Monday, September 29, 2014

Holder Is Staying One Step Ahead of the Burning Bridge

Holder Is Staying One Step Ahead of the Burning Bridge

26 Sep 2014 by Dave Hodges

    For months, my sources have told me that Obama will not serve out his entire second term if he does not eradicate the Syrian/Iranian threat to the Federal Reserve’s petrodollar.
nside sources state that Obama will either be impeached and convicted for high crimes and possibly even treason. Former Attorney General, Eric Holder, has been with Obama every step of the way. Simply put, if Holder stays, he goes to jail, and he knows it.
The fallback plan is for Holder to resign, take the blame for no less than five scandals and then have Obama pardon him before Holder can be prosecuted. With Holder taken the fall for the major  scandals of the Obama administration, the trail of criminality ends with Holder’s resignation. This is Obama’s way of staying one step ahead of the burning bridge.

The Facilitation of Criminal Banking

I have interviewed for HSBC Vice-President, John Cruz, as he has detailed how he attempted to inform federal authorities about the criminal money laundering organization present  at his bank. Included in the notification of Federal sources was none other than Eric Holder.
When HSBC’s criminal money laundering scheme, on behalf of the Sinoloa drug cartel became common knowledge, Holder excused his passive support by saying that the economy would have suffered if HSBC had been taken down.

Too Big to Fail

When Wall Street played the Ponzi scheme game known as credit-swap derivatives, and broke a multitude of SEC laws, Holder refused to even investigate if major investment firms such as Goldman Sachs had broken the law.
When the bail out money was distributed to the favorite sons(e.g.
Goldman Sachs), frequently Wall Street rivals of these most favored corporations were not similarly bailed out (e.g. Shearson Lehman) and these corporations went subsequently went broke in this blatant federal scheme of favoritism being played with the People’s money.
When the bailout money was paid to cronies in European banks, Holder, again, was, again, nowhere to be found.

Whistleblowers Purged

Holder has done more to prosecute and stifle whistle-blowing  than any other government official,  both past and present, as he has made a career out of prosecuting these heroes.
Even the globalist mouthpiece, the
New York Times strongly rebuked Holder for spying on journalists and threatening to arrest other journalists for investigating the Obama administration. Let’s not forget that Hastings, Breitbart and Clancy died under very mysterious circumstances under Holder’s watch.
 Fast and Furious
Who will ever forget when CBS released documents that implicated Holder, who used the BATF as he tried to undermine the Second Amendment, by shipping guns into Mexico and hoping that that the worst would happen and the fatalities would be blamed on the Second Amendment. However, the worst did happen, but not in the form desired by Holder as Border Patrol Agent, Brian Terry, was killed with one of these guns. Instead of getting the desired result, Holder drew the ire of the American people, at least those who are awake. Make no mistake about it, this was a gun control agenda.
Do we remember when this “guardian” of the nation’s laws publicly stated that our society should brainwash children to support gun control? Holder further broke the law when he refused to release critical “Fast and Furious” documents as he indicated that
Obama was above the law due to executive privilege. The crime is called obstruction of justice.

Other High Crimes

No discussion of Holder’s overt complicity to murder would be complete without a mention of Holder’s letter in which he says that Obama has the legal authority to murder U.S. citizens based upon his say so.
Holder has hidden behind his race as he has also played the race card in reverse as claimed that he was victim of intense scrutiny because of his skin color.
Holder also refused to prosecute even though has been clearly demonstrated that the IRS spied upon enemies of the Obama administration and the IRS also has withheld evidence to this fact and Holder has done nothing to for IRS officials to comply with the law and with a subsequent Congressional investigation.

Obfuscating the Truth at Benghazi

Hillary Clinton refuses to provide Ambassador Chris Stevens with more protection just days before being asked to do so by the Ambassador himself. Clinton refused to fully cooperate with a probe over her role at Benghazi. Holder refused to investigate.
Amidst reports that Obama, Clinton and other senior White House officials watched Stevens die on video from a drone, and at the same time, a military rescue operation to rescue Stevens was thwarted by arresting the AFRICOM commander at the time, General Hamm, Holder refused to investigate.
Isn’t this similar to what Richard Nixon did when he refused to come clean about the Watergate burglary and instead covered it up? What is the difference between Nixon, who was forced to resign, and Holder’s actions at Benghazi?
The only difference between Holder and Nixon is that Nixon did not use the IRS  to harass political enemies, spy on journalists and cover up crimes of money laundering and murder.
Why is Holder walking the streets as a free man?

Word On the Street

The words on the street is strongly suggestive of the fact that Holder is avoiding going to jail by resigning and at a later time, if need be, will be pardoned by Obama (and we thought Watergate could never happen again).
With Clinton and Holder both gone, Obama has to be feeling the pressure because the “Johnny-Come-Lately”,  former presidential candidate, Secretary of State, John Kerry, wants Obama’s job and Kerry is clean on these aforementioned scandals due to his late arrival.
Multiple inside sources have told me that Federal Reserve will force Obama from office if he is unsuccessful in occupying Syria and then invading Iran as a means to save the Petrodollar from the BRICS and their scheme to destroy the dollar by getting Iran and now, Saudi Arabia, to not accept  the dollar as payment for oil. This would spell doom for the Federal Reserve.
Finally, the only person standing between John Kerry and his dream of becoming president is Joe Biden. This could an interesting 90 days with regard to our political landscape.

President John Tylers Grandsons are still alive

President John Tylers Grandsons are still alive 

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filed under: History
Here's the most amazing thing you'll ever read about our 10th president:
John Tyler was born in 1790. He took office in 1841, after William Henry Harrison died. And he has two living grandchildren.
Not great-great-great-grandchildren. Their dad was Tyler’s son.


