Saturday, August 29, 2015

2016 A Critical year Worldwide Global Transformation

Arden Gifford
  2016 A Critical year Worldwide Global Transformation


The USA Can Lead The Way

Or Get Out Of The Way

Truly, the current planetary civilization is approaching a critical evolutionary juncture. The human race has been presented with the proverbial fork in the road with two distinctly different paths to choose from.  As it is now well past a minute to midnight, the importance of choosing the correct path has never been so urgent.
Not only is the very future of humankind at great risk, the fate of Planet Earth hangs in the balance.  Accordingly, there is now a palpable and universal sense of urgency which prods every person of conscience to get with the new REVOLUTIONARY program. That program is quite simple, and easy for everyone to understand:

Either we choose to be a part of the solution,
or we choose to be a part of the problem. 

At the end of the day, each and every nation and individual, is challenged to consider their degree of both national and personal responsibility concerning the rapidly deteriorating state of the world.  Were a critical mass of residents of this planet to faithfully contemplate this single challenge, humanity would soon experience a sea change toward a higher collective consciousness.  Attaining this expanded and enlightened awareness is now necessary if Planet Earth (and her human inhabitants) are to successfully navigate through the eye of the needle known as Evolutionary Ascension.
Some Nations Bear More Responsibility Because Of Their Special Destiny  
Because of the unique and special destiny of the United States of America, the citizens of that nation bear an extraordinary responsibility.  Unlike any other nation on Earth, when the USA sneezes, some region of the world usually comes down with pneumonia.  The current state of international relations stands as a stark testament to this fact of life.  Societies and countries everywhere have become grossly out of balance and are acting “out of character” as never before because of the overbearing influences exerted by the USA and her allies (also known as the Anglo-American Axis).
This situation cannot continue much longer without pushing the whole world into unprecedented chaos and confusion … even world war.  Because of how offensive pacts and defensive alliances have been recently forming, a global war is a very real possibility.  So tense and dire has this situation become that generations of yet unborn souls would undoubtedly issue fierce ultimatums from on high to those warmongering nations which today hold sway across the planet.  They know — and clearly see from their vantage point — that the current downward spiral of societal breakdown will eventually reach a point whereby the very purpose of human birth will be put into jeopardy.  Then what?!
For these and many other weighty reasons, the USA is especially called upon to rise to the occasion as it was destined to do so.  Whether the community of nations likes it or not, whenever and wherever the USA projects its military or political power or attempts to over-exert its economic and financial influence, the results are often catastrophic.  Such is its capability to manufacture major world events as well as determine the outcomes — in every sphere of life — that the USA must decide to join the vast majority of nations which seek to bring about positive “global transformation”.
It has never been so urgent for the American people to realize that their actions and inaction — both individual and collective — will continue to have grave consequences for the world-at-large.  The predictable election of woefully substandard and morally inferior leaders must stop once and for all.  Likewise, permitting such destructive foreign policy to be implemented in their name must be terminated.  Bluntly put, the reflexive enabling of their leaders to perpetrate so much murder and mayhem around the globe must cease.

1776 and 2016: Both Years Imprinted With Same Revolutionary Spirit

The United States of America was born on July 4 in the year 1776 — the Chinese Year of the Fire Monkey.  For the past one hundred years it has acted accordingly, particularly throughout the arena of international affairs.  Captivating and convincing, pioneering and inventive, dramatic and impressive, competitive and aggressive, dynamic and dominating, courageous and daring, the Fire Monkey is the most powerful and persuasive of the five different monkey types.  This profile well explains how the USA, by adroitly utilizing these national traits, acquired independence from Great Britain, the first such military victory against the English Monarchy in the history of the British Empire.
There are some significant similarities between 1776 and 2016 which are as compelling as they are instructive.  The 13 colonies were a hotbed of revolutionary fervor back in the 1770s, just as the 50 states are at the present time.  Where independence fever was running at its highest in 1776, the presidential election of 2016 may see the American people rise up against an exceedingly corrupt and incorrigible U.S. Federal Government.
Increasingly, many folks — rich and poor, white and black, conservative and liberal, religious and atheist — are expressing their desire to be liberated from the overbearing and often malevolent U.S. Federal Government.  Emancipation from the current spying and security apparatus that was put into place by another ‘King’ George post 9/11 is also sought by many.  What American hasn’t felt the ever-repressive yoke of a tyrannical federal government under the current  President Barack Obama?  And he was supposed to bring “Hope & Change”!
The American electorate ought to be extremely thankful to both George W. Bush and Barack Hussein Obama for laying bare the truth about the USA’s political counterfeit currency.  Both of them have served to expose their respective Republican and Democratic parties as being two sides of the very same counterfeit coin.  This single ongoing revelation will be instrumental in catalyzing an unparalleled political, economic and social revolution across the USA, as it is now occurring elsewhere throughout the world.

