake boundaries and into another reality, a material world that was shared by all those generations of ancestors who lived before him and upon whom his current incarnation was wholly dependent.
The name-change also is a more truthful fictional expression of his existence than the slave name that the Crown has used in furtherance of its insatiable appetite for wealth. Born of the middle ages, family names have only served the purposes of those involved in the indexing, stock taking, registration, recordings, accounting entries, fake identification, phony baptising, suppressing and herding procedures so beloved by those psychologically and spiritually sick acolytes of what Larkin Rose terms the most dangerous superstition of all: Statism.
Whilst RM is not suggesting any attachment to one’s name is simply the mark of one who is content to be governed externally, it has certainly grown to represent a man’s state of enslavement and is a major tool in his continued subjugation.
Just as the map is never the terrain, the man is not the name: ‘know thyself’ is the name of the game.
Quite why so many hang on resolutely to their slave name is not difficult to unravel: from a young age, the individual is inculcated by a Prussian education system into answering to a name call from a class register. This takes place at least twice a day in a dumbing down programme that lasts for a minimum of 12 years.  Some erroneously take the view that this title is a good thing to have as it establishes one’s family unit: this is nonsense, as the fact is that family ‘ties’ will exist regardless of any name.
Those who promote the ‘Sovereign Citizen’ movement are, unfortunately, equally confused. This is simply an oxymoron, a matter of linguistics and etymology that some have misinterpreted to nigh on dangerous levels of cognition.
The reality is that one cannot simultaneously be free and a citizen, nor claim to be beyond rule and accept its bogus benefit privileges.  All titles whether it be Lord, Duke, Mister, Master, Cuntybollox, Fool, Freeman, Queen or King are further hooks that the pernicious controllers use to establish jurisdiction over a man.
The elites and the controllers do not want people to wake up to this fact and this is why so much disinformation, bullshit and non-sense is mixed into the porridge of the collectivist group think, so beloved of the Bread Beer Circuses (BBC) and so essential to the ensnarement of those who are mentally and intellectually ill-equipped to cut through the veils of deception.
If your enemy is able to convince you that he is acting in your best interests, then you are at mercy to his psychological trickery and methods of extortion.
One of the biggest lies is that we are all in this together.
The last thing the wealth-grabbing controllers want is for individual men to wake up and walk away from a system that is designed to cause each man loss and harm. Without the co-opted consent of the ruled, it all falls apart because its foundations are built on deception,  falsity and malevolence. The world of the elites is a sick, twisted, phucked-up creation and any one that insists it can be somehow fixed, if the right words are spoken in court, the correct paperwork is filed and ‘we’ insist on those ‘public servants’ within it ‘doing their jobs’, is, like a hound chasing a squirrel, barking up the wrong tree.
The Freeman-on-the-Land title is often decried as not working in so far as it does not provide those protections and remedies sought. This is a claim whose basis is founded in the contradictory positions adopted by many people: one cannot be sovereign and remain a citizen. It does not work and if one doubts this to be true, a wee foray over the difficulties experienced by Dean Clifford will suffice to reveal its truth: had he ditched his name and stepped away from the state apparatus, it is unlikely that he would be languishing in a prison right now, for the second time, in a year having served some four months on jumped up bullshit charges incurred by his legal fiction.
Know thyself is the adage, pure and simple: it is the only one which will work because it forces the individual to stare the reality of his existence in the face.
The system, via its alphabet agencies, has spent millions via forum trolling agents attempting to decry the Freeman-on-the-Land approach to life and whilst it may have worked on some less-critical thinkers, this concerted campaign against it is directly correspondent to the fear it induces in a virtual enslavement system that does not want its field hands leaving the chimerical plantation.  That, dear reader, is the only viable workable option right now if one is serious about escaping the clutches of the phony ‘UK’.
Those who promote the works of Karl Lenz, Winston Leachman, Dean Clifford, the New Earth Nation/Humanitad, Ubuntu, the OPPT, Foster Gamble’s Thrive, the Zeitgeist/Venus Project, David Icke and so on and so forth, are suffering from the dangerous religious delusion that external government exists. Whether or not they know it, they are out-and-out STATISTS in so far as they believe in group-think, that the twisted control system can be fixed and that ‘we the people’ can turn it round if only we came together to hold those others accountable.
Karl Lenz told RM personally that he’d be happy for Barry Obama to be his neighbour, that people should unquestioningly ‘pay back’ the banks for their fakes loans and implied that RM and others were fools for not having sought remedy in the Queen’s Bench.
Winston ‘Habeas Corpus’ Leachman, like Karl, promotes the view that remedy can be had in system designed to control them, if only the people accept the legitimacy of the Crown and use the ‘correct’ terminology. Dean Clifford’s ‘sovereign citizenship’ is a chimera; whilst New Earth Nation, Ubuntu and OPPT are actively engaged in the recreation of a watered-down and sanitised form of deceptive centralised governance, dependent upon the individual accepting his role in the ‘one mind’ ‘new’ world of his superiors.
The Controllers are very much aware of this shift and are working extremely hard to resist it. Michael Tellinger, Sacha Stone and few others are making strides to make this new paradigm a reality, but it is really flawed from the outset as it all connects back to Government. [...]
Tellinger may not be a Freemason, but to me he screams of being part of the Illuminati or connected to them in some way. Sacha Stone a rock star may have sold his soul a long time ago to gain the level of success and exposure he has, as the music industry is completely run by Satanists who want your soul in exchange for fame and money. Tellinger on his UBUNTU website pushes OPPT as a means to obtain freedom and I suspect Sacha works from the same perspective as he expresses how much depth his LEGAL team has.
Don’t get me wrong the idea of freeing people from the slave system is a noble thing, but I sense a simple bait and switch allowing the Rulers to maintain their parasitic control over everyone, but simply allowing people a little more freedom than before. So we have the Oppressive Dark side pushing very hard, forcing people to run to the false light of these controlled free energy communities where you have free energy, but you have to work to produce 3 times or more goods for what exactly? I may not be fair in my assessment of what they are doing, but when I see them connected with Government and the UN my alarm bells go off [...].
The UK Column and/or British Constitution, as well as being unquestioning supporters of the erroneous ‘rights’ of others to rule over those deemed to be ‘subjects’, are merely disgruntled slaves and pornographers of FEAR memes.
Foster Gamble is in bed with New Earth Nation (NEN) and Ubuntu, a man whose company is engaging in the profitable business of Genocide by way of poisoning the people who buy its shit products, all the while using the film Thrive to promote a touchy-feely ‘nice’ new form of enslavement. The transhumanist agendas of the Zeitgeist/Venus project are well-documented and similarly based upon erroneous views of external governance.
Icke talks the talk of the theosophy movement whilst walking the walk of the obedient slave. If this were not so, why does he promote the theosophy as espoused by Annie Beasant and why on earth did he register the ‘People’s Voice’ with OFCOM, a body for registered broadcasting? (‘DAVID ICKE DEBUNKED‘).
UK Column and the BCG are similarly registered. When, in early 2013, RM asked Roger Hayes directly if he understood the significance of registration and whether the address of BCG listed as ‘The Annexe, Scott Lodge, Scott Road, Plymouth, PL2 3DQ’ was proof of its Freemasonic connections, he claimed that was a ‘Freeman kind of argument’ and dodged what was a pertinent question by use of the strawman fallacy.
Is it an exaggeration to state that any one who is not advocating individual sovereignty & the total freedom to be (anarchy) is, regardless of their motives, promoting Statism which is the irrational and brainwashed religious belief in rulers and systems that do not exist?
Not one of the above listed entities and/or individuals is engaged in the true liberation of Man from all forms of bogus control. In RM’s view, such people are not to be trusted as, at best, they are useful idiots to the control system and, at worst, they are pied pipers who deliberately lead masses of gullible people down a series of spiritual and mental cul-de-sacs where the apparatus of oppression becomes overwhelming to the point of stifling any and all CRITICAL THINKING, a state which may result in the individual believing himself to be powerless.
One may fool some people some of the time, but not all the people, all the time.
The truth will out and the man who has not gone deeply into his own heart, psyche and consciousness will be like the weather today in this part of Deira. Mystified to the point of cloudiness, with visibility down to 30 yards, if he isn’t paying attention, he may well vanish into the fog of his own mind.

