Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Dutchsinse: Tornado, hail and damaging winds form near California NEXRAD RADAR

New post on Dutchsinse

3/03/2015 — Tornado, hail, and damaging winds form near California NEXRAD RADAR

by Michael Janitch
How many times is too many times before people realize high power microwave systems are inducing severe weather, and tornadoes to form?
Yet once again, we see another tornado form very close to a nearby microwave RADAR transmitter antenna.  The location is not one which is known for tornadoes, or hail activity.
The tornado formed EXACTLY 20 miles due east of the microwave RADAR transmitter near Perris, California.
radar tornado march 3 2015

Media report on the tornado, and hail here:

RF heating is nothing more than stripped electrons building in a space, which are produced by high power transmissions interacting with other particles of mass + energy in the air.
Above: Sequence of images of the glow plasma discharge produced with transmissions at the third electron gyro harmonic using the HAARP HF transmitter, Gakona, Alaska. The third harmonic artificial glow plasma clouds were obtained with HAARP using transmissions at 4.34 megahertz (MHz). The resonant frequency yielded green line (557.7 nanometer emission) with HF on November 12, 2012, between the times of 02:26:15 to 02:26:45 GMT.
These stripped electrons build to the point of "electron cascade", which can produce glowing plasma with temperatures in the upper hundreds to thousands of degrees.
haarp ring confirmation microwaves induce plasma from rf
Also, the cascading electrons can attract water molecules as they disperse into the atmosphere, which then form CCN (cloud condensation nuclei) ultimately forming clouds, and rain.

Are you genuinely curious about how this is happening?
How can RADAR induce rotation above the transmitter?
Watch the experiments showing how it is done here:

How can RADAR strip electrons to form energy in the atmosphere?

How do stripped electrons / ions form into storms?


How do we know professionals actually know about this already?

Curious how it all really works? Curious about frequency induced weather? Start learning here:
Once you have the above page open, you can start watching the playlist below explaining things on the page.
Enjoy this quest for knowledge on new science that most don't even accept is happening!

Finally, are you one of the few who were DENIERS of this new technology? If you denied in the past, I can understand, since the experiments to prove it correct had not yet been done.
But, in case you haven't heard, the US Navy did the experiments, proving that 2.4GHz induces plasma, and it is proved electron cascade (plasma) causes CCN (cloud condensation nuclei / rain / Hail and winds).
I filed a FOIA request with the US Naval Research Laboratories, which was honored a few weeks ago. 



12-Year Old has Facebook Account Blocked after Criticizing Obama

Last week we brought you the wonderful story of young Mr. CJ Pearson, a brilliant young Georgia boy who gave an eloquent defense of Mayor Rudy Giuliani on YouTube. It was in the wake of Mayor Giuliani’s comments about whether or not President Obama loved our nation, and young Mr. Pearson added his voice to the conversation. The video, which he shared on his Facebook page, went viral in a matter of hours as Americans all over the country enjoyed his perspective on Mayor Giuliani’s thoughts.

The heart of Pearson’s argument - "Today I just want to applaud Mayor Rudy Giuliani for his comments about President Barack Obama. President Obama, you don’t love America. If you really did love America, you would call ISIS what it really is: An assault on Christianity, an assault on America and a downright hate for the American values our country holds. Here in America, we don't back down to terrorists. We fight them on their own battleground and we annihilate them to the very end."

Sadly, the fascists who run Facebook apparently don’t appreciate when people offer dissenting views of President Obama’s emotional connection to our nation. Facebook has decided to shut down CJ’s account with no explanation as to the reason for doing so. The timing is suspicious considering the popularity of CJ’s recent post, and while he doesn’t know if Facebook banned him for his anti-Obama post, he does think the whole situation stinks.

If they are going to stifle free speech and hinder the First Amendment, then I think there should be necessary repercussions about that. I think the point is this: When a person decides to speak up, their voice shouldn't be hindered because of someone disagreeing."

First class from Bangkok to Hong Kong..........

First class from Bangkok to Hong Kong..........