2016: Year of the Fire Monkey
The presidential election of 2016, like no other during this century, has the potential to effectuate the real “Hope and Change” which the whole world heard about in 2008.  Going way beyond the revolutionary platform of 1775 —  No taxation without representation” — a new party, nay, a new spirit of independence based wholly on true personal and national sovereignty can finally emerge.  A spirit so pure and so genuine that the very pillars of good and righteous governance might ‘spontaneously’ manifest.
Where today’s genuine “Independents” seem to occupy a similar political space, it will be quickly overwhelmed by real independent citizens and voters who resoundingly reject today’s corrupt version of politics as usual.
It’s true that more than any other citizen grievance, 1776 and 2016 do share the plight of“taxation without representation”.   Since the false flag attacks of 9/11, the overwhelming burdens of oppressive taxation and excessive regulation have contributed substantially to a prevailing and intensifying negative opinion about the U.S. Government. With each passing year the electorate feels more and more disenfranchised and unrepresented.  Both major political parties have been held hostage for many decades by extremely powerful corporate and banking interests, as well as by a foreign moneyed class that operates completely under the radar.
The political despots of today are beginning to look more and more like the royal tyrants of yesteryear.  The crude divide and conquer tactics of the British Monarchy have merely been replaced by the divide and rule strategy of Washington, D.C. politicos and Crown City of London banksters. Carrots (bread & circuses) and sticks (fasces) have been substituted with smoke and mirrors.  The Hegelian Dialectic has become so refined in its implementation that “Problems, Reactions and Solutions”are as imperceptible as they are seamless.  In fact, today’s methods of political control and economic oppression have become remarkably subtle and sophisticated.

It is the phenomenal efficacy of this prevailing MO, being implemented 24/7 by the ruling cabal, that makes it is so very difficult for the average American to grasp both the depth and breadth of his or her servitude.  Likewise, everyone alive today exists, to varying degrees, on what is essentially a planetary plantation.  However, the many facets of this societal prison are now being laid bare for all to see, especially since the advent of the internet.  All of this is happening at an ever-accelerating pace leading up to the U.S. presidential election of 2016 
As more people wake up to this age-old scheme of financial incarceration, there is a palpable and growing sentiment of peaceful revolution.  It is now spreading quickly enough that its fruits may ripen in time for the 2016 U.S. presidential election.  Its fullest public expression will most likely occur during the frenzied campaign season of the same year.  For everyone’s information, the campaign season is already in full swing.  And both Democrats (Hillary Clinton) and Republicans (Jeb Bush) are already taking an unprecedented beating.  Some ‘frontrunners’ are even afraid to formally announce their candidacies.

Even the stars portend striking parallels between the American Revolution of 1776and the upcoming USA Revolution of 2016.  Every knowledgeable astrologer will agree that the 1770s saw the planet Pluto cruising through Capricorn just as it has been since 2008.  This particular transit only occurs once every 245 years and does not bode well for those who populate the establishment.  Especially those who occupy the greatest positions of power throughout government, the military, law enforcement, and the like, will be seriously challenged.  Ultimately, the entire power structure of American society will find itself under tremendous assault and inordinate stress, as it should be.
Certainly the English Generals and their mercenary armies did not fare well when Pluto was barreling through Capricorn during the Revolutionary War period.  When the most powerful navy and best equipped infantry on Earth is defeated by roving ragtag bands ofMinutemen, there must have been far greater forces at work than the once almighty British Empire.  And so there were.
The confluence of cosmic energies which prevailed in 1776 were not too unlike those which will predominate now and in 2016. Whereas July 4, 1776 is considered by many to be the very birth date of the United States of America, it is also known that 2016 will present verysimilar astrological circumstances for the highly anticipated and necessary rebirth of the America Republic.
Not only are both years (1776 and 2016) dominated by the energies of the incomparable Fire Monkey, which only occurs every 60 years, this rare window of opportunity is once again opening during the exceptionally transformative cycle when Pluto is in Capricorn from 2008 through 2024.  The last time this exact astrological synchronicity occurred was 1776, and it can only repeat once every 240 years.
Uranus And Neptune Transits Will Also Exert Heavy Influences During 2016 
For the armchair astrologers among us there are a couple of other heavy duty transits occurring throughout this intensely revolutionary period.  As the planet Uranus continues to rampage through Aries until 2018, Neptune will be plunging through Pisces through 2025.  Both of these planetary passages will serve to greatly amplify the ongoing crescendo of Pluto in Capricorn.  In both instances, these heightening astrological influences will significantly contribute to the hallmark of 2016 — CHANGE … profound and fundamental change!
And there ain’t no stopping it.  It’s just a matter of how it will manifest based on our collective intention and individual initiative.

