Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Benjamin Fulford – 9/02/2014

Benjamin Fulford – 9/02/2014


China asked to stop financing US based Nazionist organized crime syndicate.

Posted by benjamin

September 2, 2014
Last week the White Dragon Society asked the communist government of China to stop financing the Nazionist crime syndicate that has illegally taken over the Republic of the United States of America. The request was sent via a senior Japan based Chinese agent. It was explained that rolling over the rogue US corporate governments’ debts after its September 30th fiscal year end would finance a regime that plans to invade and partition China. It would also keep propping up a group of gangsters that is financing terror and mass murder around the world. The Chinese were also prolonging the suffering of the American people by keeping them addicted to snowballing foreign debt, he was told. The WDS told the agent said that if the Chinese government failed to act on this advice it would show they actually worked for the Nazionists. If that turns out to be the case, then China’s 500 million “wandering people” (流民) would have to be mobilized to force the Chinese government to act, the agent replied. A detailed method for doing this was outlined.
Meanwhile, NATO has set up a 12 mile long steel fence to guard 150 VIPS representing 67 countries (NATO only has 28 countries in it) for a big military love fest in Wales, England this week. As the event gears up, US rogue regime “politicians” and military lobbyists are using their manufactured Ukrainian crisis as an excuse to call for European countries to increase their “defense” (i.e. war) budgets. In other words, they are acting exactly according to the Bush Sr. script (as revealed by MI5) calling for a fake new cold war as an excuse to militarize Europe, the US, Russia and Japan in preparation for war against China.
Also, repeated warnings of a new “ISIS” terror event in the US and/or the UK are being trumpeted in the Nazionist propaganda media. This indicates the defense contractors congregating around the NATO meeting are planning to stage some sort of big false flag event in order to get public support for more military spending, MI5 sources say.
There are also growing indications an attempt will be made to take out the US power grid or parts of this power grid. This would be aimed at shutting down the US financial and Google/NSA computer networks, both MI5 and gnostic illuminati sources say.
CIA sources in Europe, meanwhile, are saying “a lot of people are going to be dead,” in the US as part of a big push to destroy the network of criminals responsible for 911, the destruction of Iraq, the spread of bio-weapons and other genocidal crimes.
The attempted murder last week of former FBI head Louis Freeh was probably part of the campaign, the sources said. Freeh was deeply involved in the 911 mass murder event, multiple sources agree
Pope Francis is also under attack and P2 freemason sources are saying there is evidence he is being hit with a slow acting poison that causes neurological damage. The pope is being attacked because he is revoking special immunity from prosecution for war criminals like Tony Blair and George Bush Jr, the sources say.
There is also a lot of financial warfare taking place both in public and in secret these days. In public, the FBI accused Russia of hacking the financial computer networks of J.P. Morgan and other major US financial institutions. This attack came after many suspicious deaths of executives involved in running J.P. Morgan’s financial computer
The large US banks are using vast derivatives portfolios backed by nothing to prevent the collapse of the Federal Reserve Board, according to Chinese government and other sources. The attacks of J.P. Morgan are part of an effort to shut down this derivatives fraud, they said.
Also, in what is probably part of a campaign to remove her, IMF head Christine Lagarde announced she was being investigated by French prosecutors for fraud. The IMF under Lagarde, of course, remains unfunded and unreformed mainly because the US corporate government refuses to give up its control of it.
A sign the owners of the Federal Reserve Board are running scared is an article in their flagship publication Foreign Affairs that is calling for Feds to print and directly hand cash over to average Americans.
What this really means is that they are hoping that if they just print out and hand over cash, they will be able avoid to have their private money making machine confiscated. It is like a besieged king opening his treasure room and trying to bribe an invading peasant rabble with it. The problem is the peasants can just take it without asking. The same is true with the Federal Reserve Board, why should a small inbred group of trillionaires have the right to create money when the US constitution states clearly that right belongs to the people.
Senior Fed agent Henry Kissinger also issued a widely pushed essay last week calling for a “New World Order” and the maintenance of “US exceptionalism.” The overall tone of the essay made it clear Kissinger was not happy to see this US ruled order falling apart.
The Feds are also running around Asia trying to find money to keep their fraudulent empire going. CIA sources in Asia reported that Bill Clinton, Richard Armitage and others were in Indonesia trying to get their hands on gold. These sources are also saying the Iran-based second son of the former Shah of Iran has been allowing US corporate government agents to get access to Persian dynastic gold being stored in Thailand.
Also in Japan and Korea last week, multiple attempts were being made by Fed agents to use gold-backed historical bonds of astronomical face value to fund the US corporate government, Japanese government sources say. As a part of this, a WDS representative was offered many billions of dollars by Fed agents to help use some of these bonds to get gold. He was told the WDS would only deal with them when they showed up with actual physical gold, not paper.
All of this unsuccessful Fed activity and cabal war-mongering is a clear sign they are losing the battle for the planet earth. The internet has evolved to the point that their false flag incidents are uncovered almost immediately. It took take decades for false flag events like the Tonkin Gulf “incident” to be uncovered. It took a few years for most of the world to figure out that 911 was a false flag. Now, however, false flag stories like the Malaysian airline shoot down are exposed within hours or minutes.
Most important of all, the US military is no longer allowing itself to be manipulated into war for the Nazionist oligarchs. Remember, the pentagon refused to bomb Syria and is refusing to attack Russia over the Ukraine. Message to the Feds: you are not going to get out of the trouble this time by starting another war.

