Wednesday, October 7, 2015

3 Versatile Firearms to Complement Your AR-15

3 Firearms That Will Compliment Your AR-153 Versatile Firearms To Complement Your AR-15

Beretta 92FS. Image source:

Written by: Kevin Danielsen Self Defense 

One of the biggest problems that survivalists often encounter when choosing a weapon is that it’s difficult to know exactly how a crisis event will initially develop. And this is a major issue, because having a strong weapon system largely depends on the mission at hand.

So, if your plan guided you to purchase a long-range bolt gun, but the crisis requires a faster-engaging semi-auto carbine, then that’s going to make a challenging situation just that much more difficult.

The AR-15 offers a great deal of advantages, but there are scenarios in which it might underperform against other weapon systems. The cool part about the AR, however, is the fact that there seems to be no shortage of aftermarket products and weapons to complement the US military’s longest-serving battle rifle.

So, here are three weapons that will mesh gorgeously with the AR-15, allowing an individual or team to close those performance and capability gaps.

No. 3. Glock 17/Beretta 92FS

If I had to pick a natural match for the AR-15, it would be paired with two of the most iconic pistols that are currently issued to lawmen and soldiers: the Glock 17 and Beretta 92FS. While there are certainly other sidearm options to choose from, my reasoning stems from the fact that it’s probably one of the most commonly paired rifle/sidearm combos in history. And even though a popular vote doesn’t necessarily indicate a good decision (as we often discover during election season), there is certainly something to say for the sheer volume of training rounds fired by this rifle/sidearm combo.

The Glock 17 and Beretta 92FS are the most commonly issued handguns to service members.

And because the AR-15 tends to find itself lining the shelves of military and police armories from coast to coast, then this makes for an obvious choice on a very well prepared load-out.

Of course, not everyone has benefitted from law enforcement or military training; however, it’s not all that difficult to track down training classes in the private sector. Since most of these same instructors were trained in “industry standard” techniques, then you might as well go with a rifle/handgun pair that best fits with how they’ll be training you to run your system.

No. 2. Mossberg MVP

Mossberg MVP. Image source:
Mossberg MVP. Image source:

The reason why I’m a fan of the Mossberg MVP is because it’s a bolt action rifle which runs on AR-15 5.56 magazines. This provides an interesting, low-complexity logistical advantage, since only one type of magazine (not to mention, probably the most abundant rifle mag on the market) is needed for both rifles.

With that being said, the AR-15 can be outfitted for optimal performance at long ranges and even for close quarters combat situations, but it can’t reasonably handle all range applications simultaneously. So, if you were to run a Mossberg MVP as your long-range bolt gun (1-2 MOA), then you’d be able to set up your AR for closer ranges (0-75 yards) with reflex optics, lighter ergonomics, and a shorter barrel.

In which case, you cover your butt if things get up close and personal, while still maintaining your ability to take a coyote at 600 yards with ease.

No. 1. Kel-Tec SU-16C (Charlie)

If the AR-15 does have a massive advantage over most 30-caliber semi-auto carbine-length battle rifles, it’s that the 5.56 round possesses far superior long-range capabilities … and the AR was fundamentally designed to hit them with combat accuracy (as opposed to ye olde AK-47). 

This capability could be a strong reason to set up your AR with a higher-powered optic and a free-floating heavy barrel, making it your bug-out operation’s designated marksman weapon. Yet at the same time, the AR’s higher-powered optic itself would cause issues in a CQB (close-quarters combat) scenario.

Which is where one of my favorite rifles on the market can offer its uniquely innovative advantages.

If you were to set up your Kel-Tec SU-16C to run-n’-gun during those closer engagements, then you’ll have an INCREDIBLY lightweight, ergonomic, portable (seriously, the “Charlie” model’s buttstock can fold under the magazine well, and the rifle can still fire), and oddly durable CQB weapon in your hands.

A teammate would take the long-range AR and you could provide cover with the SU-16C. On the other hand, you could also keep your AR by your side on a sling if you’re forced to rollout alone during a robbery, attack or crisis. Keep the SU at the ready, especially since it’s the short-range engagements that tend to catch us off guard.

Note: Word has it that you should probably purchase aftermarket irons or a sturdy reflex optic, since Kel-Tec’s original ones aren’t exactly the best.

The main reason why this system makes a great deal of sense is that the SU-16C has been selling for around $500 these days, meaning that you won’t have to drop another $900-$1,200 on a second AR for the same capabilities that you’d get with the SU.

And by the way, I should also mention: all Kel-Tec SU16 models accept AR-15 5.56 magazines as well.

What a coincidence. 

Vicious New Hand-Held Self-Defense Tool Turns Lethal In Seconds! 


The Federal Reserve Admits to the Crimes They Committed


by Roxy, The Daily Coin
October 6, 2015

People call websites like The Daily Coin, nothing more than propaganda or “conspiracy theory”. Well, why waste time on “theories” when the facts, as discussed by the criminals, are right in front of you? 

