Wednesday, July 30, 2014


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Posted By: Nemesis [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 30-Jul-2014 11:57:48

Ebola In America!

Sheriffs and Larry Klayman,

Since Gun Control has been a Difficult Avenue to Control People then maybe the 'Ebola Epidemic In America' is the next wave of CONTROL!
According to the Cabal confirming that someone has even the potential of having Ebola is better than the TSA knowing that Chemical Weapons are in a Baby's Diaper, but then use the same gloves to pat the next person down.

What is the New Ebola?

A person with NOT accepting what ANY Government Official tells you to do.
A person that listens to Internet news stories or blogs.
A person that may or NOT own a gun but supports the 2nd Amendment.
A person that supports ANY portion of the U.S. Constitution that the government officials disapprove of at that time.
A person that does NOT accept OPEN Borders for the Refugees to come to the FREE America for We The People to Pay for Their Expenses!

Since You The People are NOT Medical Professionals then the CDC can come in and Quarantine you, from information received from NSA sources, and it is a National Security Issue to keep that INFO Silent to NOT Spread Fear!

If Ebola Hits U.S., Even Healthy Americans Will be Quarantined
"Well persons" who "do not show symptoms" would be forcibly detained
 by Paul Joseph Watson | July 30, 2014

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has procedures in place to deal with such an outbreak backed by force of law.

The official CDC website details ‘Specific Laws and Regulations Governing the Control of Communicable Diseases’, under which even healthy citizens who show no symptoms of Ebola whatsoever would be forcibly quarantined at the behest of medical authorities.

“Quarantine is used to separate and restrict the movement of well persons who may have been exposed to a communicable disease to see if they become ill. These people may have been exposed to a disease and do not know it, or they may have the disease but do not show symptoms,” states the CDC (emphasis mine).


