Sunday, November 1, 2015


Image result for The Bilocation of Hillary Clone-Clinton

In 2008, during the American presidential election campaign, US Senator Hillary Clinton's handlers began to get clumsy and she was seen in two different places at once on a number of separate occasions. And not just in Iowa and New Hampshire.

Someone sees Hillary Clinton at a function across town at, say, 1.30pm. And then, when they compare notes with a Democratic Party co-worker later that day, they learn that Hillary was also seen back at the hotel at 1.30pm, three miles away. And her clothes were different, or her hair was different, or her makeup was different, and the people with her were different. Or, after a speaking engagement, the car drives Hillary Clinton away to Location A, where she is seen to get out of the car at, say, 10.45pm. But a co-worker sees her at 11.00pm at Location B thirty or forty miles away, except that Hillary Clinton and the car have not left Location A. And they couldn't drive that fast anyway, and Hillary's clothing or appearance is different, and the people with her are different. And the next day, arriving for an early morning meeting somewhere, Hillary comes from Location B, not from Location A. Meanwhile, she is seen having a late breakfast at Location A with different people. And so on.
How many different Hillary Clintons are there?

Image result for How many different Hillary Clintons are there?Image result for How many different Hillary Clintons are there?Image result for How many different Hillary Clintons are there?Image result for How many different Hillary Clintons are there?Image result for How many different Hillary Clintons are there?
Image result for The Bilocation of Hillary Clone-ClintonImage result for The Bilocation of Hillary Clone-Clinton

It is suggested that over half the US Presidential hopefuls in 2008 were human clones. There were several of each of them. Was Hillary Clinton one of these or several of them? And how are the voters to discriminate?

A picture of the young Hillary Clinton can be seen
here. Notice the physiognomy: the smile musculature, the cheek pouches, the placement of the nose bridge, the upper eyelid line. Now look at who the official Hillary for President campaign site wanted you to vote for in New Hampshire (picturehere). The same woman, but older? Look at the right hand side of her mouth. Any moles visible? There are other pictures here and here and hereand here. Same woman again, but older? Trick of the light maybe? Moles there notice, but no moleshere. What about here? Moles or not? Now for the mystery woman. Who is this? Or this? Recognise the smile? Know the name from somewhere? The same as this perhaps? And where did this one come from? Or this, or this?

In that run of pictures, there were fifteen images of which three were repeated. But how many different individuals were shown? Three? Four? When we and others first began running this story, the Hillary for President campaign immediately changed its lead picture from 
this to this. That image was then changed again after a bit. Their current favourite official regulation version of Hillary Clinton can now be viewed here.

And for afficionados, 
here is a picture of one of the Hillary Clinton clones taking instructions from a clone-handler called George McGlaris in Dover, New Hampshire, on Monday 7th January 2008.

A quote from the Hillary Clinton for President website was germane: "President Clinton writes about his life with Hillary and how she has been an agent of change for 35 years."

What was the major issue in election-alert America in 2008? It was the physiognomy, stupid...

ture: Hillary Clinton Doll from Freaking News 
The use of human clones in American political management is only now becoming apparent. The last US President not to be cloned was John F. Kennedy. Usually, when a President or major American public figure ceases to be compliant to the demands of the controlling corporate elite, they are quietly killed, cremated and replaced with lookalike, mind-controlled clones. These days, at the Camp David human clone laboratories (Maryland) and elsewhere, it is possible to produce an adult human clone from originator DNA and a lab-double in less than 36 hours.

The history of this covert human cloning technology is now emerging. By the late 1970s, using monochromatic laser light technology, researchers within the Russian security community created a holographic apparatus which could record the entire memory of the living brain of a chosen human individual and store the data content of that brain on stable computer hardware. The Russians used inaudible high-frequency sound waves to create a complete three-dimensional picture of the brain. They discovered that their ultrasonic cerebral hologram process duplicated and stored the entire memory of the person in a coherently recoverable form. The Russians now had what they wanted to create working lab-clones for deployment. The same technique could be used to download someone else's memory into another (different) person, in this case a lab-double, and natural doubles could now be reprogrammed to take on the full memory database of the person being replaced. More background 

Lab-doubles are generated using DNA infusion. Here the DNA of the person chosen to be duplicated is collected, amplified, processed and prepared for the infusion process into the new host body. The DNA infusion completely overrides the DNA of the living human host, physically transforming the host body into a visual replica of the chosen body. However, the residual host body DNA can still be detected, and identified, within the lab-double using sensitive DNA testing procedures. Where do the human host bodies come from? Covert kidnap, abduction and fake disappearance programmes. Many of the abducted human host bodies are those of children. And, of course, any of these abducted human hosts can be subjected to 
brain programming manipulation as well as to complete ultrasonic cerebral downloads.

