Saturday, August 30, 2014

Exogen: Where are we Today? Enjoy the Silence!!

Exogen: Where are we Today? Enjoy the Silence!!

Karen Mayfield:
 Spoke with a friend in Iraq.....I'm very happy right now!!!! So I know where I am and where I will be very very soon......;) question to him was I hear that the currency have been revalued and that a celebration is planned for next week. His response was: Yes and a new government we hope that things will be better.....I believe him 100 percent.....we have been friends for a few years now before I got into all this...

blessing galore: 
Thank you for sharing

 What did your friend tell you

Karen Mayfield:
 New currency government seated


Jim Stone, August 29 2014

Ebola update (long overdue)

PermalinkNinfection, vitamin C needs go WAY UP, and in the case of ebola, they go SKY HIGH. So high that all conventional wisdom with regard to vitamin C is irrelevant. The dosings I have below are absolute minimums. Remember, that for as long as ebola is not in your area, do not waste your vitamin C supply by taking more than a tablet per day. If it comes to your area, as a precaution, take 4 or 5 grams per day until you get symptoms, THEN proceed with taking more. This is to preserve your supply until it is really needed

Here are the dosings.

These dosings are based upon extended observation of a puppy with parvo, and how much vitamin C was needed to stop the bleeding in a puppy that had the doggy version of ebola, (I know, Parvovirus is not even close to being the same structurally but it does the same thing - causes a 90 percent mortality rate in untreated puppies over the course of 3 or 4 days, with death caused by massive hemorrhaging.) It is a hemorrhagic virus. I know there will be a few prudes out there who will say this is meaningless in relation to ebola, OK, I heard you. Do nothing and die then.
If I dosed the puppy with 125 mg/KG daily of ascorbic acid, there was reduced but still noticeable internal bleeding. If I dosed the puppy with 125 mg/KG ROSE HIP vitamin C daily, it stopped all bleeding. So rose hip vitamin C works better. But if I dosed the puppy with 175 mg/KG daily of ascorbic acid, this also stopped all bleeding, so ascorbic acid is cheaper at that rate. If I discontinued dosing, life threatening bleeding occurred (and obviously the puppy rapidly got a 175mg/KG dose, which again would immediately stop all bleeding.) It was like vitamin C flipped a switch between life and death for that puppy. Now, two weeks into this (a long time for parvo) I can skip dosing and nothing serious happens. During the entire time, as long as the puppy got it's vitamin C it ate and drank normally, and had only slight symptoms of being a little bit sick. Prior to trying vitamin C, (at the end of day two of the bleeding early on) the puppy was seriously dehydrated and close to death. Vitamin C caused a rapid reversal of this condition.
Vets will say this has to be bogus, because dogs make their own vitamin C. My response? YES, at a rate of 18 mg/KG daily, far below what is needed when a serious illness sets in.
So, now we have two things - a practically assured way to keep any puppy from dying of parvo (a breakthrough by itself), and a possible minimum reference for vitamin C dosing for ebola.

ABSOLUTE MINIMUM DOSING: 200 mg/KG (91 mg/pound) for people. This means that if you weigh 10 pounds, you need a gram a day. If you weigh 100 pounds, you need 8.2 grams per day. A 50 KG woman will need 10 grams. And these are minimums, it will not hurt at all to go much much higher with the dosings.

I experimented with that puppy to find out right where the threshold was. It is 175 (shot down it's throat) plus 18 milligrams/KG the dog naturally produced by itself daily so to keep it all simple just go with 200 mg/kg.

How vitamin C works to stop the damage from ebola (though vitamin C is NOT a cure)

First of all, as anyone who knows about scurvy can state, vitamin C helps blood vessel walls keep their strength. But there is something far more serious at play with ebola that vitamin C impedes. Something even more sinister than blood vessel weakening happens when ebola depletes ALL vitamin C, and that is a greatly accelerated release of blood vessel damaging cytokine IL-6. Any medical professional will be able to quickly look up the fact that vitamin C impedes the release of cytokine IL-6, which ebola causes severe releases of in blood vessel walls. Once released in huge amounts, IL-6 further irritates blood vessel walls to such an extent it can blow holes in them, and this, combined with the already weakened condition from a lack of vitamin C will cause many vessels to rupture.

In short, vitamin C is like a magic ebola bullet that not only curtails the release of blood vessel damaging cytokine IL-6, it also, at the same time, makes blood vessels return at least to normal strength (and possibly beyond with very high dosings.) These two things working together make vitamin C the probable best first line of defense against ebola that is possible.

But there is more to this story than that

Since IL-6 plays a huge role in damaging blood vessels, it is important to stop its release. And there are some very simple foods that can be eaten that facilitate this. The first is green tea. Green tea can curtail cytokine IL-6 release by 21 percent (which pales compared to vitamin C, but would be a bonus). Of similar value are apples, cinnamon, most berries, choke cherries, pomegranite, olive oil, flax seed oil and fish oil.
You should avoid caffeine and chocolate, because though both have the potential to help in some ways, they also have the potential to totally offset all benefit in everything else eaten (but this has not been fully studied out by anyone with regard to ebola as far as I know of,) it is just that doctors who know this a whole lot better than I do say the chemistry could possibly go very negatively, so to be safe, avoid caffeine and chocolate.
The foods mentioned above pretty much round out the list as far as I know, and further playing around with things like garlic (which is great for practically anything) and hot peppers, ginseng and other blood thinning foods will probably be detrimental with a hemorrhagic fever.
The bottom line is that if ebola does take off, those in the know do not just have to sit in fear and wait for death to come. Diet and vitamin C can easily make the difference between practically living normally through it all, or dying.

AND A VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: Unscrupulous scammers are EVERYWHERE who will try to sell you this that and hay from an old barn as an ebola cure, there is a lot of evil out there and I strongly suggest you avoid ALL OF IT, what is here is probably #1 above and beyond any other hope (and I cannot profit from this at all.)

Additionally, it is VERY IMPORTANT to note that the doctor who gave me the lead on Vitamin C and ebola has told me repeatedly that my recommended dosings above are too low, so make sure you have a LOT of vitamin C laying around just in case you need to go far beyond what I have recommended here, and as I have always said, keep your current dosing down to no more than 1 tablet per day at this time, until there is a very good reason to start taking large amounts of vitamin C (to avoid wasting it).

There have been a few doctors out there who have hopped on this issue, to smash the word that Vitamin C actually may work to prevent death from ebola. To them I have to say, PROVE ME WRONG. I may not be a doctor, but I am also not medically illiterate and know legitimate work when I see it, and the above came directly from other doctors who were intrigued, and said THE CHEMISTRY SURE FITS.
To the thinking crowd: Is $20 too much to spend on a large amount of cheap vitamin C purchased in advance as a just in case? So what if for some obscure reason no one calculated it ends up not working, WHAT DID IT COST YOU? Remember, the same doctors who will speak out against this will load your baby up with Thimerosal or a brain eating vaccine administered genetically engineered phage just because the package said to do it, what do they really know anyway?

The following report, from honest doctors, helps bulldoze the liars and adds a LOT of detail.