Gold Is Now Officially Money

Subject: Gold Is Now Officially Money

Published : July 30th, 2014
1749 words - Reading time : 4 - 6 minutes
Everything that has happened since 2007, every Central Bank move, ever major political decision regarding the big banks, every trend, have all been focused solely on one issue.
That issue is collateral.
What is collateral?
Collateral is an underlying asset that is pledged when a party enters into a financial arrangement.  It is essentially a promise that should things go awry, you have some “thing” that is of value, which the other party can get access to in order to compensate them for their losses.
You no doubt are familiar with this concept on a personal level: any time you take out a bank loan the bank wants something pledged as collateral should you fail to pay the money back. In the case of property, the property itself is usually the collateral posted on the mortgage. So if you fail to pay your mortage, the bank can seize the home and sell it to recoup the losses on the mortgage loan (at least in theory).
In this sense, collateral is a kind of “insurance” for any financial transaction; it is a way that the parties involved mitigate the risk of their deal not working out. 
As many of you know, our entire global financial system is based on leverage or borrowed money. Collateral is what allows this to work. Without collateral, there is no trust between financial institutions. Without trust there is no borrowed money. And without borrowed money, money does not enter the financial system.
In this sense, collateral is the “reality” underlying the “imaginary” or “borrowed” component of leverage: the asset is real and can be used to back-stop a proposed deal/ trade that has yet to come to fruition.
For finacial firms, at the top of the corporate food chain, sovereign bonds are the senior-most form of collateral.
Modern financial theory dictates that sovereign bonds are the most “risk free” assets in the financial system (equity, municipal bond, corporate bonds, and the like are all below sovereign bonds in terms of risk profile). The reason for this is because it is far more likely for a company to go belly up than a country.
Because of this, the entire Western financial system has sovereign bonds (US Treasuries, German Bunds, Japanese sovereign bonds, etc.) as the senior most asset pledged as collateral for hundreds of trillions of Dollars worth of trades.
Indeed, the global derivatives market is roughly $700 trillion in size. That’s over TEN TIMES the world’s GDP. And sovereign bonds... including even bonds from bankrupt countries such as Spain... are one of, if not the primary collateral underlying all of these trades.
How did the world get this way?
Back in 2004, the large banks (think Goldman, JP Morgan, etc.) lobbied the SEC to allow them to increase their leverage levels. In very simple terms, the banks wanted to use the same collateral to backstop much larger trades. So whereas before a bank might have $1 worth of collateral for every $10 worth of trades, under the new regulation, banks would be able to have $1 worth of collateral for every $20, $30, even $50 worth of trades.
Another component of the ruling was that the banks could abandon “mark to market” valuations for their securities. What this means is that the banks no longer had to value what they owned accurately, or based on what the “market” would pay for them.
Instead, the banks could value everything they owned, including their massive derivatives portfolios worth tens of trillions of Dollars using in-house models... or basically make believe.
This is getting a bit technical so let’s use a real world example. Imagine if you had $100,000 in savings in the bank. Then imagine that the bank let you use this $100,000 to buy millions and millions of dollars worth of real estate. Then imagine that the bank told you, “we aren’t going to have our analysts independently value your real estate, you can simply tell us what you think it’s worth.”
In this set up, you would potentially buy $10 million worth of real estate or more... using just $100,000. But what if your newly purchased real estate drops in value to $5 million? No worries, you could simply tell the bank, “my analysis indicates that the properties are worth $20 million.”  The bank believes you so you continue to buy more properties.
This sounds completely ludicrous, but that is precisely the environment that banks operated in post-2004. As a result, today US banks alone are sitting on over $200 TRILLION worth of derivates trades. These are trades that the banks can value at whatever valuation they want.
Now, every large bank/ broker dealer knows that the other banks/dealers are overstating the value of their securities. As a result, these derivatives trades, like all financial instruments, require collateral to be pledged to insure that if the trades blow up, the other party has access to some asset to compensate it for the loss.
As a result, the ultimate backstop for the $700+ trillion derivatives market today is sovereign bonds.
When you realize this, the entire picture for the Central Banks’ actions over the last five years becomes clear: every move has been about accomplishing one of two things:
  • Giving the over-leveraged banks access to cash for immediate funding needs (QE 1, QE 2, QE3 and QE 4 in the US... and LTRO 1, LTRO 2 in the EU.)
  • Giving the banks a chance to swap out low grade collateral (Mortgage Backed Securities and other garbage debts) for cash that they could use to purchase higher grade collateral (QE 1’s MBS component, Operation Twist 2 which lets bank their long-term Treasuries and buy short-term Treasuries, QE 3, etc).
All of this is a grand delusion meant to draw attention away from the fact that the financial system is on very, very thin ice due to the fact that there is very little high quality collateral backstopping the $700+ trillion derivatives market.
Indeed, if you want further evidence that the financial elites are already preparing for a default from Spain and a collateral crunch, you should consider that the large clearing houses (ICE, CEM and LCH which oversee the trading of the $700+ trillion derivatives market) have ALL begun accepting Gold as collateral.
Gold as Collateral Acceptable for Margin Cover Purposes
From 28 August 2012 unallocated Gold (Loco London) will be accepted by LCH.Clearnet Limited (LCH.Clearnet) as collateral for margin cover purposes
This addition to acceptable margin collateral will be subject to the following criteria;
Available for members clearing OTC precious metals forwards (LCH EnClear Precious Metals division) or precious metals contracts on the Hong Kong Mercantile Exchange. Acceptable to cover margin requirements for all markets cleared on both House and ‘Segregated’ omnibus Client accounts.
          CME Clearing Europe to Accept Gold as Collateral on Demand
CME Clearing Europe will accept physical gold as collateral, extending the list of assets it’s prepared to receive as regulators globally push more derivatives trading through clearing houses.
CME Group Inc. (CME)’s European clearing house, based in London, appointed Deutsche Bank AG (DBK), HSBC Holdings Plc and JPMorgan Chase & Co. as gold depositaries. There will be a 15 percent charge on the market value of gold deposits and a limit of $200 million or 20 percent of the overall initial margin requirement per clearing member based on whichever is lower, Andrew Lamb, chief executive officer of CME Clearing Europe, said today.
“We started with a narrow range of government securities and are now extending that,” Lamb said in an interview today. “We recognize there will be a massive demand for collateral as a result of the clearing mandate. This is part of our attempt to maintain the risk management standard and to offer greater flexibility to clearing members and end clients.”
It is no coincidence that this began only when the possibility of a sovereign default from Greece or Spain began. The large clearinghouses see the writing on the wall (that defaults are coming accompanied by a mad scramble for collateral) and so are moving away from paper (sovereign bonds) into hard money to attempt to stay afloat.
The most telling item is that clearinghouses now view Gold as money. Indeed, you can see this fact in other stories indicating that various entites are concerned about having their gold stored “inhouse” if the stuff ever hits the fan.
Texas Republican State Representative Giovanni Capriglione authored the bill demanding state owned gold bars be returned to the Lone Star State. The legislation to pull $1 billion in gold reserves from a Federal Reserve vault in New York is supported by Governor Rick Perry...
“For us to have our own gold, a lot of the runs on the bank and those types of things, they happen because people are worried that there’s nothing there to back it up.”
Governor Perry stated that if Texas owns the gold, then no one else should be able to determine if the state can reclaim possession of the bars of precious metal. Representative Capriglione also noted that Texas is not interested in implementing its own gold standard. According to the Republican’s statements about the gold bars bill, he simply wants to bolster the state’s fiscally secure reputation. The Texas public servant also feels that such a solid financial persona would be beneficial in case an international of national fiscal crisis occurred.
The legislation notes the state does not merely want gold certificates from the Federal Reserve, they want the actual gold bars to store inside a planned Texas Bullion Depository. Moving $1 billion in gold bars from New York to Texas would be a huge task, one some are calling impractical. State Representative Capriglione suggested selling the gold currently housed inside the New York vault and then repurchasing the same amount in Texas.
Take note, Gold is officially money for the most powerful entities in the world. They are not only accepting Gold as collateral but are openly trying to insure that they have their own Gold in safe custody.
Gold is money. And it’s a great way to protect you from a potential crisis.
This concludes this article. If you’re looking for the means of protecting your portfolio from the coming collapse, you can pick up a FREE investment report titled Protect Your Portfolio at
This report outlines a number of strategies you can implement to prepare yourself and your loved ones from the coming market carnage.
Best Regards
Phoenix Capital Research
Visit stage3alpha at:

Video: Bear Poking.....Huge US Military Buildup In Ukraine – “This Is All Looking Pretty Ugly” – Gregory Mannarino

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Video: Bear Poking.....Huge US Military Buildup In Ukraine – “This Is All Looking Pretty Ugly” – Gregory Mannarino
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Wednesday, 30-Jul-2014 11:48:35

Truth-tellers versus Warmongers...

Overcoming Evil - Part Two
Heartcom Network

Truth-Tellers Versus Warmongers,
And Then We Win!

Archived at:
Overcoming Evil - Part Two

 There is a severe tremor in the force
 of collective conscience worldwide.

The humanitarian crisis in Gaza and
    East Ukraine is being largely ignored
    by Western powers but witnessed by
     billions of people in our global village.

   "These are the times that try men's souls."
~Tom Paine, Common Sense

This report reveals the plan and intent of
the power elite to create World War III.

Here's the back story.  Forward freely
 as though life and liberty depends on it.

 Those false-flag patriots who surrender
sovereignty for 'homeland security' are
betraying public freedom and security.

 It is time for all people of conscience to
   wise up and rise up to overcome the evil
 that is perpetrated by the fork-tongued,
two-faced 'wolves in sheep's clothing'.

It's time for 'truth-tellers' to be


Previous articles:
Overcoming Evil - Part One
 The Power of One Person

“In matters of conscience, the law of the majority has no place.
Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is the truth.”
~ Mahatma (Great Soul) Gandhi

ALERT: ISDA Announces that the new London Silver Price for Silver Derivatives is OPTIONAL!!

From: Bix Weir 
Date: Wed, Jul 30, 2014 at 2:42 PM
Subject: ALERT: ISDA Announces that the new London Silver Price for Silver Derivatives is OPTIONAL!!

I've been having so many "I TOLD YOU SO" moments it's getting surreal!

ALERT: ISDA Announces that the new London Silver Price for Silver Derivatives is OPTIONAL!!

"When I first saw this announcement I had thought to myself, 'It's about time the ISDA came out with a ruling to replace the 'SILVER-FIX' with something identical to use in the outstanding silver derivative contracts.' After all, according to Bloomberg there are nearly $5T in silver derivatives traded every year!"
The Silver Manipulation is brace yourself!

May the Road you choose be the Right Road.

Bix Weir

What Happens When Palestinians Protest Hamas

Wednesday, July 30, 2014 

Ever wonder why so few Palestinians protest the actions of their leaders and the organizations that hold sway over their society? The answer is simple: fear.
This was poignantly and horrifically demonstrated on Monday when a group of some 20 Palestinian residents of Gaza held an impromptu demonstration to protest the rocket attacks emanating from their territory that have resulted in a devastating Israeli military response.
It didn’t take long before Gaza’s Hamas overlords became aware of the protest, and it took even less time before gunmen had rounded up and publicly executed the demonstrators for having the gall to exercise free speech.
Here and there, an unnamed Gazan has told reporters how he or she wishes Israel would defeat Hamas, but such instances are few and far between. Israel’s detractors point to the lack of widespread criticism for Hamas as evidence that most Palestinians support the group as “freedom fighters.” After all, the Palestinian public did vote Hamas into power.

But Monday’s massacre of unarmed protestors (who were no doubt added to the overall Gaza death toll being blamed on Israel) is a harsh reminder that things are not always as they seem in a region where dictators and jihadists are running the show.

A Hairy Flying Tale

Great story!

Almost the same thing happened to me as PPC in a P-2 Neptune patrol plane when we flew into a typhoon (complying with the Skipper’s request that we not RON in Okinawa due to the typhoon and his assessment that the typhoon was turning north into China – he was anxious to get the parts we were carrying back from Japan to get three grounded airplanes flying).

