Monday, October 26, 2015

OBAMA: Convert “United States into an Islamic Caliphate”

Obama muslim2

Michele Bachmann says: Obama Embraces ‘Agenda of Islamic Jihad’ to Convert    “United States into an Islamic Caliphate”

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) has been an outspoken voice against the infiltration of the Muslim Brotherhood into the halls of the United States federal government, and she has taken the shots against her, even by those who claim they are on her side. Recently, the Minnesota congresswoman was interviewed by Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council (FRC) and told him that Barack Obama has embraced “the agenda of Islamic jihad,” and that agenda includes both the destruction of Israel and converting the “United States into an Islamic Caliphate.”
“While the president continues to say that this is not about the religion of Islam,” Bachmann said in an interview on a radio show produced by the Family Research Council. “This has everything to do with the tenets of Islam… it is a new state that is being put together for the purpose of destroying Israel and to turn the United States also into an Islamic Caliphate… I have been very surprised to see the president of the United States at every turn… embrace and lift up the agenda of Islamic jihad.”

BuzzFeed reports:
Bachmann was referring to a report in the Wall Street Journal that stated President Obama wrote secret letters to the Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei about having a shared interest in fighting the Islamic State and reaching an agreement on Iran’s nuclear program.
“Now when in the world — and by that, I mean the goals of the Islamic State, the fact that they want their own state. Our president, we know now, is writing secret notes to the Ayatollah in Iran; there’s a recent report that the president is trying to have private meetings with the Ayatollah in Iran. Iran is very clear about their goal — their goal is to have a nuclear weapon. They’ve said, unequivocally, they will use it against the United States and against Israel.”

Bachmann said she used time at the White House Christmas party earlier in December when members of Congress take photos with the president to tell him to “please end their nuclear program.”“I used that time to talk to him about a nuclear Iran, and I asked him to please end their nuclear program, because we have the capacity to end it. And I said, ‘Mr. President, this will be on your watch.'”
Bachmann said the president spoke to her condescendingly when he answered.
“And he laughed at me condescendingly, and he said: ‘Well, Michele, it isn’t that easy. But that’s okay.’ Like patting me on the head, like I didn’t know what I was talking about. And I looked back at him, and I said: ‘Mister President, if Iran has a nuclear weapon, it will be on your watch. And the history of the world will change, because of your failure to act.'”
Some may claim that Bachmann is “out to lunch” on this and is merely an “Islamophobe” for making such claims. However, as Ben Barrack has said, “The claim is only outrageous when viewed in a vacuum, not when viewed in the context of Obama’s background, decisions while president, and people he has in his administration.”
Unless we forget, Obama stood and engaged in taqiyyah when he told the American people that the Islamic State was neither Islamic nor a state. Other examples of the Obama administration standing with Islamists include his State Department’s recent working alongside a designated terrorist organization in order to whitewash their terrorist connections, and John Kerry’s taqiyyah claim that “The real face of Islam is a peaceful religion based on the dignity of all human beings.”
Barack Obama poked America’s veteran’s in their eyes, while at the same time committing treason by funding, supplying arms and military equipment to America’s enemies, the Muslim Brotherhood. He traded known five known Islamic Taliban terrorist leaders for one American deserter, and one of those leaders has already vowed to fight the US.
As for Bachmann, earlier this year, after putting forward legislation that would label the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization, much like the United Arab Emirates did, she warned that Obama would be granting amnesty to Islamic terrorists, and it seems that no one is listening. However, history will demonstrate that Mrs. Bachmann was right in doing what she did.
from Sons of Liberty Media 

Civil-rights leader: Black Lives Matter 'angry, godless, hateful'

Civil-rights leader: Black Lives Matter 'angry, godless, hateful'

'We have total chaos in our country today'

Oct 25 2015

NOTE: We are NOT imiplying that black lives don't matter, but that ALL LIVES DO matter  regardless of sex, race or color and to implicate that only 'blacks' are being abused and discriminated against is an outright LIE from the pit of HELL.  ALL of us are being abused by this corporate criminal mafia Nazi cabal posing as our 'government'. Until we unite together, putting aside all racial issues, and work as one to rid our nation of this trash, then we will continue to hear the lying diatribe and suffer from the communist hate promoters such as Farrakhan, Jessee Jackson, Jeremiah Wright and others - not to say that there are not 'whites' who also fit into that category.  WOE to those who do not DISCERN who they are listening to and following after, for they will become their victims. OO

BlackLivesMatter protesters take to the streets.

Black Lives Matter protesters take to the streets

A black civil-rights activist is slamming Black Lives Matter, which has booed speakers off stage just for saying all lives matter, for its increasingly violent actions and radical rhetoric.

“The Black Lives Matter group is an evil group which is now being promoted as the next civil-rights movement,” said Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson. “They are being held up as a good organization but they are no different from the KKK or the skinheads.”