I came up with the above independent of the following report (and therefore what I say above varies slightly but is pretty much the same.) The following report adds a ton of detail to what I said above. If you can handle a long read, what they say here is EXCELLENT. I have linked the following report simply because it is obviously accurate, and gets into the tiny details I cannot write in with the limited time I have. I thank these honest doctors for laying out the details so nicely.

Commentary by Steve Hickey PhD, Hilary Roberts PhD, and Damien Downing MBBS, MSB.

(OMNS Aug 20, 2014)
If there were a drug that worked on Ebola you should use it. There isn’t. There is only vitamin C. But you must be extremely careful what you believe, because, as it ever was, the Internet is full of dangerous loonies. For coming up to a decade now the OMNS has reported on nutritional therapies; we leave the medical politics to one side and work from the facts. Here are the facts about vitamin C and Ebola.
1. Taking a gram or so of day of vitamin C won’t protect you against anything except acute scurvy; it doesn’t matter whether the vitamin is liposomal, nano-particles, or even gold-plated. Beware of websites, companies, and Youtube clips making wild and unsubstantiated claims about the efficacy of vitamin C.
2. Clinical reports suggest that taking vitamin C almost to bowel tolerance every day (in divided doses) will help to protect you against all viruses. Reports by independent physicians have been consistent for decades. However, the doctors also stipulated most emphatically that the dose and the way you take it must be right – or it will not work. There is no direct placebo controlled “evidence” that massive doses of vitamin C will work on Ebola, and nobody would volunteer to take part in that study. But massive doses are reported to have helped against every virus it has been pitched against. This includes Polio, Dengue and AIDS, and it even makes vaccination work better. In the 1980s when no other treatment was available it was reported that full blown AIDS could be reversed and the patient brought back to reasonable health.[i,ii]
At risk or worried about Ebola? This is what you should do.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is the primary antioxidant in the diet. Most people do not take enough to be healthy. While this is true of many nutrients, vitamin C is a special case. Ignore governments telling you that you only need about 100 mg a day and can get this amount from food. The required amount of vitamin C varies your state of health. A normal adult in perfect health may need only a small intake, say 500 mg per day, but more is needed when someone is even slightly under the weather. Similarly, to prevent illness, the intake needs to be increased.
The intake for an otherwise healthy person to have a reasonable chance of avoiding a common cold is in the region of 8-10 grams (8,000-10,000 mg) a day. This is about ten times what corporate medicine has tested in their trials on vitamin C and the common cold. Ten grams (10,000 mg) is the minimum pharmacological intake; it may help if you have a slight sore throat but more (much more) may be needed. To get rid of a common cold, you may need anything from 20 to 60 grams (60,000 mg) a day. With influenza the need might be for 100 grams (100,000 mg) a day. Since it varies from person to person, and from illness to illness, the only way to find out is to experiment for yourself.
Dynamic flow
The problem with oral intakes is that healthy people do not absorb vitamin C well due to something Dr Robert Cathcart called bowel tolerance. [iii] Take too much of the vitamin in a single dose and it will cause loose stools. In good health, a person might be able to take a couple of grams at a time without this problem. Strangely, when a person becomes sick they can take far more without this side effect: as much as 20-100+ grams a day, in divided doses. [iv]
High dose vitamin C has a short half-life in the body. The half-life is the time for the level in the blood plasma to fall back to half its concentration. Until recently, some people claimed that the half-life of vitamin C was several weeks. We have shown that this long half-life applies only to very low doses.[v] By contrast, the half-life for high blood levels is only half an hour. This short half-life means that for high dose vitamin C the period between doses needs to be short – a few hours at most.
The aim is to achieve dynamic flow, to get vitamin C flowing continuously through the body. Dynamic flow requires multiple high doses taken throughout the day. When separated in time, each dose is absorbed independently. Two doses of 3 grams, taken 12 hours apart, are absorbed better than 6 grams taken all at once. Multiple large doses, say 3 grams four times a day, produce a steady flow of the vitamin from the gut, into the bloodstream and out, via the urine. Some of the intake is not absorbed into the blood and stays in the gut, as a reserve against the early onset of illness. As illness begins, the body pulls in this “excess” to help fight the virus.
The idea behind dynamic flow is that the body is kept in a reduced (antioxidant) state, using high doses. There is always vitamin C available, to refresh the body and other antioxidants. Each vitamin C molecule (ascorbic acid) has two antioxidant electrons, which it can donate to protect the body. It then becomes oxidised to dehydroascorbate (DHA). This oxidized molecule is then excreted, so the body has gained two antioxidant electrons. The kidneys reabsorb vitamin C, but not DHA; the vitamin C molecule is absorbed, used up, and then the oxidized form is thrown out with the rubbish.
The effectiveness of vitamin C is not directly proportional to the dose; it is non-linear. There is a threshold above which vitamin C becomes highly effective. Below this level, the effect is small; above it, the effect is dramatic. The problem is that no-one can tell you in advance what intake of vitamin C you need. The solution is to take more – more than you think necessary, more than you consider reasonable. The mantra is dose, dose, dose.
Types of Vitamin C
Straightforward, low cost ascorbic acid is the preferred form of supplement. Vendors may try to sell you “better absorbed” forms with minerals or salts such as sodium, potassium or calcium ascorbate, and so on. These are irrelevant, if not counterproductive, for high intakes.
It is worth noting the following:
Timing is more important than form. Two large doses of ascorbic acid taken a little time apart are better absorbed than a single dose of mineral ascorbate.
Mineral ascorbates are salts and do not carry the same number of antioxidant electrons. Ascorbic acid has two electrons to donate while a salt typically has only one. With high doses, the “improved” forms are thus only about half as effective. This is consistent with reports that mineral forms are correspondingly ineffective in combating illness.
Ascorbic acid is a weak acid, much weaker than the hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Mineral ascorbates may be better tolerated, as they make the stomach more alkaline than ascorbic acid. However, an alkaline stomach is not a good idea – there are reasons the body secretes hydrochloric acid into the stomach, including preventing infection. Furthermore, if you are coming down with a haemorrhagic viral infection, mild discomfort will not be something of great concern.
For high intakes, capsules of ascorbic acid are preferable to tablets. This is because tablets are packed with fillers and it is not wise to take massive doses of these chemicals. Check the ingredients – you want to take ascorbic acid and very little else. Bioflavonoids are alright, and the capsules may be made with gelatine or a vegetarian equivalent.
The cheapest way to take ascorbic acid is as powder, dissolved in water. If you do this, use a straw to avoid it getting on the tooth enamel, as it is slightly acidic. You will need a set of accurate electronic scales to monitor the dose. If you do not weigh it carefully, it will be difficult to keep close to bowel tolerance.
Intravenous Vitamin C
Ideally, infected people would be given a continuous intravenous (IV) infusion of massive doses of vitamin C (sodium ascorbate is preferred as ascorbic acid is irritant to veins).
People who are sufficiently ill will not be able to take vitamin C by mouth.
IV provides the highest possible blood levels
IV means continuous drip, not an injection (short half-life)
Unless you are a medical professional who can treat yourself and your family, or are exceptionally rich, IV ascorbate will not be an option in an Ebola outbreak. (Admin insert - and therefore stocking up on cheap ascorbic acid in tablet or powder form will be the thing to do.)

