Monday, February 2, 2015


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DECEMBER. 20, 2014  
The Dick Act of 1902 also known as the Efficiency of Militia Bill H.R. 11654, of June 28, 1902 invalidates all so-called gun-control laws. It also divides the militia into three distinct and separate entities.
The three classes H.R. 11654 provides for are the organized militia, henceforth known as the National Guard of the State, Territory and District of Columbia, the unorganized militia and the regular army. The militia encompasses every able-bodied male between the ages of 18 and 45. All members of the unorganized militia have the absolute personal right and 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms of any type, and as many as they can afford to buy.
The Dick Act of 1902 cannot be repealed; to do so would violate bills of attainder and ex post facto laws which would be yet another gross violation of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The President of the United States has zero authority without violating the Constitution to call the National Guard to serve outside of their State borders.
The National Guard Militia can only be required by the National Government for limited purposes specified in the Constitution (to uphold the laws of the Union; to suppress insurrection and repel invasion). These are the only purposes for which the General Government can call upon the National Guard.
Attorney General Wickersham advised President Taft, "the Organized Militia (the National Guard) can not be employed for offensive warfare outside the limits of the United States."
The Honorable William Gordon, in a speech to the House on Thursday, October 4, 1917, proved that the action of President Wilson in ordering the Organized Militia (the National Guard) to fight a war in Europe was so blatantly unconstitutional that he felt Wilson ought to have been impeached.
During the war with England an attempt was made by Congress to pass a bill authorizing the president to draft 100,000 men between the ages of 18 and 45 to invade enemy territory, Canada. The bill was defeated in the House by Daniel Webster on the precise point that Congress had no such power over the militia as to authorize it to empower the President to draft them into the regular army and send them out of the country.
The fact is that the President has no constitutional right, under any circumstances, to draft men from the militia to fight outside the borders of the USA, and not even beyond the borders of their respective states. Today, we have a constitutional LAW which still stands in waiting for the legislators to obey the Constitution which they swore an oath to uphold.
Charles Hughes of the American Bar Association (ABA) made a speech which is contained in the Appendix to Congressional Record, House, September 10, 1917, pages 6836-6840 which states: "The militia, within the meaning of these provisions of the Constitution is distinct from the Army of the United States." In these pages we also find a statement made by Daniel Webster, "that the great principle of the Constitution on that subject is that the militia is the militia of the States and of the General Government; and thus being the militia of the States, there is no part of the Constitution worded with greater care and with more scrupulous jealousy than that which grants and limits the power of Congress over it."
"This limitation upon the power to raise and support armies clearly establishes the intent and purpose of the framers of the Constitution to limit the power to raise and maintain a standing army to voluntary enlistment, because if the unlimited power to draft and conscript was intended to be conferred, it would have been a useless and puerile thing to limit the use of money for that purpose. Conscripted armies can be paid, but they are not required to be, and if it had been intended to confer the extraordinary power to draft the bodies of citizens and send them out of the country in direct conflict with the limitation upon the use of the militia imposed by the same section and article, certainly some restriction or limitation would have been imposed to restrain the unlimited use of such power."
The Honorable William Gordon
Congressional Record, House, Page 640 - 1917

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Globalism Wins as Israel Plans “Free Trade” With Putin, Beijing

