Tuesday, September 23, 2014

TNT call notes 22-Sept-2014

TNT call notes 22-Sept-2014

Tony:  Good morning, TNT!  It is Tuesday, September 23, 2014.  This is an off day, of course.  Yes, the RV is going to happen.  The GCR is going to happen. We are in a good position, a very simple position today.  We can go east to west, and you got what’s on the television, so we can talk about that.

First I would like to give an explanation of why we didn’t do a call yesterday.

DC:  We were told by several folks to wait until their 11 o’clock news, they were waiting for certain things to be announced, to see if they could get it done by then.  Unfortunately that didn’t happen.

Tony:  But it was on the agenda to happen on the 11o’clock news, it just didn’t. That was what we were waiting for.

DC:  Iraq – More banking and finance legislation passed, interior and defense ministers are seated. They hit some more ISIL bases.  They have been very inclusive and successful in wrapping up the new laws.  Abadi and the President are revolving in and out of NY for UN week. They are talking about RV and ISIL a lot, and we will see Abadi speaking at the UN tomorrow.  They are fully engaged with the legislature at home, just doing two jobs at the moment.  They are still going ahead.  Any more legislative stuff?

The CBI is ready, just waiting. They had a few issues there ten days away but now everything is resolved – procedural and technical issues that are now fixed. Everyone is waiting on their timetable.  ISIL is being attacked and that has been successful.  The coalition is doing what they are doing, and it’s all very successful.

ON the television, they are still running the same announcements saying economic reforms are coming very soon or immediately, with locations in many areas where people can exchange as well as merchants changing their prices.  Again, people are highly frustrated and tension is high to get this done across the world.  All the friendlies are telling their bosses that this is a huge issue and tension is extremely high to get this done.

Tony:  Last Friday, people were getting vocally upset in the mosques because they are tired of all thisThey removed this from television and today they put it back on, and telling people where to exchange, saying that Iraq is the richest in the region.  That adds to your point about the intelligence agencies.

DC:  Those who believe this is months off -- why would they do this to their people now?  It truly is causing issues, not just minor blips. It is getting much hotter, as a real issue.

Tony:  Parliament has been there every day, taking votes and changing the lawsIraq is telling their people they are the richest in the world again.  They have their GOI and now they have come before the UN.  Are they ready to take up their position in the world?

DC:  According to our sources, part of their talks Sunday and yesterday and today are saying “we are ready, done all the last-minute things, let’s get this done!”  That’s what we understand.

Tony:  So I’m a brand-new government, and I know it’s what the world is looking forward. Am I going to look foolish in front of the UN, or do I come bearing gifts?

DC:  That is pretty straightforward.

Tony:  We are not going to know today, but tomorrow

DC:  It’s part of the message to get out that Iraq is proceeding in terms of security and economically.

Tony:  We’ve heard the 16th was a prominent date, and then the 20th, that things were to be accomplished by those date.  Do we have a new date for things to be accomplished?  ON the 3rd October is a holiday, and they want people to be paid by then.  They have said that by 1. October, they will be paid retroactively to the 1.JanuaryCommon sense says that they will have to be done before that, so it pushes it back again. We know that certain events have to happen before then, too.  This date, and the fact that it was moved

DC:  I just think (my opinion) is that they got some dates that it would be nice to be done by, and they worked back from there.  If we mention a date, everyone gets upset about it, but we believe there is a lot of logic to backing it up a while from 1. October, and there is pressure to get it done.

Tony:  Today was supposed to be a pay day for somebody, and so was last Thursday.

DC: If you don’t pay your bills, someone starts calling, and the same is true in Iraq.  They may do something, like removing support, or getting Iraq involved in certain issues.

Tony:  Those bills were to supposed to be paid in revalued dinar, not dollars or old dinar, right?

DC:  Yes.  Going to the UN, there are a bunch of meetings there, we’ve seen some in the news.  Obama and Abadi both speak tomorrow. There are a lot of meetings going on, everyone getting ready or being ready, proving that to everyone.  Have we been waiting on these meetings?  No.  Is it all the right people/meetings, and you have the opportunity to talk to them?  Yes. There is pressure from all sides on Iraq.  All of those situations are going on, a lot of talk about Syria and Ukraine this week.

In DC< everyone is cued up and ready, the same BIS/IMF hold on their screens.  Admin is supporting all this, both Democrats and Republicans are supportive.

Tony:  From our sources here and there, both government and private business and the public, they are all saying “This deal is actually done;  don’t pay attention to the news.  I was sitting in the meeting and it’s done.  Just wait.” WE don’t know what we are waiting for or what the wait moment is.  The ministers have been voted in for two weeks, by a large majority – the interior minister’s vote was unanimous!

DC:  My sources said yesterday and this morning to just stop micro-managing and let it come.  Sit back and relax, it’s fine.

Tony:  We want every nuance and every detail, but the calls are all just saying the same thing.  Over the weekend, everyone was back in the banks, and they were told that they would be busy on Monday and Tuesday.  Everyone anticipated it yesterday.  On the international stage, they are saying they have the numbers now.  But we are just waiting.  We know HCL has been passed.  An article came out today saying the Kurds didn’t get their 17%, but we know HCL has been passed.  This is a perfect time for this to happen.  What they are doing there is blocking communications and therefore blocking the counterfeiters.

609 caller:  When you see the RV will happen, what is the difference between now and the last two weeks?

Tony:  There is no difference!  Its already in the system, it is happening, and we are just waiting until the time it happens.   I expect it before the 1st, but I don’t know when it’s actually going to happen.  That would make sense to me, to get it out before sending out paychecks and people having to figure it out.

Caller:  There are rumors of other countries wanting to RV tomorrow, like Mexico.

Tony:  I think if they RV tomorrow, Iraq will as well.

Caller:  Any updates on the Zim?

Tony:  Yes but if I tell you, it will double in price again, so I’m leaving that alone.

570 caller:  I’m in central Pennsylvania.  If you were one of us, what question would you ask that we keep missing in our questions?

Tony:  We have actually told you more than we probably should:  that everyone is telling us to relax, it’s done, we are just waiting for something and I don’t know what.  DC, what is that date by which we need to see everything done?  It’s not 3rd or 1st of October, and he cannot’ say.

DC:  There is just not that much left to do…

SD caller:  [can’t hear the caller]  Family time…

Tony:  I hope you like your family!

Caller:  [Appreciation]  We are ten hours from any large cities.  Will there be exchange centers anywhere in the Midwest.

DC:  All those cities have exchange centers and bank set up to take your currency.

Caller:  Do we have to give the zips where we want to go?  Or where we are?

Tony:  They won’t know where you are, so if you give them the zip code were you are, and they will give you the closest exchange center, or you give them the zip of where you want to exchange.

Caller:  When the 800 numbers are out, will there be one for all the banks or what?

