Friday, November 28, 2014

North Dakota Names Landfill After Obama - 'The Daily Currant'

You will get a kick out of this!  I love it!

 The state of North Dakota has named a new publicly-owned landfill after President Barack Obama.

In an overwhelming 35-10 vote, the state Senate advanced a bill naming a 650-acre site currently under construction after the nation’s 44th president. Governor Jack Dalrymple is expected to sign the measure into law Tuesday.

When completed, the Barack Obama Memorial Landfill will be the largest waste disposal site in North Dakota, and the 17th largest in the United States. It will be especially rich in toxic waste from the local petroleum and medical industries.

“We wanted to do something to honor the president,” says Republican State Senator Doug Perlman, who was the lead sponsor of the bill. “And I think a pile of garbage is a fitting tribute to Obama’s presidency.
“We originally planned on naming it after a nearby mountain. But then someone jokingly suggested we name it after Obama. I never thought an idea like that would actually pass. But, I was pleasantly surprised.”

The president is hardly popular in North Dakota. The most recent poll in December 2013 found that Obama has a 35% approval rating in the state, although that figure may have fallen further in the year since. Yet even considering the political climate, seasoned observers are surprised  that two Democratic lawmakers voted for the bill’s passage.
“I supported Obama because I thought he would end the wars in the Middle East;” says Allison Mitchell, a progressive Democrat from Grand Forks. “But, he decided to fight new wars abroad instead of fighting for single-payer health care and jobs here at home.
 “I guess people expected me to oppose this landfill thing because I’m a Democrat. But honestly I don’t really care anymore. Maybe this small act of protest will wake him up.”
Ordinary citizens in the state also seem to approve of the government’s choice.

“I can’t think of a better name,” says Joe Blough, a plumber from Minot. “It’s darkly colored, and it's full of shit. That pretty much sums up Obama.”

"It's gone too far"

From: "Brasscheck TV" <>
Date: Nov 28, 2014 9:15 AM
Subject: "It's gone too far"

BrasscheckTV Report

"It's gone too far"

One financial reporter in
the UK speaks the truth
on TV.


- Brasscheck TV

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11-27-2014  Intel Guru TNT Tony ...we had a guy buy airline ticket for 300 dinar, going out of the country, and that is the first time they took dinar for a plane ticket.  He did it on his MasterCard, left the country, and at the next airport, he could pull  $3,000 off that same MasterCard.  He did that last night, and we figured the rate at $3.58 and his card worked both inside and outside the country.  They told them the cards would be loaded by today [Wednesday], and that they would be adjusted internationally. They are waiting for some announcement to get everyone on the same rate. They said the process began last Saturday and it will be completed by 1st December. They are making it happen, which is all good news for us!  [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]

11-27-2014   Intel Guru TNT Tony   The US wanted to do a slow rollout, paying the VIPs and groups, getting them through methodically.  They asked Iraq to do the same thing and even though they didn’t want to do it that way, that’s what seems to be happening.  They are doing it by levels right now.  However, we know more people who are exchanging today and Friday.  The system is working and sooner or later they will have to get to us.  This is coming!  The rates ranged from $3.58 (international) to mid-teens (contract rates) and also a few as high as $28.50.  The contract rate pool is still available.   [post 2 of 2]

Intel Guru DC   [via Adept1]   Iraq is supremely ready.   A ton of people from the PM’s office, banks, CBI and the finance ministry are all saying this is happening now.  They are running on television that this will be complete by 1. December.   ISIL is being beaten back, too. Yesterday and this morning [Wednesday], prices have changed further in the major business centers – airports, major chains, etc., are reflecting the new rates as of yesterday. We’ve been dealing with five different rates, but now all the major financial movers are reflecting the new international rate of $3.58. This morning, I got seven independent contacts on this, that they are paying for gas and such at the new rate. However, the banks are mainly showing the old 1166 rates, so it’s confusing but still a wonderful thing that you can do major purchases at the new rate.   [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]