As the world is increasingly divided up into geographic “regions” under regional regimes cobbled together under the guise of pseudo-“free trade,” Israeli authorities are now quietly working to create what they call “free trade zones” with both the Communist Chinese regime and the Kremlin-dominated Eurasian Economic Union (member countries shown in green). The negotiations, officially announced this week, come as globalist plotters around the world accelerate their now-open efforts to subvert national sovereignty at a regional level — all on the road toward what top officials from Beijing and Moscow to London and Washington, D.C., regularly and openly refer to as their “New World Order.”
Speaking in Moscow on January 26, Russian strongman Vladimir Putin’s foreign minister, Sergey Lavrov, and Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman celebrated the effort to yoke the Jewish state together with the emerging Eurasian Union super-state. “Several dozen countries have come up with proposals to sign agreements with the EEU about creating free trade zones,” the Kremlin’s Lavrov was quoted as boasting by the Russian Foreign Ministry. “Israel has also expressed such interest. Talks are underway with other countries as well and, if we agree, such a free trade zone could be created.”
Trying to downplay Moscow’s outsized role in the autocratic, sovereignty-crushing “Eurasian Union,” Lavrov said the negotiations are not only about what “Russia” wants. “We are no longer the Customs Union, but the Eurasian Economic Union, which includes Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Armenia,” he said. “Kyrgyzstan will join us in a couple of months.” Separately, other “Eurasian” officials, currently plotting a regional currency, boasted that, in addition to Israel, over 30 other governments and dictatorships from around the world were hoping to ink “free trade zone” schemes with the EEU.
Israel’s Liberman, meanwhile, confirmed the talks but emphasized that Jerusalem was not considering a full-blown merger with the European Union-style regime being foisted on former Soviet states. “We are negotiating creation of a free trade zone, not accession to the Eurasian Union,” Liberman was quoted as saying. The Israeli government already has a similar “free trade zone” deal with the Brussels-based EU, he added. According to Israeli media reports citing the Chinese Communist dictatorship’s “Commerce Ministry,” talks to create a “free trade” regime between Israel and Beijing will also begin this year.
As The New American reported from the Knesset (Parliament) last year, though, more than a few Israeli leaders are well aware of the Communist Chinese regime’s unparalleled barbarity. From forced abortions to harvesting the organs of dissidents and murdering more human beings than any other entity in human history, Beijing remains among the most savage powers on Earth. As such, it is hardly surprising that top “New World Order” proponents — from David Rockefeller to George Soros — remain such unabashed Beijing apologists, with Soros even saying the communist regime should “own” what he called the “New World Order” as America loses its role.
Separately, as Communist China negotiates a “trade” regime with Israel, Beijing is also working to finalize a series of similar agreements with various Arab dictatorships, including those ruling Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and others. Meanwhile, throughout the Middle East, myriad “integration” schemes such as the “Gulf Cooperation Council” and the Arab League are quietly at work subverting national sovereignty and erecting transnational “authorities.” Among other plots, as The New American reported last year, the Council on Foreign Relations and various other globalist outfits are even pushing to impose an EU-style “Middle East Union” — a regime that supporters hope will include Israel and stretch from North Africa to South Asia.
The move to create what legendary economists have referred to as “managed trade” deals between Western-minded Israel and the so-called East — Beijing, Moscow, and the Kremlin’s EEU — would seem to contradict the widely held notion that Putin, Communist China, and the rest of the so-called BRICS are actually at odds with globalists in the West. In fact, as strategists for globalism have made clear, the road to “World Order” must first be paved with sovereignty-smashing regional regimes, virtually always foisted on populations under the guise of “free trade.” And Putin’s EEU is a key component of it all, as this magazine has documented extensively.
Real free trade, of course, does not require surrendering national sovereignty and self-government, or submitting to, among other concerns, thousands of pages of bureaucratic regulations and international “tribunals” with the purported authority to overrule elected representatives. Perhaps the best example of how the globalist-driven process ultimately works is the perpetually expanding and crisis-plagued EU. It all began as a mere coal and steel agreement, followed by a simple “free trade zone,” with each successive attack concealed behind innocent-sounding “trade” rhetoric offered to the public. Eventually, though, as is now clear, the supposed “trade” regime morphed into an unaccountable super-state that rules its formerly sovereign “member states” from Brussels by unchallengeable bureaucratic decree.
Beyond Europe, the trend toward regional government supplanting national sovereignty and self-government is now accelerating worldwide. In Africa, for example, the African Union, now led by the Marxist mass-murderer Robert Mugabe, who turned Zimbabwe, the breadbasket of Africa, into the epitome of a national basket-case, increasingly dictates policy across the continent. The Socialist-controlled Union of South American States (UNASUR or UNASUL) is making similar moves in South America as the region moves toward a regional currency, regional “Parliament,” and even a regional military force. Closer to home, NAFTA laid the foundation for what globalists ultimately hope will become a North American regime. A wide variety of similar “integration” regimes are quietly smashing sovereignty around the world, too.
All of it fits perfectly with the globalist plan, as outlined by top globalists. In 1995, senior globalist and ex-National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski, architect of David Rockefeller’s infamous Trilateral Commission, outlined elements of the broader plan and the end goal. “We do not have a New World Order…. We cannot leap into world government in one quick step,” Brzezinski said at the “State of the World Forum,” convened by former Soviet dictator Mikhail Gorbachev and backed by the Rockefellers and other establishment forces in the West. “In brief, the precondition for eventual globalization — genuine globalization — is progressive regionalization, because thereby we move toward larger, more stable, more cooperative units.”
More recently, globalist architect Henry Kissinger, who was a controversial U.S. national security advisor and secretary of state,outlined exactly the same strategy on the road toward what he calls the “New World Order” — also known as world government. “The contemporary quest for world order will require a coherent strategy to establish a concept of order within the various regions and to relate these regional orders to one another,” Kissinger explained in an excerpt from his book World Order that was published last year by the Wall Street Journal. And as is plain to see, that is exactly what is happening, from the EU and the AU to Putin’s EEU and Israel’s “free trade zone” with it.
Of course, trade is widely recognized by virtually every credible economist as essential to economic prosperity. The mischaracterized “free trade” regimes swallowing up the world’s nation-states, however, have much less to do with genuine free trade than they do with undermining national sovereignty and self-government. If the imposition of what globalists call the “New World Order” is to be stopped or even slowed down, humanity must reject pseudo-free-trade regimes in favor of genuine free trade, national independence, liberty, moral values, and self-government. The alternative, already coming into view, is an end to nationhood as it is currently understood, with all political power gradually becoming centralized at the international level. Needless to say, for virtually all of humanity, history shows that will be a disaster.

