Friday, October 24, 2014

News, Rumors, and Opinions Late Friday Morning

News, Rumors, and Opinions Late Friday Morning


Dinar Updates:

Poppy3:  tiers...there are no tiers. WE ARE ALL EQUAL.





China launches new World Bank rival
Posted by BaNDiTo.RoX on October 24, 2014 at 11:10am

Published time: October 24, 2014 12:09 Get short URL

Beijing has launched the $100 billion Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). Australia, Indonesia and South Korea were absent following hidden pressure from Washington concerned about the new challenge to the World Bank and Asian Development Bank.

The memorandum of understanding was signed on Friday in Beijing. The development bank was proposed a year ago by Chinese President Xi Jinping, and is to offer financing for infrastructure projects in underdeveloped Asian countries. The bank is headquartered in Beijing and Chinese banker Jin Liqun, the ex-chairman of the investment bank China International Capital Corp, is expected to take a leading role.

The bank will be operational by next year and will initially be capitalized with $50 billion, most of it contributed by China. The country is planning to increase authorized capital to $100 billion. With that amount the AIIB would be two-thirds the size of the $175 billion Asian Development Bank.

Twenty more Asian countries became bank members. India is the only major world economy to join the AIIB initiative, and will be second largest shareholder of the bank after China. Among other countries participating in the project are Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Nepal, Oman, Kuwait, Qatar and all the countries of the Association of Southeast Asia, except Indonesia.

Australia, Indonesia and South Korea were absent from the ceremony as the United States said it had concerns about the new rival to Western-dominated multilateral lenders. Japan, China's main rival in Asia, which dominates the Asian Development Bank along with the United States, was also absent, but it was not expected to attend.

Indonesia refused to participate in the project at this stage, saying that the new government has not yet had time to discuss China’s proposal.

The Australian Financial Review said US Secretary of State John Kerry had personally asked Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott to “steer clear” from joining AIIB, the Financial Review reports.

"Australia has been under pressure from the US for some time to not become a founding member of the bank and it is understood Mr. Kerry put the case directly to the prime minister when the pair met in Jakarta on Monday following the inauguration of Indonesian President Joko Widodo," the paper said.

South Korea, one of America’s closest allies in Asia, is giving more thought to participating in the bank. Last week its finance ministry said it spoke with China to request more time to consider such details as the AIIB's governance and operational principles.

US officials have said they do not want to support an initiative Washington thinks is unlikely to promote good environmental, procurement and human rights standards in the way the World Bank and ADB are required to do.

But Chinese officials are convinced the American opposition is an attempt to contain the global rise of China and its ambition to remain the dominant power in Asia.

“You could think of this as a basketball game in which the US wants to set the duration of the game, the size of the court, the height of the basket and everything else to suit itself,” Wei Jianguo, a former Chinese commerce minister, told the Financial Times

Matthew Goodman, scholar at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington DC believes the initiatives of a BRICS Bank and AIIB “represent the first serious institutional challenge to the global economic order.”

Chinese Finance Minister Lou Jiwei said the AIIB will set high standard and feasible safeguard policies and improve some of the bureaucratic, unrealistic and irrelevant policies, according to the Xinhua news agency.


Banker Suicides Return: DSK's Hedge Fund Partner Jumps From 23rd Floor Apartment

Posted by EXOGEN on October 24, 2014 at 11:32am



Mac The question is how can they stop us from exchanging? Especially when the rate goes live around the world.


Visionaire October 24, 2014 at 11:16am  IMO….All that the Dinarians did was seize an opportunity. That's like getting mad at folks who bought Apple or Google stock decades ago; they saw the vision Most people who were informed about this did not act; i still have friends who won't even spend $60 to buy 1 mil Dong.

Most Dinarians will not net over a million. The Dinarian whales who are planning "do good " projects are not a threat as there will still be enough poverty out there for PTB to exploit. We don't own banks or the major industries that currently shift the markets, therefore i believe they consider us fairly insignificant.

I think it's more about these other countries having increased purchasing power.and the overall global monetary shift away from the West and this is one area where they can wield some power.
JMO     Blessings


Bold n Courageous If wealth were to come to the people who actually care about the little guy, because they aren't that far removed from being a little guy.  Then the power... Lawmaking power... that the sociopaths have been enjoying squashing the little guy could be addressed.  The laws currently are not for the people, but for the few (sociopaths), and the few have worked hard to create that.


Diane They are selfish. They are addicted to money, power and control. They have no regard for others and don't want to help unless it benefits them. They are in total denial that we are all human and deserve to be treated as an equal. They think they are right in denying us this blessing.


D. RED for more power and greed ---- called CONTROL


Hale Ali'i They know we would do good things to help others and no one would depend on the "system" they have devised for our failure. They know their time of corruption is up...humans are waking up everywhere and demanding their lives back.



:  Yesterday morning, I got news from banker that people have exchanged in Missoula MT, and Seattle (43 in MT, 124 in Seattle) So unless it's the elite double dipping, then we will be at banks shortly.



The Wisdom Of Our Ancestors: -- That's The Main Thing Many Preppers Don't Seem To Stock Up On....