The criminals have a code of conduct that states they must tell us, the little people, what they are going to do before they do it. This way they can sleep at night with a clear conscience. It is your job to listen to what they say, watch their actions and make your plans to counter what is headed in your direction.

You sometimes have to learn new words, like Quantative Easing. These words are used to confuse you or to throw you off course and make it easier for you to watch the football game than to be concerned about your personal finances. 

Aren’t your personal finances being handled by your financial advisor anyway? Well, does that person have your best interest at heart or are they simply looking out for their family with your assets? Ever thought about it from that perspective? 

The people that are awake and aware have watched the criminals in Washington DC and their partners in crime on Wall Street, become more arrogant and unconcerned about covering up the crimes they commit. It is no longer necessary to hide, make “back-room deals” or have secret hand-shakes. No, those days are gone. 

Today, it is very simple. Commit a crime, discuss it among your peers and reap the rewards of fraud and financial crimes against humanity. No one notices and no one cares. 

The regulators are all bought and paid for and the regulations are written by the banksters for the banksters. If one of the banksters happens to get caught or overlook a “regulation”, they simply ignore the regulation/law that the banksters wrote or re-write it in order to accommodate the “mistake”. Once again, reaping the rewards of the fraud and/or financial crime against humanity. 

Beginning in 2013 these criminals began telling us they were going to steal the retirement accounts of the American citizens. Google “Jeremy Stein Federal Reserve Cyprus is the go forward model”. The address that Jeremy delivered to the IMF in 2013 spelled it out as clear as your face in the mirror. 

If you still believe your funds are safe in a bank or the banking system you are sadly mistaken. In the video below you will hear Alan Greenspan admitting to crimes and watch Ben Bernanke and the “host” of the forum. It is quiet clear they are very uncomfortable with Greenspan’s admissions. 

And you call me a “theorist”!! 

Feds Taking Over U.S. Cities Under UN Orders



Published on Oct 7, 2015
On Wednesday, Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced at the United Nations that her office would be working in several American cities to form what she called the Strong Cities Network (SCN), a law enforcement initiative that would encompass the globe.  






After posting my report on NESARA NEWS OCT. 5, 2015 and putting pressure where it was necessary, my website is back up which is . My report of Oct. 5, 2015 was


If you will notice when I am wronged, I put strong pressure where it counts and soon justice is restored where it counts! My two stolen shipments of some foreign currency to me was returned to me almost immediately after I put intense legal pressure on the guilty parties to return the stolen merchandise or else face criminal prosecution on a grand scale. If I were President of America, I would do like Putin of Russia and mass smash ISIS in Syria, etc. He is getting fast results contrary to Obama at the White House who shadow boxes with ISIS instead of fighting a serious war as any real leader would do! Of course since the chief aide to Obama in the White House is a woman who is a dedicated Muslim and quoted saying that she would work to make America a Muslim nation, what do you expect of her and her Muslin boss at the White House apparently since he wants American soldiers in the Middle East to now wear Muslim military patches to identify themselves with instead of American? The military patches that Obama now wants American soldiers to wear in the Middle East looks similar to the military patches of ISIS in the Middle East instead of wearing American emblems to represent the military of America with. 

As I think the answer to the question where are the missing 10 lost tribes of Israel at this time affects the history of America now, let me go into scholarship I doubt most Americans have ever seen. Let us now start with the question as to whether God is for real or else is fiction. Go to my website and look up my two reports for free posted there which are "Miracles Of God" and "God Exists! Obvious Proofs!" Read my two reports there on the scientific proofs of Miracles of God, and science you can understand which proves the creation of life by God and creation of the universe by God. I doubt that one in one hundred adults will not believe in God after reading them.

Perhaps the leading Rothschild in the world cussed me out for defending belief in God and I posted my answer to him on my website to his cussing out of God. Life is so short anyway and you basically have time to either develop good character or else evil character in this life and then if there is an eternity to go to, you either go to one place reserved for the good or else the other place reserved for the evil from earth. In my life I have known several people who technically died and then came back to life. I am among them. We all saw what the hereafter is like and we can no longer be atheists or think that we do not seal our eternal life for all eternity by whether we become friends with God in this life or not. Once you leave this life, you can't change the eternal home that you are going to by having been on God's side or else Satan's side in this life.

Pastor Dan of Nigeria who was one of the higher class Christian pastors in Nigeria died due to a car accident in 2001. Both a hospital and medical clinic certified that he was dead. He was held in a morgue for basically three days and his amazing wife told God that she was holding God to His promise in Hebrews in the New Testament that the women received their dead men back to life again due to God. She took him in an ambulance to a giant revival being run in Nigeria by Reinhard Bonnke who she thought was anointed by God for Miracles of God. During this service attended by a huge audience and TV cameras there, her husband came alive again and shock hit the audience when they realized that a dead man had resurrected and become alive again on the third day from when he had died. The TV cameras caught this dead man with still flesh begin to breath again and shocked when he found out where he was at.

