Wednesday, October 1, 2014

*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony & DC conf. call notes (long)

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony & DC conf. call notes (long)
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 1-Oct-2014 17:26:24

Hi, Folks -
Found at
10-1-14 TNT DINAR CC (Notes by Adept1):
Replay 805.399.1500, PIN CODE 409029#
Tony: Good morning, TNT! It is Wednesday, October 1, 2014. I’m going to do this a little different today. I have some really great news that even idiots would be happy to hear. I asked them not to come, but I promise you they’re here – they can’t help themselves! They wouldn’t have anything else to talk about if they didn’t come here.
This is why I talk about Texas all the time. I know some good people here, but there are just some lost souls. I mean, where is the first place we get Ebola?! [laughter] As much as they talk about Border Patrol, we need to have that around the whole state! It’s easy to pick on Texas – it’s a big state.
We do have some really, really good information, but Pam wants to read something first. It sounds a lot like patting ourselves on the shoulder, but there are a lot who don’t get on the forum who don’t understand, so…
Pam: This is a post by ThruTraffic, called A Preponderance of Evidence. There are some amazing people on our site:
On a nearly daily basis there are comments posted in the forum threads and in chat saying things like, “No guru has EVER been right about the reset,” or “Guru X has been right as many times as Tony and DC, which is NEVER!” Some people even get on the MWF conference calls to challenge Tony and DC about being wrong about the RV for “55 weeks in a row!”
I beg to differ with this entire thought process. I propose that, in fact, Tony and DC have actually been RIGHT “55 weeks in a row” about the RV, based on the information they had up to the minute.
Keep in mind that T/DC have never, EVER “called it”. Neither of them have ever pinpointed a date, a day or a weekend, not one time. What they HAVE told us repeatedly is that certain conditions are right, critical meetings held, certain documents signed or power shifts accomplished that indicated, at a particular time, every possibility of the RV taking place. That’s not “calling it”. It’s an educated analysis of innumerable bits of intel that indicated favorable conditions.
Another thing that has happened repeatedly is that we dinarians discover some days or weeks later that – lo and behold -- the meetings or signatures, power shifts and favorable conditions T/DC mentioned actually DID take place, and the RV actually COULD have happened! Of course it hasn’t yet, but does that mean they were wrong? Absolutely not. They called it as they saw it – “Lucy is holding the ball on the 1 yard line and this game MAY be over, UNLESS someone moves the ball.” Unfortunately, Lucy is infamous for doing just that. (For those unfamiliar with the analogy, search Charlie Brown, Lucy and football on YouTube.)
Also unfortunately, there are a hundred countries, a thousand agencies, 10 thousand banks, 100 thousand bankers and a million politicians involved in this thing, and they’re ALL coaching Lucy. They will never agree, and the ball will continue to be snatched away until the powers and pressures to kick the ball are greater than the powers and pressures not to. It’s just that simple.
However, as this fiendishly complicated game plays out, wouldn’t you like to have someone on the sidelines with binoculars trying to do a little lip reading? Maybe someone who was talking to some experts who know the rules and the players? Wouldn’t you appreciate someone who would take the time to do some analysis and reporting? Well, that’s precisely what we’ve got.
When Tony and DC are on the MWF conference calls, they’re giving us the up-to-the-minute game analysis and report – who’s on the field, who’s on the sideline, and where the dang ball is. We get it from east to west and top to bottom, and have you ever noticed something? Tony and DC finish each other’s sentences (and, at times, DC, knowing exactly what’s about to come out of Tony’s mouth, will interrupt…no, no, no, don’t go there!). There are even times when Tony will briefly leave the call (too much coffee) and DC just takes over. They simply cannot practice this. There’s no rehearsing the MWF calls in advance. In fact, they often get texts and updates DURING the calls, and still they are always on the same page and finishing each other’s sentences. You just can’t fake that.
It’s all about a preponderance of evidence.
1) T/DC have actually been proven right over and over again. The fact that the ball gets moved does not make them wrong! The fact that they ALWAYS tell us that anything can change makes them RIGHT!
2) They talk to different people and verify from multiple sources. Their info is often many days ahead of other gurus.
3) T/DC don’t earn squat. They have no motive to dedicate countless hours for endless months. And neither of them scheme to get your dinar; they actually tell you how to avoid the shysters!
4) Neither wants fame post-RV, they want to drop off the radar. Again, no motive.
5) They really are a tag team on those calls. The nice thing about telling the truth is that you don’t have to remember what you said. And if there were two of them lying? Come on. They’re in lock-step, spontaneous, unrehearsed lock-step. You probably couldn’t even accomplish that with your spouse.
IMHO, that’s an impressive preponderance of evidence AND integrity. Heartfelt thanks, guys, to you and the whole team.
[Call cut out; fortunately, I found the post and copied it above.]
That came from ThruTraffic, who has been with us for a while, and we have lots of comments from members who feel Tony and DC deserve all of that.
DC: Thank you, that is very kind. Is Mr. Tony around?
Pam: I thought that was overdue with all the crazies out there who lie about us. Tony doesn’t even like us focusing on him.
Tony: Thank you. I don’t even know how to talk after that! [call cut out again] We do donations so that we would not be accuse of all that BS we are accused of. [That is, there is no subscription like on other sites.] We have fewer than 400 people sending us money! And there are 20,000 members!
Pam: Take it easy on the Mods – it is not their fault this is happening. You can tell we fly by the seat of our pants, can’t you?
Tony: Okay, are we ready DC? Really good news…
DC: Thanks for those kind words, Pam. East to West, and it’s falling into place right now. They have been telling everyone their cards would be activated today. We understand that some cards have been activated in some regions, with seven confirmations. There are lines at the banks, and constant news clips walking people through the process in Iraq. We have three folks saying ALL of the cards have been activated, and four saying that part of the last big group was activated today. They are getting cash and seeing if their cards are working. The rates are coming out at $3.58 to $3.60. Let me explain this deal. In the past, the cards have been turned on and used, but there are many different groups, such as widows-and-orphans, the police, the retired military and government folks, the families of those killed by Saddam Hussein. Some segments have been turned on a year ago, in restricted amounts and regions. This final group is the general population, like Alaska. In AL, everyone is paid to live there by the oil companies. In Baghdad, the government gets revenue from oil and gas, the people get a portion of that revenue. It’s like a royalty payment, and they are starting to pay it to those groups. There was a variety of rates from $3.21 to 4.14, and now they are being adjusted to $3.58. They can be used internationally, like a debit card. We are not yet clear what percentage of the general public were paid actively today. There are lines at the banks, at $3.58, in many towns. Those with bank accounts have been adjusted as well to $3.58.
Last night, the rates they quoted the same rates in the newspaper – on Monday, Tuesday morning, and some internet sources. They were running the entire weekend spots about which banks to go to and what to do there.
Tony: Last Thursday we heard $3.58, and it was posted in the Gazette on Monday at $3.58. Today, it was posted on their cards at $3.58. All these other gurus were saying we were incompetent, yet we wake up today on 1. October, and the rate is $3.58. It’s a miracle!
DC: That’s how it’s progressed. What we don’t know is what percentage was paid. Some folks in the DBI are saying that the cards are being loaded throughout the day, completed by morning, but others are saying not all cards are activated. Others are saying that all their family’s cards are live and they are buying stuff at the store. It is easing tensions, as you can well imagine, and it’s wonderful news. They are saying where to cash out and here is the process, and telling people to stay calm.
Tony: There are two things on the television. In the US, they are saying the economic reforms are about to come soon, and also saying we don’t need to have the budget done – they are saying that on Iraqi television. As for the defense minister… [call dropped again – 40,000 people on the lines?]
DC: I’ve never had to dial in before – Pam just texted me with the procedure!
Over there, they are basically walking everyone through the exchange process. They are saying to keep calm. The finance minister is specifically saying they are not waiting on the budget, that the economic reform is happening very soon. They are reporting that in the US.
Tony: That is on the news. As for the defense minister…
DC: The defense minister has been used as a way to play with everyone this entire time, sometimes strategically, and sometimes just “this needs to be completed”. The defense minister has been the same Sunni guy whose been there for over a month. There has been a LOT of negotiation about his deputies and their backgrounds – Sunni, Shi’a, Kurd, even Christian. ISIL is all around them, so that is always an issue. Also, this is where Maliki caused a lot of problems, because he could bypass a lot of the stuff that slows things down, and go directly to the commanders in the field. That is a huge problem in a democratic government. There has been immense house-cleaning in the defense ministry, and some people have felt hurt by that. This has dragged on forever, and made people mad. However, the CBI has given clearance to do the RV whenever, and at the same time, they have been asked to complete the defense ministry. It’s been a major issue, and the rV has been used as leverage to get this sorted out. They are in emergency session now, and also in the last four days, Abadi has met with all the key reps and leaders from all the parties. All of them have been in one room, horse-trading for ministry positions, and all the rest. This has not been published, because it’s been in executive session, where they can make real agreements about the deputy ministries and all that stuff.
