Sunday, August 30, 2015

WUA - Sunday is the time to reflect, think and look around……..

WUA - Sunday is the time to reflect, think and look around……..
Description: cid:39A7868CD2104A2787AE501D0A4045D0@OwnerPC
My Grandfather served and watched as his friends died in WW I...
 My Father served and watched as his friends died in WW II ....
 I served and watched as my class mates and friends fought for and died in Vietnam ....
 I watched as my friends fought and died in Desert Storm...
 I watched and waited while my nephew fought in Iraq and died in Afghanistan ...
 None of them fought for or died for the Mexican Flag...
 Everyone fought for and died for the U.S. Flag!
In Texas, a student raised a Mexican flag on a school flag pole; another student took it down.
 Guess who was expelled... The American kid who took it down.
 Kids in high school in California were sent home this year on Cinco de Mayo because they wore T-shirts with the American flag printed on them.
 Enough is enough.

The below e-mail message needs to be viewed by every American;
 And every American needs to stand up for America.  We've bent over to appease the America-haters long Enough...I'm taking a stand...
 I'm standing up because the hundreds of thousands who died fighting in wars for this country, and for the U.S. Flag can't stand up...
 And shame on anyone who tries to make this a racist message...Let me make this perfectly clear!

Because I make this statement 
Against immigration!!!




To come
Through legally:

1. Get a sponsor!
2. Get a place to lay your head!

3. Get a job!

4.Live By OUR Rules!

5.Pay YOUR Taxes! And

6.Learn the LANGUAGE like
Immigrants have in the past!!


7. Don't demand that we hand over our lifetime Savings of Social Security Funds to You. 

If you don't want to forward this for fear of offending someone,

giving away

We've gone
So far the other way... Bent over backwards not to offend anyone...

But it
Seems no one cares about the

AMERICAN CITIZEN being offended!

WAKE UP America !!!

US Military kills head HACKER of the CyberCaliphate with drone – the same one who revealed military information online. / by IWB, on August 29th, 2015
Way to go US Military! The Military has just gotten the ultimate revenge on the head hacker of the CyberCaliphate. He is the same one who listed on Twitter Military member’s personal information, telling “lone wolves” to kill them and their family members “in their beds”.
They got him a drone strike, and I am sure thankful they did. He also spent his time on recruiting young people online to join the Islamic State. Good riddance, pest!
link:Junaid Hussain, the leader of the Islamic State Hacking Division, was killed on Tuesday in a drone strike conducted by the US military, as the Wall Street Journal has reported.
Hussain, also going under the name of Abu Hussain al-Britani, was a British man who joined ISIS a few years back and helped its Syrian branch create a hacking division, commonly known and referred to as the CyberCaliphate.
The post US Military kills head HACKER of the CyberCaliphate with drone – the same one who revealed military information online. appeared first on Silver For The People.

Stop Police Crimes!

The Chicago August 29 demonstration to stop police crimes and to establish community control over the police is nothing short of a historic step forward for the movement against racist discrimination and national oppression, and an advance in the fight for freedom, equality and liberation.
A key demand advanced by the march is for the creation of an elected Civilian Police Accountability Council (CPAC) that would have the power to investigate and punish police crimes, and that would have real power to determine how policing is carried out in Chicago. The struggle for this demand to extend democracy has U.S.-wide implications and it deserves the consideration and support of everyone who is working to end police terror.
The growing movement for community control of the police comes in the context of new upsurge in the African American liberation movement. During the last great upsurge in the late 1960s, the Black Panther Party demanded the community should control the police. Today, the rebellions against police terror and against police crimes in Ferguson, Missouri and Baltimore, the rise of the Black Lives Matters movement and the mass protests against police terror in cities across the country are clear signs that community control of the police is an idea that’s time has come.
The police in general, and Chicago police in particular, have made a name for themselves with a reign of killings, beating and torture centers that are disproportionally aimed at the African American, Native American, Chicano/Mexicano and Latino and other oppressed nationalities.
The United States today is not about equality. It is about oppression. At the top are the 1% – the wealthy exploiters – and those who answer to them. The system is working very well for them, but for oppressed and working people it is a failure, a complete failure.
Social services are being cut back and our labor unions are under attack. Good jobs are disappearing, and at every step the Black, Latino and other oppressed communities are hardest hit. There is no justice and the ‘peace’ that is imposed upon the communities is the ‘peace’ of police occupation and violence.
The broad support generated by the August 29 march is the shape of things to come. There is yearning for change and the motion is there for real and concrete change. The time is now for a Civilian Police Accountability Council. We need community control of the police. The trade union backing CPAC, including the support of Karen Lewis, president of Chicago Teachers Union, is an encouraging development. Unity, a strategic alliance between labor and the Black, Latino and other oppressed communities is a powerful force for change.
Across the country the crimes of the police are being challenged. The movement against inequality and racist discrimination is growing. Nothing can hold back those who are determined to fight for justice and freedom!