From Jim Stone - Flight 370 Summary Report

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

From Jim Stone - Flight 370 Summary Report
Posted By: RobertS
Date: Monday, 28-Apr-2014 19:12:07

From Jimstonefreelance.com:
April 28 2014
Flight 370 Summary report
All the important facts in one place.
Preface: There is absolutely no doubt that flight 370 was electronically hijacked and flown through the Maldives and on to Diego Garcia. There is also no doubt that there was a plan to use at least the image of flight 370 to crash the nuclear summit in Belgium and blame it on Iran, and that the Dutch intercepted the crash craft before it arrived. This report is documented accurate. There will be a lot here, briefly discussed that you have not seen before. If you were looking for a concise report that will give a clear picture, this sums it all up.
First and foremost, the pilots DID NOT cooperate with the hijack. Co pilot successfully dialed out via last cell tower in Malaysia.
There is absolutely verified proof that the pilots DID NOT cooperate, and that therefore an Awacs platform had to have been used to jam radar and communications. The absolute proof that the plane was electronically hijacked against pilots will, and that all communications were cut against pilot will came when the co-pilot of flight 370 successfully dialed out to reach his mother when the plane was hijacked and en route to Diego Garcia. The call was picked up by the last tower in Penang on the West Coast of Malaysia. It abruptly cut, but the origin of it being flight 370 has been confirmed. The U.S. denies this, (what else would you expect) but police investigators have confirmed through the Mother´s call records that the call did in fact happen. The call location confirms flight 370 did indeed turn around and head towards Diego Garcia.
The confirmed fact that the pilot used a cell phone at this time, when cell phones are well known to not be able to connect from aircraft except in the most ideal of circumstances serves as verification that the pilots were trying to communicate but could not and exhausted every possible means to contact people on the ground. This kills the "pilots switched off the transponder lie, and also shows that ALL OTHER LIES, such as "the pilots were rendered unconcious by smoke and flew dead stick, and "the pilots cut the radio themselves" and all the other myths as what they are - psy ops launched by the CIA to kill the fact that AMERICA TOOK THAT PLANE. Fate definitely favored the pilot. The call was obviously a last resort effort by the pilot to communicate that worked. MORE DETAILS HERE,THIS IS CONFIRMED FOLKS.
CONFIRMED: Same company that has flight370 clone in Israel was intercepted before another 777 they owned could reach the nuclear summit with it's transponder off.
G.A. teleisis is an aircraft leasing firm that has a clone of flight 370 sitting in Tel Aviv Israel. Interesting it is then that this same company had another 777 that flew out of Florida, through European radar with no transponder on "without being noticed", and into Dutch airspace. It then made a bee line directly for the nuclear summit in a delclared no fly zone set up to protect the summit and refused to identify itself. The Dutch scrambled two F-16's to intercept it, and managed to force it to turn around and land elsewhere. All media was scrubbed of the details, but when you consider that all Israeli diplomats went on strike a few days before the summit and therefore none were there, it's pretty easy to connect the dots here.
We were obviously supposed to get a crash at the summit, which would have killed many world leaders including Obama, all to be blamed on Iran.

