Saturday, January 31, 2015

Kristiana Coignard: Teen Girl Walks Into Police Station, Cops Shoot Her Dead — What Happened?

Posted in: News

Kristiana Coignard: Teen Girl Walks Into Police Station, Cops Shoot Her Dead — What Happened?

Kristiana Coignard police shoot
Kristiana Coignard, a 17-year-old girl who until recently had been a high school student in Longview, Texas, walked into the Longview Police Station at about 6:30 p.m. on Thursday evening. She picked up the courtesy phone for after-hours visitors and asked to speak to an officer. Moments later, she was dead — shot “multiple times” by police.
But why? Three officers have been placed on paid leave by the Longview Police Department in connection with the shooting that killed Kristiana before her life had a chance to begin. What led them to open fire on the lone teenage girl remains unclear.
UPDATE January 28: Surveillance video of the Kristiana Coignard killing has now been released. The full video may be viewed at this link.
According to police, when the officers went out to the lobby in the police station located at 302 West Cotton Street, in the East Texas city of about 80,000, Coignard “came at” the officers with some sort of weapon.
Neither Longview police nor the Texas Rangers, who are now in charge of investigating the fatal shooting, would say what the alleged weapon actually was. But Longview Mayor Jay Dean described the slain teen as “a female wielding a knife.”
“When police arrived to assist her, that’s when she confronted them,” said police spokesperson Kristie Brian, quoted in the Longview News-Journal newspaper. “She did brandish a weapon. I don’t know what kind it was. She came at the officers and was shot.”
Calls made from the lobby courtesy phone are recorded, just like 911 emergency calls, but police have not released the recording of Coignard’s brief call from the lobby, nor have they commented on what the teen said during the call, except that she said she needed to see a police officer.
Longview Police say they do not even know how Coignard got to the police station. Did she walk? Take public transportation? Did someone drive her and drop her off? There are no answers yet known publicly.
Also a mystery is why the teen, a former student in Longview’s Pine Tree Independent School District, would have attacked the officers with some sort of knife or other weapon.
Equally puzzling is why three police officers believed that they could not defend themselves against a lone teenage girl, who was apparently not armed with a gun, without shooting her dead.
Little is known so far about Kristiana Coignard herself. The Pine Tree ISD confirmed that she was a student there as recently as 2013, but did not say whether she had graduated high school or not.
Her Facebook page reveals little about the teen, but does contain a haunting final posting, made on January 12, of what appears to be a stock image of a young girl and boy stepping through a circular portal into the heavens.
Kristiana Coignard Facebook
Kristiana Coignard also posted an image of clouds opening above an Egyptian pyramid, with the inscription, “We are in this world, but not of it,” as well as an illustration of a stereotypical extraterrestrial alien. Both images appeared to have been reposted from elsewhere on the internet.
The investigation into why police felt they had to shoot 17-year-old Kristiana Coignard remains ongoing.
[Images: Facebook]


Police Buy, Return Wedding Ring After Husband Sells It To Feed Ailing Wife.....

Posted in: Human Interest

Police Buy, Return Wedding Ring After Husband Sells It To Feed Ailing Wife.....

