Monday, September 28, 2015

When the tables turn – Do not embarrass your friends.

When the tables turn – Do not embarrass your friends.

Do not sit with your elbow at cross purposes. 


When Edward Snowden applied for asylum in Russia, it hit the headlines that Putin had said to him:
“Do not embarrass our friends in the West.”
Many people found this to be a strange statement and even speculated that Putin was really working for Rothschild and Rockefeller. Social media went wild claiming “new boss same as the old boss” and that he was just another NWO stooge.
At this point in time I would like to remind my friends in both Russia and China, do not embarrass your friends in the West. Do not out a sense of smelling victory with the decline in the petro dollar, the decline in the dollar as international currency and the exposure of deep state criminality in the West, make your friends lose face. Russia and China have deep state criminality of their own.
But even more, do not stoop to the tactics of mutual enemies and then create a divide and conquer narrative of either/ or. You are betraying the very people who have fought so hard to overcome this evil that has ruined the world. Rather reach out to your real friends in the West and let’s all create a better planet together.
I speak from experience. During the years of Apartheid South Africa many whites fought against this system. Many whites were as terrorized, tortured and abused as black people were. If anything the price they had to pay was often more heinous than the price that black people paid for attempting to overthrow the system.
Other than white South Africans, Europeans, white people across the world took the time, money and energy to join the fight against an unjust system. They played a huge role across the European continent and North America in order to bring South Africa’s Apartheid to an end.
I would also like to remind the anti-white lobby world-wide, that it was not the Chinese, the Arabs or Africans who abolished slavery. And it was not any of these people who set up the ever developing structures that we now have today to fight for human rights, abolition of slavery and unjust and inhumane wars. This has been largely the doing of Europeans, whites.
Today in South Africa the black African youth have conveniently forgotten about the sacrifices many white people made in their defense. If anything there is now a reverse racism. The “whites”are all categorized as the evil people while the “blacks”are all good.
Good and evil, if you live long enough, you will realize has got nothing to do with gender, race, religion or nationality. There are only two types of people in this world and they are equally distributed in all genders, races, religions and nationalities. They are all either criminals or they are those who work towards the betterment of all. It really is that simple.
So to my friends in Russia and China,
“Do not embarrass your friends.”
Do not sit with your elbow at cross purposes. 
Many around the world have worked in your defense. Please do not yet again play into the Hegelian dialect and fuel the “Cold War “rhetoric yet again and in the process alienate those who like you, are working towards a world of co-operation and multi-polar unity guided by international law.
Katherine Frisk is a freelance writer, political commentator and the author of: Jesus Was A Palestinian.

The Catholic Church is the Biggest Financial Power on Earth

The Catholic Church is the Biggest Financial Power on Earth

Have you ever wondered how wealthy the church really is? In his book, ‘The Vatican Billions’, writer and philosopher Avro Manhattan gives us a glimpse of the true financial worth of the catholic church: 

The Vatican has large investments with the Rothschildsof Britain, France and America, with the Hambros Bank, with the Credit Suisse in London and Zurich. In the United States it has large investments with the Morgan Bank, the Chase-Manhattan Bank, the First National Bank of New York, the Bankers Trust Company, and others. 
The Vatican has billions of shares in the most powerful international corporations such as Gulf Oil, Shell, General Motors, Bethlehem Steel, General Electric, International Business Machines, T.W.A., etc.” (...) 

“Some idea of the real estate and other forms of wealth controlled by the Catholic church may be gathered by the remark of a member of the New York Catholic Conference, namely ‘that his church probably ranks second only to the United States Government in total annual purchase.’ 

Another statement, made by a nationally syndicated Catholic priest, perhaps is even more telling. ‘The Catholic church,’ he said, ‘must be the biggest corporation in the United States. We have a branch office in every neighborhood. Our assets and real estate holdings must exceed those of Standard Oil, A.T.&T., and U.S. Steel combined. And our roster of dues-paying members must be second only to the tax rolls of the United States Government.’” (...) 

“The Catholic church, once all her assets have been put together, is the most formidable stockbroker in the world. The Vatican, independently of each successive pope, has been increasingly orientated towards the U.S. The Wall Street Journal said that the Vatican’s financial deals in the U.S. alone were so big that very often it sold or bought gold in lots of a million or more dollars at one time.” (...)

“The Vatican’s treasure of solid gold has been estimated by the United Nations World Magazine to amount to several billion dollars. A large bulk of this is stored in gold ingots with the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank, while banks in England and Switzerland hold the rest. 