Tony: For the last nine days they have been negotiating, and it cut the chase since Sunday.
DC: Then they get together and do formal votes. They negotiated again on Monday and Tuesday, then passed a lot of laws all at once. They are doing that again now, with an emergency meeting to vote on things. The main topic is the defense ministry, and we believe it is done now. My contacts in those meetings believe it is all worked out and it’s fine. Some people have been asked to retire; they haven’t revealed this to the world. It’s my understanding from folks in those rooms and the intelligence agencies. That has been the main topic, and the emergency session just started as our call started.
Tony: Some of the banks are actually closed as people go to them, and some people are concerned that ISIL is so close they are affecting this process, because people are lined up outside the banks.
DC: They are worried about car bombs and such. Now, about ISIL and what they are doing: when you look at this, it’s something to be concerned about, and we are not discounting that. However, we are also saying that the RV process is continuing at the same time. When you look at a map of Iraq, and you see they control this wedge, that part is not very inhabited. There is not much out there, so to control that area you don’t need a lot of troops. There are not many towns, they are mostly Sunni, and so they were sympathetic to the Sunni extremists, like Faluja. They have been a problem for ten years. Now that we are working with the elders there, trying to protect people the bad guys are trying to kill, then there will be hand-to-hand fighting for a while. It’s a bad part of time, and they’ll have to do what they said Abadi said they would do, like having Sunnis in the military and the judiciary. ISIL has had good training and US equipment they stole from Mosul where the Iraqi forces withdrew and left them the keys. Once they starting engaging the Iraqi defense forces and the Kurds, with the coalition forces, they kicked butts because they have our equipment, including IEDs.
When you see the map where it looks like they have this massive wedge, look at how few the towns and people are. There is not a lot of fighting, and they are adapting to oru security measures. This is going to be ongoing for years, plus they keep retreating back into Syria. However, all the leaders and intelligent agents I’ve talked to say the same thing: get Baghdad, make these people rich, and the majority of these problems will fade away.
The banks have everyone in at the banks, exchange centers, security, with brush-up training for everyone. There is a surge mentality at the call centers across the country, on high alert, expecting this at any time. They are adamant that it has to go through, because they are tired of all this, too.
Tony: The spend half a million dollars in one day moving people round, and now it’s three days. They can see the IQN, VNN and several other rates on the boards. We are seeing new rates, and that hasn’t happened for a long time. They brought the people back in to the call centers, expecting shifts from 7am to 11pm.
DC: As for Washington, everyone from all sides are screaming to get this done and excited bout the cards. The Democrats are excited because they have a fighting chance to keep their majority in Congress, while before they thought they had lost.
There has been frustration and anger on all sides. We do three phone calls a week to keep people up to date as best we can. We may know 60% of what’s going on, and some folks are taking active measures to block our intel. For many people, this is too much! Sometimes there is just too much, and you are just going crazy. That is the time to turn it all off and just wait for the tweet. Some people have gone psycho and are now threatening us and our families. Law enforcement is now involved, and I thank them for catching people who have double-dipped, and also keeping people safe who are going through this process. Thank you to all of those who are protecting us. Tony and I are under constant scrutiny, and they are making sure we aren’t make money on the back end. That would be illegal and unethical and it’s not what we do. I’m exhausted by all this. I thought I was volunteering for two weeks, and it’s been 18 months! I am going away after all this, and will to be speaking in public. It’s sad that we’ve had to come down to this, but the people threatening us have been turned over the FBI, etc. It’s fine to disagree; if you don’t agree, and you cannot turn off the phone and stop listening, then you need help. I’m serious! Turn off the phone and seek help!
Tony: We have 40,000 people on the phone, and other sites have maybe a hundred people. We know what we are doing, and we’re okay. Then some idiots are saying that we are PAYING people to call us! I just start at the top and go down the list. So 727 caller, how much did you get paid, and who paid you?!
727 caller: I am not getting paid. I stayed on the line 900+ minutes, and got disconnected three times. About the Zim… we have only heard about the trillion dollar denominations, and we have billion dollar notes. What do you know?
DC: I only know about 100 trill and 50 trill notes, 2008, series AA. I know know about any other notes. I hope this will be addressed in the package and by the banks.
Caller: Okay, thanks. And I did not get a paycheck yet!
Tony: Those are just idiots who spend all day trying to come up with something, and they don’t’ know what’s going on, and they just can’t take day-to-day, hour-to-hour, and that just doesn’t fit into their lives, I guess.
Caller: They just want to create turmoil.
650 caller [yet again]: I’m still waiting for my check! I’m sure some people think my calls are planted, but I know you go straight down. It’s important to me and my family. You’ve said in the past this has always been planned for weekend. Is that still true?
DC: No.
Tony: You might still see it at the weekend, because that would make sense to me, to freeze the rate. I heard about that one time, and it still makes. We might not see it until Friday, and we might see it today or tomorrow. I don’t know that there is a four-day window, either. They put it out today, the day they said, 1stOctober, and today our contacts said that people who already had cards were all updated. This is happening in a bunch of regions, and they told everyone to be ready today. Unless they are spending a whole lot of money they don’t’ have to, they are gearing up for something.
Caller: You said recently that they gave told you a week in advance if the date was going to change. So have they told you that this time?
Tony: What I said is that when a date was changed for something to do with the RV, not the RV itself, they gave us a week’s warning. They have not done that.
Caller: In terms of an international rate, what are the criteria for people outside the US, or people who hold debt? They have Qi cards with a rate on them, and Iraq has collected the currency, when will they get their international rate together so we can see it?
DC: So you are now really rich, and Iraq is trying to sell electronic money to people who traditionally distrust the banks. You’ve given the population a lot of money and they are highly mobile. You are trying to prove this money is there, is real, and you can use it anywhere. How long will it take them to visit their friends in the region? Not long at all. My understanding from friends in the finance ministry is that these cards can be used internationally. So here I am in Texas, buying stuff at a rate of 1160. Then an Iraqi can fly over here, buy dinar at the lower rate, and that then causes one heck of a problem. In terms of intelligence, we know they are on a very tight timeline, like hours. They are in emergency session right now tidying that all up because they know this is an issue. They are highly mobile, and they have to protect those rates.
Tony: Iraq put out those rates on Monday! How many from those countries will come over to those countries and become millionaires because they keep selling at 1166? It has to come out because it won’t take long for other people to figure that they can take a short light and become multi-millionaires.
Caller: We would love to see that real document out in public so that we can see it for ourselves because most of us didn’t’ see anything making Kuwaiti and Iraqi dinars 1:1.
DC: Those who pay attention to articles saw that there were articles on Sunday, Monday and yesterday… I haven’t found the article online, but several guys in Iraq called me and said the reputable newspapers were quoting the Gazette. They didn’t read it in the Law Gazette directly, and the Law Gazette is not online. Others reported from the actual Gazette. They called us, told us the rate, and the cards are showing the same rate today in Baghdad and Bazra.
Tony: We will do what we can do to put links on the forum. Thanks for your questions.
828 caller: You recently said that 1. October was the significant date, and if it were up to you, they wouldn’t wait this long. Here were are on 1st October, and we are hemming and hawing. You said you thought there would be big problems… such as?
Tony: they didn’t listen to me, but here we are, and they did do it. We have heard from several sources that there are lines out the bank, and there is the new rates on the cards, and they want actual cash in their pockets. They have done what they said they would do, and so we know that our turn is coming. Some have said everyone got theirs today, and many got paid all the back to February. So it has happened, it’s just that WE haven’t gone to the bank yet.
DC: They were going to have riots if they pissed everyone off, with insurgents all around them, if they didn’t fund those cards. Now that they are actually paying them, a lot of the tension has gone down. If your card didn’t get paid and your neighbor did, you’d be a bit annoyed.