The Tyler men have a habit of having kids very late in life. Lyon Gardiner Tyler, one of President Tyler’s 15 kids, was born in 1853. He fathered Lyon Gardiner Tyler Jr. in 1924, and Harrison Ruffin Tyler in 1928.
After we shared this fact in 2012, Dan Amira interviewed Harrison Tyler for New York Magazine. Lyon Tyler recently spoke to the Daughters of the American Revolution. Snopes is also in on the fact.
February 17, 2014 - 4:20pm

*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony & DC conf. call notes (long)

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony & DC conf. call notes (long)
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 29-Sep-2014 17:18:19

Hi, Folks -
Found at
9-29-14 G T: Info from my Contractor Friend NOT LISTENING TO TONY'S CALL RIGHT NOW.....So if there’s overlapping or Total opposite information.....SO BE IT!!! Here's The LATEST!!! As of this past Friday......THE GAZETTE HAS THEIR NEW RATE PRINTED & PUBLISHED for the Iraqi Dinar (Approx $3.60 Range)!!! Effective ON OR BEFORE OCTOBER 1ST!!! AND THEIR REPEATING THE INFORMATION PERIODICALLY ON TV & PRINT MEDIA!!!So there you go!!!
9-29-14 TNT DINAR CC (Notes by Adept1):
Replay 805.399.1500, PIN CODE 409029#
Tony: Good morning, TNT! It is Monday, September 29, 2014. Great news – Iraq has published an exchange rate of $3.58!
DC: Bottom line is that everyone is jubilant right now. The fighting is going ell, everyone is back, prepped for it to go last night. A lot are still on lockdown, on edge to get this done! They are publishing the rate ahead of time! Will there be a few adjustments, but we don’t know that until the end. At the moment they are saying the rate is $3.58. They are publishing that in all regions, on the television! Expectations are so high now that they cannot stop this now. All of Iraq they see this as the time to sit back and relax.
ISIL, you probably read on line that actions are taking place with important battles in a couple of places like Faluja. They are hitting and destroying the ISIL finances and leadership, so that is highly productive. What did Abadi mean when he said that terrorist threats could reach the US? All those terror groups all want global domination, as in a caliphate to rule the world. They may have been smoking too much, but that’s w hat they are after – attaching the West, Europe, China and Russia. So everyone is taking precautions. They have training, money and a burning desire to cause issues. Is this destabilizing to Iraq. Not really. Iraq can run these guys out with some support they can run them out themselves. Abadi said he could, with support. The world wants to support them because they don’t want to lose Iraq to such a violent group. That support pivots on suitable progression. If Abadi turns into Maliki, support will be withdrawn, but we can see that Iraq is moving forward.
In the US, there are problems with groups – they are worried about ISIL and the economic situation, so now they are pushing like hell to get everyone there. The UN had a very successful week, with talks with Iraq and other countries. All the Iraqi delegates were praised for their conduct and discussions. In DC, the Republicans are highly ready, and the Democrats had choice words for those holding this up, because the latest polls are saying the Senate will be taken over by the Republicans. So the Democrats are highly pissed off at everyone who pushed this off, because this too late to really help the rest of the economy. They were promised this would be done in April then July, and I got phone calls about how aggravated they are about this. It’s a good thing for us because it keeps pressure on us to get this done. If the economy jump-starts and everyone buys tuff and gets new jobs, then that will help.
All the agencies are highly supportive and banks have refreshed all their stuff. Even the banks are saying “come on, already, let’s get this done!” We are waiting on the trigger from Iraq.
Tony: Over the weekend, everyone was on standby again, and it could have happened over the weekend. The Gazette put out the rate and said everyone will be paid the same rate from Wednesday. There is one other matter being negotiated this moment, it could happen any time in the next 48 hours. If that doesn’t happen on Wednesday, Iraq will truly have that Arab Spring like in China right now. It’s been published and if it doesn’t happen by then, they will have real problems with ISIL. It’s looking really, really good and I’m happy.
Somebody did a conference call, and this lady is saying she is part of the TNT tweet campaign, and part of the TNT group. She is saying that we don’t do FB until he tells us. If it doesn’t got on Monday, we go to FB worldwide. I didn’t say anything like that, but I guess they are tweeting that now. If I want you to go to FB, twitter or Instagram, you’ll hear it from ME, or if not me, from DC or Pam. That didn’t come from me. People put things out on their own twitter list for years, saying “Tony said X or Y”, or some idiot’s trying to get something started without understanding the effects. I know the effects and I know who is supporting me on it, unlike these idiots who are clueless. You will never see them doing that. Unless you see it in my voice, don’t believe it or spread it, because it’s not coming from Tony.
I posted in the forum what’s in the Gazette. If you look at the Kuwait and Iraqi numbers, they are the same. This has been verified, that they will be 1:1, or $3.58. It’s right there, so do the numbers. It’s been verified by Iraqis who read in their own language and can understand what it means.
DC: Tony and I don’t make any money off this. Tony pays out of his own pocket, and I take 45 hours a week to help you all understand. We’ve been given this gift of access to generous people who know and we are a conduit to this information. These people range from people in the street to high-up politicians, bankers and military people, plus folks in our administration, the UST, many different banks, Homeland Security, and other three-letter agencies. The reason they talk to us is that they have checked us, and they are constantly monitoring that I do and that tony does, like out phone calls to our wives about grocery shopping. People who are unhappy have attack others, but I don’t care because I’ve been shot at by much worse than those… Criticism is fine, and I don’t need anyone to defend me. If people want to criticize or laugh at us, that doesn’t matter. We know that what we are doing is helping out, it’s accurate, and if we do anyone even slightly illegal or unethical, law enforcement will come down on us like a ton of bricks. People have the right to say whatever they want, but I do want people to understand what Tony and I are about. We can’t sneeze without people knowing about it, so…
Tony: I’ve got guys all around me, taking pictures, listening to my phone calls and all the rest. It’s so funny because they act like I can’t see them doing this! They know everything we say. We have a political guy in Kurdistan who listens to these calls, and I wanted to make sure and thank him while we’re thanking people.
269 caller: Any update on contract rates? WF or all banks?
DC: The latest info is that the contract pool is still there, but we don’t know how long it will be there.
Q: Tony, when we will be meeting in Nevada? It’s coming up to the holidays, and that is the worst time to arrange things there.