His story of death was interesting. He was shown Paradise by angels of God. He was shown Hell also. When he was told that he was returning to earth, he said that he did not want to return to life on this earth. It was so beautiful where he was at. He was then told that since he did not forgive his wife when she had asked him to shortly before he died, he also would not be forgiven and therefore would go to hell if he did not return to earth instead. That shook him up and he agreed to return to earth and life then. After he became alive again, he talked about such as seeing a pastor in hell who had stolen money from his church. He asked anyone to help him get out of hell and he would return the stolen money back to the church, but it was too late for him to undo the wrong that he had done on earth and had not repented of while still alive. When Pastor Dan became alive again, he had two basic messages from Jesus Christ according to what he said. Jesus was returning to earth soon and the Christians were not ready for His return. And before Jesus returned, he would have the wealth of the wicked turned over to the good. It was understood or implied that this would be so they could fulfill Matthew 24 and finance the Gospel to be effectively preached to all the world before Jesus returned. The resurrection of Pastor Dan from the dead on the third day was heard about in much of Africa and several million Africans then apparently became Christian converts in Africa. Pastor Dan did comment that now he was scared to death to ever have an argument with his wife for any reason at all since returning to life. He said that he would now sooner hide in a closet than have an argument with her if I recall his words correctly. 

A body divided in three parts is weaker than a whole body! The major part of Christianity is divided in three parts which are Roman Catholic which has both good and some wrong in it, Greek Orthodox Church and branches such as Coptic Christian and Russian Orthodox, and mainline Protestant churches. There is good and some weakness to all sides. All three sides have had stunning Miracles of God occur in them so God is telling us that there are good Christians in all three branches of Christianity. There is also a spirit of compromise and some spiritual corruption that can be in all three sides when they forget to be total Christians as Jesus Christ wants them to be. No side should ever have some low level Christians in them as Jesus does not recognize these low life Christians to be Christians even though they claim to be. Jesus in his parable tells about those in the time of judgment trying to call out Lord, Lord to Him and he does not recognize them as Christians so sentences them to outer darkness, etc. He says to them, "I never knew you!" Jesus for our day tells us in the New Testament, "A kingdom divided against itself cannot stand!" That applies to the good side as well as the evil side. 
We have an incredible uneducated Serbian Orthodox Christian Mitar Tarabich (1829-1899) from the small Serbian village of Kremna, Serbia. A Serbian Orthodox priest wrote down his prophecies which he said was "seeing in the future." He predicted wars correctly, time in days of one or several key battles in his part of Europe. He predicted TVs way before anyone would believe such things could exist later on, man landing on the moon, oil would become a giant world industry, founding of Israel, overthrow of the Czarist Government of Russia to be replaced by a "Red Czar" as he called the Communist leadership which took over Russia after the Czars were overthrown. He predicted that this movement which replaced the Czars would not be good news for mankind on earth. He predicted cars before they existed. Also, a number of other things. He predicted that when man no longer seriously honored God, then a World War III would occur beyond human imagination. He predicted a strange movement would arise in a land big as Europe and surrounded by oceans. Likely only America, Canada, Russia, and Australia would qualify for this prophecy. They would found a community of the three crosses in a mountain area of this large land surrounded by oceans. This large land would be the only safe place in the world from World War III which has this community which becomes large and powerful very fast. He implies that God raises this community up and will be the only safe place to survive World War III in by living in it. He implies that they have water and food when others do not and technology which would revolutionize the world in the process. What he describes I judge is my Camelot Project which I have written about in some national reports and will strongly represent the three crosses which make up the major part of Christianity in the world. Four of us surveyed the mountain area that we want to build this upon and this will be incredibly powerful after it is built. We already know how we intend to get the large land area we are after to build this upon. 
The ancient Essene community with the "Dead Sea Scrolls" apparently hoped that they would be the selected religious community to fulfill Jeremiah 30 of the Old Testament. They had a prophecy what this great community founded by Will of God would look like in the Last Days. When I read their prophecy that they believed in, they described what the outside of my planned Camelot would look like according to plans we had already worked out. And when war came, this community would be safe within. When the Lord ordered it, they would open their gates and come out with weapons of war like the world has never seen and carry out the Will of God for mankind on earth. 
A few centuries ago Scotland wrote their national history while they said they still remembered it. They lived in what we call Israel today, were forced out, and fought their way across Europe until they got to Scotland and settled down there as their new home. Ancient Irish history said that the people of Dan invaded Ireland, defeated the giants who ruled over it and ruled over a weaker human race living there. The people of Dan were a race of divine origin and created what became the Irish race. Places with the name of Dan to them were all over Ireland after that. Ancient Greek legend told how they were a race of divine origin, invaded Greece, defeated the cave dwellers living there, and founded the nation of Greece and the Greek race there. Much later the City of Sparta contacted of Temple of Jerusalem to tell them that ancient records showed that they were also descendants of Abraham and related to the Tribes of Israel. The Roman race claimed that they descended from the ancient Trojan race. After Troy fell to the Greeks due to the Trojan Horse tactic, survivors moved to Italy and became the Roman race after the two brothers raised by wolves founded Rome as a city. Historical evidence indicates that the city of Troy was founded by some of the tribe of Dan.