Tony: We don’t know. They may have paid only the leaders first and be waiting to pay everyone at the holiday this weekend. We know they have called people into the banks, and they are in emergency session at the Iraqi parliament. They are trying to get some things done and don’t what those things are.
Caller: What else do they have to before we see this in the US?
Tony: They don’t have to anything! There is nothing saying they can’t do it in the next ten minutes. I can only assume that someone has asked them not to do it yet, because there is some other agreement that they are negotiating outside Iraq. Even that was supposed to have been done by today, but we haven’t heard if it was done or not.
Caller: But the US government could have asked them not to call it?
Tony: It could happen.
Caller: So what’s your best guess?
Tony: The word’s going to be out all around the world that Iraq has this new rate on the cards, so I think by the weekend.
DC: This make no sense to me. You have just given a large number of people the ability to double-dip, if the cards are functional overseas. If they tell people they cannot use the cards overseas, I would pull out a lot of cash, go to a neighboring country, and buy a bunch of dinar at the lower rate… it’s a no-brainer. That’s what I would do!
Tony: Or just call their neighbors and relatives and tell them to load up on Iraqi dinar!
DC: It’s a committee running the show, so who knows…?
609 caller: So you say the rate on their cards is $3.58, and once they are all loaded, then we will see the RV here?
Tony: That’s what I’m hearing.
Caller: So if I call my bank and say the exchange centers are staffed… is that all the banks or only the Big Four?
DC: There are nearly 5,000 bankers who have been trained, prepped and put on notice, with maybe 2,800 folks in call centers around the world. ONLY the trained people are being called in, not a memo going around all the banks. They have intentionally kept these people separated at various call and exchange centers to stop those information leaks. They want to stop every teller buying currency and quitting. If your particular manager is part of this process, then they may know, but most will not because they don’t want them all to quit. They will probably have a video-cast when it is announced telling tellers and managers to direct people to the call and exchange centers.
Tony: One person who we know went through the training in a pretty big city said that there were only six of them at the training, in the whole city.
Caller: I heard about the Zim that that the 2009 notes will not be accepted, that they have gone live and they are only accepting the ZWL notes.
Tony: I don’t know about that. I know people have heard different things, but we haven’t heard that from any of our people.
Caller: So they are seeing the new rates at the bank screens?
Tony: Yes, the people we talk to say it is back on their screens. This is not at the teller levels, but the people we talk to.
Caller: Can you tell me the rate of the guy who exchange a while back?
Tony: It was $3.71; I saw the receipt at the time.
337 caller: Pam has a very understandable, melodious voice, as opposed to DC’s very quick delivery. About the banking system, is it still going to be the same, or is it going to change?
DC: It’s always going to be fractional, taking in a certain sum and loaning it out at 8-10 times that amount.
Caller: That sounds illegal to me. If I receive a hamburger, and send out ten pieces of paper saying ten customers have a hamburger – how can that work?! Tony, I think you are a little passive.
Tony: Well, that is how it works with banks. And as for passive, I’m only trying to give people all the information we have. Everyone is frustrated, but those who don’t even try to understand, they get all upset because they don’t have their money already. Well, if they don’t get it now, they won’t hold onto it either.
404 caller [yet again]: Thanks for taking my call. I have never received any checks or direct deposits from TNT. Most of my questions have been answered. In prior calls, you have said that this RV will just show up. Now you’re saying there may be an Iraqi announcement this evening – and it’s nearly 10pm there.
DC: I have heard that, but don’t know if they will do that or not. Most of those who would make this kind of announcement are in parliament now. If they get it done by the 11pm news, which would be the main venue, then there may well be a formal announcement. It’s too hot to work in the middle of the day, so they work later than we do here.
Caller: So we could be having another call after the 11pm news?
DC: I don’t’ know. This current situation doesn’t make sense to me.
Caller: Have the rates changed significantly on the bank screens?
DC: they look about the same to me, and they are on the screens. I think the WTO meeting going on right now is not connected to the GCR, although the WTO will be patting Iraq on the back…
256 caller: My friend is discouraged because this hasn’t happened… do you think it’ll be another weekend?
Tony: We know it’s being done in Iraq right now, and it could happen any time here. They knew we were going to make this call, and they didn’t tell us not to.
Caller: Is it still the same five people who know when this will happen internationally?
Tony: We believe that there is one agreement that still has to be made, and that may have already happened; I cannot answer that.
Caller: My friend is going through a hard time, she is trying to raise her seven-year-old granddaughter, and she tried to commit suicide on Saturday. We’re both Christians, but we can get overpowered with stress. I hope this hurries up, because we need it. I am trying to help churches and such, but there is also St Jude’s Hospital for Children, and also the Shriner’s Hospital that have the top children’s hospitals and burn centers in the world. I just want to help people in need. I hope the next call has the 800 numbers. You said a while back that one person asked not to do this yet, but was that person in the Capitol building?
Tony: I don’t think it was just one person. I’m sorry about your friend. When this happens, it doesn’t just affect Iraq, it affects the whole Middle East. There is a bigger picture, in terms of the effect on everyone else.
Caller: A lot of Christians have bought currency, and I would like to help Israel after this happens. What does 1166 refer to?
DC: That is the current exchange rate for the Iraqi dinar in the US – 1166 dinar per one American dollar.
Caller: Tony, you said VNN would be ten times what it was worth when this started.
Tony: When it started, we heard we might get two cents out of the deal. Then we heard it might exchange at five cents, and someone said that if it would came out that high, it would destroy the world. So I guess that when it comes out – at least ten times that high – that will be the last day of the world!
904 caller: [Appreciation] If we have four banks to go to, and you cannot tell us anything about the banks (with the package), do I just gamble on which bank will give me the best rate, or do I just go to the lead bank? What would you do?
Tony: If we get the call and find out this went through and we’ll be doing our own call and our own information, if it comes down to that scenario, before I sign the NDA.
DC: We now believe we are not going to have the package – it keeps going back and forth – but we can give out 800 numbers. If we don’t get shut down, we’ll keep having calls like we always do. Once we are contacted and asked not to do calls, then we understand they will give out information about the process and which banks to contact. The majority of the general public will only get the international rate, but the contract rate pool is there, and those who call the 800 numbers quickly will probably have some access to the higher rates. The 800 number call centers is supposed to be able to tell you which banks the contract rate is available. We understand that the major banks will have access but we don’t know how long that will last.
Caller: If this comes out in the middle of the night…
Tony: I will tweet it out to everyone, and post it in the forum, and as a Tony blast, and then we’ll post it on our other three, .net, and .info.
Caller: And we can listen to the call and/or the replay?
Tony: Yes, you can always listen to the call. We know that some people are laughing at us may be laughing today, but I know I’ll be laughing for the rest of my life. Some people are going to be embarrassed that when this happens, they didn’t listen, think outside the box, and take advantage of this unique opportunity.
DC: I honestly feel bad for people who are so upset that they have to be nasty to gurus whose information they don’t agree with. Yet they keep listening! That’s sad.
Tony: People are frustrated that we keep speaking to the same caller, but it’s easier if I just go down the line. So I’m just going to ask, if we have to do another call, don’t get on the line hours before the call starts. Let the new people have a chance, so I don’t’ have to go down and search them out.
DC: The cards have been paid, people are in lines at the banks, and Parliament is in emergency meetings now. The rate is $3,58, as announced. This is an amazing day for Iraq, really incredible. In the US everyone is ready to go, and I don’t understand how they can keep what they are doing separate form the rest of the world for much longer.
Pam: We congratulate Iraq that their government is working the way it should and we’re pleased for them and their economic reform. We have great things going on here, too, with a lot to look forward to.
Ray: I will email my two days’ notice! To all the naysayers, I’m not a perfect Christian, I can forgive, but might now forgive. Enjoy Whacky Wednesday.
Tony: Every call out of Iraq was very positive, and all good news from the banks, etc. Iraq has paid people when they said, on 1st October. It’s not perfect, and some are concerned about ISIL. Over here, they are saying ‘economic reform’ is going to happen with or without the budget. DC told you what we have been hearing about the defense ministry. You’ve heard the news from every level, from the ground floor to Parliament. I’m hoping we will do THE call this afternoon, or even tomorrow. It’s going to be a good weekend. We heard the rate on the bank screens, and we all laughed because it was the rate we heard three years ago! Enjoy the rest of your day!!