  Intel Guru DC     Monday night it was supposed to go down. Iraq said they’d do it in the middle of the night Iraqi time, and the US stopped it. Now the US is supporting the changes.  They are now starting, and until it’s done nobody is breathing easy, but it’s looking good and I love that prices are changing at the major institutions now.  The UN keeps trying to press and push...They helped resolve the misunderstanding on Monday night.  We understand that everyone is prepared for the general public at any minute. We have been told the US banks are NOT working over Thanksgiving, but the call centers are working and the banks and exchange centers will take appointments for Monday.  Don’t expect exchanges for the general public until Monday. [post 2 of 2]

Intel Guru Frank26  This is a fact:  No one can raise the value of the IQD except the Central Banks and those that own those banks.  This is a fact:  Only when Iraq raises the value of their currency and enter the international market will they qualify for Article 8 from the IMF.  This is an opinion of Frank26:  Those that can only raise the value of the IQD have seen almost everything that they want to see accomplished within the MR of the IQD.  Therefore they are encouraged and poised to give this rate to the CBI.  When? I have no idea. But I have been telling you since June that we need a seated government that will pass laws that will allow the powers that can raise the value of the IQD to do so.   [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]

Intel Guru Frank26    ...understand that no one except the Central Bank owners can give this rate to the CBI...BUT HUNDREDS OF LAWS NEED TO BE IN PLACE NOT FOR THE MONETARY REFORM OF THE IQD BUT FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE MONETARY REFORM! THE OWNERS OF CENTRAL BANKS NEED THESE LAWS TO SO IRAQ CAN PROTECT HER CURRENCY, THEIR CITIZENS, THEIR BANKS AND MANY OTHER THINGS.  These owners have been watching all of these pieces come together THROUGH THE PASSING OF HUNDREDS OF LAWS!  If they did not see these laws the dinar would have no chance of seeing a new rate.   I am not saying that these laws are necessary nor the requirements for the MR...I am saying the owners of Central Banks have demanded these laws...and THEY SEE THEM NOW!  [post 2 of 3....stay tuned]

Intel Guru Frank26    ...there are between 400 – 600 laws sitting at Parliament at this very moment. These laws have all been approved and passed MONTHS AGO...they only need to be implemented and announced through the Gazette.  The majority deal with BANKING to protect the money the banks and the citizens...this is what the owners of the Central Banks want to see. This is why IMO a new rate is coming to the CBI from these owners.  I want you to keep this in mind too...last week Abadi came out and said that they would finish hundreds and hundreds of laws by the 1st of December 2014.  Then magically or centrally the governor of the CBI immediately states after Abadi's promise that if the GOI does this by the 1st that the CBI is ready to raise the value of its currency and allow the currency to go on global exchange. [post 3 of 3]

11-27-2014 Intel Guru Frank26 It is of our opinion that the President of the ISX is due to make an announcement sometime between tomorrow and Saturday that the ISX now has interoperability with all of the global exchanges around the world. It is possible that he will also briefly announce that Iraq has reached a milestone and a new value to its currency which will be entering global exchange...this is strictly my opinion. Read more:

TNT TONY TWEETS November 27, 2014 at 2:15 PM PST TNT Tony @THE_TNT_TEAM Scrolling on Iraq TV right now, Iraq is prepared and in coming days will be able to rejoin the international market ....#wearethepeople More Breaking News from Tony Scrolling on Iraq TV right now economic reform is underway.


R.V. / GCR November 27, 2014 The global collateral accounts have now been secured by the goodguys. The cabal just need to go hide because the Fema camps are going to be available soon...if you are cabal

Dana > R.V. / GCR That is the BEST news ! Are you completely sure on that?  Then countries,Humanitarians and RV...everything happens!The Global Collateral Accounts  is what we've been waiting for to be signed off on!