Saturn Enters Sagittarius: The Truth Shall Set You Free

Speaking about change, perhaps the most consequential of all these evolving heavenly configurations is that the planet Saturn will be in Sagittarius for most of 2015, 2016 and all of 2017.  The Sagittarian traits of truth-seeking and truth-speaking will literally overwhelm the political, economic and social arenas throughout the USA.  As each person takes back their power, stands in their own truth, and then speaks truth to power, the nation will change … overnight!
This particular transit, occurring simultaneously with those previously mentioned, guarantees that 2016 will shape up to be the most tumultuous, tempestuous and turbulent year of the new millennium.  This rapidly evolving state of affairs ought to be considered the first phase of the inevitable karmic outworking of the dramatic destiny of the USA.  It will be very similar to, yet different from, the July 4, 1776 trigger point which saw the signing of the Declaration of Independence and subsequent American Revolutionary War.
However, that’s not to say that the “American Revolution of 2016” will be violent; however, it can’t avoid being messy … very messy.  When the truth about the U.S. Government’s complicity in the 9/11 terrorist attacks becomes widespread, anything can happen. Many other ‘incredible’ and treacherous betrayals of the citizenry will also be revealed. Disclosures of these violations of the public trust will be so serious and so many that the body politic will quickly realize that it is time to start over.
When the social contract between government and its citizens has been breached, as it has been over many decades in the USA, there is only ONE remedy. Ultimately, We, the People will be compelled to peacefully overthrow the irreparable federal government of these United States of America.
*   *   *   End of Part I   *   *   *
State of the Nation
February 26, 2016
Editor’s Note
Part II will discuss the critical part that 2015 will play in the lead up to the upcoming“2016 in the USA: The Greatest Show on Earth”.
2016: Year of the FIRE MONKEY
“And, boy, is he pissed!”

VATICAN Linked to UNITED NATIONS video on integerating EXTRATERRESTRIAL life

Vatican Linked to United Nations video on integrating extraterrestrial life

Vatican linked to United Nations video on integrating extraterrestrial life

 Written by Dr Michael Salla on August 27, 2015
Alien Integration  and Vatican

On August 10, the United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF) released a video showing
an extraterrestrial child being integrated into a normal human classroom.
The video shows  the child initially being mocked, and then accepted after he
uses advanced psychic abilities to levitate actors in a school play.

The video was released
in Chile, and has to date generated over seven million views.

What earlier alternative media coverage

of the video missed is the Vatican’s involvement through an organization founded by
Pope Francis, which is sponsoring the UNICEF attempt to change the way children
are educated.
This suggests a direct link between the Vatican and a secret
United Nations effort to integrate extraterrestrial life into human society.

Upon the video’s release on Facebook,
UNICEF Chile announced: “Knowing someone else is a great opportunity to live valuable experiences. Say yes to integration!”

While UNICEF is depicting the video as an effort to have children accept those who are physically different to them, to reduce incidents of violence, the video’s use of an alien starchild suggests a far more compelling explanation. The real purpose is to prepare humanity to openly welcome and integrate extraterrestrial life.

An agreement signed
in Rome on April 21, 2015 by Pope Francis began a five year period of collaboration between the Vatican created organization “Scholas Occurrentes” and UNICEF:

Scholas and UNICEF will initially cooperate in a series of joint activities worldwide,
with the special aim of bringing an end to violence and promoting the connectedness
of all young people, making the most of the unique capacities of each person to favor the participation of adolescents and to broaden their access to the tools and information they need to be connected, to communicate and to collaborate.

The alien child video is explicitly aimed at “bringing an end to violence and promoting the connectedness of all young people,” as described in the UNICEF agreement with the Vatican’s “Scholas Occurrentes” initiative. This is evidence of a direct link between the Vatican and the UNICEF alien video. It is therefore reasonable to conclude that the Vatican is secretly part of the United Nations initiative to prepare humanity to welcome and even integrate extraterrestrial visitors.

This is not that great a surprise. Pope Francis and Vatican astronomers have
to extraterrestrials as capable of being baptized, and accepted as ‘brothers in Christ’.