Rectal Vitamin C
Rectal administration of sodium ascorbate is a method that can be used in emergencies, and in developing world circumstances, when IV is unavailable or unsuitable. Nurses can quickly be trained to mix 15-30 g of sodium ascorbate in 250-500 ml clean water, and give it by enema. It can be safely and effectively used in children. An enema also removes from the bowel material that may be challenging. This has been done successfully with aboriginal people in the Australian outback.
In healthy people, liposomes help the absorption of oral vitamin C; in some circumstances this is also true for sick people. However, we need to dispel some popular myths.
In a healthy person, higher blood levels (about 600 microM/L) can be achieved using liposomal vitamin C compared with standard ascorbic acid (about 250 microM/L). We were the first to demonstrate this fact experimentally.[vi] However, the two absorption methods are different and if both are used together the resultant plasma levels are additive (something like 600 + 250 = 850 microM/L). Since ascorbic acid is much cheaper than liposomal vitamin C, it is cost effective for a healthy person to start with ascorbic acid and top up with liposomes as required.
When a person becomes ill they can absorb massive doses of standard ascorbic acid, using the dynamic flow approach. So if you are sick, taking a gram of liposomal vitamin C instead of a gram of cheap ascorbic acid will provide little extra benefit. Both will be well absorbed , and the liposome contains sodium ascorbate which is less effective. Liposomes only provide added benefit once the sick person has approached bowel tolerance levels, using standard ascorbic acid.
Liposomal vitamin C is NOT more effective than IV for fighting acute infections. This suggestion is unscientific and unsupported by data. We prefer liposomes for chronic infections and cancer, but this does not extend to acute illness. There is also a lot of hype around the fact that liposomes can be absorbed directly into cells. Many liposomes are absorbed from the gut and pass into the liver, where they are stored and the vitamin C released. Liposomes may also float around in the bloodstream, lymph nodes, and so on, waiting to release their contents or be taken up by cells. But the cells that take up the liposomes are not necessarily those that are most in need of vitamin C. Moreover cells may suffer side effects; liposomes are basically nanotechnology and have additional theoretical issues.
To have a reasonable chance of avoiding a major viral infection, a daily intake of at least 10 grams of ascorbic acid is needed. The idea is to start low, taking say 500 -1,000 mg four times a day. Build up the intake to close to bowel tolerance; increased wind and large soft stools will occur before diarrhea signals that bowel tolerance has been exceeded. At this stage, back off the dose a little, to a reasonably comfortable level.
Admin insert - this goes along with my initial advice - take ONE tablet per day until ebola is in your area, when ebola arrives increase this to 4 or 5 grams per day. If you stop having soft stools from over doing it, it means you have a virus (because your body will start taking in the vitamin C) so THEN start taking large amounts. /insert
At the first hint of an infection – feeling unwell, itchy throat, fatigue, and so on – take more ascorbic acid. If the hint of impending sickness is mild, take perhaps 5 grams every half hour or even more frequently. Anything more than a hint of infection, take as large a dose as you feel could be tolerated and follow this by taking 5 grams every half hour. The rule is to take as much as you can without going over the tolerated level: you will probably be taking too little, even though you are trying hard to take a massive dose.
If you are already in dynamic flow and want extra protection, then add liposomal vitamin C. Take it at the same intervals as the ascorbic acid; that is several times a day. The limit is once again bowel tolerance – take too much and it will give you loose stools. This will provide the maximum preventive effect, for the lowest cost.

Admin insert - LOOSE STOOLS ARE THE KEY. If you are not getting diahreea it means you need MORE VITAMIN C. If you are getting diahreea, CUT BACK because you are wasting it.

We assume that you are not a medical professional and do not have access to IV ascorbate. However, if IV sodium ascorbate is available, it should be given slowly and as continuously as possible. For children, enemas may be the most practical method (we hope to publish practical instructions for this soon). Medical professionals can deal with such things with little difficulty, but others may do more harm than good.
The first important thing is to start the treatment early. The longer a person waits after the initial symptoms, the less effective the treatment will be. Also if the illness is allowed to develop the sick person may become unable to take anything orally.
Once again, the idea is to get dynamic flow going with as much ascorbic acid as can be tolerated. In this case, the doses are massive. Five to ten grams every half hour, through the day, will provide 120 to 240 grams a day. Even at this high intake, the blood plasma levels may be low or undetectable; at most 250 microM/L will be achieved. So the question then becomes how much additional liposomal vitamin C the patient can tolerate.
A practical approach would be to start with 5 grams of ascorbic acid and a similar amount of liposomal vitamin C in very frequent doses. Remember the key is dose, dose, dose. More vitamin C!
How it Works
The mechanism of action of high dose vitamin C is known and understood. In normal healthy tissues it acts as an antioxidant. In other tissues, it generates hydrogen peroxide, the chemical that platinum blondes use to bleach their hair. This happens in sick and inflamed tissues, for example in a malignant tumour. The process is typically a form of Fenton reaction, generating free radicals. The oxidation and free radicals arising from the hydrogen peroxide kill bacteria and inactivate viruses. In other words, vitamin C acts as a targeted bleach and antiseptic.

Admin insert - IL-6 Cytokine inhibition via vitamin C with regard to ebola is ebola specific, and something these doctors do not know about. But that is largely irrelevant since they at least clearly state here that vitamin C is the key /insert