L T > R.V. / GCR Amen to that! What a Blessed Day if that is true. We have a lot to be Thankful for! Happy Thanksgiving and Blessings to All!!! xoxo ;)~

Sem: Happy Bird Day ALL!  Lock Down in Reno for Private so, let's be thankful for a successful Friday

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Pope meets secretly with Russians; “Rampaging” RCMP ordered to stand down by International Court Order

Pope meets secretly with Russians;

“Rampaging” RCMP ordered to stand down

by International Court Order –

Common Law Peace Officers to

Replace Mounties as Kinder-Morgan

environmental protest escalates

A Breaking News Release and Kevin Annett interview from the
International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS)


A Public Order revoking the authority of Canada’s RCMP and replacing
them with common law peace Officers was proclaimed today at the site
of Canada’s most heated environmental protest in years.

The Order was issued by the Vancouver-based West Coast Common Law
Court of Justice in the wake of illegal arrests and violent “gestapo tactics”
by RCMP officers against peaceful protestors opposing the desecration of
forests on Burnaby mountain by the Kinder-Morgan corporation.

The Order is addressed to RCMP officers and the Superintendent of the
RCMP, and reads in part,
“Let it be known that as of today, the 27th Day of November, 2014, and
under the authority of a Court decision of March 1, 2013 that convicted the
Crown of England, the government of Canada and its officers of Crimes
against Humanity, your authority and policing powers are hereby revoked
and you are ordered to immediately stand down from further intervention
in lawful protest actions against Kinder-Morgan corporation on Burnaby

“Let it be further known that if you disregard this Order of Revocation you
will be considered to be engaged in acts of unlawful violence and criminality
against the People and their laws, and you will face immediate arrest and
detainment by Common Law Peace Officers deputized by the Court.”

Copies of the Stand Down Order were given to RCMP officers yesterday
and today and delivered to the RCMP Superintendent in Ottawa by Court
appointed Peace

Further details of this action and other updates from the Court and Tribunal
are contained in this recent interview with Field Secretary Kevin Annett:


Issued by ITCCS Central Office, Brussels
27 November, 2014

The European Parliament Just Voted To Break Up Google

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
The European Parliament Just Voted To Break Up Google
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 27-Nov-2014 16:55:49

The European Parliament has passed a historic vote to break up US tech giant Google.
The EU doesn't actually have the power to break up the company, but it does send a message to Google that the EU is unhappy with its business practises.
Legislators in Strasbourg voted 458 to 173 in favour of the proposal.
The European Parliament has never voted to break up a company before, making this a historic decision. The antitrust commission is concentrating on four areas of investigation:
The way Google displays its search services compared to its competitors.
How Google uses content from other websites.
Google's dominance over advertising on search terms.
Restrictions that surround how advertisers can move their campaigns to other search engines.
There's no specific mention of Google in the vote, but the decision makes it clear that the EU is unhappy with its search engine's dominance. Google has been the subject of a four-year anti-trust investigation in Europe, which still hasn't reached a conclusion.
It's unlikely that Europe will try and separate Google's search business from its other products, but the strong message could lead to a resolution in the anti-trust dispute. Google has suggested a series of concessions, but all have been rejected. If the dispute continues, Google could face a fine of up to $5 billion.
In a statement released to the media, the draft bill's authors explained the reasoning behind their decision:
In case the proceedings against Google carry on without any satisfying decisions and the current anti-competitive behaviour continues to exist, a regulation of the dominant online web search should be envisaged.
Google dominates the European search engine market, with 90% of web searches passing through Google Search. That's a far bigger share of the market than the US, where Google accounts for 68% of searches.
Andreas SchwabTwitter/Andreas SchwabAndreas Schwab is one of the authors of the bill
The US company has already tried to work with European companies to try and ease their worries about its service.
In October, Google removed thumbnail images and snippets of text from news results belonging to a group of German newspapers. The publisher, Axel Springer, was angry that Google was reposting its content to enhance search results. But the German publishing group later scrapped its plan to reduce its Google results to headlines after traffic plummeted.
A letter published by Axel Springer chief executive Mathias Döpfner claimed that German publishers are "afraid of Google" because of its dominance.
Read more:

Edward Snowden Releases Smoking Gun Evidence on 9/11 – Case Closed!

