Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Baking Soda – True Enemy of The Pharmaceutical Industry

Baking Soda – True Enemy of The Pharmaceutical Industry

Sep 232014
Cancer is an acid i.e. lactic acid, which is a waste product of the fungus and mold and lives in environment that has low concentration of oxygen. If we bring high concentration of oxygen molecules to the cancer cells they will die.
Everyone will strongly resist the idea that something so simple and cheap such as sodium bicarbonate (Baking Soda) can surpass the most expensive pharmaceutical drugs. There are compelling evidence that are supporting the multitude of theories that suggest that sodium bicarbonate should be the primary and universal medicament for a wide range of diseases, including diabetes and cancer, also all therapists and medical professionals should include it in the medical treatment.
When it comes to sodium bicarbonate, we must say that it is well understood and studied substance. It is widely used for decades, even by oncologists. Sodium bicarbonate must be administered routinely in order to prevent from damaging the kidneys from toxicity ofchemotherapy and radiation.
Worldwide millions of people consume bicarbonate ions with the drinking water with purpose of prevention or treating of clinical acidosis as well as in a variety of other conditions, in clinics, hospitals or emergency departments. Every day that helps to be saved countless lives. When baking soda is combined with other basic and strong natural substances like iodine and magnesium chloride, we have a trinity of medical super heroes.
The problem with acidic pH value ​​(relative lack of bicarbonate ions) is a big part of the human physiology. Every biochemical reactions are sensitive to the pH value because the enzymes are very sensitive to this balance.
Very important role in maintaining a favorable pH value in our body plays our diet. A large part of the modern diet results in a decrease of the pH value towards acidic. The imbalance of the pH value interferes with cellular activities and functions, especially if the pH value continues to decrease. Very high acidic pH value leads to deterioration of the cells, which at the end leads to serious health problems, such as gastritis, diabetes, osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases and cancer. The fact that biological life has better function in a non-acidic (alkaline) environment clearly supports the usefulness of baking soda.
Sodium bicarbonate is responsible for the transport of oxygen: dilates the blood vessels and release the oxygen into the tissue, which means that increases the pH value. Elevated pH value of the urine prevents crystallization in the urinary tract.
It has been established that uric acid cause kidney stones, diabetes, heart attack, heart disease, heart attack and gouty. Also it creates a toxic compound named alloxan which is produced by fungi, that means that also creates diabetes and cancer cells. Oral administration of baking soda prevents arthritis, infection, gout, fever, and assist the activity of the pancreas for which is known that produces the most of the bicarbonate and also is responsible for the production of insulin.
Regardless of whether someone has neurological or cardiac diseases, cancer or severe form of the flu if sodium bicarbonate is taken together with magnesium chloride is provided the safest and the best treatment. Their common action effectively removes all the toxins and acids from all tissues, cells and organs.

– See more at: http://livefreelivenatural.com/baking-soda-true-enemy-pharmaceutical-industry/#sthash.nHGDIVHW.dpuf

Obama Administration... Is Paying Monthly Salaries to “Thousands” of ISIS and Al Nusrah Syrian Rebels

If this DOESN'T PROVE that the current private corporation rogue make believe 'government' are TRAITORS, THEN NOTHING WILL - WAKE UP AMERIKA!

Understand, the USA corporation/CIA is RECRUTING, TRAINING, EQUIPPING, FUNDING AND ISSUING ORDERS TO BOTH SIDES!!!!!!!  Make a heck of allot of MONEY for the self titled 'elitists' who drown in gold off the backs of those killed fighting their wars for them.

Obama Administration...

Is Paying Monthly Salaries

to “Thousands” of ISIS and Al Nusrah Syrian Rebels

Global Research, September 22, 2014

by Jim Hoft
Since July 2014, the Obama-backed Free Syrian Army, Al Nusra Front, and ISIS have paired together in order to fight the Syrian Assad regime.
According to one Free Syrian Army commander, the combining of forces with ISIS was needed in order to achieve “the greater good.”
Since around that time ISIS has traveled around the Caliphate in their brand new Toyota Hilux trucks. Paid for by US taxpayers.
Now this…
The Obama Administration is paying “vetted” Syrian rebels monthly salaries.
Officials said the Obama administration has approved “tens of millions of dollars” to pay the salaries of police officers who joined the rebels.
The US is paying defected Syrian police officers $150 a month to fight with the rebels.
Thousands of “vetted” rebels are being paid a monthly salary by the US government.

