Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Short Walk at the White House (Fantastic!)

This is really neat!

     Short Walk at the White House (Fantastic!) 

     This is great!  Hope you enjoy it.

     Be sure to watch all the way to the end. 

     It’s  short video showing a suggested walk for President Obama. 

     It is well worth watching




Wilbur Grodan: BRICS development family of currencies expected to activate significant rate adjustments


July 22 2014


So where did the 298 passenger B.S. COME FROM?
Flight 370 had enough seats for 298 passengers! MH17 WAS FLIGHT 370, THE OFFICIAL STORY IS BUSTED!
Flight MH17 had only 282 seats because it is a specially configured 777-200 ER that is designed to take cargo containers with a reduced seating area. This makes the official story IMPOSSIBLE.
http://planefinder.net/data/flight/MH17 and if this gets destroyed I have a screen capture HERE:
This is the FINAL SMOKING GUN THAT PROVES THE OFFICAL STORY PHONY, not enough seats were available for the stated passenger manifest.
And I can tell you exactly how this mistake was made by the people who fronted this fraud - The smallest seating capacity on a production 777-200ER released by Boeing has 314 seats, and the largest capacity version has 452 seats. The perpetrators of the MH17 fraud did not realize that Malaysia airlines was not flying a production model aircraft, they were flying a custom made aircraft that combined cargo with passengers and therefore it did not have enough seats for the story they spun. The only way 298 passengers could have been aboard ANY MH17 is if it was in fact Flight 370, which could take more people.
When studying this plane out, please note that 777-200ER aircraft are referred to as Boeing 772 aircraft. Do not let that confuse you, it is a simple thing to discover.


Last night Mexican television did a huge segment on Gaza. In some scenes nothing identifiable is left, with only a barren lanscape of destroyed concrete and collapsed buildings all the way to the horizon (as far as the camera could see). It looks like Israel did the big dirty under the cover of "MH17," which was a heinous zio crime all by itself.
After the scene of total devastation, they aired video of a portion of gaza that appeared mostly intact, and went into a segment about displaced families and how the entire water infrastructure was completely destroyed and there was no safe water to drink other than stores of it that were made ready beforehand.

The number of dead listed is laughable, it has to be tens or hundreds of thousands. There is no way out of this, but I am certain that when all is said and done, the ziopress will firmly re-enforce the solid concrete fact that fewer than 50 people died, just like they did at Jenin and the Mexican press is reporting that Gaza is a war crime and it is all Israel's fault.

A development in the rotten bodies report

Now it is being said that a Dutch doctor who was at the scene within a day has released testimony that the bodies on the plane were rotten and dead days before the crash, which would corroborate what the military commander said and that evidence is there that they were also tortured before the crash. However, the translation from Dutch is very poor and I am working on secondary confirmation. The Mexican press did a very detailed piece about the dead bodies, showing them being loaded on the train in body bags, AND MORE IMPORTANTLY, HOW BAD THEY SMELLED, with absolutely everyone at the scene gagging from the stench including robust military types and doctors. It was surreal, I have never seen anything like that regarding bodies from any disaster. There is no way that kind of rot could have set in in such a short time unless the bodies were indeed dead long before the shoot down.

It is extremely important to re-enforce reality with the fact that the bodies were rotten, because this proves beyond any doubt that THIS WAS NOT FLIGHT MH17, THERE IS NO POSSIBLE CONCIEVABLE WAY IT WAS NO MATTER WHAT STORIES ARE SPUN AND THEORIES ARE PRESENTED. I could care less what the MSM spins about this, the rotten bodies alone renders everything else irrelevant. There is no middle ground to be had with this.

Not a 777?

