Thursday, August 21, 2014

Hedy Epstein, 90-Year-Old Holocaust Survivor, Arrested During Michael Brown Protest

Hedy Epstein, 90-Year-Old Holocaust Survivor, Arrested During Michael Brown Protest

The Huffington Post  | By Alana Horowitz
08/18/2014 8:45 pm EDT Updated: 08/19/2014 12:59 pm EDT     
  Click here to see the video.     
Hedy Epstein, a 90-year-old Holocaust survivor, was arrested on Monday during unrest over the death of Michael Brown, KMOV reports.
Epstein, who aided Allied forces in the Nuremberg trials, was placed under arrest in downtown St. Louis, Missouri, "for failing to disperse" during a protest of Gov. Jay Nixon's decision to call the National Guard into Ferguson. Eight others were also arrested.
"I've been doing this since I was a teenager. I didn't think I would have to do it when I was 90," Epstein told The Nation during her arrest. "We need to stand up today so that people won't have to do this when they're 90."
Epstein is currently an activist and a vocal supporter of the Free Gaza Movement.
Tensions rose in Ferguson on Monday night after Nixon announced that the National Guard had been called in to help run the command center while police handled the protests.
Several people were arrested as protests ramped up, including Scott Olson, a photographer working for Getty Images.
President Obama addressed reporters on Monday and condemned the arrest of journalists covering Ferguson in the days since Michael Brown was shot and killed. He said he would be monitoring the National Guard presence to make sure it is "used in a limited and appropriate way."
"There is no excuse for excessive force by police," Obama said.
Here's a photo of Epstein's arrest:    
Hedy Epstein, a 90 y.o. Holocaust survivor, was among the those arrested for blocking Nixon office bldg. #Ferguson
— Steven Hsieh 謝章仁 (@stevenjhsieh) August 18, 2014
CORRECTION: A previous version of this article reported that Epstein was arrested in Ferguson. She was arrested in St. Louis.

More:  Hedy Epstein Arrested Hedy Epstein Holocaust Michael Brown Hedy Epstein Video Hedy Epstein Activist Ferguson Protests Ferguson Hedy Epstein Arrested Ferguson Hedy Epstein Ferguson Hedy Epstein Arrest        

WATCH: 90-Year-Old Holocaust Survivor’s Message to Germans

Published 12:13 pm EDT, February 11, 2014 By Sam Prince

Reddit-user donutdude asked his grandfather, Emery Jacoby, a 90-year-old Holocaust survivor, to partake in a Reddit ‘Ask Me Anything’ Q&A forum.

Jacoby was 20-years-old when he was taken away by the Nazis, along with his sisters and his parents. Both his sisters survived. His parents did not.

But despite the horrors he witnessed, he holds no ill-will towards the German people or culture. Watch the remarkable video above that inspires forgiveness and acceptance.

And watch the video below of a speech he did in Newark in 2010 when he was invited to speak by Mayor Cory Booker.

Senior Government Scientist Breaks 13 Years’ Silence on Centers for Disease Control Vaccine - Autism Fraud

Senior Government Scientist Breaks 13 Years’ Silence on Centers for Disease Control Vaccine - Autism Fraud

"The risk of autism from early MMR vaccination was seen in black boys. Those boys are at very high risk."