The New York Times reported:
In a secret office near the Syrian border here, intelligence agents from the United States and its allies are laying the groundwork for what they hope will become an effective force of Syrian rebels to serve as ground troops in the international battle against the extremist Islamic State.
The office, the Military Operations Command, has slowed funding to Islamist groups, paid salaries to thousands of “vetted” rebels and given them ammunition to boost their battlefield mettle.
But even the program’s biggest beneficiaries — the rebels themselves — acknowledge that turning this relatively small group into a force that can challenge the well-funded and well-armed Islamic State is a challenge that will require tremendous support from its foreign backers.
In President Obama’s strategy of building an international coalition to fight the Islamic State without American troops, these moderate rebels loom large as the best force to fight the extremists in Syria. While the House approved an aid package for the rebels on Wednesday and the Senate followed on Thursday, at present the rebels are a beleaguered lot, far from becoming a force that can take on the fanatical and seasoned fighters of the Islamic State.

Tired all the time? This may be why

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Tired all the time? This may be why
Hi John
I think it’s a fair statement that most of us have had days where we felt like we were "the walking dead" and could barely keep our eyes open.
Whether it was because of a cold or flu, not sleeping enough the night before, a long plane ride or doing something physically exhausting, most people have felt fatigued now and then.
And when it's only now and then and the cause is clear-cut, that's one thing.  A good night's rest is usually all you need to feel good again.
But the problem arises when the fatigue becomes constant, severe and affects your everyday functioning--otherwise known as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).
Let's look at this mysterious debilitating condition that affects over half a million people in the US alone, see what may be behind it and explore ways to help overcome it if you've got it.
Chronic fatigue--more than just yawning
Chronic fatigue syndrome is characterized by frequent bouts of incapacitating, flat-on-your-back fatigue and extreme exhaustion
In addition to fatigue, other symptoms can include:
  • Loss of memory or concentration
  • Sore throat
  • Enlarged lymph nodes in your neck or armpits
  • Muscle pain
  • Joint pain
  • Headaches
  • Feeling exhausted even after a full night's sleep
  • Extreme exhaustion lasting more than 24 hours after physical or mental exertion
When that is your reality, it's no wonder that people with CFS also often have depression.  And since the symptoms can be so debilitating, frequent absences from work or school are common too.
Note that CFS also has several aliases too—including CFIDS (chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction syndrome); myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME); chronic Epstein-Barr virus (CEBV) and “yuppie flu.”
How will I know?
Diagnosing CFS can be tricky because there’s not a simple lab test that a doctor can do.
By definition, people with CFS have been extremely tired for at least six months with no obvious reason.  In addition, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has established the following criteria for diagnosing CFIDS:
1-      Your fatigue is not eliminated by rest and it substantially reduces your ability to function normally.
2-      You have suffered from at least four of the following symptoms for the last six months: 
  • Loss in ability to concentrate or short-term memory function
  • Sore throat
  • Swollen and tender lymph nodes
  • Muscle pain
  • Multiple-joint pain without swelling or redness
  • Headaches of a new type, pattern or severity
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Exercise-related fatigue that lasts more than 24 hours
So what's the deal?
CFS is largely a mystery to the medical community because there's not one distinct cause that has been clearly pinpointed.
So that means treatment is simply aimed at symptomatic relief--typically antidepressants and sleeping pills.
But considering the potential dangers of these medications and their growing list of side effects, it's no wonder that many people may feel even WORSE under treatment--not better! 
However, the ray of hope here is that there are certain factors which have been shown to go hand in hand with CFS that are unmistakable
In addition, there are other conditions that can "masquerade" as or be mistakenly diagnosed as CFS.
And once you know about these other factors and conditions and do something about them, you can take giant steps toward prevention of this nasty condition or help feel better if you're battling it.
Here are seven things to consider--see how many may be affecting you:
(1) The health of your immune system
CFS is frequently seen along with or immediately following a viral infection.  The Epstein-Barr virus and the human herpes virus 6 have been common suspects.
