Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Mass Murder of Canadian Children Admitted [video]


Mass Murder of Canadian Children Admitted [video]

Thanks, Alfred, for the heads up.
Fortunately, there is ample proof.  Victims and witnesses are stepping forward with horrific details. 
In the absence of the mass media, Truth and proof about this global child pedophile ring are flooding the Internet for those who have eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart to feel. It is indeed difficult to wrap one’s head around this sort of revelation, but it is, unfortunately all too true.
There are, of course, efforts to stop this information involving the royals and the upper echelon of the churches from spreading, but it’s too late.
How could they possibly have gotten away with it? The very nature of this brutal behaviour is precisely what enabled them to persist unchallenged for so long. Who could possibly believe it?
Alfred mentioned that there is a greater fear among Canadians to talk about this and take action. Somewhere along the line, Canada, you failed to stand on guard for your country and her children. Will you do it now?  ~ BP
As the rest of the world continues to try to sort out endless wars, color revolutions, uprisings, economic disasters and a hundred other mind-numbingly regular red flag operations one man and the incredibly dedicated and courageous team he has fathered persist. 
They are largely unsung and certainly ignored by all except those who wish to stop them — shut them up before the truth is widely known. 
And certainly not ignored by the spirits of tens of thousands of innocent children and the families left behind, slain for no good reason other than the letting loose of unnatural brutality and pathological scientific inquiry.
Kevin Annett is preparing for what he and so many others hope is a viable conclusion to years and years of blood, sweat and tears.
The facts, buried for so long, are finally being brought to light hopefully with the requisite legal consequences for the perpetrators. The following is the press release I received this morning.  As the trial in Belgium progresses, and it begins April 7, I will be bringing weekly reports and round ups of the evidence being presented. Those accused have refused to respond one way or the other.
Historic Breaking News from The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) – Monday, March 31, 2014
Massive Deaths of Aboriginal Children in Canada is officially admitted, as Genocide Verdict and Kevin Annett’s work are finally vindicated -“Canada, the and the Vatican stand guilty as charged as disestablished criminal bodies” – International Common Law Court of Justice, Brussels
Vancouver, Canada:
Seventeen years after Rev. Kevin Annett publicly disclosed evidence that over 50,000 children died in Canada’s church-run “Indian residential schools”, Canadian governments have finally confirmed this genocidal mortality rate after releasing hitherto-concealed death records from the schools.
Until this week, government and church officials have either denied or stayed silent about Rev. Annett’s documented estimate. But previously “segregated” statistics of the deaths of residential school children made public last Friday by different provinces indicate that “tens of thousands” of these children died in the facilities, which were operated primarily by the Roman Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada.
Residential school class
In British Columbia alone, government records indicate that nearly 5,000 children between the ages of four and nineteen died in the residential schools until 1956, although the schools continued in operation until 1996, putting the total death figure even higher.
Rev. Annett’s research established that the high death rate of over 40% of the students was the result of deliberately infecting them with tuberculosis and denying the sick treatment.
“This news officially confirms what our Court established in its lawful verdict of February 25, 2013” stated George Dufort of the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels today.
“Canada and its churches, the British Crown and the Vatican stand guilty as charged as disestablished criminal bodies and can no longer have any lawful or legitimate constitutional authority if the rule of law is to be followed”.
This week’s official admission of massive deaths in the Indian residential schools comes on the heels of shocking new evidence showing that a Vatican and Church of England child sacrifice cult known as the Ninth Circle operated at the same schools for over a century, including at the Mohawk residential school in Brantford, Ontario.
Kevin Annett was reached at his home in Nanaimo, British Columbia today and provided the enclosed YouTube commentary on the remarkable news. “I always knew their lies would fall apart, and persistence would pay off,” remarked Kevin.
“But I’m thinking now of all my friends who died after struggling to see this day come about, like Bingo Dawson, Billie Combes, Ricky Lavallee and Harry Wilson – some of the eyewitnesses to the Canadian Holocaust who went public at great personal risk. This is their victory, as it belongs to all the missing children. But it will only mean something if Canadians act on this final proof of Genocide by church and state to enforce the verdict and arrest warrants of the Common Law court.
“Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Queen Elizabeth, Joseph Ratzinger and twenty seven other officials belong behind bars. And more than that, it’s now time to establish a constitutional Republic in Canada that is free and independent of the British Crown and the legacies of Vatican-sponsored Genocide”.
Details of the plans to act upon this recent acknowledgement are discussed in Kevin Annett’s attached you tube commentary.
Issued by ITCCS Canada and ITCCS Central, Brussels-based

