Sunday, January 25, 2015



Posting the following email received this morning from a long time friend in Maryland.  The message is being confirmed by reports received across the nation.  You may want to read and compare her findings with what you are experiencing in your location.

Barry Soetoro's - bozo - or WHATEVER HIS REAL NAME IS - 'speech' concerning the state of the union was ANYthing BUT TRUTH.  All the continuing LIES about the economy, jobs, etc. are misleading Americans who are NOT in the know, who are NOT keeping up with the TRUE conditions being experienced throughout America.



This morning I was at our local grocery store here Maryland.  We have five dogs, so I went down the dog food isle. At least half of the ALPO brand of canned dog food was selling for 50% off, as it is being "discontinued".

An employee asked if I needed help, so I asked why these were being discontinued?  She said the manufacturer is having a hard time finding the ingredients!!!

We have also noted that leather chews for dogs are becoming nearly impossible to find.  There were NONE at BJ's Club, Petco, - only two very expensive bags at Walmart.  Our grocery store had only one large box of dog treats!!! The other boxes were lined up to look like there were more of them than there really were.

I ordered the last two bottles of generic Benedryl capsules Amazon had, as we can no longer find them at our local stores. Medicare will now only pay for one test strip a day for diabetics, and three test strips a day for diabetics who are on insulin. The doctor's are being asked to jump through hoops even to get this many strips!! This is NOT enough to stay in good blood glucose control!  Also, for Medicare to pay for the test strips, a log has to be kept noting the person's blood glucose level, date of testing, etc., to be turned over to the government at their discretion. Big brother on steroids???

                                                        the ridiculous amount of chemtrail activity

Our area is bracing for an oncoming Alberta Clipper, to turn into a full blown "nor'easter" in a day or two.  We are used to this, but I will NEVER get used to the ridiculous amount of chemtrail activity going on as I speak! 


8 Surprising Benefits Of Pink Himalayan Salt

8 Surprising Benefits Of Pink Himalayan Salt

Feb 13, 2014
One of the world’s most potent and powerful “hidden secrets”, pink Himalayan salt is pulled from the world’s most beautiful (and highest) now in range and has been prized for its healing and restorative powers ever since ancient times.
  • CLICK HERE to jump to the 1st benefit in the list.
In fact, it was so prized in ancient times that it was effectively used as a currency system – and even was worth more than its weight in gold thousands of years ago!
MOST Popular Posts In Here:
We are just now starting to rediscover the truly transformative power behind Himalayan salttoday, revealing what the ancients long understood as far as its impact on the human body is concerned.
Hopefully you’ll be able to use the information below to make a decision as to whether or not you should be purchasing this product of nature in the future!

What Exactly Is Himalayan Salt Anyways?

A natural and ridiculously pure mineral substance (the cleanest and purest form found anywhere in the world), pink & gathered from the Himalayan Mountains has been used for thousands and thousands of years as a natural medicine and therapeutic cure.
The ancients understood just how powerful and potent this mineral truly was, and knew – immediately – that it was far different from the typical salts that they were cultivating from mines or from the ocean.
Because it was originally sourced only from a handful of spots tucked away in the Himalayan mountain range, it became amazingly and immensely valuable – and continues to be valuable today. Used effectively as an all-natural remedy at a number of circumstances, there is a real reason why it’s power has spread by words for thousands of years.

Who Should Supplement Their Daily Intake With Pink Salt?

There are a tremendous amount of people that could benefit from supplementing their daily intake and dietary needs with a bit of pink salt. However, those that will be enjoying the best benefits are the ones that are looking to lead the healthiest lives possible.
Because of its unique composition, it’s able to provide those that are looking to optimize their health in any way possible with a number of major health advantages – ones that we are going to tackle below.

What Major Benefits Am I Going To Be Able To Enjoy?

There are almost too many major benefits that you are going to be able to enjoy when you decide to invest in and use this amazing product of nature on a regular basis, though we have compiled the eight most popular ones below.
Though this list is nowhere near complete or comprehensive, it should provide you with a “foundational education” as to why it is so prized, sought after, and valuable as a natural remedy!