Tony: I’m going to set that up as fast as possible, if I’m allowed to, and get WF to work with me. I’m hoping the end of October. I’ll let you know as soon as I sign my NDA!
Q: Iraq released the new 10K note; how does that fit in with the RV and three zeroes?
DC: They are doing well with the Qi cards and such, but they have removed 97% of their physical currency. So the turnover is tremendous, and instead of lasting 5-10 years, the bills are wearing out much faster. The banks have to turn them over really quickly, and they are wearing out! We’d get nervous is all our bills were having the writing wearing off and all the rest.
Tony: In the US, the bank pulls the old bills, but over there, they can’t do that.
Q: I’ve been handing out lower denominations of dinar out for years; do I need to send out gift letters for each of those?
Tony: No, that’s only for the higher amounts. You can just go to the bank with the others.
Q: Is there a limit on what we can exchange?
DC: There are caps so that more people have access to the pool. Some banks have offered a slightly higher rate in exchange for you to keep more money in their bank. We don’t know how much higher that will be. It won’t be for all customers, it is for the clients that they especially want to keep at that branch.
Q: What happened to “wearethepeople”.
Tony: We put that twitter group together when it looked like we were begin cut out of the process, to let them know we were aware of it, it wasn’t fair, and we weren’t going to back down. We got responses back from many high-level people who asked us to calm down and let the process proceed. We are still there on standby to reach the same audience – 5-6 million people, if needed. We just don’t have to take that action. Every-thing is looking so good at this point that we don’t need to take that action. Don’t let other people abuse that to trick you into something. I have been doing this for four years, at someone’s request, to help people survive the process without giving up and losing hope. There are other people who created sites specifically about Tony to disparage what we are doing – so you guys would sell back your dinars, and not benefit from the RV. There are idiots who follow him, as well! I am looking forward to the end of this and we’ll see who’s right and who’s wrong.
508 caller: I have a follow up from my question from last week. So you believe that we will have equal access to contract rates, is that true? Will there be a central database?
DC: Yes, you will have access to the contract rates at all banks so long as the pool lasts. I infer from the folks that are doing that basically it’s like a bowl of ice cream; anyone can dip into it as long as it’s there.
Caller: Are you allowed to tell me if WF will have an exchange center in Massachusetts?
DC: I believe they have access to every Wells Fargo bank in MA and every other bank in the state. It doesn’t have to be WF. The banks should have folks in every bank in Massachusetts, either a WF or a sister bank.
Caller: So will they refer us to the banks, or make the appointment for us (using the 800 numbers?
DC: They will make the appointment for you, and all you have to do is show up!
Tony: Ray, what’s going on in Texas?
Ray: It’s not RV-related!!
817 caller: I’ve never been on the call before. If I have bought some currency more than a year ago and some less that a year ago, should I keep them separate?
DC: Yes, that is the smart thing to do until we hear whether long-term or short-term taxes apply. I’m not a tax attorney, but that’s my impression.
Caller: If TNT is a group, I’m sure whether that includes TNT members, or also people who have been listening to the calls.
Tony: It’s not a formal group, with a list, but a de facto group. I did hear that I would be allowed to create a firm group if necessary, and that would be the people on the forum and those who have donated, if it comes down to that, but I don’t think it will.
DC: The Admiral’s Group has all the paperwork done and will get everything exchanged as a group. However, the UST, etc., considers TNT an educational group, because all they have to do is contact me or Tony or Pam to get information to us. We are a group in that sense.
Caller: I was never able to join TNT, but I’ve listened to every single call for a long time. I know people are members but never go on the site or listen to the calls. So are they having the benefit and I won’t? That’s my concern.
DC: I think it is extremely unlikely that we will have a formal group. Tony was trying to set that up out of kindness, if it proved necessary. You will still get the information on twitter or the calls.
Caller: I just want to get in earlier so that I can have access to the contract rates.
Tony: I have NEVER told anyone that being in TNT will get you in at the head of the line. They were talking about excluding the rest of America, and I wanted to make sure that you were all included. We will get that 800 numbers and get them to you, and so you will have a better shot at the contract rates than the other 4.5 million. I am still supporting all you guys and that is not going to change. I do have your names!
Caller: You don’t know my name.
Tony: That’s Pam’s department! We only have 20,000 in the forum, and they were going to let me go up to 40,000, if necessary, but it’s highly unlikely. Those who have been here and listening, I don’t think we have anything to worry about.
I laugh on this call; we are all relaxed, too. We are giving you the good information as we have it, without being losers or monotone or drowning in our sorrow. I like to act like we’re a family gathering round the table, in a good natured way. I want you to feel good about this call, but if something is going wrong, we’re going to tell you, like we did when we set up “wearethepeople”.
Caller: This format is very helpful even if I hear something over and over. When someone doesn’t know anything, I realize how much I’ve learned from you guys!
Tony: “Each one reach one and teach one!”
Q: Every year for these four years, people have said that the RV when the Iraqi opens its budget, yet year after year, Iraq survives on the artificially low rate. What’s new?
DC: Let’s start with the budget. That has gone on since at least 2010. This is not just an operating budget; it also includes infrastructure like power, roads, etc. Those parts of the budget have built up because that work hasn’t yet been done. The budget is a PLAN of how to spend money, not a must. All they have needed is parliamentary approval for the various budget items. There has been a great deal of movement, in part because everyone has been taking action. They are on television talking about the economic reform happening Now. They have programs about what to do, they have informed merchants, they did a dress rehearsal last Thursday. This is not just words, there are actions. Then they say “Let’s add in this last good idea”, and everyone gives that a little more room. In the past there had been political resistence in the US and Iraq. However, now everyone is leaning forward to get this done now, and that is what we are waiting for. They announced and published the new rates on the news throughout Iraq, so there is not a lot of hype now, just actions like the rate and the exact exchange locations are being broadcast as well.