The ziopress did not fake the "Iranian terrorist" photo to the left for nothing!
If we can claim at least a partial victory in the flight 370 saga, it was this intercept which would have obviously been blamed on the two "terrorists" from Iran who supposedly boarded with "fake passports".
Many reasons for the hijack were given, and TWO make sense to me with one honorable mention

What I believe to be the most probable reason revolves around Chinese data security in the run up to world war 3. China has developed their own very powerful and completely secure microprocessor totally lacking ANY NSA back door, and paired it off with their own completely secure operating system that does not have any back doors, at least none the NSA knows about. This has allowed China to secure their data, and the entire country is switching over to it, and has been in the process of doing so for at least five years.
A newer version of this un hackable processor was put in the Longsoon Yeelong laptop, which I had a chance to play with in 2012 in Mexico City. It's not remarkable, but it is at least definitely up to modern standards at approximately the same level as a dual core Intel Atom (a high end netbook processor) running 1ghz or better. China scored a major hit with it, and there is no doubt the NSA wanted it's secrets. You got to know about the Freescale employees on flight 370, but there were 80 other Chinese tech workers that mysteriously slipped all media attention and it is my guess that these workers were involved in chinese data security, which the NSA would want to breach before launcing world war 3 against them.
Add to this the fact that after flight 370 and as a direct result of it, China lost all trust in the American government, EVERY LAST BIT OF IT, and will be launching their own enormous satellite network to prevent a flight 370 from ever happening again. If it was THAT important, it was about more than just a microchip patent and for that reason I believe flight 370 was really about Chinese data security.
The drone control center seizure-
This theory involves a successful taleban heist of an American drone command and control center which was subsequently sent to Malaysia and sold to China, and was loaded onto flight 370 in six crates at the back of the passenger area, which was reduced to accomodate them. During the pull out from Afghanistan, when the transport carrying a drone command and control center was on it's way down the mountain, it was successfully ambushed by the Taleban. Two American special forces people were killed by the Taleban, and the taleban seized the contents of the transport and succesfully got away with it. It ended up being a complete command and control center for drone warfare, including multiple terminals, computers, EVERYTHING including the classified software, decryption, the whole 9 yards, and the Taleban sold it to the Chinese. This supposedly got loaded onto flight 370 for delivery to China. The story continues that it was Israeli intelligence that figured all of this out, and they worked with American forces to electronically hijack flight 370 and get it to Diego Garcia. But this could be rumor, and how valuable is a drone control center anyway? Would that be worth this level of hijack?
Honorable mention - the "tiny microchip"--
This story was hatched on Rense. And I don't really buy it but it is a big one so it has to be addressed. SUPPOSEDLY, (and this would be really significant if it was true) the Freescale employees had developed a "tiny microchip" that was to be put in micro drones that could crawl in like insects, and ISRAEL wanted that chip. So they hijacked the chinese engineers to extract all the secrets about that chip, so they could launch their own army of micro drones.
The story has problems. First of all, the patent that was held by freescale employees may not have been held by the Freescale employees who were actually on the plane. And more importantly, the patent was in fact a manufacturing patent that made chips smaller so more could fit on a single piece of silicon, and the more you can get out of a piece of silicon, the more profit you make. This shoots a big hole in the "tiny microchip" story, because as a coincidence it seems like it was just made up to accommodate the story about the patent holders. Other things that blow the micro drone story are simple facts such as the chip part is easy, what is difficult is getting the mechanical parts to be small enough to make a micro drone viable, AND more significantly, getting enough potential energy onto the drone in the form of fuel or a battery to make that drone capable of going more than a mile or so before pooping out. Though the "tiny microchip drone" story is likeable because it really fingers Israel, I hate to say I doubt it, because I'd really like to be able to say that one is true. After all, we all know who the enemy is if we posess at least a dozen neurons.
Phillip Wood
Philip wood actually happened. He actually did dial out of Diego Garcia after hiding a cell phone, possibly in his butt cheeks, and waiting for the correct time to try to make contact. Many shills took the photo I posted and pulled it into photoshop and other editors and modified it, and then posted the modified versions online and lied about everything.
Many people know that I cannot use my own computers to administer this web site, because they get promptly destroyed by the NSA and other hackers. So I have to use cyber cafe machines. So when I got the original philip wood photo, all I could do was transfer it directly over to the web server, I forgot my flash drive and had no offline backup. Right around three hours after I posted the real photo, hackers hit my web site and put up a picture of a bloody body that went across all the pages. At the same time they did this, they destroyed the forensic value of the photo by changing the way the GPS format was displayed in the photo while keeping the coordinates original. They left the rest of it alone, so when you see all the idiot shills out there with photos saying they were modified by Picasa or Photoshop, that much is still debunkable.