Source:  http://src-fla.us/index.php/news2e629/78-news-articles/110-ben-fulford

A new (but old) cause of Type 2 diabetes

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A new (but old) cause of Type 2 diabetes
Hi John
I don’t mean to sound cynical, but when I read about a study that was done that shows something so entirely obvious,  and the headline is trumpeted by the media like it’s a groundbreaking new discovery, I sit here and think, “Really?  It took them that long to catch on?”
The latest example of this is what’s being touted as a “new” cause of Type 2 diabetes following a recent study.
Let’s take a look at this latest study and why I’m not at all surprised or fascinated about it, as well as talk about other effects of stress you might NOT be aware of (and how to combat them).
Get ready for the latest news…or not
A recent study conducted in Germany has concluded that stress—specifically working in a stressful job—can raise your risk of Type 2 diabetes. 
Apparently people who reported high levels of job stress (such as conflicting demands, too much to do and not enough time, aggressive deadlines, etc.) were 45 percent more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes than those who worked in less stressful environments.
The article then went on to give some suggestions to lower job stress, such as acting on emails right away and keeping your inbox empty.
Although the stress-Type 2 diabetes link his may be “new news” to some people, it’s old news to me and countless other holistic practitioners.
Plus I’m sorry, but an empty inbox is just a drop in the bucket when it comes to counteracting stress….it’s going to take a lot more than that to completely de-stress and fight all its harmful effects.
Now let’s talk about exactly what’s going on when you’re under ANY kind of stress, and why it’s no news that stress can cause Type 2 diabetes.
Your body under S-T-R-E-S-S
Your body reacts to stress (whether real or perceived, mental or physical) by engaging the action of your adrenal glands.
Here’s what happens:
When your brain senses a stressful situation, it sends a signal through the sympathetic nervous system down to your adrenal glands (which sit just above your kidneys), telling them to release the hormone adrenaline
The adrenaline kicks into gear and prepares you for a possible “fight or flight” response by raising your blood pressure, heart rate and blood flow to your muscles, and putting glucose (sugar) into your bloodstream to burn for energy.
Then the adrenals release the hormone cortisol.  Cortisol is adrenaline’s partner and, like a traffic cop, it helps direct energy to your brain and muscles as needed to respond to the stress.
This is a reflection of our ancient biological programming—way back when, our caveman ancestors had a variety of physical stressors to deal with, like enemies, fierce animals or dangerous weather conditions, and many times they had to react FAST…or possibly lose their life. 
Our lives are very different now—our stresses are more mental in nature, like working long hours, being in unsatisfying jobs, financial problems, school workloads, tight deadlines, relationship problems, demanding schedules, family problems, etc.  
But your body don’t know the difference between physical and mental stress, so it reacts the same way regardless of what kind of stress you have.
Note that it also doesn’t matter whether your stress is positive (such as working hard on an exciting project or striving for a promotion) or negative (going through a divorce or a loved one’s serious illness).
And when your stress is chronic and ongoing and you’re spending days, weeks and months with tension and anxiety, your body is getting a consistent barrage of adrenaline and cortisol, with lots of glucose repeatedly pouring into your bloodstream as a result.
The health prices of that can run the gamut, my friend and include:
  • Low thyroid function (because high levels of adrenal hormones trigger thyroid hormones and eventually your thyroid can become exhausted)
  • Lowered immune function
  • Repeated infections
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Depression
  • High blood pressure
  • Triggering or worsening irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or Crohn’s disease
  • Obesity (due to overeating caused by repeated cortisol secretion)
  • Elevated blood sugar and eventually Type 2 diabetes (due to the glucose floods in your veins)
That’s why the German study was no surprise to me!
The thing that did surprise me was that they only mentioned job stress as an issue, because the same process happens and the same health risks apply with ANY kind of stress.
Minimize your risk of ALL stress-related health problems
As you can see up above, stress can take its toll on your body (and mind) in countless ways…so clearly it’s not only a good idea but vital that you do whatever you can to manage stress in your life and help counteract is health effects.
Here are some surefire strategies you can try:
1-      Stress reduction and removal
This is far and away NUMBER 1
The easiest way to fight back at stress is to diffuse it or remove it!
There are many ways to help diffuse stress: Meditation, yoga, journal writing, massage, visualization, counseling, deep breathing, prayer and seminars, to name a few. 
Also taking up a hobby or adopting a pet have both been shown to reduce stress in various studies.  (I have to agree—when I have a rough day somehow I always feel better after one of my cats curls up in my lap.)
And let’s not forget about one of the most effective stress reducers…
Not only will exercise help diffuse stress, but it will also help burn away any pounds you might have put on due to stress eating, it can help brighten your mood (if depression is affecting you) and it can help lower your blood pressure too!
So get off the couch, get your doctor’s OK and get moving.
You also might have to remove sources of stress in your life.
One way is to set boundaries.  Don't add to your stressors by saying yes to every single committee, party, event or other commitment that comes your way.  Learn to say no when your plate is already full.
Job stress may be unavoidable, and if it's temporary, that's one thing.  However, if you're in a job that's consistently loaded with stress and you find yourself dreading work every day or losing sleep over it, it’s time to find another job.
And if you’re in a personal relationship that is not fulfilling, positive and beneficial to you (or worse yet, is making you miserable or is downright harmful), it’s time to get out.  Seek support, protection and counseling services as you need them, like Vera House.
2-      Have a healthy diet that encourages good digestion
Efficient digestion is crucial for proper nutrient absorption and can help eradicate the stress-induced symptoms of gastritis and other GI problems. 
And eating a wide variety of good-for-you foods helps nourish your body, fight fatigue and encourages all of your organs and glands (including your adrenals) to stay strong and efficient.
Trouble is, most of us eat lots of processed or fast foods that are anything but good for you.  Plus our typical modern meals can be next to impossible for your system to properly break down.
But I can guide you and help you turn that all around FAST--and you'll love every bite.
In the Great Taste No Pain system,
- http://www.greattastenopain.com/great.asp
or if you're gluten-sensitive, Great Taste No Gluten
- http://www.greattastenogluten.com/great.asp
I explain ALL the health dangers of the typical modern diet, show you how to structure delicious meals that your body can digest much easier and help nourish you from head to toe, and even give you a book of scrumptious recipes to try. 
Believe me, you'll see there's nothing bland or boring about eating for great health once you taste these recipes! 
3- Balance your gut flora
Stress can cause your gut to become hypersensitive, which can contribute to the development of food allergies and intolerances.
Plus it also causes the protective mucosal lining in your intestines to become less effective at defending your body against unfriendly bacteria and dangerous pathogens.
That means that you are more susceptible to catching viruses and infections when under chronic stress--your body literally cannot fight them off as well.
Although a healthy diet can help encourage a good gut flora balance, since so many other factors (like environmental toxins, medications, lack of sleep and STRESS) can affect your gut microbes, many times diet is not enough.
That's why supplementation with a good multi-strain formula can help SO many people.
Fighting the effects of stress on your gut is yet another great reason to take Super Shield probiotic formula every day.
- http://www.bluerockholistics.com/product/pross.asp
One of Super Shield's 13 superior bacteria strains, Bifidobacteria lactis, has been shown to have high adhesion to human mucus.  That means it will stick to your intestinal wall and keep it strong and protective.
In addition, Super Shield also contains Lactobacillus rhamnosus.  This strain has been shown to stimulate antibody production and enhance phagocytosis, one of your body's weapons for destroying invaders.
It also helps strengthen the gut-barrier function, and can even have beneficial impact on autoimmune diseases including rheumatoid arthritis and allergies!
Yes, the harmful physical and mental effects of stress continue to grow, and judging by our stressed-out lives, those harmful effects aren’t going to be disappearing on their own anytime soon.
But when you do what you can to diffuse and remove stress from your life, as well as help counteract its effects, you are taking huge strides toward a healthier and quite possibly LONGER life!
Start now.
To your health,
Sherry Brescia