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
The Wisdom Of Our Ancestors: -- That's The Main Thing Many Preppers Don't Seem To Stock Up On....
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Friday, 24-Oct-2014 11:13:56

Think .... and then do..
When the great depression hit in the 1930’s, many people had a difficult time surviving. When the system they depended on ceased to function properly, they no longer had the ability to earn a living wage and care for their families. Even at a time when you could get a meal for a nickel, many people struggled to feed themselves.
In many rural areas, farmers faced the difficulty of being able to even grow enough to feed themselves. The drought that accompanied the depression left many no choice but to move to more hospitable locations where jobs could be found.
Some people were in a much better position to weather the national problems than others. They were not rich in monetary terms but they had a stable living condition that enabled them to get by as always.
In the rural community that my family had called home for over 100 years, my family got by better than most. The fact that many of the people were watermen, that made their living on the Chesapeake Bay catching various types of seafood throughout the year, made the depression different for them. As my father related to me, they really didn’t know there was a depression going on most of the time.
The men went to work every morning catching what they could. Anything they couldn’t sell was taken home for dinner. Everyone had a garden and maybe some chickens and a hog out back providing meat for the winter. The area was also surrounded by many small farms producing many things they could trade for. Nobody had much money but the area teemed with the things that were needed to get by and barter was the norm.
Electricity was not seen in the community until the late 1940’s and few people had a car. These people really did live off the grid. That was the norm for them and they got by very well even with the national economy in a state of hard times. They could not buy many of the things they needed so those things had to be made out of whatever materials they had.
There are many stories like this that have been told and they are worth listening to once again. These stories provide the foundation people will need when the economy fails again in spectacular fashion leaving many in dire straits. When everything fails you have to go back to what works. That is a lesson that our ancestors have left for us to follow if we have the sense to learn from their hardships.
The current generation has known nothing but excess and prosperity. When the system turns down again they will be lost without all of the creature comforts and gadgets they are used to getting with great ease. They have been raised with the notion that everything is easy and when that paradigm fails they will not know how to cope with reality. This is the problem we face and must deal with in the months to come.
There are two lessons that can be taken from this story. When hard times come your location and creativity can make up for many shortfalls in life. Those things can make the difference between suffering and having a decent standard of living. Living in an area rich with resources allows you to produce many of the things you need locally with little money and can even provide you with a stream of income. The lack of resources in your area can make things very difficult over the long term.
The current generation has lost the ability to trouble shoot the problems they are faced with and come up with simple solutions. Creativity is something many people no longer possess and that is one of the things that will make life hard on them. The greatest generation knew how to devise creative solutions to their problems that allowed them to get by and even prosper. That is a lesson we need to take away from the last depression.
It is good for people to plan for hard times by stocking up, learning to produce food and storing real money for times of need but that will not be enough when the time comes. Your location and the ability to be creative and solve the many problems you will face will be necessary ingredients to surviving the coming hard times. Keeping your plans simple and learning the ways of our grandparents will help in ways we cannot even contemplate at this time but their wisdom will be as critical as your other supplies. One of the many slogans that came from that time is worth remembering.
You will have four choices: Make do, do without, use it up, wear it out.

A Suggested Page Of Obozo's Memoirs For His Book Of Presidential Change

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Pix: --: A Suggested Page Of Obozo's Memoirs For His Book Of Presidential Change
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Friday, 24-Oct-2014 10:51:26

Not to worry

No need to be concerned ........ forever ready in case he's needed.......

for a GOLF game that is

Does anyone know about this new tax law?

Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2014 6:02:40 PM
Subject: Dinar?: U.S. government quietly passed a new law that could prevent you from withdrawing money from your own account

Does anyone know about this new tax law?

Dear Patriot,
Recently, the U.S. government quietly passed a new law that could prevent you from withdrawing money from your own account.
In other words: You try to write a check or make a withdrawal from your account… You can legally be denied. 
As Robert Powell, retirement columnist for Marke****ch recently reported, “Your ‘safe’ money… may be at risk.”
Financial expert Jim Rickards says: “Laws and rules are being passed today that will prevent you from getting your money...”
If you haven’t heard of Jim Rickards, he’s a  financial  lawyer, and an advisor to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which oversees the Department of Homeland Security, the NSA, and 14 other U.S. intelligence agencies.
He helped the CIA investigate the stock market “tells” that preceded 9/11, when al-Qaeda associates bet against airline stocks...and assisted with the release of Americans during the Iran hostage crisis back in 1981.
Rickards believes this new law is a classic, tell-tale sign of an imminent currency crisis – which means your money is very much at risk.
What’s worse, the mainstream media thinks that this new law is actually a good thing…
The New York Times recently quoted the SEC Chairwoman, Mary Jo White, who said the new law would, “provide important new tools that will help further protect investors and the financial system.”
And the Financial Times said, “the new rules are intended to limit… systematic risks.”
Meanwhile, Jim Rickards explains what these new rules really mean in a recent video. He says: “[The banks] can close the doors. So you call your broker, and your broker’s going to say ‘Sorry, we’ll get back to you. You cannot have your money.’”
In fact, Jim Rickards feels so strongly about this development, he recently visited our headquarters in Maryland to record a 3 minute urgent public message, which explains exactly what’s going on, and how you need to protect yourself and your money.
We have posted Rickards’ full 3-minute video on our website. You can watch it free of charge here.


Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2014 7:39:10 PM



More Guesses to NEW Picture Intel/Clues:

Aloha Leslie
October 23, 2014

Important Message

Off site Currency Exchanges taking place

It's up to us to remain awake, be unified, and stop any shenanigans from happening

Off site private exchanges happening in Atlanta, Reno and Dallas

Nationwide currency exchange 800 numbers are available for groups.  *hint hint - WE are a group...

They may appear to be invisible, but they're there...hiding.
Red Pill Means the ball is rolling, private was always first

Vinman We're at the finish line……Offsite exchange tellers activated.

Kudu70    Start of offsite exchanges activate


Pathfinder > Hey Vin. Sorry to sound stupid but what are offsite exchangers?

Aloha Leslie > Pathfinder Perhaps Currency Exchange Centers that are not "connected" to going to a physical bank.

Kudu70 > Exo has mentioned offsite exchange locations before, but never said they were activated from my memory.  I take that as a strong sign.

Aloha Leslie > Kudu70   EXO has posted that particular clue before. My interpretation and Vinman's are simply are our interpretation. Are they indeed activated and exchanging, or are they getting ready? Those are the questions we need to have answered. And is this confirmed?

EXOGEN > Aloha Leslie October 23, 2014 at 3:45pm

LoveChild > EXOGEN    Tier 3.


spirit156 > AWH I-Team on Frank's call said the budget was opened already and they were in the room when it opened.  They've been hiding it.


G T October 23, 2014 at 4:04pm New CLUES.....


High ALERT For PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT of Iraq's 2014 Budget (Why is this important when its ALREADY IMPLEMENTED & THEIR Working on 2015's.....This shouldn't even be a Factor)!!!



Aloha Leslie: (New Clues)  A release in three tiers, but be very alert tiers on alert or both!!!

The 2014 budget has been passed but more than likely it has not been made public. More shenanigans (misdirection) by those tricky politicians creating deceit and slight of hand operations.

Mmmm??? All signatories (per Jorel) signed the contract today.

BRICS bring it on with your Hot fiery DRAGON energy (China influence).

First rates are live... projected pay day is before or on Monday. It's SNOWING!!! Santa getting ready to put his full red suit on and make his way to us...finally, I hope, we hope. It's about time!!!

Sell the fake, tighten up.... as in tighten up defense/loose ends? Unsure about this clue as not a football strategist. Anybody???

Touchdown or our time coming soon!

Santa Claus is coming to town...


EXOGEN October 23, 2014 at 4:21pm “ Santa Claus is coming to Town”


Aloha Leslie:  More Clues

Santa Claus is Coming to Town…..cute little elves bringing us gifts

No thanks to the sociopaths who have been holding this up. And these guys have been walking among us, living their sweet affluent lives, taking from us and we haven't seen them because they LOOK just like us. And that's the nature of a Sociopath!!! :(  Fortunately, they are being outed!!!!!! :)))

We, the citizens of the world, are ANGRY. About time, eh? We are here to claim our liberty and our future and our children's future.


G T October 23, 2014 at 4:13pm More CLUES.....

All Countries have signed & Agreed Today to Go live (including Russia, China & The UK)

Rates Are Projected to Live ON OR BEFORE MONDAY


I'm SO SICK OF SNOW.......But We Have More of it!!!



The Elves are getting the Presents Ready!!!

The BANKSTERS are Angry......Watch out for those A$$Holes!!!

We ARE The Universe

: It’s Snowing again!!   woohoo


Vinman October 23, 2014 at 4:44pm

We're crossing the finish line.

Offsite exchange sites activated in Atlanta, Dallas, and Reno.

Nationwide 800 numbers are hiding in plain site.

Group tiers on alert.

Talk of Iraq 2014 budget is just a misdirection.

Global contracts signed today in China, Russia and France.

Live rates "payday" projected on or before Monday 27 Oct.

Final plays being drawn up for execution of GCR.

Touchdown coming soon!

Santa Claus is coming to town.

Of course this is making the sociopaths very angry.

You are the Universe!

Mnt Goat Late Thursday Afternoon Update – “What Lays Ahead” – 10/23/2014

Mnt Goat Late Thursday Afternoon Update – “What Lays Ahead” – 10/23/2014

Oct 232014

(Thank you George for sending this to Dinar Recaps.)
UU8037 –  “ What Lays Ahead”   by Mnt Goat