DC:  There’s been some confusion about that procedure.  Here’s how we understand it, what we have been told by bankers, Senators, Reps, Homeland, etc.  Let’s say it goes tomorrow, just for argument’s sake;  Tony and I will be given a 800 number that goes to the call center.  They will allow us to do a combined call that says “here is where to go, here is the procedure.” Those procedures have been changed so many times, back and forth to our doing 7-14 days’ of calls or not.  So you call the 800 number and tell them where you want to exchange, and they will give you the names of banks and appointment times that are availableSome will be in banks, some will be in exchange centers or mortgage centers or wherever.  Those phone calls go through the call centers, and we have friends in many of the who have been trained and are ready to go.  After those calls are completed, many of the call center people will be send to exchange centers.  Most of DinarLand will go through in 72 centersWe understand that a higher exchange rate will be available to us called the contract rate because it involves a contract with China who wants to buy those dinar.  There is a limited pool for the contract rate, and they have to allow the public to have access to the contract rate because of issues we have raise about special deals some people got.  It is limited, although we can guess, and we don’t know how long that will rate.

We believe there will be a high and middle contract rate, and everyone else will get the international or market rate, and that will be somewhere between 3.50 and 4 dollars.  After the first surge, the pressure will die down rapidly and it will be like any other foreign currency transaction. They will send them off to a facility to be counted and your account will be credited.

For the contract rate you will have to sign an NDA. We are not attorneys, but what Tony and I have read is “just don’t talk about it”The folks who take international rate, there will be no NDA and it will be simple and straightforward.  In DinarLand, we will have a fighting chance at the contract rates.  The other five million who have a bit of dinar will get the international rate, which will be phenonmenal, and simple/easy to exchange.

Tony:  We have been told several time by people who know that we should make sure ours is done before telling anyone else, because there is a limited amount at certain rates.

Caller:  That’s our problem, that it will take a while to get to our appointments.

DC: I would say on the call “what is my nearest exchange center?”  Those in major cities may have a lot of people exchange.  Middle-sized towns should get you in right away.

Tony:  They are planning to be open until 11pm at night!

919 caller:  You mentioned back that it could go in April, but the US wasn’t Basel III compliant, so could it have gone back then?

Tony:  It could have gone, but the dollar would have lost a lot of valueThat’s why it didn’t go. We were the only ones who weren’t ready, and we asked for an extra year, but the other countries said they would go ahead anyway, and we could catch up. There was a crisis in June, and the dollar would have fallen more than 3%.  I remember telling you that this was not about us, but about the entire economy.  Whenever it happens it works out for us, but it would have been unhelpful for everyone else.  There are other things going on besides exchanging dinars, we just hope this is one of the requirements.

Caller:  ON Friday’s call, DC mentioned a rate of $3.41, and today they are saying they are the richest in the area.

DC:  They mean the overall value of their country is the highest.  It might come out between $3.41 and $4, and it will probably go up as well.

Caller:  Did they celebrate over the weekend?

DC:  No, and everyone is really frustrated.

Caller:  You are telling us that they are ready, and you don’t know why exactly it’s not going;  what do you believe it going on?

Tony:  They had celebrations scheduled for Saturday and Sunday.  They don’t fly all those people in two weeks in a row without something going on.  There is a plan.

DC:  I think we are just waiting for this to go through, according to the high-level people I’m talking to. There is nothing we are waiting for, just waiting for some specific time.

Tony:  We know when those celebrations were scheduled and we’re watching the announcements on the screens.  We know everything that has to be done, like the interior and defense ministers and the 17% for Kurdistanthose have all happened.  It’s done.  ON Sunday, we got that it’s done. What time we are waiting for, I don’t know.  Things were always scheduled for over a weekend and there is a reason for that.

Caller:  My birthday is on Sunday – will I have a really good birthday?

DC:  I think it should be done by there.

Tony:  I hope it doesn’t get that fat.

Caller:  Do people finally realize that dinarians are planning to help humanity?  Or do you still need to hear more of that campaign.

Tony:  We needed to show the PTB that dinarians are good people.

DC:  Why we decided to ask what people are doing is for that campaign, and because society is full of people who are trying to learn, do the right thing and pay attention.  We tried to address that.  Also, there were some folks just tried to bait us into doing silly or stupid things, and we refused to rise to that.  Also, we would say something tiny in a two-hour live call, and they would jump over us.  So they would use this to ‘prove’ that these guys are not capable of doing this sensibly.  A lot of those who have ‘lottery winner syndrome’ do benefit society by buying things and contributing to charities.

Caller:  I’m planning a lot of endowments for colleges and churches and creating other foundations…

DC: That’s great!

Tony:  It doesn’t take long to be sick and tired of spending money – you’ll see!

650 caller:  From everything you’re saying, this weekend should have been it. I’m really surprised this didn’t happen.  You have told us that there are interior and defense ministers – what are their names?

DC:  I’m freezing here.

Tony: The interior has been made public in their newspapers – and it has been made public.

Caller:  What happened at the weekend?  Who moved my cheese?

DC:  It was an agreement between the CBI and Abadi.  They had to get tacit approval by UST, BIS, the Chinese and the Bank of England.

Caller:  Who does this make sense to?  It’s in everyone ‘s interest to get this done and move on in the world.   You said the CBI is in control of this process,  so how does this continued to be delayed?

Tony:  You guys are just looking at monetary issues – and that does make a difference.  Last week, let’s say there was money in Iraq.  People with money don’t want to fight, unless someone is paying you to fight.  So if those paying you to fight also threatening you, then does that make a difference?  If, this week, X says I will give you more money than Y did, and Y has stopped threatening you, does that make a difference?   It’s a timing issue.  It’s not just about the money.

Caller:  So many things have been accomplished.  I just don’t understand how there can be any pressure NOT to do this.

Tony:  I can see why they would do it.  They are not concerned about YOU getting paidThey have other concerns.  They will pay the people they need to pay by the 1st, and I think they will do it well before then.  It’s easy to see the steps if you look past “where’s my money?”

Caller:  [More of the same]

Tony:  Did they manufacture this crisis, and would it have been better to do it 90 days ago?  Yes, but this is the situation there is now, and they have to deal with it. I don’t like it, and I would like to have been paid yesterday, but there are other factors.  There is one more step that has to go with that, okay?

Caller:  What do you expect Abadi to say at the UN tomorrow?

DC:  I expect him to thank everyone for their help and make a major push for Iraq to be ready to resume their place in a major way;  their economic future is brilliant and ready to go forth… and that they don’t need ground troops.  IF he mentions anything about economic reform, I will be jumping in my seat.

585 caller:  DC, I understand that you are an independent, but I would bet that 1. October would be a good day to look at for the last push before the November elections.

DC:  Getting out the vote is the big concern. The democrats are a bit behind the GOP in that respect, and they can use the money up to the 3. October.   Their main concern is getting people out right now;  their belief is that a lot of decision are not yet made.  A lot of Democrats are still angry about screwing up this exchange in June/July;  this messed up the elections in a big way and they are very angry. It looked like an easy win, and it didn’t go through.  Right now everything is there.  A lot of people are resigned to having a slight majority.  The main fear is about how much legislation will get down – my friends in DC are afraid not much will get done because of Congressional gridlock.

Caller:  Many are concerned about reports of growing unrest.  What will happen if there is a mass revolt?