In one curious incident, a Europe-controlled cell of US Rothschild minions within the US security community learned that the Russians were using duplicated clones for many of their leading Kremlin operatives. By this time the Americans had obtained similar brain programming and ultrasonic cerebral download abilities to the Russians. This technology had been fed to them from the Rothschild clone labs in Europe. The US military tried to use identical US-controlled clones to penetrate the Kremlin. Kremlin lookalikes were produced in America and were secreted into Moscow via the US embassy. However, the Russians were tipped off and became aware of the detail of the plan in advance. They let the US clones through into the Kremlin, downloaded their memories and programming and then reprogrammed them for Russian use. The Americans became perplexed as to what had happened because their infiltrated Kremlin clones were not carrying out their US programmed orders. It was an exotic case of double-agent meltdown. For sometime, nobody in the US knew which Russian clone was which. This engendered subtle difficulties for the Americans at international conferences.

When President George Bush Snr left office in 1993, he was Clone Number 34 in his DNA originator line. Most of his previous 33 clones had been used and terminated at that point. When President Bill Clinton left office in 2001, he was Clone Number 21 in his line. When a President is terminated and cloned, it is standard practice to do the same with his close family members. If this is not done, they immediately notice the difference and cause difficulties.

Human clones are not ensouled and do not, therefore, have access to the higher dimensions through reflection, intuition and spiritual practice. No soul means no God-connection. And no God-connection means that clones have an inherent vulnerability to religious manipulation and deceit.

The higher dimensional data-links which ensouled humans have, help them to appear quick, flexible and alert in conversation, particularly when stressed. The absence of this potential for minute-to-minute inspiration or revelation in clones gives rise to a simplistic body language and inappropriate physiognomic responses in complexly nuanced situations (picture example here). It also means that when faced with metaphorated questioning or elliptical comments, they can appear slow, dim or confused. Anything that human clones are confronted with which falls outside their specific day-to-day conditioning or expectation engenders childlike conflict-signalling and tantrums (picture examples hereand here). For this reason, two or three clones are kept up and running for each principal at any one time. They are very nearly identical in appearance, but some look younger or more innocent than others, and some have superficial tissue differentiations that cannot be concealed by makeup when viewed in close-up or under strong light.

If two different clones of one individual are interacted with at a conference on successive days by an ensouled human, the differences are often very evident. "Which George did you speak to today, Tony?"

With regard to a clone's irrational conflict-signalling and out-of-comfort-zone tantrums, Hillary Clinton can boast considerable previous form. Ask anyone who has worked closely with her. She's not just scratchy; she can be hysterically ballistic. The summer of 2009 provided a famous example. Hillary fractured an elbow in a furious physical fight with a senior colleague at the US State Department in Washington DC. On Wednesday 17th June 2009, the US Secretary of State lost control of herself and lashed out viciously at the US Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan,
Richard Holbrooke.

The argument and fight arose from a shouting match between the two concerning North Korea. Holbrooke had just confronted Clinton with two facts about the US's handling of the North Korea fiasco. First, he let Clinton know that he was aware that agents of the US State Department, acting for Clinton, had tipped off the North Korean government about the presence of the two Current TV journalists on the Chinese border near North Korea. Second, Holbrooke told Clinton that he was also aware that Clinton had personally sabotaged an effort by the Swedish Ambassador, the Chinese Foreign Ministry and Albert Gore to secure a quick and safe release of the two Current TV journalists from North Korean custody. As a consequence, the journalists were unnecessarily detained in the North Korean presidential headquarters known as the Puzzle Palace.

Richard Holbrooke and Hillary Clinton's screaming match then went physical. Hillary began to physically attack Holbrooke. Holbrooke defended himself and during the altercation forced Hillary to the ground causing her right elbow to fracture. After her fight with Holbrooke, Clinton was treated at The George Washington University Hospital before going home. She later underwent surgery to repair the damage on Friday 19th June 2009. This photograph 
here, taken on Monday 22nd June 2009, shows Clinton's injured right arm. It is said that much of the exchange between Hillary and Holbrooke was recorded by State Department security cameras. Inside the Beltway, Richard Holbrooke suddenly became the most popular person in town.

Another celebrated Hillary Clinton tantrum occurred back in the 1990s during Bill Clinton's presidency. Investigating unusual noises at the White House one evening, a Federal Secret Service agent discovered the First Lady in a well-lubricated lesbian sexual encounter with the regular White House prostitute known as Susan. Clinton responded by attacking the agent with a heavy glass ash tray. In fairness, it should be remarked that Susan was never exclusively lesbian in the services she provided for the US governing class. Current CIA Chief Leon Panetta and ABC talk show host George Stephanopoulos both caught genital herpes from Susan at White House socials.