Q: if you have a trust or foundation, do you have to make a separate call?
Tony: Yes, one call = one appointment.
356 caller: You know, if a state is messing with you, every state has a well-armed citizens’ militia. Texas has one of the biggest. If people are messing with you, get on this call and you will get help.
Tony: I have had that offer from some security people… but thank you.
404 caller: As for contract rates, will be able to get that full amount, or will it be treated like an annuity over a number of years, (not a lump sum)?
DC: You should be able to pull it out, or almost all of it almost immediately, like 24 hours later. I have not heard of any kind of annuity arrangement.
Caller: Could this $3.58 be an RV that goes into a higher RV in a week or so.
DC: My understanding is that the $3.58 is the final number. It’s a final coordination between Iraq, the BIS and the IMF. We are just waiting on this last little thing from Iraq. I’ve been told the US is out of the picture, and we are supporting this behind the scenes. A lot of folks NOT involved in the process are jumping up and down and telling them to get on with it.
Caller: I see the UN page is still showing the 1180 rate. Comments?
DC: They can switch that at a moment’s notice.
Tony: With the Gazette, when does it become law?
DC: It believe it becomes effective on the date shown in the Gazette.
352 caller: What’s this negotiation we are waiting on?
Tony: there is a rumor of one last negotiation.
DC: I said that, but it’s a poor choice of words. There is one last thing they want to add on, and it would be great to include it, so they are doing that right now. I’m following what the news and the Gazette both say: 1. October. They just published in a legal place what the rates are and when; if it doesn’t happen, people will be throwing fits.
Caller: The few people testing the system, are they little guys or big dinar-holders?
DC: I don’t know. We have not heard of anyone exchanging this weekend. They call them tests because they want to keep everyone calm and we haven’t gone into details because we want everyone to stay calm. They have asked us not to talk about that, and I respect the people asking me, so I don’t. I only know about 4 or 5 whom I can confirm myself. I’m sure a few more have gone through, but those I know about for sure.
Caller: What’s the maximum in cashiers’ checks you can request?
DC: I have a list of 40+ people I need to pay off. I’ve already got that written out, and I’ve never been restricted in how many I ask for at one time.
Q: Why hasn’t the defense minister been announced? Why do your sources say that he has but it’s not out in public?
DC: Why? Because there are some folks who are not happy with the defense ministers and other Iraqi officials (like generals). In order to let some time pass after the generals were retired, they have delayed the announcement. The defense minister has been seated for 3-4 weeks, doing his job. My understanding is this will be made public very soon. Also, we are not waiting on that. Iraq didn’t have a defense minister for four years, because Maliki took that chair. That ministry gets a lot of money, and they are dealing with that ministry now. Several people from that ministry came to the UN.
Q: Every week you come on and tell us what didn’t happen. How about telling us the truth now?
Tony: I can always say “Now that it didn’t happen, I can tell you what was supposed to happen.” This is because they warned us many times “If you say this on the call, they will change it and use you as an excuse”, like I control the whole world! We don’t want to be that excuse for them changing the rates, dates and times. It’s easy for me to tell you about it afterwards because by then it hasn’t happened. But we’re an easy target.
DC: Often we are told “I can tell you this, but don’t tell anyone.” They know they can trust us, and also we want to confirm the intel, and we want to protect our sources by doing as they request. We are doing this to share as much information as we can. So as part of that sharing, we can tell you what has happened after the time has passed. I have been skewered by senior folks in the administration saying, “How dare you do this or say that?” And I tell them, “I don’t work for you. If I’m wrong, tell me how it’s wrong.” I see Tony and myself as being the free press, bringing out as much information as we can without putting anyone or anything in danger. The administration was holding this up, sure, but for the last 4-6 weeks, they have been supporting this RV. Most of my information comes from friendly overseas informants, and they don’t care if we bring in their information – often they are at odds with the administration.
Tony: Remember, for every ride on the roller coaster, we experience 10 to 20 here. They don’t care if you buy or sell your dinar, and they don’t pay us a dime. We’ve just been doing this for long that we are trying to see this through, keep you informed, so that the minute this happens, you can thank God that you stayed in this process.
392 caller: It’s my first time on the call also! Folks talk about when we get the contract rate, we should open a Non-Interest-Bearing account. But if the banks demand that you leave a portion of your money stays there, shouldn’t they pay you interest?
Tony: I’m not worry about the banks losing my money by going out of business when there is all this money is coming in. I ‘m going to make sure my money is making money. The problem with the economy is that people are not spending the money they have. If the banks are stable, that’s not a concern. I’ll have my money in interest-bearing accounts.
DC: I’m not concerned, especially if you stay in the big banks. I will also keep my money in several banks, just to keep my money safe.
Caller: Didn’t I hear you say that you can maybe get the banks to give you 1% per month?
Tony: For the average person, no. But if you have enough money, you can negotiate a special deal with your wealth manager. I don’t think the bank would do that for 2-3 million. You’d have to have a much higher amount to get that kind of rate. Also, there are other places you can put your money to get that like of return.
Caller: If you are part of a group, you don’t have to exchange with that group, right?
Tony: As long as the dinar are still in your hands, you can do whatever you want with it! Many have already sent their dinar to the groups.
951 caller: I’m a first-time caller, too. We’ve been getting all these pep talks every week. Are we going to get this RV coming in on the first, with no more delays?
Q: You indicated that you knew that they moved a date a week ahead of time. Is there a reason these extensions were not shared on the call.
Tony: We got dates in August, then 6, 15, 20th of September, but those dates were about other events that were intertwined with the RV, not specifically the release date OF the RV. Sometimes we get the info and sometimes we don’t, and sometimes it just doesn’t work out like that, and sometimes I’m just wrong. Every time, thought, they will extend this further if we state an actual date. Why would I take that chance, when at least 47 countries and agencies are listening? They are listening to me say something we are have been asked not to say, and in any case it has to do with something that has to happen after the RV. A few weeks ago I did say the 16th and the 20th, and now it’s the 29th because things changed and they didn’t do it when they said they would. They are using the RV+GCR as leverage to get something else done that has nothing to do with the RV itself.