“A Sickness of the Public Mind” The Battle Flag and the Attack on Western Culture

Via Mike
Too much misinformation has been generated recently about Confederate flags and monuments. A great amount of it floating about on the Internet is as palatable and useful as what my neighbor cleans up out of his horse paddock each week—although what my neighbor cleans out actually has a better and less pungent odor about it than most of the shoddy, culturally Marxist ideological agenda pieces I’ve read.
Back in mid-June, after the Charleston shootings, the frenzied hue and cry went up and any number of accusations and charges were made against historic Confederate symbols, in particular, the Confederate Battle Flag, which is not as some supposedly “informed” writers called it, “the Stars and Bars.” (The Stars and Bars is a completely different flag with a totally different design—this error is an indication of those writers’ supine ignorance).
The best way to examine these charges in a short column is point by point, briefly and succinctly.

Federal Judge Blocks This ‘Inexplicable’ Obama Overreach

from Western Journalism:
Calling the Environmental Protection Agency’s latest effort to extend its control over virtually all U.S. waterways “inexplicable, arbitrary and devoid of reasoned process,” a federal judge has just blocked another attempt by President Obama to bypass Congress.

The Washington Times reports that Judge Ralph Erickson has issued a temporary injunction that prevents the EPA “from claiming oversight of millions of acres of land that contain small bodies of water.”
Critics of the EPA initiative have argued that the far-reaching new rule would give Obama’s official environmental activists vast new powers that would threaten water rights and usage by untold numbers of individuals, including farmers.

The Times article notes the critics’ argument that “the EPA would control lands near ditches with no possible connection to the rivers and lakes that the [original] law was designed to protect.”
The judge in North Dakota who blocked the EPA’s sweeping new rule agreed with critics, supporting his injunction with strong words that slap down what many see as yet another power grab by the Obama administration:
Thirteen states had sued to block the EPA from implementing its new water rule. Immediately after the federal judge hit the brakes on the agency’s action, the EPA put out a statement saying it would honor the judge’s order only in the states that had taken the administration to court. The remaining thirty-seven states, said the EPA, would see the sweeping changes to water regulations go into effect right away.
Read More @

10 Sioux Indian Chief Quotes That Shatter Our Idea of ‘Modern’ Culture

luther-standing-bearWisdom Pills Guest
Waking Times
Luther Standing Bear was an Oglala Lakota (Sioux) Chief who, among a few rare others such as Charles Eastman, Black Elk and Gertrude Bonnin occupied the rift between the way of life of the Indigenous people of the Great Plains before, and during, the arrival and subsequent spread of the European pioneers. Raised in the traditions of his people until the age of eleven, he was then educated at the Carlisle Indian Industrial Boarding School of Pennsylvania, where he learned the english language and way of life. (Though a National Historical Landmark, Carlisle remains a place of controversy in Native circles.)
Like his above mentioned contemporaries, however, his native roots were deep, leaving him in the unique position of being a conduit between cultures. Though his movement through the white man’s world was not without “success” — he had numerous movie roles in Hollywood — his enduring legacy was the protection of the way of life of his people. By the time of his death he had published 4 Books and had become a leader at the forefront of the progressive movement aimed at preserving Native American heritage and sovereignty, coming to be known as a strong voice in the education of the white man as to the Native American way of life. Here, then, are 10 quotes from the great Sioux Indian Chief known as Standing Bear that will be sure to disturb much of what you think you know about “modern” culture.
1. Praise, flattery, exaggerated manners and fine, high-sounding words were no part of Lakota politeness. Excessive manners were put down as insincere, and the constant talker was considered rude and thoughtless. Conversation was never begun at once, or in a hurried manner.
2. Children were taught that true politeness was to be defined in actions rather than in words. They were never allowed to pass between the fire and the older person or a visitor, to speak while others were speaking, or to make fun of a crippled or disfigured person. If a child thoughtlessly tried to do so, a parent, in a quiet voice, immediately set him right.
3. Silence was meaningful with the Lakota, and his granting a space of silence before talking was done in the practice of true politeness and regardful of the rule that ‘thought comes before speech.’…and in the midst of sorrow, sickness, death or misfortune of any kind, and in the presence of the notable and great, silence was the mark of respect… strict observance of this tenet of good behavior was the reason, no doubt, for his being given the false characterization by the white man of being a stoic. He has been judged to be dumb, stupid, indifferent, and unfeeling.
4. We did not think of the great open plains, the beautiful rolling hills, the winding streams with tangled growth, as ‘wild’. Only to the white man was nature a ‘wilderness’ and only to him was it ‘infested’ with ‘wild’ animals and ‘savage’ people. To us it was tame. Earth was bountiful and we were surrounded with the blessings of the Great Mystery.
5. Kinship with all creatures of the earth, sky and water was a real and active principle. In the animal and bird world there existed a brotherly feeling that kept the Lakota safe among them. And so close did some of the Lakotas come to their feathered and furred friends that in true brotherhood they spoke a common tongue.