But this is just a small portion of the wealth of the Vatican, which in the U.S. alone, is greater than that of the five wealthiest giant corporations of the country. When to that is added all the real estate, property, stocks and shares abroad, then the staggering accumulation of the wealth of the Catholic church becomes so formidable as to defy any rational assessment.” (...)

“The Catholic church is the biggest financial power, wealth accumulator and property owner in existence. She is a greater possessor of material riches than any other single institution, corporation, bank, giant trust, government or state of the whole globe. 

The pope, as the visible ruler of this immense amassment of wealth, is consequently the richest individual of the twentieth century. No one can realistically assess how much he is worth in terms of billions of dollars.” (...) 

Mr. Manhattan asks one of the most challenging questions regarding the moral conduit of the catholic church: 

“Jesus was the poorest of the poor. Roman Catholicism, which claims to be His church, is the richest of the rich, the wealthiest institution on earth. (…) How come, that such an institution, ruling in the name of this same itinerant preacher, whose want was such that he had not even a pillow upon which to rest his head, is now so top-heavy with riches that she can rival - indeed, that she can put to shame - the combined might of the most redoubtable financial trusts, of the most potent industrial super-giants, and of the most prosperous global corporation of the world?” 

I would love to hear the pope answering this question. 

I have no interest in their wealth from a personal perspective, but I am outraged of their corruption as a member of the human species. Their wealth is so big that they could create sustainable social programs to end famine on Earth; they have the power and the means to oppose wars; they have the financial resources to create an Eco-friendly planet -- the biblical heaven on Earth. 

But how could they be willing to invest in “green technology” when they have huge investments in oil and gas cars manufacturers? In fact, the Iraqi and Afghanistan wars perfectly suit their financial investments. 

In conclusion, religion is financially and morally corrupt. 

Priests from all over the planet, please open your minds and hearts, and stop indoctrinating your followers! Stop singing about fairytales and start facing the true challenges that lay ahead of us. Confront your superiors and start preaching the TRUTH. 

What is your religion, Alexander? 

I have been asked this question many times. I was born a christian, but I have no religion -- though I am a spiritual person. I would never knowingly harm another human being or any living creature on Earth. I am, hopefully, becoming a better human being with each passing day. 

I am bringing my small contribution to the human species almost every single day, knowing that only together we will achieve a positive future for mankind and for our beautiful planet. 

Mostly, I am following my path towards the purest spirituality and, hopefully, I will be able to achieve it someday. I don’t have leaders and I don’t want to become one. I am not following anyone and I don’t want to be followed myself. 

You can achieve your highest good and the highest good of others by finding your true path. Follow your heart and you will walk it by tomorrow.