Someone did a poor report saying it was not a 777 based upon the engines. However, it is obvious that MH17 crashed at hundreds of miles an hour, probably well over 350, and the reference plane (that crash in California last year) actually made a partially safe landing and the ripped off engine was intact. You cannot do comparisons between totally demolished engines and one that is intact, and from what I can see in the pieces laying around from the smashed to pieces engines of flight 370 (I am calling it now, it is time to stop playing games with this) all the pieces are there, including the large pieces.
I looked through the wreckage myself and see dissasembled Trent 892 engines. Enough pictures of the internal parts are available to show they are all there. The huge bell ends disintigrated in the crash, and what is left looks like a smaller engine if you do not look for pieces elsewhere. The big blades are there, ripped off and strewn through the wreckage.

The Mexican slant on America trying to blame Russia

Last night the Mexican press did a huge piece on flight 370 Er, uh, "MH17." They aired all the footage from the Russian satellites which proved Ukraine shot it down, and then went on an endless rant about how America is trying to blame Russia. I could not make out the actual take, if the Mexican press believes Russia did it or not, but I would guess that if they aired the radar records as well, which showed two Ukranian jets just as the original tower reports said (and subsequently got deleted off Twitter) and then followed up with what the Russian satellites said, that they showed enough truth to make even the brainless aware of what actually happened.



Omegaman:They can't hide it anymore; the truth is out; we are there:


CGI's Paralemptor: UFO Sightings Secrets Tombs Discoverd! Connection With E.T. Erich Von Däniken

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
CGI's Paralemptor: UFO Sightings Secrets Tombs Discoverd! Connection With E.T. Erich Von Däniken
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 22-Jul-2014 14:05:46

From CGI's Paralemptor:

Official Thirdphaseofmoon Website! Check it out! http://www.thirdphaseofmoon.net/
Check out Our Blog For Exclusive Content http://thirdphaseofmoonufo.blogspot.com/

Hacked emails "False Flag to Occur in Ukraine" so U.S. military gets involved against Russia - video

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Hacked emails "False Flag to Occur in Ukraine" so U.S. military gets involved against Russia - video
Posted By: glasc
Date: Tuesday, 22-Jul-2014 10:58:30

Hacked emails "False Flag to Occur in Ukraine" so U.S. military gets involved against Russia
Uploaded by: Sherrie QuestioningAll

Tweets from Carlos ATC in Kiev saying Ukraine Military shot down MH17
Uploaded by: Sherrie QuestioningAll

Website she suggests to visit:

Dirty Dealing Harry Reid

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Dirty Dealing Harry Reid
Posted By: Liberty_Lady [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 22-Jul-2014 10:36:02