DC: The smart play is the RV.  They have to figure out how long they can do this.  My contacts are frustrated and angry, because there is nothing to gain from these delays, and they are playing a pretty nasty game of poker.  The Iraqi government wants to get this done, and it’s not really the administration holding it up – it’s a lot of private businesses and government organizations.  There are so many smart people who are too afraid to make the smart decision.  People don’t get into government service to push the boundaries and take risks.  These are inherently NOT risk-takers who are worried about bad press, etc.  This causes everyone to freeze instead of moving forward, especially around nonstandard operations.  It is so bureaucratic, not just here but in other countries as well.

617 caller:  Is it still in Iraq’s hands to get this done?

DC:  They are listening to everyone else, but it’s still their decision.  The President does want this to go.

719 caller:  I was reading an article about a guy whose daughter got killed by a drunk driver, and he set up a 3-5,000 grant for anyone who kept to a non-drinking pledge during those four years of college.  I thought that was great.  Tony, you said we are not going to know today, with all the speeches at the UN, and then Abadi speaking tomorrow.  You also keep talking about weekends…

Tony:  I don’t think they will put this through until right before Abadi’s speech tomorrow, and then he will address some of those issues in his speech.  I’m not guaranteeing that, but it would make sense.  However, it didn’t happen yesterday, and although it could happen tonight, Abadi is already here in NY.

Now, about weekends:  if they want to freeze a rate, the best time is at the weekend because there is no Forex, they are not changing their rates at the banks, etc.  That is the opportune time to do it.  However, if they want to do it before then, that could work.  They had several plans that didn’t work out because things changed on the ground, but that opportune time would have worked perfectly to get all of us exchanged.  Could that change again?  Yes, anything could happen.

Caller:  When you talked to the guy about ISIL, it certainly made sense and that would be a great time to release this.

Tony:  ISIL is paying those people and giving them food.  So NOW, with the threat being removed, this is a good time to give the Iraqis their money to buy food and goods.

Caller:  I can’t believe that Americans could be so stupid as to think they could go over to Iraq and have a good life under ISIL.

Tony:  I don’t think they could ever come back to the US.

Caller:  They are at the end by which this HAS to be done, and now everybody is watching for it, in these ten days.  If they hadn’t delayed it, it could have gone surreptitiously overnight.  Why would they drag this out so long.

Tony:  They have been catching counterfeiters for the last two weeks, and there was a guy in London did ten billion dollars in trades two minutes before it was supposed to go! That’s why they don’t’ want you to know the exact timing.

Caller:  One of my group said that Zim, rupiah and dong are not Basel II compliant, much less Basel III.

DC:  They are betting on their country’s assets to clean all this up.  Basel III is a great idea, but it’s not mandatory.  It’s there for stability, so that major crashes are not repeated.  It demands more transparency, better bank ratios, and all the rest, so that if there is an issue, we will get you your money.  IT’s going to take those countries about ten years to be fully compliant.

Caller:  Would it be easy for the US to become asset-backed fairly quickly?

DC: The Fed is still pumping in free money, so it’s difficult to be asset-backed 100%.  We still have gold and other reserves, plus resources like natural gas and coal.  We are so big that it’s a slow move into an asset-based currency.  Will we ever be fully asset-backed?  I doubt it, but we can move in that direction, with a bit of a cushion to absorb the spikes in the financial markets.

Caller:  Well, I hope we see it soon.

817 caller:  I’ll be paying this forward on scholarships for students who cannot get to college on their own, and ask them to do something for the money like community work.  My other thing is:  what is the possibility of picking our brains for a book or website where I read about how to deal with other people after this happens – like hiding your wealth, being discreet.  You’ve talked about this in the past, but is there is a page, a webinar or something…?

DC:  I like your line of thinking.  It will change things in your life.  You can have money and not let people know about it, and that works better.  Look for The Millionaire Mind and The Millionaire Next Door.  A magazine called Wealth, and it has some good advice;  it has a lot of good articles and reference materials to deal with the relationship aspect with your kids, family, neighbors, etc.  It has some fun aspects, too.  There’s a lot of really information you can get in wealth training classes.  A lot of wealth advisers have access to that kind of seminar, and they can be fun and in nice places, so you can learn how to be rich while avoiding mistakes.

Tony:  We are trying to get WF to give those classes at our events, but if all else fails, they also give those instructions to lottery winners if you’re in a lottery state.

Caller:  I seem to the only caller from Texas today!  Two years ago I joined one of those cash-out groups.  They were on the up-and-up, but they had some issues.  They went to Nevada 18 months ago, and they had as many as possible sending their currency because they thought they would be cashing out right away.  Some of the leaders started opening the packages and taking a few hundred thousand here and there.  They had us open up trust accounts with WF, and then people started complaining about being ripped off, and they closed down all those accounts and banned them from WF for life.  I was one of those people.

Tony:  I hope it turns out great for you.  I know some people in Reno who will have the worst day of their lives when this RV comes out.  I hope he is not one of them.

425 caller:  I’d like to ask about the NDA.  Will you be giving up your 4th amendment rights by signing an NDA?

DC:  Freedom of speech is the 1st Amendment.  The 4th Amendment is about search and seizure.  Because you are signing an agreement and they are giving you a lot of money, yes, you make an agreement that your right to free speech is restricted.  This happens all the time in business.  Homeland and the rest are not interested in making anyone’s miserable.  They just don’t want you to talk about the higher rate.  The ones I’ve read are very simple:  in exchange for this money/rate, you agree not to talk about this for X number of years.  Some of us who are more involved in this process will have to sign something much more stringent, but that’s okay.  The NDA means you cannot say anything. That’s all.  It’s pretty simple.

Tony:  They are already freezing people’s accounts because they violated their NDA.

Caller:  If you have a larger amount to exchange, does the NDA become more complex?

DC:  NO.  Whether it’s 1,000 or 1,000,000 dinar or more, the NDA just says you cannot talk about it period.  They are not coming out and looking for you, but if you’re stupid, they will notice.

Caller:  Can you exchange directly into another foreign currency?

DC:  Sure, at Sterling or another dealer.  Banks probably won’t do that because they want to keep it down to 20 minutes per appointment.  About the NDA, you can talk to your lawyer or accountant, if they sign as well.  You have to be able to say under oath that you ever talked about it.  My wife is still pissed at things I’m only telling her about now, that I had taken oath not to discuss with anyone for a certain length of time.

Tony:  But if you figure out how to get around it, let me know!

Caller:  So if I have an attorney go in with me, do I have to have him sign the NDA as well?

DC:  My understanding is that you can speak with attorney, accountant, anyone you have a confidential relationship with, but if you want your attorney to read it, you might need another appointment.  I just got a text saying that you have to let everyone know you can’t talk about, and neither can they (if, say, your kids already know but are exchanging themselves).

832 caller:  I’ve been listening for four years, and this is my first time on this call!  The ones that keep asking about zim and all that, they won’t need an NDA, will they?  Because they can’t keep a secret!  That NDA is going to be bad for them!  Me and my wife, my sister and brother, we are all waiting for this.  We know this is going to happen, it’s just a matter of time.  We are listening to what God has given to you to keep us strong and believe, because this is happening in His time.  I understand that you can’t tell us everything… and I can keep a secret.  You don’t have to know everything, you can just be thankful you are in it.  [Appreciation]

Tony:  It takes all our team to make this a great call, and everyone has sacrificed along the way, including those who put their jobs on the line to share information with us.  Some people have been jailed, their computers taken, some  have even lost their jobs, and there are still people putting their families at risk by doing this for us, and for the right reasons.  I thank them, and it makes our life easier as we try to figure this out.  I’m glad you appreciate that and said thank you.