Global Research, August 20, 2014
Age of Autism 18 August 2014.
Listen to audio from the whistleblower HERE.  Below is an unofficial transcript from the audio.
CDC Whistleblower:  “Oh my God. I cannot believe we did what we did, but we did.”
Dr. Andrew Wakefield: “This is a real story of a real fraud. …Deliberate. High-level deception of the American people with disastrous consequences for its children’s health. …
(Dr. Wakefield then described the inhumane treatment of black American man during the Tuskegee syphilis experiment that was conducted from 1932 to 1972.)
“Thirty years later the CDC was to do something arguably far worse. Over a decade ago, Dr. Scott Montgomery and I put forward a hypothesis for MMR vaccine and autism: the age you receive the vaccine influences the risk. …We shared this hypothesis with vaccine officials, members of the Centers for Disease Control, at meetings in Washington, D.C. and Cold Spring Harbor. A group of senior vaccine safety people at the CDC studied it. It panned out. We were right–at least partly.
“By Nov 9, 2001, nearly thirteen years ago, senior CDC scientists knew that the younger age exposure to MMR was associated with an increased risk of autism. In 2004 they published, but they hid the results. …
“MMR was declared safe.”
Dr. Coleen Boyle was shown testifying for the CDC in a Congressional hearing in 2013 denying a link between vaccines and autism.
Wakefield: “What Dr. Coleen Boyle…did not tell Congress is that she and her colleagues had deliberately concealed the autism-vaccine link from the Institute of Medicine and the public. Ironically, they even received an award from the Secretary of Health and Human Services for this work.
“So troubling was this fraud that one of CDC researchers broke ranks. Eventually he made contact with Dr. Brian Hooker, father of a vaccine-injured child with autism and a vaccine researcher. …
Dr. Hooker and the muffled voice of the CDC scientist was included next. Hooker said that a great of information showing “fraud and malfeasance” on the part of the CDC was revealed to him by the whistleblower.
Wakefield: “From their own data sheets dated 2001, Dr. Hooker analyzed that CDC’s results and he found the same risk for autism that the CDC scientists had themselves identified. …
“This week, August 10, 2014, Dr. Hooker published the real findings. A 340 percent increased risk of autism in boys receiving the MMR on time compared with those receiving it later.
“Thirteen years and tens of thousands of children later.
“As I’ve said, Dr. Montgomery and I were only partly right. The risk of autism from early MMR vaccination was seen in black children, black boys. Those boys, for some reason are at very high risk.
“Consistent with the CDC’s own findings, the rate of autistic regression in black children is reported to be twice that in white children. …
“Scientist Dr. David Lewis, an international expert in whistleblowing and the detection of scientific fraud, reviewed the original CDC documents and the paper they published in 2004.”
Dr. David Lewis: “Probably this is the clearest case and the easiest case in which to answer, is it fraud or is it an accident? Is it just an artifact of the study that we’re dealing with here? Clearly it’s fraud.”
Dr. Hooker talking about the CDC whistleblower: “He knows that he’s culpable for damage. He knows that he’s culpable for permanent damage of a large significant portion of the population of the United States.”
Muffled voice of the whistleblower: “The higher-ups wanted to do certain things and I went along with it.”
Dr. Wakefield: “Dr. Frank DeStefano, Dr. Marshalyn Yeargin-Allsop, Dr. Coleen Boyle–they knew. They let it happpn and they could have stopped it.
“Michigan lawyer Allison Folmar, an award-winning advocate for children and parental rights, gave her reaction.”
Allison Folmar: “I feel first and foremost, as a human being, betrayed. When you lose your faith and trust in humanity, how do you repair it? I really don’t know what to say, to be honest.”
Dr. Hooker: “He’s very regretful about his involvement.”
Whistleblower: “It was the lowest point in my career that I went along with that paper. I’m not going to lie. I basically have stopped lying.
Dr. Wakefield: “You see, vile as the crimes of Stalin, Pol Pot and Hitler were, these men were not hypocrites…. These men were not entrusted with the welfare of their victims. Their mottos did not include the words, ‘To save lives and protect.’ They were not running a mandatory program disguised as caring.
“How many children? How many went to the wall in that decade of silence? How many Presidents, Mr. Obama?”

Boom! Ferguson Audio Proves False Flag Event!

Boom! Ferguson Audio Proves False Flag Event! Did She Really Say What We Think She Said?

August 17, 2014  By Live Free or Die

This brand new video from Dahboo7 is a bombshell and proves that it was THE NEWS who made the very first call to Ferguson emergency rather than anyone on the ground or anywhere else, leading to what Dahboo feels is ABSOLUTE PROOF that Ferguson is really a ‘false flag’ event.

Did this Ferguson shooting ever happen at all or was this all STAGED for martial law?

This one is bizarre.  Check it out yourselves! 

Does she REALLY SAY what we think she says? Are we missing something?