Air marshals claim TSA hiding evidence of wrongdoing, silencing employees.

Posted February 1, 2015 10:26 am by
Current and former federal air marshals allege that the Transportation Security Administration intentionally hid embarrassing  information about supervisors’ misconduct and targeted employees who sought to expose the truth.

The allegations revolve around TSA management’s overuse of an agency-specific designation called Sensitive Security Information (SSI). Though it is not classified, information deemed SSI is supposed to be kept from the public because it would harm transportation security. The marshals claim that the TSA has repeatedly abused the SSI classification, even going so far as to use it on fictitious information, in an effort to keep the public in the dark.

One current federal air marshal, whose name has been withheld for fear of retaliation, asserts that the TSA has repeatedly sought to silence its employees.

“When it comes to the Air Marshal Service and TSA, when they are determined to f*** you, they are going to f***ing do everything in their power to make you out to be the bad guy, and they will twist every single word that they can to reflect their position [rather] than the truth,” says the marshal. “They want you to shut up, get on the plane, and sit down. They don’t want to fix any of the problems that exist.”

The marshal is not alone in making such allegations. In 2011, the TSA fired former federal air marshal Jose Job Lacson, who goes by the name “Jay.” Officially, Lacson was terminated for releasing SSI material online, despite his assertion that he made up the material in question. But he believes the TSA actually sought to punish him for blowing the whistle on his bosses.

In December 2009, Lacson claims, he exposed his superiors in the Miami field office for violating federal travel regulations. Lacson spoke up after noticing that higher-ups in the Miami office were using an internal policy dictating how much mileage federal employees were allowed to expense while traveling on official business, in clear violation of federal rules. Lacson says the TSA changed its unwritten policy in light of his inquiries, but management officials proceeded to retaliate against him anyway.

A few months after the policy was changed, the TSA began investigating Lacson because of posts he made on, a website for law-enforcement officials. Some of his posts referenced the attrition rate and the number of marshals that the TSA planned to hire, but Lacson says he made up the figures and did not know the actual numbers. He says he provided an estimate in response to a question someone had posted online. The TSA deemed that information SSI, and he was placed on paid leave multiple times while he was investigated for releasing the information, for misusing government computers and a government cellphone, and for bringing discredit on the TSA.