So it only follows that the stronger your immune system is overall, the better able it will be to fight infections and viruses of all kinds.
(2) Gluten intolerance
Gluten intolerance can wear many "hats" and one way it can manifest itself inside of you is to mimic chronic fatigue syndrome.
(3) Dysbiosis and/or Leaky gut
People with CFIDS almost always have dysbiosis (harmful bacterial overgrowth) and many have Leaky gut. 
In addition, candidiasis (Candida overgrowth) is another common visitor in people with chronic fatigue.
(4) Chronic stress
People who have chronic fatigue syndrome also sometimes experience abnormal blood levels of hormones produced in the adrenal glands.
Your adrenal hormones are your stress hormones--specifically adrenaline and cortisol.  They control your "fight or flight" reactions when you experience physical or mental stress.
If your stressors are temporary and short-lived, these hormones rise and fall as needed and your body is restored to a calm state.
But the problem arises when you have chronic stress--then your adrenal hormones are in a constant state of elevation which can tax your adrenal glands and cause you to stress-eat.
Oh, and play a part in chronic fatigue syndrome too.
(5) Hypothyroidism
One of the classic symptoms of hypothyroidism (low functioning thyroid) is extreme fatigue.
(6) Vitamin B12 deficiency
Vitamin B12 is a necessary "player" in your body's ability to generate energy from the fats and carbohydrates that you ingest. 
So when you are low in this nutrient, you can suffer chronic fatigue as a result.
(7) Hold on to your hat!
This one's a biggie.
Chronic fatigue can also be the result of these 9 commonly prescribed medications:
1- Blood pressure drugs like lisinopril (Prinivil, Zestril) and furosemide (Lasix)
Blood pressure drugs can depress the entire nervous system and deplete your body of the vitamins and nutrients it needs to produce energy--which can be a major trigger of chronic fatigue.
2- Statins
Ah, yes, the list of health problems associated with statins continues to explode.  Add to that list their tendency to inhibit muscle growth and the production of energy in your cells.
Over time this can manifest as chronic fatigue.
3- Benzodiazepines (anxiety medications)
These drugs "work" by sedating or hypnotizing patients in order to treat conditions like anxiety, depression, insomnia and severe muscle spasms.
What that means is people taking them may be walking around in a constant state of drowsiness which can worsen as their tolerance for the drugs increases and they have to take higher and higher doses
Hello chronic fatigue.  
4- Proton pump inhibitors like lansoprazole (Prevacid) and omeprazole (Prilosec)
PPIs can deplete magnesium stores from your body. And magnesium deficiency can lead to a whole slew of severe illnesses, including extreme weakness and fatigue.
5- Antihistamines like loratadine (Claritin) and cetirizine (Zyrtec)
These histamine blockers often induce tiredness and drowsiness in people taking them, which over time can worsen and develop into chronic fatigue.
6- Antipsychotics like aripiprazole (Abilify) and risperidone (Risperdal)
These are the harshest of the harsh--drugs that are used to treat serious conditions like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
In addition to being powerful depressants, they can induce extreme fatigue and overall weakness in many patients.
7- Antidepressants like fluoxetine (Prozac) and sertraline (Zoloft)
Here's a "depressing" statistic:  At least 30 million Americans now take some type of antidepressant drug to manage depression, as well as to treat chronic pain and a host of other "off label" conditions.
These drugs "work" by inhibiting the normal function of your brain neurotransmitters like serotonin and norepinephrine.  This can also interrupt other bodily hormone levels, which in turn can lead to chronic fatigue.
8- Antibiotics
The "medical miracle's" dark side continues to darken. 
In addition to obliterating your friendly gut flora (where 70% of your immune system resides), antibiotics also often cause extreme fatigue and tiredness.
9- Diuretics
These are often prescribed instead of, or in addition to, high blood pressure drugs for people with elevated blood pressure. 
But in addition to drawing out excess water from the body, they also tend to draw out necessary electrolytes like sodium, potassium and chloride as well, which can lead to severe mineral deficiencies.
And it is these deficiencies that can bring about chronic fatigue, as your body struggles to produce enough energy due to a lack of proper nutrients.
Take control and stop the fatigue before it stops YOU!
If you saw yourself in any of the factors I mentioned above, then it's time to take control of what may be causing fatigue in you.
And do something about it.
Here are some very effective strategies to help fight what may be causing occasional or chronic fatigue for you:
Intestinal flora balance and immune strength
When it comes to having a strong, resilient gut wall and pampering your immune system, in addition to having a healthy diet of real foods that nourish your friendly flora (especially vegetables and fruits), supplementation with a quality probiotic product can be extremely helpful.