We were en route from Japan to NAS Sangley Point in the P.I., with a fuel stop at NAS Naha, Okinawa.  

We lost all our navigation equipment in multiple lightning strikes, and could not make contact with Philippine ATC when we should have been over the northern Philippine coast – finally raised a Philippine AF ADIZ radar site, he picked us up 100 miles out to sea, got vectored in to landfall in northern Luzon, handed off to ATC and flew to Sangley for a PAR approach with no fuel on the gauges.

Our approach was exactly like the one described below, except that we were able to taxi in to the seaplane ramp after landing. There was about six inches of standing water on the runway when we touched down. All we saw was runway lights on both sides as we landed.

Thank God for those U.S. Navy precision approach radar controllers.


Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2014 7:37 AM
Subject: Fwd: A Hairy Flying Tale

Thought I was going to face conditions like this on a flight into Lisbon one night after being released IFR when I shouldn't have been.  That brand new 757's auto flight equipment was awesome. Didn't see a thing until the nose wheel touched down directly on the centerline; then I could see one or two centerline lights flashing under the nose. Stopped it on the runway and waited for  the Follow Me truck.

Begin forwarded message:

Subject: A Hairy Flying Tale

A good read, but you guys know if it can be a true story?

Zero/Zero by Charles Svoboda
It happened sometime in 1965, in Germany . I was a copilot, so I knew, everything there was to know about flying, and I was frustrated by pilots like my aircraft commander. He was one of those by-the-numbers types, no class, no imagination, no "feel" for flying. You have to be able to feel an airplane. So what if your altitude is a little off, or if the glideslope indicator is off a hair? If it feels okay then it is okay. That's what I believed.
Every time he let me make an approach, even in VFR conditions, he demanded perfection. Not the slightest deviation was permitted. "If you can't do it when there is no pressure, you surely can't do it when the pucker factor increases," he would say. When he shot an approach, it was as if all the instruments were frozen - perfection, but no class.
Then came that routine flight from the Azores to Germany . The weather was okay; we had 45,000 pounds of fuel and enough cargo to bring the weight of our C-124 Globemaster up to 180,000 pounds, 5,000 pounds below the max allowable. It would be an easy, routine flight all the way.
Halfway to the European mainland, the weather started getting bad. I kept getting updates by high frequency radio. Our destination, a fighter base, went zero/zero. Our two alternates followed shortly thereafter. All of France was down. We held for two hours, and the weather got worse. Somewhere I heard a fighter pilot declare an emergency because of minimum fuel. He shot two approaches and saw nothing. On the third try, he flamed out and had to eject. 
Flight Engineer Panel C-124