Part 1 of 2

Hi Everyone,
I come to you today to share my recent findings and give you an update on the progress of the new government and how this relates towards the international rollout of the IQD for Iraq.
Today’s news letter, as in all my news letters, is a continuation of the ongoing saga of the IQD RV process. Please refer back to my last news letter of 10/20 (LINK) as this news letter is a continuation of this news.
I am sorry but today’s news is very long but important to know. I sincerely wish you all take the time to read it all of it carefully.
Today’s News
Today is Thursday 10/23 and Iraqi progress is moving forward very rapidly now. I will tell you why and what the final outcome will be in this news letter.
So for one more time first let me say Abadi’s cabinet is now fully seated as of last Saturday. The government now is officially “fully” formed.  We can now put this one to rest.
The coalition against terrorism, lead by the USA, has been granted full permission to send in troops (boots on the ground) to assist in the crisis against DAASH and ISIS. They have a strategy in place. It is now being implemented.
We should hear about significance progress in the coming weeks in this effort. I do not believe this effort has to be completely done to see the RV.
Remember this entire effort of throwing out Saddam, throwing out Maliki and now throwing out ISIS and retaking control over these resources of Iraq is an investment made by many very high and very wealthy individuals. They are using the US government and coalition forces more namely the US Army to do their dirty work in the name of humanity. It is up to the USA government to get the USA citizens  convinced to go along with the process somehow. This is now done. They are not going to let Iraq get into this situation again once resolved. Measures will be put in place.
There was also the process of convincing the Iraq government that they could not fight these terrorists alone and needed USA and coalition support. The coalition is there mainly to make it look as if the USA is not once again the sole occupier or instigator but the entire world is now a supported the effort as a whole for humanity.
They also used this situation to get rid of the ex-prime minister Maliki, as he also doomed himself in his greed and lust for more power as a dictator and allowed ISIS to infiltrate in the first place. We all know the story about his play to declare a National Emergency that backfired on him bla,bla, bla. I have told it to you many times already in my news letters. Just wanted to summarize to lead into what comes next.
I bring you this news today also about the PTB and their takeover of the Middle East not for the first time since I have talked about this venture undertaken by the wealthy in the Middle East many times. Is this a conspiracy? If I tell you the truth and you think it’s a conspiracy then you call me a conspiracy freak. It simply is what it is.  I am not a preacher of such news. However I am not slanting it either way to serve your morals or ethics and make it sound nice and rosy. It simply is not nice but this cleanup has to be done and it is nasty work.
So as venture investors (the PTB) they have decided to give Iraq a certain time table to conclude the formation of the new government, the necessary laws, many of which are in the list of the 27 reforms I have been harping on now for so long….lol…
Most of these laws have been with us over these last 4 years and we may recall them as the “Erbil Agreement”. It is now called the “Unity Agreement”. Both agreements were used to form the new governments. The later for 2010 elections and now the 2014 elections. So why am I telling you all this once again?
I am telling you this because this is part of the hold up. The key to pulling the trigger on this RV.
Now that the government is fully formed and functional it needs these laws to move forward and operate under. The laws are needed for the security and normalization that that Iraq needs in the midst of neighboring countries and their harboring and training of terrorists, i.e. Iran and Syria.
Did I also mention that existing politicians of Iraq are simply greedy and self serving. They would rather watch their own country go down the tubes, rape what they can from it and they escape to some far off country that is safe and secure. They chose to do all this rather they assist in turning around their own country into the Garden of Eden, we all know it could one day be. These men are being weeded out as the weeds from the productive crop are weeded out prior to the harvest.
I keep talking about these laws because they are important and now lay as the key, the foundation to the timing of the revaluation rollout.
So now I will talk about some of these items that need to be completed and the progress made so far.
Here is the list once again from the Erbil Agreement: (I have summarized them for your convenience)
1.Reviewing the legislation related to the benefits of the members and amending them (rights, salaries, guards, retirements, financial and administrative authorities).
*Boy have we seen this one worked on over the last month. The payouts of back salaries, pensions and other benefits
2.Improving the qualifications of its ministers and parliamentary members
*Done as we have seen many, many articles on how Abadi has cleaned this up. He now requires a monthy report from all ministers on the progress of their ministry.
3.To be able to responsibly deal with preparing the draft laws for approval, following up the laws of various commissions within specific time limits, as well as not ignoring those laws that are submitted to Parliament as draft laws or suggestions.
*I am hearing this is now underway now that the cabinet is fully seated.
4. Non-sectarianism – by reestablishing the Constitution Amendment Committee in a way that guarantees the real participation of all the winning blocs in the committee, and achieves the amendments that have been agreed upon.  This is done
*The formation of the new government alone tells us this effort was partially successful. But there is one more very significant item to be conclused. This is the full implementation of the Provincial Council, as specified in the constitution. It was totally ignored under Maliki. It has been given another name too called the “Federation Council”. This effort is underway and is the de-centralization of authority over the provinces and allows for provincial security forces and self governance. The citizens now have a direct impact in what legislation is passed and how it will effect its province. Much like the USA with senate and senators representing their states.
5.Setting specific time limits for the laws: Setting specific approval time for all laws that are required under the Constitution but not yet legislated. This has to be in coordination with the parliamentary offices, the Legal Committee and the specialized committees of the Parliament, and implemented by the speaker of the Parliament on the one hand and the heads of the political blocs on the other hand, according to the following priority:
*Boy oh boy do we know about this one….i.e pension rates, HCL and Article 140 just to name a few. Will they ever get implemented? , and what about the 2014 budget? I am not talking so much now about the law content itself  but the process and seemingly never ending process of implementation, generating nothing in the long run. The process has to be streamlined and limits set on just how long they can delay much needed legislation in general. But most importantly they still have not yet legislated many of the guaranteed provisions of their own constitution by legislative acts. Just because the constitution guarantees it does not make it law until the law to govern it is written and legislated for implementation. That is how the system works. The USA wants all these guaranteed provisions legislated and implemented prior to any RV.
6.Must Implement these laws (remember these from my 9/4 (LINK) & 9/26 (LINK) news letters?)
– Federal Court Law
*(NOT MUCH PROGRESS as of yet. We all know about the ramped corruption in the Iraq court system. This must be reformed. Have not heard much about this yet. This will come to a halt and they must deal with all the corruption of the Maliki administration. This will be the straw the breaks the camel’s back to get them to move on  this one). This is a huge one.
– Oil and Gas Law
* now under negotiations with Kurdistan. We read many articles last week they will conclude this soon once and for all. It is all about the latest census and will be accepted. I talked about this in detail in my last news letter dated 10/20. I encourage you to go back and re-read it. This is a huge one. Don’t take it for granted when many guru’s keep telling you its done. Just this week they told us in articles they are now looking into this law. So we know this work is now seriously being addressed. Lets wait and see how this one shakes out.
– National Reconciliation Law
* oh boy again! Could this be something that led them to the 27 reforms promised ?
This is done and implemented. Every politician had to sign an agreement listing the ethics, agree to the non-corruption laws and non-sectarian attitude that will prevail over this new government and the consequences if you do not abide (like losing your position).
– Security Agencies Organization Law
* this is now being implemented. This is the de-centralization of the security forces down to the provincial level
– Parties Law
*they simply have to limit the number of parities involved and representing the people in politics in IRAQ. We witnessed the seemingly never ending election process. It must be streamlined.
– United Council Law
*I believe this is the Provincial Council or Federation Council. It is essentially done. Just needs public awareness and gazette publication. We should be hearing more about this very soon. This is all written and now being implemented. This will be completed very soon from what I am hearing.
- Elections Law
*I believe this is the 2 term limit law and other goodies put into the law to limit the power of any candidate from becoming a future dictator. We can all see why Maliki did not want this reform implemented. The law is written and ready to go through parliament and get voted on. Abadi supports it 100%. This is done.
– Elections Commission Law
*once again we saw ramped corruption in the last 2 election process. Basically Maliki rigged the elections for his benefit any way he could. It was amazing what he did. How did he get away with it all? He go away because there was no strict laws preventing it or penalties. No one was also responsible so it just happens. This new law gives the commission more power. This has to stop and there needs to be strict procedures and penalties for those who violate it. We can see they also need more timely announcements of election results, as delays in the last election caused chaos. This is done.
– Media Network Law
*We all know how Maliki controlled and censored the news media in Iraq. This was very confusing for us too to get honest and straight news out of Iraq. Notice how the articles seem to be more factual based over the last couple weeks? This is done. Saw many articles on this one already as passed. Done, done, done.
– Public Inspectors Law
* done, self explanatory
– Financial Audit Divan Law
*Now underway. We all know this is long overdue. Just see all the stolen funds from the Maliki administration now estimated to be over 100 billion dollars (not dinars).
– Balance Board Law
* I have to admit I am not sure what this one is. Can anyone help me? Once I know what it is I can research deeper into its implementation.
– Federal Revenues Law
* to better track all federal revenues. Now since Iraq is sovereign and is taking for the first time control over their finances, they must be able to account for all revenues such as from taxes, tariffs, oil, gold, etc,.No more monkey business. This will also eliminate and catch corruption.
– Executive Power Law
*this will clearly define the balance of power between the executive branch and how it interacts with the CBI, judiciary, parliament, and the provincial council. This was long over due and caused much confusion over the last 4 years with Maliki overstepping his boundaries in working with these other branches of government.
– Journalism and Journalists Protection Law
*This is also way overdue and is now also done. This law allows reporters to report the reality of what is happening in Iraq and have the protection of not worrying whether their family will be imprisoned or their house will be blown up for speaking out against a political figure or act of the politician.
Go ahead now and re-read sections 3 thru 7 of the Erbil Agreement I have sent to you and see if these laws don’t address each and every item in these sections that follow the list of the laws. So my conclusion is they are addressing everything in Erbil and in a rapid paced way. Like on steroids….lol….But why?
It is because they have self imposed deadlines to complete these changes (laws). The farthest deadline is 90 days which brings us to mid November 2014. These deadlines were partly enforced by the USA but made to look like it was their own idea and agreed upon by all politicians. Do you see the picture here? Make Iraq seem like they remain in control but in reality the USA is holding their hand and assisting. The USA, as I have said many times, is still holding the carrot out for them which is the leverage of the revaluation. They will not given them UN charter article 8 implementation to become a full blown member of the so called civilized world, with all its financial benefits, respect and privileges, unless they can grow up and act like a civilized nation (or according to UN rules).