David Wilcock’s responses to Fulford

David Wilcock’s responses to Fulford – 3/02/2015

Comment by dwilcock on March 3, 2015 @ 12:19 am
Got in early this time. My own sources independently confirmed that Charles would never become King, and would be forced to abdicate to William, so I do have independent confirmation on that.
The ET side of things has gotten very interesting, as I revealed in the radio show I did with George Noory last Wednesday night.
(David Wilcock Secret Space Program February 25th 2015 – Coast to Coast (Video) | Disclosure and the Secret History of Our Solar System Radio Show)
100 spheres the size of either Neptune or Jupiter have entered our solar system in the last 2-3 years. There were many others the size of our Moon that came in between 1999 and 2001.
The Pentagon and Cabal people got really excited about this at first because they thought these spheres were the return of their Anunnaki gods. However, the spheres remained cloaked with an advanced system that did not allow them to see inside, and did not respond to communications.
The Cabal used an advanced weapon to fire on one of the Moon-sized ones in mid-December. The object lit up, becoming a bright red spot in the sky that people saw (significantly smaller than the Moon, since it was farther away) and redirected the beam back to the base it came from. This caused serious damage and some loss of life.
Since that time we have had the no-fly zone around the earth and the quarantine around our solar system. No one who was already here is being allowed to leave — either from Earth or any of the “colonies,” as they are called. They cannot even get communications out. No one else appears to be able to get in either.
The group that has appeared from the spheres is called the “Blue Avians.” As silly as this may sound, they are eight-foot-tall humanoids derived from avian life, with birdlike heads and bright indigo-blue feathers. They have more or less normal-looking hands and feet. The head is a synergy between bird and human features. There are other avian types out there as well. It is not common but it does occur.
One of my insiders got pulled into a meeting that was very serious. We didn’t know if he was going to come out of it alive, or at least not without being heavily tortured and screamed at for what he had told me and what was leaked. Only later did we realize that the Blue Avians had personally requested him.
He was guaranteed by them that he would not be harmed. They told him many things. One thing they felt was very important was that they have not had ANY contact or communications with the Cabal. One of the five main factions in the Space Program, named Solar Warden, is allied with them now, and they are working with the Alliance on earth, but never the Cabal.
I had mistakenly said on Coast they had some contact with the Cabal and they corrected it.
They actually gave me some intriguing personal information. The other main thing they said was that Cabal people were defecting over into the Alliance and altering the plans. The Cabal people are pushing for “instantaneous violence” to solve the problem.
This is not going to be allowed.
Apparently the Avians are now “putting on the brakes” and “slowing things down a bit,” as it was about to go really wild, really fast, from what they were saying.
The key is that the Avians want us to move into a loving and peaceful world. They want this transition, similarly, to be as peaceful as possible.
That’s as much as I know now. I do not for a minute believe the insider was lying to me. He was deeply shaken and profoundly moved by this experience.
Comment by dwilcock on March 3, 2015 @ 12:21 am
Much of this info was already leaked on Coast last week as well as in my conference at Conscious Life Expo in early February.
(David Wilcock (Consciousness Life Expo Video and Mp3’s) 2-7-15… “Secret Space Program Disclosure”)
This is an update for those who have been tracking the story.
– David
Comment by dwilcock on March 3, 2015 @ 12:30 am
I should also say that originally he was supposed to go through the Space Program people first before being brought to an area where the Blue Avians would meet with him.
They had made it clear that he had “huge holes” in his “security” papers, that this was “not protocol,” and that there would be “disciplinary action” for what he had done (i.e. talking to me and leaking data online.)
He was very concerned about this and I didn’t know if he was going to come back alive. He was already grabbed, disciplined and tortured in December, so this looked like another round that could be even worse.
Anyway, he was supposedly going to get picked up at 3AM, three nights ago now. That didn’t happen.
Before the pickup was supposed to occur, he told me the Blue Avians had asked for him by name. This apparently was the first time they had ever spoken to the Cabal directly.
Once he told me this, I said he needed to re-frame the whole thing and not look at it as a negative. In fact, if these people are who they appear to be, it was a VERY positive event — and puts him in a remarkable position.
Without the help of the “Sphere Beings,” as they are called, the Alliance wouldn’t be able to accomplish this. There are apparently four races of Sphere Beings but the Blue Avians are the only ones that are visible at this time.
The 3AM meeting was canceled for no apparent reason and rescheduled to the same time the next night. In the meantime he had gone from abject fear to inspiration and confidence.
What ultimately ended up happening was a firefly-sized purple light appeared in his room. It pulled him out of his physical body and the entire meeting happened in the astral. His wife knew something was going to happen and when, and said that he was in a “weird trance state” while this was happening. She was very excited about it and it was obviously not something that could have been faked.
I feel like I have nothing to lose by sharing this. The Avians told him (and me by proxy) to go forward and share this, and that any ridicule we faced was “of absolutely no significance.”
So there you have it.
– David
Comment by dwilcock on March 3, 2015 @ 12:41 am
We are actually about to finish the next draft of Convergence. Jim is way past his legal obligation to do rewrites but we are still pushing. The market is opening and we may yet get the film sold. We will see! If it does get made the way it is now about to emerge it will be amazing.
– David
Source:  http://sitsshow.blogspot.ca/2015/03/benjamin-fulford-and-david-wilcocks.html