Peterson, a WND columnist, is the author of the upcoming book “The Antidote” and the founder of the civil-rights organization BOND (Brotherhood Organization for a New Destiny.) Peterson was shocked at what he sees as the media’s consistent and dedicated support for what he called a “radical” group.

“Black Lives Matter is an angry, godless, hateful group being held up as something good,” Peterson charged. He believes the group is only being emboldened by what he sees as the total collapse of law enforcement in the face of increasingly aggressive activism.

In the latest incident, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti was chased out of a town-hall meeting by screaming protesters who blocked his car and even jumped on its roof.

Despite the mayor being surrounded by law enforcement, protesters operated largely unimpeded, triumphantly chanting and screaming as the meeting was shut down.
“We have total chaos in our country today,” said Peterson. “The authorities have just backed down.”

Peterson expressed disgust at how easily law enforcement allowed itself to be pushed around.

“You had a bunch of police officers there, you had the mayor’s protection group, and they allowed this radical black group of untrained, untamed black folks to run them off. They ran!

“And then Black Lives Matter followed them outside and one guy got up on top of the mayor’s car yelling and screaming. They ran the mayor out of his own town hall meeting, with the police surrounding him.”

Peterson believes there was a far better way to handle the situation – “drag these thugs to jail, not carry, drag them to jail and arrest these folks.”

Colin Flaherty, a nationally known reporter who has painstakingly investigated black mob violence, actually took some satisfaction in how the mayor was treated, arguing Garcetti’s lenient stance on crime and disorder brought his treatment on himself.

“The mayor of Los Angeles is among the chief offenders in perpetrating this problem,” Flaherty said. “During the community meeting to talk about crime, the mayor earnestly tried to explain to the Black Lives Matter protesters how he agreed with them that black people are relentless victims of white racism.

“But they did not care. Mayor Garcetti thought he was offering solutions. Black Lives Matter said he was the problem.”

Flaherty, the author of the book “White Girl Bleed A Lot: The Return of Racial Violence To America and How the Media Ignore It,” believes the problem is a lack of will rather than insufficient resources for law enforcement.

“The mayor traveled to the event with at least a half dozen security people. Even so, he allowed the Black Lives Matter mob to take over the stage, take his microphone, and ignore the audience. That was a perfect metaphor with how public officials around the country deal with black crime: They let it happen, hoping that sympathy with the ‘reasons’ for the crimes will stop the crime.

“In Los Angeles, that encouraged protestors to become more aggressive. More violent. Until the mayor had to flee the meeting early, surrounded by bodyguards. And in a larger sense, that is how black crime and violence is also treated in LA.”

Jack Cashill, a WND columnist and the author of the new book “Scarlet Letters,” says Democrats are in an awkward position when it comes to Black Lives Matter.

“The Black Lives Matter movement (BLM) can only thrive in progressive bubbles, like Los Angeles city government or college campuses like Wesleyan’s,” Cashill told WND. “When the movement ventures out into the real world, it causes problems for those who cannot be seen to discount it, Democratic politicians and college presidents most notably.”

Flaherty also believes Democrats have to supplicate themselves before Black Lives Matter as an electoral necessity.

“I was not surprised by how quickly the Democrats capitulated to the Black Lives Matter crowd, only because I keep my expectations low,” Flaherty joked. “This is an electoral fact: Democrats are in a panic about black turnout for 2016. We already know what happens when black voters stay home – as they do in off year elections – we see Republican landslides. And now that black voters have had a chance to vote for a black president, it is not clear if – or how – a white candidate can get that level of black turnout again.”

Indeed, the Democratic Party seems to be moving closer to the group, recently offering the organization the opportunity to host a special presidential town hall.

Cashill believes that might intimidate some Republican candidates, but Ben Carson and Donald Trump are close to immune.

Flaherty is more skeptical. He thinks candidates such as Marco Rubio and Rand Paul have already caved to Black Lives Matter. But he sees one man the group can’t intimidate – Trump.

“Trump, of course, is very good on this issue,” Flaherty said. “He has publicly stated that the Knockout Games have a racial component. And he stated that he would never let these protestors take his microphone and shut down his rally as they did with Bernie Sanders in Seattle.”

Cashill marvels at how the Black Lives Matter group, despite its militant tactics and activism, has received kid gloves treatment from the federal government.

“Of course, if a conservative group were half this disruptive, not just the IRS but the FBI would have been on its case a long time ago,” Cashill said.

But Flaherty believes the anger being stoked by Black Lives Matter will be horribly destructive for the Democrats long term.

“Black on white racial hostility is now mainstream,” Flaherty said. “We can see it in major media every day, and most often it goes unremarked. Even so, many liberal whites in the Democratic Party are in denial about how this black on white and black on Asian hostility is now part of their political DNA.