Vitamin C is unique, because it has low toxicity and can be taken safely in massive amounts. Other antioxidants and supplements will not have a similar effect. Do not be confused and think that Echinacea, for example, will help. Yes, there may be supplements and herbs that provide a little immune system support, but this is Ebola we are talking about – get real!
Note, vitamin C is not some magical antitoxin; this idea is a metaphor. A disease such as Ebola is not caused by toxins that are inactivated by vitamin C. Free radicals are not toxins. Oxidants are not toxins. Vitamin C nearly always acts by transferring electrons, as an oxidant or antioxidant. It is just basic chemistry. Also, it does not matter if you have poor dental hygiene, this will hardly affect how massive intakes of vitamin C tackle an acute viral infection.
Interactions Sugar interferes with the uptake of vitamin C. If you are using vitamin C to combat a viral infection do not eat any sugar or carbohydrates (long chain sugars) or the vitamin C will not be absorbed properly. We stress that this means no sugar and no carbs, at all.
Smoking releases enormous amounts of oxidants and free radicals into the bloodstream. The vitamin C will expend itself, trying to mop up the chemicals from the smoking. We have no moral objections to people smoking: it is a personal choice. However, smoking will hinder even massive doses of vitamin C from preventing infection. Once infected with Ebola, smoking will stop the vitamin C from keeping you alive.
It is sensible also to supplement with a little chelated magnesium, such as magnesium citrate, which helps overcome the (largely theoretical) risk of kidney stones.
The reaction that generates hydrogen peroxide in sick tissues can be enhanced a little by taking selenium with the vitamin C. A little caution is needed as too much selenium will cause diarrhoea, fatigue, garlic breath, and hair and nail loss; severe toxicity can have more severe effects but is hard to achieve. Methylselenocysteine is a less toxic form and this would be our choice. The normal intake is perhaps 100-200 micrograms (0.1-0.2 mg) a day; we would take 400 micrograms a day during an epidemic and up this to 1,000 micrograms (one milligram) a day, at the initial onset of symptoms. It is possible to go up to 3 mg for short periods, with medical supervision.
Other supplements may be synergistic with vitamin C. Alpha-lipoic acid can be taken at reasonably high levels reasonably safely. We would take up to a gram or two a day (1,000-2,000 mg) in the short term. Vitamin K also helps with blood clotting and is safe in the recommended amounts – we would get the highest dose vitamin K2 supplement available. Note vitamin K is contraindicated in those with clotting disease or those on blood thinners such as warfarin.
The only established side effects of ascorbate therapy are wind, loose bowels and chronic good health. There are some contraindications; people with kidney disease, iron overload disease, or glucose-6-phosphatase deficiency should not immediately take high doses of vitamin C. In the setting of an epidemic they can start as we recommend but should increase more cautiously, with appropriate medical monitoring.
Why Put This Out?
People need to know that vitamin C is an option for fighting Ebola, and how it works. There is a great deal of misinformation, particularly on the internet, both from vested interests and from “loonies”. Moreover, in an Ebola epidemic vitamin C supplements may be hard to source.
This account is intended for intelligent adults, who can make their own rational decisions and take responsibility for their health. We strongly promote the idea that medicine should be based on rational patients, rather than authoritarian doctors. Doctors are there to provide the information for patients, to help them choose between available options. This is information only – what you decide to do with it is up to you.
In our opinion the use of vitamin C in Ebola is a no-brainer. Get the illness and, it is said, you have at best a 50-50 chance of surviving without vitamin C-based therapy. Corporate medicine has no effective treatment. Furthermore, if a drug were available, it would be untested and almost certainly unavailable to you, dear reader. Vitamin C is considered safe and should do no harm. The cost of treatment is low. The clinical reports of vitamin C in viral infection are that if you get the dose right, you will survive. Vitamin C is known experimentally to inactivate viruses. In the event, we hope people make rational decisions.

If you hate this web site (but hit it anyway because you have a web site and get tips from here like Gordon Duff) and you do not want to link this site, AT LEAST link to the report by these doctors, it is so close to what I said anyway that it can be considered at least as good.

FEMA Caught Hoarding

You’re not going to believe what just happened to a friend of mine…
We all know that Obama and Big Government have been up to some seriously shady stuff (IRS scandal, NSA cover-up, etc), but this one really takes the cake…
My friend Frank Bates has been working on putting together some pretty incredible survival food packages at prices that any patriot can afford, and I guess FEMA must have got wind of what he was doing, because FEMA just contacted his supplier and attempted to buy up his ENTIRE stockpile.
FEMA’s been caught red-handed hoarding survival food!
Check out the shocking proof at the 3-minute mark of this controversial new video… watch it before they make him take it down for good.
Don’t worry, Frank has already reassured me that he’s going to keep his food out of FEMA’s hands no matter what… even though he could probably make a fortune by “selling out” to the government at marked-up prices.
But Frank has asked me to spread the word that if you are interested in claiming your personal survival food package… the “stockpilers’ dream” with a 25-year shelf life called by some folks “the #1 item to hoard”… you need to act fast.
Frank wants to get his survival food into the hands of people like you and me as quickly as possible, before the government finds a way to lock it up in a secret warehouse somewhere.
Why do you need your own survival food stockpile? Because when the “you know what” hits the fan and all the freeloaders are marching in streets cleaning out every grocery store like a swarm of locusts, you don’t want to be in the same boat as the brainwashed masses and herded into FEMA camps.
If you get your food stockpile now, imagine how much better you’ll feel immediately knowing that if a crisis hits, you will calmly reassure your family that they’re safe and they will have plenty to eat.
I strongly recommend you check out Frank’s new video right now and get your own food stockpile immediately. FEMA probably hates his video and will do anything to take it down, so it might be taken offline at any moment.
>> Click here to watch video
P.S. Frank’s story has gone viral on Facebook, and just did a report on it confirming that "FEMA is contacting storable food suppliers requesting immediate delivery of food reserves within a 24 hour period, increasing suspicions that the federal government is accelerating its preparations for social disorder or an environmental calamity." Click here to get your food stockpile before they're gone.BREAKING NEWS: You’re not going to believe what just happened to a friend of mine…
We all know that Obama and Big Government have been up to some seriously shady stuff (IRS scandal, NSA cover-up, etc), but this one really takes the cake…
My friend Frank Bates has been working on putting together some pretty incredible survival food packages at prices that any patriot can afford, and I guess FEMA must have got wind of what he was doing, because FEMA just contacted his supplier and attempted to buy up his ENTIRE stockpile.
FEMA’s been caught red-handed hoarding survival food!
Check out the shocking proof at the 3-minute mark of this controversial new video… watch it before they make him take it down for good.
Don’t worry, Frank has already reassured me that he’s going to keep his food out of FEMA’s hands no matter what… even though he could probably make a fortune by “selling out” to the government at marked-up prices.
But Frank has asked me to spread the word that if you are interested in claiming your personal survival food package… the “stockpilers’ dream” with a 25-year shelf life called by some folks “the #1 item to hoard”… you need to act fast.
Frank wants to get his survival food into the hands of people like you and me as quickly as possible, before the government finds a way to lock it up in a secret warehouse somewhere.
Why do you need your own survival food stockpile? Because when the “you know what” hits the fan and all the freeloaders are marching in streets cleaning out every grocery store like a swarm of locusts, you don’t want to be in the same boat as the brainwashed masses and herded into FEMA camps.
If you get your food stockpile now, imagine how much better you’ll feel immediately knowing that if a crisis hits, you will calmly reassure your family that they’re safe and they will have plenty to eat.
I strongly recommend you check out Frank’s new video right now and get your own food stockpile immediately. FEMA probably hates his video and will do anything to take it down, so it might be taken offline at any moment.
>> Click here to watch video
P.S. Frank’s story has gone viral on Facebook, and just did a report on it confirming that "FEMA is contacting storable food suppliers requesting immediate delivery of food reserves within a 24 hour period, increasing suspicions that the federal government is accelerating its preparations for social disorder or an environmental calamity." Click here to get your food stockpile before they're gone.