We made a precision radar approach; there was nothing but fuzzy fog at minimums. The sun was setting. Now I started to sweat a little. I turned on the instrument lights. When I looked out to where the wings should be, I couldn't even see the navigation lights 85 feet from my eyes. I could barely make out a dull glow from the exhaust stacks of the closest engine, and then only on climb power.
When we reduced power to maximum endurance, that friendly glow faded. The pilot asked the engineer where we stood on fuel. The reply was, "I don't know--- we're so low that the book says the gauges are unreliable below this point. The navigator became a little frantic. We didn't carry parachutes on regular MAC flights, so we couldn't follow the fighter pilot's example. We would land or crash with the airplane.
The pilot then asked me which of the two nearby fighter bases had the widest runway. I looked it up and we declared an emergency as we headed for that field.
The pilot then began his briefing. "This will be for real. No missed approach. We'll make an ILS and get precision radar to keep us honest. Copilot, we'll use half flaps. That'll put the approach speed a little higher, but the pitch angle will be almost level, requiring less attitude change in the flare."
Why hadn't I thought of that? Where was my "feel" and "class" now? The briefing continued, "I'll lock on the gauges. You get ready to take over and complete the landing if you see the runway - that way there will be less room for trouble with me trying to transition from instruments to visual with only a second or two before touchdown."
Hey, he's even going to take advantage of his copilot, I thought. He's not so stupid, after all. "Until we get the runway, you call off every 100 feet above touchdown; until we get down to 100 feet, use the pressure altimeter. Then switch to the radar altimeter for the last 100 feet, and call off every 25 feet. Keep me honest on the airspeed, also. Engineer, when we touch down, I'll cut the mixtures with the master control lever, and you cut all of the mags. Are there any questions? Let's go!"
All of a sudden, this unfeeling, by the numbers robot was making a lot of sense. Maybe he really was a pilot and maybe I had something more to learn about flying. We made a short procedure turn to save gas. Radar helped us to get to the outer marker. Half a mile away, we performed the Before Landing Checklist; gear down, flaps 20 degrees. The course deviation indicator was locked in the middle, with the glide slope indicator beginning its trip down from the top of the case.
When the GSI centered, the pilot called for a small power reduction, lowered the nose slightly, and all of the instruments, except the altimeter, froze.
My Lord, that man had a feel for that airplane! He thought something, and the airplane, all 135,000 pounds of it, did what he thought. "Five hundred feet," I called out, "400 feet ... 300 feet … 200 feet, MATS minimums … 100 feet, Air Force minimums; I'm switching to the radar altimeter … 75 feet nothing in sight ... 50 feet, still nothing … 25 feet, airspeed 100 knots."
The nose of the aircraft rotated just a couple of degrees, and the airspeed started down. The pilot then casually said, "Hang on, we're landing." "Airspeed 90 knots….10 feet, here we go!" The pilot reached up and cut the mixtures with the master control lever, without taking his eyes off the instruments. He told the engineer to cut all the mags to reduce the chance of fire.
CONTACT! I could barely feel it. As smooth a landing as I have ever known, and I couldn't even tell if we were on the runway, because we could only see the occasional blur of a light streaking by. "Copilot, verify hydraulic boost is on, I'll need it for brakes and steering." I complied. "Hydraulic boost pump is on, pressure is up." The brakes came on slowly---we didn't want to skid this big beast now. I looked over at the pilot. He was still on the instruments, steering to keep the course deviation indicator in the center, and that is exactly where it stayed.
"Airspeed, 50 knots." We might make it yet. "Airspeed, 25 knots." We'll make it if we don't run off a cliff. Then I heard a strange sound. I could hear the whir of the gyros, the buzz of the inverters, and a low frequency thumping. Nothing else. The thumping was my pulse, and I couldn't hear anyone breathing. We had made it! We were standing still!
The aircraft commander was still all pilot. "After-landing checklist, get all those motors, radar and un-necessary radios off while we still have batteries. Copilot, tell them that we have arrived, to send a follow me truck out to the runway because we can't even see the edges." I left the VHF on and thanked GCA for the approach.
The guys in the tower didn't believe we were there. They had walked outside and couldn't hear or see anything. We assured them that we were there, somewhere on the localizer centerline, with about half a mile showing on the DME. We waited about 20 minutes for the truck. Not being in our customary hurry, just getting our breath back and letting our pulses diminish to a reasonable rate.
Then I felt it. The cockpit shuddered as if the nose gear had run over a bump. I told the loadmaster to go out the crew entrance to see what happened. He dropped the door (which is immediately in front of the nose gear), and it hit something with a loud, metallic bang. He came on the interphone and said "Sir, you'll never believe this. The follow-me truck couldn't see us and ran smack into our nose tire with his bumper, but he bounced off, and nothing is hurt."
The pilot then told the tower that we were parking the bird right where it was and that we would come in via the truck. It took a few minutes to get our clothing and to button up the airplane. I climbed out and saw the nose tires straddling the runway centerline. A few feet away was the truck with its embarrassed driver.
Total damage---one dent in the hood of the follow me truck where the hatch had opened onto it. Then I remembered the story from Fate Is the Hunter. When Gann was an airline copilot making a simple night range approach, his captain kept lighting matches in front of his eyes. It scarred and infuriated Gann. When they landed, the captain said that Gann was ready to upgrade to captain. If he could handle a night-range approach with all of that harassment, then he could handle anything.

At last I understood what true professionalism is. Being a pilot isn't all seat-of-the-pants flying and glory. It's self- discipline, practice, study, analysis and preparation. It's precision. If you can't keep the gauges where you want them with everything free and easy, how can you keep them there when everything goes wrong.

Today's Healthy Recipe - Healthier Blueberry Cinnamon Rolls

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Today's Healthy Recipe - Healthier Blueberry Cinnamon Rolls
Posted By: Dquixote1217 [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 30-Jul-2014 09:34:06

Don't you just love the taste and smell of warm cinnamon rolls? The problem is that they usually contain many ingredients which are less than healthy - such as refined sugar, bleached white flour, vegetable oil, aluminum containing baking powder, regular milk, etc. This version is much improved (it took several substitutions of the suggested ingredients in the original recipe!)), loses nothing at all in the taste and smell departments, and includes healthy blueberries. Yummm!
Note: Almost all of these ingredients should be available at your local grocers. The ones that aren't (such as coconut flour and coconut sugar) are easily found on the internet (for example
To see more of our tasty healthy recipes:



GT: I can't believe their playing this Script Out!!! The PM has been known in Iraq for a week....