Royal Dutch Shell suspends Arctic drilling indefinitely

Royal Dutch Shell suspends Arctic drilling indefinitely

By Juliet Eilperin and Steven Mufson September 28 at 12:35 PM

This story has been updated.
Royal Dutch Shell announced early Monday morning it will suspend Arctic drilling indefinitely, after finding insufficient oil and gas in one of its exploratory wells to justify costly development.
The move puts the end — for now — on the contentious debate over whether oil and gas exploration should take place in the environmentally sensitive area off Alaska’s coast. President Obama has come under intense fire for allowing drilling to proceed, and environmentalists cheered Shell’s announcement.
It also highlights the tremendous costs and risks of drilling in the Arctic frontier, which is thought to have vast oil reserves but where little exploration has taken place so far.
In a statement at 1 a.m. Eastern time, Shell said that while it had successfully drilled its Burger J exploration well in Alaska’s Chukchi Sea this summer to a total depth of 6,800 feet, the indications of oil and gas “are not sufficient to warrant further exploration in the Burger prospect.” The well lies roughly 150 miles from Barrow, Alaska.
“The Shell Alaska team has operated safely and exceptionally well in every aspect of this year’s exploration program,” said Shell Oil Co.’s president Marvin Odum.  “Shell continues to see important exploration potential in the basin, and the area is likely to ultimately be of strategic importance to Alaska and the U.S. However, this is a clearly disappointing exploration outcome for this part of the basin.”
The firm said it would seal and abandon the well in accordance with U.S. regulations and “will now cease further exploration activity in offshore Alaska for the foreseeable future.”
[READ: Shell’s big gamble in the Arctic]
“This decision reflects both the Burger J well result, the high costs associated with the project, and the challenging and unpredictable federal regulatory environment in offshore Alaska,” the statement added.
Interior Department spokeswoman Jessica Kershaw said Monday the department “has focused on making sure that Shell’s exploration activities are performed as safely as possible” and would continue to monitor its activities as it scaled back its operations “to ensure that de-mobilization activities are done safely and responsibly.”
The company said it would take a large financial charge as a result of the announcement. The balance sheet value of Shell’s Alaska position is approximately $3.0 billion, with approximately a further $1.1 billion of future contractual commitments for equipment the company expected to use in 2016 and 2017, the company said. It will try to redeploy some of those assets, but some write offs will be required.
Shell has spent more than $7 billion on oil exploration in the Alaskan Arctic, including more than $2 billion in what was a record Interior Department lease sale in 2008 and $1.4 billion this year. But its efforts to find a vast amount of oil have been mired in lawsuits and a regulatory process complicated by a series of mishaps — such as hitting uncharted shoals — that have damaged vessels required for the drilling program. The BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico also resulted in a suspension of all offshore drilling for a period and made regulators more sensitive to spill risks.
Lois Epstein, a licensed engineer and Arctic program director for the Wilderness Society, said the project made no sense given the area’s wildlife, lack of an oil spill response infrastructure and the threat fossil fuel burning poses to the climate.
“Shell’s announcement is a very good news for the marine environment, sensitive coastal lands and the Arctic communities that would be devastated by a major oil spill,” Epstein said in a statement. “Hopefully, this means that we are done with oil companies gambling with the Arctic Ocean, and we can celebrate the news that the Arctic Ocean will be safe for the foreseeable future.”
For the oil industry, however, the well results were bad news.
“That was a huge disappointment not only for Shell but also for the industry,” said Fadel Gheit, an oil analyst for Oppenheimer & Co. “This has been a saga. Bad timing, bad planning, bad circumstances. It was not meant to be. Everything that could go wrong went wrong.”
He said that though the company only completed one well, he said that it was the best prospect Shell had. “If you wanted to make a bet on one horse, this was the horse in for the money,” he said. “This was the best candidate.”  In the 1990s, five wells were drilled in the area and abandoned after yielding natural gas, but by early 2008 oil prices had soared and Shell had taken another look at the seismic data.
The announcement that Shell would halt drilling came less than a month after President Obama’s historic trip to the Alaskan Arctic to highlight climate change and Arctic policy. Environmental activists had both celebrated the trip and yet also suggested a contradiction between the president’s climate concern on the one hand, and his administration’s allowing Shell’s drilling plans to go forward.
“As President Obama saw first-hand, there are many challenges in the Arctic region, and we can use this opportunity to address changing climate and the need to protect and conserve important ocean resources,” said Susan Murray, a deputy vice president at Oceana, in a statement. “Shell’s announcement today allows the government to take a step back to apply careful planning, precaution, and science to forge a sustainable future for the Arctic.”
“Today’s announcement from Shell that it will not drill for oil in the Arctic Ocean for the foreseeable future underscores the reality that drilling in this harsh and sensitive Alaskan environment is not worth the risk,” Sen. Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) said in a statement Monday.
But Rex A. Rock, Sr., president of the Arctic Slope Regional Corporation (ASRC), a consortium of Alaska Native companies that recently invested in Shell’s oil prospects, said in a statement that he was “deeply disappointed” with the news from Shell. The leaders of ASRC said they had invested in Shell’s venture because of concerns that climate change would make it more difficult to sustain their traditional whaling and fishing based economy.
“We are looking for solutions on how we continue to sustain our local economies to support our communities,” Rock said. “Absent any responsible resource development onshore and offshore, we are facing a fiscal crisis beyond measure.”

Also in Energy & Environment:
Yet another survey suggests the climate change ‘debate’ is settled among scientists
Why some scientists are so worried about a cold ‘blob’ in the North Atlantic Ocean
With cap and trade plan, China adopts an emissions policy that couldn’t get through U.S. Congress
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Juliet Eilperin is The Washington Post's White House bureau chief, covering domestic and foreign policy as well as the culture of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. She is the author of two books—one on sharks, and another on Congress, not to be confused with each other—and has worked for the Post since 1998.
Steven Mufson covers the White House. Since joining The Post, he has covered economics, China, foreign policy and energy. 