State Department Discusses Banning Russia Today [VIDEO]

What other media outlet is in the State Department's crosshairs?
State Department Discusses Banning Alternative Media Outlet
Justin King
Activist Post
Jan 31, 2015
The US State Department has openly discussed shutting down RT, the Russian news network.
Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland was asked about the idea of shutting the company down at a meeting at the Brookings Institution. She said no, paying lip service to Freedom of Speech, but citing RT’s limited reach as the real reason.
The incident goes to demonstrate exactly how much censorship exists in the United States. RT broadcasts a narrative that is undoubtedly pro-Russian. Now that the pro-Russian narrative is at odds with the Pro-US narrative, the government is willing to openly discuss simply shutting off American access to the network.
Constant lying leaves RT unable to compete with “dynamic, truthful” US media – Victoria Nuland
RT America
Jan 27, 2015


RT: Obama openly admits 'brokering power transition' in Ukraine

Obama openly admits 'brokering power transition' in Ukraine
Robert Bridge
Russia Today
Feb 1, 2015
In an interview with CNN’s Fareed Zakaria, Barack Obama acknowledged that the United States had "brokered a deal to transition power in Ukraine," thus admitting to the highest level of democratic impropriety imaginable.
Before we consider Obama’s stunning remarks, and how the Ukrainian people sold their country for a song, let’s rewind to November 2013, when then-President Viktor Yanukovich had shocked western capitals (and, more importantly, western markets) by suspending plans for an association agreement with the European Union.
As if on command, thousands of Ukrainians suddenly poured into the streets of Kiev to protest the decision. Such a rapid reaction should not have come as a surprise. After all, a multitude of US government agencies – most notably, USAID - had been operating in Ukraine since the collapse of the Soviet Union, investing billions on its latest "democratic" pet project.
Link to CNN video interview with Obama

EPA Approves Continued Use of Pesticide That Causes Brain Damage

EPA Approves Continued Use of Pesticide That Causes Brain Damage
By Julie Wilson
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released an assessment detailing the health and environmental risks associated with the pesticide chlorpyrifos, a chemical developed by Dow AgroSciences in 1965 that’s widely sprayed on a variety of crops.
More at the link below:
Discovered at:

Unprecedented Move! - Major Cancellation of Debt Starts in Europe

Croatia writes off debts for poorest citizens
Thousands of Croats will see their debts written-off on Monday as part of an attempt to boost the economy by helping households to regain access to basic facilities including bank accounts.
The scheme, which has been dubbed "fresh start", will see the debts of around 60,000 citizens erased by banks, telecoms and utilities operators as part of a deal with the government.
Around 2.1bn kuna (£20m) worth of bad debts are expected to be written off by creditors who have signed up to the scheme. None will be refunded for their losses.
Qualifying households must have debts lower than 35,000 kuna (£3,500), and their monthly income should not be higher than 1,250 kuna. Croats who own property or have any savings will not benefit from the deal.
"We assess that this measure will be applicable to some 60,000 citizens," said Milanka Opacic, Croatia's deputy prime minister. "Thus they will be given a chance for a new start without a burden of debt." More here..

"All Hell Was Following Them" - False Flag Blitzkrieg and Psychotic Soros Ukraine Destruction