“If they have a debate, focusing on Black Lives Matter, it will be impossible for Democrats to disguise this racial animosity. That is because racial hostility is the central organizing feature of the Black Lives Matter group. 

Once more people realize this, it is going to be poison for lots of people connected to it. Not just in the presidential ticket, but all the way down in other races as well.”

It may not matter. As Jesse Lee Peterson observes, there’s evidence major unions and the public schools are now championing the Black Lives Matter movement and its goals. He highlighted a recent magazine cover from the official publication of the California Federation of Teachers championing “Black Lives Matter.” Inside, the magazine praised Black Lives Matter and other left wing political movements, including pro-homosexual activism.

“This is what they’re teaching your children in the public school children!” said Peterson. “You’re going to lose your children folks. They’re going to come out of the public school system, you’re not going to know who they are. That’s what’s going on in the public school system – Black Lives Matter. They’re not teaching them about reading, writing, and arithmetic, they’re teaching them to hate, to accept abnormal lifestyles, turn against what was right, turn against their parents.”

Peterson argues the solution is for strong men, especially black men, to rebuild their families.

However, he also believes Americans of all stripes need to strongly condemn Black Lives Matter and oppose any efforts to legitimize what he believes is a hate group.

'Astonishing' crime stats for illegal aliens

Sharyl Attkisson 10-25-15-1


'Astonishing' crime stats for illegal aliens


'Government would rather not offend anybody than keep people from dying' (except the 'whites', that is!)

Oct 25 3015

Despite “astonishing” statistics on violent crimes committed by illegal immigrants, this week the U.S. Senate blocked a bill aimed at cracking down on America’s nearly 300 sanctuary cities.

Laws in sanctuary cities help shield illegal immigrants from deportation, even after they’ve committed felonies. The proposal was motivated by the death of Kate Steinle in July. Steinle was fatally shot by an illegal immigrant who had been deported five times and convicted of seven felonies.

Investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson with “Full Measure” found the problem of the U.S. as a sanctuary for crime is much larger and often understated by politicians and advocates with special interests at stake. Families of victims say politics and political correctness have forced their personal tragedies into the shadows, while shielding the criminals

“Especially in San Francisco,” said Don Rosenberg, “they become a protected class. Whatever they do, they get away with.” Rosenberg’s son Drew was run over and killed by an illegal immigrant five years ago.

U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, investigating the issue, noted, “You’ve got an administration that thinks more highly of their interests in protecting undocumented workers than there is enforcing the law, and in the process of making that decision, violating their constitutional oath to faithfully execute the laws of this country.”

It’s not easy finding out how many illegal immigrants commit crimes in the U.S. since the federal government doesn’t publicize the numbers. Grassley demanded the information from Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or ICE.

What he learned was astonishing. In 2013 and 2014 alone, ICE set loose more than 66,000 illegal immigrant criminals who had over 166,000 convictions (30,000 for drunk or drug driving, 414 kidnapping, over 11,000 rapes or other sexual assaults and 395 homicides). Already thousands of those have already been convicted of new crimes in the U.S., including felonies, since their release.

When Don Rosenberg attended a congressional hearing in July convened after Kate Steinle’s death, he lashed out at an advocate who said illegal immigrants should not be judged by a few bad apples. “A few?” he shouted. 

Thousands. Thousands of people, not a few!" “We’re just collateral damage,” Rosenberg later said, “in their attempt to garner votes on the left, and financial donations on the right.”

Greg Chen, an advocate for illegal immigrants with the American Immigration Lawyers Association, referred to a study that show that most immigrants are law-abiding. “There’s no indication immigrants are more likely to commit a crime than anyone else,” he said, before admitting the study doesn’t distinguish between legal and illegal immigrants.

Chen said the best way to track those who are dangerous is to allow all illegal immigrants in the U.S. to become documented.

“It’s both good for America in terms of national security and public safety, but benefits the economy as well as immigrant families and businesses,” he said.

45 house republicans have co-sponsored Kate’s Law to mandate five years in prison for any undocumented alien who returns to the U.S. after being deported – but the bill has stalled.

Grassley says he’s heard from one whistleblower after another inside ICE claiming they’re told not to do their job. Grassley reports they’re instructed: ignore the laws, just do everything you can to have people that ought to be deported be able to stay in this country.

“Full Measure” spoke to an ICE agent, who asked not to be identified for fear of losing his job, who said: “We have to sit back and watch people die. And that’s not an exaggeration. We have Kate Steinle that was killed. That happens every day. That’s the most horrific thing is to know, that you have the ability to prevent this, and the government would rather not offend anybody than keep people from dying.”

Mike Ronnebeck, whose nephew was murdered by an illegal alien with a criminal record, concluded: “I know that this country welcomes immigrants, this country was built by immigrants. But we’re also a country of laws. When we have people that cross our borders that don’t have the same respect for our laws that we do, it bothers me that we can’t hold them accountable.”

