Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Four Natural Supplements Improve Blood Circulation In The Legs

Four Natural Supplements Improve Blood Circulation In The Legs

There are a variety of natural ways to restore blood circulation to the legs using supplements, herbs and certain foods. Many people suffer from circulatory difficulties that result in limited blood supply to the legs. This can be caused by a number of different conditions such as autoimmune disorders, cardiovascular disease, peripheral artery disease, Raynaud’s or constriction of the capillaries. Certain supplements and herbal remedies may cause side effects, so always consult a your natural health practitioner before starting new treatments.
According to the University of Michigan Health System, Inositol hexaniacinate has been found to improve blood circulation to the legs of people suffering from autoimmune diseases such as Raynaud’s. Inositol is a derivative of niacin which is one of the B vitamins. It needs to be taken in extremely high doses so should never be self-administered. Always consult a healthcare practitioner familiar with using inositol regarding individual dosage.
Evening Primrose Oil
Evening primrose oil can be used to improve peripheral circulation to the legs according to the University of Michigan Health System. It is high in omega-3 fatty acids and may inhibit certain chemicals that are known to promote the constriction of the capillaries.
Apple Cider Vinegar and Capsicum
Dr Theodore Baroody describes a method to stimulate blood flow to the legs and feet using apple cider vinegar and cayenne pepper in “Alkalize or Die.” Heat a mixture of 2 cups of water and 1 cup of apple cider vinegar to as hot a temperature as you can stand without causing pain or burning yourself. Sprinkle ½ to 1 whole teaspoon of cayenne pepper into the water and vinegar and mix well. Soak your feet in this mixture for at least 30 minutes. You can also soak a cloth in the mixture and then wrap it around your legs and feet. Some people may experience a burning sensation due to the cayenne pepper. Start with a small amount, and gradually build up the amount of pepper in the mixture until your skin becomes used to its effects.
Hawthorn has been used as traditional medicine for centuries by herbalists and Native Americans. Hawthorn tones the heart muscle, improves circulation, reduces blood pressure, and strengthens the entire cardiovascular system. As it has the potential to cause side effects, hawthorn should only be used under the supervision of a natural health practitioner or qualified herbalist.
“The Green Pharmacy Herbal Handbook: Your Everyday Reference to the Best Herbs for Healing“; James Duke; 2002
“Alkalize or Die”; Dr. Theodore A. Baroody; 1991

Permission is granted to copy the title and first one hundred words with the provision that the author's name be included and a link to the original article be added.

*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony's conf. call Cliff Notes version

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony's conf. call Cliff Notes version
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 26-Nov-2014 16:33:24