Nov 272014

November 25, 2014
Everybody must read the full article below and then listen to the following interview where Gordon Duff, goes over the shocking Edward Snowden releases on 9/11 that provide a smoking gun of what happened.  At the time of the interview, Gordon only knew that the information came from Russian Intelligence.  It was later found to come directly from Snowden.  The information on the micro nukes used to take down the towers on 9/11 was confirmed by leaked Department of Energy documents, Russian Intelligence, French Intelligence and confirmed by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) through mass spectroscopy of the dust samples.
All groups and personnel pushing the “Nano Thermite” hoax were being led by government informants to hide the truth about micro nukes.    Gordon has released the employment information on some of these Nano Thermite people and one of the most famous ones actually designed the exact same type of micro nukes used on 9/11 before he appeared on the scene.   This is covered in other articles onVeteransToday.
This is a shocking look into how America’s nuclear arsenal has gone out the back door and into the hands of many nations and has been used to kill Americans many times now including the Oklahoma City bombing, Bali Bombing, Khobar Towers Bombing, 9/11 and more. Gordon has been given evidence that micro nukes have been used more than 50 times now and never acknowledged.  You have no idea what you don’t know unless you are reading the intelligence reports from VeteransToday (VT) on a daily basis.  I urge all of you to stop support of all “tip of the spear” types in alternative media and anybody else currently censoring VT articles as they are the controlled opposition and enemies to the Republic!
Edward Snowden Material on 9/11 – Only Released on 

NEO – America’s Nuclear Command Meltdown

America’s  Nuclear  Command  Melt  Down

…  by  Gordon Duff,  VT Sr. Editor  …  with  New Eastern Outlook,  Moscow

[ Editor’s Note:  You just can’t make this stuff up folks.  Right wing email lists are being worked to spin the continued cleanup of the nuclear command, for the most obvious security reasons, as some sort of anti-military Obama’s revenge on the Air Force.
Left out of this charge is even a peep about where do the Joint Chiefs fit into the scenario. After all, they are running the investigation and making recommendations for these actions, with all of it going past General Dempsey’s desk before it gets to Obama’s.
Even savvy Internet readers get sucked into the hype. All those who are “very unhappy” with Obama are easily profiled by Google so the email list pros know exactly who to shovel the propaganda manure out to. They know that as long as it hurts Obama, the readers don’t really care too much if it is true or not.
Most are very patriotic Americans, big on national defense, and don’t have a clue that they are being played for suckers by the same crowd that brought us 9-11 with the WTC’s being brought down with mini-nukes.
This was confirmed by the IAEA with a simple mass spectroscopy dust sample analysis, something they have been doing at big boom sites to try to learn who was field-testing mini-nukes. Read more below.
VT ran a whole series of articles about a lot of this during the late summer. We did not get one call from mass media, nor one politician wanting to know more about this historic event. The story got the ostrich treatment from those who should have been happy that someone else had done the heavy lifting. One can understand their being scared, but being cowards, now that is one step too far… Jim W. Dean ]