DC: We hear dates all the time, and I don’t believe in any of them. They have mentioned dates even in January – do I think it will take that long? Hell, no. We hear times in a few weeks, but I don’t believe it will take that long. They plan to execute ten different things, and the RV has to come out before then. That is important, that the pressure stays on to help force the issue.
Tony: In the morning mosque a few weeks ago, they told them was the day, and they walked out and it didn’t happen. We don’t control it, we just report it.
Caller: [More of the same] If I have a lot of currency, can I request a location with a Delarue machine where I exchange?
DC: I will ask, but not be surprised if they don’t have one. All you can do is ask. There will be a lot of folks exchanging, and they just want to get them through the chute. Those who don’t want to go through the chute or take more time, they will send you to the back of the line. They will accommodate you but after the majority go through.
This thing is so frustrating for everyone. Tony and I are so exhausted, because we are constantly looking at dates, information, blocks, and everyone in this entire process, from the UST to the banks to the Iraqi parliament, we are all just so tired.
832 caller: DC, do you really talk like that? How can your wife understand you? Does she have a translator, too?
DC: I actually slow down on this call… I talk a third faster in person. I also temper my words with colorful words, for spice. I know it’s difficult to understand me, but we get to more people if I explain things quicker.
Caller: Tony, when you are through with this, you all need to get out of Dodge. I know you have an NDA, but you won’t be able to resist telling people information! [call dropped] If we have three or four currencies, do we have to exchange them all on that one call, or can we go different banks?
Tony: I think they want to exchange all your currencies in the first appointment, but that’s primarily the dinar and dong. The other currencies, just call the bank and tell them what you want to do. They want your money!
Caller: [Appreciation]
Tony: Let’s see if I can find the Gazette article. I was trying to find the numbers for the Iraqi dinar and the Kuwait dinar. They put this in the Gazette, we looked at the numbers, and I saw they were 1:1. We checked with multiple Iraqi sources, and they confirmed that we did that correctly – that one Iraqi dinar = one Kuwaiti dinar, and one Kuwaiti dinar = $3.58. It’s not that hard to see – the numbers match up. IF the rate were different in the region, they would have a hard time with people going back and forth across the border. Kuwait doesn’t want to lose people because the Iraqi rate is higher when they were told that they would be the same rate.
DC: I was a little surprised it was pegged at exactly the same rate; I thought it would be a little higher or lower. They still have 3.71 and 3.78 on the cards in Iraq. They ran those down, and I checked with my Iraqi contacts who checked with their finance ministry pals, and everyone agreed that yes, this information is accurate. The initial question everyone has is “Why isn’t this spread throughout the world now?” and I don’t know.
Tony: The television keeps saying this will happen by 1st October. For the last three weeks, it’s has been saying this will be out by the 1st of October, backdated to the first of the year. So we’ll see.
Next caller: If I get a contract rate and sign the NDA, and I go to another appointment with a relative to help them exchange, will that negate my NDA? That is, I’m going into a bank with someone who also wants to exchange their currency.
Tony: If you are not talking about your information, I don’t see how you are violating your NDA. IF anything, they are violating their NDA by having you there!
DC: I will let everyone know about the 800 numbers before I go in, and send out an email about the procedures as I understand. Then it doesn’t violate the NDA, which you sign afterwards.
Caller: Yes, I get that. But if I’ve signed mine, and this relative brings me in to exchange hers, then if she gets the contract rate, do I just sign her NDA as well?
DC: As I understand it, everyone has to sign a separate NDA for each transactions, because different rates have different contracts, etc. I believe everyone in the room will have to sign that specific DNA for that individual transaction?
[Couldn’t hear the question]
Tony: You can go onto Sterling currency and you can see the rates listed on their site. Remember, I have to pay for every click, so if you could go to
Do you know the currency update times for WF? I am in southern Florida…
DC: They do have centers in SW Florida, and they are prepared.
303 caller: [Can’t understand what this guy says] I wasn’t able to sign up for the forum, so please send out the tweet with the 800 numbers.
Tony: I certainly will if I am allowed to. I do think that Okie should have the honor because he has been abused in the past. He’s been in this for eleven years, he’s a good guy and I want him to have that honor. Then I will tweet and send out the 800 numbers, if I possibly can.
Caller: We know there is a multi-trillion pool to fund the dinar contract rates. Dong?
DC: The highest I’ve heard is 1.5 trillion dollars for the dinar. I do not know what is left. There is a dong pool but I have no clue as to the size of that.
Caller: I don’t understand about the lower denominations and what that has to with the RV and exchanging. Will the 25k note be reduced to 2500, 250, or 25 dinar?
Tony: No, in the US they will still be worth the full amount. It’s only in Iraq that they will no longer use those higher denominations. Also, there are so few out there now, that they expect the higher notes to disappear completely.
Caller: If it goes beyond 1. October…
DC: … there will be all sorts of problems. With all the changes to the Qi cards and salaries, it will be very bad and there will be hell to pay if this doesn’t come through. We are expecting the full RV on or before the 1st. With the announcements in the Gazette and on tv and in the banks, we understand everyone is ready. In the US everyone is geared up and ready go, and expecting this now. I also want to thank the doers at the banks, UST, CBI and all those actually doing this process now.
Pam: Lots of stuff going around; until it happens, there aren’t facts. Once it happens, you’ll have all the proof you need, and you won’t be able to talk about it!
Ray: In Texas, there were no buses involved. Enjoy your Marvelous Monday!
Tony: That was a bunch of good information and anticipation here and over there. Many are frustrated it didn’t happen over the weekend. We understand there may be one last issue with the RV being used as leverage. Everything we can see for ourselves in the mosques, newspapers and television is indicating the 1stor sooner. IF they don’t do it, they will have to tell the people something to stop the unrest that will come on Thursday and Friday. I’m looking forward to today and tomorrow and we will have a called if we need to. We appreciate everyone in Iraq and here in the US who are making this happen for us. Have a great day!