Along with the original photo, Philip posted the following message:
"I have been held hostage by unknown military personal after my flight was hijacked (blindfolded). I work for IBM and I have managed to hide my cellphone in my ##### during the hijack. I have been separated from the rest of the passengers and I am in a cell. My name is Philip Wood. I think I have been drugged as well and cannot think clearly."
The shills hammered this so hard it was downright shocking, hatching every lie you could imagine, easily refuted ones, such as "Philip wood did not work for IBM" and "there is no cell service on Diego Garcia", and "philip wood was a "crisis actor". AND THE LATEST? Now people are claiming to be pulling absolute bits and finding what is in the photo and getting pictures of islands, airplane windows, and other things. But the photo to the lower left here is ALL THERE IS, this is an absolute bit render by a Retinax filter, there is NOTHING MORE. And it really looks like Philip is sitting in a dark cell with the same type of black bag over his head that the U.S. army uses to blindfold people. All of the shillage was downright easy to refute, which resulted in my posting the following:

Remember the shills
If you ever get hijacked, kidnapped, or become the victim in a war or terror attack, REMEMBER THE SHILLS.
Remember them if you ever manage to get a message out to the world about where you are, because they will promptly jump on it to shut you up.
No matter what the story, no matter what the circumstance, if anyone tries to get your message to the public despite the shills, those trying to help you will become the object of ridicule and the target of thousands of paid shills, who will lie, hack and cheat their way into burying the fact that you are alive, and that you managed to speak.
Such has been the case with Philip wood. And I would like to point out why.
Philip claimed to get a message out with an iphone after being separated from the rest of the people and put in a prison cell alone. And every part of what he said was shilled practically into oblivion.
The first thing the shills said was Phillip wood did not exist, but THAT was a lie.
They then said that an Iphone could never be hidden from a search, but THAT was a lie. and I promise you, no one hides a knife up their @.
They then tried to make people believe that there is no civilian cell service on Diego Garcia that Philip could have connected with, because "it's a military base, there are no civilians there" but then Lt. Col Caggns at DOD media relations in Arlington confirmed cell service in fact IS available on Diego Garcia (go figure) because Diego Garcia has a large civilian population for such a small island, 1,600 civilians working high paying jobs. And they can't call home. YEP. Because according to the SHILLS there can't be a satellite linked cell tower. And then I found the smoking gun - EVEN NATIONAL GEOGRPAHIC MAGAZINE PROVIDES CELL COVERAGE FOR DIEGO GARCIA, and THIS got hacked off the main Philip wood page. Gotta put that one back!
They then insisted that in his @ meant up his rectum, and not just in the cheeks, where the TSA fails 70 percent of the time. And even if it was his rectum, they lied when they said it would not fit, even though Philip had five hours to think of a way to get it in there before the plane landed.
Then, after all of that was answered clearly, they then went on to say that it could never have happened because (lie)"an Iphone cannot be turned off" when it absolutely can be turned off, and that an Iphone will only last a day when turned on, when in reality if there is nothing wrong with the iphone, it can be turned on for over a week in standbyeasily.
You see, shills think you are stupid, SO STUPID you will believe that a high end gadget in 2014 always kills the battery in a few hours no matter what. Welcome 1970's carbon battery.
And they could not have the real picture out there in circulation, NO. So they hacked their way into the major web site that posted it, and destroyed the exif so it had no real forensic value within a few hours, and in stupidity made it obvious by putting up a picture of a bloody body on that same web site. Let me ask, was that a threat?
People were not stupid enough to buy all the shillage, so the shills then hatched the only lie left - that the story was too perfect to be true. But how else could it be? Consider the message:
"I have been held hostage by unknown military personal after my flight was hijacked (blindfolded). I work for IBM and I have managed to hide my cellphone in my ##### during the hijack. I have been separated from the rest of the passengers and I am in a cell. My name is Philip Wood. I think I have been drugged as well and cannot think clearly."
Let's dissect that. "I have been held hostage by unknown military personal after my flight was hijacked (blindfolded)." If this was a hoax given what was known by all the zit picking kids out there, the message would have instead said "I have been held hostage by American forces after my plane was hijacked. I am in Diego Garcia. But he does not know who his captors are, and that is a total green light for the story being true, because they sure as heck would never tell him. And he obviously did not know where he was.