Having no soul and no God-connection means that human clones have no spiritual processing power; they cannot function at the level of values, morals, ethics, compassion, honour or decency. Indeed, they have nothing within their intellection which energises or articulates such concepts in their consciousness. Human clones do, however, have a very powerful survival instinct. Under sustained pressure or threat they become amoral, manipulative fighting machines without spiritual stops or conscience. What you can get away with is what you do; lying is the core modus operandi; honesty about facts on the ground is self-injurious weakness; a spectrum of alternative views on an issue is a spectrum of aggressive enemy positions; unscrupulous elimination of opponents replaces dialogue. Human clones are perfect for politics, banking, the armed forces, religion, schooling and theft. Easily mind-controlled by the hidden negative elite, clones are the visible drivers of systemic evil.

Human clones are also prone to making extraordinary bloomers when speaking in public, and not noticing their mistakes. George Bush Jnr has an extensive back catalogue of such infelicities. For example, speaking on Australian television in September 2007 about the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre in New York on the 11th September 2001, one of the Bush Jnr clones said: "And I believe those of us who live in liberty have a responsibility to promote forms of government that deal with what causes nineteen kids to get on airplanes to kill three thousand students." (See 3.44-3.55 on this YouTube video clip 

Later in the same month, the same Bush Jnr clone was reported by CBS News as follows: “He (President George Bush Jnr) dismissed concerns about lack of political progress in Iraq, saying people there are still recovering from the brutal rule of Saddam Hussein. Then, pounding his lectern, the president said, 'I heard somebody say, "Where’s Mandela?" Well, Mandela’s dead because Saddam Hussein killed all the Mandelas.' The actual former South African president, of course, is still very much alive.” (CBS 20.09.07)

A university-educated, experienced and ensouled politician would not regularly make grotesque slips of this kind. But if he did misspeak occasionally, he would notice immediately and correct himself. In the later clone years, Bush was never able to do this.

One thing, however, which George Bush Jnr was able to maintain to the last was his suspiciously consistent clone-smile. He always had a switch-on perfect smile ready for the camera. Switch-on perfect, switch-on perfect, switch-on perfect; it never changed. Ensouled human beings - even experienced actors - cannot do this; their smiles are always moderated by the 'spiritual' circumstances and context of the camera-call. Their physiognomies betray a slight change of texture, a strained tension, a fuller or slightly less full beam. And the eyes often say something the smile does not. They still smile well, but they smile differently each time. This is not the case with clones. Clones are robotically identical each smile.

US President Barack Obama furnishes a good example. On Wednesday 23rd September 2009, Obama hosted a reception at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. During this event, he stood for 135 separate photographs with visiting foreign dignitaries who were in town for a major UN meeting. As 
this rapid-fire slideshow from Eric Spiegelman demonstrates, the US President had exactly the same smile in every shot. Spiegelman put his compilation on Vimeo shortly after the Met event and gave it the title: "Barack Obama's amazingly consistent smile." The 135 raw photoshots he used can be found on Flickr here.

But what about Hillary Clinton? Is she really a tribal subset of mind-controlled clones? Follow the DNA. It's there in the lavatories, handkerchiefs, discarded nasal tissues, cosmetics applicators, bedroom dust, cutlery, drinking glasses and coffee cups. And look out for the little black box under the clothes. It's smaller than it used to be in the famous George Bush Jnr photographs (herehereherehereherehereherehere andhere, plus comments here), but it can still be seen on a windy day.

More information about the use of human clones in American political management can be found 
here,hereherehereherehereherehereherehere,hereherehere and here.And there is a more recent clone-pertinent update here (27.04.12).

But it is not just politicians, military people, finance professionals and religious leaders who have been cloned. Human clones are found in the show business world, too. And they feature prominently in the mainstream media's presentation of celebrity culture. Consider the much-discussed case of 
the two Paul McCartneys. Four other Paul McCartney photographic comparisons can be viewed hereherehere and here. Look at McCartney's left ear lobe here (in 1964) andhere (in 1964), compared with his left ear lobe here (in 1974) and here (in 1974). The murder and cloning of Beatle Paul McCartney by agents acting for the Tavistock Institute (London) in 1966 is a story which has been revisited again recently. It is sometimes referred to as The Two McCartneys Conundrum.

For many decades people have taken the view that the original pop star Paul McCartney of the Beatles, a
Tavistock Institute band, is dead. He died in a car accident in 1966 which was reported by several media outlets before being hushed up. The car accident, like Princess Diana's thirty years later, was an arranged murder or cover for an arranged murder.

