Sunday, September 21, 2014

HIGH Treason on 9/11

ALL Patriot Americans MUST know,
with sources inside American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL
reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled,
fascist, extortion-friendly propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptions
Sunday   September 21, 2014
HIGH Treason on 9/11
by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert

9/11 FALSE FLAG 'black op' attacks on New York City and the Pentagon
source BBC News,  source TMJ4 News  (image source)

UNITED States of America   -   

Former Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta Confirmed That Dick Cheney Ordered Stand Down on 9/11

Tom Heneghan excerpt 07-28-2013
It was a missile that hit the Pentagon on 9/11 helping destroy and incinerate records tied to the criminal Nazi Paperclip NSA.
American Airlines Flight 93 was shot down over Shankesville, Pennsylvania on the direct orders of Vice President Richard Cheney.
In closing, we can now divulge that the mystery plane flying over Washington D.C. on 9/11 was allowed to circle the U.S. capitol by then Vice President Richard Cheney who gave NORAD a "stand down" order on the early morning of 9/11.
The "stand down" order was given to disguise the 9/11 BLACK OP using U.S.-Canadian red-blue 9/11 war games as a cover for the 9/11 FALSE FLAG BLACK OP attacks on the United States.

The Coming Return of the Real US Dollar
by Lee Wanta

VITAL Intelligence Briefings

. . .

September 22, 2014: Entry into the Purple Photon Belt – Metatron via Ana Merkaba

September 22, 2014: Entry into the Purple Photon Belt – Metatron via Ana Merkaba

More evidence that the stars and planets are aligning to bring about the much-anticipated changes in our reality… -LW
On the 22nd of your September, you are all going to enter a photonic belt of light, for as your solar system has indeed stepped foot onto the new accord, the planet on which all of you re are finding yourselves shall take the next step in its evolutionary process, bringing with it, the peace and harmony of the ages past and the ages that are yet to come. A photonic belt of purple recognition principles shall roll out a new set of accords for your planet. The portals of the past shall reintegrate with the portals of the NOW moment of time.
To read this message please see my blog here.

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Scottish Referendum ---- from Jim Stone

Sep 20 2014

Scottish Referendum

Numerous people have asked me what I think. WELL, I think it went exactly the way the people counting the votes wanted it to.
In this day and age, there is no excuse for rigged voting. All it would take to ensure an accurate count is for each ballot to have a number on it, and each ballot to be put online to show how the vote for that particular ballot went. If 52 people voted in a particular precinct, only 52 ballots should show up, and all 52 people who voted could get together and confirm their vote was counted correctly. And all it would take is a number on each ballot that the people casting the vote kept and cross checked later against a database. But we will NEVER see that. And having votes from each precinct be given a sum total that everyone who voted could get together and verify would keep dead people from voting.
Obviously the Scottish vote was rigged, with perfectly stacked ballots being pulled out of a box on video. But in an area under jurisdiction of a corrupt Queen and Rothchild clan, what more could you expect?

The year 2014 was added to the Georgia Guidestones

You have probably heard of them - the "guidestones" which state in multiple languages that world population must be maintained at 500 million. WELL, here is something spooky - in 2009 a small section was cut out of the English guidestone, and recently 2014 was inserted into the cut out section. Could this be the year they begin culling the herd?

Read more HERE


ATTN ALL Patriots (2,000 bcc herein)- permission to forward:

  It has been brought to my attention that this photo may have been ‘photo-doctored’.
  That does NOT change 1-iota ANY of my comments contained in my commentary herein.

  I stand by those comments 1,000% and will NOT retract anything stated.

  In fact and with respect to this photo, if in fact it was ‘doctored’, I say this: SO WHAT!
  For it speaks the intention of those who have sought our destruction & have so declared it via numerous examples we have all witnessed to date.

  The language in the photo, said or not, is but a confirmation of what these ‘people’ have decried while killing us Christians worldwide with impunity.

  Equally & as stated, I hold the U.S. Government accountable for this and them because it has been the combined Non-Actions levied upon America over multiple decades by the
2-Party Duopoly that has invited this pestilence and plague into our Land.
  The Open-Borders are an abomination and a further confirmation of the wanton disregard of the 2-Party Oligarchy’s desire for an increased Voting Demographic Base intended and designed to perpetuate Washington’s Hegemony & Control upon us.

  The very fact that they continually ‘Kabuki-Dance’ us to death with additional Humanitarian BS encrypted with the Marxist version of appeasement & understanding intended to provide Legal Citizenship to those we haven’t a clue about who have been incessantly crossing our border for decades is further evidence of our charges and their intent to render this Country in their own Political & Ideological image of a Socialized-Democratic State.

  The current crop of ‘Presidential’ nominees being mentioned (Christie, Bush ‘3’ & Rubio) further underscores more of the same ole same old while the DemonCraps are about to give us Clinton ‘3’- Hillary ‘What Difference Does It Make’ Benghazi Clinton who we still do not know where she was that night when 4 of our People were left to Die or who ordered the non-disposition of military assistance.

  These are the same people who have combined to create an Imperial IRS whose “Navigators” will be assigned the task of determining whether or not we will receive Health Benefits under their Caliph’s Plan (Obamacare) in the coming days who has shown his Imperial disregard by suspending provisions of his own LAW until the presidential election is over when the robust COSTS ($$$$$$) kick in that will ‘bury’ us all and passed with the help of his 2-Demogague Lieutenants- Dirty Harry Reid and Nancy, ‘We Need to Pass this Bill So We Know Wants in It’ Pelosi’…and if these three alone don’t make the argument in of themselves for SEPARATION and what they have combined to do with MANY others, then I don’t know what would.