- First published  …  November 22, 2014 -

While the US is negotiating with Iran over its nuclear program and American lawmakers like Senator John McCain calling for preemptive strikes on America’s ally, Pakistan, America’s own nuclear weapons program is suffering from not only failures in command, but inventory shortfalls as well.
This week, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel is expected to announce the entire restructuring of America’s nuclear weapons force based on findings of two studies, one from within the military.
The other, highly secret,  has examined over two decades of espionage, weapons theft and the takeover of key nuclear command positions by both religious extremists and individuals with personal lives so out of control that they are considered at risk for blackmail.
Tracking missing nukes
Michael Shrimpton
In Britain, something even stranger is going on related to nuclear weapons. Barrister and author, Michael Shrimpton is on trial in London for making “hoax nuclear weapons threats” against the London Olympics, or so it is being reported by the press. The truth is, as usual, somewhat different.
Shrimpton, working with reporters from the UK Guardian, a former head of MI 5 and an engineer involved in the mysterious South African nuclear program, had been tracking a series of missing nuclear weapons, built in South Africa, but purchased by Britain through authorization of then Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.
The transaction was negotiated by Dr. David Kelly and his young assistant, David Cameron, now prime minister of Britain. As some will note, Kelly is said to have killed himself in 2003 using over the counter pain relievers.
A number of prominent forensic pathologists have declared Kelly’s death murder. Kelly was a strong critic of then British Prime Minister Tony Blair.
In 2005, in a Guardian article by Tim Shipman, it was cited that — of the ten nuclear weapons built by South Africa — 1 was tested, 6 were dismantled by America and 3 were bought by Britain and were missing, with one of the missing having made its way to North Korea.
Shrimpton’s trial is about a missing nuclear weapon and his prosecution part of a government cover-up. Shrimpton’s claims about a German secret society and weapons recovered from the Kursk may seem farfetched, but an IAEA official cites a US NEST (Nuclear Emergency Security Team) team being dispatched to the UK to recover a nuclear weapon during the Olympics.
Destroyed Records and Missing Weapons Inventory
Secretary of Defense Hagel, however, has much more serious problems. The most serious and the one spoken of least is that of missing weapons inventory. 
Sources at the highest levels of the IAEA and Department of Energy have confirmed that all records of nuclear warheads “retired from service” under the START (Strategic Arms Limitation Treaties) beginning in 1992 are “missing.”
In a leaked portion of the Able Danger documents, it is revealed that the Department of Energy may well have both destroyed records, leading to the theft of 350 nuclear warheads, and supplied thieves with highly classified information as to the technical “specifics” of decaying nuclear pits — information that would allow otherwise useless nuclear weapons to be remanufactured.
When the US government under Clinton shut down the investigation in 1998, and issued gag orders on all those involved, Former President George H.W. Bush set up a private team headed by his close friend, Roland Carnaby, his protégé while CIA Director.
Carnaby and team members were able to trace an operation headed by Victor Bout, the “Lord of War,” a CIA-affiliated arms trader, removing nuclear “pits” from the Pantex storage facility in Texas. 
Documents outline the specifics — the use of refrigerated trucks, pit storage at a packing plant, the pits being “sorted” by physicists working inside a fertilizer plant outside the town of Waco, Texas, and the weapons being shipped via the Canary Islands, Africa and on to Israel.
The Able Danger investigation traced weapons brought into New York before 9/11, and maintained surveillance on combined teams that included American, Israeli and Saudi personnel, some of whom were arrested on 9/11. Arrests were quickly covered up. Some involved, including the Israeli team that placed jammers that disabled emergency responder radios, were held for some weeks before being repatriated.
Other teams tasked with destroying the George Washington Bridge and the Lincoln and Holland Tunnels were arrested but flown out of the country at the orders of President George W. Bush. Sources say Bush was being blackmailed. The same source, highly placed, claims Cameron’s failure to act on the Olympic nuclear threat was blackmail-related also, explaining why the British government would risk so much in prosecuting Shrimpton.
Note that Shrimpton was arrested after reporting being told of a terror threat. His report was made to MI6 on a telephone line intended to be used by the public to report terror threats.
In 2008, Roland Carnaby was murdered. In 2013, the fertilizer plant was destroyed in one of the largest explosions since Hiroshima. Arms trader Victor Bout was extradited to the United States and hasn’t been seen since. Dimitri Khalezov had originally broken the story of nuclear proliferation and terrorism. Khalezov is currently imprisoned in Thailand at the request of the US government.
Full article here:  This is a MUST READ article so make sure you read the rest and listen to Gordon Duff interview above!