Wedding Ring Returned
A wedding ring belonging to a couple that has been together 54 years is back in its rightful place: on the hand of the man who sold it.
Police in Cornwall, Ontario, thought they were responding to a domestic assault case on January 24, 2014, but when they arrived, they found something much different (and even more heartbreaking).
An elderly man and his wife, who were not named to the media in order to protect their identities, were barely surviving. The husband was caring for his ailing wife, who suffered from dementia, and they had very little money.
In fact, times had become so desperate that he sold his wedding ring in order to feed her.
The police officers were immediately moved. Chief Dan Parkinson explains.
“It struck a chord with our officers,” Parkinson said. “It wasn’t a normal call. It was an emotional time for all once they determined what had happened.”
Parkinson described the husband as a “very proud man” in comments to the Ottawa Citizen, but proud or not, the responding officers and other police personnel weren’t about to turn their backs on the couple.
A dozen officers and civilian employees pooled their money and organized an effort to track down the wedding ring to buy it back.
When they were able to locate the ring, they found an inscription on it that read, “Together Forever.” They were also able to get in touch with the Alzheimer’s Society and the Community Care Access Centre, and put the couple on the organization’s radar for help with food and other health needs.
Chief Parkinson said he was proud of his staff for stepping up and taking initiative in the manner that they did.
“Believe it or not, they don’t do this for the recognition. They did it because it’s what they do best, which is to respond compassionately.”
Since the wedding ring story was picked up by local media, it has shot across the world resulting in additional offers to help from locations like Texas and the United Kingdom. Parkinson said the police officers aren’t accepting any money, but that these types of requests will be forwarded along to the victims services unit.
While 2014 was a more cynical year than usual when it came to public stories about the police, it’s good to see reports like this one where officers go above and beyond the call of duty to help the helpless.
What do you think about this police department, readers?


This Is What A Real-Life Economic Collapse Looks Like....

This Is What A Real-Life Economic Collapse Looks Like....

empty store shelves
Did you ever think about what your life would be like if the stores were closed? I’m not talking about a post-apocalyptic Mad Max scenario or a winter storm that clears the shelves. I’m talking about a long-term disruption of services caused by an economic collapse.
What if you couldn’t run to Wal-Mart to get soap?  What if the grocery store had supplies so limited that they were rationed out to people in such small amounts that the food you got was not enough to meet your needs? What if there were no diapers for your baby or aspirin to cure a headache?
This is exactly what happens in a serious economic collapse. It happened a couple of years ago in Greece, and it’s happening right now in Venezuela. reports a scene of desperation:
Long lines, some stretching for blocks, formed outside grocery stores in the South American country’s capital as residents search for scarce basic items such as detergent and chicken.
“I’ve visited six stores already today looking for detergent — I can’t find it anywhere,” said Lisbeth Elsa, a 27-year-old janitor, waiting in line outside a supermarket in eastern Caracas. “We’re wearing our dirty clothes again because we can’t find it. At this point I’ll buy whatever I can find.”
Inside a Plan Suarez grocery store yesterday in eastern Caracas, shelves were mostly bare. Customers struggled and fought for items at times, with many trying to skip lines. The most sought-after products included detergent, with customers waiting in line for two to three hours to buy a maximum of two bags. A security guard asked that photos of empty shelves not be taken.
Police inside a Luvebras supermarket in eastern Caracas intervened to help staff distribute toilet paper and other products.
“You can’t find anything, I’ve spent 15 days looking for diapers,” Jean Paul Mate, a meat vendor, said outside the Luvebras store. “You have to take off work to look for products. I go to at least five stores a day.”
“This is the worst it has ever been — I’ve seen lines thousands of people long,” Greisly Jarpe, a 42-year-old data analyst, said as she waited for dish soap in eastern Caracas. “People are so desperate they’re sleeping in the lines.”
So what a real economic collapse looks like is  actually this:
photo credit:
Here’s a video via The Dave and Chad Show:

The situation is dire, and shows no signs of improvement on the horizon.  Why is the economy so bad in Venezuela? A report by JD Heyes of Natural News gives a snapshot:
A combination of economic factors has all contributed to Venezuela’s disintegration — a lack of foreign capital and declining oil prices among them — but the country’s socialist economic policies are at the root of every problem.
There are shortages of virtually everything, from car batteries to toilet paper — even McDonald’s french fries. Annual inflation rose to 64 percent in November.
The government there sounds a lot like the government here.  Military forces have deployed to the nearly barren stores to “protect” shoppers and store employees. Meanwhile, like something out of a dystopic movie, Interior Minister Carmen Melendez took to the airwaves to utter blatantly untrue propaganda in an attempt to assuage the hungry and increasingly desperate citizens.
“Don’t fall into desperation — we have the capacity and products for everyone, with calmness and patience. The stores are full.”
This reminds me of that scene in “The Interview” where one of the main characters, Dave Skylark, discovers that the abundance he was assured of wasn’t real and that the food in the grocery store window was actually made of plastic.
If you’re paying attention, you’ll be able to see the writing on the wall. More and more businesses are closing here in America, and we could soon be going down the same chaotic path as Venezuela, and Greece before them.