After 1966 it was widely noted that Paul McCartney had changed. He was considerably taller, and his physiognomy, voice and mannerisms were different. And evidence is emerging which suggests that the Beatles didn't even write some of the music accredited to them after that date.

On this view, the Beatles were planned by the shadow controllers of the sixties music industry. The purpose of the Beatles was social engineering. The phenomenon of the Beatles was not a spontaneous rebellion by youth against the old social system. It was a carefully crafted plot to introduce, by a conspiratorial body which could not be identified, a highly destructive and divisive element into a large worldwide population group targeted for change against its will.

New words and new phrases prepared by the Tavistock Institute mind-moulders were introduced to America along with the Beatles. Words such as "rock" in relation to music sounds, "teenager," "cool," "discovered" and "pop music" were a lexicon of disguised code words signifying the acceptance of illicit drugs. The subtext beneath this vocabulary arrived with and accompanied the Beatles wherever they went. It had only to be "discovered" by teenagers. The word "teenager" was never used until just before the Beatles arrived on the scene, courtesy of the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations.

It was important at that time for the Shadow Government (controlling the USA from Europe) to affirm illicit drug use in the youth culture. This would enrich the drug barons worldwide who paid for the private armies and bribes necessary to maintain hidden power. And now, in 2009, the USA is in Afghanistan to protect the illicit drugs trade. And now, in 2009, most major US banks have only been able to stay afloat by bringing illicit drugs money on to their books by using counterfeit source of funds documentation.

One persistent idea is that in September 1966, Paul McCartney was replaced with a double called William Shepherd or William Campbell. McCartney was terminated and replaced because he refused to go along with the pro-drug agenda of the Beatles' Tavistock controllers.

After 1966, the new Paul McCartney started doing frank interviews about his LSD habit. McCartney's murder not only eliminated someone who wouldn't go with the program, it served as a warning to others in the circle not step out of the Tavistock line.

It is more likely, however, that Paul McCartney was cloned before being terminated, samples of his originator DNA having been obtained, cultured and amplified before his accident. Human clones, such as the Bushes, the Clintons and the Obamas, are not ensouled. They have no souls - no innate communication with positive influences among the
Higher Evolution in the higher dimensions. They are intelligent, mind-controlled meat-machines, programmed by those whose negative agenda they implement. Might Paul McCartney be the same? Clones are not aware that they are clones. Such information is not permitted to occur to them or to enter their mind-programming.

More about the various Paul McCartneys can be found
herehere and here (YouTube video - 3 minutes). And more about the Tavistock Institute (30 Tabernacle Street, London EC2A 4UE) is linked here and here.

Huge 'crack in the earth' opens up in US mountains


The crack is an estimated 750 yards long and 50 yards wide 
The crack opened up in foothills of Wyoming’s Bighorn Mountains in the last fortnight

A huge crack in mountains in America has appeared.

The formation occurred in the foothills of Wyoming’s Bighorn Mountains in the last fortnight.

Images of the crack were first posted online by the SNS Outfitters and Guide Service, which called it “a really incredible sight”. 

It estimated that it was 750 yards long and 50 yards wide.
Although experts have said the occurrence is not an ominous or mysterious sign, some on social media have suggested otherwise.

SNS said an engineer had inspected the giant crack.

“Apparently, a wet spring lubricated across a cap rock. Then, a small spring on either side caused the bottom to slide out,” it said on its Facebook page.

“He estimated 15 to 20 million yards of movement.”

Wyoming Geological Survey’s manager of groundwater and geological hazards said the formation is most likely the result of a slow-moving landslide.
“Landslides can move at catastrophic speeds… while others can be much slower,” Seth Wittke told the Powell Tribune.

“The size of this type of opening can vary depending on the size of the hill and the stability of the land.”

He added: “A number of things trigger them, moisture in the subsurface which causes weakness in soil or geology, and any process that would weaken the bedrock or un-stabilise it somehow.”

The survey's public information specialist Chamois Andersen added: "It is not uncommon to have slides like that.”

War coming to Europe



'Unavoidable' that Muslim uprising, European reaction will clash 'outside accepted political channels'


  Oct 31 2015

With millions of Muslim migrants pouring into Europe, some experts are warning the continent faces a future of revolution, civil war or surrender to Islamic rule.

Author, WND columnist and anti-Shariah campaigner Pamela Geller thinks it is already too late. Asked if she thought it would come to civil war in Europe, Geller told WND, “Yes, I do.”  She’s not alone.