the first female director of the Secret Service, resigned Wednesday in the aftermath of a fence-jumper gaining access to the White House

Washington (CNN) -- Julia Pierson, the first female director of the Secret Service, resigned Wednesday in the aftermath of a fence-jumper gaining access to the White House on September 19 and a subsequent congressional inquiry uncovering other security lapses.
Homeland Security Director Jeh Johnson announced the resignation in a statement. He also announced that the Department of Homeland Security would take over an internal inquiry of the Secret Service and that he would appoint of a new panel to review security at the White House.
Joseph Clancy, formerly a special agent in charge of the Presidential Protective Division of the Secret Service, was named interim director, Johnson said in his statement.
Calls for Pierson to leave her post grew after a poor performance during her testimony Tuesday on Capitol Hill and another bombshell revelation the same day that an armed security contractor was allowed to get into an elevator with the President during a recent trip to the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta.
Even some high-ranking Democrats had turned against Pierson, who was in the job for less than two years. In an interview on Wednesday, Rep. Elijah Cummings, the top Democrat on the House Oversight Committee, where Tuesday's hearing took place, said he thought Pierson -- who he referred to as "this lady" -- "has to go."
The Maryland congressman reiterated this stance in an interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer. "I want her to go if she cannot restore trust in the agency and if she cannot get the culture back in order," he said.
And New York's Chuck Schumer, the third-ranking Democrat in the Senate, had announced he would call for Pierson's resignation on Wednesday as well, though that was later canceled.
Republicans also had called for Pierson to step down.
"It's clear to me that the only way to solve the problem the Secret Service has is with new leadership," Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina said. "What Julia Pierson describes as mistakes are major security failures on multiple fronts."
Graham said light security around Obama is "the worst possible signal to send to terrorists and our enemies around the world."
After news of her resignation broke, lawmakers praised her decision to step down.
"The agency tasked with protecting the highest office in our land should be the crown jewel of federal law enforcement," Rep. Jason Chaffetz, who sits on the Oversight Committee, said in a statement Wednesday afternoon. "I will work with my colleagues and the Administration towards returning the agency back to the standards the President deserves."
News of Pierson's resignation came as new information about the fence-jumper came to light.
Omar Gonzalez, 42, pleaded not guilty to federal and District of Columbia charges on Wednesday. A federal judge in Washington ordered additional mental testing on the 42-year-old Iraq war veteran to determine whether he is competent to stand trial.
Meanwhile, the inquiry continues into how the Army veteran launched over the fence and was able to sprint up to the front door, burst into the White House and run into the ornate East Room.
Neither President Barack Obama nor the first family were at home at the time of the incident.
But a Secret Service source told CNN there is an elaborate closed-circuit video system, and that video is being dissected to establish new protocols.
When Gonzalez burst through the White House door, he pushed a female officer to the side.
But the source said, "Gender was not a factor, she got one door secured but was pushed over while trying to get second door shut."
An alarm box had been turned down near the front door after complaints by the White House usher's office that it was too loud.
A canine unit was not released to chase Gonzalez, said the source, because there were "too many friendlies around."
Pierson was named the director of the U.S. Secret Service in March 2013, tapped by Obama to change the culture of an agency that was then marred by a Colombian prostitution scandal.
Several male agents in an advance contingent before a presidential trip to Cartagena, Colombia, had taken prostitutes back to their hotel rooms, according to investigations after the trip. A morning-after dispute between one agent and a woman over payment led to exposure of what happened and the ensuing investigations. Nine agents eventually left or lost their jobs
Pierson became the Secret Service's chief of staff in 2008. Before that, she served on the protective details of Presidents George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. She had been the assistant director of the agnecy's Office of Human Resources and Training, and held the title of deputy assistant director in the Office of Protective Operations and the Office of Administration.
Pierson started her career in law enforcement as a police officer in Orlando, Florida. She joined the Secret Service in 1984, working in the Miami and Orlando field offices.
Johnson made sure to praise the overall work of the Secret Service when he announced Pierson's resignation.
"It is worth repeating that the Secret Service is one of the finest official protection services in the world, consisting of men and women who are highly trained and skilled professionals prepared to put their own lives on the line in a second's notice for the people they protect."

