Monday, June 29, 2015

No white leader will dare stop Obama now

“Americans love to fight. All real Americans love the sting of battle.” – George S. Patton

I’ve been warning white Americans for 25 years that they’re losing their country due to their fear of being called racists. And now we have a stone racist in the White House who is hell-bent on redistributing America’s power and wealth.
Due to the outright fear of America’s leaders in business and every branch of our government, there appears to be nothing to stop Obama and his minions from bringing America to her knees.
There are several recent examples. Let’s start with the Charleston shooting. The suspected killer, Dylann Roof, reportedly told survivors in the church, “You rape our women and you’re taking over our country. And you have to go.”
Note these excerpts from what is purportedly Dylann’s “manifesto,” found on a website called The Last Rhodesian:
“… Me and White friends would sometimes watch things that would make us think that blacks were the real racists. … The event that truly awakened me was the Trayvon Martin case. … It was obvious that Zimmerman was in the right. But more importantly this prompted me to type in the words ‘black on White crime’ in Google, and I have never been the same since that day. … At this moment I realized that something was very wrong. How could the news be blowing up the Trayvon Martin case while hundreds of these black on White murders got ignored?
Dylann is correct – and FBI statistics (2011) prove it: Blacks kill two-and-a-half times more whites than whites kill blacks, but since there are five times less blacks than whites in America, blacks are 12.5 times more likely to kill whites than whites are to kill blacks.
This is what set Dylann off. He’s also aware that his parents’ generation has been afraid to speak out against black misbehavior. This blatant cowardice has enraged many younger whites, who are not afraid to strike back.
But Obama jumped up before the bodies were cold and changed the narrative – to gun control.
Then, because photos were found of Dylann posing with a Confederate flag, the media began to howl, and South Carolina Republican Gov. Nikki Haley and Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham began calling for the flag to be removed from the statehouse grounds! What?
Alabama Republican Gov. Robert Bentley took it a step further, comparing the Confederate flag to a Nazi swastika!
Apple jumped in, removing Civil War games from iTunes. Amazon, Walmart and Sears began pulling merchandise bearing the Confederate flag. The National Park Service even asked its bookstores – including Gettysburg – to stop selling items that bear the flag!
I was raised on a plantation in the South, and never had a problem with the Confederate flag. It is a symbol of regional pride, and also a reminder of what America has overcome.
Leftists don’t care about the flag. They’re just using it to attack the South – one of the last bastions of Christian conservatism left in America – to ultimately defeat Republicans. Shame on cowardly Republicans for going along with it.
Then leftists began looking for Confederate monuments to topple – like ISIS seeks to destroy Christian artifacts.
Meanwhile, the white Republican leadership helped empower the most dishonest president ever by handing him a victory on trade legislation – which no regular American citizen was allowed to view. Obama rewarded Republican Majority Leader Boehner for his treachery with a ride on Air Force One.
Now I know why Obama tells people, “You didn’t build that!” Because scared white men build Obama’s power for him.
Then the heavily white Supreme Court capitulated to Obama on Thursday and Friday.
First it was the approval of Obamacare. Yet we all know it’s un-American and unconstitutional to force the American people to buy a (bad) product.
Then it was Friday’s decision, which blatantly insulted God and the voter’s will by mandating homosexual marriage in every state.
Obama’s capped his reign of evil with a Friday eulogy for Charleston church pastor Clementa Pinckney, thereby getting one more shout out against evil Southerners, and for gun control.
These events prove that the American people have no representation. White leaders just refuse to come out of their hole.
This is all scary in a physical sense – our common ship, America, is going down. But the silver lining is that it forces us to look beyond our leaders, and instead look to God. It also compels us to join in common cause with our fellow citizens.
I’m beginning to get more calls from these Americans on my radio show. If you want to work with my nonprofit organization, BOND, to “Rebuild the Family by Rebuilding the Man,” and “Unite the Races with Truth Instead of Dividing Them with Lies,” then drop me a note.
The time is past to wait for some leader to restore our country. It’s time to do it ourselves. After all, we’re Americans!

Check out “The Word on the Street with Jesse Lee Peterson,” “Confederate Flag Haters Are Like Isis Destroying Christian Artifacts“:

Confederate Flag Haters are like ISIS Destroying Christian Artifacts


What Chemtrails Are Doing To Your Brain


Neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock
Reveals Shocking Facts


Linderman Unleashed Radio Show March 28th 2013 Broadcast. Curt Linderman speaks with Dr. Blaylock about the devastating health effects of the chemtrails and geoengineering programs which have been implemented in secret without public consent.

Chemtrails, Nanoaluminum and Neurodegenerative and Neurodevelopmental Effects
By Russell L. Blaylock, M.D.

The Internet is littered with stories of "chemtrails" and geoengineering to combat "global warming" and until recently I took these stories with a grain of salt. One of the main reasons for my skepticism was that I rarely saw what they were describing in the skies. But over the past several years I have notice a great number of these trails and I have to admit they are not like the contrails I grew up seeing in the skies. They are extensive, quite broad, are laid in a definite pattern and slowly evolve into artificial clouds. Of particular concern is that there are now so many ­dozens every day are littering the skies.

My major concern is that there is evidence that they are spraying tons of nanosized aluminum compounds. It has been demonstrated in the scientific and medical literature that nanosized particles are infinitely more reactive and induce intense inflammation in a number of tissues. Of special concern is the effect of these nanoparticles on the brain and spinal cord, as a growing list of neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's dementia, Parkinson's disease and Lou Gehrig's disease (ALS) are strongly related to exposure to environmental aluminum.
Nanoparticles of aluminum are not only infinitely more inflammatory, they also easily penetrate the brain by a number of routes, including the blood and olfactory nerves (the smell nerves in the nose). Studies have shown that these particles pass along the olfactory neural tracts, which connect directly to the area of the brain that is not only most effected by Alzheimer's disease, but also the earliest affected in the course of the disease. It also has the highest level of brain aluminum in Alzheimer's cases.

The intranasal route of exposure makes spraying of massive amounts of nanoaluminum into the skies especially hazardous, as it will be inhaled by people of all ages, including babies and small children for many hours. We know that older people have the greatest reaction to this airborne aluminum. Because of the nanosizing of the aluminum particles being used, home filtering system will not remove the aluminum, thus prolonging exposure, even indoors.
In addition to inhaling nanoaluminum, such spraying will saturate the ground, water and vegetation with high levels of aluminum. Normally, aluminum is poorly absorbed from the GI tract, but nanoaluminum is absorbed in much higher amounts. This absorbed aluminum has been shown to be distributed to a number of organs and tissues including the brain and spinal cord. Inhaling this environmentally suspended nanoaluminum will also produce tremendous inflammatory reaction within the lungs, which will pose a significant hazard to children and adults with asthma and pulmonary diseases.  

I pray that the pilots who are spraying this dangerous substance fully understand that they are destroying the life and health of their families as well. This is also true of our political officials. Once the soil, plants and water sources are heavily contaminated there will be no way to reverse the damage that has been done.
Steps need to be taken now to prevent an impending health disaster of enormous proportions if this project is not stopped immediately. Otherwise we will see an explosive increase in neurodegenerative diseases occurring in adults and the elderly in unprecedented rates as well as neurodevelopmental disorders in our children. We are already seeing a dramatic increase in these neurological disorders and it is occurring in younger people than ever before. 

Hillary Clinton - strong allegiance to Monsanto and Dow


Hillary Clinton now fleeing the public and reporters after being outed as Bride of Frankenfoods

NaturalNews) There are a number of very good reasons why Hillary Clinton should never be elected president. The Democratic front-runner for the 2016 presidential election has been embroiled in so many scandals.  It's not easy to know where to start. The Benghazi fiasco? Emailgate? The revelations published in the recently released book titled Clinton Cash that prove just how corrupt she and hubby Bill really are?

No wonder she's dodging the press...

But there's an even bigger issue, one that may be the real reason why she hasn't been answering any questions from journalists in more than a month and is now going to great lengths to hide from reporters.

Hillary has been outed as the "Bride of Frankenfoods" -- her cozy relationship with Monsanto, a company widely regarded (and rightly so) as "the most evil corporation on the planet."
It has been revealed that Hillary Clinton has extremely close ties with Monsanto and that she supports GMO agriculture. This isn't really news, because her ties to the industry go all the way back to when she worked at the Rose Law Firm in Arkansas, which represented Monsanto and other "Big Ag" corporations.
Her alliances with Monsanto and GMOs didn't stop there, either. Monsanto and Dow Chemicals (Dow is another one of the heavy hitters in the Frankenfood industry) have each made huge contributions to the Clinton Foundation.
From The Washington Times:
Big ag... has been a big donor to the Clinton Foundation, the family 'charity' at the center of pay-to-play accusations involving foreign donors while Mrs. Clinton ran the State Department.
Monsanto gave the foundation between $501,250 and $1 million. Dow Chemical Company, which is among the top
GMO players, gave between $1 million and $5 million, according to financial disclosures by the Clinton Foundation.

And that's not all -- Hillary Clinton's top campaign staffer in Iowa, Jerry Crawford, is a former Monsanto lobbyist.

Starting to get the picture?

If not, take this next fact into consideration: Only last year,
Hillary Clinton made a paid speech at a San Diego biotech convention in which she advised the industry to give its products an "image makeover," as reported by The Washington Times.

One excerpt from the speech has Clinton telling the audience -- which was made up of GMO industry executives and investors -- to choose their terminology more wisely:

"Genetically modified" sounds Frankensteinish. "Drought-resistant" sounds like something you'd want. Be more careful so you don't raise that red flag immediately.

That passage alone should be enough to convince you that Hillary Clinton not only is more than willing to kowtow to the GMO industry but is also ready to engage in whatever devious verbal subterfuge it takes to ram the Frankenfood agenda right down our collective throats.
It's sickening, don't you agree?

Make no mistake about it: Hillary Clinton is not the champion of the downtrodden masses, as she would like everyone to believe. She is a corporatist candidate whose mission is to further the interests of the elites, and particularly the agendas of Monsanto and others in the
biotech industry.

A vote for Hillary is a vote for Monsanto. And now that this fact is becoming clear to those who blindly supported her (such as the liberal females who rightly are against GMOs, but who didn't know the "real" Hillary until now), they are ditching her in droves and withdrawing their support for her candidacy.
No wonder she has been avoiding
reporters. And though it may benefit her at the moment to do exactly that, she can't run from the press and public scrutiny forever if she is serious about getting elected.

It will be interesting to see what happens next, now that she has been *outed as the Bride of Frankenfoods.

Are American voters really dumbed down and apathetic enough to vote her into office anyway? I certainly hope not...

* -- uncover, unmask, unveil, disclosed, inform, revealed


Learn more:

Sunday, June 28, 2015

ISA_The Corporate United States remains a British Colony for Taxation _Unless Lawfully Establishing Legal Residence in Austria, Singapura, et al.

Ambassador Lee Emil Wanta



The United States is still a British Colony Revisited

The trouble with history is, we weren't there when it took place and it can be changed to fit someone's belief and/or traditions, or it can be taught in the public schools to favor a political agenda, and withhold many facts. I know you have been taught that we won the Revolutionary War and defeated the British, but I can prove to the contrary.
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finis/intel.ops/all stations-europa-usa/ksi536-kbf373/ga


Separatists Claim Texas Never Joined United States


HOUSTON — The Republic of Texas is unlike any other volunteer organization in what used to be the Republic of Texas.
Its monthly meetings are called joint sessions of congress. Members have minted their own silver and gold currency and carry ID cards warning police officers they are diplomatic representatives of the nation of Texas. Its vice president, a retired telephone company worker, sent a letter in 2011 to the governor of Oklahoma, informing her that she faced indictment because her state’s counties and territories were “trespassing inside the geographical boundaries” of the nation.
Such letters have failed to convince the authorities of the group’s novel belief — that Texas never legally became part of the United States and remains a separate nation. As a result of that belief, the group claims it had a duty to form a government, with a state department and with a court system run in part by a chiropractor in the Houston suburb of Katy.
Members say their government is neither a mock system nor a prank, but a legitimate authority with executive, legislative and judicial branches. They spend their time sitting through eight-hour congressional meetings and debating legislation. (The letter to Oklahoma refers to Senate Bill No. 1102-1201.) Still, officials who receive one of the group’s many letters typically “just throw it in the trash can,” acknowledged the Republic’s president, John Jarnecke, 72.   

Members of the Republic of Texas carry the organization’s silver and gold coins, and hold monthly congressional meetings. Credit Ilana Panich-Linsman for The New York Times

Until last month.
The group’s Valentine’s Day meeting in Bryan had barely started at a Veterans of Foreign Wars hall — each woman in the audience had been handed a rose — when several local, state and federal law enforcement officials burst through the door. No one was arrested in the raid, which included F.B.I. agents, but dozens of the group’s supporters were detained. Some were fingerprinted, and cellphones and briefcases were confiscated from others.
The authorities said the raid was part of an investigation into a batch of letters the Republic of Texas had sent to a judge and a lawyer in Kerrville, Tex. They noted that those with ties to the group have taken their nationalist beliefs to violent extremes in the past, including a seven-day standoff with the authorities in 1997 that ended with a gun battle in which one group member was killed. The group’s leaders said that officials behind the recent raid had overreacted with a show of force and that the letters were lawful.    

Items returned to Mr. Jarnecke after the February raid were still marked with "evidence" tags. Credit Ilana Panich-Linsman for The New York Times

The Republic had ordered the judge in Kerrville to appear at the V.F.W. hall for a “court hearing” involving his role in the pending foreclosure of a member’s home. Two letters to the judge ordered him to present “proof of his authority for executing his claimed powers involving a foreign entity” and warned him that copies might be provided to the United Nations. The lawyer was sent a “subpoena.”
After the raid, the V.F.W. hall prohibited the group from meeting there again, so the Republic’s next congressional session will be held at Ace Buffet and Grill in Waco.
“They came in looking like John Dillinger and the gang were hiding out,” said Dave Kroupa, the Katy chiropractor who signed the letters to the judge as chief justice of the Republic’s international common law court. “The ladies were armed with roses. The most confusing thing I ever witnessed was this silly raid in 59 years of my life.”   

Richard L. McLaren, the group’s former leader, at his home in Fort Davis, Tex., in 1997. He is in state prison after a hostage-taking. Credit Ron Heflin/Associated Press

The disruption of the meeting has given the group a boost in publicity and support. It also provided a glimpse into the Republic’s political alternate reality and the radical and not-so-radical views of its supporters. Some have had violent confrontations with the authorities, and some are retirees more interested in the minutiae of the establishment of Texas as a country from 1836-45 than in overthrowing the government.
“They’re a harmless, clueless and interesting group of generally nice older guys with too much time on their hands,” said Jerry Patterson, a former Texas land commissioner, who recalled receiving Republic letters demanding he vacate the office. “Certainly law enforcement has something else to do. They have never tried to enforce their demands beyond writing amusing letters.”
The sheriff of Kerr County, Rusty Hierholzer, who led the raid and execution of the search warrant last month, said the letters appeared to violate a state law that prohibits delivery of documents that simulate a summons or other court process. The large contingent of officers, he said, was necessary because of the group’s history.
(common law procedures are refused - only the maritime law of the sea courts and procedures are acceptable in the corporation states) 

In 1997, the group’s leader, Richard L. McLaren, and his supporters abducted a West Texas couple and held them hostage, leading to a seven-day standoff with the authorities. Credit Kes Gilhome/Midland Reporter-Telegram, via Associated Press