6. This concept of life and its relations was humanizing and gave to the Lakota an abiding love. It filled his being with the joy and mystery of living; it gave him reverence for all life; it made a place for all things in the scheme of existence with equal importance to all.
7. It was good for the skin to touch the earth, and the old people liked to remove their moccasins and walk with bare feet on the sacred earth… the old Indian still sits upon the earth instead of propping himself up and away from its life giving forces. For him, to sit or lie upon the ground is to be able to think more deeply and to feel more keenly. He can see more clearly into the mysteries of life and come closer in kinship to other lives about him.
8. Everything was possessed of personality, only differing from us in form. Knowledge was inherent in all things. The world was a library and its books were the stones, leaves, grass, brooks, and the birds and animals that shared, alike with us, the storms and blessings of earth. We learned to do what only the student of nature learns, and that was to feel beauty. We never railed at the storms, the furious winds, and the biting frosts and snows. To do so intensified human futility, so whatever came we adjusted ourselves, by more effort and energy if necessary, but without complaint.
9. …the old Lakota was wise. He knew that a man’s heart, away from nature, becomes hard; he knew that lack of respect for growing, living things soon led to lack of respect for humans, too. So he kept his children close to nature’s softening influence.
10. Civilization has been thrust upon me… and it has not added one whit to my love for truth, honesty, and generosity.
**This is a Wisdom Pills original article reprinted here with permission.**
~~ Help Waking Times to raise the vibration by sharing this article with friends and family…

The post 10 Sioux Indian Chief Quotes That Shatter Our Idea of ‘Modern’ Culture appeared first on Waking Times.

Don’t Be Attached to the Shitstorm

by Zen Gardner
This is not a time to be tuning into the overall state of humanity without great care and awareness. We’re in a vortex of change such as humanity has never been exposed to. And it will hurt your heart. This confluence we’re in the midst of is very serious business.
We’re all being taken on a wild ride that can lead nowhere, or somewhere. It all depends on our original orientation. The unaware will be taken down paths of deceitful manipulation while the aware will find a ride to empowerment and even further confirmations regarding what’s truly transpiring.
What path we choose is paramount.
The best analogy is a stream or river of water. When in one, when and where you direct your vessel is what it’s all about. Especially when the stream is moving rapidly and with seeming reckless abandon. There’s nowhere to hide from these “current” influences. Our options appear to be somewhat limited, but only without conscious awareness and the ability to rise above the turmoil and so not be driven or steered by what is coming at us.
Operating from an intelligently detached perspective, like a wise, informed ship captain in a turbulent sea, must be our conscious point of reference.
When to Tune In, and Out
Empaths specifically are particularly sensitive and instinctively “take on more water” in their foundational nature of attuned compassion. The shared passion of others is what their hearts readily “take on board”. But be careful. Empathy alone will not mitigate a survival situation.
So many are and will be suffering through these eddies, rip tides and gushing engineered rapids being foisted on humanity that the heart cries of the innocent will resound loudly in the empath’s ears. This is potentially like the seductive sirens of Ulysses’ journey if we’re not careful to regulate what we tune into. We need to be touched by the “feeling of their infirmities” but never compromise nor forsake the manning of the ship.
What we know and represent is their lifeboat. As well as our own.
Much like rescuing a drowning swimmer, the lifeguard has to approach the situation with great caution and wisdom, or he too will go down with the panicking victim. That’s not to say nothing should be done. It just needs to be handled intelligently and in a sense, unemotionally. If we tune into the fear and panic we do no one any good and our positive potential is completely compromised.
I know those I’m addressing are hearing this loud and clear. Those who feel estranged from this sentiment I’m expressing may yet wake up spiritually to our inter-connectivity at which time this will become clear. For now this just needs to be said.
Mind Your Psychic Awareness
Mind your tuning and reception device. There’s a time to turn it up, and a time to turn it down. Know the difference and act judiciously.
I know many wonderful people in various states of upheaval over these latest turns in the world situation and what appears to be ahead of us. It’s taking a toll on people’s health, energy, minds and hearts. It’s no small thing we’re going through, or some kind of situation we’re going to escape by flipping into 4 or 5D or have a galactic intervention or some such to save us from it all.
My advice is to beware of all of that, but entertain what you want. The only “escapism” we can enjoy is true conscious awareness based in compassion and determination. And it’s nothing to snicker at. Those who know this perspective understand what I am saying.
It is sober, it is responsible, it is caring to the utmost degree. It’s just intensely aware to not get duped into foolish mind flips and fanciful escape hatches, all of which seem to be popping up faster by the day.
I have a tremendous love for humanity and strong conviction concerning its potential, as do so many of you. Let’s all keep awakening those around us, but guard your energy in times like these. Not to be selfish, but wise.
Stay strong. We’re at our battle stations. Be vigilant.
And it’s an honor to serve with so many wonderful, caring souls.
Love and gratitude always,
The post Don’t Be Attached to the Shitstorm appeared first on Zen Gardner.