1. It Will Provide Your Body With 84 Much Needed Minerals And Other Bio Compounds

photo credit: julajp
photo credit: julajp
As mentioned above, pink salt is widely regarded as the cleanest, purest, and most “mineral dense” version available on the planet.
Partly due to the fact that it is only found in the Himalayan mountain range and partly due to the fact that those who sell it do not “cut it” with lesser compounds.
Therefore you’re going to be able to enjoy an injection of 84 much needed minerals and other bio compounds directly into your bloodstream the moment that you supplement your ordinary white one with a pink solution.
[Also Read: Secrets of Skinny Fiber Exposed With Reviews, Ingredients And Results!!!]

2. It Has Been Used To Effectively Detoxify The Human Body

Salt and water have always played an vital role in our bodies, and they continue to play it on a daily basis for each and every one of us.
Water is of the utmost importance to detoxify the human body, but salt is the “vehicle” that allows you to transfer toxins from healthy cells to the bloodstream – then pushing them out of your systems.
Its pink version is an effective carrier, and has proven to be much more efficient than traditional ones.

3. Benefits Of Lowering Blood Pressure

What is more, it has been proven to help lower your pressure dramatically, while at the same time stimulate better circulation. Having the right amount of salt in your organism can aid you to increase your circulation while lowering blood pressure at the same time.
Because it is absorbed into your bloodstream much more efficiently and more effectively than regular, every day, run-of-the-mill salt, pink version can be used in small doses to help modulate your pressure and stimulate better all-around circulation.

4. Use It To Relax Your Muscle As Well As Your Mind

CLICK ........

The Amazing Himalayan Salt Lamps & Super Healthy Himalayan Table Salt
If you have started to feel a little bit foggy or fatigued, the odds are stacked against you that you are dealing with a loss of electrolytes and salt in your body.
Because of its’s unique composition, its ability to be absorbed into the bloodstream is much more effective and efficient than with traditional salts – allowing you to restore and replenish your organism in a hurry.

5. Banish Sinus Issues And Respiratory Conditions

When mixed with hot water and dissolved, it can clear up sinus issues and improve any respiratory conditions you have been dealing with (including asthma).
[Make Sure To Read: The Beginner’s Guide To The Leptin Diet]
Because these pink crystals emit negative ions, you’ll be able to attack your sinus issues with full force – without ever compromising your respiratory system (or any of your other bodily systems, for that matter).

6. It Can Dramatically Improve The Condition Of Your Sleep

When your mind is at ease and your muscles are relaxed, your sleep is going to become healthier and more regular.
By supplementing with pink salt, you’re not only going to be improving the condition of your body and mind, but you’re also going to be giving yourself everything you need to replenish and restore overnight.

7. Balancing Out Your Body’s Acidity And Alkaline Levels


Himalayan Salt Bath
If you are looking to promote a true balance between your acidity and alkaline levels in your organism, preparing a pink salt bath (about 2 pounds of this mineral in a single warm bath should do the trick) is the way to go.
The ancients used this approach to detoxify and renew themselves on an almost weekly basis, and you can too!

8. It Heals Your Arteries

This compound can help you to eliminate all damage to your arteries, damage that can lead to the creation of varicose veins or “spider veins”.
As mentioned above, this natural product is tremendously effective at clearing up your arteries and improving blood circulation across the board – which will eliminate the potential for varicose or “spider veins” from ever popping up in the first place.

Final Thoughts

Those that are smart and savvy about all-natural remedies rant and rave about pink Himalayan salt, and for good reason.
It’s relatively inexpensive today, and may be one of the best decisions you end up making excavation point

Further Resources


Paul Craig Roberts – The Whole World Is Staring Down The Barrel Of A Gun As Global Collapse Looms

Paul Craig Roberts – The Whole World Is Staring Down The Barrel Of A Gun As Global Collapse Looms

Paul Craig Roberts – The Whole World Is Staring Down The Barrel Of A Gun As Global Collapse Looms