Benjamin Fulford – March 2, 2015: Confusion and chaos at highest levels of G7 governments as revolution begins

There is a dangerous leadership vacuum at the highest levels of power inside the G7 nations as financial collapse looms. There will be economic collapse, mass starvation, anarchy and civil war unless the system is totally rebooted. On the flip side, if the system is rebooted, living standards in the world’s countries can be doubled within a year. The key is to free the nations of the world from Babylonian debt slavery. For those who do not understand this reality, check out this link:
and then this one to see the extent of world debt slavery:
By staging a jubilee, or one-off cancellation of all world debt, public and private, human living standards can be effectively doubled within a year. The key to accomplishing this is to force the surrender of the Zionazi Khazarian (not Khazak) tribal gang that controls this system.
There is a show-down now taking place inside the United States that holds the key to freedom for humanity at large. The appearance of mass murdering Zionazi Satan worshipping (not Jewish) gang boss Benyamin Netanyahu in Washington this week to push for world war 3 is a golden opportunity to end this once and for all. He is a rabid dog who must be quarantined or put down.
As reported in last week’s report, the US military has finally shown the patriotism and bravery needed to take down the Zionazi mafia controlled CIA faction responsible for most of the world’s wars. Last week the Russian and Chinese government news sites both displayed evidence the Zionazi Department of Homeland Security and CIA had been put under pentagon control. To quote from Russia Today:
“US Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, Lt. General Vincent Stewart (USMC), reported on the intelligence community’s assessment of current and potential threats to American security and interests.”
The point of interest here is that neither CIA head John Brennan nor Homeland Security Chief Jeh Johnson were there representing the “intelligence community.” The testimonials given by Clapper and Stewart were not of the sort of apocalyptic fear mongering that has traditionally been spouted out by Zionazi controlled agencies.
The pentagon can now finish what it started by arresting 911 conspirator and mass murderer Netanyahu and demanding unconditional surrender of the entire Zionazi mafia, including the governments of Israel and Saudi Arabia. The Jewish people will be liberated from millennia of slavery by such a move. The world will also be rid of what is by far and away the biggest cause of terrorism, war and misery on earth.
The rest of the world is already moving decisively against the Zionazi gangsters.
In the Middle East, the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle is working with a US aircraft carrier task force to attack the Israeli ISIS puppet army. ISIS has also been pushed out of Southern Syria and back into Israel. Furthermore, despite Netanyahu’s threats to force Israel to commit national suicide by shooting off its 400 nuclear missiles, the Jews have woken up to the Zionazi slavery system they have been put under and will not do another Masada. Instead, Mossad and other groups have been leaking proof that Netanyahu has been manufacturing evidence of an “Iranian nuclear threat” to try to start World War 3. In other words, the Middle East is about to finally purge itself of the anti-Semitic (in the real sense of the word that includes Arabs) Satan worshipping Hyksos Zionazis.
In Europe, a group led by the Germans is pushing for a “United Europe from the Altantic to the Kamchatka Peninsula [Pacific].” These people are behind the French and German rapprochement with Russia’s Vladimir Putin. These people make it clear they are not talking about a monolithically controlled neo-Soviet structure like the EU but rather “a Europe of nations that harmonize and grow together.”
The British are also making moves of their own against Zionazi control. The UK’s Prince William was feted with great fanfare in both China and Japan in a visit that started last week. William was here to sign accords integrating the City of London based financial system with the Asian gold backed system, according to MI5 sources. In addition, according to a source in the Japanese royal family, “Prince William came to Japan as the heir to the British throne to greet the Emperor and explain why Charles would not become King.” Chinese sources say he was also visiting to ask for money that will be forthcoming. The Chinese even showed their appreciation for British goals of environmental preservation by banning ivory imports.
While William was in Asia, somebody jumped naked out of a window at Buckingham palace in London.
According to MI5 this incident did not take place at the palace proper but rather “the horses’ section.” Clearly though, people in charge of security at the palace are sending a message to the royals which seems to be “arrest the pedophiles and fix the financial system or else.”
The political situation in Japan is also heading for a showdown that parallels the one now taking place in the US. On the one side there is a faction linking President Barack Obama, US Ambassador to Japan Caroline Kennedy and Jacob Rothschild, according to the Japanese royal source. This group wants Ichiro Ozawa as the next Prime Minister together with a scaling down of the US military presence there. On the other is the Zionazi group led by Bush protégés Richard Armitage and Michael Green who control puppet Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. “Abe is so terrified of being killed that he just zigzags according to what he is told,” the source said.
There will be court case on March 13th to hear a lawsuit filed by the Japan Independence Party showing that Abe was placed in power through electoral fraud. A source in the Japanese military police, for his part, said Abe was scheduled to be brought down within three months in a scandal related to his efforts to set up a casino in Japan. During his recent visit to Japan, gangster Netanyahu made a bribe spiced pitch for Zionazi casino boss and US Republican party puppet master Sheldon Adelson, according to the Japanese military police.
The Japanese police authorities are also finally waking up to the fact that Abe has been looting the Japanese economy to keep his Zionazi masters afloat. The latest reflection of this was data showing that household spending in January fell 5.1% year on year even as the Zionazi owned Nikkei stock average soars higher. Stock markets in Japan, the US and Europe are now nothing more than rigged mechanisms for laundering money, stolen from debt slaves, to Zionazi gangsters.
Given these circumstances, Richard Koshimizu, the head of Japan’s Independence Party, might be the dark horse candidate to replace puppet Prime Minister Abe. The JIP would keep pentagon forces in Japan and work to help free Americans and the rest of the world from Zionazi slavery.
There are signs though it will be the Pentagon that will finish the job first. The pictures shown in the link below show what appears to be a major military deployment under way inside the United States.
A US military move against the Zionazis would involve temporarily shutting down the financial system and possibly even the internet. In such an event, major logistics efforts would be needed to ensure the continued supply of food, heat, gasoline and other essentials to the population until the system was rebooted. This would not be a prelude to a fascist government or genocide because the military is staffed by average Americans who know their job is to protect average Americans from all enemies both external and internal. It would simply be a police operation to remove the gangsters who usurped power and return it to the people. This would include ending debt slavery by returning that most fundamental right, that to create and distribute currency, and thus decide the future, to a government of the people and by the people.
Meanwhile, if the rest of the world, especially the world’s leading creditor nations, agree to sponsor a new meritocratically staffed future planning agency, the US military operating around the world would continue to be financed and be immediately redeployed on a new mission. This would be to protect all living creatures on the planet earth and explore the universe.
The key to remember is that right now the old leadership and economic structure in the West is headed for a mathematically certain collapse. We must either act now, before it is too late, or watch in horror as Western civilization collapses.