Paris Imagines A World Without Cars

Paris Imagines A World Without Cars

The city banned cars from major roadways yesterday as part of an environmental campaign, but some say it didn't go far enough

Paris Imagines A World Without Cars
by Amar Toor | The Verge | September 28, 2015

Bicyclists, pedestrians, and rollerbladers swarmed the streets of central Paris on Sunday, taking advantage of the city’s first ever “day without cars.” All private, non-electric cars were banned from Paris’ historic city center for seven hours yesterday, as part of a campaign to promote clean transportation. It comes as the city prepares to host the UN climate conference in December, where world leaders will seek an agreement on limiting the rise of global temperatures.
Socialist Mayor Anne Hidalgo announced the no-car campaign in March, at the urging of a citizen collective called Paris Sans Voiture (Paris Without Car). The city has faced severe air pollution problems in recent years, and has occasionally implemented strict driving restrictions due to dangerously high smog levels.
Paris isn’t the first city to implement a no-car day; Brussels, Sao Paulo, and the English city of Bristol have launched similar campaigns in the past. In an interview with French newspaper Le Parisien this month, Hidalgo described the effort as “a movement of education and learning,” adding that it aimed to “show that Paris can function without cars.”
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Want To Understand US Action In The Middle East? Look At The Wolfowitz Doctrine

Want To Understand US Action In The Middle East? Look At The Wolfowitz Doctrine

If you want to understand US action in the Middle East, look at the Wolfowitz Doctrine of the early 90s, which lays out the agenda for US global supremacy.
If you want to understand US action in the Middle East, look at the Wolfowitz Doctrine of the early 90s, which lays out the agenda for US global supremacy.

The Wolfowitz Doctrine, a document authored by Zionist neo-con Paul Wolfowitz, is the key to understanding the United States’ geopolitical policy and behavior. The Wolfowitz Doctrine is the unofficial name given to the early version of the Defense Strategy for the 1990s: The Regional Defense Strategy report for the 1994–99 fiscal years. It was later released by then Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney in 1993. It brazenly advocates that America do everything in its power to retain its global hegemony and superpower status, including ensuring that Russia, China, Iran and other regional powers – but especially Russia – be prevented from attaining enough power to seriously challenge the US. In short, it’s another US blueprint for total global supremacy.
There are many quotable passages from the Wolfowitz Doctrine. Here’s one which sums up its aims:
“Our first objective is to prevent the re-emergence of a new rival, either on the territory of the former Soviet Union or elsewhere that poses a threat on the order of that posed formerly by the Soviet Union. This is a dominant consideration underlying the new regional defense strategy and requires that we endeavor to prevent any hostile power from dominating a region whose resources would, under consolidated control, be sufficient to generate global power. These regions include Western Europe, East Asia, the territory of the former Soviet Union, and Southwest Asia.”

Following in Wolfowitz Doctrine: Trilateralist Brzezinski and His Grand American Chessboard

The Wolfowitz Doctrine was not created in a vacuum, of course. It has a strong history of American arrogance and cockiness behind it, and it inspired numerous works after it. Just look at co-founder of the Trilateral Commission (along with David Rockefeller) and big-time NWO insider Zbigniew Brzezinski (the very same guy who bemoaned that it was easier to kill than control people). Brzezinski is an avowed Russophobe who for decades has been pushing for America to encircle Russia and capture the lion’s share of Eurasia.

Cold-hearted NWO conspirator Brzezinski laments that in the past it was easier to control the masses than kill them, but it’s now easier to kill than control. That’s tough, Zbigniew; I’m so sorry we’re harder to control now …
Cold-hearted NWO conspirator Brzezinski laments that in the past it was easier to control the masses than kill them, but it’s now easier to kill than control. That’s tough, Zbigniew; I’m so sorry we’re harder to control now …

Brzezinski has also mentored Obama, was present in the Carter administration and clearly has had a lot of influence on American foreign policy; you can see him in this video organizing the Mujahideen to fight against the former Soviet Union, tricking them by saying that “God is on your side”. How the conspirators love to use religion to control people!
In his book The Grand Chessboard, written in 1997, Brzezinski writes:
“The most immediate task is to make certain that no state or combination of states gains the capacity to expel the United States from Eurasia or even to diminish significantly its decisive arbitrating role.”
” … the expansion of NATO is essential. By the same token, a failure to widen NATO … would shatter the concept of an expanding Europe and de-moralize the Central Europeans. It could even reignite currently dormant or dying Russian geopolitical aspirations in Central Europe.”
Brzezinski and his ilk have been and are still concerned with just one thing: power. Its assumed that might is right and that American supremacy is moral. The pervading issue is always: how can America expand or at least maintain its global power?

From the Wolfowitz Doctrine Came … PNAC, Rebuilding America’s Defenses and a Catalyzing New Pearl Harbor


Jeb Bush and his PNAC neocon pals got their new Pearl Harbor with 3000 American deaths. We got the fake War on Terror.
Jeb Bush and his PNAC neocon pals got their new Pearl Harbor with 3000 American deaths. We got the fake War on Terror.