In 1997, the group’s leader at the time, Richard L. McLaren, and his supporters abducted a West Texas couple and held them hostage, leading to the standoff. A member of the group was shot and killed in the gun battle. Mr. McLaren surrendered and remains in state prison. Other members have been charged over the years with assault, forgery, the impersonation of an officer and, in a 1998 federal case, threats to use a weapon of mass destruction.
“I don’t have a problem with this group, but when they do things that violate the laws of this state, then I have to take action,” Sheriff Hierholzer said. “If I had just sent one officer to this meeting, to execute that warrant, I have a serious concern as to how safe my officer would’ve been.
“You look at Waco, Timothy McVeigh, some of this ‘sovereign citizen’ stuff,” he added, referring to the 1993 F.B.I. assault on the Branch Davidian compound in Waco and the terrorist who was executed for detonating a truck bomb in Oklahoma City in 1995. “There’s radicals in everything we do. It’s the radicals that I’m concerned about.”
The Republic of Texas leaders say they have no ties to Mr. McLaren, and some have apparently joined in recent years as the Texas secession movement has grown. In last year’s Republican primary for governor, a secessionist who changed his middle name to reflect his cause, Larry Secede Kilgore, received 19,055 votes.
The Republic’s president, Mr. Jarnecke, who runs a construction business in Fredericksburg, said it was inaccurate to call the members secessionists. “We in the Republic do not need to secede, because we never ceded it to them to start with.”
The raid had one other effect: generating more letters.
Paul Robert Andrus, who was among those detained, filed documents accusing the sheriff’s lead investigator of “trespass upon liberty.” He demanded $3 million in gold, money order “or any combination necessary thereof.”


Thomas Jefferson
His Portrait is on the Two $2.00 Dollar Bill.
This is amazing. There are two parts.
Be sure to read the 2nd part (in RED ).
Thomas Jefferson
was a very remarkable man who started
learning very early in life and never stopped.
At 5, began studying under his cousin's tutor.
At 9 , studied Latin, Greek and French.
At 14 , studied classical literature and additional languages.
At 16, entered the College of William and Mary.
Also could write in Greek with one hand
while writing the same in Latin with the other.
At 19, studied Law for 5 years starting under George Wythe.
At 23, started his own law practice.
At 25 , was elected to the Virginia House of Burgesses.
At 31 , wrote the widely circulated "Summary View of the Rights of British America" And retired from his law practice.
At 32, was a delegate to the Second Continental Congress.
At 33 , wrote the Declaration of Independence.
At 33 , took three years to revise Virginia's legal code and wrote a Public Education bill and a statute for Religious Freedom.
At 36 , was elected the second Governor of Virginia succeeding Patrick Henry.
At 40 , served in Congress for two years.
At 41, was the American minister to France and
negotiated commercial treaties with European nations
along with Ben Franklin and John Adams..
At 46, served as the first Secretary of State
under George Washington.
At 53 , served as Vice President and was elected
president of the American Philosophical Society.
At 55 , drafted the Kentucky Resolutions and
became the active head of Republican Party.
At 57 , was elected the third president of the United States.
At 60 , obtained the Louisiana Purchase doubling the nation's size.
At 61 , was elected to a second term as President.
At 65 , retired to Monticello ..
At 80, helped President Monroe shape the Monroe Doctrine.
At 81 , almost single-handedly created the University of Virginia and served as its first president.
At 83 , died on the 50th anniversary of the Signing of the Declaration of Independence along with John Adams.
Thomas Jefferson  knew because he himself studied the previous failed attempts at government.
He understood actual history, the nature of God, His laws and the nature of man. That happens to be way more than what most understand  today.
Jefferson really knew his stuff.
A voice from the past to lead us in the future:
John F. Kennedy
held a dinner in the White House for a group of the brightest minds in the nation at that time. He made this statement:
"This is perhaps the assembly of the most intelligence ever to gather at one time in the White House with the exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone."
"When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe,
we shall become as corrupt as Europe ."
-- Thomas Jefferson
"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those
who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
-- Thomas Jefferson
"It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes.
A principle which if acted on would save one-half the wars of the world."
-- Thomas Jefferson
"I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them."
--  Thomas Jefferson
"My reading of history convinces me that most bad government
results from too much government."
-- Thomas Jefferson
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms."
--Thomas Jefferson
"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in
 -- Thomas Jefferson
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time
with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
-- Thomas Jefferson
"To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical."
-- Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson said in 1802 :
"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.
If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property - until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers  conquered."
I wish we could get this out to every American!