And Super Shield multi-strain probiotic formula is your ticket here.
- http://www.bluerockholistics.com/product/pross.asp
Super Shield's 13 strains of potent, top-shelf probiotic bacteria strains are up to the challenge, ready to line your intestinal wall, help beef up your supply of beneficial bacteria, keep harmful bacteria in check, and also help keep your BMs more regular too!
Gluten got your goat?
If you suspect gluten may be a challenge for you the easiest way to tell is to eliminate it from your diet.  You'll see a difference soon enough.
And if you have a KNOWN gluten challenge, well, it's time to do what you need to do.
Now if eliminating gluten from your life seems like a daunting task, no worries.  Because Great Taste No Gluten will guide you all the way.
- http://www.greattastenogluten.com/great.asp
Great Taste No Gluten teaches you the many "faces" of gluten intolerance and gives you easy guides on eliminating gluten from your life for good.
Plus you'll get a book of scrumptious recipes that will make you love every delicious gluten free bite of your new eating lifestyle!
And as an added bonus, Great Taste No Gluten also guides you in how to construct meals that are not only gluten free but are also easier for your body to digest. 
So that can lead to fewer tummy troubles and more regular BMs!
If you find you’re frequently or constantly stressed, it’s time to do something about it.  The following have been shown to be extremely helpful:
  • Don’t over-commit yourself.  Learn to say no when your plate is already full, and make some “me-time” for yourself, even if it’s just a warm bath for 20 minutes.
  • If your job causes you stress and it doesn’t seem like it can or will get any better, consider looking for another job.
  • See a skilled therapist or counselor.  Note I used the word “skilled”—if you’ve been seeing a therapist and they’re either not helping you or all they want to do is push drugs on you, find another.
  • Exercise!  Exercise is one of the cheapest and most effective forms of stress reduction.  Find an exercise buddy to keep you motivated and keep it fun.  Just be sure to get your doctor’s OK, especially if you haven’t moved much in a while.
  • Reach into your inner spiritual side.  Deep breathing, meditation, prayer and yoga are all VERY effective stress reducers.
Get tested for thyroid problems
The key here is to get thoroughly tested.
You see, when assessing someone for thyroid problems, many doctors will typically do just one test--a TSH test. 
But know this: The TSH does NOT always detect a thyroid challenge.  That means many people with undiagnosed thyroid problems continue to suffer!
A better approach is to have a thorough battery of tests including:
  • TSH
  • Total T4
  • Free T4, T3
  • Thyroid peroxidase antibody
  • Thyroid binding globulin
  • TRH challenge test
If your doctor says these tests are not necessary and/or won't do them, find another doctor who will.
Boost your B12
Vitamin B12 a very common deficiency--especially with vegetarians, people who use antacids, people who have had gastric surgery and the elderly.  
Your doctor can do a simple test to see if you're low in B12.  If you are and changes to your diet aren't enough, supplementation may be wise.  But beware—because B12’s absorption in the GI tract may be inconsistent—especially if you are low in stomach acid or your system can’t produce the intrinsic factor needed for proper B12 absorption.
But Hydroxaden 2.5 can help with these challenges.
- http://www.bluerockholistics.com/product/hydroxaden.asp
Hydroxaden 2.5 is a convenient vitamin B12 spray that gives you the 2.5 mg of B12 (in the form of hydroxocobalamin) suggested by many nutrition experts.  Just five quick sprays under your tongue each day is all it takes.
And since it’s absorbed through the mucus membranes in your mouth, stomach acid and intrinsic factor deficiencies are not a concern.
Medication mayhem
Last but not least, if you're on any of the fatigue-inducing medications I listed above, it may behoove you to talk to your doctor about safer or natural alternatives.
And get this--if you change your diet to make it healthier and more easily digested like I explain in the Great Taste No Pain system
- http://www.greattastenopain.com/great.asp
chances are good you may eventually help improve the underlying problem and hence not need those medications anymore (and can talk to your doctor about weaning off of them!).
Or at least maybe you and your doctor can discuss reducing your dose or using milder alternatives that don’t make you fatigued!
All it takes is just a few simple modifications to what foods you pair together, and of course incorporating more of the good stuff (meats, vegetables, fresh fruits and whole grains) into your meals.
Chronic fatigue continues to be a health nightmare and remains very much a mystery.
But once you look at what may be causing or contributing to any level of fatigue in YOU, then you can make a tremendous difference in how you feel!
To your health,
Sherry Brescia