MUST SEE Secret Space Secret Past VIDEO1:00:27

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

MUST SEE Secret Space Secret Past VIDEO1:00:27
Posted By: Lymerick
Date: Wednesday, 1-Oct-2014 17:17:13

Published on Sep 15, 2014
Re-uploaded in HD and fixed audio, with extra Information added.
The discoveries presented here will shock you.. There's a worldwide conspiracy regarding disinformation that's been going on since the beginning of time, all 6000 illusory years of it. This conspiracy is about UFO's , Aliens, Reptilians, Religion, Super Technologies, Evolution and our true past.......
There’s a scandal going on in the scientific world today involving the suppression of information: Information deliberately held back from public view.
It's a scandal that is cheating you of your ancestry and robbing you of many serious benefits.
Artifacts deliberately dumped in the Atlantic Ocean...
Certain discovery sites banned to researchers who ask embarrassing questions... an archaeologist ordered to deny a major Find:
There’s a worldwide conspiracy regarding disinformation that’s been going on since the beginning of time, all 6000 illusory years of it.This conspiracy is about UFO’s , Aliens, Reptilians, Religion, Super Technologies, Evolution and our true past.......
The video is content protected, and logo protected, please refrain from uploading , Secret Key Activator Productions ©
Most Music is licensed to Secret Key Activator, Many thanks to Johnathan Gray
Other Subjects include: The Sputnik one satellite, Black night satellite, Operation Moon blink, Mars discoveries, moon discoveries, Bruce Cathie, Anti Gravity, Jim Keith “Saucers of the ILLUMINATI,
Worldwide Pyramids, The epic of Etana from Babylon, Ancient flying machines, Ancient Secret Technology, Helium 3, Pillars (called "menhirs"), gravity, electromagnetism, gigantic human beings,
Forbidden knowledge, the Vatican, Nikola Tesla’s ,sacred geomerties,
Dinosaur Hoaxes, stone henge, Free healing, False time readings, carbon 14 dating, law of thermodynamics, 2nd law of thermodynamics, The Deluge, the flood, uniformitarianism. The Palaeolithic and the Neolithic, ape men, cavemen, stone age deception, Cope’s Law’, Darwinism,
Piltdown man, Nebraska man, lucy Australopithecus, missing link, Chromosome break down, GOD Gene called VMAT2, Pineal gland, 1700 BC nuclear warfare, Kabbalistic knowledge, The Piri Reis map dated 1508 , Ancient technologies, computers, X-ray crystals, mercury motors, cloaking technology, vortex mirrors, Egyptians drills 500 times faster than modern power drills.
Precision Mayan surgical instruments that were a thousand times sharper than modern platinum-plus blades. Machine-cut optical lenses, Screen projectors.
716 rhythmically pulsating “electric” disks (similar to computer disks) found in caves in the Bayan-Kara-Ula mountains.
Egypt’s mysterious moving walls, Automatically flashing lights and lamps that shone century after century, non-stop?
Luxuries ancient cruise ships, fashion, levitation and antigravity.
Ancient texts reveal "the secret of making planes invisible". Flying disks.
Musical crystal skulls. Singing statues, The great library of Alexandria, The library of Pergamos
VANISHING EVIDENCE, famous collection of Pisistratus in Athens, homers writing,
books in Constantinople, books in Constantinople, Emperor Tam Shi Hwang-ti, Druidic scrolls in Autun,
Colonization of planets.
Secret moon activities.
Strange experiments,
Atomic testing and regional wars.
Hyping a false Alien Agenda.
Hyping Noah’s flood and religious cleansing.
New age deceit.
Depopulation of the planet as we speak.
Dead zones around the planet.
Haarp related experiments around the planet.
Hoarded hidden technology 100 years in advance to what the public allowed to view.
The destruction and looting of libraries around the world.
Uprising’s and economic collapse.
Just to name a few of the subjects.
"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing for the use of some background clips only. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."
Old World ( • • )
Tin Hat Trio
Standard YouTube License