Dan was a merchant race, traveled in merchant ships contrary to the rest of the tribes of Israel, and complained that Israel did not give them enough land for the Tribe of Dan to live on. Dan was very aggressive in expansion and such as Denmark was claimed to have been founded by part of the descendant tribe of Dan. Also, such as the Danube River was named after the tribe of Dan. The genealogy of the ancient royal lines of Europe claimed all the royal lines were descendants of the tribe of Dan. This fulfills the Genesis prophecy that the tribe of Dan would rule over his brethren being the other eleven tribes of Israel.

The great Jewish historian Josephus born in 37 A.D. of a priestly Jewish family was well educated. He visited Rome in 64 A.D., was a commander of Jews fighting the Romans (66-70 A.D.), captured and went to Rome with Titus and became good friends with both Titus and Vespasian who became Roman emperors and took on their family name of Flavius. Josephus did all his writings at Rome. His works included The Jewish Wars and The Antiquities of The Jews. He also had access to the temple records that had been at the Temple at Jerusalem and captured by the Romans. In Book 11, Chapter 5 of Antiquities, we read: ...wherefore there are but two tribes in Asia (called Middle East Asia then) and Europe subject to the Romans, while the ten tribes are beyond the Euphrates till now, and are as immense multitude, and not to be estimated by numbers." Jesus Christ is briefly mentioned in Book 18, Chapter 48. But Roman historian Tacitus wrote up more about Jesus Christ in his history of Rome and had very cynical, sour comments on Jesus and his Christian followers. He mentioned that Jesus was crucified under Pontius Pilate. His Annuals was written up in 116 A.D. 
Following through other references. The original King James Bible before being abridged by removal of I think by 4 books from the Old Testament around end of the 19th century had the history of when the 10 "lost" tribes of Israel fled North rather than back to Palestine once freed from imprisonment outside of Israel. Josephus talked how free of enemies up in Russia which they had moved to, they multipled "like rabbits" and became known by other tribal names up there when no longer following the faith of Judaism as was predicted by prophets in the Old Testament before this happened. Some relics left by them as they passed the Caucasian Mountains moving into Russia showed their facial features. Some warrior images of them made them look very typical European in physical features. If matched against modern Europeans, they would look identical to them. Ancient Greek histories and others shows them fighting their way into the Roman Empire when they found weaknesses in Roman Empire defenses. Russia was very cold and they preferred living in warmer lands. They were apparently the barbarian tribes fighting their way into former Roman lands and turning them into their homelands known by European instead of Tribe of Israel names. 
America was initially mass colonized by European races which according to what I saw in ancient historical records were in turn mainly or entirely descendants of the so-called "Ten Lost Tribes Of Israel." We have a Bible scholar who discovers from a coal vein in Pennsylvania an ancient metal cup that he evaluates originally came from the City of Enoch founded by Cain and was the first city founded in the world according to the book of Genesis. If his find was validly identified and he was a very competent scholar, then what we call America was in Genesis called the land of Nod which Bible scholars have never been able to figure out where it was located. But look at Genesis at the four rivers branching out from the river from Eden and the direction they point to as origin of the river waters and we point right at America today. Science shows where North America and Europe used to be joined together as one land and then pulled apart. The Bible seems to indicate that what we call America today was originally called Nod in the Bible. The City of Enoch is located in the land of Nod. And a metal cup claimed evidence from it indicates that it came from the City of Enoch and this cup found in a coal vein in Pennsylvania would imply that the City of Enoch was located in America once called Nod in the Book of Genesis. The City of Enoch was destroyed in the Great World Flood. When we visited one mountain in the area of our planned Camelot Project, we found strong evidence that a likely world flood had taken away one side of the mountain we looked at and a strange scientific fact we found in the area which will not be repeated here indicated that we had likely found the correct location for the once existent City of Enoch in Nod. 
We now come to the bombshell prophecy in the Old Testament that Bible scholars have tiptoed around as it scares them to try and explain it. In Jeremiah Chapter 30 - 17-22 is a very strange Bible prophecy. This prophecy will not be looked at until it is time to understand it in the Last Days according to its own prophecy. Descendants of the tribes of Israel gather at a location where once a city had existed and apparently from long ago existed no longer. These are the chosen of God to lead mankind back to God it appears. The community they start soon grows into a power to be reckoned with on earth. Americans of European ancestry would feel the descendant factor of this prophecy. However, ancient Israelite tribal policy as shown by Ruth whom Jesus descended from, other races could be adopted into the tribes of Israel if they would be faithful to the God that Israel honored even latter day in this case. After this community backed by God is set up, then the governor of this community according to the King James translation is to be invited to meet with God who likes him very much. A Catholic Bible translation of this says that the governor is invited to meet with God so he lives. But if not invited by God, then he would be destroyed if meeting with God.