PS: Remember—we’ll soon be launching our brand new website-www.holisticblends.com!  It’s getting closer to completion and the big day will be here before long!
PPS:  Always be sure to let your doctor or healthcare provider know what supplements you are taking. 
PPPS: JoAnn has energy she hasn’t had in years, and she’s down 12 pounds!

Hi Sherry:
I feel like a new person. I am 58 years old and have suffered with Gerd for at least 15 years. I've been on Nexium, Prevacid, Prilosec, Aciphex, Tums, Pepcid, you name them and I have probably taken them. I finally ended up on Prilosec again. It wasn't even working for me and some days I was taking 2 a day.
I started your Great Taste No Pain program and that was the last day I had a Prilosec. I cannot believe the difference in how I feel.
I have lost 12 pounds, and my reflux is just about totally gone. I have energy that I haven't had in years. And it's so simple. I am telling everyone I know about this fantastic program!
Thanks for the Great Taste No Pain plan. It has changed my life.

Want the best probiotic on the market today? Then learn why Super Shield outshines all the rest here.

Got low energy? Brain fog? CRS disease? You just may be low in in just one vitamin. One out of four people are. Read more about this deficiency and how you can help turn that around FAST.

Years of junk foods, meats, alcohol and soft drinks results in a decrease in your body's ability to produce digestive enzymes. This can result in daily painful gas, bloating, heartburn and constipation no matter how otherwise healthy your diet is!  Digestizol Max can help turn that around for you fast. Its effective blend of 14 plant-derived enzymes and soothing herbs will help carry out the job of digestion and keep you feeling great! Learn more about Digestizol Max here.

Gluten has been linked to hundreds of health problems, including autoimmune diseases. If you are gluten sensitive or have an autoimmune disease, see what avoiding gluten can do for you.  Great Taste No Gluten will make gluten avoidance easy, while giving you 160 of the world's tastiest gluten-free recipes to make you love every bite of your gluten-free life.  Learn more about Great Taste No Gluten here.

 Haven't taken the Great Taste No Pain test drive?  Why not?  Get over to
- http://www.greattastenopain.com/freereports/ and feel the power of Great Taste No Pain.

Orders: 1-888-724-4366

Want to read past articles? Here they are.

* Forward this email to the people you care about the most!

- http://www.greattastenopain.com/great.asp
- http://www.greattastenogluten.com/great.asp
- http://www.bluerockholistics.com

(c) copyright 2013 Holistic Blends

**The FDA has not evaluated all of these statements. The contents of this email are not to be considered medical advice and are for educational purposes only. If you are experiencing health challenges, always consult your doctor for medical advice and follow it even if it contradicts the contents of this email.**

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- http://www.greattastenopain.com/great.asp
PO Box 359 Syracuse, NY 13209
Ph.: 1-888-724-4366 FAX: 315-468-5818

News, Rumors, and Opinions Tuesday Afternoon

News, Rumors, and Opinions Tuesday Afternoon


Carden Today s SEPT 23, and as Exo has so clearly stated, NO RV/GCR in evidence.

Abadi arrived in NYC yesterday for the UN meeting at 7 AM without security detail and only fellow dignitaries from the new GOI.

Other leaders from around the world, representing some 200+ countries are in evidence including Zimbabwe and all arrived without security details. Only US president Obama has security and in great evidence.

We are ~ 2 weeks out from Jackson Hole. Money was pledged to Iraq from nations around the world. Every nation that stands to benefit from RV.

Every nation that has IQD to pledge.... How does the commitment to fund infrastructure, humanitarian development, military needs get delivered to Iraq?

 What is the machine behind this commitment from other nations? These are the questions the common man does not ask. I will explain.
1) ASSET IS PLEDGED ON BEHALF OF GOVT - typically from a large/tier 1 bank may come from out of country but moved in-country via SWIFT (or might be the new system?).