The NSA Stole the Keys to Your Phone.......

The NSA Stole the Keys to Your Phone.......

Family fun at The Fountains
Can You Believe This Video?!

This shocking interview has already gone viral. But if you don’t act quickly, you might not get to see it at all. That’s because one analyst is making a bold prediction about a new movement that will ignite the greatest financial and political crisis America has ever seen. And some would like to see him silenced. To watch this shocking interview, click here.

By Ted Baumann, Offshore and Asset Protection Editor

What do you do when someone tells you “no”?

Do you accept it and move on? Continue your attempts at persuasion? Or ignore the answer and do what you want regardless?

If you’re the governments of the U.S. and U.K., you make the third choice. You do what you want and congratulate yourself on a
job well done.

That’s the message the rest of the world will take away from the news that the National Security Agency (NSA) and its British counterpart, the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), stole the master encryption keys for most of the world’s cellphones — including yours. They wanted them, so they just took them, violating numerous laws and treaties in the process.

Washington and London now have some explaining to do, especially to the Netherlands, where the theft took place.

But you have some work to do as well … to beat these privacy thieves at their own dirty game.

Urgent Warning for Anyone Carrying a U.S. Passport Issued After 2007

Did you know that all U.S. passports issued after 2007 have a weakness that can electronically broadcast your private information to identity thieves, electronic pickpockets, and the biggest snoop of all — Uncle Sam?!

Hidden, hair-thin computer chips implanted in the passports allow your ultra-private personal data to be read 35 feet away! But, there’s a way to opt-out of becoming a moving target. You can travel with a second passport.

In the just released 11th edition of The Passport Book, Bob Bauman shows you step-by-step how to get a second passport in 30 days or less.
Click here to get your copy.

Stealing the Master Key

The privacy of your mobile communications — voice calls, text messages and Internet access — depends on an encrypted connection between your cellphone and your wireless carrier’s network. This encryption uses keys stored on the SIM, a tiny chip inserted into your phone.

In April 2011, the NSA and GCHQ created a Mobile Handset Exploitation Team (MHET) to steal the keys that would unlock this encryption. The MHET targeted a Dutch company called Gemalto that makes these chips. Among its clients are AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon, Sprint and some 450 wireless network providers around the world. By hacking the email and Facebook accounts of employees at Gemalto and its clients, the MHET was able to steal Gemalto’s master encryption keys. They even created a program that would steal the keys automatically.