Originally published at BIN

ISIL’s reach SHALL come to the USA... They're HEAR NOW....

A message of importance to every American from a Retired U.S.M.C. .........

And the security of the USA, by the hands  of  "Boarder Patrol,"
"Homeland Security" and "TSA,"  IS A JOKE to 'terrorists'


U.K. Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond said the man in the video with Foley ‘appears to have been a British person’
Preview by Yahoo

CITIES TO STAY AWAY FROM  (and their Metropolitan area)

THE LIST IS TOO LONG  *** BUT*** if your in the top
300 most populated Cities in the USA...    YOU ARE TARGETED 
(NOTE: TAKE THE FOLLOWING SERIOUSLY!!!!! Be aware 'intel sources' also warn that schools, malls and places of large gatherings will be targeted. Many schools are organizing weapons carrying 'watch'  and SECURITY groups to be on the grounds at all times during school season to assist if/when danger presents itself.  May be best during these times to forget about outside playground activities, as these activities  have been specifically noted. 'Intel sources' state that it is KNOWN that smaller OUTSIDE THE LARGE METROPLEX locations thought to be 'safer' ARE  also to be targeted.)  


The following is a list of the most populous incorporated places of the United States of America. As defined by the United States Census Bureau, an "incorpo...
Preview by Yahoo

       Semper Fi 
           ~ Drew ~

Drew Malone; Raines III
Retired U.S.M.C.
C.E.O.  H.E.A.R.T. & Associates
{M. S. G., Vietnam & Cambodia Vet}
International Talk Show host

Electronic Engineer
skype:  drewmalone.raines.iii

        "There is no Greater tyranny, than that which
          is perpetrated under the shield of law and
          in the name of justice."
   ~ Montesquieu ~
eat organic: 
    Long Horn Beef  -&- Your local  Bee Honey (God's Sugar)



These murdering corporate bastards are totally out of control as they shoot and kill another unarmed man and then they hand cuff him with their guns still pointing at him as he lays dead in the street. This is FUCKIN scary and total madness. 
These bastards literally have 007 license and can murder anyone they get their sites on. 
The Blue Gang across this country are now just out right shooting and killing anyone on a whim and getting away with it. Maybe you or your family members will be next.
KWMU has published a video of what appears to be one of the shootings that happened yesterday. This happened in Riverview, about 15 minutes outside of the center of the protests. We believe that it is important to be transparent in what information we gather and allow for you to make the decision yourself on what you want to see or not see.
The video is graphic, and contains images of someone being shot and killed. Viewer discretion advised, you have been warned." 
Officers arrive at 1:20 into video
Published on Aug 20, 2014
St. Louis Police Release Video Of Kajieme Powell Killing That Appears At Odds With Their Story
The St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department released cell phone footage Wednesday of the police shooting of Kajieme Powell, a 25-year-old black man killed on Tuesday in St. Louis, according to St. Louis Public Radio.
A convenience store owner called 911 on Tuesday when he suspected Powell stole drinks and donuts from his shop, according to a recording of the call. Another woman called to report Powell was acting erratically and had a knife in his pocket.
Two officers in a police SUV responded to the calls, the cell phone video shows. When the officers got out of their vehicle, Powell walked in their direction, yelling and telling them to shoot him already.
St. Louis Police Chief Sam Dotson said Tuesday that both of the officers opened fire on Powell when he came within a three or four feet of them holding a knife "in an overhand grip."
But the newly released cell phone footage undermines the statement, showing Powell approaching the cops, but not coming as close as was reported, with his hands at his side. The officers began shooting within 15 seconds of their arrival, hitting Powell with a barrage of bullets.
The St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department released the video and 911 calls, telling St. Louis Public Radio that it plans to act transparently.
The shooting death occurred less than four miles from where Michael Brown was fatally shot by a police officer in the suburb of Ferguson on Aug. 9.