Other Bible scholars were scared of the wording here, so made it symbolic according to their translations. This governor of the God approved community is extremely liked by God and close to the heart of God who totally approves of him as governor of the community which becomes the headquarters for the greatest followers of God on earth and a world force to be reckoned with after the community is established. Other Old Testament prophecies say that the land where this happens at is all given over in ownership to the latter day descendants of Israel in addition to the original land of Israel in the Middle East. The descendants are so numerous of ancient Israel as the tiny land of Israel cannot handle them all, so God gives them the land of Nod in effect as well to them and blesses them once they cease the sins which forced God to divorce them from Him and restore them to ancient promises of blessing that He would give to descendants of ancient Israel as they would carry out His mission of winning all to God on earth who care to become part of the people of God on earth.

The Old Testament prophecies said that they would not remember their ancestry nor their earlier tongue that they spoke with. When they got right with God again through the New Covenant which would replace the Old Covenant which would be replaced by a better covenant with God and God promised this according to Old Testament prophets, then God would have the Israel that He had wanted of them all along that He could be proud of on earth. All I have said here is backed by Old Testament prophecies, and I can show you one or more Bible scholars who spotted these Old Testament prophecies but wondered how they would play out in the Latter Days of mankind on earth. Sometimes when I follow trails of scholarship, I am surprised by where they lead me to answers I never anticipated. Almost forgot. The King James Bible translation of Jeremiah 30 says through symbols that God would be offended and punish those who opposed this community from being formed as God wills. And for our disguised Muslim Black leader trying to claim that the Muslims have claim to North America and not those who founded America in 1776, the Old Testament of the Bible says through quoted prophets that the land of Nod is given in title by God to the descendants of the ten so labelled "lost" tribes of Israel and their separate brethren of Judah when they return totally to God again. The name Jew originally referred to those belonging to the Tribe of Judah, Benjamin, and part of the Levites who went with the Jews instead of with the other ten tribes of Israel. The original name in the Bible referring to descendants of all twelve tribes of Israel was either Israelites or else Hebrews. Among the Jews of today will be some descendants of the other tribes of Israel, but as the promise God gave to Abraham that his descendants would be numerous as the sands of the sea refers to both all his carnal descendants on earth as well as those who join the New Covenant called Christianity today by which the Gentiles, those not of any Israelite ancestry, are also accepted as the people and children of God as well and welcome by God to live with God for all eternity if they accept Christianity with integrity, not scheming to misinterpret the Bible in order to excuse themselves from following Christianity as Jesus Christ taught and intended it to be on earth. 

It is not contrary to Christianity to also respect the practical answers to make life go right for the people. As this problem is disturbing America now, Israel has had no shootings in schools since 1974 since they armed the teachers in the schools. God always allowed ancient Israel to defend themselves from enemies when invasion or violence threatened their land. But if you resort to arms in life, it must be for just reasons and not to establish tyranny in life. God has His standards for right and wrong in warfare also!

Joseph carried out the Will of God over all of society, not just those of the Children of Israel, because God saw to it that he was educated also in secular answers solving key temporal problems of Egypt. God used this policy with Daniel and some others in the Old Testament so the non-believers in God did not mind being led by followers of God who also knew how to solve the temporal problems of theirs through their existing national governments. God is willing that the people not following God can be blessed also by policy of God by God arranging for practical leaders but followers of God have the answers that all the people of a nation need to have a good life and freedom in their nation. If I have some temporal gifts in temporal fields, that does not make me better than anyone else, but may be the balance as to the survival and well being of the followers of God because the pagans, etc. do not mind smart, practical answers supplied that make their lives good in their nation also. I have great respect for any intelligent or brilliant person. God made me smart enough to recognize smart brains in others and I always will push anyone to positions of importance who have special gifts of knowledge and character which can bless the people of the nation.

Even in enemies I respect their brains when they prove smart to very brilliant. I assure the Christians that Obama is possessed of the Spirit of Antichrist in him, but he will not be the prophesied Antichrist Christians are afraid to have rise to power. He is too dumb and untalented in economics, military, and other key fields to become the world dictator and Antichrist. The real Antichrist when he comes will be a super salesman in economics, military, etc. and people will think that he knows how to do things right and make things turn out right in society. Obama is pre-programmed failure in key fields and will turn likely all the people against him when he tries key answers of his to solve national problems and they blew up in his face making the people wanting to hang him after he ruins everything for them in life! The real Antichrist when he comes will likely study economic answers that I show America as I was no fool and picked the best economic answers that geniuses had to use them for America when the right time came. I do not claim to be stupid, but no man has a monopoly on brains and collective smart brains pulled together as a team is the smartest way to solve the key problems of the nation and make life good in the nation. 