Rather than write an article on this, I thought I would just post an email I received this morning. Harry Reid is up to his usual tricks. You remember him. He's the one who owns land close to the public land that Cliven Bundy was running his cattle on. Reid, with his son working with the Chinese, was hoping to make a fortune over selling land to them. Our land, by the way. Federal property does not belong to these crooks in D.C. but to all Americans.
Now he's trying to ram through legislation that would allow for taxing activity on the Internet. This is only the camels nose in the tent. Once it starts, where does it stop? Let's fight to keep our Internet free. It seems that these politicians are desperate for more money. More taxation without representation.
They're getting pretty sneaky with the 2014 elections coming up, they don't want what happened to Cantor to happen to them so the RINOs in Washington are trying to be clever and cover their butts. Won't work. How they vote on Internet or gun issues or anything else is a matter of public record. This is where our vigilance is vital. It's time to remind these vermin that they are supposed to be working for us not the corporate interest.
Check it out in your state and flood your senators with emails to stop this latest Cabal tactic. Take back your freedom.
From: "Norm Singleton" <nsingleton@campaignforliberty.com>
Subject: Dirty dealing to pass the Internet Tax Mandate this week?
Date: Monday, July 21, 2014 9:20 AM
Unless you act NOW, the National Internet Tax
Mandate could sail through the Senate this week!
You see, Campaign for Liberty members have
been so successful in keeping the National Internet Tax Mandate
from even being considered by the U.S. House that the powerful
interests behind it are being forced to "get creative."
Now, a "bipartisan" group of Senators - led
by Big Government Republican Lamar Alexander and acting on behalf
of pro-Mandate special interests - is working with Harry Reid to
ram the Mandate into law by attaching it to legislation
preventing governments from taxing you whenever you go online!
Senator Alexander has even gone as far as to
threaten to block passage of the Permanent Internet Tax Freedom
Act, a bill that would prevent state and local governments from
taxing Internet access, if Senator Reid doesn't attach the
Mandate to it!
And I have heard from Capitol Hill sources
that House Republican leadership - desperate to please the
pro-Mandate big corporate interests but terrified of being
Cantor'd for publicly supporting imposing more regulations on the
Internet - has quietly signed off on this deal!
Please call your senators and tell them to
vote NO on all votes to attach the so-called "Marketplace
Fairness Act" to the Permanent Internet Tax Freedom Act -
including all procedural votes.
The first procedural votes could take place
as early as today, so it is vital you call your senators right
Let me explain more about this secret deal.
In 1998, Congress passed legislation placing
a moratorium on taxing Internet access.
Several weeks ago, the House passed a bill
making the moratorium permanent, and the bill enjoys broad Senate
Lamar Alexander, Harry Reid, and the special
interests behind the National Internet Tax Mandate appear to hope
that attaching the Mandate to the moratorium bill will provide
"cover" for politicians to say they had to support the Mandate in
order to ensure you did not have to pay Internet access taxes.
We have come too far in our battle against
the Mandate to be defeated by a sleazy deal like this!
The only way to stop this deal is to make
sure the politicians clearly see that grassroots Americans are on
to this scheme and will not let them get away with it.
Together, we can force Lamar Alexander, Harry
Reid, and their silent partners in crime in the Republican House
leadership to abandon this sneak attack meant to please
big-spending special interests.
So please urge your senators to oppose any
effort to include the National Internet Tax Mandate in the
moratorium bill.
And make sure they understand you expect them
to vote no on all procedural votes to advance this plan, as well.
Harry Reid is expected to launch this sneak
attack any day now, so please contact your senators immediately!
The National Internet Tax Mandate's incentive
to raise sales taxes will lead to an explosion of already
out-of-control state budgets, while raising prices on everything
you buy online and freeing tax collectors in one state to pursue
retailers across state lines.
In addition, the Mandate completely turns "No
Taxation without Representation" on its head by allowing state
legislatures to raise taxes on individuals and businesses located
out of state with their having little, if any, recourse against
those politicians who hike tax rates.
Even worse, the massive cost of complying
with the National Internet Tax Mandate could drive many smaller
Internet companies out of business - and discourage the creation
of the next Amazon.com.
So please urge your senators to both oppose
the National Internet Tax Mandate and also any efforts to include
it in the moratorium bill.
Most importantly, please contact your
senators right away!
In Liberty,
Norm Singleton
Vice President of Policy
P.S. Harry Reid - at the behest of a
"bipartisan" group of senators led by Lamar Alexander - is
planning to ram through the National Internet Tax Mandate by
attaching it to legislation prohibiting Internet access taxes.
This sleazy move is designed to provide cover
for pro-Internet sales tax politicians to claim they "had" to
vote for the Mandate in order to protect you from Internet access
So it is vital your senators hear from you
Tell them to vote NO on all votes - including
all procedural votes - on legislation adding the so-called
"Marketplace Fairness Act" to the Permanent Internet Tax Freedom

Bush Jr., Benjamin Netanyahu and other senior nazionists to be arrested soon

Bush Jr., Benjamin Netanyahu and other senior nazionists to be arrested soon.