Part 2 of 2

One last note: I am not saying for one second or mean to imply any wrong doing it the overall picture of what had to be done in Iraq in dealing with Sadden Hussein. The methods could have been a bit different and more thought out (such as chosing Maliki for a second term and the reconstruction efforts).
So you see Iraq so far had plundered much of its wealth over these last 4 years. Sure they increased their CBI reserves but have the people benefited to the extent possible? Has the much needed reconstruction happened? What are they waiting for?
So the PTB steps in and says enough is enough!  It’s now time to move this country forward to protect our interest since our interest is at jeopardy with constant unrest and bombings. How can investors come into Iraq in such a state of unrest? This is the real key.  They also need a stable government to administer the country, mainly the security forces for protection…….and have they do it themselves and pay for it themselves. Imagine the cost of having some foreign coalition constantly occupy Iraq to keep it secure. It would be cost prohibitive to the PTB. How would they ever make a serious return on their investment?
Again I say it is all nice and comfortable to claim that all this newly found effort is about the people of Iraq but you and I know differently. In reality it is all about protecting the financial interests of the PTB. The benefit to the people is simply a side benefit,  a good notion nonetheless. They already tried it the other way over the last 4 years and we witnessed the evidence of the results. It simply will not work letting another dictator take control. It simply will not work unless something significant is given back to the people. The PTB can’t simply attack a country and begin extracting it’s riches without some consequences. This could all have been avoided if giving back to the citizens was a priority from the start and planned into the plan.
I believe they would have let Maliki stay had he done the work they needed.  He was their new puppet. But he failed miserably and it is now time to switch gears and try something else. This in a nut shell is the transition now taking place. When the transition  is over they will no longer need the “carrot” and allow the RV to go.
The question we all have is – How long will this take?
We can summarize most of the laws needed for stability and to enhance their government are in fact already completed. Some are just waiting in the wings for other laws to catch up and be implemented together. A lot of work has been done since September timeframe but remember most of these laws were in fact already written and just never voted on and implemented. The USA is now forcing the issue, as I stated above.
Update on the Currency Reform Project
In my last news letter I talked about  members of  the parliamentary Economic and Finance Committees,  making  requests for implementation of the “project to delete the zeros” from the currency. Pointing to the existence of some of the obstacles that have prevented it’s implementation .  That this Committee would host the CBI governor to learn practical steps for the implementation of the project to delete the zeros from the currency and in coordination with the Central Bank to determine the most prominent problems that hindered the implementation of the project.  I have learned that this meeting would take place sometime this week.
This week the meeting I described did take place as planned. I am hear now to tell you what was reviewed in this meeting, as it was told by the news media in Iraq.
So on Tuesday in the  Baghdadi News, a member of the parliamentary Economic Committee, Jawad al-Bolani, told us a bit more about the results of the meeting this took place.
He said that the main drive of the process of deletion of zeros from the Iraqi currency will be during the next two years, indicating that the assets of the Central Bank of hard currency convergence of the 74 billion dollars, meaning there are now ample funds in the reserves needed for such a project.
He added that the CBI is to implement a strategy for the deletion of zeros from the currency of Iraq during the next four years, that is to have the new category of currency (the newer lower denominations)  totally free of zeros by 2016 or 2017 or at least at the latest period by the end of  2018 (the four year mark).
The technical side of the CBI does not face any problems regarding the printing of a new currency for this purpose, and the remainder is up to the approval of the political blocs in the House of Representatives, which I believe will not oppose this measure because of its great benefit to the stability of the currency of Iraq in the face of the dollar exchange rate.
He explained that “The meeting also addressed a number of other things that maintain the stability of the critical process in Iraq, as an organization process of the dollar in private banks as well as providing these banks to graduate eventually to set up projects that will contribute effectively in building the Iraqi economy, which has seen some volatility in the recent past which was contributed to the instability of prices, the sale of oil in addition to the political and security problems suffered by the country.
He went on to say that the CBI and the Economic Commission agreed to take some steps to deal with the work of private banks with respect to transfers of the dollar, as well as put an end to money laundering operations in Iraqi banks in the future and detect money laundering operations that have taken place in the past and the prosecution of those responsible for it. He pointed to some new laws that will be submitted to the House of Representatives by the Central Bank for a vote, that will protect the assets in Iraqi banks and the CBI.
I believe these are some of the 27 reforms they are referring to in this new brief. Reforms that would restrict any future raids or attempts to raid the reserves of the CBI (74 billion dollars ) or the funds of the Financial ministry, like we saw during the Maliki administration. Do you see how this is all interconnected  and now why they are first going ahead with the reforms prior to any continuation of the RV project?  This is hard proof of what I’ve known to be true, is true still is true.
So today I send you an update of the latest news. It is all amazing news once again.
I am hoping by now that you are realizing that there is not some mythical entity holding back this RV or that there is a conspiracy. You only believed this because you are constantly hearing this news from a selected number of intel providers. It is you choice to believe this nonsense and be all stressed out over and over again or you can buckle down and learn the truth and accept it.
I have tried my best over the last 10-12 news letters to bring you explanations of the reasons for the delays in the RV. This information is not guessing it is all factual. If you wish please go back and re-read them. They are very informative. (CLICK HERE for the Mnt Goat Category at Recaps.)
What is happening is simply that the PTB are not yet ready to let go of the “carrot” they are using as leverage to get what they want out of Iraq. What they want is to be satisfied that the new government, laws and security measures are in place and they are going to assure that their investment is safe guarded and will produce income generation for them for many, many years to come.
They have spend much of their own resources to bring Iraq to where it is today and they are not going to just walk away quietly now if this does not succeed to their expectations.
The USA led coalition has received approval to send in more troops as “boots on the ground” to fight ISIS. It is my understanding of the situation that the new strategy will kick into high gear sometime within the next 10 days.
As far as the budget passing. I believe it has to occur very soon if not already to fund the war effort. There are also other laws too interconnected with the budget law since they are funded by it and the numbers have to be approved first by the laws then placed in the updated budget. It is hard to separate them. I am not going to dwell any more on this issue in the future. It is obvious they are holding back any real news of the budget implementation for a reason.
This week I totally expected to hear some news that the currency reform project will be restarted and a tentative implementation completion date given to us. This is in fact exactly what was given to us in the news this week and I detailed it out for you from the Iraqi news. Was it not amazing news?
I will now go out on a limb once again in this news letter and tell you  I believe we are on the verge of getting the final rollout of the RV possibly this coming week. From all the news I am hearing of the progress I do not believe they will go to mid November or even past October without a Revaluation or a Reinstatement happening of some kind to start the process.
Then when can we expect the RV?
I want to emphasize once again this final announcement  of the IQD going international will not happen until the USA feels the country of Iraq and its government is stable, secure, non-sectarian and is a functional government. This is has been the plan all along. They may have wavered a bit on how the plan was implemented but the overall plan guidelines have not changed. This I know now as fact not rumor.
Note: I am no longer saying fully formed government as criteria since I believe this requirement has now been completed. It is the very first “fully” seated government for Iraq since the invasion of 2003. Congratulations to the Abadi government !
Peace and Luv To Ya All,