Banks Ranked by Derivatives

Vaccine-autism connection: US Congressman stonewalled by CDC, by Jon Rappoport, August 21, 2014

Vaccine-autism connection: US Congressman stonewalled by CDC, by Jon Rappoport, August 21, 2014

Posted on by Jean
With a CDC whistleblower standing in the shadows, claiming the CDC has known about the vaccine-autism connection for 10 years, the cover-up is threatening to blow sky-high.
And now Florida Congressman Bill Posey has sent me a statement about his experience with the CDC.
Posey has been trying to obtain specific data about a 2004 CDC study which claimed the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine has no role in causing autism.
The CDC whistleblower (so far, anonymously) has been pointing to that 2004 study as a fraud, claiming vital data were omitted, data which would indict the vaccine.
So how has the CDC responded to Posey’s inquiry and request for all the 2004 data?
Here is what he wrote to me:
“The CDC has refused for more than six months to hand over documents I requested concerning this issue. That is not the type of response we expect from our government.”
A US Congressman wants research data from a federal agency and they flat-out refuse.
Nothing much is a stake here—only the health of the entire US population. Vaccines causing autism? And the CDC has the right to keep as many secrets as it wants to?
Did the CDC wake up one morning and decide it’s the CIA? On what grounds is it refusing to release the data? National Security?
Here is what the CDC whistleblower (a research scientist still employed by the CDC) states: intentionally omitted data from the 2004 study shows that: African-American boys who receive their first MMR vaccine before the age of 36 months have a 300% increased risk of developing autism.
Presumably, this is what Congressman Posey would learn if the CDC turned over the data to him.
And who knows what else he would learn?
My comment about the CDC thinking it’s the CIA isn’t entirely facetious. In 1987, I confirmed that, routinely, certain CDC employees are sent to Langley, Virginia, for CIA training, and return with top-secret classifications—meaning they can access data that are off-limits to the rest of the CDC and most of the federal government.
Data confirming extensive and ongoing damage caused by vaccines might indeed rate as “classified, National Security,” if by Security you mean “protecting vaccine manufacturers and their government allies.”
As opposed to protecting the public.
Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at


[Papajack] I don't give financial advise but yesterday an article came to light about how the Cabal got laws passed to steal your money in the banks.

PAY ATTENTION it is a real possibility. These demons are desparate. Their kingdom of fraud is crumbling around their ears but this is not a time to let your guard down.

Do your homework and find a safe place to put your blessing. I am doing my checking to find strong banks that didn't do derivatives or toxic mortgages.

There are private high net worth banks that are solid but you have to find them. Some local small banks are honorable as well but only you can decide. Keep in mind these demons are experts at smoke and mirrors, they live there.
Remember the current US Corporation is all built on fraud so it will take time to uncover all the corruption. If the NEW REPUBLIC goes as we all hope it does it will be a good thing but remember these crooks are dug in after 143 years. But we have the HOLY SPIRIT to guide the way if you can tune in. Draw nigh unto GOD, and He will draw nigh unto you.

Several people are giving good advice that you need to develop a working relationship with your bank, I would follow that advice. Remember you are in the drivers seat.

[~taffysmom] Papajack - We just need to find a bank we can trust first. :-(

[Papajack] The information is out there, dig for it. The holdup is the Cabal trying to stay in power and they have bought and paid for most of your elected officials. The USA is the stronghold of these criminals. you are being released from the slavery these demons have caused by deception. Freedom has been an illusion in America for a long, long, time but this is second chance, don't waste it, many good folks are paying a heavy price for this reset. Don't drink the Cabal KOOL AID, do your own research. The PTB are not your friends, they consider themselves your slavemasters.

[Papajack] You can't make a FREE man a slave, but you can't make a slave a free man, only the TRUTH can make you FREE and it's not for the faint of heart. Yahshua didn't go to the cross and set you free, so some demon possessed, greedy, egotistical politician or banker could make a slave out of you.

Papajack] This wealth transfer is for the good of mankind, we can't let the devil steal it without a fight. YOU ARE THE CHURCH!!!! Demons are subject to you. Resist the devil and he will flee, and those that come at you one way, will flee before you 7 ways. IT IS WRITTEN!!!! There I go preaching again. LOL

[Papajack] You all be careful out there, stay thirsty my friends

It's our time, don't you feel it?