PS: Remember—we’ll soon be launching our brand new website-www.holisticblends.com!  It’s getting closer to completion and the big day will be here before long!
PPS:  We're on Facebook!  Like us here:
- https://www.facebook.com/HolisticBlends
PPPS:  Always be sure to let your doctor or healthcare provider know what supplements you are taking. 
PPPPS: Janet’s blood pressure is stabilized and her reflux is gone!

Dear Sherry,
I learned about your program from my brother who searched the web due to frustration with heart burn and reflux. I became interested because I was suffering with heartburn, acid reflux and IBS.
Last month I was going to bed every night with severe reflux. I was sleeping my usual 4 to 5 hours a night getting up 1 to 3 times a night. I was experiencing high blood pressure for which my medication was failing to control. I was so sluggish all day long, having to take a nap after lunch.
I began your program and I had slight reflux the first night and NONE AT ALL since then. I am 54 and have a lot more energy now. Best of all, I am sleeping 8 hours a night and through the night. This hasn't happened since I was in high school.
My blood pressure is stabilized and I no longer require a nap. All of my symptoms have vanished. Growing up in Southwest Louisiana I delayed starting your program because I didn't want to give up all of our great Cajun dishes. I still enjoy this wonderful food by combining it differently. It's easy not to cheat, because I just feel too doggone good.
Forever Grateful,

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- http://www.greattastenopain.com/great.asp
- http://www.greattastenogluten.com/great.asp
- http://www.bluerockholistics.com

(c) copyright 2013 Holistic Blends

**The FDA has not evaluated all of these statements. The contents of this email are not to be considered medical advice and are for educational purposes only. If you are experiencing health challenges, always consult your doctor for medical advice and follow it even if it contradicts the contents of this email.**

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Backdoc from KTFA: "Smoke On The Water"

Backdoc from KTFA: "Smoke On The Water"








Nice Tidbit !!

Gt:So According to Tony's Call this morning.....The IMF & BIS own the RV activation but a WORLD LEADER Asked for a delay to the "next window" (3 of them left.....Assuming for this week) because of the "GETTING BACK TO WORK FROM A 3 DAY WEEKEND" (give you ONE GUESS WHO "ASKED" for this)!!! O butt head

If this is the Case The IMF/BIS should say HECK NO to no more delays (Abadi has to be pissed)!!

My Friends using his QCard Overseas.....We MUST BE at the Finish Line (but where the HECK IS IT.....So we can Cross it)!!!