Benjamin Fulford 4-28-14… “Obama threatens mayhem after failing to cash forged bonds during Asian trip”

Benjamin Fulford 4-28-14… “Obama threatens mayhem after failing to cash forged bonds during Asian trip”

Posted on by kauilapele
There is more drama reported here by Ben, although I sense that there is much more to what Mr. Obama is doing behind the scenes… in a “positive for the planet” way. I did like the below piece:
This was how a US agency source, who predicted recent terror attacks against Asia in advance, described Chinese reaction:
“The Chinese blue army (computer geeks) now have all the banking codes, nuclear launch codes etc. One button and the entire financial system ceases. This means Russia and 9 other nations have these codes as well; it could get interesting.”
Obama threatens mayhem after failing to cash forged bonds during Asian trip
Barack Obama, spokesperson for the United States of America Corporation, tried and failed to cash some forged “Kennedy bonds” during his trip to Asia last week, according to Japanese royal family sources. The bonds can be seen here:
kennedy bonds-1
If you note, one of the bonds has a picture of the space shuttle on it. It does not take a historical genius to realize there were no space shuttles in existence while Kennedy was alive. The bonds were manufactured using paper from $20 US bills that had all the ink washed off them, according to MI5 sources. Nonetheless, Bill Clinton had previously succeeded in cashing some of these bonds. Not so for Obama this time.
However, Obama was able to extort some pocket change thanks to acts of terror such as the sinking of the South Korean ferry and the electronic hijacking of Malaysia Air flight 370, according to Japanese military intelligence. There are also renewed threats to use weather and earthquake weaponry unless the US corporate government was given more money, the sources said.
This was how a US agency source, who predicted recent terror attacks against Asia in advance, described Chinese reaction: “The Chinese blue army (computer geeks) now have all the banking codes, nuclear launch codes etc. One button and the entire financial system ceases. This means Russia and 9 other nations have these codes as well; it could get interesting.”
Also, there was a meeting last week between a White Dragon Society representative and representatives of a major Asian secret society. The previous head of this society has deceased and a new boss has taken over, the WDS was told. At the meeting