“If the European political establishment maintains its stranglehold on power, it seems unavoidable that Islam will continue to build a political presence that will ultimately lead to Muslim uprisings and a European reaction outside of accepted political channels,” said G.M. Davis.  Davis, a Stanford Ph.D. and the author of “House of War: Islam’s Jihad Against the World,” believes the only way the problem could be solved peacefully is through “an effective anti-Islamic political movement” taking shape in Europe “within a generation.”

The situation in Europe already seems to be spiraling out of control. Austrians are stocking up on weapons, and intelligence analysts warn of an imminent terrorist attack in the United Kingdom.

Meanwhile, European governments are cracking down on their own populations, even as tens of thousands of Muslim men are marching through the countryside like an invading army.  Davis argues if mainstream political forces are not able to quell the continuous influx of Muslim migrants into Europe, “grassroots organizations” will take up the “defense of Europe.”  He told WND: “They would be acting in defiance of their respective governments, which could spark wholesale abandonment of those governments by their populations. We saw this in Communist Eastern Europe in 1989-91 with the key difference being that violence would be very much widespread [this time].”

Diana West, a WND columnist and the author of “The Death of the Grown-Up: How America’s Arrested Development is Bringing Down Western Civilization,” says the real enemy Europeans face isn’t invading Muslims. It’s their own governments.  She explains: “These governments have rejected their own most basic responsibilities to safeguard and perpetuate their own peoples, religions, native cultures, law, public safety, homelands – everything except the One World ‘multicultural’ (read: non-Western) ideology. It’s staggering to behold this overt rush to abandon sovereignty and everything else for globalist prerogatives. Their template, Marxist in origin, is perhaps best described as ‘forced diversity.’”

West charges states such as Germany and Sweden are “in effect overthrowing their own peoples.”  However, she believes civil war is unlikely, because Western governments have too many repressive tools at their disposal.  “These are already surveillance states bristling with mechanisms of coercion and enforcement,” she observed. “I am afraid, ultimately, capitulation is more likely to be the more common reaction in nations already hosting growing and new Islamic blocs.”

West chronicled how the “subversive Marxist conditioning of so many past decades” have prepared Europeans for life in a post-Western society. Although some Germans have even been evicted to make room for refugees and terrible costs have been imposed on native Europeans, West summarizes their reactions as “docile overall, helpless.”  She believes Europeans are “very upset, but not full of any of the kind of fire that you might expect – or hope for.”

The relative passivity is a product of Europe’s bloody history and Christian religious background, she said.
“The natural tendencies of Christian and post-Christian Europeans are peaceable; the sorts of ideologies that led to such copious bloodshed during the last hundred years hold little appeal, which is one of the reasons that it is so hard for Europeans today to face the reality that they are under attack again by such an ideology,” Davis stated.  

'The situation with Islam that seems to be unfolding suggests what happened with the rise of communism and Nazism: because no one wants to face the possibility of having to use force to suppress such an ideology – and force is an undeniable possibility – then no one will recognize the nature of the problem itself.”

The result is a Europe essentially doomed to inaction by its own democratic practices until it is too late.  Davis grimly observed, “Any defense of Europe will have to be democratic in the sense of being popular, but it seems increasingly unlikely that such a defense can be mounted within established political channels or be peaceful.”

Geller believes European elites have all but made it illegal for Europeans to oppose their own dispossession.
“[Opponents to Muslim migration] would have used peaceful and democratic means, and still would, but those means are increasingly closed off to them by the elites,” she told WND.

The battle lines for future struggles in Europe are already being drawn, both in neighborhoods and between nations. Davis argues Muslims are already creating communities that operate as autonomous zones separate from the larger European society.  He told WND: “Already we have seen a tendency throughout Europe for Islamic communities to dominate certain urban areas and to apply pressure to the native inhabitants to move away. Muslims are hardly the first immigrant group to do this, and there are divisions within Muslim communities themselves, but the complicating factor is invariably the political nature of Islam itself, which understands its mission to rule territory for Allah and subordinate all other legal, religious, and social norms.”  The result could be outright military conflict with the cities of Europe itself.

As Muslim communities grow and become more politically established, they will attract more Muslims from elsewhere and push away more natives, thus encouraging a cycle of separation and division,” said Davis.  “I believe, in time, this is likely to degenerate into some form of civil war. Where the battle lines will ultimately be drawn is anyone’s guess, but at this point it looks as though they will run through many of Europe’s urban centers.”