In the aftermath of last week's black swan announcement by the Swiss and on the heels of the ECB's announcement that they are going to inject $1.3 trillion of stimulus into Europe's beleaguered banking system and bond market, today former U.S. Treasury official, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, warned King World News that the whole world is staring at the barrel of a gun as global collapse looms.
Eric King:  “The ECB just made the announcement that they are planning to inject $1.3 trillion in stimulus into the European banking system and bond markets.  What is this really all about?”
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts:  “Eric, we now have the yen being printed in vast quantities.  The Fed has supposedly stopped printing the U.S. dollar but it really hasn’t because during the period of quantitative easing the banks received $2.6 trillion.  All that money is available and will continue to be used to buy bonds.  Of course the Fed itself has $4.5 trillion on its balance sheet and as it receives interest payments it will also continue to buy bonds.
So you have quantitative easing in Japan, in the United States, and now we have it once again in Europe.  So the three large currencies — yen, dollar, and euro — are being created at an alarming rate….
Continue reading the Dr. Paul Craig Roberts interview below…

To hear what billionaire Eric Sprott & Rick Rule are doing with their own
money and which $7 billion company John Embry &
Dr. Marc Faber oversee
 click on the logo:

“The effect of this  is that it forces other countries to print money so that their own currencies don’t soar in value relative to the yen, dollar, and euro, which would undermine their export markets and economies.  One country has already broken ranks from these insane policies.  The Swiss realized that they could not possibly keep the peg intact, so they abandoned that last week in the announcement that shocked the world.
King World News - Roberts 1:22:2015
Whole World Staring Down The Barrel Of A Gun
So we have a situation where the United States, the EU, and Japan have the whole world staring down the barrel of a gun.  They are forcing inflation on the entire world.  You have to ask yourself:  Why do the United States, Japan, and the EU have a right to do this and who benefits?  Well, the answer is that the elite benefit from this policy.  This a way of further enriching a tiny amount of people at the expense of everybody else in the world.  This is all about enriching the elite.  That’s all this is about, and the rest of the population in the world is paying for it.”
Terrifying Warning
Eric King:  “Today Egon von Greyerz, the man who predicted collapse of the euro against the Swiss franc just 52 days ago, made the frightening prediction of total global collapse.  Greyerz said that all of the central banks are bankrupt and that’s why the world’s financial system will not survive and a total global collapse is in front of us — your thoughts on this ominous warning from Greyerz.”
Dr. Roberts:  “He is right that we are facing a global collapse.  Central banks have paid 100 cents on the dollar for assets that may not even be worth one cent on the dollar.  What’s also driving the world to economic collapse is the fact that the central banks are recklessly printing unprecedented amounts of fiat money to keep their global Ponzi scheme going.
Horrific Situation
So you have these unprecedented amounts of fiat paper money hanging over the global economy.  This vast amount of paper money has not been matched by real economic production.  It’s the implication of that horrific circumstance that will also cause the global collapse.  
What would it have meant if Switzerland had continued to hold the currency peg?  It would have meant the Swiss would have ended up with a much larger money supply then the entire annual Gross National Product of Switzerland.  The implications of that are hard to fathom.  It would have meant that there were more Swiss francs in existence than could be used to buy up all the annual goods and service produced by Switzerland.
Mega-Catastrophe To Destroy Average Citizen
And there is a complicity by the elite who are caught up in this unprecedented global money printing scheme.  They are all caught up in the corruption.  But at some point people will realize this is worse than a Ponzi scheme.  They will realize this insane policy has the world headed for collapse.
All of this corruption is overwhelming to sensible people.  So the central banks are only serving the interests of the elite and that is where the collapse will come from.  There is no connection between the monetary policy in the United States, Europe, and Japan, and the people.  In fact, the elite have the entire world headed for a mega-catastrophe that is sure to financially destroy the average person and send the world into total chaos.” ***ALSO JUST RELEASED: Man Who Predicted Collapse Of Euro Against Swiss Franc Makes Second Terrifying Prediction CLICK HERE.

