Sunday, May 24, 2015

Christian witness to Muslims surges after ISIS executions


Christian witness to Muslims surges after ISIS executions

'Declarations of faith have created fertile soil for conversations'
21 Coptic Christians were beheaded by ISIS terrorists in February, putting Christian persecution, which has been going on for decades in the Middle East, on the world media's radar screen.


21 Coptic Christians were beheaded by ISIS terrorists in February, putting Christian persecution, which has been going on for decades in the Middle East, on the world media’s radar screen.  (What national corporation {USA?} and what organization {CIA?} is supplying all those ORANGE jumpsuits that the Christians are forced to wear to their executions?  HOW CONVENIENT. APPARENTLY NO NEED FOR MONIES!  AND ALL THE EXECUTIONERS CONVENIENTLY HAVE FACES AND ENTIRE BODIES COVERED IN BLACK SO THERE IS NO FACIAL OR NATIONALITY RECOGNITION???) 

Published: 16 hours ago
A worldwide Christian organization says that the horrific executions of Christians by members of ISIS in Libya in February have sparked a surge in conversations between Christians and Muslims about faith.
Tami Yeager, a volunteer coordinator with the Voice of the Martyrs, reports the “vivid video footage” “did not spark division amongst Egypt’s 10 million Christians and 73 million Muslims.”
Quite the contrary, she said, “the declarations of faith uttered by the men only moments before their death have created fertile soil for conversation between Muslims and Christians.”
Her report appeared on the VOM blog site this week as a followup to a trip to the Middle East. The Christians killed by ISIS in February were mostly Egyptians who had gone to Libya for various jobs.

The ISIS video shows black-clad executioners leading a line of Christians down onto a beach then executing them.
Yeager reported: “Militants released video footage of the martyrdom of Coptic Christian men in Libya. The footage of their martyrdom included a caption that read – ‘The people of the cross, followers of the hostile Egyptian church.’ The 21 men who knelt before their persecutors were identified as ‘people of the cross,’ and asked to deny their faith or die. Many of the men are seen uttering their final words on this earth – ‘Lord Jesus Christ.’”

She said the statement of faith exhibited by the men “sparked the Bible Society of Egypt’s biggest campaign ever.”
“A Bible tract was created and sent to print within 36 hours following their public executions. Titled ‘Two Rows by the Sea,’ it carries a message of hope, comfort, and forgiveness for both Christians and Muslims alike. The Bible tract has been widely received in Egypt with 1.6 million copies distributed.”
She said one man who lost two brothers that day went on Egyptian television to thank ISIS for including their statements of faith in the video so that the world could see.

Yeager spotlighted another remarkable story:  It wasn’t discovered until later that one of the men wasn’t a Christian when he was led to his execution.
He was identified as Matthew Ayairga of Chad.
“He is believed to not have been a Christian before kneeling in the sand beside the ‘people of the cross,’” Yeager reported. “Witnessing the courage and faith of the Egyptian Christians, he also chose to follow Jesus. Mere moments before Matthew was executed, his executors are seen asking, “Do you reject Christ?’ His reply was, “Their God is my God.’”

Pope Francis denounced the slaughter.
“‘They only said ‘Jesus help me … ‘ The blood of our Christian brothers is testimony that cries out,” he said. “Be they Catholic, Orthodox, Copts, Lutherans, it doesn’t matter: They’re Christian!”

And Franklin Graham, CEO of Samaritan’s Purse, posted on Facebook that eventually ISIS will bow to Jesus.
He was lamenting the fact that when ISIS released a video of the beheadings of 21 Egyptian Christians in Libya, Muslim leaders were silent.
“Can you imagine the outcry if 21 Muslims had been beheaded by Christians? Where is the universal condemnation by Muslim leaders around the world?” he wrote.
“We’d better take this warning seriously as these acts of terror will only spread throughout Europe and the United States. If this concerns you like it does me, share this,” he said.
He added, “The evil of ISIS really shouldn’t shock us – it is fully in keeping with their ultimate agenda of hastening a final apocalypse.”
That a “final battle” will come is confirmed in the Bible, he said, and it “will result in the defeat of Satan and all those allied with him.”
He continued, “One thing is for sure – one day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the father.”


Looks like the time to flush the garbage...

May 22, 2015
(NaturalNews) The runaway surveillance state in America has just taken a leap into the gutter. Or the sewer, actually, where government goons running their fraudulent "war on drugs" have begun to monitor raw sewage for traces of illicit drug use.

The American Chemical Society reports this as GOOD news, saying:

The war on drugs could get a boost with a new method that analyzes sewage to track levels of illicit drug use in local communities in real time. The new study, a first-of-its-kind in the U.S., was published in the ACS journal Environmental Science & Technology and could help law enforcement identify new drug hot spots and monitor whether anti-drug measures are working.

Sure. Because at a time when there's a race war in America, the nation is headed for financial chaos, North Korea is threatening to nuke Washington D.C. and the world's most evil Monsanto operative -- Hillary Clinton -- is threatening to occupy the White House, what America really needs right now is police slogging through s%#t to "crack down" on recreational drug users, half of whom probably work for the government in the first place.

As part of this so-called "sewage epidemiology" pilot program, scientists reportedly monitored sewage in Albany, New York. "[T]he scientists found cocaine in 93 percent of all untreated samples," reports the ACS, seemingly astonished at this high number.

Fortunately, free thinkers immediately realized the truth behind all this:

"The thought of authorities slogging through the sludge may be comical, but it represents another example of big brother using our money to monitor our behavior," writes Justin Gardner at the Free Thought Project. "Drug consumption is a non-violent act upon oneself. The drug trade is made violent in a black market under government prohibition."

Gardner goes on to describe the real reason behind the failed war on drugs:

What is the rationale behind attempts at drug eradication and criminalization? It provides a means for government to assert power; it enriches the prison industry and the jackboot industry and politicians. Take these away and there is no logic to the war on drugs.

If you drink city water, you are now a drug user

Even more comically, the research conducted so far has found that illicit drugs are recycled back into drinking water, then consumed by everyone else in the same city.

As the ACS reports: "They found that the wastewater treatment plants didn't remove all illicit drugs before releasing water back into the environment -- and eventually into drinking water."

Anyone drinking tap water is, therefore, consuming class-A felony controlled substances which can then be detected in their bodies in parts per billion concentrations. This is how the police state can arrest and imprison absolutely anyone by claiming they're a drug user since there's cocaine in their blood and it's all over their twenty dollar bills, too!