Judge Rules Illegal Aliens Have Right to Bear Arms

Every now and then the judicial oligarchy finds a reason to uphold the Second Amendment:
People living in the United States illegally have a constitutional right to bear arms but are still barred from doing so by a separate law, a federal appeals court ruled.
I don’t know what’s crazier: pretending that people in the country illegally are entitled to constitutional protections, or asserting that the constitutional protections are irrelevant anyway because laws supersede the Constitution.
The three-judge panel of the U.S. 7th Circuit Court of Appeals issued its ruling Thursday in a case involving Mariano Meza-Rodriguez…
Meza-Rodriguez had a bullet in his pocket when he was arrested for a Milwaukee bar fight.
Federal law prohibits people in the country illegally from possessing guns or ammunition. Meza-Rodriguez argued that the charges should be dismissed because the law infringes on his Second Amendment right to bear arms. U.S. District Judge Rudolph Randa rejected that contention on the broad grounds that the Second Amendment doesn’t apply to people in the country illegally. Meza-Rodriguez was ultimately convicted of a felony and deported.
The 7th Circuit panel, however, ruled unanimously Thursday that the term “the people” in the Second Amendment’s guarantee that the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed also applies to those in the country illegally. The ruling, which applies in Illinois, Indiana and Wisconsin, conflicts with opinions from three other federal appellate courts in recent years that found the Second Amendment doesn’t apply to people in the country illegally.
“We see no principled way to carve out the Second Amendment and say that the unauthorized (or maybe all noncitizens) are excluded,” Chief Judge Diane Wood wrote.
But the panel upheld Meza-Rodriguez’s conviction, saying the federal ban on people in the country illegally possessing weapons remains valid. Wood wrote that the right to bear arms isn’t unlimited and the government has a strong interest in preventing people who have already broken the law by coming to the country illegally from carrying guns.
So foreign invaders have a right to bears arms in our country, but that right will be ignored. If they can ignore the phony rights of illegal aliens, they can ignore our real rights.
This legal conundrum could be solved easily by enforcing immigration law, as could a large number of other problems.
On tips from Lyle and Torcer.

Video:- Deleted History: An 1829 Newspaper Reveals That Rothchilds Purchased Jerusalem And Plan To Establish A Nation And Rebuild Temple..

Video:- Deleted History: An 1829 Newspaper Reveals That Rothchilds Purchased Jerusalem And Plan To Establish A Nation And Rebuild Temple..
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Sunday, 30-Aug-2015 08:31:59 

Well well. So much for the paperback prophets and their 1948 and 1967 prophecy timelines....
This 1829 article exposes the fact that William E Blackstone (born in 1841) or Theodore Herzl (born in 1860) were not in any way, shape or form – the originators to “gather a large nation” and/or “re-building of the temple“, as the “narrative” goes.
Just the 1829 wording of connecting “Rothschild“, “Jerusalem“,”gather a large nation“, and “re-building of the temple” throws any and all previous held ideas of some sort of “miraculous thing” out the window. Obviously this has been percolating for quite some time.
Finally the author of the above 1829 article, Hezekiah Niles, describes the 1829 time period as “these strange times“. One can only wonder what was really happening back then that somehow was never conveyed in the history books.
Watch Video:

For the full article and screenshot of the newspaper story, see: 

Police Investigate Motive in Ambush of Houston Area Deputy

The man charged with capital murder in the fatal shooting of a uniformed suburban Houston sheriff's deputy will be arraigned this week, jail records show.
Shannon J. Miles, who has a criminal history that includes convictions for resisting arrest and disorderly conduct with a firearm, is due in court Monday. Court and jail records did not list an attorney for the 30-year-old Houston resident.
His arrest Saturday came less than 24 hours after authorities said he ambushed Darren Goforth, a 10-year veteran of the Harris County Sheriff's Office, at a suburban Houston Chevron station.
Harris County Sheriff Ron Hickman said the attack was "clearly unprovoked," and there is no evidence so far that Goforth knew Miles. Investigators have no information from Miles that would shed light on his motive, Hickman said.
"Our assumption is that he was a target because he wore a uniform," the sheriff said.
Goforth, 47, was pumping gas at a Chevron station Friday night in Cypress, a middle-class to upper middle-class suburban area of Harris County that is unincorporated and located northwest of Houston, when the gunman approached him from behind and fired multiple shots, continuing to fire after the deputy had fallen to the ground.
A vigil was held Saturday night at the gas station, where members of the community were joined by law enforcement officers. GoForth's wife, Kathleen Goforth, released a statement Saturday to Houston television station KPRC-TV that said her husband was "ethical; the right thing to do is what guided his internal compass."
The killing evoked strong emotions in the local law enforcement community, with Sheriff Ron Hickman linking it to heightened tension over the treatment of African-Americans by police. Goforth was white and Miles is black.
The nationwide "Black Lives Matter" movement that formed after 18-year-old Michael Brown was shot and killed by a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri has sought sweeping reforms of policing. Related protests erupted in Texas recently after a 28-year-old Chicago-area black woman, Sandra Bland, was found dead in a county jail about 50 miles northwest of Houston three days after her arrest on a traffic violation. Texas authorities said she committed suicide but her family is skeptical of that.
Hickman and Harris County District Attorney Devon Anderson pushed back against the criticism of police on Saturday.
"We've heard Black Lives Matter, All Lives Matter. Well, cops' lives matter, too," Hickman said.