Only a fool seeks glory in the mercenary trade.
Only a deranged madman, a despised soul - seals their own death warrant by killing for money.
The only thing lower than the mercenary are the lower-than-rat-shit George Soros's/Victoria Nuland's of the world who pay the lower-than-rat-shit mercenary to kill.
Even if you are the CEO of the worlds largest paramilitary corporation, you are not a prince, and can still be hanged by the neck until dead for unspeakable crimes against humanity.
It could be even quicker than that.
If you are the CEO of the worlds largest death for profit paramilitary corporation, you have already proved your worth to Humanity, signed your own death warrant, and any breath you take at anytime could be your last, as a trial for genocide and war crimes will only waste time.
Live by the sword - die by the sword - your fate is sealed.
"All Hell Was Following Them" - False Flag Blitzkrieg and Psychotic Soros Ukraine Destruction
The Vineyard of the Saker: And Hell was following them… and it appears from this analysis that there is the possibility of a huge number of false flag attacks! ~J
Posted on January 31, 2015 by Jean
Yes, I’ve been watching the news, and if you also have been doing so, you realize it is terrible and demoralizing.
I determined not to publish any of it — until I found this article.
It gives a explanation for the insanity going on in Ukraine, and it poses the possibility of numerous false flags on the Ukrainians with the blame to fall on Russia.
Realizing these possibilities, I feel like we have to make this article go viral in an effort to unmask these incredible lies and this terrible sickness/insanity.
I hope you will help! Perhaps they won’t be able to get away with it!
Thank you and hugs,
(Translated by Eugene)
And Hell was following them…
I don’t know who exactly (Turchinov? Poroshenko?) commanded the Ukrainian army to disrupt the truce.
But I am sure that this decision was taken in Washington.
It is not an accident that this suicidal provocation was preceded by the visit of G. Soros to Kiev.
This elderly “philanthropist” who, together with the US Department of State, sponsored all post-soviet fascist regimes (from Saakashvili’s Georgia to Poroshenko’s Ukraine), was most qualified to assess the financial state of the regime in Kiev and to decide whether it still makes sense to continue prolongation of the agony by monetary injections.
His public statement, reprinted by media on January 14, left no doubt – the patient is dead, the corpse is stiff, its resuscitation is meaningless.
Surely, Kiev has understood that if they scrape the bottom of the barrel and if Europe exerts itself then it is possible to collect money for further agony.
But Soros clearly said about the necessity to find $50 billion just for 2015. While in 2014 (when the ignoramuses still hoped for the stabilization of the Kiev regime) US, EU and IMF together could scrape up only $20 billion, supposed to be stretched over 3 years.
In fact, in 2014 Kiev got only $7.5 – 8 billion in credits. Clearly, in such conditions it is unrealistic to find $50 billion in a year. Soros himself told that he hopes only for a miracle.
Right after Soros’ unambiguous demand for the EU to finance Ukraine, the European media coverage of the Ukrainian crisis changed drastically, and it became clear that there will be no miracle.
The European mass media (including German TV) and NGO’s (including Human Rights Watch) suddenly “saw the light” and found that the Kiev regime is at war with civilians, violating the laws and customs of war.
Just a little bit longer and Europe will “realize” that Kiev is taken by a fascist junta that tramples its own constitution, and introduce sanctions against Russia for Kremlin’s economic cooperation (supply of coal and gas) with the Nazi regime.
Europe is not going to give money. USA are not going to help either (if they wanted to do that, the IMF would not procrastinate for six months but allocated tranche after tranche, instead).
Under these conditions, supporting Ukraine’s mythical stability, as Washington was doing since the end of last summer, is absolutely meaningless.
Back in August-September of 2014, Ukrainian politicians were divided into two groups: the majority – those who were ready to overthrow Poroshenko, expecting to receive some dividends from the next coup, and the minority taking a neutral position. Poroshenko himself had neither his own support group nor power prop. He is still the president only thanks to the US, which banned the coup at the time.
Washington knew perfectly well that Poroshenko is trying to negotiate with Moscow on the peaceful settlement (because only peace could give Poroshenko a chance to protect not just his presidential chair, but his life itself).
United States needed a war and, seemingly, they did not want to keep the frightened and confused Petro Alexeyevich at the helm. But Americans were misled by Russian diplomacy. Peace was (and remains) beneficial for Russia, because it forces the United States and its European allies to keep the failed Ukrainian project alive and, therefore, to spend their scarce resources.
The Ukrainian coup, intended to make from Kiev not only an eternal source of enmity between Russia and the EU, but also a black hole devouring Moscow’s resources, has not fulfilled any of its tasks — a year after the coup, Ukraine continues to devour the US resources.
But since Ukraine is just one of many sites of global confrontation between Moscow and Washington, the further concentration of efforts on this site becomes unprofitable for the US.
They cannot quit, because then the site will be taken by Russia, which would be a geopolitical defeat of Washington. Therefore, the site must be destroyed.
Let the winner occupy the ruins; if they could not entangle him by the whole Ukraine, let he be entangled by the rotting and decaying corpse of Ukraine.
So, since for Russia it is better if Ukraine is destroyed by the US as late as possible, the Russian diplomacy pretended for almost a year, portraying weakness, confusion, and readiness to surrender.