Prepping Is Not the Answer

You probably never expected to read that on a preparedness website, did you?
You might think that if you’re a prepper, you’re immune to all of this. Unfortunately, that’s not the case.  In the case of Venezuela, prepping became illegal last fall.
Today’s lesson is that when times get tough, the government can and will persecute those who have planned ahead.
The Attorney General of Venezuela, Luisa Ortega Díaz, called on prosecutors to target people who are “hoarding” basic staples with serious sanctions.
She called on prosecutors to seek their detention.
The attorney general called on people to remain calm, not to fall for provocations, and not to be afraid of the “alleged” food shortage.
Based on the figures provided by the Central Bank of Venezuela, shortage hit 20% in August; in other words, 20 out 100 items are missing from the shelves.
According to a press release, the Attorney General Office has designated an ad hoc group of prosecutors to work nationwide with other authorities and cope with the threats against food security and, consequently, against the State. (source)
So basically, the Venezuelan government intends to treat those who prepared ahead of time like domestic terrorists…sound familiar?
Executive orders are already in place to crack down on preppers should the government decide to do so. The game pieces have already been moved into place to ban “hoarding” in America.  In 2012, President Obama signed an executive order that gives the federal government authority over every resource and infrastructure element in the United States. And “every resource” includes your pantry.
Michael Snyder recently wrote about the war on preppers on his site, The Economic Collapse Blog:
There are approximately 3 million preppers in the United States today, and often they appear to be singled out for punishment by bureaucratic control freaks that are horrified at the thought that there are families out there that actually want to try to become less dependent on the system.  So if you use alternative methods to heat your home, or if you are not connected to the utility grid, or if you collect rainwater on your property, or if you believe that parents should have the ultimate say when it comes to health decisions for their children, you could become a target for overzealous government enforcers.  Once upon a time, America was the land of the free and the home of the brave, but now we are being transformed into a socialist police state where control freak bureaucrats use millions of laws, rules and regulations to crack down on anyone that dares to think for themselves.

So, what can you do?

“What can you store?” is not the answer to this conundrum.
“What can you make?” – that’s the answer.
Your focus has to be on long-term sustainability, frugality, and self-reliance.  Don’t get me wrong – a stockpile is sensible and an important course of action. It should definitely be part of your preparedness plan.
However, you need to also be ready for the time when the supplies in your well-stocked pantry are no longer available.  You need to be able to meet as many of your own needs as possible or you’ll end up being one of those people wearing dirty clothes because you can’t find laundry soap or going hungry because you can’t find any food at the stores – or can’t afford it if you can find it.
Lots of us have taken steps to free ourselves from the chains of the local Wal-Mart, but we can take it a step further.
We can learn to be self-reliant.
This means:
It’s only by reducing your need for the things sold in stores that you can exempt yourself from the chaos and desperation that will erupt when or if an economic collapse situation occurs here.
Take the time to revisit the situation in Greece a couple of years ago. Families were so desperate they gave up their children to be raised by the state when they could no longer afford to feed them.  People worked longer hours for less money, while the cost of everything went up, causing instant crippling poverty for the former middle class. Suicide rates sky-rocketed and the country’s lifestyle changed dramatically – and not for the better.

Books can be your best pre-collapse investment.

Knowledge and skills are among the most important things you can “collect” to prepare for an economic collapse. However, if you haven’t been at it your entire life, it’s difficult to remember everything. Create a library of references to help you in your quest for self-reliance.  These are some of my favorites:

Here’s the challenge.