Replacing white people to kill gun rights

woman_with_gun Professor: Replacing white people to kill gun rights


Says just a matter of time before demographics take over


WND Exclusive

Oct 21 2015

A professor at UCLA School of Law, writing for the Washington Post, says the battle over the Second Amendment will be won by progressives in the coming years, thanks to a secret weapon.

That weapon is immigrants, says Adam Winkler, a law professor and author of the book, “Gunfight: The Battle over the Right to Bear Arms in America.”

In his op-ed, “The NRA will fall. It’s inevitable,” Winkler argues the demographic transformation of America underway for 30 years through mass immigration – both legal and illegal – assures that the fervor Americans have for the Second Amendment will eventually run out of gas.  Why? The answer lies in the numbers, he says.

“Support for, and opposition to, gun control is closely associated with several demographic characteristics, including race, level of education and whether one lives in a city. Nearly all are trending forcefully against the NRA,” Winkler writes.

Professor Adam Winkler of UCLA School of Law is a recognized expert on gun ownership and the political battle over the Second Amendment.

Professor Adam Winkler of UCLA School of Law is a recognized expert on gun ownership and the political battle over the Second Amendment

“The core of the NRA’s support comes from white, rural and relatively less educated voters,” he continues. “This demographic is currently influential in politics but clearly on the wane. While the decline of white, rural, less educated Americans is generally well known, less often recognized is what this means for gun legislation.”

Basically, these rural whites who support gun rights are being replaced by more urban, less white, more liberal voters from Latin America, Asia and the Middle East.  So it’s just a matter of time before demographics take over. He cites polling data that gun control is “extremely popular” with Hispanics, 75 percent of whom allegedly favor “gun safety over gun rights.”

The numbers are almost as high among black Americans, Winkler says. It’s only rural and suburban whites who are in love with their guns, and they’re being replaced due to low birth rates and high rates of immigration.

He writes:
“Polls show that whites tend to favor gun rights over gun control by a significant margin (57 percent to 40 percent). Yet whites, who comprise 63 percent of the population today, won’t be the majority for long. Racial minorities are soon to be a majority, and they are the nation’s strongest supporters of strict gun laws.
“An overwhelming majority of African Americans say that gun control is more important than gun rights (72 percent to 24 percent). While the African American population shows signs of slow growth, other racial minority groups are growing more rapidly — and report even greater support for gun control.
“The fastest-growing minority group in America is Latinos. Between 2000 and 2010, the nation’s Latino population grew by 43 percent. Hispanics, which make up 17 percent of the population today, are expected to grow to 30 percent of the population in the coming decades.
“Gun control is extremely popular among Hispanics, with 75 percent favoring gun safety over gun rights.”
This is a breathtaking admission that the real reason for mass immigration has little to do with the warm and fuzzy “compassion” that liberals often talk about, says William Gheen, president of Americans for Legal Immigration, or ALIPAC, a group that was instrumental in defeating immigration-reform legislation in 2013-14 and is opposing the speakership of Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wisc., because he supports mass immigration.

“As the immigration-backed socialist takeover of America continues, they will speak more boldly,” Gheen told WND. “And those who support mass legal immigration and rampant illegal immigration are driven by animosity toward whites, gun owners, and Americans of all races loyal to the Constitution and Bill of Rights.”

The unanswered question, Gheen said, is when will liberal factions unfold their plan for full gun confiscation?

“What remains to be seen is what plans these socialist aggressors have for the millions of Americans they know they’ll have to kill to achieve their goal of full gun confiscation,” he said.

There are an estimated 90 million Americans who own at least one firearm.

“Gun ownership is intrinsic of what it means to be American. And the purpose of these guns is not just to be able to hunt game; the purpose is to be able to correct corrupt government action,” Gheen said. “That is why the founders of this nation insisted that its citizens remained armed. And that is a core American value.

Socialist and communist governments have killed more than 100 million of their own citizens over the decades, but that can’t happen here as long as enough Americans are armed and loyal to the Constitution.(i.e., the USA CORPORATION ROGUE 'GOVERNMENT")

Larry Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners of America.

Larry Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners of America

Larry Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners of America, said his organization is also opposing Ryan for speaker, not because of his record on gun rights but because he supports mass immigration.

Progressives, whether they are Democrat or Republican, have figured out that the easiest way to fundamentally transform America is by fundamentally transforming the demographics, he said. Basically, you change America by changing its people.

“Long before this admission in the Washington Post, GOA has opposed the push for amnesty,” Pratt said. 

“Polling among the illegals here tells us that 80 percent will vote Democrat, i.e., anti-gun. We have opposed Paul Ryan as the new speaker because he is a pro-amnesty Republican.”

With record-high legal immigration rates of more than 1 million immigrants annually over the past 20 years, plus about 400,000 illegal immigrants entering every year, progressives are well on their way to realizing their dream of fundamental transformation of America – changing it from a constitutional republic where citizens are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights into a socialist state where one’s rights come from the government, Pratt said.