Dr. William B. Mount SPEAKS OUT !

Dr. William B. Mount SPEAKS OUT !

Posted on APFN

William Mount
Ebola - Follow The Money
Wed Nov 26, 2014 13:50

So - with the FBI confirming that 225 members of Congress are
actively raping children and the FBI Leadership is so filled with
Child Rapers (Pedophiles) and Cross Dressers I suppose the
next set of facts will not surprise you.

Just keep in mind that the FBI is actively arresting those with
"Child Porn" on their computers but they will not arrest those in
Congress raping little children.

(Please Visualize (Pray)
that these scum are removed from Earth immediately)

The question arises - Why SARS, MERS, Swine Flu, Ebola?

So what do we know:

1) We know that after 9/11 the US Corporation started wars
and killing Americans to bolster Weapons Sales.

2) We also know that during the SARS, MERS, and Swine Flu
outbreak companies that manufacture Vaccines were paid a whole
bunch to create "New Vaccines" to combat these diseases - and
they all contributed healthy amounts to the Congressmen who
rape these little children.

Why do you suppose a man will spend $5 million dollars to get
elected into an office where he brings home less than $200,000/yr?

3) We also know that these diseases can be traced back to
US Weapons Manufacturers and that no Biological Weapon is
released by the US Corporation without a vaccine already in stock
for these Corporate Bosses - yet the Vaccination Manufacturers
were paid Billions to create an already existing vaccine?

You paid for this.

4) We further know that at least 5 Presidents have told us that they
get huge sums of money to "Look For The Cure for HIV" even
though we have the cure for HIV and if they release the Cure they
said they would be killed by US Forces - CIA/FBI/DOD/BATF/NOAH
.........and any other US ABCDEFG Department.

5) We also know that NO filter stops a Biological Agent so the
"Space Suit" they wear while treating EBOLA victims are absolutely

6) We also know the EBOLA is spread by outfits like:
Doctors Without Boarders,
Red Cross,
US Organizations,
and the American Embassy Workers.

7) We know these facts because not only have we discussed each
and every one of these on Pravda and APFN, I helped write the
First NBC SOP in the DOD so my knowledge may be limited but basic
concepts are pretty simple.

So who benefited form EBOLA?

The manufacturers of Protective Gear, like Dupont and others. In fact -
these companies that make these Chemical and Biological Suits cannot
keep up with the orders - despite the fact that they are absolutely

So there you have it -Kill a few thousand people, pay off a few folks in
Congress who rape little Children, and the money rolls in hand over fist.

Lust read yesterdays' Wall Street Journal, page A7.


For You Intel Geeks

1) Bad job with Furgeson Missouri - you only had about 100 Black Rioters,
the rest knew the truth.

If you look on Yesterday's Wall Street Journal you will see a Black Man on
the right side of the picture wearing a Rabbit Fur Mat and Glasses - this is
the DOD Agent Saboteur - he was given piles of Hundred Dollar Bills to
give out to make these riots happen and the local cops were told to let
these 100 rioter burn whatever they wanted --- so all night you could follow
the Furgeson Rioters through the Police Calls as they were ordered not to
touch these DOD paid rioters.

These DOD agents come out of Pima Arizona - an acting school run by
the DOD. Look for him in ohter Black Riots soon.

As for the thousands of New York City Rioters - you could look as the
Live Times Square Camera - no rioters, the TV lied again.

2) If you have a Bond you are so screwed. We have tried to cash several
Old US Bonds, a Peruvian Bond and a Russian Bond - Forget it.
NO ONE honors these bonds - not even the US Treasury.

If you buy a Mutual Fund featuring Bonds - OK.

If you buy a US Savings Bond or Russian or Brazilian or Chinese Bonds -
they were issued without the intent to pay out. No one will honor them.