Brains does not make you good or bad in character before God. But good character is what God wants of us and that is what pleases God if we have good character. Hitler was smart in many ways, but his character loved evil and not good which ruined him as appealing to God to put into heaven, etc. later on. I am glad that Hitler lost, but he was still much smarter than Obama who just does not have the brains and type answers that will win him true support of the people if he tries to be dictator of America which he wants if you the American people will allow him to become true dictator of America. 
Report must now close as this can not be too long to read. Push and pass my proposed Omni Law shown on our website. It gives the American people effective control over Wash., D.C. so it has to serve the American people and not try to enslave them and ruin them in the nation. Referendum power given to the American people forces Wash., D.C. to serve the American people instead of trying to strip them of all rights, freedom, prosperity, and whatever else makes life worth living in America. Full name of my Omni Law on my website is "The Omnibus Civil Rights Act For America." The other side already knows that this breaks corruption, treason, and sheer stupidity in Wash., D.C. once the American people grow intolerant and breathe fire down the necks of the politicians if they do not fast pass the Omni Law into a constitutional amendment for America. You may order products or back our Omni Law through our website. Or may send a check, etc. made out to NIFI and tell us what the payment is for is you need the mail to send us support for our campaign to restore the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights back into authority in America. Send to NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 .

Reality check! There "ain't" a political movement that can win in America without financial support either openly such as we seek your support or else the rich and corrupt are backing some movement financially so they can trick you out of your legal rights and freedom in America such as the claimed republic which is fraudulent and is a Muslim front trying to trick you into letting an Islamic Republic become the national government of America. I listened once at length to their leader and soon identified that all the Whites and all other races believing in what America was founded about are all to be kicked out of America if this claimed republic movement (Muslim front) wins national power because they suckered you into supporting them as you don't know what they really stand for!

Pass this report on to others. John MacHaffie of Nesara News and I used to do a lot of private talking together as we thought on the same wavelengths! I said that he was training the future leaders of America by getting honest reports to them and intelligent in content. I asked him if he would be the editor for a national newspaper of the truth founded under the Omni Law and I liked his style of running the Nesara News blog. And after the Omni Law won, I was going to see that he got a lot of money to reward him for having been such a patriot for the best interests of America. He already knew that I was planning to do this. He maybe did not realize this, but by my always copying reports of mine posted with Nesara News with his format on top maybe gave Nesara News the equivalent of even one half million dollars in free advertising and promotion by how I promoted Nesara News and others did not. His circulation went up fast after I joined his team as a regular feature writer with him. He had a small circulation before I joined with him!

The critics always try to sound so loud and like they represent the people which normally they do not, but we got emails from all over America and a number of other countries where people said they liked my reports so much and wanted to see each report when I released a new one through Nesara News! I think some of his other regular writers also did a great job and I had a plan of how I could offer positions to some if they wanted it to help advance America after we won by passage of the Omni Law. Enough said for now!

Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (Pen name for that scholar who refuses to be controlled by the "politically correct" and instead seeks the truth in national reports that I release. I have probably released even 600 to 800 national reports since starting with Nesara News. This also got Nesara News listed hundreds of times with search engines all over America! That was free publicity to help Nesara News with without cost to Nesara News! Of course Nesara News was a valuable asset for me also! We helped each other!)