2) GOVT TAKES ASSET UNDER OWNERSHIP - increases the country's wealth

3) GOVT PLEDGES ASSET FOR LOAN - and thus begins the buy/sell and with every amount deposited, and under fractional-banking creation further additional amounts arrive in-country and in their pool of available cash and OF WHICH A PORTION GOES TO DELIVER ON THE COMMITMENT TO IRAQ.

4) MANAGED IN COOPERATION WITH IMF, WB, EU, UST, and finally UN which delivers the asset to IRAQ.

All this is stated to explain. The money is CREATED ALREADY. So where's our ARVEE? Gentlemen, start your engines. The flit is about to hit the shan if we don't see this girl arrive immediately.


Carden We are hearing that other countries, including Mexico, are preparing to RV tomorrow and with or without USA.

Will this be the case? Only time will tell. The pieces are all set in motion. Fair trade ensues.

Only the Treasury Notes are the hold out. USN is showing .... wait .... wait .... wait and the world of currency traders (which is larger than stocks and bonds) will not trade in (ugh! worthless!) USD.

What is this world coming too!

Doogie Houser > Carden Any mention of Canada?

Carden > Doogie Houser My guess would be they'll align with Mexico. Same issues there as well. When is Canada's FY ending? US is SEPT 30, 2014. We have to show the books this year, Friends. There's no hiding off ledger now with BASEL 3. This will be a NEW YEAR with disclosure.


Money Time > Thank you carden for this clear and simple explanation..... the more we collectively understand, the big picture emerges from under the stone exposing just how complex this puppy is and how "misinformation has been the only consistancy" since being involved with this.

My question is what is next?

Meaning what hasn't been brought up that could be holding this rv from happening? Iraq is about to explode being the powder keg fuse has been lit by continuing daily public announcements that currency reform is going to happen......

Carden > Money Time Gosh! I wish I could wave my Magic Wand and clearly foretell the future for the whole world. It's a serpentine web, with millions and billions of strands to follow, and each one leading in a direction that could likely veer right or left on a subtle breath.

We know that tomorrow, there are DEBTS DUE.

Can these debts be postponed? Yes and there's always a give and take involved. Tomorrow, the world is waiting for this change. Can it be delayed? Absolutely. Will it be? All we can do is wait and see what transpires, hour-by-hour, minute-by-minute.... and hold our breath waiting for that BIG EXHALE of relief which is COMING.


RE: BREAKING NEWS: Finance intends to send the budget to Parliament Tuesday

wilbur grodan September 23, 2014 at 12:49pm

More status quo
And all HELL to break loose

Susan A. S.It was sent to Parliament on Tuesday. Parliament will meet on Wednesday. Their Wednesday...is our Tuesday night.
Watch and wait.



[BigDog-OH] Zimbabwe: Zim Set to Join Elite Financial Market  

[BigDog-OH] Zimbabwe Is Set To Join The World's Elite Financial Markets Group And Become The Ninth African Member Country...9/23/14    http://allafrica.com/stories/201409021379.html

[BigDog-OH] UK regulator fines Barclays $62 million for client fund failings http://www.cnbc.com/id/102022576

[BigDog-OH] Currencies of Commodities Exporters Decline Third Day on Outlook


[BigDog-OH] Bullard Says ‘Natural’ to Drop Fed’s Rate Pledge Next Month   http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-09-23/bullard-says-natural-to-drop-fed-s-rate-pledge-next-month.html

[BigDog-OH] Treasury acts to stop overseas tax 'inversions'   http://money.cnn.com/2014/09/22/news/economy/treasury-inversions/index.html


Dinar Updates:

 Is the story then untrue the parliament is not voting till after religious holiday?




jdtolle » September 23rd, 2014, Reach forward

You might not reach your goal today. Yet you can reach a significant part of the way toward it.

You may not make as much progress today as you intend. Yet you will make some valuable progress.

Don’t you dare be discouraged by what you were not able to do. Instead, be inspired by what you have been able to get done, and by what you’re now in a position to achieve.

Even though you’re not able to reach all the way right now, reach. Go ahead, do what you can, now when you have the opportunity.

Get started, continue, make some progress, then do it again and again. Small efforts add up to big results when you repeat them often enough.