I’d like to issue a challenge. What can you do right now to reduce your reliance on the stores?  How can you take your prepper skills to the next level? Can you start making your own soap? Heat exclusively with wood? Grow sprouts in your windowsill? How long can you go (dipping too deeply into your stockpile is cheating) without a trip to the store for consumer goods? How can you stretch your groceries and make your supplies go further? Can you cut down on the supplies that you require from the store? Pick one thing (at least) and let us know about it in the comments.
This isn’t just for people who live in farming communities or for those who are off-the-grid already. Nearly anyone can lower the amount of consumer goods they require, regardless of their living situation. Please share your ideas  – the challenge you take on might help someone else in a similar situation see a way to reduce their dependence too, when they previously felt there was nothing they could do.  None of us are trapped in a hopeless situation. We can prevent ourselves from being those desperate people being policed and rationed in the near-empty stores by learning self-reliance skills today.

Daisy Luther is a freelance writer and editor who lives in a small village in the Pacific Northwestern area of the United States. She is the author of The Pantry Primer: How to Build a One Year Food Supply in Three Months. On her website, The Organic Prepper, Daisy writes about healthy prepping, homesteading adventures, and the pursuit of liberty and food freedom. Daisy is a co-founder of the website Nutritional Anarchy, which focuses on resistance through food self-sufficiency. Daisy’s articles are widely republished throughout alternative media. You can follow her on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter, and you can email her at

Chicken Little

Meaning of Life Questions A Speculative Look at the Big Picture of Life in the Universe