Mnt Goat

Bits and Pieces Late Thursday Night




BuffaloTrace:  News from a wealth manager

I have been hesitant to post this today, but what the heck!

A good friend of mine that I got into this investment called me today. He stated that his atty from CO called him ecstatic (we live in Texas) saying that his WM from his bank in CO phoned him and made appointment with him to go exchange on Monday.

He also told my friend that the 800 numbers would be provided by the banks which makes no sense to me but I had him repeat it again to make certain that I was understanding what he was saying.

I'm excited needless to say, but very skeptical about the 800 numbers.
Csabalicious:  Funny me too.... :) I just got a call to be ready Monday AM... I was told not to leave out of town and stay by the phone !!!!!!!!! :)

Jake00:  Was this a private exchange scheduled appointment or the appointment was scheduled because the rate will be public and we all can exchange on Monday?

BuffaloTrace:   According to him yes! This is information straight from the horses mouth but I trust my friend here explicitly.


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Attorneys for Houston’s lesbian mayor, Annise Parker, who is defending a city ordinance granting special rights to transgenders, are insisting to the Texas Supreme Court that opponents have no claim in court, because their petition to reconsider the law was never “validated.”
The argument, however, contradicts the sworn testimony of the city secretary, who has the authority to validate the signatures and determined the petition drive met the minimum requirement.
The city’s brief to the state Supreme Court was filed by attorney Lynne Liberato in a case brought by a coalition of local organizations that had collected about 55,000 signatures, three times more than the required amount, to force the city either to repeal the ordinance or let voters decide on it.
After the city adopted the ordinance in May, the signatures were gathered, and the city secretary affirmed the minimum number had been obtained. But the city attorney then stepped in and invalidated most of the signatures.
The opponents filed suit, and a trial was set for January. In the discovery process, the mayor issued subpoenas for any statements, emails or “sermons” on the issue from five local pastors who were members of a coalition opposing the ordinance but not part of the lawsuit. In the uproar that followed, the city changed the word “sermons” to “speeches,” but attorneys for the ministers said it really made no difference.
The coalition asked the state Supreme Court to step in and order the city to follow its charter, which specifies that ordinances opposed by a certain number of residents shall be halted.
In arguing now that the state Supreme Court should keep out of the case, the city said that “because the city secretary did not validate the referendum petition, the second step of the referendum processes – the city council’s ‘immediate’ reconsideration of the ordinance or popular vote – was never triggered.”
The city’s lawyers argued the city charter “does not require respondents to act, immediately or otherwise, on an unsuccessful referendum petition.”
However, the city secretary, Anna Russell, who has served Houston for more than four decades, was asked by plaintiffs’ attorney Andy Taylor in a deposition about validation of the signatures.
Russell had explained it was her understanding “that the [city] charter provides that the city secretary determine the number of qualified voters who sign the petition.”
Taylor then asked: “And based on that understanding, you did that; and the result of your work was that 17,846 signatures had been validated. And that was more than the minimum number necessary, correct?”
“That’s correct,” she replied
‘Head fake’
Taylor told WND in an interview that the city’s filing was a “head fake” to try to keep the state Supreme Court from intervening and ordering the city to follow its charter and act on the petition.
He said the city essentially brought up three points – that the Supreme Court doesn’t have jurisdiction because a trial is scheduled in January, that there are disagreements a trial judge needs to decide first and the case needs to run its course through the system because of arguments of time, signatures and other issues.
But, he said, the charter requires immediate action on such petitions, not a leisurely trip through the court system.
He said the violations are ongoing and need to be addressed.
And he said there are no real issues to decide, since the city secretary, as required in the city charter, ruled there were enough signatures on the petition.
In fact, she noted that she only looked through about one-third of the signatures submitted, because the minimum already had been reached, and there was no point in spending more time.
It wasn’t until after she had prepared her report, she said in the deposition, that the city attorney came to her and told her that he had invalidated most of the signatures and that she ultimately revised her report to add that statement.