CDC's Own Data: Vaccine-Infant Death Link

Friday, January 23rd 2015 at 1:45 pm
Written By:
Sayer Ji, Founder
The CDC's own research has found that the long denied vaccine-SIDS link is real.
If you believe the official pronouncements of top governmental health agencies like the CDC and FDA, all the vaccines in the present day schedule are a priori safe and effective.
Not only are you told that they can't harm you, but that not taking them can kill you.
Parents are under even more pressure. They are told that refraining from vaccinating their infants or children will greatly increase their risk of dying or being disabled. Worse, they are increasingly labeled as 'crazy' and 'irresponsible' anti-vaccine zealots who are putting the lives of others in danger.
But what happens when the actual evidence from the scientific and clinical literature produced by these very agencies contradicts their own vaccine policies?
This is exactly what has happened with the publication of a new study in the Journal of Pediatrics titled ,"Adverse Events following Haemophilus influenzae Type b Vaccines in the Vaccine Adverse Event ReportingSystem, 1990-2013," wherein CDC and FDA researchers identify 749 deaths linked to the administration of the Hib vaccine, 51% of which were sudden infant death linked to the administration of Hib vaccine.
The CDC has boldly denied that there is any evidence supporting a causal link between vaccines and infant death, despite the fact that their own webpage on the topic acknowledges that "From 2 to 4 months old, babies begin their primary course of vaccinations. This is also the peak age for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)." Written off as coincidence, the CDC suggests that stomach sleeping is the primary modifiable risk factor.

How the UN Is Confiscating American Homes and Controlling All Food and Energy

In times of crises, the government has proven, time and time again, that it cannot be counted on to adequately protect the American people. As the American people have not prepared for the coming dark days, they will be vulnerable to starvation, dehydration, cholera, pandemics and attacks from resource-deficient looters. Will the government be there to save them? History has already answered this question in the negative. Events such as Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Sandy, L.A. Riots, and the Ferguson riots have repeatedly demonstrated that when trouble comes, the American people will be on their own. 

admiralty law, common law and the sovereign

VIDEO: Christians Bloodied by Stone-Throwing Muslims… In Michigan

The Natural Law as a Restraint Against Tyranny | Judge Andrew P. Napolitano......

The Natural Law as a Restraint Against Tyranny | Judge Andrew P. Napolitano......


Published on Jan 23, 2015
Recorded at the Mises Circle in Costa Mesa, California, 8 November 2014. This seminar examines the institutions of a stateless society and explore topics such as private defense, private police, privately produced money, the role of markets, and how stateless legal systems would work.
SUBSCRIBE (It’s FREE!) to “Finance and Liberty” for more ►

As Euro Slides, Strategists Cut Forecasts

Some Investors See Single Currency Falling to Parity With U.S. Dollar

Rip up your euro forecasts.
A day after the European Central Bank unveiled its bond-buying program, the single currency still was in free fall, blowing past analysts’ expectations for how low the euro can go.
Some investors now say the euro could fall to the point where it is on equal footing with the U.S. dollar for the first time since it climbed above the buck in late 2002.
“If you would have asked me a few months ago, I would’ve said that parity could be in the cards in the years ahead. Now, we can’t rule it out anymore even by the end of this year,” said Thomas Kressin, head of European foreign exchange at Pacific Investment Management Co., or Pimco, which has $1.68 trillion under management.
Late Friday in New York, the euro fell 1.4% against the dollar, to $1.1206, on top of a 2.1% slide the day before. It is now down 7.4% against the dollar since the turn of the year and is at its lowest point in more than 11 years.
Morgan Stanley cut its estimate of where the euro will end 2015 to $1.05 from $1.12 previously. Bank of America Merrill Lynch sees the euro now falling to $1.10 by the end of the year, from $1.20 in an earlier forecast, while HSBC Holdings PLC analysts cut their year-end expectation to $1.09 from $1.15.
The downgrades have echoed Wall Street’s failure to predict outsize pullbacks over the past year in global government-bond yields and oil prices. Those declines have increased investor unease over the risks facing the global economy.
Under the bond-buying program, known as quantitative easing, central banks create new bank reserves to buy assets from financial institutions. Central banks get bonds, and banks get money that they can in turn use to extend new credit to households and businesses. Such expansionary monetary policies usually weaken a country’s currency in part because lower interest rates make a currency less attractive to hold. In turn, a weaker currency makes exported goods more competitive overseas, which could benefit Germany’s export-driven economy.
A day after the ECB’s move, European stocks and bond prices soared. The Stoxx Europe 600 climbed to a seven-year high, ending the session up 1.7%. Germany’s DAX index rose 2.1% to another record, while the U.K.’s FTSE 100 gained 0.5% and France’s CAC-40 advanced 1.9%. Government bond prices from Spain, Italy, Portugal, Germany and elsewhere hit records, pushing yields lower.
The euro has held to a relatively lofty level in recent years, peaking at $1.60 in 2008 and trading close to $1.40 as recently as last May, in part because the ECB arrived late to the world of quantitative easing. The Federal Reserve, Bank of Japan and the Bank of England, meanwhile, have implemented stimulus efforts. The ECB’s bond-buying plan—to the tune of €60 billion ($68 billion) a month until at least September 2016—combined with record-low interest rates is meant to spur growth and stoke inflation.
“The ECB has effectively said this will go on until we see a significant adjustment in the path of inflation. That tells us [quantitative easing] is going to be with us for quite some time,” said Nick Gartside, chief investment officer for fixed income at J.P. Morgan Asset Management, which oversees $1.7 trillion of assets.
The flood of easy money and the fact that some central banks are charging banks to hold overnight deposits “will make sure capital continues to be pushed out of the euro area,” said Pimco’s Mr. Kressin, who is betting the euro will continue to weaken against the dollar. This combination means the euro “is a hot potato that everyone tries to get rid of,” he said.
The ECB’s asset-purchase program aligns the eurozone’s monetary policy more closely with Japan’s against that of the U.S. In October, the Fed closed down its large-scale asset-purchase program and is moving closer toward raising interest rates. Many Fed officials have signaled they expect to stick broadly to their plan to start lifting their benchmark short-term rate from near zero around the middle of the year.
Investors predict the euro will fall faster against the greenback than the yen in the near term because it has more pressing factors driving it lower.
“The euro area stands to be a winner of the currency wars in 2015,” said Jonathan Baltora, inflation-linked bonds fund manager at AXA Investment Management, which oversees €607 billion of assets, referring to the possibility that a weaker currency would make European goods cheaper than those produced in Japan and elsewhere.