  This is the same bunch (IRS) that refused the order of a Federal Judge to come up with the missing e-mails that suddenly went lost who Lois Lerner claimed was the actions of 2 people in their Cincinnati office! (HA!)
  The same Lois Lerner who, as Federal Official, was quick to seek the 5th who conspired with the Muslim Mole’s (Obama) Attorney General of Injustice (Eric Holder) to seek submissions from CONSERVATIVE Organizations requesting 501-3c status, any IM-PROPRIETY THAT WOULD HAVE GIVEN HIM (Holder) AND HIS Dept. of Injustice reason for Criminal investigation.
  The same Eric Holder who devised his scurrilous Fast & Furious scheme designed to subvert the 2nd Amendment who was found in Contempt of Congress but who was saved by his Muslim Boss via Executive Order.

  And these are the People who are running what is left of the American Republic today while we are left to deal with the Reality of that which they have created and invited in.

  So, and in conclusion, whether or not this picture was or was NOT ‘doctored’, it speaks the TRUTH relative to the Reality confronting us ALL today.

  Again, I will respectfully submit that this Plague will ONLY be reversed if America SEPARATES!
  The Madness of the Washington Oligarchy is far too entrenched for anyone with an ounce of Common Sense to expect them to reverse course and reduce the size of Government.
  Ah Contraire, Those People are growing it and intended to build upon it even more.

Separation IS Survival!
Separation IS Paramount and IS the ONLY Conduit through which the American Republic that was given us by the Founding Fathers, can ever again be Restored & Returned.

Washington is far too gone and any expectation that New Candidates will change things is simply a Dream & Bridge Too Far!
You know It and I know It!

Respectfully and Confederately,
Craig Maus,
President, The Confederate Society of America

‘A Country that knows NOT of Its Origin is like a Ship without a Rudder- Sooner or later It Will Destroy Itself on The Reef of Stupidity’


Subject: FW: An evil sign in Dearborn, Michigan -- Scary

  Michigan is over-run with Muslims.  They are holding positions on city councils, police department and teaching in public schools (and are in the president's cabinet).  Detroit is having the same problem.
Subject: An evil sign in Dearborn, Michigan
Amazing that any city would allow something like this to be displayed
They are here and more coming everyday.
Subject: An evil sign in Dearborn, Michigan
Embedded image pe         rmalink
                              STILL THINK THEY’RE KIDDING ?????

               WAKE UP !!!

We have no one to blame for this other than ‘Our’ ‘U.S. Government’.
Like it or NOT, this is the end result of decades upon decades of obfuscation & abrogation from the Republic’s principles, origin & basis which was founded & based upon the Christian-Judea Biblical doctrines & beliefs that should HAVE defined its Official Identity from the start.
Years and Years of homogenized demographics culminating from the Revised Immigration Act of 1965 has created this debacle.
Infused from that Revised Act have come many Laws that have created the proxies from which these maniacal enclaves are now flourishing.
They receive endless Tax Benefits & Entitlements via OUR Tax Money and BOTH Parties in Washington, DC are responsible for this!
We PAY for their ‘specialized schools’ that further contribute to this madness, ALL of which remains housed under a doctrine of Political Correctness that has been used to create the ‘Humanitarian’ base & Lie that allows EVERYTHING to flow from, through & TO!
This is FACT!
America is 2-Countries and of that there cannot be any more denial!
Washington, DC, whether you accept it or NOT, is a Central-National Government whose Ideology is entirely based upon Democratic Socialism.
It is eating us ALIVE and we are paying for our own destruction.
The Federal Government that existed 155 years ago NO longer exists. It is an Oligarchy consisting of a despotic 2-Party Duopoly, each of whom have created and contributed to this Country’s Alteration for some time but put in over-drive ever since the 1960’s.
You will NEVER hear of anyone seeking office a clear disposition as to where he or she stands. It is ALL rhetoric that feeds from emotion WITHOUT any substantive solutions.
As a result, the Oligarchy residing in Washington FEEDS from this… advanced by a continual deluge of delusion, illusion and on-going Lies based upon deception coupled with the false narrative that they have OUR interests in mind.
NOTHING could be further from the TRUTH and believing that Those People who created and contributed to this Debacle will soon reverse themselves from the course they have set is a Pipe Dream that will only allow for the Enemies of this Countries, and from WITHIN, to further advance themselves.
I will state again that America can only be SAVED if it SEPARATES itself from the Maniacal Pretenders who have invited this plague into OUR Country, by Ideological Design, that has now mutated into an infectious bacteria that is quickly consuming us ALL!
SEPARATION IS OUR ONLY HOPE and the Quicker One & All come to realize this, the better Our chances for Survival and that of the Restoration of the Founders Republic will be!
Again, what is the definition of Insanity?
Doing the same thing over and over again hoping for a different result!
If you want YOUR COUNTRY back then YOU must come to grips with the undeniable but realistic facts as to what has been done to us by DESIGN- POLITICAL DESIGN!
Separation IS Paramount! Separation IS Survival and God is providing us with EVERY Indication of that which would result if He were to be cast out….and WHO has proclaimed that America is NOT a Christian-Judea Country?

None other than the ‘president’ himself- Barack Hussein Obama- the Marxist Muslim Mole himself whose record reads like a script from his Koran.

Linus & Leftist Lucy

Linus & Leftist Lucy
Peanuts! It’s pretty bad when a cartoon tells us the true story and not the front page of a newspaper

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