Today's Information (From My Contractor Friend)  

Posted by G T on October 1, 2014 at 2:49pm 

I literally just hung up the Phone with my Contractor Friend!!!

Here's his Follow Up From his Call YESTERDAY!!!


People were ALSO AT THE BANK (EVEN AFTER HOURS) who Wanted their Physical Currency in their hands (Even showing this on the local news.....

Still telling them where to exchange)So they have RI/RV'd in Iraq

So the Next Question is......WHEN WILL WE SEE THE RV???



VINMAN: Abadi signing final paperwork.

Don't ever give up...for the good of the people.

Emergency meeting going on right now to pay Qi cards today!

Abadi is signing the final paper work He is for the people and will NOT EVER GIVE UP!!!

Abadi is  calling for an emergency meeting to get a release of funds to his people.

New Qi cards activated. People getting paid...Today

People happy and celebrating

Publicado por FORO DINAR GURUS en 10:45 AM

Royal:  ZIM IS trading according to Bloomberg >> 1 Zimbabwean Dollar (ZWL) is equal to 0.0031 United States Dollar (USD)


I hope this is true
1,000,000,000 Zimbabwean Dollar (ZWL) is equal to 3,102,169.97 United States Dollar (USD)

World In Shock After America Lies Its Way Into War Again

World In Shock After America Lies Its Way Into War Again
 “Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.”
 George Orwell (25 June 1903 – 21 January 1950), one of the most influential English writers of the 20th century.

Special Report from Sister Ciara
It’s hard to believe, but it is nevertheless true, that just one year ago this month the world was celebrating because the Obama regime and its war-hawk allies were stopped dead in their tracks in their plan to start a new war against Syria…and by extension World War III.
The cause célèbre for the September, 2013 war against Syria, used by the Obama regime and its allies, was a deadly chemical gas attack upon hundreds of Syrian civilians by the regime of Bashar al-Assad.
This blatant lie was quickly exposed by many, including the world-famous American investigative journalist Seymour Hersh, and who in his scathing report on this chemical attack proved it was actually carried out by Syrian “rebel” forces acting at the behest of Turkey, for the purpose of providing a pretext for a US attack on Syria.
Mind you, not one single major American or British news organization reported the truth of this deadly chemical attack to their citizens, rather it was left to us “conspiracy theorists” to make sure the truth was told….and (thankfully) enough people heard the truth and stopped the madness…but only for awhile.
Now at this point it’s critical that I remind you of what is really going on here and why Syria is so important…and as we’ve, likewise, told you many times before.
There is now an existential crisis in our world between the United States-European Union-Russia-China (and all their respective allies) over the future of the global economy…specifically what is going to be the reserve currency of the 21st Century for the purchase of oil and gas.
Currently the global reserve currency is the US Dollar, which allows the American Federal Reserve to literally print money to support not only their economy, but that of the European Union too…so much so that just during one week alone in 2011, the Federal Reserve kept 523 EU banks from collapsing by giving them €489 billion ($638 billion).
Russia and China have a BIG problem with the US and EU making money out of nothing and then using that monetary “power” to bully everyone else they disagree with…so this past May they signed an historic €315 billion ($400 billion) deal that prices gas in their currencies instead of the US Dollar.
Both the US and EU are now terrified that Russia is going to begin demanding payment for both oil in gas in either Russian Rubles or Chinese Yuan…and that is exactly what Russia did last month when for the first time it started selling oil for Rubles instead of US Dollars.
And when (not if) Russia tells the 28 Member States of the European Union, and their 505 million citizens, to start paying for gas and oil in anything other than US Dollars? Well, the answer is simple…the US will stand exposed for the hypocritical nation it has become.
And what is the ONLY thing the US can do to stop this?  Simple…they have to completely take over Syria!
If the US is successful in taking over Syria then they can build the pipelines they need from both Qatar and Saudi Arabia…connect them to new pipelines in Turkey…extend them into the EU, and then the Europeans and Americans can keep the US Dollar as the reserve currency of the 21st Century and keep the printing presses running.
Russia, in case you haven’t noticed, isn’t taking this threat lying down either as it continues to extend its pipeline network with the South Stream Pipeline that bypasses Ukraineand will ensure the EU has gas supplies well into this century. 
In order to protect the US Dollar, the Americans have sided with the most brutal branch of Islam called the Sunnis…Russia on the other hand, in order to protect its economy, has sided with the more moderate Islamic branch called the Shiites.
The US protected Sunnis (Arab) run governments that are composed of Kings, Emirs and military dictators who do not allow their citizens to vote or their women to have absolutely no rights. (Saudi ArabiaKuwait, UAE, BahrainEgypt, Jordon, etc.)
The Russia protected Shiite (Persian) governments are composed as theocracies like Israel but do allow their citizens to vote and their women to have limited rights. (IranSyria,Lebanon and now Iraq)
The US protected Sunnis comprised nearly 70% of Islamic terrorists world-wide.  The Russian protected Shiites, on the other hand, rarely ever attack Western interests using their capacities, instead, against Sunni terror groups.
Now with the Obama regime having failed to start their Syrian war last year after their lies were exposed for the whole world to see…they then came back in 2014 with a much more devious plan…the number one component being to keep Russia sidelined.
Towards that end, in February, they toppled the democratically elected government of Ukraine and installed a right-wing neo-Nazi government…to which Russia promptly responded.
At the same time, along with Qatar and Saudi Arabia, the Obama regime created, trained and funded the terror group known as the Islamic State (ISIS or ISIL), allowed them to rampage throughout both Syria and Iraq, then labeled them an existential threat, and is currently waging war against them along with their EU allies and Sunni monarchy lapdogs.
And what is the most astounding thing about this whole mess?  You are not allowed by either your government or you press to know even the most basic truth about what is going on.
Pipelines…Reserve Currencies…Petrodollars…Sunnis…Shiites…none of these are you allowed to know about…even though your future depends on the outcome.
And this is really serious stuff…so serious that Pope Francis last week warned that all of us are effectively in a ‘piecemeal” Third World War…and it’s going to get a whole lot worse before it gets better.
So with the failing of both your government and press to keep you even the most basically informed, therefore, it falls upon us (and others like us) to keep the truth flowing to you…and here’s just a small glimpse of how well we’ve done:
On 9 July in our article Germany Races To Stop US-Backed July Terror Attack we alerted you to the strong likelihood of the Obama regime conducting a false flag operation due to their failures in Ukraine.
Eight days later, on 17 July, Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 was destroyed over Ukraine in a false flag operation designed to blame Russia…but as you know this backfired on theUS and now the Obama regime is totally silent on this matter.
On 13 June in our article Russia Issues Grim Report On North American Magnetic Anomaly (and other subsequent reports) we alerted you to the factors destabilizing parts of the American west coast.
Barely seven weeks later, on 24 August, Northern California had its largest earthquake in 25 years…and parts of this area are still experiencing earthquake swarms.
On 8 September in our article Obama Regime Silent As Massive Polio Outbreak Sweeps America we warned you about the “mysterious virus” spreading dreaded disease that had affected 11 US States since it was first spotted in California this past February.
Barely a month later, on 26 September, US health authorities were forced to admit that this virus has paralyzed children (that’s what polio does) and, on 27 September, further admitted that this virus had spread to 38 States.
On 13 August in our article titled Ebola Apocalypse “Mysteries” Raises Biowarfare Fears (and other subsequent reports) we warned you about the spread of this disease and how it was going to get much worse in spite of what the Western “experts” were saying.
New reports from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are saying this week there could be up to 1.5 million more people infected by Ebola by January.
And let’s not forget our 9 August article New Jersey Governor Awarded Top Nazi Medal From German Terror Group that highlighted the story of a young black mother named Shaneen Allen, with no criminal record, threatened with up to 10 years in prison for the crime of mistakenly carrying her legal and permitted handgun across State lines from Pennsylvania to New Jersey.
This past week, on 25 September, the New Jersey prosecutor gave up and stopped prosecuting this young black mother due to the public backlash generated by us and others like us…with one of them stating: “If Allen had remained an unknown, she would be on her way to prison.”
And in the essence of that statement (“If Allen had remained an unknown, she would be on her way to prison.”) is why we exist…to make known to you what is hidden…to explain to you even the most complex of issues in the simplest terms possible…to forewarn you about things so that you can prepare…and most importantly…to stand for the truth being denied you by your government and press.
In his seminal work 1984, George Orwell wrote: “Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.” 
In his seminal article How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations, Glenn Greenwald, using documents released by Edward Snowden, details how the Obama regime is exactly using those tactics Orwell warned about in order to destroy your minds and remake them.
The world Orwell describes in 1984 is beyond chilling…and what Greenwald explains using the US governments own documents is how Obama and his oligarchs are making1984 not just a book, but a reality.
And all that’s left standing in their way is YOU and US….but history has long proven that if that bond is strong enough it can win out! 
Now to keep that bond strong, and make it even stronger, WE NEED YOU TODAY!
There is absolutely no way we can survive without you….and if you don’t have us, and others like us, how can you survive?
The ONLY question you need ask yourself is this… “Does my government and press lie to me?”
If the answer is no, then all the best to you.
If the answer is YES, then help us keep going so we can keep the truth flowing to you.
With God,
Sister Ciara
28 September 2014