Wolfowitz is perhaps better known not for writing the Wolfowitz Doctrine but for co-authoring Rebuilding America’s Defenses, a report released in September 2000 by Zionist neocon think tank PNAC (The Project for a New American Century). The PNAC membership list is a “Who’s Who” of American Zionist New World Order conspirators – in addition to Wolfowitz the list includes Dick Cheney Donald Rumsfeld, Robert Kagan, I. Lewis (Scooter) Libby, Richard Perle, Doug Feith and many others. The report contains the now infamous sentence:
“This process of transformation is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.”
Hence, there is strong evidence that the writers of this document knew exactly what was coming – and therefore had 9/11 foreknowledge. As I covered in the article Who is Jeb Bush, Really? – Part 2 – Jeb’s PNAC & Money Laundering Past, current presidential candidate Jeb Bush was among the signatories of this document.

The Wolfowitz Doctrine Explains the Gross Hypocrisy of the USA


The Wolfowitz Doctrine explains the reason for the gross hypocrisy of the USA.
The Wolfowitz Doctrine explains the reason for the gross hypocrisy of the USA.

The Wolfowitz Doctrine explicitly and unabashedly pushes for complete US supremacy at the cost of any other value. If it is truly the guiding principle of US foreign policy and geopolitical maneuvering, as it appears to be, it comes as no surprise then that America is such a hypocrite on the world stage. To put on a good face on the world stage, and feed the propaganda that it only promotes democracy and peace, the US is forced to use rhetoric claiming it values the promotion of democracy, the promotion of human rights, the self-determination of people and nations, and the elimination of terrorism. Yet, whenever any of these “values” conflict with the ideals set out in the Wolfowitz Doctrine, the US always chooses its own supremacy over them.
As Michael S. Rozeff writes:
“The U.S. condemns separatism in Ukraine and aids Kiev in attacking its own people with heavy and advanced weapons of all kinds. This is because the superpower agenda is served by steering Ukraine into the Western camp. At the very same time, the U.S. condemns China for indicting a professor who is a vocal separatist and critical of Chinese policy in Xinjiang. Hence, we observe the U.S. against separatism in Ukraine but supporting it in China. This is because the U.S. is applying pressure on China wherever it thinks this will succeed in diminishing China as a power … Numerous other instances of U.S. hypocrisy can be understood in this way. The U.S. will support democracy but then ignore elections and support dictators … It will condemn terrorism and then arm terrorists. This is because the overriding agenda is the Wolfowitz Doctrine.”

The Demonization of Russia and the Smear Campaign Against Putin


As per the Wolfowitz Doctrine, the demonization of Russia continues unabated, purely to help US imperialist aspirations.
As per the Wolfowitz Doctrine, the demonization of Russia continues unabated, purely to help US imperialist aspirations.

The Western, Zionist MSM (Mainstream Media) is constantly telling us how bad Russia is and how aggressive Putin is, yet the facts reveal otherwise. It’s easy to see the demonization of Russia and the smear campaign against Putin as desperate attempts of the Anglo-American NWO to control the information war and paint themselves as the victim instead of the aggressor. Consider the following facts:
– The US has pumped at least $5 billion into regime change in Ukraine (as admitted by Zionist neo-con Victoria Nuland, wife of Zionist neo-con Robert Kagan), forcibly removing the legitimately elected government of Yanukovich and installing a puppet regime of Neo-Nazis answerable to Washington’s demands. Nuland also got caught saying “Fuck the EU” to US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoff Pyatt in a leaked phone call. After the coup, the Ukraine people all of a sudden found themselves with a Nazi-like government whose first decision was to ban the Russian language!
– Crimea has been a province of Russia since 1758, and only became part of Ukraine when Soviet head Khrushchev handed it over to Ukraine at a time when both Crimea and Ukraine were part of the Soviet Union (the whole thing was purely administrative). Therefore, Russia has had its Black Sea fleet based in Crimea for over 250 years, and a leasing agreement with Ukraine gave them the right to have 25,000 troops there. In a referendum deemed impartial and fair, 96% of Crimeans voted to return to Russia. There was no “annexation of Crimea“.
Putin-led Russia is standing in the way of American supremacy by suggesting we form a multi-polar world, rather than one led by US military might. Swedish analyst Ingemar Wärnström quotes Putin as saying:
“What is a unipolar world? However one might embellish this term, at the end of the day it refers to one type of situation, namely one centre of authority, one centre of force, one centre of decision-making. It is a world in which there is one master, one sovereign. And at the end of the day this is pernicious not only for all those within this system, but also for the sovereign itself because it destroys itself from within. And this certainly has nothing in common with democracy. Because, as you know, democracy is the power of the majority in light of the interests and opinions of the minority.
Incidentally, Russia – we – are constantly being taught about democracy. But for some reason those who teach us do not want to learn themselves. I consider that the unipolar model is not only unacceptable but also impossible in today’s world.”