With these stolen keys, the NSA and GCHQ can monitor mobile communications without warrants, wiretaps or approval from telecom companies and governments, leaving no trace of their actions. They can just vacuum up cellular signals out of the air and listen to any or all of the communications they intercept. 

Key Weakness: Single-Tier Encryption

The reason this NSA/GCHQ hack works is because your cell communications are encrypted by your wireless carrier using keys that they possess. With the keys, anyone can listen in to your calls, texts or emails. You have no control over the matter — unless you take steps to protect yourself.

As numerous observers have noted, the implications of wholesale compromise of master cell encryption keys go well beyond the NSA and GCHQ. After all, if they can steal these keys, so can other countries. Naturally, criminals and fraudsters would love to get their hands on them too: Imagine how much money you could make if you had access to cell calls made around Wall Street.

But the Gemalto hack may be about much more than cellphones. The company is a global leader in digital security, producing banking cards, mobile payment systems, building security devices and identification cards. Among its clients are Visa, MasterCard, American Express, JP Morgan Chase and Barclays. It also provides chips for luxury cars, including those made by Audi and BMW.

Oh, and one other client: the U.S. government, which uses Gemalto technology in its electronic passports.

Assume the Worst and Prepare

You should assume that your cellphone is insecure and that someone is listening in on your communications. Time will tell whether the same is true of your credit cards, passport and car as well.

But there is a simple way to beat this invasion of your cellular privacy. Rather than rely on your cellphone company’s SIM card-based security, use secure communications software that encrypts your calls, texts and emails with a private key that only you and your contacts know.

You can encrypt your voice calls by using encrypted Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) apps such as
Signal, RedPhone and Silent Phone. These work by turning your calls into encrypted Internet data, bypassing cell networks entirely. Apps such as TextSecure and Silent Text similarly encrypt your text messages. Email services such as Gmail are already encrypted, but you can double down by adopting a specialist service such as Proton Mail.

If you use these encryption apps, governments may still be able to intercept your communications, but listening to them would be impossible without targeting you specifically with time-consuming high-tech codebreaking efforts. And even then they would probably fail.

So what are you waiting for? Secure your cell communications quickly and simply. I have.

Kind regards,

Ted Baumann
Offshore and Asset Protection Editor

P.S. America is on the verge of meltdown. The loss of privacy in the U.S. is just one problem that is threatening to tear the country apart. Jeff Opdyke has identified a growing movement in the U.S. that could change the landscape of the U.S. forever and crush the dollar. To learn how you can financially protect yourself from this tidal wave of change,
click here.

Montana House committee pushes back against "Agenda 21"




Published on Feb 26, 2015

Critics of "Agenda 21" have seen it as an evil for years - ranging from bad policy to an erosion of national sovereignty to a harbinger of one-world totalitarian government, grounded in radical principles of environmentalism and socialism. Montana's House Judiciary Committee entered the debate on Monday, endorsing a bill resisting Agenda 21.


Pete Souza/ White House

EXCLUSIVE: Whitehouse.gov caught freezing vaccine choice petition to prevent signatures from reaching 100,000 threshold

(NaturalNews) A WhiteHouse.gov petition calling for the prohibition of laws requiring mandatory vaccines has been throttled by the White House, buried from public view and finally frozen for over 36 hours to prevent the petition from achieving 100,000 signatures, Natural News can now reveal.

The petition, which was rapidly headed toward the 100,000 signatures needed to trigger a response from the White House, was frozen mid-day Friday and has remained stuck at 56,791 signatures for over 36 hours.


The petition reads:

No human being should be FORCED to be vaccinated against their will and/or personal/religious beliefs. I petition against making vaccinations of any kind mandatory. This includes forcing children to be vaccinated to attend public schools, activities, and daycare centers. This also includes adults working in the public or private sector.

The petition still allows people to sign it, and it still sends a confirmation email that claims your signature counts. But the numbers on the petition website never change, no matter how many people sign it.

Petition signatures systematically ignored

As the following screen shot shows, the petition confirmation page claims, "Your signature has been verified and counted."

But in reality, your signature doesn't count at all, and the signatures number on the petition page stays frozen:

Throttled to a maximum of 100 per hour before being frozen

Before the petition was frozen by the White House to prevent it from reaching 100,000 signatures, it was throttled to allow a maximum of 100 signatures per hour.

Dr. Rima Laibow of the Natural Solutions Foundation has been monitoring the petition's numbers for several days. "Counsel Ralph Fucetola, JD, and I were tracking the number of signatures for the petition on our Skype chat and I noted something rather strange: there were many hours when the number increasing on the petition was exactly, EXACTLY, 100," she told Natural News.