Reach forward, work forward and move forward.

You’ve made some meaningful progress, and now is your chance to make even more.

— Ralph Marston

Wishing All a safe and blessed day

Zimbabwe: Zim Set to Join Elite Financial Market


Zimbabwe: Zim Set to Join Elite Financial Market



·        Zimbabwe
·        Business


Zimbabwe is set to join the world's elite financial markets group and become the ninth African member country if its application is approved by the Financial Markets Association at the ACI international Meeting set for the end of this month.Upon approval Zimbabwe will join South Africa, Kenya, Mauritius, Nigeria, Tanzania, Zambia, Uganda and Ghana in the financial markets association.
ACI International will consider Zimbabwe's financial markets application at their next congress to be held at the end of this month in New York.
The approval of the application will bring Zimbabwe's financial markets to international best practices. The application for affiliation was submitted by the Financial Traders Association of Zimbabwe.
FTAZ president Mr Collen Kapende told the association's annual general meeting in Nyanga on Saturday that their application had reached the final stage.
"Following the initial ground work done by past FTAZ Presidents and committees I am pleased to inform you that we have reached the final stages in our ACI -- The Financial Markets Association affiliation application," said Mr Kapende.
"Our application is now awaiting approval from ACI international at their next congress to be held at the end of September in New York. In that regard, we are extremely grateful to our Monetary Authorities for giving us the required green light to affiliate with ACI," he said.
ACI is a leading non-profit and non-political association of wholesale financial market professionals. Members of ACI are largely engaged in financial trading or sales environment in the global financial markets representing foreign exchange, interest rate products and other securities, bank notes, precious metals and commodities and derivatives.
It has 13 000 international members from more than 60 countries.
The FTAZ's objective is to ensure that market professionals are represented in actions aimed at shaping market developments within the regulatory environment, maintenance of ethics, arbitration and advice offered in case of professional disagreements and the delivery of third party certification on a global scale (dealing certificate, operations certificate or diploma).
"Our aim is to take Zimbabwe to be in line with international best practices in terms of trading especially when we adopted other countries' currencies," said Mr Kapende.
FTAZ represents more than 100 financial markets dealers who buy and sell securities or financial instruments for and on behalf of financial institutions and analyse financial markets.
It draws its membership from 21 financial institutions including the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe.
Turning to the market, Mr Kapende said the market continues to be gripped by several challenges which include short term deposits, low levels of liquidity, subdued interbank trading activity because of scepticism and general reservations by banks about trading in such a fragile environment, and the unavailability of the lender of last resort.
"The economy has been affected by limited foreign direct investment and lines of credit because of the perceived sovereign risk by external investors. This has had a negative impact on the quantum of available liquidity circulating in the local money market. To worsen the situation, there has been deposit concentration within the top five banks curtailing the smooth spread of the scarce liquidity across the market," said Mr Kapende.
Efforts to unlock liquidity through the Afreximbank proposed $100 million Interbank Facility are a starting point towards establishing a solid and vibrant interbank market.
"However, these efforts though generally welcome have been slow in taking off hence leaving the market in limbo with a dearth of acceptable trading paper. The market remains generally fragmented in terms of interest rates on deposits with banks long on liquidity offering softened rates while they remain largely high in banks struggling to raise deposits.

Liquid banks deposit rates range 0-10 percent on the 30-90 day horizon. Illiquid banks deposit rates range 11-15 percent on the 30-90 day horizon, according to Mr Kapende.