Caller:  We know your call is true, because I can hear it in your voice. Everyone wants to know what WE are doing with this money.  I would like to know what the PTB are going to do with this money.  People are struggling around us, and we can look around us, next door and at the supermarket.  When someone’s car breaks down, it doesn’t take a lot to help with a tow-truck.  I am asking the PTB to let us join in this gift. We may be nobody, but we have the chance here to help Iraq and the US to get where they need to be.  We send our children to war, and we have the President to stand for us.  We want the chance to build America back up, and all we need is the chance to build her back to the country she is supposed to be.

DC:  It is done;  it is comingThey are ready in Iraq, at the UN, and in the banks. We don’t know exactly when, but it is happening.  We appreciate all those who give us information in the US, Iraq, the UN and other countries.  We know we have made a difference in many folks lives.

Pam:  Think of how much you would know and how you would feel if you didn’t have Tony and DC in your lives…

Ray:  I forgot to put a stamp on my resignation.  Everyone enjoy Terrific Tuesday.

DC:  Thank you to the whole TNT team, including Mods and transcribers.  My Canadian guy called yesterday!  I don’t expect it today, but tomorrow would be a good day, and I think we will see something this week.  It’s not something we are waiting for, like an issue in their parliament;  it was voted on last week.  IT’s just a matter of what day and time. We know they are telling their people that they will get paid by the 1. October back to the beginning of the year.  They have gone past their timelines before, but the reaction in the mosques is pushing this to happen now.   There are two weeks in a row that they flew people in to celebrate, and it didn’t happen. It’s got to happen, so just relax, let it go, stop trying to micro-manage, and just let it come.  I do plan on doing a call tomorrow, if we don’t’ do it tonight.  Thanks, and enjoy the rest of your day.



FUZE:  Here is MHO folks real simple: Why Wednesday?
100% of all RV's where the value has changed over $0.50 have occurred on a Wednesday! (IMF Website)

100% of all RV's since 1985 have occurred in April or September! (IMF Website)

Wednesday's are the 2nd most popular days of the week for  RV's (IMF Website)

Wednesday the PM of the NEW GOI debut to the agency (UN) that removed IRAQ from the international stage.

This is the last Wednesday of September 2014.

The Stars are all lined up technically, legally and politically!

The world wide need is entering the critical stage and the will to do it is strong!

Why Friday? For the reasons stated above regarding, September and $0.50 or more revalue.

Friday's are more than twice as popular a day for RV's than any other day of the week. (IMF website)

Friday has the market stability factor for the weekend.

The PM and or President will be back in Iraq! Also the last two points above.

Best Wishes and prosperity to all.
Welcome Rv,
Publicado por Dinaresgurus.blogspot.com FORO DINAR GURUS en 1:26 PM


TNT call notes 23-Sept-2014

Tony:  Good morning, TNT!  It is Tuesday, September 23, 2014.  This is an off day, of course.  Yes, the RV is going to happen.  The GCR is going to happen. We are in a good position, a very simple position today.  We can go east to west, and you got what’s on the television, so we can talk about that.
First I would like to give an explanation of why we didn’t do a call yesterday.

DC:  We were told by several folks to wait until their 11 o’clock news, they were waiting for certain things to be announced, to see if they could get it done by then.  Unfortunately that didn’t happen.

Tony:  But it was on the agenda to happen on the 11o’clock news, it just didn’t. That was what we were waiting for.

More...................very long.


This is the highlights of Tony's call.  I will update during and after the call.  Since I also translate in the slow chat room I have to work in the posting here as I can during the call. - Sunny

Tony started the call by saying "The RV is going to happen. We are in good position."
DC did not do the call yesterday because we were asked to wait till 11 pm news. T- it was on yesterday mornings agenda.  That's what we were waiting for.

  •     Defense Minister seated; more legislation passed; more ISISdeals. 
  •     CBI - ready and waiting.  Procedural/technical issues resolved.
  •     HCL is done
  •     TV continues to be major issue. Still running same info - economic reforms soon or immediate; CE instructions.  Now adding their currency will be “richest in the region.”
  •     Parliament meeting almost daily.  Bottom line saying they are ready to go.
  •     No celebration last weekend.

Timing:  Expect it before the 1st.   Blew by dates of 16th and 20th for it to go.  Prior to the 1st there are global transaction that have to take place. 3rdof Oct. people need to be paid. Immense pressure to force this thru. Already said ppl will be paid at the new rate in OCT.  in RV’d Dinar, not USD.  DC said he can't say the date but it's not the 1st or 3rd of Oct.

Washington ready and keyed up.  Administration, dem’s, reps all supportive, sitting and waiting.

Done Deal:  Tony said, this deal is done. He was hearing it yesterday, the day before from all sources: gov, private biz and public.   Everyone just waiting.  Told us not to pay attention to the news.  We are waiting for something but we dont know what that is and that  he knows the numbers were in the bank over the w/e, here and globally.

Rumor:  Other countries, including Mexico, will RV without the US tomorrow.  T and DC say that is not what they heard and all will RV at the same time.
Publicado por Dinaresgurus.blogspot.com FORO DINAR GURUS en 11:51 AM


Carden:  We are hearing that other countries, including Mexico, are preparing to RV tomorrow and with or without USA. Will this be the case? Only time will tell. The pieces are all set in motion. Fair trade ensues. Only the Treasury Notes are the hold out. USN is showing .... wait .... wait .... wait and the world of currency traders (which is larger than stocks and bonds) will not trade in (ugh! worthless!) USD. What is this world coming too!

Doogie Houser:  Any mention of Canada?

Carden:  My guess would be they'll align with Mexico. Same issues there as well. When is Canada's FY ending? US is SEPT 30, 2014. We have to show the books this year, Friends. There's no hiding off ledger now with BASEL 3. This will be a NEW YEAR with disclosure.
Publicado por Dinaresgurus.blogspot.com FORO DINAR GURUS en 9:49 AM


Iran considering revaluing its currency, yet again.

Apr 06, 2011 05:40 PM Category: Middle East

According to an article in Tehran Times dated 7 April 2011, Mahmoud Bahmani, the governor of the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran, said the bank has begun studying plans to remove four zeros from the rial, and will seek approval from the Monetary and Credit Council within six months. Meanwhile, the Finance and Economy Minister, Shamseddin Hosseini, recently said the bank is planning to remove three zeros from the currency within the current calendar year which started on March 21. Currently Iran’s largest banknote is the 100,000-rial note (US$9.60), although it has also issued note-like cheques in denominations ten times that amount.