In May, 2014, the Pope said
he would baptize Martians if they asked.  Months later, in September, Vatican astronomer Guy Consolmagno (a Jesuit like Pope Francis),
and the Library of Congress, where he discussed baptism of extraterrestrial life.

Shortly after, on Oct 27, 2014, Pope Francis released a statement

where he referred to “beings of the universe” (extraterrestrials) as a major part of God’s evolutionary plan:

He created beings and allowed them to develop according to the internal laws that he gave to each one, so that they were able to develop and to arrive and their fullness of being. He gave autonomy to the beings of the universe at the same time at which he assured them of his continuous presence, giving being to every reality. And so creation continued for centuries and centuries, millennia and millennia, until it became which we know today, precisely because God is not a demiurge or a magician, but the creator who gives being to all things.

If it was further disclosed that extraterrestrials have historically played an important role in humanity’s evolution, then a strong theological justification has been established for integrating them into human society.

Cosmic Energy and Disclosure 650

Finally, what is important to keep in mind is Pope Francis’ upcoming visit

to the United Nations headquarters in New York on September 25 to address the General Assembly.  The August 10 release of the alien child video raises the possibility that the Pope will raise the extraterrestrial issue during his United Nations speech. Prior to the Pope’s speech, he will meet with President Obama on September 23, and address a joint session of the United States Congress the next day. All these events coincide with a prediction concerning cosmic energies peaking
on September 23, which is also the vernal equinox, and leading to major global changes.
It is very possible that a major Papal speech concerning extraterrestrial life is being coordinated at the highest levels between leaders at the United Nations and the United States. Regardless of what the Pope chooses to disclose during his upcoming U.S. tour, it is very significant that he is linked to a secret United Nations effort to educate humanity on the importance of welcoming and integrating extraterrestrial life into human society.



Pentagon’s New “Law Of War” Manual “Reduces Us To The Level Of Nazis”

Pentagon’s New
“Law Of War” Manual
“Reduces Us To The Level Of Nazis”

Controlling the world an instruction manual



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Open letter to Congress: You've Betrayed Your Country

Charlie DanielsCharlie Daniels' Open Letter to Congress: 'You've Betrayed Your Country'

By Charlie Daniels | August 25, 2015 | 10:01 AM EDT 
President Barack Obama gives his State of the Union address before a joint session of Congress on Capitol Hill in Washington, Jan. 20, 2015. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

I am a proud American who believes that America has held – and still holds – a very sensitive and special place in the affairs of mankind on Planet Earth. 

I believe that America has been divinely blessed and protected in our two centuries plus of existence.

I believe that America has been a counter balance that has cancelled out a lot of tyranny, evil and conquest, and admittedly, we have made a lot of mistakes. 

But on balance we have exerted a certain Pax Americana in the international affairs of mankind.

It took a lot of old fashioned guts for the Continental Congress to stand up to the world's mightiest military and tell them that we demanded our independence, even at the peril of going up against a far superior force on land and sea, and with only a ragtag army of untrained citizens, many of whom had to supply their own firearms.

It took courage above and beyond for Abraham Lincoln to push the country into a Civil War that he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt would divide this nation for decades.

It took guts to give the order for American troops to storm the beaches of Normandy on D-Day, straight into the face of artillery and machine gunfire, wave after wave being cut to ribbons by German shore emplacements.

The history of this nation is written in the blood and courage of men who stood in the face of overwhelming odds – politicians, soldiers, statesmen and ordinary citizens who sought to do the right thing regardless of the cost or the consequences.

Well, ladies and gentlemen of the United States Congress, it seems that that particular pen has run out of ink. 

The courageous politicians that once championed this nation have been replaced, for the most part, by a breed of milksop, politically correct, scared of their own shadow, pushover, pathetic excuses for public servants who are supposed to be representing a constituency of citizens who have to live with the circumstances of their timid folly.

You don't even have the courage to face down an out of control 'president', even when he makes a deal with the devil.  

Don't you bunch of timid capons even care what kind of world you're leaving to your children and grandchildren, not to even mention the rest of us?  

Are you really party partisans before your parents and grandparents or even human beings?

Be honest with yourselves a minute. Go into the bathroom and look in the mirror and ask the person you see this question: "Do I really believe that Iran will not use the money we're releasing to them to finance terrorists to kill Americans, and, when, not if, but when, the Iranians develop their nuclear device, will they really use it against America and Israel?"

You can’t hide from the truthful answer to that question forever, an answer will be required of you one day.