Meaning of Life Questions
A Speculative Look at the Big Picture of Life in the Universe
By Website Founder Fred Burks
Introduction: What's Really Going on Here?
As a former language interpreter for presidents and other top government officials, I was present at a number of secret meetings where the only people allowed were the top officials and their interpreters. For most of my 18 years working with the U.S. Department of State, I did not see or hear anything which would support the belief of some of my conspiracy friends that global politics is largely controlled by a small group of evil men behind the scenes who wield inordinate amounts of wealth and power.
I laughed at the level of paranoia I perceived in these friends, as I had been in top secret meetings and never seen anything to support their fearful beliefs.
Then in 2001, a wonderful friend sent me a life-changing video. The powerful, reliable information in this astonishing video shook me to the core, as it revealed a major cover-up of UFOs. Generals, astronauts, and other highly respected individuals sharing their personal experiences in this video could not all be lying. This forced me to completely reformulate my beliefs about how the world works. It started me on a quest to discover what was really going on behind the scenes.
I dove into serious research and came up with an astounding amount of reliable, verifiable information on a number of major cover-ups which I previously would have dismissed as completely crazy. I then compiled the best of this information on the website This website eventually became quite popular and put me in touch with many wonderful, brave researchers who shared reliable information they had gathered on various aspects of these cover-ups. is designed for those who are not already aware of the major cover-ups, so the information provided is limited to that which is highly reliable and generally easy to verify. Because of this, I did not post my own speculation on the website about what is really going on behind all of the cover-ups. Yet based on information I received independently from sources I personally trust, I developed my own theories about the big picture, which I provide here for you.
The information given here is speculative in nature, yet I include many key links for verification. I fully acknowledge that parts of what I've written could be mistaken. Yet I first came to these basic conclusions in 2002, and most new information I've received since has only strengthened my belief in all of this. Remember as you read that the mass media clearly plays a major role in fabricating the current consensus reality and keeping some of the biggest cover-ups out of the public eye.
I present this material not to convince anyone of its truth. I offer it simply to present the conjectures of someone who has devoted many long hours to exploring these issues with a discerning eye, and with a faith that I am being led by forces greater than myself who are aligned with what's best for all of us. Some of this information is far outside of consensus reality, yet there is lots of reliable evidence to support what I've written. As you will read below, despite all of the major manipulations, I am incredibly optimistic about our future. Thanks for your interest and may you be guided to whatever is best for you and for all of us as you explore this intriguing material.
Special Note: This is a speculative essay written by founder Fred Burks. In no way does it represent the views of anyone else associated with the website.
The Galactic Federation
First, the television program Star Trek is much closer to the truth than anyone might imagine. I'm convinced that there is some form of galactic federation of advanced beings from various planets and star systems throughout our galaxy. The vast majority of these beings are far advanced from us both technologically and spiritually. A million years is a very short time in the evolution of a planet. Some of these extraterrestrial societies are many millions of years more evolved than us. They generally travel between planets not by mechanical propulsion, but by shifting dimensions.
The federation's members all agree to a prime directive similar to that of Star Trek – not to disturb the natural evolutionary process of less evolved planets unless help is specifically requested, or unless it is necessary to avoid major disaster. Developing planets are invited to join the galactic federation only after they have evolved to a place where they have expanded beyond the confines of their own world both technologically and spiritually – meaning no more wars at the very least. Many researchers of these matters, including myself, are quite hopeful that humanity will soon move rapidly in that direction, so that Earth will eventually be considered for membership.
A Brief Speculative History: The Evolution of Humanity
Key researchers of UFO matters speculate that there are a few relatively young ET (extraterrestrial) societies which have developed the technology of interstellar travel, yet spiritually are lagging. They are not part of the galactic federation, nor do they feel obligated to abide by its guidelines. Like the Klingons of Star Trek, these societies at times ignore the prime directive and manipulate the natural evolution of developing planets for their own benefit.
This may be what happened here on Earth. An abundance of revealing evidence suggests that ETs have been visiting Earth from long prior to the dawn of modern man. In fact, some researchers even suspect that one or more human-like, less spiritually evolved ET races may have been involved in the evolution of humans on this planet.
These researchers speculate that at key points in ancient human history, members of these ET races chose select human women for procreation to inject more intelligent, capable genes into humankind, thus upgrading human capabilities. This may have been done for scientific purposes – such as to upgrade the pool of genetic possibilities available to the ETs – or to help correct perceived deficiencies in their own genetic code, or simply to forward evolutionary agendas.
According to this theory, at certain times in ancient human history, these "sons of gods" (in the eyes of early humans) came down to procreate with "the daughters of men," as is mentioned in Genesis 6 in the Bible and other ancient writings. Stories in the texts of various religions make a lot of sense if you consider that what was being described might have been some kind of extraterrestrial contact, for instance, Moses and the burning bush, Muhammad's trip into the heavens described in the Koran, "virgin" births, chariots of fire in the Bible and other ancient sources, and more.
Nuclear Dangers Draw ET Interest
As humanity progressed through the industrial revolution and then developed nuclear capabilities in WWII, many ET societies began to pay more attention to developments in our world. This would account for the large increase in UFO sightings during and after WWII. More advanced ET societies became concerned that we could seriously damage our planet. Many UFO sightings occur around facilities with military and nuclear capabilities. The famous 1947 Roswell incident, where two UFOs may have crashed and been recovered in the New Mexico desert, took place right near where the 509th bomb group was located – the only nuclear-capable jet fleet in the world at that time!
Some of the more advanced ET societies may be sending clear warnings to those in power not to play with nuclear bombs. Three military witnesses in the landmark book Disclosure describe riveting personal experiences with UFOs where nuclear warheads were either disarmed or destroyed. In one case, at least 16 nuclear warheads were disarmed after UFOs were sighted over two U.S. military bases firing pencil-thin red beams into the warheads.
One of the reasons I'm so optimistic about our future is that even though some of the less advanced ET societies may be causing problems here, other societies far advanced of them will not allow us or any other ET societies to badly damage the planet or the human race. In accordance with the prime directive, they will implement the minimum intervention necessary to keep things in balance. The vast majority of people on the planet may not even know that there was intervention. A significant number of caring individuals, including myself, are already sending requests to the more advanced ETs not to allow things to get out of hand, and to help us in whatever way is best.
The Control Group
After the recovery of two downed UFOs at Roswell in 1947, it is speculated that Majestic 12 was formed. A secret task force comprised of top military and government officials, this group advised the president on the UFO situation and was charged with doing everything necessary to keep information on the subject top secret – for reasons of "national security." Actions taken by this group may have led to secret contact with the ETs, and a meeting between Eisenhower and some ETs.
At this meeting, agreements were made whereby one species of ETs was given permission to conduct genetic studies on the planet (cattle mutilations, abductions) in exchange for helping the U.S. to develop and advance its technology. This apparently was one of the lesser-evolved ET societies. Lasers, the integrated circuit, and fiber optics were just a few of the technologies "seeded" by these ETs secretly through military channels to select research groups in large corporations (see the book The Day After Roswell by Colonel Philip J. Corso, who was in charge of seeding this technology).
During Eisenhower's presidency, a major power struggle erupted over UFO technology. Eisenhower lost control of the subject, which is likely one reason why in his farewell speech on leaving the presidency, he gives the following stern warning, "We must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist."
Through the ever-increasing secrecy around this issue, everything related to UFOs became hidden even to later presidents. A culture of intense secrecy was formed, whereby all involved in these unacknowledged or "black projects" on UFOs and related material were strictly prohibited from discussing any information, except on a "need to know" basis.
A Culture of Strict Control and Secrecy READ MORE