Summary of Lindsey Williams Dvd Special Events of 2015 - You Asked For It

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Summary of Lindsey Williams Dvd Special Events of 2015 - You Asked For It
Posted By: Luna [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 29-Sep-2014 16:43:57

I know a lot of you have been waiting for me to summarize this video. I just got a copy of it this morning, and it is long. There is new information in it. There is specific information in it. When you read this summary, don't panic. Remember that the "elites" don't always get their way. I think if they did, the NWO would have already been in place, before I was even born. At the end of the summary, I will share with you some of the steps that I will be taking in the next year, to make sure I am prepared. Maybe we can brainstorm other ways to make things better for ourselves and our communities, whether or not the things Williams' elite friend told him, come to pass.
After the last DVD was released (the one I, Luna summarized on RMN a while back) many people contacted LW (Lindsey Williams) at the Prophecy Club and asked him for specific dates for specific events. LW says he wasn't even sure he wanted to know. I'm sure RMN readers understand that sentiment. But LW contacted his "elite friend" anyway, and was given information that LW found to be stunning.
LW says that he usually knows 99% more than most of the newsletter writers out there, and some of the things the "elite" have told him, keep him awake at night. Remember that most of what they tell him, he is not allowed to tell us, yet. That must be rough. If you are familiar with his story, they have threatened to kill him, in the past, unless he cooperates with their requests. He has reason to believe they have killed before, and takes these threats seriously.
LW says he is very concerned about trying to correctly interpret what his "elite friend" tells him. After 37 years of dealing with them, he understands them a lot better than he used to, but still doesn't understand everything. These people don't think the way you and I do, but have a completely different mindset.
(If you are unfamiliar with LW's back story, please make yourself familiar with it. His story is relevant to the content of this information, but most of us have heard it so many times, so just do yourself a favor and do an internet search, maybe watch one of his youtube videos or something.)
Ebola (or any plague)
LW doesn't know how bad it will get. To the elites, a plague is population control. But not just depopulation. It is also a tool to scare the masses into complying with whatever the "elites" want.
One of the prevailing themes of this dvd, is that America is no longer the 'elite's" golden child. The American dollar and the American people have already served the "elite's" purposes for it. They won't need us anymore. They are moving on to China and the BRICS nations. (I'm not sure this is actually bad news)
LW says "You don't want to know what I am about to tell you, but you asked for it." Then he says pointedly, "I barely tell you the truth." He is giving us the tip of the iceberg.
The "elites" strongly believe that divine intervention is coming in 2015. Even though, to you or me, that sounds like the hand of God giving a smackdown to those who actually deserve it, apparently when the "elites" use that phrase, it most likely means disaster for ordinary people, in order to move them to repent. Clearly my view of God, and their view of God is very different. But the point is, they are expecting a sign from God, a really big sign.
(At this point LW divulges that he (LW) has decided not to do radio shows anymore.)
LW has a friend who currently lives on the East Coast, named Kevin. Kevin is a Christian and a prominent radio and tv show host on the East Coast. LW doesn't want to give Kevin's last name. I believe Kevin's vision is LW's hint to us about something the "elites" won't let him tell us point blank.
But anyway, this Kevin is a perceptive and intuitive person. Kevin had a vision in which he was flying in a private air craft and a voice told him to "look down and see." He was flying over his home state of Connecticut and saw water everywhere. The voice said, "This is what is going to happen to the entire East Coast in 2015." Many intuitive friends of Kevin have had similar visions. Kevin has plans to move away from the coast line.
Efrain Rodriguez is a prophet in Puerto Rico who has had visions of a comet hitting an island or area near Puerto Rico, causing devastation and inundation of the East Coast of the U.S. as in Kevin's vision.

LW says that he discussed divine intervention with his "elite friend" at length, which means that he was probably told a lot more about it, than he can say at this point. (Remember how the CIA moved to Denver a few years ago?)
LW says it was suggested that he read the book, "The Harbinger" by Johnathan Cahn. (But LW didn't say who suggested he read it.)
Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa
Surely, RMN readers have heard of this group before. BRICS is being set up to bring about the new world reserve currency. LW shared some quotes from the IMF to the effect. I am leaving out the details and quotes that LW shared. The gist is, the U.S.A. is purposefully being left out of this plan. The U.S. Dollar is being excluded.
The date of the financial collapse that the "elites" plan is September and October of 2015. It will be many times worse than the collapse of 2008. The moment you hear that interest rates are beginning to go up, it is all over. LW points out that he did not say there would be a "Great Depression."
We will see a major drop in the stock market.
Then a collapse of the derivative market will take place.
Since banks are heavily invested in the derivative market, many banks will go bankrupt. The "elites" want only ten banks to survive, the banks that are under their control.
When that happens, IRAs, 401Ks, and pension funds will lose value drastically.
Gold will skyrocket.
The "elites" expect people to beg them for help, because people won't have enough food to feed their families, or gas to put in their gas tanks. This is part of why they don't expect riots in 2015. They expect begging, instead.
Something is scheduled in 2015 for the housing market. 2015 will be another housing market collapse, like the one in 2010.
The sanctions against Russia, problems with Russia, are being used to hasten the dollar's troubles. Russia is getting out of the dollar.
The problems in the Muslim world will be used to foment discord and war in 2015. LW shared a clip of a Muslim woman asking a question to a panel, and the answer given by Brigitte Gabriel. The woman wants to know how the world will fight an ideological war with weapons, how can we win without addressing it ideologically. Gabriel's answer is that even though only 15-25% of Muslims are radical, that is still 180-300 million people dedicated to the destruction of Western Civilization. She says it is the radicals that have killed and massacred throughout history. Like during the Holocaust, when the peaceful Germans were irrelevant, Gabriel says that now the peaceful majority is likewise irrelevant.
Great Britain is in great trouble. Financially it is in the same amount of trouble as the U.S. and it also has a massive Muslim community. LW showed pictures of apparent Muslims in Great Britain holding up signs that advocate murder.
There will be great turmoil in Washington DC in 2015. Congress will be intentionally in conflict. We may even see fist fights in congress. The president and the president's cabinet will be in internal conflict. There will be massive dissent, by design. This will be done to cause fear in the American public.
There will be a by design, failure of the Health Care System. LW begs us to order the free 60 page booklet from the Clinic in Mexico where he was treated. (800-262-0212 and ask for Teresea, tell her you want the 60 page booklet)
LW says these things will NOT happen in 2015:
-no riots (because the "elites" have dumbed people down. The elites plan on bringing in the NWO peacefully.
- no gun control in 2015 (sounds like a hint it may be on schedule shortly afterwards?)
LW says that you should get your investments into tangibles and out of paper. If you have a mortgage and can not pay it, you will have your house repossessed. Get out of debt at any price.
As all of these things take place, the president will do nothing.
LW ends the video with a presentation by Paul Henry called "Our Lives, Our Fortunes, Our Sacred Honor."
Now, I know that if these things come to pass in the next year, that looks pretty bad for those of us in the U.S. It sounds like they want our standard of living down to that of a third world country. Right now, if we had to rely on what we could produce domestically, we would be in trouble, because as a country we don't manufacture like we used to. My thought is, couldn't we turn that around?
If I am worried about having food for myself, and my neighbor and the people of my community having food, isn't there something I can do about that, right now?
If the dollar loses its reserve currency status, that will make imports drastically expensive, if available at all. Can I stockpile for the short term, and find a way to produce for myself what I will need for the long term.
I respect what LW says about gold, or other precious metals, but at a certain point the gold will run out. Gold can't make more gold, unless you are an alchemist. However, a garden can produce food and seeds for next year's garden.
I am planning on moving somewhere more rural, nearer to family that I could stay with, if I really had to. I have a collection of seeds. I have seeds for food, medicinal herb seeds, and even some pretty flower seeds. I believe that seeds will be in much more demand than gold, because seeds make food, and more seeds.
When suddenly a whole lot of people realize that they are going to have to start growing their own food, in order to survive, it could overwhelm national seed suppliers. Most of the heirloom seed companies in the U.S. only have a small amount of heirloom seeds available each year, because the demand for their seeds has been low.
I have been practicing gardening for the past few years. I also have been cooking from scratch, and learning how to make good food with cheap and home grown ingredients. I know a bit about herbal medicine.
Once I get where I am going, I plan to put aside storable food, and more seeds, plus supplements and necessities. I will think about what I buy now, that is imported. I will get plants and seeds of what I can grow myself, and store extra of what will take me time to figure out (like my coffee.)
I will volunteer locally to help others learn to grow their own food. And in the spring I will start a garden.
These are my plans for 2015, no matter what happens with the "elites," the U.S. dollar, and the world. I have other plans that don't involve the dollar crashing. I'm hoping those plans don't fall through. But if everything LW warned us about in 2015 happens, I should be okay.
Remember that when the stock market collapsed in 1929, not everyone lost their shirt. Some wealthy people became wealthier.
Even if you are poor, you might be able to afford some seeds as the fall seed sales start. Often the leftover year's seeds are sold for pennies. They're still good. Save them for the spring, and learn to garden. It's a skill that will feed you next year, and many years to come.