Conclusion: The Wolfowitz Doctrine is the Guiding Force


Zionist neocon Paul Wolfowitz, author of the Wolfowitz Doctrine.
Zionist neocon Paul Wolfowitz, author of the Wolfowitz Doctrine.

To believe the US really cares about anything other than its own global imperial ambitions is foolish. The Wolfowitz Doctrine has laid it all out in black and white – and America’s support for Zionist Israel, the fake War on Terror, the demonization of Russia and Iran, and many other geopolitical events make much more sense when you realize its the driving force behind American diplomatic and military action.
Ultimately, it would be most precise to say that the NWO conspirators are using the military might of America to forge a unipolar One World Government. This really isn’t about America. It’s about using America as a tool to achieve the New World Order, then discarding it, stripping it of power and relegating it to the same level as all other nations, under the heel of the international banksters who yearn to rule the world.


Makia Freeman is the editor of The Freedom Articles and senior researcher at, writing on many aspects of the global conspiracy, from vaccines to Zionism to false flag operations and more, and also including info on natural health, sovereignty and higher consciousness.

Obama argues for global governance in last U.N. address

Obama argues for global governance in last U.N. address

Urges working together 'under the mantle of international law'

President Obama addresses United Nationals General Assembly in New York Sept. 28
President Obama addresses United Nationals General Assembly in New York Sept. 28

NEW YORK – In an apparent attempt to justify the retreat of the United States from international leadership, President Obama praised the United Nations Monday, arguing that global governance has helped spread democracy.
It was his last address to the world body.
“There are those who argue the ideals in the U.N. charter are out of date,” Obama said, rejecting arguments that “strong states must impose their will” or that “might makes right” and “order must be imposed by forced.”
“We can not look backwards,” he insisted, emphasizing that global integration is an agenda that transcends the narrowly defined interests of nation states.
“If we cannot all work together, we will suffer the consequences,” he said. “The United States cannot solve the world’s problems alone, regardless how strong our military is.”
He used Iraq to illustrate that U.S. military power is not sufficient to produce cohesion in a divided population.
“Unless we work with other nations under the mantle of international law, we will not succeed,” he insisted.
He said tyranny around the world cannot succeed when technology opens the world to peoples in oppressed nations.
“It is not a conspiracy of U.S.-backed NGOs that produced democracy, it is technology,” he said.
“I believe we must go forward in belief of our ideals. We must give expression to our hopes, not our fears.”
Obama argued that the change in U.S. policy toward Iran and Cuba represented a fundamental shift toward working with previously sanctioned nations. The objective, he said, is to bring former enemies into a new world order characterized by respect for the principals of the United Nations charter.
“The United States will always do our part, but through international cooperation, as we did joining with other nations in Libya to depose a tyrant,” he said. “In Libya, we continue to support efforts to form a unity government, but we must do more as the United Nations to build nations before they collapse.”
He rejected the idea of U.S. unilateral action, insisting “we must work together.”
Obama condemned Assad in Syria for not respecting human rights.
“We will not be outlasted by extremists,” he insisted, referring both to Assad and to ISIS in Syria. “But after so much carnage, there cannot be a return to the pre-conflict status quo. This started with Assad reacting to peaceful protests by brutal repression of his own population. Compromise will be required to stamp out ISIL (ISIS) and end repression in chaos. But peace will not come to Syria until the Syrian people learn to live together peacefully.”
Obama criticized Islamic terrorists as those who “distort the religion.” He also rejected those who equate Islam with terrorism.
He pledged the United States will accept more refugees from Syria, citing Pope Francis’s reminder that the world is at its best when it takes care of the least of those among us.
He urged the United Nations to galvanize collective action, pass new international trade agreements, fight climate change by harnessing clean energy and work together to eradicate extreme poverty worldwide.
“Finally, my belief in moving forward rather than backwards relies upon us supporting the fundamental principals of democracy and respect for the universal values this General Assembly is supposed to defend. I realize democracy will take different forms in different parts of the world, in respect for the differences in culture.
“No person wants to be imprisoned for expressing their belief in God,” he said, reciting basic freedoms, including the right of assembly and the petition for the redress of government.
“History shows that governments that repress dissent do so out of fear, not power,” he said. “Strong institutions, based on the consent of the government, endure long after their founders are gone.
“I understand democracy is frustrating and that democracy in the United States can sometimes even be dysfunctional. But it is democracy that has allowed the United States to be the most powerful country in the world,” he said.
“I believe the fact you can walk the streets of this city right now and you can pass churches, synagogues and mosques is our greatest strength, that here you can see people from all parts of the world,” he said. “We can be patriotic without demonizing someone else. We can be proud of our traditions without putting someone else down.”
Echoing Nelson Mandela and Pope Francis, Obama concluded by arguing that human beings are basically morally good, capable of resolving differences in an interconnected world.
“Think of the Americans who lowered the flag in 1961, the year I was born, and returned this year to raise the flag again,” he said. “Think of the Iranian shopkeeper who said because of the nuclear deal, I will be able to offer more goods at lower prices. The people of the United Nations can be taught to hate, but they can also respond to hope.”
He ended his speech urging nations to work together to solve global problems.
“We are called upon to offer a different type of leadership, one that understands nations share a common interest and that there are universal rights,” he said.
Copyright 2015 WND