There probably isn't a single person living in America today who doesn't have traces of cocaine on their person or in their blood. Notably, federal laws on cocaine possession make no exceptions for "inadvertent possession" or possession of trace amounts. Even one molecule of cocaine qualifies you to be charged with felony possession.

Coming soon: A government monitor on every RFID-equipped toilet

Big Government control freaks are fanatics about total surveillance of all "subjects" who must kow-tow to the whims of the police state. While Washington D.C. is full of high-level government operatives with their noses buried in coke, you almost never see government monitoring its own employees for illicit drug use.

Nope, government selectively presumes the criminality of the civilian masses and then deploys all varieties of surveillance tools to ensnare those people for engaging in the very same behaviors Presidents and their minions routinely pull off in the White House.

If this rise of police state surveillance continues, it won't be long before there's a microchip on every toilet that encodes your social security number with your stool chemical analysis and reports it back to the government in real time. The toilet will read the RFID that's embedded in your skin, as required by federal mandatory vaccine laws, of course. The only way to block the RFID and "pee in peace" will be to wrap the part of your body containing the RFID with a metal foil. Hilariously, this might mean that wearing a tin foil hat -- the default derogatory description of conspiracy theorists -- would physically protect your identity while sitting on the throne and taking a Schumer.

Every flush is a drug test; every toilet is your narc

It's not just illicit drugs they might find in your sewage, either. Government-installed sensors can also check your stools for horrible, dangerous things the government doesn't want you to consume such as vitamin C, colloidal silver or medicinal herbs. Should you dare to consumer any of these "unapproved" substances, your toilet will tattle on you to the feds, and they'll bring a squad of armed goons to your doorstep to throw flashbang grenades at your infants and have your children kidnapped by CPS.

Simultaneously, your compliance with state-ordered medications will also be monitored, and if you miss a day or two of your state-mandated prescription drugs, you'll be forcefully diagnosed with Obedience Defiance Disorder which gives the government the authority to lock you up in a mental institution and medicate you against your will. After all, if you don't take all the drugs you've been prescribed, how is Big Pharma supposed to stay in business and boost the national GDP?

Before long, our Brave New World will feature every obedient citizen microchipped with an RFID tag that's read in real time by the government-issued toilet they're using, which is of course limited to a total water volume of 2 oz. -- the new "California drought standard" -- requiring twenty-five rapid flushes to get anything to go down. While you're trying to flush your stools with these California-class "micro flushes," the toilet, equipped with government sensors, will be testing the chemical composition of everything and uploading the substance test results to the department of Health and Human Surveillance (HHS) to be recorded alongside your identity chip tracking number. The government, in essence, will "log your logs" because that's precisely the kind of activity Big Government does best: meddling in everybody's s##t!

Suddenly all the obedient sheeple who put up with NSA surveillance of their phone calls and emails because they "have nothing to hide" will discover they really do have something to hide after all: chronic illicit drug use and medication abuse that the government can now track in real time and trace back to YOU.

Which brings up the all-important question of the day: Why do bears really s##t in the woods? Maybe because the government isn't spying on them there.

Sources for this article include:


The Unknown $19 Trillion Depository Trust Company

If you own stocks you need to read this
The Unknown $19 Trillion Depository Trust Company
Rumor Mill News ..
Part I of II-
This exclusive report is a compilation of interviews and background research from October 1995 through April 1999. The Depository Trust Company (DTC) is the best kept secret in America. Headquartered at 55 Water Street in New York City, the average American has no clue that this financial institution is the most powerful banking corporation in the world.
The general public has no knowledge of what the DTC is or what they do. How can a private banking trust company hold assets of over $19 trillion and be unknown? In a recent press release dated April 19, 1999, the Depository Trust Company stated: The Depository Trust Company (DTC) is the world’s largest securities depository, holding nearly $19 trillion in assets for its Participants and their customers…. Last year, DTC processed over 164 million book-entry deliveries valued at more than $77 trillion.
In dealing with the trust department of Midlantic Bank, N.A. in New Jersey [now PNC Bank, N.A.], this writer was authorized, as trustee and power of attorney, to transfer original trust assets comprising of common stocks and bonds to a new trust set up in another jurisdiction. An Assistant Vice President from the Trust & Financial Management Office of Midlantic Bank said to me “it will take at least 6 weeks to do this as the majority of the stocks and bonds are not held in the name of the trust”. This same Midlantic Bank Assistant V.P. also stated in a letter dated November 17, 1995, “Of the 11 municipal bonds, 8 are held in book entry only.
This means they cannot be physically re-registered with a certificate sent to the new trustees.” (* these are not the actual figures quoted in the letter in order to protect the privacy of the account holder, at their request. Also, we were asked not to name the Midlantic Assistant V.P. in order to protect her privacy Rights. We respect these requests with full moral compliance). In disbelief, I brought this matter to the attention of our research assistants at the Christian Common Law Institute [formerly the North Bridge News] and we began our lengthy investigation into the matter. After 3 years, the can of worms we’ve opened up should frighten every American. With the advent of reported Y2K computer glitches and the possible collapse of our ‘paper asset’ economy, every person who has a stock or bond in their portfolio had better read this report and act on the information we are disclosing here. In November 1995, after encountering numerous “no comments” and a myriad of “that’s not my department” excuses via telephone, I eventually spoke with Mr. Jim McNeff who told me his position was Director of Training for the DTC.
He said he’d been employed there for 19 years and was “very proud” of his employer. During my initial telephone interview, either Jim’s employer or some other unknown person or persons were illegally listening or taping our telephone conversation according to the electronic eavesdropping equipment we have installed on our end. Why did anyone feel it was necessary to illegally record our conversation without advising us?
Was some federal alphabet agency monitoring DTC calls to safeguard National Security? That in itself is suspicious enough to warrant a big red warning flag. Jim informed me back then (1995) that “the DTC is the largest limited trust company in the world with assets of $ 9.1 trillion”. In July 1998, I spoke with Ms. Rose Barnabic of the DTC Finance Department who said that “DTC assets are currently estimated at around $11 trillion”. As of April 19, 1999, the DTC itself has stated that their assets total “nearly $19 trillion” (see above). Mr. McNeff had also stated “the DTC is a brokerage clearing firm and transfer center.
We’re a private bank for securities. We handle the book entry transactions for all banks and brokers. Every bank and brokerage firm must secure their membership with us in case they become insolvent, so your assets are secure with DTC”. Yes, you read that correctly. The DTC is a private bank that processes every stock and bond (paper securities) for all U.S. banks and brokerage houses. The big question is this; Just who gave this private bank and trust company such a broad range of financial power and clout?
The reason the public doesn’t know about DTC is that they’re a privately owned depository bank for institutional and brokerage firms only. They process all of their book entry settlement transactions. Jim McNeff said “There’s no need for the public to know about us… it’s required by the Federal Reserve that DTC handle all transactions”.
The Federal Reserve Corporation, a/k/a The Federal Reserve System, is also a private company and is not an agency or department of our federal government, according to the 1998 Federal Registry. The Federal Reserve Board of Governors is listed, but they are not the owners. The Federal Reserve Board, headed by Mr. Alan Greenspan, is nothing more than a liaison advisory panel between the owners and the Federal Government. The FED, as they are more commonly called, mandates that the DTC process every securities transaction in the US. It’s no wonder that the DTC (including the Participants Trust Company, now the Mortgage-Backed Securities Division of the DTC) is owned by the same stockholders as the Federal Reserve System. In other words, the Depository Trust Company is really just a ‘front’ or a division of the Federal Reserve System.
“DTC is 35.1% owned by the New York Stock Exchange on behalf of the Exchange’s members. It is operated by a separate management and has an independent board of directors. It is a limited purpose trust company and is a unit of the Federal Reserve.” -New York Stock Exchange, Inc. Now, let’s see how this effects the average working American family. If you’re not aware how the system works, you should visit or call a stock broker or bank and instruct them you want to purchase some shares of common stock or a small municipal bond, for example.
They will set up a brokerage account for you and act as your agent with full durable power of attorney (which you must legally sign over to them) to conduct business on your behalf, upon your buy or sell instructions. The broker will place your stock or bond purchase into their safekeeping under a “street name”. According to Mr. McNeff of the DTC, no bank or broker can place any stock or bond into their firm’s own name due to Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) regulations. The broker or bank must then send the transaction to the DTC for ledger posting or book entry settlement under mandate by the Federal Reserve System. Remember, since your bank or broker can’t use their name on the certificate, they use a fictitious street name. “Since the DTC is a banking trust company, we can’t hold the certificates in our name, so the DTC transfers the certificates to our own private holding company or nominee name.” states Mr. McNeff. The DTC’s private holding company or street name, as shown on certificates we have personally examined from numerous certificate holders, is shown as either “CEDE and Company”, “Cede Company” or “Cede & Co”. We have searched every source known to learn who CEDE really is, but have been unable to get any background information on them. Is Cede Company fictitious or is their identity perhaps a larger secret than DTC?
We must presume that the information Mr. McNeff gave us was correct when he confirmed that Cede Company was a controlled private holding company of the DTC. We have now found the following proof that CEDE is real from the Bear Stearns internet site: NEW YORK, New York – March 16, 1999 – Bear Stearns Finance LLC today announced that it will redeem all of the 6,000,000 outstanding 8.00% Exchangeable Preferred Income Cumulative Shares, Series A (“EPICS”) of Bear Stearns Finance LLC, liquidation preference of $25.00 per Series A Share, CUSIP number G09198105. All of the Series A Shares are held by Cede & Co., as nominee of The Depository Trust Company, and the payment of the redemption price will be made to Cede & Co. by ChaseMellon Shareholder Services, LLC, as paying agent, whose address is: 85 Challenger Road, Ridgefield Park, New Jersey 07660. The banks and brokers are merely custodians for their clients. By federal law (SEC), they cannot hold any assets in the customer’s name.
The assets must be held in the name of DTC’s holding company, CEDE & Co. That’s how DTC has more than $19 trillion dollars of assets in trust… or is it really in “trust” if the private Federal Reserve System is technically holding it in their “unknown” entity’s name? Obviously, if stock and bond certificates you’ve purchased aren’t in your name, then the “holder” (the Federal Reserve System) could theoretically refuse to surrender them back to you under a “national emergency” according to the Trading with the Enemy Act (as amended). Is this the collateral being held by the private Federal Reserve System to pay off the national debt owed to them by our federal government, first initiated by Lincoln’s debt bonds of 1864? According to Mr. McNeff, the DTC was a former member of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), and “Our sister company is the National Securities Clearing Corporation… the NSCC” (they have since merged). He was correct since we now know that the NYSE holds 35.1% of the “ownership” of the DTC on behalf of their NYSE members.
Simply put, the Depository Trust Company absolutely controls every paper asset transaction in the United States as well as the majority of overseas transactions, and they now physically hold (as of April 1999) 99% of all stock and bond book-entrys in their street name, not the actual owner’s names. If you have stock or bond certificates in your name buried in your back yard or under your mattress, we suggest you keep them there. If not, it might be very wise to cancel your brokerage account and power of attorney status, re-register the stocks and bonds in your name (if you still can), and keep them hidden where only you know their location. Otherwise, you have absolutely no control over them (see Part II of our exclusive research report on the DTC for more information on beneficial ownership status).
However, getting a stock or bond certificate these days is not so easy if possible at all: “For the most part, issuers know little about the role of the Depository Trust Company (DTC). The DTC was created in 1973 as a user-owned cooperative for post-trade settlement. Our members are banks and broker/dealers, whom we refer to as participants. We handle listed and unlisted equities, including 51,000 equity issues and 170,000 corporate debt issues, equating to more than 78% of shares outstanding on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). We also have more than 95% of all municipals on deposit. In the 1980s, the “Group of 30″ [business leaders] recommended that stock certificates be eliminated, because physical certificates create risk. The Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) issued a concept release in 1994 to gradually decrease certificates, providing optional direct registration on the books of the issuer instead of a certificate…. this enhances the portability of shares between transfer agents and brokerage accounts. With the direct registration system, brokers transmit instructions to purchase through DTC, which the issuer or transfer agent then registers, so shares can be delivered electronically.” -John D. Faith, Manager, Corporate Trust Services,
The Depository Trust Company (1996) Now we’re about to reveal to you the most shocking discovery we came across during our research into this matter. Most of us remember a few years back the purported computerized selling of stocks that resulted in Wall Street’s “Black Monday”: Dow Dives 508.32 Points in Panic on Wall Street “The largest stock-market drop in Wall Street history occurred on “Black Monday” — October 19, 1987 — when the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged 508.32 points, losing 22.6% of its total value. That fall far surpassed the one-day loss of 12.9% that began the great stock market crash of 1929 and foreshadowed the Great Depression. The Dow’s 1987 fall also triggered panic selling and similar drops in stock markets worldwide” -Source: Facts on File World News CD ROM The stock exchanges had dramatic record losses, and a record volume of shares were traded on that infamous Monday in October 1987. We all asked ourselves how computers could have done this by themselves without someone knowing about it. After all, someone has to program a computer to tell it what to do, what not to do, or even when to do or not do it.
During my telephone conversation, Mr. McNeff was trying to assure me that they [the DTC] have “never lost a certificate or made a mistake in a book ledger transaction”. In attempting to give me an example of how trustworthy the DTC is when I asked him how he could back up such a statement, he replied “DTC’s first controlled test was 4 or 5 years ago. Do you remember Black Monday? There were 535 million transactions on Monday, and 400 million transactions on Tuesday”. He was very proud to inform me that “DTC cleared every transaction without a single glitch!”. Read these quotes again: He stated that Black Monday was a controlled test. Black Monday was a deliberately manipulated disaster for many Americans at the whim of a controlled test by the DTC. What was the purpose of this test?
Common sense tells you that you test something before you intend to use it. It’s quite obvious that the stock markets are going to ‘crash and burn’ at some future date and for some ‘unknown’ reason since the controlled test was so successful. Was this just one of the planned tests for a Y2K internationally planned worldwide economic meltdown?
The Great Depression is about to be repeated, and it will be as deliberate and manipulated as the first one that began with the stock market crash of 1929. We are, without a doubt, on the brink of the Mother of all economic Depressions. As of May 3, 1999, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) went above a record 11,000 points. Just prior to the 1929 stock market crash, Wall Street was posting record prices, record earnings, and record profits…. just like the scenario we are experiencing today. Will Y2K be a manipulated and deliberate a financial meltdown?
Too many facts already support this probability. On June 7, 1995, the federal government issued a new regulation requiring stock and bond certificate transfers to be cleared in three days instead of the previous five day time period. It coincided with the infamous Regulation CC that purportedly gave us faster three day availability of funds from deposited checks. This means that brokers and banks must get your stock or bond transaction into the street name (Cede & Co.) of the DTC within 3 working days.
That’s hard to do considering banks claim it takes 3 or more days to clear a check that you’ve submitted to pay for a stock purchase. But, there’s a reason for this new regulation and it coincides with the introduction of the new FRS “dollars”. On February 22, 1996, “the DTC will flip the switch” according to Mr. McNeff. “What switch?”, I asked. “This is the day that clearing house funds will no longer be accepted for stock or bond transactions” was my reply from Jim. “Instead, only Fed Funds will be accepted”. Fed Funds, or a Fedwire, are electronic computer ledger debit transfers between Federal Reserve System member banks. No checks or drafts have been allowed from that day, just as Mr. McNeff accurately stated.
This is more commonly called a ‘cashless transaction’. I call it the reality of the mark of the beast. This is the manifestation of the new international god, the New World Order [I prefer the term ‘New World DISorder’ as a more accurate description]. [RMNews: In case you are new to all of this and you don’t understand that the Federal Reserve Banking System is a privately owned bank, there is an article on the page that will help you begin to understand.
It is found by clicking the Gunther Russbacher button and then clicking on the headline that reads: An Expose of the Federal Reserve. This article was written in late 1991 or early 1992. At the time is was published in many diferent newspapers and newsletters. It was the first introduction the American people had to the “new money” that is referenced in this article.
Consider this my fellow Christian Americans: All pension funds and other institutional ‘managed funds’ are comprised of paper asset investments such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. These certificates are technically in the name of DTC’s private holding company, CEDE and Company. The DTC is owned by the private Federal Reserve System owners (Click for a complete list of names). Congress has attempted, on no less than two occasions since 1995, to pass legislation allowing pension funds to be used by the government as purported ‘loans’. All the Federal Reserve System has to do is hand it over. But, what happens to the people counting on those pension fund investments in order to feed themselves in their retirement? Too bad for them…. they’re out of luck because for the ‘good of the nation’, they may be forced to share or relinquish their lifetime of hard-earned wealth.
This can be done without the consent of Congress under an Executive Order based on the War and Emergency Powers Act and a state of National Emergency, just like we are already under (See further Executive Orders). Since the Federal Reserve System already holds our stocks and bonds in their fictitious DTC “street name”, CEDE, then perhaps they’ll cash them in for the federal government’s failure to repay the loans that have become way overdue. Heck, some of Lincoln’s gold backed bonds from 1864 have not been repaid yet…. and for a reason. On March 6, 1933, all bullion gold and gold coins were forcibly taken from the hands of private citizens (see New York Times). Under the War Powers Act, President Roosevelt declared a national emergency touted as a “Banking Holiday”.
It was declared due to the deliberately calculated stock market crash that preceded the Great Depression. Where did this gold end up? Into the hands of the Federal Reserve System owners. The majority is stored in the impervious rock vaults they own beneath New York City. Is it any surprise that the DTC physically holds all the remaining non-book entry issued stock and bond certificates in the same place? Technically, our entire nation is still under the Executive Order declaration of the War Powers Act and in a continual state of national emergency (See Clinton’s 1994 Executive Order 12919). The President can enforce any new emergency at any time under Executive Order or Presidential Directive. In 1995, we [the former North Bridge News] published that we expected a new national “dollar” emergency to be declared within a year or two. Just like we thought at the time, they have now blamed it on the purported drug dealers who are allegedly destroying our currency by money laundering schemes. Since late 1996, old U.S. $100 FRB notes issued by the Federal Reserve Bank are being exchanged for new $100 FRS issued by the Federal Reserve System.
These new notes have scanable magnetic platinum encryption on the plastic strips embedded inside the bills. The U.S. Treasury claims this is for “the blind”. Now, new $20 and $50 FRS’s are replacing the older notes as well. What people don’t realize is that very soon, the older FRB notes will no longer be ‘legal’ and there will be a penalty for hoarding them. This is what happened to those Americans holding gold and gold coins after 1933. “We are most gratified with the successful introduction of the new $100 and $50 notes and look forward to the same success with the new $20s,” Chairman Greenspan said. For the first time, a machine-readable capability has been incorporated for the blind. A new feature in the $20 will facilitate the development of convenient scanning devices that could identify the note as a $20. -U.S. Treasury, Office of Public Affairs, RR-2449 released May 20, 1998. Why new paper ‘money’ and for what purpose? Because the new FRS notes in your pocket can be scanned and whoever scans them can know exactly how much money you have on you. The older FRB notes are not encoded to do this. This writer knows firsthand of at least one machine, manufactured by Diebold, Inc. (a/k/a InterBold) that scans the money in your pockets, wallet or purse no different in theory than a credit card scanner, but much more sophisticated. I participated in a ‘test’ of this machine at a U.S. international airport in 1998. To me, it looks much like the standard metal detector scanners you walk through at all airports. I was asked (by who I believe was a U.S. Treasury Agent, as he introduced himself and flashed his ID quickly in my face so I couldn’t read it) if I had any of the new $100 or $50 bills in my pockets.
I looked in my wallet and saw I had one new $100 FRS note. I told him “yes”, then he said “Good, but don’t tell me how much”. After saying he would “really appreciate it” if I would help them with a test, he asked me to walk through what looked like a typical airport scanner. No beeps. No noise. No sound at all. He looked at a computer screen and said “Do you have a new $100 bill?”. When I confirmed that was true, he thanked me and told me to please move on. I tried to ask him how the machine knew that, but he ignored my question. I took a good look at the scanning system and believe I have now spotted them at Kennedy, Atlanta, Miami and Los Angeles airports. The odd part about this is that these machines seem to all be located in the customs areas where you enter the U.S. from a foreign country. Obviously, they want to know if someone is carrying more than $10,000 into the U.S. Common sense dictates that they should be more concerned about people leaving with more than $10,000 if they’re really trying to thwart the drug dealers…. until you begin to realize that there must be some other hidden agenda:
They are apparently going to stop money from entering the U.S. for a reason. Will the President call for the confiscation of all gold bullion and bullion coins as Roosevelt did? Who will end up with it? The Federal Reserve System owners, just like before. Since June 1998, international gold supplies have been so low that some private Swiss Banks have been paying a premium above the market wholesale value for gold bullion. This was confirmed to us by a gold and diamond mining Chief Executive from Rex Mining in Guinea, West Africa, who supplies raw gold to a major Swiss Banking company smelter and processor The spot gold market has been manipulated to keep the price low so that the Federal Reserve System owners can purchase all that is available through their various trusts and corporations. World gold availability on the open market is now at a record low and mining production of gold is also at a record low output. What happened to ‘supply and demand’ with gold and silver?
Normally, when supply is high the price decreases. When supply is low, precious metal prices increase. Perhaps the private FED will peg the new dollar to gold prices, as many experts have already speculated. What will stocks and bonds purchased with old dollars be worth then? Pennies to the dollar, so to speak. Who ends up being the only winner? The Federal Reserve System stockholders. They control the circulation amounts of paper money in the U.S. Combine that with the new scanner to stop large amounts from entering into the U.S., and the scenario amounts to a planned shortage of paper FRS notes, the banning of the older FRB notes, and the soon to be astronomical price of gold which most Americans will be forbidden to have or hoard, once again.
The facts we’ve presented in this report all point to this. People will be at the mercy of the federal government for daily food and for jobs. Checks are soon to be totally phased out. Banks issue ATM debit cards and tell you they must charge more for your account if you use a real live human teller instead of the machine. The switch is being turned on. This is not speculation. This is the truth of reality. It’s already been tested, and their new system works. Just ask Jim McNeff of the DTC. The day has come when you must decide to accept or reject the beast and the New World Disorder.
Click below for part II

Constitution - Article 1 Section 10

No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.
No State shall, without the Consent of the Congress, lay any Imposts or Duties on Imports or Exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing it's inspection Laws: and the net Produce of all Duties and Imposts, laid by any State on Imports or Exports, shall be for the Use of the Treasury of the United States; and all such Laws shall be subject to the Revision and Controul of the Congress. 

The yellow highlighted text is the point of why I am posting this.
The central bank known as the Federal Reserve issues a debt note within a private corporation as an internal trading medium. Therefore anyone who has possession of the internal notes are deemed under jurisdiction of that corporation. This is why the corporation UNITED STATES feels it has jurisdiction over the world as the FRN is used world wide. The separate states must coin their own money from gold and silver to be free from the corporation. There is no mention of a federal central bank to issue money to the states in the 1st Amendment.

No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay.

The corporate UNITED STATES being a private company operating in a fictional territory is able to have Jade Helm troops located in their claimed territories (franchised states). The Constitution applies to We The People's governments. Not a fictional private company. We simply need to re-settle our states and build them as was done in history. It is up to us to this ourselves.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Ohio patrolman acquitted in 2 deaths amid 137-shot barrage

CLEVELAND (AP) — A white patrolman who fired down through the windshield of a suspect's car at the end of a 137-shot barrage that left the two unarmed black occupants dead was acquitted Saturday of criminal charges by a judge who said he could not determine the Cleveland officer alone fired the fatal shots.
Michael Brelo, 31, put his head in his hands as the judge issued a verdict followed by angry, but peaceful, protests outside the courthouse. Police blocked furious protesters from going inside while across the city others held a mock funeral with some carrying signs asking, "Will I be next?" Demonstrations lasted into the night and multiple arrests were made, including three people on felonious assault charges.
The acquittal came at a time of nationwide tension among police and black citizens punctuated by protests over the deaths of black suspects at the hands of white officers — and following a determination by the U.S. Department of Justice that Cleveland police had a history of using excessive force and violating civil rights.
Before issuing his verdict, Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Judge John P. O'Donnell reflected on the unrest. "In many American places people are angry with, mistrusting and fearful of the police," he said. "Citizens think the men and women sworn to protect and serve have violated that oath or never meant it in the first place."
But O'Donnell said he would not offer up Brelo to an angry public if the evidence did not merit a conviction.

 Video here:

"I will not sacrifice him to a public frustrated by historical mistreatment at the hands of other officers," O'Donnell said.Brelo — who fired a total of 49 shots, including 15 while standing on the hood of the suspects' vehicle — faced as many as 22 years in prison had the judge convicted him of voluntary manslaughter in the shooting that happened after Timothy Russell's beat-up Chevy Malibu backfired while speeding by police headquarters.
Russell's sister, Michelle Russell, said she believed Brelo would ultimately face justice.
"He's not going to dodge this just because he was acquitted," she said. "God will have the final say."
The U.S. Justice Department, U.S. Attorney's Office and the FBI will review the testimony and evidence and examine all available legal options, said Vanita Gupta, head of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division.
After the verdict, sheriff's deputies stood in front of the courthouse carrying clear shields as protesters chanted "Hands up! Don't shoot!" — a rallying cry linked to the death of 18-year-old Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. One demonstrator bowed his head, hands folded, in front of the phalanx of deputies, praying in silence.
About 200 people walked in a mock funeral procession that had already been planned to mark six months since another deadly shooting that sparked anger in Cleveland: the killing of Tamir Rice, a black 12-year-old carrying a pellet gun who was shot by a white rookie officer.
Protesters carried a black, plywood coffin and softly sang "I'm going up yonder, we're marching, we're marching."
Some carried signs saying "I Can't Breathe" and "Freddie Gray Lynched," references to a pair of deadly police encounters: the chokehold death of Eric Garner in New York City and the death of a Baltimore man who suffered a spinal injury while in custody.
Saturday night, protesters temporarily blocked downtown street intersections and chanted anti-police slogans; they marched past sports fans getting out of a Cleveland Indians-Cincinnati Reds game, adding to the congestion.
Police tweeted around 9:30 p.m. that officers had made multiple arrests, including three around East Fourth Street, a downtown dining mecca, where police in riot gear were stationed. Three people were arrested after a restaurant patron was injured when an object was thrown through a window, police said. The charges included aggravated rioting, felonious assault and obstruction of justice.
The unusual timing of the verdict — a Saturday morning on a holiday weekend — was intentional. The county's top judge said it was meant to prevent traffic issues downtown.
Russell, 43, and Malissa Williams, 30, were each shot more than 20 times at the end of the Nov. 29, 2012, pursuit. Prosecutors argued they were alive until Brelo's final salvo but medical examiners for both sides testified they could not determine the order in which the deadly shots were fired.
The case hinged largely on the less than 8 seconds — 7.392, to be exact — during which Brelo fired his final 15 rounds.
O'Donnell said he believed Brelo caused some of the fatal wounds — four shots would have killed Russell and seven would have killed Williams — but that other officers must have as well.
O'Donnell said a voluntary manslaughter conviction would require that Brelo's shots alone were the causes of death or the final wounds tipped the balance between life and death.
O'Donnell spent nearly an hour explaining his decision, even using mannequins marked with gunshot wounds. Brelo could have been convicted of lesser charges, but O'Donnell determined his actions were justified following the chase, which included reports of shots fired from Russell's car, because officers perceived a threat.
Brelo's lead attorney, Patrick D'Angelo, said Brelo had been unfairly prosecuted. He called the case a "blood fight."
"Officer Brelo risked his life on that night," D'Angelo said.
Cuyahoga County prosecutor Tim McGinty said he respects the judge's decision. Despite the acquittal, he said the case will prevent police violence in the future.
"This tragic experience has already forced a culture change within the division of police and a needed reexamination of the use of deadly force," he said.
Thirteen officers fired at the car after a 22-mile high-speed chase that involved 62 marked and unmarked cars and reached 100 mph. Brelo was the only officer charged; prosecutors said he waited until the pair was no longer a threat to fire his final shots.
Authorities never learned why Russell didn't stop. He had a criminal record including convictions for receiving stolen property and robbery and had been involved in a previous police pursuit. Williams had convictions for drug-related charges and attempted abduction. Both were described as mentally ill, homeless and addicted to drugs. A crack pipe was found in the car.
The shooting helped prompt an investigation by the Department of Justice, which concluded the department had engaged in a pattern and practice of using excessive force and violating civil rights. The city and DOJ are currently negotiating over reforms.
Brelo has been on unpaid leave since he was indicted last May. Police Chief Calvin Williams said it will continue during disciplinary reviews for him and the other 12 officers.
In addition to the charges against Brelo, a grand jury charged five police supervisors with misdemeanor dereliction of duty for failing to control the chase. All five have pleaded not guilty and no trial date has been set.
"Our pursuit of justice for Timothy Russell and Melissa Williams is not over," McGinty said.
Associated Press writers Andrew Welsh-Huggins and John Coyne contributed to this report.

'Government' Orders Banks to Call Cops

'Government' Orders Banks to Call Cops if Customers Withdraw $5000 or More from Accounts

May 20, 2015 By 

Withdrawing $5,000 or more from your bank account legally may result in a visit from the cops and potentially seizure of your cash.
Withdrawing $5,000 or more from your bank account legally may result in a visit from the cops and potentially seizure of your cash.
The war on the American people by the federal government continues to escalate as the Justice Department met with banking leaders recommending their employees call the cops on banking customers who withdraw $5,000 and more from their personal and business accounts.

Even though regulations already call for banks to submit a “Suspicious Activity Report” (SAR) when transactions conducted or attempted by, at, or through the bank (or an affiliate) and aggregating $5,000 or more. . . “ according to the handbook for the Federal Financial Institution Examination Council, that doesn’t seem to be good enough in the age of civil asset forfeiture.
These new regulations are suggesting banks call the cops after perfectly legal cash withdraws simply because they are over an arbitrary amount.  And since the police love stealing cash from citizens without having to charge them with a crime, it is seen as just another step down the path of tyranny.
From the Wall Street Journal
The U.S. Justice Department’s criminal head said banks may need to go beyond filing suspicious activity reports when they encounter a risky customer.
“The vast majority of financial institutions file suspicious activity reports when they suspect that an account is connected to nefarious activity,” said assistant attorney general Leslie Caldwell in a speech last Monday, according to prepared remarks.
“But, in appropriate cases, we encourage those institutions to consider whether to take more action: specifically, to alert law enforcement authorities about the problem.”
The remarks indicate that banks may be expected to do more than just file SARs, a responsibility that itself can be expensive and time-consuming.
Some banks already have close relationships with law enforcement, said Kevin Rosenberg, chair of Goldberg Lowenstein & Weatherwax LLP’s government investigation and white collar litigation group. Ms. Caldwell’s remarks “speak to moving forward in a more collaborative way,” said Mr. Rosenberg.
A tip-off from a bank about a suspicious customer could lead law enforcement to seize funds or start an investigation, Ms. Caldwell said.
According to a report from the Intercept back in 2014 “The Obama administration has quietly approved a substantial expansion of the terrorist watch list system, authorizing a secret process that requires neither “concrete facts” nor “irrefutable evidence” to designate an American or foreigner as a terrorist, according to a key government document obtained by The Intercept.”
This expansion of the terror watch list combined with the new banking regulations and illegal civil asset forfeitures combines for a trifecta of assaults on your rights.  And not to sound paranoid, but if you’re reading this, you are probably on one list or another.

Elites Panic as Information Control Flounders

by James Corbett
Do you want the good news first or the bad news?
Alright, here’s the bad news: Google is about to start ranking sites according to their conformity with mainstream opinion. Or at least that’s what the headlines would have you believe.
The usual sources in the controlled corporate media are telling you that this is a good thing and that only “Anti-science advocates are freaking out about Google truth rankings,” but if that seems like a remarkably blase attitude to take when facing the prospect of a 1984-like reality where the modern-age Ministry of Truth (Google) is going to determine the “truth” of controversial subjects and rank search results accordingly, then keep in mind that such articles are written by the likes of Joanna Rothkopf, daughter of mini-Kissinger and author of “Superclass,” David Rothkopf.
New Scientist–the website that broke the story with their article “Google wants to rank websites based on facts not links“–also framed the story, predictably enough, as “science” versus “anti-science,” starting their article by lamenting the fact that “Anti-vaccination websites make the front page of Google, and fact-free ‘news’ stories spread like wildfire.” The article rejoices in the fact that the good chaps at Google have come up with a bulletproof answer to this mess: “rank websites according to their truthfulness.”
The slightly good news is that, ironically enough, the New Scientist article seems to be a perfect example of a fact-free story spreading around the internet like wildfire. While the story does link to a research paper from a Google research team that outlines a “novel multi-layer probabilistic model” for assigning a “trustworthiness score” to web pages, it neglects to mention that the idea is still very much a theoretical work-in-progress at the moment and is nowhere near ready to be launched. If you have a fetish for multivariate equations, dynamically selected granularity, and line graphs comparing calibration curves for various data analysis methods, have at it! For the rest of us who are not fluent in boffin-speak, the gist of it is this:
Google research paper extract
First, a page is harvested for its “knowledge triples.” These are connected triplets of information consisting of a subject, predicate and object. The paper itself helpfully provides the example: Obama – Nationality – USA. A “false value” (again according to the paper itself) would be Obama – Nationality – Kenya. These knowledge triples are assessed for their (Google-determined) accuracy and the page is assigned a KBT (Knowledge-Based Trust) score, which Google could use in place of (or perhaps in some combination with) the traditional PageRank score to determine how high in the search results the web page should place.
The paper uses a list of 15 gossip websites to demonstrate that using this method, sites with disputed and often incorrect information (gossip sites) might rank high in traditional search results, which are weighted toward popularity, but low in the KBT results. But even the paper itself admits there’s a long way to go before this KBT method would be usable by Google to rank billions of web pages.
This is good news for those alt media websites (and their readers) who realize that they are the ones directly in the crosshairs of this technology. Given that Google is nothing other than an American intelligence adjunct (and has been since its inception), would we expect anything resembling a fair assessment of the “truthfulness” surrounding the most politically controversial subjects of our time?
The Federal Reserve is a private cartel created by the banksters for the express purpose of manipulating the money supply and controlling the economy? CONSPIRACY THEORY! No Google for you!
Governments always and throughout history use false flag terrorism in order to justify their wars of aggression? SLANDER! Do not pass go, do not collect $200, go directly to the bottom of the search results!

Google and every other major Silicon Valley firmis in bed with the DOD and/or the CIA and/or the NSA? BLASPHEMY! You have been excommunicated from the church of Google.
You get the idea.
But here’s the really good news: even if Google does launch such a system, it is doomed to failure. The internet is one of the last, best bastions of the free market in action that we have in our stultified, regulated, controlled, manipulated economy. Google’s popularity did not come about because government goons pointed a gun at everyone’s head and forced them to use it. They didn’t even create a licensing system for operating search engines, a favorite government trick for keeping genuine competition out of the market. It became popular because it was a million times more useful than AskJeeves or Yahoo! or any of the other outdated, clunky, dysfunctional search “portals” that dominated the web in the late 1990s. Granted, the power of Google’s PageRank may have come directly from the NSA’s own engineers, as some have speculated, but the fact remains: people use it because they can find what they want quickly and easily with minimal fuss.
At that point at which Google stops being useful for its intended purpose (helping people to look for information), people will start to look for alternatives. And alternatives do exist. is a privacy-protecting search engine that returns results drawn from a wide range of other search engines.
DuckDuckGo is another popular alternative search engine focusing on privacy protection that uses a number of innovative tools to make searching quicker and easier.
SigTruth is an “Alternative Media Search Engine for Liberty Minded People” that uses Google’s own custom search abilities against itself by returning only alt media website results on various topics.

And even the news that Google might at some point start using its “truthiness” score to downgrade the alt media has spurred others in the alt media (like Mike Adams) to announce the creation of their own search engines.
This is how the free market of ideas is meant to work, and if and when Google starts returning sanitized propaganda, those who are uninterested in sanitized propaganda will vote with their feet (fingertips?).
But here’s the best news of all: what this urge to categorize sites by “truthfulness” (and all of the back-slapping, high-fiving articles about this news from the dying establishment mouthpiece media) really shows is just how desperate the would-be gatekeepers are becoming in their fight to put the alt media genie back in the bottle. And even better yet, this is by no means the first sign that the gatekeepers are losing their war to keep the people in the dark on the topics that matter.
In 2008, arch-globalist Zbigniew Brzezinski started lamenting how, for the first time in human history “all of humanity is politically activated, politically conscious and politically interactive.” This, as he stressed in speeches and articles at the time, means that it is no longer possible to dominate people in the same ways that they have been dominated for centuries.
In 2011, Hillary Clinton admitted that the US was losing the information war to alternative media outlets of all stripes.
In 2013, had to turn off comments on all of their articles because, they said, a “decades-long war on expertise has eroded the popular consensus on a wide variety of scientifically validated topics” like catastrophic man-made climate change.

And poll after poll after poll in year after year after year continues to chart the decline of the dinosaur print/radio/tv media and the rise of the internet as a source of daily news and information for the majority of the public.
Yes, there are dark skies and reasons to be concerned about what’s coming in the inevitable digital clampdown. But there are bright spots as well, and these deserve to be noted, highlighted and celebrated. After all, the people have had a taste for real information and now more people than ever before see through the increasingly clumsy propaganda of the establishment. And that makes the propaganda increasingly useless for setting the political agenda.
The internet revolution toothpaste is out of the tube, and it’s going to be one heck of a job getting it back in. And that’s good news.

Rare Kansas 4.7 magnitude earthquake (4.0M revised) @ Fracking operation — Forecast 48 hours prior (sensored by AOL)

A noteworthy, and rare 4.7 magnitude earthquake has struck South Central Kansas at a fracking operation.   This is one of the larger earthquakes in Kansas state history.
This event was forecast to occur 2 days ago on May 21, 2015.
The USGS decided to quickly (within a few minutes) downgrade the earthquake to a 4.0 M !?   Literally cutting the earthquake by almost a whole magnitude?!
kansas 4.7m earthquake may 23 2015
kansas fracking operation may 23 2015

Kansas was warned 2 days ago for 4.0M+ earthquake activity to occur.
See the forecast for Kansas here: (talking about Kansas at approximately the 23 minute mark)
Original data from the USGS shows a 4.6 M earthquake with a margin of error at ZERO… then they downgraded the earthquake to be a 4.0 for some reason.
We’ve seen a large increase in 4.0 magnitude (and greater) activity over the past 7 days across the United States, it is no wonder the USGS is in “downplay” mode right now.  They always do this at times of global unrest, downgrade, and deny anything major is happening.
They will continue downgrading, and denying until a large event occurs, just like we saw in 2011, and 2012.
past 7 days 4.0M+ earthquakes may 23 2015
Above: Past 7 days of 4.0M+ earthquakes in the United States (up to 245pm CDT May 23, 2015) shows a major increase in United States seismic activity.

In my opinion , this was downgraded to save any problems for oil / gas companies.  No real reason to downgrade an earthquake this far, other that to make it appear to be no big deal.
Most likely some idiot at the USGS playing politics due to this earthquake being related to fracking.
The European services are showing a 4.7 magnitude:

Magnitude mb 4.7
Date time 2015-05-23 18:44:28.8 UTC
Location 37.49 N ; 98.87 W
Depth 2 km
Distances 555 km N of Dallas, United States / pop: 1,197,816 / local time: 13:44:28.8 2015-05-23
255 km NW of Oklahoma City, United States / pop: 579,999 / local time: 13:44:28.8 2015-05-23
21 km SW of Pratt, United States / pop: 6,835 / local time: 13:44:28.8 2015-05-23

M4.6 – 29km SW of Pratt, Kansas
Magnitude / uncertainty 4.6 mb_lg± 0.0
Location / uncertainty 37.427°N 98.939°W± 2.6 km
Depth / uncertainty 8.4 km± 7.7
Origin Time
Number of Stations
Number of Phases 38
Minimum Distance 80.71 km (0.72°)
Travel Time Residual 0.83 sec
Azimuthal Gap 153°
FE Region Kansas (480)
Magnitude / uncertainty 4.0 mwr± 0.1
Location / uncertainty 37.431°N 98.932°W± 2.0 km
Depth / uncertainty 5.0 km± 2.0
Origin Time
Number of Stations
Number of Phases 38
Minimum Distance 80.26 km (0.72°)
Travel Time Residual 0.60 sec
Azimuthal Gap 152°
FE Region Kansas (480)



By Theodore Shoebat 

Islam is a homosexual cult, that wants to bring the world into a homosexual pagan empire. I did a whole video on this:

ISIS are a bunch of homosexual, anti-Christian murderers. They are the purest form of the homosexual agenda, and they are just as evil and evil and anti-Christian as the reprobate sodomites in the West.

There is a recent report that reveals that ISIS officials have homo sex with other men in their tents. According to the report:
In a joint statement released on August 13 2014 two senior United Nations officials spoke out against Isis’ “barbaric acts” of sexual violence and “savage rapes” of Iraqi minorities. “We are gravely concerned by continued reports of acts of violence, including sexual violence against women and teenage girls and boys belonging to Iraqi minorities,” Zainab Hawa Bangura and Nickolay Mladenov said.
One detail in Arango’s story, however, stands out: it is the reference to homosexual sex in an Isis training camp. “He [Barho] said he saw men having sex with other men behind the tents in the desert night.”
An interesting article on the homosexual connection with Islam and Islamic history wrote that nowhere in the Quran is homosexuality explicitly condemned:
Until the modern era, there was no word for sodomy in Arabic or Persian. Nor is there any prohibition of it in the Quran. Some make reference to the destruction of the town identified as Sodom of the Old Testament (which is supposed to be the origin of the word sodomy) in the Quran, Surah 15: 73-77 as if it were the source. But it is quite clear that the city was destroyed because its inhabitants refused to offer hospitality to strangers. Where does the prohibition against sodomy come from? The reference is to some hadith, the sayings and acts of the Prophet Muhammad, which the Sunni interpretation of Islam uses to provide a legal basis for legal matters not covered in the Quran.
A recent article by Elyse Semerdjian that dealt with cases brought before the shariah court in Aleppo over a period of 359 years when it was under Ottoman control has turned up four, but only one concerning sodomy against a young man and his mother. The youngster is supposed to have brought men known to be involved in sodomy to his home to the anger of the people of his neighborhood. The two were expelled from their community, a customary punishment for prostitution that had become noticeable enough to disturb the neighbors. Sodomites, on the other hand, were not punished.
The article continues on to describe a very disturbing ritual called “Sema” in which Sufi mystics would surround young boys and stare at them until they fell into a demonic trance:
Some of the Sufis even organized what were known as “sema” during which ceremonies, they would sit in a circle and concentrate on the beautiful young boys in the center, concentrating to such an extent on what they perceived as beauty that they might fall into a trance.
Muhammad, contrary to Scripture, in fact wore the clothes of his child-bride Aisha as a ritual to receive revelation from Allah.

In the Sahih Collection of al-Bukhari, Hadith Number 2442,  Chapter 52, Muhammad says:
The revelation does not come to me when I am in the garment of any woman except ‘A’isha.
In Sahih al-Bukhari, Hadith Number 3941, the same impostor states:
Do not hurt me with Aisha; for by Allah, the inspiration did not descent on me while I was in the coverings (lihaf) of any of you (women) except Aisha.”
In the Sahih collection of Imam Muslim, Hadith Number 4472, one Zaynab Bint Jahsh requests a visit to see Muhammad
while he was with Aisha in (fee) her robe (Mirt) and in the same state that Fatimah found him in.”
As we write in our book, For God or For Tyranny, the Quran itself promises boy loving for jihadists in paradise.

The followers of Muhammad consisted of mukhannathun, or cross dressers. It is the same word as mukhannatah, which in Arabic means homosexual.
Daayiee Abdullah, an openly gay imam, describes the mukhannathun as
sort of a male-female, cross-dressing types. They existed. And they also lived or worked in the household of the Prophet. Aisha, one of the Prophet’s wives, indicated that there were men who worked in the household. They were mukhannathun. That generally meant that they were not necessarily castrated, but not having an interest in women.
Muhammad not only was a cross-dresser, but he had gay friends. So the next time you hear a modern Christian laud himself for having gay friends and criticize the church for prohibiting homosexuality, let him know that Jesus wouldn’t have gay friends, but Muhammad did.

Islam wants to destroy Christianity and replace it with a heretical pagan homosexual empire.