How sugar makes you stupid

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How sugar makes you stupid
Hi John
Back when I was a kid, our parents used to warn us about eating too much candy because it could cause cavities and might give you a stomach ache.
All I can say is that the you-know-what has hit the fan with respect to the health dangers associated with sugar since the late 60’s and early 70’s when I was a youngster.
For example, studies have shown that eating too many refined carbohydrates (which turn to sugar once they’re digested) can stress your pancreas with massive requirements for insulin and eventually lead to insulin resistance and Type 2 diabetes.
Sugar has also been shown in studies to not only encourage an internal environment that favors cancer, but it actually feeds cancer cells, just like manure in a hay field.
It’s also nourishment for the dangerous bacteria in your gut.  Not only can this make your gut wall too porous (leaky gut) but it can give harmful bacteria the “upper hand” and hamper your immune system functioning, as well as roll out the red carpet for a diverticulitis attack. 
In addition, sugar has even been implicated as a leading cause of heart disease because it can encourage unhealthy cholesterol levels, as well as drive up your blood pressure.
Well, I’m not done yet, my friend.
Because sugar can also make you stupid.
Here’s the scoop on how it does that:
Why sugar is not-so-sweet to your brain
There are actually four things going on behind the scenes that cause sugar to eat away at your intelligence:
1- Low blood sugar problems
First of all, the more sugar you eat, the more your body becomes unable to maintain healthy blood sugar levels. 
What happens is when you eat sugar your body gets a quick flood of glucose which sounds the alarm for your pancreas to secrete insulin.  Once the insulin does its job, your blood sugar level is restored and everything is fine.
But the problem arises when you eat lots of sugar day in and day out.  Then your pancreas can get taunted to the point where it secretes too much insulin.  This has the effect of causing your blood sugar to drop through the floor (aka hypoglycemia).
In addition to the familiar fatigue and irritability, hypoglycemia can also cause:
  • Dizziness
  • Insomnia
  • Excessive sweating
  • Excessive thirst
  • Depression and crying spells
  • Digestive problems
  • Blurred vision and…
Poor concentration and forgetfulness!
When you consider the staggering numbers of people (especially children) that eat sugary refined foods and drink soda on a daily basis, is it any wonder that ADHD, learning problems and concentration difficulties are all on the rise?
But alas, it doesn’t stop there because a daily onslaught of sugar can eventually lead to…
2- Glucose damage to the brain
Glucose is an interesting thing because your brain NEEDS it to function, but the key is that it needs it in the proper amounts.
Too little results in the hypoglycemia symptoms I mentioned above, but too much isn’t any better.  
You see, having to deal with regular sugar blitzes can eventually exhaust your poor pancreas, making it unable to secrete adequate insulin.  Plus your cells can also become resistant to the call of insulin.
When this happens, you are looking at Type 2 diabetes…and that excess glucose coursing around in your veins is especially dangerous to your brain.
Glucose can damage nerve cells in the brain and stop them from working properly.  The glucose reacts with proteins in your brain (a process called glycation) and as a result, your cell membranes get thicker and gunked up, slowing down your brain’s communication.
3- Vitamin and mineral hog
The third way sugar can harm your mental functioning is that it uses up your body’s stores of vitamins and minerals, while at the same time providing next to none for you.
Every single teaspoon of sugar decreases your body’s supply of B vitamins, and B vitamins are crucial for mental performance.
4- It has an inverse relationship with your IQ
Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) found that the higher the intake of refined carbohydrates, the lower the IQ.
The difference between the high sugar consumers they studied and the low sugar consumers was a startling 25 IQ points!
Minimize sugar’s wrath on your body and mind
Hopefully by now you’ve gotten the idea that the dangers of sugar are very frightening and real.
And it is not only a good idea but vital to limit your consumption of sugar to minimize its dangerous wrath on your body, as well as help your body (and brain!) recover from any effects that it’s already had on you.
Here are three steps you can take to help achieve this ever-important, possibly life-saving goal:
1)     Find alternatives and curb your consumption
Use organic raw honey, organic cane sugar, organic real maple syrup or stevia for sweeteners in moderation, and avoid products with high fructose corn syrup like the plague.
Drink water instead of soda or sports drinks.  Soda is THE single largest source of sugar (in the form of high fructose corn syrup) consumption in the world.  If you find you're having "soda withdrawal" mix up some fresh lemonade made with stevia, water and fresh-squeezed lemon juice and add a splash of club soda to give it a little fizz. 
Concentrate on real foods—fruits, vegetables, meats, poultry, eggs, dairy, real butter, legumes, nuts and seeds.  When you nourish your body with real foods, you are more likely to stay full longer and therefore won’t be as tempted to reach for a sweet snack. 
Stay away from processed foods that contain hidden sugars.  Experts estimate that only about one-fifth of our sugar consumption actually comes from your kitchen sugar bowl.  The rest comes from processed foods that are laced with sugar and of course soda.  Beware of any ingredient ending in “-ose” because that suffix means sugar in some form.
And if you want to indulge in something sweet, just limit your “treats” to special occasions like a birthday or a holiday.  Trust me, our problems with sugar are not the result of someone eating cookies on Christmas or a piece of cake at a birthday party—it’s the result of a daily regular sugar assault to the tune of an average 150 pounds per person per year.
2)     Encourage better digestion to support a healthier gut wall
The manuals in the Great Taste No Pain eating system will teach you about the health risks of sugar, plus give you scrumptious ways to incorporate better, healthy carbohydrate sources into your meals.
Many of the GTNP recipes are made with things like whole grains, legumes, beans and vegetables--good, healthy sources of complex carbs that help give you lasting energy and help nourish your friendly flora. 
And are they ever tasty!  You'll be shocked at how delicious eating for great health can be.  And once you get away from all the sugar, chances are great that you'll appreciate the taste and natural sweetness of REAL foods and will lose some of your taste for the refined stuff.
Plus you'll learn about good combinations of foods, which will help improve digestion and nutrient absorption.  This can help make gas, bloating, constipation, acid reflux and excess weight a thing of the past for you, and help encourage a healthier gut wall.
Note: If you have Celiac disease or are gluten sensitive, Great Taste No Gluten is for you instead:
3)  Ensure your intestinal flora population is strong
The friendly bacteria in your system help to keep the gut wall strong and non-porous, as well as assisting with digestion and keeping harmful bacteria under control.
This is very important to your overall health, but especially to your brain.  You see, toxins that seep out into your bloodstream from a leaky gut wall can make their way “up north,” cross the blood-brain barrier and actually harm your brain functioning!
The ideal flora balance is having at least 85% beneficial bacteria and no more than 15% harmful.
The problem is most people are walking around with the complete OPPOSITE of what they should have—largely due to (you guessed it) our overconsumption of sugar.
So it's important to give your gut a helping hand with a quality probiotic supplement like Super Shield multi-strain probiotic formula.
Super Shield contains strong, effective strains of 13 friendly bacteria that are robust and ready to take their place in your intestinal tract.  They'll help fend off the bad guys, keep your digestion smooth, beef up your immune system and help keep that gut wall nice and strong! 
You passed the course!
You’ve passed my little “Dangers of Sugar 101” course and not only know all the ways it can harm you, but more importantly how you can fight back and help encourage a healthier body and mind.
To your health,
Sherry Brescia