Kilo15: Something to happen in the next hour or two...On stand by

Exogen:YES PEOPLE ARE WATCHING CLOCKS RIGHT. And from what we have heard another window is about to approach for today

You are here to "Wake Up" - None of this...has to be this way (Short Clip)

You are here to "Wake Up" - None of this...has to be this way (Short Clip)

You've Felt It Your Entire Life

Uploaded on Feb 14, 2012
Something you have felt for many years, but didn't quite know what it was...




Info coming out of multiple sources - very emphasisd
Friday stages being built for celebration this weekend, CBI and Big Iraqi banks went out into the marketplace throughout the country to train the tellers, clerks, hotels etc... on the lower denoms. That morning the announcements went out into the mosques that the currency was imminently changing.
The bank memos said this would happen within 48 hours on Friday.But, we're still here.
Sunday morning a military parade occurred and announced currency INTERNATIONAL.  Congratulatory letters and phone calls went out sun and mon. to Iraq celebrating this. 
It's been very quiet when Tues. came around for Iraq wondering where this currency change is
Russia invaded Ukraine had directed attention off of Iraq and that possibly might speed this up.
Banks ready here - testing proved out and they are prepared.
Timeline is on a 2-14 min pull time to execute. One window has passed.  We are within 2 more. Turki, LaGarde,& Abhadi are the authorization.  Iraq sent to IMF (facilitator) and BIS (technical/computer/legal) - sent to the banks with a HOLD and when the GO is given it can take 2-14 min. 
Plan was for this weekend.  Today we were supposed to be at the banks.  But, there was a PHONE CALL between "world leaders" to wait  and go with the other three windows instead.  Very open and upfront and not underhanded move. But, it was AGREED to.  More can't be said.
Tony and DC don't want to do an expose' and emphasized they are here to help this process not force our govt to do anything.  
Another Qi card story $3.71 rate!
Banks had a rate processed at a level just above the street rate but the process was stopped before the street rate was released.
Rate is "live" in the sense that RV'd funds are available for businesses and international travelers can use their Qi cards at the $3.71 rate but AVERAGE IRAQIS AND AMERICANS DON'T HAVE IT.  YET!

Packages for Tony and DC are NOT going to be forthcoming as of today but they feel like they will at least get a phone call in to help us exchange.

TNT call notes 29-Aug-2014 – Special Call

TNT call notes 29-Aug-2014 – Special Call

Tony:  Good morning, TNT!  We are ready to go.  I am still at the Pastor Wilson’s studio. We’re having a great time.  Ray’s voice is back because he’s been hanging out late with the big boys.  I got to meet some dinarians here, we had a great lunch and talked about Pam and DC… The surprising thing is that my wife is here with me, and I called Pam, and they said, “Oh, Pam really isn’t your wife!”  Some people actually believed that myth.

It is Tuesday, September 2, 2014.  We are an hour early (although it’s noon where I am).  We have 6,000 on one line and 14,000 on another.  That’s because Pam has another commitment, and also because we don’t usually have calls on Tuesday.

A lot of good things happened over in Iraq and we want to talk about that and why we are on this call instead of being at the bank.  We have an answer to that, or at least DC does.  DC?

DC:  I’m going to repeat this because I will give details that explain the situation, then we will have a little debate about the situation.  ALL THIS INFORMATION IS NOT SINGLE SOURCE;  we got it from many different places.  All the information comes from many different sides and angles, and we are putting it together.

Good old Iraq, after sunset on Friday they started building the sets for their celebrations.  Bankers and key trainers went to other banks, stores and mosques to walk everyone through the process all over again.

Tony: Those key trainers were from the CBI and big Iraqi banks for their key customers, and they got together to teach the people of Iraq what was about to  happen. They went through it with the tellers, reception clerks, hotel folks, anyone who does a lot of business saying “here is what the change looks like, here are the lower denominations” and all the info they might need for the RV. They have been doing this for a while, and this was a refresher course, all weekend throughout the country.

Tony:  Why were they doing that exactly?

DC:  On Friday morning, they announced in the mosque that the government was complete and that the currency would be changing very soon.  They wanted the training to be complete so that no one would be taken advantage of.  Any more training stuff?

Tony:  The bank memo told them it would happen in the next 48 hours, on Friday.

DC:  It did say that, they announced it in the mosques, the trainers went out, and they explained what the fill would be worth, etc.  There is nothing you can buy with the coins right now, but after the RV, 25 fill will be worth nearly a dollar.  They reported back to the CBI, major banks and finance guys that everyone was trained and they were happy with the situation, and ready to go.

On Sunday morning, they had a military parade, and they talked about their success is freeing towns under siege.  The main issue was that the currency is international, you can spend your dinar, and we are the richest country in the world, leading a massive financial revolution going forth.  This was on Sunday.  Calls were being blocked from the US with new blackouts, but there was a big resounding GREAT.

Tony:  Can you talk about the letters?

DC:  On Sunday and early Monday, there were letters and calls of congratulation across the world, because it’s smart to buddy up with Iraq.   Those went out from a lot of different country, including the US, and they went to a lot of the higher level politicos in Iraq and elsewhere.  Because of that, during that time, there were a lot of calls interrupted from ordinary folks.  So that was going on all weekend, and Iraq anticipated that the fills and other coins would be ready to be distributed. Everyone is ready and trained, security is in place, and then what happened?!  It’s been quiet in Iraq, and everyone is asking what the heck is going on because it’s Tuesday and nothing has been released.  Obviously, the intent is that after it goes through we won’t care about another 48 hour delay, but Iraq is sitting on a bizarre edge because they have done all this stuff.