URGENT: Prime Minister Maliki withdraws from 3rd term candidacy, National Alliance nominates 5 candidates

July 30, 2014 by Abdelhak Mamoun 
z URGENT: Prime Minister Maliki withdraws from 3rd term candidacy, National Alliance nominates 5 candidates
Baghdad ( On Wednesday, the MP for the Liberal bloc, Riad al-Saadi indicated that the National Alliance has five candidates for the post of prime minister, including al-Jaafari and al-Shahristani while noting that the outgoing  Prime Minister, Nuri al-Maliki, withdrew his candidacy for the post because of political pressure.
Saadi said, in an interview for, that “the National Alliance has five candidates for the post of prime minister,” noting that “three of these candidates of the National Coalition: Ahmed Chalabi, Ibrahim al-Jaafari and Aadi Abdul-Mahdi and the other two from the state of law; they are Khodair al Khozai and Hussain al-Shahristani.”
al-Saadi noted that “the outgoing Prime Minister, Nuri al-Maliki, withdrew his candidacy for the post,” attributing the reason that “there was pressure from other political blocs.”
al-Saadi added “Shahristani has a lot of policies and relations, but Maliki nominated Alkhozai because he is from his party.”

The religious authority Mr. Mahmoud Hashemi considered, on July 29, 2014, that the nomination of a president of the new government in Iraq must be determined as a set apart by the polls, stressing the adherence to the constitutional entitlement of the new government.


July 30, 2014  Iraqi oil off Texas coast paid in full with TRN's. Santa's coat hat and pants laid out ready to put on




:Change in direction of tier level breakdown Obama looking for Iraq to announce PM right now.

Qi card loading process is switched on 48 hr projection for TRN landing.....confirmed.

Platform tiers on alert.

Prosperity package bundles being delivered around the world and opened.

Stockings are hung and waiting for Santa

I got a feeling we're looking for the RV/GCR ....keep your fingers crossed.

According to the Clues.... EVERYONE's Looking for the EVENT We've Been Hoping for Happens TONIGHT!!!! Fingers Crossed....

Change of Direction at Tiers / Platforms.

Obama looking for Iraqi Prime Minister Right Now.

Transactions with QI cards will be enabled in 48 hours.

Projecting TRN's are Landing confirmed.

Platform Tiers Alert. Platform Tiers Alert, RV or GCR appears to be Bundled with the Prosperity Packages - meaning both go together.
Prosperity Packages out for delivery. It is Christmas Eve.

Looking for Santa, got a good feeling, keeping the fingers crossed and wishing.

Or change of direction at tiers/platforms.

Obama looking for Iraqi primer minister.

Right now transactions with qi cards have been enabled.

Jim G Hurd: RV projected in the next 48 hours.

Change is coming on all platforms of government activity

Watch for PM change in Iraq

Banking transactions engaged at local level including Qi Card (Mastercard)

Vinman: Change of direction of tiers

Kevin Thompson: change in direction of tiers - much harder to get higher rates O looking for Iraq to announce pm right now.

qi cards intergrated into financial system and projected they can be used in 48 hours

Trn's live around the world showing on trading platforms confirmed

On high alert for prosperity packages, rv, gcr to be released worldwide at the same time.

From Jim Stone

July 30 2014

Israel is leveling Palestine, and it is obvious the goal is total annihilation. Today Israeli television aired video of people celebrating the destruction of Gaza, and singing a song in Hebrew which when translated says "there will be no school in Gaza tomorrow, there are no children left" and since no one can leave Gaza, the implication is that all the children are dead. References to Gaza being a cemetary were also chanted.

So I am going to re-post an article I did years ago about the fact that there are no Islamic suicide bombers. The entire meme is a false flag psy op and if that sounds preposterous, I suggest you read what I came up with. This report took hundreds of hours of study to produce, and I am confident it is dead on.


There are no Islamic rockets being fired from Gaza, no Hamas tunnels, not even as much as a single .22 round coming out of Gaza, it is all a false flag being waged by the Israeli Mossad which is launching the rockets in the name of Hamas and making sure they land harmlessly. This is easily proven by the fact that not a single rocket has ever shown up in the rubble in Gaza after any Israeli bombing, because there is NO WAY the Mossad would ever leave a functioning cache of rockets for even a minute un attended, if they did there would be a small chance a Palestinian might find one and legitimately launch one before the bomb arrived and actually hit something real in Israel. And I think a majority of even the war protesters in Israel know this, and are putting on a huge false show to temper world opinion in Israel's favor.

The suicide bomber report follows

An appeal to common sense

Suicide bombers are total propaganda B.S.