SO consider the US Debt - bonds issued with NO intent to pay out.
We owe no one, they never intended to pay on these bonds.
It is all a paper work scam.

There are only two safe havens for your money - either Freeze Dried Food
in your Pantry or directly form a Silver from a silver mine.
Current US Gold and Silver may be fake.

Yesterday it came out in the press that banks like Deutch Bank are trying to
force the US Corporation to seize Gold and Silver from the American Public
as "Unused Capitol" and a host of other names.

Evil cannot be negotiated with - it must be purged - killed. You cannot negotiate
with people who rape children - like the current Prime Minister of England and
Canada and 225 US Congressman. They must be terminated.

We were listening to a Radio Program - the same one you heard last night if
you read my story - describing the Next Human Sacrifice in England by the
Prime Minister and No One - No One - would arrest these Child Rapers and
Murders even with pictures and films.

Evil must be purged - they must be killed or put in a FEMA camp forever -
all of these Demon Possessed Freaks. There is no other way.

These "US/UK/Canadian Leading Politicians Rape and then Murder tiny little
children and refuse to honor even their own bonds.

Even holding Russian Passport aa-00023 and a Russian Knight of Malta and
a Bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church in St Petersburg I cannot get the
Russian Central Bank to honor a simple little bond.

They must be purged.

3) Bet you wish more details on 17 December - where the Nukes are going,
who is to be assassinated - too bad, you trashed my bond.

You want war US/UK/Canadian Leaders -

Please pray with me -Visualize - that Langley, DC and New York City, and
London are the first 4 places that get hit with a huge Bunker Buster Bomb
- dead center.

They want war - they can be the first to go, so says the I AM That I AM,
who was and is and is to go.


The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

PS - another threat to my life today.

See: Wall Street Journal; US Buys Up Ebola Gear: Little Left For Africa

See: Front Page Wall Street Journal 25 November 2014.

Chemical warfare: the State of Hawaii vs. the people

Chemical warfare: the State of Hawaii vs. the people

By Jon Rappoport
November 25, 2014

Barry Kurren is the federal judge overseeing Monsanto's lawsuit against the county of Maui.

Monsanto sued, after the people of Maui dared to say no. After they voted to stop new Monsanto/Dow GMO development on the Island.

This is the same Judge Barry Kurren who ruled against the people of Kauai in a similar case.

As the New York Times put it (8/26/14): "A federal judge in Hawaii has struck down a local ordinance that would have restricted or regulated the use of pesticides and genetically modified crops on the island of Kauai, saying the measure was pre-empted by state law.

"United States Magistrate Judge Barry M. Kurren wrote in one of his two related decisions...'The court's ruling simply recognizes that the State of Hawaii has established a comprehensive framework for addressing the application of restricted-use pesticides and the planting of G.M.O. crops, which presently precludes local regulation by the county.'"

Precludes. Local. Regulation.

Ah yes, jurisdiction. Which government entity can decide how much pesticide poison the people of Hawaii should be exposed to? Local, state, or federal?

Judge Kurren shifted the "legal problem" to the State of Hawaii, meaning the government, not the people.

Apparently, because of "jurisdiction," the people have no right to resist the spraying of poison. This is, you see, a game in which certain chess pieces are superior to other chess pieces, and the bigger and superior ones make the decisions.

Does this give you a clue about what Judge Barry Kurren is going to do to the people of Maui?

Exactly what was and is happening on the Island of Kauai? Dr. Lorrin Pang helps to answer the question. Pang is a Maui County District Health Officer:

"It was disclosed during the class action suit of a biotech company on Kauai that 80+ chemicals are used."

Dr. Pang is referring to pesticides sprayed on the Island of Kauai. 80.

What are their names? Unknown.

What are their chemical formulas, as revealed by independent investigators? Unknown. Because there is no independent investigation.

Who does know what's going on? The biotech giants who are doing secret research on Kauai.