In anticipation of the fall of Russia, which would solve all their problems, the United States decided not to finish Ukraine.
Why? If, after the victory over Russia, the problem of supporting the Kiev regime at the expense of Moscow would be solved by itself.
But everything good comes to an end sooner or later.
By the beginning of December it became clear that Washington can push Russia as much as it likes, but it cannot make Russia fall, without falling itself even sooner.
Taking into account the need to reduce the geopolitical frontline, to concentrate resources on the remaining priority areas, to leave the lost grounds, the question resurfaced again – what to do with Ukraine? As soon as it became clear that Soros is not going to find the necessary finances for Kiev, the fate of the country, politicians, the public and even the “creative class” accustomed to be immune to problems, was sealed.
And the war reignited with renewed ferocity.
US knew perfectly well how unfit for action the Ukrainian army was and how the armed forces of DPR/LPR have strengthened during the peaceful respite.
You don’t have to sit at the Chiefs of Staff Committee to estimate from open sources that with such intensive fights, which began on January 18th and continuing across the frontline, the Ukrainian army will run out of strength to conduct active operations in three to four weeks, and in one to three more weeks it will begin to fall apart.
By the way, the Ukrainian artillery will be the first to disappear from the battlefield. Judging by the intensity and dynamics of the artillery fire of the parties, the Ukrainian army was behind DPR/LPR even on the volume of stored ammunition.
While the republics clearly had a constant resupply, the Ukrainian army could not replenish consumable ammunition just as rapidly. After the Ukrainian artillery lost the opportunity of equal fight with the artillery of DPR/LPR, grinding of Ukrainian reserves was a matter of short time, and after the exhaustion of reserves the collapse of the front would became inevitable.
Making up for the losses by means of mobilization was impossible, even if they could mobilize everyone.
In the best case, the recruits would have been at the collection points, when the front already collapsed.
Americans knew all that, but still pushed the Ukrainian army into a senseless attack, which could not even start in earnest.
That is the army was doomed to destruction and the front was destined to collapse.
Why did the United States need that? Because, as we mentioned above, the US does not need the unattainable victory in Ukraine, they need the destruction of Ukraine, but by someone else’s hands and with the greatest possible benefit for themselves.
Three to four weeks of intense fighting would not only bleed the Ukrainian army, but would also inflict substantial losses on the armed forces of DPR/LPR.
From the first days, the militia admits its own losses of dozens if not hundreds killed and wounded, while noting that the losses of the Ukrainian army are much higher.
Let us not forget that the armed forces of DPR/LPR currently do not exceed 30-40 thousand soldiers, even by the most optimistic estimates.
Taking into account that 10-15 thousand are logistical and security units, there cannot be more than 20-25 thousand of combat troops.
This means that even the loss of 3-5 thousand — and this number of dead and wounded in three to four weeks of intense fighting is quite possible — dramatically reduces the combat capability of the militia forces.
So, by the mid-late February the Ukrainian army would have to fall apart and start a disorganized retreat, but the scarce militia forces, having suffered serious losses, would be unable to take the territory left by the withdrawing Ukrainian troops.
This would create vast power-vacuum areas between DPR/LNR and Kiev, where the militia and some residual government troops would alternate to each other as in a layered cake.
To the extent that different streets of the same locality could be held by different armed groups. In addition, while the DPR/LPR armed forces are organized as more or less regular structures with a unified chain of command, the army of Kiev keeps sliding to irregular formations, which, with the death of the last regular units, would finally transform to a bunch of Nazi gangs and outright criminals partially diluted by completely kooky “veterans of the anti-terrorist operation”.
In this situation, Nazi battalions concentrated in the major cities of the southeast in order to maintain the power in Kiev, will grow more irritated and the Kiev propaganda will become more nervous.
This would increase the bitterness towards the power that “betrayed us” as well as pro-Russian activists — “the 5th column that stabbed us in the back”.
Any pretext will be enough to inflame the whole country. However, in order to paralyze the world community and to disable its instantaneous and consistent reaction, the pretext for the repeat of the Ruanda scenario (mutual senseless massacre) must be beyond belief and, at the same time, radically change the current political situation.
That is, it is not enough to organize a loud act of terror or a series of such acts on behalf of “pro-Russian partisans” or “FSB (GRU, SVR) agents”.
This provocation must move the Nazi community and channel its efforts in the desired direction. Besides, the Ukrainian government must be (or look) paralyzed. Finally, this event should be sufficiently bloody, sufficiently immoral and touch those strata of the society, which are perceived by the Nazis as their own.
These conditions cannot be satisfied with a single yet spectacular act of terror (such problems cannot be solved even by an explosion at Chernobyl).
Clearly, first of all they would need death of a major political figure or figures, so that allegedly (or really) paralyzed Ukrainian government could not take measures to restore the order, even if it wanted to.