Time to Sequester Air Force One Vacation Flights

More Info about our Government allowing thousands of Muslim's to come to our Country!!! This must be STOPPED !!!!!!! & they need to be sent back to their Country!

Clinical Proof that Most Politicians and CEO’s Are Certifiably Insane

Clinical Proof that

Most Politicians

Cartoon of a Crazy Man Wearing a Straight Jacket clipartand CEO’s
Crazy Guy Wearing a Straight Jacket clipart
Are Certifiably Insane

After writing one of my most recent articles with regard to what
currency devaluation taking down a country's economy—as the
Chinese are gobbling up all of our important economic assets—
many people wrote to me asking me when the total collapse is
going to happen. The short answer is that I have a hard time
predicting the actions of psychopaths. All of us have a hard time
predicting the action of others who are so different from the
mainstream of America because most of us do not think like
psychopaths. However, I can state with certainty that when the
last mortgage has been stolen and the last pension has been
confiscated, then it will be time to collapse the dollar and plunge
this country into a hellish nightmare.
Our country should be dubbed the United States of Psychopathology.
Psychopaths are at the root of the world's problems. They kill hundreds
of millions in wars which serve no purpose except to enrich the
psychopaths. Subsequently, psychopaths, such as the Rockefellers
and the Rothschilds, recruit already compromised psychopaths to do
their bidding in both elected office and as the CEOs of Fortune 500
corporations, as well as in key administrative positions.

The Whole Country Is Going Crazy
The United States of America is presently undergoing
a mental health crisis. An estimated 26.2% of Americans ages 18
and older suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year.
This figure translates to almost 60 million people who have a
diagnosable mental illness. Even though mental disorders are
widespread within the population, the main burden of illness is
concentrated in a much smaller proportion, which is confined to
about 6% of the population, or about 1 in 17 who suffer from a serious
mental illness. In nearly half (45%) of those with any mental disorder,
they meet criteria for two or more disorders. In the U.S., mental
disorders are diagnosed based on the
Most (over 65%) of the diagnosed mental health disorders are reactive
in nature to a faulty environment and are common to a population being
placed under dire stress. As would be expected, anxiety disorders lead
the way and can manifest themselves in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
(common to veterans in combat), various social phobias, eating disorders
(at record levels), and depression (rising at an alarming rate).
Genetic factors are thought to generally play a role in about 30-50% of
all mental illnesses. However, the bulk of symptoms are maladaptive
responses to a negative environment. In other words, the sheep may
not be outwardly rebelling, but their unconscious minds are stating that
the New World Order is not fit to live in. 

Psychopath or Sociopath?
The terms psychopath and sociopath were in vogue 30 years ago in the
mental health field. We still see the use of these terms to describe morally
deprived people who commit heinous acts of some sort against other
human beings. However, on an official level, the terms have been rolled
up into one clinical term, Anti-Social Personal Disorder (ASPD).

I contend that most of the mental illnesses that we are seeing in today's
America are reactive to the depraved nature of those that seek power
over others. It is becoming quite clear that when we closely examine
the mental health of many in power, they exhibit the hallmark traits of
people with diagnosable ASPD.


State of Texas Being Sued by Foreign Citizens with Mexican Government Support

Texas Gold Foil State Clip Art Pers onal & Commercial Use - Wedding ...
State of Texas Being Sued
by Foreign Citizens
Mexican Government Support

Things get more bizarre by the day. Last night, a conversation
between some friends regarding religion, weapons and
self-defense occurred, due to the shooting incident in Virginia
of two news crew individuals on live TV. It ended friendly with
one friend stating he would give up freedom and liberty if it
meant government would make it harder for people to get firearms.
The very same person indicated he didn't need a "book" to tell him
right from wrong, as his mother had done that, and he did whatever
would keep him from being jailed; but, he never declared where
she got her guidance or where he thought individual rights originated.
There was no surprise there, since, despite my friend declaring no
affiliation with any politics or ideology, he clearly believed the
propaganda peddled to many Americans, while claiming
a "free thinker" position.