Imminent Terrorist Attack Warning By Feds on US Borde

Imminent Terrorist Attack Warning By Feds on US Border

AUGUST 29, 2014

Islamic terrorist groups are operating in the Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez and planning to attack the United States with car bombs or other vehicle born improvised explosive devices (VBIED). High-level federal law enforcement, intelligence and other sources have confirmed to Judicial Watch that a warning bulletin for an imminent terrorist attack on the border has been issued.  Agents across a number of Homeland Security, Justice and Defense agencies have all been placed on alert and instructed to aggressively work all possible leads and sources concerning this imminent terrorist threat.
Specifically, the government sources reveal that the militant group Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) is confirmed to now be operating in Juarez, a famously crime-infested narcotics hotbed situated across from El Paso, Texas. Violent crimes are so rampant in Juarez that the U.S. State Department has issued a number of travel warnings for anyone planning to go there. The last one was issued just a few days ago.
Intelligence officials have picked up radio talk and chatter indicating that the terrorist groups are going to “carry out an attack on the border,” according to one JW source.  “It’s coming very soon,” according to another high-level source, who clearly identified the groups planning the plots as “ISIS and Al Qaeda.” An attack is so imminent that the commanding general at Ft. Bliss, the U.S. Army post in El Paso, is being briefed, JW’s sources say. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) did not respond to multiple inquiries from Judicial Watch, both telephonic and in writing, about this information.
The disturbing inside intelligence comes on the heels of news reports revealing that U.S. intelligence has picked up increased chatter among Islamist terror networks approaching the 13th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. While these terrorists reportedly plan their attack just outside the U.S., President Obama admits that “we don’t have a strategy yet” to combat ISIS. “I don’t want to put the cart before the horse,” the commander-in-chief said this week during a White House press briefing. “I think what I’ve seen in some of the news reports suggest that folks are getting a little further ahead of what we’re at than what we currently are.”
The administration has also covered up, or at the very least downplayed, a serious epidemic of crime along the Mexican border even as heavily armed drug cartels have taken over portions of the region. Judicial Watch has reported that the U.S. Border Patrol actually ordered officers to avoid the most crime-infested stretches because they’re “too dangerous” and patrolling them could result in an “international incident” of cross border shooting. In the meantime, who could forget the famous words of Obama’s first Homeland Security Secretary, Janet Napolitano; the southern border is “as secure as it has ever been.”
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August 2014 - Information & Clarification of Items Regarding the Estate of Alvina Jewell Robbins Burgin …

Subject: August 2014 - Information & Clarification of Items Regarding the Estate of Alvina Jewell Robbins Burgin

August 2014 - Information & Clarification of Items Regarding the Estate of Alvina Jewell Robbins Burgin …

Everyone is wanting information at this time … There are many rumors, speculation, opinions and the like floating around online and in personal conversations with people that folks are taking as “truth” when the information is NOT 100% Truth … There are some who want to put out trinkets of information and do not communicate how things fit into the Probate Process and that causes confusion with the many investors … For Example:  The latest is the post about updating addresses and name change and sending postage stamps or donations / monies for this … This does not line up with what is going on at the Probate Court at this time We will explain further down in this correspondence … 

We all want information and want to know what is really happening, do we not? … This Correspondence & Information is to give some clarification for individuals to make up their own minds and think for oneself with the information provided … Please feel free to forward this e-mail or online post to those in your circles of family and friends that have invested in things …

Our comments are direct and to the point … Some may not like what we communicate, but we only desire for the truth to come forward and bring closure for the many thousands of investors, good, bad or indifferent

There are many groups of different investors that have given Jewell and her family their hard earned monies over the years for the purchase of Sales & Assignments (S & A’s as we know them), Shares, Conveyances, Love Offerings, Gifts, Monies for Stamps, Monies for Travel Expenses, Monies for Documentation from Court and Clerks Offices, Monies for Lawyers / Attorneys / Legal Consultations and the list goes on and on … Some have received actual documentation for their investment (S & A’s, Share’s & Conveyances Issued) … Others have NOT received documentation and only received a promise that the monies, gifts and the like would be turned into a return on investment down the road and hold onto the hope that the Administrators of the Estate will hold up their end of the bargain and make it happen …

At this time it is important that we understand some things about the Probate Process and how it does work … This is ALL about Probate and the Court has the Law to follow …

People have not been happy because of the lack of information … We have tried to communicate on several occasions that the only REAL Authority on this subject is THE PROBATE COURT, THE JUDGE & THE OFFICERS OF THE COURT … We have given everyone ALL information that has come from each one of these folks in 100% detail by scanning the documents and posting them online … The truth has and is being communicated as it comes out of the Court and again THE PROBATE COURT, THE JUDGE & THE OFFICERS OF THE COURT ARE OUR ONLY REAL SOURCE OF INFORMATION FOR THE ACTUAL TRUTH AT THIS TIME … If you are hearing things and it does NOT come from one of the source listed above, please do not take the comment to heart, not take it as gospel truth, because it will not be real truth …
Our last update was sent out by e-mail and posted online in late April 2014 … THERE HAS BEEN NO FURTHER UPDATES FROM THE COURT SINCE THAT TIME …

Let us take a moment and review some very important things …


Why is this important? … Because Kentucky Law States that when one dies any “ALL AGREEMENTS, CONTRACTS AND THE LIKE BELONG TO THE DECENDENTS ESTATE” … Our Investments are property of Jewell’s Estate and will be Administrated by the Laws of the State of Kentucky (Probate Law) where Jewell lived and conducted her personal affairs …

Angela J. Carter (Jewell’s oldest daughter) is appointed as the Estate Representative by the Court … She is fully responsible for 100% of Jewell’s total estate … THERE ARE NO OTHER FAMILY MEMBERS GIVEN ANY AUTHORITY WITH ORDERS FROM THE COURT … THIS MEANS THAT JEWELL’S DAUGHTER PAM ISAACS DOES NOT HAVE ANY AUTHORITY TO REPRESENT ANY PORTION OF OR HER MOTHER’S ESTATE, contrary to what she is telling people … ANGELA CARTER IS 100% RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ESTATE OF ALVINA JEWELL ABNEY ROBBINS BURGIN’S ESTATE (her mother) …

Robert H. Mercer is appointed as the Estate “Special” Representative with the SOLE responsibility to COLLECT FUNDS DUE TO JEWELL’S ESTATE Pursuant to Contracts and Agreements that Jewell had in force as an INDIVIDUAL at the time of her death … Mr. Mercer has his responsibilities laid out as to his duties and he is to report to Angela Carter and to the Probate Court with his activities …

From what we can understand Mr. Mercer is doing just exactly what he told the Judge he would do … Although his reports filed with the court are vague without specific details of names, places and the like – He has communicated with the Court that they have located a source of funds and are actively pursuing the collections of the funds and will follow the Orders of the Court and turn over the funds due to the Contracts/Agreements amount due Jewell to the Probate Court in an Account in the Registry of the Court …

Please understand that Mr. Mercer is working under direct authority & orders of the Probate Judge and for banks, financial companies, oil companies and holding companies to turn over monies, they will only do it with a Judge’s Order and it tells what to do with the funds … Again, a business, bank and the like will NOT turn over funds to people without the directive from a Judge telling them where the funds go …

Another thing to understand is the complexity of what is happening … One must prove that the funds belongs to whom they say … You must provide detailed information to get funds released … So you are dealing with multiple states, multiple counties, multiple pieces of land, multiple chains of titles, multiple oil companies, multiple banks, multiple oil and gas leases, multiple law firms, multiple attorneys, multiple legal specialists and THE LIST GOES ON AND ON … Things are NOT just a simple turn the monies over … Even though you know where the funds are, you must prove they belong to the individual connected to the contract/agreements put forth …