He was blindfolded. The Army will blindfold people with a locked bag over the head that the people they put it on can't get off, to leave their hands free when they have been judged to not be a threat. Once in the cell, they took the handcuffs off because he was not a threat, he was the victim and they left the bag to avoid being identified. Philip, who may have been beta testing the latest IBM voice recognition software or using the voice recognition abilities of the Iphone, swiped the screen correctly to turn it on and then talked to it to get it logged in somewhere to get his message out because he could not see the screen. THE KICKER IS THAT IT IS OBVIOUSLY A VOICE RECOGNITION MESSAGE. IT'S CHOPPY AND THE WORD PERSONNEL WAS INTERPRETED AS THE WORD PERSONAL. THE TWO ARE TOO DIFFERENT FOR THAT TO BE A TYPO, VOICE ASSISTED SOFTWARE OBVIOUSLY DID THAT ERROR.
So, the first line of what he said FITS PERFECT.
"I work for IBM and managed to hide my cellphone in my ##### during the hijack". Shills ripped this, saying he would not have bothered with where he worked. That is a load of BUNK. If he was flying to Bejing, he was most likely on a business flight for work, and wanted to make clear who he was so there would be no mistake. And where else would he put the cell phone other than his #####? in his ear? his pee hole? Come on now, that shillage was thin.
So the second line could not have been any different in a real scenario
"I have been separated from the rest of the passengers and am in a cell" The fact that he waited to be separated from the rest of the passengers to get the message out is absolutely the way it would have been, before separation they would have been closely watching all the passengers and he did not risk losing his phone while under close scrutiny. Once in the cell, the cell prevents escape and would not have immediate supervision. THAT would be the time to dial out.
So the third line is exactly the way it would be, because Phil is a smart guy, he works for IBM in database security and knew when to try to reach the outside world.
"My name is Philip Wood. I think I have been drugged as well and cannot think clearly" That supports the story extremely well, American forces unilaterally drug all prisoners.
BOTTOM LINE? THE STORY WASHES. And NEVER FORGET what the shills did to this if you ever end up in trouble, if you ever try to call out you had better hope no one in a high position of power in America or Israel can benifit from shutting you up, because they will if they can.
Philip was probably just an average guy. He probably believes CNN and that arabs did 911. He probably thinks America is a beacon of freedom and truth, and really believed that if his message hit a blog somewhere it would go viral. He snapped a picture and sent it, knowing his Iphone would send his location. But that did not work, because everything he believed about American freedom, evil arabs, and everything else CNN pushes was a lie.
There will be no rescue for Philip wood, because the liars, hackers, shills and war department media made good and sure that will never happen despite the fact that he did get a message out. Phil will have his mind destroyed so he will never be able to speak up again, and be used to push a mop for the rest of his life if he is lucky.
And if phil managed to get a message out to anyone in his family, they would have been detained or killed instantly and kept silent, but that probably did not happen because all calls would have been censored. All log ins to any accounts he had blocked. The only hope for phil was an anonymous blog that did not require log in.
So if you ever find yourself in Phil's position, REMEMBER THE SHILLS, THE HACKERS, THE LIARS AND CHEATS, they will number in the thousands and will hatch any lie possible to screw public opinion against you no matter what message you get out, REMEMBER THEM, THEY WORK FOR A PAYCHECK AND THEY WILL NOT GIVE A DAMN ABOUT YOU.
Flight 370 really was hijacked by Awacs and flown to Diego Garcia, and there is plenty out there to prove it.
Malaysian airlines flight 377 has been provably hijacked by an AWACS plane. This is outlined in the updates below.
The Malaysian military tracked this plane for a full hour with military radar after it "vanished from civilian radar because "the transponders were switched off" (B.S.) radar is radar, it does not need a "transponder" to track a plane and they can eat dog poo. And Awacs would have shut down any transponder for a plane kidnapping anyway, it took no terrorist to do it.
ANYWAY, the plane did a u-turn and was "last spotted" on the other side of Malaysia. They made the mistake of saying it was "flying low" when it was still at 29,500 feet, far higher than needed to show on radar, to deceive people into believing THAT is why it "vanished" from radar. A whole bunch of lies were hatched about how it disappeared from civilian radar because "the transponder was switched off" but RADAR IS RADAR AND ONLY COMMERCIAL AIRLINERS ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE TRANSPONDERS, PRIVATE PLANES ARE NOT REQUIRED TO HAVE TRANSPONDERS. Radar is there to prevent private planes that have no transponders from hitting commercial ones among other things, and if radar can see a private plane that has no transponder it certainly can see a huge jumbo jet. So you can take the transponder lies and trash them.
But the plane DID disappear from civilian radar even though military radar tracked it for a now admitted full hour longer.