This morning,
amicus brief, Mexico claims "friendly nations" should accept these
foreign passports or government-issued IDs to avoid introducing
a "troublesome and discordant element into bi-national or
transnational relations" by expressing doubt regarding their
authenticity. Texas count registrars are refusing to accept these
forms of identification as valid without a valid visa or consular
document. Mexico claims Texas registrars are in violation of the
14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America.
Texas Civil Rights Project and Texas Rio Grande Legal Aid,
who represent the seventeen families from Mexico and Central
America, claim Texas violated the Equal Protection Clause,
as well as the Supremacy Clause.


Reality Check: Why Aren’t Shootings Sparking Debate Over Anti-Depressants?

Reality Check:
Why Aren’t Shootings
Sparking Debate Over

<br />
<b>Warning</b>:  Illegal string offset 'alt' in <b>/home/freedomoutpost/public_html/wp-content/themes/politicsisdirty/fo-responsive-email-template.php</b> on line <b>217</b><br />

The crime scene tape was still up in Roanoke, Virginia,
when politicians began calling—almost predictably—
-for tougher gun control laws.

Here's a question: why is it always a discussion about
guns and not about mental health and mood-altering
prescription drugs?
This is a Reality Check you won't see anywhere else.
In response to the live TV shooting in Virginia, the usual
voices began talking about the need for more gun control
without knowing any facts regarding the shooter or how
he got that gun.
Without question, Vester Flanagan—the man who carried
out the murder of Allison Parker and photojournalist
Adam Ward—was disturbed. The extent to which he was
disturbed, we do not know at this time. But what we do
know is that, as we watch these high-profile shootings
continue to grab headlines, there are important links that
are being missed or ignored.


How Many Church Leaders Were Busted on Ashley Madison Adultery Site?

How Many Church Leaders Were Busted
on Ashley Madison Adultery Site?

The Ashley Madison hack, the exposure of adultery and
the site itself are all reprehensible and sinful. In some states,
 adultery is still considered a crime and under the Law of God,
it is a capital offense. However, there is at least one outlet claims
that around 400 church leaders will resign this Sunday after the
list of customers to Ashley Madison was released.

Ed Stetzer wrote at Christianity Today, "Based on my conversations
with leaders from several denominations in the U.S. and Canada,
I estimate that at least 400 church leaders (pastors, elders, staff,
deacons, etc.) will be resigning Sunday. This is a significant moment
of embarrassment for the church—and it should be. To be honest,
the number of pastors and church leaders on Ashley Madison is
much lower than the number of those looking to have an affair.
Yet, there is still much that we must consider in the midst of
the embarrassment."


The Death Of Vincent Foster -----The Gun Color Swindle by the FBI

The Death Of Vincent Foster

The Gun Color Swindle by the FBI


U.S. Food Alert Update: From 2012-2015 The Coming EBT Food Riots

Obama Clowns
Reports to Down Detector about SNAP EBT cards not working began coming in at a furious pace on Friday across the nation. From Virginia to Iowa to Alabama to Minnesota to New Mexico to Missouri to Idaho, reports of non-received payments to ‘can’t purchase anything on it’ came flooding in as seen in the screenshot comments below.
One commenter warned back: ‘LOL!!! You SHEEP haven’t seen anything yet…This is just a BETA test to see how you idiots will react. The REAL event is going to happen this September.’
It is Corporations That Profit From The $75 Billion Tax Payer Funded Food Stamps Program!

91% of those reporting problems reported issues receiving payments while the other 9% reported website problems. While some might try to dismiss these issues as ‘technical glitches’, all we need to do is look at another story from yesterday Daily Mail to learn that HSBC also blamed a ‘glitch’ for the fact that up to 275,000 people were not paid ‘hundreds of millions of dollars’ with a bank holiday on Monday, effectively ruining the weekends of hundreds of thousands, some of whom were asking how they were going to eat this weekend.
Were yesterday’s ‘glitches’ that brought down HSBC and caused SNAP/EBT card problems for countless Americans a BETA test as suggested by the 1st comment below? What would happen suddenly if millions and millions of Americans across the country were no longer able to have access to the most basic necessities – hygenics articles, toilet paper, food, water, medical supplies – because of the catastrophic failure of our computer systems, a major nationwide ‘glitch’?
As we warned yesterday, America is very close to a catastrophic failure of our healthcare systems; courageous men and women across the country who have served America are unable to get medical care; hundreds of thousands of US Veterans have died as a result of it.
With reports of a ‘major event’ now just weeks away that will change the landscape of the world, is the weight of the entire system about to come crashing down upon itself, leaving those completely dependent upon it crushed? More below including the new X-22 Report with a warning from a British insider to ‘start prepping’.
All News Pipeline


Warning ~ Folks This EBT Video Is Language & Visually Explicit.