You have allowed Obama to tilt the Supreme Court so far to the left that they're little more than a shameful extension of the Executive Branch.

You have talked for decades about the porous southern border but have done absolutely nothing about it.

You have allowed cities in this nation to declare themselves sanctuary cities where they protect the worst of the worst criminal aliens, and American citizens are paying an awful price for your silence.

You watch an impossible National Debt balloon completely out of control, knowing full well that a day of reckoning is coming that will seriously curtail the quality of life for coming generations.

You allow corrupt government agencies like the IRS to run over the very people you are sworn to protect and allow the entitlement society to expand exponentially. 

All the while, you are actually entertaining the idea of raising taxes on those who still work and shoulder the burden.

You compose a third of the constitutionally mandated ruling system,and you shirk your duty and allow this nation to move a little closer to the edge every day.

Your ratings are in the single digits; your morals are in the gutter; your minds are on self-preservation; and somewhere along the way, you’ve traded your honor for political expediency.

You've violated your oaths; you've betrayed your country; you've feathered your nests; and you've sat on your hands while an imperial 'president' has rubbed your noses in the dirt time after time.

You're no longer men. You're puppets, caricatures, jokes, a gaggle of fading prostitutes for sale to anybody who can do you a political favor.

“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”

What do you think?
Pray for our troops and the peace of Jerusalem.
God Bless America
Charlie Daniels

Charlie Daniels is a legendary American singer, song writer, guitarist, and fiddler famous for his contributions to country and southern rock music. Daniels has been active as a singer since the early 1950s. He was inducted into the Grand Ole Opry on January 24, 2008.
Follow Charlie Daniels



Published on Aug 27, 2015

Retired U.S. Admiral James “Ace” Lyons, former commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, and national security policy expert Richard Fisher, tell Rick why Barack Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran must be stopped.

Rick and guests talk about the Muslim Brotherhood and Washington. 

They also talk about China’s rapidly expanding military power – including space-based weaponry

If Americans don't wake up and grow a spine we're going to find not only our country gone but 90% of us slaughtered.

Muslims Buying Up Christian Churches Across U.S.

Muslims Buying Up Christian Churches Across U.S.

At current rate, America could be an Islamic state by 22nd century

Kit Daniels
August 27, 2015

Muslims are exponentially buying up Christian churches and converting them into mosques, which indicates Islam could be a dominant U.S. religion by the 22nd century.

Credit: ArtisticAbode / Wiki

The former Catholic Church of St. John in St. Paul, Minn., which operated from 1886 to 2013, is now known as the Darul-Uloom Islamic Center and experiences heavy attendance every week.

 Darul-Uloom Islamic Center

Similarly, the former Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Syracuse, N.Y., has been transformed into Masjid Isa Ibn Maryam.

“Even as the crosses were cut from the church spires on the outside, and 10,000 crosses were painted over on the inside, the new owners of 501 Park St. tried to leave what they could, and reuse what they couldn’t,” Marnie Elsenstadt with reported. “The wood from the pews has been repurposed to fix the floor, which is where Muslims sit to pray.”

“Painters worked to make the minbar, the pulpit where the imam stands, blend in with the stonework.”

And two Baptist churches in Louisville, Ky., have been turned into mosques.

The demand for mosques is being driven primarily by refugees from Syria, Somalia and other countries where Islam is a dominant religion.

And it’s not just the demand driving this religious transformation. Christian churches are going bankrupt as Americans become increasingly secular, meaning it’s a buyer’s market for newly-arrived Muslims looking for church property to call home.

We are on the brink of a massive transfer of kingdom assets,” Pastor Todd Robertson of the Antioch Baptist Church said. “I’m talking about property — buildings and things like that — of churches that, in their heyday of the ’50s and ’60s, were exploding with growth.”
Attendance at the aforementioned Church of St. John, for example, declined from 1,400 to only 400 over the past several years.

Overall, Americans who identified themselves as Christians dropped eight percent since 2007, according to the Pew Research Center.

And, interestingly, 'president' Obama signed an executive order on Nov. 21, 2014, directing all federal agencies to create “Welcoming Communities and Fully Integrated Immigrants and Refugees.”

This executive order coincided with a list of 190 U.S. “host cities” containing federal “refugee processing centers,” including Amarillo, Texas, Casper, Wyo. and Mobile, Ala.

This was sent to me from a friend overseas. Oh how the truth hurts.

Americans have selective memories….as long as ISIS isn’t beheading them or their family member, they are not that interested.

VogelHave a Happy Day!