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Iraq is moving ahead without the USA GOOD they have been hurt enough just like all of US

Parliament decision: tomorrow's meeting will vote on the permanent committees
الأربعاء 20 آب 2014 21:45 Wednesday 20 August 2014 21:45
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السومرية نيوز/ بغداد Alsumaria News / Baghdad
أعلن مقرر مجلس النواب نيازي معمار اوغلو، الاربعاء، ان جلسة يوم غد ستشهد التصويت على تشكيل اللجان الدائمية بعد تقديم الكتل السياسية لمرشحيها، فيما رجح ادراج قانون المحكمة الاتحادية وقضية قاعدة سبايكر في جدول الاعمال.
Announced the decision of the House of Representatives Niazi architecture Ihsanoglu, Wednesday, that the hearing tomorrow will vote on the formation of permanent committees after the submission of the political blocs for their candidates, while the law favored the inclusion of the Federal Court and the issue of Base Speicher on the agenda.

وقال اوغلو في حديث لـ"السومرية نيوز"، إن "جلسة مجلس النواب ليوم غد الخميس ستشهد التصويت على اللجان الدائمية وانتخاب اعضائها بعد تقديم الكتل السياسية لمرشحيها"، مبيناً أن "انتخاب رؤساء اللجان سيؤجل الى ما بعد تشكيل الحكومة".
Ihsanoglu said in an interview for "Alsumaria News", "The meeting of the Council of Representatives on Thursday will vote on the permanent committees and the election of its members, after the submission of the political blocs for their candidates," noting that "the election of the heads of the committees will be postponed until after the formation of the government."

وأضاف اوغلو أن "جلسة الغد ستشهد أيضاً استكمال مناقشة تقرير النازحين ومعاناتهم"، مرجحاً "ادراج قانون المحكمة الاتحادية وقاعدة سبايكر على جدول اعمال المجلس".
Ihsanoglu added that "tomorrow's meeting will also see the completion of the discussion of the report of the displaced and suffering," likely "the inclusion of the Federal Court Act and the Base Speicher on the agenda of the Council."

وكانت رئاسة مجلس النواب قررت يوم امس الثلاثاء، رفع جلسة المجلس الى يوم غد الخميس، بعد تأجيل التصويت على قانون المحكمة الاتحادية وقراءة بيان بشأن اوضاع آمرلي واليوم العالمي للشباب.
The Presidency of the Council of Representatives decided on Tuesday, the Council adjourned to tomorrow, Thursday, after the postponement of the vote on the law of the Federal Court and read a statement on the situation of Amerli and World Youth Day.


Vinman: Eirbil agreement signed and power sharing formulas are in place.

GOI is finished and all tasks are completed but it is being kept quiet and they are boxed into a corner an inch from announcement goal.

Watch for TRN to move parallel with SDRs as the new financial vehicle replaces the old one.

Shipments to Iraq are waiting to be paid for and FRNs are not being accepted.

Adoptedson: Picture Clues: People don't Plan to Fail, They Fail to Plan!  Have your plan ready for ANY POSSIBLE SCENARIO.

Kurds have a Contract for Energy produced from the Hydro Electric Dam that has been approved.

Parliament have completed all their tasks.

It's Out of the Box and Inching closer to the Goal Line.

Obama is watching the TRN's moving down their tracks.

Calculations are being made by the IMF for the 1st Basket of currencies.
Cargo Ships are waiting for Payment, but not accepting FRN's.

FRN's are as good as Toilet Paper and are Worthless as payment for goods.

Danny Stein: Erbil signed the energy agreement and revenue sharing is agreed upon.

Movement/ work on it by parliament is finished.

While its being kept secret, hidden under the imposed box, the news is peeking/leaking out that the goal has been made.

Watching for TRNs moving parallel with the SDR basket.

Luxury imports are steaming into port for purchase...... are waiting to be offloaded since frns aren't acceptable for global trade anymore. Worthless as TP.

Publicado por FORO DINAR GURUS en 2:40