(NaturalNews) EBT cards are modern-day food stamps, except they’re electronic. In essence, they are government-issued debit cards that allow recipients to spend taxpayer money for their own groceries. But EBT cards aren’t merely good on food staples like beans and rice, they can be spent on processed junk food that promotes diabetes and obesity.
That’s the “dirty little secret” of the EBT scheme: It encourages low-income Americans to become high-profit customers of the pharmaceutical industry by eating their way to obesity, diabetes, cancer and heart disease.
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  1. Exploiting American people’s compassion is pretty old hat and easily identifiable as dishonest. The second old technique is the explicit or implicit false dilemma.
  2. Here the implied dilemma is that without food stamps people will starve.
  3. The truth is that food stamps are abused by a majority of the recipients and the qualifications for food stamps keep the average recipient from wanting to take the risk of getting a job that might not pan out and improve his or her life.
  4. Food stamps handed out by Godless government also guarantees that the recipient will not be encouraged to see the values of the giver as something to emulate in order to escape poverty.
  5. Keeping God out of government and out of society achieves our overall goal of a utopia, you know, kinda like when a little kid gets run over and no one goes to help the poor child.
  6. Or when electric plants are closed all over the US and, instead of that, the news media focus on a soon-to-be-non-existant “problem” of obesity or what some Hollywood creep is wearing. – Comrade Loaf
That’s why the food industry loves EBT cards, too:
  1. Most EBT users are low-education consumers who understand virtually nothing about nutrition.
  2. They tend to buy the most nutritionally-depleted processed foods available, and that equates to high-profit foods for the processed food industry. (The highest-profit foods are the ones with the least nutrition, it turns out.)
EBT System Crashes In 10 States: Millions Unable to Use Their Food Stamp Cards
EBT stands for “Electronic Benefit Transfer,” and it means transferring money from the pockets of working taxpayers into the hands of those who, for one reason or another, are either not working at all or are living below the poverty requirements set by the government.
This transference is done at gunpoint, essentially, through the enforcement of federal tax collection. EBT benefits have more than doubled during the Obama administration’s last four years, creating tens of millions of new dependents who now vote based almost entirely on who gives them the most handouts.
The purchase of vitamins is specifically prohibited by the EBT program:
This is done as a way to keep EBT recipients sick and diseased while suffering from nutritional deficiencies, which is precisely what the federal government wants.
Remembering When Rothschild Thug McCain Introduced Bill S 3002 to Kill Nutritional Supplement Access To American Citizens.
EBT cards are also a form of corporate welfare:
EBT cards create high-profit handouts to corporations, too: Pharmaceutical companies and the sick-care industry; Big Government which gets re-elected based on entitlement handouts; global banks which earn a percentage off every swipe; and even the processed junk food industry which preys upon nutritional ignorance of the poor.
EBT Life: Greetings From the Welfare State
In fact, for every dollar’s worth of food handed out to EBT recipients under the program, at least 50 cents is driven right into the profit coffers of wealthy corporations. That’s why EBT programs are allowed to exist: Not because they benefit the poor, but because they benefit the rich! Do you have any idea how much profit there is in a package of Oreo cookies?
Obama’s Breadlines Increase: What a Modern Day Bread Line Looks Like (Infographic)
The “EBT culture” of dependence, poverty and ignorance is perhaps best shown in the now-famous YouTube music video “My EBT”. There, a rapper brags about how he’s using taxpayer money to buy Oreos, chips, sandwiches, breakfast cereals, McDonald’s food and more. He sings about how he wishes he could use it to buy weed.