U.S. Bank Wealth Management, which manages $126 billion, said the falling euro is causing eurozone sovereign bonds to lose their allure. U.S. Bank has positions in almost all eurozone sovereign bonds. But the low yields and dim prospects for the euro have the asset manager considering reducing them, particularly in German bunds, said Jennifer Vail, its head of fixed-income research.
“We have projections for the currency and balance them with projections for the debt,” Ms. Vail said. “Add a weak euro, and it’s not attractive a bet at all…the market needs to get its head around the implications [of the ECB’s move]. The euro definitely has more room to fall.”
AllianceBernstein LP, which manages $473 billion, added to its bearish euro currency bets one week ago in expectation of a bold move by ECB President Mario Draghi at the central bank’s meeting this past Thursday, said Scott DiMaggio, director of global fixed-income investments. The move surpassed the asset manager’s expectations.
“Capital will continue to leave the euro area,” Mr. DiMaggio said. “We think there will continue to be pressure on the euro. They haven’t even started to buy the assets yet.” For now, though, AllianceBernstein is holding its positions steady.
Write to Tommy Stubbington at


Why Won’t Walmart’s Ice Cream Sandwiches Melt?

Earlier this summer, a woman in Cincinnati noticed that her son’s Walmart-brand ice cream sandwich didn’t melt when he accidentally left it outside for 12 hours, in 80-degree F weather.
Understandably surprised by the seemingly unmeltable ice cream sandwich, she tried the “experiment” again, with the same result. While other brands melted completely, the Walmart ice cream remained eerily intact. She then called a local news station, who conducted a test of its own, which you can watch in the video above

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Video: Paul Craig Roberts Speaks Clearly and Distincly on Character of Corporate US Predator State

Video: Paul Craig Roberts Speaks Clearly and Distincly on Character of the Corporate US Predator State
Paul Craig Roberts Makes It Clear About Ukraine
Published on Jul 25, 2014 By Pray For GAZA




Published on Jan 23, 2015
The USA has, by far, the highest per capita gun ownership in the world. Progressives will tell you that this is what makes America the Murder Capitol of Planet Earth. But we're not, and in this devastatingly effective Firewall, Bill Whittle shows why the center of Gun Nut Nation is, in fact, one of the safest places in the world.