Hi, Folks -
Found here:
Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving TNT!!!
This is the highlights of Tony's CC. I will update as call progresses - Sunny
**** Caller: How does someone decide which rate is best? . . . they are saying the banks will control how much we get depending on how much we leave with them. How do you work that out?
DC: . . I might give X, Y and Z to three different foundations, but the entirety of the amount counts for figuring out the rate. Get a good tax and trust attorney and let them help you when you meet with the wealth manager.
Tony: You do the exchange first, and then 72 hours later, you will meet with your wealth manager and THEN they may offer to bump you up if that is suitable.
Tony: Iraq announced on Saturday it would be completed by DEC 1st.
DC - They have absolutely started the process of pushing through. We worry . . . till it's done.
DC - Mon. night it was to go down. Iraq was to do middle of the night their time. US stopped it. Iraq did not take it well and blew a gasket on Tuesday morning. Livid and irate. The US said it was a misunderstanding. REALLY! US said they did not understand how important it was to Iraq. Everyone now on same page, singing Kumbyah!
Explanation was US had asked Iraq to do a slow roll out like US is doing. Iraq did not totally agree with that but now looks like that is what they are doing; adjusting cards, paying their hierarchy like our government is doing.
Caller: What’s different about this time vs. last year at this time? DC: “Banks continuing to exchange people. I'm kind of frustrated but like this because we know all the systems work. it's been working for thousands so it will keep going. . . .US and Great Britain has been exchanging significant numbers for the last month. . . Commits more and more folks to get this thing done. . . Everybody is prepared for general public at any minute. Banks not working Thanksgiving.
IRAQ: DC: Iraq supremely ready, have few more laws passed. Had big meetings in last 2 days. Tons of people from CBI, finance ministry, key heads of all banks as they run thru the final checks and covering what is going to happen NOW
TV still running it's happening now and will be completed by Dec 1st.
ISIS continuing to be beat back.
International Dinar: at major business centers they are now using the Dinar, not the dollar Airport is selling tickets for Dinar. A Tony contact used his MC to buy a ticket based on dinars out of Iraq at the airport and then when he got to his destination pulled $3,000 off his card to prove it was International.
Iraq Rates are inconsistent. Some paying $3.58 and some back at the 1100 rate. Still dealing with 5 different currency values. There are 8-9 confirmations this is going on.
Exchange Timing: could get 800 numbers today, tomorrow but appointments cannot be set before Monday. There were 2 plans and it’s still unknown which will be used. One to start on Dec. 5th and one to run up to Dec.5th.
Exchanging rates at $3.58. mid teens, some at $28.50 (???- not sure I heard correctly) Contract rate pool still available and DC was told not to worry about it. All four currencies, Dinar, Dong, Rupiah and ZIM have all been exchanged.
Exchange Centers told not to come back to work till Monday. Call centers will be working over the weekend. Exchanging may be at a banking office but not necessarily a bank. DC was told appointments starting on Monday.
800#'s released by Tony only going out thru Twitter. If you call the 800# Tony sends out it will be valid. Be very careful of calling an 800# on a web site. Banks will not post an 800# on their websites. as they want to keep this low profile. They will have brochures with their own 800# in it, which may not be the same # Tony tweets out.
FOREX: DC - We don't know when it will be on FOREX. We understand it is to show when public goes through, Jan. 1. We just don’t know which is which right now.
OKIE: Tony talked to him yesterday.He has not exchanged as of yesterday. He's hearing very good news. being careful about what he posts.
Out of country exchange for American citizens: They have to come home or spouses or family members can exchange for them with a power of attorney.
CANADA: Tony received reports yesterday that two people exchanged but not at contract rate. All major Canadian cities will have exchange centers and the delay plan in the US will not apply to Canada. Advised to call your Canadian bank as soon as Tony Tweets here and NO NDA for Canada.
DC: Hope everyone is having a wonderful Thanksgiving! . . . we believe, it’s confusing to us, believe prices in process of changing in Iraq. Some at $3.58 and then right next to them in next booth have a different rate. Nine different independent confirmations . . . of different rates. Absolutely confusing to everybody else, including us. It’s a positive move. . . Our understanding everyone in right locations waiting fo this to go through. Realistic be able to make appointments by Dec. 1st but not exchange before that.
Ray: enjoy your wealth Wednesday. Happy Thanksgiving!
T- Pam tied up. Would probably say be good to the mods . . . enjoy your day tomorrow. Something going to happen today. No she probably wouldn’t have said that. ( A Tony slip maybe?)
Tony: . . . everybody agreeable. Authorized to do it. Heard arguments about CBI, IMF. They wanted freedom to pick their time. Hearing it’s happened and agreed upon. Don’t expect before the 1st. . you can be happy before that but don’t expect before that. . . . get good news we will do an update. . .just now the company called and asked, why we haven’t paid our bill.
We’ve heard we are close. 800’s numbers . .. think we will still send out the 800#’s Have a happy Thanksgiving! If something super happens I will tweet it out anyway. Have a good day guys.