Security in Iraq:  a lot of successful targeted hits, the Iraqi and Kurdish military have been very successful along with special forces.  Almost all the ISIL stuff is now based in Syria, where their strongholds are.  We don’t get along with Syria and cannot go there to fight ISIL.  I think that’s all for Iraq.

Ukraine:  for those not following the news, Russia basically invaded Ukraine, and Putin as well as others has raised up the rhetoric quite a bit.  Ukraine thinks this is the start of a major war, and it’s a big issue.  How does this relate to the RV?  The same players are involved:  China, US, Russia, other countries.  That has been a distraction, a  horrible thing for Ukraine but useful for distracting people from Iraq.

UN Security Council are very excited, and they want Iraq to keep doing what they are doing.  In the US, the banks are geared up and have done various tests down to the lowest levels.  I think that is positive, that they are ready, prepared, etc.  This weekend, many folks tested their systems in many different regions and it was fine.  UST is on board and supportive of the situation, helping the banks get ready and letting the IMF do what they do.  The admin folks are preoccupied with many issues throughout the world, and who can blame them?

There is a set of times given from a little while ago, where they are on a 2-15 pull time, meaning they can pull the trigger across the world.   There are very few who know the times.  We have passed one set of times, earlier today, and we have three other sets of times imminently.  It is extremely close. Can someone try to screw this up?  Sure.  Are they trying to manipulate this, or convince people it’s the right time because it’s right for them?  Sure.  These times are to be coordinated between Iraq, turkey and the CBI. The US and China and Britain are trying to convince people of the times they prefer, but everyone else is leaning on them to just let it go.

TonyIraq has done everything they needed to do and released the process to the IMF and BIS, right?

DC: And they have accepted that Iraq has changed their deal and sent  it out the rest of the world.  “We agree again that they are ready to go and we fully support Iraq’s RV efforts.”

Tony:  Iraq officially released it to the IMF and BIS, and when they are done, they will release it internationally.

DC: The IMF and BIS got together because they work in conjunction.  The IMF is the facilitator, making sure all the paperwork it done and getting past any disagreements.  The BIS is the technical side with the computer systems and technical/procesdural notifications. So the BIS and IMF are attached at the hip, they agree and send it to the central banks around the world.  I got this from five different sources, that this has been sent out around the world with a BIS/IMF hold.  So when they say “This is the time”, that is the 2-15 minute boom throughout the world.

Tony:  The plan was for this to be released over the weekend. The banks were notified, and called in all their people.  Today was supposed to be the whole works.  Everybody was geared up for that process, even security, but…

DC: There was a phone call between a few world leaders saying “Hey, I know we had these four time slots, but because everyone is getting back to work after a long weekend, maybe we should wait…”  My understanding is that this was not under-handed but an overt discussion between a few folks.  “Everyone knows we are ready, but please could we do it in one of these other spots because of this.”  Everyone did understand the reasoning and agreed to concentrate on these three other timelines.

Tony:  Three times last week, Iraq told its people publically that they are about to become rich. They aren’t looking too good by doing this.

DC:  Abadi is not a happy man doing this, but he understands most people will get over this pretty quickly, especially because the reasoning is sound over this last minor delay.  But they are ready, and Abadi doesn’t want to look like a moron.  They are at such a tight timeline now that there are very few ways this can get screwed up. By being open and honest about delays, they are playing a bit more straightforwardly with everyone.

Tony:  The Qi cards are international, and being converted at the banks.  We know someone who took their card into a bank in US to get their balance, and it transferred over at a rate of $3.71.  We know people in Jordan and Turkey doing the same thing at the same rate.

DC:  Because they have been waiting for so long, our friends are champing at the bit for this to go through in Europe, Dubai and South America.  Those guys are ordering products and putting through investments.  All three of them had those transactions go through today, three guys who don’t know each other, in different parts of the world.

Tony:  Even though the rate is $3.71 on the card, we have confirmation from four different banks who were offering the same rate as each other, and slightly higher than the 3.71.  It is now sitting one level away from the streets.  It was on the street level but they turned it off.  It was ready, prepared to go this weekend, and we know that by everything that occurred.  It just didn’t make it to us.  We were that close!

DC: Our understanding is that our part was just not completed, although it is international. They are spending money and everyday people are able to use their cards and bank accounts.  It is international, just the US doesn’t have it.

Tony: That should give everyone a clear picture of how close we are.  AT a moment’s notice, we are within 2-15 minutes, whenever it happens.  I know we are going to get some good questions here…

650 caller:  Is the rate live in other countries today?

DC:  The big answer is “it depends’.  We have folks conducting business outside Iraq with revalued funds, but the everyday Iraqi and the US citizens don’t have access to it yet.

Tony:  Hold on. If the everyday Iraqi is in another country, they can use their Qi cards and get access to it, just not walking up and down their own streets.

DC:  But they can spend money at the $3.71 in country.

Caller:  You expected it to go this weekend, and it seems suspect that it didn’t.  Any problems related to it being on Labor Day weekend could have been addressed months ago.  Knowing full well what this weekend was like, can you give us some more insight as to how/why this weekend was relevant?