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Scholar and filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza, left, accompanied by his lawyer Benjamin Brafman leaves federal court, in New York, Tuesday, May 20, 2014.
Scholar and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza, left, accompanied by his lawyer Benjamin Brafman leaves federal court, in New York, Tuesday, May 20, 2014.
NEW YORK – Filmmaker and Obama critic Dinesh D’Souza was sentenced in Manhattan Tuesday morning in his campaign finance case to eight months in a work-release center during five years of probation, community service one day a week and a $30,000 fine.
D’Souza pleaded guilty in May to arranging straw donors to contribute $10,000 to the failed 2012 U.S. Senate campaign of Wendy Long, a college friend.
Dinesh D'Souza, left, and lawyer Benjamin Brafman after D'Souza's sentencing in Manhattan (WND photo)
Dinesh D’Souza, left, and lawyer Benjamin Brafman after D’Souza’s sentencing in Manhattan (WND photo)
D’Souza let out a big sigh of relief when U.S. District Judge Richard Berman began the sentencing hearing, which lasted more than two hours, by stating he didn’t believe prison was necessary.
“I want to thank the judge for imposing what I believe is a fair sentence,” D’Souza told reporters after the hearing.
D’Souza will spend the first eight months of his five-year probation in a community confinement center in San Diego, where he currently resides. He will be allowed to continue his writing and filmmaking but must set aside one day a week during his probation to teach English to non-English speakers.
Prosecutors had asked for a prison term of at least 10 months, insisting D’Souza had not shown remorse. D’Souza’s allies contend the case is politically motivated payback for his two successful documentaries and companion bestselling books critical of Obama and what D’Souza regards as an anti-American ideology.
D’Souza explained his attitude toward the case in an interview with WND earlier this month.
“I am contrite for exceeding the campaign finance limit, but I am not contrite for being a public critic of the Obama administration,” he said.
Federal sentencing guidelines had given Berman the option of up to 24 months.
D’Souza argued for leniency, asking to be allowed to do community service under probation. He argued his prior criminal record was clean and he was genuinely contrite for having committed what many consider to be a technical violation of campaign finance laws.
Producer Gerald R. Molen
Producer Gerald R. Molen
Supporters of D’Souza see a double standard, maintaining Eric Holder’s Justice Department typically ignores similar technical violations in contributions to Democratic Party campaigns.
In January, Geraled R. Molen, producer of D’Souza’s two films, told WND the charges were “the equivalent of prosecuting a political dissident in the Soviet Union for jaywalking.”
“Yes, jaywalking in the Soviet Union is a crime, but it’s a minor crime. The real point is that you are a political dissenter and the government wants to put you away,” said Molen, who won an Academy Award for co-producing “Schindler’s List.”
“When Dinesh D’Souza can be prosecuted for making a movie,” he said, “every American should ask themselves one question: ‘What will I do to preserve the First Amendment?’”
Obama’s America
D’Souza’s documentary “2016: Obama’s America” hit theaters during the 2008 presidential campaign, and “America: Imagine the World Without Her” was released in July.
After ringing up approximately $14.5 million in nationwide theater distribution, D’Souza’s latest film is scheduled to go into DVD distribution in October.
His book by the same title was a No. 1 bestseller both on Amazon.com and on the New York Times list.
WND broke the story in July that wholesale giant Costco had removed D’Souza’s book “America” from shelves nationwide, prompting many Costco shoppers to cancel store memberships. Amid the backlash, Costco reversed the decision and reordered the book.
Sales figures obtained by WND show that since July, Costco has sold more than 75,000 copies of D’Souza’s book. Costco has placed a substantial order for the forthcoming DVD.
D’Souza can now claim two feature films in the top 10 political documentaries, with “2016: Obama’s America” ranked No. 2, with nearly $33.5 million in lifetime gross revenue. It trails only Michael Moore’s 2004 documentary, “Fahrenheit 9/11,” with lifetime gross revenue exceeding $119 million.
“America” opens with a dramatic fictional scene of the British defeating the American Revolutionary War Army as Gen. George Washington is shot to death on the battlefield by a British sniper.
The documentary considers what the world would look like if American didn’t exist.
It depicts iconic American monuments such as the Statue of Liberty in New York and the Lincoln Memorial in Washington dissolving into sand.
It dramatizes Abraham Lincoln arguing famously that the future risk to United Sates national security will not come from foreign enemies but from within.
D’Souza draws on Howard Zinn’s socialist-inspired bestselling college textbook, “A People’s History of the United States: 1482 to Present,” to articulate the leftist indictment of the United States.
The film features interviews with prominent leftist authors and activists ranging, including Norm Chomsky and Ward Churchill, who portray the U.S. as a racially oppressive nation in which power has been accumulated through imperialist foreign wars and domestic class warfare that oppresses people of color, starting with the indigenous Indian tribes displaced from their lands and slaves brought in chains from Africa.

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2014/09/obama-nemesis-dinesh-dsouza-finally-learns-punishment/#Gw5GUz34gVgtYTsh.99