“GOA understands why Democrats support amnesty, because the former illegals will be a big boost for the fundamental transformation of America,” he told WND. “Why a Republican would support legalizing illegals is harder to explain, because it means permanent minority status for the Republican Party and the platform it says it believes in.”

How to ‘transform’ suburban, rural America

Winkler is correct that more immigrants, minorities and liberal whites are packed into cities, with fewer in the suburbs and fewer yet in rural America. The question is how to transform the suburbs and the countryside. This is being done not only through historic levels of immigration, but also by using the increasingly federalized and globalized education system to teach young people the tenets cultural relativism, collectivism and other anti-American values, Gheen said.

“The biggest product of the American education system right now is socialists,” he said. “Our schools and universities produce more socialists than great scientists, inventors and engineers.”

Gheen said ALIPAC has monitored the progressive agenda over the past 10 years and found the same interest groups supporting gun confiscation that support immigration reform and open borders.

“We’ve even watched them argue over which to pursue first and they decided to pursue immigration first,” he said. “And if they ever achieve that goal, their full focus will become disarming Americans, and they’ll have the illegal immigrants turned into government officers with badges and guns to do it.

“Seizing your neighbors’ lawful guns is a job most Americans won’t do, but immigrants will. If you want to talk about jobs Americans won’t do: Seizing your neighbors’ lawful guns is one of them. Americans won’t do it, but some immigrants will.”

Falling crime rates a factor

Winkler closes his article by adding a significant caveat to his prediction that a less-white, higher-educated America will willingly agree to trade their Second Amendment rights for more gun control. It has to do with crime rates, which Winkler acknowledges are in steep decline from the levels seen in the 1970s and ’80s. If those crime rates should creep back up, all bets are off, and gun ownership might again become a priority, Winkler indicates, only to dismiss this possibility as “not likely.”
“During the 1970s and ’80s, when crime rates were skyrocketing, the self-defense argument easily found an audience. Yet recent years have seen a drastic reduction in crime; today the crime rate is half of what it was in 1980. Given that this drop coincided with a serious economic downturn, which is usually a predictor of an increase in crime, it is not unreasonable to predict that crime rates aren’t likely to climb significantly anytime soon.”
Jerry Henry of
Jerry Henry of

But Jerry Henry, executive director of, said Winkler is missing a key part of the equation with regard to the falling crime rates.

Henry says it is exactly because of the rising number of concealed-carry permit holders that violent crime has been falling.

“During the 1970s and ’80s, when crime rates were skyrocketing, there was much more gun control in the U.S.,” he said. “It was against the law in most states to carry a firearm concealed. That started changing in the ’90s when many states changed their laws to allow concealed carry.”

When that changed, the number of firearms in the civilian population started increasing and when states relax restrictions, more firearms are bought by civilians. So while there are fewer hunters, that does not mean there are fewer guns.

Today, there are estimates of approximately 350 million firearms in the hands of about 90 million Americans yet the crime rates continue to decline.

“Even if Adam Winkler’s pipe dream comes true, who in their right mind actually believes that the American populace will actually give up their firearms?” Henry asked. “And, who in the American populace actually believes that government troops will come to each home to confiscate the firearms that people refuse to surrender?”

“One thing that all Second Amendment supporters know is that if the Second Amendment falls, all other rights that still exist will fall shortly thereafter. The only reason we have any positive rights in this country is because of the Second Amendment.

“It is very difficult for me to understand why anyone would want to give up any fundamental rights for any reason. Too many liberals are of the belief that if they don’t want or use something, then no one else should want or use it.” 



Influence of 2nd Amendment ripples across globe



Second amendmentInfluence of 2nd Amendment ripples across globe


Bill Federer recounts why America became beacon of hope, freedom

Oct 25 2015

In September of 1774, Dr. Joseph Warren wrote the Suffolk Resolves. British statesman Edmund Burke cited the Suffolk Resolves as a major development in colonial animosity, which eventually led to the Declaration of Independence.

The Suffolk Resolves stated: “… That it is an indispensable duty which we owe to God, our country, ourselves and posterity, by all lawful ways and means in our power to maintain, defend and preserve those civil and religious rights and liberties, for which many of our fathers fought, bled and died, and to hand them down entire to future generations … and that the inhabitants of those towns and districts … do use their utmost diligence to acquaint themselves with the art of war as soon as possible, and do, for that purpose, appear under arms at least once every week.”

On Oct. 26, 1774, the Provincial Congress of Massachusetts reorganized their defenses with one-third of their regiments being “Minutemen,” ready to fight at a minute’s notice. These citizen soldiers drilled on the parade ground, many times led by a deacon or pastor, then went to church for exhortation and prayer.