Jim Stone, Re posted on July 30 2014, based on investigative work I did in 2003 with updated info to bring it current.
On Feb 10 2014, Drudgereport had two terrorism related articles up - one is obvious B.S., where an "Iraqi suicide bombing instructor" killed himself and his students by accidentally pushing the button on the belt.
Now, how can you know this is B.S.? First of all, Muslims do not use suicide bombings, because in Islam killing yourself is automatic "you go to hell" regardless of the circumstances. Muslims are in fact supposed to at least try to survive combat. Suicide bombings are nothing but propaganda sold to the gullible masses. In any war, soldiers don't just off themselves, they try to deliver a bomb and get away. Success is rewarded with another chance to go do the same thing again. The entire "suicide bombing" nonsense would be counterproductive if it was actually real because success would always be rewarded by death thus preventing any future successes.
The suicide bombing topic is one that I got onto in 2003, when I figured out what was really going on. Muslims frequently work for Jews, and package delivery is one of the jobs. Most deliveries are legitimate, but even having one in a million actually be a bomb is enough to seed the arena of public opinion that Muslims do bombings, and kill themselves for honor. Reality? Many bombings are in fact disguised as routine deliveries with the victim carrying the bomb, and the perpetrator holding a cell phone to call in the detonation on a totally unaware package carrier.

There is plenty of precedent for this, and it is not only the Jews doing this, the U.S. military does it too.

During the Iraq war, the American soldiers were pulling over drivers, impounding their cars, and when the cars were returned the drivers were instructed to go to the police station to pay the fine. During the time the Army had the cars, they would pack them full of expolsives and then detonate these explosives when the driver arrived at the police station. You may remember that during the Iraq war, there were tons of "suicide bombings" at police stations. THIS was the reason.

But it failed a couple times, and the Army got caught.

1. On May 13, 2005, a 64 year old Iraqi farmer, Haj Haidar Abu Sijjad, took his tomato load in his pickup truck from Hilla to Baghdad , accompanied by Ali, his 11 years old grandson. They were stopped at an American check point and were asked to dismount. An American soldier climbed on the back of the pickup truck, followed by another a few minutes later, and thoroughly inspected the tomato filled plastic containers for about 10 minutes. Haj Haidar and his grandson were then allowed to proceed to Baghdad .
A minute later, his grandson told him that he saw one of the American soldiers putting a grey melon size object in the back among the tomato containers. The Haj immediately slammed on the brakes and stopped the car at the side of the road, at a relatively far distance from the check point. He found a time bomb with the clock ticking tucked among his tomatoes. He immediately recognized it, as he was an ex-army soldier. Panicking, he grabbed his grandson and ran away from the car. Then, realizing that the car was his only means of work, he went back, took the bomb and carried it in fear. He threw it in a deep ditch by the side of the road that was dug by Iraqi soldiers in preparation for the war, two years ago.
Upon returning from Baghdad , he found out that the bomb had indeed exploded, killing three sheep and injuring their shepherd in his head. He thanked God for giving him the courage to go back and remove the bomb, and for the luck in that the American soldiers did not notice his sudden stop at a distance and his getting rid of the bomb.
"They intended it to explode in Baghdad and claim that it is the work of the 'terrorists', or 'insurgents' or who call themselves the 'Resistance'.
2. An American manned check point confiscated the driver license of a driver and told him to report to an American military camp near Baghdad airport for interrogation and in order to retrieve his license. The next day, the driver did visit the camp and he was allowed in the camp with his car. He was admitted to a room for an interrogation that lasted half an hour. At the end of the session, the American interrogator told him: ‘OK, there is nothing against you, but you do know that Iraq is now sovereign and is in charge of its own affairs. We have forwarded your papers and license to al-Kadhimia police station for processing. Go there with this clearance to reclaim your license. At the police station, ask for Lt. Hussain Mohammed, who is waiting for you now. Go there now quickly, before he leaves his shift work”.
The driver did leave in a hurry, but was soon alarmed with a feeling that his car was driving as if carrying a heavy load, and he also became suspicious of a low flying helicopter that kept hovering overhead, as if trailing him. He stopped the car and inspected it carefully. He found nearly 100 kilograms of explosives hidden under the back seat and along the two back doors.
The only feasible explanation for this incident is that the car was indeed booby trapped by the Americans and intended for the al-Khadimiya Shiite district of Baghdad. The helicopter was monitoring his movement and witnessing the anticipated “hideous attack by foreign elements”.
3. The same scenario was repeated in Mosul , in the north of Iraq . A car was confiscated along with the driver’s license. He did follow up on the matter and finally reclaimed his car but was told to go to a police station to reclaim his license. Fortunately for him, the car broke down on the way to the police station. The inspecting car mechanic discovered that the spare tire was fully laden with explosives.

Obviously none of this type of news makes it to CNN.