However, some nations are still trying to avoid the problem of mass immigration entirely. The unofficial leader of this movement is Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, whom Geller describes as one of the few European leaders acting appropriately.  “He is right in holding the line,” she said.  West echoes the praise.
“Orban has, to date, been able to reject or deflect with great success this mainly Muslim, mainly male, mainly non-’refugee’ invasion and reassert his nation’s sovereignty, Christian roots and Western soul,” West said. “For this he is widely and loudly excoriated as a ‘xenophobe’ and ‘populist,’ but what he really is is a patriot. Fences work. Western civilization is worth defending. Seems very reflexive, but in our times, this is ‘outlier’ stuff.”

West also sees some hope in other European nations with the rise of what she calls “brave, mature political parties on the right who do speak for the survival of what we should probably start thinking about as the indigenous cultures of Europe.”  She also sees victories in Hungary, Poland and other Eastern European states by forces hostile to the European Union as a “revolution against the dictatorial central control of the EU and Germany.”  However, West still believes the overall outlook is grim.
“Powerful Germany has done everything to trigger, prolong and ‘normalize’ this invasion, all in perfect accord with the unelected, unaccountable European Union bosses,” West said. “And happy democratic talk aside, the anti-democratic or even totalitarian forces in Europe are much stronger. In most cases, they rule or their opposition is weak.”

In the long term, she observes, demographics are destiny.
“With the ongoing inflow of tens of thousands of mainly Muslim men every week, political mechanisms of change to reverse this migration become less efficient, even in the best case scenario.”

Geller believes “some” Europeans will fight back. West says she is more “despairing” of the situation. And if there is not resistance, the end result is a totalitarian, Islamic Europe combining the worst elements of leftism and Shariah law.  Given the way Islam has always functioned, ‘forced diversity’ is just a stage along the way to complete Islamization,” she warned. “We are advancing along a continuum of convergence by which the Free World ultimately disappears into a collectivist, totalitarian superstructure ruling over masses of people no longer capable of self-government.”




  • Scientists are using web to test how long viruses and bacteria can survive 
  • They hope to find out how long it takes for the diseases to become safe
  • The research is being conducted by the UK's Ministry of Defence
  • See full news coverage of the Ebola outbreak 
Cobwebs tend to take on a particular menace at this time of year, but military scientists have been conducting research that turns them into something deadly.
Researchers working for the UK's Ministry of Defence have been spraying spider webs with diseases including Ebola and the Black Death.
The research is being conducted to test the lifespan of the bacteria and viruses that cause the diseases while in the environment.

Scroll down for video 
Scientists at the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory have been spraying spiders' webs with bacteria and viruses (pictured) that cause deadly diseases in experiments to see how long it takes the organisms to die. They hope it can tell them how long it may take an environment to become safe after a biological attack

Scientists at the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory have been spraying spiders' webs with bacteria and viruses (pictured) that cause deadly diseases in experiments to see how long it takes the organisms to die. They hope it can tell them how long it may take an environment to become safe after a biological attack
It could prove vital in helping officials work out how long an area hit by a biological weapon will remain hazardous following an attack.
The webs are collected from the spiders on specially designed frames before being placed into a sealed container where the web is sprayed with one of the diseases.
As the web is innert it does not absorb or react with the virus or bacteria, allowing scientists to alter the temperature, humidity and light levels to see how they effect the organisms.
Dr Steve Lever, who is leading the work at the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory, said the research is aimed at helping prepare for the threat of a biological attack. (So - they biologically attack the citizens to see the results??!!)
He said: 'By increasing our basic understanding of the survival characteristics of threat agents, we can help determine the best response to any biological release – whether accidental or intentional.'
The Ebola virus is transmitted between victims through body fluids such as blood and vomit.

Scientists have created special frames to help them collect the spiders webs as the arachnids spin (pictured)
Ministry of Defence use spiders to test the lifespan of ebola
Scientists have created special frames to help them collect the spiders webs as the arachnids spin (pictured)

The webs are spun around a frame 

(left) which is then placed into a container and sprayed with viruses that cause Ebola or the bacteria responsible for the Black Death (right)
A recent outbreak of Ebola has caused more than 11,000 deaths in West Africa. Victims often bleed to death as the cells lining their blood vessels break downA recent outbreak of the disease has caused more than 11,000 deaths in West Africa. Victims often bleed to death as the cells lining their blood vessels break down.
However, little is known about how long the virus can survive in the environment after being left behind by victims.
There is some data that suggests it can survive for several weeks in blood and several hours on contaminated surfaces.
Similarly the bacteria that caused the Black Death - Yersinia pestis – is also thought to be able to persist in soil for several months.
Some tests have shown it can persist in soil for more than a year.