Posted by benjamin
July 22, 2014
The arrest of nazionist mass murderers like George Bush Jr. and Benjamin Netanyahu and their fellow cabalists is imminent, according to Mossad and other sources. These criminals and their fellow top cabalists have already been banned from traveling to over 180 countries and soon will be banned from traveling outside of their jail cells, the sources said.
The downing of remote controlled Israeli owned so-called “Malaysian Airlines flight MH17,” filled with dead and decomposing bodies, was one dirty trick too many for the nazionists and a turning point against them has now been reached within the world’s secret agencies and governments, according to multiple sources.
What we first saw in Syria were are now seeing in the Ukraine; a failed attempt to use a manufactured incident to start a war. The nazionists created “Sarin gas attacks on civilians” in Syria and now “dead HIV scientists” in the Ukraine and used it to try to fool the US military into attacking. Only this time in the Ukraine, even more so than was the case with Syria, nobody is taking the bait.
We can see this in the nazionist controlled corporate propaganda media “attack Russia” PR campaign. For example, UK nazionist puppet Prime Minister David Cameron has asked German PM Angela Merkel and French President Francois to press for more sanctions against Russia’s Vladimir Putin but this is just a PR stunt according to MI5 sources. Cameron had to do that because he was being blackmailed by a nazionist media baron with threats to publicize his cocaine habit and his wife’s heroin addiction, the sources continued.
In any case, in the past such a public campaign by nazionist puppet leaders and the corporate propaganda media was used to condition the masses to accept an up-coming military event. Now though, nobody is buying it. No army is ready to do their bidding and even most the hired goons have stopped listening to them.
Furthemore, the internet and social media part of the nazionist campaign to vilify Russia “has been a total wipeout,” say sources in MI5 and other agencies. For example: the U-Tube presented as proof of rebel and Russian cooperation was shown to have date stamps from before the shootdown, the tweets from “a Spanish air traffic controller in Ukraine” actually came from London , the internet Putin assassination angle was fake ( Putin is too smart to overfly Ukraine) and the film being shown of the plane being shot down was from the daytime even though the plane was supposed to have been shot down at night. They are clearly losing the plot.
This entire “Malaysian plane” incident is being managed out of the State Department and by the Rand corporation, according to US based CIA sources.
Now Germany and France are so disgusted by the nazionist stunts being run out of Washington D.C. and Tel Aviv, they have decided to join the BRICS alliance, according to CIA sources in Europe. The Germans and French are systematically purging their governments of nazionist agents.
And for good reason. The fake Malaysian plane filled with bodies from the morgue stunt was the nazionist response to the announcement last week by the BRICS nations they had set up a development bank and a financial stabilization fund as a way to by-pass the cabal controlled World Bank and IMF. Think about it, here we have a group supported by over 188 nations announcing a plan to peacefully build economic infrastructure and the US and Israeli nazionists puppet governments react by shooting down a plane. Huh?
The other reactions were to brutalize the Gaza strip and keep pumping up a fake immigrant crisis in the US.
Furthermore, the WDS was also sent a whole new series of threats by these nazionists thugs last week. According to the latest threats “World War 3 has started,” the “US armed forces are ready to invade Russia,” etc. Do not believe it for a minute. As mentioned before, the armed forces of Russia, China, the United States and elsewhere have already come to an agreement to never let themselves be fooled into starting another world war.
Also, the campaign to rebrand the Muslim Brotherhood as ISIS is falling apart as the ever more ridiculous pronouncements coming out of ISIS via Jerusalem are becoming a joke. Check out this link for an example:
What we are witnessing is clearly the end game for the nazionists. Let us recap some of the big changes that have taken place in the campaign to oust these psychopathic killers from the top levels of world power. The Queen of the Netherlands plus the Kings of Spain and Belgium have resigned, the top Warburg family member committed suicide, Richard Rockefeller died, Senator J. Rockefeller resigned, pope malevolent resigned, 200 nazi US military officers have been fired, former French President Sarkozy was arrested and now, last week 660 What we are witnessing is clearly the end game for the nazionists. Let us recap some of the big changes that have taken place in the campaign to oust these psychopathic killers from the top levels of world power. The Queen of the Netherlands plus the Kings of Spain and Belgium have resigned, the top Warburg family member committed suicide, Richard Rockefeller died, Senator J. Rockefeller resigned, pope malevolent resigned, 200 nazi US military officers have been fired, former French President Sarkozy was arrested and now, last week 660 pedophiles were arrested in the UK. The Vatican has also fired over 400 pedophiles and is continuing a major purge of the Catholic church. The Vatican bank, which was used by the cabal to bribe world leaders, has shut down over 3000 corrupt accounts.
We also received an e-mail last week from a source in a major charitable foundation who said “Bush Sr. passed away on Friday apparently from food poisoning, I hear bad fish. This has been confirmed via his personal security. It should hit the news sometime this week.” However, subsequently he was trotted out for a photograph in a local newspaper near his family’s estate in Maine.
In the picture nazionist Fuhrer Bush Sr. appears to be resorting to his old trick of acting senile, which he is not. Bush is not going to avoid arrest by pretending to be a poor senile old man; he is one of history’s worst mass murderers and will face justice, you can count on it.
The slow unraveling of the nazionist stealth takeover of the United States will continue its now unstoppable path. The Zionist brainwashed slave colony known as Israel will also be freed. If the so-called Jews (the word did not exist until the 19th century) study the history of Babylon they will found out that circumcision was historically something that was done to the males of defeated slave races. The Europeans who have been brainwashed into thinking they came from ancient Judea will be set free. The world as a whole is well along in the process of being freed from Babylonian debt slavery.
There is expected to be a lot going on this autumn after a summer lull. Hopefully, if we all push for it, we will finally have or fall of the Berlin wall, or fall of the Babylon Fed Ziggurat, type of event in the US then.