An Unprecedented Plague Has Hit Oranges And Another Has Hit Bananas

An Unprecedented Plague Has Hit Oranges And Another Has Hit Bananas

Florida Orange - Photo by Benjamin D. Esham
What is causing all of these plagues to hit our food supply?  Have you heard of citrus greening disease?  Probably not, but it has already gotten so bad that it is being projected that Florida’s orange harvest will be the smallest in 30 years.  Have you heard of TR4?  Probably not, but it has become such a nightmare that some analysts believe that it could eventually wipe out the entire global supply of the type of bananas that Americans eat.  In addition, another major plague is killing millions of our pigs, and a crippling drought that never seems to end is absolutely devastating agricultural production in the state of California.   Are we just having bad luck, or is there something else to all of this?
Citrus greening disease has been a steadily growing problem that has reached epidemic levels this year.  Because of this disease, the U.S. Department of Agriculture is projecting that orange production in the U.S. this year will be down 18 percent compared to last year.  Here is more on this horrible plague from Yahoo News
A citrus disease spread by a tiny insect has devastated Florida’s orange crop, which is expected to be the worst in nearly 30 years, and sent juice prices soaring on New York markets.
The culprit? The gnat-sized Asian citrus psyllid, which is infecting citrus trees across the Sunshine State with huanglongbing, or citrus greening disease, which causes fruit to taste bitter and fall from trees too soon.
“It feels we are losing the fight,” said Ellis Hunt, the head of a family-run citrus farm spread over about 5,000 acres (2,000 hectares) in the central Florida town of Lake Wales.
Another horrifying disease is threatening the global supply of bananas.  In fact, according to a recent CNBC article, the kind of bananas that we eat today could eventually be totally eliminated by the TR4 fungus…
Banana lovers take note: The world’s supply of the fruit is under attack from a fungus strain that could wipe out the popular variety that Americans eat.
“It’s a very serious situation,” said Randy Ploetz, a professor of plant pathology at the University of Florida who in 1989 originally discovered a strain of Panama disease, called TR4, that may be growing into a serious threat to U.S. supplies of the fruit and Latin American producers.
“There’s nothing at this point that really keeps the fungus from spreading,” he said in an interview with CNBC.
While there are nearly 1,000 varieties of bananas, the most popular is the Cavendish, which accounts for 45 percent of the fruit’s global crop—and the one Americans mostly find in their supermarkets.
Another plague that is affecting our food supply is a virus known as porcine epidemic diarrhea.  It has already spread to 27 different U.S. states and has already killed up to 6 million pigs since first being spotted in the U.S. last May.
As a result of this virus, pork production is going to be down substantially this year, and it is being estimated that Americans could pay up to 20 percent more for pork by the end of the year.
And of course perhaps the worst plague of all that we are experiencing at the moment is the nightmarish drought in California that never seems to end.  Conditions are so dry that it is being estimated that California farmers may leave up to 800,000 acres fallow this year.  In other words, they are not going to grow anything at all.
Needless to say, this is going to result in much smaller overall harvests.  Just check out these numbers from the New York Times
A recent report on prospective planting from the federal Department of Agriculture forecast a 20 percent decline in California’s rice crop and a 35 percent decline in cotton this year from last year’s crop.
And it isn’t just rice and cotton that we need to be concerned about.  In aprevious article, I included the following information which shows how dependent the rest of the U.S. is on fruits and vegetables grown in the state of California
The state produces 99 percent of the artichokes grown in the US, 44 percent of asparagus, a fifth of cabbage, two-thirdsof carrots, half of bell peppers, 89 percent of cauliflower, 94 percent of broccoli, and 95 percent of celery. Leafy greens? California’s got the market cornered: 90 percent of the leaf lettuce we consume, along with and 83 percent of Romaine lettuce and 83 percent of fresh spinach, come from the big state on the left side of the map. Cali also cranks a third of total fresh tomatoes consumed in the U.S.—and 95 percent of ones destined for cans and other processing purposes.
As for fruit, I get that 86 percent of lemons and a quarter of oranges come from there; its sunny climate makes it perfect for citrus, and lemons store relatively well. Ninety percent of avocados? Fine. But 84 percent of peaches, 88 percent of fresh strawberries, and 97 percent of fresh plums?
Come on. Surely the other 49 states can do better.
The lack of fresh produce is already being felt in California.  Usually, fresh produce accounts for about half of the food handed out at food banks in the state, but these days fresh produce is in short supply
The effects of California’s drought could soon hit the state’s food banks, which serve 2 million of its poorest residents.
Fresh produce accounts for more than half the handouts at Bay Area food banks, but with an estimated minimum of 500,000 acres to be fallowed in California, growers will have fewer fruits and vegetables to donate.
With less local supply, food prices will spike, increasing as much as 34 percent for a head of lettuce and 18 percent for tomatoes, according to an Arizona State University study released last week. With fewer fields planted, there could be as many as 20,000 unemployed agricultural workers who will need more food handouts, especially in the Central Valley.
By themselves, each one of these plagues is very serious.
Taken together, they represent an emerging “perfect storm” which could have a dramatic impact on our food supply.
So why is all of this happening?
Why is our food supply being hit with so many plagues?