As spiders' silk is inert, the viruses and bacteria do not react and are not absorbed by the webs (pictured)
As spiders' silk is inert, the viruses and bacteria do not react and are not absorbed by the webs (pictured)


If you dread entering your shed for fear you will brush against cobwebs or be set upon by spiders, there's now a solution.
The 'world's first' spider-proof shed has been launched and it comes complete with toughened glass windows and silicone-sealed joints to keep the arachnids out.
It's also painted sky blue - a colour that is said to deter spiders - and can be made to smell of peppermint, citrus and insecticide to repel the creepy crawlies.
It is intended to simply be an airtight fortress.
All the joints of the shed are sealed with silicone so there are no gaps or cracks for spiders to squeeze though.
The windows are airtight and made from toughened glass, while the airtight door has a draft seal.
Even the interior of the shed is covered in 'spider repellent lining paper' to stop arachnids coming in through the cladding.
It's painted sky blue because of a common theory the colour is least likely to attract spiders because they wouldn't want to build a web in the sky.
Meanwhile, a heavy duty polyester-backed roof is designed to keep all bugs and water out.
However, all of this peace of mind comes with a hefty price tag of £2,000 ($3,100).
The shed has been designed by Leeds-based Tiger Sheds in response to a survey that claims a quarter of people are too scared to venture into the sheds for fear of meeting a spider.

CIA Seeks to Destabilize Latin America

CIA Seeks to Destabilize Latin America - Brazilian Lawmaker

According to a Brazilian lawmaker, US Central Intelligence Agency is active in several Latin American countries, trying to destabilize the situation there.

 © AFP 2015/ SAUL LOEB
"In every country of Latin America the actions of the [US] intelligence are different, but in all of them they seek to create instability," Siba Machado of the Workers’ Party (PT) said.
Machado pointed out the alleged links between the CIA, movements calling for a motion of no-confidence against President Dilma Rousseff and the Brazilian Social Democracy Party (PSDB), the main opposition party in the country.
"I am convinced that the CIA has long been acting in secret in Brazil. Above all opposition movements, of the PSDB or Aecio Neves [PSDB head] are CIA operations," Machado said.
Rousseff assumed office for a second term on January 1. Local media reported in the summer that Neves was seeking to impeach the president over her alleged involvement in the corruption scandal involving Brazil’s giant Petrobras oil company.
Senior Petrobras officials allegedly took bribes from major construction and engineering companies in Brazil in exchange for inflated contracts. Some opposition figures believe that Rousseff, who headed Petrobras for seven years from 2003-2010, was aware of such practices.
Earlier this month, Rousseff accused the country's political opposition of seeking to oust her government by plotting coups.
The US Central Intelligence Agency is against Brazil developing its nuclear program, and is responsible for the failure of the project that would have enabled the country to obtain a nuclear submarine by 2025, a Brazilian lawmaker said.
In 2008, Brazil and France agreed to a defense technology transfer to assist the South American country in building its first ever nuclear submarine by 2025, under the Program of Submarine Development (PROSUB). Federal police in Brazil have launched an investigation into some of the subcontracts of this submarine project in connection to an ongoing corruption probe of Brazil’s Petrobras energy company.
"I have no doubt that the CIA has no interest in allowing Brazil to develop its own nuclear program. This is why PROSUB would find many problems in advancing," Siba Machado of the Workers’ Party (PT) said.
According to local media reports, citing the Brazilian Navy, the country’s nuclear submarines are currently being designed, with the plans expected to be finished by the end of 2015.
Top Petrobras officials are accused of conspiring with construction companies to inflate contracts, as well as of bribing politicians.
The engineering company Odebrecht has been implicated in this inflated contracts scheme and has also worked as a subcontractor on PROSUB submarine project.
The corruption scandal, dubbed the largest in Brazilian history, has seen charges pressed against the country’s speaker of the lower house and a former president.

Obama's October Surprise: Boots on the ground in Syria

Helping "moderate" rebels "fight ISIS"Obama's October Surprise: Helping "moderate rebels" fight ISIS
US Special Forces Are Now 'Assisting' Rebels in Syria

Fri, Oct 30, 2015 

Remember when Obama said “no boots on the ground” in Syria? He fibbed.
Barack “ended 2 wars.” Obama has just announced that he is placing “special” U.S. boots on the ground in Syria, allegedly to help assist unidentified forces fight ISIS.

Did Obama ask the Syria government if it was okay for U.S. soldiers to “do stuff” in Syria? Not exactly, but at least the Pentagon “consulted” with…Iraq? 