What could make a plane disappear from civilian radar while at 36,000 feet yet still be visible on military radar? ONE THING, and it looks like a UFO (as some have speculated) only it's attached to a boeing jet - the antenna on a U.S. Air Force AWACS plane. The fact that this missing jet vanished from civilian radar yet remained visible on more robust military radars proves well enough for me that this indeed was an AWACS hijacking, just like we saw on 9/11 where AWACS planes were seen on video observing if not controlling the crashes into the twin towers. Once the plane flew far enough West, Awacs was obviously enough to jam both civilian and military radars, probably because they entered a zone where the angle of both incoming signals allowed for their simultaneous cancellation. That is where the plane finally "vanished" forever, an hour after the "official" vanishing act. The final vanish happened while at 29,500 feet. Though AWACS was originally released as a radar platform there are many variants of awacs type planes now that serve many types of radio oriented missions including jamming and takeover, and they all have the same antenna dome.
In this scenario, we now have: The plane did a u-turn and flew the other way for a now admitted full hour.
UPDATE: FIVE hours. THAT supports the Awacs story.
Obvious fake photoshopping of "terrorists". THAT supports the Awacs story.
Cell phones still ringing, which would only be possible with a safe landing. THAT supports the Awacs story.
Missing black boxes. THAT supports the Awacs story (the plane is obviously intact).
A reason to electronically hijack the airplane - 20 top people from a semiconductor firm that works defense, with employees working for countries that are not allies yet VERY powerful - THAT supports the Awacs story.
And the GRAND FINALE: PLANE DISAPPEARS FROM CIVILIAN RADARS WHILE REMAINING VISIBLE ON MILITARY RADARS. THAT supports the Awacs story and pushes it to the forefront of logic like a tsunami on a beach umbrella, if THAT does not raise a few eyebrows people are sleeping.
And I'd have to say the CIA's obvious pushing of B.S. regarding this supports the Awacs story as well; If this plane shows up somewhere in pieces now, it was electronically hijacked by an AWACS plane - the same type seen on 9/11, and the people were offloaded and questioned (engineers probably waterboarded for defense secrets). IF that plane shows up in pieces now it happened last night, not three days ago FINAL ANSWER.
UPDATE: Exact logic sequence for proving the U.S. air force hijacked the Malaysian airlines flight.
1. Absent an awacs type system which can precisely monitor a received signal and spoof a return signal (or phase cancel it) you cannot disappear a non stealth aluminum skinned plane from ANY radar system. After vanishing from civilian radars, it remained on military radars that would work better against AWACS. That pretty much says it all.
2. Iran is an ally of Russia. Russia has Awacs type systems, but would not try to frame up Iran in a terror plot with a fake passport story supported by idiotically faked photos. Russia did not do this.
3. China and Malaysia also have Awacs type systems. Since it was a Malaysian plane flying with Chinese engineers, it is safe to rationalize out that neither China nor Malaysia did this.
4. Though the engineers on the plane also worked with stealth technologies such as Awacs, it takes a huge UFO shaped antenna to make such systems work, and Malaysian passenger jets do not have them as a standard feature. This was not a stunt played by Freescale Semiconductors.
5. Israel wants war with Iran, and the CIA hatching a terror plot with horribly faked photos stands in the evidence pool against the U.S. air force, which is their sex slave.
6. The obvious motive was military, and a real tie in was the fact that the plane disappeared from civilian radar while at full cruising altitude, but not the military radars. In this case the air force had to choose which radar they would spoof with Awacs (there is extreme difficulty with spoofing more than one system simultaneously unless there is a lucky alignment of signals) and they just hoped the military would not catch on. ONE PROBLEM, the Malaysian military was not as inept as the Air Force thought. PLAN FAILURE.
7. The Iranian terror plot fits the logic tree well. Since the photos were obviously faked, WHO WOULD DO THAT? WHO WANTS WAR WITH IRAN? No brainer there.
8. The cell phones are ringing, and the only organization in the world that can say where they are is the NSA. WHY THE SILENCE?
Logic sequence output: Because the plane was hijacked electronically by those who keep the NSA funded and the NSA has been told to SHUT UP. If those phones were in lost baggage, the NSA would have said so RIGHT AWAY, and even the airline company would have figured it out by now, found the bags, heard the phones ringing and said, OH, WE KNOW WHY THEY RING. And the phones are not dead ringing as can happen with some american carriers, because on one occasion one of the phones was picked up and hung up without anything being said. But NOPE, NOTHING on this from the NSA, which means those phones are ringing on a runway somewhere, and the NSA knows EXACTLY WHERE. Yet they still support the CIA, which is doing it's best to hatch a B.S. terror plot about a couple Iranians with fake photos and THERE IS YOUR ANSWER, AMERICA HAS THAT PLANE AND IS PROBABLY WATERBOARDING THE FREESCALE ENGINEERS RIGHT NOW, EXTRACTING CHINESE MILITARY SECRETS. If the plane is now "found" in pieces it will mean "they" gave up on the B.S. story line and decided to ditch it somewhere rather than use it on the Petronas towers or the Sears tower.