The Provincial Congress charged: “You … are placed by Providence in the post of honor, because it is the post of danger. … The eyes not only of North America and the whole British Empire, but of all Europe, are upon you. Let us be, therefore, altogether solicitous that no disorderly behavior, nothing unbecoming our character as Americans, as citizens and Christians, be justly chargeable to us.”

The Provincial Congress issued a resolution to Massachusetts Bay, 1774: “Resistance to tyranny becomes the Christian and social duty of each individual. … Continue steadfast, and with a proper sense of your dependence on God, nobly defend those rights which heaven gave, and no man ought to take from us.”

On July 6, 1775, the Continental Congress passed “The Declaration of the Causes and Necessity for Taking Up Arms,” composed by Thomas Jefferson, to explain to the British the presence of militiamen from several colonies gathering near Boston: “We most solemnly, before God and the world, declare, that, exerting the utmost energy of those powers, which our beneficent Creator hath graciously bestowed upon us, the arms we have been compelled by our enemies to assume, we will, in defiance of every hazard … employ for the preservation of our liberties; being with one mind resolved to die freemen rather than to live slaves. … With a humble confidence in the mercies of the Supreme and impartial God and Ruler of the Universe, we most devoutly implore His divine goodness to protect us happily through this great conflict. …”

Boston patriot Josiah Quincy stated: “Under God, we are determined that wheresoever, whensoever, or howsoever we shall be called to make our exit, we will die free men.”

On June 17, 1775, John Adams wrote to his wife about the Continental Congress’ decision to declare a day of public humiliation, fasting, and prayer: “We have appointed a Continental fast. Millions will be upon their knees at once before their great Creator, imploring His forgiveness and blessing; His smiles on American Council and arms.”

The South Carolina Constitution stated March 26, 1776: “The colonists were therefore driven to the necessity of taking up arms, to repel force by force, and to defend themselves and their properties against lawless invasions and depredations.”

Georgia Rules and Regulations, 1776, stated: “Whereas, the unwise and iniquitous system of administration obstinately persisted in by the British Parliament and Ministry against the good people of America hath at length driven the latter to take up arms as their last resource for the preservation of their rights and liberties which God and the Constitution gave them.”

New York Constitution April 20, 1777, stated: “Every man who enjoys the protection of society to be prepared … to defend it … the militia … at all times … shall be armed … and in readiness for service. That all such of the inhabitants of this State being of the people called Quakers as, from scruples of conscience, may be averse to the bearing of arms, be there from excused by the legislature; and do pay to the State such sums of money, in lieu of their personal service.”

Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, May 29, 1790, stated: “All men, have an equal, natural and unalienable right to the free exercise of religion. … That the people have a right peaceably to assemble together. … That the people have a right to freedom of speech and of writing, and publishing their sentiments. … That the people have a right to keep and bear arms.

Vermont Constitution, July 4, 1786, stated: “That the people have a right to bear arms, for the defense of themselves and the State.

President James Monroe stated: “Of the liberty of conscience in matters of religious faith, of speech and of the press; of the trial by jury of the vicinage (neighborhood) in civil and criminal cases; of the benefit of the writ of habeas corpus; of the right to keep and bear arms. … If these rights are well defined, and secured against encroachments, it is impossible that government should ever degenerate into tyranny.” (COMMON LAW - NOT MARITIME 'LAW' OF THE SEAS!)

President John Quincy Adams stated Dec. 6, 1825: “Were we to slumber in indolence or fold up our arms and proclaim to the world that we are palsied by the will of our constituents, would it not be to cast away the bounties of Providence and doom ourselves to perpetual inferiority?”

From the time of America’s Revolution, generations of oppressed peoples throughout the world have looked to America as a light of freedom.

In 1967, after 14 years in a Communist prison in Romania, Rev. Richard Wurmbrand stated: “America is the hope of every enslaved man, because it is the last bastion of freedom in the world. Only America has the power and spiritual resources to stand as a barrier between militant Communism and the people of the world. It is the last ‘dike’ holding back the rampaging flood waters of militant Communism. If it crumples, there is no other dike, no other dam; no other line of defense to fall back upon. …”

Rev. Wurmbrand ended: “America is the last hope of millions of enslaved peoples. They look to it as their second fatherland. In it lies their hopes and prayers. I have seen fellow-prisoners in Communist prisons beaten, tortured, with 50 pounds of chains on their legs-praying for America … that the dike will not crumple; that it will remain free.”