Taylor told WND that Russell also, in a memo about the dispute, had used the word “certify” regarding the petition signatures.
“She did her job,” he said.
Taylor said the mayor and city attorney “ought to be ashamed of themselves.”
“Our clients have a constitutional right of free speech, of freedom of religion, freedom to petition government for redress,” he said. “It’s absolutely unbelievable that the mayor in her zeal to defend a ‘gay-lesbian’ ordinance would trample the voting rights of over a million people in Houston.”
In her official report about the petition, Russell said, “As of July 27, 2014, the number of qualified city of Houston voters who signed the petition had been verified with a margin of error.”
It was only days later that City Attorney David Feldman instructed her to add to her report the statement: “According to the city attorney’s office and reviewed by the city secretary the analysis of the city attorney’s office, 2,750 pages containing 16,010 signatures do not contain sufficient acknowledgment as required by the charter. Therefore, according to the city attorney’s office only 2,449 pages containing 15,249 signatures can lawfully be considered toward the signatures required.”
The coalition challenging the city’s ordinance stated Russell “confirmed that in her 42 years of service as city secretary for the city of Houston she has never had a city attorney interfere with her validating and reporting duties.”
“She also confirmed she had nothing to do with the affidavit section of the petition and that the scrutiny applied to it was entirely the work of Feldman. ”
Civil rights commissioner to mayor: Back down
WND reported early Thursday a member of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights wrote to Parker, urging her to back down from her demand for copies of pastors “speeches.”
“I write to express my concern regarding subpoenas requesting extensive information from pastors who are involved in the Equal Rights Ordinance Referendum,” wrote Commissioner Peter Kirsanow. “These discovery requests threaten to have a chilling effect on religious and political speech that is protected by the First Amendment.”
WND reported Rush Limbaugh, America’s top-rated radio host, described Parker’s actions as “vile.”
“I think what that mayor in Houston has done may be one of the most vile, filthy, blatant violations of the Constitution that I have seen,” Limbaugh said Wednesday on his national broadcast.
“And I, for the life of me, cannot figure out why law authorities are not pursuing this. I cannot understand it.”
WND broke the story more than a week ago of the city’s response to a lawsuit against the”bathroom bill.”
Houston Mayor Annise Parker
Houston Mayor Annise Parker
WND reported outrage from across the nation ensued, and lawyers with the Alliance Defending Freedom asked a court to throw out the subpoenas. Amid the protest, city officials at first doubled down, with Parker stating, “If the 5 pastors used pulpits for politics, their sermons are fair game.”
But Houston officials then said they would narrow the scope of their demand to “speeches” instead of sermons, a move ADF legal counsel Joe La Rue said was “wholly inadequate.”
In a telephone conference call that announced plans for a nationwide simulcast rally, called IStandSunday” on Nov. 2, Family Research Council chief Tony Perkins said the Houston pastors were just doing what they should have been doing – “preaching the word of God as it pertains to today.”
“In reality this is not about speeches,” he said. “It’s about political intimidation. … It’s about the mayor using her bully pulpit to try to silence the [church] pulpits of Houston.”
Gov. Mike Huckabee, one of the first to jump to the defense of the pastors “under siege,” said, the mayor may have “unwittingly” awakened people in the pews.
“A lot of businesses and frankly some churches … [have said] ‘We don’t want to get involved. We don’t want to have people picketing us, sending us nasty emails.’ I understand that,” Huckabee said. But, “if we allow the bullying to continue I think we’re going to see the silencing of the message in pulpits.”
Dave Welch, a Houston pastor targeted by the subpoenas, said the pastors have gone too far in the fight to give up now.
“At the end of the day if we have to carry this all the way through, we will,” he said. “The question is, how could this happen in Houston?”
He said it is because voters across American have allowed “these critical institutions to fall into the hands of those who are of an opposite world view, and are intentionally deconstructing God’s created world order.
“Elections have consequences … the ungodly use of power, and frankly just the evil abuse of that,” he said.
Welch noted that among city council members who earlier supported the mayor’s plan, there now are several who are reconsidering.
“‘This is overreach,’” he said they told him.
The mayor’s contact information:
Mayor Annise D. Parker
City of Houston
P.O. Box 1562 Houston, Texas 77251
Phone: (713) 837-0311