*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony's conference call

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony's conference call (long)
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 26-Nov-2014 16:32:01

Hi, Folks -
Found at
11-26-14 TNT DINAR CC (Notes by Adept1):
Replay 805.399.1500, PIN CODE 409029#
Tony: Good morning, TNT! Today is Wednesday, November 26, 2014, and I hope you have all have a Happy Thanksgiving. We are only going to have a one-hour call, with one question per caller AND we are ONLY going to take first-time callers as per the Tyrant (Pam). So if you have ever been on the call before, take your hand down so that we can take some new callers today. We want to give these people a change. At some point, the Tyrant should be on the line – she’ probably getting ready for tomorrow like all of you.
There are some really good things happening – DC?
DC: This is my favorite holiday of the year and I wish everyone the best. Iraq is supremely ready. They have passed a few more laws, verification sessions and big meetings in the last few years. A ton of people from the PM’s office, banks, CBI and the finance ministry are all saying this is happening now. They are running on television that this will be complete by 1. December. ISIL is being beaten back, too.
Something that is confusing to us is going on and we don’t understand it at all. However, it’s wonderful, too. Yesterday and this morning, prices have changed further in the major business centers – airports, major chains, etc., are reflecting the new rates as of yesterday. That’s what they are advertising on the boards and screens. We’ve been dealing with five different rates, but now all the major financial movers are reflecting the new international rate of $3.58. This morning, I got seven independent contacts on this, that they are paying for gas and such at the new rate. I had seven confirmations on my side alone. However, the banks are mainly showing the old 1166 rates, so it’s confusing but still a wonderful thing that you can do major purchases at the new rate.
Tony: So we had a guy buy airline ticket for 300 dinar, going out of the country, and that is the first time they took dinar for a plane ticket. He did it on his MasterCard, left the country, and at the next airport, he could pull $3,000 off that same MasterCard. He did that last night, and we figured the rate at $3.58 and his card worked both inside and outside the country. They told them the cards would be loaded by today, and that they would be adjusted internationally. They are waiting for some announcement to get everyone on the same rate. They said the process began last Saturday and it will be completed by 1st December. They are making it happen, which is all good news for us!
DC: Monday night it was supposed to go down. Iraq said they’d do it in the middle of the night Iraqi time, and the US stopped it. Iraq didn’t take that well, blew a gasket on Tuesday morning, and were livid. We understand in the meetings that they didn’t realize how sincere Iraq was, it was a misunderstanding, and now the major financial institutions are accepting the new rates, such as gas stations and airlines. They are having that slow rollout, which is confounding us, but they are making those changes since Monday night. Now the US is supporting the changes. They are now starting, and until it’s done nobody is breathing easy, but it’s looking good and I love that prices are changing at the major institutions now.
Tony: The US wanted to do a slow rollout, paying the VIPs and groups, getting them through methodically. They asked Iraq to do the same thing and even though they didn’t want to do it that way, that’s what seems to be happening. They are doing it by levels right now. Right now, we hear they are going through the hierarchy.
DC: That’s what they are doing, yes. So again, Iraq is being well-advised by top Iraqis and other statesmen, and we are grateful to those men and women. The UN keeps trying to press and push, yet keep everyone on calm. They helped resolve the misunderstanding on Monday night. We pray the US guys continue to be in agreement. The banks continue to cash people out in a major way, and although that is frustrating on one level, it’s encouraging that the systems are working, and it commits more people to get this done. We understand that everyone is prepared for the general public at any minute. We have been told the US banks are NOT working over Thanksgiving, but the call centers are working and the banks and exchange centers will take appointments for Monday. Don’t expect exchanges for the general public until Monday.
Tony: However, we know more people who are exchanging today and Friday. The system is working and sooner or later they will have to get to us. This is coming! The rates ranged from $3.58 (international) to mid-teens (contract rates) and also a few as high as $28.50. The contract rate pool is still available.
Tony: That is yesterday’s payouts.
941 caller: How do we validate that we are going to a real bank location?
Tony: You may not go into a bank – not all exchange locations are banks. It will probably be a banking office. All we are going to do is give you an 800 number.