BLOCKBUSTER REVELATION! - MINI Documentary - Illegal Obama "Propped Up" By Congress!

  8 times before Obama ran for President, Democrats attempted to change the Constitution on "Natural Born Citizen"....a good question is:  Why? 2003-2008.  A MUST WATCH.
CLICK TO OPEN Â Ã‚ Ã‚ Ã‚ Ã‚ Ã‚ Ã‚ Ã‚ Ã‚ Â Ã‚ Ã‚ Ã‚  Do Not Enlarge


I am NOT the "original discoverer" of this information. I have been clear about this from the first day this video was posted. I found the information on several blogs, posts and internet sites where no original author was given credit. I did my own research to confirm the information that I was reading. I found all the materials and the congressional reports on each HJR - myself. I created the video and drew my own conclusions and created the ending synopsis. The video work and compilation is my product. I do not want to give the impression, though, that I "discovered" this information without help from other's hard work. I had no idea who FIRST made these startling discoveries when I put this vid together. As far as I know to date - this is the first VIDEO presentation made of this information.
The SOURCE that claims to be the originator of most of the info contained in this video. LIVE LINK - The author is listed as J.B. Williams

Pastor Carl Gallups


VICTORY: Citizens Stand up to Agenda 21 in Alaska

The average planning and zoning meeting consists of the planning and zoning commissioners, a room, and very little else. They are often dry meetings dealing with rules and regulations for business and home licensing, property lines, and nuisance ordinances.
So when the Borough of Kodiak, AK (Pop. 13,600) chose to attempt to entirely revamp the zoning code and place greater restrictions on property owners, including a $1,000 fine per violation, they expected there to be little opposition, and little knowledge of the change.
Instead, the Solutions Institute assisted local resident Jamie Fagan, and he along with a team of people rallied over 300 residents to attend the meeting.
Even though many residents could not attend due to flooded roads and driving rain, there were over 69 speeches, nearly all in opposition to the new code, totaling over 4 hours of testimony against it.
The zoning code in question, drafted by Bob Pederson, enforces many of the suggestions of the United Nations’ 1992 “Agenda 21” treaty, including making it easier for local officials to seize private property.
Jamie was excited to have some assistance defending his home:
I can’t thank the Solutions Institute enough. From helping us to choose an appropriate name for our organization to setting up Facebook groups, editing videos, to helping in ways that one might describe as “unorthodox” but are breathtakingly effective, it really is a joy to work with these guys and there is no doubt in my mind that our group would not have been nearly as effective without their help.
Though the code has not been defeated yet, Jamie has no doubt that with the amount of people who came out to try and stop it, it is only a matter of time before the new code is scrapped. Read More

Change is on the Horizon Part 3 of 3 The Farmer Claims Program


Bill Gates Pushes Cashless Society

Scheme would allow 'government' to confiscate money at will
by Kit Daniels | | January 22, 2015
Bill Gates is now promoting “digital currency” in third-world countries, which will make the poor even more dependent on central banks while also turning them into guinea pigs for the development of a “cashless society” in the U.S. and Europe.
Gates outlined his plan for a cashless society in a letter published Thursday in which he proposed the poor have better access to mobile phones so they can store their financial assets digitally instead of keeping hard currency at home.

“The key to this will be mobile phones,” he wrote. “Already, in the developing countries with the right regulatory framework, people are storing money digitally on their phones and using their phones to make purchases, as if they were debit cards.”

“By 2030, two billion people who don’t have a bank account today will be storing money and making payment with their phones.”
But this will only enslave the poor into an electronic monetary system they don’t control, allowing central banks and the government unparalleled ability to confiscate money at will through taxes and “bail-ins.”  

For example, after Cyprus’s largest bank was sunk from exposure to debt-crippled Greece, the Cypriot government looted people’s bank accounts in 2013 as part of a “bail-in” program with the International Monetary Fund and the European Central Bank.  

“If you can do this once, you can do it again,” financial analyst Lars Seier Christensen wrote, who called the “bail-in” full-blown socialism. “If you can confiscate 10% of a bank customer’s money, you can confiscate 25, 50 or even 100%.”  