When I did my study of this topic, it was during my study of the house demolitions in Palestine after the Jenin massacre. I knew that the bombings had to be completely bogus, because the perpetrators were ALWAYS identified FAR TOO SOON.
"Suicide bombings" in Israel always result in the destruction of the entire neighborhood the "bomber" comes from. And in all cases, destruction of their neighborhoods commences within two hours of the "bombing", as if the bulldozers and demolition equipment had been placed there in advance, in anticipation of the bombing.
The Israelis always claimed to have DNA evidence of who did the bombing. But there is a problem with that - No one could get a sample from the bombing site to any lab within two hours, and then replicate the DNA enough to get a trace within two hours, that process takes days. The mere fact that the bulldozings happened within hours proves beyond all doubt that the Israelis in fact were doing the bombings, and blaming it on whoever they wanted a reason to destroy.
And then I found the method. First, they would grab their "bomber" from the area slated for destruction so a settlement could go in there instead. They would smash the "bomber's face beyond recognition. They would then take organs and body parts from the now dead "bomber", crudely sew the bomber back together, take the parts to the location of the "bombing" (which, by the way, would only get Muslims and not Jews in Israel, EVERY SINGLE TIME.) They would put the body parts in a duffel bag full of explosives and set it off, and eventually, afte DNA analysis, it would days later be concluded that the bulldozings that already happened were justified. The completely smashed face would prevent body identification, and subsequently prevent any proof that the "bomber" was never at the scene.

The picture to the left is one such body, with the organs stolen and face smashed beyond recognition. This happens frequently in Palestine

I have spoken to MANY muslims about the "suicide bombings" and none have ever agreed that any type of "suicide attack" would be acceptable in Islam, because you are not supposed to intentionally kill yourself for any reason, even combat. In war you are supposed to do your best to survive.
And with the Israeli organ theft issue, the WAY TOO FAST bulldozings, where there is positively no way any bomber could be identified that fast to justify the destruction of an entire neighborhood, it is obvious that "suicide bombings" are all politically motivated, and come directly from the Knesset.
So before you believe a stupid NYT propaganda piece posted on the Drudge report, before you believe a totally misrepresented "terrorist" story regarding a few transformers on Infowars, before you believe that a few Afghan and Saudi goat herders did the WTC, consider the fact that you are probably just being played.

In my book, the entire "suicide bomber" meme is a load of BUNK. Heads up, because they are strongly pushing that meme NOW.

And after being really distracted by flight 370, just as they wanted how about some pictures from Gaza this week?

Try to find anything similar in Israel. One picture, JUST TRY TO FIND ONE. Israel NEVER saw anything comparable, not even 5 percent of the least damning photo here and there is a reason - the ENTIRE rocket/bomber tunnel/suicide bomber meme is a total load of bunk, and a brick can only be thrown so far. Israel did the following for one reason - it is attempting to annex Gaza, and everyone there needs to be dead before that can happen. These photos prove the 1,200 dead figure to be LAUGHABLE, the real figure is AT LEAST five digit thousands.

Death toll below a thousand? YEAH RIGHT!

Absent any Israeli bomb blasts, this is what Gaza actually looked like:

A more current image:

About the serial numbers in the wreckage

Now serial number photos are showing up in the wreckage, with dates going back to 1996. My comment: Photos of serial numbers will NOT move a flag forward to where it is supposed to be, WILL NOT cloak the stench of days rotted bodies, and do not have much credibility when obvious provable photo manipulation occurred days before any of these serial number photos showed up, I guess this is the new approach to faking it all. Scroll down past the Gaza report to see the previous photo tampering, once that has been proven to have been done there is simply no way to fix this psy op.






Guesses to Exogens Picture Clues Tuesday Night 10:11 PM (Just for fun)

Guesses to Exogens Picture Clues Tuesday Night 10:11 PM (Just for fun) 


Guesses to Exogens Picture Clues Tuesday Night 10:11 PM EST


Projecting TRN's [Treasury Reserve Note,or US Dollar], are Landing confirmed.

Platform Tiers Alert, RV or GCR [Global Currency Reset]; appears to be Bundled 
with the Prosperity Packages - meaning both go together.
Kevin T July 29, 2014 at 11:11pm

change in direction of tiers - much harder to get higher rates

O looking for iraq to announce pm right now

IRAQI Cards intergrated into financial system and projected they can be used 
in 48 hours trn's [Treasury Reserve Note], live around the world showing on trading platforms confirmed

On high alert for prosperity packages, rv, gcr to be released worldwide
 at the same time


Mr. Chen July 29, 2014 at 11:20pm

Alert, bundles of prosperity packages are being delivered.


Vinman July 29, 2014 at 11:42pm

Prosperity package bundles being delivered around the world
 and opened.

I got a feeling we're looking for the RV/GCR and keeping our fingers crossed.