DC: Our understanding is the banks want to keep this as low-key as possible, and that’s why they are having us tweet it out, and also there may be brochures. You call the number and they set up an appointment for you. Because it’s an internal loop, that should be great for security. If you call the 800 number we send out, it will connect you to them officially and the bank will give you the information.
Tony: If you see an 800 number just on some site somewhere, you’re taking that on yourself. We cannot stop stupid people doing what stupid people do. So get it from our tweet or site.
DC: The banks have printed up the brochure with the 800 number, and they will hand it to you at their branches if you ask. Call that number and they will direct you through the process. They will do that on top of sending it out online (through twitter or TNT).
Tony: They are trying to get the dinarians through first, the people paying attention, so they don’t want to make it that public.
Caller: So will the number you give us on Twitter the same as on the brochure?
Tony: Each bank will have their 800 number on the brochure, so it will probably be different than the one we give you through twitter. The 800 number we are give out will send them to a central exchange and then they can choose which bank they want.
201 caller: Will Sterling be available to exchange when the 800 numbers come out? Will the rates be on Forex?
Tony: Yes.
DC: We don’t know what’s going to happen with Forex – that might not change until 1st January. That has changed so many times we just don’t know.
702 caller: Are they exchanging in Las Vegas?
DC: Yes, they are and they will be.
404 caller: I have a super-important question. We haven’t heard from Okie. Is that because he has cashed out?
Tony: I talked to him yesterday, and he has not exchanged. He is hearing good news, I can tell you that; he is being careful about what he is posting.
239 caller: This is Ray’s twin down in the Everglades. They don’t talk about me, DC!
Tony: I didn’t know about you! If you look like Ray, I feel sorry for you!
Caller: I’ve been listening to the call for years, and I’ve been waiting for hours, and none of my friends had a question that I would be allowed to ask. [Appreciation]
405 caller: I have a simple but complex question. We were here last year, been down this road for the last four years or so… what make today’s news different?
Ray: The information we shared at the very beginning…
DC: Where Iraq is politically, socially and militarily, what they are doing with their own slow rollout and how they reacted on Monday night and Tuesday morning. Also, the US has been exchanging people for 28 days, en masse.
Tony: The US and Great Britain have both been exchanging significant numbers since the beginning of November, which locks us in to doing this. That didn’t happen last year at this point. The fact we know people personally who have been paid or with appointments to exchange this week, that gives us confidence as well. What happened yesterday in public between major countries, that gives us confidence that we are light years ahead of where we were last year or last month. The plan for now is 1st and 5th December, those are significant dates for you and me, and those were not in place last year.
360 caller: I finally got through after two years! My question is: my daufghter is studying in Ireland right now. Can she exchange over there?
DC: Are you a citizen? That will be the issue. As a US citizen, that could be sticky.
Tony: So she has to come home, and you get to see her!
Caller: I know she needs money and we are praying for this!
Tony: If have you have a card, a credit or debit card, you can get a second card on your account and you can mail that card overnight to someone overseas. They can be used internationally and you can transfer money from card to card. If she is over there and needs money, send her a bank card.
Caller: How do I exchange for her?
DC: The 800 numbers and packet should explain all that. You might need a power of attorney. My deployed friends can have their spouses/parents exchange for them.
951 caller: Happy Thanksgiving! Back in November last year when the politicians were being exchanged, they promised the public we would have a better rate, and then we will sweep the past under the carpet. Now it seems like a low rate – why is that?
DC: One of the major points ‘we are the people’ got agreement on is that a decent percentage of those getting the contract rate will be the general public, and that is still the plan. I checked yesterday.
Caller: I hope we get this thing for sure by 1. December; this roller coaster is a pain!
239 caller: Is the Global Currency Reset still in play? Have they been exchanging the dong as well as dinar.
DC: It’s been on and off, but we understand that people we know are exchanging have exchanged all four currencies.
Skype caller: I am a first-time caller, and I have a question. What would keep the banks pushing this back further and further?
Tony: It’s not the banks doing it. DC will explain exactly who is doing this, and what made yesterday’s meeting make things a bit different today.
DC: Good question. The short answer is that a large number of folks putting this off are just being jerks, but others say they are forcing Iraq to grow up. They have done many actions they have been asked to do, and they are being snowed with ‘good ideas’ instead of shooting the darned thing. On Monday night, Iraq gave an organized response to assert their position, and the US agreed and backed off. Therefore, we believe that Iraq having more force behind this means they can no longer be divided and conquered. They are united now in pushing forward.