A third-world government wouldn’t even need to wait for an economic crisis to loot digital bank accounts, however, with the cashless scheme Gates proposes, officials could simply impose a tax and confiscate money automatically. And there’s no reason to believe this scheme will only be limited to the third-world; the United Kingdom has already tested digital-only payments earlier this year.

“While the whole idea is being marketed as an inevitable consequence of the decline in cash payments and the rise of credit cards and contact-less payment technology, many in the privacy community see the elimination of cash as another means of abolishing anonymity,” Paul Joseph Watson wrote.

“Alternatives to cash that could still provide anonymity, such as crypto-currencies like Bitcoin, are slowly being adopted by more stores and chains, but at nowhere near the rate required to provide a viable competitor to the likes of Google Wallet and Paypal.”




NOTE: Not promoting or selling - just providing information for your consideration in the protecting of your current assets and those to come.
Memo: I encourage you to watch the Jim Rickards link below. Some of his recommendations are spot on, but you will have to listen between the lines.  The Dickinson recommendations for future financial planning include:  Be involved in the food business (beef), acquire land with abundant renewable water, own land that produces food, do not ever invest in anything you can't throw a rock at, do not seek employment whereby a pay check is made with all government withholding removed (develop a private business which provides necessary goods or services), do not trust banks, do not do direct bank payments, do not live in large cities, teach your children a work ethic and moral values, grow as many types of human food as possible, and do not trust any government to be a permanent source of family, education or business assistance.
Dear Concerned American,

I develop systems that detect imminent threats to our national security from terrorists, rival nations, and internal weaknesses lurking inside our economy.

I'm stepping forward today because my team and I have uncovered a series of alarming signals that point to a fast-approaching, 70% stock market crash.

And we have begun to prepare for an unstoppable $100 trillion American meltdown that will be unleashed in its aftermath.

Unfortunately, our government has already enacted measures for this coming catastrophe as well. They call it "The Day After Plan."

Because our leaders have kept you in the dark about this dangerous situation, I'm going to release all of the evidence my team has gathered.

This way you can see it for yourself.

(Warning: This footage is shocking) -
I'm not asking you to believe me now. I realize what I'm talking about is very serious.

Which is why I strongly suggest you take a few moments to view this evidence.

And then ask yourself, "what if I'm right?"

Click here to see everything...

Stay Safe,

Jim Rickards
Financial Threat and Asymmetric Warfare Advisor
 "There is no Greater tyranny, than that which
 is perpetrated under the shield of law and
 in the name of justice." ~ Montesquieu ~

 ~Man was meant to live free & Independent~
 When Dictatorship becomes fact~Revolution becomes Duty of men!

Saturday history lesson

Saturday is a good time to get an education/understanding to the facts that well and are changing the American way……..WAKING UP means taking action on the truth!
"For evil to flourish, all that is needed is for good  
people to do nothing."

A short history lesson

In 480 BC, 1000 years before Mohammad was visited by the Archangel Gabreel, the Spartans defeated a greatly superior Xerxes Persian fleet near Salamis, while the 300 were defending the pass at Thermopylae from the Persian army.  They weren't Muslims, yet, but they started the tradition.  Of course, Alexander tried the same, then the Romans, the Ottoman Turks in 1571 and so on, below.  Great Naval battle, rower-powered galleys with bronze prows rammed the enemy hulls below the water line.  No Persians could swim and any survivors were speared in the water.  Greeks sailors took no prisoners.  Victor Davis Hanson wrote a chapter about it, in Carnage and Culture, the first of his books I read.  Better than your average history book.
In 732 AD the Muslim Army which was moving on Paris was defeated and turned back at Tours, France, by Charles Martell.
In 1571 AD the Muslim Army/ Navy was defeated by the Italians and Austrians as they tried to cross the Mediterranean to attack southern Europe in the Battle of Lepanto.
In 1683 AD the Turkish Muslim Army, attacking Eastern Europe, was finally defeated in the Battle of Vienna by German and Polish Christian Armies.
This crap has been going on for 1,400 years and half of these damn politicians don't even know it !!!
If these battles had not been won we might be speaking Arabic and Christianity could be non - existent; Judaism certainly would be... And let us not forget that Hitler was an admirer of Islam and that the Mufti of Jerusalem was Hitler's guest in Berlin and raised Bosnian Muslim SS Divisions: the 13th and 21st Waffen SS Divisions who killed Jews, Russians, Gypsies, and any other "subhumans".
In 1783 AD when the British Colonies that would become the United States of America gained independence from Great Britain, 5 Muslim countries of North Africa declared war on our newly independent nation, hijacking and kidnapping merchant sailors and selling them for ransom, or into slavery. When the United States of America was established, we were forced to pay extortion fees amounting to 20 – 25% of our federal budget to those Muslim countries to keep them from their hijacking and kidnapping. It took two administrations, Washington and Adams, to build a sufficient Navy so that President Jefferson, in 1805, could send the Navy and Marines to conquer Tripoli and end the piracy. Islam has been at war with the USA since our founding.