Tony:  I need to tell you again why we are here:  to get the information and get everyone through this.  That’s what TNT dinar is all about. We created “wearethepeople” because we felt we were not being treated fairly, and we wanted to get the same things that the politicians and bankers and their friends+family got.  It was never our position to make the government force them to do something they are not ready to do.  WE are citizens, we can tell you that there is something going on without getting into trouble ourselves;  everyone is hinting that it’s for personal or political reasons, butI’ve had calls already today to burn it all down, but that is not our reason to make them do the RV but when it does happen is for us to be treated fairly.   So we are not going to burn the house down. They made up an excuse, it was plausible, and the other countries allowed it, so…

DC: There are a lot of smart people in that room, and they are thinking the same as we are:  “Yeah, right”.  They know full well what is going on, and they had these other blocks of time worked out.  If it doesn’t cost you that much to let it go to the next time, what is there to gain by saying ‘no’ and smacking the other person in the face?  If everyone is playing fair, not doing anything slimy or stupid, then we are fine.  If it is slimy or stupid, then we’re done.  It was actually smart to give them that to keep the peace, because it didn’t change any of their plans.  Because there has been a nice change and positive support, they want to keep that up right at the end.

Tony: They are going to have to make the final decision or say “enough is enough”.  We cannot give the details;  those five people in the room already know the details, and at some point they will know what they look like to the world.

Caller:  I appreciate that truthful answer, but my cheese keeps moving.  Are we still under Plan A?

DC: Because they did everything they are doing, yes.  I do believe they will execute until Plan A in those tight windows they talked about.  I also believe we have pushed past a lot of things people could get hooked on. If you were just trying to screw this up at every turn, there were many things that could have happened in the last ten days.  But they played ball and done what they said they would do.

Caller:  Is the bank update timing still in play?

Tony:  It doesn’t have to be at this time;  the system is complete and ready to go on five minutes notices.  Everything has been signed and done, and hopefully this is the one last delay.  We don’t control it, and I don’t know how long they will let them do this.

DC:  My understanding is that the US is still being supportive on the technical and procedural fronts.  In the past there was interference, but now they are being supportive.  If they were going to do something stupid, they would have done it by now.  Actions speak louder than words, and their actions are supportive.

Everything is going ahead, full-fledged.  These people have a very full plate in Ukraine, Asia and other places.  There are many different reasons to hold on a second.

Caller:  Do you have any update on the packages?

DC: Our understanding as of last Thursday is that the group of folks who didn’t want us to talk on the phone afterwards appear to have the day at least for now.  We will not be getting the packages ahead of time, and we will get one phone call.  How much we will understand about the process beforehand we do not know.  But everything could change in 24 hours…

909 caller:  I don’t understand about the Zim and dropping six zeros…?

DC:  How many zeros will they lop off the notes?  We have heard six, seven, eight or nine, all from very credible folks.  We understand there are two options for the Zim – either bring it out very high, with six zeros dropped off, or to bring it out in two stages.  At the moment we are hearing six zeros.

Caller:  [appreciation]

Next caller:  Considering all the various constraints you are operating under, I’ll ask you, Tony, what question you would pose to DC that he CAN answer, that hasn’t been asked so far…

Tony:  I have a question he CAN answer, but whether he WILL answer it… If you had a window of time when this will occur, when would that be?

DC:  I will be blunt, guys, I don’t know the times they have set.  The assumption is that it is extremely tight, otherwise why would you get everyone ramped up like this?

Caller:  When you were talking about a 2-15 minute window it could happen, at that point, past the two minute mark, will it go on regardless?

DC:  That’s a good question.  Our understanding is that they would trigger it.  If a country decides they are not ready, they can put a hold on it, but this is so quick in effect, the rest of the world will go and say, “to heck with it.”  At this level, they do know that a lot of the stupid moves have been behind the scenes and earlier in the process.  So to be a little more positive, by allowing everything to get to this point, you will accept the rate in this timeline.

Tony:  Looking at the big picture, many congratulatory letters have gone out.  So a delay might be okay, but starting over is not.

DC:  Let’s say your friends and other folks have congratulated the country.  What happens when the press or historians look back on this, see the timestamp to that letter is Sunday, and then that country says they don’t accept it on Monday.  That country would look like a big idiot and I hope no one is that big of an idiot.  So again, in a more positive light, everyone is playing ball and doing what they said they would do, and the delay was asked for in an open manner.

Caller:  So what did Abadi tell his people?

DC:  He told his people that it would be active on Sunday, it’s now Tuesday, and he has egg on his face, but not for very long.

Caller: Thanks, and I hope they allow you to make more post-RV calls!

[dropped call]

DC:  Everything looks great.  We don’t have any timelines apart from the 2-15 minute deal.  Everyone is lined up.  There have been some politics, but they are behind us and hope to finish this up very quickly.

Tony:  There is a window and a timeline out there again, three option left that DC knows of.  It will be 2-15 minutes once it is activated.  The rates are on the bank screens and it is a higher rate than Iraq.  It’s just a matter of when we go.  All the other currencies are ready, there are no rate changes there, and the only question is whether we are able to  do more calls once it is out the gate. It’s a short week;  we can do another call on Thursday if we need to.  Enjoy your day!

Bits and Pieces Tuesday Afternoon

Bits and Pieces Tuesday Afternoon



Vinman > September 2, 2014 I don’t think we need any more clues.  We should be watching the clock tick down fast.......