What men did Jewell sell investments on? …

James A. Meaders of Dallas County, Texas whom died October 1925 … The investments were from agreements with first line heir Abbie Lou Meaders / from a variety of different Counties in Texas concerning James A. Meaders (NOT MEADOWS) investments - Jefferson County, Shelby County, Polk County, Atascosa County, and Panola County …

W. R. Meadows (William Richard) of Tarrant County, Texas whom died September 1935 … The investment were made from agreements with the first line heirs regarding W. R.’s business activities … He was an Oil Wildcatter Driller, a Pipeline Owner & had a well-established and known business in Oil & Gas Industry – Barkley & Meadows  …

J. P. Barkley (James Patton) of Wichita County, Texas whom died November 1939 … The investments were made from agreement with the first line heirs regarding J. P.‘s business activities as a partner with W. R. … He was W. R.’s business partner (50/50) and best friend …

The above listed individuals Jewell physically sold actual Sale & Assignment (S&A’s), Shares & Conveyances on … These are the individuals Jewell’s Estate is collecting on …

What is happening on the Court Docket …

The next scheduled hearing is November 27, 2014 and it lists “SETTLEMENT” as the topic for the hearing … If one calls the Clerk’s Office what they will hear is that there is a hearing scheduled for the November and the topic is “Settlement” … This is what they will say if you call in … Folks are making an assessment that this means it is a settlement and everything will be finished and done … This is NOT true!!!!!!! …

First of all … November 27th, if you check you calendar you will see that this date is THANKSGIVING DAY … No court hearing taking place that day … How did this happen? … When we went to Court the very first time the Judge told us when she opened up Jewell’s Probate on December 13, 2012 for the Court computer to receive the Probate Case she need to enter an ending date … Since most Probate Cases last 18 to 30 months she randomly selected 11/27/2014 because it was about two years from when the case was filed and need the date for the system to take the case and open it … She had no idea that it was Thanksgiving Day at that time …


The other thing she communicated to us was that the “Settlement Day” was a day that the Heirs (in this case Jewells Nine Children) of the Estate would “Settle Up” and get paid and close out the Estate … THERE CANNOT NOT BE A SETTLEMENT DAY BECAUSE THE CREDITORS / CLAIMANTS HAVE NOT BEEN PAID … WE GET PAID BEFORE THE JEWELL’S CHILDREN GET PAID AND THAT HAS NOT HAPPENED … The Judge stated to us on May 30, 2013 that the Settlement date would most certainly be moved because of the complexity of this Probate Case and it was up to the Administrator to request the extension when the timetable got close to that day … It is a mere formality …

Now when we went to Court the very first time May 30, 2013 we found out Kentucky Probate Law states that ONE MUST FILE A CLAIM WITH THE PROBATE COURT CONCERNING THE ESTATE … IN THIS CASE IT IS JEWELL’S ESTATE AND THE LAW SAYS THERE IS A SIX MONTH PERIOD TO FILE A CLAIM …


KENTUCKY LAW STATES THAT IF YOU DO NOT FILE A CLAIM WITHIN THE SIX MONTH PERIOD YOU GIVE UP ALL LEGAL RIGHTS TO PURSUE AND RECOVER ANY CLAIM AGAINST HER ESTATE, The Law states that if you sue the Estate, the Administrators of the Estate, the Heirs of the Estate (her nine children) the litigation will be dismissed due to not filing a claim in the active claims period … Kentucky is the only state that has this requirement in their law and there has never been a case won to overturn the ruling in Kentucky …

So what are we saying … We are saying … IF YOU DID NOT FILE A CLAIM WITH THE PROBATE COURT YOU HAVE NO LEGAL STANDING TO COLLECT ON ANYTHING … So for all of you folks that are being led by PAM ISAACS and are being promised the sun and moon --- YOU ARE BEING MISLED AND BEING TAKEN FOR A RIDE THAT LEAD NO WHERE BUT DISAPPOINTMENT! … ALL THIS STUFF PAM IS TELLING PEOPLE IS MISLEADING FOLKS … People are in for a big letdown unless you filed a claim before the close of the period …

What people are being told is that our activities at the Court are all made up and false, nothing happened … THIS IS NOT TRUE … We have reported what has gone on each step of the way … IF YOU DID NOT FILE A CLAIM YOU LOSE … IT IS THE LAW …

Jewell’s nine children had the opportunity to let everyone know about the six month claims period and failed to do so … The estate did meet the requirement of the law by placing an announcement of her death in the local Jessamine County Newspaper for one day (this is all the law required) …

So, if you are hoping Jewell’s children are going to take care of you … Don’t hold your breath, because you already lost when you did not file your claim …

What has Jewell’s children told us of our investment since Jewell’s death? … ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!! … NOT ONE TRUTHFUL ANNOUNCEMENT ON ANY FORUM OR E-MAIL …And folks think Pam and the family is going to take care of them??? …

The reason we decided to do this message that we received dozens of e-mails from people about Pam Isaacs’s activities and what she is telling them to do regarding updating information at Jewell’s P. O. Box and online with the P G of 7 organizations and all the weekly phone calls …

P G of 7 leadership … Wake up and smell the coffee! … Pam is leading you down a road to disappointment for your faithful members that have invested in this … We tried to get messages to you folks when the claims period was open and your guy (Enoch) shut out the truth and told us though a few of your membership, that all our case was just made up and not true, WRONG … Yes, even the elect will be deceived … Your leadership has led your expected blessing astray! … Leadership, our door is open if you want the truth …

The people who filed claims with the Probate Court are the ones whom are protected and this is the ABSOLUTE TRUTH!!! …

We all want more information, please be patient because in time we all will see things and know … There is a Probate Process to follow … It is not quick and the Judge told us all that this way going to take some time …

And please be considerate to those working in the Clerk’s Office in the Courthouse …They do not need to be bombarded with hundreds and hundreds of phone call, yet thousands when there really is NO new things to report




Akm Imran:Bottom line is Iraq looks phenomenal. The full GOI was formally seated and announced yesterday evening in the 11 oClock news, at the mosques and other places. Everyone is getting really happy. 

There are plans throughout the country and the next question is “where is our RV?” I think it’s pretty close behind it, with plans being executed as we speak to prepare for the change in rate RIGHT NOW. The expectation is that the RV is coming shortly...with the US and the world ready to handle exchanges

Conference Call from TNT Tony - Notes

Conference Call from TNT Tony - Notes

(Notes by Adept1):

Replay 805.399.1500, PIN CODE 409029#

Tony:  Good morning, TNT!  It is Friday, August 29, 2014.  You can see we are in a really, really good mood for a really, really good reason that we’re going to get to.  First of all, I had breakfast with some TNT members this morning – thanks, it was good meeting you. I am live in Pastor Sugg’s studio right this moment – 106.9 WBN radio.  We are having a good time, though I can’t do any cussing because I’m in the pastor’s radio booth.