How Much Are You Worth, Really?

How Much Are You Worth?
By: Tom Chatham
On the surface that question may make some examine how much wealth they have but in the context of this article it means, how much are you worth in the job market. It is a foregone conclusion that the more a person knows, the more they are worth when it comes to getting a particular job done.
If you wanted to be a high paid athlete, movie star or brain surgeon you must first prove your skills and worth. You cannot expect to start out at the top in most cases. There are a few exceptions from time to time but for most people you need to prove your worth before the big payday comes. This requires knowledge and training.
Government shills keep telling the people that if only they had more education they would be able to find a good job. This is the sick joke that insiders already know and laugh about. Upon closer examination of the current job market you will find that those businesses willing to hire are with few exceptions, looking for cheap labor not necessarily the most educated. Hence the immigration problems we now have. Why move a factory to another country when you can just bring the slave laborers here.
The job situation in the U.S. will not get any better in the years to come and will likely get even worse. Those with the least value in society will have a hard time getting by. By value I mean abilities. This is what people need to focus on if they want to maintain some semblance of a decent standard of living in the future.
Your value in society in the future will depend on the skills and knowledge you have that society will need to get by. Your ability to convert those skills into real goods and services will determine your worth. You need to forget about working for some large company that sees you as expendable and take your value directly to the end user in society. That is where we are headed and the sooner you acclimate your thinking to this type of economy the better off you will be.
It is easy to teach someone to put rod A into slot B on an assembly line but those that can think and be creative in an ever changing environment will be the most sought after by people that need things. Those that can grow healthy food, build furniture and buildings, make cloth and clothing, work metal, butcher meat, heal wounds, make alternate power systems, fix vehicles and a hundred other jobs that are necessary in local communities, will be the people with true worth to society in the future.
When the economy finally gives its last sigh and rolls over in complete dysfunction, those with actual skills will stand alone among the rubble with the knowledge to function. That is where our economy is headed and the more knowledge and skills you have the more likely you will be to continue earning a living. The current economy built on crony capitalism and fiat money has almost come to its inevitable conclusion. When it ends the people will once again look for real things that they need and those that can provide them will be king.
When that day arrives you will be judged by what you can do and sadly many people will have no real value in society. Many of those people will likely meet with a bad end as a result. You have more control over your future than you may think but only if you take the necessary actions and give yourself some value. You determine how valuable you will be in the future and any failure to instill that value will be entirely on you. So, how much are you worth now?

Friday, January 30, 2015

Sheriff David Clarke rips Holder's attitude toward cops at Senate hearing

The Greatest Threat to Free Expression is Mass Surveillance, Not Islamists

In reaction to the Charlie Hebdo massacre, a good deal of U.S. commentary has been dedicated to the threat to free speech posed by the stifling of bold journalists at work – and that we absolutely cannot allow ourselves to be censored by barbarians trying to impose a backward culture. I couldn’t agree more, yet it begs the question of why we aren’t more concerned about the demonstrated self-censorship already in effect among journalists, writers and the population at large, because of mass surveillance:
NSA Surveillance Drives U.S. Writers to Self-Censor (PEN American Center, U.S.)