9 Dirt-Cheap, Clever Ways To Secure Your Home...


9 Dirt-Cheap, Clever Ways To Secure Your Home...

Image result for ADT SIGN
As conservatives predicted, the increase in concealed carry permits and gun ownership in the United States has reduced the overall crime rate. While criminals own guns, too, few want to get involved in an armed confrontation. They want to be able to intimidate their intended victims and get away with whatever they can. The last thing they want is to actually use their guns as more than a threat.
However, results are not uniform across the country. As gun laws vary from state to state, so do crime statistics. Those states with restrictive gun ownership laws generally have higher crime rates than states which don’t, but even in states where many people have guns, there are still criminals who are stupid enough to try — hoping that they won’t run into someone carrying concealed. Not all criminals are intimidated by gun-carrying civilians, counting on their superior ability to take the day.
One way that crimes can still be on the rise is in home burglaries … even in areas with high gun ownership. This is probably attributed to the timing of these burglaries, with most of them happening when nobody is home. Who is watching your house when nobody is there?
Ultimate Tactical Self-Defense And Hunting Weapon That Doesn’t Require A Firearms License!
If there is no one watching your home, it can easily become a target. With more than 2 million burglaries a year, chances are that your home will be targeted at some point. Anything you can do to reduce that likelihood is a good idea, especially if those ideas are inexpensive.
1. Be Sure to Lock Doors and Windows
This one may seem simplistic, but a full third of the burglaries committed in the country are considered “unlawful entry” rather than “forced entry.” The difference is that in that third of the cases, the criminal didn’t have to force their way in. All they had to do was open a door or window that was unlocked. Since burglars don’t want to attract attention, making sure that your doors and windows are locked is a great way of helping reduce the likelihood that someone will get int.
2. Put Up an Alarm Sign
Alarm systems are expensive. Then, on top of the installation cost, you’ve got the monthly service contract that you’ve got to pay. That puts them beyond most people’s budget. But that doesn’t mean you can’t benefit from home alarm systems. All you need is a sign.
Keep your eyes open for someone who is moving out, that has a burglar alarm service. They will usually have a sign on the front lawn, saying “Protected By: XYZ Alarms.” When you find someone like that, ask them if you can have their sign. They aren’t going to need it anymore, so that shouldn’t be all that hard. Buying them a cup of coffee might even help them decide to give it to you.
Display your newly acquired sign on your front yard, being sure to place it as you’ve seen such signs displayed at other homes. You don’t want to be overly obvious, but you want it seen. If you have planters beside the front door, that’s a good location.
3. Put Up a Different Sign
If you can’t find a burglar alarm sign, that doesn’t meant that you can’t benefit from having a sign in front of your home. There are a number of wonderful signs around which humorously talk about the owner being armed and ready to protect their home. Any criminal is going to want to avoid those homes, because they want to avoid getting into a shootout with the owner.
From the criminal’s point of view, a shootout is a no-win situation. Either they’ll get you, in which case they get charged with second-degree murder (or attempted second-degree murder if they don’t manage to kill you) or you get them, in which case they could end up dead. So, that’s a really big line to cross, which most burglars will work hard to avoid.
4. Get a Noisy Dog
Image result for NOISY DOG
Everyone complains about the noisy dog in the neighborhood — the one that barks at everything. But that dog is just doing its job. It’s warning its owners that someone is there, someone who probably shouldn’t be.
Criminals want to avoid attention. When people look, they notice and some will remember. That increases their chances of being caught. So, when a dog starts barking, they are likely to decide it’s a good time to be elsewhere.
5. Remove Shrubbery
If you’ve got shrubbery below, next to or partially covering your windows, you should remove it. That shrubbery provides a perfect place for break-in artists to hide while they are checking to see if your windows are unlocked. Removing it increases the risk for the criminal.
There’s nothing wrong with having shrubs; it’s just how they are placed. Transplant those shrubs to a spot between the windows, so that it doesn’t make a good hiding place. Then you can put flowers or something else low to the ground under the windows.
6. Leave a Car Parked Outside
Most burglaries happen during daylight hours, while everyone is away at work and school. That’s a relatively safe time for burglars to break in, because they are less likely to encounter anyone. But before breaking in, most burglars take the time to “case” a home, trying to determine if it is safe to enter.
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One of the things they look for is cars. If you have a car parked in your driveway, it indicates that someone is home. So, if you happen to have an old junker that you haven’t gotten rid of yet, don’t hide it in the backyard. Instead, park it in the driveway. Or, if one family member isn’t using their car, make sure it’s outside, rather than hiding it in the garage. That will tend to send those criminals elsewhere, looking for a house that is less likely to have anyone home.
7. Add Security Striker Plates
The most common entry point for criminals is through the front door. Most homes have a deadbolt on the door, in addition to a normal door lock. Homeowners think that makes their door secure, but in reality it doesn’t. An average sized man can kick open a dead-bolted door easily.
The weakness isn’t in the deadbolt, but in the door frame that the deadbolt goes into. By putting in a security striker plate, which is larger than the standard striker plate, the force of that kick is spread over a larger area, reducing the chances of it breaking. Installing it with 3 inch or longer screws ensures that the plate is attached to the studs in the wall, instead of just the door frame. So, any kicker not only has to break the door frame, but the structural studs behind it. That’s not very likely.
8. Secure Your Patio Door
The weakest point of entry on any home is a sliding patio door. These beautiful glass monstrosities all but asking for some criminal to break them. Amazingly, very few do. However, that doesn’t mean that break-in artists won’t try to get the door to pop off the tracks or jimmy the lock.


Standard security for these doors includes installing sheet metal screws in the upper track and putting a piece of wood in the lower one. The screws in the upper track need to be above the door, so that the door can still move. By being above, they prevent the door from being lifted off the track. A piece of wood in the lower track stops the door from opening, even if they manage to jimmy the lock.
While these simple security measures won’t stop a truly desperate person from breaking the glass out of the door and gaining access to the house, they will keep out the average criminal, who doesn’t want anyone noticing what they are doing.
9. Befriend the Neighborhood Busy-Body
It seems that just about every neighborhood has a local gossip and busy-body who is always paying more attention to everyone else’s life than they are to their own. These people are a great deterrent to crime, as they are the ones who will be able to describe the criminal to the police.
Find out who that person is and do what you can to encourage them to spend a lot of time out on their front porch, where they can see what’s going on. Them sitting there is about as good as a Doberman Pincher sitting on your own porch. So, if you need to, buy them a comfortable chair or put up a porch swing. That way, while they are enjoying their porch, they’re keeping an eye on your home for you.