"We realized that although it is really important in this debate to get to the 100,000 signature threshold on this petition, the system was gamed, making it harder than it should be. We knew that if we did not reach that number, the White House juggernaught would claim that only a tiny fraction of Americans were against Mandatory Adult Vaccines and would use that against us."

"...the White House Petition Site programming is not recording signatures on a petition it disagrees with," Dr. Laibow concludes in a breaking news warning published at her website.

WhiteHouse.gov buried the petition to try to hide it from the public

Even before the throttling and the freezing of the petition numbers, the White House went to great lengths to bury the petition and make sure it could not be easily found by the public.

Unlike other petitions which are easily found at Petitions.WhiteHouse.gov, the petition opposing vaccine mandates was deliberately hidden from view and could only be accessed if someone knew the direct URL.

On YouTube, this is equivalent to setting a video to "unlisted" status to prevent the public from finding it.

To help people find the petition, Rima Laibow set up a new link that directs people to the correct petition URL:


A pattern of systematic deceit by vaccine pushers

This fraudulent attempt by the White House to suppress this petition and prevent it from reaching 100,000 signatures is part of an extraordinary pattern of lying and deceit on the part of today's medical extremists who demand all people be injected with vaccines, even against their wishes and in blatant violation of the American Medical Association's code of ethics.

The vaccine industry, we have all observed, is willing to do anything it takes to prevent the public from learning real facts about vaccines or even achieving success with an online petition that calls for the protection of medical choice for mothers and their children.

USA Today, the same publication that ran an article authored by a mentally deranged vaccine fanatic who called for the arrest and imprisonment of "anti-vaxxers," recently conducted an online survey that asked Americans whether they support the arrest and imprisonment of people who rejected vaccines. The results of that survey reveal that 92% of Americans support vaccine choice and reject government coercion for forced vaccinations.

Jail parents who opt out: 2%
It's a choice: 92%
Fine parents who opt out: 5%
Inform parents vs. jail: 2%

Only 2% support government coercion against parents who choose to avoid toxic vaccines. Public support for laws prohibiting forced vaccination policies is remarkably high; far higher than public support for President Obama himself.

So in an attempt to destroy the perception that the public strongly opposes the government coercion of medical choice (also called "medical fascism"), the White House has now gone to extraordinary lengths to suppress the online petition that calls for fundamental human rights and medical choice.

This pattern of deceit and coercion is far larger than the White House alone. It includes:

• The CDC's deliberate burying of scientific data linking vaccines to autism (as confessed by the CDC whistleblower Dr. William Thompson).

• The mainstream media's blatantly one-sided media coverage of vaccines, where no scientific questions about vaccines are ever allowed to be aired, and any doctor who asks an intelligent question about vaccine ingredients, vaccine safety or vaccination schedules is verbally assaulted with the derogatory, intellectually-bigoted label of "ANTI-SCIENCE!"

• The ongoing delusion of "mercury denialism" where even the Associated Press publishes articles that falsely claim mercury has been "phased out" of all vaccines even though the CDC confirms mercury, MSG, formaldehyde and aluminum are still used in vaccines.

• The Disneyland measles hoax, where the CDC knows full well that the viral strain of measles found in MMR vaccines is different from the strain of measles that has spread among children. The genetics don't match, which means the MMR vaccine would have done little or nothing to stop the outbreak in the first place.

• The complete suppression of true stories of vaccine-damaged children who have suffered severe neurological harm, painful skin disorders, comas and even death due to vaccines. See horrifying photos here of just some of the children who are being medically mutilated by the very same vaccines that government authorities tell us are "safe."

• The widespread refusal of the FDA to acknowledge the truth that it does not test vaccines for safety or efficacy and instead relies entirely on Big Pharma's own self-funded studies to "prove" vaccines work. But those studies have been faked, say the industry's own scientists, who describe how animal antibodies were used to spike human blood samples in order to defraud the FDA and keep selling vaccines that do not work.

• The publication of a medical extremism article in USA Today which openly called for the government to arrest and imprison so-called "anti-vaxxers." This article, like nearly all articles on vaccines that appear in the mainstream media, was written by a mentally ill vaccine fanatic with a bizarre desire to incarcerate informed vaccine skeptics who raise intelligent, rational questions about vaccine safety and immunization scheduling. USA Today has no problem giving a platform to mentally ill vaccine fanatics as long as they keep calling for more vaccines.

TAKE ACTION: Sign the petition and watch how your vote doesn't count at the White House

Want to sign the WhiteHouse.gov petition and see the petition fraud for yourself?

Click here to sign the petition and notice how the number of signatures doesn't budge even after you sign it.