Iran has been discussing revaluing the rial for years, so it’s anyone’s guess as to whether anything will come of this latest announcement.
Publicado por Dinaresgurus.blogspot.com FORO DINAR GURUS en 9:52 AM

From a lazing lioness in Kenya to majestic waterfalls in Iceland: The remarkable photos that will have you itching to book a holiday

From a lazing lioness in Kenya to majestic waterfalls in Iceland: The remarkable photos that will have you itching to book a holiday

·        Former investment banker Andrei Duman documents his passion for travel and nature through photography
·        His works include a lioness relaxing in a tree in Kenya and a house filled with sand by wind storms
·        He says: 'This world that we live in really is an amazing, vibrant and beautiful place' 
Travel photographer Andrei Duman's office has not always been this beautiful. 
The former investment banker spent years working in finance in order to fund his real passion, and the self-taught photographer, who has visited over seventy countries, has no plans of stopping yet. 
'My career has been split into two parts: by day, I've worked in finance, but my true passions are travel and photography, and I've devoted myself to traveling as much as I can,' he says.

'I want to see everything: the more outside my everyday or off the beaten track the better. The further away from the big city and wider open the space, the more I'm drawn to it. I want to see how people live, what they experience on a daily basis, what they eat...  
'I think we all should be exploring more, wanting to find out what is over that hill or in that canyon - even exploring our own environments in a new way. 
'I have learned more life lessons from my travels and meeting new people than through any other way and I want to see as much of this planet as I possibly can.  
'This world that we live in really is an amazing, vibrant and beautiful place, full of amazing things to explore and absorb and I think we all need to get packing.'
Here, MailOnline Travel showcases a selection of the photographer's best images, taken from around the world.
A  lioness in Masai Mara: 'I want to see everything - the more outside my everyday or off the beaten track the better,' says photographer Andrei Duman
A lioness in Masai Mara: 'I want to see everything - the more outside my everyday or off the beaten track the better,' says photographer Andrei Duman
Wild and hypnotic: A cheetah cub with dazzling eyes,  looks dosily into the lens. Pictured by Andrei Duman in Northern Territory, Namibia
Wild and hypnotic: A cheetah cub with dazzling eyes, looks dosily into the lens. Pictured by Andrei Duman in Northern Territory, Namibia
Unusual sights: A house half full of sand, pictured in Kolmanskop, Namibia. Photographer Andrei Duman has travelled to more than 70 countries
Unusual sights: A house half full of sand, pictured in Kolmanskop, Namibia. Photographer Andrei Duman has travelled to more than 70 countries
Horseshoe Bend: The sun sets over Page in Arizona. 'This world that we live in really is an amazing, vibrant and beautiful place,' says Duman
Horseshoe Bend: The sun sets over Page in Arizona. 'This world that we live in really is an amazing, vibrant and beautiful place,' says Duman
House on Fire, Mule Canyon, Utah. The world is 'full of amazing things to explore and absorb and I think we all need to get packing,' says Duman
House on Fire, Mule Canyon, Utah. The world is 'full of amazing things to explore and absorb and I think we all need to get packing,' says Duman
Exquisite: The ethereal blues of a waterfall in stunning southern Iceland, where Duman spent time on his extensive travels around the globe
Exquisite: The ethereal blues of a waterfall in stunning southern Iceland, where Duman spent time on his extensive travels around the globe
Soulful eyes: A lone gorilla in the undergrowth, photographed in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest, Uganda
Soulful eyes: A lone gorilla in the undergrowth, photographed in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest, Uganda
A life lived: A woman from the San Tribe in Northern Territory, Namibia, left, and 1,000-year-old trees with a backdrop of bright orange skies in Dead Flei, also in Namibia
Thunderous: An enormous rain cloud looms above Tanzania's Ngorongoro Crater. 'I think we all should be exploring more,' says Duman
Thunderous: An enormous rain cloud looms above Tanzania's Ngorongoro Crater. 'I think we all should be exploring more,' says Duman

It's feeding time! Holidaymakers film incredible moment hungry stingray leaps out of water and climbs ramp in search of food

It's feeding time! Holidaymakers film incredible moment hungry stingray leaps out of water and climbs ramp in search of food

·        Tourists in the Maldives got up close and personal with a gigantic stingray
·        While feeding fish off of the dock, a stingray approached for an easy meal
·        Trainer fed the stingray by hand and then reached out to stroke it

These tourists got the experience of a lifetime during a holiday in the Maldives.
While feeding fish off of a jetty, a hungry stingray saw an opportunity for a free dinner, jumping out of the water and climbing on to the man-made ramp.
Rippling its wings and straining up the wooden gangplank, the animal is fed by hand by a trainer three times as astounded holidaymakers look on. 
Hungry stingray climbs up ramp in search of food
The stingray jumped out of the crystal clear water and climbed up the man-made ramp toward the trainer
The stingray jumped out of the crystal clear water and climbed up the man-made ramp toward the trainer
After his snack, the stingray stayed to be stroked by the trainer a few times
After his snack, the stingray stayed to be stroked by the trainer a few times
The giant stingray even stayed on after its snack to be pet a few times, delighting the tourists recording the video. 
Known for their barbed tail, which they usually use to capture their prey, stingrays can also be harmful to humans if a person is stung.

The cartilaginous fish eat a variety of foods, such as sea worms, shrimp, clams and soft-shelled animals.
The Maldives are known for stingrays and many tour companies offer opportunities to feed and swim with the animals.
The man fed the stingray several times by hand while on-lookers filmed 
The man fed the stingray several times by hand while on-lookers filmed 
Stingrays are known to eat a variety of foods, such as sea worms, shrimp and clams
Stingrays are known to eat a variety of foods, such as sea worms, shrimp and clams

Nadita File For 9-22-14

Nadita File For 9-22-14

Nadita File – 09/22/2014 - Brought From Dinar Daily

 Good evening everyone, thanks for watching Nadita File where the spin starts here J

 Ukraine Crisis : New York Kevin reported there are signs the truce in eastern Ukraine may be firming up.  Government troops and pro Russian rebels have begun withdrawing heavy artillery from region.

 Fighting ISIS : Turkish officials say more than 130,000 Syrian refugees have reached Turkey in pat four days.  They are fleeing ISIS offensive near Turkish border.  French Interior Minister says ISIS threatening to kill civilians in countries against the extremists.  France says it’s confident in its security.
  Captl1 agrees with White House, US rejects Iran’s offer to cooperate in fight against ISIS.  Iran wanted more leeway on its nuke program.  White House says that matter is entirely separate.

 Other News :  Chess wonders why Treasury Secy Lew talks on climate change says our infrastructure shows clear cost of climate change.

Our sewers, roads, water and power plants weren’t built for the extreme conditions we are facing.

 Lew on tax inversion says he will have more to say about US efforts to address loophole of tax inversions.  He calls business overseas moves as unfair practice.

 NY’s Dudley says policy to remain expansionary for long period of time.  Economy may need to exceed full employment for inflation to rise.  Philly Fed Pres. Charles Plosser to retire March 1, 2015.  Plosser has been president of Philly Fed since 2006, seen as hawkish policymaker.

 Genx4me hopes the police will find the man.  Police executing search and arrest warrant for man seen with UVA student before she went missing.  He is a “person of interest” in Hannah Graham’s Sept. 13 disappearance.

 Officials say they are hot on the trail of man they say ambushed two PA state troopers, killing one.  They have found items Eric Frein left in woods, including an assault rifle.