Poroshenko is a perfect sacral victim (especially because he is a traitor to the Americans), but in place of the “young prodigy” Yatsenyuk I would have not relaxed as well.
After liquidation of Ukraine, Yatsenyuk becomes useless and even dangerous as he can testify to some sort of “International Tribunal for the Former Ukraine.”
For a country without economy this symbolic economist is just as useless as the great banker Yuschenko. Credits are not coming with or without Yatsenyuk. To die heroically is the only benefit that he can bring to the US.
If someone blows up the parliament during a plenary session with both Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk in attendance, could you guess who will be declared guilty even before any investigation?
Especially if some “people’s avengers” would claim the responsibility afterwards?
Of course, the Nazis from battalions spit on Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk, but their battalion commanders will be there as well: Yarosh and sotnik Parasyuk and cossack Gavrylyuk – it would be so indecent not to avenge them.
Moreover, if this seems not enough, they could carry out a series of terrorist attacks in the hospitals where the “heroes ATO” are treated. Imagine how barbaric killings of defenseless “heroes” will be presented by the Ukrainian media.
They will not even need a training manual from the American Embassy; they will interpret everything correctly by themselves.
Well, and as “the cherry on the cake” one can explode the cascade of the Dnieper hydropower plants.
This would solve several US problems at once. First, the real damage as a result of flooding will not be as great, but cameras positioned in advance in the right places will show pictures more terrible than during the tsunami in Thailand, and “experts” (incidentally, also on their own initiative) will immediately proclaim millions of potential victims.
Second, this will immediately cut off the left bank of the Dnieper River from the right one.
The dam will be blown, and bridges destroyed.
That is, the militia will not able to cross the Dnieper without the help of the Russian Army. Third, if all this (from the elimination of the political elite to the man-made technological disasters) happens in three to five to ten days and if it becomes possible (sure it does, otherwise, why are we feeding CIA?) to accuse Russia and DPR/LPR of participation or at least of indirect sponsorship of the terrorists, the consolidated international community will not take quick control of Ukraine.
Any participation of Russia will be blocked by the West accusing Moscow of complicity in the crime, but Western forces themselves could not stabilize the situation (even if the US and the EU decided to act without a UN resolution, they will not have the required operational capacity and available troops).
Fourth, while the US needs that, even Turchinov can legitimately represent Kiev and lead the remnants of the government, which is dispensable as well.
The further course of events is also clear.
The Nazis go to avenge their “brothers in arms”.
The battalions spread out across the country, checking addresses from databases provided be fellow Nazis from the SBU and parts of the Ministry of Interior.
The militia will still be able to quickly lend a helping hand to Kharkov, Left Bank districts of Dnepropetrovsk and Zaporozhye, to punch a land corridor to the Crimea.
But without Russia’s help they cannot go further – there are no bridges.
Left bank guerrilla groups are stronger.
Of course, they will resist in Odessa, possibly even in Kiev, but the forces are not equal.
The mere fact of partisan resistance on the right bank will deprive the junta of the support of the Ukrainian “creative class”.
Nobody needs them in the US, because they cannot work, but like to eat well.
Nobody will feed them for their “Ukraineness” (who needs Ukraineness without Ukraine?).
Each of them doesn’t know much, but taken together their testimonies would allow to piece together the full picture.
And if in the course of Ukrainian excesses they will be killed in their own homes, so be it.
“Tutsi” kill “Hutu”, “Hutu” kill “Tutsi” – this is a sad feature of civil wars.
Thus, pushing Ukraine from Somalization to Ruandization, the United States are fully capable to minimize the effect of Russia’s victories, cover the traces of their own crimes with blood and, most importantly, make their participation in the coming settlement not just necessary, but inevitable, thus preserving their positions on the European continent and their control over the frightened EU.
We considered just one scenario of the possible provocation that would allow Washington to solve the problem of burning down the Ukrainian stand.
In fact, there are hundreds of similar scenarios.
All of them are real, and some of them must be already developed by the Americans.
Otherwise, the security services, the military and the State Department are paid for nothing.
The number of crimes already committed by Washington and Kiev suggests that the above scenario is not something extraordinary, on the contrary – it is well within the logic of the previous actions.
In February 2014, a hundred of “Maidan” victims stimulated the coup; three hundred victims in the downed “Boeing” allowed to deploy the summer offensive; tens of thousands of killed Ukrainians serve as a means to pressure Russia.
Then how the tens of thousands of victims are different from the hundreds of thousands or even millions?
Only by the fact that the US did not have the need to organize a mass human sacrifice in Ukraine yet. Now there is such a need.
Two things can still save people:
Ukrainian executors’ traditional inability to implement even single American plan;
Putin’s traditional ability to come up with a decent way out of most desperate situations.
But these things are beyond the scope of rational analysis.
They are matters of luck.
Rostislav Ischenko, president of the Center for system analysis and forecasting, exclusively for the “Current Comments”.