Two Penny Act

Two Penny Act

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George Cooke's 1834 depiction of Patrick Henry arguing the "Parson's Cause" case at the Hanover County courthouse.
The Two Penny Act, enacted in 1758 by the Virginia Assembly, was a law that affected the compensation of Anglican ministers in the Virginia colony. From the controversy surrounding it arose the Parson's Cause trial, which is regarded as an important event in the history of American Independence.
The act was issued after three years of drought which produced a low-yielding tobacco crop. The one-year measure allowed Anglican ministers' salaries to be paid at a fixed rate of two cents per pound of tobacco, as tobacco was often used as currency. The market rate at the time was set at four to six pence per pound of tobacco. Once the loss of value was factored in, a clergyman was receiving about one-third of his normal, stipulated salary. The colony's councilors had approved and with the House of Burgesses, convinced Francis Fauquier, the royal governor, to allow the act to go into effect.
In doing so, Fauquier deviated from his royally mandated instructions. He defended his royal malfeasance by arguing that, in reality, he had no choice. "As the Bill," he wrote, "was a temporary Law to ease the people from a Burthen [sic] which the Country thought too great for them to bear...The country were intent upon it, and both the Council and the House of Burgesses were almost unanimous in their pressing it. And I conceived it would be a very wrong Step for me to take who was an entire Stranger to the Distresses of the Country, to set my Face against the whole colony by refusing the Bill which I had a Precedent for Passing. Whatever may be the Case now, I am persuaded that if I had refused it, I must have despaired ever gaining any Influence either in the Council or House of Burgesses."[1]
In May 1759 petitions were presented to the British Board of Trade on behalf of the Virginia Clergy asking for its repeal. Lord Halifax recommended the act be disallowed and demanded that Governor Fauquier "for the future strictly observe and obey" his Royal instructions. It was disallowed by the end of August 1759 by the Board.



Anglican objection[edit]

The Anglican clergy generally objected to the act, arguing that they should benefit from the high tobacco prices on account of their agreement to accept whatever their tobacco would sell for when the price was low. But the Privy Council back in England would allow the act to continue, had it not been for the persistent objections of the Reverend John Camm of York County. When a slew of pamphlets and lawsuits availed he and his counterparts nothing, Camm sailed for England to present his arguments.
In England, Camm contracted the help of the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Bishop of London. He argued that the Two Penny Act was a conclusion of the fading of royal and Anglican authority in Virginia and the American colonies. However, the focus on his own list of grievances ignored the act's purpose as a financial relief measure. The King and his council, on the recommendation of the Board of Trade, dismissed the measure and its predecessors.
Since the Two Penny Act had expired, repealing the law would have been open for discussion had several clergymen not sued for back pay. Two cases were rejected because the act was valid until it was disallowed by the Privy Council. One court awarded a minister double his salary in damages, but it was the case filed by Reverend James Maury of Louisa County that turned out to be the most well known. This was the case most commonly referred to as the Parson's Cause.

Possible conspiracy[edit]

Some historians have questioned the actual need for the Two Penny Act. There were some in Virginia who were happy to see the ministers take a financial blow, though there is very little evidence that the House of Burgesses deliberately set out to punish the clergy.

See also[edit]


1.  Jump up ^ Bernhard Knollenberg, Origin of the American Revolution, 1759–1766 (1961), 44.
  • Isaac, Rhys. The Transformation of Virginia, 1740–1790. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1982.
  • McCants, David A., The Authenticity of James Maury's Account of Patrick Henry's Speech in the Parsons' Cause. Southern Speech Communication Journal, 42 (1976).
  • Nettels, Curtis P., The Roots of American Civilization, A History of American Colonial Life. New York: Appleton-Century Crofts, 1938.
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