A lot of Americans have become so insulated from reality that they imagine that America can suffer defeat without any inconvenience to themselves.
Pause a moment, reflect back. These events are actual events from history. They really happened!!
Do you remember?
1. In 1968, Bobby Kennedy was shot and killed by a Muslim male.

2. In 1972 at the Munich Olympics, athletes were kidnapped and massacred by Muslim males.
3. In 1972 a Pan Am 747 was hijacked and eventually diverted to Cairo where a fuse was lit on final approach, it was blown up shortly after landing by Muslim males.
4. In 1973 a Pan Am 707 was destroyed in Rome , with 33 people killed, when it was attacked with grenades by Muslim males.
5. In 1979, the US embassy in Iran was taken over by Muslim males.
6. During the 1980's a number of Americans were kidnapped in Lebanon by Muslim males.
7. In 1983, the US Marine barracks in Beirut was blown up by Muslim males.
8. In 1985, the cruise ship Achille Lauro was hijacked and a 70 year old American passenger was murdered and thrown overboard in his wheelchair by Muslim males.  
9. In 1985, TWA flight 847 was hijacked at Athens , and a US Navy diver trying to rescue passengers was murdered by Muslim males. 
10. In 1988, Pan Am Flight 103 was bombed by Muslim males.
11. In 1993 , the World Trade Center was bombed the first time by Muslim males.
12. In 1998, the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were bombed by Muslim males.  
13. On 9/11/01, four airliners were hijacked; two were used as missiles to take down the World Trade Centers and of the remaining two, one crashed into the US Pentagon and the other was diverted and crashed by the passengers. Thousands of people were killed by Muslim males.  
14. In 2002, the United States fought a war in Afghanistan against Muslim males.
15. In 2002, reporter Daniel Pearl was kidnapped and beheaded by---you guessed it---a Muslim male.  
16. In 2013, Boston Marathon Bombing 4 Innocent people including a child killed, 264 injured by Muslim males.  
17. In 2014, thousands of Christian men, women, and children are slaughtered, defiled, and beheaded by Muslim males.
18. In 2015, a French publication office was attacked and the owner and others were killed. A butcher shop was attacked and four patrons were killed. All of this by three Muslim males. A female who was involved escaped to Syria during these attacks.

Remember? No, I really don't see a pattern here to justify profiling, do you?  HA !

So, to ensure we Americans never offend anyone, particularly fanatics intent on killing us, airport security screeners will no longer be allowed to profile certain people.
Absolutely No Profiling!  Instead, they must conduct random searches of 80-year-old women, little kids, airline pilots with proper identification, secret agents who are members of the President's security detail, 85-year olds, Congressmen with metal hips, and Medal of Honor winner and former Governor Joe Foss, BUT leave Muslim Males alone lest airport security be guilty of profiling.
Have the American people completely lost their Minds, or just their Power of Reason??? 
Let's send this to as many people as we can so that the Gloria Aldreds and other stupid attorneys, along with Federal Justices that want to thwart common sense, feel ashamed of themselves -- if they have any such sense.
As the writer of the award winning story 'Forrest Gump' so aptly put it, 'Stupid Is As Stupid Does'.
Each opportunity that you have to send this to a friend or media outlet...
Do It!        

Thanks Michael B
“When you’re in the jar, you can’t read the label”

20141003_152546_resized.....Bob Burton…….Americans

Help me help you HELP America! …..Now today!
.It’s our country, ours!
American’s - Vs. – American’t