Then there is the alarming report on the effect of mass surveillance on writers around the world: Global Chilling: The impact of Mass Surveillance on International Writers (PEN American Center, U.S.)
This recent absurd op-ed by ivory-tower-bound columnist David Brooks headlined: I Am Not Charlie Hebdo, comes to mind. Good for you, David Brooks! You say you don’t personally like those cartoons – sophomoric attempts at humor that they are – but that you defend the right of the martyred men to make them. But when we grow up, you inform us, we will outgrow things like biting satire that disturb the sensibilities of civilized folk. Yes – Charlie Hebdo and the rest of us should “grow up” into mature organizations in bed with the authorities like yours!:
‘Am Not Charlie Hebdo’ (The New York Times, U.S.)
Getting back to the point – when satire can no longer be produced without fear of assassination – that is a demonstrably bad thing that any sane person since Voltaire would oppose. While leading commentators are preening themselves for supporting free speech, might I interject we already have investigative reporters being prosecuted under the Espionage Act unable to convince sources to come forward; and writers who won’t delve into certain subjects and avoid search terms for fear of being targeted by the intelligence services now or tomorrow. That is to say nothing of the massive long-term damage done around the world to the reputations of America’s Internet giants, which are now seen as extensions of the U.S. intelligence services.
Why, pray tell, don’t people like David Brooks, supposed models of journalistic integrity at America’s most influential newspaper, start asking some harder questions about the pernicious self-censorship that has already infected the body politic and is demonstrably undermining American democracy? The intelligence services and their well-lobbied legislators have effectively blunted opposition to their activities, ably assisted by the mainstream media, which incessantly plays up the threat of the week. Whatever the justification for it, the First and Fourth Amendments, and others, are too high a price to pay as part of any acceptable trade-off for the supposed provision of security.
Furthermore, a strong case can be made that these activities undermine our security – economically and in terms of preventing attacks.
As we posted a few days ago, mass surveillance is grossly ineffective in preventing terrorism, which was again shown in the Paris attacks. The time and energy spent on surveilling the perpetrators for over a decade appears to have done nothing to prevent the terrorist strikes. That’s the dirty little secret that the intelligence services do everything in their power to hide – in order to protect their budgets and legal authorities. As I have said before, are we to believe that if we were all even more monitored, and if the intelligence services had even more data to sift through, we would all be “safer”?
I quote again Mr. Snowden, who cites White House independent review panels:
“But we also have officials on the White House’s independent review panels who said that these programs had never been shown to stop even a single imminent terrorist attack in the United States, and they had no value. So how could it be that these programs were so valuable that talking about them, revealing them to the public would end the world if they hadn’t stopped any attacks?”
Exclusive: Edward Snowden on Cyber Warfare (Nove Next, PBS)
The uptick in the amount of information any one of us must process on an average day is astounding, as is the rate of technological change. The metaphor of a frog in a slowly heating pot of water really seems appropriate here, and we need to wake up before it boils. How many “wake up calls” do there have to be?
Let’s make sure we are going into this with our eyes open. If we don’t take a stand against the steady adoption of mechanisms that literally spy on our daily lives to the point that every moment of every day is accounted for in immediately-available digitized form, then we are no longer living in a “free society.” The best one could call it is a soft police state.
By any measure, mass, unrestricted data collection and surveillance of people not under suspicion is unconstitutional, and I would suggest, cowardly and glaringly un-American. Culturally, at its core, unrestricted mass data collection and surveillance is the antithesis of freedom and free expression, a perfect, silent, constantly-effective Panopticon.
William Kern, founder of, is the inventor of trans-copyediting, a system for checking the accuracy of translated copy into multiple languages. Since 2005, managing a team of dedicated volunteer translators, Kern has edited, packaged and posted thousands of columns of news and opinion about America from publications around the world and from every major language, including Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Polish, Swedish, Spanish, Hungarian and Farsi. From the height of the Iraq war to the annexation of Crimea right up to today, Kern and his team have provided intelligence to the American people by opening up a whole new media world.
GET MORE William Kern @ www.Worldmeets.US
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