 Littlesam wonders if caveman can be found in Mars. NASA’s Maven explorer arrives at Mars after one year journey.  Maven to prove Martian upper atmosphere.

 Saint wonders what Gonzalez, 42 was thinking.  He was charged with evading arrest, possession of sawed off shotgun in July, had map with White House circled.  Secret service reviewing handling of breach.

 New York jury finds Arab Bank PLC knowingly financed Hamas terrorist attacks in Israel, occupied territories since 2000.  Jetpilotjim knows there is no compensation can bring the victims back, he is glad the bank is ordered to 300 American victims and their families.

 Boosterbglee is surprised to hear US military officials say 3 Afghan army officers in the US were found tyring to cross into Canada.  Went missing during training exercise at Camp Edwards, MA.

 A-J516 is not surprised Afghanistan generally seems to be accepting the new presidential power sharing deal.  Afghanistan did not release final vote totals.

High wind likely as firefighters battle huge king wildfire in northern California.  Blaze has scorched 128 sq miles, 18% contained, threatenes 21K structures.

 The bull slipped 104 points at trading today.  Stocks close lower, Nasdaq has worst day since July 31st.  Housing data, China in focus.  10 year yield ticks lower, oil dips on slow demand.

 Energy and industrials among worst performance. Gold at 9 month low, closed at $1,216, silver at $17.17, copper at $3.04.  Crude oil at $90.89

 Alibaba still dominates the news today.  Alibaba IPO is now biggest in history at $25B as underwriters exercise option to sell. Alibaba sold another 26.1M shares.  Yahoo sold 18.3 million shares to underwriters.  BABA lost 4% trading today, closing at $89.89.

Watercop is doing a happy dance as another China internet company, CNET gaining 63%, closed at $3.19. Rewalk (RWLK) also up nicely today, gaining 15%, closing at $31.72.

 Thriver read Apple CEO Tim Cook says sales for new iPhones above their expectations.  First weekend iPhone 6 sales top 10 million, sets record.

 GM recalls 221,558 Cadillac XTS, Chevy Impalas for brake pad fire risk.  GM compensation fund will be 21 deaths linked to faulty ignition switch, up from 19 (previously).  Chrysler recalls nearly 189,000 SUVs due to fuel pump issue.

 Average price gas down 9 cents in past two weeks to $3.37, down 34 cents in 13 weeks.  It’s $3.07 in my area J

Game on hold as Microsoft delays launch of Xbox One console in China until end of the year.

Germany’s Merck to acquire Sigma Aldrich (SIAL) for $140/share in cash or $17B. It will boost Merck’s presence in life science industry.  Price is 37% premium to Sigma’s Friday close.

 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer acquiring 55% stake in One Three Media and LightWorkers Media.  TV hits include Survivor, The Voice, Shark Tank, terms not disclosed.

 EMC Corp (EMC) is exploring options, including merger with rival.  Has talked with HP and Dell.  Google picks HTC to make its upcoming 9 inch Nexus tablet.  HTC engineers have been working on Nexus project at Google heardquarters.

 Tekmira Pharma (TKMR)’s Ebola treatment approved by FDA & Canada in patients who have confirmed or suspected infections.

Uneek sees the trouble as Sears got no acceptable offers for Canada unit after bidders examined company’s books. Anybody buying..?

 Ruble the tumble, Blackstone is giving up on Russia, won’t renew contracts with consultants. Wonders who stiff who..?

 ECB’s Draghi says Euro area economic recovery losing momentum, risks to expansion clearly to downside.  Stand ready to use additional unconventional instruments.. and what is that..?

 From Dinar Land : Guess words are faster than bombs as ISIL urged it’s followers to kill Americans, Frenchmen and the citizens of any country that fights them.

Chess thinks ISIL spokeman Adnani is delutional as he addressed Pres. Obama by likening him to Pres. George W. Bush when US invaded Iraq.

French Minister of Interior for calling for a show of force to fight ISIS barbarism. Adnani also condemns Saudi Arabia for agreeing to train free Syrian army on their territory.

He also addressed the Kurds and saying ISIL does not fight Kurds, only the unbelievers among them.  The statement came after ISIL overran dozens of Kurdish villages in northern Syria forcing more than 100,000 civilians to flee to Turkey.

 Dawa party parliament member Ali al-Badri said they are holding Commanding General of Armed Forces Haider Abadi responsible for the massacre of 300 soldiers killed by ISIS using chlorine gas.

He further said Abadi didn’t move quick enough to rescue the soldiers. No one in the government confirmed ISIS used chlorine gas nor 300 soldiers were killed in the attack.

 Salim al-Jabouri will hold a special meeting with different independent (non government) organizations to discuss their relationship with members of parliament.  This special session will be held next Monday.

 Nannab reported Ministry of Health conducted a successful campaign to vaccinate as many children as possible in all provinces against polio.

 Baghdad province said it has started preparing its 2015 projected budget.  The budget is for 1.21T dinars including finishing twelve strategic projects that are expected to overlap from 2014.   Tamimi said he expects the security situation becoming under control by beginning of next year.

 More and more people are disgusted by ISIL’s barbarism and less people are sympathizing with ISIS in the country.

 From Rumor Land :  Millionday says she has been told by many sources that are trustworthy that the goal is to open the budget by October 1st. 

Tman23 reads parliament decided to continue to hold meetings to Thursday, September 25th.

Poppy3 says basket of laws is in parliament ready to be voted on.

 Frank26 believes they are waiting for Eid to end.

Pepperoni on the pizza says parliament will continue to work till end of September and take a break from October 1st through October 13th and resumes on October 14th and will not name ministers until after holiday..

Shredd says it has been said many times before, market economy means Iraq will have dinar with its true value.

  Chattels says it will be a surprise to him if our event happens anytime soon.

Okie oilman says he will be back with more details later.

 The spin stops here J send your comments to #naditafile,  Dinar Thug is next, good night everyone J

Have a blessed week with your family J

Bits and Pieces Late Tuesday Afternoon

Bits and Pieces Late Tuesday Afternoon


Fuze:  RV/GCR Wednesday 9/24/14 Likely, Friday 9/26/14 Probable!

Here is MHO folks real simple: Why Wednesday?

100% of all RV's where the value has changed over $0.50 have occurred on a Wednesday! (IMF Website)

100% of all RV's since 1985 have occurred in April or September! (IMF Website)

Wednesday's are the 2nd most popular days of the week for  RV's (IMF Website)

Wednesday the PM of the NEW GOI debut to the agency (UN) that removed IRAQ from the international stage. 

This is the last Wednesday of September 2014.
The Stars are all lined up technically, legally and politically!

The world wide need is entering the critical stage and the will to do it is strong!


Why Friday? For the reasons stated above regarding, September and $0.50 or more revalue.

Friday's are more than twice as popular a day for RV's than any other day of the week. (IMF website)

Friday has the market stability factor for the weekend.

The PM and or President will be back in Iraq! Also the last two points above.