Kilo15 September 2, 2014 at 1:29pm Something to happen in the next hour or two...On stand by

EXOGEN > Kilo15 YES PEOPLE ARE WATCHING CLOCKS RIGHT NOW….And from what we have heard another window is about to approach for today

Ali Mohsen Ismail appointed governor of the Iraqi Central Bank

Posted by EXOGEN on September 2, 2014 at 12:41pm   02-09-2014

Keywords appointed governor of the Iraqi Central Bank

The Council of Ministers approved, on Tuesday, to take over the secretary-general of the Council of Ministers on the Keywords, the governor of the central bank.

An informed source said in a press statement, that 'the Council of Ministers during its regular voice, which was held today (Tuesday 2 September / September 2014), voted unanimously to take over the secretary-general of the Council of Ministers on the Keywords position of Governor of the Central Bank'.

The source, who asked not to be named Alkoshv, that 'the relationship will take this position in addition to the tasks entrusted to them.'

It is noteworthy that the Iraqi Council of Ministers decided on October 16 (October 2013) to request the President Office of Financial Supervision Abdul Basit Turki management position of Governor of the Central Bank and the Agency, after the issuance of the memorandum of the Supreme Judicial Council (19 October 2013), the arrest of the governor of the Central Bank Shabibi and his deputy, the appearance of Mohammed Saleh in addition to the 20 employee accused of corruption, especially in the central bank auction.

The central bank held the Iraqi daily sessions for the sale and purchase of foreign currencies with the participation of Iraqi banks, with the exception of public holidays on which depends the World Bank for these auctions, and sales will be either in cash or in the form of money orders sold abroad in return for a certain commission.



BaNDiTo.RoX September 2, 2014 Turki was part of the CARETAKER government and IMO seems things are almost complete and the new Government is putting there new people in place.

Socal Cutie From what I heard, many people round the world are stepping down and we will have new "good guys" all around.... welcome to the "New world"

mattmann111 September 2, 2014 wow...turki retiring and a new cbi governor...this means the rv is done and turki is going on vacation!!!

Christian Da Silva: Now this is interesting

EXOGEN > Christian Da Silva September 2, 2014 at 1:00pm This is nothing watch what happens in the next hour



[drl] From TNT chat room: it is rumored that Ali Mohsin is new at the CBI and Turki is retiring.

[xyz] Allaq appointed as Director of CBI Tuesday, 02 September 2014 19:59 Baghdad (AIN) –The Council of Ministers voted for assuming, Ali al-Allaq, with the post of the governor of the Central Bank of Iraq. An informed source of the Cabinet reAn informed source of the Cabinet reported to All Iraq News Agency ''The Cabinet voted for assuming, Ali al-Allaq, the Secretary General of the Council of Ministers, with the post of the governor of the CBI.''


John MAcHaffie:




PKG : 
New governor of CBI announced today, Ali al-Allaq.....this is good news to me....means Turki is satisfied everything is done to his satisfaction, and he can retire


Vlad3060:  9-2-14 Stryker

CBI Governor Turki Retires

Today's Parliament Session Postponed

Special Parliament Session Tomorrow


Vlad3060:   9-2-14 tman23

Article quote: "the Council of Ministers decided during its regular day to approve the referral of Abdel Basset Turki head of the BSA on retirement for the end of his rule of law." The statement noted that "assigning tasks Ali Mohsen Ismail's central bank governor and the agency.”

Moshen Ismail was the spoken replacement to Turki when Turki took the position as "temporary".  Ismail was the secretary of ministers...he introduced legislation to Parliament, he worked on the government budget...so he knows the providences, the laws, and their needs. All the reforms ran across Ismails desk...He is a perfect fit for the CBI at this stage, IMO.

That said, it is not a surprise to see Ismail's name as the CBI governor appointee. What this appointment should tell everyone is that the CARETAKER government is in its last hours...And at this point we don't know if Parliament did or didn't confirm Ismail (but let’s assume they did).

Tomorrow Maliki will be in a debriefing as commander and chief ... The signs are all positive...HCL, Budget, Article140, New CBI Governor, and within a few days a fully seated GOI... Everyone waited years for these events as the precursor to the RV...It's HERE!!



RichieC » September 2nd, 2014, 1:08 pm

That NATO meeting is actually this Thursday in Leeds (9/4/2014).


O will be in attendance also.


7-FA » September 2nd, 2014, 1:31 pm  Frank and his teams already knew about the Governor of the CBI being replaced...

Frank ask's that you please not call him about this It is just too many calls again PLEASE do not call about this.....

He told me to tell you he WILL speak about this tonight and the VALUE of the NEW GOVERNOR of the CBI.

Thank you family for understanding and having the patience to wait till tonight to understand the VALUE of this..


Former CIA agent now admits that President Obama is a radical Islamic enemy of America

It’s an explosive charge, one that practically accuses the president of treason.

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Today, a former CIA agent bluntly told the newspaper, World Net Daily, that America has switched sides in the war on terror under President Obama. Clare Lopez was willing to say what a few members of Congress have said in private, but declined to say on-the-record.

Clare M. Lopez is the Vice President for Research and Analysis at the Center for Security Policy and a Senior Fellow at The Clarion Project, the London Center for Policy Research, and the Canadian Meighen Institute. Since 2013, she has served as a member of the Citizens Commission on Benghazi. Also Vice President of the Intelligence Summit, she formerly was a career operations officer with the Central Intelligence Agency, a professor at the Centre for Counterintelligence and Security Studies, Executive Director of the Iran Policy Committee from 2005-2006, and has served as a consultant, intelligence analyst, and researcher for a variety of defense firms. She was named a Lincoln Fellow at the Claremont Institute in 2011.