Tony: What they asked for and how they presented themselves, the US could have said, “You have grown up and that’s what we wanted to see”; what the US actually said was, “Okay, we cannot argue against that, we agree”.
416 caller: I’m from Toronto and I have a Canada-centered question.
Tony: We got calls from two people who exchanged in Canada yesterday, international rates, but they did exchange.
Caller: In previous calls, we were told you would tweet or text out the 800 numbers. Canadians are concerned that because we are not US citizens, can we cross the border and exchange in the US? Or if we have to wait for Forex, could our notes become ‘stale’ and useless, like in Kuwait?
DC: I firmly believe the Canadian government has a process for their citizens, with exchange centers in all major cities, and following that just exchange at any bank as soon as the rest of the world exchanges.
Tony: You are lucky because there is a delay plan here in the US. As soon as the 800 numbers come out, that is your signal as well.
DC: NDAs only apply to contract rates. All the exchange centers/banks at international rates will not have NDAs.
908 caller: Happy Thanksgiving.
817 caller: Are we still due to exchange by 1st December? Did anything change?
DC: We know they are prepared this at any moment. We don’t think those listening to us will exchange prior to the 1st, and many will be fine if it goes a few days longer. We are waiting for the public in Iraq to go and then we will be good.
Tony; They are telling their people in Iraq that this will be COMPLETED by 1st December. We have been told the exchange centers will not be operating over the weekend, but the call centers will be open, so that people can make their appointments starting on the 1st. The call centers will take calls even while the exchange centers are closed.
407 caller: First-time caller, but listening for years. One thing I’d like to ask about is the process for those with dinar within a self-directed Roth IRA. How will that be managed?
DC: It depends on your trust company and how they work. They all have different rules for 401k participants. On mine, they physically hold the dinar, and they then have to exchange it for me. Others give you control of the currency, but you have to write down everything you do with it, and you have to follow their rules.
Caller: I don’t have my physical dinar, and can’t get my hands on it directly, so I don’t know how this will work. It gets complicated because it’s an out-of-state depository.
DC: They will have to do that for you, and I have to pay $75 per hour plus a $100 one-time fee for those who have gold, hard assets, currency or whatever.
832 caller: I have waited almost two years to get through! I need to put some pieces together here. We have different tax rates, plus these other currencies. How does someone decide which rate is best if they are setting up foundations and churches to help other people. Now they are staying the banks will control how much we get depending on how much we leave with them; if the bank says we’ll give you X amount if you keep money with us for Y amount of time… How do you work that out, especially if you are close to retirement?
Tony: You want us to answer an hour’s conversation in two minutes!
DC: Get a really good trust attorney to help you. How long you want to keep it there depends on the conversation you have with individual wealth manager. Talk to the wealth manager about what you want to give and what you want to have the bank invest for you. It’s more about who controls it than how it’s divided up. I might give X, Y and Z to three different foundations, but the entirety of the amount counts for figuring out the rate. Get a good tax and trust attorney and let them help you when you meet with the wealth manager, more than the first exchange appointment when they are pushing us through the chute. Once you get over the emotional part, it will be calmer for everyone.
Tony: You do the exchange first, and then 72 hours later, you will meet with your wealth manager and THEN they may offer to bump you up if that is suitable. Okay, DC, we’re done!
DC: We believe there is a slightly confusing situation where prices are changing in Iraq. In some places they can buy things at the $3.58 rate while next door it’s different. We have nine independent confirmations from Iraq at the new rate, even though they had to pay different rates on their next purchases. This is a very positive move and we expect things to change quickly. It is a realistic possibility to make appointments before the 1st, and more likely you will change after that.
Ray: Continue to enjoy Wealth-seeking Wednesday and Happy Thanksgiving!
Tony: Pam is tied up but she would say “Be kind to each other, and have a good Thanksgiving!” The meeting yesterday was great and everyone is agreeable and authorized to do it whenever Iraq decides. They get to pick the time. Don’t expect to be rich before the 1st of December, which is Monday. Enjoy Thanksgiving. If we get some good news, we’ll have a call on Friday. The company has asked us to pay the bill! We are just that close to the 800 numbers. The procedure may have changed again this morning, but I think we’ll still send out the 800 numbers. If something fantastic happens, I will tweet it out anyway! Enjoy your day.