Or, possibly, WhiteHouse.gov will reactivate the petition after being caught red-handed and exposed by this story, but they will still throttle the petition to make sure it never quite reaches the 100,000 threshold.

This petition fraud, of course, perfectly mirrors every fraudulent tactic of the vaccine industry which is utterly incapable of any behavior at all that resembles ethics or honesty. Every layer of the vaccine fraud now being perpetrated upon the American public is steeped in deceit, fabrication and fraud.

Sources for this article include:

Ben Fulford: Confusion and chaos at highest levels of G7 governments as revolution begins


Confusion and chaos at highest levels of G7 governments as revolution begins

There is a dangerous leadership vacuum at the highest levels of power inside the G7 nations as financial collapse looms. There will be economic collapse, mass starvation, anarchy and civil war unless the system is totally rebooted.

On the flip side if the system is rebooted, living standards in the world’s countries can be doubled within a year. The key is to free the nations of the world from Babylonian debt slavery.

For those who do not understand this reality, check out this link:

and then this one to see the extent of world debt slavery:

By staging a jubilee, or one-off cancellation of all world debt, public and private, human living standards can be effectively doubled within a year. The key to accomplishing this is to force the surrender of the Zionazi Khazarian (not Khazak) tribal gang that controls this system.

There is a show-down now taking place inside the United States that holds the key to freedom for humanity at large. The appearance of mass murdering Zionazi Satan worshipping (not Jewish) gang boss Benyamin Netanyahu in Washington this week to push for world war 3 is a golden opportunity to end this once and for all. He is a rabid dog who must be quarantined or put down.

As reported in last week’s report, the US military has finally shown the patriotism and bravery needed to take down the Zionazi mafia controlled CIA faction responsible for most of the world’s wars.

Last week the Russian and Chinese government news sites both displayed evidence the Zionazi Department of Homeland Security and CIA had been put under pentagon control.

To quote from Russia Today:  “US Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, Lt. General Vincent Stewart (USMC), reported on the intelligence community’s assessment of current and potential threats to American security and interests.”

The point of interest here is that. . . .

    Full report to be posted Thursday morning.


Federal Reserve Act - Remedy


The 1913 Federal Reserve Act has remedy written into it; still in full force and effect today.

Venezuela bans Bush and Cheney

Venezuela imposes mandatory visas for all US citizens -
bans for Bush and Cheney                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro (Reuters/Andrea De Silva)  
                                 Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro (Reuters/Andrea De Silva)
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro announced a new mandatory visa requirement for all Americans visiting the country. The leader also called to review and downsize the number of US embassy staff in Caracas.

“In order to protect our country...I have decided to implement a system of compulsory visas for all Americans entering Venezuela,” Maduro said in a speech on Saturday.

This is a reciprocal measure and now all Americans will have to pay tourist visa fees equal to what “a Venezuelan pays to travel to the US."

When announcing the new regulations for US tourists, Maduro said that Venezuela apprehended American citizens who were involved in “espionage activities."

“We have captured some US citizens in undercover activities, espionage, trying to win over people in towns along the Venezuelan coast,” he said.

A group of four missionaries had been called in for questioning after participating in a medical assistance campaign in the coastal town of Ocumare de la Costa, the head of a Venezuelan evangelical organization said on Friday.

The four had reportedly left the country for Aruba after having been questioned.

Maduro also said that Venezuela captured a US pilot of Latin American descent in the western state of Tachira, who he claims was also conducting “covert” espionage activities.

At the same time, Maduro asked to review and reduce the number of US diplomatic staff in the country, after allegations of “conspiratorial meetings” against Venezuela.

“I've thought about it…First I have ordered the Foreign Ministry...to proceed immediately, to review...[and] limit the number of officials at the [US] embassy in Venezuela,” Maduro said. “They have 100 staff, we have 17."

He added that former US President George W. Bush, former Vice President Dick Cheney, and Republican Congress members Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Robert Menendez, and Marco Rubio will be denied visas into the country, labeling Bush and Cheney as “terrorists."

The travel bans, Maduro said, target those who “violated human rights and bombed villages as in Iraq, Syria and Vietnam."

From now on US diplomats will be required to seek approval from the Foreign Ministry for meetings they conduct in Venezuela.

                                                                               Maduro accuses Joe Biden of ‘bloody coup’ in Venezuela

The new law is designed to help “control” US interference, the president stressed.
Tense relations between Venezuela and the US reached a new level of intensity earlier in February, when Maduro accused America of being behind the attempted coup in Venezuela.

“The northern imperial power has entered a dangerous phase of desperation, going to talk to the continent's governments to announce the overthrow of my government. And I accuse Vice President Joe Biden of this,” Maduro said.