$4 billion went to soda makers
Profits from Poverty: How Food Stamps Benefit Corporations
What Happens To Our Body After Drinking Coca-Cola & To Those Murdered Making It.
This article, however, isn’t about how welfare creates long-term dependence and poverty while destroying the dignity of many who come to depend on it. Rather, it’s about what’s going to happen when the EBT card system goes down and stays down.
EBT food stamp systems goes down for hours across multiple states:
Fraud And Cronyism Rule The Food Stamps Program
It is Corporations (FOR NOW) That Profit From The $75 Billion Tax Payer Funded Food Stamps Program!
Yesterday, the EBT card system, which is managed by JP Morgan Chase, suffered a six-hour outage across ten states.
Wal-Mart, one of the favorite destinations of EBT card users, proceeded to run transactions manually and then batched them into the JP Morgan Chase processing system once the system came back online. But elsewhere, stores were met with growing frustration from EBT card holders who were angry that their government money cards suddenly stopped working.
In this case, the EBT outage only lasted less than one day. But given that they are tied into a globalist bank which looks almost certain to fail once the global debt collapse unfolds, the question of the day is this: What’s going to happen when the bank running all the EBT transactions goes belly up?
What happens when the free EBT money stops?
Remember how Obama supporters threatened to riot in the streets if Romney won the recent presidential election? There’s a huge class of Americans who have become so dependent on the system of government handouts that they have no ability to survive any other way. These people will riot when the free money is cut off.
As Ron Paul explained in his recent farewell speech, the entitlements must sooner or later come to an end:
The wealth we see today is based on debt and a foolish willingness on the part of foreigners to take our dollars for goods and services. They then loan them back to us to perpetuate our debt system. It’s amazing that it has worked for this long but the impasse in Washington, in solving our problems indicate that many are starting to understand the seriousness of the world -wide debt crisis and the dangers we face. The longer this process continues the harsher the outcome will be.
Many are now acknowledging that a financial crisis looms but few understand it’s, in reality, a moral crisis. It’s the moral crisis that has allowed our liberties to be undermined and permits the exponential growth of illegal government power. Without a clear understanding of the nature of the crisis it will be difficult to prevent a steady march toward tyranny and the poverty that will accompany it.
EBT card users are almost universally incapable of understanding the complex economics Ron Paul is describing. All they understand is that their next meal comes from a piece of plastic that “counts as money” at the local corner store. They do not grasp the long-term vulnerability of that system and how it is tied into a global debt scheme whose days are numbered.
Furthermore, EBT card users almost universally have no backup plan. They live meal by meal, with no financial safety net, no financial planning, and absolutely zero savings. In fact, having any real savings disqualifies you from receiving an EBT card, which is another way that Big Government actually encourages financial dependence among EBT card recipients.
flag distress
The EBT false flag riots:
Why is all this important to understand? Because on the day the EBT cards are shut off, there will be mass riots of EBT card recipients who are suddenly thrust into an emergency.
In fact, shutting off the EBT cards is actually one way to initiate a false flag event in America. It works like this:
1) Purposely shut off all EBT cards. (Takes just two seconds at JP Morgan.)
2) Blame it on a cyber terrorist attack and use the crisis to institute harsh new police state controls over the internet. (“Never let a good crisis go to waste…”)
3) Allow the “EBT riots” to unfold. Keep the National Guard away for long enough to let things get out of control and have scary footage broadcast on the evening news.
4) Once things are bad enough, announce Martial Law and bring in the troops to turn America’s streets into a Nazi-style police state surveillance and enforcement system, complete with TSA-run checkpoints on all major roads.
What’s required to make this happen? Nothing more than turning off the EBT cards for 72 hours. That’s it! It’s just a single change to a single line of code at JP Morgan Chase, and it’s mission accomplished for the globalists.
Yesterday’s EBT outage, in fact, may have been a practice run for the real thing. When the globalists want riots to unfold, they now have the tool to make it happen.

Long term: All entitlements will be cut off or made worthless through currency debasement:
Nullifying The Federal Reserve: ……and it’s gone!
The question of disappearing entitlements isn’t just an EBT card issue, by the way. The coming financial collapse of the U.S. government will end all entitlements, including social security, Medicare and federal workers’ retirement pension payments.
That’s the real kicker in all this: In a society where 50% or so are now largely dependent on the federal government for their very survival, the fact that the government is headed into a multi-trillion-dollar debt blowout should raise red alerts everywhere.
Obama has put the USA on a collision course with a debt implosion, adding more to the U.S. debt in the last four years than all the Presidents in the history of America — combined! And with government spending continuing to expand beyond all sanity, there is no stopping the coming debt blowout.
Consider the following U.S. national debt chart:

As you can see from the chart, we are now in a hyperbolic final blowout of debt that can only lead to a total economic implosion. Over the next four years, this chart will get even more insane as Obama spends trillions of dollars of money we don’t have, further accelerating America’s head-on collision with the financial apocalypse.
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When that happens, all federal benefits immediately cease. If you thought the idea of tens of millions of angry EBT debt card users was bad, just consider what happens when all the former federal employees don’t get their pension funds anymore. Or if social security checks are eroded down to the point where they are essentially worthless. That’s when you’re going to see real social unrest across America, and that day is a finite number of weeks away. It will arrive as sure as the sun comes up, and when it does arrive, there’s going to be unprecedented chaos in the streets as all the suckers who lived their lives dependent on the federal government suddenly come to find out the whole thing was a Ponzi scheme.
Yep: A Ponzi scheme. The U.S. government is running the largest Ponzi scheme in the history of the world, and just like every Ponzi scheme that has ever existed, it will sooner or later collapse. When that day comes, you will want to make sure you have stored food, water, silver coins, ammo, emergency medicine and all the usual preparedness supplies.
And be prepared to defend your supplies from those who refused to prepare. Because if there’s one thing that EBT cards have taught tens of millions of America, it’s that “YOUR stuff belongs to THEM!”
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