The hijacking story won't work now that we know the Malaysian military was able to track the plane because a hijacker cannot switch off a radar system 500 miles away and cannot prevent the plane from being found on radar wherever it went to, ONLY AWACS COULD.
The shills are panicking trying to prop up and support the "transponder" lie. Here is a response I posted to a shill that pretty much says it all:
I am not unaware of the situation with private aircraft. I have seen at least a dozen and NOT A SINGLE ONE had a transponder. Your claim that most private aircraft have transponders is a lie.
There was no "primary" or "secondary" radar. The transponder only identifies the craft that is being reflected on active radar.
I believe you told the most plausible lie people would ever believe, but you forgot something, I am former NSA and can call bullshit on practically anything.
You cannot tell me that the airport did not have primary active radar systems in Malaysia, we are not talking LaPaz Bolivia even, and even La Paz has active radar. Any city in America with a population over 50,000 will have an airport with active radar. You are implying that a 777 jet took off from an airstrip in an advanced country that was laid out on a dirt path intersecting goat trails and therefore had to transmit back to tell the airport where it was. What a load of B.S.
FOR THE RECORD: THE PLANE VANISHED FROM ACTIVE AIRPORT RADAR. THE FACT THAT THE TRANSPONDER SWITCHED OFF AT THE SAME TIME IT VANISHED FROM ACTIVE AIRPORT RADAR PROVES AWACS EVEN MORE, I KNOW YOU WOULD LIKE TO SAY THAT AWACS CAN'T JAM A TRANSPONDER BECAUSE YOU PROBABLY WORK DEFENSE YOURSELF BUT TRUTH BE TOLD, THAT OUTCOME IS AN OBVIOUS ONE and to the other shills, AWACS type planes have many functions and one of them is JAMMING EVERYTHING. AWACS planes have amazing signal jamming capabilities, this is so well established fact that you are going to have to shill even Pakistani agricultural web sites to front the lie that AWACS is not used for jamming. Give up on that one, even goat herders are not that stupid.
Circumstances prove the Maldives sighting legit--
Here is the main argument against, and it's dirt simple to skewer.
The prevailing argument against the Maldives sighting is the fact that the Maldives are slightly off course for Diego Garcia. But there is an enormous hole in that argument -
The reason why the plane was taken over the Maldives is because Iran, Russia, India, and many other nations have warships occasionally frequent the Indian Ocean, and there are also many oil tankers and other shipping vessels. Flying over one of those would be far worse than flying over the Maldives, where people are simple, sparse and isolated from the rest of the world.
ALL COMMERCIAL AND ALL MILITARY SHIPS ARE EQUIPPED WITH RADAR. The radars are more limited than ground based radars, but the ships still have them. On top of this, ships are going to be staffed with people more capable of making observations. The path flight 370 took would have been a tradeoff of distance and risk of being seen and recognized. So the Maldives was the obvious best choice of routes.
I see the Maldives route as absolute proof of a U.S. military hijacking of flight 370 for the forementioned reason, and another huge one, which is -
Eyewitnesses said the plane was LOUD, and they were able to get out of their homes and see it before it was gone. There's a huge problem with that - to meet airport regulations, 777 aircraft, which are modern, are also very quiet.But fighter jets are extremely loud. They are not quiet because they go supersonic, and even at subsonic speeds, any airplane that can fly at supersonic speeds cannot be quiet.
Subsonic planes which can be quiet, such as the 777 use an airfoil shaped wing to stay aloft. An airfoil produces a negative pressure on the top of the wing, and the plane literally gets pulled into the sky by vacuum pressure built up on the top of the wing. But as soon as supersonic speeds are approached, an airfoil won't work because the vacuum pressure region moves towards the back of the wing, and at too high a speed the wing no longer generates lift and the plane will drop like a rock.
Supersonic planes use pressure on the bottom of the wing to generate lift, and if they also need to have performance, there is no way a plane of this design can ever be quiet. Rather than lift their way into the sky, they punch their way into the sky and the engines have to be very powerful and be revved hard for enough force to be generated to a href=without being noticedkeep them aloft even at subsonic speeds. This along with size to performance considerations makes them very loud.
Even if flight 370 had been loud, it likely would have been there and gone before anyone got out of their house to see it. But if a cloaked fighter jet was in front of it as an escort, and a cloaked fighter jet was behind it, the people would have heard them and been out of their homes on time to see only what was not visibly cloaked - flight 370. And since flight 370 would have been the only thing visible to simple people, all noises would get blamed on it regardless of where they originated in the sky.
The extremely loud noise basically check mates the sighting, it's legit. Flight 370 was electronically hijacked and flown over the Maldives to avoid being sighted by whoever was out on the ocean and received escort from two or more visibly cloaked fighter jets.
THAT is my FINAL ANSWER with regard to the Maldives sighting.
Robert Smith O'Ghobhain
Sarnia, Ontario 