The allegations were made amid widespread protests in the country in the first half of 2014, triggered by high levels of inflation, mass power cuts, and a lack of basic goods. Demonstrators demanded Maduro’s resignation amid an economic crisis that was hitting the food sector the most.

Later in February, Venezuela’s leader announced that the country successfully defeated an alleged US-sponsored coup, adding that a plot involved an attack on the presidential palace or another top target, Maduro said.

Prior to that, Maduro claimed at the end of 2014 that there were “recordings” disclosing the US plan to bribe and corrupt Venezuelan authorities.

Washington and Caracas have been at odds with each other since Venezuela's iconic former leader Hugo Chavez came to power in 2000. Previously, the US had been accused of trying to undermine the Venezuelan government in 2002, when a coup saw Chavez ousted from office for 47 hours before order was restored.



Eric Blair
Activist Post
Sunday, March 1, 2015

The militarized Police State has been inching toward using private mercenary groups for law enforcement for some time. Most attempts have failed spectacularly when the public gets wind of it. However, a clever new strategy to achieve this goal was recently deployed and it may appeal to some.

This past September, I wrote an article "
Blackwater-like contractor seeks to legalize private police in the U.S." which exposed how "private security" firms were being subcontracted for police raids. Outrage ensued. This followed a bungled attempt in 2009 to introduce the private foreign-owned American Police Force to Harding, Montana.

It seems the public has an aversion to large paramilitary contractors sweeping in and claiming police powers. Enter the small, independent, rugged, righteous citizen on patrol. A vigilante of peace. Ah, yes, this is the angle the establishment is now using to get private police accepted on the streets.
The Washington Post ran a carefully crafted article yesterday; "Private police carry guns and make arrests, and their ranks are swelling":
The stop was routine police work, except for one fact: Youlen is not a Manassas officer. The citation came courtesy of the private force he created that, until recently, he called the “Manassas Junction Police Department.”

He is its chief and sole officer.

He is a force of one.

And he is not alone. Like more and more Virginians, Youlen gained his police powers using a little-known provision of state law that allows private citizens to petition the courts for the authority to carry a gun, display a badge and make arrests. The number of “special conservators of the peace” — or SCOPs, as they are known — has doubled in Virginia over the past decade to roughly 750, according to state records. 
The very next sentence is where the deception occurs:
The growth is mirrored nationally in the ranks of private police, who increasingly patrol corporate campuses, neighborhoods and museums as the demand for private security has increased and police services have been cut in some places.
Do you see what they did there? Very subtle. The Washington Post conflated "private police" for law enforcement with private security for private property. Big difference. It's the same confusion shared by TPM and TIME.

In theory, I agree completely with the common-law origins of these "special conservators of the peace" (SCOPS) which allows citizens to use necessary force to protect private establishments or make a citizen's arrests when obvious crimes are underway.

I know many free-market libertarians who believe private firms would be more accountable than police are now. That may be true if we had laws that reflect the Constitution or a free market of laws, but since violence will be used against someone selling
loose cigarettes on the street, or to detain people at "black sites" these private entities could easily be bribed into bad behavior.

Why do I have visions of judges selling innocent children into private prisons flashing through my mind? Or mercenary firms stealing from people because they're empowered by loose civil forfeiture laws? Or refusing to turn over their records because they claim private corporate status, like
Massachusetts SWAT recently did?

The troubling example given by The Washington Post about where these entities are being increasingly used is for code enforcement.
Most SCOPs patrol corporate campuses, work for neighborhood associations or perform code enforcement for counties or cities, but Youlen has pushed the model further by creating his own “department” and turning policing into an enterprise. He contracts his services to nine apartment and housing communities in the Manassas area. That’s up from one in 2012.
This is where their deliberate confusion gets dangerous. Corporate campuses and neighborhood associations are private property. They're free to hire private security.

Using armed mercenaries for code enforcement is unfathomably dangerous. Especially since more people are realizing that building and zoning codes are displacing property rights at a blazing speed. What happens when a private security guard protects his property against a private zoning soldier?

It is true that municipalities are increasingly hiring private police and firms to be petty rule enforcers. However, they usually are some power-tripping geek in a polo shirt as seen in a recent clash with Adam Kokesh.


U.S Government To Unleash Trolls To Attack Conspiracy Theorist


Increasingly, "conspiracy theorists" are being included in discussions about ISIS and other terrorist organizations. Most worrying is the establishment narrative that social media has been taken over by these groups. Enter government control of the Internet as the solution...


Published on Mar 1, 2015  by RedsilverJ
U.S Government To Unleash Trolls To Attack Conspiracy Theorist (Redsilverj)