It’s a really, really good day.  We’ll start will what’s going on in Iraq in the last 24 hours. We don’t want to know what’s going on it US!

DC:  They have had a great 24 hours and it keeps getting better and better. I will try to talk more slowly.  Bottom line is Iraq look phenomenal.  The full GOI was formally seated and announced yesterday evening in the 11 oClock news, at the mosques and other places.  Everyone is getting really happy.  There are plans throughout the country and the next question is “where is our RV?”  I think it’s pretty close behind it, with plans being executed as we speak to prepare for the change in rate RIGHT NOW.

Tony:  I put all the air in this balloon and you just let the air out!  You do know the details but you’re just not telling them!

DC:  I don’t want to step on anyone’s toes.  Notifications have been going out for the last couple days and again after the GOI business to the banks, merchants, and all the rest.  They are being told to use the small change and lower denominations in a very tight timeline. They have trainers at all the banks and major merchants, and even to the customs agents.  They have all been put in place and ready to go.  There have been preparations for celebrations and announcements, including places, things, food, etc, in Baghdad and throughout the country.  Police and military have been put on notice so that no one takes advantage of all the happy people.  All the parliamentarians are in their places, speeches have been prepared, and all announcement arrangements have been made.  Why would they do all this if they were not prepared to do this soon?

Tony:  At breakfast they asked, “Who is DC for real?  What agency does he work for? Was he told to watch you or did he volunteer?”  I said that he’s there to make sure I don’t say what I shouldn’t say.  I would tell you everything!  That’s why DC is giving you the information!  It’s a great day to be a dinarian – really, really exciting.  You handled that well;  I might have taken one or two steps too far.

DC:  Let’s leave it there.  We don’t want to give anyone an excuse to do anything stupid.  So we’ll just let it be.

Tony:  We are having fun, because it’s a fun time!

DC:  A bit more on Iraq… their situation because of ISIL has been in the news, but most of what you see in the US has been based on Syria.  With US air strikes and coalition special forces, the Iraqi  forces have done a great job knocking them back and also destroying their financial networks.

In the US, they have been preparing for some time, some tests of have been run, and now everyone feels confident and excited about the next stages for us and the rest of the US economy and the world economy.  The administration and the two parties are all very excited about where this leads and what it does and what a major event it is for the world.  Also, they are prepared in the US.  Everyone is prepared, they have their plans in place, and have been practicing.

Tony:  We will just do this call until the top of the next hour.  Please just ask one very exciting question so that we can cover as many as possible, okay?

559 caller:  AMEN to all the positive, wonderful things said about everyone on this call.  The only way we can pay you back is by paying it forward. Our foundation is creating water wells in Africa, and a medical facility in Sudan we want to help, and other projects in Africa need help. There are two disaster relief organizations in the US, one with hot meals and the other with trucks full of things for people who have been devastated by disasters.  Also, look on RayRen’s site about trusts and foundations.

Do we need to give the trust EIN on the call or for the appointments?

Will all the banks be offering the same contract rates?

DC:  I don’t think they will ask for SS or EIN numbers on the initial call.

Tony:  We do not know… we have not got the package yet … but I think the banks will be competitive but we don’t’ know the exact rates.  Also, every bank updates at a different time of the day, so there is a key for you in there.

313 caller:  On Wednesday’s call, someone brought up about the exchange, the lady in Atlanta, and DC said the 800 number situation kept changing and you might not be able to know if there would be 800 numbers.  If not, are they still going to send us to specific locations?  How will we know what to do and where to go?  Will you do the NDA at once and shut down and then we will have to fend for ourselves?  I have this stuff set up, but newer people might not know where to look or how to get there.

Tony:  If they don’t do what they should do or what they said they would do for the last two years, will I sacrifice myself and NOT sign the NDA so that I can give you the intel?

Caller:  Will you be able to tweet the information, or will the procedure go as planned?

Tony:  Here is what is supposed to happen.  If I get the call that I’m shut down, then they will have to send out the information.  If something else happens and I haven’t signed the NDA, I can say whatever I want.  But we don’t know which one it’s going to be.  My hope and understanding is that they would send out 800 numbers with some kind of instructions so that people don’t pile up at the banks. I just don’t think they will let things happen that way.  I think people are smarter than that.  Maybe they have another plan we don’t’ know about.  But we also have DC’s phone and address…

Caller:  You said at one point that you might have to give your TNT list to them;  will that help smooth the process.

Tony:  That’s the only way I would give out my list, is if that benefits you.  If they wanted to send out personal emails so that you can go to the bank as part of that loose group, then I would do it.  Otherwise, I do not give my list to anyone.  I got into this because someone asked me to walk them through this situation. Then we started the twitter campaign to make sure that we are treated fairly, that we could get the international rate and some of the contract rate. That’s the only reason I’m here. It’s all about you guys.  Once we got involved, well, I do know where the bodies are buried.  Myself, I can always take care of myself, in terms of the rate.  If the rate comes out at a dollar, I an work with that because I know how to multiply that.  So this is about you, those who have been listening and waiting for all this time.  Even if we don’t do the 7-14 days, I feel responsible to give you guys some kind of help and guidance.

Caller:  If there are not 800 numbers, we don’t know if  or where there are exchange centers, and then we just have to walk into our local banks and ask to see the screen?

Tony:  You are asking me what to do in a scenario that I’m not sure will happen and doesn’t make sense anyway.  It would just create chaos at the banks with everyone telling all their neighbors, and everyone with their different stories and all the rest.  I just don’t see them doing that.

Caller:  I am Chaldean, living in the USA, and I have a lot of friends in the old country.  I run your information by them, and it has proven to be so. [appreciation]

Tony:  DC is right, nobody owes us anything, we do this out of the kindness of our hearts, and now we are in so deep that people are relying on us.  Pam, DC, Ray, our mods all do this for free, and they are here and in the chat rooms all the time.  They are people who care about people and that’s our way of paying it forward.

DC:  We got in this to help folks out, and our concern for everyday people about the 800 numbers and such, is not so much about different rates, but more concerned about getting educated the right way. This is new and scary for some, and sometimes it’s overlooked by the planning and legal people that these are everyday folks who haven’t been living in their world for the last ten years. That’s why we want to walk you through the process as we’ve been doing here.

Tony: We’re not scared of the banks, but of people not understanding the process.

717 caller:  It’s Zebragirl!  DC, I am sure your second job is the one who reads the small print at the end of car adverts.  If we have a personal banker, should we call them directly?  And what would the esteemed elder statesman say if we saw him face to face?

Tony: If you have a personal banker, that’s the person I would call!  They want to the commission on that money.  I will call someone I already trust if I have the choice.

DC:  They will be motivated to offer you the best deal.

Caller:  Will they offer the same rates?

Tony: They should do.  Here’s something I’ve lived all my life:  Nothing beats a failure buy a try.

DC:  What would the gentleman say?  What do you mean – where we are now?

Caller:  If he were talking to us now, what would he say?