Israel Will Allow Police to Fire Live Ammunition at Protesters

Israel Will Allow Police to Fire Live Ammunition at Protesters

Police would be able to fire relatively small-caliber rounds from Ruger rifles at people hurling stones, firebombs or fireworks

Israel Will Allow Police to Fire Live Ammunition at Protesters
by Maher Abukhater | Los Angeles Times | September 28, 2015

Israel’s security cabinet has approved measures that allow police to open fire with live ammunition at Palestinian protesters throwing stones when officers believe that lives are in danger.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told his cabinet late Thursday that police can and should open fire at stone-throwers in such circumstances, Israeli media reported.
“Until recently, police officers would open fire when their own lives were at risk,” Netanyahu told a cabinet meeting held to discuss how to confront the increase in stone-throwing incidents in mostly Arab East Jerusalem, according to the reports.
“From now on, they will be allowed to open fire — and they will know they have a right to do so — when anyone’s life is in danger,” he said.
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  After reassuring the United States that its economy will be propped up by China, Obama has given his thumbs up to the inclusion of Renminbi into the IMF’s SDR basket of currencies.

Renminbi is the official “people’s currency” of China; Yuan is the primary unit of that currency. This will pave the way for the exclusion of the fiat dollar from the global financial system in the coming days.

The Obama administration took a step toward backing China’s bid to have the yuan recognized as a global reserve currency, as the U.S. softened its insistence that the Chinese implement financial reforms to win support.

The shift in the U.S. position follows the administration’s failed attempt to prevent allies from joining the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank earlier this year, a strategy that was faulted by former policy makers including ex-Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson.

Winning the IMF’s endorsement would validate efforts by Xi to push through policies aimed at making the world’s second-biggest economy more market-oriented, boosting China’s prestige as it prepares to host Group of 20 gatherings next year. At least $1 trillion of global reserves will convert to Chinese assets if the yuan joins the IMF’s reserve basket, according to Standard Chartered Plc and AXA Investment Managers.

Friday’s shift brings the U.S. closer to the positions of the U.K. and France. In a speech Tuesday in Shanghai, U.K. Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne said he’d like to see the yuan added to the IMF basket as the currency becomes increasingly important in global markets and “meets existing IMF criteria.”

Elmerf123456:  That my Folks spells out A BIG WIN FOR OUR HOME TEAM!  Remember back...I said China doesn't play games. They do what the set out to do!!!!!

Fancy01:  E lmer Am I wrong in thinking with this that the Yuan Remnibi is in the first basket?

Elmer123456:  Fancy count of this. The gov never tells the whole story. I like what I'm seeing and the Market also heard China's voice loud and clear

  Elmer Considering that China always gets what they want- I am thinking yes

  It also points out that over 100 heads of state including the Chinese President did not come to play Bridge but rather to mend a few.

 : DOW futures unchanged right now but we should see a shake put a little later. What direction still remains.     I suspect we will see SOME green tomorrow.

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Are you no longer safe going to church?

Are you no longer safe going to church?

Many 'simply too convenient of a target for people who intend to do harm'

St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City
St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City