Lopez said the global war on terror had been an effort to “stay free of Shariah,” or repressive Islamic law, until the Obama administration began siding with such jihadist groups as the Muslim Brotherhood and its affiliates. Lopez believes that the Muslim Brotherhood has thoroughly infiltrated the Obama administration and other branches of the federal government. One of the most outrageous of those appointments is Mohamed Elibiary, a senior member of the Department of Homeland Security Advisory Council. According to a report by the Center for Security Policy, Elibiary supports brokering a U.S. partnership with the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist group. Two months ago, a firestorm erupted online after Elibiary tweeted that a “Caliphate” is inevitable and compared it to the European Union.  SEE BELOW

Ms. Lopez also believes Obama had essentially the same goals in the Mideast as the late Osama bin Laden: “to remove American power and influence, including military forces, from Islamic lands.” The former CIA operative’s perspective affects her prescription for what the U.S. should do about the terror army ISIS, as she called for caution and restraint.

While there has been a sudden chorus of politicians and military experts calling for the immediate elimination of the terrorist army after it beheaded American journalist James Foley last week, Lopez believes the U.S. should have an overall strategy in place before fully re-engaging in the Mideast militarily.Any military action would be further complicated, she told WND, if it were not clear which side the U.S. is on, either in the short term or in the overall war on terror.

Lopez felt it was impossible to understand why the president and some of his top appointees, such as CIA Director John Brennan, who is believed to be a Muslim convert, “consistently seem to apologize for Islam, even in the face of such atrocities as the Foley beheading,” adding, they “take pains to assure the world they don’t think IS, (or the Islamic State, also called ISIS) or whichever perpetrator it was, has anything to do with Islam. How can they possibly believe that genuinely when everything these jihadis do tracks directly to the literal text of Quran, hadiths and Shariah?”

“In any case, and for whatever motivations, there is no doubt this administration switched sides in what used to be called the Global War on Terror,” she said.

I wonder if those who don't want to go 'on the record' will finally speak out.

According to Andrew C. McCarthy, former U.S. prosecutor and author of "The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America", there are many Muslim Brotherhood operatives working in or closely with the Obama administration. Here is a list of just some key figures listed in Mr. McCarthy's book:
•           Johari Abdul-Malik - starred in a U.S. State Department film "Eid in America". Mr. Malik has called for "sabotage" terrorist attacks against Israel. Mr. Malik was hosted by the Islamic Association of Palestine, the "epicenter of U.S. support for HAMAS, itself the Palestinian terrorist branch of the Muslim Brotherhood."
•           Rashid Hussain, Deputy Associate Council to the President, Mr. Hussain spoke at a Muslim Students Association (MSA is a Muslim Brotherhood front organization) conference where he championed Sami al-Arian (the self-confessed funder of HAMAS), lambasted the Patriot Act, said terrorists like Jose Padilla (now a convicted terrorist) and Yasser Hamdi (a captured enemy combatant) were being "persecuted". President Obama bragged that Mr. Hussain is a "hafiz of the Qur'an" - meaning a Muslim who has memorized Islamic scriptures. Mr. Hussain drafted President Obama's Cairo speech.
•           Jennifer Daskal, hired by AG Holder to serve in the U.S. Department of Justice. Ms. Daskal is formerly a member of Human Rights Watch, where she advocated for enemy combatants held at Guantanamo Bay. Ms. Daskal, also helped compromise covert CIA programs involving the detention of captured terrorists in European prisons and urged the UN to investigate the U.S. for torture, war crimes and international law violations.
•           David F. Hamilton, President Obama's first judicial nominee. Judge Hamilton ruled that, "the First Amendment's Establishment Clause barred state legislators from uttering the name of Jesus Christ in any invocations . . . but that referring to the name of Allah was fine".
•           Valerie Jarrett, President Obama's top advisor and close friend, appeared as the headline at ISNA's annual convention in 2009. Another featured speaker at the convention was Warith Deen Umar, the Islamist who was forced out as the head of the New York state chaplain program because of his praise for the 9/11 hijackers and his Koran-based calls for Muslims to "strike terror into the heart of the disbelievers".
•           Andre Carson, the second Democrat member of Congress. Mr. Carson, who was a Louis Farrakhan disciple, converted to Islam has ties to the Nation of Islam. Carson had Farrakhan give the eulogy at his grandmothers funeral. Rep. Carson is a regular congregant at the Nur-Allah Islamic Center in Indianapolis. The Nur-Allah Islamic Center is predicted by the Muslim Brotherhood to be one of those centers that would be the "axis of the Islamist movement" in each U.S. city. Nur-Allah is led by Deen Mohammed, a frequent ISNA collaborator who brought the Nation of Islam (founded by his father, Elijah Mohammed) more into line with the Sunni Islamic principles favored by the Muslim Brotherhood.
I am seeing the Muslim Brotherhood given not just a seat at the table but a front row seat. This was evident when President Obama gave his now infamous "1967 Borders Speech" at the U.S. State Department. In the front row, seated near Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was Mohamed Magid, President of ISNA, a Muslim Brotherhood front organization.
It is now clear that President Obama and his administration have partnered with the Muslim Brotherhood.