I have a new important time-sensitive  update on my blog that needs to go viral. Please post it on your blogs or share it within your networks if you feel so guided:
Victory of the Light,


Jamie Dimon's Daughter: "Dear Daddy...WTF?!"

Date: Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 12:10 PM
Subject: Jamie Dimon's Daughter: "Dear Daddy...WTF?!"
Zerohedge posted the most bizarre tweet supposedly from Jamie Dimon's daughter...

Jamie Dimon's Daughter is asking You for a Favor

If this post is the real McCoy (which I highly doubt) I would love to send Ms. Dimon the following SCAMS, CRIMES and HAZARDS from the Road to Roota Archives...

JP Morgan: "Operation Silver Slam"

JP Morgan Lawyer Exposes Corruption at JP Morgan, MF Global and the CFTC

$7,000/oz Silver and ONE Bank...maybe TWO!

I hope this helps Ms. Dimon discover the TRUTH about Daddy Dearest. If not then I'd ask her to do a search on my website for her father's name...there's much more to talk about.

There's no doubt that this post was MEANT for some purpose in the ongoing Global Financial Meltdown Games.

Just not sure what.

May the Road you choose be the Right Road.

Bix Weir

This guy's got some serious tax problems

Subject: This guy's got some serious tax problems

and now he's preparing to go head to head with the IRS...
If you are having trouble viewing this email, or you'd like to share this article with your friends, click here
November 26, 2014
Sovereign Valley Farm, Chile
I can't say I've known too many guys in my life named 'Boris' who were shy about standing up for themselves.
The name itself means 'wolf' in an extinct Turkic language.
And if the current mayor of London Boris Johnson is going go to toe to toe with the IRS as he has stated, I certainly hope the translation is accurate.
Mayor Johnson is what we call an 'accidental American.'
Even though he's British and grew up in England, he just happened to be born in New York.
Whether his parents realized it or not, and whether they wanted it or not, that instantly made baby Boris a citizen of the United States.
Fast forward a few decades, and Mr. Johnson had pretty nasty taste of life as an accidental American.
It was 2006. The then 42-year old Johnson was leaving England with his family for a summer holiday in Mexico, when they had a flight connection in Houston.
Upon arrival, he stood in the line for 'non-citizens' with his family, and when it was their turn, the immigration officer said, "[Y]ou have to travel on an American passport if you want to enter the United States."
Problem #1: he didn't have a valid US passport. So Boris Johnson was refused entry to the country of his birth due to this administrative technicality.
His wife was sent on to her connecting flight, but Boris had to buy a brand new ticket, fly to Madrid, and finally connect again from there to Mexico.
After this absurd affair, Mr. Johnson posted a very public (and hilarious) note on his website to renounce his US citizenship, in which he said, "I make this formal, public, and, I hope, legally valid renunciation. . ."
Problem #2: this renunciation wasn't legally valid.
In order to renounce your citizenship, you have to jump through a bunch of hoops and actually get the government's consent to do so. You cannot do this of your own volition.
Think about that for a moment: in the Land of the Free, you cannot freely renounce what you never signed up for to begin with. Bazinga.
Problem #3: Fast forward a few more years-- Mr. Johnson sells some real estate in London.
And even though he had publicly renounced his US citizenship, and even though the profit isn't subject to any local tax in the UK, the IRS still wants its fair share.
In other words, this person who had not lived in the US and just happened to be born in New York, who had already made good faith efforts to renounce his citizenship, was now being charged tax from the sale of a piece of property located IN ENGLAND.
Enough was enough, and Johnson went ballistic.
He now claims that he will REFUSE to pay, denouncing the Land of the Free's "incredible doctrine of global taxation."
It is incredible. The US is one of the only nations on the planet which taxes its citizens on their worldwide income, even if they live overseas.
This is a dubious honor that America shares with the likes of... Eritrea.
What's even more incredible is that if Mr. Johnson wants to go through the legal process of renouncing his citizenship at this point, it still won't get him off the hook with the IRS.
And according to US immigration law, anyone who renounces US citizenship to avoid tax (which Mr. Johnson is clearly griping about) will be legally BARRED from entering the US ever again.
This is a completely absurd way to treat people... but one that has become the norm in the Land of the Free.
For most people, renouncing citizenship is a pretty extreme idea. But as we've written before, there are other options out there to legitimately reduce your tax bill.
We've discussed moving abroad-- where between the housing deduction/exclusion, the foreign earned income exclusion, and SEP contributions, you can take in roughly $200,000 annually with minimal income tax.
The foreign earned income exclusion doesn't generally apply to most investment gains, though.
In this case, Puerto Rico presents a unique option.
Because Puerto Rico is a US commonwealth, it has its own local tax system. And US citizens who obtain legal residency in Puerto Rico and fall under the local tax jurisdiction are no longer required to pay US Federal Income tax in most cases.
The reason this is interesting is because recent legislation in Puerto Rico provides a lot of major incentives for new residents, including a 4% corporate tax in certain cases, and TAX FREE capital gains.
In other words, you can legally dodge most US Federal Income tax, capital gains tax, corporate tax, etc. by going through this process.
You can read more about it in this free report:
It's a scaled down version of a more actionable 'black paper' that was sent to members of Sovereign Man: Confidential a few months ago; hopefully it gives you a small taste of our premium service.
Until tomorrow,
Simon Black
PS- watch out for our Black Friday/Cyber Monday promotion coming later this week. You won't want to miss the incredible savings.
Neither this email nor content posted on the website is intended to provide personal tax or financial advice. Before undertaking any action described in this letter, financial or otherwise, you should discuss your options with a qualified advisor-- tax accountant, financial planner, attorney, priest, IRS auditor, Bernie Madoff, etc.
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JPMorgan Data Breach Shows Need for Global Crackdown, ASIC Says