Speculation rife over financial industry's rising death rate

January 31, 2015
Charles Waterstreet
Sydney barrister and author
Who is killing the Great Bankers of Europe? This was almost the name of a good Ted Kotcheff movie about a jealous chef (spoiler alert) who poisoned all his competitors in order to become the best. The person or persons behind the litany of mysterious deaths of bankers worldwide in the last two years must have their motives, but I doubt they are philanthropic. It has been said that the best way to clean up the legal system, as Shakespeare wrote in Henry VI, is to "Let's kill all the lawyers".
After the last global financial crisis, many believed the world would be better off without bankers. This week saw the 74th highly suspicious death of a top level banker since January 2013, when records, like meteorological charts, began to be kept.
The vast majority of those deaths have been "suicides", usually by jumping from high buildings which they probably helped finance. Many of the deaths are from JP Morgan or allied institutions, involving their current or former employees, and mostly by their own hand.
How many conspiracy theorists does it take to change a lightbulb? Answer – no one knows because governments are covering it up. It is impossible to disregard the growing number of deaths from the ranks of investment bankers, no matter how much they defrauded the world economy. What is a conspiracy theory one day is received wisdom the next. Many of the finest minds on earth firmly believed the world was flat until Magellan in 1517 said: " I know that the Earth is flat because I saw its shadow on the moon and I have more faith in a shadow than the moon". That means that the apostles, Jesus himself and Muhammad must have believed the world was flat in accordance with then currently held beliefs. Jesus from high on the cross could not have seen the curvature. The Kennedy family now believes that Lee Harvey Oswald did not act alone.
There has been increased chatter amongst theorists since the beginning of 2013 as the number of suicides and suspicious deaths jumped – no pun intended – from 36 to double that figure in the last month. Like lemmings running over a cliff it is impossible to keep an accurate count because the trickle of deaths over the last few years has become a tsunami this year. A typical example is Citigroup managing director Shawn Miller,42, who was found dead with his throat slit in his bathtub. No weapon, murder or otherwise was found. A month earlier in November 2014 Edmund Reilly, 47, trader with Manhattan Vertical Group, threw himself in front of a Long Island Rail commuter train. In June 2013 James McDonald, President and CEO of Rockefeller and Co. died of a gunshot wound, a smoking gun nearby. Even the elite are not protected. Richard Rockefeller,66, a high level banker with JD Rockefeller America fell foul of the epidemic of strange deaths. JP Morgan IT specialist Richard Gravino died in America suddenly and weirdly. READ MORE

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Greece Under Attack -- Pray For Yanis Varoufakis

emailed to me...

Greece's new Finance Minister is a highly intelligent person. His likes are not to be found in any Western government.  As he stands in the way of those who are determined to complete their looting of Greece, the Western looters are out to get him.