DC:   He has been actie and instrumental in the process for a long time, including his team.  Unfortunately, I don’t think he will ge ta lot of credit for what he has done, but that is his choice and it’s a noble thing.  He would tell you to pay it forward and be careful.

Caller:  A lot of small towns are struggling with their libraries, pools, infrastructure;  we will start supporting things here at home and then spread out to others.

DC: We are laughing at “elder statesman” and I’ve been told that ‘accomplished’ is the better word than ‘elder’.  Oh, gosh!

609 caller:  I didn’t catch the beginning of the call;  could you just rehash the GOI bit?

DC:  The GOI was seated an announced yesterday and today, and people are prepared for the change in value very soon.  It’s been on television, online, newspapers and on the mosque news boards.

Caller:  Are they having a government-imposed holiday this Monday, and if so, why?

DC:  They really know how to relax and the reason is obvious.

650 caller:  DC, since this is a parliamentary democracy, what day did they actually vote to seat this government?

DC:  I would say over a week ago.

Caller: Do they usually do things in parliament to do things not in public?

DC:  No, they held it up by request of their international friends.

Tony:  Many contacted me because of the guy on the last call who sees things in black and white.  In Iraq they do things in the dark of night, so that they are not public, so that people cannot anticipate everything in the government or the currency.  Many agreements have been made, and they will come out at the same time or within 24 hours of each other. Nobody thinks they actually spent all night voting on all this stuff. They are just saving it for the opportune time just before or after the RV.  That’s the nicest way I can put it.

Caller:  Most central banks are owned privately and therefore answer to other powers than their governments.  Is the CBI a government organ?  How has ownership?

DC:  Ownership and control are two different things.  Control is by the Governor of the bank who is appointed by the government.  Like in the US, there is a lot of vetting:  do they have the right background, education, deals, etc.  Plus they don’t report to the PM on a daily basis.  It’s supposed to be independent, and Dr. Shabibi has done very well considering what he had to deal with.

Caller:  We have seen ownership influence in other central banks.  For instance, the Fed is privately owned, and that means it acts in certain ways we are not aware of.  I want to make sure that the CBI really answers to the government and people of Iraq.

Tony:  The question you are asking is in Google, and you’ll see 173 have some kind of relationship, if that is what you are looking for.

Caller:  So as of today, you still don’t know if you will receive packages and be able to communicate with us?

DC:  That is correct.  It’s changed so many times that right now we do not know.

404 caller:  What are the celebrations going to be like on the US side?  Do you know who from the US will be at the Iraqi celebrations?

DC:  On the US side, we don’t know.  Some would like to underplay this, but Iraq is having a great time!  I probably shouldn’t answer for the US presence in Iraq.

404 caller:  Does the Bretton Woods meeting have anything to do with this?

DC:  My understanding that they may do an after-action report and clean up a few things, but everything else will be done by then.

Caller:  [appreciation]  DC, I think the NDA is part for you DNA by now!

678 caller:  With respect to the dong, is there any particular note you can take into exchange without an appointment?  I’ve heard about the dinar but now the dong.

Tony:  You may be able to walk into a bank and exchange, or you may have to have an appointment because that department will be so busy.  Ask when you call the 800 number;  they should be able to let you know.

443 caller:  This sure has been an educational process for them as well as us.  Now it’s so close, we start cramming for it again, getting all our notes together.

Tony:  It’s just like that exam – once you sit down, it will come back to you.

Caller;  Once this goes live and if you sign your NDA and cannot give us any more information, will you at least be able to tell us the RV has gone live?

Tony:  I think we’re going to be able to do that, at least one call, if it’s just ‘here is the information and go from there.”  I don’t know about the 7-14 day thing right now.  But they know we are the largest group and we will have a way to communicate with you.

Caller:  So you might not be able to go over the process, but I assume you will get the 800 numbers at least?

Tony;  Even if we do the 7-14 days, we will only be discussing the technicalities of the process.  They don’t want us to tell you what to do, because that will muddy the waters.  They will need the initial call so that people know it’s real, because a lot of people trust in what we say.  DC?

DC:  Bottom line is, we have heard so many variations of the process, with one set wanting us to be involved and other group not wanting us to be involved at all.  The most recent deal is for us to do a ‘goodbye’ call with the 800 numbers, the website where you can get more information and that’s it.  They could change that again at the last minute and have us do the 7-14 days.  In my opinion, it will all be anticlimactic and easy – you’ll be through the cattle chute and out the door in 20 minutes.  It’ll be easy.

Caller:  That is my prayer, that it will be easy and fair.  Have they given you any leads about where we can get any further information, if they don’t let you do the calls?  How will they communicate with us and keep us informed about the process.

DC:  We have been promised that they will let us point you in the right direction at least.  We just want everyone to get this done as uneventfully as possible.

Caller:  We’ve been talking about how we will pay this forward.  I want to start a life coaching practice and natural energy sources.  I’m an Air Force vet, and I want to help other vets on their feet with some skill sets so they can get a life for themselves.  Something like 20-30% of vets are homeless.  I’m still figuring out some other programs for vets out here who are suffering from post-traumatic stress, and they need some help to get their lives back on track.  Do you know what our administration has in mind.

DC: There are hundreds of humanitarian projects:  waters wells in Africa, vaccinations in India, to reading materials where they are needed. There are buckets of money set aside for so many projects that are set up and ready to go.  They will funnel money into those from the exchanges and we will all see many more charities will be funded. That is already set up with directors and staff and plans to use the money well.

Tony: Pam is sending me nasty stares through the phone, telling me that it’s time.  DC?  It’s a holiday weekend, start of a new life, a vacation forever, hopefully.

DC: I hope everyone has the best Labor Day weekend. Iraq did announce the GOI through all news sources, and have in the process of executing the change of value and the celebrations of the RV, right now as we speak.  The expectation is that the RV is coming up shortly behind, with the US and the world ready to handle exchanges.  Be patient and flexible because there are changes, but we will help as much as we can. I’m excited and pumped about the actions being taken in Iraq right now!

Pam:  DC is pretty excited, so that tells you a lot.  I want to thank our Mods, transcribers, intel team, so many amazing people who have helped us and you. Also, you have no idea what our families continue to go through for your benefit.  After this happens, you probably won’t hear from us because of the NDA, so remember if anyone sends you anything that claims to be from Tony, DC, Ray or anyone on this site, we would not sell your details to anyone, so it’s not from us!

Ray:  Well, we know how Pam feels about that DNA!  I would give you two musical hints:  Green Light and Really Gonna Miss You, Folks.

Tony:  This is a special day.  We actually heard Pam cuss on the call. This is all about Iraq, the announcements they made today and throughout the weekend, they and we are expecting great changes.  When you get the tweet – we’ll send it out, and we will have some kind of contact.  This is the last call about it happening, and the next one will be about ‘I’m glad it happened!’  Use the information on the board.  I know you will hear things after the call, and a lot of it should be positive things that have happened in Iraq – announcements and things on their television.  Monday is a holiday, and Tuesday will be a new beginning.  If anything happens before then, we will send out a tweet.  Enjoy the rest of your day.