Our needs today are dire indeed, but, if every one of you reading this gave just $20.00 today, our budget for the entire year would be met!  So, before you click away, ask yourself this simple question….if your knowing the truth about what is happening now, and what will be happening isn’t worth 5 US pennies a day what is?    
(Please note that those who respond to this appeal, in any amount, will receive, at no charge, Sorcha Faal’s  August, 2014/September, 2014 lecture series to the Sisters of the Order titled “Total War: the Collapse of the United States and the Rise of Chaos: Part 37”.  This is another one of the Sorcha Faal’s most important lectures dealing with the coming timelines of war, famine, catastrophic Earth changes and disease as predicted by ancient prophecies.)

The greatest killer of all times - Very SHORT but to-the-point video

 Mass murderers agree:  Gun Control Works!      Very good Info.

The Cross IN Our Bodies

You may already know this but, just in case – thought this was neat:
The Cross IN Our Bodies
This is a pretty neat story and an interesting thing that few of us know. It's brief, so please read. (FROM A DOCTOR)

A couple of days ago I was running (I use that term very loosely) on my treadmill, watching a DVD sermon by Louie Giglio... And I was BLOWN AWAY! I want to share what I learned....

He (Louie) was talking about how inconceivably BIG our Creator is... How He spoke the universe into being... How He breathes stars out of His mouth that are huge raging balls of fire... Etc. Etc. Then He went on to speak of how this star-breathing, universe creating YHWH ALSO knitted our human bodies together with amazing detail and wonder. At this point I am LOVING it (fascinating from a medical standpoint, you know.) .. And I was remembering how I was constantly amazed during medical school as I learned more and more about Ya's handiwork. I remember so many times thinking..'How can ANYONE deny that a Creator did all of this?'

And then I lost my breath. And it wasn't because I was running my treadmill, either!
 It was because Louie started talking about laminin.’ Being a doctor, I knew about laminin....And, for the lay person here is howWikipedia describes them:

'Laminins are a family of proteins that are an integral part of the structural scaffolding of basement membranes in almost every animal tissue' You see.... Laminins are what hold us together... LITERALLY. They are cell adhesion molecules. They are what holds one cell of our bodies to the next cell. Without them, we would literally fall apart. And I knew all this already. But what I didn't know is what they LOOKED LIKE..

But now I do. And I have thought about it a thousand times since (already)....Here is what the structure of laminin looks like... AND THIS IS NOT a 'Christian portrayal' of it.... If you look up laminin in any scientific/medical piece of literature, this is what you will see....