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And what do we Americans do?  We ALLOW the traitor communist Nazis throughout America to take over the rightful and true government of our nation, form and operate their Nazi rogue 'gov departments' such as HS, CDC, IRS, '(un)justice department', et al, one by one removing  our rights and freedoms. They have re-written our Constitution to serve as their corporation 'constitution,' they falsify charges against patriotic Americans and incarcerate them until death, and a myriad of other abominations, including initiating wars worldwide in the name of the "United States' and committing treason, murder, drug running, slave trade, chemical warfare, stealing of the wealth of nations, and murder of nation leaders.  We Americans sit back and do nothing. We have allowed this to continue. We are as guilty as the criminal Nazis who currently head this nation. No one wants war in America BUT sometimes that is the ONLY answer.  Live free or die - it is THAT simple. There are millions of us - thousands of them.  What the hell is the problem with Americans?  The entire world looks at us in amazement. Apparently we, as yet, have not SUFFERED enough at the hands of our slave masters as have those in other nations - bombings, shootings, fires, tanks, torture, beheadings, false arrests and incarcerations, etc.  We are as guilty as the criminal Nazis who currently head this nation.

Discover more of Bill Federer’s eye-opening books and videos in the WND Superstore!

U.S. going in wrong direction


Nearly everyone agrees: U.S. going in wrong direction


'Dissatisfaction' GOP voters felt with Obama 'has spread to include all of Washington'

WND/Clout Poll

author-image Bob Unruh

Editor’s Note: This is another in a series of reports on the polling by Clout Research, a national opinion research firm in Columbus, Ohio, for

Americans are deeply divided on abortion, marriage, presidential candidates, school-board practices, spending, taxation, foreign policy, the military, homosexuality, guns and ammunition, Russia, Cuba, Guantanamo Bay, Benghazi, Trump, Hillary, Uber, Netanyahu, migrants, Islam, Syria, marijuana, privacy rights, wealth and even thanking God.

In fact, since the advent of the Barack Obama presidency, there’s little on which most Americans agree.  Except one thing: The nation is going the WRONG direction.

That’s according to a new WND/Clout poll by Clout Research, a national opinion research firm based in Columbus, Ohio.

Its telephone survey Oct. 15-19 found 85.3 percent of likely voters believe the U.S. is in bad shape.

That belief is held by 51.9 percent of Democrats, 83.9 percent of independents and 87.4 percent of Republicans.

“The latest Research survey shows that the dramatic dissatisfaction that Republican voters felt toward the Obama administration since early in his first term has spread to include all of Washington,” said Fritz Wenzel, chief of Clout Research.

“Given what we have seen in the first act of the race for the Republican presidential nomination, this is no surprise, as political outsiders lead experienced candidates by wide margins. But it is appears to be raw economic insecurity, not run-of-the-mill Beltway politics, that appear to be at the core of the problem.”

Obama scolded Republicans that “elections have consequences” as he took unilateral action on issues such as immigration after vowing to “fundamentally transform” America.

Republicans instantly were put on the defensive. They initially didn’t control the White House, House or Senate, and the divide on almost every issue deepened. 

Obama essentially snubbed GOP leaders, insisting that with his Democrat majority, he didn’t need them. 

He pushed through his massive Obamacare plan giving the federal government control over health insurance plans with only the support of Democrats. 

Not a single Republican voted for it.

When the GOP took control of the U.S. House, a stalemate with the Senate developed as Senator Majority Leader Harry Reid stalled legislation he didn’t want.

Budget crises came and went as spending plans to keep the government running were cobbled together at the last minute. 

Agencies such as the IRS took their cue from the White House and launched attacks on non-profit conservative political groups.

Then Obama won re-election and voters responded two years later by giving the GOP control in the Senate, creating a stalemate between the White House and Congress.

The new poll hows only 9 of 100 Republicans and 15 of 100 independents believe the nation is going the right direction.

Even with a member of their party in the White House, only 44 of 100 Democrats believe America is on the right track.

A huge majority, consequently, don’t believe Washington represents them.

“It was always unlikely that most Americans – and Republicans in this latest poll sample – would become deeply immersed in the day-to-day operations of the federal government. 

As always, they seem to have a continuing sense of unease that things in Washington are not going well, but their concern – we might call it alarm – stems from the fact that they fear their own economic future and that of the nation,” said Wenzel.

“Just 12 percent of Republicans said they think the nation is headed in the right direction, while 85 percent said things are off on the wrong track. 

This would be a predictable response from voters whose party is completely out of power, but Republicans are not out of power – they control both houses of Congress. 

Clearly, their voters are not pleased with their performance.”

He said that when his team asked respondents about their personal financial situation and the state of the economy, a vast majority of 79 percent said it was either somewhat or very fragile. Just 21 percent said the economy was strong.

The poll found 92.6 percent of those who identified themselves as conservative believe the nation is on the wrong track. Among those who call themselves liberal, 90.9 percent said it is going the wrong direction.

When asked what they think of the American economy after seven years of Obama’s leadership and economic policies, nearly 80 percent described it as “very fragile” or “somewhat fragile.”

Self-identified Democrats, Republicans, liberals and conservatives were in general agreement, with about 75 percent to 80 percent describing the economy as “somewhat fragile” or “very fragile.”

The poll’s candidate-preference results aligned closely with other major polls, with 33 percent of the respondents picking Donald Trump for the GOP nomination, 24 percent Dr. Ben Carson, 10 percent Sen. Marco Rubio, 9 percent Carly Fiorina, 8.9 percent Sen. Ted Cruz and 7.9 percent Gov. Jeb Bush.

See the results:
Generally speaking, would you say things in our nation are headed in the right direction, or would you say they are off on the wrong track?

Without giving any personal specifics, based on what you are experiencing in your own household finances and the finances of other family members, friends and neighbors you are close to, would you say that the American economy is very strong, moderately strong, moderately fragile, or very fragile?

Question 17: If you were voting today in your state’s primary or caucus election for the Republican nomination for president … for whom would you vote?

Obama Forcing Public School for Illegal Immigrants

Obama Forcing Public School for Illegal Immigrants... and You're Footing the Bill!

Image result for OBAMA ON EDUCATION

Obama's unconstitutional Department of Education has now put forth a call to schools across America and are pushing for them to acquire as many illegal aliens as possible and declare them to be students. What's even more unlawful than indoctrinating illegal aliens at taxpayer expense? The DOE is claiming that it is part of law to do so.
A new 56-page resource guide titled Supporting Undocumented Youth
states, "The Department hopes that educators, schools, and campuses will, as they see fit, draw upon the tips and examples in this Guide to better support undocumented youth and, ultimately, move us closer to the promise of college and career readiness for all."
Noticeably missing is any reference to actual immigration law, but then when you are already an unconstitutional agency, what does that matter, right?

Image result for Obama's unconstitutional Department of Education
Here's what the guide attempts to put forward as laws requiring education of illegal aliens:
  • Under Federal law, State and local educational agencies ("school districts") are required to provide all children with equal access to public education.
  • The United States Supreme Court held in the case of Plyler v. Doe, 457 U.S. 202 (1982), that a State may not deny access to a basic public education to any child residing in the State, whether present in the United States legally or otherwise.
  • To comply with these Federal civil rights laws, such as Titles IV and VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as well as the mandates of the Supreme Court, school districts must ensure that they do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, or national origin, and that students are not barred from enrolling in public schools at the elementary and secondary level on the basis of their own citizenship or immigration status or that of their parents or guardians.
Image result for obama-illegal

  • Moreover, school districts may not request information with the purpose or result of denying access to public schools on the basis of race, color, or national origin. • A school district should review the list of documents that can be used to establish residency and ensure that any required documents would not unlawfully bar or discourage a student who is undocumented or whose parents are undocumented from enrolling in or attending school.
  • A school district may not bar a student from enrolling in its schools because he or she lacks a birth certificate or has records that indicate a foreign place of birth, such as a foreign birth certificate.
  • School districts cannot use the race, ethnicity, national origin, or English proficiency information it collects to discriminate against students; nor should a parent's or guardian's refusal to respond to a request for this data lead to a denial of his or her child's enrollment.
  • A school district may not deny enrollment to a student if he or she (or his or her parent or guardian) chooses not to provide a Social Security number. If a district chooses to request a Social Security number, it shall inform the individual that the disclosure is voluntary, provide the statutory or other basis upon which it is seeking the number, and explain what uses will be made of it.
  • In all instances of information collection and review, it is essential that any request be uniformly applied to all students and not applied in a selective manner to specific groups of students.
There are several problems with what has been laid out here. The federal government has not been given authority to deal in the matter of education. They have only been given authority to deal in the matters contained here. The Tenth Amendment affords the rights of the States and the people those things not designated in the Constitution. Second, a Supreme Court ruling is not law, and never has been law. States should simply stand against their ruling where they are usurping their enumerated powers, as all legislative power resides in Congress and only in specific areas.

Many of the illegal students and their families fear being deported, something that should be done if law were followed. It's a slap in the face of all those who followed the law to come into the united States legally. As a result, the Obama administration is advising the educators to push Obama's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals amnesty program, a program which is illegal under the Constitution. It is not law, it is pretended law by executive order.

"Besides providing high-quality instruction and supports, another important way that schools, colleges, and education professionals can help undocumented youth is by sharing information about DACA with youth and their families," the document reads.

"Providing this information at the early childhood and elementary school levels may be helpful because, though the children would not meet DACA's threshold age guideline, their parents or family members might meet the guidelines," the document continues.

And still, Washington is all abuzz about immigration reform.

Why don't they impeach the man who is failing to enforce immigration law and simply do what they've been doing in the past, instead of allowing Barack Hussein Obama to ignore the very law he swore to uphold?

Education is not the responsibility of the federal government nor is it the responsibility of the States. It is the responsibility of parents,

as children are given to them by God and God has commanded that they educate their own children (Deuteronomy 6). All parents should be teaching and training their own children, not being forced to send them to government indoctrination centers nor being forced to pay for other children's education, especially those whose parents have broken the law. For more on how you can start educating your own children for free, click here.