The First Hawaiian Bank, on its website, names these giants in glowing terms: "Kaui is an ideal research laboratory for the seed corn industry...there are currently five parent seed corn operations on the island: Pioneer Hi-Bred...Syngenta, Dow Monsanto, and BASF. Dow Agrosciences recently leased 3,400 acres of former sugar land..."

And oh yes. Judge Barry Kurren's wife, Faye, is a board member of the First Hawaiian Bank.

The giants say to the people: "We're spraying you with chemicals. We can't tell you what they are. It's a secret. But don't worry, be happy."

I'm not a scholar when it comes to traditional Hawaiian spiritual beliefs, but I'm going to make a wild guess and say the secret spraying of chemicals on the people is not part of that tradition.

And jurisdiction issues, which come down to which government entity is going to make the people sicker...well, that's just a cheap hustle to accommodate Monsanto and its partners.

Wait. Newsflash. Apparently, we do know something about the restricted-use pesticides (RUPs) sprayed on Kauai. From

"Atrazine, for example, is known to cause birth defects, cancer and reproductive issues. Lorsban is known to cause impaired brain and nervous system functions in children and fetuses, even in minute amounts. Some RUPs are shown to effect brain cancer, autism, and heart and liver problems. Children are at especially high risk of illness from pesticide exposure. For these reasons, many of the RUPs used on Kaua'i are banned in other countries."

All the upcoming court hearings in the Maui-Monsanto suit should be conducted in the following fashion:

The people of Maui, their lawyers and experts should view and take part in the proceedings from, chemically speaking, the cleanest spot that can be found on the Island.

Via Skype, they would watch Judge Kurren, the Monsanto lawyers and their experts, who would sit under heavy spraying of the Monsanto/Dow pesticides. All day long.

Just like in real life.

No coughing allowed.

After all, everybody on Monsanto's side knows these chemicals are completely harmless. They might even be good for health. They might have a beneficial tonic effect. Who knows? They might be a cure for cancer and heart disease.

You bet. And Monsanto might be the corporate reincarnation of an ancient god, come back to save the people from...clean food and a healthy life.

I'm all for labeling GMOs---only my label would be different. It would read, in very large letters: "This food product is from Monsanto. They fiddled and diddled with it. They made sure it was sprayed with poison. Do you want to ingest it? Are you sure? Check your head. Are you completely crazy? Suicidal? Did you know Monsanto is subjecting the people of Hawaii to chemical warfare?"

That's a nice label. It would improve my "shopping experience."

Dear Judge Kurren: which jurisdictional government entity would approve my label?  

Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections,   THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

This Is What One Drink Of Soda Does To Your Body

  • This Is What One Drink Of Soda Does To Your Body

November 25, 2014 | By Joe Martino | General Health, Toxins

Coke is the most valuable brand in history, and “Coca-Cola” is the world’s second-most recognized word after “hello.” However, the beverage itself is like a poison to the human metabolism. Coke is very acidic, it’s only one point higher on the pH scale than battery acid. Consequently it can clean surfaces equivalent to and often better than many toxic household cleaners.
It’s cheaper and easier to buy Coke in some third world countries than it is to access clean water. Coke uses “public relations propaganda” to convince consumers and entire nations that it is an “environmental company” when really it is linked to pollution, water shortages, and disease.
People who consume soft drinks such as Coke have a 48% increase in heart attack and stroke risk, compared to people who did not drink the sodas at all or did not drink them every day. A study published in the journal Respirology reveals that soft drink consumption is also associated with lung and breathing disorders including asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
On top of all of this, here is what coke does to the human body after you drink it.
(click infographic to enlarge)
The chemical that should be listed on this image is Bisphenol A, as there are two phenol groups in this chemical.

Joe Martino
I created Collective-Evolution 5 years ago and have been heavily at it since. I love inspiring others to find joy and make changes in their lives. Hands down the only other thing I am this passionate about is baseball.
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