Now tell me that our Creator is not the coolest! Amazing. The glue that holds us together.... ALL of us..... Is in the shape of the cross. Immediately Colossians 1:15-17 comes to mind. He is the image of the invisible Creator, the firstborn over all creation. All things were created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in him All things HOLD TOGETHER.' Colossians 1:15-17
Call me crazy. I just think that is very, very, very cool. Thousands of years before the world knew anything about laminin, Paul penned those words. And now we see that from a very LITERAL standpoint, we are held together... One cell to another.... By the cross.

You would never in a quadrillion years convince me that is anything other than the mark of a Creator who knew EXACTLY what laminin 'glue' would look like long before Adam breathed his first breath!!

What I found when I googled laminin !

Pan Am Flight 103: duping the American Public

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Pan Am Flight 103: duping the American Public
Posted By: RodneyStich [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 1-Oct-2014 11:58:55

Pan Am Flight 103 Bombing Over Lockerbie
Discover how DOJ personnel and their shills duped the American public into thinking that two Libyans and Libya were responsible for the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, while covering up for two groups that were responsible. And why it was done. Another lesson in how American leaders dumb down the American public, with deadly

Stricter Regulations & Shadow Banking

Stricter Regulations & Shadow Banking

Stricter regulations, low rates fueling shadow banking growth

By Steve Goldstein Published: Oct 1, 2014

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — Stricter regulation of banks and low interest rates are fueling the growth of so-called shadow banking worldwide, the International Monetary Fund said Wednesday.

Shadow banking refers to lending outside of the banking system, from institutions such as money market funds, hedge funds, private-equity firms and broker/dealers. Though difficult to measure, shadow banking is as much as $25 trillion in the U.S., $22.5 trillion in the euro area, $6 trillion in Japan and $7 trillion in emerging markets, the IMF says.
“Shadow banking tends to take off when strict banking regulations are in place, which leads to circumvention of regulations.

It also grows when real interest rates and yield spreads are low and investors are searching for higher returns, and when there is a large institutional demand for ‘safe assets,’ for example from insurance companies and pension funds,” said Gaston Gelos, chief of the global financial analysis division of the IMF, in a statement.

The risks from shadow banking can come from their reliance on short-term funding, which can lead to forced asset sales and downward price spirals.

The IMF points out that not all shadow banking — such as money-market funds — is particularly risky, but these funds in both the U.S. and Europe are now holding a higher proportion of less-liquid assets, like commercial loans.

That could be problematic if the claims given to investors are very liquid. The Securities and Exchange Commission has taken steps to address their concerns, by allowing money-market funds to impose liquidity fees or suspend redemptions temporarily.

(Please visit link to see visual graph unable to paste here thank you)

The growth in shadow banking in China “stands out and warrants close monitoring,” the IMF added.

In China, wealth-management products accounted for 25% of gross domestic product by early 2014, growing threefold since early 2011. The IMF says these products share characteristics of the structured investment vehicles and collateral debt obligations used by U.S. banks before 2008 to keep loans off their balance sheet.

The global financial system nearly collapsed from the weight of leveraged investments on suspect mortgages in 2008.

8 Financial Rules That Apply To Everyone

8 Financial Rules That Apply To Everyone

Iron Rules of Money  By Morgan Housel  

8 Financial Rules That Apply To Everyone And Their Money

No matter who you are, how much you earn, or how you invest, a few truths apply to you and your money.

1. Spending money to show people how much money you have is the surest way to have less money.

Singer Rihanna earns tens of millions of dollars, but found herself "effectively bankrupt" in 2009. She sued her financial adviser for not doing his job.

He offered a legendary response: "Was it really necessary to tell her that if you spend money on things you will end up with the things and not the money?"
The first iron rule of money is that wealth is the stuff you don't see. It's the cars not purchased, the clothes not bought, the jewelry forgone.

Money buys things, but wealth -- assets such as cash, stocks, bonds, in the bank, unspent -- buys freedom and security.

Pick which one you want wisely.
2. Wealth is completely relative.

According to World Bank economist Branko Milanovic, "the poorest [5%] of Americans are better off than more than two-thirds of the world population." Furthermore, "only about 3% of the Indian population have incomes higher than the bottom (the very poorest) U.S. percentile." And those figures are adjusted for differences in cost of living.

The easiest way to judge how well you're doing is to compare yourself to people around you. The curse of living in the United States is that most people are doing well, so your own success looks ordinary.

If you want to feel rich, look at the 90% of the world that isn't American or European. You'll realize that feeling rich is just a mental game.

3. The goal of investing isn't to minimize boredom, it's to maximize returns.

Successful investing is pretty boring. Its main requirement is patience and inaction. Most people demand more excitement, so they tweak, fiddle, and adjust their investments as much as necessary to destroy as much of their wealth as possible.

If you want to do better than average at anything, you must do something that most people can't. In investing, that means putting up with perpetual boredom. It's a serious skill.

4. The only way to build wealth is to have a gap between your ego and your income.

Getting rich has little to do with your income and everything to do with your savings rate. And your savings rate is just the difference between your ego and your income. Keep the former in check and you should be fine over time.

5. The most valuable asset you can have is a strong propensity to not care what others think.

Most people are bad with money, so being good means doing things differently than they do. You won't spend as much. You'll invest differently. You'll grow wealth slower. This can make you look like a fool in the short run. But who cares what others think? They're probably idiots.

As Charlie Munger put it, "Someone will always be getting richer faster than you. This is not a tragedy." Not only is it not a tragedy, but it's a necessity. The ability to not care what other people think about what you're doing is mandatory in achieving abnormal results.

6. Spend more time studying failures than successes.

You can learn more about money from the person who went bankrupt with a subprime mortgage than you can from Warren Buffett. That's because it's easier and more common to be stupid than it is to be brilliant, so you should spend more effort trying to avoid bad decisions than making good ones.

Economist Eric Falkenstein summed this up well: "In expert tennis, 80% of the points are won, while in amateur tennis, 80% are lost. The same is true for wrestling, chess, and investing: Beginners should focus on avoiding mistakes, experts on making great moves."

7. People are flawed, so a lot of stuff makes no sense.

As James Grant put it, "To suppose that the value of a stock is determined purely by a corporation's earnings is to forget that people have burned witches, gone to war on a whim, risen to the defense of Joseph Stalin, and believed Orson Welles when he told them over the radio that the Martians had landed."

8. Anything can happen at any time for any reason.

You might be laid off next week. You can be sued tomorrow. Or win the lottery. Maybe you'll get cancer. Or a huge promotion. Stocks can rally for twice as long as you think and crash twice as fast as you assumed.

History is one d***** thing after another, most of it involves money, and there's nothing you can do about it. 

Read more: