Saturday, August 1, 2015


AFTER years as a civil rights lawyer, I rarely find myself speechless. But some questions a woman I know posed during a phone conversation one recent evening gave me pause:
“What would happen if we organized thousands, even hundreds of thousands, of people charged with crimes to refuse to play the game, to refuse to plea out? What if they all insisted on their Sixth Amendment right to trial? Couldn’t we bring the whole system to a halt just like that?”
The woman was Susan Burton, who knows a lot about being processed through the criminal justice system.
Her odyssey began when a Los Angeles police cruiser ran over and killed her 5-year-old son. Consumed with grief and without access to therapy or antidepressant medications, Susan became addicted to crack cocaine.
She lived in an impoverished black community under siege in the “war on drugs,” and it was but a matter of time before she was arrested and offered the first of many plea deals that left her behind bars for a series of drug-related offenses.
Every time she was released, she found herself trapped in an under-caste, subject to legal discrimination in employment and housing.
Fifteen years after her first arrest, Susan was finally admitted to a private drug treatment facility and given a job. After she was clean she dedicated her life to making sure no other woman would suffer what she had been through. Susan now runs five safe homes for formerly incarcerated women in Los Angeles.

Her organization, A New Way of Life, supplies a lifeline for women released from prison. But it does much more: it is also helping to start a movement. With groups like All of Us or None, it is organizing formerly incarcerated people and encouraging them to demand restoration of their basic civil and human rights.
I was stunned by Susan’s question about plea bargains because she — of all people — knows the risks involved in forcing prosecutors to make cases against people who have been charged with crimes. Could she be serious about organizing people, on a large scale, to refuse to plea-bargain when charged with a crime?
“Yes, I’m serious,” she flatly replied.
I launched, predictably, into a lecture about what prosecutors would do to people if they actually tried to stand up for their rights. The Bill of Rights guarantees the accused basic safeguards, including the right to be informed of charges against them, to an impartial, fair and speedy jury trial, to cross-examine witnesses and to the assistance of counsel.
But in this era of mass incarceration — when our nation’s prison population has quintupled in a few decades partly as a result of the war on drugs and the “get tough” movement — these rights are, for the overwhelming majority of people hauled into courtrooms across America, theoretical.
More than 90 percent of criminal cases are never tried before a jury. Most people charged with crimes forfeit their constitutional rights and plead guilty.
“The truth is that government officials have deliberately engineered the system to assure that the jury trial system established by the Constitution is seldom used,” said Timothy Lynch, director of the criminal justice project at the libertarian Cato Institute. In other words: the system is rigged.
In the race to incarcerate, politicians champion stiff sentences for nearly all crimes, including harsh mandatory minimum sentences and three-strikes laws; the result is a dramatic power shift, from judges to prosecutors.
obama perjury
The Supreme Court ruled in 1978 that threatening someone with life imprisonment for a minor crime in an effort to induce him to forfeit a jury trial did not violate his Sixth Amendment right to trial.
Thirteen years later, in Harmelin v. Michigan, the court ruled that life imprisonment for a first-time drug offense did not violate the Eighth Amendment’s ban on cruel and unusual punishment.
Obama Idiocracy
No wonder, then, that most people waive their rights. Take the case of Erma Faye Stewart, a single African-American mother of two who was arrested at age 30 in a drug sweep in Hearne, Tex., in 2000.
In jail, with no one to care for her two young children, she began to panic. Though she maintained her innocence, her court-appointed lawyer told her to plead guilty, since the prosecutor offered probation. Ms. Stewart spent a month in jail, and then relented to a plea.
She was sentenced to 10 years’ probation and ordered to pay a $1,000 fine. Then her real punishment began: upon her release, Ms. Stewart was saddled with a felony record; she was destitute, barred from food stamps and evicted from public housing.
Once they were homeless, Ms. Stewart’s children were taken away and placed in foster care. In the end, she lost everything even though she took the deal.
Bill Of Rights Are Unalienable Rights they are NOT Inalienable Rights. Inalienable Rights are a legal ease trapping in the court system. Know Your Rights!!!
Bill Of Rights Are Unalienable Rights they are NOT Inalienable Rights. Inalienable Rights are a legal ease trapping in the court system. Know Your Rights!!!
On the phone, Susan said she knew exactly what was involved in asking people who have been charged with crimes to reject plea bargains, and press for trial.
“Believe me, I know. I’m asking what we can do. Can we crash the system just by exercising our rights?”

The answer is yes.

The system of mass incarceration depends almost entirely on the cooperation of those it seeks to control. If everyone charged with crimes suddenly exercised his constitutional rights, there would not be enough judges, lawyers or prison cells to deal with the ensuing tsunami of litigation.
Not everyone would have to join for the revolt to have an impact; as the legal scholar Angela J. Davis noted,
“if the number of people exercising their trial rights suddenly doubled or tripled in some jurisdictions, it would create chaos.”
Such chaos would force mass incarceration to the top of the agenda for politicians and policy makers, leaving them only two viable options: sharply scale back the number of criminal cases filed (for drug possession, for example) or amend the Constitution (or eviscerate it by judicial “emergency” fiat).

Repetition Of Usurped Government Powers Rendered Unconstitutional.

Unconstitutional usurpations by one branch of government of powers entrusted to a coequal branch are not rendered constitutional by repetition.
The United States Supreme Court held unconstitutional hundreds of laws enacted by Congress over the course of five decades that included a legislative veto of executive actions in INS v. Chada, 462 U.S. 919 (1982).
Either action would create a crisis and the system would crash — it could no longer function as it had before. Mass protest would force a public conversation that, to date, we have been content to avoid.
In telling Susan that she was right, I found myself uneasy.
“As a mother myself, I don’t think there’s anything I wouldn’t plead guilty to if a prosecutor told me that accepting a plea was the only way to get home to my children,”
I said.
“I truly can’t imagine risking life imprisonment, so how can I urge others to take that risk — even if it would send shock waves through a fundamentally immoral and unjust system?”
Susan, silent for a while, replied:
“I’m not saying we should do it. I’m saying we ought to know that it’s an option. People should understand that simply exercising their rights would shake the foundations of our justice system which works only so long as we accept its terms.
As you know, another brutal system of racial and social control once prevailed in this country, and it never would have ended if some people weren’t willing to risk their lives. It would be nice if reasoned argument would do, but as we’ve seen that’s just not the case.
So maybe, just maybe, if we truly want to end this system, some of us will have to risk our lives.”
Michelle Alexander is the author of “The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness.”
New York Times
Jury Nullification Justice

Jury Nullification Justice

A society that ignores or downplays Liberty is a culture that has lost its purpose. In such a regime, the people are relegated to the whims of the State and every citizen is at risk of criminal prosecution.
Imagine the most evil attorney, like John Milton from The Devil’s Advocate movie, as a DA.
The irony that the initials for a District Attorney are the same as the title of the script should not be lost.

Al Pacino’s Speech could be given in any courtroom by a zealot persecutor as a closing statement.
Charging God for the injustices of the world, by a government lawyer and equating the accused with such crimes, gives new meaning to John Milton’s classic Paradise Lost.
The justice system has little to do with dispensing righteous responsibility.

What is the alternative to a kangaroo court of facilitator judges for lying state prosecutors? Historically, a verdict decided by jury is the greatest protection that any defendant can rely upon.
The video, A Layman’s Guide To Jury Nullification provides an instructive analysis how a jury of ordinary citizens possesses the legitimate authority to judge both the law and the facts in a case.
The Fully Informed Jury Association provides tremendous resources, links and information on the rights and responsibilities of jury duty. The following list of reports grants permission to copy and distribute each of the documents, if each document is reproduced without modification.
1. If You are Facing Charges
2. If You are Called for Jury Duty
3. Current State Constitutional Authority for Jury Veto
4. On the Grand Jury
Before critics reject, the need for essential limits placed upon judges and checks on the erroneous instructions they routinely provide that mislead citizens on their constitutional authority, examine closely some of the pronouncement in legal jurisprudence as compiled by from a cache search. Four examples clarify the right of Jury Nullification.
Justice BYRON WHITE (Taylor v. Louisiana, 419 US 522, 530 (1975)): “The purpose of a jury is to guard against the exercise of arbitrary power — to make available the commonsense judgment of the community as a hedge against the overzealous or mistaken prosecutor and in preference to the professional or perhaps overconditioned or biased response of a judge.”
THEOPHILUS PARSONS (2 Elliot’s Debates, 94; 2 Bancroft’s History of the Constitution, p. 267): “If a juror accepts as the law that which the judge states then that juror has accepted the exercise of absolute authority of a government employee and has surrendered a power and right that once was the citizen’s safeguard of liberty, — For the saddest epitaph which can be carved in memory of a vanished liberty is that it was lost because its possessors failed to stretch forth a saving hand while yet there was time.”
4TH CIRCUIT COURT OF APPEALS (United States v. Moylan, 417F.2d1006, 1969): “If the jury feels the law is unjust, we recognize the undisputed power of the jury to acquit, even if its verdict is contrary to the law as given by a judge, and contrary to the evidence…If the jury feels that the law under which the defendant is accused is unjust, or that exigent circumstances justified the actions of the accused, or for any reason which appeals to their logic or passion, the jury has the power to acquit, and the courts must abide by that decision.”
ALAN SCHEFLIN and JON VAN DYKE (“Jury Nullification: the Contours of a Controversy,” Law and Contemporary Problems, 43, No.4, 1980): ): “The arguments for opposing the nullification instruction are, in our view, deficient because they fail to weigh the political advantages gained by not lying to the jury…What impact will this deception have on jurors who felt coerced into their verdict by the judge’s instructions and who learn, after trail, that they could have voted their consciences and acquitted? Such a juror is less apt to respect the legal system.”
5. Juror Compensation by State
6. Juror’s Handbook

In the spirit of Jury Rights Day 2013, another video provides added insight into the excesses of imperial court arrogance and the way that juries can contravene abuses from the bench, from state or local government attorneys and Department of Justice agents. The incomparable champion for Liberty and Justice, Lysander Spooner in An Essay on the Trial by Jury, could not be more profound as he traces the tradition of the jury system.
That all these courts were mere courts of conscience, in which the juries were sole judges, administering justice according to their own ideas of it, is not only shown by the extracts [*79] already given, but is explicitly acknowledged in the following one, in which the modern “courts of conscience” are compared with the ancient hundred and count courts, and the preference [*80] given to the latter, on the ground that the duties of the jurors in the one case, and of the commissioners in the other, are the same, and that the consciences of a jury are a safer and purer [*81] tribunal than the consciences of individuals specially appointed, and holding permanent offices.
Jury Nullification
Since the conscience of the juror is the proper standard for a valid verdict, what measures can an informed citizenry take to combat charlatan courts from denying the common law protections?
One such effort is an ad campaign directly from the belly of the beast, the District of Criminals. As reported by the Washington Post in Billboard advocating jury nullification concerns local prosecutors, “Supporters of jury nullification in several cities have raised the ire of judges and prosecutors.”
Such horror for the privileged class of esquire barristers practicing – The Butchered Law.
So, when activist James Babb, from that previously cited, Fully Informed Jury Association, places informative billboards at Metro stations near the courts telling passersby about jury nullification, the ancient right of jurors to judge both the facts and the law, the legal establishment shutters in fear that their corrupt gatekeeper system will be overturned.
The reports on Prosecutors vs. Democracy from Jonathan Carp’s observation in the Center for a Stateless Society.
“Jury nullification no doubt infuriates prosecutors, judges, and indeed all the petty tyrants of officialdom. Genuine democracy generally has this effect.
Our ruling class is pleased to call the farcical, heavily gamed elections periodically held to confirm them in power “democracy,” but the power of the jury to disregard the law and do justice as they see it represents genuine democracy, that is, demokratia, or people power.
Indeed jury nullification represents one of the few remaining bastions of genuine democracy in our technocratically managed society.
It must be truly maddening for the legal technocrats to have their pompously ridiculous nonsense overthrown by a gaggle of mere citizens lacking, as they often do, fine degrees and prestigious titles.
And so they try and try to quash information about the real point of juries — deciding upon a just verdict — in order to render them passive and easily controlled, to turn them from real, functioning juries into inanimate totems used as props for the kabuki shows that we are assured are “fair trials.”
Currently in the news is a great lesson. A courageous jury sends a clear message to a fraudulent prosecution and a politicized court. From Pro-Gun Sheriff Found Not Guilty, “jury nullifies false arrest of Nick Finch who supported Second Amendment. After closing arguments by prosecutors and the defense, the jury took less than 90 minutes to reach its verdict.”
However, before sincere citizens declare victory over black robe magistrates and tyrannical District Attorneys, the New American raises further concerns in,
Sheriff Nick Finch Acquitted, Immediately Reinstated by Governor.
“Despite Finch’s acquittal, the question remains why a duly elected, constitutional sheriff was arrested for the actions he allegedly took. Why was Sheriff Finch not contacted by the FDLE or the governor and asked to answer the charges against him in a more disciplinary and less overtly legally hostile manner?
Will Scott and his successors use the Finch case as precedent for the assumption of the power of approval over voters’ election of county sheriffs?
Will every act of every one of those sheriffs in the 67 counties in the Sunshine State be subject to summary dismissal should they do something that doesn’t sit well with the governor or his wealthy campaign supporters?”
The Sheriff Has More Power Than The President Of The United States In His County Governor Has No Power To Remove A Sheriff Nor Reinstate. This Was A Nothing More Than A Sham Showcase Against The Powers Of The U.S. Sheriff.
Sheriff SWAT Team Works For Citizens In Each And Every County In Their United States Of America.
Sheriff SWAT Team Works For Citizens In Each And Every County In Their United States Of America.
Government courts have become bastions for State absolution and dispensers of citizen oppression. The Cato Institute recommends that Jurors Should Know Their Rights.
Clay Conrad’s book, Jury Nullification: The Evolution of a Doctrine is described as “This is the most important book on the independence of juries since Lysander Spooner’s Trial by Jury in 1852.
It is meticulously researched and balanced. The enjoyment of reading it stems as much from the beauty of Clay Conrad’s writing as from the comprehensiveness of his analysis and the fascinating and important nature of his subject.”
As long as judges act as enforcers of equity law in an admiralty court tribunal, the jury is the last refuge for justice. As for government prosecutors, DA’s are in service of the devil state. Support the Common Law Grand Jury movement and take back citizen control of the courts.
SARTRE – November 4, 2013
President John Adams
President John Adams
“It’s not only ….(the juror’s) right, but his duty, in that case, to find the verdict according to his own best understanding, judgement, and conscience, though in direct opposition to the direction of the court.”

It is time to leave America? Dave Hodges

You Should Leave America, but Can You? 

This Is a Must Read!

Mike Harris/ Mehran Keshe - Plasma Technologies - 27 May 2015

(Why is Mehran Keshe offering Technologies to ALL countries for which some reject it and claim they are superior, yet those that accept them for PEACE Shut Down those other CABAL countries in the similar Technologies!)

Mike Harris/ Mehran Keshe - Plasma Technologies - 27 May 2015


Published on Jun 2, 2015
Mike Harris/Mehran Keshe discussing new plasma technologies from the Keshe Foundation. Civilisation Altering Technologies. The “start “of world peace? The “end” of big oil and big pharma?
Mike Harris broadcast archives available from Revolution Radio (

Why is the Supreme Court failing to uphold the Constitution?



Posted By Sharon Rondeau On Tuesday, April 6, 2010 @ 10:20 AM 





The nine members of the U.S. Supreme Court

Dear Editor:

The following is an open letter to the Supreme Court which has been mailed today:

April 6, 2010

Supreme Court of the United States
US Supreme Court Building
One First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20543

Dear Honorable Chief Justice Roberts:

Forgive my imposition; I know you have many important issues with which to deal. I respect that the responsibilities of your office are great and your time is limited. And yet, I am hopeful that perhaps you could set aside a few minutes to provide me with some wise counsel, counsel that would appear to be available only at your level of understanding and appreciation of the legal system that is central to the American Republic.

In trying to provide some intelligent answers about our system of government to my grandchildren, I have run into several unresolved issues that defy explanation. I have inquired of attorneys, police officials, city officials, county officials, state officials, and even my representative to Congress, but to no avail. I am amazed that so far, no one to whom I have posed these questions seems to have any appropriate answers.

For at least the last 50 of my 73 years, it was my understanding that the Constitution of the United States was the supreme law of the land, yet fairly recent personal observations would seem to indicate otherwise.

Earlier today, while driving on a freeway, I noticed a sign that indicated a fine of $342 would be imposed for violation of the laws governing the carpool lane. I thought to myself, “How curious; here we have laws that, when violated by a normal citizen, are aggressively enforced.”

Expressing my opinion here, we are made aware that almost on a daily basis, members of government violate much more important laws. However, under an internal review process, the offenders are often afforded a special brand of justice, one apparently reserved for members of government. Regardless of the outcome, the published results appear to be suspiciously skewed, a reminder to we the people that there is a difference between justice administered to a common citizen and a member of government. Forgive me here…I am confused. Isn’t it the 14th amendment which guarantees equal justice under the law?

I find it increasingly difficult to understand how members of government can routinely violate our laws and in some cases completely ignore provisions of the Constitution whenever it seems to be politically expedient. In reviewing this matter in more detail, this questionable behavior did not start with the current administrative body, but I will not dwell on those details here.

Examining the way the 111th Congress has conducted affairs of state reveals that something must be wrong, for what accounts for members of our government routinely ignoring the rule of law and openly violating the Constitution?

Dear Justice Roberts, even though I am not educated in the law, the situation seems to indicate to me that we are suffering from a constitutional conflict of gigantic proportions,  a complete meltdown of the basic principles established by the Founding Fathers.

Let us explore the basis of my conclusion:

Somehow, to me, all of these issues are related to the abuses of the Constitution. Just in case you are still with me on this, please permit me to cite a few additional examples. First, here are a few assumptions:

Every level of government swears an oath upon taking office:
“The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.”
The above constitutional specification seems to be very inclusive. But, what exactly does the phrase, “shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution,” mean? By whom is compliance of this constitutional requirement governed, supervised and enforced?

As a matter of government archives, the following members of the Supreme Court took their respective oath of office as notated (Justices take two different oaths or a combined one. One oath is regarding the Constitution, and the other has to do with the judicial responsibility.  In some cases, only the Constitutional oath was notated. 

However, both oaths had been administered).
  •  John G. Roberts, Jr.– Took both oaths on September 29, 2005
  • John Paul Stevens – Took both oaths on December 19, 1975
  • Antonin Scalia – Took the Constitutional Oath on September 26, 1986
  • Anthony M. Kennedy – Took both Oaths on February 18, 1988
  • Clarence Thomas – Took the Constitutional Oath on October 18, 1991
  • Ruth Bader Ginsburg – Took the Constitutional Oath on August 10, 1993
  • Stephen G. Breyer – Took both oaths on Wednesday, August 3, 1994
  • Samuel A. Alito, Jr. – Took both oaths on Tuesday, January 31, 2006
  • Sonia Sotomayor – taking both oaths on Saturday, August 8, 2009

The Supreme Court did not have a permanent place to convene until 1932, when Charles Evans Hughes was Chief Justice.

Practically speaking, everyone currently serving in government has taken the prescribed oath of office. That being the case, what exactly is meant by the phrase, “I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same” in simple lay person’s language?

Are these simply words?
Are these simply moral and ethical issues?
Is there no force of law behind executing the responsibilities as enumerated in the Oath?
So who exactly is responsible to We The People to insure the Constitution is followed?
Of the three branches of government, who is looking out for the people?
  • Executive branch failed
  • Legislative branch failed
  • Judicial branch – jury still out – deliberating? Out to lunch?
Will you just stand by and permit the country to implode on your watch?
Some immediate questions come to mind:
  1. Precisely how is the Constitution protected, by whom and from what?
  2. Those who routinely violate the Constitution are generally members of Congress. By what stretch of ethics do they take the oath of office and then by what authority proceed to deliberately violate that oath and the Constitution?
  3. Who then is responsible to insure members of government are in compliance with the Constitution?
  4. Exactly what are the consequences that result from violating provisions of the Constitution?
Let us move on to more specific items that have caused me to become conflicted:
  • The 16th amendment has never been properly ratified, yet it appears to have been illegally enacted into law and is vigorously enforced. It has been reported that people have been denied due process in dealing with this issue. A citizen named Benson, charged with criminal conduct, was placed in jail under dubious conditions surrounding the denial of his right to submit evidence to prove his innocence.
  • Congress has delegated the management of the monetary system to a private banking cartel in direct violation of the Constitution.
  • The adoption of the Federal Reserve System by our government was not authorized by the Constitution, yet it has been in place since at least 1913.
  • The Constitution does not authorize issuing paper money as U.S. Government currency, yet Congress authorizes the Federal Reserve to issue paper currency at what appears to be an unrestricted rate.
  • The issue of the natural born Citizen requirement has been ignored as it applies to Mr. Obama’s eligibility.  This is an issue which appears to be critical in that it involves placing our national security and defense in the hands of a subject with unknown credentials, a person with unknown national loyalties. To my way of thinking, the consensus of the people, regardless of how compelling, does not take precedence over Constitutional law.
  • The Constitution clearly does not provide authorization for Congress to mandate issues like health care,  yet Congress continues to consume a large portion of the Congressional law-making resources at public expense. In the end, the entire process may prove to be unconstitutional and end up as just another waste of public funds.
  • Members of Congress routinely violate other provisions of the Constitution. For example, deliberately misconstruing provisions of the interstate commerce clause has been improperly interpreted and seen by members of Congress to empower them to regulate human behavior. This is clearly a violation of the Constitution.
  • Based upon results obtained from public records, the impact of unrestrained financial contributions by lobbying groups appears to be the source of the single largest source of government corruption.
  • Even after the purported basis for the Cap and Trade legislation has proven to be fraudulent, members of Congress continue to attempt to force such legislation. This type of taxation is clearly not authorized by the Constitution.
  • Mr. Obama fired an inspector general improperly in violation of a law he co-authored. So far, no action has been taken against Mr. Obama. Is he above the law? His own? I asked Mr. Holder about the status of this in a letter sent on August 9, 2009 which was never answered. I also copied my congressman and state senators, all totally ignored.
We the people are frequently told that our representatives in government, indeed all three branches, work for us. This includes the Supreme Court as well. But based on my personal experience I have never seen this attitude displayed at any level within the current government.
In fact, we have publicly witnessed multiple occasions where the various branches of government have totally ignored the outrage of the people. They have repeatedly violated the people’s First Amendment rights. This letter may be better received and responded to differently; hopefully in a constructive manner.
The lack of proper recognition of the average citizen’s grievances causes me to raise questions that have led me to the Declaration of Independence. It states, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”
At this point, dear Justices, I see nothing in place today within our government which remotely resembles the above passage. In fact, in my opinion, had things been as they should have been, perhaps Mr. Stack would still be with us today.
Faced with an impossible situation where many of us see we are in danger of being deprived of and denied our unalienable rights and can no longer easily secure our rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, we again turn to the Declaration of Independence, which then states, “That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.”
So here we are, dear Justices. I fear many of us loyal citizens are beginning to reach the point described above. We have been patient; we have been persistent.
In return, we have been denied proper access to redress our concerns. We have been denied our First Amendment rights as freedom of the press has been compromised.  Government domination over the television networks has also marginalized our free access to news and information, and we are routinely subjected to propagandized influence biased by both government and foreign interests.
As citizens, we have been subjected to a manner of character assassination, personally delivered by high-ranking members of Congress.  For example, Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, presented in the form of public criticism, ridiculing and vilification, right out of the Saul Alinsky book “Rules for Radicals.”
Homeland Security has issued the following: 

WASHINGTON – A newly unclassified Department of Homeland Security report warns against the possibility of violence by unnamed “right-wing extremists” concerned about illegal immigration, increasing federal power, restrictions on firearms, abortion and the loss of U.S. sovereignty and singles out returning war veterans as particular threats.
I take exception to this condemnation from people who purportedly work for the citizens of this great nation. Is this indeed the proof that the inmates at Homeland Security are running the asylum? Wouldn’t any reasonable person be concerned about the issues raised in this notice? Is this to be taken as a declaration of war upon any citizen who dissents against the current government policies? Is this Constitutional? Oh, excuse me, dear justices…I must have missed something on this, too.
Isn’t this another attack on everyday concerned citizens? Isn’t this simply a continuation of an earlier effort to vilify anyone seeking to restore the Constitution and the rule of law? Is this part of a preconditioning strategy to brainwash citizens to accept an ever-increasing threat of martial law by a government bent on replacing our free society with socialism?
How much are we citizens expected to endure at the hands of this oppressive government? How many of these abuses to our Constitution are considered reasonable?
It does not seem to get better. Our Tea Party citizens have been described as Nazis; our returning veterans have been classed as possible terrorists; those who staunchly support the Second Amendment have also been branded and vilified as right-wing fringe elements. Those demanding the eligibility issue be resolved are ridiculed. There are many more examples of legitimately concerned citizens being denied rightful recognition of their respective grievances.
Concurrently, along with other quietly-executed administrative activities, clandestine executive orders issued in the dead of night dramatically affect the sovereignty and security of this nation. International agencies are provided excessive access to U.S. interests and immunity from U.S. authority. This has produced a dire set of circumstances, presenting the specter of international police elements potentially exercising controlling authority over American citizens.
The creation of special administrative organizations has provided sweeping new collective authority to the office of the president, a position currently occupied by an individual with unknown credentials and possibly conflicting loyalties. This poses a clear and present danger to the vested interests of this country.
Under the guise of forming protective units against terrorism, Homeland Security has extended its authority to encompass the coordination of local and state police authority. Many see that a danger exists for potentially planned government incursions to violate the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878.
Add to all of the above, we have so many folks out of work, the economy is rapidly failing, the stability of our currency is under attack and the daily revelation of gross government corruption make for a very unstable view of our prospects.
Under these potentially explosive conditions, it is hard to imagine just how much more tolerant our loyal American citizens will remain.
Meanwhile, dear Justices, I still have no answers for my family, but in researching all of these concerns, it appears that things are far worse than I had ever anticipated:
  • In summary, we have three branches of government that all swear oaths to faithfully execute their responsibilities, but don’t.
  • We have three branches of government that take an oath and swear to protect the Constitution, but don’t.
  • We have a case where we the people are ignored and denied due process by a judicial system that also fails to honor its oath of office and to deliver equal justice under the law.
Excuse me, dear Justices, please tell me…am I out of line?
Granted, I know little about the legal status of the above issues, but even as a simple unsophisticated citizen, I find the very existence of these conflicts to be very disturbing. Tell me, your honors, how do you sleep at night?
To attempt to tie all of this together, it appears to me that collectively, as a group of like-minded citizens, we create a government that follows the tenets of the Constitution and the founding documents. As part of this process, we empower our representatives to provide a system of administration by which to guide our daily lives.
We voluntarily agree to obey the reasonable rules and laws created for us by our servants in the government. However, if those empowered to make the laws and maintain the system of justice do not abide by the very same laws, then by what manner of hypocrisy can those to be governed be expected to continue to agree to obey laws of such a corrupt system? 

What incentive is there to continue to live by laws that pertain only to those who are governed but not to those empowered by the governed?
Given today’s circumstances, it would seem very clear to me that once the question of responsibility to insure compliance to the Constitution was answered, then we could begin ferreting out the violations and the violators and begin to apply the principles of the rule of law.
This would seem to offer a path by which to restore the values and ideas of the original Constitution,  values and concepts that would encourage a stable and vibrant nation with an equally enthusiastic financial and economic outlook, a nation capable of regaining its former glory to again take its rightful position as America, the home of the free, the home of the brave; the leader of the free world.
As I see it, the burden of proof is on Obama to prove his eligibility, not the responsibility of the people to prove he is not eligible. Why have the courts ignored this critical part of the legislative process? This is a matter of law, not politics.
As I see it, the Supreme Court is responsible for resolving this crisis. Every citizen is involved; therefore, the issue of standing has been made.
So, dear Justices, the question begging to be answered is, simply, “When do the members of the Supreme Court do the job for which they are being paid?” If not the Supreme Court, who is in charge of protecting the sanctity of the Constitution?

Arnie Rosner

Copies to:
John Paul Stevens, Associate Justice
Antonin Scalia, Associate Justice
Anthony M. Kennedy, Associate Justice
Clarence Thomas, Associate Justice
Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Associate Justice
Stephen G. Breyer, Associate Justice
Samuel A. Alito, Jr., Associate Justice
Sonia Sotomayor, Associate Justice

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 Hillary Clinton in June. (Photo by Richard Ellis/Getty Images)  
      Hillary Clinton in June (Photo by Richard Ellis/Getty Images) 

By Sidney Powell | 08/01/15 12:56 am

While Hillary Clinton’s lawyers are stalling Congress and “negotiating” the terms of her testimony before the Benghazi committeean option not allowed to ordinary Americans like bankers, executives, or accountants, federal Judge Emmet G. Sullivan has hit “refrigerator rule #6: Enough is enough.” 