 Best Wishes and prosperity to all.    Welcome Rv,   FUZE



Here's the link to a post I did long ago with the IMF stats going back to 1985:

I was kinda bored waiting on the RV so I looked up the following stats on the IMF website

http://www.imf.org/external/np/fin/tad/exportal.aspx?memberKey1=460&date1key=2012-02-29&category=EXCHRT )

Since 1985 according to the IMF website:

100% of all RV's where the value has changed over $0.50 have occurred on a Wednesday

100% of all RV's since 1985 have occurred in April or September

73% of all RV's have occurred on April 30th

55% of all RV's have occurred on a Sunday, Monday, Friday, Saturday

45% of all RV's have occurred on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

Whats the most popular day of the week:

Sunday 8%

Monday 12%

Tuesday 15%

Wednesday 15%

Thursday 15%

Friday 31%

Saturday 4%


SRSTrader:  The Millionaire Next Door FREE


This is the book DC recommended to help you "handle" and "socially hide" your wealth.




WISE COUNSEL RESEARCH http://www.wisecounselresearch.com/sites/default/files/images/suddenwealth.pdf

4 steps to protect a windfall http://www.bankrate.com/finance/personal-finance/4-steps-to-profit-from-a-windfall-1.aspx

MORE SUDDEN WEALTH http://www.smartaboutmoney.org/Portals/0/ResourceCenter/FinancialWindfall.pdf

Quiz: Would Riches be Your Ruin?

From Riches to Ruin  http://www.bankrate.com/blogs/investing/from-riches-to-ruin.aspx

Avoiding Sudden Wealth Syndrome




Handling Sudden Wealth

Concerned about Sudden Wealth, We all should be.  Here are some more resources

Sudden Wealth  Abbot Downing 

Rich Kid Syndrome (Sorry for the language on this one, there are a few words that I would black out if I could, but it has some very good information for parents)

How to Pick the Right Financial Planner    http://www.forbes.com/2010/09/03/financial-planner-personal-finance-how-to-select.html

Questions to Ask a Financial Planner  https://secure.financialfinesse.com/go/3055

Windfall: Not Always a Blessing http://www.boston.com/yourlife/health/mental/articles/2004/07/10/windfall_not_always_a_blessing_psychologists_say/

Here's Some Additional Links:

When Friends and Family Beg for Bailouts

Signs of Sudden Wealth Syndrome  

Financial Planners: Not Just for Millionaires Anymore





September 23, 2014 at 1:25pm we may be moving towards bond payouts today...stay tuned...

Sem > omegaman that is what I was told last night with the bond I have interest in

Socal Cutie > omegaman IF they start bonds today then we can anticipate private groups earliest after biz on Friday through next Tuesday 9/30.  FIts in nicely to closing out the fiscal year end on 9/30.

Donna Skinner FYI   DC said on the call that Obama was not the hold up, but that he wanted it to go now.


G T September 23, 2014 From ALL INDICATIONS.......

Tomorrow will be a KEY DAY for this RV TO FINALLY BE RELEASED???
WILL ABADI make a Statement in conjunction to "ECONOMIC REFORM IN IRAQ"???

Will President "O" CONGRATULATE Iraq on being the "RICHEST STATE in The Middle East Region???

I think that's what we should be looking for Tomorrow!!!

Tuesday News Summaries by Aggiedad77 at KTFA

Tuesday News Summaries by Aggiedad77 at KTFA

aggiedad77 » September 23rd, 2014, 9:32 am

Tuesday News Summaries and Commentaries

Good Morning Family, Abadi was whisked off to New York City....of course at the insistence of Obama....probably for a new selfie and to talk about security issues in Iraq, or to say that we haven't forgotten you guys as we bomb ISIS, that non-Islamic entity in Syria for a while.

Abadi up New York

So they are having Abadi fly all this way to simply discuss air raid on DAASH....nothing else....oh come on...that is just a bit lame to me....is Abadi a golfer does anyone know?......Surely there has to be more than air raids in this meeting.....President Massoum was already there for pete's sake.....now take Abadi away from his Tuesday Cabinet meeting....great timing there O....great timing....NOT.
Jaafari to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kuwait: We seek to strengthen our relations with all countries

Iraqi Foreign Minister al-Jaafari met with his counter part from Kuwait concerning the strengthening of relationships between the two countries and in fact the strengthening of all relationships with countries in the neighborhood and around the world....in other words they are attempting to mend fences that Maliki built, or mangled so badly that no communications was able to travel....this is good news on the part of the Iraqi's.

Barzani: We have no objection to the participation of Sumo sell Alinvt..oabdamahdi gave us hope this

WOW!!! More big news coming from the Kurds this morning.....Barzani says that he actually has hope of seeing resolution between Erbil and Baghdad concerning their differences on oil and gas issues......even if they do allow SUMO to supervise what is going on....the shipping of oil, or should I say the continued shipping of oil from the Kurdistan to Ceyhan, Turkey for sale on the international market.....Barzani and the new Oil Minister Mahdi are old friends....so perhaps they are indeed making some good headway.

Parliamentary Finance announces listing 37018 degrees and careers in the budget of 2014

Well the Parliament Finance Committee the temporary one....is talking about degrees and careers that can be found in the 2014 budget....but they say the GOI is putting finishing touches on the budget....procrastination by the former Parliament President, the one that got promoted to a do nothing job as Vice President of the Republic, caused the lack of a state budget to be enacted....but be on the watch for some swift action by the current Parliament when this comes to a head in the coming days...IMO.

A. parliamentary source: Thursday last session of parliament this month and the holiday begins next Saturday

Merely an announcement that this is the last meeting of Parliament for September....their next scheduled session is due to be October 10th.

State of Law's (et al): Ameri our candidate and vote after the feast

The State of Law coalition says they have a candidate for the Interior Minister position....Ameri.....isn't this who Abadi selected already.....can't remember that far back....I'm not looking for any announcement on this on Thursday unless Abadi manages to find his way back to Iraq before the Parliament meeting....this is....IF....he leaves to address Obama's needs face to face.

Sudanese finished making adjustments to the 2014 budget

The Minister of Finance is stating that final adjustments are being made to the 2014 budget.....will be working off the principle of 1/12th's to put together the remaining three months of a budget for 2014...focus will be on security issues and paying the people.....
He also threw the bone out that work has started on the 2015 budget and it isn't even October yet...