MH 17 – Malaysian Mass Media Which Parroted Uncritically Zionist Controlled Global Mass Media Propaganda Against Russia Must Now Prostrate In Shame And Apologise to President Putin and the Ukrainian Resistance

MH 17 – Malaysian Mass Media Which Parroted Uncritically Zionist Controlled Global Mass Media Propaganda Against Russia Must Now Prostrate In Shame And Apologise to President Putin and the Ukrainian Resistance   
By Matthias Chang – Future Fast-Forward
23rd July, 2014

In my article dated 21st July and posted to the website, I lambasted the Malaysian mass media for being mere mouth-piece of the Zionist Anglo-American propaganda machine, specifically FOR REPEATING the baseless accusations that the heroic Ukrainian Resistance forces were tampering the 2 black- boxes  which they had recovered and were removing rotting bodies for nefarious reasons. And that there were massive looting at the “unsecured crash site” and other baseless allegations, when the contrary was the case.

They must now issue a public apology to President Putin, the Ukrainian Resistance for the most insidious defamatory statements ever levied on a Head of State without any shred of evidence and the malicious attacks on the integrity of the resistance.

If there is no such apology, let me state it here and now – Malaysian mass media are shameless and their editorial boards are gutless and without any professional ethics. Shame, shame and shame!      

I can tolerate and understand the nonsense of the Zionist controlled mass media, as it is to be expected of them to spew nonsense but to see the Malaysian mass media descent to the gutter level (and being the mass media of a so-called moderate Muslim) leaves me speechless. They are no better if not worse than the Zionist controlled mass media.

Today, it has been reported that the two black boxes have been handed over to the Malaysian authorities with no evidence of any tampering and that the bodies which were carefully recovered and preserved in refrigerated train coaches would be on the way to Amsterdam to be handed over to the respective national authorities of the crew and passengers.

It is not enough for NST to carry the below story of Dutch experts refuting all the false accusations. They must issue an unqualified apology for the distorted reportage in the front pages of their newspaper.

Let this experience be lesson to the Malaysian mass media that they should not be mere mouth-piece of the Zionist controlled mass media.     



    ...we understand every position is picked out and ready to go. The UN Security Council is okay with everybody they've picked. They are waiting for specific timelines - 2 they are working on. They have been trying to hold off until the 3 main positions are released.  CBI, new speaker, PM, etc. are all ready. Iraq is ready to go....they have been ready. It's now just a coordination schedule with everyone else. There are a little bit politics being played about when it gets revealed. Quite simply, that's what we're waiting on. It could be anytime now.