Earlier this week, federal Judge Richard Leon lambasted the State Department lawyers for their stonewalling. Now Judge Sullivan has chiseled a line in concrete. He has given the State Department only a week—until August 7—to get some answers from Hillary Clinton, and her top aides Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills—under penalty of perjury. 

Last night on NewsMax TV with Emmy award winning host Ed Berliner, I noted that Judge Sullivan recently reopened the Freedom of Information Act lawsuit by Judicial Watch to obtain emails from Huma Abedin, the top Clinton aide who is married to infamous and disgraced former Congressman Anthony Wiener. 

Judge Sullivan reopened the case when he learned that Clinton and her staff used personal email accounts to conduct government business. This is a flagrant violation of the Federal Records Act and jeopardizes national security—prompting rapidly escalating concerns of countless ramifications internationally, nationally, and criminally.

Just hours ago, in that very case, Judge Sullivan entered a remarkable order, and he has given the State Department only a week to comply. Now the State Department must produce for the court’s docket its correspondence with and between Mrs. Clinton, Ms. Abedin, and Ms. Cheryl Mills regarding the government records in their possession; identify what servers, etc. the State Department has; require Ms. Clinton, Ms. Abedin and Ms. Mills to state under oath whether they have produced all responsive materials; and, have Ms. Abedin and Ms. Mills describe the extent to which they used Ms. Clinton’s server for government business. 

The order reads: As agreed by the parties at the July 31, 2015 status hearing, the Government shall produce a copy of the letters sent by the State Department to Mrs. Hillary Clinton, Ms. Huma Abedin and Ms. Cheryl Mills regarding the collection of government records in their possession. These communications shall be posted on the docket forthwith. The Government has also agreed to share with Plaintiff’s counsel the responses sent by Mrs. Clinton, Ms. Abedin and Ms. Mills. These communications shall also be posted on the docket forthwith. 

In addition, as related to Judicial Watch’s FOIA requests in this case, the Government is HEREBY ORDERED to

(1) identify any and all servers, accounts, hard drives, or other devices currently in the possession or control of the State Department or otherwise that may contain responsive information; 

(2) request that the above named individuals confirm, under penalty of perjury, that they have produced all responsive information that was or is in their possession as a result of their employment at the State Department. If all such information has not yet been produced, the Government shall request the above named individuals produce the information forthwith; and 

(3) request that the above named individuals describe, under penalty of perjury, the extent to which Ms. Abedin and Ms. Mills used Mrs. Clinton’s email server to conduct official government business. 

The Government shall inform the Court of the status of its compliance with this Order no later than August 7, 2015, including any response received from Mrs. Clinton, Ms. Abedin and Ms. Mills.  

Judge Emmet G. Sullivan (Wikipedia).
Judge Emmet G. Sullivan (Wikipedia). 

We know from the way Judge Sullivan has chipped away at the IRS and it’s lies and obstruction, this is just the start. A hero for his dismissal of the indictment against Senator Ted Stevens and his appointment of a special prosecutor, Judge Sullivan is proving to be more and more like Judge John Sirica who kept asking questions until the Watergate scandal was fully exposed. 

Judge Sullivan also has the Freedom of Information Act suit by Judicial Watch against the IRS, about which we have often written. It’s because of Judge Sullivan that more and more emails have come to light—along with exposing the lies of Internal Revenue Service Commissioner Koskinen and assorted acts of destruction of evidence. 

Only Wednesday of this week, Judge Sullivan dismantled counsel for the Department of Justice and the IRS for their “absurd and ridiculous” stalling tactics in revealing the emails evidencing the Lois Lerner scandal and raised the specter of holding Commissioner Koskinen in contempt. 

Thanks to Judge Sullivan, Judge Leon, and other Article III judges like them, the country has a chance of learning the truth. This story will only get more interesting as the fearless Emmet G. Sullivan digs deeper. Mrs. Clinton herself should be hearing that whistle blowin’ now. 

Sidney Powell worked in the Department of Justice for 10 years and was lead counsel in more than 500 federal appeals. She is the author of Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice.

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