The AR-15 Vs. The AK-74: Two Rifle Legends Do Battle.....

The AR-15 Vs. The AK-74: Two Rifle Legends Do Battle.....

Image result for AK-74 AND AR-15 LAYING SIDE BY SIDE
For decades, a debate has raged in the firearms community. That debate can make decent folks crazy, and get normally kind shooters worked up into a seething rage. I have heard more cuss words uttered and more insults hurled during this firearm debate than any other.
The debate that keeps coming up is always the AR-15 versus the AK-47, and there seems to be no end in sight.
I have been a firearm instructor for over a decade now and have fired more rounds down range in that same time than many people do in a lifetime of shooting. As an outdoor and firearms writer, I spend my days writing about firearms, reading about firearms and testing firearms.
Personally, I believe that the best matchup for the debate is not the AR-15 versus the AK-47, but rather the AK-74 — the rifle the Soviets designed to counter the AR/M-16 series. The similarities between the 47 and 74 are great, and many parts are even interchangeable. The stock, magazine and muzzle device/compensator are about the only cosmetic differences you will see. It is the cartridge that separates these two.
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The AK-47 shoots the World War II-era 7.62x39mm that the Russians designed in 1943. The AK-74 shoots the 5.45x39mm cartridge that performs very similar, if not slightly better to the 5.56x45mm NATO cartridge. This puts it very close in performance, ballistic-wise, to an AR-15. Let’s take a look at the AR-15 versus AK-74 from a practical point of view.

Image result for AK-74

Nothing says “dasvidaniya” like the racking of an AK as intruders are busting down your front door. The pulling back and releasing of the charging handle of a Kalashnikov delivers a report not unlike a pump shotgun being brought into battery. From the moment you pick up a well-made AK you will feel how solid the rifle is. Just like the AK-47, the AK-74 utilizes the same long-stroke piston, a design feature Mikhail Kalashnikov borrowed from the American M1 Garand. The long-stroke piston offers a much cleaner and solid operating system than gas impingement. The rifle’s safety also doubles as a dust cover and does a very good job of keeping most debris clear from the internals.
The rifle breaks down in seconds, can be cleaned by a blind orangutan using a bit of shoelace and dirty motor oil and can be reassembled just as fast. In fact, in Russia they have competitions in schools to see how fast kids can break them down and reassemble. I kid you not, look it up on YouTube.
Shooting the AK-74 is smooth. Very smooth. With the muzzle compensator, there is no recoil whatsoever, and it feels like you are shooting a .22. In fact, if I pick up an AR right afterward I feel like it is a little snappier. No, I will not get 2-inch MOA at 300 yards, but I can still get 4-inch MOA. Plenty good enough.
Now that we’ve ticked off the AR club, I need to mention that iconic piece of aircraft grade aluminum, machined steel and barrel that has taken the top slot as America’s favorite rifle. I like the AR quite a lot, and it is my second choice of rifle behind an AK-74. An AR is a bit finicky about the different ammunition it likes to digest, much like that skinny, pimpled, awkward teenager who only eats fried chicken strips. Whereas the AK is a poor and hungry college kid who is fine with consuming cold pizza that has sat out all night. I feed my AR a steady diet of good brass ammo and have had only a few issues. Don’t shoot cheap steel ammo out of your rifle and you will be good to go.
Now, here is where the AR shines above the AK – it is more accurate. At 100 yards, I can get 1 ½ inch MOA and keep it at 2 inches out to 300. Not so much with the AK, unless I throw a really good optic on it.
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Another way in which the AR shines is that you can customize the living daylights out of it. And some do, to the extreme, I think. That fancy combat optic you just installed? It’s great, but then you have to have an equally expensive magnifier. Then you need to have canted back-up sights to engage close in targets. How about a laser sight for other close-in targets if you get tired of the canted sights? The list goes on.
Reliability is good for the AR, and I have found it can be improved with the installation of a long-stroke piston system. With that, you have a rifle that is almost as reliable as the AK. You are never going to have a rifle with the loose tolerances of the AK in an AR. But then again, never would you get the groups out of an AK-74 that you will with an AR.
Conclusion: Both firearms are good options. The AK-74 offers better reliability, but its ammo can be harder to find. That, coupled with the import ban on cheap 7N6 ammunition, has led many domestic manufactures to stop AK-74 production and focus on the AK-47. Still, they can be found, as can ammunition.
An AR-15 has more aftermarket parts than the Ford Mustang. Ammunition is more expensive than the AKs, but is much easier to find. Plus, you shoot the same caliber as most law enforcement and the U.S. Military. Not that there are going to be piles and piles of ammunition lying around the second the stock market collapses (although Internet warriors like to think so). With an AR, you will have more accuracy, but not enough to make a huge difference inside 300 yards.