Are weapons checks coming for America’s churches?
Will metal detectors appear at the sanctuary doors?
How about pat-downs en route to the pew?
Maybe worship teams will face the command: “Put the guitar case down and slowly back away.”
Even in a house of God, you are no longer safe, according to pastor, former law-enforcement official and author Carl Gallups.
He was mourning the recent church shooting in Selma, Alabama, as “yet another example of the degeneration of our culture.”
And if Christians are to survive in a period of a societal breakdown, Gallups believes there needs to be a “paradigm shift among America’s churches.”
James Junior Minter is alleged to have opened fire in the Oasis Tabernacle Church, injuring his girlfriend, his 1-year-old son and a pastor. In response, District Attorney Michael Jackson predicted churches will need cameras and weapons checks because of the way “society is going.”
Gallups, the author of “Be Thou Prepared: Equipping the Church for Persecution and Times of Trouble,” reluctantly agreed churches are being targeted.
“Sadly, many of us have a feeling we will see ever-increasing scenarios like this one in the years to come,” he said. “Many of our churches are simply ‘too convenient’ of a target for most people who intend to do harm to an individual, or even a large group of people, who are attending a certain church.”
Gallups alleges attacks in churches and other religious institutions are becoming increasingly common.
In his book, he quotes Carl Chinn, a church-security expert, who has recorded more than 1,000 attacks in places of worship since 1999.
Chinn recently reported on Fox News that so far this year, there have been more than 150 attacks on churches.
The recent attack on the pastor and parishioners of Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina, was the worst church attack in American history, according to Chinn.
Immediately after news of the latest shooting broke Sunday, speculation was rampant the crime was racially motivated, especially as the church was located in the historically important city of Selma, Alabama. However, additional reports suggested the shooting was prompted by a recent breakup and a dispute over visitation rights for the injured child.
Gallups argues Christians need to guard against politically or racially motivated attacks, but they must also protect themselves against attacks spawned by domestic disputes and personal problems.
“Especially given the general atmosphere of social chaos, there is a necessity for general church security even if there is not a specific threat,” said Gallups. “As I discuss in the book, the vast majority of America’s churches have little if any direct security measures in place.”
Gallups has a “security ministry” at his church.
“While having a security ministry apparatus in operation does not guarantee that nothing tragic will ever happen in your church, it does guarantee that you might at least have a fighting chance – that you won’t merely be a defenseless collection of ‘sitting ducks,’” he said.
Gallups noted how the shooter in the recent church massacre in South Carolina was able to repeatedly reload his weapon while victims sat helpless. State law prohibited weapons from being brought into a church without permission, but as Gallups grimly observed, the legislation did nothing to prevent the shooting.
He said church security can’t simply be pawned off on a few members of the congregation. Informed by his experiences both as a law enforcement professional and a pastor, Gallups believes the entire church has to be involved, “at least indirectly.”
“Church members must periodically be trained to observe the potential for danger and who to alert and what to do when they sense a potentially dangerous scenario,” he said. “Additionally, the typical church family is made up of a plethora of those who would be relatively unable to defend themselves in the event of a direct attack. There are babies, children, elderly people, handicapped people, and those who simply are not trained (or have any experience whatsoever) in techniques of large-group self-defense. This is why the church family, as a whole, must be trained from time to time. They must learn to develop ‘an eye’ for potential danger in and around the church grounds and buildings.”
Congregants at Oasis Tabernacle Church prevented the shooting in Selma from being worse by rushing the gunman after he began to fire. Both police officers and the district attorney credited the swift action of the parishioners with saving many lives.
Gallups said those who are responsible for the lives of others can never assume people will react so quickly. And he contends preparation and training are the best way for pastors and church members to ensure the safety of those they care about it.
“I know it is an uncomfortable thing for many pastors and church members to think about,” Gallups admitted. “Few want to believe that we might have to have security teams, armed guards, or trained security professionals as a part of what we do as a church family. But, the fact of the matter is that we live in a different world than we did just a few decades ago.
“The church, even in America, is become a bigger and bigger target – especially those denominations, pastors and church members who dare to speak to the evils of our day and the biblical failings of our culture and society’s ever-shifting norms of morality.”
Gallups finds support for his approach in Scripture. He cites two passages in particular.
Proverbs 27:12 reads, “The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple going and pay the penalty.”
And the first part of Nehemiah 4:18, describing the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem, reads,”“And each of the builders had his sword strapped at his side while he built.”
Gallups believes a new age of persecution is about to begin for Christian churches. He warns American Christians may experience the kind of violence Christians in the Third World have increasingly been encountering in the last few years.
“There are radical agendas afoot; several of them have publicly announced that they are ‘targeting’ Christians and churches,” said Gallups. “Some have even announced their intentions of violence. It would behoove the wise among us to alert the others – ‘Be Thou Prepared.’ We are now learning and experiencing what many of our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world have had to endure for many generations.”
The real-life result of a terror attack on a church in South Africa – and what happened when one member of the congregation fired back – has been documented in “Shooting Back,” the name of both a book and movie.
According to testimony from the terrorists, their intent was to kill as many as possible. But at that service, on July 25, 1993, was Charl Van Wyk, who pulled his personal weapon and fired back when terrorists starting shooting up the congregation. They immediately fled, and authorities credit Van Wyk with saving many lives.
Copyright 2015 WND

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