Date: Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 11:14 AM
Subject: JPMorgan Data Breach Shows Need for Global Crackdown, ASIC Says

By Adam Haigh Nov 25, 2014 8:32 PM ET
Photographer: Victor J. Blue/Bloomberg
Greg Medcraft, chairman of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, said... Read More


Markets regulators across the world must work together to counter cyber crime as the attack on JPMorgan (JPM) Chase & Co. exposes the risks posed by hackers, according to the head of Australia’s financial markets watchdog.
“Cyber crime is a global problem that requires a global solution,” Greg Medcraft, chairman of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, said in the text of a speech at Bloomberg’s Sydney office today. “The links between market players and infrastructure mean that the impact of a cyber attack can spread quickly and has the potential to dangerously affect the integrity and efficiency of global markets.”
Medcraft, who also chairs the International Organization of Securities Commissions, IOSCO, is pushing more than 120 national regulators to cooperate on ways to disclose cyber threats and enforce methods to prevent them. Companies from JPMorgan to Home Depot Inc. (HD) and Target Corp. have been subject to hacks.
Some 73 percent of Australian firms said their perception of the risks posed by cybercrime has increased over the past 24 months, according to a PricewaterhouseCoopers survey this year. The study found companies can benefit from sharing their cyberattack experiences with each other.
Medcraft said national watchdogs should share information in their battle to protect companies and markets infrastructure. The international body is working on a “range of projects to guide coordinated regulatory responses,” he said.
JPMorgan said last month that a data breach by hackers affected 76 million households and 7 million small businesses, with customer names, addresses, phone numbers and e-mail details taken. The biggest U.S. bank may double its $250 million annual computer-security budget within five years, Chief Executive Officer Jamie Dimon said.
Sony Corp.’s computer network was hacked in what may be a blackmail attempt, a person with knowledge of the matter said this week.
To contact the reporter on this story: Adam Haigh in Sydney at
To contact the editors responsible for this story: Sarah McDonald at Chris Bourke, Benjamin Purvis
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Parasitic private global banksters. Why U.S., UK, EU & Israel hate Syria.

Piecing Together The Coming Assassination of Barack Hussein Obama

Piecing Together The Coming Assassination of Barack Hussein Obama  

watch - excellent analysis of prophesied event - to 'rise from the dead' in 3 days (and will be possessed fully by satan) to be proclaimed as the 'messiah'

Throw Mary from the train