This is unreal: 
The Pentagon has also been “consulting” with the Iraqi prime minister, Haider al-Abadi, to establish a special operations taskforce to fight ISIS “leaders and networks” across the Syrian border in Iraq, a senior administration official told the Guardian on Friday.
Here's what the Guardian fails to mention
The Iraqi government said Wednesday it didn't ask for — and doesn't need — the “direct action on the ground” promised by the Pentagon.
Ha-ha. Back to the U.S. special forces operating illegally in Syria: 
The White House insisted that its overall strategy to combat ISIS remained the same and said the special forces troops would be helping coordinate local ground forces in the north of the country and other non-specified “coalition efforts” to counter ISIS rather than engaging in major ground operations.
Yes. Obama has sent U.S. soldiers into Syria to conduct “non-specified coalition efforts”. Any questions? 

Now Russia will have to stop bombing al-Nusra. Can't kill Americans. 

Happy Halloween?

Russia warns of 'proxy war' in Syria


Russian ground staff members work on a Sukhoi Su-30 fighter jet at the Hmeymim air base near Latakia, Syria: Russia launched a campaign of air strikes in Syria last month

BBC News
Oct 30 2015

Russia has warned of the risk of a "proxy war" in the Middle East after the US said it would send special forces to Syria.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said this increased the need for co-operation between the US and Russia.
US officials said "fewer than 50" troops would "train, advise and assist" vetted opposition forces in fighting the so-called Islamic State (IS).
It will be the first time that US troops operate openly in Syria.
Mr Lavrov said the US had decided on its move "unilaterally and without any reference to the Syrian leadership".
He added: "I am convinced that neither the United States nor Russia of course want any kind of slide into a so-called proxy war But to me it is obvious that this situation makes the task of co-operation between the militaries even more relevant."
He was speaking after talks with US Secretary of State John Kerry and UN envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura in Vienna.
"Our role fundamentally and the strategy is to enable local forces but does that put US forces in harm's way? It does, no question about it," Defence Secretary Ash Carter later told reporters.
He did not rule out further deployments of special forces to the region, if the initial mission was deemed a success.
For more than a year, US-led coalition forces have been carrying out air strikes against IS, which controls a large part of northern Syria and parts of neighbouring Iraq.
The US recently abandoned its Syria rebel training effort, opting to provide equipment and arms directly to rebel leaders instead.
White House spokesman Josh Earnest said President Obama wanted to provide additional support for Syrian rebel fighters who had been having success on the battlefield.
"There are now moderate opposition forces that are 45 miles (72km) outside [IS stronghold] Raqqa," he said. "The president is prepared to intensify the elements that have shown promise."
He added: "This is an intensification of a strategy he discussed a year ago."

Analysis - Jonathan Marcus, BBC defence correspondentThe numbers are small, nonetheless the US decision represents a notable shift in US policy. Their mission will be "to help co-ordinate local ground forces and coalition efforts" against IS in northern Syria. In all likelihood they may fight alongside Kurdish forces who have been the most effective of Washington's local allies.
"Co-ordination" could well mean forward air controllers - teams trained in the skills of linking up tactical air power with troops on the ground, designating targets and calling in strikes. The fact that the US now has specialised A-10 ground attack aircraft reasonably close by at the Turkish air base of Incirlik may also be significant.
This is a small step intended not least to reassure Washington's unsettled allies in the region. The drift in US policy has become even more apparent since Russia's muscular intervention from the air. But to be convincing, the US may need to do a good deal more and that seems to be at variance with President Obama's basic instincts. 

John Kerry, the UN special envoy for Syria and the Russian Foreign Minister in Vienna on 30 October 2015: US Secretary of State John Kerry has said the Vienna talks are aimed at ending the Syrian civil war 


This week's talks in Vienna involved Iran for the first time.
The summit sought to close the gap between the US and its allies, who support the rebels, and the key foreign allies of the Syrian government, Russia and Iran.
World leaders say progress was made in the "historic" talks to resolve Syria's civil war, but they continue to differ on the fate of President Bashar al-Assad.

'Progress made' in Syria talks 

Where key players stand on Assad.................

US: Assad must go, but does not need to happen before a political transition process gets under way

Saudi Arabia: Assad must go "within a specific timeframe" and before any elections for a new government 

Turkey: Assad must go, though could remain for a "symbolic" six months

SNC (main Western- and Gulf Arab-backed anti-Assad opposition): Assad must go, cannot be part of any political process

Russia: Assad should not be forced to go, Syrians should hold elections to decide who rules them

Iran: Assad should not step down, Syrians should decide their own political future
If not Assad, then who? 

US special operations forces have previously taken part in at least two raids in Syria.
In May, troops killed senior IS member Abu Sayyaf and captured his wife in eastern Syria.
And last summer, forces failed in an operation to rescue American hostages including journalist James Foley, who was later beheaded by IS.
Last week, American forces assisted Kurdish troops in the rescue of dozens of hostages held by IS in Iraq. One American soldier was killed in the raid.