Shortened news summaries for now Family.........

see you later.    Randy




     When Wash, D.C. drives big industry out of America, this also sucks huge numbers of jobs out of America and transferred to other nations so their workers at much lower wages replace American workers for these industries.
      I heard it stated on TV that America under Wash., D.C. has the highest corporate taxes of any nation on the earth. Wash., D.C. does not compete against other nations to offer reasonable corporate taxes for corporations that are set up in America or else would move from other nations to America. Until World War I, Wash., D.C. did not have income taxes which had been  ruled unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court and were not necessary for the finances to run the government with. Tariffs on imported products covered much of the expenses of running the government and also protected  American industries like the textile from being destroyed by cheap labor foreign textile industries or else driven out of America to replace more expensive American laborers with cheaper foreign labor in other nations. As the President of Fruit Of The Loom explained why he had to move his manufacturing out of America and costing 30,000 Americans their jobs with his manufacturing corporation if I recall the figures correctly, if he didn't move out of America, his competitors by cheaper prices would bankrupt his corporation and put him out of business. He had to move abroad for cheaper labor so he could produce a cheaper product to compete against other cheaper products same kind as his but imported from above in cheap labor lands. This pattern has occurred many times in America driving American corporations which did not want to leave America to leave America or else go bankrupt and out of business.
     Washington politicians have a mad passion for massive regulations of American industries. This drives their costs of operation strongly upward and many times they lose foreign markets because Wash., D.C. made their product too expensive to compete in foreign markets.
       Washington loves to punish American industries with fraudulent heavy fines and special taxes to operate under in the environmental name of "global warming" which if you study solar flare cycles apparently is the cause of changes in temperature in the weather and not carbon dioxide changing temperature of the earth. When Grant Jeffrey was alive, he liked to show the statistics that so little carbon dioxide was in the atmosphere versus regular air that this was like a million balloons filled with regular air and maybe 120 balloons filled with carbon dioxide which would not be enough to alter the temperature one way or the other. A separate scientific source reported that the level of carbon dioxide was so low on the earth that if it got a little lower the crops would suffocate not having enough carbon dioxide to grow with and so potentially collapse food production on the earth. Consumer Reports did tests on ethanol mixed with regular gasoline and found that it raised the cost of auto gasoline to do this, lowered gas mileage on cars, and forced more oil to be imported to make gasoline than if ethanol was not mixed with regular gasoline. Also, due to processes used in making ethanol, more pollution was created for the atmosphere than if oil had been refined without mixing ethanol in with it. Our witchdoctor politicians from Wash., D.C. invent all this pseudo-science and call it scientific fact while strongly raising your costs in auto fuel and other areas that raise your cost of living to live in America.
      Foreign sources are targeting the American economy for areas that they judge would be smart for their nation to obtain. They want the water reserves of America, land reserves of America, many mineral reserves of America, special technology worth more pioneered in America, etc. They are buying out the potential pillars to build the American industrial economy with.
      Wash., D.C. has this savage hatred for inventors, researchers with great discoveries in health and other fields, and these talented people if not suppressed and crushed by Wash., D.C. could potentially create enough new industries in America to employ all in America who want jobs and good jobs at that!
       Wash., D.C. pulls so many cons on the American people in many important national fields as their lies passed off as truth hold back much of the economy and what we could do for America if not blocked by Washington lies and cons on the American people. For example, Wash., D.C. once solved the oil crisis of America and then suppressed the answer they found which potentially solved the oil crisis for the entire world and much cheaper gasoline to drive with. And cleaner for the environment if the environment is threatened for real and not by Washington hoax and con!
      I studied with six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe including a German economist endorsed by Albert Einstein as teaching the only economic science in the 20th century. He taught scientific free enterprise based on only what had already worked in economic history and could be used again by society and governments. I noticed how Washington politicians had zero interest in Einstein endorsed free enterprise economics when I offered to show them how it worked!
      Folks, push and pass my proposed Omni Law shown on my national website. Once passed, we will skyrocket the building of industry and agriculture in America, make American money the reserve currency of mankind because it represents such real value backing it from America and more value to it than any other currency in the world. When a good national economy declines into an economy disaster, then smell the air and you will notice the stench of corrupt politicians ruining the economy of the nation. This seems to happen every time in economic history! Pass my proposed Omni Law and the economy will revive and skyrocket to bless you and give you a bright future in America again.

         The full name for the Omni Law is The Omnibus Civil Rights Act For America. It appoints 10 legal trustees over Wash., D.C. who can order investigation into apparent corruption and treason in government and prosecute if the legal evidence justifies it. Also, they can call national referendums for the American people if the people want a law or policy created or else cancelled for Wash., D.C. This makes the American people the masters over Wash., D.C. again instead of Washington leaders thinking that they are the masters of the American people and not their servants.
       Those putting in loan money in the Omni Law Loan Program on our website get double credit in it through Sept. 27, 2014. Once the Omni Law is passed, you will be scheduled to be paid back double every $25 credit you created in the Omni Law Loan Program. Also, you get a pro-rata share of 10% net profits before taxes for the Vatican endorsed industrial food process we plan to establish as a national and world industry for America. Your share of $25 credit loan units as part of the total pool of $25 credit loan units of other people determines how much of the 10% royalty payment you will get each year. Besides the Vatican, many other prominent sources including Ezra Taft Benson, U.S. Secretary of Agriculture under Pres. Eisenhower, and later head of the Mormon Church in America also heavily endorsed this as so important to American health. The Vatican endorsement was greatest news for mankind since the coming of Christ since it was so important to world health and could end malnutrition and starvation in the world. It is the prophesied gift of God to mankind for his good health promised in Exodus 23:25. We also have the water that is prophesied in Exodus 23:25 which my father did not have when he invented this super health food which in Bible code is told in the Old Testament how to make it. But engineers cannot spot the code. I studied engineering with an engineering school and being technically unorthodox, I understood the Bible code that regular engineers did not!  My father told me the Bible code was there but left it up to me to find it myself when I did later as I knew what I was looking for. I knew how my father's trade secret industrial process actually worked since my father showed everything to me when growing up.
      Our website is www,fastboomamericaneconomy.com Our email is fastboomamericaneconomy.com@gmail.com Our mailing address for orders and payments not placed through our website is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 . Make checks, etc. out to NIFI and tell us what the payment is for. For those who backed us before we  no longer needed any backing, you will be on our private sponsor list and be eligible for all sorts of private business offers later which the public would wish they had access to. When we build our proposed Camelot, we should soon have the leading research and development center in the world and spin off so many coming industries as to maybe startle the world!
      We have some interesting commitments of heavy money soon. If once we reach our listed goal of how much we wanted for our Omni Law Drive, we reserve the right to not accept further funds for this and pass the Omni Law with what we have. I spent eleven calendar years in military academies and was trained to know how to plan for victory in major campaigns whether military, political, legal, technological, etc. With facts not known by the other side, I think we can win and with your serious support right now, we can even win before 2014 is over if all the commitments come through when they are supposed to. Just being frank!
       Copy and paste this and send to others as an email. Let America know that there is an answer to the corruption and incompetence of Congress and the rest of Washington, D.C. at this time. Once the Omni Law is passed, we have military technology which could deliver stunning victories against ISIS and take back maybe even one city per day in Iraq, etc. We will not let ISIS lead America and the world into a future World War III! We know how to play the game and win against ISIS, etc.

       Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for that American who believes in the old values that America was founded upon in 1776 and does not believe in the Marxist values of too many liberal politicians in Wash., D.C. running for office in November, 2014. They want to turn America into Soviet America with total federal police state, ruined American economy, and the future of America destroyed under dumb liberal leadership. James Madison, President of America and "Father of the U.S. Constitution" and "Father of the U.S. Bill of Rights" endorsed the 10 civil tribune concept of ancient Rome the smartest idea of ancient man to protect mankind from tyranny in government and uphold the legal rights of the people. Also, forced the government to be the servant of the people instead of their master.The Omni Law is a modernized copy of the ancient Roman civil tribune concept endorsed so strongly by James Madison as the smartest idea of ancient man to maintain freedom on earth.)