PS: Remember—we’ll soon be launching our brand new!  It’s getting closer to completion and the big day will be here before long!
PPS:  We're on Facebook!  Like us here:
PPPS:  Always be sure to let your doctor or healthcare provider know what supplements you are taking. 
PPPPS: Jocelyn’s down 6 pounds and her husband reflux is non-existent!

Hi, Sherry!
My husband has been taking Protonix for over 5 years and after having lost our insurance, we couldn't afford to renew his prescription (about $4.00 a pill!) So we decided to research natural ways to remedy his GERD and IBS.
After hours of sifting through internet garbage, we ran across your Great Taste No Pain plan.
What a God-send! We followed the free trial plan verbatim and he is off his meds and feeling better than ever! He is sleeping through the night and is acid balanced! Hooray!
So we quickly followed up and ordered the whole program and are so pleasantly surprised that all the recipes we've tried are as delicious as the initial meals were. Even my kids are impressed!
To support my husband's efforts, I have been following the plan as well, even though I have never suffered the way he has. And boy am I glad I am-- I've already lost 6 pounds and not regained any of it, and I’m feeling great!
Thanks for this amazing plan, Sherry! We love it!

Want the best probiotic on the market today? Then learn why Super Shield outshines all the rest here.

Got low energy? Brain fog? CRS disease? You just may be low in in just one vitamin. One out of four people are. Read more about this deficiency and how you can help turn that around FAST.

Years of junk foods, meats, alcohol and soft drinks results in a decrease in your body's ability to produce digestive enzymes. This can result in daily painful gas, bloating, heartburn and constipation no matter how otherwise healthy your diet is!  Digestizol Max can help turn that around for you fast. Its effective blend of 14 plant-derived enzymes and soothing herbs will help carry out the job of digestion and keep you feeling great! Learn more about Digestizol Max here.

Gluten has been linked to hundreds of health problems, including autoimmune diseases. If you are gluten sensitive or have an autoimmune disease, see what avoiding gluten can do for you.  Great Taste No Gluten will make gluten avoidance easy, while giving you 160 of the world's tastiest gluten-free recipes to make you love every bite of your gluten-free life.  Learn more about Great Taste No Gluten here.

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- and feel the power of Great Taste No Pain.

Orders: 1-888-724-4366

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(c) copyright 2013 Holistic Blends

**The FDA has not evaluated all of these statements. The contents of this email are not to be considered medical advice and are for educational purposes only. If you are experiencing health challenges, always consult your doctor for medical advice and follow it even if it contradicts the contents of this email.**

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The "citizenship" connection with commercial activity in "this state"

From: legal_reality
Subj: The "citizenship" connection with commercial activity in "this state"
29 September A.D. 2014

In this situation, the connection between a STATE-issued ID and the "transportation" enforcement mechanism/system is quite pronounced.

See also, e.g.,

Note the direct connection between the "banking" activity and the "need" for a STATE-issued ID card (or "license").

We have a choice.  The original "citizenship" was with a system that looked to the Common Law (the origin of which is Scripture) as its foundation.  The present "citizenship" is with a system that uses the "funny money" and the "choice of law" attached to that medium of exchange.  The origin of this present system is the collective mind of the western european banking cartel.

To have an ID or a "license" is to assert "citizenship" in the banking system's "new world order."

The only people able to vote, then, in WI, are those who are "citizens" of the banking system's new world order.  To illustrate the distinction, "US citizens" may vote, but those who are Americans have no elective franchise in the "new world order."

We've come a long way from our origin.  As we reflect on these matters and move forward, it will matter to some that "licenses" have expiration dates.  At least in TEXAS, the ID cards also have expiration dates.

(The banking system still goes away, once we stop using their "funny money.")

Harmon L. Taylor
Legal Reality
Dallas, Texas

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