From: Words From the Father--Stephen Hanson <tseyigai@yahoo.com>
Date: Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 9:08 AM



And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:Of sin, because they believe not on me;10 Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more;11 Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged.12 I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.  13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. John 16
"I can cause my word to multiply unto many this day.  My word is alive and active. It can do far more than what you realize.  It can raise the dead.  It can set the captives free.  But it is also a con victor of many's sins.  
I have said that my Spirit would speak of things to come.  And what are those things that are to come, would say the Lord?  Do I only speak of what is to come after this earth is to be done away with?  Do I only speak in parables?  As I told Jeremiah, and I Am telling many of you in this hour, I say to get ready...Get ready because the earth will change before your eyes.  Get ready for many will die in this process, says the Lord.  But if you have found yourself abiding under my wings, then the great tempest that comes, will not come near your tent. 

Get ready when your nation splits in half. Get ready when the water from the Great Lakes overflows its boundaries. Get ready when chaos erupts. Get ready when your coastlines are breached.  I have warned and warned and yet many do not heed the word of the prophets.  Get ready I say...

And when these things happen, says the Lord, watch as my body comes into action.  For many will be plucked from danger in that hour.  And my angels will be at work around you.  There will be many signs and wonders wrought in that hour.  And there will be counterfeit signs done as well by the enemy.

Get ready, says the Lord."

Stephen Hanson
(Please consider giving to this ministry as the Lord leads. Thank you.)
104 Sumac Dr.
Colo. Spgs, CO. 80911


         It's that time of year to take our annual senior citizen test.
         Exercise of the brain is as important as exercise of the muscles. As we grow older, it's important to keep
         mentally alert. If you don't use it, you lose it! Below is a very private way to gauge your loss or non-loss of
         intelligence. Take the test presented here to determine if you're losing it or not. The spaces below are so
         you don't see the answers until you've made your answer.
         OK, relax, clear your mind and begin.

         1. What do you put in a toaster?





  Answer: 'bread.' If you said 'toast,' give up now and do something else.
  Try not to hurt yourself. If you said, bread, go to Question 2.
  2. Say 'silk' five times.
       Now spell 'silk.'
      What do cows drink?



Answer: Cows drink water. If you said 'milk,' don't attempt the next question. Your brain is over-stressed and may even overheat. Content yourself with reading a more appropriate literature such as Auto World. However, if you said  water', proceed to question 3.
3. If a red house is made from red bricks and a blue house is made from blue bricks and a pink house is made from pink bricks and a black house is made from black bricks, what is a greenhouse made from?




Answer: Greenhouses are made from glass. If you said 'green bricks,' why are you still reading these???
                            If you said 'glass,' go on to Question 4.
4. It's twenty years ago, and a plane is flying at 20,000 feet over Germany (If you will recall, Germany at the time was politically divided into West Germany and East Germany ) Anyway, during the flight, two engines fail. The pilot, realizing that the last remaining engine is also failing, decides on a crash landing procedure.
Unfortunately the engine fails before he can do so and the plane fatally crashes smack in the middle of 'no man's land' between East Germany and West Germany . Where would you bury the survivors? East Germany, West Germany, or no man's land'?



Answer: You don't bury survivors. If you said ANYTHING else, you're a dunce and you must stop. If you said, 'You don't bury survivors', proceed to the next question.
5. Without using a calculator - You are driving a bus from London to Milford Haven in </SPAN>Wales. In London, 17 people get on the bus. In Reading, six people get off the bus and nine people get on. In Swindon, two people get off and four get on. In Cardiff, 11 people get off and 16 people get on. In Swansea, three
people get off and five people get on In Carmathen, six people get off and three get on. You then arrive at Milford Haven.
                            What was the name of the bus driver?



Answer: Oh, for crying out loud!  Don't you remember your own name? It was YOU!!
Now pass this along to all your friends and pray they do better than you.
                                    PS: 95% of people fail most of the questions!!


Intel Guru TerryK


4-28-2014   Intel Guru TNT Tony    It didn't happen Friday like it was supposed to...like it was agreed upon...sMaliki had an option to go with the new agreement on Sunday but on Saturday he switched the game up.   Everyone was confused, questioning did this really happen? The RI happened officially and has been accepted around the worldWe are in great positiion...there is a timeline involved.   The RI the rate is 3.22.  He had authority to do this for 2 weeks...the dinar was holding back GCR - now the RI has removed him from holding it back.   The RV is part of GCR and is now easier to do now that Iraq has RI. All are ready to go TODAY...we are  feeling really good about next few days.

4-28-2014  Intel Guru DC   We had an interesting weekend - Maliki declared Saturday night that they have reinstated their currency - confirmed by 11 sources.  The old rate was $3.22.  Key steps need to be taken before publicly announced.  He just looked back and said I've followed the steps and am now going with my Plan B - it's all done.  The US thought they had until Sunday night.  Now all are scrambling to catch up.  The timeline is measured in hours, maybe a day.   We are having a RI and the RV can happen with in any time from hours to years.  There is a high probability they will  move to RV quickly.

VISION: Jesus draws lines in the land! California, Texas, Georgia, NYC, Illinois!

Birds of Paradise

Save for when you have 5 and a half minutes.  It's beautiful.  (JVZ)


It's hard to believe this kind of beauty still exists anywhere. Watch and enjoy.